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A17724 Two and twentie sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin In which sermons is most religiously handled, the hundredth and nineteenth Psalme of Dauid, by eight verses aparte according to the Hebrewe alphabet. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by T.S.; Vingt-deux sermons de M. Iean Calvin ausquels est expose le Pseaume cent dixneufieme. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Stocker, Thomas, fl. 1569-1592. 1580 (1580) STC 4460; ESTC S107289 289,195 394

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and feare of God or els will be so lightly discharged thereof as that it may be done without any great paine As howe I praye you We see that they which pretend colour of ignorance which haue neither knowledge either of God or of true religion will say surely for my part I am but a poore simple man and without learning and therefore I will leaue this geare to those that are learned One sort will excuse them selues one way another another way but yet they all tende to this ende to exempt them selues from the obedience of God not to be subiect either to him or yet to his word See here the common saying amōgst the Papistes Ha sirra This is the office of the priestes the cloysterers our prelates haue the charge ouer vs wee are secular and lay men we must haue nothing to do with this geare And besides euen the meanest sort of vs haue also our excuses and will say I am a poore mā I must get my liuing with great paines all the day long by my handy worke I haue scarsly any leysure once co come to heare a sermon on the Sunday See what starting holes we finde out to the ende we might followe our vanities pleasures and idle times or I knowe not what other our slouthfulnes rather then wee woulde heare the word of God and meditate thereon So then Dauid contrarily sheweth that whiles he was small and of no reputation yet that he neuer ceased continually to be exercised in this lesson euen to submit him selfe to the obedience of God And so we see him to be giuē from his childhood and that he did not onely take pleasure therein when God had aduaunced him to the kingdome that hee did not begin then to taste of the lawe of God to apply his whole study thereto but when hee kept his fathers sheepe and cattle and was brought vp in the sheepecoates before hee came any thing neare the court euen all that while I say he neuer ceased but was wholy occupied in the holy study of the lawe of God Nowe let vs learne hereby not to exempt out selues by our trifling excuses as a great number of men do but let vs vnderstand that Dauid here exhorteth all the faithfull in general that the contemptible base and simple pesons yea euen as simple as yong children and that haue no knowledge of that which is most esteemed amōgst mē that they ought not for all that to forget the word of God And so let also both great and smal giue them selues to the study thereof that we may be all the schollers of the lawe and of the Prophets but especially of our sauiour Iesus Christ seeing that God hath now bestowed a more excellēt grace vppon vs then euer hee bestowed vppon Dauid For ouer and besides the doctrine which Dauid receiued from the mouth of Moyses see how God hath layd open vnto vs the infinite treasure of his heauenly wisedome insomuch as we haue the Gospel out of which the sonne of God hath spoken vnto vs who is maister ouer the whole houshold as it is said in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Now is this the doctrine that must make heauen and earth to tremble Heb. 3.6 as it is spoken by the Prophet Haggay as this place is alledged by the Apostle Hag. 2.7 to shew vnto vs that we ought to receiue the Gospel with greater reuerence then the fathers did the law the Prophets For God made the earth to shake when he gaue the law by Moyses Heb. which since that time hath bin cōfirmed ratified by the Prophets but when as hee opened his holy mouth by his sonne to teach vs that was to make both heauen and earth to shake bicause he hath layd open such a wonderfull wisedome as that it ought to shake astonish vs when as God speaketh with such power maiestie vnto vs. See then as concerning this saying where Dauid saith that he did not forget the cōmandemēts of God although he was smal of no reputation Now he addeth Thy righteousnes is an euerlasting righteousnes and thy lawe is the truth Yea in such sort that when he was afflicted grieued that he tooke pleasure in saying thy righteousnes is an euerlasting righteousnesse heere Dauid repeateth a word which hath a double significatiō For in the first place Righteousnes signifieth the law of God that bicause it is the rule of all goodnes And thē next he giueth it the title of righteousnesse signifying thereby that this law is so certaine a rule as that when we shal haue throughly soūded it euen to the bottome we shal finde that God hath set down therein a perfection of all equitie and sinceritie as if hee should haue said this is without all doubt a perfect rule of righteousnes Now he coupleth as hee hath already before done truth with righteousnesse I haue already saide that these wordes here are oftentimes repeated and yet it is no superfluous kinde of speache And what is the reason Because we might fully and wholy confesse that God hath spoken moste wisely that all mennes mouthes might be stopped and that we al at once might be silent and stil to heare him There is no man but will confesse this at the tōgues end But in the meane time for vs to knowe this equitie and trueth which is contayned in the word of God Alas we are too too farre off So then let euery man looke well vnto him selfe and see whether his life be agreeable vnto the word of God or no. And if it be it is a manifest proofe that the righteousnesse and trueth thereof is deepely imprinted in his heart Nowe if this be so then no doubt of it God his woord is honoured as it is worthy Then let vs render vnto him effectually the prayses which are heere attributed vnto him and as they doe appertaine vnto his maiestie But if wee doe say that the word of God is good and holy that it is a wonderful righteousnesse and power that cannot fail and yet despise it in deede shewe our selues cleane contrary vnto it in our life and conuersation and making a goodly shewe to honor it doe spit at it What a kinde of honor call yee this Wherfore we are to consider that it is mete that this righteousnesse and trueth of the lawe of God be imprinted in our heartes that we may make such a confession thereof as Dauid heere hath doone And see why heere hee addeth Yet is my delight in thy Commaundements Yea when hee was afflicted and in aduersitie For it is an easy matter for men to praise God whiles they are quiet and out of trouble haue all their heartes desire Yea wee shall see the very hypocrites cry out with open mouthe O blessed bee God and our good God Forsooth when as hee sendeth them euen their wishe and intreateth them according too their owne desires But when God shall
from the same by euill example Nowe as I haue already touched if Dauid had neede hereof what shall become of vs who are so inconstant and mutable in al our doings Lo then the first point which we haue to note in this place to wit that Dauid protesteth that although the holy Ghost assisted him and that he felt him selfe confirmed as wee haue seene neuerthelesse he yet sought other helpes to cōtinue and hold him in the feare of God as the companies which were most meete for him to cause him to followe his vocation and not to withdrawe him from it seeing there must be nothing that must pull vs aside from the right way Now he meaneth to signifie further that he ioyned him selfe with men that feared God to the ende also that hee might serue him as hee ought For we are bound to stirre vp one another through mutual exhortations and good ensamples It is meete then that we haue these twoo considerations in the first place we are to consider to followe those which can aduaunce further vs in the right waye who can profite vs more and more in the feare of God and after that wee must also labour to to profite those with whome wee shal be likewise conuersant inciting them by all meanes possible to followe the right trade wherein God shall haue set them to the ende he may be honoured with one accord and that euery of vs might say come let vs goe and let vs trauell and take paines to cause to others to goe with vs that wee may altogether honour the Lord our God Now the conclusion of the eight verse is the second request The earth O Lorde is full of thymercie O teach mee thy statutes Here we see howe necessarie a thing it is for vs to bee alwayes praying to God beseeching him more amply to instruct vs that we may acknowledge him better then heretofore we haue done yea and that specially when as wee thinke we knowe al that is to be knowne that we throughly consider that wee haue yet great neede to profite continually more and more For which of vs I pray you dareth be so bolde as to compare with Dauid Loe so excellent a Prophet as that he is like vnto an Angel of God wee see also how God hath reueled vnto him his secrets as if he had bin taken vp into the heauenly kingdom yet he hauing such excellent gifts as we know desireth notwithstanding to be instructed in the statutes of God And which is hee amongs vs that hath not greater neede of thē So then whē as we shal be greatly learned in the word of God not onely for our selues but also to instruct our neighbours let vs for al that be cōtēted to yeld our selues to be taught of him to beseech him to grant vs his grace that we may daily profit more more And therefore we ought the better to note the reason which Dauid setteth first down For the earth O Lord as ful of thy mercie As if he should haue saide thou O Lorde spreadest abrode thy fatherly goodnes ouer all creatures we se how of thy mercy thou feedest the beasts of the field we se the trees florish the earth bring forth her increase thy goodnes spreadeth through heauē earth how is it then possible that thou shuldst not do good vnto thy children I am one of that nūber which call on thee that put their trust in thee Seing thou art so louing mercifull to al creatures thou shalt not forsake me The reason here set down serueth Dauid for a confirmation that he should not dout to obtaine the request which he had made And so as oft as we desire God to instruct vs in his statuts the good nes dout to obtaine the request which he had made And so ost as we desire God to instruct vs in his statuts the goodnes wherwith he ouerspreadeth al his creatures serueth vs as a foundation wheron to build al our petitiōs And since that God hath giuen vs this grace to allow vs in the nūber of his children and to shew him selt to be our father let vs be sure that he wil not refuse to giue vs those things which he hath promised And according to this holy doctrine let vs prostrate our selues before the Maiestie c. The nienth Sermon of the hundredth and nineteenth Psalme TETH O Lorde thou hast dealte gratiously with thy seruant according to thy woorde O teach me good iudgement and knowledge for I haue beleeued thy commaundementes Before I was troubled I went wrong but nowe I keepe thy worde Thou art good and gracious teach me thy statutes The proud haue imagined a lie against me but I wil keepe thy cōmandements with my whole heart Their hart is as far as grece but my delite is in thy law It is good for me that I haue beene in trouble that I may learne they statutes The law of thy mouth is better vnto me then thousandes of gold and siluer IF we be oftentimes foolish vnaduised in a great many causes it may chiefly appeere whē we meane to pray to God for thē if there be but one drop of wit or reason in vs it wil shew it selfe but we discouer our owne folly in that behalf more then in al the rest of our actions And what is the reason For sootli we wil behaue our selues more modestly whensoeuer wee shall craue any thing at the handes of men then when we come before the maiestie of God for we go on hedlong thereto not knowing what we ought too desire of him but euen powre out at all aduenture whatsoeuer shall come into our mouthes And we should then t●e rather call to minde our lesson to the end we might know the order rightly how to pray For we profane the name of god shew ourselues too much to contēne his maiestie if we beg at his hands any other thing thē that which he hath declared vnto vs to haue liking off in such sort as that his will be alwayes preferred and our desires thereby chiefly ruled Now we are heere aduertised that aboue all thinges we ought to pray vnto God that he wil teach vs cause vs to vnderstand his wil accordingly as he hath declared vnto vs in his worde to open our eies that we may doe it so that wee might vnderstand that which is comprehended therin And this is the summe and effect of these eight verses which here we haue nowe to handle For Dauid demaundeth of God none other thing but to knowe the contents of the lawe and the doctrine thereof that he might be ruled thereby and his whole life framed thereafter But in the first place he remembreth God of all the benefites which he had already receiued from him For that it which must giue vs trust and confidence when as wee come to make any prayer vnto God And in deede there is nothing in the world which giueth vs a better
not too flatter our selues when as the Lorde our God shall visite vs with any little affliction that wee thinke too haue doone euen sufficiently if wee call vppon him But if wee shall haue doone so an hundreth thousande times more yet that wee muste not giue ouer praying and calling vppon him And heerein may bee seeene the hypocriticall dealing of men For they are so womannishely minded and tender hearted that they thinke themselues too haue wrought a million of miracles when as they haue sustained neuer so little aduersitie no not woorth the value of an houre Moreouer if they be ouer loden with any aduersity they may be bolde as they thinke cleerely too forget both God and his woorde But our good God wil not haue vs to proceede in this sorte For he setteth before vs heere the example of Dauid for our instruction but yet hee hath set it forth vntoo vs for this ende and purpose that wee shoulde not cease to continue too cal vpon him in our aduersities yea were our afflictions neuer so great lasted neuer so long yet that we shoulde notwithstanding continually perseuere in prayer To be shorte let vs vnderstande that Dauid made this prayer at such tyme as hee thought not too haue liued any longer but that hee was as a dead man when hee sayeth O quicken mee Moreouer we may see that his constancy was not lyke a puft of winde but that he perseuered therein For although his troubles conteined that he was as it were in a very depe pit whereout he was not able too get yet ceased hee neuer but to trust that god would deliuer him out of it and there vpon called on him and receiued greate courage Namely he desireth too bee quickened according to the louing kindnes of God For wee must also bee at that point if we will bee hearde to knowe that God is bounde vntoo vs of his meere grace and fauour and that wee also must haue recourse vnto him if wee wil haue him too accomplishe his promises vnto vs. Men must not then abuse themselues too looke vntoo their owne dooinges ne yet too haue regarde vntoo worldly meanes But that they seeke for the same in GOD and in his meere goodnesse and free gifte for the which he wil heare them and receiue them also vntoo himselfe In the ende Dauid protesteth that he wil kepe the testimonies of the mouth of God Now let vs not vnderstād hereby that hee had not kept them before For wee haue seene the cleane cōtrary But this is to signifie That seing in the midst of the afflictiōs which I haue susteined thou hast alway giuē me the grace to perseuere in faith that I haue continually vpon thee Satan hath not shaken me to cause me too doe wickedly since then O Lorde thou haste giuen mee such constancy at the time that thou wast estraunged from me by a more strong reason when thou shalt be mine ayde and succour shalt restore me I shall haue a farre greater constancy to keepe the testimonyes of thy mouth See then howe that in the middest of all our afflictions wee must glorifie God not doubting of his faithfull dealing that he will performe whatsoeuer hee hath promised haue pittie on vs in the end and confirme vs more and more too keepe the testimonyes of his mouth knowing that hee wil continue to doe that vnto vs which he hath already once shewed vs. And according to this doctrin let vs prostrate our selues in the presence of our good God in acknowledging our offences Beseeching him that it would please him to open our eyes better that we may beholde the power and vertue of his worde and thereon to stay vs in bereauing vs of all the lightnesse and inconstancy which might turne vs away from it desiring him also not to suffer vs too wander this way and that way as commonly we are woonted to turne vs from the right way as we are by nature ouermuch inclyned therto but beeing fully resolued that it is not in vaine which he hath declared vnto vs that hee will assist vs in all our necessities which wee shall craue of him in true fayth yea not onely in our small and meane afflictions but euen when as he thinketh wee shoulde be vtterly ouerthrowne knowing that he will accomplish for our profite health whatsoeuer we may hope after and beholde with the eyes of fayth Let vs beseech him that hee will not onely graunte vs this grace but also vnto all people and nations of the Earth c. The twelfth Sermon vpon the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme LAMED O Lorde thy woorde indureth for euer in Heauen Thy trueth is from one generation to another thou haste layed the foundation of the Earth and it abideth They continue euen to this day according too thy ordinaunce for all are thy seruauntes Except the Lorde had beene my delighte I shoulde nowe haue perished in my trouble I will neuer forget thy Commandements For by them thou hast quickened me I am thine saue me for I haue sought thy Commandementes The vngoodly layd waite for mee but I will consider thy testimonyes I haue seene an ende of all perfection but thy commaundement is exceeding large WEE see howe chaungeable men are It is very true that when wee shall talke of the shadowe wee may say that it remooueth and chaungeth euery minute of an houre so that it resteth not but if wee looke well and thorowlye search out that which is in the minde of man wee shall see there a great deale more vanitie and chaunge then is too be seene in the very shadowe And that which is more Dauid sayth in an other place that if man were laide in one schole vanitie in an other that vanitie which is nothing would way downe man greately And wee shall not neede too stande longe disputing of this For euery man by his owne experience can testifie what it is and what it can do albeit there were nothing written nor yet any thing thereof conteined in the Scripture What resteth there then for vs to doe Forsooth wee must seeke for our constancy else where then in our selues Nowe God giueth vs a very good meane if we will take it which is to builde and settle our selues vpon his word And for this cause it is Isai 40.8 that the Prophet Esaiah sayth That the worde of God indureth for euer Hee had spoken before of the frailtie and ficklenesse of men as that nothing could be more although it might seeme that there was some strength in them it is yet incontinent cleane parched and dryed vpp that it vanisheth away into lesse then nothing But he concludeth and sayth That the woorde of God abideth for euer So then see the meane howe that men although they be transitory and haue constancie at all in them shall notwithstanding haue a perfect constancy and sure estate to witte when as they shall stay themselues vpon the trueth of God and his worde
must stretch it self cleane beyonde the worlde and so we shall not bee tossed with the windes and tempestes which shall blow against vs to make vs turne back when as we shal haue a sure foundation vpon the word of God And as concerning this proofe which Dauid addeth saying That God hath layd the foundation of the earth the same is but a little tast which he giueth vs of the trueth of God Nowe it is not enough for vs to haue this taste onely to knowe whether God be faythfull and that his trueth is euerlasting For to proue it to bee so we see that neither heauen nor earth but are subiect too corruption and that all muste passe onely the woorde of God is said too last for euer And it must needes bee so for else what shoulde become of our saluation It shoulde be corrupt very soone Let vs not once thinke then that Dauid his meaning heere is too make a comparison and an equall proportion of the continuance of this worlde and the constancye which wee see in the order of nature with the trueth of God But he sheweth vnto vs that euen in these corruptible thinges wee might the better perceiue howe faythfull GOD is and if hee bee true in these thinges on the earth what shall hee him selfe then bee I beseech you tell mee from whence hath the earth her foundation It is founded bothe vpon the water and also vpon the ayre Loe her foundation Wee can not possibly build a house fifteene foote hight vpon the firme grounde but that wee muste lay a foundation See all the whole earth is founded onely wauering and as it were hanging yea and vppon so bottomlesse deapthes as that it might be turned vpsidedowne in the minute of an houre and the whole substaunce of it vtterly ouerthrowne It must needes then be that there is a wonderful power of God shewed in the conseruing of it in the same sort it stādeth And that is it which is here shewed vnto vs to witte because that God hath sayde That the earth was in the middest of the worlde and that it was so layde as it is heereby we knowe what the certaintie of his trueth is But wee must heere forsooth compare the lesse thinges with the greater as we say How from the lesser to the greater I wil shew you by example If I say we did se such excellēcie in the body of a man as that it might bethought to be euen the very image of God wherby we knowe the thing that is writtē that God hath ordayned man to be the chiefe of all his creatures and giuen him greate dignitie noblenesse and power ouer all liuing creatures Psal 8.6 Euen so also in praysing that which is in man we may descende from the body to the soule and this is from the hyest too the lowest and from the lesse to the more So likewise is it in this place when Dauid setteth before our eyes the order of nature This is not as I haue already sayde to measure and compare the trueth of God with such a measure But to the ende wee might reason and say If in these frayle and transitory thinges which are subiect to corruption wee see such a constancy because it is God his will it shoulde be so What shall we then say of his trueth which surpasseth all the worlde When then we shall make such a comparison betweene the state of the worlde and the trueth of God we may certainly conclude that God sufficienly graunteth vs wherewith too settle our selues vpon his woorde we muste not bee so inconstant as too let our Fayth bee shaken so often as wee shall see the worlde tossed with any troubles but rather too take this place which is heere shewed vnto vs by Dauid for our refuge And this is the summe of this place Nowe it followeth afterwarde Except the Lorde had beene my delight I shoulde nowe haue perished in my trouble Dauid heere speaketh this of his owne proper experyence and knowledge before hee spake of the trueth and excellencye of GOD in generall and sayth that it was in heauen and afterwarde he prooueth it by visible thinges which is very manifest vnto vs and which God poynteth out vnto vs as it were with his finger In the third place hee sayth that he speaketh not of vnknowen thinges that hee might dispute of them at randon but that hee had rightly practized that which he had spoken because that hee was preserued by the woord of God And therefore hee nowe sheweth vs where we ought to seeke for this worde whereof hee had generally spoken heeretofore For wee may vse this name of the woorde of God and yet it may be hidden in the ayre or emongst the Cloudes But because hee hath giuen vnto vs his word familyarly and communicateth the same with vs dayly euen in the holy scripture Let vs consider that in giuing honor vnto the worde of God Wee say that it is infallible Let vs not imagine it to be an vnknowen word but let vs goe vnto that which God at all times hath giuen to his seruaunts and that is it which is contayned in the law See then how God hath first declared his woorde vnto vs wherein our saluation is altogither certaine Nowe heere wee haue to note in this streine that Dauid hauing had such experience deserueth wel to be heard and that they are no vayne woordes which hee heere setteth downe before hand But that God also woulde haue it so too the ende wee should giue the more credite vnto it and that wee shoulde no whitte doubt of any thinge that hee teacheth vs when as hee him selfe hath made proofe of all that which he before had spoken And thus much for the firste poynte The experience then whereof Dauid speaketh shoulde very well serue vs in steade of our Seale by which GOD meaneth too make the Doctrine of his Prophet to be of so much the more antiquitie And thus much for this Moreouer let vs learne rightly too vnderstande howe sure wee ought too bee of the woorde of GOD not too seeke for the certaintie thereof without our selues but rather in our owne Consciences It is true that wee ought throughly too looke bothe aboue and beneath too make the testimonies which GOD giueth vs too serue our faith too the ende wee might bee certified of the trueth of his word as already wee haue heard but yet the principall point is this for euery man to enter into himself and make such accompt of this certaintie of the woorde of God that it may take such roote in our soules as that wee may there feele it to be such as here it is said to wit that it neuer be shaken although the whole world should be confounded and that it is the same which must giue vs peace and rest notwithstanding it seemed that all were vtterly ouerthrowne We must then acknowledge the effect and accomplishment of this certaintie which the Prophet here attributeth
aboade in the worde of God which will assure vs of all together Let vs not then measure our saluation by the present estate of the world and as it seemeth now in our eyes wherby we may well perceiue and discerne the same And why so Bicause that all things here belowe haue an ende as wee haue said that heauen and earth shall perish but God hath giuen to vs his truth which is of such an euerlastingnesse as that it surpasseth both heauen and earth It behoueth vs then to bee lifted vp and rapt with this eternitie of the kingdome of God so often as his word shall be spoken vnto vs wherein consisteth all our saluation And according to this holy doctrine let vs prostrate our selues before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledging our innumerable offences by which wee cease not daily to prouoke his heauy wrath indignation against vs Beseeching him that it would please him to cause vs to feele our wretchednesse more then heretofore wee haue done to the ende we might be displeased with our sinnes seeke for remedie where it is shewed vs to wit that seing there is nothing els in vs and in all creatures but vanitie that we beseeche the same good God to confirme vs in his promisses that all our studie be wholy there knowing that all our life resteth in them to the ende wee searche no other where but there where hee hath promised wee shall finde it that is in his worde That it would please him so to make vs taste and sauoure the power and strength thereof as that we may be wholy giuen to serue him and that receiuing vs into his holy protection and conduct he wil not impute vnto vs so many vices and imperfections as are in vs but that he will supporte them through his goodnesse vntil such time as he hath despoyled vs of altogether And that it would please him also too vse the like grace and fauoure towardes all people and nations of the earth c. The thirteenth Sermon vpon the hundreth and nineteene Psalme MEM. O Lord what loue haue I vnto thy lawe al the day long is my study in it Thou through thy commaundements hast made me wiser then mine enemies for they are euer with mee I haue had more vnderstanding then al my teachers for thy testimonies are my studie I vnderstode more then the aged bicause I keepe thy commaundements I haue refrained my feete from euery euill way that I might keepe thy worde I haue not declined from thy iudgementes for thou diddest teach me How sweete are thy woordes vnto my throat yea sweeter then hony vnto my mouth Through thy commandementes I get vnderstanding therefore I hate all the wayes of falsehood WE shall see in this behalf a great many which will not sticke to bragge and say that they haue greatly profited in the woorde of God but yet if we looke into their liues wee shall see and finde that they haue profited as much as if they had neuer read nor heard one worde of the holy scripture Moreouer all the goodly and gay protestations which they shal make tende to none other end but to get them selues estimation and credit there is noone other thing in them but a foolish and vaine glorious shewe that is they desire to bee commended and praysed as though they were the most able and worthy people of all others Nowe when we will saye that we haue profited in the schoole of God first of all we ought to shewe by our life and conuersation whether it bee so or no. For this is the true testimonie whereunto wee must holde vs. God teacheth vs not to the ende we should do nothing els but prattle and babble but he instructeth vs in what maner we ought to liue Hee then which shall leade a dissolute and wanton life declareth manifestly that he neuer knew either God or his truthe Moreouer the meaning is not that we should set foorth our selues to bee had in estimation of men or to get vs reputation and credit but we ought rather to glorifie God knowing that we are so much the more beholden and bounde vnto him in that it hath pleased him too bestowe such his grace and fauour vpon vs as that we surmount others in learning for that commeth not vnto vs by reason that wee are sharper witted or that we haue gotten it through our owne industrie to know I say the way of saluation but it is a free gift which commeth vnto vs from aboue Furthermore when wee shall acknowledge this too come from God it is then great reason that we should drawe our neighbours with vs and like as we are in a good way euen so ought wee to bee desirous to haue euery one to followe vs. Loe to what intent Dauid declareth in this place that he hath loued the worde of God aboue all and that by it he hath beene so well taught as that hee surpassed his maisters and enemies and all those which were in great reputation and credit Very certaine it is that Dauid is not here led by an ambitious or high minded spirite meaning to be coyed and clawed and looking to bee thought to haue greater vnderstanding then others but desireth none other thing saue that the profite which he had receiued by the lawe of God might be throughly engraffed in all men and that it might be a thing common vnto euery one In very deede since that we are all members of one body wee ought continually to labour and trauell for the vpholding and mainteining of it one with another neither ought any of vs to serue him selfe and his owne particular profit but we ought rather to desire to haue the graces of God to abound in all our neighbours that euery of them might haue a feeling of them and that when as wee shall haue enjoyed this common saluation that we might all with one accorde and as it were with one mouth glorifie him And besides Dauid sheweth soone after that hee was no babbling scholler to shewe it onely in mouth too haue many times turned ouer the leaues of the lawe of God and to haue very well vnderstood it but sheweth his life to bee agreing to his speeche and that God hath givē him grace to walke according to his will A great deale the rather ought we then throughly to consider of the order that is here set downe in the first verse he saith O Lord what loue haue I vnto thy lawe all the day long is my study in it The saying which Dauid here vseth signifieth speach and meditation And the verbe whereof it commeth signifieth to speake to deuise to talke or rather to applie his minde to any thing to be therein exercised and stadied Now there is no doubt but that Dauid spake here of a matter which is conioyned with meditatiō For as before we haue said it is not meant by them which make some certaine shew at their tongues ende and yet to haue