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A16884 Englands Parnassus: or the choysest flowers of our moderne poets, with their poeticall comparisons Descriptions of bewties, personages, castles, pallaces, mountaines, groues, seas, springs, riuers, &c. Whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasaunt and profitable. Albott, Robert, fl. 1600. 1600 (1600) STC 378; ESTC S100113 209,794 528

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reasons ring their craft and guile bewraies No wise men of their paintings passe a pin S. I. H. Too much desire to please pleasure diuorces Attempts and not intreat get Ladies larges G. Chapman Our fond preferments are but childrens toyes And as a shadow all our pleasures passe As yeares increase so waining are our ioyes And beautie crazed like a broken glasse A prettie tale of that which neuer was M. Drayton Pleasures neuer dine but on excesse Whose diet made to draw on all delight And ouercome in that sweet drunkennesse His appetite maintained by his sight Strengtheneth desire but euer weakeneth might Vntill this vlcer ripening to an head Vomits the poyson which it nourished Idem Short houres worke long effects minutes haue change While pleasure ioyeth paine more ripe doth growe Idem The secret sweet is sweetest sweet to fall Th. Achilley To them that know not pleasures price All 's one a prison or a paradice M. Drayton Poesie All art is learnd by art this art alone It is a heauenly gift no flesh nor bone Can preise the hony we from Pind distill Except with holy fier his brest we fill From that spring flowes that men of speciall choose Consum'd in learning and perfit in prose For to make verse in vaine do is trauell take When as a prentise fairer words will make K. of S. Whilome in ages past none might professe But princes and hie priests that sacred skill The sacred lawes wherein they wont expresse And with deepe oracles their verses fill Then was he held in soueraigne dignitie And made the noursling of nobilitie But now nor Prince nor Priest doth her maintaine But suffer her prophaned for to bee Of the base vulgar that with hands vncleane Dares to pollute her hidden misterie And treadeth vnderfoote her holy things Which was the care of Keysars and of Kings Ed. Spencer Those numbers wherwith heauen earth are mou'd Shew weaknes speaks in prose but power in verse S. Daniell Man from man must holy parted bee If with his age his verse do well agree Amongst our hands he must his wits resing A holy traunce to highest heauen him bring For euen as humane fury makes the man Lesse then the man so heauenly fury can Make man passe man and wander in holy mist Vpon the fiery heauen to walke at list Within that place the heauenly Poets sought Their learning sin to vs here downe it brought With verse that ought to Atropos no due Dame Natures trunchmen heauens interpret true K. of Scots The vaunted verse a vacant head demaunds Ne wont with crabbed care the Muses dwell Vnwisely weaues that takes two webbes in hand Ed. Spencer O peerlesse Poesie where is then thy place If not in princes pallace thou doest sit And yet is princes pallace the most fit Or breach of baser birth doth thee embrace Then make thee wings of thy aspiring wit And whence thou cam'st fly backe to heauen apace Idem All art is learn'd by art but poesie It is a gift diuine and cannot die Idem Like as into the waxe the seales imprent Is like a seale right so the Poet gent Doth graue so viue in vs his passions strange As makes the reader halfe in author change For Verses force is like that softly slides Through secret poris and in our sences bides As make them haue both good and ill imprented Which by the learned worke is represented K. of Scots Onely he of Lawrell is condigne Who wisely can with profit pleasure minge The fairest walking on the sea coast beene And surest swimming where the braes are greene So wise is he who in his verse can haue Skill mixt with pleasure sports with doctrine graue Idem Who euer casts to compasse waightie prise And thinks to throw out thundering words of threat Let power in lauish cups and thriftie bits of meat For Bacchus fruite is friend to Phoebus wise And when with wine the braine begins to sweat The numbers flowe as freely spring doth rise Ed. Spencer Ridled poesies and those significantly flowe Differ in eares as do in mouths the apricocke and sloe W. Warner What reason mou'd the golden Augustine To name our Poetrie vaine errors wine Or Hierome deeply sighted in their euills To tearme it nothing but the foode of deuils Nought but the misimployment of our gifts Ordaind for Art but spent in shamlesse slufts D. Lodge Looke as the sun-beame in a burning glasse Doth kindle fier where euer it doth passe But freely spread vpon th'engendring earth Egges on the spring and bils the cause of dearth So Poesie restraind in errors bounds With poisoned words and sinfull sweetnesse wounds But cloathing vertue and adorning it Wit shines in vertue vertue shines in it Idem Poets The Greekes do paint the Poets office whole In Pegasus their fained horse with wings Whom shaped so Medusaes bloud did foyle Who with his feete strake out the Muses springs Fro flintie rocks to Helicon that clings And then flew vp into the starry skie And thete abides among the Gods on hie For who that will a perfect Poet bee He must be bred out of Medusaes blood He must be chaste and vertuous as was shee Who to her power the Ocean God withstood To th' end also his doombe be iust and good He must as she looke rightly with one eie Truth to regard ne write one thing awrie In courage eke he must be like a horse He may not feare to register the right What though some frowne thereof he may not force No bit ne raine his tender iawes may twight He must be arm'd with strength of wit and sprite To dash the rocks darke causes and obscure Till he attaine the springs of truth most pure His houes also must pliant be and strong To riue the rocks of lust and errors blind In brainelesse heads that alwaies wander wrong These must be bruis'd with reasons plaine and kind Till springs of grace do gush out of thy mind For till affections fond be from thee driuen In vaine is truth told or good counsell giuen Like Pegasus a Poet must haue wings To flie to heauen or where him liketh best He must haue knowledge of eternall things Almightie Ioue must harbour in his brest With worldly cares he may not be opprest The wings of wit and skill must heaue him hier With great delight to ratifie desier He must also be lustie free and swift To trauell farre to view the trades of men Great knowledge oft is gotten by the shift Things that import he must be quicke to pen Reprouing vices sharply now and then He must be swift when touched tyrants chafe To gallope thence to keepe his carkas safe M. of M. A Poet must be pleasant not too plaine Faults to controll ne yet to flatter vice But sound and sweete in all things ware and wise Idem Poets onely pride Is vertue to aduance and vice deride Ed. Spencer Poets right are like the pipe alway Who full doth sound and emptie staies to play
each feeble minde Against whose power nor God nor man can finde Defence reward the daunger of the wound ●ut being hurt seeke to be medicinde Of her that first did stirre that mortall wound Ed. Spencer Bewtie is womans golden crowne Mans conqueresse and feminine renowne ●ot ioind with loue who deare yet euer sold it ●or bewties cheape except loues eye behold it I. Weeuer Bewtie is an adamant to all ●ewtie natures Iuie-bush each passenger doth call W. Warner ●eldome wants guests where Bewtie bids the feast ●ens eyes with wonders nere are satisfied At fairest signes best welcome is surmised The shrine of loue doth seldome offring want Nor with such counsell clients neuer scant M. Drayton All Orators are dumbe where Bewtie pleadeth W. Shakespeare Bewtie it selfe doth of it selfe perswade The eyes of men without an Orator What needeth then Apollogies be made To set forth that which is so singular Idem Nought vnder heauen so strongly doth allure The sense of man and all his minde possesse As Bewties louely bate that doth procure Great warriors oft their rigor to represse And mightie hands forget their manlinesse Driuen with the power of an heart-robbing eye And wrapt in flowers of a golden tresse That can with melting pleasance mollifie Their hardned hearts enur'd to bloud and crueltie Ed. Spencer O how can bewtie maister the most strong And simple truth subdue auenging wrong Idem No armour can be found that can defend Transpercing raies of christall pointed eyes S. Daniell Hard is that heart which Bewtie makes not soft Ed. Fairfax Transl Who so young that loues not Or who so olde that womens Bewtie moues not W. Weeuer A sparke of Bewtie burns a world of men Idem O what is Bewtie if it be not seene Or what is' t to be seene and not admir'd And though admir'd vnlesse in loue desir'd Neuer were cheekes of Roses locks of Amber Ordain'd to liue imprisoned in a Chamber S. Daniell Nature created Bewtie for the view Like as the fire for heate the Sun for light The faire do euer hold this pledge as due By auntient charter to liue most in sight As she that is debar'd it hath not right In vaine our friends from this do vs dehort For Bewtie will be where is most resort Idem All excellence of shape is made for sight To be a beetle else were no defame Hid Bewties lose their ends and wrong their right G. Chapman Heauen made bewtie like her selfe to viewe Not to be lapt vp in a smoakie mewe A rosie tainted feature is heauens golde Whil'st all men ioy to touch all to behold M. Drayton The ripest corne dies if it be not reapt Bewtie alone is lost too early kept Ch. Marlowe It hath bene through all ages euer seene That with the praise of armes and chiualrie The praise of Bewtie still hath ioyned beene And that for reasons speciall priuitie For either doth on other much relie For he me seemes most fittest is to serue That can her best defend from villanie And she most fit his seruice doth deserue That fairest is and from her faith doth neuer swarue Ed. Spencer Bewtie is more bright and cleare The more it is admir'd of many a wight And noblest she that serued is of noble Knight Idem Rich Bewtie that each Louer labours for Tempting as heapes of new coynd glowing Golde Rackt of some miserable treasurer Drawes his desires and them in chaines enfold Vrging him still to tell it and conceale it But Bewties treasure neuer can be tolde None can peculiar ioy yet all must steale it O Bewtie this same bloodie siege of thine Starues me that yeeld and feeds me till I pine G. Chapman O Bewtie still thy Empire swims in blood And in thy peace warre stores himselfe with foode Idem O Bewtie Syrene faire enchaunting good Sweete silent Rhethoricke of perswading eyes Dumbe eloquence whose power doth moue the blood More then the workes or wisedome of the wise Still harmony whose Diapazon lies Within a brow the key which passions moue To rauish the sence and play a world in loue S. Daniell Beautie enchasing loue loue gaining Beautie To such as conflict Sympathies enfold To perfect riches doth a sounder dutie Then all endeuours for by all consent All wealth and wisedome rests in time content More force and art is beautie ioynd with loue Then thrones with wisedom ioyes of them composde Are armes more proofe gainst any griefe we proue Then all their vertue scorning miserie Or iudgements graue in stoicke grauitie G. Chapman Beautie a begger fieit is too bad When in it selfe sufficiencie is had It was not made to please the wandring eie But an attire to adorne sweet modestie If modestie and women once do seuer Farwell our fame farwell our name for euer M. Drayton O Beautie that betraies thy selfe to euery amorous eie To trap thy proud professors what is it but wantons trie VVhere through it sildom haps the faire from mean deceits to flie W. Warner This Beautie faire is an inchauntment made By natures witchcraft tempting men to buie With endlesse showes what endlesly will fade Yet promise chapmen all eternitie But like to goods ill got a fault it hath Brings men inricht therewith to beggery Vnles the enricher be as rich in faith Enamourd like god selfe-loue with her owne Seene in an other then t is heauen alone G. Chapman Beautie is a baine To such as feed their fancy with fond loue That when sweet youth with lust is ouerthrowne It rues in age R. Greene. Where Venus strikes with Beautie to the quicke It little vailes safe reason to apply Fewe are the cares for such as are loue sicke But loue Idem Truce warre and woe do wait at Beauties gate Time lost laments reports and priuie grudge And last fierce loue is but a partiall iudge Who yeelds for seruice shame for friendship hate D. Lodge The bees of Hybla haue besides sweet hony smarting stings And beauty doth not want a bait that to repentance brings W. Warner Faire colours soonest soyle Things of best price are subiect most to spoyle Ch. Middleton The fairer cheeke hath oftentimes a soule Leprous as sin it selfe then hell more foule Th. Dekkar All men do erre because that men they bee And men with Beautie blinded cannot see G. Peele Beautie heauen and earth this grace doth win It supples rigor and it lessons sin G. Chapman Nought is vnder heauens wide hollownes That moues more deare compassion of mind Then Beautie to vnworthy wretchednes Through enuies snares or fortunes freakes vnkind Ed. Spencer Nothing ill becomes the faire But crueltie which yeelds vnto no praier S. Daniell Like as the Sun in a Diameter Fires and inflames obiects remoued far And heateth kindly shining laterally So Beautie sweetly quickens when t is nie But being seperated and remoued Burnes where it 's cherisht murders where it loued Ch. Marlowe Simples fit Beautie fie on drugs and art M. Drayton Faire words and powre-attractiue bewtie Bring men
to want on in subiectiue dutie I. Weeuer Wayward Beauty doth not fancy moue A frowne forbids a smile ingendreth loue Ed. Fairfax Transl What els is forme but fading aire Yea oft because assaulted of it hurteth to be faire VV. VVarner Full soone the fairest face would cease from being such If not preserued curiously from tendring more then much That wondrous patterne where soeuer it bee Whether in earth laid vp in secret store Or els in heauen that no man may it see With sinfull eies for feare it to deflore Is perfect Beautie which all men adore Whose face and feature doth so far excell All mortall sence that none the same may tell Ed. Spencer O Beautie how attractiue is thy power For as the liues heat clings about the hart So all mens hungry eyes do haunt thy bower Raigning in Greece Troy swumme to thee in art Remoued to Troy Greece followed thee in feares Thou drewest ech syrelesse sword ech childlesse dart And puldst the Towers of Troy about thine eares G. Chapman Varietie of Beauties The harbingers of lust his amorous eyes did walke More clogd with chāge of Beauties thē K. Midas once wit● gold Now this now that and one by one he did them all behold This seemed faire that as faire and letting either passe A third he thought a proper girle a fourth a pleasant lasse Louely the fift liuely the sixt the seuenth a louely wench The eight of sweet complexion to the ninth he altereth thē●● That mildly seem'd maiesticall tenth modest lookes toong The eleuenth could sweetly entertain the twelft was fresh yoong The next a gay brownetta next admir'd yoong And euery feature so intic't his intricate affection As liking all alike he lou'd confounded in election W. VVarner Banishment No Banishment can be to him assignde Who doth retaine a true resolued minde M. Drayton ●n exile euery man or bond or free Of noble race or meaner parentage ●s not in this vnlike vnto the slaue That must of force obey to each mans will And praise the peeuishnesse of each mans pride G. Gascoigne Transl Bashfulnesse So respected Was Bashfulnesse in Athens it erected To chast Agneia which is shamefastnesse A sacred temple holding her a goddesse G. Chapman Preferment sildome graceth Bashfulnesse Idem Let sobernesse be still thy wisedomes end Admitting what thou canst not comprehend I. Syluester Transl Blisse These dayes example hath deep written here Deep written in my heart with yron pen That Blisse may not abide in state of mortall men Ed. Spencer Doth sorrow fret thy soule ô direfull spirit Doth pleasure feed thy heart ô blessed man Hast thou bene happie once ô heauy plight Are thy mishaps forepast ô happie than Or hast thou blisse in eld ô blisse too late But hast thou blisse in youth ô sweet estate E. of O. Hard it is To immitate a false and forged blisse Ill may a sad mind forge a mery face Nor hath constrained laughter any grace G. Chapman Blisse not in height doth dwell Idem Quiet Blisse in no state lasteth long Assailed still by mischiefe many waies Whose spoyling battery glowing hote and strong No flowing wealth no force nor wisdome staies Her smoakelesse powder beaten souldiers slaies By open force foule mischiefe oft preuailes By secret sleight she sild her purpose failes I. H. of Magist Blessed the man that well can vse his blisse Ed. Spencer We think no greater blisse then such to be as be we would When blessed none but such as be the same as be they should VV. VVarner Our blisse consists not in possessions But in commaunding our affections In vertues choyce and vices needfull chace Far from our harts for staining of our face Tho. Kid. Bountie O sacred Bountie mother of content Proppe of renowne nourisher of Arts The crowne of hope the roote of good euent The trumpe of fame the ioy of noble hearts Grace of the heauens diuinitie in nature Whose excellence doth so adorne the creature M. Drayton On the other part was to be viewde His vertues each one by it selfe distinct Prudence and temperance and Fortitude And Iustice and a fift vnto these linckt So nie that who with it is not indued The rest may seeme blotted or quite extinct Bountie employed in giuing and in spending A speciall grace to all the other lending S. I. Harr. Transl Augustus Caesar was not such a Saint As Virgill maketh him by his description His loue of learning scuseth that complaint That men might iustly make of his proscription● Neither the shame that Neroes name doth taint Confirm'd now by a thousand yeares prescription Be e'ne as it is if he had had the wit To haue bene franke to such as Poems writ Idem This reason is the chiefe That wits decay because they want their hire For where no succour is nor no reliefe The very beasts will from such place retire Idem He is mad and worse That plaies the nigard with a Princes purse M. Drayton Care Another shape appeares Of greedy Care still brushing vp the knees His knuckles knobd his flesh deep dented in With tawed hands and hardy tanned skin The morrow gray no sooner hath begun To spred his light euen peeping in our eies When he is vp and to his worke yrunne But let the nights black mistie mantels rise And with foule darke neuer so much disguise The faire bright day yet ceaseth he no where But hath his candles to prolong his toyle M. Sackuill Rude was his garment and to rags all rent No better had he ne for better carde With blistered hands among the cynders brent And fingers filthy with long nayles vnpared Right for to rend the food on which he fared His name was Care a black Smyth by his trade That neither day nor night from working spared But to small purpose yron wedges made Those be vnquiet thoughts that woful minds inuade Ed. Spencer Care keepes his watch in euery olde mans eye And where Care lodges sleepe will neuer lie But where vnbruiz'd youth with vnstuft braine Doth couch his limbs there golden sleepe doth raine W. Shakespeare Care and suspition are faire Bewties dower M. Drayton Care the consuming canker of the minde The discord that disorders sweet-hearts tune Th' abortiue bastard of a coward minde The lightfoote lackie that runnes poste by death Bearing the leters which containe our end The busie aduocate that sells his breath Denouncing worst to him is most his frend H. Constable Charitie ●he was a woman in the freshest age Of wondrous bewtie and of bowntie rare With goodly grace and comely personage That was on earth not easie to compare ●ull of great loue But Cupids wanton snare As hel she hated chaste in worke and will Her necke and brest were euer open bare That aye thereof her babes might sucke their fill The rest was all in yealow robes araied still A multitude of babes about her hung Playing their sportes that ioyed her to behold Whom still she fed while they
sway That wholsome Counsell did not first obey M. Dr. Euen as by culling fruitefull Vines encrease So faithfull counsailes worke a Princes peace D. Lodge Concord Concord Mother of blessed peace and friendship true They both her twins both borne of heauenly seed The which her words diuine right well do shewe For strength and wealth and happinesse she lendes And strife and warre and anger does subdue Of little much of foes she maketh frendes And to afflicted mindes sweet rest and quiet sends Ed. Spencer The richest Iewell of all heauenly treasure That euer yet vnto the earth was showne Is perfect Concord th' onely perfect pleasure That wretched earth-borne men haue euer knowne For many hearts it doth compound in one That what so one doth will or speake or doo With one consent they all agree there too I. Dauies By her the heauen is in his course containd And all the world in state vnmoued stands As their almightie maker first ordaind And bound them with inuiolable bands Else would the waters ouerflowe the lands And fire deuoure the water and hell them quite But she them holds with her all-blessed hands She is the nurse of pleasure and delight And vnto Princes grace the gates doth open right Ed. Spencer O blessed concord bred in secret brest Of him that guides the restlesse rolling skie That to the earth for mans assured rest From height of heauens vouchsafest once to flie In thee alone the mightie power doth lie With sweet accord to keep the frowne starres And euery Planet els from hurtfull warres G. Gascoigne Transl When tract of time returnes the lustie Ver By thee alone the buds and blossomes spring The fields with flowers be garnish● eu'ry where The blooming trees aboundant leaues do bring The cheerfull birds melodiously do sing Thou doest appoint the crop of sommers seed For mans reliefe to serue his winter need Idem Conscience Within the ports and iawes of hell Sate deep remorse of Conscience all besprent With teares and to her selfe oft would she tell Her wretchednes and cursing neuer stent To sob and sigh but euer thus lament With thoughtfull care as she that all in vaine VVould were and wast continually in paine Her eyes vnstedfast rolling in her head Whurld on ech place as place that vengeance broght So was her mind continually in feare Tossed and tormented with tedious thought Of those detested crimes which she had wrought With dreadfull lookes and cheare throwne to the skie Wishing for death and yet she could not die M. Sackuill So gnawes the griefe of Conscience euermore And in the heart it is so deeply graue That they may neither sleepe nor rest therefore Ne thinke one thought but on the dread they haue Sill to the death sore tosled with the waue Of restlesse woe in terror and dispaire They lead a life continually in feare Idem The feare of Conscience entreth yron walles M. Drayton No armour proofe against the Conscience terror Idem A guiltie conscience neuer is secure Idem No meanes at all to hide Man from himself can find No way to start aside Out from the hell of mind But in himself confinde He still sees sin before And winged footed paine That swiftly comes behind The which is euermore The sure and certain gaine Impietie doth get And wanton boast respect That doth himselfe forget S. Daniell Like to the Deare that striken with the dart Withdrawes himselfe into some secret place And feeling griefe the wound about his hart Startles with pangs till he fall on the grasse And in great feare lies gasping there a space Forth braying sighes as though each pang had brought The present death which he doth dread so oft So we deep wounded with the bloudy thought And gnawing worme that greeu'd our conscience so Neuer tooke ease but as our heart out brought The strained sighes in witnesse of our wo. Such restlesse cares our fault do well be know Wherewith with our deserued fall the feares In euery place rang death within our eares M. Sackuill Loose Conscience is free From all Conscience what els hath libertie As 't pleasd the Thracian Boreas to blow So turnes our weary Conscience too and fro I. Marston Kings but the Conscience all things can defend M. Drayton Whē as thou feel'st thy cōscience toucht with greefe Thy selfe pursues thy selfe both robd and theefe Idem Many with the Conscience of the crime ●n colder blood will curse what they designde And bad successe vpbraiding their ill fact Drawes them that others draw from such an act S. Daniell Craft Deceit Fraud What man so wise what earthly wit so ware As to descry the craftie cunning traine By which Deceit doth maske in vizard faire And cast her colours died deep in graine To seeme like truth whose shape she well can faine And fitting gestures to her purpose frame The guiltlesse mind with guile to entertaine Ed. Spencer Fraud showd in comely cloathes a louely looke An humble cast of eye a sober pace And so sweet speech a man might her haue tooke For him that said haile Mary full of grace But all the rest deformedly did looke As full of filthinesse and foule disgrace Hid vnder long large garments that she ware Vnder the which a poysoned knife she bare S. I. H. Oft Craft can cause the man to make a seeming show Of hart with dolor all distaind where grief doth neue● grow S. T. B. Craft wrapt still in many comberments With all her cunning thriues not though it speed S. Daniell Craft findes a key to open euery doore M. Dr. Conquest Who hopes a conquest leaues no conquest sought M. Drayton T is much to conquer but to keep possession Is full as much and if it be not more I. Syluester tran● To win the field against our armed foes Is counted honourable any waies Whether it be with pollicie or blowes Yet bloodie conquēst staines the Captaines praise But chiefest honour doth belong to those Whom fortune to such height of hap doth raise To haue their foes supprest and ouerthrowne With little losse and daring of their owne S. I. Harr. Transl Whereas proud conquest keepeth all in awe Kings oft are forst in seruile yoakes to drawe M. Drayton Country common-weale We must affect our Country as our parents And if at any time we alienate Our loue or industry from doing it honor It must respect effects and touch the soule Matter of conscience and religion And not desire of rule or benefit G. Peele Necessitie enforceth euery wight To loue his natiue seat with all his might A happie quarrell is it and a good For countries cause to spend our dearest blood G. Gascoigne That publike weale must needs to ruine go Where priuate profit is preferred so G. Geffrayes Home though it homely be yet is sweet And natiue soyle is best S. I. Harr. If so the temperature of Common-weale Be guided by the course of heauenly powers Such as in deep affaires will iustly deale Must haue an eye to those
Commonly all that counterfeit In any thing exceed the naturall meane And that for feare of fa●●ing in their feat Idem The louely lookes the sighes that storme so sore The due of deep dissembling doublenesse These may attempt but are of power no more Where beautie leanes to wit and soothfastnesse D. Lodge Who hath to doo With deep dissemblers must dissemble too Ch. Middleton Vid Hypocrisie End The End doth alwaies proue the fact By End we iudge the meaning of the act S. I. H. Transl Begin where lightnesse wil in shame it ends G. Chapman Earth Thus whilest he laid his head vpon her lap She in a fiery mantle doth him wrap And carries him vp from his lumpish mould Into the skies whereas he might behold Th' earth in perfect roundnesse of a ball Exceeding globes most artificiall Which in a fixed point nature disposed And with the sundry elements inclosed Which as the Center permanent doth stay When as the skies in their diurnall sway Strongly maintaine the euerturning course Forced alone by their first mouers source Where he beholds the aiery regions Whereas the clouds and strange impressions Maintaind by coldnesse often do appeare And by the highest region of the aire Vnto the clearest element of fire Which to her siluer footstoole doth appeere M. Drayton The Moone is darkned to all creatures eies Whilest in the shadow of the earth she lies For that the earth of nature cold and drie A very Chaos of obscuritie Whose globe exceeds her compasse by degrees Fixed vpon her superficies When in his shadow she doth hap to fall Doth cause her darknes to be generall Idem Earth Beares all her sonnes and daughters in one wombe She Europes Ameriques Affriques Asians toombe Idem Earth cannot comprehend The secret depths of iudgements all diuine Where is no ground beginning midst nor fine I. Syluester Transl O trustlesse state of earthly things and slipper hope Of mortall men that swinke and worke for nought And shooting wide doth misse the marked scope Now haue I turnd a lesson dearly bought That nis on earth assurance to be sought Ed. Spencer A narrow roome our glory vaine vnties A little circle doth our pride containe Earth like an I le amid the water lies Which sea sometime is cald sometime the maine Yet nought therein resounds a name so great It 's but a lake a pond a marish street Ed. Fairfax Transl Our mother earth nere glories in her frute Till by the sunne clad in her tinsell sute Nor doth she euer stare him in the face Till in her glorious armes she him imbrace Which proues she hath a soule sence and delight Of generation feeling appetite M. Drayton To know our selues to come of humane birth These sad afflictions crosse vs here on earth A taske imposde by heauens eternall lawe To keepe our rude rebellions well in awe M. Drayton Next vnto him malicious Enuie rode Vpon a rauenous Wolfe and still did chawe Betweene his cankred teeth a venomous tode That all the poyson ranne about his iawe But inwardly he chawed his owne mawe At neighbours wealth that made him euer sad For death it was when any good he sawe And wept that cause of weeping none he had But when he heard of harme he waxed wondrous glad Ed. Spencer The other held a snake with venome fraught On which she fed and gnawed hungerly As if that long she had not eaten ought That round about the iawes we might discry The bloody gore and poyson dropping loathsomly Her name was Enuie knowne well thereby Whose nature is to greeue and grudge at all That she sees done praise worthily Whose sight to her is greatest crosse may fall And vexeth so that makes her eate her gall For when she wanteth other thing to eate She feedes on her owne ma● vnnaturall And of her owne foule entrailes make her meate Meate fit for such a monsters monstrous diet Idem I chaunced on a monster of a man With health heart sicke sterued with store of foode With riches poore with beautie pale and wan Wretched with happinesse euil with good One eye did enuie at the th' other eie Because the other enuide more then hee His hands did fight for the first iniurie So Enuie enuide enuide to be And as he went his tender foote was sore And enuide at the foote that went before Th. Bastard This monster honors hurt is like the curre That barkes at strangers comming at the durre But sparing alwaies those are to her knowne To them most gentle to the others throwne This monster al 's is like a rauing cloude Which threatens alwaies kindly Vulcan loude To smore and drowne him with her powring raine Yet force of fire repels his force againe K. of S. Oft malice makes the mind to shed the boyled brine And enuies humor oft vnlades by conduits of the eine T. W. Enuy liues with vs whilst our selues suruiue But when we die it is no more aliue Ch. Fitz Ieffry. The knottie Oake and wainscot old Within doth eate the silly worme Euen so a mind in enuy cold Alwaies within it selfe doth burne Idem Each sence may common subiects comprehend Things excellent the sensitiue confound The eye with light and colours may contend The care endure the note of common sound Both faile when glorious beames and strokes abound So Enuy that at meanest things beares spight Stands mute at view of vnexspected height Th. Storer Enuy harboureth most in feeblest brest S. Phil. Sidney Fell enuies cloud still dimmeth vertues ray Ed. Spencer Foule enuie thou the partiall iudge of right Sonne of deceit borne of that harlot hate Nursed in hell a vile and vgly sprite Feeding on slaunder cherisht with debate Neuer contented with thine owne estate Deeming alike the wicked and the good Whose words be gall whose actions end in blood M. Drayton Enuie doth cease wanting to feede vpon Idem Like as the poyze that would the palme represse Doth cause the bowes spread larger round about So spite and enuie causeth glory sprout And aye the more the top is ouertroad The deeper doth the same roote spread abroad M. of M. Sicilian Tyrants yet did neuer finde Then Enuie greater torment of the minde Idem Our dayes are stampt in Enuies mint And this our age cast in the Iron mold Our hearts are hew'd out of Cancasean flint And two leau'd plates of brasse our brest enfold Hate waxeth yoong the world thus waxing old And best we like them that do vs loue the least And least we loue them whom we should like best Ch. Fitz Geffrey Error His gliste●ing armour made A little glooming light much like a shade By which she saw the vgly monster plaine Halfe like a serpent horribly displaied But th' other halfe did womans shape retaine Most loathsome filthy foule and full of vile disdaine And as she lay vpon the dyrtie ground Her huge long taile her den all ouerspred Yet was in knots and many bouts vpwound Pointed with mortall sting of her there bred
thousand one was found That was not in the gulfe quite lost and dround Yet all about great store of birds there flew As vultures carren crowes and chattering pies And many moe of sundrie kinds and hew Making leaude harmonie with their loude cries These when the carelesse wretch the treasure threw Into the streame did all they could deuise What with their tallents some and some with beake To saue these names but find themselues too weake For euer as they thought themselues to raise To beare away those names of good renowne The waight of them so heauie downeward waies They in the streame were driuen to cast them downe Onely two swans sustain'd so great a paize In spight of him that sought them all to drowne These two did still take vp whose names they list And bare them safe away and neuer mist Sometime all vnder the foule lake they diued And tooke vp some that were with water couered And those that seem'd condemned they repriued And often as about the banke they houered They caught them ere they to the streame arriued Then went they with the names they had recouered Vp to a hill that stood the water nie On which a stately Church was built on hie This place is sacred to immortall fame And euermore a Nimph stands at the gate And tooke the names wherewith the two swans came Whether they early come or whether late Then all about the Church she hang'd the same Before that sacred Image in such rate As they might then well be assur'd for euer Spight of that wretch in safetie to perseuer S. I. Harr. Transl Fame on his right hand in a roabe of gold Whose stately traine Time as her page did beare On which for rich imbroydery was enrold The deeds of all the Worthies euer were So strongly wrought as wrong could not impaire Whose large memorialls she did still reherse In Poets man immortallizing verse Two tablets on her goodly brest she bore The one of Christall the other Ebonie Engrau'd with names of all that liu'd before That the faire booke of heauenly memorie Th' other the base scrowle of Infamie One stuft with Poets Saints and Conquerors Th' other with Atheists Tyrants Vsurers And in her word appeared as a wonder Her daring force and neuer failing might Which softly spake farre off as 't were a thunder And round about the world would take their flight And bring the most obscured things to light That still the farther off the greater still Did euer sound our good or make our ill M. Drayton Her dwelling is betwixt the earth and skies Her Turret vnto heauen her top vpreares The windowes made of Lynceus piercing eies And all the walles be made of daintiest eares Where euery thing that 's done in earth appeares No word is whispered in this vaultie round But in her pallace straitwaies it doth sound The rafters trumpets which do rend the aire Sounding aloud each name that thither comes The chinkes like tongues of all things talking heere And all things past in memorie do beare The doores vnlocke with euery word man saith And opens wide with euery little breath It 's hung about with armes and conquering spoiles The pillers which support the roofe of this Are trophies grauen with Herculean toiles The roofe of garlands crowne and ensignes is In midst of which a Christall Pyramis All ouer caru'd with men of most renowne Whose base is her faire chaire the spire her crowne Idem Fame Refuge of hope the harbinger of truth Hand-mayd of heauen vertues skilfull guide The life of life the ages springing youth Tryumph of ioy eternities faire bride The virgins glory and the martyrs pride The courages immortall raising fire The very height to which great thoughts aspire The staire by which men to the starres do clime The minds first mouer greatnes to expresse Faiths armour and the vanquisher of time A pleasant sweet against deaths bitternesse The hie reward which doth all labours blesse The studie which doth heauenly things impart The ioy amidst the tedious waies of art Learnings greene lawrell Iustice glorious throne The Muses chariot memories true food The Poets life the gods companion The fire-reuiuing Phaenix sun-nurst brood The spirits eternall image honours good The Balsamum which cures the souldiers scarres The world discouering seamens happy starres Idem A loftie subiect of it selfe doth bring Graue words and waightie of it selfe diuine And makes the authors holy honour shine If ye would after ashes liue beware To do like Erostrate who burnt the faire Ephesian Temple or to win a name To make of brasse a cruell calfe vntame K. of S. Incorporeall Fame Whose waight consists in nothing but her name Is swifter then the wind whose tardy plumes Are reeking water and dull earthly fumes Ch. Marlowe Fame whereof the world seemes to make such choyce Is but an Eccho and an idle voyce S. Daniell Vnto this Hydra are we subiect still Who dares to speake not caring good or ill Better it is without renowne to be Then be renownd for vile iniquitie K. of K. Fame the queene of immortalitie Ch. Fitz Ieffrey Death hath no dart to slay deserued Fame Ch. Fitz. This iealous monster hath a thousand eies Her aiery body hath a thousand wings Now on the earth now vp to heauen she flies And here and there with euery wind she flings Nothing so secret but to her appeareth And apt to credit euery thing she heareth Foule babling tell tale secrets soone bewraier The aire bred Eccho the speaker of lies Shrill-sounding trompet truths vnkind betraier False larum-bell awaking dead mens eies Fond pratling parrat telling all thou hearest Oft furthest off when as thou shouldst be nearest M. Drayton The path is set with danger leads to fame When Minos did the Grecians flight denie He made him wings and mounted through the skie Idem Still fame wil grow if once abroad it flie Whether it be a troth or be a lie Idem Fame doth explore what lies most secret hidden Entring the closet of the pallace dweller A broad reuealing what i● forbidden Of truth and falshood both an equall teller T is not a guard can serue for to expell her The sword of iustice cannot cut her wings Nor stoppe her mouth from vttering secret things S. Daniell Celestiall goddesse euer-liuing fame Mineruaes daughter by faire Maias sonne Of all th' inhabitants of heauens faire frame Most highly honored since the world begunne And shall be till the fatall glasse be runne Soules sweet receit the healths restoratiue Hearts cordiall the minds preseruatiue Goddesse of thoughts muse animating appetite Aulter of honour simple of renowne Shrine of deuotion yeelding art her merite Life 's richest treasure vertues gorgious gowne Heauens best abilliment Ariadnes crowne The Cynosura of the purest thought Faire Helice by whom the heart is taught Ch. Fitz Ieffrey Famine A grisly shape of Famine might we see With greedy lookes and gaping mouth that cride And would torment as she should there haue dide Her
exhailes And is the cause that oft the euening lowers When foggy mists enlarge their duskie sailes That his owne beames he in the cloudes impailes And either must extinguish his owne light Or by his vertue cause his proper right M. Drayton To be huge is to be deadly sicke I. Marston O blinded Greatnesse thou with thy turmoile Still selling happy life mak'st life a toile S. Daniel He that striues to manage mightie things Amidst his triumphes beares a troubled minde The greatest hope the greatest haruest brings And poore men in content there glory finde D. L●dge The man that furthereth other men to thriue Of priuate greatnesse doth himselfe depriue Th. Storer Griefe Griefe all in sables sorrowfully clad Downe hanging his dull head with heauie cheare Yet inly beine more then seeming sad A paire of pincers in his hand he had With which he pinched people to the heart That from thenceforth a wretched life they lad In wilfull languor and consuming smart Dying each day with impair'd wounds of dolors dart Ed. Spencer Griefe onely makes his wretched state to see Euen like a toppe which nought but whipping moues This man this talking beast this walking tree Griefe is the stone which finest iudgements proues For who grieues not hath but a blockish braine Since cause of Griefe we cause from life remoues S. Ph. Sydney Griefes deadly sore Vnkindnes breeds vnkindnes fostereth hate Idem Griefe to it selfe most dreadfull doth appeare And neuer yet was sorrow voyd of feare But yet in death they both do hope the best M. Drayton Griefes be long liu'd and sorrowes seldome die Idem Griefe hath two tongues and neuer woman yet Could rule them both without tenne womens wit W. Shakespeare He oft findes medicine who his griefes imparts But double Griefe afflicts concealing harts As raging flames who striueth to suppresse Ed. Spencer Found neuer help who neuer could his griefe impart Idem No greater ease of heart the griefes to tell It daunteth all the dolours of the minde Our carefull hearts thereby great comfort finde I. H. Mir. of Mag. An Ouen that is stopt or Riuer staied Burneth more hotely swelleth with more rage So of concealed Griefe it may be said Free vent of words loues fier doth asswage But when the hearts atturney once is mute The Client breakes as desperate in his sute W. Shakespeare No one thing doth auaile man more To cure a griefe and perfectly to heale it Then if he do vnto some friends reueale it S. I. Harr. Transl Griefe it is inough to vexed wight To feele his fault and not be farther vext Fd. Spencer Some griefe shewes much of loue But much to griefe shewes still some want of wit W. Shakespeare Great griefe can not be told And can more easily be thought then found Ed. Sp. Paine Thou Paine the onely ghuest of loath'd constraint The child of curse mans weaknesse foster child Brother to woe and father of complaint Thou Paine thou loathed paine from heauen exild H. C. The scourge of life and deaths extreame disgrace The smoake of hel that monster 's called paine Idem The thing that grieuous were to do or beare Them to renew I wot breeds no delight Ed. Spencer True griefe is fond and testy as a childe Who wayward once his moode with nought agrees Old woes not infant sorrowes beare them milde Continuance tames the one the other wilde Like an vnpractiz'd swimmer plunging still With too much labour drownes for want of skill W. Shakespeare Paine paies the income of each precious thing W. Sh. Heauen From hence with grace and goodnesse compast round God ruleth blesseth keepeth all he wrought Aboue the aire the fire the sea and ground Our sense our wit our reason and our thought Where persons three with power and glory crownd Are all one God who made all things of nought Vnder whose feete subiected to his grace Sit nature fortune motion time and place This is the place from whence like smoake and dust Of this fraile world the wealth the pompe the power He tosseth humbleth turneth as he lust And guides our life our end our death and hower No eye how euer vertuous pure and iust Can view the brightnes of that glorious bower On euery side the blessed spirirs bee Equall in ioyes though differing in degree E. Fairfax Transl In this great temple richly bewtified Pau'd all with starres disperst on Saphire flower The Clarke is a pure Angell sanctified The Iudge our hie Messias full of power The Apostles his assistance euery hower The Iury Saints the verdit Innocent The Sentence Come ye blessed to my tent The speare that pierst his side the writing Pen Christes bloud the Inke red Inke for Princes name The vailes great breach the miracles for men The sight is shew of them that long dead came From their old graues restor'd to liuing fame And that last signet passing all the rest Our soules discharg'd by Consumatum est Here endlesse ioy is there perpetuall cheare Their exercise sweete songs of many parts Angells the quier whose symphonie to heare Is able to prouoke conceiuing harts To misconceiue of all inticing arts The dirty praise the subiect is the Lord That tunes their gladsome spirit to this accord Th. Storer What so the Heauens in their secret doombe Ordained haue how can fraile fleshly wight Forecast but it must needs to issue come Ed. Spencer What in the heauenly parliament aboue Is written by the finger of the first Mortalls may feele but neuer can remoue For they are subiect to the heauens worst I. Markham By mortall lawe the bond may be diuorced The heauens decrees by no meanes can be forced M. Drarton In vaine doth man contend against the Starres For what he seekes to make his wisedome marres S. Daniell Humane wishes neuer haue the power To hurt or hast the course of heauen one hower Th. Hudson Transl Experience proues and daily it is seene In vaine too vaine man striues against the heauens G. Gascoigne It is most true that eyes are bound to serue The inward part and that th'heauenly part Ought to be King from whose rules who doth swerue Rebelles to nature striue for their owne smart True that true bewtie vertue is indeed Whereof this bewtie can be but a shade Which elements with mortall mixture breed True that on earth we are but pilgrimes made And should in soule vp to our countrey moue S. Ph. Sydney Heauen is our home we are but straungers here M. Drayton The heauens earth and aire and seas and all Taught men to see but not to shunne their fall S. Daniell Things which presage both good and ill there bee Which heauen foreshewes yet will not let vs see M. Drayton From them comes good from them comes also ill That which they made who can them warne to spill Ed. Spencer In vaine be armes when heauen becomes thy foe Idem Looke when the heauens are to iustice bent All things be turn'd to our iust punishment Idem All powers
power the world was made of yore And all that therein wondrous doth appeare Ed. Spencer Loue is the Lord of all the world by right And rules the creatures by his powerfull saw All being made the vassalls of his might Through secret sence which thereto doth them draw Idem Vapour eterne in man in beast in tree In plant and flower is loue and so of might For in the world may not contained bee Without accord and Loues imperiall right Yet wends the foxe in holy hood full oft And craft in stead of truth beares crest aloft D. Lodge That true Loue which dauncing did inuent Is he that tun'd the worlds whole harmonie And link't all men in sweete societie He first exaulted from th' earth mingled minde That heauenly fier or quintessence diuine Which doth such sympathy in bewtie finde As is betwixt the Elme and fruitfull Vine And so to beautie euer doth encline Lifes life it is and cordiall to the hart And of our better part the better part I. Dauies Sweete loue is a celestiall harmonie Of likely hearts compos'd of hearts consent Which ioy together in sweete sympathie To worke each others kind and true content Which they haue harboured since their first discent Out of these heauenly bowers where they do see And know each other here belou'd to bee Ed. Spencer Iron with wearing shines rust wasteth treasure On earth but Loue there is no other pleasure H. Constable Loue a continuall fornace doth maintaine Idem Wealth maister is and porter of the gate That lets in loue when want shall come too late Th. Churchyard Loue to heauen is fled Since swearing lust on earth vsurpt his name Vnder whose simple semblance he hath fled Vpon fresh bewtie blotting it with blame Which the hot tyrant staines and soone ber●aues As caterpillers do the tender leaues W. Sh. Loue is a spirit all compact of fier Not grosse to sinke but light and will aspire Idem Loue is a golden bubble full of dreames That waking breakes and fills vs with extreames G. Chapman Loue is a discord and a strange diuorce Betwixt our sence and rest by whose power As mad with reason we admit that force Which wit or labour neuer may diuorce It is a will that brooketh no consent It would refuse yet neuer may repent Loue 's a desire which for to waight a time Doth loose an age of yeares and so doth passe As doth the shadow seuerd from his prime Seeming as though it were yet neuer was Leauing behind nought but repentant thoughts Of dayes ill spent of that which profits noughts It 's now a peace and then a sudden warre A hope consumde before it is conceiu'd At hand it feares and menaceth a farre And he that gaines is most of all deceiu'd Loue whets the dullest wits his plagues be such But makes the wise by pleasing dote as much E. O. Loue is a brain-sicke boy and fierce by kind A wilfull thought which reason cannot moue A flattering Sycophant a murdering theefe A poysoned choaking baite a ticing greefe A Tyrant in his lawes in speech vnknowne A blindfold guide a feather in the winde A right Chamelion for change of hew A lame-lime-lust a tempest of the minde A breach of charitie all vertues foe A priuate warre a toilsome web of woe A fearefull iealousie a vaine desire A labyrinth a pleasing miserie A shipwracke of mans life a smoakelesse fier A ship of teares a lasting lunacie A heauie seruitude a dropsie thirst A hellish Iaile whose captiues are accurst Th. Watson A sugred harme a poyson full of pleasure A painted shrine ful-fill'd with rotten treasure An heauen in shew a hell to them that proue A broken staffe which fully doth vphold A flower that fades with euery frostie cold An Orient rose sprung from a withered plant A game in seeming shadowed still with want A minutes ioy to gaine a world of griefe A subtill net to snare the idle minde A seeing scorpion yet in seeing blinde A poore reioyce a plague without teliefe D. Lodge Loue is a smoake made with fume of sighes Being purg'd a fier sparkling in Louers eies Being vext a sea nourisht with louing teares What is it else a madnesse most distrest A choaking gall and a preseruing sweet W. Shakespeare It is a doubled griefe a sparke of pleasure Begot by vaine desire and this his loue Whom in our youth we count our chiefest treasure In age for want of power we do reproue Yea such a power is Loue whose losse is paine And hauing got him we repent againe D. Lodge Loue the Idle bodies worke and surfet of the eye W. Warner Loue is but a terme like as is Eccho but a voice That this doth babble that doth breed or not is ours the choice W. Warner Loue is a subtill influence Whose finall force still hangeth in suspence D. Lodge Loue is a wanton famine rich in foode But with a riper appetite controlled An argument in figure and in moode Yet hates all arguments disputing still For sence against reason with a sencelesse will G. Chapman Of euery ill the hatefull father vile That doth the world with sorceries beguile Cunningly mad religiously prophane Wits monster reasons canker sences bane Loue taught the mother that vnkind desire To wash her hands in her owne Infants blood Loue taught the daughter to betray her fire Into most base and worthy seruitude Loue taught the brother to prepare such foode To feast his brothers that all seeing sunne Wrapt in a cloude that wicked sight did shunne I. Dauies Loue is a sowre delight a sugred griefe A liuing death an euer dying life A breach of reasons law a secret theefe A sea of teares an euerlasting strife A baite for fooles a scourge of noble wits A deadly wound a shot which euer hits Loue is a blinded god and angry boy A labyrinth of doubts an idle lust A slaue to bewties will a witlesse toy A rauening bird a tyrant most vniust A burning heate a cold a flattering ioy A priuate hell a very world of woe Th. VVatson Loue bewitcher of the wit The scorne of vertue vices parasite The slaue to weakenesse friendships false bewraier Reasons rebell fortitudes betraier The churchmēs staffe court camp countries guider Arts infection chaste thoughts and youths defiler I. VVeeuer Controlling Loue proud fortunes busie factor The gall of wit sad melancholies schoole Heart-killing corsiue golden times detractor Life-fretting canker mischiefes poysoned toole The Ideots ydle brother wise mens foole A foe to friendship enemie to truth The wrong misleader of our pleasing youth M. Drayton Loue is roote and onely crop of care The bodies foe the hearts annoy cause of pleasures rare The sicknesse of the minde the fountaine of vnrest The gulfe of guile the pit of paine of griefe the hollow chest A fiery frost a flame that frozen is with Ice A heauie burden light to beare a vertue fraught with vice It is a worldlike peace a safetie seeing dread A deepe
dispaire annext to hope a fancie that is fed Sweete poyson for his taste a port Charibdis like Ascylla for his safetie though a Lyon that is meeke Th. Turberuile O brawling loue O louing hate O any thing of nothing first created O heauie lightnesse serious vanitie Mishapen Chaos of well seeing formes Feather of lead bright smoke cold fier sicknes helth Still waking sleepe that is not what it is W. Shakespeare Sight is his roote in thought is his progression His childhood wonder prentiship attention His youth delight his age the soules opression Doubt is his sleepe he waketh in inuention Fancie his foode his cloathing carefulnesse Beautie his booke his play Louers discention His eies are curious search but vaild with warefulnesse His wings desire oft clipt with desperation Largesse his hands could neuer skill of sparefulnesse But how he doth by might or by perswasion To conquer and his conquest how to ratifie Experience doubts and schooles had disputation S. Ph. Sidney Loue hath two shafts the one of beaten gold By stroake whereof a sweete effect is wrought The other is of lumpish leaden mold And worketh no effect but what is nought Th. Watson At Venus intreatie for Cupid her sonne These arrowes by Vulcan were cunningly done The first is Loue as here you may behold His feathers head and body are of gold The second shaft is Hate a foe to loue And bitter are his torments for to proue The third is Hope from whence our comfort springs His feathers are puld from Fortunes wings Fourth Iealousie in basest mindes doth dwell This mettall Vulcans Cyclops sent from hell G. Peele Hard is the doubt and difficult to deeme When all three kinds of loue together meet And do dispart the heart with power extreame Whether shall waigh the ballance downe to weet The deare affection vnto kindred sweet Or raging fier of loue to woman kinde Or zeale of friends combinde with vertues meet But of them all the band of vertues minde Me seemes the gentle heart should most assured finde Ed. Spencer Of vertue onely perfect loue doth grow Whose first beginning though it be more slow Then that of lust and quickens not so fast Yet sure it is and longer time doth last The strawe inkindles soone and slakes againe But yron is slow and long will heat retaine Th. Hudson Most true it is that true loue hath no power To looken back his eyes be fixt before W. Sha. Loue alwaies doth bring forth most bounteous deeds And in each gentle heart desire of honor breeds True loue is free and led with selfe delight Ne will inforced be with masterdome or might Idem Loue naked boy hath nothing on his backe And though he wanteth neither arme nor legge Yet maim'd he is sith he his sight doth lacke And yet though blind he bewtie can behold And yet though nak'd he feeles more heat then cold H. C. Loue staies not long it is but one yeares bird Th. Churchyard Loue must haue change to season sweet delight Idem Loue lawes and Iudges hath in fee Nature and vse his iudges bee To whom his whole course censures flee Since past and things to come they see G. Chapman Loue is in power felt of all in person found of none Or rather is not reall but some fancie If not then Fantasticall in women but essentiall in men W. Warner Loues eyes in viewing neuer haue their fill W. Marlowe This is the least effect of Cupids dart To change the mind by wounding of the hart Th. Watson Vnto the woods runs loue as well as rides to the pallace Neither he beares reuerence to a prince nor pitie to beggere But like a point amidst of a circle still of an euennesse All to a lesson he drawes neither hills nor caues can auoyd him S. Phil. Sidney The throne of Cupid hath an easie staire His barke is fit to saile with euery winde The breach he makes no wise man can repaire Ed. Fairfax Loue will haue his godhead seene In famous queenes and highest princes hearts S. I. H. Loue wants his eyes yet shootes he passing right His shafts our thoughts his bowe he makes our sight His deadly pilles are tempered with such art As still directs the arrow to the hart M. Drayton Loue doth raigne In stoutest minds and maketh monstrous warre He maketh warre he maketh peace againe And yet his peace is but continuall warre O miserable men that to him subiect are Ed. Spencer First loue is firme and toucheth very neare W. Warner Loue vnto life this cognizance doth giue This badge this marke to euery man that minds it Loue lendeth life which liuing cannot die Nor liuing loue G. Gascoigne Loue is too full of faith too credulous With folly and false hope deluding vs. Ch. Marlowe Loue is not full of mercy as men say But deafe and cruell where he meanes to pray Idem Loue paints his longings in sweet virgins eyes G. Chapman Loue gainsaid growes madder then before Th. Watson Loue findeth meane but hatred knowes no measure Ed. Spencer As Bacchus opes dissembled harts So loue sets out our better parts M. Roydon As loue hath wreathes his pretie eyes to seare So louers must keep secret what they feare D. Lodge Loue keeps his reuels where there are but twaine W. Shakespeare As Iris coate in sundry taints doth showe So loue is clad in weale and strait in woe D. Lodge Loue can abide no law loue alwaies loues to be lawlesse Loue altereth nature rules reason mastereth Olympus Lawes edicts deerees contemnes Ioue mightily thundring Ioue that rules and raigns that with beck bendeth Olympus Loue caried Hyppolitus with briars thorns to be mangled For that he had the faire foule lusting Phedra refused Loue made Absyrtus with sisters hands to be murdred And in peeces torne and here and there to be scattered Loue forst Pasiphae mans company long to be loathing And for a while bulls flesh bulls company long to be taking Loue and luring lookes of louely Polixena caused Greekish Achilles death when he came to the church to be wedded Loue made Alcides that most inuincible Heros Maister of all monsters at length to be whipt of a monster Loue drownd Leander swimming to the beautifull He●o Vnto the towne Cestos from towne of cursed Abydos Loue made Ioue that 's ruler of earth and ruler of heauen Like to a silly shepheard and like to the fruitfull Echidua Like to a fish to a swan a spawne to a bull to an eagle Sometimes Amphitrio sometimes Dictinua resembling Ab. Fraunce Trifling attempts no serious acts aduance The fier of loue is blowne by dalliance G. Chapman Where there growes a sympathy of harts Each passion in the one the other paineth And by euen carryage of the outward parts Wherein the actuall worke of loue remaineth The inward griefes mislikes and ioyes are taught And euery signe bewraies a secret thought D. Lodge Loue deeply grounded hardly is dissembled Ch. Marlowe O bold beleeuing loue how hote it
seemes Not to beleeue and yet too credulous Thy weale and woe are both of them extreames Dispaire and hope makes thee ridiculous The one doth flatter the inthoughts vnlikely The likely thoughts the other killeth quickly W. Sha. Loue goes towards loue as schoole boyes from their bookes But loue from loue toward schoole with heauy lookes Idem Loue can comment vpon euery woe Idem Cupids deep riuers haue their shallow fordes His griefe bring ioyes his losse recompences He breeds the sore and cures vs of the paine Achilles launce that wounds and heales againe Ed. Fairfax Wonder it is to see in diuers mindes How diuersly loue doth his pageant play And shewes his power in variable kindes The baser wit whose idle thoughts alway Are wont to cleaue vnto the lowly clay It stirreth vp to sensuall desire And in leaud sloth to waste his carelesse day But in braue spirits it kindles goodly fire That to all hie desert and honour doth aspire Ed. Spencer Such ones ill iudge of loue that cannot loue Ne in their frozen hearts feele kindly flame For thy they ought nothing vnknowne reproue Ne naturall affection faultlesse blame For it of honor and all vertue is The roote and brings forth glorious fruites of fame That crowne true louers with immortall blisse The meed of them that loue and do not liue amisse Idem The persons must in passions iumpe else loue is but a game Nor thinke I of a womans graunt but as a wooers game VV. Warner Pure loue said she the purest grace pursues And there is contract not by application Of lippes or bodies but of bodies vertues As in our elementall motion Starres by their powers which are their heat and light Do heauenly workes and that which hath probation By vertue all contract hath the noblest plight Both for the lasting and affinitie It hath with naturall diuinitie G. Chapman Loue is a lord of truth and loyaltie Lifting himselfe out of the lowly dust On golden plumes vp to the purest skie Aboue the reach of loathly sinfull lust Whose base affect through cowardly distrust Of his weake wings dare not to heauens flie But like a mold warpe in the earth doth lie Ed. Spencer One louing howre For many yeares of sorrow can dispence A dramme of sweet is worth a pound of sowre Idem Loue and maiestie dwell ill together S. Daniell The ioyes of loue if they should euer last Without affliction or disquietnes That worldly chaunces do among them cast Would be on earth too great a blessednes Liker to heauen then mortall wretchednes Therefore the winged God to let men weet That here on earth is no sure happines A thousand sowres hath tempered with one sweet To make it seeme more deare and daintie as is meet Ed. Spencer True it is said what euer man it said That loue with gall and hony doth abound But if the one be with the other waid For euery dramme of hony therein found A pound of gall doth ouer it abound Idem Loue hath delight in sweet delicious fruite Loue neuer takes good counsell for his friend Loue author is and cause of idle care Loue is destraught of wit he hath no end Loue shooteth shafts of burning hot desire Loue burneth more then either flame or fire Loue doth much harme through Iealousies assault Loue once imbrac't will hardly part againe Loue thinkes in breach of faith there is no fault Loue makes a sport of others deadly paine Loue is a wanton childe and loues to brall Loue with his warre brings many soules to thrall Th. Watson Gods themselues are chaung'd by Loue Ioue steales from skies to lie by Laedaes side Arcas descends for faire Aglauraes sake And Sol so soone as Daphne is espide To follow his chariot doth forsake Idem The sweetest honey Is loathsome in his owne deliciousnesse And in the tast confounds the appetite Therefore Loue moderately long loue doth so Too swift arriues as tardie as too slowe W. Shakespeare The rights In which Loues beautious empresse most delights Are banquets Doricke musicke midnight reuelling Plaies maskes and all that sterne age counteth euill Ch. Marlowe Those easily men credit whom they loue S. Daniell Play with the fire yet die not in the flame Shew passion in thy words but not in hart Least whē thou think'st to bring thy thoughts in frame Thou proue thy selfe a prisoner by thy art Play with these babes of loue as Apes with glasses And put no trust in feathers wind or lasses D. Lodge The greedie moone along her giddie spheare Boads not such change in her inconstant course No crinite comet in the waine of yeare No rising rage nor swelling of sourse As Loue in shape in substance and effect But Gods and men with fury doth infect A morning starre that peereth from the pride Of siluer floate bedew'd and sparkling bright Borne from the second forme of waters glide The queene of Loue the mistresse of delight Aye such is loue in semblance at the first But his effects are cruell and accurst D· Lod Albeit bewtie moues to loue and loue doth make thee sue Better at first be nonsuite then at length not to subdue W. Warner It hath bene when as heartie loue did treat and tie the knot Though now if gold but lacking be the wedding fadgeth not Idem Loue learnes rural wits and base borne brats to be reading Heartburning secrets and wonders daintily written In faire flaming eyes by the hand of louely Cupido A. Fraunce Loue nill consent that bewties fiel● lie waste Ed. Fairfax T is often seene Loue workes a man a weake deiected minde For euer seene a womans loue doth alter as the winde W· VVarner No stile is held for base where loue well named is Each eare suckes vp the words a true loue scattereth S. Ph. Sydney All losse is lesse and lesse the infamy Then losse of loue to him that loues but one Ne may loue be compeld by maisterie For as soone as maisterie comes sweete loue anon Taketh his nimble wings and soone is gone Ed. Spencer For euery pleasure that in loue is found A thousand woes and more therein abound Th. Watson Like as a nibling fish that halfe mistrusts The golden shew of an enticing baite Makes many offers for the thing she lusts Daring to deale with that she deemes deceite So plaies the amorous God with his faire prize Whom loue and lust bids board but shame denies Ch. Middleton From these hie hills as when a spring doth fall It thrilleth downe with still and subtill course Of this and that it gathereth aide and shall Till wit haue iust done flowed to streame and force Then at the foote it rageth ouer all So fareth Loue when he hath tane a course Rage is vaine resistance vaileth none The first issue is remedie alone E. of Surrey Not all the writs Diana hath can Cupids plaint remoue W. Warnaer Lordly Loue is such a Tyrant fell That where he rules all power he doth expell Ed. Sp. If Loue
compelled be and cannot chuse How can it gratefull or thanke worthy proue Loue must free harted be and voluntary And not enchaunted or by fate constrain'd Nor like that loue which did Vlisses carry To Circes Ile with mightie charmes I. Dauies Where heate of Loue doth once possesse the hart There cares oppresse the minde with wondrous ill Wit runnes awrie not fearing subtill smart And fond desire doth euer maister will The belly neither cares for meate nor drinke Nor ouerwatched eyes desite to winke Footesteps are false and wauering too and fro The brightsome flower of beautie fades away Reason retires and pleasure brings in woe And wisedome yeeldeth place to blacke decay Councell and fame and friendship are condemned And bashful shame and Gods themselues contēned Watchfull suspect is kindled with dispaire Inconstant hope is often drownd in feares What folly hurts not fortune can repaire And miserie doth swim in seas of teares Long vse of life is but a liuing foe As gentle death is onely end of woe Th. Watson Vnlawfull meanes doth make loue lawfull gaine He speakes most true when he the most doth faine M. Drayton As many bees as Hybla daily sheelds As many frie as fleet in Oceans face As many heards as on the earth do trace As many flowers as deckt the fragrant fields As many starres as glorious heauen containes As many cloudes as wayward winter weepes As many plagues as hell enclosed keepes So many griefes in Loue so many paines Suspicions thoughts desires opinions praiers Mislikes misdeeds fond ioyes and fained peace Illusions dreames great paines and small encrease Vowes hope acceptance scornes and deepe dispaires D. Lodge The gnawing enuie the heartfretting feare The vaine surmises the distinctfull shewes The false reports that flying tales do beare The doubts the dangers the delaies the woes The fained friends the vnexpected foes With thousand more then any tongue can tell Do make a Louers life a wretches hell Ed. Spencer T is folly by our wisest worldlings prou'd If not to gaine by loue to be belou'd B. Ihonson Against Loues fier feares frost hath dissolution W. Shakespeare Greater conquest of hard Loue he gaines That workes it to his will then he that it constraines Ed. Spencer ●nto a Knight there is no greater shame ●hen lightnes and inconstancie in loue Idem ●oues weeping flames by reason do subdue ●efore their rage grow to so great vnrest ●s miserable louers vse to rue ●hich stil wax old in woes whil'st woe stil waxeth new Ed. Spencer Old Loue is litle worth when new is more preferd Idem Who can shew all his loue can loue but lightly S. Daniell No man from the monarch loue by wit or weapō flies W. Warner Loftie Loue doth loathe a lowly eye Ed. Spencer Loue thriues not in the heart that shadowes dreadeth W. Shakespeare Gather I say the Rose while it is time For soone comes age that will her pride deflame Gather the Rose of Loue while yet is time Whil'st louing thou mai'st loued be with equall aime Ed. Sp. O learne to loue the lesson is but plaine And once made perfect neuer lost againe VV. Shakespeare Louers their loued Ladies loues to gaine Promise protest and sweare without regard That God doth see and know their falshood still And can and shall reuenge it at his will Their oathes but words their words are all but wind Vttered in heart and with like heart forgotten As bundles are trust vp coards all rotten Coinesse is nought but worst to be too kind Men care not for the good that soone is gotten But women of their wits may chiefly boast That are made wiser by an others cost S. I. H. He that bindes himselfe in worthy bands Although his shew but grace him small Although he finde no fauour at her hands Sharp words coy lookes small thanks hope none at all Though more and more aloofe from him she stands Yet for his heart and thoughts be highly placed He must not mourne although he die disgraced Idem Dumbe Swans not chattering Pies do Louers proue They loue indeed who dare not say they loue S. Ph. Sydney The Louer and beloued are not tied to one Loue. VV. Sh. He that on Loues blind snares once sets his foote Seemeth to draw it backe but findes it caught And madnesse meere in Loue to ouershoote The foole hath felt the wise hath euer taught And though in all alike it take not roote Yet all shall finde Loue is a thing of nought For sure it is an open signe of madnesse To haue an others pleasure breed thy sadnesse S. I. Harrington The birds their beake the lion hath his taile And louers nought but sighes and bitter moane The spotlesse force of fancie to assaile D. Lodge Sweete are the kisses the embracements sweete When like desires and affections meete For from the earth to heauen is Cupid raised Where fancie is in equall ballance peized Ch. Marlowe Foule words and frownes must not repell a Louer What though the Rose hath prickles yet t is pluckt Were bewtie vnder twentie locks kept fast Yet Loue breakes through and breakes them all at last W. Shakespeare Louers houres are long though seeming short If pleasde themselues others they delight In such like circumstance with such like sport Their copious stories oftentimes begun End without audience and are neuer done Idem A Louer may bestride the Gossamours That Idles in the wanton sommer aire And yet not full so light is vanitie Idem The Dutch in loue is proude Italians enuious The French man full of mirth the Spanyard furious Magicke Three kindes there are for natures skill The first they naturall do name In which by hearbes and stones they will Worke wondrous things and worthy fame The next is Mathematicall Where Magicke workes by nature so That brazen heads make speake it shall Of woods birds bodies flie and go The third Veneficall by right Is named for by it they make The shape of bodies chang'd in sight And their formes on them to take M. of M. Oh who can tell The hidden power of hearbes and might of magicke skill Ed. Spencer Man In time conuenient this world Almightie created And it a large theater to behold his glory appointed Which whē he had with store of treasures richly replenisht And with aboundant grace causd euery part to be furnisht Man was made at length Adam was quickly created Most perfect creature and like to the mightie Creator Good wit immortall of mankind only beginner But proud ambition the serpent craftily cloaking With curst and bitter sweete his cankred poyson abounding Adam dispossest of pleasant beautifull harbors Adams heart possest with most vnspeakable horrors Man was mard at length Adam was fouly defaced Last worke and lost worke Adam was filthily fowled Most cursed creature vnlike to the mightie Creator Bad foolish mortall of mankind only the murderer A. France Vile man begot of clay and borne of dust Ed. Fairfax Man composed first of slime Doth liue to lead his
Euen so their fury lasting lasts their tone Their fury ceast their muse doth stay anone K. of Scots When heauen would striue to doo the best she can And put an Angels spirit into a man Then all her powers she in that worke doth spend When she a Poet to the world doth send The difference onely twixt the Gods and vs Allowd by them is but distinguisht thus They giue men breath men by their powers are born That life they giue the Poet doth adorne And from the world when they dissolue mans breath They in the world do giue man life in death M. Drayton Who so will with vertues deeds assay To mount to heauen on Pegasus must ride And with sweete Poets verse be glorifide For not to haue bene dipt in Laethe Lake Could saue the sonne of Thetis for to die But that blind bard did him immortall make With Verses dipt in deaw of Castelie Which made the Easterne Emperour to crie O fortunate yoong man whose vertue found So braue a trumpe thy vertues to resound Ed. Spencer Phisitions bills not patients but Apothecaries knowes Some moderne Poets be hardly inward so Not intellectually to write is learnedly they trowe Whereby they hit capacities as blind men hit the crowe W. Warner As now by melancholy walks and thredbare coats we gesse At clients and at Poets none worke more and profit lesse None make to more vnmade of more the good of other men For those enrich the gownists these eternize with their pen. Yet soothly nods to Poets now are largesse and but lost For Pallas hermits liue secure obscure in roofes embost Idem The world and they so ill according bee That wealth and Poets hardly can agree Fewe liue in court that of their good do care The muses friends are euery where so rare M. Draiton He giues a Poet that his verses heares Idem But oh Mecenas is yclad in clay And great Augustus long ago is dead And all the worthies liggen wrapt in lead That matter made for Poets on to play ●or euer who in dorring do were dead The loftie verse of them was loued aye But after vertue gan for age to stoupe And mightie manhood brought to bed of ease ●he vaunting Poets found nought worth a pease ●o put in preaze among the learned troope ●ho gan the streames of flowing wits to cease And sun-bright honour pend in shamefull coope Ed. Spencer These frugall patrons who begin To scantle learning with a seruile pay Make Poets thinke their negligence no sin The cold conceit of recompence doth flay Their fiery furie when they should begin The Priest vnpaid can neither sing nor say Nor Poets sweetly write except they meete With some rewards for sermoning so sweete D. Lodge Platoes Common-weale did packe None of those Poets who by Verse did make The good men euill and the wicked worse Whose pleasant words betraid the publike corse Nor those who in their songs good termes alwaies Ioynd with faire theames whil'st thundring on the praise Of God iust thunderer whiles this holy speach Like Hermes did the way to strayers teach K. of Scots Plentie Such is th'ffect of two much store It makes them loathe that which they lou'd before Ch. Middleton The stately Eagle on his pitch doth stand And from the maine the fearefull foule doth suit Yet scornes to touch them lying on the land When he hath felt the sweete of his delight But leaues the same a pray to euery Kite With much we surfet Plentie makes vs poore The wretched Indian scornes the golden Oare M. Drayton Pollicie O pollicie scarce knowne in times that 's past Or being knowne yet least of most esteemd Thy prouidence most worthily shall last And in these latter dayes be better deemd L. Markham Warre honour doth deserue Yet counsell in all Kingdomes pollicied Is farre more worthy and more dignified For armes but in extreames do neuer serue To reconcile and punish such as swerue D. Lodge He that will gaine what pollicie doth heed By Mercurie must deale or neuer speed M. Drayton Grounded aduice in daunger seldome trips The deadliest poyson still can safely drinke Foresight stands fast where giddie rashnes slides Wisedome seemes blind when eyed as a Lin● Preuention speaketh ill but what he thinkes The deadliest hate which smiles securely stands Idem Pollicie religious habit weares Idem No Pollicie to silence now adaies Th. Storer Our troubles kept abroad although to cost A●e well bought out for least by them is lost D. Lodge T is better farre thy enemy to aband Quite from thy bowers to a stranger soyle Then he at home thee and thy country foyle M. of M. The head that deemes to ouertop the skie Shall perish in his humane pollicie R. Greene. How oft haue watching pollicie deuizde A cunning clause which hath himselfe surprizde How often hath leaud fraud bene set a flore Of purpose that his goods might cut his throte Who builds on strength by pollicie is stript Who hurts his wit by wit is soonest tript D. Lodge Endeuours polliticke take small effect That wants assistance from the heauenly word Beside fome helpe must wealth and state afford For iudgement vttered by the mouth of want Is either partiall or admired scant Th. Storer A Clergie man his calling much impaires To meddle with the polliticke affaires Idem Though Marius could begin and make the fray Yet Scaurus pollicie deserues the baye D. Lodge Let Catulus with Pompey be comparde Or wittie Cicero with Cateline And to preuent with pollicie diuine That which the other ouer-rashly darde Deserues such fame as may not be imparde Idem Say military vertues do require A valiant heart great strength and constancie The selfe like gifts in ciuil pollicie Are requisite for such as do aspire To gaine renowne by counsell for their hire Idem A little harme done to a great good end For lawfull pollicie remaines inacted The poysonous simple sometime is compacted In a pure compound being so applied His venome in effect is purified W. Sha. Pouertie O pouertie chiefe of the heauenly broode Ed. Fairfax Such is the world this cros-blis world of ours That vertue hardly hides her self in poore desart bowers And such be best as seeme not best content exceeds a crowne VV. Warner Powerfull need arts auncient dame and keeper The early watch clocke of the slothfull sleeper I. Syluester Lacke is thrall and slaue to euery thing Th. Churchyard Need is mistresse of all exercise Th. Bastard A schollers want exceeds a clownes content Idem No danger but in hie estate none erre in meane degree W. Warner Where imperious need doth tyrannize The holy heate through worldly cares doth pawse It s soild with earthly thoughts and downward drawes Hence come those dull conceits among the wise Which coy eard readers censure to proceed From ignorance whereas they grow by need D. Lodge The citizens like ponned pikes the lesser feeds the great The rich for meat seek stomachs and the pore for stomach meat VV. VVarner
differs but the outward fame W. Sha. Seld shall you see the ruine of a prince But that the people eke like brunt do beare And old records of auncient times long since From age to age yea almost euery where With proofe hath glutted euery yeare Thus by the follies of the princes hart The bounden subiect still receiueth smart G. Gascoigne Quietnesse The wind is great vpon the highest hills The quiet life is in the dale below Who tread on y●e shall slide against their wills They want not cares that curious arts would know Who liues at ease and can content him so Is perfit wise and sets vs all to schoole Who hates this lore may well be call'd a foole M. of M. Quietnes the onely nurse or ease M. Dray Wellwot I sooth they say that say more quiet nights and daies The shepheard sleeps wakes then he whose cattell he doth graze VV. Warner Reason Logicke reason in a daunce Reson the Cynosure and bright load-starre In this worlds sea t' auoyd the rocke of chaunce For vith close following and continuance O●e reason doth another so ensue A in conclusion still the daunce i● true I. Dauies Reason should haue abilitie To h●ld these worldly things in such proportion As lethem come or go with euen facilitie S. Phil. Sidney ●uery thing that is begun with reason Will c●●e by ready meanes vnto his end But thi●gs miscounselled must needs miswend Ed. Spencer Reason by prudence in her function Had wont to tutor all out action Ayding with precepts of Philosophie Our feebled natures imbecillitie But now affection with concupiscence Haue got ore reason chiefe preheminence I. Marston What warre so cruell or what siege so sore As that which strong affections do applie Against the fort of reason euermore To bring the soule into captiuitie Their force is fairer through infirmitie Of the fraile flesh relenting to their rage And exercise most bitter tirannie Vpon the parts brought into their bondage No wretchednesse is like to sinfull villanie Ed. Spencer But in a body which doth freely yeeld His parts to reasons rule obedient And letteth not that ought the scepter weeld All happie peace and goodly gouernment Is setled there in sure establishment Idem He that is of reasons skill bereft And wants the stuffe of wisedome him to stay Is like a subiect midst of tempest left Withouten helme or pilot her to sway Full sad and dreadfull is that ships euent So is the man that wante intendment Idem Reason doth teach vs that the care is vaine For ill once past which cannot turne againe Th. vvatson If reason bandie with opinion Opinion winnes in the conclusion For if a man be once opinionate Millions of reasons will extenuate His forced malice conference Cannot asswage opinions insolence But let opinion once lay batterie To reasons for t she will turne heresie Or superstition wily politist But she will win those rampi●es which resist Ed. Gilpin Nought can reason auaile in heauenly matters S. Phil Sid. She whom sauns reason men haue reason hight Since first in ●ire the Lord the aire inclosde In aire the sea in sea the earth disposde Hath with mild faith maintaind continuall fight I. Syluester The eye of reason is with raging ybent Ed. Sp. Religion Sacred Religion mother of forme and feare S. Daniell O that this power from euerlasting giuen The great alliance made twixt God and vs The intelligence that earth doth hold with heauen Sacred Religion O that thou must thus Be made to smooth our vniust vneuin Brought from aboue earths quarrell to discusse Must men beguile our soules to win our wills And make our zeale the furtherer of ills Idem No one quailes religion more then foundring presbitie Each s●t impugning order saith and doth his infancie W. Warner What may not mischiefe of mad man abuse Religions cloake some one to vice doth chuse And maketh God protector of his crime O monstrous world well ought we wish thy fine M. of M. English men nay Christian men not only seeme prophane But man to man as beast to beast hold ciuil duties vaine Yea pulpits some like pedlers packs yeeld forth as men affect And what a Synode should conclude a souter doth correct The rude thus bos●ing literature one sin begets another And grosly thogh a schisme yet hath ech Schismatick his brother Mean while the learned wāt their meed none with profit hears The tedious dolt whose artlesse tong doth preach to verie eares VV. VVarner Since pure religion doth install Learned professors Prelates of deserts Let them aspire and reac instructed harts Against the base bestowers of church liuings That vse their graunts in tellings not in giuings Th. Storer Repentance Repentance makes two riuers of her eies Her humble face dares scant behold the skies Her broken breast is beaten blew and blacke Her tender fleshis rent wih rugged sacke With sorrowes snowes her hoary waxen head With ashes pale and dust is ouerspread I. Syluister Repentance hope and soft humilitie Do flanke the wings of faiths triumphant carre Idem Repentance A salue a comfort and a cordiall He that hath her the keies of heauen hath This is the guide this is the port the path M. Drayton O happie they that keepe within their measure To turne their course in time and sound retreit Before that wit which late Repentance tought Were better neuer had then so deare bought S. I. H. Sinnes haue their salues repentance can do much R. Greene. To be penitent for faults with it a paron beares W. W. Then hope we health when sinne is left repentantly in hart Adde then new life and we to God God doth to vs conuart Idem Yet stay thy feete in murders vgly gate Ill comes to soone repentance oft too late M. Dr Their liues no man so setled in content That hath not daily whereof to repent D. Lodge We see what 's good and thereto we consent But yet we chuse the worse and soone repent S. Daniell Rest. What so strong But wanting rest will also want of might The sunne that measures heauen all day long At night doth bath his steeds th' Ocean waues among Ed. Spencer Vntroubled night they say giues counsell best Idem Who long hath rested cannot runne apace The fettered horse is hindmost in the chase Reuenge Next within the entrie of the gate Sate fell reuenge gnashing her teeth with ire Deuising meanes how she may vengeance take Neuer in rest till she haue her desire But frets within so farre forth with the fier Of wreaking flames that now determines shee To die by death or vengd by death to bee M. Sackuill O fearefull frowning Nemesis Daughter of iustice most seuere That art the worlds great arbitresse And Queene of causes raigning heere S. Daniell Fierce Nemesis mother of fate and change Sword bearer of th' eternall prouidence Idem Nemesis whose hastie reuenging Hands are euer at hand whose mind is mutable alwaies At miseries laughing at mens felicitie grudging A. Fraunce
must Be torturde with the racke of his owne frame For he that holds no faith shall finde no trust But sowing wrong is sure to reape the same Idem Cunning sinne being clad in vertues shape Flies much reproofe and many stormes doth scape D. Lodge Place for people people place and all for sinne decay vv vvarner To punish sinne is good it is no nay They wrecke not sinne but merit wrecke for sinne The fathers fault that wreake vpon the kin M. of M. The sinne to which a man by loue is driuen So much rhe rather ought to be forgiuen S. I. H. Slaunder Her face was vgly and her mouth distort Foming with poyson round about her gils In which her cursed tongue full sharpe and short Appeard like Aspes sting that closely kils Or cruelly does wound whom so she wils A distaffe in her other hand she had Vpon the which she litle spins but spils And faine to weaue false tales and leasings bad To throw amongst the gods which others had dispred Ed. Sp. Her nature is all goodnesse to abuse And causelesse crimes continually to frame With which she guiltlesse persons may abuse And stole away the crowne of her good name Ne euer knight so bold ne euer dame So chaste and loyall liu'd but she would striue With forged cause them falsly to defame Ne euer thing was done so well aliue But she with blame would blot and of due praise depriue Idem All like the stings of Asps that kill with smart Her spightfull words do pierce and wound the inner part Idem Foule canker of faire vertuous action Vile blaster of rhe fresh bloomes here on earth Enuies abhorred child detraction I. Marston Happie is he that liues in such a sort That need not feare the tongues of false report E. of S. The vulgar tongues are armed euermore With slaunderous brute to blemish the renowne Of vertuous dames which though at first it spring Of slender cause yet doth it swell so fast As in short space it filleth euery eare With swift report of vndeserued blame G. Gascoigne It euer hath bene knowne They other vertues scorne that doubt their owne S. Daniell No plaister heales a deadly poysoned sore No secret hid where slaunder keepes the dore M. Drayton Against bad tongues goodnesse cannot defend her Those be most free from faults they least will spare But prate of them whom they haue scantly knowne Iudging their humours to be like their owne S. I. H. Slaunder once set on foot though false is talkt in euery street VV. VVarner No wound with warlike hand of enemie Inflict with dint of sword so sore doth light As doth the poysonous sting which infamie Infuseth in the name of noble wight It neuer can recured be againe Ne all the skill which that immortall spright Of Podalyrius did in it retaine Can remedie such hurts such hurts are hellish paine Ed. Sp. A sprightly wit disdaines detraction I. Marston Backbiting pens and pens that sooth vp sinne ●nuious the one th' other clawbacks binne I. Syl. Sleepe Amidst a darke thicke wood there is a caue Whose entrance is with Iuie ouerspread They haue no light within nor none they craue ●ere Sleepe doth couch her ouerdrowsie head ●nd sloath lies by that seemes the goute to haue ●nd Idlenes not so well taught as fed ●hey point forgetfulnes the gate to keepe ●hat none come out or in to hinder Sleepe ●he knowes no meanes of men ne none will learne ●heir messages she list not vnderstand She knowes no busines doth her concerne Silence is Sentinell of all this band And vnto those he comming doth discerne To come too neere he beckens with his hand He treadeth soft his shooes are made of felt His garment short and girded with a belt S. I. H. By care lay heauie sleepe the couzen of death Flat on the ground and still as any stone A very corps saue yeelding forth a breath Small keepe tooke he whom fortune frownd on Or whom she lifted vp into the throne Of high renowne but as a liuing death So dead aliue of life he drew the breath M. Sack A drowsie head to earth by dull desire Draws downe the soule that should to heauen aspire Writing these later lines wearie well-nie Of sacred Pallas pleasing labour deare Mine humble chin saluteth oft my brest With an Ambrosian deawe mine eies possest By peece-meale close all moouing powers die still From my dull fingers drops my fainting quill Downe in my sloath-bound bed againe I shrinke And in darke Laethe all deepe cares I sinke I. Syl. Solitarinesse Sweete solitarie life thou true repose Wherein the wise contemplate heauen aright In thee no dread of warre or worldly foes In thee no pompe seduceth mortall sight In thee no wanton eares to winne with words Nor lurking toies which silly life affords D.L. Souldiers O Souldiers enuie neere ally to Kings Maiesticke humour carefull iealous thought Thou which awak'st vs from ignoble things A passion nearest to a godhead brought Onely indefinite to whom none brings Limit or bound thou greater then our thought Who holds thee holds a power to make him able Who looses then becomes most miserable I. Mark None is so poore of sence and eine To whom a souldier doth not shine G. Chap. No elegancie can bewtifie A shamelesse lumpe of gluttonie His heart sweete Cupids tents reiects That onely meate and drinke affects O Flora all mens intellects Know souldiers power such respects Meere helpes for need his minde sufficeth Dull sleepe and surfets he despiseth Loues trumpe his temples exerciseth Courage and loue his life compriseth Idem Soule He that spread the skies And fixt the earth first form'd the soule in man This true Prometheus first made men of earth And shead in him a beame of heauenly fier Now in their mothers wombes before their birth Doth in all sonnes of men their soules inspire And as Minerua is in fables fainde From Ioue without an other to proceed So our true Ioue without an others aide Doth daily millions of Mineruaes breed I Dauies Like as the sunne aboue the light doth bring Though we behold it in the aire belowe So from the eternall light the soule doth spring Though in the body she her powers do showe Idem The soule a substance and a body is Which God himselfe doth in the body make Which makes the man or euery man from this The nature of a man and name doth take And though the spirit be to the body knit As an apt meane her power to exercise Which are life motion sense and will and wit Yet she suruiues although the body dies Shee is a substance and a reall thing Which hath it selfe an actuall working might Which neither from the senses power doth spring Nor from the bodies humours tempered right She is a vine which doth no propping need To make her spread her selfe or spring vpright She is a starre whose beames do not proceed From any sinne but from a natiue light Idem She is
a spirit and an heauenly influence Which from the fountaine of Gods spirit doth flowe Shee 's a spirit yet not like aire nor winde Nor like the spirits about the heart or braine Nor like the spirits which Alchimists definde When they in euery thing seeke gold in vaine Idem To shew her powerfull deitie Her sweete Endimion more to beautifie Into his soule the goddesse doth infuse The fierie Nature of an heauenly Muse Which the spirit labouring by the mind Partaketh of celestiall things by kind For why the soule being diuine alone Exempt from grosse and vild corruption Of heauenly secrets incomprehensible Of which the dull flesh is not sensible And by one onely powerfull facultie Yet gouerneth a multiplicitie Being essentiall vniforme in all Not to be seuered or diuiduall But in her function holdeth her estate By powers diuine in her ingenerate And so by inspiration conceiueth What heauen to her by diuination breatheth M. Drayton Like as the soule doth rule the earthlie masse And all the seruice of the body frame So loue of soule doth loue of body passe No lesse then perfect gold surmounts the meanest brasse Ed. Spencer Euerie good motion that the soule awakes A heauenly figure sees from whence it takes That sweetelesse bloome which by power of kinde Formes like it selfe an image of the mind And in our faith the operations be Of that diuinesse which by fayth wee see Which neuer erres but accidentally By our fraile fleshes in becilitie By each temptation ouer-apt to slide Except our spirit becomes our bodyes guide For as our bodyes prisons bee the towres So to our soules these bodyes be of ours Whose fleshly walles hinder that heauenly light As these stone walles depriue our wished sight Idem As Phoebus throwes His beames abroade though hee in clouds bee clos'd Still glauncing by them till she finde oppos'd A loose and rorid vapour that is fit T'euent his searching beames and vseth it To forme a twentie coloured eie Cast in a circle round about the skie So when our fierie soule our bodies starre That euer is in motion circular Conceiues a form in seeking to display it Through all our cloudy parts it doth conuey it Forth at the eye as the most pregnant place And that reflects it round about the face Idem Like as the moysture which the thirstie earth Sucks from the Sea to fill her emptie vaines From out her wombe at last doth take a birth And runnes a nymph along the grassie plaines Long doth shee stay as loth to leaue the land From whose soft side she first did issue make She tasts all places turnes to euerie hand Her flowing bankes vnwilling to forsake Yet nature so her streames doth leade and carrie As that her course doth make no finall stay Till shee her selfe vnto the Ocean marrie Within whose watrie bosome first shee lay Euen so our soule within this earthly mould The spirit doth secretly infuse Because at first shee doth the earth behold And onely this materiall world shee viewes At first our mother earth shee holdeth deere And doth imbrace the world and worldly things She flies close to the ground and houers heere And mounts not vp with her celestiall wings Yet vnder heauen shee cannot light on ought That with her heauenly nature doth agree She cannot rest she cannot fixe her thought She cannot in this world contented bee I. Dauies When the soule findes heere no true content And like Noahs Doue can no sure footing take She doth returne from whence shee first was sent And flies to him that first her wings did make Idem Heuen waxeth old and all the spheres aboue Shall one day faynt and their swift motion stay And time it selfe shall cease in time to mooue Onely the soule suruiues and liues for aye Idem When as the soule is drowned once in vice The sweete of sinne makes hell a Paradice M Drayton ●s is the fable of the Lady faire VVhich for her lust was turnde into a cow VVhen thirstie to a streame she did repaire And saw her selfe transformde she knew not how At first she startles and she stands amazd And loathes the watry glasse wherein she gazd At last for terror she from thence doth flie And shunnes it still though she for thirst doe die Euen so mans soule which did Gods image beare And was at first faire good and spotlesse pure Since with her sinnes her beauties blotted were Doth of all sights her owne sight least indure For euen at first reflecting she espies Such strange Chimeraes and such monsters there Such toyes such antickes and such vanities As she retyres and shrinks for shame and feare I. Dauis Euen as the man loues least at home to bee That hath a sluttish house haunted with spirits So she impatient her owne faults to see Turnes from her selfe and in strange things delights Idem T is a sacred cure To salue the soules dread wounds omnipotent That nature is that cures the impotent Euen in a moment sure grace is infusde By diuine fauour nor by actions vsde Which is as permanent as heauens blisse To them that haue it then no habit is I. Marston That learned Father which so firmely prooues The soule of man immortall and diuine And doth the seuerall offices define Anima Giues her that name as she the body moues Amor. Then is shee loue imbracing charitie Animus Mouing a will in vs it is the mind Mens Retaining knowledge still the same in kind Memoria As intellectuall it is the memorie Ratio In iudging Reason onely is her name Sensus In speedie apprehension it is Sence Conscientia In right or wrong men call her Conscience Spiritus The Spirit when to Godward it doth inflame These of the soule the seuerall functions bee M. Drayton Like as two bellowes blowne turne by turne By little and little make cold coles to burne And then their fire inflamde with glowing heate An iron barre which on the Anuile beate Seemes no more yron but flies almost all In hissing sparkles and quicke-bright cinders small So the worlds soule should in our soule inspire Th' eternall force of an eternall fire And then our soule as forme breathe in our corse Her countlesse numbers and heauens turned force Wherewith our bodyes beautie beautified Should like our deathlesse soule haue neuer died I. Syluester Of Sorrow In blacke all clad there fell before my face A ptiteous wight whom woe had all forewast Forth on her eyes the cristall teares out brast And sighing fore her hands shee wrung and fold Tare all her haire that ruth was to behold Her body small sore withered and fore spent As is the stalke that summers drought opprest Her welked face with wofull teares besprent Her colour pale as it seemed her best In woe and plaint reposed was her rest And as the stone that drops of water weares So dented were her cheekes with fall of teares Her eyes swollen with flowing streames afloate Wherewith her lookes throwne vp full pitiously Her
gan sing To welcome home the bride-groome of the sea G. Peele The gray-eyde morne smiles on the frowning night Cheering the easterne cloudes with streams of light And darkenesse flected like a drunkard reeles From forth dayes path-way made by Titans wheels W. Sh. Now had the morne espide her louers steedes VVhereat shee starts puts on her purple weede And red for anger that hee stayd so long All headlong throwes her selfe the cloudes among Ch. Marlow As soon as morning her shining haires fro the mountains Had shewen forth driuen all star-light quite fro the heauens A. Fraunce Faire Aurora betimes by the daies break rose from her husband Husband old cold draue back clouds frō Olympas Making way to the sun taking her way to the younker Braue yonker Cephalus whom faire Aurora desired Idem Now was the time when as Aurora faire Began to shew the world her golden head And looke abroade to take the coole fresh ayre Iealous Tithono lying still in bedde S. I. H. The sable night dislodgd and now beganne Auroraes vsher with a windie fanne Sweetely to shake the woods on euerie side The whilst his mistresse like a stately bride With flowers with gemmes and Indian gold doth spangle Her louely locks her louers looks to tangle VVhen passing through the aire in mantle blue With siluer fringe shee drops the pearlie dew With her goes Abram out I. Syluester The rosie fringed morne with gladsome ray Rose to her taske from old Tithonas lap Ed. Fairfax The night beginnes bee angrie when shee sees She can distill no sleepe in louers eyes Tossing her selfe among the cloudes now hath Sent the red morne as harauld of her wrath VVhose louer Phebus rising from his bed VVith dewie mantle hath the world or'e-spread Shaking his tresses our Neptunes ebbe And giuing tincture to the spiders webbe These fayre nimphs rose seeing the light did call I. Weeuer Aurora bright her cristall gates vnbatr'd And bridegroome like stept forth the glorious sunne Ed. Fairfax The dewie tressie morning newly wake With golden tinsell scarse had crownd her brow Riding in triumph on the Ocean lake Embellishing the hony-fringed bowes M. Drayton The purple morning left her crimsin bed And dond her robes of pure vermillion hue Her amber locks shee crownd with roses red In Edens flowry gardens gathered new Ed. Fairfax Soles Ortus At last the golden Orientall gate Of greatest heauen gan to open fayre And Phoebus fresh as bridegroome to her mate Came dauncing forth shaking his dewie haire And hurles his glistering beames through gloomie ayre Ed. Spencer The fierie sunne was mounted vp on hight Vp to the heauenly towres and shot each where Out of his golden chariot glistering light And faire Aurora with her rosie hayre The hatefull darknesse now had put to flight Idem The golden sunne rose from the siluer waue And with his beames enameld euerie grene Ed. Fairfax The snoring snout of restlesse Phlegon blew Hot on the Indes which did the day renew With scarlet skie Th. Hadson Meridies Hyperion throwing forth his beames full oft Into the highest toppe of heauen gan clime And the world parting by an equall lot Did shed his whirling flames on either side As the great Ocean doth himselfe diuide Ed. Spencer When as the sunne towred in heauens head Downe from the siluer mountaines of the skie Bent his bright chariot on the glassie bed Fayre Cristall gilded with his glorious eye Fearing some vsurpation in his sted Or least his loue should too long dalliance spie Tweene him and Virgo whose attractiue face Had newly made him leaue the Lions chace In that same middayes hower c. I· Markham Golden Phoebus now that mounted hie From fierie wheeles of his fayre chariot Hurled his beames so scorching cruell hot That liuing creature mote it not abide Ed. Spencer In highest way of heauen the sunne did ryde Progressing from fayre twins in golden place Hauing no maske of cloudes before his face But streaming forth his heate in cheefest pride S. Ph. Sydney Solis Occasus Now gan the golden Phoebus for to steepe His fierie face in billowes of the west And his faint Steedes watred in Ocean deepe Whilst from their iournall labours they doe rest Ed. Spencer Loe the great Automedon of day In Isis streame his golden locks doth steepe Sad euen her dusky mantle doth display Light flying fouls the posts of night doe sport them And cheerefull looking Phoebe doth comfort them D. Lodge By this the welked Phoebus gan auaile His wearie waine and now the frostie night Her mantle blacke through heauen gan ouerhaile Ed. Spencer Such loue as Phoebus from the coloured skie Did headlong driue his horses toward the west To suffer horned Luna for ro prye Amidst the dusky darke D. Lodge When as the Sun hales towa●ds the westerne slade And the tree shadowes three times greater made M. Dr. And now the Sunne was past his middleway Leaning more louely to his lemmons bed And the Moones third howre had attacht the day I. Markham By this the sunne had spred his golden locks Vpon the pale greene carpet of the sea And opened wide the scarlet doore which locks The easefull euening from the labouring day Now night beganne to leape from yron rocks And whippes her rustie waggon through the way Idem The blushing sunne plucks in his smiling beames ●aking his steedes to mend their woonted pace Till plunging downe into the ocean streames There in the froathie waues hee hides his face Then raines them in more then his vsuall space And leaues foule darknesse to possesse the skie A time most fit for foulest tragedie M.D. Now the sunne is mounted vp on hie And pawseth in the midst of all the skie His fierie face vpon the earth doth beate And bakes it with intollerable heate I. Authoris Vesper Now the golden Hesperus Was mounted bie in toppe of heauens sheene And warned had his brethren ioyous To light their blessed lamps in Ioues eternall house Ed. Spencer 〈◊〉 ●his the night from forth the darksome bower 〈◊〉 ●●bus her teemed steedes gan call 〈…〉 V●sper in his timely howre From golden Oeta gan proceede withall R. Greene. About the time when Vesper in the West 〈…〉 ●ing watch and silent night 〈…〉 ●is twinckling traine 〈…〉 to possesse the world And fantasie to hauzen idle heades Vnder the stately Canopie of heauen I layd me downe laden with many cares G. Peele Now the worlds comforter with wearie gate His dayes hot taske hath ended in the VVest The owle nights harauld shreekes t is verie late The sheepe are gone to fold the birds to nest The cole-blacke cloudes that shadow heauens light Do summon vs to parte and bid good night W. Sh. Noctis initium Now gan the hunni'd vapour shed the ground With pearlie dew and th' earths gloomie shade Did dimme the brightnesse of the welkin round That euerie beast and bird awarned made To shrowde themselues while sleep their senses did inuade Ed. Spencer The silent shadowes
with their mother vaile The bright lampe of heauen from Thetis hid Apolloes sister in her starry rayle Along her lower Sphere in triumpeled D. Lodge Cynthia companion of the night With shining brand lighting his eben carre Whose axeltree was iet auchact with starres And roofe with shining rauens feathers cealed Piercing my eye lids as I lie along Awaked me through G. Peele Thus whiles dumb sights their yeelding hearts entāgled The aire with sparks of liuing fire was spāgled And night deepe drencht in mistie Acheron Heaued vp her head halfe the world vpon Breath'd darknes forth darke night is Cupids daie Ch. Marlow From deepe of regions vnderneath Nights vaile arose and sunnes bright luster chacde Ed. Fairfax Inuested in her stately vale the night In her kind armes embraced all the round The siluer moone from Sea vprising bright Spred frostie pearle vpon the canded ground Idem Now blacke-browde night plast in her chaire of iet Sat wrapt in cloudes within her cabinet And with her duskie mantle ouer-spread The path the sunnie Palfraies vsde to tread And Cynthia sitting in her Cristall chayre In all her pompe did ride along her Sphere The honyed dew descended in soft showres Drizled in pearle vpon the tender flowers And Zephire husht who with a whispering gale Seemed to harken to the nightingale Which in the thornie brakes with her sweet song Vnto the silent night bewrayde her wrong M. Dra. Noctis concubium Now was the heauenly vault depriude of light With sunnes depart and now the darknes of the night Did light those beamy stars which greater lite did dark Now each thing that inioyd that fierie quickning spark Which life is cald were moud their spirits to repose And wanting vse of eyes their eies began to close A silence sweete each where with one consent imbrast A musicke sweete to one in carefull musing plast And mother earth now clad in morning weed did breathe A dull desire to kisse th' image of our death S. Ph. Sydney It was the time when rest soft sliding downe From heauens height into mans heauie eyes In the forgetfulnesse of sleepe doth drowne The carefull thoughts of mortall miseries Ed. Spencer The sunne alreadie sanke Beyond our world and ere I got my boothe Each wight with mātle black the night doth scooth Sauing the glow-worm which would courteous be Of that small light oft watching sleepers see The welkin had full niggardly inclosde In coffer of dimme cloudes his siluer groates I cleped starres each thing to rest disposde The caues were full the mountaines voyde of goates The birds eyes closde closed their chirping notes As for the nightingale woods musicke King It August was hee daind not then to sing S. Ph. Sydney Now the sable shade I cleped night had thicke enueloped The sunne in vaile of double darknes made Sleepe eased care rest brought complaint to bed Ed. Fairfax Now from the fresh the soft and tender bed Of her still mother gentle night out-flew The fleeting balme on hilles and dales shee shed With honey drops of pure and precious dew And on the verdure of greene forrests spred The virgin prime rose and the violet blew And sweete-breath Zephire on his spreading wings Sleepe ease repose rest peace and quiet brings The thoughts and troubles of broade waking day They softly dip in milde obliuions lake Idem Intempesta nox Now when Aldeboran was mounted hie Aboue the shinie Cassiopeias chaire And all in deadly sleepe did drowned lie Ed. Spencer Midnight was come when euerie vitall thing With sweete sound sleepe their wearie limbs did rest The beasts were still the little birds that sing Now sweetely slept besides their mothers brest The old and all were snrowded in their rest The waters calme the cruell seas did cease The woods the fields and all things held their peace The golden starres were whi●ld amidst theyr race And on the earth did laugh with twinckling light VVhen each thing nestled in his resting place Forgat dayes payne with pleasure of the night The hare had no the greedie hounds in sight The fearefull Deare of death stood not in doubt The Partrich dreamd not of the falchens foot The vgly beare now minded not the stake Nor how the cruell mastiffes doe her teare The stagge lay still vnroused from the brake The foamie bore fear'd not the hunters speare All things were still in desart bush and breere The quiet heart now from their trauailes rest Soundly they slept in most of all their rest M. Sackuile The midnights waking starre Sad Cassiopeia with a heauie cheere Pusht forth her forehead to make knowne from farre What time the deadly dole of earth drewe neere I. Markham With falling mists the darkesome night extended Her sable wings and gently ouer-spread Heauens gloomie vaile whence Phoebus lampe was fled Dead time of rest to euerie mortall wight To cheerefull mindes that bringeth wanton sleepe With many a phantasie and deluding toy And pensiue heart it doth delaie and keepe From tedious companie that would annoy Dull Saturnists that haue abiurdall ioy Th. Storer Now spread the night her spangled canopie And summond euerie restlesse soule to sleepe On beds of tender grasse the beasts doe lie The fishes slumbred in the silent deepe Vnheard was Serpents hisse and Dragons crie Birds left to sing and Philomele to weepe Onely that noyse heauens rolling circle kest Sung lullaby to bring the world to rest Ed. Fairfax Noctis initium When low the night with mistie mantle spread Gan darke the day and dimme the azure skies And Venus in her message Hermes sped To bloudy Mars to will him not to rise While shee her selfe approacht in speedie wise And Virgo hiding her disdainfull breast VVith Thetis now had layd her downe to rest While Scorpio dreading Sagitarius dart Whose bow prest bent in fight the string had slipt Downe slid into the Ocean floud a part The beare that in the irish seas had dipt Hs grisly feete with speede from thence he whipt For Thetis hasting from the virgins bed Pursude the beare that ere she came was fled And Phaethon now neere reaching to his race With glistering beames gold streaming where they bent VVas prest to enter in his resting place Enryhius that in the carte first went Had euen now attain'd his iourneyes stent And fast declining hid away his head Where Titan coucht him in his purple bed And now pale Cynthia with her borrowed light Beginning to supplie her brothers place Was past the noone-sted sixe degrees in sight When sparkling starres amidst the heauens face With twinckling light shone on the earth apace That while they brought about the nights chaire The dark had dimd the day ere I was ware M. Sac. Such time as from her mothers tender lap The night arose garded with gentle winds And with h●r precious dew refresht the sappe Of bloome and darke whilst that her mantle blinds The vaile of heauen and euery birde was still Saue Philomele that did bemone her ill When in the
vs roare Yet are they not dismai'd one whit therefore One with a whistle hang'd about his necke Shewes by the sound which cord must be vndone And straite the ship-boy ready at a becke Vnto the tops with nimble sleight doth runne The other Marriners vpon the decke Or at the steere the comming vvaues doe shunne And then by turnes they pump the water out By paine and care preuenting euery doubt S. I. Harrington The heauens on euery side inclosed be Black stormes and foggs are blowen vp from farre That now the Pilot can no Load-starre see But skies and Seas doe make most dreadfull warre The billowes striuing to the heauens to reach And th' heauens striuing them for to impeach R. Greene. Of the Spring The soote seasons that blood bloome foorth brings With greene hath clad the hill and eke the vale The Nightingale with feathers new she sings The Turtle to her mate hath told her tale Sommer is come for euery spray now springs The Hart hath hung his old head on the pale The Bucke in brake his Winter-coate he flings The Fishes fleete with new-repared scale The Adder all her sloth away she flings The swift Swallow pursueth the flies small The busie Bee her honey now she mings Winter is worne that was the flowers bale E. of Surrey The Winters wrath begins to quell And pleasant Spring appeareth The grasse now gins to be refresht The Swallow peepes out of her nest And cloudy welkin cleareth E. Spenser Flora now calleth for each flower And bid's make ready Maias bower That new is vp rise from bed Idem The earth late choakt with showres Is now arai'd in greene Her bosome springs with flowers The ayre dissolues her teene The vvoods are deckt with leaues And trees are cloathed gay And Flora crown'd with sheaues With oaken boughs doth play The birds vpon the trees Doe sing with pleasant voyces And chaunt in their degrees Their loues and luckie choyces D. Lodge The tenth of March when Aries receau'd Dan-Phoebus rayes into his horned head In flowry season of the yeare And when the firmament was cleare When Tellus her balls painted were With issue of disparent cheere When the Vsher to the morne did rise Sleepe gaue their vituall liberties To Phillis and to Floraes eyes G. Chapman The ayre was calme the day was cleare Loues wanton winds with wooing breathe Gan greete the sweetest of the yeare The flower forgot his Winters death The earth reuiued by the sunne To let in gay attire begunne The leafe allied vnto the tree By helpe of spring in coate of greene Stole forth my wandring eye to see The beauties of the Sommers Queene D. Lodge The Winter with his grisly stormes no longer dare abide The pleasant grasse with lusty greene the earth hath newly died The trees hath leaues the boughs do spred new changed is the yeare The water brooks are clean sunk down the plesant boughs appeare The Spring is come the goodly Nimphs now dance in euery place Thus hath the yeare most pleasantly of lately chang'd her face E. of Surrey Now each creature ioyes the other Passing happy dayes and howers One bird reports vnto an other In the fall of siluer showers vvhilst the earth our common mother Hath her bosome deckt with flowers Whilst the nearest torch of heauen vvith bright rayes warmes Eloraes lap Making nights and dayes both euen Chearing plants with freshnes sap S. Daniell Of VVinter The wrathfull Winter proching on a pace vvith blustring blasts had all ybard the treene And old Saturnus with his frosty face vvith chilling cold had pearst the tender greene The mantles rent wherein inwrapped beene The gladsome Groues that now lay ouer-throwne The Tapers torne and euery tree downe blowne The soyle that erst so seemely was to seeme vvas all dispoiled of her beauties hewe And stole fresh flowers wher-with the somers Queene Had clad the earth now Boreas blast downe blew And small fowles flocking in their songs did rew The vvinters wrath where-with each thing defast In wofull wise bewayl'd the Sommer past Hawthorne had lost his motly liuerie The naked twigs were shiuering all for cold And dropping downe the teares aboundantlie Each thing me thought with weeping eye me told The cruell season bidding me with-hold My selfe within for I was gotten out Into the fields whereas I walkt about M. Sackuille When ye count ye free from feare Comes the breame Winter with chamfered browes Full of wrinkles and frosty furrowes Shooting his grisly dart Which cruddles the blood and pricks the hart Ed. Spenser Ianuarie Now sad Winter welked hath the day And Phoebus weary of his yearely taske Yshackled hath his steeds in lowly lay And taken vp his Inne in fishes haske Idem Autumnus The wearied nights approached on a pace With darksome shades which somwhat breedeth care The sunne hath take more neere the earth his race In Libra then his greatest sway he bare For pardy then the dayes more colder are Then fades the greene fruite liuely hearbs are done And Winter gins to wast that Sommer wone I. H. Mir. of Mag. Sommer Iulie Now the sunne hath reared vp his siluer footed teame Making his wayte betweene the cup and golden Diademe The rampant Lyon hunts he fast with doggs of noysome breath VVhose balefull barking brings in hast pine plague and drery death Edm. Spencer August That time of yeere when the inamoured sunne Clad in the richest roabes of liuing fires Courted the Virgin signe great Natures Nunne ●vhich barraines earth of all that earth desires ●uen in the month that from Augustus wone His sacred name which vnto heauen aspi●es And on the last of his tentrebled dayes W. Shakespeare ●t was the month in which the righteous mayde That for disdaine of sinfull worlds vpbraid ●ed backe to heauen where she was first conceiu'd ●nto her siluer bower the sunne receiu'd And the hote Syrian dog on him awayting After the chafed Lyons cruell bayting ●orrupted had the ayre with noysome breath And powrd on earth plague pestilence dearth Rob. Greene. ●ow was the month that old Sextilis name ●hangd by the Romaine Senates sage degree And glorying so to innouate the same ●o haue himselfe new christned did agree ●oude that Augustus God-father should be 〈◊〉 whilst Ceres clad him in a mantle fayre Of bearded Corne still quauering with the ayre Char. Fitz Ieffrey Iulie VVhat time sleepes Nurse the silent night begun To steale by minutes on the long-liu'd dayes The furious dog-starre chasing of the sunne Whose scorching breath adds flames vnto his raies At whose approch the angry Lyon braies The earth now warm'd in her celestiall fire To coole her heate puts off her rich attire M. Drayton Of Morpheus Morpheus the liuelie sonne of deadly sleepe VVitnes of life to them that liuing die A prophet oft and oft an historie A Poet eke as humors flie or creepe S. Phil. Sid. Hee making speedy way through persed ayre And through the world of waters wide and deepe To Morpheus house doth
the glistering that sought the shade Gan set and there his glories doth avow Those eyes fayre eyes too faire to be describ'd Were those that erst the Chaos did reforme To whom the heauens theyr beauties haue ascribd That fashion life in man in beast in worme When first her fayre delicious cheekes were wrought Aurora brought her blush the Moone her white Both so combinde as passed natures thought Compild those prety orbes of sweet delight When loue and nature once were proud with play From forth theyr lips her lips their colour drew On them doth fancie sleepe and euery day Doth swallow ioy such sweet delights to view While one while Venus sonne did seeke a bowre To sport with Psyches his desired deere He chose her chin and from that happy stowre He neuer stints in glory to appeare Desires and ioyes that long had serued loue Besought a hold where prety eyes might wooe them Loue made her neck and for her best behoue Hath shut them there where no man can vndoe them Once Venus dreamd vpon two prety things Her thoughts they were affections cheefest nests She suckt and sigh'd and bath'd her in the springs And when she wakt they were my mistres breasts Once Cupid sought a hold to couch his kisses And found the body of my best belou'd Wherein he cloyd the beauty of his blisses And from that bower can neuer be remou'd The Graces erst when Acidalian springs vvere wexen dry perhaps did finde her fountaine Within the bale of blisse where Cupids wings Doe shield the Nectar fleeting from the fountaine R. Greene. Her curious locks of gold like Tagus sands Her forhead smooth and white as Iuory vvhere glory state and bashfulnes held hands Her eyes one making peace the other wars By Venus one the other ruld by Mars Her Eagles nose her scarlet cheeke halfe white Her teeth of orient pearle her gracious smile Her dimpled chin her breast as cleere as light Her hand like hers whom Titan did beguile Tho. Watson Queene Vertues caue which some call Stellas face Repaird by natures cheefest furniture Hath his forfront of Alablaster pure Gold is the couering of that stately place The doore by which sometimes runnes forth her grace Red Porphirie which lock of pearle makes sure Whose porches rich which name of cheekes endure Marble-mixt red and white doe interlace The windowes now through which this heauenly gues● Lookes on the world and can finde nothing such vvhich dare claime from those sights the name of best Of touch they are that without touch do touch vvhich Cupids selfe from beauties mine did draw Of touch they are and poore I am theyr straw S. Phil. Sidney Two sunnes at once from one faire heauen there shind Ten branches from two boughes tipt all with roses Pure locks more golden then is gold refinde Two pearled rowes that natures pride incloses Two mounts faire marble white downe soft dainty Full wofull makes my hart and body fainty D. Lodge O shee doth teach the torches to burne bright It seemes she hangs vpon the cheeke of night As a rich Iewell in an Ethiops eare Beauty too rich for vse for earth too deare So showes a snowy Doue trooping with crowes As yonder Lady ore her fellowes showes W. Shakespeare To make the wondrous power of heauen appeare In nothing more then her perfections found Close to her nauill she her mantle wrests Slacking it vpwards and the folds vnwound Showing Latonas twins her plenteous brests The Sunne and Cynthia in their tryumph robes Of Lady skin more rich then both theyr globes G. Chapman Vpon a bed of Roses she was layd As faint through heate or dight to pleasant sin And was araide or rather disaraid All in a vaile of silke and siluer thin That hid no whit her Alablaster skin But rather showd more white if more might be More subtile web Arachne cannot spin Nor the fine nets which oft we wouen see Of scorched dew do not in th' ayre more lightly flie Her snowy breast was bare to ready spoyle Of hungry eyes which not therewith be fild And yet through languor of her late sweet toyle Few drops more cleere then Nectar forth distild That like pure orient pearles adowne it thrild Fraile harts yet quenched not like starry light which sparkling on the silent waues doe seeme more bright Edm. Spen. Her Iuory necke her Alablaster breast Her paps which like white silken pillowes were For loue in soft delight thereon to rest Her tender sides her belly white and cleere Which like an Altar did it selfe vpreare To offer sacrifice deuine thereon Her goodly thighes whose glory did appeare Like a triumphall arch and thereupon The spoiles of Princes hangd which were in battaile wone Idem Her sparkling eyes Doe lighten forth sweet loues alluring fire And in her tresses she doth fold the lookes Of such as gaze vpon her golden hayre Her bashfull white mixt with the mornings red Luna doth boast vpon her louely cheekes Her front is Beauties table where she paints The glories of her gorgeous excellence Her teeth are shelues of precious Margarite Richly inclosd with ruddy Currall cleeues R. Greene. My mistres is a paragon the fayrest fayre aliue Alcides and Aeacides for fairelesse faire did striue Her colour fresh as damaske rose her breath as violet Her body white as Iuory as smooth as pollisht Iet As soft as down were she downe Ioue might com down kisse A loue so fresh so sweet so white so smooth so soft as this W. Warner Then cast she off her roabe and stoode vpright As lightning breakes out of the labouring clowde Or as the morning heauen casts off her night Or as that heauen cast off it selfe and showde Heauens vpper light to which the brightest day Is but a black and melancholy shrowde Or as when Venus striu'd for soueraigne sway Of choisefull beauty in young Troyes desire So stoode Corinna varnishing her tyre G. Chapman Herewith she rose like the Autumnall starre Fresh burnisht in the lofty Ocean flood That darts his glorious influence more farre Then any lampe of bright Olympus broode Shee lifts her lightning armes aboue her head And stretcheth a Meridian from her blood That slept awakt in her Elizian bed Then knit shee vp least loosd her glowing haire Should scorch the centre and incense the ayre Idem Sweete mouth that sendst a muskie-rosied breath Fountaine of Nectar and delightfull balme Eyes clowdy-cleere smile-frowning stormie-calme Whose euery glaunce darts me a lyuing death Browes bending quaintly your round Eben arkes Smile that then Venus sooner Mars besets Locks more then golden curld in curious knots vvhere in close ambush wanton Cupid lurkes Grace Angel-like faire forhead smooth and hie Pure white that dimst the Lillies of the vale Vermilion rose that mak'st Aurora pale I. Siluester Such colour had her face as when the sunne Shines in a watry clowde in pleasant spring And euen as when the Sommer is begunne The Nightingales in boughes doe sit and sing So the
hope is left to quench this fire That kindled is by sight blowne by desire D. Lodge Fayrer then was the Nymph of Mercurie Who when bright Phaebus mounteth vp his coach And tracks Aurora in her siluer steps And sprinckling from the folding of her lap White Lillies Roses and sweet Violets R. Greene. Her Angels face As the great eye of heauen shined bright And made a sunshine in the shady place Did neuer mortall eye behold such heauenly grace Edm. Spencer Not that night-wandring pale and watry starre vvhen yawning dragons draw her thirsting carre From Latmus mount vp to the gloomie skie vvhere crownd with blazing light and maiestie She proudly sits more ouer-rules the flood Then she the harts of those that neere her stood Ch. Marlow O Daphne is more fayre Then Angels swimming in the fluxiuyce ayre Could Loues rich bed-chamber her two bright eyes Lodge but two guests at once Beautie and Mercy Beauty lyes alwayes there did Mercy too Phaebus were then Daphne should be Transformd into a stately dignitie Th. Dekkar Her stature comly tall her gate well graced and her wit To maruaile at not medle with as matchlesse I omit A globe-like head a gold-like haire a forhead smooth hie● An euen nose on eyther side stoode out a grayish eye Two rosie cheeks round ruddy lips white iust set teeth within A mouth in mean vnderdeath a round dimpled chin Her snowish neck with blewish vaines stood bolt vpright vpon Her portly shoulders beating balls her vained brests anon Ad more to beauty wand-like was her middle falling still And rising whereas women rise imagine nothing ill And more her long limber arms had white and azurd wrist And slender fingers answer to her smooth lilly fists A leg in print a prety foote coniecture of the rest For amorous eyes obseruing forme think parts obscured best W. Warner See where she issues in her beauties pompe As Flora to salute the morning sunne vvho when she shakes her tresses in the ayre Raines on the earth dissolued pearle in showres vvhich with his beames the sunne exhales to heauen She holdes the spring and sommer in her armes And euery plant puts on his freshest robes To dannce attendance on her princely steps Springing and fading as she comes and goes G. Chapman Her hayre was loose bout her shoulders hung Vpon her browes did Venus naked lye And in her eyes did all the Graces swim Her cheekes that showd the temper of the mind Were beauties mornings where she euer rose Her lyps were loues rich altars where she makes Her hart a neuer-ceasing sacrifice Her teeth stoode like a ranke of Dians maydes vvhen naked in a secrete bower they bathe Her long round necke was Cupids quiuer calld And her sweet words that flew from her his shafts Her soft round brests were his sole trauaild Alpes vvhere snow that thawed with sunne did euer lye Her fingers bounds to her rich deitie Idem ●n Paradise of late a Dame begun To peepe out of her bed with such a grace As matcht the rising of the morning sunne ●vith drops of honney falling from her face Brighter then Phaebus fierie-pointed beames Or ycie crust of christall frozen streames Her hayre like Amber twisted vp in gold Passing the pride or riches of the East With curious knots were into trammels rould As snary nettings for a wandring guest The feathers deckt her with a quaint disdaine Like Iunos byrd in pompe of spotted traine Her shining forhead doth suppresse the starres New lightning sparkles from her louely cheekes Her percing sight the stroake of beauties warres Wherewith the conquest of the world she seekes Braue be the darts that from her eyes she throwes When Cupid lurkes betweene her louely browes Arabian odours breathe out of her talke Which she betweene the pearle and Ruby breaketh So smooth a compasse hath her tongue to walke As makes both heauen earth blush whē she speaketh No singing bird in all the ayre but doates And lay theyr eares attentiue to her notes Her necke her shoulders and her breasts were bare Diana-like aboue the water smiling No snow Iuory or Alablaster there No statue of white Marble me beguiling But the sweet season of the yeere I found When Lillies peepe out of the grassie ground Her other parts vnto my view denide Much like the lampe that burnt at Psyches bed Made such a fire into my hart to glide That loue awaked and my body bled O had she not so great a force to please Desire had slept and I had liu'd at ease S. G. Astronomers the heauens doe deuide Into eyght houses where the Gods remaine All which in thy perfections doe abide For in thy feete the Queene of silence raignes About thy wast Ioues messenger doth dwell Inchaunting me as I thereat admire And on thy duggs the Queene of loue doth tell Her godheads power in scroules of my desire Thy beautie is the worlds eternall sunne Thy fauours force a cowards hart to darres And in thy hayres Ioue and his riches wonne Thy frownes hold Saturne thine eyes the fixed starres H. C. What length of verse braue Mopsus good to show ●hose vertues strange beauties such as no man may them know Thus shrewdly burdned thē how can my Muse escape The gods must help precious things must serue to show her shape Like great god Saturne faire like faire Venus chast As smooth as Pan as Iuno mild like goddesse Iris gracst With Cupid she foresees and goes Gods Vulcans pace And for a tast of all these gifts she steales god Momus grace Her forhead Iacinth like her cheekes of opall hue Her twinckling eyes bedeckt with pearle her lyps as Saphires blew Her haire like crapal stone her mouth ô heauenly wide Her skin like burnisht gold her hands like siluer-ore vntride As for her parts vnknowne which hidden sure are best Happy be they which wil beleeue and neuer seeke the rest S. Phil. Sidney O words which fall like Sommer dew on me O breath more sweet then is the growing beane O tongue in which all honnied licours be O voyce that doth the Thrush in shrilnes staine Gay haire more gay then straw when haruest lies Lips red and plum as cherries ruddy side Eyes fayre and great like fayre great Oxes eyes O breasts in which two white sheepe swell in pride But thou white skin as white as curds well prest So smooth as Sleeke-stone like it smooths each part And thou deere flesh as soft as wooll new drest And yet as hard as Brawne made hard by art S. Phil. Sidney Poeticall comparisons Beautie As that fayre starre the messenger of morne His dewy face out of the sea doth reare Or as the Ciprian Goddesse newly borne Of the Oceans fruitfull froth did first appeare Such seemed they and so theyr yellow haire Christalline humour dropped downe apace Edm. Spencer As when faire Cinthia in a darksome night Is in a noyous clowde enuoloped vvhere she may finde the substance thin
her selfe she growes in mutinie To liue or die which of the twaine were better When life is sham'd and deaths reproches better Idem Like as the Snayle whose hornes being once hit Shrinks backward in his shelly caue with paine And there all smoothred vp in shade doth sit Long after fearing to creepe forth againe So at his bloody view her eyes are fled Into the deepe darke cabbins of her head Idem As in the night each little fierie sparke May plainly be discerned with our eyne But when the day doth come we then shall marke That all are dampt and doe no longer shine So kindles feare in minde which doubt made darke Vntill my sunne in my Horizon shine S. I. Harr. So great a terror in theyr minde was bred That straight as if with sprites they had beene skard This way and that confusedly they fled And left the gates without defence or gard As tumults often are at stage plaies bred When false reports of sudden fits are heard Or when the ouer-loaden seates doe cracke One tumbling downe vpon anothers back Idem Like as in time of Spring the water 's warme And crowding frogs like fishes there doe swarme But with the smallest stone that you can cast To stirre the streame theyr crowding staies as fast So while Iudea was in ioyfull dayes The constancie of them was worthy praise For that in euery purpose ye should heare The praise of God resounding euery where So that like burning candles they did shine Among theyr faithfull flock like men diuine But looke how soone they heard of Holoferne Theyr courage quaild and they began to derne T. Hudson Of Flight Looke how a purple flower doth fade and die That painefull ploughman cutteth vp with share Or as the Poppies head aside doth lye When it the body can no longer beare So did the noble Dardanello die And with his death fild all his men with feare As waters runne abroade that breake theyr bay So fled his souldiours breaking theyr aray S. I. Harr. As the swift Vre by Volgaes rolling flood Chasde through the plaine the mastife curres to-forne Flies to the succour of some neighbour wood And often turnes againe his dreadfull horne Against the dogs imbrude in sweat and blood That bite not till the beast to flight returne Or as the Moores at theyr strange tennis runne Defenst the flying balls vnhurt to shunne So ranne Clorinda so her foes pursude Ed. Fairefax Like as a Lyon whose imperiall power A proude rebellious Vnicorne defies To auoyd the rash assault and wrathfull stowre Of his fierce foe him for a tree applies And when in running in full course he spies He slips aside the whilst that furious beast His precious horne sought of his enemies Strikes in the stock ne thence can be releast But to the mighty victor yeelds a bounteous feast With such fayre flight him Guion often foyld Edm. Spencer Errour As when old father Nilus gins to swell With timely pride aboue th' Egyptian vale His fatty waues doe fertile shine out well And ouer-flow each plaine and lowly dale But when his later ebbe gins to auaile Huge heapes of mud he leaues wherein there breed Ten thousand kinde of creatures partly male And partly female of his fruitfull seede Such vgly monstrous shapes elswhere may no man re● Ed. Spen. compard to Errors vomit Of Rage As sauage Bull whom two fierce mastiues bait When rancor doth with rage him once ingore Forgets with warie ward them to await But with his dreadfull hornes them driues afore Or flings aloft or treads downe in the floore Breathing out wrath and bellowing disdaine That all the forrest quakes to heare him rore So ragde Prince Arthur twixt his foe-men twaine That neither could his mighty puissance sustaine Edm Spen. Looke what a noyse an heard of sauage swine Doe make when as the Wolfe a pig doth take That doth in all theyr hearings cry and whine Flocking about as nature hath them taught So doe these souldiours murmure and repine To see theyr Captaine thus to mischiefe brought And with great fury they doe set vpon him All with one voyce still crying on him on him I. Harr. As when within the soft and spungie soyle The winde doth pierce the intrailes of the earth Where hurly bu●ly with a restlesse coyle Shakes all the centre wanting issue forth Tell with the tumour townes mountaines tremble Euen such a meteor doth theyr rage resemble M. Drayton As when a Comet farre and wide descride In scorne of Phaebus midst bright heauen doth shine And tydings sad of death and mischiefe brings So shond the Pagan in bright armour clad And rold his eyes Ed. Fairefax Like as a Bull when prickt with iealousie He spies the riuall of his hote desire Through all the fields doth bellow rore and cry And with his thundring voyce augments his ire And threatning battaile to the emptie skie Teares with his horne each plant each bush each brier And with his foote cast's vp his hand on hight Defying his strong foe to deadly fight Such was the Pagans fury such his cry Idem Like as a Goshauke that in foote doth beare A trembling Culuer hauing spyde on hight An Eagle that with plumy wings doth sheare The subtile ayre stooping with all his might The quarry throwes to ground with fell despight And to the battaile doth herselfe prepare So ranne the Giantesse vnto the fight Her fiery eyes with furious sparks did stare And with blasphemous bans high God in peeces tar● Edm. Spencer As Lyons meete or Bulls in pastures greene With teeth and hornes and staine with blood the field Such eager fight these warriours was betweene And eythers speare had peirst the others shield I. Harr. Like as with equall rage and equall might Two aduerse windes combate with billowes proud And neyther yeeld seas skies maintaine like fight Waue against waue opposd and clowde to clowde So warre both sides with obstinate despight With like reuenge and neither partie bowd Fronting each other with confounding blowes No wound one sword vnto the other owes Sam. Daniell With equall rage as when the Southerne-winde Meeteth in battaile through the Northerne blast The sea and ayre to weather is resignde But clowd gainst clowd waue gainst waue they past So from this skirmish neither part declind But fought it out and keepes theyr footings fast And oft with furious shock together rush And shield gainst shield helme gainst helme they crush Ed. Fairefax transl Such was theyr furie as when Boreas teares The shattered crags from Taurus Northerne clift Vpon theyr helmes theyr Launces long they broke And vp to heauen flew splinters sparks smoake Idem As when two Tygers prickt with hungers rage Haue by good fortune found some beasts fresh spoile On which they weene theyr famine to asswage And gaine a feastfull guerdon of theyr toyle Both falling out doe stirre vp strifefull broyle And cruell battaile twixt themselues doe make Whilst neither lets the other touch the soile
foggy wits Idem Of Beasts The multitude to Ioue a sute imparts With neighing blaying braying and barking Roring and howling for to haue a king A king in language theirs they said they would For then their language was a perfect speech The Byrds likewise which chirpes and puing could Cackling and chattering that of Ioue beseech Only the Owle still warnd them not to seech So hastily that which they would repent But saw they would and he to desarts went Ioue wisely said for wisedome wisely saies O Beasts take heed what you of me desire Rulers will thinke all things made them to please And soone forget the swinke due to their hire But since you will part of my heauenly fire I will you lend the rest your selues must giue That it both seene and felt may with you liue Full glad they were and tooke the naked sprite Which strait the earth ycloathed in his clay The Lyon hart the Ownce gaue actiue might The Horse good shape the Sparrow lust to play Nightingale voyce entising songs to say Elephant gaue a perfect memory And Parrot ready toong that to apply The Foxe gaue craft the Dogge gaue flattery Asse patience the Mole a working thought ●agle high thought Wolfe secret crueltie Monky sweet breath the Cow her faire eyes brought The Ermion whitest skin spotted with nought The Sheepe mild seeming face climing the Beare The Stag did giue the harme-eschuing feare The Hare her sleights the Cat his melancholy ●nt industry and Conny skill to build ●anes order Storkes to be appearing holy ●amelion ease to chaunge Ducke ease to yeeld ●rocodile teares which might be falsly spild Ape greeting gaue though he did mowing stand The instrument of instruments the hand S. Phil. Sidney Preparations for defence ●me built the breaches of their broken towne ●hat heauen and Panimire had broken downe ●me other found a Cautell gainst the Ramme To saue the wall vnbroken where it came Thus Iacobs townes on all sides had their flankes With Gabions strong with bulwarkes and with bankes Some others busie went and came in routs To Terrace Towers some vnder baskets louts Some others also wanting time and might To strength their Townes yet vsed all kind of slight To dig vp ditches deepe for Cesternes good To draw to them the best and nearest flood Th. Hudson * The hidden loue that now adayes doth hold The steele and load-stone Hydrargire and gold The Amber and straw that lodgeth in one shell Pearle-fish and Sharpling and vnites so well Sargons and Goates the Sperage and the Rose Th'Elme and the Vine th' Oliue and Mirtle bush Is but a sparke or shadow of that loue Which at the first in euery thing did moue When as the earths Muses with harmonious sound To heauens sweet musicke humbly did resound But Adam being chiefe of all the strings Of this large Lute ore-retched quickly brings All out of tune and now for melody Of warbling charmes it yells so hideously That it affrights fell Enynon who turmoiles To raise againe th' old Chaos anticke broiles I. Syl. * Holy Nectar that in heauenly bowers Eternally selfe-powring Hebe powers Or blest Ambrosia Gods immortal fare Idem * O who shall show the countenance and gestures Of mercy and iustice which faire sacred sisters With equal poize do euer ballance euen Th'vnchanging proiects of the king of heauen Th' one sterne of looke the other mild aspecting Th' one pleasd with teares th' other blood affecting Th' one beares the sword of vengeance vnrelenting Th' other kings pardon for the true repenting The one earths Eden Adam did dismisse Th' other hath raisde him to a higher blisse Idem * Day hath his golden Sun her Moone the night Her fixt and wandring starres the azure skie So framed all by their Creators might That stil they liue and shine and nere shall die Till in a moment with the last dayes brand They burne and with them burne earth sea and land Ed. Fairfax The Wolfe the trembling sheepe pursues The crowing Cocke the Lyon stout eschues The Pullaine hide them from the Puttocks flight The Masties mute at the Hyaenas sight Yea who would thinke of this fel enmities Rage in the sencelesse trunks of plants and trees The Vine the Cole the Colewort Sow bread dreeds The Fearne abhorres the hollow wauing Reeds The Oliue and the Oake participate Euen to their earth signes of their auncient hate Which suffers not ô date lesse discord th' one Liue in that ground where th' other first hath growne I. Syl. So at the sound of Wolfe-drums ratling thunder Th' affrighted sheep-skin drum doth rent in sunder So that fell monsters twisted entraile cuts By secret power the poore Lambes twined guts Which after death in stead of bleating mute Are taught to speake vpon an Iuory Lute And so the princely Eagles rauening plumes The feathers of all other fowle consumes Idem * There the tree from of whose trembling top Both swimming Shoales and flying troupes do drop I meane the tree now in Iuturna growing Whose leaues dispearst by Zephyrs wanton blowing Are metamorphos'd both in forme and matter On land to fowles to fishes on the water Idem * The Partrich new hatched beares On her weake backe her parents house and weares In stead of wings a beuer rupple downe Followes her damme through furrows vp and downe Idem * We see the new falne silly Lambe Yet staind with blood of his distressed damme Knowes well the Wolfe at whose fell sight he shakes And right the teate of th' vnknowne Eawe he takes Idem Furies Alecto sad Megera and Thesiphon The nights blacke saunghters grim-fac'd Furies sad Sterne Plutoes posts I. Syluester Nepenthe Nepenthe is a drinke of soueraigne grace Deuised of the Gods for to assage Hearts griefe and bitter gall away to chase Which stirre vp anguish and contentious rage In stead thereof sweete peace and quiet age It doth establish in the troubled minde Fewe men but such as sober are and sage Are by the Gods to drinke thereof assignde But such as drinke eternall happinesse do finde Ed. Sp. Nepenthe enemie to sadnesse Repelling sorrowes and repeating gladnesse Elyxer that excells Saue men or angells euery creature ells I. Syl. Of Eccho Th'aires daughter Eccho haunting woods among A blab that will not cannot keepe her tongue Who neuer askes but euer answeres all Who lets not any her in vaine to call Idem Of the Marigold The Marigold so likes the louely Sunne That wh●n he sets the other hides his face And when he gins his morning course to runne She spreads abroad and shewes her greatest grace T. Watson Of the Eagle No bird but Ioues can looke against the sunne Idem Enuies bird must say when all is donne No bird but one is sacred to the sunne Idem Hercules Labours Beast Snake Bore Stag Birds Belt Plankes Bull Theefe Fruite Dog Diomede Choakt scard pauncht cought pierst prizd Washt throwen slaine puld chaind horsed W. Warner Nylus Great Nilus land where raine doth neuer fall T.