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A17191 A most godly and learned discourse of the woorthynesse, authoritie, and sufficiencie of the holy scripture also of the cleerenesse, and plainnesse of the same, and of the true vse thereof. Wherin is discussed this famous question: whether the canonical scriptures haue authoritie from the church, or rather the church receiue authoritie from the Scriptures. By occasion wherof are touched the dignities and duties of the church, touching traditions, with aunswere to all obiections. Translated out of Latine into English, by Iohn Tomkys: and dedicated to the right honorable Sir Richarde Pipe, knight, lorde maior of the citie of London.; De scripturae sanctae praestantia. English. Tomkys, John.; Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575. 1579 (1579) STC 4067; ESTC S112817 96,469 260

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will you examine your doctrines and traditions by the Touchstone of the Scripture Are you so mad and blinde that you wil neuer confesse and reuerence with the Catholike Church of God the fulnesse the perfection and sufficiencie of the Scripture will you still be turned from the moste pure wheate of God his worde to the chaffe and coddes of traditions The xxij Chapter A perfect proofe of those traditions which are in deede the Apostles foorth of the moste auncient writers Irenaeus and Tertullian IRenaeus and Tertullian moste auncient writers and neerest to the Apostles time doe moste plainely proue vnto vs what traditions are moste auncient and the Apostles in deede For they when as they did contende with Heretikes about Doctrines doe alledge the tradition of the Apostles and of the Church that they might by the authoritie thereof confirme their cause and doe with great honour make mention of the same But it is worth the while to consider by what occasion for what cause in what sorte and with what moderatenesse they doe it For so shall it plainely appeare that the Churche at that time had no doctrines by traditions no mysteries of Faith but what were grounded in the Scripture Irenaeus had to deale with moste wicked Heretikes whiche were neither mooued with the authoritie of the Scripture nor with the consent of the vniuersall Churche Therefore they did either slylye shifte off or impudently refuse what so euer was obiected If they were ouerthrowen and conuicted by the Scriptures they did debase their authoritie yea they did accuse them as not Authentical or as hauing an obscure and an vncertaine meaning or as insufficient But they bragged that they had by tradition wisedome more high then the Apostles and more perfect If they were called backe to the consent of the Church they said that it was no meruaile if the Church doe not keepe the pure doctrine which receiued it corrupted and sowered with leauen not onely of the Disciples but also of the Lorde himselfe And therefore they boasted that they were the correctours of the Apostles And what sayeth Irenaeus herevnto We haue saieth hee the dispensation of our saluation by none other then the Apostles which what they published by preaching afterward they deliuered vnto vs in writing to bee the grounde and piller of our faith Afterwarde he vrgeth this parte also that all Churches taught and instructed by the Apostles did imbrace the vnitie of Faith grounded in the Scriptures And yet so that hee confuteth the doting opinions of Heretikes by the Scriptures as by the rule of perfect and absolute wisedome Tertullian also stroue with the like monsters Their vsuall maner was to escape by subtile shiftes If they were pressed with the authoritie of the scriptures they did either refuse them or if they did receiue them they did peruert them by putting to and taking awaye for the framing of their owne purpose or else corrupted them by their peruerse interpretations Therefore because Tertullian coulde not well goe forwarde against such mangling of the Scriptures hee doeth his diligence to confirme the doctrine certainly set foorth in the Scriptures among the simple and weake by this note also that the Apostles deliuered it by liuely voyce from hande to hande Wherefore because in these disputations the Heretikes refused the Scriptures as not in all poyntes to bee receiued and as though they were of an obscure and doubtfull meaning by whome onely the trueth coulde not bee knowne except one knewe the Tradition both the sides appealed to the tradition And because both the parties bragge of traditions this question was disputed of Which was the true tradition of the Apostles Irenaeus and Tertullian proue that that is the true traditiō only which Christ receiued of God and deliuered to the Apostles and which the Apostles againe deliuered to the Churches and which was kept in the Churches by the succession of Bishops And doeth this tradition conteine a doctrine contrarie to that which is sette foorth in the Canonicall Scripture No. For for this cause they did condemne those traditions which the Heretikes bragged of as erronious and forged Therefore what doeth the Tradition alledged in disputation againste the Heretikes conteine No doctrine contrarie and disagreeable to that which is taught in the Scripture but the selfe same articles of fayth which doe as it were comprehend the summe of all the Scripture For both of them doe shewe what that Tradition is whiche the Church receiued of the Apostles and also kept sincere and they bee the same poyntes of doctrine whiche the Apostles Creede doeth conteine And no man doubteth but they are sette foorth in the Scripture by manie manifest testimonies They doe not then proue any other doctrine of fayth besides those which are conteined in the Scripture but they shewe and proue by tradition the verie same doctrines which are comprehended in the Scripture And what needeth that Forsooth that they might proue the consent of the true Apostolicall Tradition with the Scripture so that the doctrine whiche the Scripture doeth teach and that which the Primitiue Churche receiued by the preaching of the Apostles is all one And this is diligently to bee considered that our position of the authoritie perfection and sufficiencie of the scriptures is most strongly mainteined by this disputation of Irenaeus and Tertullian and also that the disputations of the Papistes touching Traditions which can bee prooued by no Testimonie of Scripture are refuted For the Traditions of the Apostles and the Scriptures prooue the consente so that the Tradition be not opposite against the Scripture as though the Scripture were either false or doubtfull or vnperfect as the Heretikes quareled but the trueth the authoritie the certaintie and absolute perfectnesse of the Scripture is proued and confirmed by the tradition Wherefore when as there bee traditions proposed whiche doe not agree with the Scripture and which cannot bee shewed and prooued foorth of the Scripture it is moste certaine that those traditions are not the Apostles These are sure and sounde reasons which can not bee ouerthrowen with anie subtile shiftes of Sophisters Now if you aske which that true ancient and Apostolike tradition is it is not needful to search it without the scripture For Irenaeus and Tertullian in that disputation whereof wee spake speake not onely generally but declare specially euidently in expressed wordes what that tradition of the Apostles is Let vs then heare Irenaeus expounding the tradition of the trueth which the Church hauing receiued it from the Apostles keepeth The Church sayth he being sowed throughout the whole worlde vnto the endes of the earth receiued both of the Apostles and of their disciples that faith which is in one God the father almightie which made Heauen and earth the sea and all thinges which are in them And in one Iesus Christ the sonne of GOD incarnate for our saluation in the holy Ghost which preached by the Prophetes the
the inspiration of the holie ghost set them in order What say you to 〈◊〉 moreouer that Iudas in his Epi●… alledgeth certaine things forth of the ●…ke of Enoch Neither is there anie ●…e why ye should say vnto me that that ●…e is apochyphal Peraduēture that 〈◊〉 was apochyphal which was caried ●…ut after that age wherein the Apo●…s liued but those things which Iudas alledged were firme certaine But be ●…or I wil not contend that the word of 〈◊〉 was not written before Moses but 〈◊〉 only vttered by the mouth and as it ●…re deliuered frō hand to hand What ●…keth this to the matter w we haue in ●…d For the same word whē afterward 〈◊〉 was put in writing must needes be so ●…erued and restrained that nothing ●…ght be altered therin by mē The word 〈◊〉 God is inuiolable cleane without cor●…tion whether it be deliuered by voice ●…y writing neither can it sound cōtra●… things I confesse that the vnwritten ●…de was more ancient thē that which ●…r was put in writing But I acknow●…ge onely betweene these two the diffe●…ce of time not of efficacy or authori●… But in that the church is gathered by the worde of God it must needes folow that the Church is later then the woorde of God and inferiour to it Wherefore it is most euident that the Church taketh her excellencie and dignitie from the worde of God. The third Chapter That the authoritie of Scripture is greatest because it containeth the worde of God which in the beginning was deliuered to the Church by liuely voyce THe authoritie of holie Scripture is farre greatest because it containeth the worde of God him self and tooke her beginning of the holy Ghost For the doctrine conteined in holie Scripture was not vttered enlarged and plainelie set foorth by Philosophers which liued in Grece or Italie but published by God him selfe and reuealed from heauen to certaine chosen men The heauenly Father did declare it with his owne voyce 〈◊〉 the Patriarchs and Prophets The ●●erlasting in heauen and in the verie ●ome of his father I meane the onely ●●gotten sonne of God our Lord and sa●●ur Iesus Christ comming downe to 〈◊〉 shewed it The holie Ghost in al ages ●●spired certaine excellent men who de●ered the worde vncorruptly Knowe ●s sayth Peter that no prophesie in t●e Scripture is of anie priuate inter●●etation For the prophecie came not ●olde time by the will of man but ●●ly men of God spake as they were ●oued by the holy Ghost Wherefore ●ul defineth this doctrine The wise●●me not of this world neither of the ●●nces of this worlde which come to ●ught but the wisedome of God in a ●ysterie euen the hid wisedome which ●od had ordeined before the worlde ●●ich God hath reuealed by his spi●e Therefore all most excellent points ●e to be attributed to the Scripture the ●cles and diuine sayings whereof are ●h in diuinitie as are in euerie science 〈◊〉 principles of the same which must ●edes be supposed and graunted Moreouer vntill Christ came into the worlde the Scripture was conteined in the lawe and prophesies So do wee see that Moses and the Prophets are cited by Christ and the Apostles as approued witnesses whose writings were receiued amongst the people of God without controuersie none otherwise then publike registers The Apostles did first witnesse with liuely voice that which was giuen them in commaundemēt But after that the doctrine of Christ was spread wide and broade and confirmed with innumerable miracles and wonders and after that the Church was established which tooke her beginning of the preaching of the worde by fayth but yet so that the worde went before when as many false Apostles rose vp who vnder the pretence of reuelations and traditions of the Apostles brought monstrous toyes into the Churche and corrupted the purenesse of God his worde it seemed good to the holy ghost that the summe of the Apostles preaching shoulde bee sette foorth in writing that it might bee left perfect for ●●em which should come after Where●●●e by the instinct of the holie Ghost ●wo of the Apostles wrote as witnesses of thinges which they had seene and two of the Disciples and Aposto●●e men wrote also as witnesses of ●●ose thinges which they had hearde 〈◊〉 the Apostles whome other doe affirme to haue seene also the thinges that they wrote Those writings make the foure Gospels touching the which ●renaeus debateth manie thinges in the ●leuenth Chapter of his thirde Booke agaynst Heresies where hee shew●th that there must bee foure Gospels ●nely not because the Church hath recei●ed foure onely but because God hath so appointed Touching the Gospel of Mat●hewe Saint Hierome writeth this Historie Pantaenus when hee was sent by Demetrius Bishop of Alexandria into India founde that Bar●holomew did preach there the comming of Christ according to the Gos●el of Matthew the which being also written in Hebrue he brought from thence with him to Alexandria Herevnto agree those things which Nicephorus sheweth in the 32. chapter of his 4. booke The same Nicephorus reporteth in the 36. Chapter of his 7. booke that the Gospel of Matthew was founde in Barnabas his tombe written with Barnabas his owne handes Whereby may be gathered how greatly Apostolik men did esteeme this Gospel Eusebius forth of Clement doth report that Peter the Apostle did approue and confirme by his own iudgement the Gospel of Mark and did ordeine that it should be reade in the Churches Nicephorus sayth that Peter indited the Gospel of Marke and decreed that it shoulde from thenceforth be read in the Congregations Irenaeus sayeth Marke the Disciple and interpreter of Peter hath deliuered vnto vs those precepts which were preached by Peter The same Irenaeus writeth of Luke thus The Apostles deliuered to al men simplie and enuying no man those thinges which they themselues had learned of the Lorde And therefore ●●ke also enuying no man deliuered to vs in like maner those thinges which he had learned of thē Furthermore Iohn perused ouer the writings o●●he three Euangelists and witnessed t●●t they were true Finally he finished 〈◊〉 writing of the Gospel Therefore he ●cludeth the Historie written by him ●●is And manie other things truely did Iesus before the eyes of his disci●l●s which are not written in this ●●ke These are written that ye might ●●●eeue that Iesus is Christ the sonne 〈◊〉 God and that in beleuing ye might ●e life thorowe his name Vnder ●●th wordes he comprehendeth not on●●is owne Gospel but also the Gospels 〈◊〉 ●he rest of the Euangelistes as also 〈◊〉 olde writers haue vnderstoode this ●ce And then trulie was the truth of 〈◊〉 Gospel acknowledged and receiued ●●en as yet there remained aliue which 〈◊〉 both heard and seene the Lorde 〈◊〉 selfe in his mortall fleshe or had ●rde the chosen Apostles and Disci●●●s which were familiar and con●sant with him And because also
appointmentes of God and the comming of his beloued Iesus Christ our Lorde and that his generation which is of the virgin and his passion and his resurrection from the deade and his ascention in the fleshe into Heauen and his comming from Heauen in the glorie of the Father to finishe all thinges and to raise vp againe all fleshe of mankinde that vnto Christ Iesus our Lorde and GOD and Sauiour and King according to the will of the inuisible Father euerie knee may bee bowed of thinges in heauen in earth and vnder the earth and that euerie tongue may confesse him and that he may doe iust iudgement in all and that he may cast the Angels of spiritual wickednesse hauing transgressed and beeing become Apostataes and also vngodly and vniust and wicked and blasphemous men into eternall fire And that hee maye bestowe as a gift incorruption vpon the iust and vpright hauing kept his commandements and continued in his loue some frō the beginning and some by repentance giuing them life and may cloth them with euerlasting clearenesse Where as the Church hath receiued this preaching and this faith as wee haue before sayde being dispersed into the whole worlde she doth diligently keepe as dwelling in one house and in like maner beleeueth these things euen as hauing one soule and one heart agreeably preacheth and teacheth and deliuereth the same as possessing one mouth For although there be vnlike speaches in the worlde yet the vertue of the tradition is all one and the verie same Neither do those Churches which are founded in Germanie beleeue otherwise or teach otherwise nor those which are in Spain nor those which are in Frāce nor those which are in the East nor those which are in Egypt nor those which are in Lybia nor those which are placed in the midst of the worlde but as the Sunne being the creature of God is all one the selfe same in the vniuersall world euen so the light also that is the preaching of the truth shineth euery where lighteneth all mē which are willing to come to the knowledge of the truth Neither doeth he which excelleth in speach among thē which gouerne the Church say any other things but these For no man is aboue his maister neither hath hee which is weak in speaking lessened the tradition For seeing that the faith is al one the selfe same neither he which can say much maketh it more nor he whiche can saye lesse maketh it lesse Thus farre Ire This is therfore the tradition of the Apostles this is the true antiquitie of the Church this is the catholike consent And this is worthie to bee considered that hee affirmeth that those which were most eloquent among them which gouerne the Churches will say none other thinges but these Therefore so oft as the Papistes fable touching other trifles they are to be iudged to depart from the tradition of the Apostles from the vnitie of fayth and from the Catholike consent And Irenaeus rehearseth in the next Chapter as it were the common places which the Pastours of the Primitiue Church were accustomed to handle And of what matters did they then dispute Of Purgatorie Of the worshipping of Images Of holie water and of other Popishe trifles Not so Of what then Of the Apostacie of the Angels which transgressed of the fall and disobedience of the first men of the temporall and heauenly and earthly promises of the diuerse appearinges of GOD of the difference of the Testamentes why GOD concluded all thinges vnder vnbeleefe that hee might haue mercie vpon all of the cause of the incarnation and passion of the woorde why the Sonne of God came in the last times and not in the beginning of the calling of the Gentils of the ende of the worlde of the resurrection of the fleshe and of other questions of the like sorte drawen foorth of the middest of the Scripture Whereby it is plaine that nothing was accustomed to bee handled then in the Churche beside the Scriptures Againe the same Irenaeus sayth lib. 3. cap. 4. Forsomuch therefore as there be so great proofes we must not still seeke this truth among other which we may easily receiue from the church considering that the Apostles most plentifully layed vp in her as in a riche storehouse all thinges which appertayne to the truth that euery one that woulde might take foorth of her the water of life For she is the entraunce of life and all others are theeues and robbers for the which cause wee must auoyd them and must loue with great diligence those things which are the churches and to holde fast the tradition of the trueth For what and if any man reason of any small question ought hee not to haue recourse to the most auncient Churche wherein the Apostles were conuersant and to take from them touching the present question that which is certaine and verie playne But what and if the Apostles had not left vnto vs the Scriptures ought we not to folowe the order of the tradition which they deliuered to them vnto whom they committed the Churches vnto the which ordinaunce many nations of those barbarous people which beleeue in Christ doe assent hauing saluation written in their heartes by the spirite without character or ynke and keeping diligently the olde tradition beleeuing in one God the maker of heauen and earth and of all thinges which are in them through Christ Iesus the Sonne of God ▪ which for the most tender loue towarde his owne workemanshippe Man sustained that generation which was of the Virgin he himselfe of himselfe vniting the manhood to the Godhead and suffering vnder Pontius Pilate and rising againe and in clearnesse receiued in glorie to come the Sauiour of them which are saued and the iudge of them which are iudged and sending into eternall fire the counterfeiters of the trueth and the dispisers of his Father and of his comming They which beleeued this fayth without writing as touching their speache are barbarous but as touching their iudgement and custome and conuersation throughe their fayth are most wise and please GOD walking in all vprightnesse and chastitie and wisedome Heere hast thou agayne the true and auncient tradition of the Apostles described by Irenaeus whiche deliuereth nothing without and beside the Scripture but containeth the summe of the whole Scripture Nowe it remayneth likewise that wee heare Tertullian bearing witnesse of the tradition of the Apostles also The rule of faith saieth he is euen this whereby wee beleeue that there is but one God and none other but the maker of the worlde which brought all thinges foorth of nothing by his worde first of al sent foorth that that woorde was called his sonne in the name of the same God was diuersely seene of the Patriarches was alwayes hearde in the Prophetes was lastly brought by the spirite and power of God into the Virgin Marie was made fleshe in her wombe and was borne man of her
and was Iesus Christ and that afterwarde he preached the newe lawe and the new promise of the kingdome of heauen wrought miracles was fastened to the crosse rose againe the thirde day that he beyng taken vp to heauen sitteth at the right hande of the Father that he hath sent the power of the holie Ghost in his steede to gouerne the beleeuers that he shall come in brightnes to take the Saintes into the fruition of euerlasting life and of the heauenly promises and to iudge the prophane with perpetuall fire the resurrection of both partes beyng wrought with the restoring of the fleshe This rule ordained by Christ as it shall be proued hath no questions among vs but what heresies bring in and which make heretikes Thus farre Tertullian who thorowly agreeth with Irenaeus in describing the tradition of the Apostles And the testimonies of these most auncient writers doe shewe from whence the briefe summe of our beleefe commeth which commonly they call the Apostles Creede whiche certainely is the most auncient tradition which being receiued from Apostolike men the Churche keepeth still And Tertullian addeth in the same booke of prescriptions The Church hath knowen one GOD the creatour of all thinges and Christ Iesus of the Virgin Marie the Sonne of God the Creatour and the resurrection of the fleshe She intermedleth the lawe and the Prophetes with the writings of the Euangelists and the Apostles frō thence doth shee drinke the same faith she signeth with water clotheth with the holy Ghost feedeth with the Euchariste exhorteth with martyrdome and so doeth she receiue none against this institution By the which woordes it is cleare that the primitiue Churche acknowledged no traditions which were not founded in the Scripture Although I haue handled these things at large yet because the Papistes oftentimes hold foorth as Aiax his shielde the place of Paule 2. Thes 2.15 against the Scripture for their traditions whereas he sayeth Stande fast and holde the ordinaunces which ye haue bene taught whether it were by our preaching or by our Epistle can I not omitte but must euidently shewe foorth of the same Irenaeus that Paule preached to the Gentiles with liuely voyce the same and none other doctrine which hee taught them also by his Epistles For Irenaeus doeth most plainely describe Paule his tradition in two places in the fifth Chapter of the thirde booke and also in the fourtie one Chapter of the fourth booke These are the chiefe pointes of his description that the Gods of the Gentiles are not onely Gods but the Idols of Deuils And that there is one true God which is ouer all and aboue euery name that is named and that hee onely is to be woorshipped That they woulde therefore departe from the superstition of idols leaue their vaine wood and stones which they supposed to bee Gods and woulde woorshippe one true God the maker of heauen and earth and the framer of euery thing that is made Which ordayned made all mankinde and by his framing of them nourished increased them stedfastly gaue them beyng And that his word is his Sonne by whom hee made all thinges And that he in the last times although hee were naturally the inuisible worde was made visible and palpable man among men humbled him selfe to death euē to the death of the crosse refourmed mankinde destroyed and ouercame man his enemie and gaue vnto man whom he made victorie against his aduersarie that they which beleeue in him shall bee incorruptible and impassible That they shoulde therefore sette before themselues this lawe as the rule of life Not to committe adulterie not to steale not to deceiue and that al thinges which are done to the hurt of our neighboures are euill and hated of god The trueth sheweth that these deedes are euill and hurtfull and vnprofitable and damnable to them that doe them That they shoulde therefore liue blamelesse and looke for the Sonne of God Iesus Christ which redeemed vs from Apostacie and going astray by his blood to this ende that we might be also a sanctified people to ascende to heauen in the vertue of the Father which shall iudge all men and shal giue vnto them which haue kept his commaundements those good thinges which are from god Beholde Paule his tradition deliuered to the posteritie by Irenaeus a most auncient writer of the Churche And doeth he not euerie where teach with al diligence the very self same things in his Epistles So that the doctrine is all one which hee taught with liuely voice which he cōmitted to writing Yea the tradition described by Irenaeus may seeme to be the brief summe of those things which he wrote So that hee wrote most truely that those thinges which the Apostles taught were all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 agreeable to the Scriptures Therefore all traditions which are giuen foorth as the Apostles haue beene are and ought to be such And for this cause they are alwaies to be examined whether they haue this Irenaeus his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 agreemēt with the Canonicall Scriptures The .xxiii Chapter Of the subtiltie and deceitfulnesse of Sophisters which vse guilefully the woorde Tradition which is diuersly taken WE haue hitherto shewed that it is all one doctrine which the Apostles published with liuely voyce and which the Canonicall Scripture setteth foorth Wee haue also declared howe vaynely the Papistes reason that many thinges which are necessarie for the instruction of faith and ordering of manners although they can be prooued by no testimonie of Scripture are neuerthelesse to be receiued and beleeued forth of the naked tradition Wherefore this is alwaies to be holden which we cited lately foorth of Augustine That faith is learned foorth of the Scriptures There is often times mention made of traditions by the auncient Writers but not to this end that our fayth shoulde runne out of the Scriptures wherein they alwaies inclosed it And where as this woord Tradition is diuersly vsed among the olde writers and all Traditions are not of one kinde it is a detestable sophistrie by the mixture of them all to deceiue Therefore it is to be considered what testimonies of olde writers doe pertaine vnto what kinde of Traditions and what is to be thought of euerie one of them least all without difference bee applied to the defense of corruptions abuses and superstitions Let vs therefore distinguish Traditions into certaine kindes First the fathers by this word Tradition oftentimes vnderstand the Canonicall Scripture of the newe Testament as when Cyprian to Pompeius saith From whence is this Tradition Whether descending from the authoritie of the Lorde and of the Euangelistes or comming from the commaundementes and Epistles of the Apostles For that those thinges ought to be doone which are written GOD witnesseth and proposeth to Iosuah saying Let not the booke of this Lawe departe out of thy mouth that thou maiste obserue and doe according to all that is written