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A61221 Of happiness wherein it is fully and particularly manifested that the great happiness of this life consisteth in the fear of God and keeping his commandments in opposition to the pleasures of sin or the pretended conveniency of disobdience / by Richard Stafford. Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1689 (1689) Wing S5128; ESTC R29533 599,907 686

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him for witness to a mischievous Lie. He prays God would help him according to the Truth he speaks but prevaricates that and his prayer shall turn into his own Bosom and so be destitute of his aid without which he shall perish If God did not keep silence none would presume to do after this manner and then could be no Tryal but in the other World shall be found true what is written Ps 50. 21. The Atheistical Disputer whom after-Ages will hardly believe to have ever been is more plagued with fears of eternal Vengeance then all the affectations of wit and applause amongst his monstrous Herd amount unto And this disadvantage lieth against him that those things are true even before Men were or could argue against them and so remain notwithstanding all absurd and foolish Imaginations It is better and more happy not to offend with the Tongue then to let it loose to its several kinds of Sin and Irregularity As for Actions What doth yield more real content then to do justly The rules whereof none violates without Regret and Condemnation There is an inward and sensible grief when any thing is done contrary to the Law written in the Heart It is vexation to reflect upon an injury done and they cannot endure to look the person in the face against whom it was and which is yet worse will add hatred and evil speaking to excuse themselves from the Wrong But the upright keeping a Conscience void of offence toward God and Man is not afraid nor ashamed to see any one Though he i● profitable to himself as the end of things will man●fest yet he w●ll now rather rece●ve then do Wrong and hath for ea●nest of reward a free undesturbed mind So much in general of Thoughts Words and Actions Come we to Mans bodily Frame and Constitution with the growth and several Periods thereof It is composed of Flesh and Blood Bones and Sinews curious in its Contrivance each Member ●itted for the respective Office no part useless and the whole so knit together that the Work denotes God to be the only Author thereof Psal 119. 13 14 15 16. He made us and not we selves Psal 100. 3. This is here inserted because some ungodly natural People attribute too much to themselves as their Parents were causes of them and they of their Children This Temper ariseth from unbelief and ignorance and is much different from that of the Patriarch when his Wife said Give me Children or else I die his Anger was kindled greatly against her and he said Am I in Gods stead who hath with-held from thee the Fruit of thy Womb Gen. 30. 1 2. Psal 127. 4. But those would rob God of his Honour and who cannot make one hair White or Black nor add one Cubit to their Stature think that they give being to their Posterity and if they had not been neither should the others As if the Almighty could not have brought themselves into the World otherwise then by means of the Parents they had This is to limit the holy one of Israel Psal 78. 41. to confine his Power who hath made Heaven and Earth and there is nothing too hard for thee Jer. 32. 17. Who might have ordered us of this Generation and of this or that Family to have been born of Heathen Parents placed us in another Nation brought us into being a thousand years since if he had so pleased God hath established a Course of Nature and Acts according See Isa 24. 16. to it but therein Parents are only the instrumental cause of our Being And call no Man your Father upon the Earth For one is your Father which is in Heaven Mat. 23 9. Have we not all one Father Hath not one God ●reated us Mal. 2. 10. Thou O Lord art our Father we are the Clay and thou our Potter and we are all the Work of thy hand Isa 64. 8. Without an Almighty power that ordereth it cannot be imagined so excellent a Creature should proceed from such a mean beginning The Fathers according to the Flesh do nothing towards the infusion of the Soul and for the viler part no more then the Husband-man to make the Corn grow only scattering the Grain in the Earth Hast not thou poured me out as Milk and Crudled me like Cheese Job 10. 10. They are but instruments in the hand of God and by the meanness of them if the blinded World did see as much he doth the more magnifie his own Power It should teach us to abase our selves and the more to exalt our Maker Who might have created all mankind as he did the first immediately out of the Earth in fulness of Stature or to grow as Trees and Vegetables but by the same Wisdom he made the Heavens hath ordained this only way of coming into the World His Son was born of a Woman not by way of common Generation the blessed Virgin did not know Man The Holy Gbost came upon her the Power of the Highest over-shadowed her and therefore that holy thing was born of her which was called the Son of God Luk. 1. 35. All we that are conceived in the heat of Concupiscence are defiled but Christ sanctified the Womb. He submitted to the meanness of our Birth that he might take our whole Nature upon him Sin only excepted The Prophet Ezek. 16. 4 5. describes our Birth the poor Infant Of Infancy and Childhood comes forth in Pain and being exposed to unusual Light and Cold shews its dislike by Crying It is more destitute weak and ignorant then other Creatures at first are they never sinned but our most merciful God hath provided for this by implanting a Care and Affection in the Mother By degrees the Child is brought up and howsoever despicable it seemeth in our Eyes O Lord out of the Mouth of Babes and Suckl●ngs hast thou ordained Strength Psal 8. 2. Our Saviour hath testified his Love and regard for them Mat. 18 19. 19. 14. Even Men of perfect Stature must be born again or they cannot see the Kingdom of God Joh. 3. 3. Luk. 18. 18. In malice be Children but in understanding be Men 1 Cor. 14. 20. The tender Infant hath not so much of this as forefooted Beasts and Creeping things every toy and t●i●●e pleases him for the present then he is weary of the same thing an Emblem that we are in pursuit after Happiness but do not find it He affects Variety of Fool●ri●s which delight because he knows nothing better but as he grows up he puts away these things for more manly There is a Series of Play-games those that come to be the b●st and wisest Men when in this Age spake as a Child understood as a Child and thought as a Child 1 Cor. 13. 11. At this time of Life God winks and as the Follies thereof are not remembred by us so n●ither will they be imputed by our merciful Father Though it passeth away pleasantly we then taking as
will rise up again for we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ that every one may receive the thing done in his Body according to what he hath done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5. 10. We are only proved here how we will behave our selves towards God. It is worth while to look further to consider Man in his several Circumstances State and Condition in this World with some general Heads of Good and Evil that are set before him if he may be stirred up or put in mind of some things for his own Happiness and Safety CHAP. II. Of Man confidered in his threefold Condition Original Corrupted and Restored Of his Thoughts VVords and Actions Infancy Youth Manhood therein of Company and Marriage Of Old Age Body Senses and sensual Pleasure Of the Soul Vnderstanding VVill Affections as Love Fear Joy Sorrow Anger Hope Of Temptations The Close THou hast made Man a little lower then the Angels and hast Crowned him with Glory and Honour Psal 8. 5. One part is of the dust of the ground the other the breath of Life a reasonable Soul in which he hath resemblance to the angelical Nature and is exalted above Beasts His Happiness in the state of Innocency and how it was lost by Transgression is known by every one that reads the Scripture again he was redeemed by our Lord and Savi●ur Jesus Christ Rom. 5. 17 18 19. 1 Pet. 3. 18. If we are not wanting to our selves he hath restored us to as great a Capacity of good as we should have had if our Forefather had not sinned God so loved the World that he gave his only Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting Life John 3. 16. Hereby perceive we the love of God towards us because he laid down his Life for us and greater love then this hath no Man then to lay down his Life for another 1 John 3. 10. The holy Spirit inspires Grace and good Motions into our hearts whom if we do not resist and so grieve he will Seal us to the day of Redemption We feel the mischievous workings of Original Corrruption and we have the same quality of our first Parent to Lust after forbidden things A coveting after Evil and averseness to Good. Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my Mo●her conceive me Psal 51. 5. It is intermixed and grows up with every part that we all are as prone to Evil as the Sparks to fly upward Indeed goodness doth appear reasonable and lovely yet our Inclinations are backwards to the Practise of it there is a Close hankering after and Preference of the contrary The whole Man is defiled Mark 7. 21 22 23. Gen. 8. 21. Eccles 3. 9. He deviseth iniquity in his Bed he studies to do mischief His Thoughts are vain He takes no delight in Good but rather on Lust Pride and all manner of Concupisence Every mouth speaketh folly Isa 9. 17. Evil Communications Filthiness Deceit Lying and all sorts of Evil proceed out of it With Blasphemies and horrid Oaths he is dishonoured who enabled it to Speak With this Sword it is endeavoured to give our blessed Redeemer more Wounds and to crucifie him afresh The tongue is a fire a World of iniquity so is the tongue amongst our Members that it defileth the whole Body and setteth on fire the course of Nature and is set on fire of Hell. Therewith bless we God even the Father and therewith curse we Men which are made after the simitude of God Jam. 3. 6 9. Our Actions proceeding from the same corrupt Stock are of the like Nature Wise to do evil and forward to put in Execution what our wicked hearts conceive Every Member is wicked and abominably wicked Their inward part is very wickedness Psal 5. 9. and as it is further described Rom. 3. 10. to ver 18. Man is become as sinful as is possible for such a poor Creature to be with short Faculties and Powers they are stretched forth to the utmost he sins till he hath not Ability to sin any more though he hath not wherewithal to vent yet the malicious and corrupt Desire is infinite in a little finite Being The Seeds of Evil came in with the forbidden Fruit. But we must not accuse Ad●m of our Transgression more then is due for it is our own fault if we suffer it to grow forth and improve it to that monstrous height It may be hewn down and destroyed but still the stump of the Dan. 4. 23. Roots is left in the Earth The holy One that came down from Heaven hath got this Priviledge and Power for us The Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the World could even at this present time extirpate it quite Root and Branch but that he is not pleased to do for wise Reasons yet now he puteth in such a Condition and Ability to perform so much as in and through him will be accepted and we shall come to that place where this accursed thing with all its remainders shall utterly be done away If we come unto him and sincerely do what is required under the second Covenant Christs righteousness will supply our defects The filthy Rags Isa 64. 6. Shall be cast away and we shall be arrayed in fine Linnen clean and White For the Fine Linnen is the righteousness of Saints Rev. 21. 8. What then shall we continue in sin that Grace may abound God forbid Those which make this damnable inference do mistake the Gospel Covenant which requires obedience and good Works Tit. 2. 11 12 13. 1 Pet. 2. 24. Heb. 5. 9. Christ hath brought good tidings and published Peace and brought good tidings of good and published Salvation Isa 52. 7. The same Jesus hath said Those which do iniquity shall be cast into a Furnace of fire Mat. 13. 41 42. Luk. 13. 27 28. He hath proclaimed the acceptable Year of the Lord and the Day of vengeance of our God Isa 61. 2. The Gospel is commonly said to be all mercy yet therein the wrath of God is revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of Men Rom. 1. 18. so 2 Thes 1. 7 8 9. The end of both Law and Gospel is obedience by this we are freed from the Curse Gal. 3. 10 13. We have further the assistance of the holy Spirit to resist Temptations and keep Gods Commandments The stony Heart is taken away and an Heart of flesh is given Whereas the whole Man is corrupted now he is put into a way to be right again if he will use the Grace given him He may run counter to his natural State and be sanctified throughout A good Man out of the good Treasure of the Heart bringeth forth good things Mat. 12. 35. After those days saith the Lord I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their Hearts Jer. 31. 33. So we may draw near with a true Heart in full assurance of Faith having
that we are related and the Objects of his Concern That 〈◊〉 doth and will punish the World for their Evil and the wicked for their iniquity Isa 13. 11. is manifested when his wrath is kindled a little for sometimes Punishment doth begin to seize on the ungodly Sinner even before he goes to receive the full recompence of his doings By that abundant Misery which is every where he doth let all the Earth know that he hath indignation against Sin and this the place thereof Again on the other hand By seeing the felicity of his Chosen by that little taste of Happiness he gives unto his dutiful Children He doth thereby assure that he designs to bring them unto greater to encourage here and reward hereafter Their affliction and trouble doth manifest the Sin even these have They are chastened of the Lord that they should not be Condemned with the World 1 Cor. 11. 32. That liberal Provision and plenty the Evil and unthankful have is for Tryal or Retribution for even these do some little good So that a Man shall say Verily there is a reward for the Righteous Verily he is a God that judgeth in the Earth Psal 58. 11. The Lord looketh from Heaven He beholdeth all the Sons of Men from the place of his Habitation he looketh upon all the Inhabitants of the Earth He fashioneth their Hearts alike he considereth all their VVorks Psal 33. 13 14 15. God doth care for us and we have to do with him Heb. 4. 13. notwithstanding his infinite Greatness for he hath been pleased to admit thereof The VVord Prayer and Praise do keep up this astonishing intercourse They expel the former Hatred Aversation and Strangeness Can two walk together except they be agreed Amos 3. 3. But they may when they are Acquaint now thy self with him and be at Peace Job 22. 21. Abraham was called the Friend of God Jam. 2. 23. Many like sayings the Holy Ghost makes use of as may create Humble Boldness and love to him There is nothing affrightful in him to good Men but perfect love casts out Fear 1 John 4. 8. When this once begins to be established and rooted it is no harshness to make mention of his name then to talk and think of him must be exceeding delightful The very reason why natural and disobedient people cannot endure to hear or speak of God is for want of what is here mentioned and they judge of others by themselves But examine your selves is there any torment to speak of what one loves There is such a thing as love of God if themselves would turn from every evil way and come near●● they might be happy partakers and not only conceive but be sensible thereof It is the whole required of Man to love God with all his Heart all his Soul all his Strength and all his Mind to love him better then any yea all things besides As much as he can and to use sincere endeavours to love him more The first thing to be done before any can come unto that is to hate evil Psal 97. 10. And then we may love the Lord which gives a delicate relish of every duty we owe unto him O how love I thy Law it is my Meditation all the Day Psal 119. 97. My Meditation of him shall be sweet I will be glad in the Lord Psal 104. 34. My Mouth shall be satisfied with Marrow and Fatness whilst my tongue praiseth thee with joyful lips Psal 63 5. Praise ye the Lord for it is good to sing praises unto our God for it is pleasant and praise is comely Psal 147. 1. But God commendeth his love towards us in that while were yet sinners Of the Sacrament Christ died for us Rom. 5. 8. Now it is just and reasonable that wonderful and gracious works should be had in remembrance To this end our Lord instituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood that we may call to mind the one was broken the other shed for us to obtain the forgiveness of our sins This do in remembrance of me Luke 22. 19. Here is a positive command and the refusal is an act of Disobedience It is called by his own name the Communion of the body of Christ and the communion of the blood of Christ 1 Cor. 10. 16. The Psalmist seems to have intended it in a prophetick Spirit when he said I will take the Cup of Salvation and call upon the name of the Lord Psal 116. 13. So that it may be applyed to this Every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward Heb. 2. 2. Again He that despised Moses Law died without Mercy Heb. 10. 28. That Soul which did not receive the Passover was to be cut off from his people And ought not the Marke 12. 6. Son of God himself be as much reverenced in the Commandments he gave us Did he not work for us a greater Salvation then the other did for our Fore-fathers in delivering them from the Land of Aegypt May it not be fearfully expected that those who either contemn or wilfully neglect this divine institution shall not be admitted into that eternal inheritance Christ hath purchased for us And where I am there shall my Servant be John. 12. 26. But he is none who will not do the things Christ saith and commands Let all consider of this and fear and lay hold of opportunity for this duty That of 1 Cor. 11. 28 29. should not keep people away for this is a certain Rule That if one truly repents and discerns the Lords Body that is esteem it more then common Bread and Wine he can never eat or drink unworthily A common and ordinary capacity doth not judge of more then he sees or handles Indeed there are too many especially in Country Towns and Villages that are sunk into gross Ignorance and Darkness as to spiritual things who was in the fault will be judged at the last day There being throughout our Land like Priest like People both backward and unwilling the one to give the other to receive instruction Yet any one that is a Man and reasonable Creature otherwise he could not do the common business of life may conceive thus much that God is who made the World and all things therein The Bible is his Word and whatsoever is written therein is most true and certain When this is heard or read sincerely it will by degrees let in more Light into his Soul Especially if he goes to the place where it is Preached and Expounded He may come to understand the sence and meaning for the Scripture in necessary things is very plain and then to conceive thereof in his mind There he may learn that under the old Law God instituted many Ceremonies and required the punctual observation of them and though the beggarly Elements and carnal Ordinances are done away for they were Types of Christ our Passover who is now risen yet since his supper is ordained to be kept in
thirst after Happiness puts us upon doing those things which intitle unto and make meet for a blessed Eternity so strongly hath God fenced up our way to bring us to himself All the Sons and Daughters of Men do groan within themselves those many and different Actions of the World are to this end none grudges any toil or pain for to have it Who refuses to do any thing to be Happy Let it be what it will he seems contented for this do I Labour and Sweat and run and can never do too much but all in vain Shew us any way and we will follow it Sayest thou this O Man Wilt thou stand to thy word and not go away sorrowful at the saying when thou art told how thou mayst be Happy Wilt thou then Iook up unto God Acquaint thy self with him and be at peace thereby good shall come unto thee Job 22. 21. That word imports a full knowledge of him and his ways Do'st thou think knowledge was given thee in vain Wilt thou exercise that and let it go before thy Actions Upon assurance thou will diligently use and seek to advance it then prove all things hold fast to that which is good thus doing thou must be Happy If thou do'st prove all things thou must prove the things pertaining to Gods Kingdom and not pass slightly over them as the manner of the World is who dwell amongst the Pots run from one Evil to another from this sinful Pleasure or Profit to such an Humour Fancy or vain Opinion and have not to do with what is Good Truth and Reason These finding nothing but Trouble and Discontent Emptiness and Vanity lie down and sink down under the Wretched and as they think remediless Condition of mankind Whereas they walk up and down in the Earth a place of Misery and vexation seek rest and find none but do not lift up their Heart to God in the Heavens from whom alone is to be had all true delight and satisfaction They follow after false disquieting things not minding the true Peace provided for the Soul. One would think those mistakes and deceits every where should drive them sooner to this sure Refuge yet alass such strangers are we naturally to God that we are apt to seek help of every thing before of him and if after all nothing is to be had then we flie unto him as a reserve and last resort hereby intimating if we could be assisted any other way we had never came unto him What base unworthiness is in our nature that should deal so with our Maker who is the Author of all things even of those we seek for succour God knows our ignorance delighteth in Mercy is pleased to admit thereof But here is the failure again that some do not turn to the Lord their God nor are obedient to his voice They take Religion just for a present Dut. 4. 29 30 31. ease which if it doth not give forthwith they become impatient rashly and falsly concluding there is no good to be found in it Every thing before they tryed to the utmost but of this they do not make a full experiment They would be contented in reference to other matters to part with any thing or to wait any time so they may find good but will not turn from every evil way nor tarry the Lords leisure and so they go away without benefit Could we be assured the things of God are for our Happiness we would be for them which they are or nothing in the World is And it may appear they are equally for the good of the inward Man as other things to the outward All besides may be disproved and found insufficient to quiet our restless and craving part The wise Gentiles did come so far as to constitute the chiefest good in the practice of moral vertue then which nothing did conduce more to the Peace and Tranquility of the mind They did grope by the Wall-side of true Religion but were not within They did give attestation to the excellency of God's Ways though they did not know him all one as a reflex beam of light may through a crevis pass into a low Dungeon without ever seeing the Sun. By how much the nearer the approach is to the right end there is somewhat mo●e rest then what was wholly besides A full draught of water doth quench the thirst when dipping the finger therein will only cool the Tongue however that is better then to thrust earth or what is of a contrary nature into the Mouth The discerning Heathens could know that outward sensible things did not make up the greatest Happiness of this Life That is situate within a Mans breast and the rational part cannot subsist with meer conceits but requires something proportionable to her nature It concerns every one what thoughts he hath within himself Luke 12. 17 19. and if he would act sincerely for his own good he should first strictly debate whether they be true or false for if they should prove wrong he loses all his foregoing labour which might have been spent in obtaining a real good and on the contrary becomes miserable by a disappointment The general course of Mens doings do turn upon one principal point there being but one time of tryal one main good or evil set before them to which all the lesser and single acts do relate There is one God over all one rule of action in his Word one end of everlasting Happiness or Misery And the several deeds done in the Body are as so many steps to one or the other The Law and the Testimony and the Light in them discovers the nature of all how many soever they be and to what they lead So again when one is in any misery or trouble he should take heed how he seeks for ease and recovery for otherwise the last error may be worse then the first and he may become more miserable by what he thought would be a cure and remedy Let him look and find out the cause Have recourse unto the lively Oracles when he is in sorrow and discomposure of mind Whether himself be not of the number of those who are Like the troubled Sea when it cannot rest whose Waters cast up mire and dirt Isa 57. 20. And there his melancholy as they call it is the necessary effect of Sin and Guilt Their Consciences being wounded they run up and down seeking a little Comfort when they carry still that along with them they go from one place to another here and there and yet are not satisfied By this means the deadly thing is not taken away but sticks still fast till it rankles and becomes insensate so more dangerous Some being hardened through the deceitfulness of Sin are not sensible how this occasions present dulness or disquiet but impute it to natural disposition and fasly imagine to have a cure by what was the original cause thereof These acting contrary to Reason meet with the usual
great delight in Rattles as afterwards the more studied Pleasures yet none ●nvies the Happiness of Children their Recreations being idle and vain By little knowledge and reason begin to appear which is improved by Tutors and Governors The workings of corrupt Nature are first discovered by Pride and Self-will which last is somewhat restrained by them Whereat he is angry and troubled Not considering the kindness of his Parents is greater in providing him proper Learning and Instruction then as they we●e instrumental of his coming into the World for a B●ing only is not desirable unless Happiness is annexed to it and that cannot be had without knowledge The Spring of Life is the only time for that to bud forth and grow the apprehension is lively and brisk the Memory good nothing to hinder and all things are easie in our first years No Seed ever came to perfection which was not sown then and if it be well harrowed in afterwards by study and meditation it will yield a plentiful Crop to the great Satisfaction of the Owner If diligence be answerable to his advantages he will be both Wi●e and Learned If designed for a Trade or Civil employment this is no burden but will shew how to manage Affairs with more Discretion but it much more helps to Spiritual and good things the Faculties begin to be more widened and after they have been some while inured to Reason ascend higher to be capable of Divine and Heavenly things The Giddiness of Youth is a mighty impediment to both they are for being their own Men and following their own O● Youth ways To be Brisk Lightsome and Playing mad Pranks They are not so prudent to Consider their own ways but follow wicked Courses with haste and ignorance as the Horse rusheth into the Battle We will deny our selves nothing Lust craves for but sati●fie that in every particular All our study shall be to find out what Pleasure to divert our selves with If it be suggested that Religion contradicts this Licentiousness they mock or despise Say they We will let Religion alone for Melancholly Fools old Persons or silly Women But stay a little Is not all this Humour and Bravery in order to a supposed Happiness And what if thou shouldst miss the real by such vain imaginations and a few transitory Acts That of Eccles 11. 9. hath a sad sting in the end For all these things God will bring thee unto Judgment This know that Religion which none can reproach or contemn but ignorantly or unadvisedly is not a thing indifferent Men may use it or not at their Pleasure as Convenient and Prejudicial to other purposes No such matter It is just that all People young Men and Maidens old Men and Children nay they must whether they will or no be subject unto God. If they are so of a willing mind and free Choice he is pleased to accept thereof and will reward them But if no● their refusal is Contempt and Disobedience which will be punished accordingly We shall all stand before the Jud●ment Seat of Christ for as it is written As I live saith the Lord every knee stall bow to me and every Tongue shall Confess to God so then every one of us shall give Account of himself to God Rom. 14. 10. 11 12. Every Person now upon the Earth or was heretofore or shall be must either go to Heaven or Hell. It is thus O young Man But these things are not minded Their desire is not to be sensible of danger till they have irrecoverably plunged themselves in As if misery was the less when not foreseen whereas this will be a stinging Aggravation for had they done so they might have pr●vented it Is any Worldly evil less grievous when we fall into it through our own Folly and neglect If it might have been avoided by knowledge and care before hand but is not this doth enhance the Bitterness and Anguish of Soul. Inconsideration is the property of Fools and hath Repentance always following it but is much worse in the Concernments of eternal Happiness or Misery for an Error here is Remediless As the Tree falls so it lieth for those who continually stand upon the Brink of the bottomless ●it and are only holden from dropping by the breath in their Nostrils not to look on their danger that they may go further from it is most unreasonable Especially seeing they are afraid of the least evil a slight imaginary Dulness by which the Temper beats them of from desiring the knowledge of Gods ways or so much as reflecting on their own There are some who have a little more Consideration but are unwilling to leave the Company and pretended Joviality of their Equals for fear of reproach or to be out of Fashion and therefore will Swear Drink Whore Talk filthily yet they retaining some Sense of Gods displeasure and their own future Account think to make up for all by intending to repent hereafter Let these be admonished Not to despi●e the Riches of his Goodness and ●orbarance and long suffering not knowing that the Goodness of God leadeth thee to Repentance Rom. 2. 4. And therefore in no wise should be made an occasion to put it off further If thou dost ever come to true Repentance and the Love of God thou wilt really wish thou hadst served him from thy youth up It is the wisest way whilst in our power so to do as we ought and shall desire to have done and again to let alone other things from which we are obliged to refrain Seeing Christs easie Yoke must be put on It is good for a Man that he bear it in his Youth Lam. 3. 27. If it seem unpleasant at first it is because he Is as a Bullock unaccustomed to the Yoke Jer. 31. 18. This only restrains the Madness and Licentiousness of that Age but takes not away reasonable and moderate delights which a little use will render more pleasing and acceptable then Lying Vanities Be not afraid you are not called forth to Melancholy and Misery but the proper act of Man. The end of our Redemption is That we might serve God without Fear in Holiness and Righteousness before him all the days of our Life Luke 1. 74 75. And then certainly we must not exempt the choicest part thereof It is said in general Cain brought of the Fruit of the Ground he rendred some Homage and Duty But Abel brought of the Firstlings of the Flock and the Fat thereof and the Lord had respect unto Abel and his Offering God required them under the Mosaical Dispensation and Calves of a year old and the first that opened the Womb thereby signifying that our Bodies should be offered up unto him as a living Sacrifice whil●t the Marrow is in our Bones and they are of full health strength and vigour To have the first Fruits of our Reason and Understanding set a part for him Though he could have commanded every day and moment of our Lives took ●s to
made sensible but is as it were a meer Trunk or Engine for the Soul to Act in We know less of the way of the Spirit then of other things but since what was written Eccles 11. 5. there hath mor● Revelation come forth What appears from thence and manifest reason is to be laid open that we may know how to Labour after our proper Happiness We should have been very much in the dark if not for the Law and Testimony and the light in them yet still we are shut in a narrow Room closely co●fined within the Walls of thick Clay so we must not expect a perfect knowledge thereof till this shall be made glorious and transparent For now we see through a Glass darkly but then face to face Now I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am known 1 Cor. 13. 12. It is no small inconsiderable thing for observe with what it is ranked The Lord stretcheth forth the Heavens and layeth the Foundation of the Earth and formeth the Spirit of Man within him Zech. 12. 1. It being the manner of his wonderful working to comprize a great matter in a small place And this argues the Excellency of spiritual things that they are of equal with material though these seem as much greater as the Ocean is to a single drop and therefore are as worthy to be sought after as what may be seen or handled now with the outward Senses Such is the Wisdom and Contrivance of God that those things are declared unto us whilst in the Flesh and in a World of sensible Carnal things That which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life for the life was manifested 1 John 1. 1 2. Now these cannot be Eat nor Drunk nor keep Warm but yet are rec●ived in and as sensible to the Soul as they are to the Body And also have the aid of Sense to convey them in And tend equally ●o her bettering growth and Establishment The Soul may be known by its Operations which may be distinguished as we give Names to the several parts of the Body by the Understanding Will and Affections By the first we have the knowledge of Good and Evil Truth Of the Understanding and Falshood to follow the one and ●schew the other which we naturally and readily do For though the Practise of the World discovers that Men are Wise to do evil and to do good have no knowledge Jer. 4. 22. they forsake the Truth and greedily run after Errour yet not apprehending them such but through counterfeit and disguise appear to them as good and true Their understanding being darkened doth not see throughly in things and they looking through a false Glass judge according to the outside and mistake appearances for good and delusions for truth Men are deceived by false Notions for they follow after what is seemingly best and convenient If the mind did see clearly into the things separate from the deceitful Varnish they have put on if the Fogs were dispelled within and without they would not miss of the good and right way If any man walk in the day he stumbleth not because he seeth the the light of this World But if a man walketh in the night he stumbleth because there is no light in him John 11. 9. And this is the Condition of People at first though it is hard to let so much light into some Men that they may just discern their own state It is certain mankind did as little know what they most ought the things of God and another World their own future Happiness and how to secure it as those now in the dark night see of the things of this World. That Revelation which he hath made in Scripture doth discover it all as plainly as the Sun shineth in the Firmament to see the things before us And if those be made appear to concern us as much as these do then a like understanding of them will be found altogether necessary Every one knoweth that barely to see signifieth not much without Reason or Sense within manifesting their Nature whether good or evil unto us for otherwise Poison might be received in as wholsome Food He is reckoned a Fool who cannot put a difference in things of common Life between what is for his Welfare and Harm He is thought a heedless Fellow and next to madness who hath no regard to what may preserve or what may destroy He is reputed stubborn and wilful and unpitied when he falls into Misery who would not suffer himself to be forewarned thereof nor would use means when he might to prevent it All this is exactly so as to the World to come The Holy Ghost doth often use the similitude of light and darkness by the former signifying that manifestation of the Will of God to us Men what he would have us to know and more particularly for that which came by the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is in order to recovering of sight to the blind Luke 4. 18. see Isa 9. 12. 60. 1 2 3. Mal. 4. 2. Luke 1. 78 79. John 1. 4 5. The Condition of those before and the refusal of it is darkness They know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness Ps 82. 5. Even at this very day This is the Condemnation that light is come into the World and Men love darkness rather then light because their Deeds are evil for every one that doth evil hateth the light neither cometh Eph. 5. 13. to the light least his Deeds should be reproved John 3. 19 20 But alas What siguifieth this pitiful shift For no Mans sins are to another but to God only and he knoweth them as well with their utmost Sinfulness and Aggravation as if committed openly before all the World. The darkness hideth not from thee Ps 139. 12. The light is not manifested to make our Sins known for they are before but for the Prevention and avoiding of them Gods Will would be done on Earth as it is in Heaven if his ways were as much known For they who know him will not offend against him Our Souls would escape out of the Snare of the Fowler if we did see it laid for us We should not yield to Satans Temptation if we did know the utmost in it no more then a Wise man Acts against his Reason and Interest for the alone Promise of a Rattle or Childish Toy If he had not to do with Fools and Blind he could not drill them on with such Toys and Vanities The Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eyes and the Pride of Life Pleasures Riches and Honour are the baits he uses which make a Glorious shew and pretence to be the good things allotted to the Sons of Men. At first sight they dazzle our Eyes we perceive nothing but Beauty and Loveliness in them yet
as none ever yet did should compass all that he sought after he would be dissatisfied yea more then when he first began for he hath spent his days and strength in a vain thing He that succeeds most prosperously hath a bundance of Labour and Grief for his Portion and when he hath done all yet still gapes after more of the same or somewhat else it must be the more excellent way to cease from those desires which are the cause of so much misery This was the Doctrine of Antient Philosophers they gave many specious reasons to enforce the observance thereof but here was the failure they would have desire taken of from outward things but then knew not rightly where to place it for we are not sufficient of our selves neither could be happy in the exercise of vertue that according to their notions being but a barren and dry Subject and not of so large extent as Mans capacity so they left him hovering between Heaven and Earth and he could not any where find rest for his Soul. But our Religion which doth more exceed their Morality then the Sun shining in its Brightness doth the first dawning of the day removes this uncertainty and hindrance of Happiness We are not to look at the things that are seen yet we look upon things that are not seen 2 Cor. 4. 18. We can apprehend something within and beyond all sensible objects Lay not up for your selves Treasure upon Earth we are not at a loss what to do further as they were for we are taught and also enjoyned to lay up for our selves Treasures in Heaven Mat. 6. 19 20. We are put in mind to set our Affections on things above when they are taken off from things on the Earth Col. 3. 2. The Christian hath Subject enough for his desires God and the Holy City He is the Fountain of all Happiness and makes it glad in his Presence is fulness of Joy Psal 16. 12. So he that in heart and mind thither ascends and with him continually dwells must be happy for our Conversation is in Heaven Phil. 3. 20. and to be preferred before him who roots in the Earth and turmoils after what he must leave in a little time Whereas the Saints look with disdain upon whatever seems Beautiful or is accounted excellent here below but not worthy to be compared with those Glorious things which are spoke● of thee O City of God Psal 87. 3. Did othe●s look up and do the like things to intitle them to the same hope they would not be cumbred about many things but be more employed in the one thing needfull When the mind Soars up to the third Heaven it is calm and peaceable all disturbances being gendred out of the Earth but doth not molest who is above them Thus hath been shewed how our will and desire perverted by Original corruption and Additional Sin may be right framed by the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who was sent to make up for Adams Transgression Lust in the wicked is the occasion of much evil but the desire of the Righteous is only good Prov. 11. 23. Obedience is the condition of Happiness Jer. 7 23. Mat. 19. 17. Heb. 5. 8 9. Now this could not be done if we had no will no more then it can be by Beasts By this power Man is exalted above inanimate and sensitive things God hath given him power to be so and he is become a self-moving Creature he can go this way or that so can creeping and forefooted things but then he can do this or refrain as there are not only See Gen. 18 19. inclinations but reasonings from within When of two things he can do either it is a demonstration that he is a free Creature To Man not the Fowls of the Air or Fishes of the Sea the Lord hath said Obey my voice and live He doth not command nor are we obliged to what is impossible the gracious Lord appeals to us for the equality of his ways Ezek. 18. And he would not command us to turn and live if he had not before put it in our power so to do As we should think ha●d of the end so of the means for i● a Man were compelled to lead a wicked life and could not do otherwise he might as well be punished for simple Eating Drinking and Sleep as that and so on the other side if he were led irresistably it is indeed by strong impulse and quickening by grace to a Godly life he might expect to be glorified because he Eats when he is Hungry The righteous judgment of God will render to every one according to his Deeds Rom. 2. 5 6. What one is forced unto are none of his If a Man would violently put a Sword into anothers hands and grasping that thrust it into the body of a third he alone is guilty of the Murther but not the Weak person who could not withstand what was done God declares throughout his Word that he will deal so with us as we do with one another But this will be more for our advantage because he hath Goodness Mercy and all Knowledge whereby he will shew himself more graciously and uprightly Psal 9. 8. 98. 9. then now is done by the best and wisest of Men. The Grace of God is his Word revealed in the Gospel opposed to the Law so Joh. 1. 17. Tit. 2. 11. and the assistance of his Spirit by which Men know and also are inclined to do but there is a power in them to work together with that Grace 2 Cor. 6. 1. Phil. 2. 12 13. Col. 1. 29. There is a Light which lighteth every Man that cometh into the World by the help of which he may make use of such means as will procure greater degrees and so doing may grow in grace This is given to every one not that it is of Man for what have we that we have not received 1 Cor. 4. 6 7. Natural faculties are no more our own then the Grace of God for he is the maker and giver of both But they may be used and lifted up towards Spiritual things Otherwise what doth it signifie to exhort People to Duty All Preaching would be vain and if they could neither understand nor do it would be as ridiculous a thing to declare the Word in the Congregation as among an herd of Cattle or uttered to the Trees of the Forrest Incline your Ear and come unto Me hear and your Soul shall live Isa 55. 3. Which doth manifest they might if they would They refused to hearken and pulled away the Shoulder and stopt their Ears that they should not hear Zech. 7. 11 12. Which doth most plainly imply that they might have done otherwise There is an idle pretence too common among Men for when pressed to this or that Duty the Excuse is I cannot do this whereas if they would make use of the means which are in the power of all they may have further assistance
and be at their Wits end It would be a more amazing sight then when Abraham looked toward Sodom and toward all the Land of the Plain and lo the Smoke of the Country went up as the Smoke of a Furnace Gen. 19. 28. we should all think we could never get far enough off from so terrible a thing If there were no Promises nor Threatnings Who would be the Servant of the Lord For now there being both and other Arguments to yield to his obedience that if we believe and consider of them it is impossible that we should do otherwise then assent and be actually perswaded by them yet still for want of that few are throughly brought over But if these were taken away none would serve God and his Church would be like the wilderness No Homage though most just and due from us without would have been paid unto him without Expectation of future reward Neither is he worshipped as though he needed any thing Acts 17. 25. for he wants not the Services of Angels much less of sinful Men. His Glory and Happiness was infinite and compleat before the World began and cannot receive the least addition He created man to take him up unto himself and out of the good pleasure of his will hath ordered him to dwell on the face of the Earth to try whether he will be obedient and a fit inhabitant for Heaven and hath placed on the other side of him a Land of Darkness of Dragons and Scorpions where the Shadow of Death and no Light is that if he will not come whither he calls and invites him he may as a just recompence of his stubbornness and transgression fall into the other In the mean while it is made known and he is liable thereto that he may flee and get away it is decreed he must take up his everlasting habitation some where and seeing that is so full of misery he should now seek out the new Heaven and new Earth where dwelleth Righteousness If we were to sleep for ever or to be as we were before our Birth we should not esteem of and consequently not labour after the rest that remaineth for the people of God But now it is his Decree and Ordinance that if we should miss thereof we must necessarily drop where is no rest day nor night so we are obliged out of self-love to endeavour more diligently after the other There have been some of Opinion that to talk of Hell is not agreeable to the Gospel Dispensation and that fear should be banished alledging 1 John 4. 18. For what end did God put it in Man but that hereby he might be stirred up to shun the approaching Evil Why hath he told the World thereof by his chosen Messengers but that they might escape it If it be not agreeable with the Gospel Wherefore is it so often spoken of therein John who was sent to prepare the way of the Lord Preaches of the Wrath to come and unquenchable Fire Mat. 3. 7 12. A little after the Author of the New Testament speaks of utter Darkness weeping and gnashing of Teeth Mat. 8. 12. Everlasting Fire and Punishment Mat. 25. 41 46. The like was the Doctrine of his Apostles 2 Pet. 2. 9. 2 Pet. 3. 7. Rev. 9. 6 14. 10 11. 16. 10 11. 21. 8. Jam. 2. 19. 5. 5. Jude 5 6 7 13. Lastly he who came after them all as one born out of due time delivered the same 2 Thes 1. 9. Knowing therefore the terrour of the Lord we perswade Men 2 Cor. 5. 11. So those who make this objection differ in judgment from him and other Holy Men moved by the Holy Ghost for they used this kind of Doctrine Should they not now Teach as Christ himself did whose Embassadors and Stewards they say they are Have they not him for an Example Are they wiser then he Why should not all the Arguments which God hath given in Scripture be made use of to exhort unto Duty amongst which this is powerful and apt to prevail for though indeed Love is the most excellent and abiding principle of Obedience yet the terrours of the Lord do more effectually perswade Men which will drive when the other grows faint and languishing Because of the little smart and irksomness there is an unwillingness to speak or hear thereof but it is an odd kind of Mercifulness to let Souls drop into Hell rather then a little disturb them before hand with the rumour thereof and they had better suffer that then the thing it self This brings most people unto repentance for they look about themselves and think what will be the event of a wicked life continued in The word every where denounces Wo and Cursing Tribulation and Anguish against it and their own Conscience accusing them of sin and that they are now subject unto all those threatnings which they will certainly feel unless some way avoided All men even the wicked and ungodly do abhor misery and would flee from it if they saw it coming and therefore they turn from iniquity least it should be their ruin This conversion proceeding from such motives as God hath given in his Word is acceptable with him By faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with fear observe that prepared an Ark to the saving of his House Heb. 11. 7. And others save with fear Jud. 23. After our Lord assures us of the joy over one sinner that repenteth Luke 15. He brings in the parable of the Prodigal Son who was ready to perish for hunger the consideration of that and not any love to his Father caused the resolutions of going home yet he was kindly received who was so little worthy of it So one rouzed up with fear comes to repentance and seeing Gods wonderful compassion towards him notwithstanding his former sins and provocation which are all pardoned according to his gracious promise Isa 1. 18. Now his former hatred and aversness is turned into good will and reconciliation to his Heavenly Father and he l●ves much much being to him forgiven This is increased more and more by further acts of Divine Goodness he is sensible of so what was at first begun by fear is now grown perfect and consummate by love and then living and being stablished in all Obedience he comes to that perfect love which casteth out fear 1 Joh. 4. 18. For having peace towards God and forgiveness of past sins he is not tormented with affrightful thoughts of Damnation for though heretofore he was an Adulterer or Covetous or a Drunkard now he is Washed ●e i● Sanctified he is justified by the Name of our Lord Jesus and the Spirit of our God 1 Cor. 6. 11. He hath not that fear which he had at first which hath Torment There is a Godly fear Heb. 12. 28. Which is to be retained all the days of our life Love and this kind of fear are consistent Deut. 10. 12. The distance is infinite between
taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts Mark 4. 15. As by prompting them to worldly talk or business presently afterwards which makes them forget all and signifie no more then if they never heard it such are his ways and methods to keep Men from their good and Salvation Whosoever will not know when he may and when he doth will not counterwork and make void the design it is his own fault if he perish Neither give place to the Devil ●ph 4. 27. Resist the Devil and he will fly from you Jam. 4. 7. Your adversary the Devil as a roring Lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour whom resist stedfastly in the faith 1 Pet. 5. 8 9. God hath given us power and here commands thus to do We are to our sorrow told he is come down unto us having great Rev. 12. 12. wrath because he knoweth he hath but a short time He doth not now so universally tyrannize over the bodies of Men as he did before our Saviours coming into the World but tryes by subtle windings and insinuations to glide into the heart or suggests evil Thoughts spiritual Pride Unbelief Disobedience We have not an high Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin Heb. 4. 15. So temptations may be without sin as where is no consent unto them but an abhorrence and utter disowning of them in the mind It is expedient to cry out the Lord rebuke thee Satan if any thing comes never consent the Lord pardon the iniquity of my thoughts and reject them with more abomination fly to the Lord Jesus for help for in that he hath suffered being tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted Heb. 2. 18. Say over his Prayer more earnestly learn from his example Mat. 4. To beat back the temptation with Thus it is written in the word of God. Then thou mayest know assuredly thou shalt never fall away utterly through all his subtilty As for other Temptations of the Flesh and the World it is the The Conclusion of the whole Chapter design of the following Pages to confirm Man against them Man hath been surveyed in his Thoughts Words and Actions in the several Ages of Life in Body and Soul and he may be truly Happy if governed by the Law of God. He may enjoy greater good and be free from more evils according to this State of imperfection and beginning He is a Creature built up by the wonderful working of God for Happiness and another Life All the Members of the Body are compacted and knit together the Powers of Soul are rightly framed made capable and designed for this great End. Now as all these have dependance upon each other for Constitution of the whole Man they are linked together for his Being so every one of them singly and joyntly are to be ruled and ordered by Scripture for his Well and Happy being If any is not all the rest suffer Confusion and Misery are in the Man. One string in a Musical instrument out of Tune spoils the Harmony of all the others A single part which moves irregularly and refuses to be under him in whom we live and move and have our Being troubles the whole Man. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God and bringing into Captivity every thought unto the obedience of Christ 2 Cor. 10. 5. Otherwise it would be almost the same to do nothing towards it A little leaven leaveneth the whole Lump One reigning Sin sowres our whole Nature and makes it unmeet for our Masters use The Blessed Jesus who ●itted his Commandments for our Good gave this to his Disciples the last we read of and consequently of greatest moment a Summary Conclusion of all that they should teach all Nations to observe all things whatever I have commanded you Mat. 28. 20. These are the only terms upon which our Happiness is to be had and who will not take it upon them he may go without he hath no share nor Lot in this Matter This is the pearl of great price if he will not Sell all that he hath and give to the value the Lord Jesus hath put upon it it is all one as if he bid nothing he may let it alone It is just if we expect this good thing from God that we should come up to those Conditions upon which and no other he will Communicate it For he hath created the whole Man and therefore is no Reason why he should be served by piece-meal We are bought with a price so upon both Respects of Creation and● Redemption we ought to Glorifie God in our Body and Spirit which are Gods 1 Cor. 6. 20. Alas What are we to make so much adoe That we will as it were Capitulate and know for what Reason before we submit to his obedience Man is a Worm and the Son of Man is a Worm Job 25. 6. If we respect his outward shape he seems a contemptible Creature When he appears nake● and stript off those Ornaments he so much Prides himself in the Beasts are not so ugly in our sight So little doth he appear in reference to the other Works that the Psalmist might very well admire O Lord when I consider thy Heavens the work of thy Fingers the Moon and Stars which thou hast ordained What is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou Visitest him Psal 8. 3 4. How much do they exceed him in Beauty Greatness duration and usefulness The Heavens declare the Glory of God and the Firmament sheweth his handy work Psal 19. 1. They all observe the Rules he hath given them Whereas ●ullen Man doth not ascribe the Honour due unto his Name and will not so much shew forth his Praise as he ought who will not speak out what he sees Psal 145. 10 11 12. and knows which is justly required but perversly denied As if this was not sufficiently provoking he makes it his business to dishonour God and break all his Laws Who is but a depending Creature hath all from him and yet Transgresses his most reasonable Commands But how will he Answer when God shall plead with him How will they be able to stand before him Who dwell in Houses of Clay whose Foundation is in the dust which are crushed before the Moth Job 4. 19. Yet this vain Man whose breath is in his Nostrils who is not to be accounted of I tremble to think upon it continually displeases him who keeps it in who holds his Soul in Life This Worm wriggles and shews all the spite it can against his Master Most certainly these things ought not so to be The Lord hath made all things for himself yea even the wicked for the day of evil Prov. 16. 14. If he is not glorified in our Salvation he will be in our Destruction When God arose to
judgment surely the wrath of man shall praise thee the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain Psal 76. 10. The Condemnation thou inflictest on the wicked shall tend to thy Glory and yet thou shalt curb them that they shall do no more so wickedly Thou hadst rather O God that Man were Righteous but if not thou art not the less glorified Whether he be so or not redounds upon himself If he will be Happy nothing is wanting on Gods part to make him so if he will go in the prescribed way but if not he perishes of himself only I have no Pleasure in the Death of him that dieth saith the Lord God Ezek. 18. 2. and therefore doth not in any wise contribute towards it Whatever be his final Condition through his own doings in the beginning he was made to praise and serve God in this Life be contented in so doing and at last enjoy him that is Blessed for ever this may be the Reason why in all Men who are equally born to this great end there is such an earnest and natural desire after Happiness That this might be the more effectually obtained God hath shewed out of his written Grace and Revelation to all Sorts and Conditions of Men. A plain intimation that as he hath made known his ways unto Isa 2. 3. men so he would have them walk therein As they have Power given them to know so to do As God would the means so Mich. 4. 2. the end all are put in a possibility of the Crown and Reward All the ends of the World shall remember and turn unto the Lord and all the kindreds of the Nations shall worship before thee Psal 22. 27. CHAP. III. OF KINGS The necessity of Government in Order to Preservation and outward Peace Of the Person of Kings wherein it is shewed particularly that all their enjoyments cannot make them Happy but their Happiness is to be had in God only with an Exhortation and Direction thereto I Have said ye are Gods But ye shall die like Men Psal 82. 6 7. You are Partakers of the same Flesh and Blood subject to the same weakness and frailty with the meanest but that Divine stamp of Sovereignty makes the difference There is no Power but of God the Powers that be are ordained of God. He is the Minister of God to thee for good he beareth not the Sword in vain for he is the Minister of God a Revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil Rom. 13. 1 3 4. Should the King immortal eternal Exercise the Authority by himself we are not now able to endure his glorious Presence We cannot see him and live When he revealed himself upon Mount Sinah and all the People saw the Thunderings and Lightnings and the noise of a Trumpet and the Mountain smoaking and when the People saw it they removed and stood afar off and they said unto Moses speak with us and we will hear but let not God speak with us least we die Exod. 20. 18 19. We walk by Faith and not by Sight 2 Cor. 5. 7. it would be no Tryal of our obedience if he should appear visible upon Earth at whose sight all Nations must tremble God hath ordered it as it is Heaven is ●y Throne and the Earth my Foo●stool He commandeth over all And still the Most High ruleth in the Kingdom of Men and giveth it to whomsoever he will Dan. 4. 32. He hath sent his Deputies among us Spiritual and Civil whom though he hath been pleased to Honour with his own Title of Gods and Lords yet they are in the likeness of Men. The World cannot subsist without Government for since there are in us the Seeds of all manner of Evil and especially those which are prejudicial to Society Pride Revenge Envy Hatred Malice Oppression Theft Covetousness and such like if these were not restrained by present Punishments for who do not regard God fear these there would be no living amongst Men. We must lurk in Dens and Caves of the Earth to hide and preserve our selves from wrong and injury We are worse then Bears and Wolves Tygers and Serpents for they do not bi●e and devour those of their own kind whereas Man is ready to do all kind of hurt to his Fellow if none would fall upon himself If there was no Law to bind him then his Strength would be the only Law of Justice The good things of the Earth would not be distributed according to right or deserving but fall a prey to the Sons of Violence There would be no Trade or Commerce for then People would not barter for Commodities but take them by force When the mighty Man hath got them there comes a stronger then he and spoileth him also and a third trys to Master him A gap would be opened to all Rapine and Injustice and none could say that any thing he did poss●ss was his own Men are as the Fishes of the Sea if they have no Ruler over them Upon the least Provocation or without any for a malicious Hab. 1. 14. mind with seek occasion which may be easily found they would destroy and hurt one another Our lives would be in continual jeopardy of merciless Men. Something we have spoken or done mi●-construed surmised or falsly accused would render us liable to anothers Strife and Cruelty We are by Nature Children of Wrath of him whose Name in the Hebrew To●gue is Abaddon but in the Greek Tongue hath his Name Apo●●yon Rev. 9. 11. We are rather descendants from Cain then the Cad●ean Seed Even now wilful Murther is punished by an ac●●●sed Death yet still it is too often practised among us but if it were reserved only to the future Judgment of God that being at a distance and not believed by reprobate Minds or thinking to come off there by a slight and superficial Repentance in the mean while too many moved by a revengeful or covetous Appetite would no more stick to shed Blood then refuse meat when hungry In Wars where all Laws Justice Reason and Humanity are banished what B●●chering of one another there is What strange Instruments of Death they have invented being Witty to mutual Destruction They spoil Countreys send the devouring flames into Va●●eys of Corn that before did Laugh and Sing plunder poor People of their Cattel and Livelihood rush violently into Houses and ●ob of all They kill and slay have used unheard Cruelties towards Women and innocent Children who should have been Objects of Compassion and not of fury The finest Cities are turned into ruinous heaps and laid in Ashes all things are converted into Desolation They insult over poor Captives binding them with Misery and Iron feeding them with Bread and Water of a●●liction What Pity it is that Man who is endued with such rational and excellent Principles and thereby exalted above the rank of Beasts yet should Act such mad things As if they were not otherwise subject to ●iseries enough but they bring
accept of an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for you 1 Pet. 1. 4. if you perform the conditions required As for that you have already must fade away for if you think the Lands are yours for ever yet your selves are not so they may remain somewhat longer but you shall be taken away before Their inward thought is that their Houses shall continue for ever and their dwelling places to all Generations they call their lands after their own Names this their way is their folly yet their posterity approveth their sayings Psal 49. 11 13. When many times they do not long enjoy their lands for these change owners and seldom continue in the same Family for two or three hundred years much less for ever Nay if they were secured from Folly Prodigality Forfeiture Injustice as that is in defeating the 1 Kings 21. 3. next Heir of the Blood of the inheritance of his Fathers and of firm Title and furthest from Inundation of the Sea yet this would not endure for ever for the time draweth near when the Earth shall be burnt up and all the Works thereof so the goodliest Estate now seen is but temporal which fades away He that hath the best tenure and most indefeasible right yet hath no perpetuity but himself is tenant at will to the great Landlord of Heaven and Earth now t is the wisest way of such an one to feather his nest to provide well against the time he shall be turned out Agreeable hereunto is the Counsel of the Lord Jesus And I say unto you make to your selves Friends of the mammon of Vnrighteousness that when ye fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations Luke 16. 9. It is strange that those who have such an advantage of Worldly outward prosperity of which they must be one day eternally deprived should not take care against that fails to be provided of an Happiness in the highest Heavens for evermore especially if they miss thereof they must fall down into opposite Misery One of these two must be your condition there is no avoiding of it if you should be miserable it will be in a worse degree then the common sort of mankind because of your manifold transgressions and mighty sins Amos 5. 12. They are against great Love and Mercy and when those which should have been Examples unto others of obedience and righteous living have most of all sinned and contemned the Almighty Vengeance may be taken upon them seven-fold and when the day of their calamity is come that pride and pleasure in which now they so much trust shall be all vanished and gone and serve to torment them yet more by sad reflections of what they have been For as the benefit is great if they use Riches and Honour as instruments to set forth the Glory of God and maintain good Works so likewise is the danger great if thence they be proud and rebellious turning them into an occasion to fulfill the lusts of the ●●esh it would have been better not to have had then thus to have abused them It is not only because such an one is in a higher Seat in the World therefore he shall be so in that to come for there will be changes and those that are exalted shall be abased Yet to him that rightly managed the ten Talents authority was given over ten Cities and he that did five had proportionably So Luke 19. 17 18. contrariwise he that is unfaithful in most shall receive the greater condemnation and if he that received but one Talent went and digged in the Earth and hid his Lords Money was cast into outer Darkness as an unprofitable Servant What will become of him who received ten or five and used them to rebel against his Lord Of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy Now things are so set that extremity and eternity of joy or sorrow must be the final condition of every one it may seem impertinent to bid him choose whether he will have as if ten thousand Talents were laid on an heap and the other side a single farthing to make long perswasion that he would be sure to make choice of the first Or if there was offered unto him a glass of the most pleasant Wine and a cup of deadly Poyson and he knew before which was so Neither of these come up to the present Case for the good of the one is more beyond the evil of the other then in any two things that can be compared Although there is such a vast difference yet commonly the evil part is chosen and those who call themselves Men yea Men of Honour and Renown are worse then Children in understanding They greedily catch at toyes and trifles they are careful to learn all the punctilios of Honour niceties of Pride modes of Breeding and things which belong to their Quality but in the mean while are negligent of the things that belong to their peace They run after every imaginary pleasure are for every thing which hath the name of it yet they will not seek after true and real Happiness they run on still in their course not considering for what end they came into the World or what will become of them when gone out This is not a Gentlemans business he is to go in the Fashion carry himself obligingly in Company understand his Estate this is sufficient for him What should he mind any thing else for Let him do what his inclinations lead him unto such is the language of Pride and Modishness But what saith the Holy Spirit thereto Do ye thus requi●e the Lord O foolish People and unwise is not he thy Father that hath bought thee Hath he not made thee and established thee Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful and hast forgotten God that formed thee Deut. 32. 6. 18. Wilt thou obliterate the notions of him who hath spread thy Table and made thy Cup to overflow Is this the return he is to make to his Almighty Benefactor He may turn Mercies into Disobedience yet he shall not go unpunished forsooth it is not his business to work the work God hath sent him to do he is too good for it in his own conceit The Lord saith them that honour me I will honour and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed 1 Sam. 2. 30. Some may not care if they are so for as yet they find no harm come by it but what will become of the most scornful and exalted Sinner when God shall pluck thee out of the land of the living and there shall be none to deliver thee Even here though thine house of defence be very high he can bring thee down make thee a mock and by-word as he hath done by some but he doth generally suffe● Mens evil Deeds in this World letting them go on as they will as he did the manners of the Israelites fourty years in the Wilderness Acts
But there is a real fear it may be otherwise and the sence of future judgment is not quite razed out of their minds with all they could ever do so they endeavour to lengthen out an uneasie life and put that afar off which they dread as the inlet to misery What doth it signifie to fly a little from that which will at length overtake them And how bitter will that be when it comes to grasp the thoughts whereof are so astonishing Such devices do manifest both Folly and Misery for would it not be better for them to repent and bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance and then all this would be avoided under which they groan For the good Man by obedience fulfills the condition of the promises so they belong unto him He is continually storing up comfort against his dying day and therefore not tormented with the apprehension thereof It is not unpleasant unto him to consider of leaving his Fine House and Lands who hath a firm expectation of better things in Heaven The faith and hope of this do very much Mitigate all the Miseries he meets with here that they are as none at all It is generally granted he is more happy then others in reference to another life and the inconveniencies of this but is he so as pertaining to present enjoyments Yes assuredly for our excellent Religion doth not take them away but only prescribe a more excellent manner of receiving them It pares off what is insipid and hurtful it takes away nothing of the Man but Folly Falshood and Extravagancies Every Creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the Word of God and Prayer 1 Tim. 4. 4 5. And to our selves it is rectified with Temperance and Moderation for hereby a greater and more sincere pleasure is perceived then the Glutton or Wine-bibbers can boast of Sobriety gives a relish to every thing Humility takes away Ambition and Insatiable desires and brings Contentment and Rest to the Soul. Charity delights by a Blessed Sympathy He that distributes willingly rejoyces with him that is partaker of the Alms. It is more Blessed to give then to receive As for his Family and Government over his Servants there are Directions given Col. 4. 1. Eph. 6. 9. 1 Pet. 2. 18. 1 Tim. 6. 2. Tit. 2. 9. Job 31. 13 14 15. Psal 101. 6 7. Both observing their respective duties they live more comfortably then where neither do For Company if he doth not more converse with all sorts then Necessity and common Civility oblige unto yet he is not therefore deprived of the Pleasures of Society and what delight can any one endued with Goodness or Wisdom take amongst them who find none within themselves bu● in Wickedness and Folly Who cannot be longer Merry then whilst Sinning Depart from me ye evil doers for I will keep the Commandments of my God Psal 119. 115. There is conversation enough to be had amongst the Good Prudent and Sober part of Mankind He may have for Company Godly and Learned Ministers who must necessarily be acceptable to good Men these being the two great Qualifications which can render conversation truely useful and pleasant The Scripture doth admonish of our demeanour towards them Exod. 16. 7. Deut. 33. 10 11. Lam. 4. 16. 1 Thes 5. 12 13. 1 Tim. 5. 17. 1 Cor. 4. 1 2. 2 Cor. 5. 18 19. They are Ambassadors of Christ and we signifie the respect and honourable esteem we have to any King by shewing the like to his representatives They are the outward Instruments through which God sends blessings to Mankind who instruct and exhort them to lay hold of the greatest Good so unless they love not the Lord Jesus nor themselves or are horribly ingrateful they must receive such with honour and good will. Many exclaim against this kind of Doctrine What be Priest-ridden But who are those which take up such a Proverb of reproach He that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me Luke 10. 16. Said our Lord to his Disciples from whom are derived Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the Work of the Ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ Eph. 4. 11 12. Let people have a care how they speak contemptibly of this order of Men. Had we lived in the days of our Fathers in the first Ages of Christianity we might have seen Kings and Emperors shewed them that Civility which now the meanest Laick will hardly vouchsafe But let not those who are Novices or corrupt in Life and Doctrine hence take occasion to be lifted up with Pride for so began the Usurpation and Errours of the Roman Church or expect any estimation unless like those primitive Men they are ensamples to the Flock who did not only Preach but follow the steps of our Saviour in Humility such as spoken of 2 Cor. 4. 5. And were not puffed up but did thank God for the good will of the People and were more industrious and faithful in their duty Such even in this time however placed in the Church whether over a Diocess or single Parish are equal Company for those of highest Rank and whoso feareth God will esteem them accordingly In the next place succeed his faithful People I am a Companion of all them that fear thee and of them that keep thy Precepts Psal 119. 63. Said David the King. Much less should it seem strange and odd for those of inferiour Quality to do the like Why should any one refuse it Either Pride of Heart which must be taken away or Custom of the World but an evil Custom is not to be complyed with Why should we over-look our Brethren or separate them from our Company God admits the meanest to Communion with him and will receive them into his Presence Are we better then he They are to be admitted amongst Angels and Archangels amongst all Saints where estrangedness and keeping of distance shall cease What is any though of the most exalted Condition to disdain their Conversation in the mean while If this mind be in him he may be contemned by God for despising his Servants who are the same with himself for those things which make the difference are without the Man and were never given to thrust others far from him If he thinks himself too good for their Company on Earth how knoweth he but God may not think him good enough for their Company in Heaven And then they will take up this Saying Lo this is the Man that slighted us would not come near us we forsooth were not worthy of him but see what his Pride is come unto God hath rejected him now he would be with us if he might The Obad. 3. Pride of thy Heart hath deceived thee To prevent this Danger there is for imitation the Resolution of the Royal Psalmist To the Saints that are in the Earth and to the
examined of perverse mind and set purpose as will more ●ppear in that day when the secrets of all hearts shall be judged This is one of those deceits by which Satan works in the m●nd● o● M●n and Women and holds them Captive at his W●●l He wh●spers that they are sa●e enough as long as they do not know Gods Commandments and the silly People are willing to have it so they will sooner give credit to him who was a liar from the beginning and would deceive them then the Prophet of the Lord who best knew his Will and fore-warn'd them not to fall under his sore displeasure It is a people of no understanding therefore he that made them will have no mercy on them and he that formed them will shew them no favour Isa 27. 11. As sure as this is Gods Word such will neither be excused from punishment nor ever come to Salvation unless they both know the things of God and also do them As Ignorance is too much in our Coasts so likewise is Unbelief Of Unbelief both which are equally found among the lower sort of Mankind Hence they know no other ends of life then food raiment sleeping and rising up early to take pains all their care is what they shall eat and where-withal to be cloathed and how to get Money for necessary things They know no other reason of their coming into the World and are apt to murmur at the hardness of their condition the very beasts do put them in mind of their duty and silently upbraid them with the negligence thereof The Ox knoweth his owner and the Ass his Masters crib but they do not know Although there is more reason they should know God for he is more gracious unto them then themselves are to the dumb Creatures They understand less of the most Excellent and Glorious Being above then brutes do of them For the Cattle look unto him that oringeth them fodder but they look not unto him who giveth them their Meat in due season Who maketh Grass to grow upon Mountains and Herb for the use of Man Who causeth the Seed to be prosperous and the ground to give her increase When darkness overspread the whole Earth he left himself not without Witness in that be did good and gave us rain from Heaven and fruitful Seasons filling our Souls with food and gladness Acts 14. 17. These things our eyes see our hands handle we taste them with our Mouth we reap the fruit and enjoy it yet are unmindful and consider not from whence it first comes It may be alledged Did we with our very eyes so clearly see the Giver of all these good things as other Creatures do us when we carry them food we should be ten thousand degrees worse if we did not know him To which it is answered God is a Spirit and cannot be seen with ●odily eyes He is so exceeding Glorious that in this frail and infirm state no Man can see him and live Exod. 33. 20. But yet the invisible h●ngs of him f●om the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made Rom. 1. 20. We must by our very reason conclude it was some one who made all these things and he is God. Further he hath ordered that We walk by Faith and not by Sight 2 Cor. 5. 7. So that if he should make a clearer manifestation of himself there would be no faith at all and then no Trial of Obedience for would any one dare sin against him if he saw him face to face with his Bow bent and Sword drawn re●dy to take Vengeance on him It hath pleased the Lord to put us here to prove us to know what is in our hearts whether we will keep his Commandments or no. We are far ff● from the inhabitation of his holiness but he filleth Heaven Deut. 8. 2. and Earth with his presence And hath made us to dwell here and hath determined the bounds of our habitation that they should se●k the L●● i● happily they might feel after him though he be not far from every one of us for in him we live and move and have our being Acts 17. 27 28. In the works of Creation and Providence he hath plainly discovered himself besides that evident revelation he hath made in Scripture Considering he hath decreed we should live by Faith What else could be done to beget in us a more full assurance of Faith The works of Creation are long since past for they were finished in the first six days but those of Providence still endure Vpholding all things by the Word of his Power Heb. 1. 3. Those without life are kept up by his Mighty hand Every plant in the Field was made before it was in the Earth and every Herb of the Field before it grew Gen. 2. 5. But now is nourished and springs up from the Earth which he hath ordained to Minister ●ood to sensible things so all proceeds from him There are some who would fain any way rob God of the honour due unto his Name and therefore will ascribe these things to Nature and second Causes but to stop their Mouth who go under the name of Christians with the word of an Heathen What else is Nature but God himself and the Divine Reason interwoven into all its parts Saith Seneca 'T is Sen. lib. 4. cap. 7. de Benef. God who ruleth over all and hath given to every thing its Nature and ordered them to Act accordingly Thus he hath endued the Earth with vertue to bear Seed and Fruit accordingly being tilled by the labour and industry of Man it doth in the mean while he is not to Dig and Root there seeing no further but to look up to that God who hath given the ground power to bring forth these things Those unbelievers who cry up so much for second causes do unawares acknowledge a first for otherwise how could there be a second And this first cause is God by whom from whom and for whom are all things Thou art worthy O Lord to receive Glory and Honour and Power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created Rev. 4. 11. Hence thou mayest as easily be known by reasonable Creatures so far as to glorifie thee as God as themselves are known by Horse and Mule which have no understanding Isa 17. 7. No Man hath seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosome of the Father he hath declared him John 1. 18. The Word clothed in flesh and conveyed to us by Ink and Paper and ingraven in Tables of the Heart hath made him more known unto us The truth of all Jesus did and said is confirmed by Miracles Wonders and Signs and Gifts of the Holy Ghost Acts 2. 22. Heb. 2. 4. and hath stood out against all the Malice of Men or Devils armed with nothing but its naked simplicity and reality Which all the
is it after such an impious manner to provoke the Lyon of the tribe of Judah For their liberty to follow all excess to be drunk with good Liquor and good Company is reckoned by some to be worth all the lusts of the flesh because it is of longer continuance Yet this doth not last always for labour and other affairs of life call of they have some sober times and then what thoughts are in their mind Call to remembrance all thy former Drunken Fits and merry Meetings What satisfaction doth now remain What pleasure dost thou perceive of those Cups thou hast taken off in all thy past Years In the time of Health and Enjoyment those delights are vanished like Smoke and seem as if they had never been much more will they appear so when you come to lie upon a Death-bed Indeed you may before that have several other jovial Fellowships but they will likewise pass away as the former have done all will come to an end and there will be so much the more guilt to answer for Several Drunkards to thy knowledge are already dead and gone and it will be a sad thing to be in roll of those who shall not inherit the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 6. 10. The wicked Man doth falsly think that Death shall make an utter end of him for as sure as Mat. 25. 32. John 5. 28 29. 2 Cor. 5. 10. and all Scripture is true so certainly is he deceived in his expectation for he must arise to Judgment and if he still continueth in his hard and impenitent heart as there are so many plagues and threatnings which should move him with all speed to be converted and escape he must remain a living Monument of Eternal Vengeance He might all one conclude the Heavens and Earth should be dissolved though the Son of God except the death of millions of millions hath not in the least shaked them as imagine he shall not come forth to a fearful Judgment Perswade thy self what thou wilt but as sure as God made us and not we our selves as he hath power over us and we once stand here upon the Earth so certainly will he account with us for our doings in another place Men take up with the common saying of Mortality an end and no more which yet is false as themselves shall know In this as in other things they speak according to their wish and not according to their real thoughts The sensual intemperate person would fain it might be so with him that as the Beasts die so he might die who made himself like them in his life by having no understanding by gorging with the Dog ready to the Vomit and in his sottish moodes wallowing as a Sow in the Mire so he would his death might not be divided from them for thy part thou dost endeavour and desire to be like them in both The former was in thy power and thou didst so the latter is not for God hath decreed otherwise such are to be reserved to his just Judgment What was it for which he must be liable to all this When he was in the most flourishing condition and did prove himself daily with Mirth this did not satisfie him His heart was dull and heavy when he did seem chearful to outward appearance he found but little sincere joy but few delights which were not attended with inward damp and sorrow if any they were quickly over and gone Hardly the tenth part of his short life was spent in Jollity for deduct Child-hood the time of going to School sleep and necessary business of the World there is little remaining to enjoy the pleasures of sin if considered strictly they do not extend to the hundredth I should not be found a great liar i● I did say not to the thousandth part of our life What a little must this be to lose an interest in a blessed Eternity The residue of time was spent in the common actions of Mankind and these were the more unpleasant to him who had not God for his portion He did work for the belly and did eat bu● was not satisfied in his mind for that would be empty again and then he must labo●r to fill it and so round in a circle He could not see any good or end thereof He did not labour in hope He could not expect to increase or get higher He toiled all his life time and got nothing of true satisfaction What profit is it to spend our days in Heaviness and after Death to look for Punishment Many troubles did befall him vexation upon vexation sorrow upon sorrow in his declining years seldom a day without grief or discontent In the midst whereof he cannot tell whither to resort for true ease or comfort many a ruful exclamation within himself Why came I forth into the World It had been better for me to have remained what I was an hundred years since to have never seen the light of the living My life is irksome and grievous and I know nothing to the contrary but when I die it will be yet worse fain I would not live but I fear to die O that I might sleep for evermore or return into my first nothing and then welcome the Grave I would as willingly lie down there as in a bed of Roses but my heart can give no such assurance It seems to foreshew more and greater misery when the breath is gone out of my body I could sometimes say there would be an end of me but I tremble it will be no such thing O wretched Man that I am Who can deliver me from present grief and preserve me from that expectation of worse things to come Thus may be seen his sad condition and indeed it would make an heart of stone compassionate him and gush into Tears but it is considered all this is come upon him through his own fault for his contempt and stubbornness against our Most Gracious God. Who would have brought him unto Heaven afforded him means and power but he did re●use and not value them said he in his heart wherefore should I keep the Commandments It is vain to serve God Mal. 3. 14. I did observe several to go to Worship and diligently frequent his Ordinances who did Walk mournfully before the Lord of Hosts for in his Opinion they were pitiful Melancholly Souls they got no good by it Not discerning future promises and present peace and therefore he blindly resolved to go on in his wonted course which was all his life long to disregard or shew himself despitefully against the Author of his being But let others see and fear what his ungodliness is come unto If one behaves himself Proudly and Rebelliously against the King who received maintenance and continual favour from him and comes to suffer for it the voice of the Multitude is Hang him he is an ungrateful Traytor And then if one acts in like manner against God who is loving to every Man sendeth Rain upon the just
World are contrary one to another his thoughts are not as our thoughts his commands are vastly different from the humours and actions of Men. That which is highly esteemed amongst Men is abomination in the sight of God Luke 16. 15. So again that which he commands and will reward is accounted little and despicable among M●n But he hath the Breath of all the Sons of Men in his hand which he can and doth take away in his own order Say unto God how terrible art th●u in thy Works Through the greatness of thy Po●●r shall thine En●mies submit themselves unto thee Psal 66. 3. in the Margent it is Yeild feigned obedience They shall be forced to it just like Captives led away by a more potent Enemy for God will set himself in array against wicked Men. He will manifest his Power to their utter Confusion if they still hate him that will provoke him to Plague them yet more These things will certainly be he might even now pour forth his full Displeasure upon them but he hath been pleased to permit their hour and the Power of darkness Luke 22. 53. In which they might rebel against his Will and not be immediately punished It is called their hour a very little time in re●erence to Months and Years and the whole Course of sinning ever since Adam unto this Day and what is yet more behind is not so much as that in Comparison of the Ages of Eternity God now Commands and either doth not at all or very seldom here execute the Penalty of disobedience Therefore the Hearts of the Sons of Men is fully set in them to do Evil Eccles 8. 11. But when their short time is ended he will no more wave the Scepter of Justice or Mercy over their Heads but then he will Rule them with a Rod of Iron If they would obey his righteous Laws to take off the smart from themselves yet he will not accept of their counterfeit and slavish Subjection because they would not when they might have performed unto him a Free and reasonable Service Things thus standing it is not Peevish Humour nor Self-con●eited singularity but bounden Duty even at the present time to hearken unto and obey our God when he saith Be not conformed to this World but be ye transformed by the renewing of your ●●nd that ye may prove what is that Good and acceptable and perfect Will of God Rom. 12. 2. When the apprehensive faculty is rightly set in Frame it may judge this to exceed those evil and sinful Customs of People in whatever Vogue and Estimation they are for what are the Follies and Exorbitances of a wanton Age How do they contribute to our real Happiness They may afford a faint and languishing Delight but this like giving a single mouthful of Bread to an hungry Man rather excites then fi●ls the Appetite It raises Anguish for it is short and insufficient of a true Satisfaction Man is carried with a natural desire towards the Female Sex and therefore is more inclined to do all things to gratifie them Indeed he doth well herein as long as he keeps within the set bound but as in the beginning the Woman did prevail over the Man in the Transgression so doth she now sooner draw to Sin 1 Kings 11. 4. then the common Temptations But ye Daughters of Sion who are haughty and walk with stretched out Necks and wanton Eyes Whether have you caused your Shame to go What is become of that Isa 3. 6. Modesty which formerly used to adorn the Virgin State You seem to come near a Whores Forehead if you once refuse to be ashamed How can you admit of that loose Language which though wrap● up Mic. 7. 3. in the Gentile wa● is intelligible to those Conversant therewith or those lascivious Actions with young Men which go under the Name of Play and ●port The Virgins of old did fly from the least familiar converse with Men and were never worse esteemed by them but also given in Marriage They did it when there was more invitation to catch at all present Good for there was not so much Manifestation of future Happiness but now more Grace hath appeared to the World. And whosoever would have the Bene●i●s thereof must both know and also shew it by a sutable Conversation that whilst others give themselves over unto Lasciviousness which is the first and next step To work ●ll Vncleanness with Greediness But ye have not so learned Christ Eph. 4. 19 20. Let Men consider what a meer Cheat the Devil makes use of A general ●xhort●tion to defraud them of a Kingdom and drag down to the bottomless Pit. How they ●ell their Souls for naught and delectable things which do not Profit They may seem lu●cious to a meer Wanton yet saith one How sweet is it to want those Sweetnesses To have Cha●●e reins and thoughts Not to have the So●l defiled or darkened with the filthy smoke of Lust but always continuing clear and bright To be troubled with no Desires or ●ncl●nations after strange Lusts Either to have the gentle Stream run one way only or to stand smooth and calm The single Life is preferred in Pauls j●dgment 1 Cor. 7. who there speaks by Permission and not by Commandment If they continue spotless and innocent they are Happy in so abiding But if all were of this Opinion A Godly Seed Mal. 2. 15. would be wanting And Children would not be born to praise the Lord. It is his good Pleasure one Generation should succeed another and therefore he also doth well who is Instrumental to that Every Man hath his proper Gift of God one after this manner another after that If to one is given Continency He may ser●e the Lord without Distraction But where is not there is an Expedient for him even to have his own Wife He is to remember the ends of Marriage Procreation of Children and to avoid Fornication the bare quelling of Lust and therefore this is not to be made an occasion of heightening it In the Marriage Bed Temperance is to be observed The great Happiness of this Condition arises from constant Love of one another from the Endearment and Unity of heart and affections not from the sudden and momentary Enjoyments which also cease to be such if repeated as often as strength and outward Provocation would give leave Those Delights perish in the using for they have no Relation or Affinity with the Happiness of Heaven Indeed that is s●t forth by Feasts Wine Riches and Honour so the Glutton Drunk●●d Covetous and Proud have an invitation by the Promise of the like things but there is none to the lustful Person The Son of God is not like the Impost●r M●ho●et who draws principally with this A 〈…〉 ctive for we are told before In the R●surr●ction they neither Marry nor are given in Marriage but are like the Angels of God in Heaven Mat. 22. 30. And there shall in no wise enter into
principal and whole place in Man nothing to be preferred before him and all things to be done in subserviency to his Obedience That which was given to Minister must not set up for Rule What he only allowed for Necessaries and Conveniences that he might be served in Holiness and Righteousness all the days of our Life is not to come in for the main end nor be made an occasion to provoke him by iniquity and disobedience How unreasonable is it that a little yellow or white Dust should be preferred before God who made Heaven and all things therein They are accursed who worship the Sun Moon and Stars which declare his Glory but are not to deprive him of the least degree of his own much less may the small things here below God made us preserveth us gives whatsoever we enjoy and hath provided an eternal Happiness hereafter if we do not by such gross Demerits as esteeming every little thing before him which sets forth the infinite Aggravation of Sin forfeit our Right we have to his free and gracious Promises If we might ●ender to all their due that just Esteem they deserve and no more Now of God are all things and therefore to him belong all Love Fear Honour Praise Obedience and whatsoever we can do to express our utmost Acknowledgment and Worship of his Divine Majesty Let us do as much as we can to acknowledge His Dominion and Property and our own Subjection and Dependance Let us have an exceeding high Opinion of whatever appertains to him and then we should have but a very little Opinion of all that is here in Comparison of the Great things of God. Even in this wicked partial and idolatrous World Dung is never preferred before Crowns and Scepters And if the Eyes of our understanding were enlightened and we did lift them up to the everlasting Hills we might apprehend such unutterable things there that we should no more esteem of the most magnified things of this World then now we do the Stones and Earth we walk upon But all Men have not Faith who look upon this as meer Dreams and fine Fancies Indeed few speak out so but many think thus in their minds and therefore are for being sure of something letting alone these glorious Imaginations for such who believe them It is said there is one Nerve more in the Eye of Man then in Brutes by which he is enabled to lift it up If this be not lost for want of use look upwards in a clear Night ye earthly minded Observe the Firmament bespangled with Stars and do ye not really guess there may be above them some greater Excellency then Gold and Silver which Canker and Rust Seek him that maketh the seven Stars and Orion Amos 5. 8. whose is the World and the fulness thereof Psal 50. 12. and you must conclude he hath greater things in his disposal then what we now see or handle Be not so rash and foolish to perswade your selves there are no such things because you do not believe them for in your Opinion it would be an odd kind of reasoning that there was no such things as Riches because Beasts know them not And it is alike absurdity to deny those true Riches our Saviour speaks of Luke 16. 11. only for that covetous Worldings will not know nor believe them If they will not they shall lose their part in them and that will occasion greater trouble then now it is to miss a good Bargain or Purchase 'T is perverse Humour and Opposition to the Truth that any are unbelieving for would they but impartially examine those Evidences of Faith we have they must fully assent But this wicked and stubborn World is afraid the Gospel should be true and therefore will not look upon its Pillars and Grounds of Truth least they should be found too strong and then such must not continue in Transgression They are willing to grasp and hold fast what they have and they take effectual Care not to attend to any thing how true soever which may perswade to the contrary O profound Policy and Wisdom To refuse to be Happy here and hereafter because by coveting after Riches they will pierce themselves through with many Sorrows and wilfully subject themselves unto temporal and eternal Misery only to hug themselves a little with ill gotten abundance What unheard of Folly is this There being set before the Sons of Men good and evil they will lose the one and incur the other by considering of neither before-hand Good God! That Men should set at naught the most inestimable thing in the World and yet blindly run upon accursed Misery Reason it self would tell them that there is no harm to seek after the greatest Good and if it be grievous to think of the Evil so they cannot endure that how much more to suffer it And they had better think thereof and so escape then as now they do shut it out of their Minds and thus unavoidably run into it This may be applied to all manner of unbelief Ignorance and Sin but Covetousness hath a mixture of all for otherwise a Man would not renounce his part in the Portion of Israel for thousands of Gold and Silver Were he perswaded he hath a Soul and of its due worth he would not lose it to gain the whole World when now he doth to get a less part thereof then the point of a Pin is to an Acre of Ground Covetousness doth strangely fasten the affections to the Earth and takes them quite off from Heaven The mind is daubed over with thick Clay that it conceives not Spiritually and so intent upon things Temporal that he regards not the things Eternal And thus comes in him an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God Nevertheless let him still know he is bound to obey the Commandments If one hath never taken the Oath of Allegiance yet he is obliged to keep the Kings Laws if he doth not he shall be punished accordingly So likewise if one was never Baptized nor enters into Covenant with God yet still he lives under his Laws Every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward Heb. 2. 2. He is Lord over all the Great King of all the Earth and requires subjection from every Creature those his Enemies which would not have him reign over them he will send forth his Armies and destroy them Who will not mind Scripture his revealed Law are at this present transgressours against the same and shall at the last day be condemned by it For the iniquity of his Covetousness was I wroth and smote him I hid me and was wroth and he went frowardly in the way of his heart Isa 57. 17. The iniquity of Covetous●ess consists in getting by evil and sinful Col. 3. 5 6. means as Falshood or Wrong so it is a complicated sin of inordinate Affection and Disobedience Another kind of Covetousness is gathered from 2 Cor. 9. 5. Which hinders from
doing good by Charity Hospitality dispersing abroad that others also may live by them Many have plentiful Estates already who think as long as they do not covet other Mens Lands or Money nor do wrong it is no harm to keep their own ●o save and hoard up as much as they can If they are willing to live in all good conscience as that will stand them in more stead in the day of their Death and from thence throughout all Eternity then Mannors or Lordships and thousands of Gold or Silver then let them consider what they are to be put in mind of Charge them that are Rich in this World that they do good that they be rich in good VVorks ready to Distribute willing to Communicate 1 Tim. 6. 17 18. None hath more then what he may know to do withal Others who have large Possessions find a way of disbursement through sinful Lusts and Pride And shall not as much be done another way for a better Master for Jesus and his Brethren It ought so to be and much more and time will yet be when they shall be ready to ●sal 45. 12 perform the same Christianity is no Pinching Doctrine for it doth not make the owners of Estates good Husbands as the word is commonly used but good Stewards of the gifts of God. They are not to heap to themselves and starve those round about them but distribute Liberally according to what they have and others need The eighth and ninth Chapter to the Corinthians is full to this purpose God feeds the Fowls of the Air Fishes of the Sea Beasts and all Creeping things Neither hath he left the principal work of his hands out of his care and protection He hath given sufficient to all Men for Food and Raiment and they have a right thereto He Psal 140. ●2 hath provided for them in his Works and in his Word and was there a compliance to his Written Laws none would suffer want But seeing we live in an Age wherein Men are fallen away from God who say they are Christians but they are not for they do not according to what is commanded that is not done of all Yet those his pecular People zealous of good VVorks Tit. 2. 14. are to shew forth more charity then is to be seen among them who think they have a well grounded hope for Heaven and even those Rich Men who will not obey the Gospel may see it there Written That he must reign till he hath put all Enemies under his feet 1 Cor. 15. 25. But if they will be wise as to submit and come in betime let them hearken to what he saith Lay not up for your selves treasures upon Earth where moth and rust do corrupt and where Thieves break through and steal But lay up for your selves Treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust do corrupt and where Thieves do not break through nor steal Mat. 6. 19 20. An express command against hoarding for the use of ones self Our Lord in all the precepts he gave hath consulted for the good of Mankind Now it tends to the prosperity and welfare of a People when Money is still in motion and passes from one to other for if this were kept by every one that could half the Nation would be in danger to perish But our Religion hath enjoyned a free Communicative temper it lays the greatest obligation upon Men to Communicate forth according to what they have Some have been prejudiced against it as an Enemy to Trade which is thought to be more maintained by Sin and Vanity but let it be considered The end of Trade is to get a living thereby and that all People may have necessaries and comforts for their being here Now the way God hath appointed doth more contribute to all this then the corrupted course of the World. To instance in Drunkenness which is reputed a beneficial sin to the Nation But if Men after they had kept within the bounds of lawful delight would go no further and disperse some other way the Money thus saved others might refresh themselves likewise and there would be altogether the same vent If that which is Prov. 3 〈…〉 6 7. consumed by some in adding Drunkenness to thirst were given to satisfie the bare thirst of others there would be the like quantity expended as now neither would that abundance of barley God hath in mercy given us be wasted for want of use and receiving It is a hard Case for those which make Oil within their VValls and tread their VVine presses and suffer Thirst Job 24. 11. Honest labourers who take pains in sowing and cutting down the Corn should have more share thereof then squeezing Landlords do now suffer them to have when themselves neither Reap nor Sow but ●at of other Mens labours Thou shalt not muzzle the Mouth of the Ox that treadeth out the Corn doth God take care of Oxen 1 Cor. 9. 9. Much more for those of his own likeness Many are forced to eat and Drink very course Bread and Water or Beer not much differing from it these also deserve help not pity and should come in for a distribution of the good things for the Earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof In the Primitive Church they had a Feast where poor and rich did sit down promiscuously together but there was a fault that in eating every one taketh before another his own Supper and one is hungry another is drunken 1 Cor. 11. 21. It is more Unreasonable and Antichristian that some should live in Rioting and Drunkenness others pine in Hunger and Thirst But the Gospel sets this at right by paring away the Superfluity of the one and giving it to others So it may be said to the Vanity and inordinacy of Apparel Thy People also shall be all righteous Isa 60. 21. And then there will not be such a Catalogue of Womens Bravery Isa 3. and more things added thereto by the Fashion of these times As iniquity hath abounded so the number of those have increased of that Trade which Borders upon it but some of them might have resorted to other Employments and those might sell nothing but what was really useful and decent Were the same spent in Hospitality and Charity as is now in Gluttony and Drunkenness Were the same laid out in Clothing the naked as is in strange Apparel Zeph. 1. 8. Did every one expend to some good use and purpose what others do in Pride and Vain Glory Were every one liberal according to what he hath and Covetousness which is not to be named amongst Saints Eph. 5. 3. but found among Hypocrites and Unb●lievers utterly banished from among us There would be better Living then in this World of iniquity Righteousness exalteth a Nation but Sin is a reproach to any People Prov. 14. 34. Covetousness is the Plague-sore of the Commonwealth who is addicted to it will make empty the Soul of the Hungry and he will cause the drink
sign of their Fearfulness of Spirit so it is most unreasonable and foolish To flee from that which is frightful in your imagination and your selves have made so into a real Danger to run from that God who would have you be saved into the P●ws of the roaring Lyon who walketh about seeking whom he might devour is a Fear without knowledge The striving to put out the Thoughts of what you do Fear is the certain way to bring your Fears upon you It is only smothering them for a little time when they will Rise up worse and more tormenting It is the Sense of us all that when we have off●nded God like our Fore-father Gen. 3. 10. We are afraid and would hide ou●selves Indeed if the Godhead were in no wise appeasable it would be natural and prudent to keep off our Punishment and al●o the Thought thereof as long as we could But now seeing we have so plain Revelation throughout his whole Word what the Apostle saith 2 Cor 5. 1● 19 20. He is to be reconcil●d and he ca●●s upon all Let th● VVick●d forsake his way and the unrighteous Man his Thoughts A●d let him ret●●n un●o the Lord and he will have M●rcy upon him and ●o our God for he will abundantly Pardon Isa 55. 7. The guilty Sinner will be apt to imagine his offence greater than can be forgiven Himself Answers that in the Words following My Thoughts are not as your Thoughts He speaks by another Prophet Thou hast played the Harlot with many Lovers yet return again to me saith the Lord Jer. 3. 1. Whatever any Mans past Sins have been yet still he need not Fear to come unto God through Jesus Christ who came not to Call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance These Doctrines are good and true but trifled with and abused What was designed to give all People Comfort and Hope for amendment of Life the wicked make use of for Presumption and continuance in Sin but they will find God is not so easie as they would think or wish him They must not dally with him as they dare not with their Superiours on Earth Remember he is Almighty so he is the All-wise God and will no more admit of those repeated Provocations then now Men of Authority and Wisdom do with those who carry themselves despitefully and disdainfull● towards them This slighting Temper is very common among People they say God is merciful and though they sin against him yet he will be pacified again which is as they make it as if he was what I am unwilling but to name However these Proud Scornful Sinners laugh inwardly at their own conceits but if they did consider throughly trembling would arise within them that it may be otherwise then they imagine and so it will be But to pass by them Come again to those who are less Wicked who stand of in some dread and reverence who think they have so highly displeased God that they dare not approach to him to beg Pardon Herein is some manners and goodness and such may be assured there is mercy with him sufficient to do away their Transgressions notwithstanding all their Multitude and Aggravation Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as Scarlet they shall be as white as Snow though they be Red like Crimson they shall be as Wool Isa 1. 18. Sinners need not be afraid to return unto him from his Word or Nature there is not●ing af●rightf●l in him to the VVil●●●g and Obedi●nt those beginning the good work or who are perfecting the same There is one who s●cretly represents God and Religion to be very dismal and happy is he that hath least to do with them But they are false and lying Words There may be some difficulty at first in the act of Repenta●ce and Conversion but when that is got over the way is smooth and plain But if it were never so rugged as it is no● yet l●t those fearful Souls whom the Devil holds Captive by this snare consider God hath the upper hand in the World He hath sent a Message to the Inhabitants of the Earth commanding subjection from them He hath given them a Law whi●● if they do they shall live by otherwise the● shall die eternally This present life is appointed for time of Tryal Things thus standing What safety doth Satan provide for those he draws unto Rebellion surely none other then this not to think of their Case and Danger A poor miserable shift by not seeing to run into it whereas had thy seen they had avoided it Be ast●nished O Heavens be confounded O Earth If I might call the Angels to come and behold the utmost folly of the Sons of Men. Were they so as those who befool them in the state of Devils irreversibly doomed to Damnation then in truth to put in mind of God and Eternity would be to Torment them before their time But seeing they have a day of Grace and Salvation it is both natural and reasonable to consider that they may make sure of it and to be told of the Wrath to come that they may flee from it for it were something if they could turn away the evil by not thinking thereon but the Gulph is fixed the fire is prepared and they cannot be removed or quenched only by the carelessness of those who go the ready way to plunge themselves in They foolishly think to escape by this their design not attending to what is Written The wicked is snared in the VVork of his own hands The Vvicked shall be turned into Hell and all the Nations that forget God Psal 9. 16 17. There is no safety for the negligent and careless World. If their heart was not darkened or become altogether inconsiderate they might reason thus with themselves Am I terrified with the uneasiness of Religion and shall I to avoid that for a little time bring upon my self Eternal Anguish of Mind Are the strivings of Gods Spirit irksome now for a Season They are only so because you will not comply with them yet will you by resisting them draw on the Spirits of Darkness to Torment for evermore If that be so grievous which is now for a short time it will be much more so that shall last to all Eternity and therefore the less is to be submitted unto to avoid the greater We count him Childish and Foolish who will not take a bitter Pill to recover Health And it is ten thousand times more so in him who will not sorrow after a Godly sort 2 Cor. 7. 9. To prevent the damnation of Hell. That is afraid to shed a few Penitential Tears to avoid Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth To stand in awe of a little thing and run into a greater is as if we should run from the shaking of a leaf into a place of Dragons and Scorpions Men conceive more hardship in the ways of Godliness then really there is Strangers are affrightened at that which the
greater care against those which are not seen but revealed by that God who cannot lie to be muc● more terrible then what we now see and endure It would be endless to trace out all wicked Mens Actions for having run from the way everlasting they are gone into many By-paths and wand●ings but leaving these we may at last bring them a●● up to these two heads of Pride and Fear which might easily be altered into Hope of Eternal Life and Fear of the Wrath to come Then they would be converted and become Christians However at present they esteem the Actions of those foolish and rid●culous yet in this they condemn themselves for they act after the very same manner in reference to the things of this life as the others to that which is to come We are all Men still and though our Actions d●ffer as Heaven from Earth yet they all at first spring from the same common Principles Are the Men of this World willing to be happy So are we Are they afraid to be Miserable So are we But then they look only for the present time and we do the same taking in also that which is to come They mind the things of the Earth we think of them as much as they are worthy of and have our conversation in Heaven All their devices perish in the using their endeavours after Happiness lie in present enjoyments which cease and come to nothing whilst they are had their preventives of misery are only stupefactions to make them unmindful of that for a Moment of which they are to be sensible for evermore The time of Hardening and the day of Provocation passeth away and they haste to come into his power against whom they have behaved themselves Rebelliously and Contemptuously All their safety consists in their hands in the days of their flesh and that only because God is pleased not to interpose which he might if he would but ordinarily doth not till towards the Conclusion of their space of wickedness There is but poor protection in it we see the whole in this life a little Worldly prosperity and sensual Pleasure is all they must ever trust unto And this mixt with so many Fears Disquiets and Miseries that it is not worthy to be accounted of as also it flyeth so quick and will stand in no stead ●●e days past are the same as if they had not been at all the present slips between their fingers every minute some of the gratif●ings of the flesh are lost and the fewer remain behind Which will be catcht at and pass away in the same manner then cometh the end when they shall be bereaved of all when their merry life as they called it but did not find it so just like a sleep when one awaketh every now and then disturbedly but when they have slept out their sleep they have found nothing that will avail them in the only time of need We have looked upon the Fears of Men in the midst of life Of the Fear of Death We have seen how they behave themselves when they are lusty and strong We have heard their disdainful Talk and proud Boasting which in some measure hath been detected of Hypocrisie and Falshood What are their Thoughts and Provision against Death either when it is afar off or it approacheth nigh Now it is certain we do not nor before enter upon meer Words but reality for all the living know they must die and every one is sensibly frightened with the apprehension thereof Bildad stiles it the King of Terrors Job 18. 14. As such it possesses the minds of all Men at first this is not denyed And the other also would be no controversie unless contrary practise did make it doubtful Whether Wickedness or Obedience is the best preservation against the Fear and Danger of Death If it be made evident for the latter the same conclusion again follows that Religion tends necessarily to the Happiness and Safety of Mankind In Truth this point is most worthy of Observation and insisting upon for though we are so much taken up with present things we snatch at all Ease and Pleasure and decline every little pain or Vexation yet Worldly Happiness or Misery is not much to be valued seeing the best which happens here will never make one truly Happy nor the worst Miserable It so soon passeth away whatever delights or disquiets Nothing is so good here as to be truly desirable Nothing so bad but what can be endured There is little difference whether we have a Calm and Smooth Voyage or are tossed to and fro with Tempests but the only thing to be minded and care taken for is where we set a shore on the land of Eternity for here we have no continuing City Heb. 13. 14. One Generation cometh and another goeth Those that were before us are gone we living drop away now one and then another the people which shall ●e born they shall die in●ike manner This we know though we do not so much consider of as we should we are all concerned in it though too many are unmindful Wise and Foolish comprehend all Mankind so they may be distinguished and known by this one thing for nothing is so worthy of the concern and regard of a wise Man as death is It is prudence to keep off and provide against all evils and if the World calls those wise who are so busied about Toyes and Trifles about the attainment of every little good and avoiding of every little evil much more is he who doth the same as to the greater If every one is diligently employed how it fares with him now so doth an understanding Man look about what shall become of him after this vain short and uncertain life is ended In this great matter there are two designs in the World the one is to drive out the thoughts of Death as much as they can to be unmindful of their dying day that it is grown into a Proverb till it is upon them and so they go away when their time comes The second is of them who both pray and also put in practise So teach us to number our Days that we may apply our hearts to Wisdom Psal 90. 12. Which of the twain is most wise and happy in their way may be a little cleared The reason of the first manner of doing is because the thoughts of Death are Melancholy and Uncomfortable so they think they do well to be rid thereof Amidst their jovialties sometimes a word or accident puts them in mind they shall die which raises an inward damp I know there are many sayings and sentences concerning Death in a Ludicrous and Ignorant way But this talk doth likewise proceed from the same reason as one is of vai● Swearing by commonness of Speech to take off the dread bu● still they ●ea● it may be otherwise They have not so much courage as ●he Epicures of Old who would have a Skull or Sceleton brought up to their
that lived under the Old Testament which doth not so clearly manifest immortality as the Gospel doth Luke 16. 22 23. Luke 23. 43. Phil. 1. 21 23. Heb. 9. 27. Rev. 6. 9. Besides are innumerable places to prove Resurrection eternal Judgment and Life everlasting Things are fixed and not according to Mens Fancies one way or another those Decrees and Ordinances remain still the same in Heaven Of which we could know no more unless they had been ●old unto us by the Son of God who came down from Heaven and the Spirit from above then one now lying in the lowest Dungeon doth know of what is done in this World. And they do not vary change or alter with our several apprehensions of them whether of assurance or doubt no more then the Sun ceases from shining when only a Cloud comes between Let the sick Person use continual Ejaculations Lord increase my Faith And God will not leave him But he shall receive the end of his Faith the Salvation of his Soul. There cannot be too much Strength or Comfort laid up against this Day it should be the business of a Christians whole Life before for it is the entrance into an endless Life It is the fulfilling and Manifestation of whatever he hath heard Read or done in Truth pertaining to God and Religion And indeed it is worth while to do all things to go off safely He will have Peace in his Life and strong Consolation in his Death Let him observe all parts of Duty to God his Neighbour and himself throughout the Course of his Days Let him do what he can in Sincerity and Truth Whoso doth these things shall never be moved He that hath an Ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second Death Rev. 2. 11. Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good Work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ P●●l 1. 6. We may be certain of using the means of perseverance for God hath put them into our Power and as long as we rightly use those means we shall infallibly persevere So that in the mean while we may be assured and at last have true and cercertain hopes of Resurrection unto eternal Life And there cannot be such Fright and Amazement concerning that which is to make the everlasting Decision either when it is far off or near at hand If any one hath let him search and examine his Conscience impartially either he doth something which he ought not to do or he leaves something undone which he ought to do this makes him horribly afraid and must be amended before he can be freed from the Danger which the Fear gives warning of A true Christian can contentedly look for the blessed Hope even in the midst of Life he can find Comfort and sweet in the thoughts of Death as that which will free from the disturbances of Flesh and Blood the Molestations of an unthankful unbelieving ignorant World from the Miseries and Labours of Life and send him over unto eternal Rest and Rejoycing To come to the Enjoyment of our Lord Jesus Christ to be admitted into Fellowship with Abraham Isaac and Jacob Prophets Apostles Martyrs all the Good and Wise Men since the World began to be gathered unto his Fathers to see his Godly Friends and Acquaintance of the same Generation with himself just gone before all this must be a desirable thing The dead may be supposed to be about five hundred to one more then the living now are those whom thou leavest behind shall in a little time follow thee and the People which shall be born shall die in like manner and shortly God will accomplish his whole Elect. None hath advantage who goes before or after And seeing the River must be gone over it is small difference who hath a longer or shorter Passage so we avoid the Rocks and Dangers in the way The pious Soul will be in a Strait willing to stay and yet have a mind to go and there is some Irksomeness to leave the World as now it is to change the place where we have long dwelt Our Nature is something made up of Contraries willing and yet unwilling but if God doth really send as we know not his Pleasure until after the use of all prudent Remedies the Sickness proves unto Death Fear not to go for he calls thee Remember that Petition thou hast often made Thy Kingdom come and when it is wilt thou then shrink back One end of Sickness is to make us the more willing to leave the World. Whatever is sudden doth surprize for the time but then it is soon over whereas that which comes on by Degrees and expected is longer but then more easily born Good Men have been divided in Opinion about this thing those who have been for a sudden departure have rightly thought the only Preparation is by an holy Life for the Gospel speaks of no other It Commands to Watch to have our Loyns girt and our Lamps burning and this is to be done in the midst of Health Life and Vigour There is much Talk in the World about providing for ones latter End but unless to settle temporal Affairs from the example of Hezekiah there is not so much said thereof throughout the whole Word of God. It is the beginning of Error and Deceit when People depart from that It is Non sense and Contradiction to the saying of our Saviour John. 9. 4. to put off the working while it is day till the night cometh when no Man can Work. Who purposely put off the working out their Salvation till that time had best have a great Care what they do for besides the hazard of being taken away by sudden Death yet if they should have considerable time of Sickness or Old decrepit Age they have no such Warrant of being accepted Hear what God saith Mal. 1. 8. of offering the Blind the Lame the Sick for Sacrifice But if some are against Death by the ordinary way of Sickness because that is tiresome and may be an occasion of murmuring Distrust Unbelief blasphemous Speeches which proceed from violent Distempers yet we should not refuse to suffer whatever God thinks fit to lay upon us He knows our Condition and will not enter into Judgment for the meer Sin of the Disease no more then he imputes the Follies of Childhood We are to receive for the things done in the Body 2 Cor. 5. 10. to be judged according to the general Tenour and Bent of our Life Neither will our most merciful God take advantage of any infirmity or slip at the last He will not suffer us for any Pains of Death to fall from him The Church prays so for more abundant security and also to deliver from sudden Death O Lord thou knowest what is best for every one of us Thy Will be done Whether this first coming of the Son of Man finds in the
pitiful Sneak not knowing the Object of his Worship and Adoration Notwithstanding those High but silly Imaginations 2 Cor. 10. 5. of Men yet themselves judge that the more an ordinary subject is in favour with his Prince and hath access unto him though in never so submissive a manner it is more for his honour And then as much as God is greater then Man so must it be more dignity to be allowed approaching unto him If we consider it throughly Should not his Excellency make us afraid There is awe and horrour to address immediately to so Glorious a God and therefore it is necessary to have express invitation from him first as Blessed be his Glorious Name for ever we have De●t 4. 19. Psal 50. 15. J●r 29. 13. and throughout his whole Book But more especially in these last days by Christ Jesus our Lord in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him Eph. 3. 11 12. We are required to ask in his Name John 15. 16 16. 23. Who also through his transcendent greatness expressed Phil. 2. 6. Heb. 1. 3. might keep us off yet he humbleth himself to take upon him our flesh to become as one of us and more familiar to our Nature Such a Mediator and intercessour was expedient for us who by his relation to God might prevail with him and seeing he was pleased to become as one of our Brethren we may the more presume to address unto and through him Seeing then that we have a great high Priest that is passed into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God a double exhortation follows let us hold fast our profession Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of Grace that we may obtain Mercy and find grace to help in time of need Heb. 4. 16. For what Nation is there so great who hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for Deut. 4. 7. Is he a God sometimes near and sometimes afar off Or can we with our Prayers bring him down from above No God abideth still the same and equally near he continually ●ills Heaven and Earth with his presence but the Word and Prayer makes the Sence of him near upon our Minds The Lord is nigh unto all that call upon him to all that call upon him in Truth He will fulfill the des●●e of them that fear him Psal 145. 18 19. Which is the greatest and most inestimable priviledge that ever did or can belong to the Sons of Men It raises a dread and love for the Divine Majesty It astonishes with his infinite condescention to admit thereof To fall low on our knees before his Foot-stool is an higher advancement then to converse with Angels or talk familiarly with the greatest Monarch on Earth And so it would more appear if God did keep us at a distance as our Superiours according to the flesh do through imperfection for if they should make their company common it would have Contempt instead of Estimation but the more one knows of God it raises more admiration and delight How strange is it that Men who believe God is who is so Great and Glorious as his visible Works do manifest and may be more understood by his invisible things yet should think any thing low or mean which hath relation to him or his Worship God standeth in the Congregation of the Mighty he judgeth among Gods Psal 82. 1. Yet many do refuse to bend the knee when Prayers are offered unto him when if the same Persons were to deliver a Petition unto the Kings of the Earth would kneel before them Such are Proud and Ignorant who perform Worship with carelessness or irreverent gesture But what is to be said of the natural ungodly Man who slights that relation which God doth vouchsafe to continue this way towards us Since thou wast precious in my sight thou hast been honourable and I have loved thee Isa 43. 4. And so it will illustriously appear when we who know him by Faith shall after this life come to have the fruition of his glorious God head Should we be ●eparated from any affinity to him had we nothing divine within us or when we are in honour will deface his Image and provoke him to disown us wi●h I never knew you Mat. 7. 23. We should be but pitiful forelorn Creatures at present as those will be who work iniquity and transgress against him They shall go forth and look upon the Cark●ses of the Men that have transgressed against me and they shall be an abhorring unto all Flesh Isa 66. 24. Observe the slighting kind of phrase the Holy Ghost makes use of that such little despicable and vile Beings should behave themselves contemptuous and stubborn against a Most Excellent and Glorious Majesty If he who will at last reveal himself were not now out of our si●ht there could be no tryal of this whether Men would do so or not as at present there is and therefore they do it Had we not a spiritual and immortal Soul which hath a near similitude of the Divine Nature how mean and frail should we be To be just enlivened with naked and vile bodies subject to all the miseries of Nature liable for a prey to the stronger Beasts and every Creature might insult over us which also they would if they had the same corrupt Seeds of Evil for we should be more destitute then they having no reason to arm and secure our selves And then we could not so much as get the dominion over them much less lift up our selves against the Great Creator of all things Now mark the strange degeneracy of Humane Nature let the whole World stand amazed at it Hear O Heavens and give ear O Earth For the Lord hath spoken I have nourished and brought up Children and they have rebelled against me The Ox knoweth his owner and the Ass his Masters Crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider Isa 1. 2 3. That power which was given to know and glorifie him is turned to contemn and dishonour him We are but meer Creatures the very work of his hands all our good and excellency we receive from him What least part of us did we make our selves Shall the Ax boast himself against him that ●eweth therewith Or shall the Saw magnifie it self against him that shaketh it as if the Rod should shake it self against them that list it up or as if the staff should lift up it self as if it were no wood Isa 10. 15. There is a vain perswasion in Man that he is his own that he is independent exalted and beholden to nothing though in his body are all things to humble and contradict this Opinion Infancy Childhood continued Weakness Mortality Yet he still bears in mind what the Serpent told his Fore-fathers Ye shall be as Gods Gen. 3. 5. In a worse sence of self-existing What lofty thoughts are in this poor
Creature A certain token there is something more in him then that receptacle of Flesh we see and whence came that But by creation from God. And should that just now come forth into Being start up and disown its maker Which hath received a capacity to imagine high things should that presently do so against him from whom it was derived But wilt thou know O vain Man unless he had made thee in this exalted State thou couldst not if thou wouldst never so fain thus magnifie thy self against him Because he made thee to serve him and gave thee power to do it freely what an horrible thing is it that any should instantly turn and refuse subjection unto him I know the heart of the Reader will rise at this Who ever arrives to such strange kind of Wickedness and most base ingratitude In plain terms all those do who make no Prayer unto God for they shew no submission unto and dependance on him Have the Workers of Iniquity no knowledge Who eat up my people as they eat bread they have not called upon God Psal 53. 4. A ●it preceeding Isa 64 78. Question for the other is consequent to it and then this ignorance the not calling on him is refusing Obedience unto him or a secret disowning of their dependance on him for all High and Low People as well as Priest are strictly commanded in sundry places of Scripture to do both It signifies little to say with the Mouth according to the common form if one thinks otherwise in the heart God knows that or if he doth really Judge God is to be obeyed and Worshipped it is to be shewed forth by outward Action As in the publick Assemblies * Jer. 10. 25. family-Worship which is rather to be done though it be taken notice of and perhaps laughed at by our ungodly Neighbours for then we do it not to get praise but out of a sence of Duty Sayings and the custom of others are not so much to be regarded but every one in his House ought to shew forth a visible subjection unto God before the World. By Prayer we acknowledge Gods Authority over us we confess our selves Servants Subjects and Children that live upon his good Providence and that all things come from him We believe on him whom we have not seen We give credit to his gracious promises and stand in aw of his threatnings and thereupon most of our Petitions are founded We are in our proper Office when we lift up our Soul and our Desire is unto him God is most pleased in actual Obedience working of Righteousness and bringing forth fruits of Well-doing yet by Prayer there is a tendency and inclination in the Soul to them there is a begging help and willing mind to do according to the power given us there is an asking forgiveness for what we have done amiss and to perform better Obedience for the time to come What can God require more of his poor imperfect Creatures then to do according to their Ability and to help out their infirmities by humbly craving a Pardon for them and sincere desires that they were better He is Faithful and Good knowing our frailty and condition We have an High Priest that is touched with the feeling of our Infirmities he hath purchased a Salvation and Reward if we do according to them his Righteousness and perfect Obedience supply our defects Hear what he saith and how he affirmeth it Verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he will give 〈◊〉 you John 16. 23. Now the desirable thing is Heaven and Happiness but there is no leaping into it without going in the way for this is Gods immutable decree and nothing can be granted contrary to that which is by Obedience and Holiness the contrary is sin And therefore we are to beg forgiveness of that and to ask for the Holy Spirit by which we may be enabled to live according to the Will of God in all things Provided when that prompts to do such a thing we be sure to comply with it and so when we have dictates to leave another thing undone for God will not be so put off that when he inclines towards the doing of his Will and we do it not but only pray that we may do it If thy Servant should come from time to time for aid and assistance to do such a thing for thee and thou grantest him his request yet he never doth that which he pretends he would if he had such help wouldst thou not say he did mock and slight thee The beginning of a thing is a desire towards it when that is then if there is power it will be certainly done So that if there is an unfeigned desire to keep Gods Commandments this will seek out for strength and ability to do so Ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you Mat. 7. 7. The command and promise is not given only to Disciples or chosen Ones for every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened vers 8. Here Man will fly back again and say he cannot ask But yet he can ask Bread Fish or any good thing of another and why then will he not ask good things of our Father which is in Heaven Hath he a real desire to be saved Why there is a willingness in all Men to this Blessed end But here is the difference between the Fool and Wise Man the first would have it without the means the latter knows it is impossible and therefore must have both or neither Indeed there is an a●kwardness against the way to Heaven a rumour of the Sons of Anak some strange difficulty next to impossibility The Man is frightened and gives back and therefore it is necessary for him to have a true report abstracted from the lies and false Imaginations to have all the encouragement that can be given to be urged with the absolute necessity and that it is an exceeding Good land all that Men can possibly do is little enough to get possession there They do already submit to more hardship in getting those things which are not the ten thousandth part so valuable such like perswasions by degrees change the mans mind for he did not hear or not know of as much before this conquers natural aversation and puts him upon a firm advised resolution and the next thing is to get ability to go through with it In the work of Mans Salvation the Word and Preaching are before Prayer for how shall they pray for what they have not known or for what they have not heard And therefore it would be a good Method in the Education of Children to instruct them with some principles according as their tender Years will bear before they are taught to say Prayers by Rote or to make them somewhat understand what they say In those of riper
that Sacrifices and him that Sacrificeth not Even he doth sometimes try and if he finds no present Good of it he leaves off and is confirmed more in ungodliness The steps of the good Man do also well nigh slip He hath Temptations to desist and some little questioning within whether th●se things are so for he sees no difference in outward things between him who goeth into the Sanctuary and who doth not A wise Providence ordereth all things in Heaven and Earth yet they go on in th● wonted manner Thou that hearest Prayer seemest as if thou heardest it not A thousand kind of thoughts may arise in our minds Whereas it is our infirmity and ignorance of the ways of God It is our Sin and Provocation that makes him so far from us and from hearing the Voice of our Supplication and moves him to have no more to do with us unless his Goodness Condescention and Truth and also some chosen People did preserve his Protection and Care over the Inhabitants of the Earth So foolish was I and ignorant I was as a Beast before thee Psal 73. 22. I did no more understand of the ways of God towards the Children of Men then those dumb Creatures do apprehend his doings Besides original Blindness Sin casts a Cloud over the understanding deprives of the knowledge of the things of God that seeing they may see and yet not perceive and hearing they may hear and not understand have a general understanding but not attain to the Divine Sense of things For what Man knoweth the things of Man save the Spirit of Man which is in him Even so the things of God knoweth no Man but the Spirit of God 1 Cor. 2. 11. Even this which hath been the occasion of so much unbelief and falling away may be clearly understood out of the Scriptures his revealed Will. Seek ye out of the Book of the Lord and read Isa 34. 16. If Men did according to Duty in their doubts Difficulties and Temptations resort to that this would satisfie but the cunning of Satan keeps them off and they would apprehend the things of God any other way then his Book by which only they are to be known The Foundation of all Religion is Faith The just shall live by his Faith Hab. 2. 4. Whatever he sees and observes abroad he resolves all upon this Principle and sticks firm to that This is the first thing insisted upon and required It is observable though God hath done all things to beget a more full assurance of Faith yet there is nothing so very evident as takes off from all manner of doubt for this would exclude and destroy Faith which is the first Decree and Ordinance of God. And therefore he hides himself Job 23. 8 9. and his doings so far as to exercise that Notwithstanding all the Arguments and Demonstrations that are pretended we must at length resolve it upon that of the Apostle Through Faith we understand that the Worlds were framed by the word of God Heb. 11. 3. We know that God is by natural Reason and perfect Demonstration but for things done heretofore and things to come there we believe him true who hath said and promised which is the Office of Faith. Let no Man lay any other Foundation or seek to undermine this which God hath laid for this standeth sure being much more evident and credible to the Hearts of Men then all those intricate Discourses are to those which understand them but insignificant to the People and Difficulties still arise to the learned Reason is very serviceable in its due place of Subordination but it rather confounds when it sets up equal and would seek to overthrow Faith for this first begins all Discourse and inference as to things Divine for we must believe some to be fixed before we can reason from one thing to another When all is done there must be Faith. To maintain and keep this up all Gods doings may be observed to be wisely ordered His letting of things go on in a natural and orderly way may exercise the belief of a Providence for some may be tempted to ascribe them unto Time and Chance That many more of his things are invisible some may thence incline to doubt of and deny them But Faith receives them as revealed And Reason will come into assistance that it may not be thought incridible for it is evident there are some things which are not seen as a Sound or Smell yet these are perceived by the Ear and Nose And so we have as great a certainty of them as the things we see God is invisible and so are the things of this Kingdom yet they are as evident to our own Souls as Carnal things are to Bodily Senses But still we cannot remove all Difficulty We must at last resort and cleave unto this I believe in God and the Revelation he hath made of himself in Scripture Men would fain climb up to certain Evidence then they would serve God and be such as he would have them But thank you for nothing this is purely Selfish and Mercenary Those who will not do it by the way God hath prescribed of Faith and waiting for him may let it alone he cares not for their Services It is so established that Men may believe and yet room may be left for infidelity that all may use the means to come unto Faith and yet some by too curious and wrong inquiry others by Carelessness and neglect may be still unbelievers And therefore Scripture seems to have Penned Mysterious and perplex in many Places that the Tryal of our Faith might be had even as to that how every Title is true and ●hall be fulfilled though some things may appear next to impossible contrary and false by daily Experience Have Faith in God for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say to this Mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the Sea and shall not doubt in his Heart but shall believe that those things he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith Therefore I say unto you what things soever ye desire when ye pray believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them Mark 11. 22 23 24. yet himself who said this did certainly desire with Earnestness If it be possible let this Cup pass from me But himself practised what before he taught us Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt Mat. 20. 39. So we may at this present time pray for something against or not consistent with the Will of God and therefore it is not granted We know the Will of God by what he hath revealed In these last days under the Dispensation of his Son there is little said of temporal things And therefore we have no Promise of Gift or deliverance as to the outward Good or Evil of this present time Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss that
of the World. Thy Will he done in Earth as it is in Heaven he left for a standing Petition who likewise told us Joy shall be in Heaven over one Sinner that repenteth Luke 15. 7. When a single Person among such a Rebellious and froward Generation as the Inhabitants of the Earth are do begin to do it The whole Happiness of the World and things therein is to obey the Law of their great Creator Every thing in Relation to him is delightful When we beg good things of him we are assured he giveth liberally and upbraideth not Praye● conduces to our present Establishment and Security it begins and helps towards the true Perfect and never ending Happiness For Mercies received the just Consequent is to return thanks Of Praise Now of God are all things From whom every good and perfect Gift proceedeth Jam. 1. 17. there arises up towards him the Duty of Praise and Thanksgiving We at first judge it a most reasonable thing to give the Lord the Honour due unto his Name and our selves have a strong resentment of Benefits But then Corruption begins to work and turn the Stream of our Gratitude unto subordinate and lesser Objects We are very thankful to the Instrument or next hand that doth convey unto us but unmindful of the Author and Fountain from whence they all spring Those Blessings that are become constant and common which should most set forth the bounty of the great Benefactor we wrongfully esteem our due and desert and then whatsoever is more this is looked upon as an Addition to what was our own and is taken kindly Whereas in this we might have seen his Providence that either furthered or could have hindred this good thing from us And at last if we provoke him by unthankfulness he can turn it into a Curse instead of a Blessing When thou hast eaten and art full then shalt thou bless the Lord thy God for the good Land which he hath given thee Deut. 8 10. He first created the Earth with Vertue to bring forth Fruits and hath given unto Men that power and understanding to Till it accordingly Who gave them Life and Being to receive these things and hath allotted to them severally as he will. Yet these being visible and nearest are too often by ignorant unbelievers more thanked then the Author of all things The Conduit which of it self is dry is more had in Admiration then the Fountain which sends forth the Water God expresses himself severely against Idolatry How many Cautions are there least we Worship the Sun Moon and Stars which are useful to mankind but he made them so He is a jealous God and would not that they should draw off the least Glory from their Creator Much less should earthe● Vessels come in for sharers of his Glory Especially when his only begotten Son disclaims it John 8. 50. and so do holy Men 1 Thes 2. 6. 1 Pet. 4. 11. Mark 5. 19. Acts 3. 12. Acts 12. 23. Acts 14. 15. Even of temporal and outward Mercies we have an immediate ascribing them unto Almighty God the Patriarch Jacob presently ascends above all second Causes The God which fed me all my Life long unto this day Gen. 48. 15. He doth not say his Estate or fruitful Seasons the Good-will of such Friends Money Food but he refers them all higher In the New Testament he is stiled the Father of Mercies and God of all Comfort 2 Cor. 1. 3. He gives Gifts unto his Children whether immediately as spiritual Blessings which are not in the power of any to give or take away And therefore to him in a more peculiar manner belongs all the Glory But for the temporal good things he sends by the hands of another we are to give our most humble and hearty thanks to the Great Master but in no wise to thank the Servant more then the Master nor to exclude the Sense and acknowledgment of the Great Lord over all O that Men would praise the Lord for his Goodness and for his wonderful Works to the Children of Men which is thrice repeated Psal 107. To speak forth his Goodness is that which God delights Isa 12. 4 5. in This Duty is expressed in a publick and outward manner Make known his Deeds among the People talk ye of all his wondrous Works Psal 105. 1 2. My tongue praiseth thee with joyful Lips Psal 63. 5. Make the Voice of his praise to be heard Psal 66. 8. Examples of this are Luke 1. 64. Luke 17. 15. Rev. 5. 12. The Holy Ghost by this signifying that we should speak out when we praise God and not do it inwardly in a whispering manner or in a Corner as if we were ashamed of what we did It is not said thus concerning Prayer for there the inward reserved way is rather commended Mat. 6. 1 Sam. 1. 13. But the great things God hath done for us they should be shewed forth amongst Men. There is no mention in Scripture of giving thanks only in secret but in the Assembly of the upright and in the Congregation Psal 111. 1. And also among others that they may be brought over to partake of the Goodness of the Lord. Nothing but Praise breaths forth through every Verse of the Book of Psalms or something which may be matter and occasion thereof It is inculcated throughout the Old and New Testament This People have I formed for my self they shall shew forth my praise Isa 43. 21. The Earth hath he given to the Children of Men Grass and Herbs are for Beasts and both for our use And what were we made for but to Confess openly the Glory and Greatness of our Creator to see and consider this vast Fabrick of the World to admire and magnifie that God who made it But ye are a peculiar People that you should shew forth the Praises of him who hath called you out of Darkness into his marvellous Light 1 Pet. 2. 9. Here is yet more matter of Praise and also to encourage free Obedience for to live only for a short time would not be altogether so much though God oweth nothing to his Creatures and as he brought them out of nothing so he could turn them to nothing again But he hath given most full assurance that we shall have and see greater things then these The Bread of God is he which cometh down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the World John 6. 33. That Revelation to mankind by Christ Jesus all those unspeakable Mercies contained in him The means of Grace and hope of Glory do justly require such abundant Exaltation of our God that our Soul and all within us cannot worthily Praise him ' This would take up all our Life-time here as it will the whole length of Eternity As for Preaching Prayer and the Sacrament they shall cease when we shall perfectly know and be obedient unto him when we shall have the full Accomplishment of our desires When we shall see him Face to
meer outward and feigned submission If all things were done only according to direction in Scripture if there was sound Preaching which maketh not ashamed we should see other effects of it even in this degeneracy and corruption of Times Notwithstanding the conceit of Humane * Isa 29. 14. Wisdom in opposition to the Divine yet those ways which are only of Gods ordaining are much better for carrying on his Work and Glory then the pretended helps Man fancies of his own invention Those who are concerned herewith may know what they have to do and remember that Judgment Seat of Christ they must appear before they are going out of the World as their predecessors already are O that Religion which hath been so long declining might flourish once again Ye that make mention of the Lord keep not silence and give him no rest till he establish and till he make Jerusalem a Praise in the Earth Isa 62. 6 7. That the Church Militant on Earth might be more Pure Universal Bright and excellent towards the consummation thereof for now it comes near to be Triumphant in Heaven We have the Grace and Word of God which are sufficient to accomplish it and it is left to us whether we will do thereafter as we might if we would Every one may sincerely strive for his part and to the utmost and then the whole will be done As it may by reducing the Ordinances of God to their right use purging out the Old leaven and taking away that corruption which hath been so long in them In our good undertakings God shall bless us and all the ends of the Earth shall sear him Psal 67. 7. By the help given and that is further offered us by the way shewed we might do great things if we would shake off unwillingness and Sloth Then labour and be diligent and the Blessed Work would begin Things may be brought to such a pass that all shall know the Lord from the least of them unto the greatest of them Jer. 31. 34. Heb. 8. 11. They may come to discern what is pleasing unto him and do thereafter that it may be well with them and their Children for ever Cry aloud spare not lift up thy Voice like a Trumpet and shew my people their Transgression and the House of Jacob their Sins Yet they seek me daily and delight to know my Ways as a Nation that did Righteousness and forsook not the Ordinance of their God they ask of me the Ordinances of Justice they take delight in approaching to God Isa 58. 1 2. Even at this time they go by Multitudes unto the House of God and are constant to hear his Will they are inquisitive after it and make a shew to observe it and as if they had not departed from that established order of things he hath set up There is as much Profession and Devotion in the World as ever But if it is out of a right Principle of glorifying God then they will hearken to any thing which tends to that Nay if it be out of meer selfish saving the Soul and are endued with real Wisdom and they would not be willingly amongst those many who will seek to enter in at the straight Gate and shall not be able Luke 13. 24. Then I say themselves would be gladly informed if there may be any mistake or deceit in this matter in those times of general back●sliding and revolt from God he speaks of by his Servants the Prophets there was as much of his visible and outward Worship as in these days They did cry out The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord Jer. 7. 4. and did frequent it as now people are zealous to go to Church or such a Congregation But that stubbornness and disobedience in the heart their sinning which they would excuse and make atonement for by this way did justly make God angry and to abominate their Hypocrisie When the outward duties as it is with some do make up the whole of their Religion Who know not or do not practice any thing more then going to Church hearing Sermons using Prayer receiving the Sacrament all this is but vain and will signifie nothing for these are means of Grace and in order to something more Now it would be strange though common with many to be hearers of the VVord and not doers of it deceiving their own selves Jam. 1. 22. So is Praying to comply with Gods Will and yet not endeavouring to do so or to Remember the Covenant in Baptism and yet not observe it or only with slight purposes and resolution at that present time when the words thereof are to Obediently keep Gods Holy VVill and Commandments and walk in the same all the days of our Life It is mocking and dissimulation with God if they do not sincerely labour after what they seem unto him with their lips and outward gesture to desire Indeed the Ordinances are part of the Commandments of God we use them out of Obedience and Homage unto him He commands to hear his Will to call on Him and to receive his Sacraments but then there is a further reason of all to make ready a People prepared for the Lord. It can hardly be expressed how averse our Nature is God and the things of his Kingdom how hard it is to cleave unto him as he requires and how easie it is to fall away and start aside Only take heed to thy self and keep thy Soul diligently lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen Take heed unto your selves lest ye forget the Covenant of the Lord your God Deut. 4. 9. 23. The outward duties put in mind of this and are to be retained all the days of our life for whilst we are here in the body Temptations from without and Corruption from within would betray us into sin and forgetfulness unless prevented by that Grace which is conveyed through these means Our goodness would be as the morning Dew or as an early Cloud so soon passeth it away we should soon become Barren and Unfruitful unless God was pleased to instil more daily through his Word and Ordinances My Doctrine shall drop as the Rain My Speech shall distill as the Dew as the small Rain upon the tender Herb and as the Showers upon the Grass Deut. 32. 2. Otherwise the manifold Sollicitations and Objects of this World would be apt to scorch and make us fade even in our good Ways but that received in renders the Vineyard meet for our God. If his Word falls upon the dust of the VVilderness or Stony and dry places it may seem lost and ineffectual not for want of Worth and Excellency in it self for it is the same Rain there but the incapacity is in the subject which doth not profit because it is not mixed with Faith in them that hear it or they suffer it to run off again as useless Water But if it takes Root there succeed those accomplishments of the inward Man
and there spring up the Fruits of the Spirit That the Soul may be renewed according to its first Creation from whence it was fallen But now it is to be restored to the likeness of God and become partaker of the Divine Nature The old corruption may be in a great measure taken away or subdued the seeds of good may be cherished and grow up into acts and habits of doing well Were Men assured the things of God were for their Happiness they would be for them they are indeed called the things that belong to our Peace but that is hereafter they make a promise of safety when no danger is seen but now they seem to trouble and disquiet Much hath been said already as to every part of this surmise And what if the carnal Man should be gratified yet further and it could be made probable unto him yea clearly evidenced if he would try what is here affirmed that they are for our present good also Let him ask those who have had experience of the Way of the Lord who have trodden the Path of Peace If they be thought partial Judges in their own Case let him enquire from himself or others of the way of Sin and Wickedness He can find nothing from those who have been throughly practised therein but outward Smiles for they can give no true Commendation but Silence sad Wishes Hypocritical Looks do betray their inward dislike and sorrow of heart The open Testimony and Acknowledgment of the first concerning the excellency of his the others feigned Laughter deep Silence or vain drol-Drollery would weigh somewhat with a Wise Man concerning the Goodness of the one and Suspicion of the other They have various and different Effects in the Persons of Men but if moreover he would diligently examine the Nature and Reason of things and find them accordingly If they are both the same in Speculation and also in Practise for these go together in things Divine when they are rightly understood and univerversally complyed withal What can be more desired for the full Satisfaction of a prudent and considering Man If he sees others already at Peace who have went the same way and also can be justified from the very thing And further might be seen felt and understood within himself if he would make a through experience and continue it for some time What is for our Good Peace and Benefit hath a shew at first of Evil disturbance and inconvenience this frightens the Foolish Nature of Man who doth not perceive what is hidden under the different disguises of things The meer outside and covering is the least but thought should be had to what is substantial and within In short Good is Happiness and Sin is Misery the more a Man hath of the one and less of the other so he hath the blessed Effects and is freed from Vexation Whosoever is born of God doth not commit Sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot Sin because he is born of God 1 John 3. 9. And then he hath not disturbance nor Restlessness of mind neither is he in danger of the Punishment to come In Truth we do many times disquiet our selves in vain being vexed for and desiring we know not what But this proceeds from the evil of Ignorance a want of understanding the Nature of things which would take away all this Misery A right understanding puts upon diligence and endeavour to provide our selves so as to keep off the Evil and obtain the Good set before us And we are not perplexed with those common things which either do not at all or not much concern us What Solomon saith In much Wisdom is much Grief and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth Sorrow Eccles 1. 8. That is When it is only confined to the things before us and of this Life for then it quickens the Resentment of Miseries here and finds out no Remedy But if extended further as the Excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord doth there it mitigates the Vanity and Vexation of the present by hope of better things hereafter satisfies of our imperfect State in order to being made Perfect and prompts to the doing of all things to make that sure unto our selves A little smattering of knowledge makes more miserable but if throughly improved and stretched out to its due pitch of Gospel Revelation the succeeding Eternity and as it enters within the Vail there it is a necessary help and if throughly complyed withal it will secure us of the blessed End. The first Man is of the Earth Earthly the second Man is the Lord from Heaven As is the Earthly such are they also that are Earthy and as is the Heavenly such are they also that are Heavenly 1 Cor. 15. 47 48. As Man was made in the image of God which was chiefly in Holiness and good upon his Soul from which he by Transgression fell So when he is born again he is transformed into the Likeness of his Creator Whilst on Earth he ascends as it were into Heaven the place of perfect Felicity as this is an intermixture and imperfection of both that below is of deplorable and absolute Misery The utmost Happiness which only arises from the things here makes the Soul cleave unto the Ground and at last sinks into the lowest Hell but the true as it came down ascends again Like Stocks planted by our Heavenly Father which are grafted and shoot forth into Trees of Immortality What is begun here God is pleased to add that it may grow till it reaches above the Clouds and is perfected in the Regions of Bliss The one is Earthly Sensual and Devillish expressed in its three Degrees of sinking till it comes to the lowest But the VVisdom that is from above is first pure then Peaceable Gentle and easie to be intreated full of Mercy and good Fruits without Partiality and without Hypocrisie And the Fruit of Righteousness is sown in Peace of them that make Peace Jam. 3. 15 17 18. In the time of imperfection here we begin to lay a Foundation which will be builded on and made consummate in the Heavens Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect Mat. 5. 48. As he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of Conversation 1 Pet. 1. 15. And every Man that hath his hope in him purifieth himself as he is pure 1 John 3. 3. We are sincerely according to the Grace and Power given us to imitate him in all his Communicable Attributes and Excellencies All our Happiness should tend upwards or otherwise it is a vain shew and deceit for assuredly as we hope that we might be Partakers of his Holiness so we must expect to be Happy as he is Happy It was an excellent Act of the Old Heathens to the shame of Christians who seek for boasting in taking upon them the Name of Philosophers that is Lovers of Wisdom for they said truly none but
Prodigality or some other Sin but not by keeping close to Duty And though he may receive some little injuries yet he lives contentedly at present applying the Promise and patiently expects the Reward for doing the Will of God. He need not return Evil for Evil or more injuriously make honest People pay for the harm Knaves have done unto him These are for the most part trivial Instances and our Obedience is to be proved as to them God hath ordained that Man should Labour and he will prosper that to which he intends it Mine Elect shall long enjoy the work of their Hands They shall not labour in Vain nor bring forth for Trouble Isa 65. 23. His word doth as it were stand engaged that such who live according to his Will should be mantained To supply real Wants not unnecessary Lusts And it may be observed of the greater part of mankind who have no certain Dependance nor Estate but the casual income of their Trade or Emploiment from day to day yet still they are provided for some one way or another So there is no need of repining at the great Landlord whose is the Earth and the fulness thereof for not giving an Estate Why he hath given enough for all the Fruits and Cattel Blessed be his goodness are abundantly sufficient to maintain all its Inhabitants But he hath set Limits Bounds and Land-marks that every one might know what was his own And then some by Industry obtained what others through Negligence and Idleness parted withal the World going on in the usual way as it doth now This diversity is suffered by the divine Wisdom for tryal of that particular Vertue now insisted on and of others All cannot have Estates not such as they desire Every one ought to be contented with that condition he is in if he will work with his Hands there is no fear of want Never any is driven so hard as to be forced by necessity to Sin if he will use all lawful means first Then Honesty is so far from being poor and laughed at that those who observe it are generally thriving and have good Reputation but if mean yet attended with that satisfaction of mind which others have not in their abundance If at any time ridiculed it is by knavish Men who seek this way to extenuate their own Guilt for his well-doing brings their Sin to remembrance And truly this is the cause of that Reproach Slander and Contempt cast upon the ways and People of God not that they in any wise deserve it but all good esteem and honour But those who do not live accordingly are privately convicted they are in a fault and therefore seek to discountenance that which they should have done An odd way not to be contented only to offend God by an Omission or Disobedience but to Sin yet more by fastening contempt on his wise Sanctions and to hinder others also Mark the Perfect Man and behold the Vpright for the end of that Man is Peace Psal 37. 37. which is more valuable then all the fine Houses or Estates in the World. Seeing it is the enterance upon an Immortal Life it is more then enjoying the greatest Revenue for an Hundred Years But further he hath Peace throughout his Life Herein exercising himself to have a Conscience void of Offence towards God and towards Man he is in favour with both and freed from that Trouble and Vexation which doth always arise when the Duty to our great Creator is neglected or those just Offices between Man and Man. The Lord is Righteous in all his Ways His infinite sovereignty over Creatures is attempered with an excellent goodness His great Power himself hath been pleased to limit by a gracious Word and many other things if we could clearly understand as we shall do manifest him to be exceeding good and Ioving to us Men so we are to do one to another Little Children let no Man deceive you He that doth Righteousness is Righteous even as he is Righteous In this the Children of God are manifest and the Children of the Devil Whosoever doth not Righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his Brother 1 John 3. 7 10. That no Man go beyond and defraud his Brother in any matter for the Lord is the Avenger of all such 1 Thes 4. 6. Though we do not see him yet he seeth us Though we may think him to be in Heaven at a distance he is there and yet not far from every one of us He stands by and beholds all the doings of the Sons of Men and considereth all their ways He doth see if any one will do justly and live according to the Laws he hath given they may be broken secretly but it is known unto him The hidden things of Dishonesty may a little while remain undiscerned to our sight but not before him who in his appointed time will reveal them openly before the World. All things are now disposed of for this Life of Tryal and Temptation He who is Vnjust may be Vnjust and he that is Righteous may be Righteous still The Threatning and Reward are annexed accordingly With us that are living and for a short time in the way the thing is in suspence And the Work of Righteousness shall be Peace and the effect of Righteousness Quietness and Assurance for ever Isa 32. 17. CHAP. XV. Of TEMPERANCE In Meat Drink Apparel Recreation Of the passing away of TIME THis puts in mind of our imperfect and wanting Condition that stands in need of so many things from without The God who made us put us in Flesh and in this place who hath ordained such things to nourish and sustain us for a while He could also have kept us in Being and Continuance without them All things are equally possible to an Almighty Power He both frames the means and the end he is free and unlimited to the use of them or can perform whatever he pleases with such means or without any at all Who fed the five Thousand with five Loaves could have caused that they should not have Hungred at all as he did not during the Forty days and Forty nights for He was afterwards an Hungred Mat. 4. 2. Man doth not live by Bread only but by every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of the Lord doth Man live Deut. 8. 3. We are not to be perfect before our time Even now by the Divine goodness and appointment we are in good Accomodation by the help of those outward things as indeed can be well required for Creatures and the state of Imperfection all this is only for a while in expectation of and in order unto greater things Meats for the Belly and the Belly for Meats but God shall destroy both it and them 1 Cor. 6. 13. Our Feet and Eyes supply that to us as if we were wholly made up of motion and sight they are sufficient for the business we have to do Food and Raiment through Gods
of God as others do for their Prince If they would suffer a short dulness of Spirit as they go on through Fears and Cares for their earthly Sovereign then the blessed Work would begin continuing in Obedience and Godliness And Courage would carry them through all the Stages of the Christian Li●e It is as well employed this way as to get Honour a great Name and advance his Fortune It is as valuable a thing For the Righteous to be had in Everlasting Remembrance as to be slain in the Field knocked down under the Walls of a City buried in the Rubbish affording talk thereof for two or three days and so be utterly forgotten The Inheritance incorruptible undefiled God hath promised that Honour which shall be to those that Honour him do remain when all their Riches and Renown are expired and gone If it is not so let them accuse us as False Witnesses who from Gods Word and Spirit have testified of these things If they have fought the good Fight and the Crown is not given them let Me be found one of the Imposers upon the World let them suspend their Censures and Frowns until then and I cheerfully submit to the great Event of all things Certain it is the Courage according to the World comes to nothing with all the Castles Built in the Air the phantastick Projects those devices of Mans Invention the Rumors Stirs and Commotion of Wars that Domineering being Great and Terrible all these are Bubbles of a little longer continuance which break and dissolve into nothing Fenced Cities turn into ruinous Heaps and these in process of time are so changed that they are not discernable from common Earth but by a small Hillock or Rising we know not what it means Those goodly Armies that once looked big and blustering so stately and of large extent yet after the day of Slaughter they are thrown into a common pit and all their Carkases will not amount to so much as an ordinary pile of Faggots Their Name and Memorial is perished with them As natural brute Beasts made to be taken and destroyed 2 Pet. 2. 12. Or rather worse in that they go about sowing Death till they fall themselves a paralel of which cannot be found in whatever lives upon the Earth besides Who can refrain to burst forth into Tears for the Folly and Misery of Mankind that foregoing such excellent and worthy Principles they should take up with base and destructive ones God hath shewed them a way how they should exert their Valour and Activity for noble and assured ends to take his Kingdom by Violence All the mean Acts are as reasonable and praise worthy as in Conquest of the Kingdoms of the Earth When they are called up to the Heaven of Heavens which are so exceeding Great and Eternal as may be seen by the outward Courts yet they should scramble for a few Mole-Hills which are quickly overthrown and turned into Dust or themselves before In the Christian Warfare there is no hating one another all are Contenders and there is room enough in the Celestial Mansions for ten Thousand times more then all the Inhabitants of the Earth Yet here they continue to Kill and Slay not out of Necessity as we do Beasts for Food but to gratifie Pride Ambition and Revenge to dispossess them who have more right then themselves to turn them out of the World because they will not make way This is repu●ed Gallantry and Honour A strange way to Immortality as those of old foolishly imagined to Butcher here and by cutting off before the time to make Mortality more Mortal What fancies doth the Abaddon instill into Luct de fals Relig. Men Lactantius observed of his times and they now continue the same That to Kill or bring into Bondage free People the more Men did Afflict Spoil or Murder they would account themselves more Noble and Eminent and being taken with a shew of vain Glory put the name of Vertue to the greatest Wickedness This may be interpreted to weaken the Hands of the Men of War Jer. 38. 4. But it is only what is agreeable to the Laws of God and Truth which set up the Happiness of Mankind as going back from them is Destruction and Misery Reduce all Mens Transactions and Affairs to their Good that whatever makes for it may be followed and what doth not may be taken away for that tends to the contrary There is no indifferency in things such as are said to do neither good nor harm for they do one or the other either Save or Destroy We know who came on the first Errand The Prince of Peace whom God hath raised up to be a Prince and a Saviour So he is to all those who obey and entertain him But upon refusal of subjection to his Laws comes in the other of course who hath his name Apollyon These two divide the World The one hath honest meaning and the excellency of Reason which should still put it self forth Satan to keep up his Kingdom hath all the Tricks Devices cunning Delusions to befool poor Mankind representing such glorious Conquests such Fame and Briskness and secretly sets forth Religion as dull and regardless of any thing fit for little and narrow Souls it emasculates the Spirit making Men fearful and despicable The doubt lies whose Affections are catried towards the more Noble end The one is for Heaven and Eternal things the other for Earthly and Temporal The one for what comforts in Hope and Expectation being most satisfactory in the end the other is concerning what breeds restlesness regret and disappointment The one is for what hath all safety and real good to Men the other hath nothing but uncertainty and evil If Christianity were universally observed there would be no Sword or Spear to be seen throughout the World. There is no harm in this But now it is only by some and not by others thence do arise Wars and Fightings Yet whatsoever Kings will go according the direction of the Gospel as it is at their Peril if they do not must engage in no War at all but Defensive or for Reparation of great Injuries and that all fair means used first If it be possible as much as lieth in you live Peaceably with all Men Rom. 12. 18. Some are such Enemies that when we speak to them thereof they make them ready for Battel so they are to be brought over this way Here our excellent Religion suffers thereof for the Wickedness and Baseness of those who have no Vnderstanding and must be held in with Bit and Bridle Psal 32. 8. And when they break out are to be tamed with Whip and Scourge Those Primitive Christians who did Fight under the Heathen Emperours did altogether as Valiantly as others We have heard of several Armies of the Religious that have acted more worthily by the Grace and Fear of God without Drunkenness Inconsideration and Unbelief as who have went upon these Principles The Objection is
else neither the Devil nor Lust nor other Men And therefore is more Honourable then those who have them for their-Masters as all have one or the other For his stupidity and narrowness of mind in not caring for the things of this World will the Men here of joyn lssue upon this Point and try whose Soul is most enlarged and hath the more noble desires The one seeks for the great things of God and Eternity the Glories of his Kingdom that most perfect exceeding and enduring Happiness yea every thing so vast and Wonderful that the Temptation to U●belief returns They are too great to be true But it is easily beaten back again for we may well judge of the Greatness of the things which are not seen by the Greatness of them which are seen How we shall come at them we may thus know The same power who sent us hither will convey us up and also the pure and holy Soul freed from Sin and Earth-Iiness hath such Aspirings and Flyings up that she would even now break out unless kept in by these Chains of Flesh but when the Angel shall come and they fall off then she immediately Acts 12. 7. ascends towards those High and Blessed Mansions Is this pressing down to the Earth or exalting up to Heaven Who now willingly fall down that they may rise up again Humble your selves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up Jam. 4. 10. They choose to be despised in honouring of him that he may Honour them Humility is a great help in the several acts of Obedience and enables to resist Temptations It renounces little and present things in order to the future which are so exceeding that it is not possible to utter Who go in the way to obtain that Eternal and not far distant Happiness they have some likewise in the mean while said our Forerunner the great Example of Humility Take my Y●ke upon you and learn of me for I am Meck and Lowly of Heart and ye shall find Rest to your Souls Mat. 11. 29. That gives Peace and Quietness Contentment and Satisfaction Moderates our desires as to Temporal things The humble Person acknowledges to have received every thing he hath and is far from Glorying as if he had not received it so likewise from Murmuring if not given for he can withhold his Hand and who may find fault There is not so very much God having been pleased thus to order it for wise and good ends in those Blessings of his left Hand sufficient indeed to excite our Thankfulness but not to place our Happiness in so neither to Fret or make our selves Miserable for want of them A lowly frame of mind brings Good and Comfort in every state or condition and hinders from all that Vexation which is occasion●d through Pride The Patient in Spirit is better then the Proud in Spirit Eccles 7. 8. When a Man doth not seek for that Happiness which cometh Of Pride from God only he will endeavour to build up one to himself to Advance and become as Great as he can by all manner of means without Respect had to the Divine Commandments And this either in the improvement of what he hath already or looking out and labouring after more There is a Consciousness of his imperfection by Nature how small and of no Reputation How Mean and Poor a Being he is and a secret Vexation thereat whereupon he is resolved to redress this as much as lieth in his power And indeed if he would go in Gods Way he were to be commended herein for he made us so low in order to Exaltation that by complying with his Grace we should be brought unto Glory by following of him we should ascend higher but alas we for sake him and will go in our own way according to our own thoughts The reason of our mistake Psal 73 5 6. is because there is no present and visible Increase in the one whilst there doth seem to be in the other But as our Lord said of those who did their Religious Duties for the Glory of Men. Verily they have their Reward Mat. 6. 2. So it holds true of all Sin Lust Stubbornness and Humour and more especially of all manner of Pride It hath the present Conveniency and proposed Good only but no more As here getting Honour and preventing Contempt or such like Now if these do not amount to so much as the probable Good of the other way a wise Man knoweth what he hath to do and choose We are assured what is the utmost of Pride or worldly Greatness in Men or things and see whether they are worthy to be compared with Angels Saints or those Glorious things that are spoken of thee thou City of God this will manifest who sets before him the more Honourable end I have often admired what the Psalmist saith The Wicked through the Pride of his Countenance will not seek after God Psal 10. 4. When it is verified by Experience at this day Religion is a little contemptible thing it is for the lower sort of People to mind that but some fancy themselves above it Whereas if they had but so much Wit and Reason as to make an Inference they might conclude As sure as the Object thereof is R●al which is as certain as that there is a World and any thing in it and themselves cannot deny but are such Fools as not to understand or not consider So every thing is vast and astonishing which relates to that God with whom we have to do His dimensions may be seen by his Works Heaven is my Throne and the Earth is my Foot-stool he measures it with a Span who holds the Waters in the hollow of his Hand filleth all places and all things from Everlasting to Everlasting He doth so exceed Mans Apprehension that to speak of him doth lessen his Majesty and Greatness But come to debate the Case ye Sons of Pride Are not your ways little your great Company are but Men and Women who also are sormed out of the Clay Job 33. 6. Are not those Honourable Titles a meer Voice which have their being only upon the Breath of the Speaker and are nothing besides What are fine Clothes Gayety and Retinue Not so much when compared with the Dazling of Seraphims as the paint of a Butterflie to the Sun. What are a few little Creatures going together when considered with the innumerable company of Angels one whereof is greater in Power and Might then an Hundred Fourscore Thousand of us Behold all the Kingdoms of the World and the Glory of them they are not dispersed throughout the Earth but comprised in a lesser Part one City in a Nation and within a few Houses But what is that taken in with the whole together Lift up your Eyes on high and behold who hath Created these things lsa 40. 26. And then determine which is greatest Open the Doors of your Understanding that the whole may
thou O Lord when I plead with thee Jer. 12. 1. Clouds and Darkness are round about him Righteousness and Judgment are the Habitation of his Throne Psal 97. 2. Though we cannot see through all yet we have sufficient revealed to be most fully assured that he is just and equal Here in the place of Faith and Tryal many things come to pass of which though we may in general be satisfied of the Goodness and Justice of God in ordering and suffering them so to be yet we cannot give so particular account how it is so in a strict sence and superlative degree as most certainly it is This is to be imputed to our blindness and want of understanding which shall be done away when he comes to judge the Earth Judgment will I lay to the Line and Righteousness to the Plummet Isa 28. 7. All things shall be exactly stated at last He is even now Righteous in all his ways and will give a clear account how he is so The things of this World are now loved and feared but then it will appear that there is so little in them that they are not worthy to be spoken of or had in Remembrance However God will not forget any Labour or Pain his Servants endured for him They shall be as a Dream when one awaketh and who is much concerned for the Pleasantness or Dreadfulness thereof after it is over Call to mind the days that are past recollect both the Good and Evil of them or what was done at such a place when you are removed from thence much more will it be so when you are translated from Time to Eternity from Earth to Heaven It is so meer a nothing that if the Creature might be bold to speak with his Maker it will not be insisted on or required from Gods Hands but what he will be pleased to do of his own Promise and Bounty for one would think Justice it self is not obliged to make amends for small Matters when the harm is over and the very same as if it had never been at all This single Consideration if throughly weighed would ease our mind in all Afflictions The Transitoriness of them as also they are vain and little for however we Groan and Murmur yet they are such as can be endured They are not so great as we weak and frail by Nature We further bring a delicacy and tenderness on our selves which makes us yet more unable to bear them Whereas if we would comply universally with his design God would ordain Strength out of our Weakness He would give us that Grace and Knowledge if we were meet to be partakers thereof and make use of them that would carry us through all trouble whatsoever for he suffers none to fall on us but what is common to Men. And how know we but he to manifest his own Glory doth lay the more heavy things on him that so weak a thing may endure them and intend its greater Happiness by a proportionable Reward For I reckon that the Sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us Rom. 8. 18. If we did understand and consider of all things instead of being cast down and disquieted we might Rejoyce in Tribulation We make such a stir about Trouble but there is not so much in it We may rest with the most full assurance that God is good and for all those Adversities he sends on us he is all along accomplishing the Happiness of his Creatures which should stir up and continue our Love and Obedience unto him He would have that foretold which he will certainly do that Isa 42. 9. Luke 2. 25. they should be comforted in the mean time who shall be delivered that they should be joyful with Hope and Expectation where with they shall be Happy at last This hath been the Method of Gods working of old we have heard it with our Ears and it is very acceptable unto us How beautiful upon the Mountains are the Feet of him that bringeth good Tidings that publishe●h Peace that bringeth good-Tidings of Good that saith unto Sion Thy God Reigneth Isa 52. 7. How welcome is every one that hath good news of prosperous Accidents and worldly Conveniencies How many Messages of this nature have been delivered from time to time to private Persons and Nations which were thankfully and kindly received What are they all come unto now their Memorial is perished with them They were shadows only of Good which just passed by and are gone this is the utmost of all Temporal Happiness and of this World. But what comes from our God is Great and Enduring which lately was beginning now carrying on till it be consummated to Eternal Ages Great is our Lord and highly to be praised for the least manifestation he ever made thereof and so is by his chosen People Vnto you therefore which bel●eve he is precious 1 Pet. 2. Psal 89. 15. 7. You both understand and have assured Hope to be Partakers These prize it more then others do great Reversions and Expectancies they so much talk of and please themselves with Who is among you that seareth the Lord that obeycth the Voice of his Servant that walketh in Darkness and hath no Light Let him trust in the Name of the Lord and stay upon his God Isa 50. 10. Who gives a glimmering and sendeth Light into the Soul a comfortable Thought or sends him who can speak a Word in Season Comfort ye Comfort ye my People saith your God Isa 40. 1. They are to Preach the Gospel Heal the Sick administer Help and Remedy against all the Maladies of Mankind An hard Task and not to be performed who considers not from whom he cometh and whose means he makes use of Even God and his Word which are sufficient for all this and if they have not the due power and effect it is not from the weakness of them for that is stronger then Men and he that breaks can bind up but from the incapacity of the Subject Who are not turned to the Lord with their whole Heart they have no right to the Promises and therefore receive no true Comfort but where a People formerly Disobedient are turned unto the Wisdom of the Just and made ready for the Lord His Word doth good upon them who walk Vprightly Blessed be God there is Experience of this though not so much as were to be desired for it is but a little Flock and small Remn●nt of true Israelites Compared with the whole of Mankind Those who have the form of Godliness will cry out with the wicked World upon Fancy and Imagination but if it is a sensible Comfort against inward Evil then the effect is had and should not be slighted for it is such as the Trouble was and doth it away The matter is easily conceivable unless they absolutely disbelieve or cannot understand for if an Heir of a good Estate can contentedly rub
and Superiours on Earth of our own likeness by his appointment in some few and outward things Subjection sounds harsh to the Ignorant but it is in order to Advancement for we shall be made higher though by this way only And we must fully Learn and Practice it for it is to be retained in Heaven That lifting up above themselves was the unhinging of those once Glorious Spirits Whilst they would be like the Most High and Independent the Foundation was taken away whereon they should subsist They kept not their first Estate but left their own Habitation Jud 5. Whatever these now whilper to us Whatever Pride may dictate yet Subjection is the Language of our true nature for this prompts thereto By what we readily do to our Superiours on Earth finding fault when others do not That zeal for and observance of the Commandments of Men doth import it is likewise just and reasonable to Obey those of God. The Words of Jonadab the Son of Rechab the Laws of ones Countrey yea those lesser institutions pertaining to Religion are observed The Schollars of Pythagoras keep his Rules a Son honoureth his Father a Servant doth what his Master bids him that willingness to please the general Approbation of old Prescriptions the Reverence for the way of our Fathers nay following the Fashion and Custom If all these were lifted up from Earth unto Heaven they teach Obedience and Subjection unto God. The fault is we give it to every thing besides him to whom it is originally due Why may we not do what God Commands as well as what others say That out of a willing Mind and perfect Freedom then what we do in contradiction to our own Understanding in compliance with others and absolute Slavery A pretence is of more variety and self-Command whereas if we strictly consider there is not so very great in Mens Actions God hath given them liberty to Good and Evil but yet hath determined the bounds of them If they will keep his Percepts they walk at liberty and have as several kinds of Action as they can possibly have in following the dictates of Evil for indeed the Thoughts and Imaginations of the wicked are Evil continually yea and infinetly yet they are restrained to a short time and some few infirm Acts. Though the Circumstances and Aggravations may be more yet they are not very many neither Hitherto shalt thou come but no further and here shall'thy Proud Waves be stayed Job 38. 11. An Arguments of Gods Dominion even over the most Rebellious with their utmost striving they cannot exalt themselves further Neither is there so much Range for them they may and do weary themselves but then it is by going round or over the same ground again There is more variety and a continual Advancement higher in following the things that good are but in evil they run backwards and forwards or whirl up and down till they sink into the bottomless Pit. Seeing there is a limited course of Action set how much better had they submit and go according to Gods direction in Scripture then follow their own or other Mens Humour or the Temptations of Satan for these are Rules and Confinements Man is a finite Being and he had better follow the guidance of the Lord for he gives him Liberty enough keeping him from error and those things which would hurt I will Instruct and Teach thee in the way in which thou shalt go Psal 32. 8. Otherwise he is as the Horse and Mule following after Beastly and unnatural things Whose Mouth must be held in with Bit and Bridle so curbed that though he would act more yet he cannot This is the great Controvercy between God and the World concerning Liberty and Government over their own Actions There is a definite number of them His Word and Commandment do extend unto and shew forth explicitly or implicity all that are Good the Evil are in the Thoughts and Imaginations of Men. Known unto God are all of them but herein he will display his Glory and Power his Goodness and justice that if People will not do according to what he saith nor yield Subjection unto him for their Good they do to something else they are Servants of Sin and Evil. God hath command over Evil that it cannot the least hurt or impair his Glory and how far that may reach it is only by his sufferance but the power of Mens acting is yet shorter So whatever be their Hatred Enmity or Opposition against him still he hath power over them They act according to a limited Form though they think otherwise and if they are not willingly subject unto him near yet they are further of by force but they know not nor consider it His Kingdom Power and Dominion is over all and there can be nothing Disobedient unto him If Satan is let loose he was tyed up first and can be again however at the very time he cannot go further then divine Permission Though perhaps he perceives it not there is a Hook in his Jaws and he may be turned back by the way he came All things in the World are subject unto God also our selves are and must be whether we will or not with this difference if we willingly subject our selves unto him God accepts thereof and will give a Reward but if we Sin we are still subject to our present and future Misery All people will grant subjection unto God in the general as most due and reasonable but that is not sufficient unless our Thoughts Words and Actions are at all times Obedient and Conformable to his revealed Will. All are sensible of the necessity of Religion but the greater part take up with wrong Apprehensions and every thing besides the right They would think to please God any other way then by keeping his Commandments It is to be admired that Mankind who are endued with such rational and wise Principles as to inferiour Objects which they use accordingly for they are wise enough in their Generation yet should be so mistaken and sottish as they have been towards the Higher end Our shape besides inward powers do manifest that we were designed to look up to Heaven as well as run too and fro upon the Earth Our Nature hath a strong tendency to the Author thereof a Thirst after that Invisible God who made us and all things Yet Man fell away soon after he was Created and became Blind Strange and Miserably deceived The substance of Religion was not lost but spoiled and wholly turned into Falshood and Error If we run over the History thereof from Adam unto Noah and from Noah unto Abraham and the Patriarhes the Fear and true Worship of Psal 105. 12. God was but in a few single Families when the whole Earth besides was Ungodly and Idolatrous Afterwards it gathered into the Jewish Nation which also was very Corrupt but that was a small piece of Land to the other Habitable World. The Nations round about did laugh
Acts of their Masters Grace and Bounty for those according to the Flesh would sooner retract their conceived Favours when another shall put in mind and give notice of what they would have voluntary from themselves and unexpected of others And therefore for my part I dare not speak out what God knows are my desires and innermost thoughts in submission to his Will and consistent with his Glory and other Attributes But as a fellow-Creature do intreat Men that they would not commit those things against which God hath manifested his severe Displeasure O that we may all behave our selves in the mean while though we cannot deserve the least Mercy yet to be in some measure worthy to escape those things which we have been f●re●old of and then we must not Sin yet more against him All the World may be assured it was never yet seen in any Nation Countrey or Language Ezek. 6. 10. for the Laws thereof to be Elusory or Vain but due Punishment doth overtake those who are Stubborn Despisers and continued Offenders There are abundance of Expressions of Gods Mercy in Scripture but they are commonly joyned with his Truth or something else to keep of people from presuming too much upon it as Psal 57. 3 10. 62. 12. 86. 5. 100. 5. And that Gracious Manifestation Exod. 34. 5 6. Where it is repeated many times that Mercy rejoyceth over Judgment yet there comes in a limitation That will by no means clear the Guilty The Threatning is as firm and abiding as any part of his Word and they are of Judgment when our Lord saith Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my VVords shall not pass away Mat. 24. 35. The Promise is confirmed by two immut able things wherein it was impossible for God to lie Heb. 6. 8. So of some he hath sworn that they Isa 54 10. shall not enter into his Rest Heb 3. 18. Both parts are ratified as much as can be Known to God are his Decrees and how he will be pleased to distribute to every one But the safest way is for us to have Apprehension of them according to Truth that we may be more careful to partake of his Favour and avoid his Wrath. Beware of those Doctrines which beget Presumption and Unconcernedness for the things are true as God hath Established if all the Learned in the World did argue or determine which way they would It is better to do those things required and avoid what is forbidden and so escape then to follow after what ends in Death to be unmindful or to dispute against it for now several things happen which we did either not think or say would not come Though some would release or mitigate yet they do not deny future Punishments but if they were only as the more favourable conception of them allows yet the Pain and Loss is much beyond the Pleasure or Conveniency of a short sinful Life for what is that to countervail the Romanists Purgatory or the opinion of a Thousand Years Torment and then a fi●al Dissolution The seeming good though present can never be a sufficient exchange for such an evil and deprivation of Happiness much less when the Torment is both Intolerable and Eternal The Commands of God are enforced with the greatest Arguments that can be And yet how few do regard them How is the World grown to be so Wicked and Ungodly And of those who come unto God how few do conform unto his whole Will Love and Serve him with all their Hearts One would admire unless he did consider the causes of so great Apostacy viz. Mans Corruption Unbelief Ignorance Deceits Satans Temptations there are many o●tward Objects to divert him Carnal and Temporal things do make him forget those that are Spiritual and Eternal which have a light and transient impression upon us and such like But all these hindrances may be taken away by the Grace and Revelalation of God. It is so ordered that Man must strive and give Diligence if ever he would be Happy there is enough left to prove him and to exercise his Care and Watchfulness Upon the whole There is a wise Establishment of things There The general Conclusion is a just Disposal for assistance is given and the means are put in our power The Members that have been yielded unto Sin and Iniquity may be made Members of Righteousness unto Holiness the Faculties and Powers were first designed and now may be restored unto good as they have been employed in evil It is a gracious Dispensation in that God encourages to those things which are for our Good and Happiness It is true for we are only taken from deceit and falshood from shew and appearance which ends in what is worse then nothing and are called forth to what is true and assured and real as any thing is All that we now see is but the Figure of the true even that Heaven and Earth which are to suceed Hearken and come near Oye Sons of Men do but Learn Know and Practice the things pertaining to Gods Kingdom for they are Just Wise and Conceivable also I want words to express their excellency I have written the Great things of thy Law but they were accounted as a strange thing Hos 8. 12. The like Imputation may be here cast upon what is brought out of the same Book of Scripture Many odd passages uncouth They know not what to make of them But let me tell any one that thinks so where the Strangeness of all lieth Even in Mans Transgression either the not observance of what is Commanded or doing those things which are contrary to the Laws of God and Truth When there was occasion to speak of those things uncommon expressions might fall The nature of things is the same but differently apprehended for some do live according to the Principles of Good and others do not some use the means to have their first Blindness and Ignorance taken away and others do not But where is universal Obedience and alike Knowledge what is Truth and sutable to one is likewise to another Where it is half and imperfect Prov. 8. 9. let him reflect upon that Duty or Sin which himself observes or avoids and see how that is explained by that he may measure whereof himself is Conscious and Guilty Had all continued alike Obedient as the Man after Gods own Heart they would give the same Praise and Commendation of his Law as is done Psal 119. but according to their several Sins Men think severally as they will. T is Lust and Iniquity That we might turn from our Iniquities and understand thy Truth Deu. 9. 13. that corrupt the Judgement or at least the outward Faculty from whence they think speak and do to vindicate themselves before their Acquaintance otherwise then they should But there is even in the Disobedient unless mightily defaced and suppressed the Spirit of the mind by which they can judge that the Law is
holy and the Commandment boly just and good and they consent unto the Law that is is good Rom. 7. 12 16. By that let them likewise examine what is here said to be interred from it Luke 2. 35. Mark 4. 22. 2 Cor. 4. 2. God knows I have not intended to up●raid or accuse Mankind but was obliged to manifest the Truth Impartially and Universally as every one may judge in his own Conscience There hath been nothing said but what is practicable My self also am a Man compassed about with the same Sins and Infirmities and do readily subicribe to what is written In many things we offend all Jam. 3. 2. Neither have I spared mine own Sin but in several places stand Convicted and Condemned out of the words I have set down hoping to recover by Gods Mercy and my own Repentance But what I desire for my self so for others to have the less Sin for thereby is more Peace and Comfort according to the measure of Innocency and doing good there is a greater Reward What real good doth come of any Disobedience surely none God is Dishonoured and Man is not Benefited it serves the design of an invisible Malicious Enemy and therefore we should all abstain srom Evil as much as we can It is the open Accusation or secret Thought of the World to affix severally on them who come on this Message This Man seeketh not the welfare of this People but the hurt Jer. 38. 4. If one had devised new Pleasure sor the sensual minded or had abundance to bestow Largesses on poor people or gives them Entertainment for a few days with Mirth and Pastime He that conquers Kingdoms and enlarges Territories such are reputed great Instruments of Mens Happiness though the utmost hereof is but as the hasty Fruit before the Summer which when he that looketh upon it seeth it while it is yet in his band he eateth it up Isa 28. 4. which signifies nothing after it is had and is but a faint ●ore-runner of the true Happiness But they are only the unacceptable persons to the World who speak of this which shall just begin here on Earth but never end and be consummated in Heaven There cannot be too much Good-will returned to them who save from every least Injury from Fire Enemies Sickness Poverty all whi●h tend only to Temporal Death but they are hated who would keep off from Eternal Death from the Devil and his Legions who would d●sswade from vain things that cannot profit and are the Baits he makes use of to beguil Souls unto himself Even here beloved ●●st and Interest have been touched upon and shewed that they cannot make a Man Happy so that if the Temptation may not be taken away yet is less tempting Why abundance have done thus much already so many Books and Sermons ●o this purpose what need of more● But there should be yet further Admonition for people are not as yet come over unto God. Whilst others have hovered up and down in generals I have ventured by Gods help to pitch When others again have spent many words in Instruction of what was known before or notional unnecessary things here hath attendance been principally given to the word of Exhortation When some have used Moral Perswasions or the less Cogent Arguments here have been brought forth those pressed with the full force and power that I kn●w of for cursed is that Deceiver who knoweth them and doth not use them And further several things have been spoken out which were concealed from the people If I had came with mine own Inventions and Fancies or the power of Mans Wisdom and Eloquence there would be less ground of Hope but the Truths have been pressed in the Name of God from his Revelation I thought my self accountable for that measure of Grace he hath been pleased to send through me And therefore let it be considered that it is nothing to me let all Men do what they will they have still their Liberty of Action but they are to answer before God how they will shew themselves towards his Word and Truth If that is not found sufficient to reclaim Sinners Isa 55. 10 11. John 12. 48. and Transgressors it is because they will not believe nor consider thereof however it will arise and Condemn them What is here Published will have its due effect on all that are Stubborn or Despisers Let not any one think this new found out for it is the old Scripture-Way illustrating that more particularly what is affirmed in divers places That I may see the good of thy Chosen that I may Rejoyce in the gladness of thy Nation Psal 106. 5. Happy art thou O Israel Deut. 33. 29. Happy is that people whose God is the Lord Psal 144. 15. He tha● keepeth the Law Happy is he Prov. 29. 18. The end of all Preaching is to prove and shew that more perfectly what is contained therein and so to manage it according to the design of the whole that all the World may O●ey God and be wise unto Salvation His Word doth not stand in need of Apology but the Abuse and Corruption in handling thereof hath b●●● so universal that he who would keep free from it is necessitated to Justifie himself least he be thought a setter forth of strange Doctrines To bring all towards Conclusion Man would be Happy even whilst he Lives and doth so that f●om the Decree of God and the nature of the thing it is impossible he should be Happy And again he declines those things which are absolutely necess●ry to be so All his Actions turn upon this Point If he would rectifie the mistake and suffer himself to be rightly informed herein he can never miss of what all desire the only end the true Happiness If he is put in mind of any thing which may assist or direct him Not unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy Name give Glory for thy Mercy and for thy Truths sake Psal 115. 1. FINIS ERRATA PAge 4 line 2 for varietation r variation l 40 r Mark 14. p 26 17 r not we our selves P 37 l 35 r to recommend P 47 l 34 f forwardness r frowardness P50 l 19 〈◊〉 speaking r sn●aking P 70 l 37 f fear r bear P 71 l 21 r equal worth P 75 l20 r John 16. 13. P 79 l 1 omit the word first p 86 l 5 r their own p●ril P 180 l 13 r doth not P. 190 l 16 r adapting p 229 l 9. r trust God. p 261 l 6 r lively ●nd P 309 l 8 r enjoyment P 358 l 22 f employments r enjoyments P 417 l 16 r ●rocuring p 467 l 29 r to have been Penned p 152 l 27 r before Men can
destroyed for lack of Knowledge Hos 4. 6. What can we say to it when it is their own Fault It is at their Peril if they refuse and contemn those means which God hath appointed to bring unto eternal Life without which they must mis-carry For if the Word spoken by Angels was stedfast and every disobedience received a just Recompence of Reward How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation Heb. 2. 2 3. The Promise in sundry places of Scripture is unto Godliness Of Ungodliness Psal 4. 3. Psal 101. 2. 4. 1 Tim. 4. 8. and the threatning is against ungodliness Psal 9. 17. Rom. 1. 18. 2 Pet. 2. 6. 2 Pet. 3. 7. Jude 15● Where is a right use of the Ordinances and positive Duties all Obedience will likewise follow On the contrary when they are neglected it is Disobedience and Contempt to that God who enjoyns them Many are Friendly and just towards Man temperate as to themselves but yet are ungodly The World thinks What harm do these Why may they not go to Heaven Not considering what the great Provocation of ungodliness is and they do mistake in not seeing the first Reason of the Commandments of God Which in Truth are for the welfare of mankind but this is not all for the good or inconveniences consequent to the Observation or Violation of them as pertaining to short-lived mankind do not Rise so high as to have or deserve eternal Rewards or Punishments The Act of Sin is small and weak but the strength of Sin is the Law 1. Cor. 15. 56. It receives the Aggravation from going against that High and Divine Authority which hath established things so For it is too much a fond and proud Opinion that all things are for our selves if I do neither harm to my Neighbour nor my Self and I commit Sin What great Evil is in it Is a common Question Whereas they might look up and consider that God in his doings towards the Children of Men designs his own Glory in the first place as well as their Good. Now if there is Disobedience and Contempt towards himself and Transgression of what he hath Enacted here is the exceeding evil of Sin though no prejudice comes thereby to any mortal Creature It is what lieth in them making void Gods Dominion and in plain terms that he shall not Reign over them The great matter is Whether his Creatures are subject unto him they are so indeed But whether themselves think so and will shew themselves to be such as the ungodly Man doth not Thou hast said in thine Heart I am and none else besides me Isa 47. 10. And hereby may be seen the Hainousness of his iniquity for he is an open Rebel who refuses to tread Gods Courts he is one of himself and will not acknowledge dep●ndance from an higher Power He neglects for his part what all the World thinks due viz. The Worship of God. So that it will fare better with Superstitious Christians unbelieving Jews and Pagan Idolaters for they intended some Homage though a ●i●●aken one to the Great Lord of all things but he doth none at all He says within himself It is vain to serve God and what Profit is it to keep his Ordinances Mal. 3. 14. Whereas it is his own Fault for he might know if he would wait all the days of this short Life for the exceeding and eternal weight of Glory He might in the mean while perceive some good in the Solemn Meetings if he would come with a pure mind and behave himself as he should But he is glad of any excuse when in reality that as other Excuses is a further Aggravation of his Sin and so it will appear When God who now knows shall manifest the secrets of all Hearts for People who are born in the Christian Church entred by Baptism and afterwards wilfully make themselves Strangers from the Covenant of Grace and be without God in the World What is this but as much as they can to exempt themselves from his Government and because it may hereafter Rise up against them they would utterly destroy it if they might Whoever impartially judges of these things may perceive the exceeding Sinfulness of ungodliness It is the greatest degree of Sin that Men can arrive unto How many times is mention made in Scripture of re●using to hear the Word of God and not calling upon him There is no Fear of God before their Eyes they forget him and such like Expressions by which the Abomination of iniquity is set forth All these Sins are immediately against God himself If one Man sin against another the Judge shall Judge him but if a Man sin against the Lord who shall intreat for him 1 Sam. 2. 25. When God doth set up his Kingdom for such to endeavour to get from under it must be a great Provocation As now if any Prince should issue forth his Proclamation and Order it to be read and fixt up He would certainly be displeased at those who stop their Ears and take no notice of it and so it will be as to all those Potsherds of the Earth who shew the like Stubbornness or disdain against their Maker In good Manners we are to hear what God will Command us Of Preaching before we put up our Petitions unto him The Master is at Liberty to speak before the Servant utters his Supplication Yea all that the Lord hath said we should do so that is first to be known for the end of Prayer is to ask Forgiveness for former Transgressions to beg Grace and Power to be more obedient for the future When God delivered his Law in that terrible manner on Mount Sinah the People were afraid that they said unto Moses Speak thou with us and we will Hear Exod. 20. 19. and it is promised further We will hear and do it Deut. 5. 27. This way our Fore fathers chose and accordingly he did during his Life-time and left written a Copy of the Law which should be for ever Moses of Old time hath in every City them that Preach him being read in the Synagogues every Sabbath day Acts 15. 21. He was both Preached and Read. The Jews received the Law by the Disposition of Angels and have not kept it Acts 7. 53. But Christians received it from a Greater even the Son of God himself and have not obeyed it Christ hath those who continually Preach him as Moses had by how much he is not only greater then him but the very Angels of God. And receiving it immediately from his Father he came down and made it known upon Earth Who had a Voice out of the Cloud which said This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Hear ye him Mat. 17. 5. The Author to the Hebrews insisteth upon the same Argument and Comparison See that ye refuse not him that speaketh For if they escape not who refused him that spake on Earth much more shall not we escape if we
turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven Heb. 12. 25. Who though he is long since ascended on High and sits at the right hand of the Father yet speaks to us even now by his Word He that rejecteth me and receiveth not my Words hath one that judgeth him the VVord that I have spoken the same shall judge him at the last day John 12. 48. And if we will not hear them neither would we be perswaded if Christ should come once again into the World after the same manner as he did He hath sent forth Labourers into his Harvest with full Power and Commission He that heareth you heareth me And he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me Luke 10. 16. These are to do the Work of their Great Master to seek them that are lost and endeavour according to their utmost Power to bring many unto Life And he shewed me Joshua the High Priest standing before the Lord and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him Zech. 3. 1. When any thing is designed for the good of mankind he will be sure to hinder it as much as he can And it is observable among all the parts of Religion None hath been so much stifled refused or corrupted as the Ordinance of Preaching Nothing is more muttered against or endeavoured to be put off as the Faithful handling and Application of the Word The great prejudice against it is Lust and Consequent to that an affected ignorance Seeing Men will not do accordingly they think it the better the less they know or hear of the things of God whereas this being wilful and out of a wicked mind makes their Disobedience yet worse because they add this as the beginning and cause of all They desire not the knowledge of Gods ways Job 21. 14. Thou hatest instruction and casteth my words behind thee Psal 50. 17. This is the principal Device Satan makes use of to deceive the whole World by false and sly Suggestions he keeps them off from being acquainted with the Way and Truth of God and thence springs up a secret Enmity in the first place against the Word and those who divide it aright giving to every one his Portion There is none grown up to that height of wickedness as to belch out Blasphemies against Heaven or speak openly against Scripture yet in the Heart of the natural Man doth lie hid an Hatred and this shews it self by opposing them who are set in defence of the Gospel The real cause is concealed but then he Picks some little Exceptions or seeks out for occasion as that may easily be done by an evil mind to Speak or Act against them Miserable infatuation That Men should set themselves against those who in good Conscience and the greatest Earnestness endeavour to lead them up to the Holy Hill. It can be no harm to rescue any from the place of Torment to pull him though never so much against his Will like a Brand out of the Fire Now go write it before them in a Table and note it in a Book that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever That this is a Rebellious People Lying Children Children that will not hear the Law of the Lord Which say to the Seers see not And to the Prophets Prophesie not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things Prophesie Deceits Isa 30. 8 9 10. for they can hear and approve of such and too many are carried away with this Temptation The Prophets Prophesie falsly and my People Love to have it so Jer. 5. 31. It is not so much taken notice of because it sutes with their Humours and Inclinations For want of Love they think his Commandments grievous when delivered aright and pressed home to the Conscience It is observable the Spirit of God speaks very much of the above-mentioned Corruption but little or nothing against those severe and rigid Men against whom the World crys out so much See Isa 9. 16. Isa 58. 1. Jer. 14. 14. Jer. 23. throughout Ezek. 13. 34. Chap. Lam. 2. 14. Jer. 48. 10. Mal. 2. 8 9. Mal. 3. 3 4. Luke 20. 21. 2 Cor. 4. 1 2. Gal. 1. 10. 1 Cor. 4. 1 2. 2 Tim. 2. 14 15 16. Tit. 2. 1 6 7. 1 Pet. 4. 11. Mat. 15. 14. There are more Texts concerning this horrible abuse and for the Remedy thereof all which are fulfilled in these days and should be amended That which moved Pilate to deliver our Saviour doth move these to betray his Heritage They are willing to content the People Mark 15. 15. and therefore suffer them to lie still in their Ignorance and Disobedience Her Prophets are light and treacherous Persons Zeph. 3. 4. they betray the Cause of God for they do not enforce it with that Power they might Some as if they were ashamed of his Office do not deliver his Message do not use the Arguments he hath given but are Foolish Prophets that follow their own Spirit Ezek. 13. 3. as if their Whims and Notions were better and more perswasive then the Oracles of God. He would be reconciled unto the World as they would willingly be at Peace with him And what hinders this blessed Accommodation I have not sent these Prophets yet they ran I have not spoken to them yet they Prophesied But if they had stood in my Couns●l and had caused my People to hear my VVords Mark that Then they should have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their doings Jer. 23. 21 22. If they would insist on those Motives which flow from the Word of Truth and let them run with their due Cogency we see here what would have been the Effect of it The foregoing words are In the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly In the end of time many will reflect that if those set over them had done as they should and their own Conscience did stir them to do such Evils might have been escaped Thy Prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee and they have not discovered thine iniquity to turn away thy Captivity Lam. 2. 14. They have not used their utmost diligence to keep off from that threatning which is now manifested under the Gospel What could God have done more for his Vineyard then he hath done His Decrees and Dispensations concerning mankind are righteous He hath done things sufficient for them to be Happy and avoid Misery Only he hath permitted them as free and reasonable Creatures to Act of themselves He doth move and stir up their Wills to that which is good Those whom his Providence suffers to be Pastors He prompts by his Spirit to be faithful in that Trust reposed in them To the hearers are committed the lively Oracles their own Conscience there is the opportunity of good Books and Conversation with other helps and advantages which might be improved for the benefit of mankind But the only thing is they are not
at them They had Learning and Wisdom and some dwelt in every Nation under Heaven yet there is little notice or mention made of them in other Writers In the Treatises of Idolatry and Superstition whilst knowing Men could confute the Folly and Falshood of that they could disprove that but yet not light upon the true Wisdom Many things might be shewn from the Succession of time to discover that Sulness Averseness Ignorance and Pride in the Heart of Man towards God for many would not confess whom they must know some would not mind at all others Groped for the Wall like the Blind Isa 59. 10. Others through their own self-Conceit and Knowledge which perverted them would not stand beholden to Gods Grace and Revelation but try to seek it out themselves The Reasons hereof may be conceived Mans Corruption who became weak and unable Satans Temptation who did befool him and also the excellency and wonderfulness of right Religion It is exceeding Holy and Spiritual so that Man could never attain unto the Knowledge thereof but by Gods help And he would not seek first after that and therefore deservedly received the error of his ways The Light shineth in Darkness and the Darkness comprehendeth it not John 1. 5. It is afraid and shrinks thereat We can look on this side or that side but not against the Sun shining in its brightness It is on high we must soar often and make many essayes before we can ascend up when there are so many things to press down But the principal Reason of the slow progress of Religion is that the Scriptures might be fulfilled It is a great Work whereby Acts 3. 17. 18. God is to be Glorified as to the Earth and all the Inhabitants thereof The Kingdom of God is like to a grain of Mustard Seed which a Man took and Sowed in his Field Which indeed is the leaft of all Seeds but when it is grown it is the greatest among Herbs and becometh a Tree so that the Birds of the Air come and Lodge in the Branches thereof Mat. 13. 31 32. Gods doings are not of a sudden Shall the Earth be made to bring forth in one day Isa 66. 8. The Fruits are growing up at full and perish by flow degrees within the Circumference of the Year So it is with Beasts and Man they increase and decrease by little degrees which are not perceived in the middle time though it is afterwards The Earth shall wax old like a Garment and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner but my Salvation shall be for ever and my Righteonesness shall not be abolished Isa 51. 6. This is the Tree of near Six Thousand Years growth that was Planted in the Earth and came up by little according as the tenour of divine Revelation came into the World And though that is finished more then Sixteen Hundred Years since yet it hath been and is yet again to be Col. 1. 23. Heb. 10. 13 16. Preached to the whole World And it is expected what Fruit it will yet bring forth Whether it will at length be universally received as it hath been heretofore rejected It will spread yet further Isa 60. Psal 80. and be more eminent in the Lives of Men. The hidden Wisdom of God will come forth and he will unfold the mystery of the Kingdom For he will finish the Work and cut it short in Righteousness because a short Work will the Lord make upon the Earth Rom. 9. 28. For I would Brethren that ye should not be Ignorant of this Mystery lest ye should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is happened unto Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in And so all Israel shall be saved as it is written There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer and shall turn away Vngodliness from Jacob Rom. 11. 25 26. He is already come who gave the Word and shewed the Way who made invitation for all yet by what he hath done for us and the continuance of the Spirit which is to abide for ever and Searcheth all things yea the deep things of God 1 Cor. 2. 10. More heavenly Truths may be yet known which are brought forth out of the Treasure of his Word that People may more know and be added unto him As certain as the Earth is sufficient to maintain all its Inhabitants Psal 67. by the Tillage Industry and Improvement of Man and God blesseth them in their Endeavours for they do it accordingly So in his Kingdom of Grace the means are sufficient that every Soul Isa 61. 11. may come unto Glory if they were as carefully used faithfully put forth by humble Prayer and Diligence by labouring with the Faculties of the Mind as it is done the other way by members of the Body the like Food may be had to nourish all people up to Eternal Life If they hold fast to the Form of sound Words in Scripture and urge it with that Authority and Reasoning which flows from it things will be yet better then now they are The Word which is thought foolishness is wiser then Men and the weakness of God is stronger then Men. If it is not stronger then they Why are they afraid to encounter with it Why do they turn their Backs and flee from it What means that neglect and wilful Ignorance They must be unmindful or otherwise they cannot go on in sinning They cannot otherwise avoid going to the Pleasant Land then because they will not hear a true report thereof and the encouragements to it Not all the Ungodly and Wicked of the World can withstand those Arguments in Scripture against them That this is not a vain and forward Assertion it may be somewhat judged from these four ensuing 1. From Consideration of Wisdom and Folly. 2. The intrinsick Goodness of the things commanded and the Evil of what is forbidden 3. The Promise of Eternal Life 4. The Threatning of Eternal Death The first prepares the way for the Man is capable of receiving Good and subject unto Evil He hath a natural desire to one and abhorrence of the other So He is prompted to look about and order his Actions accordingly He is told how things stand Wisdom moves him to search and examine it being a more important Question for him to know then his Title to his Estate on which way to get a Livelihood because these thing● are greater Ionger and will as certainly be upon him as the little short and fading Conveniencies are now for he must aic And then do appear forth the things contained in Scripture all one as the things we now see handle and converse withal Inconsideration is the utmost Folly and Danger for we know that temporal Evils are the more grievous when they fall on us through our want of Care and Fore-sight much more must it be to Eternal for they are without end and remedy The Word is laid before Mankind They must either