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A86328 The foundation of the font discovered to the view of all that desire to behold it. And, the baptizing of men and women when they believe (in rivers and fountains) proved to be a standing ordinance in the Church of Cchrist to the end of the world; by plain Scripture-proof. In answer to Mr. Cook's Font uncovered, for infant-baptism; and Mr. Baxter's Plain Scripture-proof for infants church-membership and baptism. With a word sometimes upon occasion to Mr. Hall's Font-guarded; which is more fully answered by Thomas Collyer. By Henry Haggar, a servant of Christ, and the congregations of his saints. Haggar, Henry. 1653 (1653) Wing H186; Thomason E711_1; ESTC R207114 109,478 143

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baptism shewing by the Scriptures I. Why Infants that cannot speak nor understand cannot be Church-members under the Gospel II. Why they cannot be Christs Disciples 6. To Mr. Baxters 8. Arguments by which he saith he proveth the Anabaptists way of baptizing sinful 7. Lastly I shall shew the reasons of our separating from the Church of England which standeth upon these four Legs viz 1. Infant-Baptism 2. Humane learning 3. Tythes their wages of unrighteousness 4. The Magistrates sword which they have used 1. to support themselves 2. to persecute and pull down others ERRATA Page 71. line 4. for send nothing can speak no salutations read speak nothing can send no salutations NOw according to the method propounded I shall proceed to shew First What foundation the Saints ought to build upon which Foundation is Christ 1 Cor. 3.11 for other foundation no man layeth then that which is layed which is Christ Jesus and the Apostle saith Eph. 2.20 that we are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets of which Christ himself is the chief corner-stone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth to an holy Temple in the Lord in whom you also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit To this also agreeth the words of Peter 1 Pet. 2.3 4 5. If ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious to whom coming as unto a living stone disallowed indeed of men but chosen of God and precious ye also as living stones are built up a spiritual house an holy Priesthood to offer up spiritual Sacrifices holy and acceptable to God by Jesus Christ And again it is also plain in the words of Christ to Peter when Peter said Thou art Christ the Son of the living God then saith Christ to him Thou art Peter and upon this Rock will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it Observe upon what Rock not Peter as the Papists say for Peter is called a stone but Christ is called a Rock 1 Cor. 10.4 for they drank of that Rock which followed them and that Rock was Christ and who that is a Christian knoweth not that the Church of Christ is built upon the Rock Christ and therefore David saith 2 Sam. 22.2 The Lord is my Rock fortress and deliverer and verse 47. The Lord liveth and blessed be the God of the Rock of my salvation c. All which I suppose will not be denyed by any that own Christ But the 〈◊〉 Question is How the Saints may or ought to build upon this Rock Christ Which is cleerly answered by these following Scriptures Mat. 7.24 in these words Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doth them I will l●ken him to a wise man that built his house upon a Rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not because it was founded upon a Rock c. From all which we learn that to build upon the Rock Christ is to hear his sayings and do them and those that hear his sayings and do them not are likened unto a foolish man that built his house upon the sand c. and to this agreeth the saying of the Apostle Act. 3.22 23. for Moses truly said to the Fathers A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear in all all things whatsoever he shall say unto you and it shall come to pass that every soul that will not hear that Prophet shall be destroyed from the people and that destruction is an ever lasting destruction from the presence of God and the glory of his power 2 Thes 1.8 9. Now seeing these things are so it standeth every soul in hand to search after the sayings of this great Prophet Christ Jesus and in searching they shall finde that he sharply reproveth all those that call him Lord Lord and yet do not the things which he saith Luke 6.46 and so saith the Apostle 1 Joh. 2.4 He that saith I knew him and keepeth not his Commandments is a lyer and the truth is not in him and all Lyers shall have their part in that Lake which burreth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Rev. 21 8. And thus we see the imminent danger that all those are in which say or think they are Christians and that they know Christ and will call him Lord Lord and yet not do the things that he hath commanded them nor keep his sayings the which danger to prevent I shall briefly endeavour by putting down his Commandments and sayings in order as they were spoken by him and practised by his Apostles and Saints in that generation And first The sayings of the Lord Christ after his Resurrection when he had obtained of God the Father all power both in heaven and earth are as followeth Mat. And Jesus came and spake unto them saying All power is given unto me both in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even to the end of the world To this agreeth his words in Mark 16.15 16. And he said unto them Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature he that believeth and is Baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned c. These are the words sayings and Commandments of the Lord Christ which we ought to hear and obey as aforesaid From all which words we observe 1 That he commanded the Gospel to be preached to every creature or all Nations 2 The end was that they might believe it 3 That those which did believe it should be baptized into his name 4 That those baptized believers were after to be taught to observe all other things whatsoever Christ had commanded his Apostles to teach them 5 To this practice viz. to a people thus walking according to this rule hearing his sayings and doing them the Lord Christ hath promised his presence saying And lo I am with you always even to the end of the world but the end of the world is not yet therefore Christ is still with those baptized believers which do thus walk Thus have I shewed the order of the words as they were spoken by the Lord himself I shall now proceed to the example of the Apostles and see whether they did act accordingly or whether they baptized children as well as believing men and women or whether John the Baptist did baptize any children And if it can be proved by any word of God that any baptized little babes that cannot speak or understand then I confess they that practise it may be born with and they which cry it down as Antichristian superstition and mans traditions may be to blame now therefore to the words and
works thou shalt utterly overthrow them and quite break down their Images Judgements for serving strange Gods I. On the earth Deut. 11.17 I will shut up heaven and the land shall not give her fruit 1 Kings 17.1 This was fulfilled in the dayes of Ahab II. On the people or Nation Deut. 8.19 Ye shall perish as the Nations god destroyed before your face III. On particular persons Numb 25.3 Those joyned to Baal-peor vers 4. were hanged by the head against the Sun Dent. 4.3 Exod. 22.20 He that sacrificeth to any god save to the Lord alone he shall be utterly destroyed Deut. 17.2 lf a man or woman have transgressed the covenant and hath served other Gods and worshipped them either the Sun or Moon or any of the hoast of beaven which I have not commanded thee vers 4. If it be told thee that is the judge and thou hast heard of it and inquired diligently and behold if it be true and the thing certaine that such abomination is wrought in Israel vers 5. thou shalt bring him or her forth to the ga●es and stone them with stones until they dye and so shalt thou put away evil from amongst you Note so by the executing this sentence and not any other of thy own then it abides with thee for it was not the judges condemning but the peoples executing Gods command Put away evil IV. Deut. 13.12 Contains judgement on a City for idolatry unpunished 1. The inhabitants and cattel are to be smitten with the sword 2. The spoile thou shalt gather into the middest of the City and burn both City and spoile 3. There shall nought of the wicked thing cleave to thy hand V. Deut. 18.6 If thy brother son daughter wife or friend intice thee secretly saying Let us go and serve other gods which thou hast not known nor thy fathers vers 7. Thou shalt not consent hear nor pity nor spare nor conceal him vers 9. The people shall stone him with stones that he dye VI. Deut. 13.2 If a prophet or dreamer give a signe or wonder and it comes to pass and he say Let us go after other gods thou hast not known it is to try thee thou shalt not hear him he shall be put to death Deut. 18.20 If a Prophet presumes to speak on my name that I have not spoken or speaks in the name of another god he shall dye VII Naboth 1 Kings 21.13 Levit. 24.14 was stoned for and under the pretence of blasphemy Rules to he observed on the judgement 1. That God required the execution thereof onely of those that had transgressed the covenant which Moses renewed oft as appears in that statute Deut. 17.2 who were to suffer the sentence of the law and none else and so in most other eases 2. Though those were hanged joyned to Baal-peor were hanged after strangled contrary to our custome and was the most ignominious death for joyning themselves to Baal-peor or Priapus that ignomnious idol 3. The Lord being the Lord of life is not left to any to take away the life of any but as God hath appointed which for idolatry is generally stoning by the hands of all the people 4. It is observed by some that when it is said His blood be on him then stoning is meant or otherwise when the death is not expressed then strangling but usually though the death be not set down in one place it is in another 5. In stoning the people were to shew their hatred of the evil committed that they and theirs might be free of the curse and judgement threatned against them for the same one man not being able to do the same by that or any other way of putting to death Judgement 1. Jenebel and the Priests of Baal slaine 1 Kings 18.22 and 2 Kings 10. 2. Ahazia sends to Baal-zebub and dyeth 2 Kings 1. 3. Belshazzar slaine praising his gods Dan. Numb 25.2 The Moabites called the people to the sacrifices of their gods and the people did eat and bowed down to their gods in which vers 3. they were said to be joyned to Baal-peor Statute Levit. 17.7 They shall no more offer their sacrifices to devils after whom they have gone a whoring Judgement Verse 9. Shall be cut off from among the people The command binds affirmatively Thou shalt have me to thy God Now the way of Gods calling a people and becoming a God to them nationally is by giving them laws and they taking them from him and professing subjection to them as to their Gods commands whom they ought to serve To the keeping whereof God adds by promise many blessings as David Psal 19.11 In keeping thereof is great reward To the breach whereof are added many curses of body soul goods name family earth and heaven all are shut up to men for it The which giving of laws royally to his people is the only work and prerogative royal of God and therefore is the law moral called the Royal law Jam. 2.8 and thus the Scripture saith There is but one law-giver who is able to save and destroy who art thou that judgest another Jam. 4.12 And hence are all laws of heathens said to be no laws and they without law and all the ordinances and the corrupt expositions of the law made by ancient expositors and received by their children among the Jews called traditions and they were such as made voide the law among them that had it In which it appears there is no law but Gods nor no true law-maker but God law government and judgement among Gods people especially being his Lastly As we must not have another God so we must not have other laws then Gods God will not govern by any other then his own laws Behold I pray by mens deelining Gods laws what laws have been brought out since the reforming times as in the 6 Articles in Hen. 8. time the book of Sports and many laws since repealed What is become of the Judges Justices and men made and executed those laws so contrary to the Lord and his law Solomon brings in wisdom Prov. 8.15 saying By me kings raigne and the princes that is those of the supreme councel do describe Justice that is to those judges consult with them about difficult cases without whom the difficult cases would as well be hid to them as others Now if justice be so hard a thing to be executed by men who not only have the law but use the law and the help thereof to do justice by that without wisdom or Christs help they cannot describe it how shall those describe it that use not the law to help them which ought to be their help and so tempt God not to help them extraordinarily for not using the ordinary help of God And that he speaks here of the great councel is clear they being next to the king and then he speaks of the ordinary Juges in the verse following to whom justice was to be described which is significantly set down
freely give Mr. Baxter leave or any man to express themselves how they can to cause men to understand and believe the holy Scriptures as they are written but this we dare not allow neither to them nor our selves viz. to put men upon believing or doing any thing as a duty that is not written in the holy Scriptures And herein lyeth the depth of all deceipts namely because Christ expounded the Scriptures of the Prophets therefore men will take in hand to expound his expositions as if we could make them plainer then he hath left them or make anything true that is not written in them Again because Philip opened the Scriptures to the Eunuch Act. 8. therefore men will take in hand to open the words of Philip so as to make them appear otherwise then they are written and therefore for the plainer manifestation of the truth I desire all impartial men to consider these following things 1 If I would prove to any man by the Scriptures that God created the heavens and the earth then I must bring a Scripture that speaks of Gods creating the heavens and the earth as Gen. 1.1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Again 2 If I would prove that God created man upright I must bring a Scripture that saith so as Eccles 7.29 Lo this onely have I found that God hath made man upright c. 3 If I will prove that all men since Adams fall were finners I must bring a Scripture that speaks so as Rom. 3.23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God c. 4 If I would prove that God sent his son to redeem those sinners I must bring a Scripture that saith so as 1 Tim. 115. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief and c. 2.6 Who gave himself a Ransom for all to be testified in due time 5 If I would prove the dead shall rise I must being a Scripture that speaks of the Resurrection of the dead and so did Christ Mar. 12.25 26. for when they shall rise from the dead they neither marry nor are given in marriage c. And As touching the dead that they shall Rise have ye not read c. And what if Christ had not spoken nor named the Resurrection of the dead at all in this place if it be proved anywhere in Scripture it s enough for Christ spake many times darkly and in parables to them that were without but expounded all things to his Disciples Mark 4.33.34 with Matt. 13.10 11. and it s most plain Job 5.28 29. that Chirst faith thus The hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the Resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the Resurrection of damnation and ● 11.25 he saith to Martha I am the Resurrection and the life c. Thus we see how frequently Christ proveth the Resurrection in plain words And now let Mr. Baxter Mr. Cook Mr. Hall or any man else prove that either Christ Moses any of the Prophets or Apostles did ever speak one word about baptizing of infants and then we will grant it and if this be not rational and honest let even our enemies judge To conclude if I would prove that men and women should be baptized when they believe the word preached I must bring a Scripture that says so as Act. 8.12 When they believed Philips preaching they were baptized both men and women and ver 37. If thou believest with all thy heart thou mayest And now if Mr. Baxter Mr. Cook or any man will prove that little babes should be baptized let them bring one Scripture to prove it and then they will do honestly otherwise I must needs conclude with all that fear God aright that they are meer deceivers of men and unjust Stewards to Christ whom they profess to serve But now a word to Mr. Cook who in his seventh page saith that we never read in the Scriptures Go Henry Haggar and James Brown teach all Nations and baptize c. nor do we read that Christ gave a command to you two to preach the Gospel c. These and such like cunning devised fables hath Mr. Cook in his seventh page To all which I answer This is but a subtile sophistry of Mr. Cook to deceive the heart of the simple but easily discovered by them to whom the Lord hath given understanding as thus we do not desire Mr. B. or Mr. C. to bring a Scripture that saith Go William Cook or Go Richard Baxter and baptize children that cannot speak nor understand what you preach neither do we desire a Scripture that saith Go Mr. Baxter and Mr. Cook and teach all Nations and baptize all the children that you can lay your hands on But we desire you or any man to prove by the holy Scriptures that Christ did ever say to any of his disciples Go and baptize children or that ever any that preached in the name of the Lord did baptize children either under Law or Gospel and we will grant it Give us command or example to shew us where it ought to be done or ever was done and you do like men but till then as I have told you before I tell you again that you are unreasonable men such as Paul prayed to be delivered from But now we can prove that Christ commanded those which he sent to preach to baptize those that did believe which was likewise practised by them as I have shewed before by these Scriptures Matt. Mark 16.15 16. Act. 2.41 Act. 8.12 and ver 37. c. 10.47.48 c. 16.32 33 34. c. 18.8 to which I refer the Reader And what they did Saints in all ages are commanded to do for Paul saith Be ye followers of me and mark them that walk so as you have us for an example Phil. 3.17 Again those things which you have learned and heard and seen in me do and the God of peace shall be with you cap. 4.9 But now we have heard and learned that Paul and the other disciples did baptize men and women when they believed therefore if we do the same the God of peace will be with us but we never heard nor learned in all the Scriptures that they baptized babes of a week or month or yeer old therefore we dare not do it left we should be counted such as transgress and abide nor in the Doctrine of Christ But I remember what Mr. Hall saith to these Scriptures in his fourth objection pag. 91. that these are the chiefest strong holds of the Anabaptists and being pursued hither we run for refuge but all in vain as he saith To which I answer It s well the Anabaptists do run to the word of God for refuge they are then sure to be safe without all question for his word is setled in heaven Psa 119.89 and Christ saith Joh. 8.31 If ye
day they go to Christs Schools to learn the first principles of the Doctrine of Christ Heb. 6. may be also called the Scholars or Disciples of Christ Again as men commonly call all the Turks old and young that are born of the flesh into Mahomets Kingdome which is of this world Mahometans even so we call all converts old and young which are born again of the Spirit into the Kingdome of Christ which is not of this world Christians By old and young converts I do not mean beleivers born of the Spirit and their Children as they are born of the flesh but I mean such as are spoken of 1 John 2.13 13. in these words I write to you little Children because your sins are forgiven you for his names sake I write 〈…〉 ●●●hes because you have known him that is from the beginning I wr●●e to you young men because you have overcome th●●●●ked 〈◊〉 And chap. 5.21 Little Children keep your selves from Idols Amen By all which we see that the least Children that were in the Church that John wrote unto were such as had known the Father chap 2.13 and such as could understand exhortations to keep themselves from Idols Now as for Mr. Baxter's man that hired the Philosopher to teach his children he neither telleth us what man it was nor how old his children were nor what the Philosophers name was and therefore I shall pass that over as a cunning devised fable not worth the answering and proceed to the next which is That mothers can teach their children partly by action and gesture and partly by voice to take off from vices and infom in vertue And methinks saith he ye should not make an Infant less teachable then some brutes But saith he nurses witell you more in this then I can O excellent Divinity and plain Scripture proof from where we learn these two things First that if it be a piece of good Divinity to prove that litle children that can neither speak nor understand are the Disciples of Christ then Nurses are better Divines then Mr. Baxter for saith he they can tell you more is this then I can pag. 23. Secondly he saith What will you make an Infant les teachable then some bruits from whence Mr. Baxter seems to imply that some bruits are capable of being Christs Disciples or else why should he say Will you have infants less teachable then some bruits As if he should say Some brutes are teachable enough to be made his disciples and what will you deny infants to be his disciples methinks saith he we should not make an infantiess decible then some brutes I remember he crieth out against Mr. Tombs in pag. 19. for arguing ridiculously when he proveth plainly out of Psal 119.89 90. that the heavens and earth are Gods servans in his answer to his proving infants Lev. 25.41 41. and if servints then disciples saith Mr. Baxter In answer to which Mr. Tombs saith The heavens and the earth are his servants are they therefore his disciples to which Mr. B. for want of a better answer saith O what cause have we all to look to the tenderness of our Consciences in time before engagement in a sinful cause hath ben●●med and made the word of God to be of none effect tous But I leave it to the impartial Reader to judge whether the same sayings may not more fitly be applyed to Mr. Baxter in this place I hope Mr. Baxter is not so void of judgement as to think brutes teachable enough to be made Christs disciples but I am sure his words imply no less Indeed I remember Mr. Baxter doth say in the beginning of his book that he will not meddle with such Arguments as other men have wrote of before but new ones that never yet were handled and I must confess these are such new ones as I never heard but how much to the purpose I leave it to the Reader wisely to consider and then judge Again he hath another Argument from Act. 15.10 the which Mr. Baxter saith doth prove Infants disciples to all that will not grosly overlook the Text and pervent it Ans An heavy charge against us I confess to be perverters of the Scripture but how true it will prove you shall see by and by The whole substance of Mr. Baxters Argument in the 15 and 16 pag. of his book is this from Act. 15.10 Why put ye yokes upon the neeks of the disciples c. But that yoke was to be circumcised according to the Law of Moses and according to the Law of Moses children as well as parents were circumcised therefore children as well as parents are disciples But I wonder what Mr. Baxter would do with this Argument if we should give it him and answer nothing to it I confess amongst ignorant and sottish people that do pin their faith upon Mr. B. words it may be taking out amongst those that are of noble spirits to search the Scriptures before they believe as the noble Bereans Act. 17.11 12. it can have no influence nor take no impression because it s but half an Argument and so he hath done his work that he hath taken in hand but to halves If we grant him all he says that it is but half an Argument is evident thus The yoke that they would have put upon the neck of the disciples was to be circumcised according to the Law of Moses but according to the Law of Moses none were circumcised but men-children therefore none else are disciples and therefore none but men-children are to be baptized by his own grant And so he hath done but half his work as I told you Secondly if Mr. Baxter please I will lead him step by step into the right understanding of this Scripture by Gods assistance thus What was the yoke Answ To be circumcised according to the Law of Moses and who was it laid upon then under the Law Answ Upon the Jews and their children And who would they have laid it upon Act. 15.10 Answ Upon the disciples as is plain in these words Why put ye a yeke upon the neck of the diseiples c. Who are disciples Here sticks the question still and it remains still for Mr. Baxter or Mr. Cook to prove infants disciples and then we grant they are those upon whom the false teachers would have put the yoke of Circumcision but the disciples of Christ are such as could deny themselves and take up his cross and follow him Luke 14. but little infants that can neither speak nor understand cannot so do therefore no disciples of Christ Lastly I shall cleer it by the words of the Text that the Apostle speaks of no children there thus Act. 15.7 we read that when there had been much disputing Peter rose up and said unto them Men and brethren you know that a good while ago God made choice among us that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the Gospel and believe and ver 8. God