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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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him alone shalt thou worship or him onelie shalt thou serue Surelie all the Prophets inueighed earnestlie against the people of Israell whensoeuer they did adore and worship straunge Gods and not the one onelie true God But we teach that God is to be adored and worshipped as himselfe hath taught vs to worship him to weere in spirite and true●h not with any superstition but with sinceritie according to his worde lest at any time he also saie vnto vs who hath required these thinges at your handes For Paull also saith God is not worshipped with mans hands as though he needed any thing c. We in all daungers and casualties of our life call on him alone and that by the mediation of the onelie Mediatour and our intercessour Iesus Christ For it is expressely commaunded vs Call vpon me in the daie of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Moreouer the Lord hath made a moste large promise saying whatsoeuer ye shal aske of my father he shall giue it you And againe Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie loaden and I will refresh you And seeing it is written How shall they call vpon him in whome they haue not beleeued and we doe beleeue in God alone therefore we call vpon him onelie and that thorough Christ For there is one God saith the Apostle and one Mediatour betweene God and men Christ Iesus Againe If anie man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous c. Therefore we doe neither adore worshippe nor praie vnto the Saints in heauen or to other Gods neither do we acknowledge them for our intercessours or Mediatours before the father in heauen For God and the Mediatour Christ do suffice vs neither do we imparte vnto others the honour due to God alone and to his sonne because he hath plainlie said I wil not giue my glorie to another and because Peter hath said There is no other name giuen vnto men whereby they muste be saued but the name of Christ In which doubtles they that rest by faith doe nor seeke aniething without Christ Yet 〈◊〉 all that we doe neither despise the Saints nor th●nke bas●lie of them For we acknowledge them to be the 〈◊〉 members of Christ the friends of god who haue glor●ouslie ouercome the flesh and the world We therfore loue them as ●●●th●en and honour them also yet not with any wo●sh● 〈…〉 an honourable opinion of them and to conclude 〈◊〉 their iust praises We also doe imitate them For we desire w●●h most ea●nest affections and praiers to be followers of their faith vertues to be partakers also with them of euerlasting siluation to dwell together with them euerlastinglie with God to reioyse with them in Christ And in this point we approoue that saying of Saint Augustine in his booke De vera relig Let not the worship of men departed be any religion vnto vs. For if they haue liued holily they are not so to be esteemed as that they seek such honours but they wil haue vs to worship him by whose ill●minatiō they reioice that we are fellow seruant● ●s touching the reward They are therefore to be honoured for imitation not to be worshipped for religions sake c. And we muchlesse beleeue that the reliques of Saints are to be adored or worshiped Those auncient holie men seemed sufficientlie to haue honoured their deade if they had honestlie committed their bodies to the earth after that the soule was gone vp into heauen and they thought that the moste noble reliques of their ancetours were their vertues doctrine faith which as they commended with the praise of the dead so they did endeuour to expresse the same so long as they liued vpon earth Those auncient men did not swear b●t by the name of the only Iehoua as is it commaunded in the lawe of God Therefore as we are forbidden To sweare by the names of strange Gods so we do not sweare by Saints although we be requested thereunto We therefore in all these things doe reiect that doctrine which giueth too much vnto the Saintes in heauen OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA WE thus thinke of God that he is one in substance three in persons and almightie Who as he hath by the worde that is his sonne made all thinges of nothing so by his spirite and prouidence he doth iustl●● truely and mos●e wiselie gouerne preserue and cherish all things Who as he is the onelie Mediatour intercessour and sacrifice also our high priest Lord and King so we acknowledge and with the wholl heart beleeue that he alone is our attonement redemption satisfaction expiation wisedome protection and deliuerance simplie reiecting herein all meanes of life and saluation besides this Christ alone OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL WE beleeue in God the father in God the sonne in God the holie Ghost the holie diuine Trinitie three persons and one eternall almighte God in essence and substance and not three Gods And in the marginall note is added This is prooued by manie places of the wholl scripture of the olde and new testament Therefore we mislike the worship and inuocation of dead men the worshipping of Saintes and setting vp of Images with such like thinges And in the same place in the marginall note vpon the worde Saints Neuerthelesse we confesse that they serue in Gods presence and that they reigne with Christ euerlastinglie because they acknowledged Christ and both in deede word confessed him to be their sauiour redemption and righteousnes without any addition of mans merit For this cause doe we praise and commend them as those who haue obteined grace at Gods hand and are now made heites of the euerlasting kingdome Yet doe we ascribe all this to the glorie of God and of Christ We plainlie protest that we condemne and renounce al straunge and erronious doctrines which the spirits of errours bring forth c. And ss 2. of the selfe same article We condemne that doctrine which saith that we may in no case sweare although Gods glorie and the loue of our neighbour require it And in the marginall note vpon the worde sweare It is lawfull to vse an oath in due time For God hath commaunded this in the olde testament and Christ hath not forbidden it in the new yea Christ and the Apostles did sweare OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA O● THE WALDENSES Of the vnitie of the diuine essence and of the three persons CHAP. 3. OVt of this fountaine of holie scripture and Christian instruction according to the true and sound vnderstanding and meaning of the holie ghost our men teach by faith to acknowledge with the mouth to confesse that the holie Trinitie to wit god the father the sonne and the holie ghost are three distinct persons but in essence one onelie true alone eternall almightie and incomprehensible God of one equall
praying We also reiect all other meanes whatsoeuer men haue deuised to exempt them selues from the wrath of God So much as i● giuen vnto them so much is derogated from the sacrifice ● death of Christ OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE beleeue that there is one certaine nature and diuine power which we call God and that the same is diuided into three equall persons into the father into the sonne and into the holie ghost and that they all be of one power of one maiestie of one eternitie of one Godhead and one substance And although these three persons be so deuided that neither the Father is the sonne nor the sonne is the holie ghost or the father yet neuerthelesse we beleeue that there is but one verie God And that the same one god hath created heauen and earth and all things conteined vnder heauen We beleeue that Iesus Christ the onelie sonne of the eternall father c. The rest of this article you shall finde in the 6. section whereunto those thinges doe properlie pertaine which art conteined in this second article of the Person and office of Christ We beleeue that the holie Ghost who is the third person in the Trinitie is verie God not made not created not begotten but proceeding both from the Father the Sonne by a certaine mean vnknowen vnto man and vnspeakeable and that it is his verie propertie to mollifie and soften the hardnes of mans heart when he is once receiued into the hearts of men either by the holesome preaching of the Gospel or by any other waie that he doth giue other men light and guide them vnto the knowledge of God to all way of truth to newnes of life and to euerlasting hope of saluation Neither haue we anie other Mediatour and Intercessor by whome we may haue accesse to God the father then Iesus Christ in whose onlie name al things are ob●eined at his fathers hande But it is a shameful part ful of infid●l●tie that we see euery where vsed in the Churches of our aduersaries not onelie in that they will haue innumerable sortes of Mediatours that vtterlie without the authoritie of Gods word so that as Ieremie saith the Sainctes be now as manie in number or rather aboue the number of the Cities And poore men cannot tell to which saint it were best to turne them first and though there be so manie as they cannot be tolde yet euerie of them hath his peculiare dutie and office assigned vnto him by these folkes what to giue and what to bring to passe But besides this also in that they doe not onelie wickedlie but also shamefullie call vpon the Blessed Virgine Christes Mother to haue her remember that shee is the Mother And to Commaund her Sonne and to vse a Mothers authoritie ouer him OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue in heart and confesse with the mouth that there is one onely and simple spiritual essence which we call God eternall incomprehensible inuisible immutable infinite who is whollie wise and a most ●l●ntifull wellspring of all good thinges We know God by two meanes first by the creation and preseruation and gouernment of the wholl world For it is vnto our eies as a most● excellent booke wherein all creatures from the least to the greatest as it were certaine charecters and letters are written By which the inuisible thinges of God may be seene and know●n vnto vs Namelie his euerlasting power and Godhead as Paull the Apostle speaketh Rom. Chaper 1. 20. which knowledge sufficeth to conuince all men and make them without excuse But much more clearlie and plainlie he afterward reuealed him-selfe vnto 〈◊〉 in his holie and heauenlie word so farre forth as it is expedient for his owne glorie and the saluation of his in this life According to this truth and word of god we beleeue in one only god who is one essence truelie distinguished into three persons from euerlasting by meane of the incommunicable properties to wit in the father in the sonne and in the hol●e ghost For the father is the cause fountaine and beginning of all things visible and inuisible the sonne is the word wisedome and Image of the father the holie ghost is the might and power which proceedeth from the father and the sonne Yet so that this distinction doth not make god as it were deuided into three parts seeing the scripture teacheth that the father the sonne the holie ghost haue a distinct person or subsisting in their properties yet so that these three persons be one onelie god Therefore it is certaine that neither the father is the sonne nor the sonne the father nor the holie ghost either the father or the sonne Neuerthelesse these persons thus distinguished are neither deuided nor confounded nor mingled For neither the father nor the holie ghost haue taken vnto them mans nature but the sonne alone The father was neuer without his soone nor without his holie Ghost because euerie one in one and the same essence is of the same eternitie For none of these is either first or last because al three are one both in trueth and power and also in goodnes and mercie And all these thinges we know as well by the testimonies of holie scripture as by the effects and chiefelie those which we feele in our owne selues and the testimonies of holie scripture which teach vs to beleeue this holy Trinitie are ve●ie common in the olde testament which are not so much to be reckoned vp as with sound iudgement to be selected such as are these in the first of Genesis God saith Let vs make man according to our Image and likenes c. and straight after Therefore God made man according to his owne Image and likenes male I saie and female created he them Againe Beholde the man is become as one of 〈◊〉 For by that which is said Let vs make man after our owne likenes it appeareth that there are more persons in the godhead But when it is saide God created c. the vnitie of the godhead is signified For although it be not here expresselie set downe how many persons there are yet that which was obscurely deliuered in the old Testament in the new is made clearer vnto vs then the none daie For when our Lord Iesus Christ was baptized in Iordane the voice of the father was heard saying This is my beloued Sonne and the sonne himselfe was seene in the waters and the holie ghost appeared in the likenes of a doue Therefore are we also commaunded in the common baptisme of al the faithful to vse this forme Baptize ye all nations in the name of the father and the sonne and the holie Ghost So also in Luke the Angell Gabriell speaketh to Marie the mother of our Lord. The holie Ghost shall come vpon thee and the power of the highest shall ouershadow thee therefore that holie thing which shall be borne of thee shall be called the
he saith Whatsoeuer ye shall aske in my name that is acknowledging and naming o● calling vpon me as the redeemer high Priest and intercessor this high Priest alone goeth into the holiest place that is into the secret counsell of the deitie and seeth the minde of the eternal father and maketh request for vs and searching our hearts presenteth our sorrowes sighes and praiers vnto him It is plaine that this doctrine of the Mediatour was obscured and corrupted when men went to the mother Virgine as more mercifull and others sought other Mediators And it is plaine that there is no example to be seene in the Prophets or Apostles where prayer is made vnto men heare me Abraham or heare me O God for Abrahams sake but prayer is made vnto God who hath reuealed himselfe to wit to the eternall father to the sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ and to the holie Ghost that he would receiue heare and saue vs for the sonnes sake It is also expresselie made to the sonne as 2. Thess 2. Our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe and God and our father who hath loued vs strengthen you c. and Gen. 48. Iacob nameth God and the sonne the Mediator when he saith God before whome my fathers walked and the Angell that deliuered me out of all troubles that is the promised Sauiour blesse these children Therefore we vse these formes of inuocation I call vpon the O Almightie God eternall father of our Lord Iesus Christ maker of heauen earth together with thy sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and thy holie spirite O wise true good righteous moste free chaste and mercifull God haue mercie vpon me and for Iesus Christes sake thy sonne crucified for vs and raised vp againe heare and sanctifie me with thy holie spirit I call vpon the O Iesus Christ the sonne of God crucified for vs and raised vp againe haue mercie on me pray for me vnto the euerlasting father and sanctifie me with thy holie spirite In these forme we know what we praie vnto And seing there are testimonies of Gods word to be seene which shewe that this praying pleaseth God and is heard such praying maie be made in faith These thinges are not to be found in that inuocation which is made vnto men Some gather testimonies out of Augustine and others to shewe that the Saintes in heauen haue care of humane affaires This may more plainlie be shewed by Moses and Elias talking with Christ And there is no doubt but that such as are in happines praie for the Church but yet it followeth not thereupon that they are to be praied vnto And albeit we teach that men are not to be praied vnto yet we propound the histories of those that are in blessed state vnto the people Because it is necessary that the history of the Church be by some meanes knowne vnto all by what testimonies the Church is called together founded and how it is preserued and what kinde of doctrine hath ben● published by the fathers Prophets Apostles and Martyrs In these histories we commaund all to giue thankes vnto God for that he hath reuealed himselfe that he hath gathered togither his Church by his son that he hath deliuered his doctrine vnto vs and hath sent teachers and hath shewed in them the witnesses of him selfe we commaund al to consider of their doctrine to strengthè their faith by those testimonies which God hath shewed in them That they likewise consider the examples of iudgement and punishments that the feare of God may be stirred vp in them we commaund them to follow their faith patience and other vertues that they learne that in God is no respect of persons and desire to haue themselues also receiued heard gouerned saued and helped as God receiued Dauid Manasses Magdalene the theefe on the Crosse We also teach how these examples are to be followed of euerie ma● in his vocation because error in imitation and preposterous zeale is oft times the cause of great euills We also commend the diligence of the Saintes themselues who tooke heede of wasting Gods giftes in vaine And to conclude they that are moste fooles maie gather great stored doctrine out of these histories which doctrine is profitable to be published to the people so that superstition be ●e● aside OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WITTEMBERG● CHAP. 1. WE beleeue and confesse that there is one onel● God true eternall and infinite almightie ma●● of all thinges visible and inuisible and that in this one 〈◊〉 eternall godhead there are three properties or persons of them selues subsisting the Father the sonne and th● holie Ghost As the Prophetical and Apostolicall scriptures teach and the Creedes of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius declare Of the sonne of God CHAP. 2. VVE beleeue and confesse that the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ was begotten of his father from euerlasting true and euerlasting God consubstantiall with his Father c. Looke the rest in the 6. diuision Of the holie Ghost CHAP. 3. VVE beleeue and confesse that the holie Ghost proceedeth from God the Father from euerlasting that he is true and eternal God of the same essence maiestie glorie with the Father and the sonne as the holie Fathers by authoritie of the holie scripture wel declared in the Councel of Constantinople against Macedonius Of Inuocation of Saints CHAP. 23. THere is no doubt but the memorie of those Saintes who when they were in this bodelie life furthered the Church either by doctrine or writings or by miracles or by examples and haue either witnessed the trueth of the gospell by Martyrdome or by a quiet kinde of death fallen on sleep in Christ ought to be sacred with al the Godlie and they are to be commended to the Church that by their doctrine and examples we maie be strengthned in true faith and inflamed to follow true godlines We confesse also that the Saintes in heauen doe after their certaine manner pray for vs before God as the Angels also are carefull for vs and all the creatures doe after a certaine heauenlie manner groane for our saluation and trauell togither with vs as Paull speaketh But as the worship of inuocation of creatures is not to be instituted vpon their gronings so vpon the praier of Saints in heauen we may not alow the inuocation of saints For touching the inuocating of them there is no commaundement nor example in the holy scriptures For seeing al hope of our saluation is to be put not in the saints but in our Lord god alone through his sonne our Lord Iesus Christ it is cleere that not the Saints but God alone is to be praied vnto How shall they call one him saith Paul in whome they beleeue no t but we must not beleeue in the saints how then shal we pr ay vnto them And seeing it must needes be that he who i● praied vnto be a searcher of the heart the Saints ought not to be praied vnto because they
be wanting to him who with al his mihgt laboureth to follow and embrace the scripture of God THE SECOND SECTION OF GOD IN ESSENCE ONE IN persons three and of his true worship THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of God his vnitie and the Trinitie CHAP. 3. WE beleeue teach that God is one in essence or nature subsisting by himselfe all sufficient in himselfe inuisible without a bodie infinite eternal the creator of all things both visible inuisible the chiefest good liuing quickning and preseruing all things almightie and exceeding wise gentle or mercifull iust and true And we detest the multitude of Gods because it is expressie written The Lorde thy God is one God I am the Lord thy God thou shalt haue no straunge Gods before my face I am the Lord and there is none other beside me there is no God Am not I the Lorde and there is none other beside me alone a iust God and a Sauiour there is none beside me I the Lord Iehoua the mercifull God gracious long suffering and aboundant in goodnes and truth c. Exod. 34. We neuertheles beleeue and teach that the same infinite one and indiuisible God is in persons inseparablie and without confusion distinguished into the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost so as the Father hath begotten the Sonne from euerlasting the Sonne is begotten by an vnspeakeable manner and the holie Ghost proceedeth from them both and that from euerlasting and is to be worshipped with them both So that there be not three Gods but three persons consubstantiall coeternall and coequall distinct as touching their persons and in order one going before another yet without anie inequalitie For as touching their nature or essence they are so ioyned together that they are but one God and the diuine essence is common to the Father the sonne and the holy Ghost For the scripture hath deliuered vnto vs a manifest distinction of persons the Angell among other thinges saying thus to the blessed Virgine The holie Ghost shall come vpon thee and the power of the highest shall ouershadow thee and that holie thing which shal be borne shal be called the sonne of God Also in the baptisme of Christ a voice was heard from heauen saying This is my beloued Sonne The holie Ghost also appeared in the likenes of a doue And when the Lord himselfe commaunded to baptize he commaunded To baptize in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost In like sort else where in the Gospell he saide The Father will send the holie Ghost in my name Againe he saith When the comforter shall come whome I will send vnto you from the Father the spirit of trueth who proceedeth from the Father he shall beare witnes of me c. To be short we receiue the Apostles Creede because it deliuereth vnto vs the true faith We therefore condemne the Iewes and the Mahometistes and all those that blaspheme this Trinitie that is sacred and onelie to be adored VVe also condemne all heresies and heretiks which teach that the sonne and the holie Ghost are God onelie in name also that there is in the Trinitie some thing created that serueth and ministreth vnto an other finally that there is in it some thing vnequal greater or lesse corporall or corporally fashioned in manners or in will diuers either confounded or sole by it selfe as if the sonne and holie Ghost were the affections proprieties of one God the Father as the Monarchistes the Nouatians Praxeas the Patripassians Sabellius Samosatenus Aëtius Macedonius Arrius and such like haue thought Of Idolls or Images of God of Christ and of Saints CHAP. 4. ANd because god is an inuisible spirit an incomprehensible essence he can not therefore by anie arte or image be expressed For which cause we feare not with the scripture to tearme the Images of God meere lies VVe doe therefore reiect not onelie the Idols of the Gentles but also the images of Christians For although Christ tooke vppon him mans nature yet he did not therefore take it that he might set forth a patterne for caruers and painters He denied that he came To destroie the law and the Prophets But images are forbidden in the lawe the Prophets He denied that his Bodelie presense should anie whit profit the Church He promised that He would by his spirit be present with vs for euer who would then beleeue that the shadow or picture of his bodie doth anie whit benifit the godlie seeing that he abideth in vs by his spirit We are therefore the Temples of God But what agreement hath the temple of God which images And seeing that the blessed spirites and saints in heauen while they liued here abhorred all worship donne vnto themselues and spake against images who can thinke it likely that the saints in heauen and the Angell are delighted with their owne Images whereunto men doe bow their knees vncouer their heades and giue such other like honour But that men might be instructed in Religion put in minde of heauenlie things and of their owne saluation the Lord commaunded To preach the Gospell not to paint and instruct the laytie by pictures he also instituted Sacraments but he no where appointed Images Furthermore in euerie place which waie soeuer we turne our eies we maie see the liuelie and true creatures of God which if they be marked as is meete they do much more effectuallie mooue the beholder then all the Images or vaine vnmooueable rotten and dead pictures of all men whatsoeuer of which the Prophet spake truelie They haue eies see not c. Therfore we approoue the iudgement of Lactantius an auncient writer who saith Vndoubtedly there is no religion wheresoeuer there is a picture And we affirme that the blessed Bishop Epiphanius did wel who finding on the church dores a vaile that had painted in it the picture as it might be of Christ or of some other Saint he cut and tooke it awaie For that contrarie to the authoritie of the scriptures he had seene the picture of a man to hang in the Church of Christ and therefore he charged that from thence forth no such vailes which were contrarie to ou● religiō should be hanged vp in the Church of Christ but that rather such scruple should be taken awaie which was vnworthie the Church of Christ and all faithful people Moreouer we approoue this sentence of S. Augustine Cap. 55. de vera relig Let not the worship of mens works be a religion vnto vs. For the workmen them selues that make such things are better whome yet we ought not to worship Of the adoring worshipping and inuocating of God through the onelie Mediator Iesus Christ CHAP. 5. WE teach men to adore and worship the true God alone this honour we impart to none according to the commaundement of the Lorde thou shalt adore the Lorde thy God and
Sonne of God In like manner The grace of our Lord Iesus Christe and the loue of God and the fellowship of the holie Ghost be with you Againe There are three that beare wi●nes in heauen the father the wo●de and the holie Ghost whish three are one By all which places we are fullie taught that in one onelie God there are three persons And although this doctrine passe al the reach of mans wit yet we now stedfastlie beleeue it out of the word of God looking when we shall enioy the full knowledge thereof in heauen The offices also effects of these three persons which euerie of them sheweth towards vs are to be marked For the father by reason of his power is called our Creator the sonne our Sauiour and redeemer because he hath redeemed vs by his bloode the holie Ghost is called our Sanctifier because he dwelleth in our heartes And the true Church hath allwaies euen from the Apostles age vntill these times kept this holie doctrine of the blessed Trinitie and manteineth it against Iewes Mahometanes and other false Christians and heretikes such as were Marcion Manes Praxeas Sabellius Samosatenus and the like all which were worthelie condemned by the fathers of most sound Iudgement Therefore we do here willinglie admit those three Creedes namelie that of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius and whatsoeuer things they according to the meaning of those Creeds haue set downe concerning this point of doctrine We beleeue that Iesus Christ in respect of his diuine nature is the onelie sonne of God begotten from euerlasting not made or created for then he should be a creature but of the same essence with the father and coeternall with him who also is the true Image of the fathers substance and the brightnes of his glorie in all things equall vnto him But he is the sonne of god not onely since the time he tooke vpon him our nature but from euerlasting as these testimonies being laid together teach vs. Moses saith that God created the worlde but Saint Iohn saith That all thinges w●●e made by the worde which he calleth God so the Apostle to the Hebrewes auoutcheth that God made all thinges by his sonne Iesus Christ It followeth therefore that he who is called both God and the word and the Sonne and Iesus Christ had his being euen then when all thinges were made by him Therefore Micheah the Prophet saith 〈◊〉 goeing out hath beene from the beginning from the daies of eternitie againe He is without beginning of daies and without end of life He is therefore that true God eternall almightie whome we praie vnto worship and serue We beleue also and confesse that the holie Ghost proceedeth from the father the sonne from euerlasting that therfore he was neither made nor created nor begotten but onelie proceeding from them both who is in order the third person of the Trinitie of the same essence glory maiesty with the father and the sonne and therefore he also is true and euerlasting God as the holie scriptures teach vs. We also beleeue that we haue no accesse to God but by that one onelie Mediatour and Aduocate Iesus Christ the righteous who was therefore made man vniting the humanitie to the diuine nature that there might be an entrance made for vs miserable men to the maiestie of God which had otherwise beene shut vp against vs for euer Yet the maiestie and power of this Mediatour whome the father hath set betweene himselfe and vs ought in no case so much to fray vs that we should therefore thinke another is to be sought at our owne pleasure For there is none either among the heauenlie or earthlie creatures who doth more entirelie loue vs then Christ himselfe who when he was in the shape of God humbled himselfe by taking vpon him the shape of a seruant and for our sakes became like vnto his brethren in all points and if we were to seeke an other Mediatour who would vouchsafe vs some good will whome I praie you could we finde that would loue vs more earnestlie then he who willinglie laid his life downe for vs when as yet we were his enemies If moreouer we were to seeke another that excelleth both in soueraigne authority also power who euer obteined so great power as he himselfe who sitteth at the right hand of God the father to whome all power is giuen in heauen in earth To conclude who was more likelie to be heard of God then that onely begotten and dearelie beloued sonne of God therefore nothing but distrust brought in this custome wherby we rather dishonor the Saints whome we thinke to honour in doeing these things which they in their life time were euer so farre from doeing that they rather constantlie and according to their dutie abhorred them as their owne writings beare witnes Neither is our owne vnworthines here to be alledged for excuse of so great vngodlines For we at no hand offer vp our praiers trusting to our owne worthines but resting vpon the only worthines excellency of the Lord Iesus Christ whose righteousnes is ours by faith whereupon the Apostle for good cause to exempt vs from this vaine feare or rather distrust saith that Christ was in all things made like vnto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and faithfull high priest in those things that were to be done with God for the clensing of the peoples sinnes For in as much as he beeing tempted hath suffered he is also able to helpe those that are tempted And that he might encourage vs to come the more boldlie to this high Priest the same Apostle addeth Hauing therefore a great high priest who hath entred the heauens euen Iesus the son of god let us hol● fast this professiō For we haue not an high priest that cānot be touched with the feling of our infirmities but he was in al things tēpted in like sort yet without sin Let vs therefore with boldnes approch vnto the throne of grace that we may obteine mercie finde grace to help in time of need The same Apostle saith that we haue liberty to enter into the holy place thorough the blood of Iesus Let vs therfore draw neare with a constant perswasion of faith c. And againe Christ hath an euerlasting priesthood Wherefore he is able 〈◊〉 to save them that come vnto God by him seeing he euer liueth 〈◊〉 make intercession for them What need manie wordes when as Christ himselfe saith I am the way the trueth and the life N● man commeth to the father but by me VVhy should we seeke vnto our selues any other Aduocate especiallie seeing it hath pleased God himselfe to giue vs his owne sonne for our Aduocate there is no cause why forsaking him we should see●e another lest by continuall seeking we neuer finde any other For God vndoubtedlie knew when he gaue him 〈◊〉 vs that we were miserable sinners VVhereupon it is that a cording to
Moreouer to giue an euident token of his confession he found fault with the other which cursed Christ These thinges are done by him because this verie Messias beeing partner with him in his punishment in a wo●de doth teach his minde and by 〈◊〉 some comfort the Worde is effectual in him and through 〈◊〉 the eternall Father doth poure the holie ghost into the heart of this hearer that he may kindle in him ioye loue inuocation hope of eternall life and other vertues Of Rewardes PAull saith Rom. 6. Eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lorde and they that are reconciled or iustified Are heires annexed with the Sonne of God and that for his sake not for their owne merittes Faith receiuing remission of sinnes and iustification and the hope of eternall life doe relie vpon the Sonne of god the Mediatour as it is said Ioh. 6. This is the will of the Father that ●●erie one that beleeueth in him should haue eternall life And Rom. 5. Beeing iustified by faith we haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom we haue accesse through faith vnto this grace wherin we stand and reioyce vnder the hope of eternall life He ioyneth faith and hope together and affirmeth that either of them doth relie vpon the Mediatour And it is manifest that hope ought not to relie on our workes because it is saide Psal 142. No man liuing shall be iustified in thy sight But as they which repent are accounted iust by faith for the onelie Sonne of god his sake and for him and thorough him are quickned so for him and not for our merites is eternall life giuen vnto vs as the theefe on the crosse heareth this promise To daie thou shalt be with me in Paradise Luc. 23. Neither must we dreame that the Sonne of god did merit or giue vnto vs a preparation onelie to eternall life but let that most comfortable saying of Hosee be alwaies in our sight O death I will be thy death O hell I wil be thy destruction For the Sonne of God thorough him we are deliuered form eternal death translated into life eternall as he saith I giue vnto them eternall life And. 1. Ioh. 5. He that hath the Sonne hath life And let hope be sure firme as Peter saith 1. Pet. 1. Hope perfectlie that is looke for eternall life not with doubtfull opinion in an assured hope to wit for the Mediatours sake And Augustine saith well in his booke of meditations The certainetie of our whole confidence consisteth in the blood of Christ Let vs holde both these points assuredlie that he which repenteth doth freelie by faith receiue remission of sinnes and iustification for the Sonne of god his sake and that he is an heire of eternall life as Paull saith Rom. 8. As many as are led by the spirit of God they are the Sonnes of God And if they be children they are also the heiresof God Yet notwithstanding this also is true that they which doe shake of the holie ghost falling from faith or sinning grieuouslie against their conscience and doe not returne vnto God by repentance are not heires as it is saide Gal. 5. They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdome of God And. 1. Tim. 2. Fight a good fight hauing faith and a good conscience which some haue put awaie and as concerning faith haue made shipwracke And Math. 25. I was hungrie and ye gaue me not to eate And These shall goe into euerlasting punishment but the righteous shall goe into life eternall Now although life eternall life is giuen to the regenerate for the Sonne of god yetwithall it is also a rewarde of good workes as it is said Your reward is plentifull in heauen as a patrimonie is the reward of the laboures of a sonne although it be giuen to the sonne for an other cause Moreouer god hath added vnto good workes certaine promises of his and therefore euen for the good workes of holie men God doth giue spirituall and corporall gifts euen in this life and that diuerselie as it seemeth good to his vnspeakable wisedome 1. Tim. 4. Godlines hath the promises of the life present of that that is to come Marc. 10. They shall receiue a hundred folde in this life but with tribulation and after this life eternall life Mat. 10. Whosoeuer shall giue vnto one of these little ones to drinke a cup of colde water onelie in the name of a disciple he shall not loose his rewarde Luc. 6. Giue and it shall be giuen to you Exod. 20. Honoure thy Father and thy Mother that thou maiest liue long vpon earth Isa 33. Bread shal be giuen him and his waters shal be sure they shall see the King in his glorie that is for obedience and good workes God doth giue quiet common weales an honest meeke gouernement c. Isa 58. Breake thy breade to the hungrie and thou shalt be as a garden that is watered c. The example of the widow at Sarepta is well knowne and the Psalmist saith Substance and riches are in his house For seeing that God in this mortall and miserable life doth gather his Church and will haue it to be an honest congregation he giueth there unto many places of entertainement he giueth nestes to godlie poore families for the bringing vp of their children and for the spreading abroad of doctrine to conclude he will preserue the societie of mankinde householdes and common weales and that to this ende that a Church may be gathered Therefore he giueth sometime a gouernment not troublesome peace a fruitfull land other good thinges for the prayers of holie men for their diligence and for common necessities sake as for Ioseph Naaman Daniel those kingdomes wherein they liued ●lorished the more And Ierem. 19. The banished in Babylon are commaunded to praie for the peace and holsome gouernment of that place where they were intertayned So also often times punishments are heaped vp for the sinnes of the Chuch as is to be seene in the punishment of the tribe of Beniamin Dauid and others Now god will haue vs to vnderstand that these benefits are necessarie for the bodie and to know that they be giuen of god in asking of them he will haue our faith to be exercised as we shall declare more at large in a fit place At this time we haue therefore added these few thinges that in this confession there might be also a Testimonie in our Churches that this true and necessarie doctrine touching good workes is faithfullie laide open OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of Iustification CHAP. 5. WE beleeue and confesse that to do and practize such righteousnes as is acceptable to God these vertues be necessarie Faith hope and loue and that man can not of him-selfe conceiue these vertues but doth receiue them of the fauour and grace of God and that faith doth worke by loue But we think that their iudgement doth
Section and the 7. obseruation the 9. Section and the second obseruation vnto the same Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same The Pastours of the Churches doe consecrate c. By the name of consecration we vnderstand no other thing then the vse of Christs ordination by whose blessing and power the elements are sanctified vnto vs whereof dependeth the wholl force and dignitie of the sacraments Vpon the same Euerie holie daie and other daies also if any be desirous to vse the sacrament c. Of holie daies is spoken afterwards in the 16. Section But in our Churches certaine daies by publick warning are appointed wherein if any refuse to receiue the Supper they answere for it in the Consistorie Vpon the same about the ende of the 2. Article of abuses And because that the parting c. This verilie is one cause why the carying about of the Sacrament is condemned yet neither the onlie cause nor the chiefest Vpon the Confession of Saxony ANd that he is in thee c. This we admit touching the spirituall efficacie not concerning the verie essence of the flesh the which is now in heauen and no where else as hath beene before shewed in the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same Neither are any admitted to the Communion c. This we alow as being vnderstood of Catechizing or instruction As for priuate absolution how farre we thinke it to be required it hath bin shewed of vs heretofore namelie in the 8. Section and 1. obseruation both vpon this and also vpon the Confession of Bohemia Vpon the same That Christ is trulie and substantiallie present c. Looke the 1. and 2. obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same That Christ witnesseth that he is in them and doth make them his members c. Both these also we doe imbrace as is contained in the worde of God namely so that this wholl dwelling be by his power and efficacie and that the flesh of Christ be communicated vnto vs yet after a spirituall and mysticall manner as hath bin declared of vs before both in the Confession of Bohemia and of Auspurge Vpon the same And lessons appointed c. How farre we doe alow this distribution of the holie scripture looke the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia the 1. Section Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge That the true bodie of Christ c. Looke before in the first obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same Of the bodie of Christ being onelie absent c. We doe beleeue out of the word of God and by the perpetuall and euident agreement of the wholl auncient and true Church that the bodie of Christ hath alwaies bin is and shall be circumscribed and locall Wherefore as when he liued vpon the earth he was no where else so now also beeing aboue in heauen he is there and no where else in his substance as Vigilius plainlie affirmeth against Eutiches Yet for all that we doe not affirme that the verie body of Christ is onelie or simplie absent or that the bread and wine are onlie simple and naked signes or bare Pictures or nothing else but certaine tokens of Christian profession For in this sence is there one onlie action of the holie Supper that yet notwithstanding it should be partlie corporall and celebrated vpon the earth in which respect we doubt not to say that Christs body is as farre distant from vs as heauen is from the earth partlie heauenlie the minde and faith lifting vp the heart vnto God in the which respect we acknowledge that the body of the Lord is present in the Supper to our minde and faith But that they be bare and naked signes how can we possiblie affirme which so often and so euidently haue beaten vpon this that the things signified are no lesse certainly giuen vnto the mind then the signes themselues vnto the body Vpon the same Or else chaunge them into the bodie and blood c. We se not how God may be said to be able to doe that which is manifestly repugnant to his owne will concerning the euerlasting truth of Christs body as it hath bin opened vnto vs in the word of God Vpon the same But for the truth of the sacramentes c. The truth of the Sacrament we affirme whollie to consist in this that there be not any vaine signification of the signes but that that which is signified vnto them by the bodie is indeed giuen vnto the minde to be receiued by faith As hath more fully beene spoken heretofore in the first obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same But that whole Christ c. But we say by the institution of God that the body by the deliuering of the bread is giuen vnto vs as true meate and that his blood by the powring of the wine is giuen vnto vs as distinctlie as true drink yet both of them to be receiued with the minde and with faith not with the mouth Notwithstanding that by this dispensation which in respect of the thing signified is distinctlie made and in regard of the signes themselues seuerally distributed that nothing is deuided in the humanitie of Christ Vpon the same Therfore to the right action of the Eucharist c. This we do so graunt to be true that notwithstanding we doe also knowe that the supper of the Lord is not priuate vnto two but that it appertaineth to the wholl Church or at the least to some one part of the same IN THE 15. SECTION Vpon the former Confession of Heluetia TO the people euerie daie c. to wit where it may be done commodiouslie but in other places as oft as may be IN THE 16. SECTION Vpon the Confession of Bohemia OF this sort be certaine daies appointed for fasts holydaies c. And a litle after to the remembrance of holy men as of the Virgin Marie c. Also a litle after in the 17. Chap. Holy daies consecrated to the Virgin c. Also That the Saints are truely worshiped c As certaine Churches doe so farre submit themselues to the infirmitie of them with whome they be conuersant as to obserue these things though they doe disagree very much yea though they be altogether contrarie in the manner thereof so most Churches not being compelled by any such necessitie haue without the offence of other Churches vtterly abolished euen these things also not onelie as vnprofitable but as hurtfull Vpon the same Doe make godlie and Christian songs of hir c. Also a litle after and sing profitable songs and such as are free from superstition c. Herein also let the Churches vse their libertie to edifying and let that be very carefully auoided in this song which hath hapned in extolling the praises chieflie of the Virgin Marie lest that whilst God seemeth to be praised in his Saints the
knowledge of God but we are to thinke otherwise of the Images of our Lord Iesus Christ and other Saints Let him in like sort thinke that God did manie externall workes in Israell of which he commaundeth them to be mindeful for euer that he raised vp vnto them not a few famous holie men whose faith he woulde neuer haue them to forget Yet he neuer established the memorial of them by such Images that he might giue no occasion of backsliding or Apostasie which is wont to follow the worshipping of Images Wherfore in the purer primitiue church it was abhomination to haue euen the Image of Christ as hath bene afore shewed To be short our Preachers confes that Images of themselues are indifferent so that no worship or adoration be done vnto them But it is not inough for a christian man to haue a thing free but he ought alwaies to haue a diligent respect hereunto whether the same be profitable for edification 1. Cor. 10. for nothing is to be suffred or assayed in the Church which hath not in it some certaine vse of edifying Seing then it plainelie appeareth what greeuous offences Images in times past brought forth and doe as yet bring forth and seing it cannot be shewed wh●● profite can be hoped for thereof vnles peraduenture we will be counted quicker sighted then God himselfe and the auncient christians that were truelie Godlie who were so farre from taking anie profite thereby that they euen abhorred Images in Churches all Images and Idolls are worthelie to be abhorred in the Church Neither can the workemanship of the Cherubins vpon the a●ke of the couenant or other Ornaments of the Temple which the Patrones of Images are wont to obiect vnto vs hinder this truth among Christians For God had expresselie commaunded the Cherubins to be made but he would not haue them seene of the people And al the other things were ordeined rather for the beautie of ●he Temple then to learne anie knowledge of God thereby although from them as from all the rest of Gods work●s they which were spirituall might take occasion to meditate vpon the goodnes of god But it is requisite also to call this to minde that we are much more bound to worship God in spirit and truth then they of olde time were for that we are more plentifullie inriched with Christes spirit if we trulie beleeue in him THE THIRD SECTION OF THE ETERNALL PROVIDENCE OF God and the creation of the world THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the prouidence of God CHAP. 6. WE beleeue that all things both in heauen and in earth and in al creatures are susteined and gouerned by the prouidence of this wise eternall and omnipotent God For Dauid witnesseth and saith The Lord is high aboue all nations and his glorie aboue the heauens VVho is as our God who dwelleth on high and yet humbleth him selfe to beholde the thinges that are in heauen and earth Againe he saith Thou hast foreseene all my waies For there is not a worde in my tongue which thou knowest not whollie O Lord c. Paul also witnesleth and saith By him we liue mooue and haue our being And of him and through him and for him are all thinges Therefore Augustine both truelie and according to the scripture saide in his booke de agone Christi cap. 8. The Lord said Are not two sparrowes solde for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without the will of your father By speaking thus he woulde giue vs to vnderstand that whatsoeuer men count most vile that also is gouerned by the almightie power of God For the trueth which saide that all the haires of our heads are numbred saith also that the birdes of the aire are fed by him and the lilies of the fielde are clothed by him We therfore condemne the Epicures who denie the prouidence of God and all those who blasphemouslie affirme that god is occupied about the poles of heauen and tha● he neither seth nor regardeth vs or our affaires The princelie prophet Dauid also condemned these men when as ●e said O Lord How long how long shall the wicked triumph they 〈◊〉 the Lord doth not see neither doth the God of Iacob regarde it Vnderstand ye vnwise among the people and ye fooles when will yea wise He that hath planted the eare shall he not heare and he th● hath formed the cie how should he not see Notwithstanding 〈◊〉 doe not contemne the meanes whereby the prouidenced God worketh as though they were vnprofitable but w● reach that we must applie our selues vnto them so farre as they are commended to vs in the word of God VVhetfore we mislike the rash speeches of such as saie that if by the prouidence of God all thinges are gouerned then all o● studies and endeuours are vnprofitable It shall be sufficient if we leaue or permit all things to be gouerned by th● prouidence of God we shal not need herafter to be careful or to be taught i● any matter For though Paul did confes that he did saile by the prouidence of god who had said to him Thou must testifie of me also at Rome who moreouer promised said There shal not so much as one soule perish Neith● shal an haire fal from your heads Yet the mariners deuising how they might finde a waie to escape the same Paul sait● to the Centurion to the souldiers Vnlesse these remaine i● the ship ye can not be safe For God who hath appointed euerthing his end he also hath ordained the beginning and th● meanes by which we must attaine vnto the end The heathens ascribe thinges to blinde fortune and vncertain● chaunce but Saint Iames would not haue vs saie To dai●● to morrow we will go into such a Citie and there buie and sell but he addeth for that which you should saie if the Lord wil and if we liue we will doe this or that And Augustine saith All those thinges which seeme to ●aine men to be done vnaduisedlie in the world they doe but accomplish his word because they are not do●● but by his commaundement And in his exposition on the 148. Psal It seemed to be done by chaunce that Saull seeking his fathers Asses should light on the Prophet Samuell but the Lord had before said to the Prophet to morrowe I will send vnto the a man of the Tribe of Beniamin c. Of the creation of all thinges of the Angells the Deuill and man CHAP. 7. THis good and almightie God created all things both visible and inuisible by his eternall word and preserueth the same also by his eternal spirit as Dauid witnesseth saying By the word of the Lorde were the heauens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth And as the scripture saith All thinges that the Lord created were verie good And made for the vse and profit of man Now we saie that all those thinges
the sacraments the which is prooued by that sentence of the moste excellent Apostle Saint Paul For Christ sent me not to Baptize that is not chieflie to do this but to preach the Gospell For onelie through the pure Gospell and the preaching thereof is faith sowed inwardlie in the heart by the holie Ghost and from thence also must we conceiue and seeke the true meaning of God and Christ touching all thinges necessarie to saluation and also touching the sacramentes them-selues Amongst those who by reason of their age are able to vse their vnderstanding it is of necessitie that the preaching of the Gospell go before the receiuing of the sacramentes Wherof we maie see an euident proofe in those three thowsand which were conuerted by Peter also in Cornelius in the Chamberlaine we maie see that according to the example of Phillippe the question is thus to be made Doest thou beleeue with all thy heart Then it maie be that thou who hast true faith grafted in thy heart maiest receiue profit by the participation of the sacraments For without the hearing of the word of God which is the sauing power of God no man shall wittinglie attaine vnto faith and saluation according to that saying of Paull Therfore faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God And againe How shall they beleeue in him of whome they haue not heard Therefore herein our preachers endeuour them selues moste earnestlie that in our Ecclesiastical meetings they maie propound vnto the people the sincere word of God without all mixture or inuentious of men For which cause also they do by an auncient custome recite in the mother and vulgare tongue which maie be vnderstood of all not onelie those Chapters which are appointed to be read out of the gospell at certaine times but also all other partes of holie scripture and do exhort the people with an earnest desire to heare the word o● God and to frequent those Ecclesiasticall meetings that by the diligent teaching of the Gospell and by often repeating it in their sermons they maie first teach the people repentance and faith and then the vse and administration of the sacraments and by this meanes prepare them to the right receiuing of the sacraments afterwardes also bo●● whilest the sacraments be administred and after they be administred they doe conuenientlie instruct them in all those thinges which the Lord commaunded and chieflie in those things which doe appertaine to the leading of an honest life and such a one as beseemeth a Christian profession as Christ saith Teach them to keepe all things which I 〈◊〉 commaunded you In this place also it is taught verie diligentlie and as the matter requireth touching the difference which is to be obserued betwixt the worde or doctrine and worke of the lawe and betwixt the worde and force of the holie Gospell The worde or ministerie of the lawe and of the olde Testament is the worde of death feare and of the letter also the worde of wrath and the worde of malediction but the worde of the new Testament that is of the holie Gospell is the ministerie of faith and the spirit of cleerenes or glorie through our Lord Iesus Christ the worde of grace of the new couenant the worde of comfort and the messenger of peace Of them both the Apostle writeth thus The letter killeth but the spirit quickneth And Christ saith The wordes which I speake 〈◊〉 spirit and life Also there is mention made of the vse of the 〈◊〉 law in the fourth Chapter of this confession beginning with these wordes This doctrine of the true knowledge of sinne c. 〈◊〉 is to be seene before in the fourth Section whereunto all that Chapter apperteineth OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE beleeue that all the figures of the law are takes awaie by the comming of Chist howbeit we are assured that the truth and substance of them doth abide i● him in whome they are all fulfilled Yet we must vse the doctrine of the law and the Prophets both to frame our life aright and also that we may so much the more be confirmed in the promises of the Gospell OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue that all the ceremonies figures and shadows of the law haue ceased at the comming of Christ so that now euen the vse of them ought to be taken away abolished among Christians Yet in the mean time the truth substance of them doth remaine to vs in Christ in whome they are all fulfilled And therfore we doe still vse the testimonies of the law the Prophets to confirme our selues in the doctrine of the gospell and to lead an honest life vnto Gods glorie according to his will THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE doth by the way mention the doctrine of the Gospell of the end thereof in the 4. and 5. Articles which we haue placed in the ninth Section wherein iustification and remission of sinnes by faith in Christ is handled OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SAXONY ANd that the benefittes of this Mediatour might be knowen vnto mankinde and applied vnto vs there was a promise giuen straight in the beginning after the fal of our first parents and afterwardes often times repeated and by voice of the Prophets declared but moste cleerely was it recited by the verie Sonne and afterwardes by the Apostles And there was a ministery instituted to teach and to spread abroade that promise also there was a Church made and often renued by the same very voice touching the Sonne of God our attonement By this mynisterie the Sonne of God alwaies was is and shall be effectuall in the beleeuers as it is saide Rom. 1. The Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth And he doth renue this ministerie when he saith As my Father sent me so doe I send you also Go preach repentance remission of sinnes in my name He wil that sin should be reprooued in all mankind as he saith The spirit shall reprooue the world of sinne because they beleeue not in ●ee And Rom. 1. The wrath of God is reueiled from heauen against all vngodlines and vnrighteousnes of men God will haue his wrath to be acknowledged against all sinne and chieflie against the contempt of the Sonne as he saith in the Psalme Kisse the Sonne lest he be angrie and so ye perish from the waie c. He wil haue vs truelie to be put in great feare by the knowledge of our darkenes of our horrible wickednes and our stubbernes And truelie God himselfe doth amaz● our heartes with the sense of his anger as Ezechiah sait● Like a Lyon he brake all my bones And to this iudgement 〈◊〉 doth not onelie vse the voice of the ministerie of the law● and of the Gospell but also all calamities be as it were the voice of the lawe admonishing vs of the wrath of God 〈◊〉 calling vs to repentance Now when the minde is
fulnes of time was come God sent his Sonne made of a woman and made vnder the law that he might redeeme them which were vnder the law and that we by adoption might receiue the right of sonnes And Acts. 15 it is saide Why tempt ye God to laie an yoke vpon the Disciples neckes which neither our fathers nor wee were able to beare but we beleeue through the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ to be saued euen as they c. And Augustine saith That people which receiued the old Testament was helde vnder certaine shadowes and figures of thinges before the comming of the Lorde according to the wonderfull and moste orderlie diuision of times Yet therein was so great preaching and foretelling of the new Testament that in the Euangelicall and Apostolike discipline though it be painfull and diuine no commaundements or promises can be found which are wanting euen in those olde bookes THE EIGHT SECTION OF REPENTANCE AND THE CONVERSION OF MAN THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA CHAP. 14. THe gospel hath the doctrine of repentance ioyned with it for so saide the Lord in the Gospell In my name must repentance and remission of sinnes be preached among all nation Byrepentance we vnderstand the change of the minde in a sinfull man stirred vp by the preaching of the Gospell and by the holy spirit receiued by a true faith by which a sinneful man doth eftsonnes acknowledge his naturall corruption and a●● his sinnes seeing them conuinced by the word of God i● hartely greeued for them and doth not onelie bewaile and freelie confesse them before God with shame but also doth loath and abhorre them with indignation thinketh seriouslie of present amendment and of a continuall care of innocencie and vertues wherein to exercise himselfe holilie all the rest of his life And surely this is true repentance namely an vnfeined turning vnto god and to all goodnes and a serious returne from the Deuill and from all euill Now we doe expresselie saie that this repentance is the meere gift of god and not the worke of our owne strength For the Apostle doth will the faithful Minister diligentlie to Instruct those which withstande the trueth if that at any time the Lord will giue them repentance that they may acknowledge the trueth Also the sinnefull woman in the gospell which washed Christs feete with her teares and Peter which bitterlie wept and bewailed his deniall of his Master doe manifestlie shew what minde the penitent man should haue to witte verie earnestlie lamenting his sins committed Moreouer the Prodigal sonne and the Publican in the Gospell that is compared with the Pharisie doe set forth vnto vs a most fit paterne of confessing our sinnes to God The Prodigall sonne saide Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee I am not worthie to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hired seruants The Publican also not daring to lift vp his eies to heauen but knocking his brest he cryed God be mercifull vnto me a sinner And we dout not but the Lord receiued them to mercie For Iohn the Apostle saith If we confesse our sinnes he is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to purge vs from all iniquitie If we saie wee haue not sinned we make him a lier and his word is not in vs. We beleeue that this sincere confession which is made to God alone either priuatelie betweene God and the sinner or openlie in the Church where that generall confession of sinnes is rehearsed is sufficient and that it is not necessarie for the obteining of remission of sinnes that any man should confesse his sinnes vnto the priest whispering them into his eares that the priest laying his hands on his head he might receiue absolution because that we finde no commaundement nor example thereof in the holie scripture Dauid protesteth saieth I made my fault knowne to thee and my vnrighteousnes did I not hide from thee I said I will confesse my wickednes to the Lord against my selfe and thou hast forgiuen the hainousnes ofmy sinne Yea and the Lord teaching vs to pray and also to confesse our sinnes saide So shall you praie Our father which art in heauen forgiue vs our debtes euen as we forgiue our debters It is requisite therefore that we should confesse our sinnes vnto god and be reconciled with our neighbour if we haue offended him And the Apostle Iames speaking generallie of confession saith Confes ech of you your sinnes one to another If so be that any man beeing ouerwhelmed with the burthen of his sinnes and troublesome temptations wil priuatelie aske counsell instruction or comfort either of a minister of the Church or of any other brother that is learned in the law of God we doe not mislike it Like as also we doe fullie alow that generall and publike confession which is wont to be rehearsed in the Church and in holie meetings whereof we spake before beeing as it is agreeable with the scripture As concerning the keies of the kingdome of heauen which the Lord committed to his Apostles they prate manie straunge thinges and of these keies they make swordes speares scepters and crownes and full power ouer mightie kingdoms yea ouer mens soules and bodies But we iudging vprightlie according to the word of God do saie that al ministers trulie called haue and exercise the keies or the vse of them when as they preach the Gospell that is to say when they doe teach exhorte reprooue and keepe in order the people committed to their charge For so doe they open the kingdome of God to the obedient and shut it against the disobedient These keies did the Lorde promise to the Apostles in the 16. Chapter of Mathew and deliue them in Iohn 20. Chapter Marke 16. Luke the 24. when as he sent forth his disciples and commaunded them To preach the Gospell in all the world to forgiue sinnes The Apostle in the Epistle to the Cor. saith That the Lorde gaue to his minister● the ministerie of reconciliation And what this was he straighwaie maketh plaine and saieth The worde or doctrine of reconciliation And yet more plainelie expounding his words he he addeth that the ministers of Christ Do as it were go an imbassage in Christs name as if God himselfe should by his ministers exhort the people to be reconciled to god to weet by faithful obedience They vse the keies therfore when as they perswade to faith and repentance Thus do they reconcile men to God thus they forgiue sins thus do they open the kingdome of heauen and bring in the beleeuers much differing herein from those of whome the Lorde spake in the Gospell W●t be vnto you lawyers for ye haue taken awaie the keie of knowledge You haue not entred in your selues and those that would haue entered ye forbad Rightlie therefore and effectuallie do ministers absolue when as they preach the Gospell of Christ and thereby
of a Christian man and to what actions he ought chiefelie to giue him selfe namelie to all those wherby euerie one for his parte maie profit his neighbours and that first in things pertaining to life eternall that they also maie begin to know worship and feare god and then in thinges pertaining to this life that they maie want nothing which is necessarie to the sustenance of the bodie For as the wholl lawe of god which is a moste absolute commaundement of all righteousnes is breiflie contained in this one word Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe so in the performance of this loue it is necessarie that all righteousnes should be comprised and perfited Whereupon it followeth that nothing at all is to be reckoned among the duties of a Christian man which is not of force and effect to profit our neighbour and euerie worke is so much the more belonging to the dutie of Christian man by how much his neighbour maie the more be profited thereby Therefore next after Ecclesiasticall functions among the chiefe duties of a Christian man we place the gouernment of the Common we ale obedience to Magistrates for these be referred to the common profit that care which is taken for our wife children familie and the honour which is due to parents because that without these the life of man cannot consist and lastlie the profession of good artes and of al honest discipline because that except these be had in estimation we shall be destitute of the greatest good thinges which are proper to mankinde Yet in these and all other duties pertaining to mans life no man must rashlie take anie thing to him selfe but with a right conscience consider whereunto God doth call him To conclude let euerie man account that his duty and that so much the more excellent a duety the more that he shall profit other men thereby THE TENTH SECTION OF THE HOHOLIE CATHOLIKE CHVRCH THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the Catholike Church of God and of the heade of the Church CHAP. 17. FOrasmuch as God from the beginning would haue men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the truth therefore it is necessarie that alwaies from the beginning at this daie and to the ende of the worlde there should be a Church that is a companie of the faithfull called and gathered out of the world a communion I saie of all Saints that is of them who doe truelie know and rightlie worship and serue the true God in Iesus Christ the Sauiour by the worde and the holie spirit and which by faith are partakers of all those good graces which are freelie offered thorough Christ These all are Cytizens of one and the same Citie liuing vnder one Lord vnder the same lawes and in the same fellowship of al good things for so the Apostle calleth them fellow Cytizens with the Saints and of the householde of God tearming the faithfull vpon the earth Saints who are sanctified by the blood of the Sonne of God Of these is that article of our Creede wholly to be vnderstoode I beleeue the Catholike Church the common ion of Saintes And seeing that there is alwaies but one God and one Mediatour between God man Iesus Christ also one shepheard of the wholl flocke one head of this bodie and to conclude one spirit one saluation one faith one Testament or couenant it followeth necessarily that there is but one Church which we therefore call Catholike because it is vniuersall spread abroade thorough al the partes and quarters of the worlde reacheth vnto all times and is not limited within the compasse either of time or place Here therefore we must condemne the Donatists who pinned vp the Church within the corners of Aphricke neither doe wee allowe of the Romane cleargy who vaunte that the Church of Rome alone in a manner is Catholike The Church is diuided by some into diuers partes or diuerse sortes not that it is rent and diuided from it selfe but rather distinguished in respect of the diuersitie of the members that be in it One parte therefore they make to be the Church militant the other the Church triumphant The militant warreth still on the earth and fighteth against the flesh the world and the prince of the world the deuill and against sinne and death The other beeing allready set at libertie is now in heauen and triumpheth ouer al those beeing ouercome and continuallie reioiceth before the Lord. Yet these two churches haue notwithstanding a communion and fellowship betweene them-selues The Church militant vpon the earth hath euer more had in it many particuler Churches which must all notwithstanding be referred to the vnitie of the Catholike Church This militant Church was otherwise ordered gouerned before the law among the Patriarkes otherwise vnder Moses by the law and otherwise of Christ by the gospell There are but two sortes of people for the most parte mentioned to witte the Israelites and the gentiles o● they which of the Iewes and gentiles were gathered to make a Church There be also two testaments the olde and the new Yet both these sortes of people haue had and still haue one fellowship one saluation in one and the same Messiah in whome as members of one bode they are all ioyned together vnder one heade and by one faith are all partakers of one and the same spirituall meat and drink Yet here we do acknowledge a diuersitie of times and a diuersitie in the pledges and signes of Christ promised and exhibited and that now the ceremonies beeing abolished the light shineth vnto vs more cleerlie our giftes and graces are more aboundant and out libertie is more full and ample This holy Church of god is called the house of the liuing 〈◊〉 builded of liuing and spirituall stones founded vpon a rocke that can not be remooued vpon a foundation besides which none can b● laied Whereupon it is called the pillar and foundation of the truth that doth not erre so long as it relieth vpon the rock Christ and vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles And no maruell if it do erre so often as it forsaketh him who is the alone trueth This Church is also called a virgine and the spouse of Christ and his onelie beloued For the Apostle saith I haue ioyned you vnto one husband that I might present you a chast virgine vnto Christ The Church is called a flocke of sheepe vnder one shepheard euen Christ Ezec. 34. Ioh. 10. also the bodie of Christ because the faithfull are the liuelie members of Christ hauing him for their head It is the head which hath the preheminence in the body and from whence the wholl bodie receiueth life by whose spirit it is gouerned in al thinges of whome also it receiueth increase that it may grow vp Also there is but one heade of the bodie which hath agreement with the bodie And therfore the church cannot haue any other heade beside Christ For as the
in this life as our Lord saith Mat. ●2 The kingdome of God is like vnto a drawe net 〈◊〉 into 〈…〉 w●●rein 〈◊〉 are gathered both good and bad but yet they which become enemies to the true doctrine cease to be members of this visible congregation according to that saying Is anie man teach another Gospell let him be acc●●sed OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the cheefe Bishop THere be those that attribute this to the Bishop of Rome that he is the heade of the Vniuersall Church that he hath power in earth not onelie to ordeine ciuill kingdomes and to gouerne all Ecclesiasticall persons and matters but also to commaund the Angels in heauen to deliuer soules out of Purgatorie and to blesse or deliuer whom it pleaseth him But we acknowledge that if the Bishop of Rome were a godly man and did teach the gospel of Christ according to the writings of the Prophets Apostles then he had a ministerie of high authoritie in this earth to wit a ministerie of remitting and reteining sinnes then which ministerie there is nothing greater or more excellent in this earth But he alone hath not this ministerie but he hath it in common with all those who by a lawful calling do preach the Gospell of Christ For the ministerie of remitting or reteining sinnes which otherwise is called the key of the kingdome of heauen is not giuen to the free power of the person of men but it is so neerelie annexed to the worde of the gospell that so many as do preach the Gospel may truly be said to remit and to reteine sins to wit to remit their sins who by faith doe receiue the Gospell to reteine theirs that doe contemne the Gospell Mar. 16. Preach the Gospell to euerie creature He that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued but he that will not beleeue shall be damned Hilarie De Trinit lib. 6. saith The father reuealed it to Peter that he should saie thou art the Sonne of God Therfore vpon this rock of Confession is the Church builded this faith is the foundation of the Church whatsoeuer this faith shall loose or binde in earth shall be loosed or bound in heauen Chrysostome saith They which beare the keies be the priests to whome the worde of teaching and interpreting the Scriptures is committed Now the keie is the worde of the knowledge of the Scriptures by which keie the trueth is opened to men Augustine De Doct● Christ Lib. 1. Cap. 18. saith These keies did he giue to the Church that whatsoeuer it looseth in earth should be loosed in heauen to ●it that whosoeuer would not beleeue that his sinnes are forgiuen hi● in the Church they should not be forgiuen to him but whosoeuer should beleeue and being corrected doth turne from his sinnes being placed in the lappe of the Church should by the same faith and correction be healed Ambrose saith Sinnes are remitted by the worde whereof the Leuite is the interpreter or expounder Bernard in epist ad Eug. saith The true success●●er of Paull will sate with Paull Not that we haue dominion ouer your saith but we are helpers ●f your ioy The heires of Peter will heare Peter saying Not as though ye were Lordes ouer Gods heritage but that ye maie be ensamples to the flocke Thomas in Summa sua parte 3. in addit q. 6. art 6. saith Because the Church is founded vpon Faith and the Sacraments therefore it doth not pertaine to the ministers of the Church to make new Articles of Faith or to set a parte those which are made neither to appoint new Sacramentes or to take awaie those which are appointed but this is proper to that excellencie of power which i● due to Christ alone who is the foundation of the Church And therfore as the Pope cannot dispense that anie one maie be saued without Baptisme so can he not dispense with anie to be saued without confession because that he bindeth by force of a Sacrament And although Thomas haue his opinions touching confession yet this which he saith It doth not pertaine to the Ministers of the Church among whome he reckoneth the Pope to make new Articles of Faith and to appoint new Sacraments is in deede an Apostolike and Catholike iudgement For no other ministerie doeth perteine to the ministers of the Church which haue their calling from Christ then that which we ment●oned before and which the Apostles of Christ themselues did execute touching the remittting and reteining of sinnes Therefore if anie thing more then this ministerie be attributed to the Bishop of Rome this is either giuen vnto him by mans ordinances or els it is feigned by the Monkes and other flatterers against the authoritie of the worde of God Of the Church WE beleeue and co●f●sse that there is one holie Catholique and Apostolique Church according to the Creede of the Apostles and the Nicene Creede 2. That this Church is so gouerned of the holie Ghost that although he suffer it to be weake in this earth yet he doth ●lwaies preserue it that it doe not perish either by errours or by sinnes 3. That in this world manie naughtie men and hypocrites are mingled with this Church 4. That these naughtie men and hypocrites if by a lawfull calling they shall take vponthem the ministerie of the Church shall not of themselues anie whit hinder the trueth of the Sacraments except they peruert the ordinance of Christ and teach wicked thinges 5. That in this Church there is true remission of sinnes 6. That this Church hath authoritie to beare witnes of the holie Scripture 7. That this Church hath authoritie to iudge of all doctrines according to that Trie the spirits whether they be of God And Let the other iudge 8. That this Church hath authoritie * to interpret the scripture But where this Church is to be sought and whether her authoritie be limited within certaine boundes diuers men doe iudge diuerslie But we thinke that men are to iudge by the authoritie both of the holie Scripture and also of the auncient Fathers that the true Catholike and Apostolike Church is not tied to one certaine place or nation nor to one certaine kinde of men but that it is in that place or nation where the Gospel of Christ is sincerelie preached and his Sacraments rightlie administred according to Christ his institution Ioan. 10. I haue saide ye are Gods He called them Gods vnto whome the worde of God was giuen c. Therefore there is the people or Church of God where the worde of God is preached Iohn 15. Now you are cleane through the worde which I haue spoken to you Therefore the worde of Christ which is the Gospell doeth declare where that Church is which is cleane in the sight of God Rom. 1. The Gospell is the power of God to saluation to euerie one that beleeueth Therefore where the Gospell is which is acknowledged by faith there God hath his Church wherein he
forbad vnto his all dominion and highlie commended humility In deed there is one kinde of power which is a meere and absolute power called the power of right According to this power all things in the wholl worlde are subiect vnto Christ who is Lorde of al euen as he himselfe witnesseth saying All power is giuen vnto me in heauen and in earth And againe I am the first and the last and beholde I liue for euer and I haue the keies of hell and of death Againe He hath the keie of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth shutteth and 〈◊〉 man openeth This power the Lord reserueth to himselfe and doth not transferre it to anie other that he might sit idlie by and looke on his ministers while they wrought For Isaiah saieth I will put the keie of the house of Dauid vpon his shoulder And againe Whose gouernement shall be vpon his shoulders For he doth not lay the gouernement on other mens shoulders but doth still keepe and vse his owne power thereby gouerning all things Furthermore there is an other power of duetie or ministeriall power limited ●ut by him who hath ful and absolute power and authoritie And this is more like a ministerie then dominion For we see that some Master doth giue vnto the steward of his house authority and power ouer his house and for that cause deliuereth him his keies that he may admit or exclude such as his Master will haue admitted or excluded According to this power doth the minister by his office that which the Lord hath commaunded him to doe and the Lord doth ratifie and confirme that which he doth and will haue the deedes of his ministers to be acknowledged and esteemed as his owne deedes vnto which ende are those speaches in the Gospell I will giue vnto thee the keies of the Kingdome of heauen and whatsoeuer thou bindest or loosest in earth shall be bound and loosed in heauen Againe Whose sinnes soeuer ye remit they shal beremitted and whose sinnes soeuer yea retaine they shal be retained But if the the minister deale not in all things as his Lorde hath commaunded him but passe the limits and bondes of faith then the Lord doth make voyd that which he doth Wherfore the Ecclesiasticall power of the ministers of the Church is that function whereby they doe indeed gouerne the Church of god but yet so as they do al things in the Church as he hath prescribed in his word which things being so done the faithfull doe esteeme them as done of the Lorde himselfe but touching the keies we haue spoken somewhat before Now the power that is giuen to the Ministers of the Church is the same alike in all in the beginning the Bishops or Elders did with a common consent labour gouerne the Church no man lifted vp himselfe aboue an other none vsurped greater power or authority ouer his fellow Bishops for they remembred the wordes of the Lord He which will be the cheifest among you let him be your seruant they kept in themselues by humilitie and did mutuallie aid one another in the gouernement and preseruation of the Church Notwithstāding for orders sake some one of the ministers called the assemblie together propounded vnto the assemblie the matters to be consulted of gathered together the voices or sentences of the rest and to be briefe as much as lay in him prouided that there might arise no confusion So did S. Peter as we read in the Acts who yet for all that was neither aboue the rest nor had greater authoritie then the rest Veri● true therefore is that saying of Cyprian the Martyr in his book De simpl Cler. The same doubtles were the rest of the Apostles that Peter was hauing an equall fellowship with him both in hono●● and power but the beginning hereof proceedeth from vnity to signifie vnto vs that there is but one Church Saint Ierom vpon the epistle of Paull to Titus hath a sayingnot much vnlike this Before that by the instinct of the deuil there was partaking in religion the Churches were gouerned by the common aduise of the Priests but after that euery one thought that those whome he had baptized were his own not Christs It was decreed that one of the priests should b● chosen set ouer the rest who should haue the care of the whol church laide vpon him and by whose meanes al schismes should be remoued Yet Ierom doeth not auouch this as an order set downe of God For straight waie after he addeth Euen as saith he the priests knew by the continuall custome of the Church that they were subiect to him that is set ouer them So the Bishops must know that they are aboue the priests rather by custome then by the prescript rule of Gods truth they should haue the gouernement of the Church in common with them Thus farre Ierome Now therefore no man can forbid by any right that we may returne to the olde appointement of God and rather receiue that then the custome deuised by men The offices of the ministers are diuers yet notwithstanding moste men doe restreine them to two in which all the rest are comprehended to the teaching of the Gospell of Christ and to the lawfull administration of the Sacraments For it is the duetie of the ministers to gather together a holie assemblie therein to expound the worde of God and also to applie the generall doctrine to the state and vse of the Church to the end that the doctrine which they teach maie profit the hearers and maie build vp the faithfull The ministers duetie I saie is to teach the vnlearned and to exhort yea and to vrge them to goe forward in the waie of the Lord who do stand stil or linger and go flowlie forwarde moreouer to comfort and to strengthen those which are fainthearted and to arme them against the manifold temptations of Sathan to rebuke offenders to bring home them that goe astraie to raise vp them that are fallen to conuince the gainsaiers to chase awaie the wolfe from the Lordes flocke to rebuke wickednes and wicked men wiselie and seuerelie not to winke at nor to passe ouer great wickednes and besides to administer the sacraments to commend the right vse of them to prepare al men by holsome doctrine to receiue them to keep together all the faithful in an holie vnity to meete with schismes To conclude to catechise the ignorant to commend the necessitie of the poore to the Church to visit instruct those that are sick or intangled with diuers temptations so to keep them in the way of life Lasty to looke diligently that there be publike praiers supplications made in time of necessity together with fasting that is an holy abstinency most carefully to look to those things which belong to the tranquillity safe tie and peace of the Church And to the ende that the minister maie performe al these thinges the
graunted to those that haue charge of soules and to each seuerall Ecclesiastic all societies whether they besmal or great Of which thing the Lord saith to the Churches Verely I saie vnto you whatsoeuer thinges ye binde on earth shal be bound in heauen And straight after For where two or three be gathered together in my name there am I in the middest of them Moreouer this is likewise taught that euerie Christian so often as he needeth these keies of the Lord ought to require them particularly for himselfe of the pastors of soules of that Church or fellowship of which himselfe is a parte to which he belongeth that he vse them with full confidence no other wise then if he receiued them of Christ himselfe seeing that Christ hath deliuered them vnto the Pastours and that he by no meanes doubt that by the ministerie of these keies through the vertue and power of Christ his sinnes are forgiuen him and that he is freed from them according to Christ his owne saying whose sinnes you forgiue c. And He that heareth you heareth me and he that receiueth you in the be halfe to wit of the Ecclesiasticall ministerie and in his time of neeed receiueth me and contrarilie He that despiseth you despiseth me This is also taught and handled * that the Priests ought not to vse these keies of the Lord otherwise then according to the meaning and will of Christ which is declared expresselie in his word and according to the sure flat and expresse determinations of his iudgement and that they doe not any manner of waie according to mens opinions much lesse after their owne minde or lust abuse these keies for so it would come to passe that the keies should swa●ue from their office And this is to be taken heed of that it be not by this meanes fulfilled in the misusing of them which the Lorde hath saide by the Prophet For you saith he is this commaundement O ye Priestes if you will not heare it nor consider it in your heartes to giue glorie to my name saith the Lorde of hoastes I will send a curse vpon you and will curse your blessings as I haue cursed them alreadie because you regarde not in your heartes the feare of the Lorde OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION SEeing that we are not made partakers of Christ but by the Gospell we beleeue that that good order which by the authority of the gospel is confirmed ought to be kept sacred and inuiolable and that therefore Pastours are necessarilie required in the Church vpon whose shoulders the burden of teaching the worde and administring of the Sacraments doth lie whome also we ought to honour and reuerentlie to heare if so be that they being lawfullie called doe discharge their duetie not as though God did stand inneed of such staies inferior helps but therfore rather because that so it seemeth good to him to gouerne vs as it were by vsing this bridle Therefore we detest all those fanaticall spirites who as much as in them lieth desire that both this sacred ministerie or preaching of the word and the administration of the Sacramentes were vtterlie abolished We beleeue that this true Church ought to be gouerned by that regiment or discipline which our Lord Iesus Christ hath established to wit so that there be in it Pastours Elders and Deacons that the puritie of Doctrine maie be retained vices repre●sed the poore and others that be in miserie according to their necessitie maie be prouided for and that there maie be holie meetinges for the edifying both of small and great We beleeue that all true Pastours in what place soeuer they be placed haue the same and equall authoritie among themselues giuen vnto them vnder Iesus Christ the onelie heade and the chiefe and alone vniuersall Bishop and that therefore it is not lawfull for anie Church to challenge vnto it selfe Dominion or soueraigntie ouer anie other Church We beleeue that it is not lawfull for anie man vpon his owne authoritie to take vpon him the gouernment of the Church but that euerie one ought to be admitted thereunto by a lawfull election so neere as maie be and so long as the Lorde giueth leaue And this exception we doe expresselie adde because that sometime as it fell out also in our daies the state of the Church being disturbed it was necessarie that some should be raised vp of the Lorde extraordinarily which should repaire the ruines of the decaied Church Neuertheles howsoeuer it be we beleeue that this rule is Iwa●es to be followed that all Pastours and Elders should haue a testimonie of their calling OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION FVrthermore we beleeue that there be diuerse degrees of Ministers in the Church whereof some be Deacons some Priests some Bishops to whom is committed the office to instruct the people and the wholl charge and setting forth of Religion Yet notwithstanding we say that there neither is not can be any one man which may haue the wholl superioritie in this vniuersall state for that Christ is euer present to assist his Church and needeth not any man to supplie his roome as his onelie heire to all his substance and that there can be no one mortall creature which is able to comprehend or conceiue in his minde the Vniuersall Church that is to wit all the partes of the world much lesse hable rightlie and duelie to put them in order and to gouerne them For al the Apostles as Cyprian saith were of like power among themselues and the rest were the same that Peter was And that it was saide indifferentlie to them all Feede yee indifferentlie to them all Goe into the whole worlde Indifferentlie to them all Teach yee the Gospel And as Hierome saith All Bishoppes wheresoeuer they be be they at Rome be they at Eugubium be they at Constantinople be they at Rhegium be all of like preeminence and of like priesthood And as Cyprian saith There is but one Bishoprike and a pee● thereof is perfitlie and wholly holden of euery particular Bishop And according to the iudgement of the Nicene Councell we saie that the Bishop of Rome hath no more iurisdiction ouer the Church of God then the rest of the Patriarkes either of Alexandria or of Antioche haue And as for the Bishop of Rome who now calleth all matters before himselfe alone except he doe his duetie as he ought to doe except he minister the Sacraments except he instruct the people except he warne them and teach them we saie that he ought not of right once to be called a Bishop or so much as an Elder For a Bishop as saith Austine is a name of labour and not of honour that the man that seeketh to haue preeminence not to profit maie vnderstande himselfe to be no Bishop And that neither the Pope nor any other wordly creature can no more be head of the wholl Church or a Bishop
ouer all then he can be the Bridegroome the light the saluation and life of the church For these priuileges and names belong onely to Christ and be properlie and onelie fit for him alone And that no Bishop of Rome did euer suffer himselfe to be called by such● proude name and title before Phocas the Emperours time who as we know by killing his owne Soueraigne Mauritis the Emperour did by a trayterous villany aspire to the E●pire Which was about the sixth hundred and thirteent● yeare after Christ was borne Also the Councell of Carthage did circumspectlie prouide that no Bishop shoulde be called either the highest Bishop or chiefe Priest And therefore sithenc● the Bishop of Rome will now a daies so be called and challengeth vnto himselfe an Authoritie that is none of his besides that he doth plainlie contrarie to the auncient councells and contrary to the olde fathers We beleeue that he doth giue to himselfe as it is written by his owne companion Gregorie a presump●uouse a prophane a Sacrilegious and an antichristian name that he is also the King of pride that he is Lucifer which preferreth himselfe before his Brethren that he hath forsaken the faith and is the forerunner of Antichrist Further we saie that the Minister ought lawfullie duely and orderlie to be preferred to that office of the Church of God and that no man hath power to wrest himselfe into the holie Ministerie at his owne pleasure Wherefore these persons doe vs the greater wrong which haue nothing so common in their mouthes as that we doe nothing orderlie and comelie but all things troublesomelie and without order And that we allow euerie man to be a prieste to be a teacher and to be an Interpreter of the Scriptures Moreouer we say that Christ hath giuen to his Ministers power to binde to loose to open to shutte And we saie that the office of loosing consisteth in this pointe that the Minister either by the preaching of the Gospell offereth the merites of Christ and full pardon to such as haue lowly and contrite heartes do vnfainedlie repent themselues pronouncing vnto the same a sure an vndoubted forgiuenes of their sinnes and hope of euerlasting saluation Or else that the same minister when any haue offended their brothers mindes with some great offence or notable and open crime whereby they haue as it were bannished and made themselues strangers from the common fellowship and from the bodie of Christ then after perfit amendment of such persons doth reconcile them and bring them home againe and restore them to the companie and vnitie of the faithfull We saie also that the minister doth execute the authoritie of binding and shutting as often as he shutteth vp the gate of the kingdome of heauen against vnbeleuing and stubborne persons denouncing vnto them Gods vengance and euerlasting punishment Or else when he doth quite shut thē out from the bosome of the church by open excommunication Out of doubte what sentence soeuer the Minister of God shall giue in this sorte God himselfe doth so well allow it that whatsoeuer here in earth by their meanes is loosed and bounde God himselfe will loose and binde and confirme the same in heauen And touching the keies wherwith they may either shut or open the kingdome of heauen we with Chrysostome saie They be ●●e knowledge of the Scriptures with Tertullian we saie They be the interpretation of the Law and with ●usehius we call them the worde of God Moreouer that Christs Disciples did receiue this authoritie not that they should heare the priuate confessions of the people and listen to their whisperings as the common massing priestes doe euery where now a daies and doe it so as though in that one pointe laie all the vertue and vse of the keies but to the ende they should goe they should teach they should publish abroade the Gospell and be vnto the beleeuing a sweete sauoure of life vnto life and vnto the vnbeleeuing and vnfaithfull a sauoure of death vnto death and that the mindes of godly persons being brought low by the remorse of their former life and errours after they once begonne to looke vp vnto the light of the Gospell and beleue in Christ might be opened with the word of God euen as a dore is opened with a key Contrariwise that the wicked and wilfull and such as would not beleeue nor returne into the right waie should be left stil as fast locked shut vp as S. Paul saith wax worse and worse This take we to bethe meaning of the keis that after this sort mens consciences be either opened or shut We saie that the Priest in deede i● a iudge in this case but yet hath no manner of right to challenge an authority or power as Ambrose saith And therfore our Sauiour Iesus Christ to reprooue the negligence of the Scribes and Pharisies in teaching did with these words rebuke them saying Woe be vnto you Scribes and Phariseis which ha●e taken away the keis of knowledge haue shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men Seing then the keie whereby the waie entry to the kingdome of God is opened vnto vs is the word of the Gospel and the expounding of the law Scriptures we saie plainlie where the same word is not there is not the keie And seeing one manner of worde is giuen to all and one onelie keie belongeth to all we saie there is but one onelie power of all ministers as concerning opening and shutting And as touching the Bishop of Rome for al that his flattering Parasi●es sing these words in his eares To thee wil I giue the keies of the kingdom of heauen as though these keis were fitte for him alone and for no bodie else except he goe so to worke as mens consciences may be made pliaunt and be subdued to the word● of God we denie that he doth either open or shut or hath the keies at all And although he taught and instructed the people as would god he might once truelie doe and perswade himselfe it were at the least any peece of his duetie yet we thinke his keie to be neuer a whitte better or of greater force then other mens For who hath seuered him from the rest Who hath taught him more ●unninglie to open or better to absolue then his breethren OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue that this Church ought to be ruled and gouerned by that spirituall regiment which God himselfe hath deliuered in his worde so that there be placed in it pastours and ministers purelie to preach and rightly to administer the holy Sacraments that there be also in it seniours and Deacons of whome the Senat of the Church might consist that by these meanes true religion might be preserued and sincere doctrine in euery place retayned and spread abroade that vicious and wicked men might after a spirituall manner be rebuked amended and as it were
to saie our life For euen as corporal meat and drinke do not onelie refresh and strengthen our bodies but also do keepe them in life euen so the flesh of Christ deliuered his blood shed for vs do not only refresh strengthen our soules but also do preserue them aliue not because they be corporallie eaten dronken but for that they are communicated vnto vs spirituallie by the spirit of God the Lord saying The bread which I wil giue is my flesh which I wil giue for the life of this world also my flesh to wit corporally eaten profiteth nothing it is the spirit which giueth life And the words which I speake to you are spirit and life And as we must by eating receiue the meat into our bodies to the end that it maie work in vs and shew his force in our bodies because while it is without vs it profiteth vs not at all euen so it is necessarie that we receiue Christ by faith that he maie be made ours and that he maie liue in vs and we in him For he saith I am the bread of life he that commeth to me shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall not thirst anie more And also He that eateth me shall liue through me and he abideth in me and I in him By all which it appeareth manifestlie that by spirituall meat we meane not an Imaginarie but the verie bodie of the Lord Iesus giuen to vs which yet is receiued of the faithfull not corporallie but spiritually by faith in which point we do wholie follow the doctrine of our Lord and sauiour Christ In the 6. of Iohn And this eating of the flesh drinking of the blood of the Lord is so necessary to saluation that without it no man can be saued This spiritual eating drinking is also without the supper of the Lord euen so often as whersoeuer a man doth beleeue in Christ To which purpose that sentence of S. Austin doth happilie belong why dost thou prepare thy teeth belly Beleeue thou hast eaten Besides that former spirituall eating there is a sacramentall eating of the bodie of the Lord whereby the faithfull man is partaker not onelie spirituallie and internallie of the true bodie and blood of the Lord but also outwardlie by comming to the table of the Lorde doeth receiue the visible sacrament of the bodie and blood of the Lord True it is that a faithfull man by beleeuing did before receiue the food that giueth life and stil receiueth the same but yet when he receiueth the sacrament he receiueth something more For he goeth on in continuall communication of the bodie and blood of the Lord and his faith is dailie more and more kindled more strengthened and refreshed by the spirituall nourishment For while we liue faith hath continuall encreasings and he that outwardlie doth receiue the sacraments with a true faith the same doth receiue not the signe onely but also doth enioy as we haue said the thing it selfe Moreouer the same man doeth obey the Lordes institution and commaundement and with a ioyfull minde giueth thankes for his and the redemption of all mankinde and maketh a faithfull remembrance of the Lordes death and doth witnes the same before the Church of which bodie he is a member This also is sealed vp to those which receiue the sacraments that the body of the Lord was giuen his blood shed not onelie for men in generall but particularlie for euerie faithfull communicant whose meat and drink he is to life euerlasting But as for him that without faith commeth to this holy table of the Lord he is made partaker of the sacrament only but the matter of the sacrament from whence commeth life saluation he receiueth not at all And such men doe vnworthilie eat of the Lords table Now they which do vnworthelie eat of the Lords bread and drink of the Lordes cuppe they are giltie of the bodie and blood of the Lord and they eat and drink it to their Iudgement For when as they do not approch with true faith they reproach despite the death of Christ and therefore eat and drink condemnation to themselues We doe not then so ioyne the bodie of the Lorde and his bloode with the bread and wine as though we thought that the bread is the body of Christ more then after a sacramentall manner or that the bodie of Christ doth lie hid corporallie vnder the bread so as it ought to be worshipped vnder the formes of bread or yet that he which receiueth the signe receiueth the thing it selfe The bodie of Christ is in the heauens at the right hande of his Father And therefore our hearts are to be lifted vp on high not to be fixed on the bread neither is the Lorde to be worshipped in the bread though notwithstanding the Lord is not absent from his Church when as they celebrate the Supper The Sonne being absent from vs in the heauens is yet not withstanding present amongst vs effectuallie How much more Christ the sonne of righteousnes though in bodie he be absent from vs in the heauens yet is present amongst vs not corporallie but spirituallie by his liuelie operation and so he himselfe hath promised in his last supper to be present amongst vs. Iohn 14. 15. 16. Wherupon it followeth that we haue not the Supper without Christ and yet haue an vnbloodie and mysticall Supper euen as all antiquitie called it Moreouer we are admonished in the celebration of the supper of the Lord to be mindeful of the body wherof we are made members and that therfore we be at concord with all ourbrethren that we may liue holily not pollute our selues with wickednes and straunge religions but perseuering in the true faith to the ende of our life giue diligence to excell in holines of life It is therefore verie requisite that purposing to come to the supper of the Lord we do trie our selues according to the commaundement of the Apostle first with what faith we are indued whether we beleeue that Christ is come to saue sinners and to call them to repentance and whether each man beleeue that he is in the number of them that being deliuered by Christ are saued and whether he haue purposed to chaunge his wicked life to liue holilie and perseuére through Gods assistance in true religion and in concord with his brethren and to giue worthie thankes to God for his deliuerie c. We think that rite manner or forme of the Supper to be the moste simple and excellent which commeth nearest to the first institution of the Lorde and to the Apostles doctrine VVhich doth consist in declaring the worde of God in godlie prayers the action it selfe that the Lorde vsed and the repeating of it the eating of the Lordes body and drinking of his blood the wholsome remembrance of the Lords death and faithfull giuing of thanks and in an holie fellowship in the vnion of the bodie
part agree with the writinges of the Apostles and with the custome of the auncient Church euen almoste to Gregories time which thing being so the custome of our Churches is to be approoued not to be disalowed but our Aduersaries misliking our custome doe defend manie errours some more foule and grosse others coloured with new deceites Manie heretofore haue written that in the masse there is an oblation made for the quick and the dead and that it doth deserue remission of sinnes both for him that maketh it and for others euen for the workes sake And thus were most of them persuaded and as yet are like vnto the Pharisies and the heathen For after the same manner the Pharisies and the Heathen did dreame that they for the workes sake did deserue for them selues and for others remission of sinnes peace and manie other good thinges Or although those which were not so blinde did speake more modestlie and saide that they did deserue but not without the good intention of the sacrificer yet they imagined that those sacrifices were merits a raunsome By reason of this opinion there were a multitude of sacrifices and the craftie meanes of gaine were increased Such is the marchandise of Masses and the prophanation of the Lordes Supper almost throughout the wholl world But God will haue corrupt kindes of worship to be reprooued and abolished Therefore we 〈◊〉 ●implie and in deede propound the voice of God which doth condemne those errors and with all our heart we affirme before God and the wholl Church in heauen and in earth that there was one onelie sacrifice propitiatorie or whereby the wrath of the eternall Father against mankinde is pacified to wit the wholl obedience of the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ who was crucified and raised vp againe This is that onelie Lambe which taketh awaie the sinnes of the world Ioh. 1. Of th●● onelie sacrifice mention is made Heb. 10. By one onely sacrifice he made perfect for euer those that are sanctified And this sacrifice is applied to euerie one by their owne faith when they heare the Gospell and vse the sacraments as Paull saith Rom. 3. Whome God hath set forth to be are conciliation through faith in his blood And Habac. 2. The iust shall liue by his faith And 1. Pet. 1. Being sanctified in the spirit vnto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ Other sacraments in the old Testament were typicall wherof we shal speake more at large in their place they did not deserue anie remission of sinnes and all the righteousnes of holie men at all times were are and shall be sacrifices of praise which do not deserue remission either for them that did offer them or for others but they are seruices which euerie one ought to performe and are acceptable to God for the Mediatours and our high priest the Sonne of God his sake as it is said Heb. 13. By him we offer the sacrifice of praise alwaies to God That this is an vnchangeable and eternal truth it is most manifest And whereas certaine fragments which they call the Canons of the masse are alledged against this so cleare light of the trueth it is also manifest that the Greeke and Latine Canons are verie vnlike the one to the other and that the Greeke Canons do disagree among themselues in a most waightie matter and it appeareth that in the Latine Canon manie iagges peeces were by litle litle patched together of ignorant authors The auncient Church doth vse the names of Sacrifice and oblation but therby it vnderstandeth the whole action prayers a taking of it a remembrance faith a confession and thanksegiuing This wholl inward and outward action in euerie one that is turned to God and in the wholl Church is indeede a sacrifice of praise or thankesgiuing and a reasonable seruice And when the Lord saith Ioh. 4. The true worshippers shall worship the lord in spirit and in trueth he affirmeth that in the new testament outward sacrifices are not commaunded which of necessitie should be made although there were no motions of the holie ghost in the heart as in the law it was necessarie that the ceremonie of the Passe ouer should be kept But touching the supper of the Lord it is said 1. Cor. 11 Let euerie man examine him-selfe c. So the supper of th● Lord doth profit him that vseth it when as he bringeth with him repentance and faith and another mans work doth nothing at all profit him Furthermore concerning the dead it is manifest that all this shew is repugnant to the wordes of the institution of the Supper wherein it is said Take ye eat ye c. Doe ye this in remembrance of me What doth this apperteine to the dead or to those that be absent and yet in a great part of Europe manie masses are said for the dead also a great number not knowing what they do do read Masses for a reward But seing that all these things are manifestlie wicked to wit to offer as they speake to the end that they maie deserue for the quick and the dead or for a man to do he knoweth not what they do horriblie sinne that retaine and defend these mischieuous deeds And seeing that this ceremony is not to be taken for a sacramēt without the vse wherunto it was ordeined what manner of Idolworship is there vsed let godlie and learned men consider Also it is a manifest prophanation to carie about parte of the Supper of the Lord and to worship it where a parte is vtterlie transferred to an vse cleane contrarie to the first Institution whereas the text saith Take eat and this shew is but a thing deuised of late To conclude what be the manners of manie Priestes and Monks in all Europe which haue no regard of this saying 1. Cor. 11 Let euerie man examine him-selfe Also Whosoeuer taketh it vnworthelie shall be guiltie of the bodie and bloode of the Lord. Euerie man of him-selfe doth know these things Now although the chiefe Bishopes and hypocrites who seeke delusions to establish these euills doe scoffe at these complaintes yet it is most certaine that God is greeuouslie offended with these wicked deeds as he was angrie with the people of Israell for their prophanations of the sacrifices And we do see euident examples of wrath to wit the ruines of so many kingdomes the spoile and waste that the Turkes doe make in the worlde the confusions of opinions and many moste lamentable dissipations of Churches But O Sonne of God Lorde Iesus Christ which wast crucified and raised vp againe for vs thou which art the high priest of the Church with true sighes we beseech the that for thine and thy eternall Fathers glorie thou wouldest take awaie Idolls errours and abominations and as thou thy selfe didst praie Sanctifie vs with thy trueth and kindle the light of thy Gospell and true inuocation in the heartes of many and bowe our heartes to true obedience that
it is neuer taken wholly from them but onelie the force and working thereof for a time interrupted whilst lustes doe beare swaie in the heart euen as drunkennes doth not take awaie the minde it selfe but onlie the vse of the minde for a time Vpon the same NOR are sinnes against the conscience We take the meaning to be this That the elect are said to sinne not against their wholl conscience or so as sin raigneth in them but that albeit they often yeld and fall downe yet they rush not into sinnes with a full purpose and deliberation and that as yet the spirit though for a time it yeldeth to the flesh doth wrastle and striue in them till at length by power from aboue it getteth the vpper hand againe IN THE 6. SECTION Vpon the latter Confession of Heluetia THis Iesus Christ our Lorde is the onely and eternall Sauiour of mankinde yea of the wholl world This which is saide distinctlie of sauing the wholl world we take to be meant of the restoring of the world at the last wherein notwithstanding men must not harken to vaine speculations which are besides the word of God Vpon the former confession of Heluetia SImplie reiecting all mean Looke the 1. obseruation vpon this confession in the 2. Section where these verie same wordes are set downe Vpon the Confession of Bohemia COncerning Christ his presence c. Concerning the presence of Christ in his church euer since his ascension so to continue vntill his second comming we teach this in plaine and euident wordes And we doe not think that the brethren are of any other minde in this point Namely that the person of Christ may not be deuided but that both the substance of the natures and their essentiall proprieties ought euermore of necessitie to be kept and retained And therefore that Christ according to his deitie is trulie and essentiallie with vs in the earth as he is also in heauen not onlie as filling a place in which manner he is euerie where but also by his peculiar sauing vertue in respect whereof he is said not onlie to be but also to dwell in the Saints alone and in none else But according to the humane nature being aboue the heauens he is neither visiblie nor inuisiblie now in the earth but onlie hy his effectual working and moste mightie power when as the god head by meanes of the Communication of his humanitie with vs spirituallie by faith worketh that in the beleeuers which he worketh to their saluation Vpon the Confession of Belgia BVt two natures ioyned together in one person that is vnited hypostaticallie or per sonallie Vpon the Confession of Saxonie WEe doe not see as yet c. To wit plainelie and perfectlie Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge TO procure the eternall saluation of mankinde that is to bring to passe IN THE 7. SECTION Vpon the latter Confession of Heluetia THe wholl will of God c. Vnderstand as concerning those things which men are bound to performe to God and also to their neighbours Anie flesh that is anie man although he be regenerate The law of God to wit the morall law comprehended in the 10. Commaundements In the law to wit in the morall law The Scripture of the law to wit the ceremoniall law IN THE 8. SECTION Vpon the Cenfession of Bohemia MOreouer the penitent are taught Vnderstanstand those penitent whose sinnes are examined in the Ecclesiastical iudgement who are inioyned to giue a testimony of their repentance til the sentence of absolution be prounced yet so that euery Church may keep hir libertie both in this kinde of examination and also in the testimonie of repentance and in the administration of priuate absolution Vpon the same AN externall testimonie of their repentance Looke the obseruation that doth immediatlie go before this Vpon the Confession of Auspurge THey maie finde yea and it maie in deed be giuen to those which do truelie repent Vpon the same ANd that the Church That is the Presbyterie or the Colledge which doth represent the Church as Mat. 18. 17. Therfore this can not fitlie be vnderstood either of al kinde of sinners or els of priuate absolution but onelie of those which were first bound by the Presbyterie For certeinly the wholl assemblie of the Church can not be said to absolue the penitent which is a parte of the holie Ministerie as shall hereafter be made euident in the 11. Sect. but to gathertogether those who do satisfie it somuch as in it lieth to wit by the consent and approbation of it Vpon the same THat the calamities of this life may be asswaged by good works yet not so as though anie good workes did deserue this mitigation but it is of the meere mercie grace of God Vpon the same THey condemne the Anabaptister whoe denie that they who be once iustified can againe lose the Spirit of God c. We also doe condemne the Anabaptistes although we doe denie that they which are once iustified doe altogether lose the holie Ghost but yet not so as they doe denie it For they confound the holie Ghost not onelie with the spirit of the flesh but also with those Satanicall furies wherewith they be tossed Againe neither doe they know neither wil they know what faith is and who are in deede iustified But we doe teach that the holie Ghost is to be discerned by the worde of God that is by the Propheticall and Apostolical writings from the Spirit of darkenes although he doe transforme himselfe into an Angell of light And we distinguish the gifts of the holie Ghost which are without repentance to wit the Spirit of adoption an assured perswasion which is proper to the Elect and to those that are truely iustified from the temporall gifts of which sort is that counterfeit or resemblance of faith to wit atemporall faith Neither do we denie that the motions euen of those gifts which are without repentance are discontinued and somtimes allmost extinguished yet so that the verie true roote beeing once planted in those that be truelie iustified doth perseuere in them without repentance euen to the end Vpon the same THat priuate absolution is to be reteined in the Church c. but also to euerie one in particular c. How farre and vpon what condition priuate absolution is to be reteined in the Church we haue declared a litle before in the first obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia But here it is in deed a miracle to haue that applied to the vse of the keies which Christ spake of priuate admonition betweene priuate persons to wit Thou hast gained thy brother Vpon the same THose auncient customes were in time worne out of vse Be it that those painfull punishments and satisfactions which can not especially at these times be brought into vse againe but that they wil do more hurt then good be worne out of
confession of Belgia AL the operations of the holie Ghost are hidden c. That is to saie both when the proper force of the holie spirit which is incomprehensible is regarded and seeing that his effectes doe exceed our senses Both which doe come to passe in these mysteries Vpon the same That which is eaten c. Namelie by faith as it is often iterated in this confession that is to saie that which is receiued spirituallie by the minde by beleeuing as the signe is eaten and dronken corporallie For the wordes eating and drinking can no otherwise be spoken of the minde and of faith which are the onelie instrumentes of receiuing the verie bodie and bloode of Christ then metaphoricallie or metonymicallie Vpon the same By the eating of his flesh and drinking of his bloode c. That is as hath beene said in the former obseruation by a spirituall participation the which sometimes by reason of the sacramentall receiuing and sometimes by reason of that spirituall life which Christ ingendereth in vs is metaphoricallie signified by the names of eating or drinking Vpon the same Although the sacramentes be ioyned to the thing c. Of the sacramentall vnion we haue spoken before in the second obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia Vpon the confession of Auspurge THat the body and blood of Christ are there in deed and are distributed c. We also doe alowe of this namely that the word of God is not deceitfull and therefore as often as the holy signes are rightly giuen that is according to Christ his institution that then also the thing signified by the signe which is the verie bodie of Christ crucified for vs and the very blood of Christ shedd for vs is also giuen to be receiued But we affirme that the thing signified is no otherwise coupled with the signe then sacramentallie The trueth of which sacramental coniunction doth not consist in this that wheresoeuer the signe is there the thing represented by the signe should also be present but in this that that which God promiseth by the signe he also doth offer to be receiued Therefore we hold that the bodie of Christ is not really present in with or vnder the bread otherwise then after this sacramentall manner both because it is a true body being circumscribed in his local situation and also hath truly ascended from the earth aboue the heauens that be subiect to our sight and shall there remaine from whence he exerciseth a gouernment ouer al these beneath euen as he is man vntill he come truely from thence to iudge both quicke and dead Moreouer we doe also auouch that as the signes are offered to the bodie so the thinges signified are offered to the minde and therefore that the signes are receiued of euery one with the hand and mouth that come vnto the supper the which vnto some namely to the worthie receiuets do turne vnto saluation but vnto others that is the vnworthy communicants by reason of the profanation of the signes and contempt of the thing signified they doe turne to condemnation As for the things signified those we affirme to be truely and effectuallie apprehended onely of those that be indued with a right minde and a true faith and that alwaies vnto saluation whereunto the distance of place is no hinderance by reason of the vnspeakeable operation of the holie Ghost And yet not so as that the substances should be mingled betwixt themselues or cleaue together in any place for Christs flesh abideth in heauen and ours vpon the earth but that these things being mysticallie vnited which in true distance of situation are seperated we might draw from the flesh of Christ all gifts necessary for our saluation and especiallie that liuely iuise wherby we are nourished to eternall life Therefore whatsoeuer they pretend which are of the contrarie iudgement the controuersie is not either of the signe or of the thinges signified or of the truth of the sacraments or of the receiuing of them or of the effectes but of the onely definition of the sacramentall coniunction also of the manner of receiuing the thinges signified Both which we contend to be so interpreted by some out of the word of God that if their opinion be once graunted both the truth of Christes bodie his assention into heauen and his second comming is consequentlie ouerthrowne Looke the exposition of this article expressed in the diuers editions of the Auspurge confession though not after the same manner in the same words and for the full declaration therof look in the admonition lately set forth by our bretheren the Neustadians in the 5. chapter out of the which our agreement in this point of doctrine rightly declared doth appeere vpon the same Art 1. Of the abuses For the Masse is retained still amongst vs c. The Princes and Diuines in the assemblie at Newburdge testified in the yeare 1561. as is manifest by the decrees of that assemblie that they by the word Masse doe vnderstand the administration of the Supper and do from the bottome of their hearts detest the Romish Masse And although we doe abhorre all contentions about words and doe acknowledge that the worde Masse is not newlie sprong vp in the latine Church yet seeing that the originall of this tearme namely because almes were sent from the faithfull in their vsuall meetings at their loue feasts is long since abolished and seeing that this worde hath these many yeares broken out into great abhomination and so great that none so grosse or execrable was euer heard of wee doe not with out cause together with the thing abolish the name it selfe out of our Churches As for the holie liturgy there we think that it is most rightly celebrated where it is most simply most nearelie vnto the first institution obserued And seing it is manifest that the ceremonies in the Romane Liturgie are partlie in them selues vnprofitable partlie tending rather to an ambitious shew and pompe then to edification partlie ridiculous and partlie either in themselues superstitious or else readie to be turned into superstition Therfore the moste of them or in a manner all we haue in euery place vtterlie swept awaie Yet so as that the Church hath her liberty leftin things indifferent as it is meet and shall be declared in the 17. Section As for the speaking or singing of any thing in the publique Liturgie in such a tongue as is vnknowne to the common people vnlesse there be an interpreter the Apostle doth plainlie forbid it 1. Cor. 14. Vpon the same A Ceremonie in the new couenant without faith doth merit nothing c. No nor yet in the olde Testament yea neither any ceremonie nor faith it selfe doth merit anie thing but whereas the externall worke being performed with faith according to Gods commaundement is acceptable vnto him all that we teach out of Gods word to be of grace and not of debt Whereof looke the 8.