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A12475 The communion of saincts A treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1607 (1607) STC 228; ESTC S118775 187,194 518

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into very heaven and obteyned eternal redemption So the Lord took away the iniquitie of his land in one day as he had promised for the ransom was most precious even of infinite value effect seeing by the vnion of the God head with the manhood in this our High-priests person it was the blood of God himself as the scripture speaketh wherewith we are purchased Thus Christ hath reconciled vs that were enimies vnto God by his death and hath put away syn by the sacrifice of himself for he was the ‡ Lamb of God that taketh away the syn of the world and the prophesie of Abraham was fulfilled God wil provide him a Lamb for a burnt offring my son 12. Touching Christs Intercession as he prayed for his church when he was on earth and his Father heard him alwayes so now being ascended and set at the right hand of God he stil maketh request for vs being therefore entred into very heaven to appear now in the sight of God for vs. Whose prayer as it is pure and perfect so prevaileth it with God and is of vnspeakable efficacie to make vs to be accepted For the Father loveth the Son and accepteth him better then he did his servant Iob when he prayed for the trespassers This is that Angel the Angel or messenger of the covenant that hath a golden censer much odours which he offreth with the prayers of all Saincts vpon the golden altar that is before the throne the smoke of which odours with the prayers of the Saincts goeth vp before God out of the Angels hand and vnto his requests which hee maketh for his afflicted people the Lord answereth good and comfortable words Thus our high sacrificer having the names of the whole Israel of God as it were graven vpon two precious stones and embossed in gold beareth vs vpon his two shoulders for a remembrance and presenteth vs pure holy just before the Lord. 13. The things towards vs which ar his Blessing and the fruits that folow he graciously communicateth as a merciful faithful high priest touched with the feeling of our infirmites being raysed vp vnto vs of God and sent to Blesse vs in turning every one of vs from our iniquities And as at the end of his ministery vpon earth he lifted vp his hands and blessed his disciples and then was taken from them into heaven so continewing stil a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek who met Abrahā blessed him he stil blesseth the children of Abraham giving and applying the promises of the Gospel vnto the harts and consciences of his people even the favour protection of God the light of his countenance and his peace So the blessing of Abraham cometh on vs through Christ Iesus who is that promised seed in whom al nations ar blessed and whom God hath set to be Blessings for ever Thus Christ by Sacrifice hath merited by Intercession obteyneth and by Blessing bestoweth and distributeth vnto vs the love graces of God his Father even all things perteyning to life and godlines that we being partakers of his peace may again blesse God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in heavenly thinges in Christ as the Apostle sayth 14. The cōmunion of this Blessing is more particularly to be discerned in that honour of Priesthood which is given to al Christians the seales of Gods grace and love towards vs in Christ. For he hath made vs Priests vnto God even his Father and we as lively stones are made a spiritual howse a holy priesthood to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. For first applying him vnto our selves by Faith his suffrings death burial are ours his righteousnes resurrection and glorious victory over syn Satan Death and Hel ours so that we by the blood of Iesus may be bold to enter into the holy place though the Levitical Priests might not enter into the shadow thereof at al times by the new living way which hee hath prepared for vs through the veyl that is his flesh even boldly may we goe vnto the throne of grace that we may receiv mercy and finde grace to help in tyme of need Presenting vnto God his Father and ours this Lamb that was slayne for our syns who is our surety and our sacrifice by whose stripes wee are healed by whose death we are restored to life by whose body once offred we are sanctified vpon whose head wee have layd the burden of our syns and by whose curse we are made the heyres of blessing and of all the riches of Gods grace 15. We also giv vp our own bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is our reasonable serving of God so the heavenly Ierusalem is filled with the Flocks of men as the earthly once was with Flocks of holinesses or sacrifices external Our spirits being contrite our harts humbled and broken for our syns ar the sacrifices of God also which he wil not despise By Christ we offer the sacrifice of Praise alwayes to God that is the fruit or calves of our lips which confesse his name and magnify him with thanksgiving this also pleaseth the Lord better then oxe or heiffer that beareth hornes that parteth the hoof Our almes and offrings for relief of the poor especially the ministers of the Gospel of Christ are an odour that smelleth sweet a sacrifice acceptable pleasant to God Finally if we be powred out as a drink offring vpon the sacrifice service of the faith of Christs church do resist vnto blood striving against syn we have cause to rejoyce for precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saincts the ‡ soules of such rest vnder the altar til the Lord holy and true doe avenge their blood on thē that dwel on the earth 16. This honour of Priesthood which no man can take to himself nor any other thing except it be given him frō heavē Christ giveth vnto vs of his rich grace by his word spirit For as by the preaching of the Gospel he is dayly described in our sight and among vs crucified so we by the ministerie of the Gospel are made an acceptable offring vnto the Lord being sāctified by the Holy Ghost His word is a sharp two edged sword and divideth a sunder the sowl and the spirit the joynts and the marow by it we are taught to mortify our members which are on earth his spirit is as fyre where with we being baptised doe also mortifie the deeds of the bodie that we may live give our selves vp vnto God for a living sacrifice The afflictions
strong crying and tears sweat like drops of blood trickling down to the ground the shadow of death being vpon his eyes But because it could not be but he must drink for therfore came he to that howr and the Lord God had opened his ear that he was not rebellious neyther turned back he willingly gave vp his body for a sacrifice bore the wrath of God due for our trespasses he which knew no sin was made sin for vs and powred out his sowle vnto death 8. Then came Satan the Prince of this world to see if he could hav conquered him but he had nothing in him yea his own time was now come now was he to be cast out Christ being lifted vp from the earth would draw all men to himself The serpent beset him with the snares of death and with floods of Belial to make him afraid but he sayd vnto death I wil be thy death and vnto the grave I will be thy destruction so he spoyled the Principalities and powers of that kingdom of darknes made a shew of them openly triumphed over them in the same crosse destroyed through death him that had the power of death that is the Divil 9. They for whom he suffred all these things regarded not the rock of their salvation but iudged him as plagued and smitten of God humbled He trode the winepresle alone and of all the people there was none with him his own disciples had all forsaken him and fled that he by himself might purge our syns He looked for some to have pitie on him but there was none for comforters but none he found there was not any that would know him al refuge fayled him none cared for his sowl His own people betrayed him and denyed in the presence of Pilat when he had iudged him to be delivered they denyed the holy one and the iust and desired a murtherer to be given them Then was the Lord of glorie misused suffred much speaking against of sinners they opened vpon him the mouth of deceyt and compassed him about with words of hatred they rewarded him evil for good and hatred for his friendship they spate on his face buffetted him they crowned him with thornes and scourged him he became a reproch vnto them they that looked vpon him shaked their heads yea rebuke did break his hart and he was ful of heavines for doggs did compasse him about the assemblie of the wicked inclosed him they peirced his hands and his feet and gored his side they slew hanged him on a tree so was he made a curse for vs for the curse of God was on him that was hanged 10. But in his trouble he caled vpon the Lord cried vnto his God why hast thow forsaken me thow art my hope my portion in the land of the living Deliver me out of the mire that I sink not let me be delivered frō them that hate me out of the deep waters let not the water flood drown me and let not the pit shut her mouth vpon me deliver my sowl fom the Sword my desolate sowl from the hand of the Dog In the end he commended his spirit into the hands of his Father confirmed the Testamēt by his death and vnto the dust of death he was brought his grave was with the wicked 11. But the sorowes of death were soon losed because it was vnpossible that the Lord of life should be holden of it for as he had power to lay down his life so had he power to take it again this commandmēt he had received of his Father who shewed him also the path of life and brought againe from the dead this great Shepheard of the sheep Wherfore the third day he rose vp alive he rose vp and his enemies wer scattred and they that hated him fled from before him now behold he is alive for evermore Amen and hath the keyes of hel and of death death hath no more dominion over him for it is swallowed vp in victorie 12. Thus Gods hand was with the man of his right hande with the son of man whom he made strong for himself the Lord heard him in the day of trouble and sent him help from his Sanctuarie remembred al his oblations and turned his burnt-offring into ashes gave him according to his hart fulfilled all his counsell that we might reioyce in his salvation and set vp banners in the name of our God when the Lord had performed al his petitions For he having thus through the eternal spirit offred himself without spott vnto God obteyned eternall redemption having drunk of the brook in the way he therfore lifted vp the head He ascended vp on high with triumph leading captivitie captive and approched vnto the Ancient of dayes who set him at his right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality power and might domination and every name that is named not in this world onely but also in that which is to come made al things subiect vnder his feet gave him dominion and honour and a kingdome that all peoples nations and languages should serve him his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shal never be taken away his kingdome shal never be corrupted and this is the name whereby we must cal him Iehovah our iustice 13. And now the gates of the heavenly Paradise wer opened to the sons of Adam and the tree of Life better then that from which the Cherubims sword had kept man was given him by Christ to eat of and live for ever Now felt men the effect of that heavenly oracle that came out of Caiaphas mouth It is expedient for vs that one man die for the people and the Whol nation perish not for loe the wrath of God kindled for mans syn was appeased by the death of this man Christ Iesus who gave himself a ransom for all men and bare our syns in his body on the tree being the suretie of the Testament It pleased the Father by him the Prince of peace to reconcile al things to himself to set at peace through the blood of his crosse both the thinges in earth and the things in heaven For it was his beloved son in whom he was wel pleased his chosen one in whom his sowl delighted that had given himself to be an offring and a sacrifice of a sweet smelling savour to God who smelled here a savour of rest sweeter then that in Noahs sacrifice which caused him to say in his hart that he would curse the ground no more for mans cause though the imaginatiō of mās hart wer evil frō his
let mercy be shewed them yet wil they not learn righteousnes in the land of equities they wil do wickedly and wil not behold the majestie of the Lord. 18. And of these ther ar two sorts some that are called to the knowledge of the truth hav received it with joy yet having no roots beleiv but for a while and in time of tentatiō go away Yea of these ther are that have been once lightened and hav tasted of the heavenly gift and been made partakers of the holy Ghost hav tasted of the good word of God and of the powers of the world to come and yet not with standing fall away and crucify againe to them selves the son of God and make a mock of him and tread him vnder foot and count the blood of the Testament as an vnholy thing wherewith they were sanctified and doe despite the spirit of grace Such it is impossible they should be renewed again vnto repentance neyther remayneth any more sacrifice for their syns but a fearful looking for of judgement and violent fyre which shal devour them And such howsoever they were among the Saints yet wer they not of them for then they would hav continewed with them neyther wer they of Christs sheep for then he would hav given them eternall life and they should never hav perished neyther should any hav plucked them out of his hand he would hav put his fear in their harts that they should not hav departed from him though they had fallen they should not hav been cast off for the Lord would hav put vnder his hand 19. Othersome ther are not caled to the faith but strangers from the covenants of promise whom God suffereth to walk in their owne wayes not shewing thē his word nor his statutes and judgements Or if he cause his gospel to come vnto them yet wil not they come vnto him that they might hav life they hear not his words because they are not of God neyther beleev because they are not Christs sheep al the day long he stretcheth forth his hand to an vnperswadeable and gainsaying people Yea beleeve they cannot because hee hath blynded their eyes and hardned their hart that they should not see with eyes nor vnderstand with hart and be converted and he to heal them the Lord hath covered them with the spirit of slomber 20. And these are for the most part the wise and learned of the world from whom God hideth the secret of his Gospel and worketh a marveilous work in this people even a marveilous work a wonder as sayth the Prophet that the wisedome of the wise men perish for the Lord knoweth that their thoughts be vayn Therefore he maketh their wisdom to perish and casteth away the vnderstanding of the prudent he powreth contempt vpon princes and causeth them to erre in desert places out of the way and maketh the strength of the mighty weak he scattereth the proud in the imagination of their harts and putteth down the mighty frō the thrones the wisedom of this world maketh he foolishnes and by the foolishnes of preaching saveth them that beleeve which also are the foolish weak vile and despised thinges of the world even things that are not which yet he hath chosen to bring to naugh● the thinges that are that no flesh should reioyce in his presence but as it is written he that reioyceth let him reioyce in the Lord. 21. Thus Christ crucified is to the Iewes a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishnes and onely to them which are called both of Iewes Greeks he is the power of God the wisedom of God in whom they triumph say Loe this is our God we wayted for him and he wil save vs this is the Lord whom we waited for we wil ioy and be glad in his salvation 22. And thus is there a distinction made of the sonnes of Adam some left to perish in their syns the children of wrath as they were by nature who because they are not borne again they cannot see the kingdom of God othersome are bought from the earth and born a new of immortall seed and are not of this world but have their conversation in heaven power given them of Christ to be the sons of God which are born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the wil of man but of God 23. Between these two sorts of men is great difference both in the affections of God who loveth the one and hateth the other and of Christ who prayeth for one not for another and in their affections againe towards God one towards another For the Saincts love the Lord and have mutuall love among themselves but the wickeds sowl abhorreth him and they hate such as he hath chosen out of the world and are hated again of them with perfect hatred Thus is there warr enmitie betwixt the iust and the wicked the one of them being an abhomination to the other 24. Hence is it that the scripture speaketh so much of the fellowship and communion of the Saincts with God and among themselves and of their separation from the Divil and from his children the wicked men evē in this life whiles yet they live together with them in civil societie breath one commune aier exspecting with patience the full and finall separation which Christ and his Angels will make at the last and great day of doom Of this holy communion here on earth I purpose to intreat as God hath given me to discern by his word His gracious spirit breath vpon my sowl and guyd my pen to set down his truth CHAPT IIII. VVho be the Saints of this Communion THat we may the better discern the Com̄uniō of Saints wherof we treat let vs first consider who the persons be that hav fellowship togither The Head highest in this holy societie is the Lord our God who is not onely Most holy in himself but cōmunicateth his holynes w th vs his creatures doth vouchsafe to hav fellowship with vs even in this life world as it is written If we say that we have communion with him walk in darknes we lye do not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we hav cōmunion one with an other that is God with vs and we with him and the blood of Iesus Christ his son clenseth vs from all syn For this cause he is often called in the scripture the Sainct or Holy-one of Israel and the King of the Saincts This is to be vnderstood of al three persons in the vnitie of the Godhead the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit of whom it is writtē He is holy Gods accordingly his
them outwardly by kingdome priesthood and prophesie he gave them also his good Spirit to instruct them and Iesus Christ his Son the Angel of his face or presence saved them yet they both envied Moses and Aaron the holy one of the Lord and often provoked grieved tempted God himself and limited the Holy one of Israel they rebelled vexed his holy Spirit the Spirit of the Lord which had given thē rest therefore was he turned to be their enimy and fought against them In these last dayes of the Gospell we are also taught how some that have tasted of the heavenly gift were made partakers of the Holy Ghost yet fall so away that they cānot be renewed vnto repētance So that even wicked men and reprobates do often receive the gifts of the Spirit whereby they do many great works yet are not benifited hereby vnto salvation for they have not the grace of God to sanctifie those gifts seal thē vp vnto the day of redemption therfore God taketh his holy Spirit from them and sometyme sendeth his evil spirit in sted thereof to vex them as he did vnto Saul this worthily seing there are of these wretches that do even despite the Spirit of grace 7. But the Saincts elect of God have an other manner cōmunion with the Holy Ghost for their help comfort and sanctification in this life and assurance of life eternall For because they are sons God sendeth the Spirit of his son into their harts which crieth Abba Father so they are no more servants but sons and heyrs also of God through Christ who hath obteyned of his Father this Comforter to abide with them for ever even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receiv because it seeth him not neyther knoweth him but they know him for hee dwelleth with them shal be in them their bodies are the Temples of the Holy Ghost 8. The communion which the Saincts have with the Spirit is in many particulars and that from the beginning of their dayes vnto the end For Ieremiah was sanctified and Iohn Baptist filled with the Holy Ghost even from their mothers wombs And we all that are born of God have our regeneration and new birth of the Spirit according to his mercy are saved by the washing of the new birth the renewing of the Holy Ghost 9. The word of God which it the immortal seed whereby we are begotten hath alwayes been vttered explayned and vnderstood by means of this Spirit David testifieth of himself that the Spirit of the Lord spake in him his word was in his tongue our saviour Christ and his Apostles doe witnesse also the same concerning him so the things that he spake we must receiv as the sayings of the Holy Ghost The like is to be minded for Isaias Michaias and al other Prophets by whose hands the Lord protested among his people by his spirit for Prophesie as the Apostle saith came not in old time by the wil of man but holy men of God spake as they wer moved by the Holy Ghost the Lord Iehovah his Spirit sent them Yea Christ himself had the Spirit of God put on him that hee might shew judgment to the Gentils and was anoynted with the Spirit that he might preach the Gospel to the poor and vnto the Apostles whom hee had chosen gave he cōmandements through the Holy Ghost who also having received the Spirit which is of God spake the things that were given them of him not in the words which mans wisdome taught but which the holy Ghost did teach them so preached they the Gospel vnto the Saincts by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven 10. Vnto this Gospel of salvation first preached by the Lord and after cōfirmed by them that heard him God bare witnes both with signes and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost For to one as the Apostle sayth was given by the Spirit the word of wisdom to an other the word of knowledge by the same spirit to an other Faith by the same Spirit to an other the gifts of healing by the same Spirit to an other the operations of great works to an other Prophesie to an other discerning of spirits to an other diversities of tongues to an other the interpretatiōs of tōgues and al these things wrought even the self same Spirit distributing to every man severally as he would 11. But these spiritual gifts though they were powred out vpon many yet are they not neyther ever were given vnto al as it is written Are al doers of miracles have al the gifts of healing doe al speak with tongues doe al interpret Agayn to al that have them they ar not seals of the adoption of Sons for if men have prophesie and know al secrets and al knowledge if they have al fayth so that they can remove mountayns and have not Love they ar nothing Yet is this manifestation of the Spirit given to every man to profit withall as the Apostles were Gods witnesses concerning the things which they sayd so was the holy Ghost whom God gave to them that obeyed him the Spirit was one of the three witnesses on earth as the Apostle Iohn sayth 12. As the mysterie of Christ was reveled to his holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit they preached the Gospel vnto others by the Holy Ghost sent down frō heaven as the ordinary permanent officers of the Churches are made Overseers by the Holie Ghost to feed the Church of God so by the hearing of Faith preached do men receive the Spirit which God openly shewed when while Peter yet was speaking the Holy Ghost fel on all them which heard th●● word And as by the work of the Spirit the word is received and beleeved so is the same also obeyed kept and reteyned through the Holy Ghost that dwelleth in us The Sacraments also have by him their effects in vs as it is written by one Spirit are we al baptised into one body whither Iewes or Greeks whither bond or free and have bene a●● made to drink into one Spirit 13. And having thus our new birth caling vnto and stablishing in the faith by the work of the holy Ghost we ar further by him confirmed comforted emboldned assisted in al our spiritual battels against Satan this world and our own corruptiōs For wear strēgthned by Gods Spirit in the inner mā being armed with the word of God which is the sword of the Spirit we stand fast and though the enimy come like a flood yet the Spirit of the Lord shal chase him away as sayth the Prophet And in rebuking the world he vseth great boldnes convincing them of syn of righteousnes and of judgement so
Of the cōmunion that the Saincts in all churches have in things spiritual Chapt. 18 Of the communion of the Saincts in civil things and humane Chapt. 19. How the communion and peace of the saincts is hindred by enemies without Chapt. 20 How the peace and communion of the church is disturbed by troubles syns within it self Chapt. 21 How the commuion of Saints may be purged of the evils that arise therin by the power censures of Christ and how needful it is for the Saincts al to look herevnto Chapt. 22. How far the Saincts may hold and walk in communion togither if offences be not removed Ch. 23 Of the communion that one Church hath with an other Chapt. 24. The conclusion The Communion of Saincts CHAPTER 1. Of the Communion and peace that was at the first and how soon it was broken FOr asmuch as we finde in the Scriptures so great a difference made between the sonnes of Adam that some ar named the children of God of the Light and Day the Saincts of the Most-high the Lords chief treasure the heyres of blessing othersom the children of men of this world of the Divel of curse the one of these sorts commanded to separate from the other but to entertayn and continue a holy communion among themselves endevouring to keep the vnitie of the Spirit in the bond of peace it is good and needfull that we know both who ar the persons and what be the causes conditions of this communion how farr the bounds and limits of it doe extend For the better perceiving hereof let vs take a summarie view of the first state of vs all 2. God which hath made of one bloodal mankind to dwel on al the face of the earth made in the beginning al things good but chiefly imprinted the image of his Maiestie on Angels on men comunicated his graces with them The Angels he created holy Spirits excelling in strength and in glorie in al abilitie readines to do his wil and set them to serve himself in heaven there to behold the ioyful light of his face wher the many thousāds of them minisster vnto him are as charrets wheron his Majestie rideth Vnto them he vouchsafed this love honour that they should be named the Sōnes of God yea his own glorious title he imparteth vnto them when in the scripture he calleththem Gods And for this their excellent creation he requireth of them prayse glorie which those heavenly souldiers cheerfully perform to the Lord of hosts of whose glory the whol earth is full 3. Gods favour vnto man above a● earthly creatures appeareth in the goodly frame and fashion first of his body made of earthly mould in admirable comelines bewty proportion and with alsufficient furniture of several members for his own vse and service of his Maker He is so clad with skin and flesh and ioyned togither with bones synewes the veins arteries ar so disspred over al and every part so cunningly framed in such cvrious weise that the Prophet compareth his fashioning to an embroderie beneath in the earth and minding this excellent workmanship sayth vnto God I wil praise thee for I am fearfully wonderfully made Into the body the howse of clay God did inspire the breath of lives the man became a living sowl for the breath of the Almightie gave him life and this breath or mind of man is the light or candle of the Lord which searcheth al the bowels of the belly This spiritual and immortal substance so infused had very singular and gracious endouments of wisdome vnderstanding will and many affections al good for the holy Trinitie had consulted togither to make him an excellent creature and so the man did carie the image of God for in it he was created He had knowledge righteousnes holines for performāce of al duties to his maker his fellow creatures this in trueth simplenes and sinceritie He had rule and soveraignty over the earth and seas al the plenty of them he knew the hiddē nature of the creatures gave them names accordingly this world was made for his sake even the glorious Sun and Moon and Starres for his vse service He had the blessing of the Lord vpon himself the creatures vnder him a help like vnto himself made and given vnto him for comfort procreation of his kind a garden of delite ful of al pleasant fruits planted by Gods own hand for to yield him food solace he was al honorable inwardly outwardly ther was nothing in sowl or body wherof he might be ashamed for he was the genera tiō and glorie of his God he had given him life grace and his visitation preserved his spirit 4. And God which made al things for his own sake made this earthly king to be his subject to serve him Wherfore he communicated with him his word informing him how to walk both in body and mind obedient to his will For outward exercise he had the garden to dresse to keep for inward contemplation the seventh day sanctified as a holy rest and two trees before him of divers end vse the one of life by the eating wherof he might hav hope to live in God for ever the other of knowledg of good evil the tasting wherof would bring him vnto assured death with al his posteritie Thus God gav a law to man in his innocencie and required obedience which was easy to be performed which he graciously would accept for which his blessing should hav abidden his favour light of his face hav shined stil vpon him continually Then did the Lord rejoyce in his works his Wisdome took solace in the compasse of his earth peace was between him his creatures al his works did praise him and his Saincts did blesse him the starres of the morning sang prayses togither and al the sonnes of God the Angels rejoyced 5. And then some beams of the incomprehensible light and joy sweet societie which the Father Son Holy Ghost had frō al eternitie among themselves in the vnitie of the Godhead wer communicated with those principal creatures the Angels men whiles the one sort did alwayes behold his face in heaven the other enjoyed his favours in paradise then also was sweet harmonie most comfortable felowship peace and amitie between the creatures for their mutual delight consolation with out division discord or enmitie Ther wer no hateful spirits made to rebel against God to tempt torment man or misvse any other creature No death diseases or calamities to molest them no terrours to drive them from
fruitlesse lamentation in that second death and vtter darknes where the ” worm shal not die nor the fyre be quenched for evermore This is the portion of the wicked from God and the reward of their sins from the hand of the Most High The wicked is kept vnto the day of destruction they shal be brought forth to th● day of wrath Iob. 21. 30. CHAP. III. Of mans redemption the renewing of his peace by the grace of God in Iesus Christ. 1. God though he spared not the Angels which sinned of their own accord and maliciously drew man into their condemnation yet shewed he favor to Adam and his children when it was neyther deserved nor asked For of them he had chosen to be his before the foundations of the world prepared for them a kingdome which it was his pleasure to giv vnto them therfore could he not be hindered no wisdome nor vnderstanding nor counsel could prevail against him but his own counsel did stand for ever the thoughts of his hart throughout al ages he also is greater then al and none is able to take his sheep out of his hand therfore he sayd vnto them when they were polluted in their own blood ye shal live even when they wer in their blood he said vnto them ye shal live I wil redeem them from the power of the grave I wil deliver them from death 2. Yet because as his mercy should be magnified his justice also was to be satisfied and death inflicted for the transgression of his law now mans miserie weaknes was such as endure death he might but overcome it he could not nor deliver his sowl frō the hand of the grave therfore had God of his rich grace and incomprehensible love ordeyned his onely begotten Son which was in his bosome one with himself and in glorie with him before the world was by whom al things were created in heaven and in earth things visible invisible and in whom al things consist even this his own dear son had the Father ordeyned before the foundatiō of the world that he should save his people from their syns and deliver them from the wrath to come 3. And forasmuch as being in the form of God and very God himself who liveth and is blessed for ever he could not in that nature glorie wherin onely is immortalitie partake with mans wretchednes or tast of his death which yet by Gods grace he was to tast for al men therfore was it also ordeyned that the Word should be made flesh even the Son of God when hee came into the world should be made of a woman and of the seed of earthly man according to the flesh that he should take on him the form of a servant and be found in shape as a man partaker with his children of flesh and blood that he might suffer for their sake be touched with the feeling of their infirmities and in all things tempted in like sort yet without syn 4. This incarnation of the Lord wherby he should become our Emmanuel that is God with vs was not to be mans work or brought to passe by carnal generation but by the holy Ghost and power of the most high overshadowing a virgin whereby she should conceiv in her womb and bear a holy thing that should be caled the Son of God Who for the fulnes of the grace of the Godhed which was to dwel in him bodily the spirit wherewith he was to be anoynted should be named the Messiah and the Christ that is the Anoynted of God for the salvation of synners should be crowned with the title of Iesus that is the Saviour or Deliverer at whose name every knee should bow both of things in heaven things in earth things vnder the earth and everie tongue confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glory of God the Father who gave him to be his salvation to the end of the earth 5. For by this his Son the brightnes of his glory God would reconcile the world to himself not imputing but freely forgiving their syns vnto them and by this image of his owne invisible maiestie would renew the heavenly image in man which now was defaced giving him a new hart and a new spirit even putting his own spirit within him making him a new creature For wheras the first Adam was made but a living sowl and having lost his life by syn could not recover the same againe but death reigned over al this second Adam which was a live-making spirit should quicken them that wer dead in trespasses and syns and by his voyce should rayse them vp and give them life eternal that so the dead men might liv againe and they awake and sing that dwel in dust 6. The way to work out this wōdrous grace for mens redemption was appointed to be by great afflictiōs through which the Prince of their salvation was to be consecrate that many children might be brought vnto glory For this Son of God the Lord and heyr of all things was to † empty himself and take on him the form of a servant to become lesser then the Angels yea more deformed then the sons of Adam even a worm and not a man the shame of men and contempt of the people that when we should see him he should have neyther form nor bewtie that we should desire him though yet in himself he was much fayrer then the sons of Adam al his parts and features and countenance so excellent as he was wholly delectable 7. So when the first begotten of the Father was brought into the world though al the Angels of God did worship him the winds and seas obeyed him the Fish payed his tribute the wild beasts lived at peace with him and the very Divils confessed him and were afrayd yet wretched man would not acknowledge him his own received him not he was a stranger to his brethren an aliant to his Mothers sons despised he was we esteemed him not Yea God himself would break him make him subject to infirmities lay vpō him the iniquity of vsal for we made him to serve for our syns we wearied him with our iniquities so that innumerable troubles compassed him about our syns which now were his tooke such hold vpon him that he was not able to lookvp for which a cup was givē him of the Father to drink ful of sorow fear heavines agonie that made his sowl heavy even vnto the death he prayed his Father that if it had been possible it might hav passed from him offring vp his prayers with
youth for now ther shal be no more curse but the throne of God of the Lamb that was slayn shal be in the city he wil be merciful vnto his land vnto his people The Angels saw this were glad for our salvation they sung at our Saviours birth Glory to God in the highest heavens and vpon earth peace towards men goodwill And when he was glorified the thowsand thowsands of them praysed him saying worthy is the Lamb that was killed to receiv power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and prayse The heavens rejoyced for that the Lord had done the lower parts of the earth showted the mountaynes forrests and every tree burst forth into prayses for that the Lord had redeemed Iaakob would be glorified in Israel and al creatures in heaven in earth vnder the earth and in the sea al that are in them gave Praise honour and glorie power vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne and vnto the Lamb for ever more Amen 14. This grace was the Wisedom of God in a mysterie the hidden wisedom which God had fore-determined before the world vnto our glorie but it was hid from the eyes of al the living hid from the fowls of the heavē none of the Princes of this world knew it no ye had seen it nor ear heard it neyther came it into mans hart onely God vnderstood the Way thereof and from the beginning of the world it was kept secret and hid in him and stil he hideth it from the wise men of vnderstanding neyther can the natural perceiv it vntil he revele it vnto them by his spirit which spirit sercheth al things even the deep things of God and by it we know the things that are given to vs of God 15. And now he hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in Christ he hath proclaymed vnto the ends of the world that the Saviour of the daughter Sion is come his wages with him and his work before him that we might cleerly see the fellowship of the mystery might be able to cōprehend with al Saincts what is the bredth and length and depth and height to know the lov of Christ which passeth knowledge and might be filled with al fulnes of God who hath given vs bewty for ashes the oyl of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnes for the spirit of heavines because our ‡ warfare is accomplished and our iniquitie is pardoned For while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs and when wee were enemies we were reconciled to God by his death and now shal be saved by his life for the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed he hath washed vs from our syns in his blood and purged our conscience from dead works to serve the living God and is gone vp into very heaven to appear now in the sight of God for vs and there to prepare vs a place that where he is we may be also From whence he wil shortly shew himself with his mightie Angels to be glorified in his Saincts and made marveilous in them that beleev who after that they have drunk of his cup been baptised into his death and buriall and walked with him in newnes of life in this vale of tears and fulfilled the rest of his afflictions in their flesh shal have their vile bodies changed fashioned like to his glorious bodie the dead being raysed vp incorruptible and such as live remayn being chāged and caught vp with them also in the clowds to meet the Lord in the ayre and so shall they ever be with the Lord their faces shyning as the Sun in the kingdome of their Father 16. Although this mysterie of Christ was not opened vnto the sons of men in other ages as it was at last reveled vnto his holy Apostles and Prophets by the spirit yet was the effect and summe therof made known to all the Patriarchs from the beginning For Iesus Christ was yesterday is to day the same for ever Abraham saw his day and was glad Abel also by faith in him obteyned testimonie that he was righteous which faith he learned of his father Adam who heard of God the riches of this grace freely preached in paradise before the sentence of exile and death was pronounced vpon him namely that the womans seed should crush the Serpents head who also was shewed the way to be by death and sacrifice a shadow wherof he saw in the Lambs then slayn and sacrificed in the service of the Lord. The great afflictions of Christ and of his people wer foretold in the Serpents crushing of his ●eel and the enmitie between the womans seed that Serpents foreshewed also in the murder of Abel the iust by Cain his wicked brother To Christ gave all the Prophets witnes that through his name all that beleeved in him should receive remission of syns and the twelve tribes instantly serving God night day hoped to come vnto this promise So in this hope and exspectation of redemption by the Son of God the Fathers rested and comforted their fainting sowles by faith the evidence of things not seene by which faith they saw the promises a farr off were perswaded saluted them confessed that they were strangers and pilgroms vpon earth and so died having through their faith obteyned testimony but received not the promise God providing a better thing for vs that they without vs should not be made perfect but in patient hope passe out their dayes on earth after death wayt al the dayes of their appoynted time til their changing shall come and then stand vp in their lot with vs and al Saincts at the end of the dayes 17. But al this grace and riches of the glorious mysterie now manifested to the Saincts which is Christ in vs the hope of glory God did not communicate with al men neyther yet doeth save with some few chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world Which little flock have their election not by works but by him that caleth according to the good pleasure of his own wil who without any vnrighteousnes hath mercy on whom he wil and whom he will he hardneth having made as the clay-potter of one lump some men vessels of mercie prepared vnto glorie some vessels of wrath prepared to destruction which yet notwithstanding have many favours and benefits from God to draw them to repentance out of the snare of Satan but all in vayn for they despise the grace proffered vnto them and run headlong into the condemnation whereto they were of old ordeyned
for as Solomon sayth It leadeth vs when we walk it watcheth for vs when we sleep whē we wake it talketh with vs. Also it is lively mighty in operation sharper then any two edged sword entring through even to the dividing asunder of the sowl the spirit of the joints marow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the hart and Christ hath sanctified and clensed his church by the washing of water through this word as also himself sayd to his disciples Now ar ye clean through the word which I hav spoken to yow 17. And vnto this church hath he specially cōmended committed those heavenly oracles binding vp the testimonie and sealing vp the law among his disciples directing his words writings vnto them promising that his spirit which is vpon them his words which he hath put in their mouth shall not depart out of their mouth nor out of the mouth of their seed nor their seeds seed for ever Who againe rejoyce for this word as if they had found a great spoil and their lips do vtter praise when he hath taught them his statutes And having all and every of them a commune right in this treasure they vse it for the good of their own sowles and one of another teaching exhorting admonishing reproving and comforting one another which that they may the better doe they are willed the word of Christ should dwell in them plenteously that if any man speak it may be as the words of God Hear my law ô my people incline your eare● vnto the words of my mouth Psal. 78. 1. The secret things belong to the Lord our God but the things reveled belong vnto vs and to our children for ever that we may do all the words of this Law Deut. 29. 29. CHAP. VIII HOw God by his word hath alwayes called and separated a people from communion with Divils and wicked men to the fellowship of his grace by faith in Christ. VVHen our first parents had revolted from God forsaken his word the ground of their faith and obedience and embraced the contrarie word of the Serpent wherby they were brought vnto syn by syn being finished vnto death they were estranged from God affrayd of his face and voyce ashamed of themselves sought to shrowd them among the trees to hide their shame with ●igleaves and to excuse theyr syn by trāslating the fault vnto others the man to the woman given him of God the womā to the serpent but shewed no repentance neyther asked mercy for their misdeeds though they were sūmoned to the judgment of God Wherfore had not his grace prevented them they had proceeded on to all manner impietie as did and do the Divils whō God hath left in their wretchednes in whose slavish subjection they and wee all their children had continued captives vnto eternal damnation 2. But God immediatly manifested his purpose according to his election of grace by giving to men that were dead in syn the word of life whereby they were revived by which word he called them from Satans service to his own again by fayth in Christ who should in tyme become the womans seed and crush that Serpents head for his chosens sake He also brake that cursed amitie between men and Divils and sayd that the would put enimity between them not that only but between the Serpents seed that is the wicked men and reprobates who are named the sonnes of Belial and of the Divil and the womans seed that is Christ his church even all men and women that should embrace the faith of the woman now named Evah that is Living and the mother of all that live 3. And Adam which had shewed that singular faith in Gods promise by naming her Life whom of late he accused to be the instrument of his death informed his childrē in this grace of God who together with their parents professed one commune faith obedience which also they testified by their service and sacrifices offred to the Lord. Thus he his howse were freed from Satans bondage by the word of truth the Gospel which was taught them and were made Saincts by calling 4. But Cain who was the first seed of the serpent and therefore sayd in scripture to be of of that Wicked-one being an hypocrite and without faith for which cause his works also were evil though he were among the Saints yet was he not of them and therfore continued not with them Yea though he were warned of God he would not be amended but shewed the malice and enmitie of his father the Divil by killing his righteous brother Neyther then relented he but added obstinacie to his bloody act wherfore he was cursed of God and fel into desperation condemnation of the Divil 5. The peace and communion of the Saincts being by that caytiff thus disturbed and broken the deadly war with the womans seed by that trump of Satan thus proclamed God for the good preservation of his Church cast out this synner from his presence on earth as he had don the Angels which synned from the same in heaven and he being separated from the fellowship of the faythful dwelt a runnagate in a land of that name and an other seed was given to Eve in sted of just Abel decessed And so the Church of Christ was propagated governed by ten faithful patriarchs successively distinguished from the seven generations of Cain as in place and estate so in name the one sort called the children of God the other of men And whereas the Cainites increased as wel in wickednes as in multitude the Lord to keep his people from mixture with them gave warning by Henoch the seventh from Adam who prophesied the destruction of them and al vngodly persons for their wicked deeds cruel speakings when God should come to give judgment with ten thowsands of his Saincts 6. But neyther his word wherby he admonished his people nor yet his spirit which strove in them could restreyn them from being commingled with the profane and Serpents seed for they coupled themselves in mariage with their fayr women wherby there sprong a tyrannous race of Giants by whom the earth was filled with crueltie That God seing how his children wer degenerat become also flesh and that the wickednes of man was wexen great repented that he had made man in the earth and was sory in his hart Yet warned them agayn by Noah a preacher of righteousnes and by the building of the ark 120. yeres which patience they contemning God brought the flood vpon the world of the vngodly destroyed them onely Noah and his howse wer reserved finding grace in the eyes of the Lord. 7. Yet even in that litle family of eight
have fellowship with the Lord in spirit who having thus decked vs with the garments of bewtie and glorie with mercy and salvation through faith in his name doth then seal vs with that holy spirit of Promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntil the redemption of the possession purchased the ful redemption of al Saincts vnto the prayse of his glory For as he hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love so having effectually caled justified and sanctified vs of his vnspeakable grace he giveth vs also certainty and assurance of our election that we shal never fal from nor be forsaken of him For the seed wherwith we are born anew is an immortal seed which can never die this seed remayneth in vs to keep vs from syn and if we syn we have an advocate with the Father even Iesus Christ the just who maketh intercession and prayeth for vs that our faith fail not he also giveth vs repentance vnto Life and worketh in vs godly sorow for our misdeeds so we ar renewed by repentance dayly and revived by faith knowing that God hath stablished to himself his people Israel to be his people for ever he is their God his gifts and caling are without repentance he that hath begun his good work in vs wil perform it vnto the day of Iesus Christ for he hath made an everlasting covenant with vs that he wil never turn away from vs to doe vs good and hath put his fear in our harts that we shal never depart from him and hath sayd concerning vs by his prophet My people shal never be ashamed Thus the hope of salvation is for an helmet vpon our heads for that God hath not appointed vs vnto wrath but to obteyn salvation by our Lord Iesus Christ and we rejoyce with joy vnspeakable glorious being perswaded that neyther death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things presēt nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to separate vs fiō the love of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. 23. Our God it is which thus stablisheth vs in Christ hath anoynted vs and also sealed vs and given vs the earnest of his spirit in our hartes even the spirit of adoption whereby we crie vnto him Abba Father and of vs he sayth This people have I formed for my self they shal shew forth my prayse And being thus furnished with his graces we find feel the sweetnes of that fellowship and communion that we hav with him in Christ Iesus and by his Spirit 24. This communion the scripture setteth down by similitude of walking and dwelling together For God hath promised I will walk among you and I wil be your God ye shal be my people and for his habitation although he filleth heavens and earth the heavens of heavens ar not able to cōteyn him being cōsidered in his infinite majestye yet abaseth he himself to converse with vs that dwel in houses of clay as he sayth by the Prophet I dwel in the high holy place with him also that is of a contrite humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to give life to them that are of a contrite hart Which grace that all the Saincts might take knowledge of the voice is written which was heard out of heaven to say Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwel with them and they shal be his people and God himself will bee their God with them This Tabernacle is the bodies and sowles of the Saincts as the Apostle sayth Ye are the Temple of the Living God even as God hath sayd I will dwell in thē walk with them your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost On the other side wee are sayd to walk with God as did Enoch Noah and as the Lord requireth of every man that he humble himself to walk with his God we dwel in his tabernacle for ever our trust is vnder the covering of his wings as the Apostle Iohn sayth He that keepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he in him 25. This grace is so heavenly and supernatural as it cannot be comprehended by the carnal man nor embraced walked in with comfort by synners hypocrites The naturall man thinketh the dwelling of God is not with flesh the vnbeleeving among the Saincts in day of their distresse do say Is the Lord among vs or no The synners and hypocrites 〈…〉 Sion are afrayd saying who among vs shal dwel with the devouring syre who amōg us shal dwel with the everlasting burnings And indeed the throne of iniquitie hath no fellowship with him but the pure of hart edure as seing him who is invisible they sing The Lord of hosts is with vs the God of Iaakob is our refuge they serve him and see his face his name is on their foreheads they say It is good for vs to draw neer vnto God Lord lift vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs. 26 This conversing of the Saints with God is spiritual and mystical we walk by faith and not by sight faith which is the evidence of things not seen He that is joyned to the Lord is one spirit sayth the Apostle Again Gods walking with vs is strange and vncouth to the world for he bringeth vs into many tribulations his way is in the sea his paths in the great waters and his footsteps ar not knowen he leadeth vs through the wildernes through a desert and wast land and by the shadow of death where fyry serpents are and scorpions and drought without water to humble vs and to prove vs to know what is in our hart that he may doe vs good in the latter end he bringeth vs through the fyre and fineth vs as the silver is fined and trieth vs as gold is tried yet he sayth It is my people we do say The Lord is our God 27. And hence ariseth the comfort of our harts that alwayes we behold God with vs yea feel him within vs and answer Amen by faith to al his promises He sayth Fear not for I am with thee be not afrayd for I am thy God we say again Though I should walk through the vally of the shadow of death I will fear no evill because thou art with me He sayth of every of his Saincts I wil be with him in trouble I wil deliver him and glorify him they testify say I beheld the Lord alwayes before me for he is at my right hand that I should not be shaken gather together on heaps ô ye people and ye
shal be broken in peeces take counsel togither yet shall it be brought to naught pronounce a decree yet shall it not stand for God is with vs. The Patriarchs moved with envie sold Ioseph into Aegypt but God was with him sayth the scripture and delivered him out of al his afflictions To Iakob God sayd turne again to the land of thy fathers to thy kinred I ●ilbe with thee in his return he was in dāger prayed ô God of my father Abrahā c Lord which sayd est vnto me return to thy countrie and kinred and I wil do thee good Thus alwayes the Saincts assure thēselves of good by Gods presence with thē and of shelter frō evil count them selves naked and helplesse when he withdrawes his face as when in displeasure he had moved his Tabernacle farr off from the host of Israel and seemed as if he would have walked no further with them then Moses sayd If thy presence go not with vs cary vs not hence wherin now shall it be known that I and thy people have found favour in thy sight shal it not be when thou goest with vs so I and thy people shal have preeminence before all people that are on the earth Finally as the Saincts encourage themselves against their foe● with this their shadow is departed from them the Lord is with vs fear them not so God foretold that when many tribulations should come vpon his people they then would say Are not these troubles come vpon me because my God is not with me 28 For the presence of God communion of his graces so saveth his Saincts out of al adversities that no wisdome counsel or strength of any enimy can hurt no creature can hinder them frō their happines the Lord their God who goeth before them he fighteth for them and rideth vpon the heavens for their help the eternal God is their refuge vnder his armes they are for ever he casteth out the enemy before them and sayth Destroy so as wax melteth frō the presence of the fyre the wicked perish from the presence of God But his people he vpholdeth in their integritie and doth set them before his face for ever both they and their seed shal stand fast in his sight for they ar his portion or inheritance and they shal walk in the light of his countenance he leadeth them with his own glorious arm dividing the waters before them to make himself an everlasting name he sayth prepare the way take vp the stumbling blocks out of the way of my people so causeth he them to goe vpright giving strength vnto him that fainteth multiplying might to him that hath no power and they renew strength they lift vp the wings as the eagles they run are not wearie they walk faint not He supplie 〈…〉 their wāts filling the hungry sowl with good satisfying the soule that thirsteth after righteousnes for righteousnes goeth before him setteth her steps in the way he bringeth neer his justice it is not farr off and his salvation shal not tarie for he giveth it in Sion and his glory vnto Israel 29. And they again being a people in whose hart is his law knowing that two cannot walk togither as sayth the prophet except they be agreed labour by faith to hav peace with him aud to walk before him in vprightnes to walk worthy of him and please him in al things being fruitful in al good works and increasing in the knowledge of God For this they hav promised vnto him when they entred into his covenant therfore are their sowles delivered from death that they may walk before the Lord in the land of the living And because to walk before God is to walk in his Law as the scripture teacheth therfore love they the law of the Lord it is their meditation continually and it is written vpon the table of their hart their delight is in his commandements which they have loved their hands also doe they lift vp vnto them their mouth talketh of them their feet run in them their soule keepeth them and they wil never forget them al their members are given vp as instruments of righteousnes to serve and please the Lord they apply their hart to fulfil his statutes alwaies even vnto the end Thus their righteousnes goeth before them and the glory of the Lord embraceth thē he strengthneth thē in the Lord they walk in his name their harts being stable and vnblameable in holynes before him and there is no condemnation vnto them for that they are in Christ Iesus and walk not after the flesh but after the spirit 30. And now they eat their bread with joy and drink their wine with a cheerful hart because God accepteth their works the words of their mouthes the meditation of their harts They please him and have his blessing even in their civil affayres and handy labours the world and al earthly creatures are subdued vnto them and they vse them for their service and comfort in the Lord if they eat it is to the Lord if they eat not it is to him also giving God thāks and doing al things that they doe vnto his glorie So though they be in the world yet are they not of the world and though they walk in the flesh yet warr they not neyther walk they after the flesh but being on earth their conversation is in heaven and the way of Life is on high vnto them to avoyd from hel beneath They seek the Lord and his strength they seek his face continually and with the joy of his face he maketh them glad and in the secret therof he hideth them from the pride of men he keepeth them as the apple of his eye He sayth vnto them Hear my law o my people incline your ears to the words of my mouth obey my voyce and do al things which I command yow so shal ye be my people and I wil be your God they answer al peoples wil walke every one in the name of his God and we wil walke in the name of our God for ever and ever teach vs thy way o Lord and we wil walk in thy truth knit our harts to thee that we may fear thy name Thus hoping for his glory which is to be reveled they purge themselves as he is pure and walk in the light as he is in the light having fellowship one with another the blood of Iesus Christ his Son clensing them from al syn And the Lord giveth strength vnto his people the Lord blesseth his people with peace he is as the dew vnto thē they grow as lilies and fasten
that we feel in this world when for his sake we are killed al the day long are counted as sheep for the slaughter doe bear about in our body the dying of the Lord Iesus and are alwayes delivered vnto death for Iesus sake that the life also of our Lord Iesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh these serve for furtherances of our sanctification by being partakers of his holines and make vs as sacrifices and a prey for the ravenous fowles whiles we liv strangers here on earth the land that is not ours as did Ahrahams seed Thus ar we named the Priests of the Lord and hav authority in every place to offer incense vnto his name and a pure offring both we and our works our spiritual sacrifices being acceptable vnto God in Christ Iesus 17. To illustrate and seal vp more assuredly our communion with Christs Priesthood We ar washed with water for a signe assurance of the forgivnes washing away of our syns and to be as the laver of our regeneration new birth wherby we ar also baptised into his death and buried with him by baptisme that like as Christ was raysed vp from the dead by the glory of the Father so we also should walk in newnes of life our old man being crucified with him that the body of syn might be destroyed and our selves be dead to syn but alive to God in Iesus Christ our Lord whom by this symbol we have put on and doe bear his name vpon vs with the name of the Father and of the holy Spirit And after this Christ often feedeth our sowles with his own body blood which was broken powred out for our sakes figured out vnto vs by bread wine hereby cōfirming the former grace of remission of syns and a further growth in Christ continually into whom we ar incorporate have so neer a communion with him vnder these visible earthly elements which we looking past by the eye of faith seeing and feeding vpon Christ have our life by him doe dwel in him he in vs and shal by him be raysed vp at the last day vnto life eternal 18. Having seen how Christ being our Prophet informeth vs in al the wisdome of God and by the Law sheweth vs our syn wretchednes by the Gospel our justice happines and being our Priest Sacrifice hath by himself purged vs frō al syn given vs the gift of justice and sanctitie to present vs pure blamelesse before God his Father it remayneth that we also consider how he conserveth and mainteyneth this our blessed state against al enimies by his mighty power and soveraignty which as Lord and King he hath over al. 19. This soveraigntie is set forth by divers titles of honour and dignitie given him in the scriptures as when he is named Messiah the Governour Captaine or Fore leader the Ruler that is having dominion right and authoritie to govern and guide his people Michael the great Prince the Captaine of the Lords host a mayster or Commander to the peoples a Potentate or Mighty one the king of kings Lord of Lords and Prince of the kings of the earth the Lord of all vnto whom is given al power in heaven in earth an everlasting dominion honour and kingdome that al peoples nations and languages shal serv him And he the true Melchisedek king of Salem shal reign as king in justice and sit as Prince of Peace vpon the throne of David vpon his kingdome to order it to stablish it with judgement with justice frō henceforth even for ever 20. This kingdome of Christ is no earthly Monarchie nor of this world but spiritual and heavenly and therfore is more mighty then the kingdoms of the earth able to beat down break in peeces grind to pouder al adverse power and domination whither of this world or the spiritual wickednesses which are in the high places 21. Therfore also is the manner of administring this kingdom no● worldly nor pompous but a● Christ the king himself came vnto vs poor and riding vpon an asse● and he the Lion of the tribe o● Iudah the root of David was fo● to see to like a killed Lamb s● menageth hee his kingdome stil● neyther by an army nor a Power but by his Spirit that it cometh not with observation for men to say Loe here or loe there but is with in vs wielded by the spiritual scepter of his word the Gospel of the kingdom and by the almighty working of the Spirit and therefore conteyneth in it mysteries or secrets that can not be vnderstood but by the gift of God 22. Our Lord himself hath subdued and dayly subdueth al his foes the world he hath overcome syn he hath condemned and put-away Death he hath abolished the Divil that had the power there of he hath destroyed neyther shal these or any of these ever have dominion over him but he shall reign til he hath put all his enemies vnder his feet and death and hel be cast into the lake of fyre 23. This his power regiment he cōmunicateth with his Saincts two manner of wayes First by applying vnto them for their benefit and salvation al that himself hath done and doeth as the Lord sayth by his prophet I wil camp about mine howse against the army against him that passeth by and against him that returneth no oppressor shal come vpon them any more And as for their sakes Christ sanctified himself so for their comfort he overcame the world to take away their syns did he appear when in himself ther was no syn for the children of the people Israel standeth this Michael the great prince fighteth against the Dragon and casteth him out of heaven wher now is salvatin and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ the accuser of the Saincts being cast down Wherfore the Lord being king the earth may rejoyce and the multitude of the yles be glad because he preserveth the soules of his Sainctes he wil deliver them from the hand of the wicked hee will judge the people of God in justice and his poor with equitie that the mountaynes the hils shal bring peace to the people by justice and in his dayes the righteous shall flourish and abundance of peace shal be so long as the moon endureth For the charets being cut off from Ephraim and the horse from Ierusalem the bow of the battel shal be broken and he shal speak peace vnto the natiōs but in y● mornings he wil destroy al the wicked of the land smiting the earth with the rod of his mouth and slaying the wicked with
the breath of his lips woūding kings treading down peoples in the day of his wrath Therefore the poor shall committ themselves vnto him and triumph in his salvation saying The Lord is king for ever and ever the hethen are destroyed forth of his land the kingdomes of this world are our Lords and his Christs and he shal reign for evermore 24. Secondly he cōmunicateth with his Saincts this grace to be Kings also with him and to reign on earth that as himself sitteth ruleth vpon his throne is a Priest vpon his throne and the counsell of peace is between them both so they whom he hath made kings Priests vnto God his Father being a kingly priesthood even a kingdom of Priests and an holy nation having part in the first resurrection the second death may hav no power over them but being the Priests of God and of Christ and reigning with him the terme of yeres limited at last whē they have overcome may sit with Christ in his throne even as he overcame sitteth with his Father in his throne 25. This spirituall kingdome wherby the Saincts reign on earth is first over their own syns and corruptions for they are careful to be vpright with God and to keep themselves from their wickednes and the Lord subdueth their iniquities that syn shal not have dominiō over them because they are freed from it and made servants vnto God having their fruit in holynes and the end everlasting life And this victorie whereby they overcome themselves is greater thē al earthly conquests according to the true proverb He that is slow to anger is better then the Mighty man he that ruleth his own spirit is better then he that winneth a citie Secondly it is over the world which also they set themselves against as knowing that it lieth in wickednes the wisdom thereof is foolishnes cometh to naught the pleasures of it are vanitie and vexatiō of spirit the sorowes of it work death and the amitie thereof is the enmitie of God therefore flee they the corruption that is in the world through lust walking before God as strangers pilgroms on earth not loving the world nor the thinges that are in the world which have neyther satisfying nor fruit in thē but being crucified vnto it it vnto them they keep thēselves vnspotted of it free frō the bondage servitude of the same they vse it as though they vsed it not they bear with patience al the reproches injuries that it offreth yea though they be made the gazing stock as the filth of the same yet are they more then conquerours through him that loved thē and do fulfil that which is written All that is born of God overcometh the world this is the victorie that overcometh the world evē our faith Thirdly the conquest of the Saincts is over Satan himself the prince of this world and worker of all mischief Him also they resist stedfast in the faith and doe overcome him by the blood of the Lamb by the word of their testimonie and love not their lives vnto the death so that wicked one fleeth from them and toucheth them not for they keep themselves because they are begotten of God who wil tread that adversary vnder their feet shortly with him shal be destroyed the last enemy Death And as now the Saincts doe reigne with Christ on earth by faith and patience so then having judged the world and even the Angels they shal reign with him in glory in heaven for evermore 26. To teach vs this Communion with Christ we have in the scripture many doctrines similitudes as that he will make his church a roller a new threshing instrumēt having teeth for to thresh the mountayns and bring them to powder make the hils as chaff that he giveth strength and power to his people making their horn yron their hoofs brasse themselves as his bewtiful horse in the battel that they shal be as the mighty men which tread down their enimies in the myre of the streets in the battel for the Lord of hosts shal defend them they shal devowr and subdue their foes That Christ shal make his children Princes throughout all the earth as himself hath many Crowns vpon his head so will he cōmunicate them with his Saincts as the crownes of his figure Iesus son of Iehozadak the high Priest were to Helem Tobijah and others for a memorial in the tēple of the Lord. That as Christ is the head corner stone vpon which whosoever fal shal be broken on whomsoever it fal it shal grinde them to powder so Ierusalem his church shall bee made a heavie stone for al people al that lift it vp shal be torne though al the people of the earth be gathered togither against it That as Christ shal crush the nations with a scepter of yron and break them in peeces like a potters vessel so he that overcometh and keepeth his works vnto the end to him will he give power over nations he shal rule them with a rod of yron that as potters vessels they shal be broken even as he received of his Father so will he give to that man the morning starre 27. To illustrate this Cōmunion between our Saviour and vs we have the similitude of an humane bodie the mēbers wherof by their due joynts and synewes ar joyned to the head receiv from it life and motion and government in al the actions and affayrs so Christ is the head of the body of his church communicateth with al the Saincts his members life and grace and al good things for their conservation Also of a vine or Olive tree whose branches ar made partakers of the juice sap and fatnes that is in the root stock so we abiding in Christ the true vine doe by the juice moysture of his grace live and bear fruits to the prayse of God Agayn as the husband and wife ar not two but one flesh the first woman builded of the rib of man was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone and so did love live togither partaking ech with others wel fare in like manner are we joyned to the Lord made one spirit he that made vs is our husband and we are maried to him in faith wherevpon he nourisheth cherisheth vs for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones and this is a great Secret as the Apostle sayth which they that would behold had need be caried in Spirit as was Iohn to a great an high Mountain there to be shewed this Spowse adorned with the