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A08598 The harmonie of Holie Scriptures vvith the seuerall sentences of sundry learned and vvorthy vvriters : collected for the comfort of all such as are desirous to seeke after theyr soules health / by I.B. Bentley, James. 1600 (1600) STC 1891.5; ESTC S1177 217,904 567

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heauen glorified hee is able by his owne power to raise vp all those that be his members from death For his Resurrection euen vnto the dead Bernard is life to the Saints glory and to sinners mercie And like as when a man is cast into the Chrisostome Sea hauing all his body vnder the vvater and that there is nothing to be looked for but present death yet if hee carry his head aboue the water the●e is good hope of his recouerie so Christ himselfe though hee were dead and buried in the graue is risen againe as a sure pledge that all the iust shal likewise rise againe For hee is the head● vnto his Church and therefore all his members must needes follow him in they● time §. 2. The resurrection of our Sauiour Christ Augustine saith S. Augustine vv●s long since pre●●gured in our first Father Ada● For as he rising from his sleepe did know Eue to ●e flesh of his flesh so Christ rising from ●is death by the wound of his side acknovvledged his Church And his resurrection is sufficiently ●uailable Augustine for all them that beleeue in him for by the same power whereby he raised himselfe he raiseth all his members and therefore he is called a quickning Spirit Besides it was most needfull that Christ Ambrose our Sauiour shoulde rise againe after his death for these three causes following First that he might thereby shewe to all the people of God that he had fully ouercome death Secondly Christ vvhich died vvas the sonne of GOD therefore the Authour of life it selfe and for this cause it was neyther meete nor possible for him to be holden of death but needes he must rise from death Thirdly Christ his Priest-hood consisteth of two parts one to make satis●faction for sinne which he per●●●ted by his one onely sacrifice vpon the Crosse the other to apply through the secrete working of his holy Spirite the vertue of this sacrifice to euery one that beleeueth in him vvhich could not be vnlesse hee had risen againe from the dead §. 1. CHrist our Sauiour hauing once offered himselfe a sufficient sacrifice vnto his Father for our sinnes sitteth as the Apostle saith for * euer at the right hand of Heb 10 12 13. God and from hence-forth tarrieth vntill his enemies be made his footestoole For vvith one offering hath hee made verse 14 perfit for euer them that are sanctified Yea be is now at the right hand of God 1 Pet 3 22 gone into heauen and to him the Angels powers and might are subdued Also when hee ascended vp on hi● hee Ephe 4 8 ledde captiuitie captiue gaue gifts vnto men Hee gaue some to be Apostles some to Ephe 4 11 12 13. be Prophets some to be E●angelists and some to be Pastours and Teachers for the gathering together of the Saints for the worke of the Ministerie and for the edification of the body of Christ till vvee all meete together in the vnitie of fayth and knowledge of the sonne of GOD vnto a perfit man §. 2. Christ saith S. Ierome is ascended into Ierome heauen and sitteth at the right hand of the Father the same nature of flesh wherein he was borne suffered and rose againe remaining still For the substance of his humaine nature vvas not done avvay but glorified Wherefore vvee must beleeue that although Cyrill Christ be absent from vs as concerning his body yet by his diuine power he gouerneth vs and all things and is euermore present with all the faithfull according as himselfe hath promised euen * vntill Math. 28. 20 the end of the world For like as when he was conuersant here Cyrill on earth as man yet then he filled heauen and did not leaue the company of Angels euen so beeing nowe in heauen with his flesh yet he filleth the earth and dwelleth in all them that loue him So that he is with vs not with vs for Virgilius those whom he left and went from as concerning his humanitie those he left not nor forsooke them not as touching his diuinitie For as touching the forme of a seruaunt which hee tooke away from vs into heauen he is absent from vs but by the forme of God which goeth not from vs he is alwayes present with vs in earth And neuerthelesse both present and absent he is all one Christ §. 3. Christ by his ascention saith S. Augustine Augustine hath like a noble Captaine taken sinne and ●athan prisoners and hath pinioned thē fast so that all the power which they heeretofore had is nowe in Christes hand And this benefite likewise comes vnto Augustine vs by his ascention that he is ascended not onely to rest personally in heauen himselfe but also to prepare a place of endlesse felicitie for as many as shall beleeue in him And that hee might the better by his ascention Ambrose take away al excuses frō them that will not seeke his king dome hee hath se●●e markes and boundes in the way and hath placed guides in it namely his Ministers to shew all passengers a straight and ready course vnto the kingdome of God Nay more euen with his owne bloode Ierome hee hath vouchsafed to trayne the way for vs to the kingdome of heauen and hath there made a perpetuall purchase for vs requiring nothing of vs but that we would come to possesse the place which he hath already payd for §. 4. VVee reade saith S. Bernard that no Bernard man ascendeth vp to heauen but hee that came downe from heauen What shall we doe then shall we despaire Nay rather by this saith hee our hope is made stronger for although Christ onely ascend yet rest we fully assured that euery part of him goeth with him for a bone of him shall not be broken and the heade in Gods kingdom is not found without the members Thou therefore which fearest death remember Ierome that Christ is gone into heauen to prepare a place for thy bodie● vvhere it must be glorified and liue for euer vvith the blessed Trinitie all the holy Saints and beautifull Angels though for a while it lie dead ●ot in the earth For as sure as Christ our Captaine is ascended Beza into heauen in mans nature so certainly shall all we that are his members by his almightie power be likewise receiued into heauen in the same nature wherein he is ascended §. 5. What shall wee then say to these things Rom. 8 31 32. If GOD be on our side vvho can be against vs Who spared not his own sonne but gaue him for vs all to death how shall he not with him giue vs all things also Who shall lay any thing to the charge of verse 33. 34 Gods chosen It is GOD that iustifieth who shall condemne It is Christ vvhich is dead yea or rather vvhich is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God
and art comforted all that see my good intent and there-with are pleased First his blessed Name be honoured thy comfort daily increased all our saiths for euer through Iesus Christ established Thine I. B. ❧ The contents of the whole booke following 1. OF God that he is great in power rich in mercie slowe to anger iust in iudgement righteous in all his wayes and wonderfull in all his works 2. What Man is by nature how short and vncertaine the dayes of his life are And how sure it is that after this life ended we must all appeare before the Iudgement seate of God to receiue euery one according as his works shall be 3. Of Christ why he came and what profit we haue by his Death Resurrection and Ascention 4. Of Faith Feare and Loue beeing three principall vertues necessarilie belonging to euery true Christian. 5. What the will desire of Almighty God is concerning men and how louinglie he admonisheth euery one to come to repentance promising mercy forgiuenesse to all those that amend 6. What manner of seruice is required of vs during this life both towards God and our Neighbour 7. Of trouble and affliction whereby God trieth the harts of all those that faithfully feare and loue him 8. Of the manifold benefites of God bestowed vpon the godly heere in this life with the promises of their euerlasting felicitie in the world to come 9. Of the heauie wrath of God against the wicked and vngodly heere in this world with the threatnings of their eternall torments in the world to come ❧ The Names of all the Authors mentioned in this Booke Christian Authours SAint Ambrose S. Augustine S. Ierome S. Chrisostome S. Gregory Clem. Alexandri Epiphanius Hillarius Origen Cyprian Cyrill Isidorus Basill Beda Anselmus Bernard Erasmus Constantius Vincentius Lactantius Ignatius Tertullian Theophilactus Ireneus Iusti. Martyr Cassianus Cassiodorus Eugenius Euagoras Fulgentius Fulgotius Luther Pet. Ramus Marlorate Plotinus Pacuuius Caluine Lyra. Boetius Virgilius Orosius Rauisius Pet. Lombardus Polion Maxentius Carolus Magnus Sigismundus Arnobius Anth. Gueuara Bullenger Leo. Aeneus Siluius Pet. Martyr Phil. Melancthō Martin Bucer Hemingius Becon Osorius Beza Granado Iunius Tremelius Vrsinus Heathen Philosophers SOcrates Plato Hermes Plutarch Pythagoras Solon Cicero Macrobius Cleobulus Seneca Crates Thales Chilo Bias Menander Protogenes Antisthenes Anaxagoras Heraclitus Pyndarus Marcus Aurelius Gallen Hipocrates Alex. Seuerus Euripides Aristides Demonax Valerius Max. Dion Theophrastus Salust Quintilian Zenophon Isocrates Xenocrates Diogenes Aristotle Anacharsis Herodotus Thucidides ❧ Faultes escaped Page 14 line 4 for setteh reade setteth Page 39 line 4 for wondefull read wonderfull Page 63 line 25 for or God read our God Page 265 line 28 for that that it read that it Page 352 line 17 for body read belly Page 500 line 25 for misciefe read mischiefe Page 512 li. 20 for imagination read imaginations ❧ The Harmonie of holie Scriptures ¶ Of God that hee is great in power rich in mercy ●●ow to anger iust in iudgement righteous in all his waies and wonderfull in all his workes VISDOM 15. verse 3. For to know GOD is perfect righteousnesse and to knowe his power is the roote of immortalitie Of God c. §. 1. MOyses the seruaunt of the liuing GOD after hee had seene many miracles and vvrought diuers vvonders through Diuine assistance before the face of Pharao King of Egipt and the children of Israel in the vvildernes talking on a time familiarly with his Maker amongst many other petitions humbly Exo 33. 18 besought the Lord to ●hew him his glorie Wherevnto the Almightie returned this 〈…〉 swere saying Thou canst not see my Exo 33 20. 〈…〉 or there shall no man see mee liue No man saith S. Iohn hath seene God Iohn 1 18 at any time the onely begotten Son which is in the bosome of the Father he hath declared him No man knoweth the Son saith Christ Math 11 27 but the Father neither knoweth anie man the Father but the Sonne and he to whom the Sonne will reueale him §. 2. What man hath seene GOD th●t the Ecclꝰ 43 31 might tell vs saith the Wiseman o● who can magnifie him as hee is Who shall declare * vnto vs the power of his greatnes Ecclus 18 4 or vvho will take vpon him to tell ou● his mercie Canst thou saith Zophar vnto Iob by Iob 11 7 8 9 searching finde out God Canst t●ou find out the Almightie to his perfection The Heauens are hie saith he what canst thou doe It is deeper thē Hell how canst thou knowe it The measure thereof is longer then the Earth and it is broader then the Sea By which kinde of questioning the holie man seemeth to tell vs that if we be not able to comprehend the height of heauen the depth of hell the length of the ea 〈…〉 or the bredth of the sea which are but 〈…〉 tures it wil be much more vnpossible for vs to vnderstand the perfection of the Creator which is God himselfe For hee as Sirach rightly saith is * aboue all his workes Ecclꝰ 43 28 §. 3. Salomon as we reade of him was the richest man in wisedome that euer liued and one that gaue his minde to knowe as much as man might know yet could he not by all his diligence come neere the perfection of the Almightie but plainely euen in his Booke of Wisdome confesseth both his owne and all other mens imperfections in that poynt where he sayth Hardly can we discerne the things that are vpon the earth Wisd 9 16. with great labour find we out the things which are before vs who can thē seeke out saith he the things that are in heauen For like as the grounde is appointed to beare the wood and the Sea to carrie his 2 Esdr 4 21 floods so they that dwell vppon the earth can vnderstand nothing but that which is vpon the earth and they that are in the heauens the things which are aboue the height of the heauens §. 4. Wisedome willeth vs therefore as Fulgosius Fulgosius sayth not to bee ouer-quisitiue in searching out either the secretes of Gods hidden counsell or the greatnesse of his incomparable maiestie for feare wee be suddainly smitten with the thunderstroake of his glorie But let it rather suffise vs in knowledge touching the proportion of his person to say as Plato that diuine Phylosopher saide Plato God is without any body invisible and also immortall whose forme cannot be deprehended with the eyes of mortall men nor yet described by any sensible knovvledge Or to say as learned Hermes Trismegistus Hermes sayd That is God which lacketh beginning and ending which God beeing made of none hath by his own power created all things Or els to say as much as a more worthie man then any of them both namelie holie Iob sayd Behold God is excellent wee Iob 36 26 know him not neither may the number of his yeeres
for all the companie of the faithfull in the kingdome of his Father And thus much likewise witnesseth the words of S. Iohn in the Reuelation where hee sayth * Blessed and holy is hee that Reue. 20 6● hath part in the first resurrection for on such the second death hath no power Blessed also are the dead which hereafter Reu● 14 13 die in the Lord euen so saith the Spirite for they rest from theyr labours and theyr workes follow them ¶ Of the last Iudgement after death commonly called the general iudgement or Doomes day When the body and soule of euerie Man departed out of this life beeing by the power of God ioyned againe together shall with the rest of all mankind then liuing receiue the finall sentence either of eternall pleasure or paine §. 1. AFter death saith Esdras shall the 2 Esdras 14. 35. day of Iudgement come vvhen we shall liue againe and then shall the names of the righteous be made manifest and the workes of the vngodly shall be declared And many of them that sleepe in the Dan 12 2. dust of the earth shall awake Some to euerlasting life and som● to shame and perpetuall contempt §. 2. But before the comming of this day saith Christ there shall be great warres Luke 21 10 11. troubles in the worlde For Nation shall rise against Nation and Realme against Realme There shall also be great Earthquakes in diuers places and pestilence and hunger and fearefull things appearing frō heauen and many other great signes and wonders There shall be signes in the Sunne and Luke 21. 25 26 in the Moone and in the starres and vpon the earth trouble among the Nations with perplexitie The Sea and the waters shall roare and mens harts shall fayle them for feare and for looking after those thinges which shall come on the World For the powers of heauen shall be shaken §. 3. After this shall appeare the signe of the Math. 24 30. sonne of man in heauen and then shall all the kindreds of the earth mourne Then also shal the wicked goe into the Esay 2 19 holes of the Rockes and into the Caues of the earth frō before the feare of the Lord and from the glory of his Maiestie vvhen he shall rise to destroy the earth Then shall they beginne to say to the Luke 23 30 Mountaines fall on vs and to the Hils couer vs hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth vpon the throne and from the Reue 6 16 17 wrath of the Lambe for the great day of his wrath is come and who can stand In those dayes men shall seeke death and Reue 9 6. shall not finde it and shall desire to die death shall flee from them And they shall see the Sonne of man Math. 24. 30 come in the clowdes of heauē with power and great glory Who beeing ordained of Acts. 10 42 * God to be the Iudge both of the quicke and deade shall sende his Angels vvith a Mat. 24 31. great sound of a trumpet and they shal gather together his Elect from the 4. windes and from the one end of heauen vnto the other §. 4. Then shall Christ sitte vpon the throne Math 25 31 32 33. of his glory and before him shall be gathered all Nations and he shall seperate them one from another as a sheepheard seperateth the sheepe from the goates And hee shall set the sheepe on his right hand and the goates on the left The shall the earth restore those that 2 Esdr 7 3● haue slept in her and so shall the dust those that dwell therein in silence and the secret places shall deliuer the soules that were cōmitted vnto them And they shall come foorth that haue Iohn 5 29. doone good vnto the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of condemnation For Christ our righteous Iudge vvill Math. 16. 27 then giue to euerie man according to his deedes And reward euery one according Reue 22 12 as his worke shall be Hee will then say to the righteous whom Math 25. 34 35 c. hee hath placed on his right hand Come yee blessed of my Father inherite yee the kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world For I was hungry ye gaue mee meate I was thirstie and yee gaue me drinke I was a stranger and yee lodged mee I was naked and yee clothed mee I was sick and yee visited me I was in prison and yee came vnto mee Then shall the iust say Lord when haue we doone these things vnto thee And the King shall answere Verily when you did them to the least of my bretheren you did them to mee Then will he say to the wicked standing Math. 25 41 42 c. on his left hand Depart from me yee cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the deuill and his Angels For I vvas hungry and ye fed mee not I was thirstie and ye gaue mee no drinke I was a stranger and ye lodged mee not I was naked and you clothed me not I was sicke in prison and ye visited me not Then shall they also aunswere saying When ô Lord haue wee seene thee hungry or thirstie or a stranger or naked or sicke or in prison and haue not ministred vnto thee And he shall aunswere Truly I tell you inasmuch as yee haue not doone it to one of the least of these my bretheren yee did it not to mee And these men shall goe into euerlasting paine and the righteous into life eternall §. 5. Miseries saith Esdras shal then vanish away 2 Esdr 7 33 34. and long suffering shall haue an end Iustice onely shall cōtinue the Truth shal remaine and Faith shall be strong The worke shall follow and the rewarde verse 35 shall be shewed the good deedes shall be of force and vnrighteousnes shal beare no more rule For the day of Iudgement shall be the 2 Esdr 7 43. end of this world and the beginning of the immortalitie to come wherein all corruption shall cease Then shall no man bee able to saue him 2 Esdr 7. 45 that is destroyed nor oppresse him that hath gotten the victory §. 6. VVe finde in the New Testament that Saint Paule the Apostle vvriting to the Corinthians to prooue the resurrection of the dead and the second cōming of Christ vseth many arguments to expresse the same and neere vnto the end of his chapter he thus concludeth * Behold I shewe 1 Cor 15 51 52 53 you a secret thing vve shall not all sleepe or die but wee shall all be changed in a moment in the twinckling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised vp incorruptible and we shall be changed For this corruptible must put on incorruption And this mortall must put on immortality c. According
verse 3 4. and the ingraued forme of his person and bearing vp all thinges by his mightie word hath by himselfe purged our sinnes and sitteth at the right hande of the Maiestie in the highest places and is made so much more excellent then the Angels in asmuch as hee hath obtained a more excellent name then they For vnto which of the Angels said he at Heb 1 5 any time Thou art my sonne this day begate I thee And againe I will be his Father and he shall be my sonne Or vnto which also of the Angels said Heb 1 13. he at any time Sit at my right hande till I make thine enemies thy foote-stoole §. 2. By this man namely Christ vvere all Colos 1. 16 17. things created vvhich are in heauen and which are in earth things visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers All things were created by him and for him and hee is before all things and in him all things consist Hee is the heade of the bodie of the verse 18 19 20. Church hee is the beginning and the first begotten of the dead that in all things hee might haue the preheminence For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulnes dwell and by him to reconcile all things vnto himselfe and to set at peace through the blood of his Crosse both the things in earth and the thinges in heauen Wherefore God hath also highly exalted Philip. 2 9. 10 11. him giuen him a Name aboue euery name that at the Name of Iesus euery knee should bow both of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth And that euery tongue shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glorie of God the Father For in him dwelleth all the fulnesse of Colos 2 9. the God-head bodily And in him are hidde all the treasures of Colos 2. 3. vvisedome and knowledge Vnto him is all power giuen both heauen and in earth Math. 28. 18 For the Father loueth the Sonne and Iohn 3 35 hath giuen all things into his hand The Father iudgeth no man but hath Ioh 5 22 23 committed all iudgement vnto the Sonne because that all men shoulde honour the Sonne as they honour the Father In his hand also are the keyes both of hell Reu 1 18. and of death And hee likewise hath the key of Dauid Reue. 3. 7. which openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth §. 3. VVherefore if any man be willing to Iohn 14 6. come vnto God our Sauiour Christ declareth himselfe to be the Way the Truth and the Light and that no man commeth vnto the Father but by him Hee is the doore by him if any man enter Iohn 10 9 in he shall be saued and shall goe in goe out and finde pasture He is the true light which lighteth euery Iohn 1 9 man that commeth into the world He is that preuailing seed of the woman Gene 3 15. which vvas promised in Paradise by God the Father vnto Adam that hee shoulde breake the head of the deuill He is that spirituall Rock of whō all our 1 Cor. 10. 3. Fathers did eate and drinke He is acknowledged and openly confessed Mark 5 7. by his greatest enemy to be the Sonne of the most high God Yea hee is confirmed by a voyce from Math 3 17 heauen to be that beloued sonne in whom God the Father is well pleased Hee is that sonne whom Dauid vvilleth Psalm 2 12 vs to kisse and embrace least he be angry and we perrish from the right way Hee is the Lord of Lordes and King of Reue 17 14 Kings and they that are on his side are called and chosen and faithfull Hee is the Lambe of God which taketh Iohn 1 29. away the sinnes of the world Hee is that kinde louing Samaritane Luke 10 34 which healed the wounded man that was found in the high-way halfe dead He is that gentle and compassionate Soueraigne Math 28 27 which freely forgaue his seruant the tenne thousand talents that hee owed vnto him He is that cheefe corner stone vvhich Acts 4 11 the Iewes counting themselues builders refused He is the Mediatour of the Newe-Testament Heb 12. 24. He is the end of the Lawe for righteousnesse Rom. 10. 4. vnto euery one that beleeueth Hee is the onely Mediatour betweene 1. Tim 2. 5. God and man He is both the power of God and the 1 Cor. 1. 24. wisedome of God He is our wisdome and righteousnesse 1 Cor. 1. 30 sanctification and redemption He is that Lord of life whom God hath Acts 3. 15. raised from the dead Hee * is our peace And the * Prince of Ephe. 2. 14. Heb 2. 10. our saluation He is the Sheepheard and Bishop of our 1 Pet. 2. 25. soules He is the Vine we are the branches Iohn 15 5 Heb 6 20. He is our high-priest for euer after the order of Melchisedecke Hee is our Aduocate vnto God the Father 1. Ioh 2 1 Hee is the reconciliation for our sinnes 1 Iohn 2 2 not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Finally hee is the Authour and finisher Heb 12 2. of our fayth For without him we can do nothing Iohn 15. 5. §. 4. If any man thirst saith Christ let him Iohn 17 37 come vnto mee and drinke Hee that beleeueth in mee as sayth the verse 38 Scripture out of his belly shall flowe riuers of water of life I am the light of the world hee that followeth Iohn 8 12 mee shall not walke in darknesse but shall haue the light of life I am the bread of life hee that commeth Iohn 6. 35 to me shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall neuer thirst I am that liuing bread which came down Iohn 6 51 from heauen of whom whosoeuer eateth hee shall liue for euer I am the resurrection the life hee that Iohn 11 25 26. beleeueth in me though he were dead yet shall hee liue and whosoeuer liueth beleeueth in mee shall neuer die ¶ Of Christes comming into the worlde and the seuerall causes thereof §. 1. WEe when vvee were children saith the Apostle were in bondage Gala 4 3 4 5. vnder the ordinaunces of the world But when the fulnes of time was come GOD sent foorth his Sonne made of a vvoman made bond vnto the law to redeeme them which were bond vnto the law that we through election might receiue the inheritance that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes §. 2. Man liued in the worlde for a time saith S. Augustine without the Lawe written Augustine to teach him that he was not a law to himselfe and a certaine time vnder the Law to make him finde by proofe
hee also vnderstood verse 25. the misticall meaning of those words which were written the summe vvhereof cōtained no lesse for his offences then the speedy subuersion of his whole kingdom and his owne vtter ouerthrovve for euer Yet seeing and knowing all this but wanting grace to fore-see preuent the danger by true repentance hee perrished the verse 30. same night according to the saying of the Prophet Contrariwise by Samuell it is affirmed that king Dauid did not only see the foulenesse of his offence wherein too long hee had in a manner sencelesly liued so soone as the shril-sounding voyce of Nathan had once by denouncing Gods anger thorowly 2 Sam. 12. chap. awaked him out of his deadly slumber but also presently fore-saw by beleeuing the speech of the Prophet speedilie preuented by his vnfained repentance and amendement the heauy wrath of the Almighty which otherwise was likely for his iniquitie to fall vpon him Marke therefore what counsell Sirach giueth to this purpose and endeuour diligently to follow the same where he sayth My * sonne hast thou sinned doe so no Ecclꝰ 21. 1. 2 more but pray for thy former sinnes that they may be forgiuen thee Flee frō sin as from a Serpent for if thou commest too neere it it will bite thee the teeth thereof are as the teeth of a Lyon to sley the soules of men Make much also of time and eschew Ecclus 4 20 the thing that is euill Remember that death tarrieth not and Ecclꝰ 14 12 that the couenaunt of the graue is not shewed vnto thee Defraude not thy selfe of the good day Ecclꝰ 14 14 neither let the portion of good desires ouer-passe thee Giue and take and sanctifie thy soule verse 16. vvork thou righteousnes before thy death for in the hell there is no meate to finde Neither is there any more place or time Cyprian of repentance left for any man after hee is once departed out of this vvorlde life is heere either lost or wonne euerlasting saluation is onely heere prouided for by the due worshipping of God and the fruites of fayth And no man is letted eyther by sinnes Cyprian or by yeeres to come to the obtaining of saluation for as long as the soule is yet abyding in the body no repentance is in vaine And what-soeuer is truly doone is neuer too late done Yet thus much alwaies vnderstand that Osorius thy repentance is then most acceptable to God when thou doost offer the same in the prime of thy youth and in the time of thy perfect health For such as neuer cease to sin till sin through age feeblenes begin to forsake them it may greatly be feared that they in the meane while daily drinke vp the dreggs of Gods wrath §. 15. Furthermore although there be indeed Augustine * many in the vvorld which are not ashamed to sinne but are ashamed to repent yet if thou looke for fauour in Heauen thou must both confesse and forsake thy sinnes heere on earth For hee that heere in this life receiueth Ambrose not remission of his sinnes shall haue no part with the godly in the felicity to come Followe therefore for thine owne good the example of King Dauid and with the like humility of heart be ready to say vnto God as he said * Lord haue mercy vpon Psalm 41 4 me and heale my soule for I haue sinned against thee Or as Manasses King of Iuda in his penitent 2 Chro 36. prayer said * I haue sinned ô Lord I haue sinned aboue the number of the sand of the Sea My transgressions are multiplied my offences are exceeding manie and I am not vvoorthy to behold and see the height of the heauens by reason of the multitude of mine iniquities For I haue prouoked thy wrath and done euill before thee I did not thy will neyther kept I thy commaundements Nowe therefore I bowe the knee of my hart beseeching thee of grace I haue sinned ô Lord I haue sinned I acknowledge my transgressions but I humbly beseech thee to forgiue mee O Lord forgiue mee and destroy mee not vvith my transgressions Be not angry with mee for euer by reseruing euill for mee neither condemne me into the lower parts of the earth For thou art the God euen the God of them that repent and in mee thou vvilt shew all thy goodnes for thou ô Lord vvilt saue mee that am vnvvoorthy according to thy great mercie therefore I will praise thee for euer all the dayes of my life c. Or as the prodigall sonne spoken of by Christ in the gospell did remember thine owne estate in time liue no longer like a slaue to sinne and a stranger from the fellowship of the faithfull but rather returne home say vnto God thy Father as hee said to his * I haue sinned ô Father against heauen and before thee and am no Luke 15 16 more worthy to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hired seruaunts And thou shalt surely finde if thou make an vnfained conuersion that the Lord thy God will be ready to receiue thee For there * is more ioy among the Angels in Luke 15 7. Heauen for one sinner that conuerteth then for ninetie and nine iust men vvhich neede none amendement of life Yea at the true repentance and conuersion Bernard of sinners the Father reioyceth the Sonne reioyceth and the holy Ghost reioyceth The first figured in the prodigall Sonne The second in the lost sheep The third because they are the temple chosen vessels of the holy Ghost euen all the Angels in heauen doe reioyce §. 16. O how good a thing is it then as Sirach Ecclꝰ 20. 4. saith so soone as thou art reprooued to manifest thy repentance for thereby shalt thou escape wilfull sinne Who so hateth to be reformed is in the Ecclus 21 6. way of sinners but hee that feareth the Lord conuerteth in h●rt Seeke the Lord therefore vvhile hee Esay 55 6 may be founde call vpon him while he is neere For hee vvill be founde of them that Wisd 1. 2. tempt him not and appeareth vnto such as proue not vnfaithfull vnto him Get thee righteousnes before thou come Ecclꝰ 18. 18 to iudgement Learne before thou speake and vse phisicke or euer thou be sicke Examine thy selfe before thou bee iudged verse 19. and in the day of the visitation thou shalt finde mercy Humble thy selfe before thou be sicke verse 20. and whilst thou maist yet sinne shewe thy conuersion Let nothing let thee to pray alwayes vnto verse 21. God and deferre not vnto death to be reformed for the reward of GOD endureth for euer And in what place or state soeuer a man Gregory shall be founde when he departeth out of this life in the same state and degree the last day of the worlde shall finde him For such as euery man shall be in
mee they will persecute you also If they haue called the Maister of the Math 10 25 house Beelzebub howe much more them of his houshold But all these thinges will they doe vnto Iohn 15 21 you for my Names sake because they haue not knowne him that sent mee Yea the time shall come that whosoeuer Iohn 16. 2. killeth you will thinke that he dooth God seruice Notwithstanding blessed are ye if you 1. Pet. 3. 14. suffer for righteousnes sake For vnto such appertaineth the kingdome Math 5 10 of heauen Yea blessed are yee when men reuile Math. 5 11 12. you and persecute you and say all manner of euill against you for my sake falselie reioyce and be glad for great is your reward in heauen for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you §. 5. Let not saith he your harts be troubled Iohn 14. 1. yee beleeue in God beleeue also in me In the world ye shall haue affliction but Iohn 16 33 be of good comfort I haue ouer-com the world And feare not them which kill the bodie Math. 10. 28 Luk. 12 4. 5 and after that are not able to doe any more but rather feare him which is able to destroy both body soule in hell yea I say vnto you feare him For what shall it profit a man though Math 16. 26 hee should winne the whole world if hee lose his ovvne soule or what shall a man giue for recompence of his soule VVho-soeuer therefore shall confesse Math 10 32 mee before men him will I confesse also before my Father which is in heauen But vvho-soeuer shall denie mee before verse 33 men him will I also denie before my Father which is in heauen Who-soeuer likewise shal be ashamed Luke 9. 26 of mee and of my words of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed when hee shall come in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy Angels §. 6. Deerely beloued saith S. Peter thinke 1. Pet. 4 12. it not strange concerning the fierie tryall which is among you to prooue you as though some strange thing were come vnto you But reioyce in as much as yee are partakers verse 13. of Christes sufferings that when his glorie shall appeare yee may be glad and reioyce For vvee must through many afflictions Acts 14 22 enter into the kingdome of God And all that will liue godly in Christ Iesus 2. Tim. 3. 12 shall suffer persecution §. 7. If yee be railed vppon for the Name of 1. Pet 4 14. Christ blessed are you for the Spirit of glory of God resteth vpon you which on their part is euill spoken of but on your part is glorified But let none of you suffer as a murtherer 1. Pet 4 15. or as a theefe or as an euill dooer or as a busie-body in other mens matters But if any man suffer as a Christian let verse 16. him not be ashamed but let him glorifie God in that behalfe For it is better if the will of God be so 1 Pet 3 17. that yee should suffer for well-doing then for euill doing And the lesse iustice that a godly man Tremelius findeth at the handes of the vngodly the more comfort shall he receiue in cōscience at the mercifull hand of God §. 8. My sonne saith Sirach submit not thy Ecclus 4 27 28. selfe vnto a foolish man neyther accept thou the person of the mightie But striue for the truth vnto death and defende iustice euen to the losse of thyne owne life and the Lord thy God shall fight for thee against thine enemies Be fauourable to all men be likewise in Socrates subiection to al lawes but aboue al things fulfill the will of God rather then the will of man For a righteous and godly man hauing Pet. Ramus in him the spirit of zeale and constancie neuer feareth in his afflictions the crueltie of any man but vvill boldlie to the death stand vnto the truth And forasmuch as hee knoweth that Rauisius almightie God is the truth and that truth is GOD hee likewise wisely considereth that he which departeth from the one departeth from the other But hee that eyther for feare of punishment Hemingius or else in hope of a Tyrants fauour forsaketh the truth before men vpon earth leaueth the most certaine promise of perpetuall felicitie for an vncertaine assurance of short-lasting vanitie and by seeking to deliuer his body from danger cloggeth his conscience with griefe and his soule with sorrow §. 9. If then thou be desirous to liue euerlastingly Gueuara faint not at any time vnder the burden of thine afflictions neither be thou mooued from thy hope of heauens helpe through the multitude of thy miseries but patiently put thy trust in the promises of Gods mercie and pray often for such perseuerance as may bring thee to eternall blessednes In all thy troubles stand vnto the truth Plotinus and commit thy selfe in thy greatest necessitie wholy altogether to the most high and mighty GOD neyther fearing them that threaten nor beleeuing thē that speak thee faire but trust in him alone that is most kinde and compassionate true of his promise and able to make both his vvord and worke good For more wisedome is it that a man for Hermes his soules sake shoulde suffer death then lose his soules happines for the loue of this life Blessed therfore is the man that endureth Iames 1 12 tentation for when hee is tryed hee shall receiue the crowne of life vvhich the Lorde hath promised to them that loue him §. 10. The peaceable and blessed life of the Bernard godly saith S. Bernard is in heauen and is onely to be attained vnto by faith patience and perseuerance For as without fayth it is vnpossible to Hillarius please God so without patience and perseuerance no man shall see God And although indeede the death of the Basill bodie by diuers meanes for diuers causes be vnto many men very tedious and bitter yet the death therof for the testimonie of Gods truth is vnto the godly man most easie most ioyfull most sweete and most delectable because he seeth through the eye of fayth the present performance of all Gods heauenly promises made vnto him in his holy word if he zealously continue constant in the veritie of his Christian profession §. 11. Thou therefore my sonne saith Paule vnto Timothie suffer affliction as a good 2. Tim. 2. 3. 4. souldiour of Iesus Christ No man that warreth entangleth himselfe with the affayres of this life because hee would please him that hath chosen him to be a Souldiour And Christ beeing our Captaine hath Rauisius called vs by the voyce of his Gospell to a spirituall warfare The foes against whom wee must continually fight are fleshlie assaultes worldly wickednes and the deceits of the deuill
be searched out He only hath immortalitie dwelleth in 1 Tim 6 16 the light that none can attaine vnto whom neuer man saw neither can see He is Alpha and Omega the beginning Reue 22 13 and 1 8. and the end the first and the last which is and which was and which is to come euen the Almightie §. 5. Before me saith the Almightie there was Esay 43 10 11 13. no God formed neither shall there be after me I euen I am the Lord and beside me there is no Sauiour Yea before the daie was saith he I am and there is none that can deliuer out of mine hand I am the first and I am the last saith the Esay 44 6 Eternall without or besides me there is no other God I am the Lord that made all thinges that Esay 44 24 spred out the heauens alone and stretched out the earth by my selfe Yea I saith the euer-liuing God haue Esay 45 12. made the earth and created man vpon it Surely my hand hath layde the foundations Esay 48 13 of the earth and my right hand hath spanned the heauens when I call thē saith he they stand vp together §. 6. Vnderstand therfore this day cōsider Deut 4 39 as Moses saith in thy hart that the Lord our God he is God in heauen aboue vpon the earth beneath there is none other Hee is God of Gods Lord of Lords Deut 10 17 a great GOD mightie and terrible which accepteth no persons nor taketh rewarde who doth right vnto the fatherlesse widdow and loueth the stranger giuing him foode and rayment Yea the Lord our God as the same Moses Deut 6 4 saith vnto Israell is Lord onely And there is as the Apostle truelie affirmeth 1 Cor 8 4 none other God but one Though there bee that are called Gods 1 Cor 8 5 6 whether in heauen or in earth as there be many Gods and many Lords yet vnto vs there is but one God which is the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him ¶ Of the mightie power of God §. 1. THE Lord raigneth saith Dauid Psal 93 11 is clothed with maiestie the Lord our God is clothed and girded with power Who is like saith he or may be compared Psal 113 5 vnto the Lord our God which hath his dwelling on high Which couereth himselfe with light as Psal 104 2 3 4 5. with a garment and spreadeth out the heauens like a Curtaine VVhich layeth the beames of his Chambers in the waters and maketh the clowdes his Chariot and walketh vpon the winges of the wind Which maketh his spirits his messengers and a flaming fire his ministers Which giueth the Sunne for a light to Iere 31. 35 the day and the courses of the Moone and of the starres for a light to the night Which breaketh the Sea when the waues thereof do roare His Name as saith the Prophet is the Lord of Hostes Hee as the Psalmist saith is high aboue Psal 113 4 all Nations and his glory aboue the heauens Hee hath prepared his throne in heauen Psal 103 19 and his kingdome ruleth ouer all Hee by his power hath placed the earth Lactantius vpon her firme foundations And he hath set bounds about the vvaters Iob 26 10 vntill the day night come to an end §. 2. There is a GOD saith Cicero which Cicero doth rule and gouerne all thinges which maintaineth the course of the Starres the changes of times the alteration order of all things beholding both Sea and Land Who also plainely seeth both the liues and doings of all men that dwel vpon the earth and whatsoeuer else hath any being in the vvorld The same God is our God as Baruch Baruch 3 35 the Scribe saith and there shal none other be compared vnto him For hee it is vvhich hath prepared the Baruch 3 32 earth for euermore hath filled the same with foure-footed beastes Hee it is which by his ovvne almighty Mar. Bucer power hath created all kinde of creatures and by his wonderful prouidence they liue and are preserued Yea hee as Daniell saith is the liuing Dan 6 26 God remaineth for euer his kingdome shall neuer perrish and his dominion shall be euerlasting Hee also it is which rescueth deliuereth verse 27 and he worketh signes and wonders in heauen and in earth VVhen hee sendeth out the light it goeth Baruch 3 33 and when hee calleth it againe it obeyeth him with feare The starres also shine in their watch and verse 34. reioyce and when hee calleth them they say Heere wee be and so with cheerefulnesse they shewe light vnto him that made them §. 3. He that formeth the Mountaines sayth Amos 4 13 Amos and createth the winde and declareth vnto man what is his thought vvhich maketh the morning darknesse and walketh vpon the hie places of the earth the Lord God of Hostes is his Name Nahum 1 3 He hath his way in the whirle-wind and in the storme and the Clowdes are the dust of his feete Psal 104 32 He looketh on the earth it trembleth hee toucheth the Mountaines and they smoake Esay 40 22 Yea hee sitteth as Esay sayth vpon the circle of the earth the inhabitants of the whole world in comparison of him are as it were a companie of Grashoppers Hee stretcheth out the heauens as a Curtaine spreadeth them out as a Tent to dwell in verse 23 24. Hee bringeth the Princes to nothing maketh the Iudges of the earth as vanitie As though they were not planted as thogh they were not sowen as though their stock tooke no roote in the earth For as soone as he bloweth vpon thē they wither and fade away as the stubble doth in a whirlewind Hee also is wise in heart and mightie Iob 9 4 in strength For vvho as Iob saith hath been fierce against him hath prospered Hee remooueth the Mountaines and they verse 5 6 7 8. feele not when hee ouerthroweth them in his wrath he remooueth the earth out of her place that the pillars thereof doe shake He commaundeth the Sunne and it riseth not he closeth vp the starres as vnder a signet Hee himselfe alone spreadeth out the heauens and walketh vppon the height of the Sea c. He doth great things and vnsearchable Iob 9 10. 11 12 yea meruailous thinges without number Loe when he goeth by mee I see him not and when hee passeth by I perceiue him not Behold when hee taketh a pray who can make him to restore it Or who shal say vnto him What doost thou For all Nations before him are as nothing Esay 40 17 and they are counted to him lesse then nothing and vanitie §. 4. Againe The Lord our GOD as Dauid
Psalm 95 3 4 5 saith is a great God and a great King aboue all Gods in his hands are all the corners of the Earth and the heights of the Mountaines are his To him the Sea belongeth for hee made it and his hands formed the dry Land Knowest thou not or hast thou not Esay 40 28 29 heard saith Esay that the euerlasting God the Lorde hath created the endes of the earth hee neyther fainteth nor is wearie there is no searching of his vnderstanding but he giueth strength vnto him that fainteth and vnto him that hath no strength he increaseth power Hee as Nehemiah saith is Lord alone Nehe 9 6 he hath made heauen and the heauen of all heauens with all their host and the earth and all that therein is the seas also and all that are in them and hee preserueth them all and the host of the heauen worshippeth him Yea all thinges as himselfe saith vvere 2 Esdr 6 6. made by him alone and by none other by him also they shall be ended by none other §. 5. The vvorld saith the Almighty is mine Psal 50 12. and all that therein is I haue made the earth the man and the Ierem 27 5 beast that are vppon the grounde by my great power and by mine out-stretched arme and I haue giuen the same sayth he vnto vvhom it pleaseth mee And that wee may the better be perswaded to beleeue his speeches and some-what the more willingly mooued heerein to admire his wonderfull great might hee presently confirmeth his saying with the example of Nabuchadnezzer King of Babel Into whose handes for a time as Ieremie Iere 27 6 7. writeth God gaue all Lands and beastes of the fielde all Nations for to serue him and his sonne and his sonnes sonne And for the maiestie that GOD gaue Dan 5 19. him all people Nations and Languages trembled and feared before him He put to death whom hee would hee smote whom he would whom he would he set vp and whom he would hee put downe But vvhen his hart was puft vp and his verse 20 21 minde hardned in pride hee was deposed from his kinglie throne and they tooke his honour from him And he was driuen frō the sonnes of men and his hart was made like the beastes and his dwelling was with the wilde Asses they fedde him with grasse like Oxen and his body was wette with the dew of heauen till he knew saith Daniell that the most high GOD bare rule ouer the kingdome of men and that he appointeth ouer the same whom soeuer hee pleaseth Vnto Saule likewise God gaue a great and mighty Kingdome selecting him for 1 Sam 9 21 Prince and Ruler ouer his owne chosen beloued people the Children of Israell he being before by his owne confession but of a small Trybe and very poore familie yea such a fellowe that as the Text sayth he went wandring about the Countrey to enquire and seeke after his Fathers Asses that were lost A man trulie in humaine iudgement by reason of his basenes verie vnlikelie to prooue a King Notwithstanding God which can doe whatsoeuer pleaseth him bestowed the cheefest kingdome vnder the Sun vpon him And afterward when through his disobedience he fell frō the fauour of God the Almighty as wel to make manifest his power in displacing him as for other causes best knowne to his secrete wisedom rent the fore-said kingdom from him and gaue it vnto his neighbour 1 Sam 15 28. saith the holie Ghost that * vvas better then hee Well may we therefore confesse and say Psal 145 3. and 147 5 vvith the Psalmist Great is the Lord our God and most worthy to be praised great is his power his wisedome is infinite and his greatnesse is incomprehensible His Name as Daniell saith be praysed for euer and euer for wisedom strength Dan 2 20 21 22. are his He changeth the times seasons hee taketh away Kinges and hee setteh vp Kings hee giueth wisedome vnto the wise vnderstanding to those that vnderstand hee discouereth the deepe secret things hee knoweth what is in the darknesse and the light dwelleth with him §. 6. VVho is GOD besides the Lord 2 Sam 22 32. saith Dauid Or who is mightie saue our God With him is wisedome and strength hee Iob 12 13 14. hath counsell and vnderstanding Behold he will breake downe it cannot be built hee shutteth a man vp and hee cannot be loosed Behold he with-holdeth the waters and verse 15. they dry vp but when hee sendeth them forth they destroy the earth With him is strength and wisedome hee verse 16 that is deceiued that deceiueth are his Hee causeth the Counsellors to goe as verse 17 18 19. spoyled and maketh the Iudges fooles hee looseth the collar of Kings girdeth theyr loynes with a girdle hee leadeth away the Princes as a pray and ouerthroweth the mightie hee taketh away the speech from verse 20 21 the faithfull Counsellors and taketh avvaie the iudgement of the auncient hee powreth contempt vpon Princes and maketh the strength of the mightie weake Hee discouereth the deepe places from verse 22 23 theyr darknesse and bringeth foorth the shadowe of death to light hee increaseth the people and destroyeth them hee enlargeth the Nations and bringeth them in againe Hee taketh away the harts of them that verse 24 are the cheefe ouer the people of the earth and maketh them to wander in the Wildernesse out of the way c. Hee also giueth raine vpon the earth Iob 5 10 11 powreth downe water vpon the streets hee setteth vp on hie them that be of lowe degree and exalteth the sorrowfull to saluation Hee scattereth the deuises of the craftie verse 12 so that theyr hands cannot accomplish that which they doe enterprise Yea he taketh the wise in their craftines verse 13 14 and ouerthroweth the counsell of the wicked Insomuch that they meete with darknesse in the day time and grope at noone day as in the night Hee also putteth his hand vppon the Rocks and ouerthroweth the Mountaines Iob 28 9 10 11 by the rootes hee breaketh Riuers in the Rockes and his eye seeth euerie precious thing hee bindeth the floods that they doe not ouer-flowe and the thing that is hid bringeth he to light Hee it is that maketh poore and hee it is 1 Sam. 2 7. that maketh rich hee bringeth lowe and hee exalteth Yea hee as Hannah sayth raiseth vp verse 8. the poore out of the dust and lifteth the begger from the dunghill to place them among Princes and to make them inherite the seate of glorie For the pillers of the earth saith shee are his and hee hath sette the round world vpon them §. 7. Behold now saith the Almightie for I Deut. 32 39 I am the Lord and there is no Gods vvith mee I kill and giue life I wound
a God which is not onely a Creator but also a Preseruer a Sauiour a Comforter and a Deliuerer in time of neede §. 14. I knowe saith Dauid that the Lord is Psal 135. ● 6. great and that our God is aboue all Gods Whatsoeuer pleased him that did hee in heauen and in earth in the Sea and in all the deepes He hath made the earth by his power Ierem. 10. 12 13. established the world by his wisedom and hath stretched out the heauens by his discretion he giueth by his voyce the multitude of waters in the heauen he causeth the clowdes to ascend from the ends of the earth hee turneth lightnings to raine and bringeth forth the windes out of his treasures Hee giueth peace and prosperitie vnto Aeneus Siluius such as serue him and sendeth trouble and aduersitie to thē that disobey him hee lifteth to honour whō hee liketh bringeth to base estate whom hee pleaseth he maketh manifest his might on whom he will by what meanes hee will and at what time hee will no man beeing able to withstand his power For when hee giueth quietnes who can Iob 34 29 make trouble Or whē he hideth his face who can behold him whether it be vpon whole Nations or vpon one man onelie §. 15. VVith the Lorde our God also and in Pet. M●r. ● his only power as Peter Martir affirmeth it resteth to pardon our offences and forgiue vs our sinnes For who is hee as the Scribes said vnto Mark 2 7. Christ that can forgiue sinnes but GOD onely No man as Saint Ambrose saith can be Ambrose partner with God in forgiuing of sinnes for it is Christes onely office that hath taken away the sinnes of the whole world Yea it appertaineth onely vnto GOD faith he to forgiue sinnes and to giue the holy Ghost hee alone forgiueth sinnes which alone died for our sinnes Also that the Lorde might euidentlie Augustine shewe saith S. Augustine that sinnes be forgiuen by the holy Ghost whō he hath giuen vnto his faithfull not by the merrites of men hee sayth in a certaine place Take * yee the holy Ghost and straightway Iohn 20 22 23. after these words vttered hee said this saying If yee forgiue any man his sinnes they are forgiuen That is the holy Ghost forgiueth and not you §. 16. Besides this poynt may be further prooued by the speech of Almighty God himselfe where speaking by the mouth of his Prophet vnto Israell he saith I euen I am Esay 43 25 he ô Israel that putteth away thine iniquities for mine owne sake and will not remember thy sinnes any more Againe I haue put away thy transgressions Esay 44. 22. ô Israel like a clowde and thy sinnes as a mist saith the most mercifull turne vnto me for I haue redeemed thee Againe I am the Lorde thy God ô Israel Hosea 13. 4. from the Land of Egipt thou shalt knowe no God but me for there is no Sauiour besides me Also sundry times may be found in the booke of Psalmes with what thankfulnes the Prophet Dauid confesseth the pardon of all his sinnes to proceede onely from the mercy of his Maker As namely amongst the rest in the 103. psalme where he saith Psalm 103. 2. 3. 4. Praise the Lord ô my soule and forget not all his benefites which forgiueth all thy sin and healeth all thine infirmities which redeemeth thy life from destruction and crowneth thee with mercy louing kindnesse §. 17. Moreouer there is as the Apostle affirmeth Iames. 412 one Law-giuer which is able to saue and to destroy And that Law-giuer is God vnto whō as Iob saith it * certainly appertaineth to Iob 3431. say I haue pardoned I will not destroy Blessed therefore and most happy is hee Psalm 32 1 whose wickednesse is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered Yea blessed is the man as the Psalmist verse 2. saith vnto whom the Lord our GOD imputeth not iniquitie §. 18. The Lord our God is terrible and verie Ecclꝰ 43 29 great saith Sirach and meruailous is his almightie power He is to be feared aboue all Gods for all Psal ●6 4 5 the Gods of the Heathen are Idols and vanitie but the Lord our God made the heauens Hee is the liuing God an euerlasting Iere. 10. 10. King At his anger the earth shall tremble and the Nations cannot abide his wrath For who can stand as Nahum saith Nahum 1 6. before the wrath of the Lord or who can abide in the fiercenesse of his wrath His wrath is powred out like fire and the rocks are broken by him Yea the pillers of heauen tremble and quake at his reproofe the sea also is made Iob 26. 11. 12. calme by his power and by his vnderstanding he smiteth the pride thereof §. 19 Behold as Sirach saith the heauen yea Ecclꝰ 16 18 the heauen of all heauens which are for God the deepe the earth all that therein is shall be moued when he shall visite All the world which is created made verse 19 by his will the mountaines also the foundations of the earth shall shake for feare saith hee when the Lord looketh vppon them And this whole speech of Sirach in effect is likewise further witnessed by the wordes of God himselfe in the prophecie of Esay where speaking in prayse of his owne power hee saith Behold at my rebuke Esay 50 2 3 I dry vp the Sea I make the floods desert their fish rotteth for water dieth for thirst I clothe saith hee the heauens with darknesse and make a sacke theyr couering And for some proofe of his power according to the tenure of this speech vvee finde that his might was sufficientlie made manifest by example when hee sent such a * palpable darknesse ouer all the Land of Exod 10 22 23 Egypt the place where the children of Israell dwelt onely excepted that for the space of three dayes no man could see another neither could any one rise vp from the place where he was He also by his power after this parted in sunder the Red-sea and made the waters Exod 14. 16. c. thereof to stande like two walls and a path of dry ground to appeare in the middest whiles all his people had safe passage from the furie of Pharao and his mightie host which speedily pursued after them to their owne destruction §. 20. Moreouer the Lord our God in the last booke of Moises both to terrifie the rage of Tyrants comfort in calamities as many as put their confidence in him vttereth this fearefull menace following against all the wilful contemners of his power glorie saying * If I whet my glittering sword Deu. 32 41. 42. and my hand take holde on iudgement I will execute vengeance on mine aduersaries and will reward them that hate me I will make my arrowes drunke with blood
and my sword shall eate flesh for the blood of the slaine and of the captiues when I begin to take vengeance on the enemy And to make yet a little more manifest the might of our God and his preuailing power against the disturbers of his peoples peace the Prophet Dauid after his victories obtained in foure great battailes which 2 Sam 2● hee had with the Philistians declareth the same most pithilie in the second booke of Samuell by the description of a tempest saying In my * trouble did I cal vpon the 2. Sam. 22. 7. Lord and cry to my God and hee heard my voyce out of his Temple and my cry did enter into his eares Then the earth trembled quaked the verse 8 9. 10 11. c. foundations of the heauens mooued and shooke because hee was angry Smoake went out of his nostrils consuming fire out of his mouth coales vvere kindled therat He bowed the heauens also came downe and darknesse was vnder his feete He rode vpon the Cherub and did flie and he was seene vppon the wings of the wind He made darknes a Tabernacle rounde about him with waters gathered together in thicke clowdes At the brightnesse of his presence the coales of fire were kindled the Lord thundred from heauen the most High gaue his voyce hee shot arrowes and scattered them to wit he sent lightning destroyed them The chanels also of the Sea appeared and the foundations of the world were discouered by reason of the rebuking of the Lord thorow the blast of the breath of his nostrils c. §. 21. By the which speech of the Prophet sundry other like precedent places to this purpose euery Christian Reader may indifferently perceiue the power of his Preseruer and by often contemplating the same be the better encouraged according to the example of holy Ieremie boldlie to confesse his Makers almightines saying There * is none like vnto thee ô Lord our Ierem 10 6 God thou onely art great and thy Name is great in power VVho woulde not feare thee ô King of verse 7 8. Nations For vnto thee appertaineth the dominion Among all the Wisemen of the Gentiles and in all theyr Kingdoms there is none like thee but altogether they doate and are foolish For the stock is a doctrine of vanitie But thou ô Lorde hast euer had great strength might and who can withstand Wisd 11. 18 19. the power of thine arme For as the small thing that the ballance wayeth so is the world before thee and as a droppe of the morning dewe that falleth downe vppon the ground Thine ô Lord is greatnes power and 1. Chro. 29 11. glory and victory and prayse for all that is in heauen and in earth is thine Both riches honour come of thee and 1. Chro. 29 12. thou raignest ouer all In thine hande also is power and might and in thine hand it is to make great to giue strength vnto all ¶ Of the Wisedome of God §. 1. WHere saith Iob is Wisedome Iob 28 12 13 14. to be founde Or where is the place of Vnderstandings habitation Surely no man can tell saith he how worthy a thing Wisedome is neither is shee to be founde in the Land of them that liue The deepe saith shee is not with me the Sea saith shee is not with mee Shee cannot bee gotten for the purest verse 15. 16 gold neither may the price of her be valued with any siluer She shall not be bought with the wedge of the gold of Ophir no● vvith the precious Onix nor the Saphir No Golde nor Christall may be compared verse 17 18 vnto her neither shal her exchange be for plate of the finest Golde For perfect Wisedome is more worth then any Golde or Pearles c. From whence then cōmeth Wisedome Iob 28 20. 21. and where is the place of Vnderstanding Seeing shee is hid from the eyes of all men liuing and from the foules of the ayre Destruction and Death say VVee haue verse 22 23 24 c. heard the fame of her with our eares but it is GOD that vnderstandeth her way he knoweth her place For hee beholdeth the ends of the world and looketh vpon all that is vnder heauen VVhen he wayed the windes and measured verse 25 26 27. c. the waters when he set the rayne in order and gaue the mighty floods a lawe then did hee see her then declared hee her prepared her and knew her And vnto man he sayd Behold to feare the Lord is Wisedome and to depart frō euill is Vnderstanding §. 2. There is one wise saith Sirach euen the Ecclꝰ 1 8 9 most high God the Creator of all things the Almightie the King of power glorie and maiestie of whō men ought to stand greatly in awe vvhich sitteth vppon his throne Hee is the Lord that hath created Wisedome through the holy Ghost Hee hath seene her numbred her and measured her He also hath powred her out vppon all verse 10 flesh according to his gift and hee giueth her aboundantly vnto thē that loue him It is likewise the lord our God alone that by wisedome as Salomon saith hath layd Prou 3 19 20. the foundation of the earth and stablished the heauens through vnderstanding By his knowledge the deepes are broken vp and the clowdes drop downe the dew Hee onely as S. Augustine saith is the Augustine Author of all perfect wisedome knowledge and he of his goodnes giueth wisedome vnderstanding vnto whō it pleaseth him Science as Aristotle saith may be had Aristotle by diligence but wisedome and discretion commeth from God For hee giueth vvisedome out of his Prou 2 6 mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstanding Yea all wisedome commeth from God Ecclus 1 1 and hath beene euer with him and is with him for euer §. 3. Wisedom as Sirach saith hath been created Ecclus 1 4 frō the beginning and the vnderstanding of Prudence from euerlasting Shee is the mother of beautifull loue of Ecclus 24 20 21 feare of knowledge and of holy hope In her is all grace life and truth and in her is all hope of life and vertue For shee as Salomon saith is the breath Wisd 7 25 of the power of God a pure influence that floweth from the Almightie therfore can no defiled thing come vnto her Yea Shee is the brightnes of the euerlasting verse 26 light the vndefiled mirrour of the maiestie of God the Image of his goodnesse Shee beeing one can doe all things and verse 27 beeing stedfast herselfe shee reneweth all and according to the ages she entereth into the holie soules and maketh them the freendes of God and Prophets For GOD loueth no man but him in verse 28 whom Wisedome dwelleth Wherefore if any man lacke Wisedom Iames 1 5 let him as the Apostle counselleth aske it of God
I loue them exceedingly §. 6. Againe The Lavve of the Lorde our Psalm 19 7 8 9 10. God as the Psalmist saith is perfect conuerting the soule the testimonie of the Lord is sure and giueth wisedom vnto the simple the statutes of the Lorde are right and reioyce the hart the commandement of the Lord is pure and giueth light vnto the eyes The feare of the Lorde is cleane and endureth for euer the iudgements of the Lord are truth they are righteous altogether and more are they to be desired thē gold yea then much fine golde they are sweeter also then Honey and the Honey combe By them ô Lord saith he is thy seruant Psal 19 11 made circumspect in keeping of them there is great reward §. 7. VVhat-soeuer thinges are written afore Rom 15 4 time are written as the Apostle sayth for our learning that vvee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope For the whole Scripture saith hee is 2 Tim 3. 16 17. giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to conuince to correct and to instruct in righteousnes that the man of God may be absolute beeing made perfect vnto all good workes Yea vvhat-soeuer is required for our saluation Chrisostome is already contained as S. Chrisostome saith in the holy Scripture He that is ignorant shall finde there what hee may learne hee that is stubborne and a sinner may find there scourges of the iudgements to come the which he may feare and hee that is troubled may finde there the ioyful promises of euerlasting life through the beholding of the which hee may be stirred vp to doe good workes Finally the Scripture of God as S. Basill Basill saith is like vnto an Apothicaries shop full stored with medicines of sundry sorts so that euery man may there choose a conuenient remedy for his disease And surely as Beda saith without the Beda vnderstanding of the will of God by the sacred Scriptures our sight is but blindnes our knowledge ignorance our wisedom foolishnes and our deuotion deuilishnes §. 8. Nowe although indeede as Granado Granado saith wee must confesse with Saint Peter that there are some places in the Booke of God * hard to be vnderstood yet may we 2. Pet. 3 16. likewise saith hee say with the same Apostle that those places are hard to such as are vnlearned and vnstable which peruert and wrest them to theyr owne destruction For euerie worde of God as Salomon Prou 30. 5. saith is pure And the precepts of the Lord are plaine Prou 8 9. to him that vvill vnderstande and easie vnto all them that desire to finde knovvledge Nay more It cannot be possible saith Vincentius that that man vvhich with earnest studie and feruent desire often readeth Vincentius the holy Scriptures should euermore be forsaken or left vvithout vnderstanding of Gods holy will For although he want the instruction of learned men yet God himselfe from aboue entering into his heart by his holy Spirit lightneth his minde poureth his beames of grace into his wits openeth those things that before were hidden and becommeth vnto such a man a Schoolemaister of that he knew not only if he wil do so much as lieth in him Besides the holy Ghost as S. Augustine Augustine saith hath by his wisedome so notably and wholsomely tempered the Word that hee might with the easie places thereof satis-fie the greedy hunger of men and vvith the darkest places of it take away our lothsomnesse For there is no point almost founde of the darkest meaning in one place but it is plainly spoken of and easie to be vnderstood in another So that if the Gospell of Christ bee yet hid it is hid as the Apostle saith * to them 2 Cor 4 3 4. that perrish whose mindes sathan the god of this world hath blinded to the end the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ which is the Image of GOD should not shine vnto them The certaine truth of which Gospell is so highlie to be esteemed and reuerentlie regarded that if an Angell from heauen Gala 1 8 should come and preach vnto vs any other doctrine then what we finde therein alreadie contayned we ought for his tydings to count him accursed ¶ Of the workes of God §. 1. THE workes of Almightie God although Chrisostome of themselues as S. Chrisostome saith they are infinite in nūber yet may they all be reduced into these fiue heads following namely his worke of Creation his worke of Conseruation his vvorke of Redemption his vvorke of Iustification and his vvorke of Predestination §. 2. By the vvord of the Lord saith Dauid Psal 33 6 9 were the Heauens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth For hee spake and it was done he commaunded and it stoode As soone as hee saide Let the Earth be 2 Esdr 16 47 made it was made Let the Heauen bee created and it was created By his vvorde also vvere the Starres verse 48 established he knoweth the number of them Yea hee * counteth the number of the Psal 147 4. starres and calleth them all by their names At his commaundement likevvise the Ecclꝰ 39 17 water stoode as an heape and at the word of his mouth the vvaters gathered themselues He also hath shut the sea in the midst of 2. Esdras 16 50. the vvaters and vvith the vvorde of his mouth hath hee hanged the earth vppon the waters §. 3. Thy worde ô Lord saith Dauid endureth Psalm 119. 89 90 91 for euer in heauen thy truth also remaineth from one generation to another thou hast layd the foundation of the earth and it abideth They continue euen to this day by thine ordinaunces for all thinges serue thee The Heauens are thine the earth also is Psal 89. 11 thine thou hast layd the foundation of the World and all that therein is Thou spakest expresly in the first creation 2 Esdras 6 38. euen the first day and cōmaundedst that the Heauen Earth should be made and the vvorke followed thy word c. Vpon the second day thou createdst the 2 Esdr 6 41. heauenly ayre and commaundedst it that going betweene it should make a deuision betvveene the vvaters that the one part might remaine aboue and the other beneath Vpon the third day thou cōmaundedst that the waters should bee gathered together 2. Esd 6 42. in the seauenth part of the earth sixe parts hast thou dryed vp and kept them to the intent that men might sowe and occupie husband●y therein Vpon the fourth day thou createdst the 2 Esdr 6. 45. 46. light of the Sunne and of the Moone and the order of the S●arres and gauest them a charge that they should doe seruice euen vnto Man that was for to be created Vpon the fifth day thou sayd'st vnto 2 Esdr 6. 47. 48. the seauenth part where
Adam out of the earth The second of man without woman as Eue of Adams ribbe The third of man woman as we are all now borne into the world The fourth and last of a virgine without man as Christ our Sauiour of the blessed virgine Mary And of all the creatures of GOD vnder the Sunne saith Lyra there is none Lyra. more noble and greater then Man for all things in the VVorld are ●ut vnder his power §. 7. O Lord how manifold are thy workes Psalme 104. 24 25 saith Dauid in wisedome hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches so is the sea great wide for therin are things creeping innumerable both small beastes and great There goe the shippes and the Leuiathan verse 26. also whom thou hast made to play therein They that saile ouer the Sea tell of the Ecclꝰ 43 24 25 perrils thereof and when we heare it with our eares we meruaile thereat For there be strange and wonderous workes diuers manner of beastes and t●e creation of Whales Yea such men see the vvorkes of the Psalm 107 24 25. 26 27 c. Lord behold his wonders in the deepe For hee cōmaundeth and rayseth the stormie winde and it lifteth vp the waues therof They mount vp to the heauen and descend downe to the deepe so that theyr soule melteth for trouble They are tossed to and fro and stagger like a drunken man and all their cunning is gone Then they cry vnto the Lorde in theyr verse 28 29 trouble and he bringeth them out of theyr distresse He turneth the storme to calme so that the wau● 〈…〉 ereof are still When they are quieted they are gladde verse 30. and he bringeth them to the Hauen where they would be Let them therefore confesse before the verse 31 Lord his louing kindnesse and his vvonderfull workes before the sonnes of men And let them exalt him in the congregation verse 32 of the people and prayse him in the assembly of the Elders For by his word hee stilleth the vvinde Ecclꝰ 43 23 and by his counsel he appeaseth the deepe and planteth Ilands therein §. 8. Beholde saith Salomon the vvorke of Ecclesi 7. 15 GOD for vvho can make straight that which he hath made crooked I know saith hee that whatsoeuer God Ecclesi 3. 14 shall doe it shall be for euer to it can no man adde and from it can none diminish for God hath doone it that they shoulde feare before him §. 9. Among the Gods saith Dauid there is Psalm 86 8 none like vnto thee ô Lorde neyther is there any that can doe like thy workes Thou hast made thy wonderfull workes Psalm 40 5. so many that none can count in order to thee thy thoughts towards vs I vvoulde declare and speake of them saith hee but they are moe then I am able to expresse §. 10. VVho can as the Psalmist saith declare Psal 106 2 the noble actes of the Lorde our God or shew forth all his prayse Which made heauen earth the sea Psa● 146 6 and all that therein is And which keepeth his fidelitie for euer VVhich also verse 7 executeth iustice for the oppressed and giueth bread vnto the hungry Psalme 147 8 9 Which couereth the heauē with clowdes and prepareth raine for the earth and maketh the grasse to growe vpon the Mountaines Which giueth to beasts their foode and feedeth the young Rauens that cry vnto him Prayse him magnifie him as much as Ecclꝰ 43 30 ye can yet doth hee far exceede exalt him with all your power and be not weary yet can ye not attaine vnto it Neither may the number of his workes be counted For * his works are wonderfull Ecclꝰ 11 4 his works are glorious secrete vnknowne are his workes among men And * wee haue seene but a few thereof Ecclꝰ 43 32 Ecclꝰ 16 21 For the most * part of them are hid §. 11. To finish therfore this first poynt I will say as Iesus the sonne of Sirach saith As for the wondrous works of the Lord there Ecclus 18 5 6. may nothing be taken from them neither can any thing be put vnto them neyther may the ground of them be found out But vvhen a man hath done his best hee must beginne againe and when hee thinketh to come to an end he must returne againe to his labour Also * when vve haue spoken Ecclꝰ 43 27 much vvee cannot attaine vnto them But this is the summe of all that GOD is all Hee onely hath set his works in good Ecclꝰ 16 26 order frō the beginning and part of them hath he sundred from the other when hee first made them Hee hath garnished them for euer and verse 27 28 theyr beginnings so long as they shall endure they are not hungry nor wearied in theyr labours neither cease from their offices None of them hindereth another neither was any of them disobedient vnto his words For all his workes are exceeding good Ecclꝰ 39 16 and all his commaundements are doone in due season A man neede not to say VVhat is this Ecclꝰ 39 21 VVherefore is that For hee hath made all things for their owne vse Yea hee alone hath garnished the excellent Ecclꝰ 42 21 vvorks of his vvisedome And he is frō euerlasting to euerlasting for euer vnto him may nothing be added neyther can hee be diminished hee hath no neede of anie Counseller ¶ What Man is by nature how short and vncertaine the dayes of his life are And howe sure it is that after this life ended we must all appeare before the Iudgement seate of God to receiue euery man his wages or reward according to the works which he hath doone in this life WISDOM 2. verse 23. 24. God created Man without corruption and made him after the Image of his owne likenes Neuerthelesse through the enuy of the deuill Death came into the world ¶ Of Man and of his naturall inclination §. 1. WE reade in the third of Genesis that when Almightie GOD pronounced the heauie sentence of his great displeasure conceiued against our first Father Adam for tasting the fruite of the forbidden Tree hee closed vp the end of his speech with this Period telling Adam that as concerning his body hee was created of no better thing then the very dust of the earth and Gene. 3. 19. that into dust he should be turned againe VVee reade also that the Prophet Dauid in the 144. psalme demaunded of God this question saying Lord what is Man Psal 144. 3. that thou regardest him or the sonne of Man that thou thinkest vpon him And being sufficiently instructed by the holy Ghost hee presently giueth aunswere in the same place to his owne question saying * Man is like to vanitie his dayes are verse 4. like a shadow that vanisheth §. 2. VVhat is Man saith Sirach Whereto
also to the former part of the Apostles speech in the afore-saide chapter concerning the comming of Christ to iudgement with the resurrection of mens bodies and the immortality of the soule speaketh holy Iob in the 19. of his booke with a confident and perfect hope thereof saying * I am sure that my Redeemer liueth Iob 19 25 26 27 and that he shall stand the last on the earth And though after my skin wormes destroy this bodie yet shall I see GOD in my flesh whom I my selfe shall see and mine eyes shall behold and none other for me though my raines are consumed within mee The aforesaide S. Paule likewise comforting the Thessalonians with the remēbrance of the resurrection of the body and last Iudgement saith thus * I vvould not 1. Thes 4 13. 14. 15. 16 c. Bretheren haue you ignorant concerning them that are a sleepe that ye sorrow not euen as other which haue no hope For if we beleeue that Iesus is deade and is risen euen so them which sleepe in Iesus vvill God bring with him For this say we vnto you by the worde of the Lorde that vvee which liue and are remaining at the comming of the Lorde shall not preuent them which sleepe For the Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen with a showte and with the voyce of the Archangell with the trumpet of GOD and the dead in Christ shall rise first Then shall we which liue remaine be caught vp with them also in the Clowdes to meet the Lord in the ayre and so shall wee euer be vvith the Lord. By the testimony of vvhich places it plainely appeareth that at the last iudgement there shall not onely bee a generall raysing vp of all mens bodies which from the beginning of the vvorld haue already departed out of this life but also a suddain changing of all mens bodies then liuing on the earth which change shal be vnto them in sted of death And then shal the saints of God presently after the finall sentence frō Christ our Iudge pronounced enter both body soule into endlesse pleasure the wicked both body and soule into eternall paine ¶ of the vncertaine time of the last Indgement §. 1. NOvv for that the time of this day is vncertaine the houre of Christes comming vnknowne our Sauiour himselfe his beloued Apostles haue therefore vouchsafed to leaue behind them many forewarning speeches as a very necessary meanes to make vs more wary watchfull of the same Affirming that suddainly * and in an houre that we think not Math 24. 44 will the sonne of man come But of that day and howre saith Christ Math 24 36 knoweth no man no not the Angels of heauen but my Father onelie But as the dayes of Noe were so likewise Math. 24 37 38 39 shal the comming of the Sonne of man be For as in the dayes before the floode they did eate drinke marry and giue in marriage vntill the day that Noe entred into the Arke and knewe nothing vntill the flood came and tooke thē all away so shal also the cōming of the sonne of man be Likewise also as it was in the dayes of Luke 17 28 29 30 Lot they eate they dranke they bought they solde they planted they built but in the day that Lot went out of Sodome it rained fire brimstone from heauen and destroyed them all After these ensamples shal it be in the day when the sonne of man is reuealed At that day he that is vpon the house Luke 17 31 his stuffe in the house let him not come downe to take it out and hee that is in the fielde likewise let him not turne backe to that he left behind Then two shall be in the fieldes the one Math. 24 40 41 42. shall be receiued the other refused two women shall be grinding at the Mill the one shall be receiued and the other shal be refused Watch therfore for yee know not what houre your Maister will come Whether at euen or at midnight at the Mar 13 35 Cock-crowing or in the dawning Of this be sure saith Christ that if the Math 24. 43 44. good-man of the house knew at what time the thiefe would come hee woulde surelie watch not suffer his house to be digged through Therfore be ye also readie for in the houre that ye thinke not will the sonne of man come If thou wilt not watch saith hee I vvill Reue 3 3 come on thee as a theefe thou shalt not know what houre I will come vpon thee §. 2. These and sundry other such like speeches are set down in the New-Testament as admonishments to forewarne vs caueats to make vs careful how we spend our time least at that houre wee be found with the fiue foolish Virgins vnprouided For * the day of the Lord will come as a theefe 2 Pet 3 10. in the night in the which the heauens shal passe away with a noyse and the elements shal melt with heate the earth with the works that are therein shal be burnt vp Seeing then that all these thinges must be 2 Pet. 3. 11. 21 13 14. dissolued what manner of persons ought we to be in holy conuersation godlines looking for and hasting to the comming of the day of God by vvhich the heauens beeing on fire shall be dissolued and the elements shall melt with heate But vvee looke for newe heauens and a new earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnesse Wherfore beloued seeing that yee looke for such things be diligent that yee may bee founde of him in peace without spot and blamelesse c. And take heede to your selues least at Luke 21 34 any time your harts be oppressed with surfetting and drunkennesse and cares of this life and least that day come on you at vnwares For as a snare shall it come on all them verse 35 36 that dwell on the face of the vvhole earth VVatch therefore and pray continually that ye may be counted woorthy to escape all those thinges that shall come to passe and that ye may stand before the Sonne of Man And those things that I say vnto you I Mar 13 37 say vnto all men vvatch For blessed is that seruaunt whom his Math 24 46 Maister when he commeth shall finde so dooing ¶ Of Christ Why hee came into the world and of the profit vvee haue by his Death Resurrection and Ascention IOHN 17. verse 3. To know GOD and Iesus Christ whom he hath sent is life euerlasting ¶ Of Christ. c. §. 1. AT sundry times and in diuers manners Heb 1 1 2 saith the Apostle God spake in the old time to our Fathers by the Prophets in these last dayes hee hath spoken vnto vs by his Sonne vvhom he hath made heire of all things by whom also he made the worlds Who beeing the brightnesse of the glorie
that he was not able to performe it But afterwards GOD through his great loue and mercy sent his onely Sonne Christ into the vvorld both to fulfill the Lawe and also to offer grace vnto man vvhich remained as it were vppon a scaffold where hee saw nothing but death ready to deuoure him Christ came also at such time as learning did most florish when the greatest Empire Augustine was in the cheefest pride to the ende that all worldly wisedome should acknowledge it selfe to be foolishnes all power weakenesse before him Yet came he not to bee serued but to Mar. 10 45 serue to giue his owne life for the raunsome of many Hee came likewise not to destroy the Math 5 17 Law or the Prophets but to fulfil them Neither came hee to destroy mens liues Luke 9 5. but to saue them For God sent not his Son into the world Iohn 3 17 that he should condemne the worlde but that the world throgh him might be saued And this is a true saying by al meanes 1 Tim 1 15 woorthy to be receiued that Christ Iesus came into the vvorld to saue sinners §. 3. It was a matter greatly standing with the Ierome iustice of God saith S. Ierome that Christ should come into the vvorld and become man for vs because that in the same nature whereby GOD was offended in the same nature likewise shoulde satis-faction bee made sinne was committed in mans nature and therefore it was necessarie that Christ should come in mans nature to appease the wrath of God for sinne And forasmuch also as by the right of Chrisostome creation euery man is bound in conscience to fulfill euen the very rigour and extremitie of the mortall Law but man beeing fallen from his first estate was no way able to obserue it therefore it was requisite that Christ should come become man that in mans nature hee might fulfill all righteousnes which the Law doth exact §. 4. Christ came into the world saith Becon Becon both true God true man God of God his Father from before the beginning of all time and man of vs borne of the kindred of Abraham Dauid according to Gods promise Yea true and naturall man made of our fleshe and of our blood this alone excepted that we receiued our nature with sinne and in sin by naturall coniunction but Christ receiued his humanitie of his Mother Mary the blessed Virgine without sinne without the company of any man onely by the operation of the holie Ghost For by the salutation of an Angell the Gregory Worde entred the vvombe and straight the Worde in the wombe became flesh And the same Worde beeing made flesh Iohn 1 14 dwelt among vs and wee sawe the glorie thereof as the glory of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father full of grace and truth §. 5. Furthermore it greatly behooued saith Caluine Caluine that the sonne of God should become for vs Emanuell that is God with vs that in this sort that by naturall ioyning his God-head and nature of man might grow into one together otherwise neither could the neerenesse be neere enough nor alliance strong enough for vs to hope by that God dwelleth vvith vs So great vvas the disagreement betweene our filthines the most pure cleanenes of God And although man had stoode vndefiled without any spotte yet vvas his estate too base to attaine vnto GOD without a Mediatour Besides it was no meane thing that the Caluine Mediatour had to doe for it was so to restore vs into the fauour of God as to make vs of the children of men the chyldren of God of the heires of hell the heires of the kingdome of heauen And who could do this vnlesse the sonne of God were made also the sonne of man so take ours vppon him to conceiue his into vs and to make that ours by grace which was his by nature Therefore it was for the same cause verie Caluine profitable that hee which shoulde be our Mediatour and Redeemer should be both very God and very man It was his office to swallow vp death who could doe that but Life it selfe It was his office to ouercome sinne who could do that but Righteousnes it selfe It was his office to vanquish the powers of the worlde and of the ayre who could doe that but a Power aboue both world and ayre Now in whose possession is life or righteousnes or the Empire and power of heauen Caluine but in Gods alone Therfore the most mercifull God in the person of his onelie begotten sonne made himselfe our Mediatour and Redeemer when his will vvas to haue redeemed And forasmuch therfore as neither being onely God he could feele death nor being onely man he could ouercome death hee coupled the nature of man with the nature of GOD that hee might yeelde the one subiect to death to satisfie for sinnes and by the power of the other hee might wrastle with Death and get the victory for vs. § 6. Christ came from heauen saith Gregorie Gregory into a vvomans wombe from a vvomans wombe into a Cratch or Manger from the manger to the Crosse from the Crosse to the graue from the graue he went to heauen againe Yea hee by his incarnation came downe Ambrose from heauen to vs that wee beeing made partakers of his grace might ascend vp into heauen by him And for this purpose appeared the Son 1 Iohn 3 8. of GOD that he might loose the works of the deuill Which are * Fulgentius sinne death and hell He came also that we might haue life Iohn 10 10 and that we might haue it in aboundance Finally hee came into the vvorlde to Luke 19 10 seeke and saue that which was lost And not to call the righteous but sinners Math 9 13. to repentance §. 7. Moreouer vvee knowe saith S. Iohn 1 Iohn 5 20 that the sonne of God is come hath giuen vs a mind to know him which is true and vvee are in him that is true that is in his Sonne Iesus Christ this same is verie God and euerlasting life Yea hee is come a light into the world Iohn 12 46 that who soeuer beleeueth in him shoulde not abide in darknesse Hee hath also appeared that he might 1 Iohn 3 5. take avvay our sinnes and in him is no sinne Euery spirite therefore which confesseth 1 Ioh 4 2 3 that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God And euery spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God ¶ Of the Passion Death Buriall Resurrection and Ascention of our Sauiour Christ. §. 1. AFter that S. Peter had fully aunswered the demaund of his Maister by Math 16 16 20. cōfessing him to be Christ the sonne of the liuing God our Sauiour presently charged him and the rest of
and maketh request for vs. Sathan and his Angels are fallen and Augustine haue no Sauiour but Man falling had through the great mercy of God a Mediatour and Sauiour to restore him namely Iesus Christ VVho as he stoode in our roome vpon Ambrose the Crosse and made satisfaction vnto his Father for our sinnes so nowe in heauen hee appeares as a publique person in our stead representing all the Elect that beleeue in him Yea the selfe same Christ vvhich dyed Augustine for vs heere vpon the earth maketh intercession vnto his Father for vs now in heauen And whatsoeuer his request was in our Ambrose behalfe heere on earth the same for substance it continues still in heauen §. 6. Before the fall of Adam saith S. Ierome Ier●me man could speak to God face to face but now Christ is his Intercessour And thys worke of intercession is the sole worke of Christ God and man not belonging to any other creature besides either in heauen or earth The worke of Christes Passion serueth Chrisostome as a satisfaction vnto Gods iustice for our offences and is as it were the tempering of the plaister by which wee may be healed but Intercession goeth further for it applieth the same satis-faction of Christ to vs and layeth the very salue to the sore of euerie penitent sinner Besides the vvorke of Christes Intercession Chrisostome or Mediation serueth not onely to preserue all repentant sinners in the estate of grace that beeing once sanctified and iustified they may so continue to the end but it also maketh our workes acceptable in the sight of GOD and causeth him to account them righteous through our faith in Christ §. 7. Christ our Sauiour beeing both our Heb 9 24 high Priest and Mediatour as the Apostle in his Epistle to the Hebrewes calleth him is not entred into the holy places that are made with hands which are similitudes of the true Sanctuary but is entred into heauen it selfe to appeare nowe in the sight of GOD for vs. Not that hee should offer himselfe often verse 25 26. as the High-priest among the Iewes entred into the Holy place euery yeere vvith other blood for then must he haue often suffered since the foundation of the world but nowe in the end of the world hath he appeared once to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himselfe And as it is appointed vnto men that verse 27 28. they shall once die and after that cōmeth the iudgement so Christ was once offered to take away the sinnes of many and vnto them that looke for him shall hee appeare the second time without sinne vnto saluation Againe among the Ievves many vvere Hebr. 7 23. made Priestes because they were not suffered to endure by reason of death but this man Christ because hee endureth euer hath an euerlasting priest-hood VVherefore verse 24. 25 he is able also perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him seeing he euer liueth to make intercession for them For such an High-priest it became vs to verse 26. 27. haue which is holie harmelesse vndefiled separate frō sinners and made higher then the heauens which needed not daily as those High-priestes to offer vp sacrifice first for his owne sinnes and then for the peoples for that did he once when he offered vp himselfe §. 8. The same Christ likewise being come Hebr 9 11. 12. an High-priest of good things to come by a greater and a more perfit Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building neyther by the blood of Goates and Calues but by his owne blood entred he in once into the holy place obtained eternall redemption for vs. For if the blood of Bulles of Goates verse 13. 14. and the Ashes of an Heifer sprinckling them that are vncleane sanctifieth as touching the purifying of the flesh hovve much more shal the blood of Christ which through the eternall Spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purge our cōscience from dead works to serue the liuing God And for this cause is he the Mediatou● of verse 15. the newe Testament that thorowe death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that vvere in the former Testament they which were called might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance For where as is a Testament there must verse 16 17 also be the death of him that made the Testament For the Testament is confirmed when men are dead and is yet of no force so long as he that made the same remaineth aliue c. §. 9. Doubtlesse saith S. Paule one wil scarse Rom 5 7 die for a righteous man but yet for a good man it may be that one dare die But God setteth out his loue towards vs verse 8 9 seeing that vvhile vvee vvere yet sinners Christ d●ed for vs. Much more then beeing now iustified by his blood we shall be saued from wrath through him For if when we were enemies wee were verse 10 reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more beeing reconciled we shall be saued by his life And not onely so but vvee also reioyce verse 11. in GOD through our Lord Iesus Christ by vvhom vvee haue novve receiued the attonement For God hath not appoynted vs vnto 1 Thes 5 9 10. vvrath but to obtaine saluation by the meanes of our Lorde Iesus Christ vvhich died for vs that vvhether wee vvake or sleepe we should liue together with him Wherefore if any man sinne wee haue 1 Ioh. 2 1 2. an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the iust hee is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world By him vvee haue redemption through Ephe 1 7 8 his blood euen the forgiuenesse of sinnes according to his rich grace vvhereby hee hath beene abundant toward vs in all wisedome and vnderstanding By him we are made the sonnes of God Iohn 1 12. if wee beleeue in his Name And of his fulnes haue all wee receiued verse 16 euen grace for grace By his blood also wee may be bold to Heb 10. 19 20. enter into the Holy place by the newe and liuing way which he hath prepared for vs through the vaile that is his flesh For we are made partakers of Christ if Heb 3 14 we keepe sure vnto the end the beginning where-with we are vpholden And we are iustified freely by the grace Rom. 3 24. 25. of God through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus whom God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood For the blood of Iesus Christ the sonne 1. Iohn 1. 7. of God clenseth vs from all sinne And without sheading of blood is no Heb 9 22. remission §. 10. Seeing then that we haue a great High-priest Heb 4 14 vvhich is entred into Heauen euen Iesus
Law the Prophets ¶ Of Prayer and thankesgiuing §. 1. ASke saith Christ and it shall be giuen Math 7 7 you seeke and ye shall finde knock and it shall be opened vnto you For whosoeuer asketh receiueth and verse 8 hee that seeketh findeth vnto him that knocketh it shall be opened But let him that asketh aske in fayth and Iames 1 6 7 wauer not for hee that wauereth is like a waue of the Sea tost of the winde carried away neither let that man thinke that hee shall receiue any thing of the Lord. Therefore I say vnto you whatsoeuer Mark 11 24 yee desire when yee pray beleeue that yee shall haue it and it shall be doone vnto you Prouided alwaies that thou neuer aske Beza in prayer any such thing as seemeth good onely in thine ovvne conceite or fantasie but that thy peticion be euermore aunswerable to the word of God wholie limitted within the pleasure of his holy will For this is the assurance that we haue in 1. Iohn 5 14 15 God that if wee aske any thing according to his will hee heareth vs and if we know that hee heareth vs what-soeuer wee aske wee know that wee haue the peticions that we haue desired of him §. 2. Before thou prayest saith Sirach prepare Ecclꝰ 18. 22 thy selfe therevnto least thou bee as one that tempteth the Lord. For prayer is like a shippe in the Sea Plotinus which if it be good saueth all that is therein but if it be naught it suffereth them to perrish First therefore ere thou beginnest to Plotinus pray vnto GOD examine thy selfe what thou intendest to aske cast away from thee with a repentant hart all thy former iniquities then call vpon him with a lowly and humble spirit and hee will assuredlie heare thee releeue thy necessity quiet thy conscience and most ioyfully comfort thee §. 3. And when thou prayest be not as the Math 6 5. hypocrites for they loue to stand pray in the Sinagogues in the corners of the streetes because they woulde be seene of men Verily I say vnto you they haue theyr reward But when thou prayest enter into thy Math 6 6 chamber and vvhen thou hast shutte thy doore pray vnto thy Father which is in secret and thy Father which is in secret shall reward thee openly Also when yee pray vse no vaine repetitions verse 7. 8 like the Heathen for they think to be heard for their much babling Be ye not like them therefore for your father knoweth whereof ye haue need before you aske him §. 4. Furthermore vvhen thou enterest in to pray let thy prayer be to this end especially Pacuuius that God as he is mercifull so he will for his promise sake grant vnto thee those things which thou desirest if it stand with his blessed will otherwise so farre foorth onely to graunt thy peticion as it may tend to his glory thine owne good Desire him likewise that as hee is good to all that call vpon him so he will be mercifull B●con vnto thee in forgiuing all thy offences past daily more more purifie thy hart through the powerfull working of his holie Spirit that thereby thou mayst be made both apt and able to vnderstand his truth dutifully to appeare obedient in the performing of his heauenly will by expressing the fruites of faith in thy life and conuersation Yea forget not to pray often vnto God Eugenius for the clensing of the impuritie of thine heart and carefully endeuour to restraine that the corruption thereof breake not out either to the hurt of thy selfe or to the harme of any other Moreouer thou oughtest in thy prayer Hemingius not onelie to make peticion vnto God for thy selfe but also for the happy estate and prosperitie of thy Prince and for all others that by him are placed in authoritie for of them dependeth the peace and tranquilitie of the weale publique And of this matter dooth the Apostle S. Paule himselfe admonish vs vvhere hee saith * I exhort therefore that first of all 1 Tim 2 1 2. supplications prayers intercessions and giuing of thanks be made for all men for Kings for all that are in authoritie that wee vnder them may leade a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlines honestie §. 5. Acknowledge your faultes one to another Iames. 5. 16 and pray one for another saith Saint Iames that yee may be healed For the prayer of a righteous man auaileth much if it be feruent Elias was a man subiect to the like passions Iames 5 17 as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not raine and it rained not on the earth for three yeeres sixe months Afterward hee prayed againe and the Iames 5 18 heauen gaue raine and the earth brought forth her fruite The prayer also of Moises so mightilie preuailed in the presence of his Maker that it seemed as it were to stay the very power of God from powring downe his vvrath vpon the people and caused him to say * Let mee alone Moises that my vvrath Exod 32 10 may waxe hote against this Nation to destroy them As if hee should haue said to Moises as he said to Lot * Get thee hence for I can Gen 19 22 doe nothing till thou be gone Wee reade likewise that after Hezekiah had receiued a speciall commaundement Esay 38 1 2 3 c. from God to set the affaires of his house in good order to prepare himselfe to die hee beeing vnwilling so soone to forsake his life feruently prayed to the Giuer of time obtained so much fauour through his earnest petition that his raigne vvas afterward more enlarged by the length of fifteene yeeres §. 6. Let no man saith Saint Bernard be vnmindful Bernarde to pray often vnto God for prayer is a vertue that greatly preuaileth against temptation against all assaults of infernall spirits against the false delights of this lingering life and against the motions of our owne flesh And like as by reuerent fasting and Erasmus abstinence the bodily passions of man are to be cured so by feruent prayer and supplication vnto God the pestilent infections of the minde are to be healed Pray therefore as the Apostle counselleth 1 Thes 5. 17 continually And vvatch in the same with thankesgiuing Colos 4 2 Yea watch and pray that yee enter not Mark 14. 38 into temptation And what-soeuer yee aske in prayer if Math 21. 22 yee beleeue yee shall receiue it §. 7. VVhether yee eate or drinke or vvhatsoeuer 1 Cor 10 31 yee doe saith the Apostle let all be done to the glory of God Giuing thankes alwaies vnto him that Ecclꝰ 32 14 hath made thee and replenished thee with his goods For vvee ought euermore to be as forward Pet. Mart. in giuing thankes to God for the seuerall blessings
that a man hath not according to that he hath not This yet remember that he which soweth 2 Cor. 9. 6 7 sparingly shall ●eape also sparingly hee that soweth liberally shall reape also liberally As euery man wisheth in his hart so let him giue not grudgingly or of necessitie for God loueth a cheerfull giuer §. 6. Because saith the Lord there shall bee Deut 15 11 euer some poore in the Land therefore I commaund thee saying Thou shalt open thy hand vnto thy brother vnto thy needie and vnto thy poore in the land Bestow thy treasure then according to Ecclus. 29. 11 12. the cōmaundement of th● most High and it shall bring thee more profite then golde Lay vp thine almes in thy secret chambers it shall keepe thee from all afflictions Lay not vp treasures for your selues vpon Math 6 19 20 21 earth where the moth and canker corrupt and where theeues digge through steale but lay vp treasures for your selues in heauen vvhere neither the moth nor canker corrupteth where theeues neyther digge through nor steale For where your treasure is there wil your harts be also §. 7. If thou wilt be a good Merchant or a Augustine gainefull Vsurer giue that which thou canst not keepe that thou maist receiue that which thou canst not loose Giue a little that thou maist receiue a hundred fold giue a temporall fading possession that thou maist receiue an euerlasting inheritance And vvhat-soeuer thou giuest giue it Augustine freelie for hee neuer giues in vaine that giues in zeale Neither doe I remember that euer I Ierome read of any one that dyed an euill death vvho willingly exercised the vvorkes of mercie For they haue the prayers of manie and it is vn●ossible but that their prayers should be heard §. 8. Giue vnto the most High according as Ecclꝰ 35 10 hee hath enriched thee looke what thy hand is able giue with a cheerefull eye For the Lord recompenseth wil giue verse 11. thee seuen times as much Stretch out thine hande vnto the poore Ecclus 7 32 and needy that thy blessing and reconciliation may be accomplished Be as a father vnto the fatherlesse and as Ecclus 4 10 an husbande vnto their mother so shalt thou be as the sonne of the most High and hee shall loue thee more then thy mother dooth §. 9. Charge them that are rich in the vvorld saith Paule vnto Timothie that they bee 1. Tim. 6. 17 18. 19. not high minded and that they trust not in vncertaine riches but in the liuing God which giueth vs aboundantly all things to enioy That they doe good and be rich in good workes and be ready to distribute communicate laying vp in store for themselues a good foūdation against the time to come that they may obtaine eternall life For hee that giueth almes layeth vp for Tob 4. 9. himselfe a good store against the day of necessity Because the almes of a man is as a thing Ecclꝰ 17 20 sealed vp before God and he keepeth the good deedes of men as the apple of the eye and giueth repentance to their sonnes and daughters At the last also shall he arise reward verse 21. them and shall repay theyr rewards vpon theyr heads Giue almes therefore of those thinges Luke 11 41 which thou hast Giue of thy bread to the hungry giue Tob 4 16. of thy garments to the needy and naked and of all thine abundance giue almes and let not thine eye be enuious when thou giuest thine almes For nothing doth so much commend a Ambrose Christian as commiseration and charitie §. 10. Let it not at any time grieue thee to doe Plotinus good vnto the poore and needy but rather couet to be liberall in thy gifts to such as want and are distressed for the almesdeedes of the liberall doe more profit the giuer then benefite the receiuer Haue alwaies compassion on the poore Caluine the blinde the lame and endeuour by good counsell to comfort him that is afflicted in conscience Forget not often to visite the sicke to Gueuara relieue them that are in bonds to succour poore Orphanes and to defend the cause of the widdow and oppressed For pure Religion and vndefiled before Iames 1 17. God euen the Father is this to visite the fatherlesse and widdowes in their aduersitie to keepe our selues vnspotted of the world Also like as all things else that are bred vpon the earth are all created and ordained Cicero for the vse commoditie of man so man for the benefit of man is begotten borne into the world to the end they should continually doe good by helping one another And they vvhich exercise almes righteousnesse Tob 12 9 shall be filled with life But euery one that sinneth is an enemie Tob 12 10 to his owne soule §. 11. Almes saith Tobie is a good gift before Tob 4 11 the most High to all them vvhich vse it And it is better to giue Almes then to Tob. 12. 8. lay vp gold Say not vnto thy neighbour Goe and Prou 3 28 come againe and to morrow I will giue thee if thou now haue it For he that giueth vnto the poore shall Prou. 28. 27. not lack but hee that hideth his eyes shall haue many curses Giue almes therefore of thy substance Tob 4 7 and when thou giuest thine almes let not thine eye bee enuious neither turne thy face from any poore body least that God turne his face from thee Giue part of that which thou possessest Iraeneus though thy gift amount to no more in value then the poore vviddowes two mites Giue also at the first asking for the gift Socrates is not worth thankes vvhich is often craued Besides the gift which is grudginglie Plato giuen may well be called a stonie loafe which although it be hard yet it is needfull to be receiued of him that is hungry §. 12. Hee that hath mercie vpon the poore Prou 19 17. lendeth vnto the Lorde and the Lorde vvill recompence him that which hee hath giuen For GOD so greatly loueth the poore Ierome that what-soeuer good deede is done vnto any of them for the loue of him he taketh it as it were doone vnto himselfe And hee shall vndoubtedly finde many Leo. great blessings at Gods hand who letteth not the poore and needy depart from him without comfort §. 13. But vvhen thou mindest to distribute or giue any thing vnto the poore thou Rom 12 8 must euer-more obserue this rule therein namelie to doe the same as the Apostle counselleth with simplicitie Not causing a trumpet to be blowne before Math 6 2 3 4. thee when thou giuest thine almes as the hypocrites doe in the Sinagogues and in the streets to the end they may be seene and praysed of men For verily I say
honoureth and obeyeth Tertullian his Prince honoureth and obeyeth God for the Prince is Gods Vizegerent here on earth and representeth amongst men vsing his authoritie as hee ought the glorious state and high Maiestie of GOD in heauen §. 9. Obey them saith the Apostle that haue Heb 13 17 the ouer-sight of you and submit your selues for they watch for your soules as they that must giue accounts that they may doe it with ioy not with griefe for that is vnprofitable for you The Elders that rule well saith hee are 1 Tim 5 17. 18 woorthy of double honour specially they that labour in the Word doctrine For the Scripture saith Thou shalt not mousell the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corne and The labourer is worthy of his wages Nowe therefore we beseech you brethren 1 Thes 5 12 13 that yee knowe them which labour among you and are ouer you in the Lord and admonish you that yee haue them in singuler loue for their workes sake * And Philip. 2. 29. make much of such §. 10. Honour all men loue brotherly fellowship 1 Pet 2 17. feare God honour the King For the Kings wrath is like the roaring Prou 19 12 of a Lyon but his fauour is like the dewe vpon the grasse And as Princes are men before God so Lactantius are they Gods before men This alwaies yet remember That vvee Acts. 5 29. ought rather to obey God than man ¶ A further declaration of diuers other speciall commaundements which we finde contained in the Booke of GOD concerning our dutie towards him and our loue towards our neighbour With many profitable sayings tending to the same effect and purpose collected foorth of the workes of sundry learned and worthy Writers ¶ Against the worshipping of Images and false Gods §. 1. THus spake the Almightie vnto Israell Exod. 20 1 2 3. in the twenty chapter of Exodus saying I am the Lorde thy GOD which haue brought thee out of the Lande of Egypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other Gods but mee Thou shalt make thee no grauen Image verse 4. neyther any similitude of things that are in heauen aboue neither that are in the earth beneath nor that are in the waters vnder the earth Thou shalt not bowe downe to them Exod 20 5 nor serue them for I am the Lorde thy God a ielous God visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vppon the children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate mee And shewing mercy vnto thousands in verse 6. them that loue mee and keepe my commaundements §. 2. To vvhom saith Esay vvill yee liken Esay 40 18. GOD or what similitude will yee set vp vnto him Hee is a King euerlasting immortall 1 Tim 1 17 and invisible * And there is none like vnto Deu● 33. 26 to him Take therefore good heede vnto your Deut 4 15 16. selues for ye saw no image in the day that the Lord spake vnto you in Horeb out of the middes of the fire that yee corrupt not your selues make you a grauen image or representation of any figure whether it be the likenes of male or female The likenes of any beast that is on the verse 17 18 earth or the likenes of any fethered foule that flieth in the ayre The likenesse of any thing that creepeth on the earth or the likenes of any fish that is in the vvaters beneath the earth c. For the Lord thy GOD is a consuming Deut 4 24 fire and a ielous God §. 3. Confounded be all they saith Dauid Psalm 97 7 that serue grauen Images and that glorie in their Idols Miserable are they and among the dead Wisd 13 10 is their hope that call them Gods which are the workes of mens hands For the worshipping of Idols vvhich Wisd 14 26 ought not to be named is the beginning the cause and the end of all euill The inuenting of them was the beginning Wisd 14 11 of whoredome and the finding of them is the corruption of life For they were not from the beginning verse 12. 13 neyther shall they continue for euer The vaine-glory of men brought them into the world therefore shal they come shortly to an end They haue mouthes and speake not Psalm 115 5. 6. 7. they haue eyes and see not they haue eares and heare not they haue noses and smell not they haue hands and touch not they haue feete walk not neither make they any sound with theyr throate They that make them are like vnto thē and so are all they that put theyr trust in Psal 115 8 them But cursed be the Image the image-maker Wisd 14 8 hee because hee made it and it because that beeing a corruptible thing it was called God §. 4. VVho-soeuer saith S. Augustine adoreth or maketh his prayer beholding an Image Augustine hee is so moued thereby in his owne minde that he thinketh the Image heareth him and also hopeth that it will performe his peticion An vnhappy memory therfore is that which to remember Christ vvho neuer Carolus magnus ought to depart out of the hart of the iust man standeth in neede of a sightfull conceite nor otherwise can haue the presence of Christ within him vnlesse hee haue his Image painted on a vvall or expressed in some other matter for such a memory as is nourished and kept by Images proceedeth not of harty loue but necessitie of eye-sight And out of all doubt there is no true religion Lactantius to be looked for wheresoeuer an Image hath any abyding ¶ Against swearing §. 1. THou shalt not take the Name of the Exod 20 7 Lord thy God in vaine for the Lorde will not holde him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine Yee haue heard that it was saide to them Math 5 33 of old time Thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe but shalt performe thine oath vnto the Lord. But I say vnto you sweare not at all neither verse 34 35 by heauen for it is the throne of God nor yet by the earth for it is his footestoole neyther by Ierusalem for it is the Cittie of the great King Neyther shalt thou swear by thine head verse 36. because thou canst not make one hayre white or blacke But let your communication bee Yea verse 37 yea Nay nay for vvhat-soeuer is more then these commeth of euill §. 2. Aboue all thinges my brethren sweare Iames 5 12. not neither by heauen nor by earth nor by any other oath but let your yea be yea and your nay nay least yee fall into condemnation Accustome not thy mouth to swearing Ecclꝰ 23 9 for in it there are many falles neyther take vp for an ordinary vse the naming of the Holy one for thou shalt not escape vnpunished for such things For as a seruaunt
verse 10 not theyr Cowe calueth and casteth not her calfe They sende foorth theyr chyldren by Iob 21 11 12 13 flocks and theyr sonnes leade the daunce They beare with them Tabrets Harps and haue instruments of musicke at theyr pleasure They spende their dayes in welthines and suddainely they goe downe to the graue They say also vnto God Depart from Iob 21 14 15 vs for we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes VVho is the Almighty that vvee should serue him and what profit should we haue if we should pray vnto him They are licentious and presumptious Psal 73 8 9 boasters They sette theyr mouth against heauen theyr tongue walketh through the earth Loe these are the vvicked yet prosper Psal 73 12 they in the world and haue riches plentifully in possession §. 3. Then thought I saith the Psalmist to Psalm 73 16 17 know this or to vnderstand the reason of thys matter but it was to hard for me vntill I went into the Sanctuary of God then vnderstood I the end of these men Namely how the Lord hath sette them verse 18 in slipperie places casteth them downe into desolation Oh howe suddainly doe they consume Psal 37 19 perrish and come to a fearefull end Euen as a dreame when one awaketh so verse 20. shall God make theyr image to vanish out of the Cittie §. 4. I my selfe saith hee haue seene the vngodly Psalm 37. 35 36 in great power and spreading himselfe like a greene Bay-tree Yet he passed away and lo hee was gone and I sought him but hee could not be found Therefore yet a little while and the wicked Psal 37. 10. shall not appeare thou shalt looke after his place and he shall not be found Doubtlesse vvith thine eyes shalt thou Psal 91. 8. behold and see the reward of the wicked For the Lord hateth all them that work Psalm 5. 5. iniquitie And his face is against them that doe euil Psal 34 16 to cut off their remembrance from the earth §. 5. The vvicked saith Dauid practiseth against Psal 37. 12 13 14 15 the iust gnasheth vpon him with his teeth but the Lord shall laugh him to scorne for hee seeth that his day is comming Though he haue drawn his sword and haue bent his bow to cast downe the poore and needy and to slay such as be of vpright conuersation yet shall his sworde goe thorow his owne hart his bow shal be broken §. 6. My hart saith the Prophet sheweth Psal 36 1. mee the wickednes of the vngodly that there is no feare of GOD before his eyes For hee flattereth himselfe in his owne verse 3 4 eyes till his abhominable iniquity be found out The words of his mouth are vnrighteous and full of deceit he hath left off to vnderstand and to doe good Hee imagineth mischiefe vpon his bed Psal 36 5 hee setteth himselfe vpon a way that is not good and doth not abhor to doe euill He is so proude that hee seeketh not for Psal 10 4 5 GOD hee thinketh alwayes There is no God His wayes alway prosper and the iudgements of the Lord are hie aboue his sight therefore defieth he all his enemies He saith in his hart I shall neuer be moued Psal 10 6 7 nor be in any danger His mouth is ful of cursing deceit and fraude vnder his tongue is misciefe and iniquity Hee sitteth lurking in the theeuish corners Psal 10 8 9 of the streets and in the secrete places doth he priuily murther the innocent His eyes are bent against the poore Hee lyeth in waite secretly euen as a Lyon so lurketh hee in his denne that hee may spoyle the poore And heapes of thē doe fall by his might Psal 10 10 11. Hee hath also saide in his hart Tush God hath forgotten hee hideth away his face and will neuer see this Notwithstanding God hath seene al his Psal 10 14 dooings For hee from whose eyes no secrete can be hid beholdeth mischiefe and wrong that hee may take the matter into his hands And when hee maketh inquisition for Psal 9 12 blood hee remembreth it and forgetteth not the complaint of the poore But vvill recompence the vngodly according Psal 94 23 to theyr vngodlines and destroy them in theyr owne malice Yea the Lord our God shall destroy them For it is a righteous thing vvith him to 2 Thes 1 6 recompence tribulation to them that trouble his seruaunts §. 7. And though as Salomon saith hand Prou 11 21 ioyne in hand yet shall not the vngodly escape vnpunished But his mischiefe shall returne vpon his Psal 7 16 owne head and his crueltie shall fall vpon his owne pate For the right hand of the Lord shall not 2. Esd 15. 22 spare the vvicked neither shall the sworde cease from them that shed innocent blood vpon the earth §. 8. Knowest thou not this of old and since Iob 20 4 5. GOD placed man vpon the earth saith Iob that the reioycing of the vvicked is short and that the ioy of hypocrites is but a moment Though the excellencie of the vngodly Iob 20 6 7 man mount vp to the heauen his head reach vnto the clowdes yet shall he perrish for euer like his dung they which haue seene him shall say VVhere is hee Hee shall flee away as a dreame they verse 8 shall not finde him and shall passe away as a vision of the night So that the eye which sawe before shall Iob 20 9 haue no more sight of him neither shall his place know him any more His children shall be faine to agree with verse 10. 11. the poore and his hands shall restore his substance His bones are full of the sinne of his youth it shal lie downe with him in the dust §. 9. The riches that hee hath deuoured hee Iob 20. 15 16 17. shal pa●brake againe for God shall drawe them out of his belly He shal suck the gall of Aspes and the Vipers tongue shall sley him So that he shall no more see the riuers and brookes of hony and butter The things that other men haue laboured verse 18 19 for he shal restore againe shall not eate them vp Great trauaile shall he make for riches but he shal not enioy them And why hee hath oppressed the poore and not helped them houses hath hee spoyled and not builded them Surely hee shal feele no quietnes in his Iob 20 20 21. 22 body neyther shall hee reserue of that which hee desired There shal none of his meate or substance be left therfore none shal hope for his goods When he shall be filled with his abundance hee shall be in paine and the hand of all the wicked shall assaile him According to that sentence of Erasmus Erasmus where hee sayth It pleaseth GOD many times to
euerliuing GOD to maintaine it which shal neuer be wearie §. 31. Rightly therefore is hell termed the hold ●rasmus of horrour distresse and misery and the Cell of torment griefe and vexation Wherein nothing els is to be heard but Cassi●dorus onely the furious raging of hellish tormentors and the ruthfull lamentations of damned persons Where all hope of ease and comfort for Gregory euer is exempted no redemption from thence may be expected For after the vvhole company of most Anselmus miserable damned vvretches haue there suffered torments both in soule and bodie for their sinnes as many thousand yeres as there haue been dayes since the beginning of the vvorld or as there be drops of water in the deepest Sea yet shall they then notwithstanding haue as farre to the ende of theyr punishment as they had the first day of theyr entrance into those greeuous calamities And as long as Almighty God shall be GOD which is for euer and euer world without end so long shall the wicked burne in the tormenting lake of fire brimstone vvithout mittigation of theyr miseries hope of heauenly fauour or likelihood of any releasement From the which pit of endlesse perdition and stinking dungion of eternall darknesse hee that is the Father of mercies and God of euerlasting glory deliuer all those that belong vnto him for his beloued Sonne Iesus Christ his sake our only Lord and Sauiour Amen FINIS ¶ Behold howe I haue not laboured for my selfe onely but for all them that seeke vvisedome Ecclus. 24. 39. Vnto God alone be giuen all praise honour glory ❧ A necessary Table of all the speciall matters contained in this Booke ¶ The seuerall matters handled in the first Discourse THat the Lord our God is immortall inuisible euerlasting page 1. 2. 3. 4. Of the mightie power of GOD. page 6. 7. 8. 9. c. That it belongeth onely vnto GOD to pardon our sinnes page 23. 24. 25. Of the wisedome of God page 31. Of the knowledge of God page 38. That the Lord God knoweth both the godly and vngodly page 40. 41. Of the great mercie and louing kindnes of God page 43. 44. That the mercy of God is both generall and speciall page 46. Of the iustice of God page 53. The iustice of God deuided by S. Ambrose into three parts page 56. Of three speciall causes that daily moue men to sinne against God page 57. Of the vvayes of God page 63. That the wayes of God are to be taken for all manner of his dooings page 64. That the Lorde is righteous in all his wayes page 65. That the wayes of God are not like vnto the wayes of man page 66. Of the word of God page 68 The authoritie of Gods word page 70 That Gods word cōtaineth in it al things needfull for our saluation page 72 That Gods vvorde is easie to be vnderstoode page 74 75 Of the workes of God 76 77 That of all the works of God man is the cheefest page 83 Howe man is saide to be the Image of GOD. page 83 84 God hath created man foure seuerall vvayes page 84 ¶ The seuerall matters handled in the second Discourse OF man of his naturall inclination page 90 91 92 c That man hath no free-will of himselfe to doe any thing that is good page 97 98 99 c That mans naturall free-will reacheth onely but to carnall and worldly matters page 100. Of the shortnes and vncertaintie of mans life page 106 Of the many miseries hapning to man in this life page 113 The causes why God suffereth man to be so much subiect to misery page 121 Of the parting of the soule from the bodie and of the immortalitie thereof 125 Of the first Iudgement after death page 132 133 Of the last Iudgement after death page 135 136 Of the vncertaine time of the last Iudgement page 142 ¶ The seuerall matters handled in the third discourse OF Christ page 146. That by him were all things created page 147 That Christ hath all power giuen him both in heauen and in earth page 148 That Christ is the way the truth the life vnto the kingdome of heauen page 148 149 That Christ is both the power of God and the wisedome of God page 150 That Christ is our wisedome and righteousnes sanctification and redemption c. page 150 151 The seuerall causes of Christes cōming into the world and the necessity thereof page 152 153 That Christ came to offer grace vnto all men page 152. That Christ came to fulfill the Lawe to make satisfaction vnto his Father for our offences page 153 That Christ came into the world both true God and true man page 154 That Christ came downe from heauen to vs that wee might ascend vp to heauen by him page 157 That Christ came to loose or destroy the workes of the deuill page 157 That Christ came to seeke and to saue that which was lost page 157. Of the Passion Death Buriall Resurrection ascention of our sauiour Christ according to the Scriptures page 158 159 160 161 c That Christ was deliuered to death by the determinate counsell and fore-knowledge of God page 165 166 Of the seuerall benefites which wee haue by the death resurrection and ascention of our Sauiour Christ page 172 173. c That Christ by his death gaue himselfe a raunsome for all men page 172 That Christ was clothed vvith death that hee might thereby kill death for vs. page 173 That Christ by his death hath destroyed him that had the power of death 173. That Christ hath taken on him our infirmities and borne our paines page 174 That Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law when he was made a curse for vs. page 176 That when Christ suffered death in his flesh vpon the Crosse the God-head and manhood were together page 177 Of foure benefites that wee receiue by the death of Christ page 177 That the meanes of our saluation by the death of Christ are two-fold 178 That Christ by his death hath put out the hand-writing that was against vs contained in the Law written page 178. That like as Christ by his owne power raised himselfe to life so by his own power hee is able to raise vp all them that are his members page 183. That the resurrection of Christ vvas long since prefigured in Adam 184 That Christ our Sauiour is ascended into heauen and sitteth for euer at the right hand of God page 185 That although Christ be absent from vs as concerning his humanitie yet hee is alwaies present with vs by the power of his diuinitie page 186 That Christ by his ascention hath taken sinne and sathan prisoners page 187 That Christ is ascended to prepare a place for vs in heauen page 187 That Christ being in heauen at the right hand of God maketh request vnto his Father for vs. page 189 That although Christ be both GOD and man yet
the Sonne of GOD let vs hold fast our profession For wee haue not an High-priest which verse 15. cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all thinges tempted like as we are yet without sinne Which in the dayes of his flesh did offer Heb 5 7 vp prayers and supplications with strong crying teares vnto him that was able to saue him from death and was also heard in that which he feared And though he were the Sonne yet learned verse 8. 9. hee obedience by the things vvhich he suffered And being consecrate or perfectly holy was made the Authour of eternall saluation to all thē that obey him And is called of GOD an High-priest Heb 5 10 * Heb 7 21 for euer after the order of Melchisedeck For it became him for whom are all Hebr 2 10. things and by whom are all things seeing that he brought many children vnto glory that he should cōsecrate the Prince of theyr saluation through afflictions Yea in all things it behooued him to be Heb 2 17. made like vnto his brethren that he might be mercifull and a faithfull High-priest in things concerning God that hee might make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people For in that he suffered and was verse 18. tempted hee is able also to succour them that are tempted §. 11. These things are written that yee might Iohn 20 31 beleeue that Iesus is the Christ the sonne of God and that in beleeuing yee might haue life through his Name For other foundation can no man la● 1 Cor 3 11 then that vvhich is layde vvhich is Iesus Christ The * Mark 5. 7. Son of the most high God Who gaue himselfe for vs that ●e might Titus 2 14 redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to be a peculier people vnto him-selfe zealous of good workes Neither is there saluation in any other Acts 4 12. for among men there is giuen none other Name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued Let vs therefore by him offer the sacrifice Heb. 13 15 of prayse alwayes vnto GOD that is to say the fruite of those lippes which confesse his Name For he onely is our mouth vvhereby Ambrose we speake vnto the Father he is our eyes whereby we see the Father he is our right hand whereby we offer our selues vnto the Father And vvithout his intercession neyther wee nor any of the Saints haue ought to doe with GOD. But hee euermore prayeth for vs prayeth Beda in vs is prayed of vs. Hee prayeth for vs as our Aduocate and euerlasting Priest Hee prayeth in vs as our head and hee is prayed of vs as our God For he is the Mediator between God Cyrill man not onely because he hath reconciled man vnto God but also because hee is naturally and substantially both God man in one person Yet doth it not folow that he maketh intercession Theod. Beza to himselfe seeing that the Father is one the Son is another in seuerall persons throughly distinct albeit that the Father the son be both one thing one God if the essence of them be considered without their persons For like as in Christ incarnate there be seuerall things not seuerall persons so in the God-head there be seueral persons but not seuerall things §. 12. In him likewise and through him vvee Ambrose haue all things For if wee desire to be cured of our wounds hee is our Phisition If we be greeued with our sinnes hee is our righteousnes If we lacke helpe hee is our strength If we feare death he is our life If we be in darknes he is our light If we will goe to heauen he is our way Yea the whole sum of our saluation all C●luine the parts therof are cōprehended in Christ If we seeke for saluation wee are taught by the very Name of Iesus that it is in him If we seek for any other gifts of the Spirit they are to be found in his annoynting If we seeke for strength it is in his dominion If we seek for cleanenes it is in his conception If we seeke for tender kindnesse it sheweth it selfe in his birth whereby he was made in all thinges like vnto vs that hee might learne to sorow with vs If we seeke for redemption it is in his passion If wee seek for absolution it is in his cōdemnation If we seek for release of the curse it is in his crosse If we seek for satisfaction it is in his sacrifice If we seek for clensing it is in his blood If we seek for reconciliation it is in his going downe into hell If we seeke for mortification of the flesh it is in his buriall If we seeke for newnes of life it is in his resurrection If we seeke for immortality it is in the same If we seek for the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen it is in his entrance into heauen If we seek for defence for assurednes or for plenty store of all good things it is in his kingdom Finally sith the treasures of all sorts of Caluine good things are onely in him let vs drawe thence from no where els euen till vve be full withall For they which beeing not content with him alone are carried hether thether into diuers hopes although they haue principall regard vnto him yet euen in this they are out of the right vvay that they turne any part of theyr knovvledge or comfort to any other-where ¶ Of Fayth Feare and Loue beeing three speciall Vertues necessarily belonging to euery true Christian. HEBREVVES 11. verse 6. VVithout Fayth it is vnpossible to please GOD for he that is in comming towards God must beleeue that there is a God and that he is a rewarder of them that seeke him ¶ Of Fayth §. 1. FAyth as S. Paule the Apostle affirmeth Hebr. 11. 1. is the ground of things vvhich are hoped for and the euidence of things which are not seene It is also a confident perswasion of almighty Vrsinus Gods euerlasting loue and mercie towards vs in and by the meanes of Christ Iesus grounded wholely on the promises of our heauenly Father in his holy Word vvrought in our harts by hearing the Gospell preached and witnessed in vs by the testimony of the holy Ghost By vvhich we certainly assure our selues in soule and conscience that all our sinnes are as freelie forgiuen vs for Christes sake as if we neuer had committed any and all his righteousnesse and obedience as perfectly imputed vnto vs as if wee had performed the same in our owne persons This fayth is the gift of God and breathed Augustine onely by his Spirit into the harts of all those that be his chyldren §. 2. Through fayth we vnderstand that the Hebr. 11. 3. World was ordained by the word of God so that the things which wee see are not made