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A11498 D. Sarauia. 1. Of the diuerse degrees of the ministers of the gospell. 2. Of the honor vvhich is due vnto the priestes and prelates of the church. 3. Of sacrilege, and the punishment thereof. The particular contents of the afore saide Treatises to be seene in the next pages; De diversis ministrorum evangelii gradibus. English Saravia, Adrien, 1530-1612. 1591 (1591) STC 21749; ESTC S107871 200,148 283

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which neyther ciuill Magistrate was ordayned more then ordinary nor nouell Priesthood Did not the Priests themselues which before were defiled with foule Idolatry purify the Temple the people and thēselues together from foule Idolatry And at this day if the Bishops of the French Churches would redeeme themselues from the Popes tiranny and sweepe theyr Churches cleane of all error and Idolatry what need should they haue of any other calling then that which they haue The like I affirme of all other Churches in what part of the world soeuer which through the iniquity of these dayes and the subtilty of the ennemy are inuolued and ouercast with the most daungerous mists of error and ignorance If they please to send for our Countreymen and vse theyr counsel they may but if otherwise they will not they are to vsurpe no authority ouer theyr Churches but rather to reioyce and congratulate with them for theyr conuersion making profer vnto them of theyr company and theyr countenance Of the twelue Apostles Chap. III. THe twelue which were the first preachers of the Gospell were chosen of the Lorde himselfe With them he deyned familiarly to conuerse and friendly to acquaint with all his counsels which according to the time they were capiable of that afterwards they might the better testify of those thinges which they both saw heard Theyr first prouince extended not it selfe beyond the confines of Iewry for they were then forbidden to goe into the way of the Samaritanes or to enter into the streetes of the Gentiles And in this theyr first circuit the Lord vnto the office of preaching ioyned the power of Baptisme and the working of miracles But so long as no end was imposed vnto the ceremonies of the olde Church neyther yet the order of Aarons priesthood was abrogated they founded no particular Churches but retained company and communion with the rest of the Iewes in such things as concerned the seruice of God But what the peculiar office of the Apostles was is easely vnderstood by the commaunds which our Sauiour gaue them after his resurrection and also by those promises which he made in Iohn concerning the comforter which he would send them after his ascention In the last of Mathew these are the words of our Sauiour to his Disciples Al power saith he is giuen to me in Heauen and in earth Goe therefore and teach al nations baptising them in the name of the Father and the Sonne and the holy Ghost Teaching them to obserue al things what so euer I haue commaunded you And behold I am with you vntill the end of the world In which words the chiefe parts of theyr Apostolique function are thus to be discerned The first is that Legacy which is immediatly giuen them of God vnto all nations and not restrayned within any limitte an other is the publication of that doctrine which they receiued of the Lord the third is the administration of those Sacraments which were instituted of God the last is the protestation of that especiall aide which albeit generally it concern the whole church yet particularly it respecteth the Apostles them selues Likewise in the fourteenth and sixteenth of Iohn the gift of the holy Ghost is promised vnto them for the better performance of their Apostolike function And that was it which did so moderate theyr tongue and theyr talk as that they should vtter no doctrine of theyr owne but of theyr maister Christ And albeit the commission of teaching with the power of working miracles were graunted out vnto others also yet this alwaies remayned proper to the Apostles and intire to theyr calling that theyr onely doctrine was a paragon and a patterne by the which al others doctrine was to be tried And also that they alone in the beginnings of the Church conferred the holy Ghost vnder a visible signe by the laying on of handes as it is in the eight of the Actes and the seuenteenth verse Wherefore as Moyses had God the first author of the law so was it requisit the Apostles should haue the same ground of theyr cōsecration that the foundation of the Church might be layd sure and indefeyseble As for the authority of the Apostles among themselues it was one and the same and theyr honour alike there was no ods between them but that which eyther gifts or grauity did make And albeit Peter be euery where called the first yet was that primacy in the order only of his vocation not in the preheminence of his commission For if so bee that out of those words of the Lord Thou art Peter and vppon this rocke will I builde my Church and such other like the Apostles had conceyued any especiall authority committed to Peter they would neuer haue moued the question twise after that which of them should seeme the greatest And albeit the Lord vouchsafed Peter Iames and Iohn the participation of some greater secrets yet notwithstanding he bare himselfe so indifferently towardes them all in the donation of any especiall place as that themselues could not tell among themselues whome to prefer before his fellow But from this degree of Apostolique dignity Iudas through his treasonable and sacriligious auarice fell and into his place was Mathias inuested after the ascention of Christ and last of al other was Paul also ascribed into this holy society after a right wonderfull and miraculous manner Of the seuenty Disciples Chap. IIII. ALbeit Paul for honour sake haue placed Prophets in the second place yet notwithstanding vppon iust occasion I haue domised them to the third For that I am here to obserue not the honour but the order of theyr calling and to take them as they fall not in regard of the preheminence of theyr titles but in respect of the priority of those times in the which they were called in the new Testament Wherefore when as the Lorde perceiued that for the smalnes of the time the Haruest was great and for the greatnes of the Haruest the laborers were but few he elected seuenty other Disciples to preache the Gospell and to publish the glad tidings of peace Vnto whome albeit he gaue the power of miracles also no lesse priuiledge then had before the twelue Apostles to bee honored of them vnto whom they preached yet notwithstāding he vnited them not together with the Apostles to make of them al one order or society For yee shall alwayes read that the twelue were euer seperate from the seuenty Who in this regard seemed inferiour to the Apostles For why they were not in ordinary with the Lord as were the Apostles so that they could not be witnesses of such things as he dyd and sayd If there were any any more familiar then the rest they were but few namely two Iosephe surnamed the iust and Mathias of the which one God being gouernor of the lottery was inuested into the place of Iudas Barnabas also was appoynted Apostle-like to discourse through diuerse countryes and to plant certaine Churches who
prerogatiue which by the lawes of nature did belong to God onely should be a stipend vnto the Priests for their sacred ministery besides first fruits redemtions of their first borne head-pence subsidies such like were by his lawes referred to the vse benefit of the Priests and tabernacle of the Lorde And last of all hee appointed them onely the dispensation both of diuine and humaine lawes in honor whereof he did by law enact that the iudgment of the Hie-priest should be held sacred and inuiolable in all controuersies vnto the which if any man were so obstinate as not to supply his death was the lieu of his contumacie Chap. IIII. Of that double honour which is due vno those Elders which rule wel and the arguments of those that hold the contrarie THat the Elders which rule well in the Church are worthy of double honor according vnto the saying of Saint Paule all that will be accounted christians doe confesse in wordes but when it once commeth vnto deedes they can hardly award them a single God knowes and a simple honour But verelie if there bee a meed due for euery merite then doubtlesse there is an especiall dutie to be yeelded vnto the Ministers of the church Doth not the onely regard of honesty decree that Parents should haue of their children the merite of their education Lawyers of their clyents the fees for their counsell Phisitions of their patients the reward for their direction the Tutor of his people the stipend for his instruction But who so faithfullie administreth vnto the faithfull seruantes of God in sacred thinges he doth largely containe all these benefites in one Seeing that God hath imposed vppon the Pastors of the Church the persons of all these For which cause doubtles the irreligion and ingratitude of some Magistrats in this age is worthy the greater dishonor who while they will seeme to be fauourites of christian Religion defeat the Ministers thereof of theyr due Honor so far are they from imparting any thing of their owne thereunto that what so euer of old hath beene consecrate to sacred vses they are ready to distract vnto prophane Ministeries These men that they may seeme to haue some colour for theyr craft will cunningly reason the case thus That there is not the like regard to be had of the Ministery of the Gospell in this age as was of old of the Priesthood vnder the law of Moyses That God did cocker them in those Honors he spared them but the Ministers of the Gospell are out of that age they are past seuen they may shift for themselues and learne to liue in the world poore and inglorious And of this Christ gaue them a good example and his followers the Apostles who of purpose did choose a poore life and neglected the honors and pleasures of this world Besides all this they preach to vs the contēpt of earthly things why should they not lead the other way them selues which they lay out vnto others This you heare is a popular and plausible speech well pleasing all greedy and mis-begetting men who regard not so much that the Church may be furnished with godly and learned Ministers such as Christ requireth as that vnder this colour they them selues may be excused of theyr irreligious contempt of Gods seruants and theyr sacriligious imbecilling of Gods Church But these men being obdurate in their base conceite seeme for their fained and interfected religion not vnlike vnto those who with a counter-contempt of wealth hunt currant after hid treasure that so they may make a gaine of their beggery and a sweete smell of theyr druggery The nature of Cynicks is not clean worne out together with the name nor yet the cowherdly affectiō of those that thinke fryerly beggarlines to be Apostolique holines Doe you not see here how the same error hath put on sundry shapes least by any means he himselfe should appeare in it whom no man liketh in his own likenes In deed the very colour of contemning those thinges which commonly al men do admire as pleasures riches and honors doth bring the simple people into a religious wonderment who for the most part worship with greater reuerence the bare counterfeit of vertue then vertue it selfe which cannot counterfeit But if so be they do as they say so greatly delight in the imitable vertues of Christ and his Apostles why doe they not also take view of those forward christians in the Primatiue Church and goe presently and sell all theyr landes and lay the price at the Apostles feete But now I must haue a saying also to those other colours which they lay on to countenance this error least the mind being fore-seasoned with preiudice should auerre an approued truth without iust triall For my part I will not willingly conceale any of those things which are layd to our charge by the patrons of this Hypocrisy Wherefore say they as riches do bring with them certaine prouocations to sin administer nourishmēt to the same so pouerty is the mother of all vertue and the stepdame of all vice For that brideleth bringeth vnder the vntamed wildnes and wilfullnes of mās sinfull nature And that this is so the aduised sentence of the best Philosophers confirme the same For when as they giuing ouer themselues to the study of Philosophy were not ignorant that worldly wealth would be but theyr hinderance they spared not either to leaue them or to lose them The Euangelike precepts subscribe together to this opinion the which in euery place doe incite vs to the lothing of riches to the liking of pouerty and more then that they do euen thunder out against the rich the woes of all wretchednes Contrariwise our Sauiour promiseth his blisse to the poore and affirmeth that it is more easie for a Cammell to daunce through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to aspire to the kingdome of Heauen Did not him selfe choose to be borne poore to liue poore to dye poore of him selfe he sayd The birds of the ayre haue nests and the foxes haue holes but the sonne of man hath not where to put his head Also if he entertayned any into his discipline the first lesson was to sell al they had and giue to the poore For that in deed riches are but as certayne shakels to such as follow Christ with which they being intangled can not possibly keepe pace with him Neither can the minde surcharged with the burden of externe things mount vp and soare aloft into the highest Heauens Moreouer to these it is more probably added that in the time of Constantine there was a voice heard from Heauen which sayd That poison was infused into the Church The which was thought to be vttered because of those riches that great wealth with the which the godly Emperour Constantine is sayd to haue honored the Pastors and Bishops of the Church But these things you must consider are commonly trikt vp and set forth after
the old Testament framed to him selfe a peculiar cōmon wealth the which although afterwards it might receiue diuerse formes of gouernement yet he did alwaies so prouide for the honour of the Priesthood that they alwaies retained that degree of dignity which the Lord would haue them maintain among the people of God God vnder the Gospell hath impropriated no peculiar people neyther hath he planted any certaine forme of gouernment He sent vnto all nations preachers of the Gospell priuate men without any warlike accutrements Them he appointed not to alter any form of gouernment least they might seeme to be sent rather for the subuersion then for the conuersion of the Gentiles And yet this hindereth not but that they may take vppon them a greater state and better beseeming the worthines of theyr calling where Religion it self is aduaunced by publique authority and in wisedome is made the ground-work both of the lawes and the common wealth In the old lawe the Priests Honor was especially set downe what how great after what sort in what things it should consist In the new Testament that limitation coulde not bee layd forth because it could not would they neuer so faine be like it selfe or the same among all people in all places at all times But as good christians doe take vnto them selues many other imitable examples out of the old Testament and the law of nature and the orders of nations by the which they may the better be brought vnto a ciuill conformity and a conformable ciuility of life so likewise ought we to doe in this case The minority vnder-reckoning of the ministery is not so held in the iudgements of those christians that haue their cōsciences acquainted with diuine causes but in the sight of carnall professors and the censure of the Churches enemies All indifferent harts eies may see and conceiue that how much greater Christ is then Moyses and the Gospel more excellēt then the law so much more honorable is the Euangelike ministery then the Aaronicall Priesthood the which we are abundantly taught by the manifest arguments of the Apostle Paul we may very well learne by the manifold Sermons of our Sauiour Christ Of old among the people of God it was for good cause held a great matter for any man to be like vnto Moyses or Elias For after the receite of the law and his familiar conference with God in the mount the face of Moyses is sayd to haue ben so radiant with passing all wonderous bright some rayes that the eyes of the amased Israelites by no means might indure the Sun bright lustre of his resplendent countenaunce After him was Elias no lesse honored and renowmed as well for his wonderfull acts atchieued in the zeale of God his law as also for his miraculous end translated aliue into the Paradise of Heauen Notwithstanding all this the Apostle in his latter to the Corinthians doth learnedly maintaine that the Ministery of Moyses was of the letter and of death but the Ministery of the Gospell of the spirite and of life and so much the more glorious As for the rest our Sauiour himselfe preferreth Iohn Baptist alone before all the Prophets whom he affirmeth to be more then a Prophet and yet he resolueth that the least Minister of the Church is greater then hee And therefore if Christ may be Iudge the least Minister of the lowest degree in the Church is more honorable to be honored more in his office then are any or al the Priests of the old Testamēt As for the low titles the Lord gaue to his Ministers for bidding the glorious insignes of honor as of Lord Father and Doctor I aunswere that it was not done that the Ministers should be of lesse honor among the people then were of old the Priests Leuits or that they should be debased beneath all estates be of no esteem in a christian common wealth but rather that they might retain a lowly an humble conceit in so lofty so honorable an estate For vnlesse the Lord in wisdome should temper keep vnder the ouer-weaning waiwardnes of mans nature euen in his dearest seruantes Such is the excellency of the Ecclesiasticall calling that the conceit thereof might easely ouercharge light mindes with lofty thoughts sodenly ouerturne rash heads into ruined estates But as humility is taught them in their inglorious titles so is their excellency taught vs by their magnificall statues For are not these they which are called the Salt of the earth the Light of the world Stars in the firmamēt Angels and Legats Stewards dispensers of the mysteries of God Ministers of the spirit of life what and how great is that honor and power they haue receiued of the Lord that they can binde and lose in earth what things are bound and losed in Heauen that they can remit and retaine sins that they can open and shut the highest Heauen Can there be any thing giuen to men more Honorable in this mortality As for the vse of those names Doctor Lord Father we will speake therof hereafter Now that I may determine this disputation of those things we haue here set downe I conclude That christian people are no lesse deuoted to their Pastors in al duty then were of old the Israelites to their Priests and Leuits And Where christian religion is publikely authorised that there the same degree of honor is to be giuen to the Ministers in the common welth which was vsed to the Priests Prophets among the people of God But if so be it so fall out that among vngodly people vngracious Magistrats there be no reuerend regard had of this honor due to the Minister that there the professors be not offended therewith seeing the worthines of ther Ministery is such as that no iniury of man can any waies diminish it For it becommeth them to be at this point with themselues that if so be the honor due to their ministery be giuen them they may reioyce in the religious godlines of the faithfull towards God but if it be denied them they may not grieue thereat as if them selues had lost any thing Neyther are they greatly to contend with the Magistrate for their right especially at any intempestiue season but they are to commit their causes vnto God and with Paul to expect a more conuenient time to expostulate In the mean while let them pray vnto God that he would vouchsafe thē better mindes that would be accounted for good christians The chief care of a faithfull Pastor must be this to gaine many soules vnto Christ not much riches or many honors First let them seek the kingdome of God and al these things shal be cast vppon them Wherefore seeing there are many parts of that honor which is due to the Minister I will chiefely prosecute those which the ciuil society of life doth require in a christian cōmon wealth and that aboue all others which consisteth in the maintenance of
their Bishops doe ground that their errour vpon an other by the which they are perswaded that it is a thing insolent and absurd for Bishops to bee taken for peeres of the lande But herein they seeme to bewray themselues in like passion with the sons of Iacob when they enuyed their owne brother for that he was made more honourable then themselues who ought rather to haue thought themselues honored in their brother It is vtterly against the nature of a well ordered common-wealth that the order of religion should not bee accounted among the chiefe states of the lande the which honour seeing it cannot bee giuen to all that are in the same order it is wisely and worthily prouided by the chiefe Magistrate that the whole order should be honored in a few of them The which thing seeing it is agreeable to the lawe of God and the custome of the auncient people of God the practise of al Nations vnder the Sun may it not seem a wōder greater then their errour that any learned men should be found in any wildernes of the world so ouergrown with mosse the melancholie of their distempered brains as once to oppose themselues in any ciuill societie against the same But let vs heare yet with what reasons they are moued so farre beyond all reason Those proud titles say they of dominion are the inuentions of Antichrist and our Sauiour answered his Apostles contending about the primacie That the kings of nations rule ouer them and they which exercise authoritie vpon them are called gratious Lords but it shall not bee so with you And in the 23. of Mathew You shall call no man your father vpon earth for there is one your father which is in heauen bee not called Doctors for one is your Doctor euen Christ Whatsoeuer els is alleadged is of smal worth these words of our Sauiour beeing honestly interteined the rest will willingly yeelde themselues First therfore I affirme that the titles of dominion were inuented before Antichrist himselfe was hatched hee beeing the author thereof who is the author of dominion Neyther is there any thing arrogant in the titles but in the impotent and vsurped aspirement of such which oft times reiecting their commendable titles affect the contrary and cal themselues seruants of seruants which thinke themselues Lordes of Lords name themselues with the lesse and the least which will bee accounted the greater the greatest that if for nothing els yet for that they are so named But the Lorde his meaning was not to abolish the vse of these titles Lord Doctor and Father but to teach vs onely by these his precepts to beware of two dangerous perrils The first is the vaine swelling or swelling veine with the which Hypocrites are commōly puft vp by reaso of these titles the other is the preposterous confidence which the simple people cōmonly haue in their elected Doctors or Fathers vppon which aduauntage the popular professors distract the name of Christ so that some hold of Paul some of Ap●llo and some of Cephas and euery man best fancieth the Doctor himself hath chosen when as no man ought to build vpon any Doctors wordes but on his alone which cannot erre the Lord Christ Neyther was it the Lord his intent to inhibit vs that we should not call those by their names vnto whom the Lord hath giuen the names of Doctors Fathers in the Church or that children should not cal them Fathers vpon earth that begot them into the world or that Disciples should not cal them Doctors in the Cittie that instructed them in the Vniuersity or that Christian seruants should not cal them Lords Maisters which haue intertained them into their families No doubt Onesimus both might ought to call and recognise Philemon for his Maister And did not Paul also a most perfect imitater of Christ cal himself the Doctor of the Gentiles And why may not we also cal him as well a Doctor as an Apostle In the first to the Corinthians chap. 4. he calleth himselfe theyr Father Although saith hee you haue ten thousand instructers in Christ yet haue you not many Fathers for I haue begotten you through the Gospell The like we reade in many other places by the which we are giuen to vnderstand that not the condition but the ambition onely of those names was forbidden with the singling out of some especiall Doctor or Teacher by the which wee will shew our selues to be singular For that indeed that knowledge of the truth which we would seem to experience in some especiall men is onely to be expected in that Doctor alone who with the Spirit is able to lead vs into all truth But now what shall we say of the name title of Lordes First I say it is no where written Be ye not called Lordes And againe I say that although it were written it could beare no other sence or haue any other interpretation then those other titles which before are noted That dominion ouer the Lordes heritage is forbidden by the Lord there is no man that doubteth and did the word Lord alwaies implie a Dominion it were some thing they saide But we haue heard of the diuers significations of these words As for that the Lord said vnto his Apostles It shal not be so with you what sober mā wil interprete him as if he had said Ye shall not be called Lords If the Kinges and Princes of the common-wealth will haue you to sit in the assemblies of great men and wil heare your iudgement concerning the state of the Church and will consult together with you concerning the affaires of the common-wealth and in regarde of my name and in reuerence of your calling wil haue you reputed among the peers of the land take heede beware of that and suffer not your selues to bee called Lordes this is a proud title and that is a foule matter From hence no doubt did arise that odious hypocrisie in the Church of Rome which vnder the basenes of mean titles exerciseth the sharpnes of no meane tyrannie and vnder the name of Seruant of seruantes vsurpeth dominion ouer Maisters and Seruants And hence it is also that his champions do glory in this to be called Friers Minorites the lesse or the least as if forsooth there were nor pride nor tyranny lurking vnder these their lubarly names or as if the name of Lord onely were to bee attended with pride and tyrannie Wherefore the meaning of our Sauiour in those words was not to forbid his disciples those ordinary tearms of honour which are giuen them by the fauor of the Prince and consent of the people only his intent was to teach thē that the Gospel was no prince-like Ministery or royal seigniory By the which it neither is nor can be concluded that Princes may by no means vse the assistāce of Ministers nor grace the learned Pastors with certaine principall degrees of honor Hath Christ by any law diminished the Princes