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A10958 The faith, doctrine, and religion, professed, & protected in the realme of England, and dominions of the same expressed in 39 articles, concordablie agreed vpon by the reuerend bishops, and clergie of this kingdome, at two seuerall meetings, or conuocations of theirs, in the yeares of our Lord, 1562, and 1604: the said articles analised into propositions, and the propositions prooued to be agreeable both to the written word of God, and to the extant confessions of all the neighbour churches, Christianlie reformed: the aduersaries also of note, and name, which from the apostles daies, and primitiue Church hetherto, haue crossed, or contradicted the said articles in generall, or any particle, or proposition arising from anie of them in particular, heereby are discouered, laid open, and so confuted. Perused, and by the lawfull authoritie of the Church of England, allowed to be publique. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. English creede. 1607 (1607) STC 21228; ESTC S116041 208,079 284

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the Manichies the Basilidians the Valentinians the Messalian heretikes the Gentiles and heathen people whereof some in place of God worshipped Beastes vnreasonable as the Aegyptians did a Calfe an Oxe Cats Vulturs and Crocodils The Syrians a Fish and Pigeons the Persians a Dragon some as Gods haue adored men vnder the names of Iupiter Mars Mercurie and such like and some euen at this day for God doe worship Kine the Sunne and what they thinke good so doe inhabitants of Baly in the East Indies Of the Anthropomorphites which ascribed the forme and lineamentes of man vnto God thinking God to be like vnto man Of such as put their trust and confidence to be reposed in God alone either in men liuing as doe both the Persians in their Soldan and the Papists in their Pope who with them is God their Lord and God of infinite power or in Saints departed this life as doe the same Papists both in their S. Francis whome they tearme The glorie of God prefigured by Esay when he said Holy Holy Holy c. and in their Thomas Becket whom they say God hath set ouer the workes of his hands or in Beastes vnreasonable as doth the Mordwite Tartar or finally in riches and other senslesse creatures as doe the Atheists and irreligious worldlings 2. Proposition God is the maker and preseruer of all things The proofe from Gods word THat the world and all things both visible and invisible therein both were made and are preserved by the almightie and onely power of God are truthes grounded vpon the holy Scripture and agreeable to the confessions of Gods people For touching the creation of the world we read that in the beginning God created the heauen and the earth c. He made heauen and earth by him were all things created which are in heauen and which are in earth things visible and invisible whether Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all things were created by him and for him by his Sonne he made the worldes and all these acknowledged by the Churches primitiue and reformed at this day And touching the preseruation of all things by him created My soule praise thou the Lord c. saith the Psalmist which couereth himselfe with light as with a garment spreadeth the heauens like a curtaine which laieth the beames of his chambers in the waters and maketh the cloudes his chariot and walketh vpon the wings of the winde which maketh the spirits his messengers and flaming fire his ministers c. Are not two sparrowes sold for a farthing and one of them shal not fal on the ground without your Father yea and al the haires of your head are numbred saith our S. Christ God that made the world and all things that are therein he is Lord of heauen and earth he giueth life and breath and all things and hath made of one blood all mankinde to dwel on all the face of the earth and hath assigned the times which were ordained before and the bonds of their habitation saith S. Paul The Sonne is the brightnes of the glorie and the ingraued forme of his person and beareth vp all things by his mightie word The Churches of God in Heluetia Basil France and Flanders testifie the verie same Errors and aduersaries vnto these truths Hereby are condemned all Heretikes and errors impugning either the creation of the world by God or his providence in the continuing and preseruation of the same Of the former sort was First Aristotle and his followers which said the world was eternal and without beginning Next the Marcionites that held how God made not the world as being too base a thing for him to create 3. Simon Magus Saturnius Meander Carpocrates Corinthus who ascribed the worldes creation vnto Angels 4. The Manichies who gaue the creation of all things vnto two Gods or Beginnings the one good whereof came good things the other euill whence proceeded euill things 5. The same Manichies and Priscillianists which did affirme man to haue bin the workemanship not of God but of the Deuill 6. The Familie of Loue who deliuer that God by them made heauen and earth 7. The Papists who giue out how sacrificing Priests are the Creators of Christ Of the latter sort were The Stoike Philosophers and the Manichies who are the great patrones of Destinie Fate and Fortune The Familie of Loue which may not say God saue any thing for they affirme that all things be ruled by nature and not ordered by God The old Philosophers who thought that inferior things were too base for God to be carefull of And lastly the Epicures who thinke God is idle and gouerneth not the same Of which minde was Cyprian who held that God hauing created the world did commit the gouerment thereof vnto certaine celestial powers 3. Proposition In the Vnitie of the Godhead there is a Trinitie of persons The proofe from Gods word THe Scripture saith In the beginning God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost created the heauen and the earth By 1 the word of the 2 Lord were the heauens made and all the host of them by the 3 Breath of his mouth Loe the heauens were opened vnto 1 him and Iohn sawe 2 the Spirit of God descending like a Doue and lighting vpon him and loe a voice from heauen saying This is 3 my beloued Sonne in whome I am well pleased Because yee are sonnes 1 God hath sent forth 2 the Spirit of his 3 Sonne into your heartes which crieth Abba Father saith the Apostle and againe The grace of 1 our Lord Iesus Christ and the loue 2 of God and the communion of the 3 holy Ghost be with you all And S. Iohn There are three which beare record in heauen 1 The Father 2 the word and 3 the holy Ghost and these three are one This truth hath alwaies bin and serously is confessed in the church of Christ. Errors adversaries vnto this truth Then cursed are all opinions of men contrarie herevnto whereof Some denied the Trinitie affirming there is one God but not three persons in the Godhead so did the Montanists and Marcellians and so doe the Iewes and Turkes Some as the Gnostikes Marcionites and Valentinians affirme there be moe Gods then one and yet not three persons nor of one and the same nature but of a diuers and contrarie disposition Some thinke there be three Gods or spirits not distinguished onely but diuided also as did the Ennomeans and Trethectes Some feare not to say that in worshiping the Trinitie Christians doe adore three Deuils worse then all the idols of the Papists such blasphemers were the Heretikes Blandrat and Alciat Some will
haue a Quaternitie of persons not a Trinitie to be worshipped so did Anastasius the Emperour command the Apollinarians did hold Some doe graunt and acknowledge the names of three in the God-head but denie their persons such were the Noëtians Praxeneans and Hermogenians This did say how the same God was called by diuers names in the holy Scripture and therefore that the Father became flesh and suffered because one and the same God is called the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost For which cause they were tearmed Patripassians In this number was Sernetus Againe some doe grant the names and persons of three and yet depriue not onely the Sonne and holy Ghost of their diuinitie but the whole Trinitie also of their properties For they say there be three in heauen viz. the Father the Word and holy Ghost howbeit say they the Father onely is very God the word is the breath of the Father and the holy Ghost is the spirit created by God of nothing through the word spoiling so both the Sonne and holy Ghost of their deitie and the whole Trinitie of their properties Such were the Arrian and Macedonian heretikes hence by-named Pneumatomachons because they waged battel with the holy Ghost And some doe bring in other names of deitie besides of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost as did the Priscilianists 2. Article Of the word of God which was made very man The Sonne which is 1 the word of the Father begotten from euer-lasting of the Father the verie and eternall God of one substance with the Father 2 tooke mans nature in the wombe of the blessed virgine of her substance so that 3 two whole and perfect natures that is to say the God-head and man-hood were ioyned in one person neuer to be diuided where-of is one Christ very God and verie man ● who suffered was crucified dead and buried to reconcile his Father to vs and to be a Sacrifice not onely for originall guilt but also for all actuall sinnes of men The propositions 1. Christ is very God 2. Christ is very man 3. Christ is God and man and that in one person 4. Christ is the Sauiour of mankinde 1. Proposition Christ is very God The proofe from Gods word IN the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and that Word was God This is written of Christ. Therefore Christ is God Christ was begotten of the Father from euerlasting Therefore verie God This is life eternall that they knowe thee to be verie God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ They shal call his name Emanuel which is by interpretation God with vs Christ he is the brightnes of the glorie and the engraued image of the Father his person and beareth vp all things by his mightie hand Therefore verie God And this both hath bin of the auncient Christians and is the Faith of the reformed Churches The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Miserably therefore doe they erre which either denie or impugne the deitie of our Sauiour as did certaine old heretikes viz. The Arrians whereof some were called the Douleians because in scorne they tearmed the onely begotten of God the Fathers seruant The Cerinthians The Ebionites among whome some said that Christ Iesus was a meere man others acknowledged him to be God but not from euerlasting The Eunomians The Samosatenians who thought that Christ was not the Sonne of God before his incarnation The Nestorians whose opinion was that Christ became God by merit but was not God by nature The Macedonians which vtterly denied the Sonne to be of one substance with the Father The Agnoites who held that the diuine nature of Christ was ignorant of some things Againe some late heretikes euen to the death neuer would acknowledge Christ Iesus to be the true and verie God as namely Certaine Catabaptists Blandrat Matthew Hamant burnt at Norwitch an 1579. one of whose heresies was that Christ was a meere and sinnefull man Francis Ket burnt also at Norwitch an 1588. who most obstinatelie maintained that Christ was not God til after his resurrection Dauid George sometime of Basil who affirmed himselfe to be greater for power then euer Christ was In oppugning the deitie of our Sauiour with these heretikes ioyne the Iewes and Turkes which say that Christ was a good man such as Moses and Mahomet were but not God Hence Amurath the great Turke in his letters vnto the Emp. Rodolph the second an 1593. tearmed our Sauiour in derision The crucified God vnto whome may be added the Familie of Loue 2. Proposition Christ is very man The proofe from Gods word HOlding the humanitie of Christ wee ioyne with the blessed Prophets and Euangelists who either prophecied of his future incarnation and conception in the wombe of a virgine or plainely auouched and writ both that the virgine Marie was his mother and that as verie man he grewe and increased in strength endured hunger and thirst wept and slept and suffered death Hence the auncient Fathers and Christians I beleeue in God the Father almightie c. and in Iesus Christ c. which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgine Mary suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried The right faith is that we beleeue and confesse that our Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of God is God and man God of the substance of the Father begotten before the world and man of the substance of his mother borne in the world Perfect God and perfect man of a reasonable soule and humane flesh subsisting Equal to the Father as touching his Godhead and inferiour to the Father touching his manhood I beleeue in one God the Father almightie c. and in one Lord Iesus Christ c. who for vs men and for our saluation came downe from heauen and was incarnate by the holy Ghost of the virgine Marie and was made man c The verie same testifie Gods people in Heluetia Basil Bohemia the Lowe countries France Ausburgh Wittemberg Suevia with many moe besides The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Therefore most wicked were the opinions of those men which held viz. that 1. Christ really and indeed had neither bodie nor soule but was man in appearance onely as the Manichies the Eutychians the Marcionites and the Saturnians 2. Christ had a bodie without a soule as thought the Eunomians the Arrians the Apollinarians with the Theopaschites 3. Christ tooke not flesh of the virgine Marie so did the Valentinians thinke and so thinke the Anabaptists and the Familie of Loue who make an allegorie of the Incarnation of Christ 4. Christ tooke flesh onely of the virgine but no soule as the Arrians 5. Christ tooke flesh not
of the virgine onely but by the seede of man too so said Ebion and Carpocrates 6. The flesh of Christ was spirituall and his soule carnal so dreamed the Valentinians 7. The carnal bodie of Christ was consubstantial with the Father as published the Apollinarians 8. The humane nature of Christ before his passion was deuoide of humane affections so thought the Seuerites 3. Proposition Christ is God and man and that in one person The proofe from Gods word THat the Diuine and humane natures of Christ are vnited in one person it accordeth with the holy Scripture For The worde was made flesh and dwelt among vs and wee sawe the glorie thereof as the glorie of the onely begotten of the Father full of grace and truth saith the Euangelist Iohn And Matthew Iesus when he was baptized c. loe a voice came from heauen saying This is my beloued Sonne in whome I am well pleased He that descended is euen the same that ascended farre aboue all heauens that he might fill all things saith S. Paul Againe Christ Iesus being in the forme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God he made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruant and was made like vnto men and was found in shape as a man c. wherefore God hath also highly exalted him c. that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glorie of God the Father And the same Apostle There is one God and one mediator betweene God and man euen the man Christ Iesus who gaue himselfe a ransome for all men Vpon these and the like grounds I beleeue in God the Father almightie c. and in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgine Mary The right faith is that wee beleeue and confesse that our Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of God is God and man c. who although he be God and man yet he is not two but one Christ. One not by the conuersion of the Godhead into flesh but by taking of the manhood vnto God One altogether not by confusion of substance but by vnitie of person I beleeue in one Lord Iesus Christ the onely begotten sonne of God begotten of the Father before all worldes God of God light of light very God of very God begotten not made beeing of one substance with the Father by whome all things were made Who for vs men c. came downe from heauen and was incarnate c. He suffered and was buried c. and he shall come againe c say the ancient and first Christians The very same is the beleefe and confession of all the reforformed Churches at this present and alwaies hath bin Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Detestable therefore is the error Of the Acephalians who denied the properties of the two natures in Christ Of the Seuerites of Eutiches and Dioscorus who affirmed the diuinitie and humanitie of Christ to be of one and the same nature Of the Monothelites who denied that two wils viz. a diuine and humane were in Christ Of Theodorus Mesechius who said that the word was one thing and Christ another Of Nestorius who denied the two natures of Christ to be otherwise vnited than one freind is ioyned to another which onely is in good will and affection Of Seruetus who said of Christ that he was the patterne of all things and but a figure of the Sonne of God and that the body of Christ was compact of three vncreated elements and so confounded and ouerthrewe both natures 4. Proposition Christ is the Sauiour of mankinde The proofe from Gods word Christ to be the Sauiour of mankinde we finde it perspicuously in the holy Scripture which teacheth vs that Christ was crucified dead and buried and that to reconcile his Father vnto vs and to be a Sacrifice for all sinnes of men Hence I beleeue the forgiuenes of sinne He suffered for our saluation For vs men and for our saluation he came downe from heauen say our forefathers in their confessions as doe also our brethren through-out Christendome Errors and aduersaries vnto this truth Wicked then are all opinions and assertions contrarying crossing this truth as That the Father in his deitie not the Sonne in his humanity did suffer which error the Patripassians did hold That Christ aswell in his diuinitie as in his humanitie suffered for mankind an error of Apollinaris of old and of Islebius and Andreas Musculus of late yeares That the whole and holy Trinitie was crucified as said Petrus Antiochenus That Christ really and indeed hung not on the crosse for his passion was in showe onely said the Cerdonites the Euticheans and the Manicheans and another man said the Theopaschits and Basilides yea the very Deuils and not Christ said the Manichies suffered and hung on the crosse That the whole passion of Christ is to be vnderstood allegorically and not according to the letter as the Familie of Loue doe thinke That Christ on the Crosse hath suffered 1 for the redemption of mankinde and shall suffer againe for the saluation of the Deuills such heretikes there haue bin 2 as Iesus but shal againe suffer as Iesus Christ which was one of Francis Ket his heresies for which he was burned 3 for men but one mother Iane is the Sauiour of women a most execrable assertion of Postellus the Iesuite The fantasies of the Iacobites and Turkes The popish doctrine touching the Masse praiers vnto Saintes Pardons and Purgatorie which make the passion of Christ either of none effect or to put away but originall sinne onely That albeit our Sauiour hath suffered for all men in generall yet both each man must suffer for himselfe in particular and the workes of one man may satisfie the iustice of God for another which are popish errors That Christ died not for the sinns of all men and that some sinnes are so filthie and enormous as Christ his blood vpon true repentance of the delinquents part cannot wash them away which was Kains Fr. Spiras and other desperate persons error That whatsoeuer is written touching Christ his sufferings must in vs and with vs be fulfilled the false doctrine of H.N. 3. Article Of the going downe of Christ into Hell As Christ died for vs and was buried so also it is to be beleeued that he went downe into Hell The Proposition Christ went downe into Hell The proofe from Gods word SVndrie be the texts of Scripture for Christ his descension into Hell Mine heart was glad saith Dauid a figure of Christ my glorie reioyced my flesh also shall rest in hope For why Thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell O Lord my
God I cried vnto thee and thou hast healed mee Thou Lord hast brought my soule out of Hell I will thanke thee ô Lord my God with all my heart will praise thy name for euermore For great is thy mercie towards mee thou hast deliuered my soule frō the nethermost hell In that he ascended what is it but that he had also descended first into the lowest parts of the earth He that descended is euen the same that ascended farre aboue all heauens that he might fill all things O death where is thy sting O hell where is this victorie Also that Christ went downe into Hell all sound Christians both in former daies and now liuing doe acknowledge howbeit in the interpretation of the article there is not that consent as were to be wished some holding that Christ descended into Hel. 1. As God onely and not man as they doe which say how Christ descended powerfully and effectually but not personally into hell and that the deitie exhibited it selfe as it were present in the infernall parts to the terror of the deuill and other damned spirits 2. As the man onely and that as some thinke in body onely as when death as it were preuailed ouer him lying in the graue as others deeme in Soule onely when he went vnto the place of the reprobate to the increasing of their torments 3. As God and man in one person as they do which affirme that Christ in bodie and soule went some thinke as it were into Hell when vpon the Crosse and els where he suffered the terrors and torments prophecied of Esay 53. v. 6.10 Psal. 116. v. 2. and mentioned Matth. 26. v. 38. or 27. v. 46. Luk. 22. v. 42. some say euen into Hell the verie place destinied for the Reprobate which he entred into the very moment of his Resurrection at which time hee shewed and declared himselfe a most glorious conqueror both of death and Hell the most powerfull enemies Errors adversaries vnto this truth But till wee know the natiue and vndoubted sense of this article and mysterie of religion persist wee adversaries vnto thē which say That Christ descended not into hell at all calling this article an error and a fable as Carlile doth That Christ beeing dead descended into the place of euerlasting torments where in soule he indured for a time the very paines which the damned spirits without intermission doe abide Bannisters error That Christ aliue vpon the crosse humbled himselfe Vsque ad inferni tremenda tormenta euen vnto the dreadfull torments of hell endured for a time those torments quales reprobi in aeternū sensuri sunt which the reprobates shall euerlastingly suffer in hell euen despaired of Gods mercie finding God at this time Non Patrem sed Tyrennum no a Father but a Tyran and ouercame Despaire by despaire death by death hell by hell and Satan by Satan suffered actually All the torments of hell for our redemption and descended into the heauiest torments that Hell could yeeld suffered the torments of hell The second death Abiection from God and was made a cursse that is had the bitter anguish of Gods wrath in his soule and body which is the fire that shall neuer be quenched That Christ personally in Soule went downe into Lake Lymbo to fetch from thence as Canisius to loose from thēce as Vaux he saith the soules of our forefathers which afore his death as the Papists dreame were shut vp in the close prison of Hell That Christ by his descension hath quite turned Hell into Paradise Costerus the Iesuits error 4. Article Of the Resurrection of Christ. Christ did truly 1 arise againe from death and tooke againe his bodie with flesh bones and all things appertaining to the perfection of mans nature 2 wherewith he ascended into heauen and there sitteth 3 vntill he returne to iudge all men at the last day The propositions 1. Christ is risen from the dead 2. Christ is ascended into heauen 3. Christ shall come again at the last day to iudge all men euen the quick and the dead 1. Proposition Christ is risen from the dead The profe from Gods word THe resurrection of Christ may easily be prooued from the holy Scriptures in which it is euident first that Christ should and next that hee did rise from death vnto life both by his appearing to Marie Magdalene to diuers women to two to tenne to all the disciples f to moe then 500. brethren at once to sundry persons by the space of 40 daies together and by the testimonie also of the Apostles Peter Paul A truth both beleeued and acknowledged by Gods people from age to age Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Vtterly false then and vnchristian is the opinion of those men Which vtterly denie the resurrection of any flesh as did the Sadduces the false Apostles Simon Magus and the Manichies Which would acknowledge no resurrection of Christ as would not nor will the Iewes nor heretike Hamant nor Dauid Georg one of whose errors was that the flesh of Christ was dissolued into ashes and so rose no more which affirme as did Cerinthus that Christ shall rise againe but yet is not risen Which say how our Sauiour after his resurrection was so deified as he reteined no more the parts and properties of his bodie and soule nor the vnion of both natures but is meerely God So thought the Schwenkfeldians Which take the Resurrection of Christ to be but an allegorie and no true and certaine historie as doe the Familie of Loue 2. Proposition Christ is ascended into heauen The proofe from Gods word In saying how Christ with his bodie is ascended into heauen and there sitteth and abideth we doe agree with the Prophets Euangelists and Apostles with the ancien fathers and Gods people our brethren throughout all Christendome Errors and adversaries vnto this truth But we altogether dissent From Hamant the English heretike which denied the ascension of Christ Also from Ket the heretike and Apostata which likewise denied our Sauiours asscension affirming that his humane nature is not in heauen but in Iudaea gathering a Church and people Also from the Germane Vbiquitaries and Papists they saying that Christ as man is not onely in heauen but in earth too at this instant wheresoeuer the deitie is these affirming the humane nature of Christ is wheresoeuer the Sacrament of the Altar is administred Also from the Montanists Cataphrygians and Carpocratians who held how Christ not in body but in soule ascended into heauen From the papists who say that Christ ascending into heauen carried with him the soules which he loosed from captiuitie and bondage of the deuill euen the soules of the righteous afore that time were not in heauen
Mosaicall decalogue is naturall morall and perpetuall is their doctrine 4. Proposition The Iudiciall lawes of the Iewes are not necessarily to be receiued or established in any Common wealth The profe from Gods word The truth hereof appeareth by the Apostles decree which sheweth wherevnto onely the primitiue church necessarily was tied By the Apostles doctrine which enioyneth Christians to yeeld obediēce vnto the ordināces of their lawfull gouerners and commanders whosoeuer By the Apostles example and namely of the blessed S. Paul who tooke benefit and made good vse of the Romane and Emperiall lawes Adversaries vnto this truth This truth neither is nor euer was oppugned by any Church Only among our selues some thinke vs necessarily tied vnto all the Iudicials of Moses as the Brownists For they say The lawes Iudiciall of Moses belong as well vnto Christians as they did vnto the Iewes Others that wee are bound though not vnto all yet vnto some of the Iudicialls as holdeth T.C. and Philip Stubs 5. Proposition No Christian man whosoeuer is freed from the obedience of the law Morall The proofe from Gods word Thinke not that I am come to destroy the Lawe or the Prophets I am not come to destroy them but to fulfill them For truly I say vnto you saith our Sauiour Christ till heauen and earth perish one iot or one title of the law shall not scape till all things be fulfilled whosoeuer therefore shall breake one of these least commandements and teach men so shall be called the least in the kingdome of heauen c If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandements c. Thou shalt nor kill thou shalt not commit adulterie thou shalt not steale thou shalt not beare false witnesse Honour thy father and thy mother Doe wee make the lawe of none effect through faith God forbid yea we establish the Lawe Circumcision is nothing and vncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the Commandements of God The publike confessions of the Churches of God in France and Belgia agree with this Doctrine The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Whereby are condemned as most wicked and vnsond the opinions Of the Manichies who found fault with the whole Lawe of God as wicked and prooceeding not from the true God but from the Prince of darkenes Of Brownist Glouer whose opinion was that Loue now is come in the place of the tenne commandements Of Iohannes Islebius and his followers the Antinonies who will not haue Gods lawe to be preached nor the consciences of sinners to be terrified and troubled with the iudgements of God Of Banister among our selues who held how it is vtterly euill for the Elect so much as to thinke much lesse to speake or heare of the feare of God which the Law preacheth 8. Article Of the three Creedes 1 The three Creedes Nicene creede Athanasius creede and that which is commonly called the Apostles creede ought thoroughly to be receiued and beleeued For 2 they may be prooued by most certaine warrants of holy Scripture The propositions 1. The Nicen Athanasian and Apostolicall Creedes ought to be receiued and beleeued 2. The three creedes viz. the Ni. Athan. and of the Apostles may be prooved by the holy Scripture 1. Proposition The Nicen Athanasian and Apostolicall Creedes ought to be receiued and beleeued THis Proposition the Churches of God both aunciently and in these daies doe acknowledge for true The adversaries vnto this truth Therefore much out of the way of Godlinesse are they which tearme the Apostles Creede A forged patcherie as Barrowe doth and Athanasius Sathanasius creede so did Gregorius Paulus in Polouia and in the newe Arrians and Nestorians in Lituania My selfe some ●8 yeares agoe heard a great learned man whose name vpon an other occasion afore is expressed to whose acquaintance I was artificially brought which in private conference betweene him and my selfe tearmed worthy Zanchius a Foole an Asse from his booke de tribus Elohim which refuteth the newe Arrians against whose sounders the Creedes of Athanasius and Nicene were deuised Him attentiuely I heard but could neuer since abide for those wordes in deede I neuer sawe him since 2. Proposition The three Creedes viz. the Ni. Athan. and of the Apostles may be prooued by the holy Scripture The proofe from Gods word Than this assertion nothing is more true For the Creedes I meane these three Creedes speake first Of one and the same God whom wee are to beleeue is for essence but one in persons three viz. the Father the Creator the Sonne the Redeemer the holy Ghost the sanctifier Next of the people of God which we must thinke and beleeue is The holy and Catholike Church The communion of Saints Pardoned of all their sinnes And appointed to arise from death and to enioy eternall life both in body and soule Aduersaries vnto this truth Therefore wee are enemies to all adversaries of this doctrine or any whit of the same in them comprised whether they be Atheists Iewes Sadduces Ebionites Tretheites Antitrinitarains Apollinarians Arrians Manichies Nestorians Origenians Turkes Papists Familists Anabaptists or whosoeuer 9. Article Of Originall or Birth sinne 1 Originall sinne standeth not in the follwing of Adam as the Pelagians doe vainely talke but 2 it is the fault corruption of the nature of euery man that naturally is engendred of the offspring of Adam whereby man is very far gone from originall righteousnesse and is inclined to evill so that the flesh lusteth against the spirit and therefore in euery person borne into the world it deserueth Gods wrath and damnation 3 And this infection of nature doth remaine yea in them that are regenerated whereby the lust of the flesh called in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 VVhich some doe expound the wisedome some the Sensuallitie some the affection some the desire of the flesh is not subiect to the law of God And although there is no condemnation for them that beleeue and are baptised yet the apostle doth confesse that 4 Concupiscence and Lust hath of it selfe the nature of sinne The propositions 1. There is Originall sinne 2. Originall sinne is the fault and corruption of the nature of euery man c. 3. Originall sinne remaineth in God his deere children 4. Concupiscence euen in the regenerate is sinne 1. Proposition There is Originall sinne The proofe from Gods word In the holy Scripture we finde of Originall sinne the cause the subiect and the effects the cause thereof is Adams fall partly by the subtill suggestions of the deuill partly through his owne freewill and the propagation of Adam his corrupted nature vnto his seede and posteritie Except a man be borne againe he cannot see the kingdom of God saith our Sauiour Christ As by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death
pretiosissimo sanguine dignetur vos à paenis liberare inter choros suorum sanctorum angelorum collocare ibique nostri memores suppliciter exorare vt vobis associemur vobiscum in coelis coronemur Innocentius Papa 2. concessit cuilibet qui hanc orationē sequentem deuotè dixerit 4000. millia annorum indulgentiarum Aue vulnus lateris nostri saluatoris c. Quicunque deuote dixerit istam orationem habebit 3000. dierum indulgentiarum criminalium peccatorum 20000. millia dierum venialium à Domino Iohanne papa 22. concessarum vt in Autidatorio an●●ae habetur Quicunque orationem sequentem deuotè d●●cerit premerebitur 11000. annorum indulgentiarum c. Aue Domina sancta Maria mater dei regina coeli porta paridisi Domina mundi lux sempiterna imperatrix inferni c. Ora pro me Iesum Christum dilectum filium t●●um lib●ra me ab omnibus malis ora pro peccatis meis Amen Whosoeuer being in the state of grace shall deuoutly say the seuen prayers ensuing with seauen Our Fathers and as many Haile Maries afore the image of Pietie shall thereby merit 56. thousand yeares of Pardons Pope Iohn the 12. hath granted to all persons which going through the churchyard doe say the prayer following so many yeeares of pardons as there haue bin bodies buried since it was a Churchyard The prayer for the dead Haile all faithfull soules whose bodies here and euery where doe rest in the dust The Lord Iesus who hath redeemed you and vs with his most pretious blood vouchsafe to deliuer you from paines and to place you in the companie of his holy Angells and there beeing mindefull of vs meekely to pray that wee may both be ioyned vnto you and crowned with you in the heauens Pope Innocent the 2. hath granted to euery one which deuoutly shall say this prayer following 4000. yeares of pardons Haile wound of our Sauiours side c. Whosoeuer deuoutly shall say this praier shall haue 3000. daies pardons of criminall sinnes and 20000. daies of veniall offenses granted by the Lord Pope Iohn the 22. as it is to be read in the Antidatorie of the soule Whosoeuer deuotly wil say the praier following shal merit thereby 11000. yeares of pardons Haile Lady saint Mary mother of God Queene of heauen the Gate of paradise the Lady of the world the Light eternall the Empresse of hell c. Pray vnto thy belooued sonne Iesus Christ for mee and deliuer mee from all euils pray for my sinnes Amen 3. Proposition The Romish doctrine concerning Images is fonde and not warranted by the holy Scriptures nor consonant but contrarie vnto the same The proofe from the word of God Images are such an abomination to the Lord as to make them among all men odious he describeth the vanitie of them by his Prophets as that they are the doctrine of vanitie The worke of Errors the teachers of lies siluer and gold the worke of mens hands Vanitie they haue a mouth and speake not eies and see not eares and heare not hands and touch not feete and walke not 2. Hee giueth a strait commandement Not to bow downe to them nor worship them nor to make them to flie from them yea to destroy both the images themselues the Idolaters and the Enticers vnto Idolattie 3. Hee commendeth greatly and praiseth such men as haue destroyed Images and not bowed vnto Idols 4. Hee finally curseth the Images the Image makers and the Image seruers or worshippers Hereunto with vs the Protestant Churches euery where doe subscribe The adversaries vnto this truth The Romish church most fondly and contrary to the word of God doth allow and not onely allow but publikely erect not onely erect but adore not onely adore Images but doth accurse and more then so condemne to the fire yea to hell fire as heretikes such persons as will not worshippe Images and the Images to which is most abhominable Of God himselfe euen of God the Father and that in the likenes of an old man with a long white Beard of the Sonne in the Similitude of a man hanging on rhe Crosse of the holy Ghost in the shape of a Doue of the wholy holy and incomprehensible Trinitie with three Faces in one head Also of God his creatures as of Angels alwaies with wings sometimes with a paire of ballance as S. Michael of men as of Moses as it were with hornes the Apostles with round orbes on their heades like Trenchers the blessed virgin with frisled haire and costly garments And of other base things as Agnus deis of waxe wafer cakes of flower Crosses of gold siluer stone wood paper copper c. 4. Proposition The Romish doctrine concerning Reliques is fond and not warranted by the holy Scriptures nor consonant but contrary vnto the same The proofe from Gods word Of all the erroneous opinions among the Papists which are infinite none is more to the illusion of wel meaning Christians then their doctrine concerning worshipping and adoratiō of the reliques of Saints A doctrine which is so farre from being found as it is forbidden in the holy Scripture and a doctrine in the purer times and writers of the Chureh no where to be found and in all the best Churches at this day vtterly condemned Adversaries vnto this truth Such notwithstanding is the Satanicall boldnes of the Antichristian synagogue of Rome that as they will delude men with the reliques of Saints which are not such so likewise they teach the people which is most offensiue and execrable to giue diuine adoration and honour vnto them Hence is it that some doe pray vnto S. Benet whose Reliques they had stolne O Benedict after God our onely hope leaue vs not orphanes who art come hither not through our merits but for the saluation of many soules Others haue published that the Bodies of Saints and specially the Reliques of the blessed Martyrs are with all sincerity to be honoured as the members of Christ c. If any denie this conclusion hee is to be thought not a christian but an Eunomian and Vigilantian The Councell of Trent also hath decreed that they are to be taken for damned which affirme how worship and honour is not to be giuen vnto the Reliques of Saints Of this preposterous deuotion they haue appointed a certaine and common seruice for the holy Crosse whereon Christ was hanged they haue made a feast for the speare and Nailes wherewith Christ was fastened to the Crosse they haue canonized for a Saint the chaines which bound S. Peters To say nothing of the adoration they giue vnto the Haire Milke Smocke of the blessed virgin vnto the Head Haire Thombe Coate of S. Ihon Baptist vnto the breeches of Ioseph the sword and Handkercheife of S. Paul the Keies of S. Peter and vnto many other things