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A02043 Lectures of I.B. vpon the xii. Articles of our Christian faith briefely set forth for the comfort of the godly, and the better instruction of the simple and ignorant. Also hereunto is annexed a briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith, conteining an hundreth articles, according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles. Written by that learned [and] godly martyr I.H. sometime Bishop of Glocester in his life time.; Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. Baker, John, minister.; Hooper, John, d. 1555.; Garnier, Jean, d. 1574. Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. 1581 (1581) STC 1219; ESTC S110441 203,151 484

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to performe all the duties of a faithfull minister of Iesus Christ vnto your honour I leaue to trouble you any furthet from other affayres of your Prince and countrey beseeching the Almightie to increase his gratious giftes in you to the honour of his holy name the profit of his Church and the consolation of your owne soule in the ende Which he graunt vnto your honour for his Christes sake Amen 1579. Your honours in the Lorde Iesus most humble to commande Iohn Baker To the Godly and Christian reader grace and peace from God the father and from our Lorde Iesus Christ Amen I Haue for thy sake gentle reader set forth vnto thee briefly the meaning of al the articles of our Christian fayth which are necessary to saluation to this ende and purpose that as thou hast in English an exposition vpon the ten commaundements of almighty God and the Lordes prayer to knowe the better what they meane so thou mightest haue likewise in thy mother tongue some opening of these Christian articles which being well applyed to thy owne conscience by a liuely fayth thou shalt finde sweeter vnto thee then either hony or the hony combe a treasure to bee preferred before much gold yea the finest that may be And because sermons are not so common in euery parish Church as by the lawe of God and the prince they should be thou mayest therefore vse this booke priuately in thy house when thou shalt haue leasure as vpon the Sundayes and holy dayes at after noone The whole summe of thy faith is here set forth so plainely that thou mayest easily vnderstande it if the Lorde shall giue his grace to thee open thine eyes to see otherwise nothing can be easie to any man but an open booke shal be as sealed vnto men except the spirit reueale it vnto them which he will doe no doubt if thou seeke it by humble and earnest prayer to God in his sonnes name For surely this is the cause why many reading the Scriptures vnderstand them not because they come to them with vnprepared heartes not subdued with humilitie but presuming with their naturall witte to vnderstand the mysteries in them conteined But flesh blood doth not reueale these secret and hid thinges vnto vs. Other reade them without prayer to vnderstand them other some reade them but to dispute and talke of them with the learned and not to amende their liues being detected by them but onely to knowe them and let the practise goe But these men so doing can not be blessed Luke 11. cap. Wherfore dearely beloued Christian I exhort thee to reade the scriptures and all other bookes that tende to the declaration of the scriptures with a single eye and penitent heart not thinking or presuming any thing of thy selfe for the wind bloweth where it listeth as our sauiour sayth Iohn 3. And these diuine thinges are most commonly had from the wise and men of vnderstanding and opened by the spirit vnto litle babes Matth. 11. that is to such as are humble in their owne conceyte and in their owne eyes For the holy Ghost sayth Them that be meeke will hee guide in iudgement and teach the humble his waye Psal 26. So then the humble shal be exalted and they all that exalt them selues shal be brought lowe Luk. 14. fare well deare brother and vse this booke as it was meant to thy good and comfort which Iesus Christ graunt vnto thee Amen Thy louing Brother in the Lord alwayes to pray for thee I. B. ¶ Sermons vpon the Creede or xii Articles of our Christian faith I Beleeue in God the Father Almightie maker of heauen and earth 2 And in Iesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord which was conceiued of the holy Ghost 3 Borne of the Virgine Marie 4 Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buryed descended into hell 5 The third day he rose againe from the dead 6 He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God the father Almightie 7 From thence shall he come to iudge the quicke and the dead 8 I beleeue in the holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholike Church the cōmunion of Saintes 10 The forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 The resurrection of the body 12 And the life euerlasting Amen The first Sermon vpon the first article I beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth BEfore we come to speake of the meaning of these wordes it shall not be amisse to cōsider in a word or two who made this Christian order and forme of our beliefe The generall and common opinion receaued with the whole consent of the Church is that the xii Apostles of our sauiour Iesus Christ made this Creede euery one an article as a godly writer of our time one Aretius in his booke of questions doeth shew Therefore it is called the Apostles Creede But whether it were they or no that made it or any other it is no great matter seeing it is all the vndoubted trueth of Gods worde euery poynt of it agreeth with the rest of the holy scriptures written with the Spirit of Christ We haue many bookes in the olde new Testament which are written for our consolation comfort and that by the finger of God but yet we knowe not the names of those men that wrote them as the booke of the Iudges the booke of Kinges and the Chronicles and such like and in the newe Testament the Epistle to the Ebrewes These all are the holy worde of God but yet we knowe not the authors of them And it seemeth that the holy Ghost woulde haue their names suppressed and vnknowen because we shoulde receiue all Scripture alike and with the same authoritie which proceedeth from the mouth of God making no differēce of persons or choyse of men when all is trueth that is written and that we shoulde not consider so much who speaketh or writeth a thing as what is spoken written vnto vs. Thus much for the writers of this worke Nowe let vs consider the thing it selfe This Creede hath foure partes the first is of our faith beliefe in God the Father the first person in Trinitie the seconde is of our trust and beliefe in God the Sonne Iesus Christ our sauiour the second person in Trinitie the third is of our faith in the holy Ghost the power of God which is the thirde person in Trinitie the fourth and last parte is of the holy and Vniuersall Church of Christ and of those things that are to be beleued concerning the same which are contayned in the last three articles which are annexed and ioyned vnto the Church as The remission of sinnes the resurrection of the bodie and the life euerlasting These are the benefites which followe the Church This is the diuision of the Creede Out of the first article we haue to note these two things first that we must beleeue in God secondly what maner of God it is in whome we doe beleeue
and destroy them that rise vp against vs Psalme 60. By these examples then we may haue comfort perswade our selues that are the litle stocke of Christ y● as he hath done already so he will doe alway for his for he is able still and his hande is not shortned but as long as it was neyther is he chaunged And let vs with Peter say and beleeue that the Lorde knoweth to deliuer the godly out of tentation and to reserue the vniust vnto the day of iudgement vnder punishment I woulde admonish therefore the wicked and the obstinate and persecuting Papistes of Christes Gospel to learne to take heede by these lessons aboue rehearsed and not to goe on stil to prouoke and kindle the great wrath and anger of Christ against them seeing hee is armed with vengeance and te●●our agaynst them and nowe sitteth in his throne of maiestie These are the thinges that wee haue to beare in minde vpon this article of our faith concerning Christ his ascension The first poynt was of the ascension it selfe not into the ayre or cloudes but into heauen proued by the manifest woorde of God the holy scriptures the seconde the glory and power of it shewing the ende of it which was to sitte at Gods right hande to gouerne all things the thirde poynt was the great assurance of fayth that commeth to vs by it and the comfort that we conceiue by his so glorious ascension into heauen for vs. Nowe let vs humble our selues before this Lorde Iesus Christ in giuing him first most heartie and intire thankes for all his benefites bestowed vpon vs especially for this that hee hath ascended into heauen as a conquerour and taken possession of heauen for vs alreadie and let vs pray vnto him that as hee is ascended alreadie in body so we in the meane while may thither ascende in minde and heart where true ioyes are only to be found And seeing he is made gouernour of heauē and earth and al pray we him that he would gouerne and defende vs here in earth by the assistaunce of his holy spirite tyll wee all mee●e together at our generall ascension in the vnitie of faith and acknowledging of the Sonne of GOD vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of him And because hee is of power sufficient let vs beseeche him to brydle and stoppe the mouthes of 〈◊〉 to confounde Antichrist which seeketh by al meanes to extinguish his trueth that hee would also hasten his 〈◊〉 vnto iudgement for his elects sake which grone vnder the crosse These things he graunt vnto vs which is able euen Iesus Christ the onely wise mighty and immortall God to whom with his father and his holy spirite be rendred all prayse and glory and dominion for euer and euer so be it The seuenth Lecture vpon the seuenth article of our Christian faith From thence shall he come to iudge both the quicke and the dead THis is the seuenth article of our beliefe but the sixt and last of thē that cōcerne the person of Christ and onely of all the rest of the fiue going before remaineth to be fulfilled and in his time accomplished For as concerning the other articles of our sauiour Christes person which are the fiue former we beleeue most constantly that they are al already perfourmed and verified namely first that he hath bene conceiued secondly borne thirdly died fourthly risen againe fifthly and ascended into heauen Onely this we beleeue yet to be to come that is to iudge the quicke and the dead The meaning of this article is this I that am a Christian man womā or childe do beleeue assuredly that Christ shall come againe visibly in the great and latter daye of iudgement with glorie and power from heauen as he was seene to go vp accompanied with his holy angels to iudge al the world most iustly both those that are already dead and those that he shal finde aliue at his cōming and that none shall escape his iudgement seate 2. Cor. 5. to this ende that the good may be rewarded with euerlasting life and immortalitie the wicked punished with euerlasting death and destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power 2. Thes 1. The Lord Iesus euen in this life doeth shewe and set foorth vnto all the worlde most wonderfull signes and tokens both of his mercy to the elect and iustice to the reprobate but because his kingdome is not of this worlde therefore our faith must amount hier to consider of his last comming wherein hee shall shewe as great glorie and maiestie as he did humilitie and meekenes in his first comming in the flesh For as we doe beleeue that he is appointed of his father to bee the sauiour and redeemer of mankinde so doe we also confesse him to be ordeined the great iudge of the vniuersall world that it is he alone that shall iudge with vnspeakeable glory both great and small at his appearance so that although many men thinke that there is no generall iudgement yet at the last they shall feele that this iudge shal summō them all to appeare most fearefully before his imperiall throne of maiestie And this iudgement of Christ standeth with good reason and iustice that it should be openly seene and perceiued of all men at the last lest either the wisedome of the flesh or mās reason or the multitude of the wicked should be able iustly to charge vs as they do most vniustly that we faine to our selues a God a Lord a Christ and such an head as neuer sheweth him selfe nor was seene of men Wherefore to auoyde this slander and reproche of the blasphemous mouthes which say Where is now your God let him shew him selfe we I say doe beleeue that one daye hee shall come to iudge the whole earth For this is that that Saint Iohn sayeth in his Reuelation 1. 7. Beholde he commeth with cloudes and euery eye shal see him euen they which pearced him through and all kinreds of the earth shall wayle before him euen so Amen Let the wicked men therefore and the mockers of this iudgement triumphe neuer so much yet shall they not be able to hinder or disanull the deuice and purpose of the Lorde They doe in deede bende their tongues like bowes to shoote out blasphemies against the Lord saying Where is the promise of his comming But let those men vnderstande that as the Lorde Iesus was seene to goe vp into heauen so shall hee come downe agayne from heauen as the Angels of God reported Actes 1. 11. And albeit they will not beleeue it but make a iest of it yet they shall feele it one daye to their great payne and sorowe It is meete then and requisite that he that was for our saluation before the iudgement seat of mā vniustly condemned shoulde shewe in the ende howe great his iurisdictiō and authoritie ouer al flesh is and what his iustice requireth Seeing then
there be wanting O what a ioye is this to the bodie to haue all thinges at commaundement that may well please and delight it The pleasures of Kinges and Queenes are nothing to those things wherof we speake yea the pleasures shal be so exceeding great that if all the ioyes pastimes of this life were compared vnto them they should be founde to be but pangues and torments Yea the cōtinuance of all our delites here for an hundred yeres is not like to the blessednes of one minute of an houre there nor worthy to be likened vnto it For verely to speake with Dauid I had rather be there but for one daye then here a thousand yeeres in all the triumphes that Emperours and Kings can make with all their power This is then the happines of the bodie Now howe great shall the blessednesse be when both the body and soule shal be conioyned together and raigne for euermore Surely as great as the glory of the Lorde is his excellent Maiestie which is infinite so great shall this glory of the Saintes be The loue of this life which is euerlasting should make me thinks kings princes to do their dueties to the Lord to raigne ouer gouerne their subiects in iustice equity and not to liue in pleasures The respect of these ioyes shoulde make Counsellers to speake the trueth boldely syncerely without flattering and dissimulation to princes considering what a rewarde is layde vp for them in heauen This shoulde make all Bishops and ministers of the worde to do their duetie in reprehending sinne stoutly and in contemning this vayne worlde in teaching the flock without lucre gayne seeing that when the great shepherd Iesus Christ shal appeare they shal receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory 1. Pet. 5. Finally the cōsideration of this life which is for euer might make euery estate and degree in their callings either hie or lowe to doe most cheerefully their seuerall dueties to all men that in the ende their parte may bee in the heauenly inheritaunce which fadeth not away O that our mindes were erected vp to these thinges they woulde not so lightly bee carryed away to sinne and wickednesse fearing least we shoulde leese these euerlasting ioyes This is the rewarde that Christ hath promised to them that followe him here in the regeneration that haue for his names sake forsaken houses brethren sisters father mother wyfe children and landes they shall inherite all things euen euerlasting life Matth. 19. This life shal be most happie and ioyfull eyther in respect of the persons with whome we shall be or else in respect of the place which is heauen the seate of God or in the consideration of the time which is for euer Although wee be here many times in a good place yet if our company be not good honest this can be no delite to a godly man Nowe in heauen we shall haue the glorious fruition of the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost the societie of all the angels most excellent creatures the company of the Patriarkes the Prophets the Apostles the noble hoste of Martyrs briefly the fellowship of all the elect Saintes of God that euer haue bin This can not be but an vnspeakable delite to vs all when we consider of it Secōdly we shal be blessed in respect of the place for otherwise if the cōpany be good yet the place not correspondent vnto it in al things as not being large ynough or sweet or glorious there cā be no great delite there but this place is most answereable to the cōpany wide large faire sweete glorious euen the heauen of heauens the seate of the Almighty a place of ioy a place of cōfort a place of all spirituall delectation S. Iohn seeing it in the spirit hath described it as far forth as flesh blood can conceaue of it vnder earthly things I sawe saith he a newe heauen a new earth I saw the holy citie new Ierusalem come down from God out of heauē prepared as a bride trimmed for her husband Iohn compareth the place wherein we shal be to a citie most glorious excellēt whose shining was like to a stone most precious as a Iasper stone cleare as Chrystal whose wal was great hie which had twelue gates at the gates twelue angels The wal of the citie had twelue foūdations which were garnished with all maner of precious stones as Iaspers Saphires Emeraudes such like the building of the wall is of Iasper the citie was al of pure golde like vnto cleare glasse The twelue gates were twelue pearles and the streete of the citie is pure golde as shining glasse This Citie hath no neede of the sunne neither of the moone to shine in it for the glory of God did light it the Lambe is the light of it The gates of it shall not bee shutte by day for there shal be no night there there shall be no death no sorowe no crying no payne for the first things are passed There shal be a pure riuer of water of life cleare as Christall and the tree of life bearing twelue maner of fruites And there shall be no more curse but Gods seruantes shall raygne there for euermore This is the place which Iohn hath shadowed out vnto vs as well as he could vnder these terrestriall benefites of golde and siluer and precious stones whereas in deede it can not be described as it is in it selfe because no man hath seene it and we beyng grosse and carnall must haue it by carnall and visible thinges set foorth vnto vs. Thirdly the excellencie of this life is seene in the continuance of it in that that it neuer decayeth or waxeth olde If here belowe we had all pleasures delites both for the soule and body yea although the place we were in were most excellent glorious and the company in al respects according to our desire good pleasant and honest yet if these thinges were but for a dayes or an houres continuance what great contentation of minde or recreation for the body might be here seeing wee must depart very shortly from these pleasures and then it had him as good if they had not bene at al. For all these thinges are like vnto pleasant musike in a sette of viols which when they cease once and cease needes must euery thing in this life be it neuer so pleasant then it is al one as if wee had neuer heard this musike so sweete and delectable to our eares there is no print or token of it left behinde but al vanisheth away with the very staying of it Euē as after the flying of a birde in the ayre or the passing of a ship in the sea there is no trace found after them Wis 5. But dearely beloued beleue me this life shal haue yeres without ende in vnspeakeable ioy in this so excellent a place we shal heare musike continually and yet it shal neuer cease
entreateth of the benefites or fruites which we receiue by the same fayth which he maketh in number three the first is the forgiuenesse of sinnes the second is the resurrection of the fleshe the third last fruit is life euerlasting Of these fiue parts he hath made an hundreth seuerall articles the first parte conteyneth 14. The second 27. The third 5. The fourth 41. The fifth and last part conteyneth thirteene articles the contents of which articles are handeled as followeth A briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith containing an hundred articles according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles I beleeue in God the father almighty maker of heauen and earth The first Article I Beleeue in one God onely one in essence and substance three in person the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost I beleeue in the Father as the originall and beginning of all things as well visible as inuisible Of whome also they depende as well in their being as also in their conseruation and he dependeth vpon none but on him selfe being eternall and euerlasting without end or beginning I beleeue in the Sonne as the diuine worde and wisdome of the father which is eternally and before al worlde 's engendred of the father of his proper substance and nature because in him shineth his shape and proper Image which otherwise is inuisible vnto mortal man I beleeue in the holy Ghost as a vertue eternall power which neither is made nor created neither engendred but proceeding of the father and of the sonne eternally euen as a loue proceeding from both persons The second Article I beleeue that these three persons are of one and the selfe same essence and substāce nature authoritie power will goodnes wisdome and eternitie and that these three are but one spirituall substance eternall without ende or beginning true good iust mercifull of a souerayne power and wisdome hauing and containing in it selfe all goodnes not needing any thing The third Article I beleeue that this God which is one in essence and three in person ought onely to be serued honored feared loued worshipped and to be called vpon in all our necessities as he that onely can and will prouide therefore and none other And therefore I say and confesse that I beleeue in one God onely that is to say that I knowledge and receiue him for one onely Lord master and sauiour of whome proceedeth all that is good in me by whom I can do al things without whom I can do nothing In him onely doe I set mine affiance and set mine heart hoping that he assisting me with his holy spirit shall be with me against all mē and that he will deliuer me from al perils and daungers through his grace and mercie without any merites of mine owne and that he shall minister to me all things necessarie as well for my soule as body euen like a good father as hee hath promised by his holy word The fourth Article I beleeue that the same God almightie hath of nothing created from the beginning both heauen and earth and all things in them conteined that is to say all things as well heauenly as earthly visible as inuisible reasonable as vnreasonable sensible as insensible the which hee doth entertaine leade guide gouerne by his diuine wisdom without whose prouidēce nothing commeth to passe either in this world or in the other The fift Article I beleeue that the same God the father the sonne and holy Ghost after that hee had created all things did create and shape man to his own image likenes that is to say immortal good iust true wise mercifull and perfit in all things making him partaker of the goodnes iustice and other perfections of God hauing a will that could agree in all things vnto the will of his Lorde but all that thorowe grace without any kinde of merit The vi article I beleeue also that as the Lord hath created al things heauenly and earthly for the seruice of man and to the ende that by his creatures he might come to the knowledge of the creator euen so also hath he formed made man for thim selfe that of him and by him he might be knowen loued feared serued honored which is the greatest good thing that is or can be in man and that in him might shine the image of diuine vertues and perfections through good works the which God hath ordeined because wee should walke in them vnto his honour and praise to the confusion of the aduersary and that by this meane the fal of the Angels might be repaired and that mā might possesse the euerlasting kingdome made and prepared for him before the foundations of the worlde were laide The vii article I beleeue that the same man was ordeined of the Lord God a master ruler ouer all his creatures the which thing he hath lost through his sinne aswell for his owne part as also for al his posteritie The which rule Lordship I beleeue doth chiefly appertaine vnto Iesus Christ verely God man to those vnto whom he wil communicate the same as vnto his owne faithfull and not vnto the infidels and damned The viii article I beleeue that the first man through the craft and subtiltie of Satan did slide and fall from the excellencie wherein the Lord had created him consenting thorowe his owne free will which at that time he had vnto the subtil suggestion of the Serpent whereby he lost the graces that the Lorde had giuen him in such sort that of wise hee became foolish of iust vniust of true a liar of perfit altogether vnperfect hauing frō thenceforth a will wholly corrupted which neither could nor would agree with the will of God but altogether with the wil of the deuil the worlde the flesh sinne which could do nothing of him selfe but euill seeing that he is altogether carnal bond captiue and sold vnder sinne This is the free yea to say more truely the bond will that man hath in this present life The ix Article I beleeue that this disorder and corruption of nature was not only in Adam because of his sinne but is also in all men generally which come of him Iesus Christ only excepted and that in such sort that all men after their own nature are corrupt vniust lyers ignorant vnkind and imperfect in al things haue no power of their owne nature to do thinke speake or will any thing that may please God vntil that they be regenerate renewed by the spirit of the Lord. The x. Article I beleeue that this corruption of nature otherwise called original sinne is the fountayne roote of all other sinnes for the which all the miseries aduersities that wee endure in this present life aswell in bodye as soule do come vnto vs yea in the end double death that is to say both of bodie soule These be the fruites rewards of sinne But although the same
be due common to all men generally neuerthelesse the Lord through his mercy hath reserued to himselfe a certaine nūber which are onely knowne to himselfe the which he hath drawē from this corrupt heape hath sanctified clensed the same in the bloud of his sonne Iesus Christ by meanes thereof hath made them vessels of election honour apt vnto all good workes The xi Article I beleeue that the Father in Iesu Christ his sonne thorow the holy Ghost hath elected chosē those y● are his owne according to his good will before the foundations of the world were layed whō he hath predestinate vnto eternall life that there by they might be his children adoptiues ouer whom he hath without comparison a much greater care thē the best father can haue ouer the best child in the world for he suffereth not that any thing shall come to passe either on high in heauen or beneath on earth which shall not be for their good and great profite The xii Article I beleeue that the father through his sonne with the holy ghost hath alwaies frō the beginning intended to restore mā vnto whom after he had sinned he shewed him selfe promising vnto him that blessed seede by whome the heade of the serpent should be troden downe and by whome the faithful shoulde receyue blessing By this promise which hath since bene oftentimes ratifyed and confirmed to the holie fathers man which otherwise had dispayred in sinne is releeued holpen comforted and clothed with hope euen vnto the ful performing thereof The thirteenth Article I beleeue also that after this promise the Lorde hath prescribed and giuen the lawe of the commandements to man promising life to the obseruers therof death to the transgressours of the same and hee gaue them not to the ende that man should seeke iustification saluation or life therein but for the policie peace and tranquilytie of his people for the defence of the good for the chastenyng and punyshing of the wicked to preserue eche one in his office but especially that therebye man might the better know himselfe his disease his pouertie and imperfection and by meane thereof to take an occasion to humble himselfe before this lawe giuer to seeke remedy saluation life in some other that is to saie in the holie promised seede which is Iesus Christ For this cause the lawe is called a scholemaster to come to Christ the which also serueth vs for a glasse to knowe our sinnes by and to encrease the same knowledge in vs. Likewise it serueth vs for an accuser to accuse vs before the Lorde and for a seuere and cruell iudge to declare the wrath and iudgement of God ouer vs and his condemnation vnto eternall death and by this meane to make vs afraide and to bring vs vnto dispaire vntill we be comforted by the Gospell through faith in Iesus Christ wherby we are deliuered frō all these causes These are the offices of the lawe the which are turned into our good through fayth in the Gospell the which hath other offices and cleane contrary For the rest I confesse that the lawe of the Lorde is good iust holy and perfit and where the same doth not bring vs vnto perfection it is not long of it selfe but of vs which are altogether vnperfect and can in no wise accomplish the same no not to touch it with our litle finger The xiiii article I beleeue and confesse Iesus Christ to be the fulnes the ende and accomplishmēt of the Lawe to the iustification of all that beleeue thorow whom and by whom only all the promises of the father be accomplished yea euen to the vttermost the which also alone hath perfectly satisfied the Lawe in that which no other amōgst men coulde persourme for so much as the law doeth cōmaund things impossible y● which neuertheles mā must accōplish not by working but through beleeuing For so is the lawe accomplished through faith and not through works by this meanes shal man find the righteousnes of faith to be auaileable before the Lord not the righteousnesse of works y● which leadeth nothing vnto perfection As concerning the first poynt of my faith this is y● which I beleeue of the father y● things that are made by him consequētly of the holie Trinitie also of the soule of man Nowe let vs come to the second point which is of the Sonne of God and of the thinges done by him especially of the restoring repairing agayne of man 2 And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lorde which was cōceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Marie suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descēded into hel the third day he rose againe frō the dead he ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almightie from thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead The xv Article I beleeue that Iesus Christ is veryly God and verily man hauing two natures comprehended in one person a nature diuyne after the which he is the onely naturall sonne of God equall with the father in all thinges and a nature humane after the which he is verye man in al things like vnto vs synne excepted The xvi Article I beleeue that Iesus Christ the sonne of God in the fulnesse of the tyme appointed of the father from the beginning was sent into the worlde by the father was made perfect man and was conceiued in the wombe of a woman being a pure virgine called Marie of her proper substance of her proper bloud so that he was found a perfect man descēding of the seede of Adā Noe Abraham Isaac Iacob Dauid other fathers vnto whome the promise was made The .xvii. Article I beleeue also that all this was done by the working of the holye Ghost without the worke of man to the ende that all that was wrought therein might be holye and without spot pure and cleane And that thereby our conception might be made cleane holy which of it selfe is altogether spotted and defyled with sinne The xviii Article I beleeue that Iesus Christ was borne of the Virgyne Marye without any manner of sinne and without breach of her virginitie so that by his pure and holye natiuitie he hath purified and made holye ours which of it self is altogether vncleane defyled with sinne In this Natiuitie of Christ I see and consider the first estate condition of man with his fall which was y● cause of Christ his cōming into the world Likewise in this I see and consider the fauour and inestimable loue of God the father which hath presented and giuen his onely sonne to serue vs. I see also and consider in this Natiuity the charytie of the sonne which hath abased humbled himselfe to lifte vs vp became poore to make vs riche became bonde to make vs free became the sonne of man to make vs the children of God
profite and comfort that we may take apply to our selues our soules and bodyes by it and what duetie is required of vs in this behalfe The commoditie that ariseth to vs and al Christians by his birth is that Christ came to saue that which was lost as Paul doth notably expresse the ende of his comming in the fleshe saying This is a true saying and by all meanes woorthy to bee receyued that Iesus Christ came into this worlde to saue sinners 1. Timothie 1. 15. Then we perceiue this that Christ was borne to redeeme vs. If he had not bene borne wee could not haue byn redeemed by him from the power of hell and of Satan This is a great matter and a most excellent wonderfull benefite For we vnderstande now plainly clerely by the word of the Lorde that the seede of the woman hath broken the serpents head Gen. 3. that there is a Lion and a Lambe in diuers respectes for his strength a Lion and a Lambe by his meeknes found worthy to open the booke to loose the seuen seales of it which no man was able to doe neither in heauen nor in earth nor vnder the earth Reuel 5. that there is a childe as Esaie sayth giuen vnto vs vpon whose shoulders the gouernmēt of heauen and earth is laide and doth cōsist We may saye therefore that a man is borne of the virgin Marie the true and naturall sonne of Adam of Abraham of Dauid which was promised in the lawe and Prophets such a man I say that hath conquered hell and death and damnation desiuered vs from the wrath of his father to come Of this our faith may gather a double fruite and cōmodite the one that there is a mediatour betweene God man euen the man Iesus Christ we haue this mediator for vs in heauen already the other that by the participation vnitie of his nature with ours he receiueth admitteth vs into the societie of him selfe and all his riches and treasures are made ours euen as the wife may say of her husband that al her husbāds goods lands are hers because she is one with him so may we say of our most gratious husband bridegrome Iesus Christ that all his store is now become ours For we are bones of his bones and flesh of his flesh as Paul telleth vs plainly Ephes 5. If this be so then wee ought to reioyce and be glad in our heartes as Paul sayth which is in the Lorde because that Christ the great iewell of God is sent into the worlde If we greatly reioyce triumphe when wee haue a mortall sonne an heyre here borne in earth vnto vs whō we knowe not whether he shall be good or ill a cōfort or paine vnto vs If I say we do reioyce at this vanity what ought we to do think ye dearly beloued brethrē whē we heare that sōne of God to be borne for vs the heire of all things a sonne that pacifieth his fathers wrath iustly conceiued against sinne such a childe as maketh vs children bringeth vs into his heauenly possession inheritance Ought we not trow you vnspeakeably to reioyce thanke God and his sonne Christ continually It is good reason so to do seeing it is our onely benefit and not his for he came and was borne for vs and not for him selfe The angels of God herein may teach vs our duety howe thankfull we ought to be and to reioyce for it not with a worldly and carnal ioy as many do but with a spirituall and heauenly ioy of minde and conscience as few doe At the birth of our sauiour there was a company and multitude of heauenly souldiers praysing God and saying Glory be to God in the high heauens and peace in the earth and towards men good will Luke 2. They reioyced in the Lord were thankful for it yet are much more ought we to do the like that his wil may be done in earth of vs as it is in heauen amongst them euen as we dayly pray Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen We haue in deede a celebration of this natiuitie of Christ which is miscalled of vs Christmas As the name is euil called Christmas of the Papists as if Christ should say Masse so is the time in it spent as lewdly of vs for the most part if not in massing yet in masking in carding and dicing in dauncing in bellie cheere in excesse of apparrell and in fond and foolishe playes sportes to passe the time away In these sinnes and vanities is the tyme of Christes natiuitie spent and consumed of vs. It were better to haue no day of it then so to keepe it and it is a great griefe to a godly mynde to see that tyme which shoulde be imployed to the seruice of God as it was in the primitiue Church altogether wasted and dedicated to offer sacrifices vnto the deuill for it is in it as it is vpon the Sundayes or Lordes day thoroughout the yeere The Sabbath which is appoynted for to heare Gods woorde and to pray in is turned altogether to play in and made a day of all wicked sport and pastime which is far from the ryght vse of it yet no Magistrate doeth correct it God giue an amendement one day of it to his honour and glory Amen Well so it is with this time of our Sauiours birth we shoulde giue thankes in it and wee neuer thinke of our duetie in it the most part of vs. If Emperours and Kinges haue celebrated the memoriall of their birth dayes then there is greater reason why we should remember the ioyfullest birth day that euer was or shal be I meane of Iesus Christ our sauiour borne so poorely and simply for vs. Not that we should so celebrate and keepe Christs birth day as wicked Herode did celebrate his natiuitie in feasting in daunsing in rash swearing and last of all in murdering the good saint of God Iohn Baptist Matth. 14. Mark 6. I say we must not so celebrate this birth day of Christ with him least wee be partakers of his punishment and payne But yet I feare a great many doe keepe this time no better Neither must we keepe this day of our brother Christes birth as Titus kept the birth day of his brother Domitian in killing the Iewes for his pleasure to triumphe and so defiled his handes with innocent blood surely we do not much better for although we kill not with the sworde yet we wound and kill our brethren with our tongues we quarrel we fight and are contentious wee sweare and blaspheme and so reuile the liuing Lorde and this is done most of all at the birth day of our Sauiour as also vpon this day of rest the Sunday with cardes and dice bloody othes Wel the Lord one day will take an account of these things of vs vnlesse we speedily repent and amende Thus we haue heard the thinges that may be
and how many pointes to marke for our instruction be in it There are three things in this article first his ascension secondly to what ende he is ascended lastly the benefites that come to vs by this his ascension into heauen These things well marked will be for our consolation and comfort against many temptations and troubles in this life which the deuill assaulteth vs with that we should despaire of the mercie of God in Iesus Christ But this will be a remedy for them all euen his ascension into heauen and that for vs. Christes ascending into heauen is manifestly proued vnto vs in the holy scriptures not in one or two places but in many that we may be the better confirmed in this behalfe either against thē that doubt of it or beleeue it not yea or against Satan that wil go about to perswade vs that he is not there S. Marke doth shew vs that after the Lord had spokē certaine things vnto his disciples in Bethanie he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God Mark 16. 19. for those are his very words in the place Likewise S. Luke saith And it came to passe that as he blessed thē he departed from thē was caried vp into heauen Neither do the Euangelists Apostles of Christ proue this only vnto vs which were after him had familiarity with him but the Prophet Dauid to make it the more euident to all the world long before the cōming of Christ in the flesh spake of it by the spirit of prophecie moued by the direction of the holy ghost saying God is gone vp with triumph euē the Lorde with the sound of the trumpet alluding in this ascension of Christ for the glory ioyfulnes of it vnto the trūpets the were blowē at the solēne feasts of the Iewes Psal 47. Also in the 68. Psal Thou art gone vp on hie thou hast led captiuitie captiue We see then the in the mouth of two or three witnesses this matter is proued vnto vs ought therfore to be beleeued of vs fully established But because no man doth as I thinde the is a Christiā doubt of this neither is it in controuersie betweene the Papists vs as cōcerning his ascensiō although in the maner of it there be cōtention I wil therefore come to the second point which is to consider how after what sorte he is ascended and remaineth in heauen and to what ende signified in these words and sitteth at the right hād of God the father almighty To sit at Gods right hande is to haue and to be aboue all rule power might and dominion euery name that is named not onely in this world but also in the worlde to come Ephe. 1. It is then as our sauiour Christ saith Matt. 11. and 28. To haue all things giuē vnto him al authoritie both in heauen and in earth For the right hand of God signifieth the euerlasting and infinite power of God Wee must not thinke that God being an infinite most blessed spirit and not a body hath either right hand or lefte eyes or armes or such like partes and members of a mās body but when the scripture giueth these properties speaches vnto God as it doth often it is for our weaknes and capacitie which are children and babes in Gods matters therfore can not vnderstand him in his maiestie speaking to mā vnles he lispe as it were vnto vs like a nurce vnto her young children For we are so grosse that we vnderstād not how greatly the Lord is angry with mā for his sinne wickednes vnles he speake after the maner of men say he repenteth that euer he made man Againe we vnderstād not or conceiue his wonderfull power and strength except it be by a great and mighty and stretched out arme or hande So by the eyes of the Lord is meant his carefull vigilant prouidence foresight ouer all his creatures and by his countenance is most commonly meant his terrible wrath and anger When the scripture giueth an eare to God whē the preachers saye in their Sermons that he hath an eare you must vnderstand that he heareth all things bee they neuer so secretly spoken of any man as by his eye hee seeth al things in this world although they be neuer so much hid and done in darke secret places as the wicked doe their euill workes As we see then that kings and noble men do place at their right hande such as are either their betters or equals or doe gouerne in their steade so is it here Christ is exalted and placed in that dignitie honour that his father is because he is equall vnto him And this latter part of the article to sit at Gods right hand being in the last chapter of Marke from whence it seemeth this was taken S. Paul doth expounde very well in the 1. Ephes that God hath set him farre aboue all principalitie and power might and domination And in an other place Philip. 2. hath highly exalted him and giuē him a name aboue euery name that at the name of Iesus shoulde euery knee bowe both of things in heauē and things in earth things vnder the earth and that euery tongue shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lorde vnto the glory of God the father This is the meaning of these words he sitteth at the right hand of God It is not of any corporall sitting for it may as wel be sayd that he stādeth at the right hand of God For so did Saint Stephen see him Actes 7. Therefore both by sitting and standing there is meant that he is aduaunced to great glorie as hath bene sayde already And here in this his ascension so glorious is his kingdome to be seene which hee did not take vpon him here in the earth So that although Christ did shewe great glorie in his resurrection all mortalitie being layde away yet by his ascension into heauen hee hath more notably declared his power for now he gouerneth all things and ruleth as a king ouer all the earth And this doeth the Apostle teache vs that he ascended farre aboue all heauens to fulfill all things For we see and reade how aboundantly and most miraculously he powred downe his holy spirit vpō his Apostles Act. 2. howe he hath increased his church and kingdome in euery part of the earth how he hath euer since his ascension mightily defended his sharply punished his enemies So that although he be in heauen according to his bodily presence and not in earth as the Lutheranes Papistes do imagine him to be in the communion contrary to this article he ascended which is to be meant only of his body not of his diuine nature which doeth fill all things needeth not to descend or ascend yet I say Christ is with vs as hee him selfe saith euen vnto the end of the world Mat. 28. 19. by his power
spirit by his grace and godhead which is euery where For he sayeth that he will not leaue vs fatherles but will come vnto vs which he meant by sending his spirit Iohn 14. We are not then to looke for Christes body here nowe vpon the earth as certaine heretikes do suppose euen as he him selfe saith Matt. 26. Me shal you not haue alwayes Surely this saying can by no meanes be true if his body be euery where in euery place at euery sacrament then is not his body departed from vs then is he not ascended into heauen but remaineth here still in the earth But the Angell sayde to the women that he was not there That was some place then he had a glorified body And it is said that heauen must conteine him vntill all things bee restored Act. 3. Surely being now ascended in body we neither reade of nor beleeue any other descension in body then that wherein he shall descēde to iudge at the latter day as the Angels spake to the disciples This Iesus which is taken vp frō you into heauen shall so come as ye haue seene him go into heauen So that vnles we see Christ so come down as he went vp we will not beleeue the papistes that say he is in the boxe or pixe much lesse them that say he is euery where making him in deede to haue no body at all but altogether swallowed vp by his diuinitie For tell mee I pray you if Christ had meāt his body should alway remaine here vpon the earth why did he say that he must depart from them They cannot meane it of his diuinity but of his humanitie Againe what needed his disciples to bee so sorowefull for his going away if they had had his body with them Here they answere The disciples had not his body visibly but his body inuisible or not seene But surely the disciples if they had vnderstoode it so as the Papistes say of his inuisible body they were not such children but that they would haue contented them selues as well with his inuisible body as his inuisible spirit and grace afterwardes therfore they would needes know howe they should be comforted when hee was gone from them Christ told them by his spirite although inuisible and not by his body inuisible which surely would haue comforted them although they saw it not if it had then bene with them as his spirite was but Christ meant no such thing and therefore promised euer his spirit to them and all others after and not his inuisible body This is a plaine case but I leaue to discourse of it any further because I intend in this booke to edifie and instruct the simple readers onely in the poyntes of Christianitie concerning their faith and not to make any treatise for the learned Seeing then wee haue a great hie Priest which is entred into heauē euen Iesus the sonne of God let vs hold fast our professiō as the Apostle sayth and let vs goe boldly vnto the throne of grace that we may receyue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede For this was the third point that I sayde was to be obserued of vs to weigh with our selues what profit and commodity thereby doeth ensue to all the faythfull that hee is in heauen Surely this cannot be but great comfort to al the faithful for they all are assured by Christes ascension that they also shall one day euen at the resurrection of their bodies ascende with him for he is gone to prepare a place for them as he testifieth in Iohn 14. I goe to prepare a place for you and if I goe to prepare a place for you I will come agayne and receyue you vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also Christ by his ascension hath opened the gates and doores of heauen and Paradise for vs which were shut against vs before so that wee had no entrance thither For this is most certayne and true that if the head be there then shall the body and members be there also and if our captayne be there then shall his souldiers which are we be one day with him and the master will haue there his seruantes to wayte and attend vpon him in his house And to be short seeing Christ is in heauen he wil haue his true Christians to be with him Is not this a great comfort in all troubles and hurlyburlies in this life to meditate vpon this that one day we shall come into the presence of our louing Master Iesus Christ Surely this would comfort any poore afflicted soule or body if he did remember it but we forget it and then what ioy can wee haue in this vale of miserie This comforted Dauid in his banishment saying When shal I come to appeare before the presence of God This reioyced Paul greatly when he sayd A crowne of righteousnesse is layde vp for me in that day when the Lord shal appeare 2. Timothie 4. So then this is the first and one of the greatest benefites that by Christes ascension wee haue an assurance of our owne For when Christ shall appeare then shall we also appeare with him in glory Colossians 3. But yet wee must remember that as Christ first suffered shame and reproche and bitter death also and so in the ende entred into heauen by diuers crosses and calamyties so must wee also for the most part enter in the same way with him for by many tribulations must we enter into the kingdome of heauen and all that wil liue godly in Iesus Christ shal suffer persecution For you knowe that the seruant must not looke to be better handled thē his master or the scholer to be in better case then his teacher nor we thē Christ Againe Christ by his ascension doth solicite al our sutes causes matters iniuries which we suffer to God his father For hee is our Atturney pleadeth for vs as Iohn sayth If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the righteous Is it not a great comfort to a poore man that can not make friendes or come vp to the prince because of costs and charges to haue alway one of the priuy counsell to helpe and further his sutes as readily and diligently as if hee were there himselfe So surely it is with vs wee haue alwayes Iesus Christ at hand with God his father being of his most priuy and secrete counsell to make requestes to God for vs continually to pardon our sinnes to grant vs grace and all other thinges necessary This is singular ioy to a godly heart so that wee neede not to seeke any other Mediatour as the Papistes doe as if hee were not sufficient of him selfe or as mercifull to heare vs as his mother or Peter or any other saynt in heauen This is their folly and madnes let vs be contented with our only Mediatour Iesus Christ because he is most able and most willing to heare vs yea biddeth vs to come to
mightie Father So it is said in the beginning of our prayer Our father to comfort vs but it is said also in heauen to magnifie his power greatnes ouer al things Likewise in the giuing of the Law it is saide Heare O Israel I am the Lorde great terrible no doubt to put thē in mind to feare him reuerently and not to presume vpon him But yet he addeth comfort afterward saying Thy God to deliuer thee hereafter which hath bene thy God already Thus we see that both must goe together Gods iustice and Gods mercie as Dauid said Thy rod thy staffe they cōfort me Psal 23. Wee call him father not in respect of our creation for so he is our Maker and Creator neither in respect of our gouernment for so he is our Lord and master and those names are not so comfortable vnto vs because hee is so that is a Lord and maker euen to the wicked and reprobate But wee call him father first in respect of Christ which is his onely begotten and beloued sonne Then in that we are his children adopted in Christ our elder brother which hath made vs all sonnes and children to his heauenly father by his death and passion by his obedience by his fulfilling of the lawe and by his satisfaction for our sinnes as Iohn saith Chap. 3. Behold what loue the father hath shewed vnto vs that we should bee called the sōnes of God This is a marueilous comfort that the God of the whole earth the Lord of lords is a louing father vnto vs. And this is in Christ Iesus that wee haue this dignity prerogatiue aboue others not in our selues nor by birth and nature for so we are the sonnes of Gods ire wrath of cōdēnatiō because of our sinful father Adā transgressing Gods cōmandemēt Whē we name him almighty we do not cōceiue him to haue such a power which he doth not vse but in saying this we confesse and acknowledge that he hath al things creatures vnder his power obedience euen the deuils themselues as we see in the Gospel how they submitted thēselues to Christ the sonne of God how he asked leaue before he could do any thing to Iob Iob. 1. Again we must needes graūt that being omnipotēt and almighty he doth all things that are done he ruleth gouerneth heauen earth the sea and hel all things in them the whole world at his beck doth bend yeld it self So that our God being so mighty is not an idle God in heauen as the wicked do imagine but disposeth al things by his iust wise prouidēce howsoeuer they fal out nothing cōmeth to passe wtout his wil and coūsel no not the flight of Sparrowes Mat. 10. For if the Lord should not vphold heauen and earth yea the whole world with his power it would fal to nothing to dust ashes therefore it is said that Christ doth susteine all things by the worde of his might Hebr. 1. And here our faith hath a double cōfort by the prouidence omnipotēcie of God First because it considereth that God hath sufficient power to defende his Church Secōdly because he is willling to do it It foloweth maker of heauē earth This proueth that he is almighty because he hath made heauē earth of nothing when it was not Gen. 1. And this doth notably confute the wicked false opinions of the Philosophers as Plato Aristotle who greatly to the derogation impairing of Gods glory power thought held that the world was eternal frō the beginnings and neuer made neither should haue ende But this is false blasphemous against God We learne here another lesson in our faith that the world was made and had a beginning and shall haue an ending as Moses proueth the one Peter the other 2. Epist 3. Chap. Now by making of heauē and earth we vnderstand al things conteined in heauen earth as the sea For Dauid saith The sea is his and he made it 95. Psa The things in heauē as his angels the things in earth men beasts fishes foules worms al other sensles creatures whatsoeuer It is therfore as if we should say maker of al things visible which we see inuible which we see not as in the Creed of the coūsell of Nice in more fully expressed And this was done because of the Heretikes called the Maniches which did appoynt two beginnings of things created the one good which was God and him they made the beginner of all good thinges the other they imagined to be ill which was the deuil and him they set ouer the euill things and supposed him the maker of them But these men were deceiued which thought any ill thing to be created and made ill at the first for the scripture doth otherwise pronounce of al things that they were exceeding good Genes 1. But in that any thing is ill it is by deprauation and corruption by the sinne of man of Adam and not by creation for the deuill was made an Angel but he fell and lost his first estate and so became a deuill and wicked spirit by his owne corruption and will as Peter proueth 2. Epistle 2. Chap. Nowe if the deuill made some things thē God made not al but what saith the scripture The Lord hath made al things for his owne sake he saith not some things but al nay he goeth further addeth euen the wicked for the day of euil not that he created them wicked for hee made them in Adam perfit and good but he hath appointed them to serue to his honour and glory although they bee vessels of wrath he is glorified in them after a sort although not so as hee is glorified in the good For therefore dyd he sturre vp Pharao King of Egypt because he woulde shewe his glory vpon him Rom. 9. Seeing then God hath made heauen he hath made also all the ornaments of heauen as the heauenly spirits the Sunne the Moone the Starres to gouerne the earth by their light For in that we giue him the creation of the greater wee must needes graunt the lesser and hee that can make the great and huge heauens of nothing is able also to make the things conteyned in them of lesse importance As concerning the Angels it is sufficient for vs to know that they were all made of the Lorde for his wil and pleasure to be his ministring Spirites to execute his commandementes and iudgements against the wicked and for to serue for those that shal be heires of saluation Hebr. 1. It is but curiositie to enquire of the time of the creation or of the orders and estate in heauen Moses telleth vs a good and short lesson that heauen and earth were made perfect in sixe dayes with al the hostes and furniture of them and saieth no more of this matter to teache vs sobrietie in these things to wade no farther then we haue the warrant of the worde
to beare vs out Seeing all other vaine questions are condemned of the Apostle Saint Paul Titus 3. The like is to be vnderstoode in making of the earth to comprehende all things in the earth whatsoeuer I doe see heare and vnderstande By the creation of these thinges celestiall and terrestiall I doe consider with my selfe these foure most excellent and diuine vertues in God which comprehende all the rest in them and to the which they may bee referred First by the great and wonderfull creation of the vniuersall worlde I learne to come to the consideration of his vnspeakeable power and greatnesse that he was able without and payne or labour at all yea with great ease and pleasure to create heauē and earth with his onely worde as the Prophet Dauid sayeth He spake the worde and it was done O what a great God is this to be feared ouer all the earth for his wonderfull greatnesse and Maiestie This doeth put vs in minde what a mighty God we do serue that wee may from our heart feare him The seconde thing to be considered in this creation generall is his infinite and inestimable wisedome in disposing so orderly and placing so seemely all thinges in their place and degree as it is most wonderfull to beholde with such beautie and proportion in euery creature that vnlesse we be too too blockishe we must crye out with Dauid and say and confesse O Lord howe wonderfull are thy workes in wisedome hast thou made them all And againe Great is our Lorde great is his power yea his wisdome is infinite To see the goodly order of heauen it will make a man to be astonied at the wisedome of his God more then the Queene of Saba was when shee came to see and heare the wisedome of Solomon For this wisedome by whome all thinges were made is the Sonne of GOD Iesus Christ the wisedome of his Father Iohn 1. Hebr. 1. And here we learne of this wisedome which he hath vsed and shewed in the creation a good lesson for our comfort that as the Lorde is almightie and able to deliuer vs his children and Church from the wicked so doeth hee knowe the wayes and meanes most perfitly and readily howe to doe it at all times For his knowledge passeth our vnderstanding farre Therfore Peter said The Lorde knoweth howe to deliuer the godly out of tentation and trouble and to punish the wicked 2. Pet. 2. So that when man can finde no way no deuice or meane how to shift him self out of daunger yet the Lord by his wisedome and knowledge hath diuers wayes to helpe Diuers examples of this are in the holy Scriptures when Moses and the Israelites were so entangled and compassed about that there seemed no way for them to escape so that Moses prayed to the Lorde most earnestly to deliuer them for he him selfe sawe no meanes howe to doe it being on euery side on the ryght hande and on the left compassed in with the hie hilles before them was the great redde sea behind them was the huge host of Pharao so that nowe all hope of life and succour was taken away then the Lorde founde a way in the middest of the sea to deliuer his people and to drowne his enemies so he declared his wisedome in preseruing them so miraculously So likewise when the virgin Marie dyd not see howe she shoulde conceyue and bring foorth a sonne being a mayde and not knowing any man and therefore sayde to the angel Howe shall this come to passe so strange and rare a matter the Lorde founde a readie way howe he brought it to passe that she conceiued by the operatiō of the holy ghost This made Solomon in his Prouerbs to say Chapter 21. There is no wisedome there is no vnderstanding there is no coūsell against the Lord. For he ouerthroweth the subtill fetches of the wisedome of this worlde as of Ieroboam in his politike counsel to make calues of Achitophel in his wilie practises The Pharisees in their snare that they had layde for our Sauiour Christ were taken them selues to their shame and reproche Thus the Lorde scattereth abroade the deuises of the wicked kings and princes of this worlde by his wisedome for theirs is foolishnesse to his 1. Cor. 3. Saint Paul is rauished with the consideration of this great wisedome and cryeth out saying O the depth of the riches wisdome and knowledge of God howe vnsercheable are his iudgements his wayes past finding our Rom. 11. Wee must then applie these things to our selues to receiue comfort and consolatiō by them When we looke vp into heauen downe in the earth or in the sea let vs thinke vpon the wisedome of the Lorde and glorifie him in it and say O Lorde howe wise art thou in all thy doings howe great is thy knowledge vnto me such knowledge is too excellent for me it passeth my reache and capacities So saide Dauid saye vnto God O how wonderful art thou in thy workes Unlesse we doe this we are vnthankefull beholders of Gods wisedome if we praise him not for it We may see it in our owne selues and in others euery day in our creation of our body and soule howe wise and wonderfull hee is These thinges we must meditate vpon dayly and thinke otherwise we are no better then bruite beastes which see them onely and beholde them but consider nothing in them Here we learne our duetie to our good God 3 Thirdly in the creation of the worlde we beholde as it were in a glasse the goodnesse of God his mercie towarde all men but especially to the elect and chosen that for them and their sakes he hath created these things and doeth dayly preserue by his prouidence euerye one of them so that hee hath not made them for him selfe I meane that hee needed not any of them being all sufficient in him selfe most happie and blessed which is meant by his name Shaddai which signifieth that hee is sufficient of his owne nature So that a true Christian man may say that his heauenly Father hath made all thinges for his vse and benefite heauen one daye to receiue him the earth to maynteyne him all creatures to serue him the Sunne Moone Starres to lyght him liuing creatures to feede him and to recreate him the angels to keepe and to preserue him in his wayes by his Fatherly appoyntment O what great benefites are here that we receiue of our mercifull Father by his creation of all things Here we learne our duetie to be thankful to God for them in the name of Iesus Christ his Sonne to vse these benefits to his honour and glorie to the profit and commodity of his Church and our brethren here with vs. And here I see by Gods goodnesse and mercie towarde me that hee hath not onely created these things at the first but he doeth preserue them euery houre by his power otherwise they woulde vanishe away and come to nothing
as Dauid sayeth If thou take away thy breath from them That is his power from his creatures they dye So that here we see Gods prouidence ouer vs and all things For he woorketh dayly by preseruing and keeping his creatures in their estate as Christ saith My Father hitherto woorketh and I woorke by maynteyning things created For God is not like a carpenter that maketh an house and setteth it vp in deede but afterwarde neuer peraduenture seeth it againe but leaueth it to the dweller and owner of it the master thereof and careth no more for it If God shoulde deale so with vs it woulde be ill and wrong with vs for the deuill woulde dayly destroy vs if he did not keepe vs and all ours For we are not able to keepe our selues no not a minute of an houre Here therefore acknowledge in the mercie of God his Fatherly care and prouidence ouer vs and all his creatures 4 The last thing we learne of the creation of the worlde is the iustice of God how he gouerneth it rightly in equitie iudgement as the Prophet singeth All the waies of the Lord are iudgement equite For vnlesse hee dyd execute his iustice vpon the wicked they woulde destroy his Church but he keepeth them vnder as it were with a bridle and hampereth euen the proude tyrants and deuils of hell by his seuere iustice shewed vpon them So that the Lorde is iust in all his wayes yea his wil is a most perfite rule and patterne of iustice Dauid often repeateth this lesson to terrifie the wicked Iust art thou O Lorde right are thy iudgements Psalm 119. So sayde the Emperor Mauricius being killed by Phocas This do the wicked confesse thēselues when they feele his heauy hand vpon them for their sinnes and offences as Pharao did when the hayle destroyed the cattell of Egypt saying vnto Moses Aaron I haue nowe sinned the Lorde is righteous but I and my people are wicked Exod. 19. Thus the reprobate whether they will or no must confesse the Lorde to be righteous in his workes For as the Lord is merciful to Forgive the sinnes of his children that are truely penitent and not obstinate so is he also a most iust Iudge ouer all the earth to execute his sharpe punishments vpon the malitous and wilful sinners The Iudge of the worlde doeth according to iustice as Abraham sayde of him when he was about to destroy Sodoma Gen. 18. I delite sayth the Lorde in iustice mercy and iudgement Ierem. 9. Examples of his iustice he hath shewed in the flood brought in vpon the wicked Example of his mercie in sauing Noe and his familie so that his iustice and mercie goeth alwaies together as Dauid saith I will sing of mercie and iudgement Psal 101. representing the person of Christ which should be in his kingdom as wel iust as mercifull a Lion of the tribe of Iuda to teare in pieces the wicked and a Lambe to preserue his with al gentlenesse softnesse Looke vpon Sodome how the Lord shewed there his extreme and seuere Iustice vpō those miscreants to consume them with fire and brimstone from heauen most terribly Gen. 19. and as Peter sayeth Made them an example for all ages and posterities to come of his iustice against sinne and vncleannes 2. Pet. 2. But yet then hee deliuered iust Lot out of tentation and trouble Note his mercy in it to the good godly I might heere recken vp the examples of Sennacherib of Achab of Nabuchodonozor of Herode of Iulian and such other persecuting kings and Emperours against the Church of Christ whome all God in his iustice hath ouerthrowen and vtterly destroyed This we learne that God doeth also preserue the state of mankinde by his iustice that one doeth not ouerrunne another as wilde beastes Then by this wee learne to stand in feare of Gods iustice if we sinne at any tyme desperately least we be caught vp with it and suddenly consumed If his wrath be kindled yea but a litle blessed are al they that put their trust in him Psalme 2. For our God in his wrath and iustice is a consuming fire as Hebr. 12. And it is an horrible thing to fall into his handes If he be angry who may abide or stande in his sight when the hilles melte away and the sea is dried vp and the hard rockes cleaue asunder O that we had this consideration of his iustice before our eyes continually it would keepe vs from all sinne and vngodlines for therefore we sinne because wee feare not this iustice of the Lordes There is no feare of god sayeth Dauid of the wicked before their eyes therefore they sinne We see then what wee haue to note vpon this article of our Christian beliefe and what commodity commeth vnto vs of the creation of all thinges by God howe we gather and consider of his infinite greatnesse by his wonderfull woorkes for the heauens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy worke And this is one way to come to God as to be without excuse before his tribunall seate in the day of iudgement when the secretes of all heartes shall be disclosed and all thoughts opened before the Lorde By this creation the heathen men are without excuse and haue knowen him generally as Paul sayeth Romanes the first chap. That which may be knowen of God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it vnto them For the inuisible things of him that is his eternall power and Godhead are seene by the creation of the worlde being considered in his workes to the intent that they should be without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neyther were thankefull but became vayne in their imaginations their foolish heart was full of darknesse when they professed themselues to be wise they became fooles God is knowen three wayes by his works by his worde and by his holy spirit of adoption Although God be knowen by all these wayes of his elect yet he is knowen of the reprobate onely by his worde and workes which see the workes and heare his worde but neuer haue his Spirite directing them aright which is proper onely to his owne children Of the first way speaketh Paul in this place vnto the which the creation is a glasse to bring vs to a full consideration of his greatnesse Wel we learne by the creation of heauen and earth his power his wisedome his goodnesse and iustice and whatsoeuer else may be in God This is great comfort to the godly and bringeth great boldenesse vnto them and trust in the last day that they haue such a father and do beleeue in such a God as is maker of heauen and earth this teacheth vs our duetie to referre all our actions to his honour and glory to cōfesse him alone to acknowledge that he made vs and not we our lelues to liue to him to dye to him to do al things for his sake
that hath made all for vs as good seruantes should be more carefull of their masters honour profite thē of their own Nowe let vs giue thankes to such a God that hath vouchsafed to giue vs faith to beleeue in him being so mightie a God and we so lowe and base children so mercifull a father vnto vs notwithstanding we are vnthankefull sonnes to him And let vs praye vnto him to confirme this faith and to encrease it in vs euery day till we come to a perfect man in Iesus Christ Let vs desire of him to giue vs grace to behold this his wonderful and diuine worke of his creation wherin hee hath shewed his wisedome power mercy and iustice vnto al men that we may magnifie it as it doth require worthyly with our heartes and set forth his honour and glory in these thinges with thankes giuing for all his benefites seeing they appertayne vnto vs our bodyes and soules which are fed and nourished by them This grace and mercy let vs desire him to continewe vnto vs for his Christes sake our sauiour who hath dearly bought vs to whom with the holy ghost his infinit power three persons and one euerliuing God bee rendred all power prayse glory honour and thankesgiuing both nowe and for euer Amen The seconde Lecture vpon the creede which is vpon the seconde article And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lorde which was conceiued by the holy Ghost WE haue seene in the first article going before the thinges which we haue to beleeue as concerning God the father in his creation now followeth consequently what we haue to beleeue of God the sonne Iesus Christ as concerning his incarnation and all the benefites of his death and passion which is the second part of the creede as we deuided it And here in this article you must vnderstande and repeate as in the former so in this also I beleeue in Iesus Christ that is I trust in him and put my whole confidence in him that hee is my onely sauiour and that God will for his sake forgiue me all my sinnes For it is not sufficient to beleeue in God the father to know him vnlesse we also beleeue in his only begotten sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde and knowe him also As Iohn repeating the wordes of our sauiour Christ saith This is life eternal that they know thee to be the onely very God whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ Ioh. 17. So that our sauiour Christ ioyneth and matcheth in one the knowledge of him selfe with the knowledge of the father as he sayeth also in another place Except ye beleeue that I am he ye shal die in your sins We see then that if we must beleeue in Iesus Christ he is one God with the father and a creator other wise it were idolatry to beleue in any that is not God And that we may beleue in him this is warrāted vnto vs by his owne commandement saying in the 19. of Iohns gospel to his disciples Let not your heart be troubled beleeue ye in God beleeue also in me A notable place to prooue this matter Where we may also learne that if we beleeue in God our hearts shal not be troubled nor wauer hither thither not hauing any place to rest in For therfore in our miseries dāgers are we vexed troubled out of measure because we put not our full trust in the father the sonne Nowe let vs see with what titles our Christ is beautified adorned with for our cōfort consolation first of all he is here called Iesus which is an Ebrew word soūdeth in English as much as Sauiour which name the Angell gaue vnto him by Gods appoyntment before he was conceaued in the wombe of the virgin Mary his mother As we reade notably set forth vnto vs in the first of Matth Shee shal bring foorth a sonne and cal his name Iesus or sauiour for he shall saue his people from their sinnes and offences And for this cause he came into the worlde as he testifieth of him self The sonne of mā came to saue that which is lost not to destroy soules but to saue and to giue his life a redemption for many Luk. 19. By this we learne that there is no other Sauiour appoynted for mā either in heauē or earth but only Iesus and they that wil haue saluation of God the father must haue it onely at his handes Therefore doeth the scripture pronounce of him that there is no other name giuen vnder heauen vnto men wherein they must be saued but only in the name of Iesus Christ For this is the stone which is become the head stone and the chiefe in the corner neither is there any saluation in any other Act. 4. We haue then to seek our saluation not in Angels not in saints not in men or in our selues but in him onely that hath the key of Dauid that shutteth heauen and no man openeth it and openeth it no man shutteth This is the first title of dignitie and honour that is giuen vnto him of his father the next is that hee is called Christ which is a Greeke word and signifieth in English Anoynted which doth more plainly effectually declare his office function giuen him of the father for vs. For he was anoynted for three especiall purposes first to bee our Prophet to teach vs secondly our priest to offer him selfe a sacrifice for vs and thirdly our king to rule to defēd vs from our enemies These things are al giuē vnto vs to vnderstande in this name Christ For as al the Prophets and priestes and kinges in the time of the olde law before the comming of Christ were anoynted with oyle by the commandement of God as God cōmanded Elias to anoynt Eliseus Prophet in his stead Moses was cōmaunded to anoynt Aaron hye priest and Samuel to anoynt Saul Dauid to be kinges so was Christ also anoynted not with oyle materiall as they but with spiritual oyle of gladnesse as Dauid saieth aboue his fellowes that is with the holy ghost aboue al mē for he had it without measure Ioh. 3. 34. So then as the Prophets priests kings were all figures shadowes of Christ anoynted with oyle to signifie that they must be gentle meeke soft to al their brethren so it was also necessary that Christ should performe al this that was prefigured by him And first we see that Christ toke vpon him the office of a Prophet to teach the people his fathers wil not thrusting in him selfe as the false prophetes did whom the Lord sent not at al but being thereto lawefully called authorised by his father from heauen saying Heare him that is to be our doctour and teacher our Prophete and Scholemaster Being thus ordayned a Prophet to teach vs he executed his office and calling most diligently most paynfully and faithfully for he taught them in season and out of season earely and late
led away to Annas and Caiaphas and then posted ouer to Pilate Pilate sent him to Herode and Herode sent him back againe with mockes and tauntes in a purple robe in mockage derision of him And all this did our sauiour Christ for vs. This was much that I haue rehearsed already but yet nothing to the death of the crosse for the crosse was as odious shameful to them as the gallowes is to vs yet Christ was wel contented with it so wee might bee redeemed This is that Paul speaketh of to the Heb. 12. willing vs to follow the great humilitie of Christ in his suffering of shame saith Let vs also seeing that we are compassed with so great a cloude of witnesses cast away euery thing that presseth down and sinne that hangeth so fast on let vs runne with patience the race that is set before vs looking vnto Iesus the author finisher of our faith who for the ioy that was set before him endured the crosse despised the shame and is set at the right hand of the throne of God Consider therfore him that endured such speaking agaīst of sinners lest ye should be wearied and faint in your mindes We see many men can abide to suffer paine and griefe which yet notwithstanding are ouercome with shame and reproche and can hardly abide it One peraduenture could bee contented to suffer some trouble for his deare friende but who will bee hanged for his friende Let the same minde therefore dearely beloued be in you that was euen in Christ Iesus who being in the forme of God thought it no robberie to be equal with God but hee made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the shape of a seruant and was made like vnto men and was found in shape as a man he humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse You see out of this place howe Christ for our sakes abased himselfe to shame which consisteth in foure poyntes It was much for him being God to become man whether it had bene King or Prince or Lorde but it was more to become a miserable man a seruant vnto men more then that it was to die but most of all was it worthy prayse and commendation that he died the death of the crosse not for his friendes but for his foes Many other thinges did our sauiour suffer of the people the Scribes the Pharises the Iewes as reuilings blasphemies bitter nippes and tauntes but al was nothing to this crosse it surmounteth all yet for all this we must not be ashamed of him for hee is our glory Galat. 6. 1. Corinth 2. they that are ashamed of him here in earth before men he wil be ashamed of thē in heauē before his father his Angels Let vs therfore confesse and acknowledge Christ crucified for vs and let vs neuer be ashamed of him when hee commeth with his crosse for he that taketh not vp his crosse dayly followeth him is not worthy to be his disciple Luke 9. He might rather haue bene ashamed of vs to see vs in that case we were worser then wee can see any poore miserable begger amongst vs here in earth We see then that by Christ crucified the blessing of Abraham is come vpon vs that were Gentiles Galat. 3. and the the serpents head is broken he being y● true serpēt lifted vp vpon the crosse to saue al those that hope vpon him by fayth as the other brasen serpent lyfted vp by Moses in the wildernes saued all those Israelites the were stong looked vp vnto it Numb 21. verse 9. Furthermore by this crosse the hande writing of ordinances which was against vs which was cōtrary to vs he euē he tooke it out of the way fastened it vpon the crosse hath spoyled the principalities powers hath made a shew of thē opēly hath triūphed ouer thē in the same crosse Col. 2. Of this crucifying lifting vp vpō the crosse was Isaac a figure who was boūd laid vpō the altar ready to be offered And so were al the sinne offerings layde vpon the altar for he was made of God his father sinne for vs that wee might he made the righteousnes of God in him which knewe no sinne 2. Corinth 5. But of all other types and shadowes of the ceremonial lawe this taking away of sinne by Christ in his crosse was most liuely set forth and represented vnto vs as in a glasse in the scaps goate For the Lord commanded Aaron Leuit. 16. that he should take a liue hee goate and present him quicke before the Lorde to make reconciliation by him and that he should put his handes vpon the head of the goate and confesse ouer him all the iniquities of the children of Israel and all their trespasses all their sinnes putting them vpon the head of the goate should send him away by the hande of a man appointed into the wildernes so the goate shall beare vpon him all their iniquities into the lande that is not inhabited Here was our sauiour Christ figured which bare in his body vpō the crosse the iniquities of vs al Esai 53. 1. Pet. 2. and was wounded for our transgressions and caried away al our sorowes for by his stripes are wee healed Esay 53. Furthermore this betraying and crucifying of Christ and selling of him for thirty pence was also forefigured in Ioseph For as Ioseph was solde of his owne brethren into the handes of strangers so was Christ betrayed and sold of his owne disciple anddeliuered of his owne nation into the handes of Pilate and the Heathen The third thing that followeth in this article is his death He was dead in deede as the Euangelistes doe report for Luke sayth of him that he cryed with a loude voyce and sayde Father into thy hands I commend my spirit And when he had thus sayd he gaue vp the ghost Luk 23. So for the certaintie of it it is not onely said that he was crucified but also that he died for otherwise nothing had bene wrought for vs. God sayde to Adam In what day soeuer thou shalt eate of the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and euill thou shalt die the death Adam offended and brake this commandement hee was not able to make satisfaction for it to die the death of body and soule therfore the second Adam Iesus Christ died the death of body suffered the death in soule to redeeme vs and to satisfie Gods wrath displeasure conceiued most iustly against our sinne in Adam This death was signified in euery sacrifice of beastes in the olde lawe of Moses in the killing of bullockes of calues of sheepe of goates and such other things For as the Apostle sayth without shedding of blood was no remission of sinnes This was verified in Christes blood shed for vs in his death Neither was this death of Christ to be seene onely shadowed in the ceremonies
him for our causes Matthewe 11. Come vnto me all ye that trauell and are laden and I will refreshe you Therefore we may boldly and safely goe vnto him in our neede and necessitye and feare not Which of vs is it that if the prince did byd vs come at the first to her and not to any other of her priuy chamber but would come most willingly and be glad so to do Why thē come wee not to God at the first saying in his worde Cal vpon me in the day of thy trouble and I will heare thee Why come wee not to Christ that so louingly biddeth euery one of vs Wel let vs holde this for an vnfallible principle Christ being ascended is our onely spokesman neither let any man thinke that it is with Iesus Christ the king of all kings as it is with princes of the earth that because he is so hie and in so great dignitie and maiestie hee doth not therefore regarde or respect vs here vpon the earth so lowe nay Dauid telleth vs the contrary and meeteth with this obiection for hee sayth In deede the Lorde is hie aboue al nations and his glory aboue the heauens But yet hee sayeth that he abaseth himself to behold the things in heauen and in earth yea he rayseth the needy out of the dust lifteth the poore out of the dounghill to set him with princes Psal 113. So we see although the Lord be hye yet he hath respect vnto the lowly And Iesus Christ notwithstanding he be in all pleasure blessednes yet he thinketh vpon vs because he hath sometyme felt y● like miseries with vs we haue such an hie Priest that can be touched with our infirmities euen at this time also as he sayde to Paul persecuting his sayntes Saul Saul why doest thou persecute me Christ counted himselfe then to be persecuted although he were in heauen because his poore members were afflicted Actes 9. In deede princes here and noble men with vs many tymes knowe not the misery of others nay regarde it not because they haue neuer felt the like smart and knowe not what hunger or thirst or nakednes or imprisōment or banishmēt or lacke of lodging meaneth not hauing suffered the like themselues But I say the case is farre otherwise with Christ who knoweth better what we lack then we our selues doe and hath borne the like burden with vs and doeth not forget vs nowe in his glory and honor as many do their poore friends whē they are aduanced to any promotion dignitie by others Wherefore as Ioseph in all his rioltie and glory remembred did acknowledge his poore brethren before Pharao and all his house so doeth vndoubtedly our Sauiour Christ thinke vpon vs his poore brethren saying I will declare thy name vnto my brethren and he wil not be ashamed to confesse vs in heauen before his father and all his holy Angels For howe should the head be ashamed of his body or the husband of his wife Christ is not ashamed of vs his spirituall kinred as we are ashamed of our kindred many times when we are exalted aboue them nay hee is neuer ashamed of vs vnlesse wee be first ashamed of him For then in deede hee sayth Hee that is ashamed of me and my sayings here in earth before men I wil also be ashamed of him in heauen before my father and he that shal denye him here hee wil deny him there but hee that shal confesse him here he will confesse him there Mar. 8. Furthermore we are to vnderstand that although Christ by his ascension hath taken away his body from the earth which was not necessary for vs yet he hath left vnto his Churche and giuen vnto it as a most sure and firme pledge and earnest peny of his good will towardes vs his holy spirit alway crying in our heartes Father father working in vs that which is good acceptable in his sight This is the greatest comfort that may be to the faythful in this lyfe and therefore is this spirit oftentimes called by our sauiour Christ The cōforter And this great and singular benefit we haue by his ascension for he sayde that vnlesse hee went his way from them the comforter would not come but if he went he would send him as in deede he did after his ascension most plentifully and doeth at this day vnto his giue his spirit either in greater or lesser measure to some more to some lesse as hee thinketh good This benefite then doe wee enioy by his bodily presence departing for a time from vs. This gift is to our soules the fountayne of life and the very welspring beginning of all our Christian regeneration and newe 〈◊〉 in Christ and so is called the spirit of Adoption because it is proper to Gods children and none other This spirit doth leade vs into al trueth mortifieth our euil deedes killeth sinne in vs reuiueth all goodnesse within vs maketh vs merry in the Lorde reioyceth vs in troubles and doeth neuer leaue vs destitute altogether of some comfort or other For this pledge out of our hearts can neuer be taken away all other worldly things may be taken away as from Iob they were who lost his goods lands wife friendes and children his bodye was afflicted his soule tormented yet in the middest of these calamities he had a comfort of this spirite in that he coulde say in fayth I knowe that my redeemer liueth which he ●therwise coulde not doe but by the motion and helpe of the holy Ghost as Paul ●eacheth vs to the first Corinthians the ●●el●t Chapter in these wordes I declare vnto you brethren that no man can saye that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holy Ghost verse 3. Seeing then wee haue by Christs ascension the first fruites of his spirit we ought also to ascende with him into 〈◊〉 if not in body yet in soule in minde and heart and all our affections For where our treasure is there shoulde our hear the also Our treasure and only treasure Christ Iesus is in heauen therefore let our hearts he wholy with him as Paul saith Our conuersation is in heauen from whence wee looke for the Lord Iesus who shall transfourme our vile body that it may be made like to his glorious body Phil. 3. So that as wee haue to learne by Christes resurrection a spirituall resurrection here in this life from sinne In like sort we learne also by these wordes of Saint Paul an holy and spirituall ascension into heauen by our desires and thoughts that we may ioyne to him euen nowe in fayth and spirite till wee all meete in body there at the fast day And truely if we coulde keepe our mindes so ascending vp into heauen it woulde be very benificiall for vs and ridde vs out of many daungers Wee see and learne by experience that the byrde is neuer insnared and caught of the fouler vntill he lyght and sit vpon the earth whē he falleth to
the ground then is hee subiect to gunshatte or other snares and daungers So it is with vs if our mindes were fixed aboue vpon heauenly things Satan coulde not take vs in his trappes but when they are altogether cast downewarde vpon the earth and earthly pleasures then we fall into his baytes and are entangled in his grennes Therefore as Christ is ascended so let vs also ascende in minde cogitation vnto him for Christ doeth bidde vs tome vnto him and this saying standeth in his full force nowe as it did when ●e spake it here with vs vpon the earth and we must come vnto him nowe Let vs then come and resorte vnto him by our earnest and heartie prayer for then wee talke with him For prayer is sayd to be a speach and communication with God and a lifting vp of our heartes vnto him in heauen We shoulde remember then that as often as we pray we speake to the maiestie of God and therefore shoulde come with feare and reuerence Let vs also come to Christ to heare h●● comfortable worde and Gospel For when we heare his worde preached vnto vs or reade it our selues we must consider that God speaketh vnto vs and therefore giue diligent and attentiue heede to the things thou hearest lest they slip out of thy minde Againe let vs also ascend and come to him by heartie thanke sgiuing for al benefits receyued in our body and soule both temporall and spirituall This is to ascende vnto Christ in this life Seeing therefore that by the blood of Iesus we may be bold to enter into the holy place by the new liuing way which he hath prepared for vs through the vaile that is his flesh seeing also we haue an high Priest which is ouer the house of God let vs all draw neere with a true heart in assurance of fayth our hearts being pure from an euill conscience and washed in our bodies with pure water Let vs keepe the profession of our hope without wauering and let vs ascende whither our forerunner Iesus Christ is entred and ascended for vs already euen into the heauen of heauens Another singular cō●ort ●or to ●ead our faith vpon by Christs ascension is his power to strengthen our weakenesse for we beleeue nowe that Christ hath taken full possession of his most glorious kingdome is entred into glory to whom as Saint Peter sayth The angels and powers and myght are subiect and whatsoeuer else For God hath sayde vnto him Sit thou at my right hande vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole the Lord shall send the ●odde of thy power out of Sion be thou buler in the middest of thine enemies Psal 110. So that wee may boldly saye as Dauid sayde sometime The Lorde is our shephearde yea the Lorde Iesus is our King therefore shall wee lacke nothing For tel me I pray you what good thing can we want Christ being our heauenly King and hauing nowe all power and authoritie giuen vnto him and sitting at the ryght hand of the almightie Father Surely his seruantes shall enioy all things as he sayeth He that ouercommeth shall inherit all things and who is he that ouercommeth but Iesus Christ in whome we by his power and vertue ouercome also that as hee is made heyre of all things so myght wee also bee made ioynt heyres with him Wherefore wee knowe Christ no more in his mortalitie and humilitie Yea although wee had knowen Christ after the flesh yet hence foorth knowe we him no more after the flesh but after the woorking of his myghtie Spirite whereby hee is able to subdue all things to him selfe Philip. 3. For here we must consider that Christ hath thus ascended into glorie for vs and hath receyued giftes for men euen great spoyles of the enemies to enrich his Church This is our reioycing which wee haue dayly in Christ Iesus here is the ioy patience and victorie of the Saints of God for he must reigne vntill hee hath put all his enemies vnder his feete Who then can he discouraged with any thing that befalleth vnto him eyther of bodie or griefe of minde or losse of goods and friends Is it not Christ that dyed for vs and which is rysen againe who is also at the ryght hande of God and maketh request for vs Who shall say any thing vnto our charge who shal condemne vs If Christ be on our side as hee is most certaynely being our head who then can bee agaynst vs howe can wee sacke any thing in this lyfe when God hath giuen his Sonne for vs What man or woman woulde thinke to lacke any thing earthly that had a King to his Father or a Prince to bee his brother and shall wee bee of so litle fayth to thinke that wee can lacke ought hauing GOD the great King ouer al the world to be our louing Father and Iesus Christ his Sonne the Prince of all princes to bee our owne brother This were madnesse to thinke or conceiue but yet if wee bee wauering through incredulitie let vs saye and waye with the man in the Gospel Lorde helpe my vnbeliefe and with the Apostles let vs saye Lorde increase our fayth in vs and make it strong agaynst all tentations of Satan Seeing then that Iesus Christ is of that power that he is able to bring to passe all thinges Gods children may assure them selues of a singular defence agaynst all their enemies For who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or peryll or sworde Nay dearely beloued I am certaynely perswaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor heyght nor depth nor any other creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of GOD which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde for in all these thinges wee are more then conquerours through him that loued vs and this is our Christ that sitteth in the heauens for vs. By this his glorie and power euer since his ascending hee hath mayntayned the estate and welfare of his Congregation and will doe to the ende of the worlde The last thing wee learne by Christes ascension is this that he is also ascended to leade captiuitie captiue that is to say to beate downe and ouerthrowe all his foes and such as ryse vp heere agaynst him so that as his power is a great comfort to his spouse so it is as great a terrour and griefe to the wicked reprobates to thinke or to consider of it For it maketh them to frette and fume and to bee euer at their wittes ende for sorowe and griefe that hee must ouercome in spite of their teeth Then wee learne that our enemies shall not alway tryumph ouer vs they shall not still haue vs in their bandes in pryson and thraldome but one day they surely them selues shall come to confusion and shame The Scriptures when they will paynt out Christ vnto vs
Adam or shal be to the last man that shal be borne here vpon the earth None can escape this iudge or hide himselfe away from his sight which seeth into the bottome of the sea euen into the middest of the earth and hell none shal be forgotten not the lest childe that is for he hath all written in his bookes both good and bad great and small for these are the wordes of the holy Ghost We must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ And againe As I liue saith the Lord euery knee shall bowe to me and euery tongue confesse to me None then shal be missing no not the great Monarches Emperours and Kings of the earth shall helpe thēselues here or flee away but they shal be brought to iudgement and stand at the barre as others do be brought as lowe as the lowest Wel let vs apply this doctrine for our vse to profit by it Of this doctrine that we must al come to iudgement and none escape Paul gathereth this argument and lesson that knowing the terrour of the Lorde we should doe our duety that both dwelling at home and remouing from home wee may be acceptable vnto him For it made Paul the more roūdlie to doe his office and function in preaching saying We knowing this perswade men and are made manifest vnto God and I trust also that we are made manifest vnto your consciences 2. Corin. 5. Fourthly let vs see the maner and order of this generall iudgement Our Sauiour Christ doeth most liuely describe it in the 25. of Matthewes Gospel saying When the Sonne of man commeth in his glory and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit vpon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shephearde separateth the sheepe from the goates and he shal set the sheepe on his right hand and the goates on his left then shall the king say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father take the inheritance of the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world For I was hungry and ye gaue me meate I was thirstie and ye gaue mee drinke I was a stranger and ye tooke me in vnto you I was naked and ye clothed me I was sicke and ye visited me I was in prison and ye came vnto me and so forth Then shal he say to them on his left hand Depart frō mee ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the deuill and his angels For I was an hungred and yee gaue mee no meate I thirsted and yee gaue me no drinke c. And these shall goe into euerlasting payne and the righteous into life eternall Here wee see the fourme and order of this iudgement described most liuely vnto vs in the person of Christ a King putting some on the ryght hande and some on the left hande S. Paul also doth set it out vnto vs most excellētly that the Lord Iesus shall descend frō heauen with a shoute and with the voyce of the Archangel and Trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall ryse first and wee which remayne aliue shall bee caught vp with them also into the cloudes to meete the Lorde in the ayre and so shall we bee euer with the Lorde Where note that he ●etteth it out onely for the comfort of the godly making no mention in this place of the wicked Saint Peter saith It shall be as a thiefe in the nyght in the which the heauens shall passe away with a noyse and the elementes shall melt with heate and the earth with the woorkes that are therein shal be burnt vp 2. Pet. 3. S. Iohn in the Reuelation doeth very effectually expresse this thing in like maner for he saieth that a great white throne was set which he saw and one that sate vpon it and the dead stood both great smal before God the bookes were opened the sea and death and hel gaue vp their dead and euery man was iudged according to the things written in the bookes Reuel 20. Wee learne this good lesson by it as Peter doeth teach vs that seeing the maner of this great and last day of iudgement by Christ shall be so terrible in respect of the alteration of the creatures wee ought to be holy in all conuersation and godlinesse looking and hasting for the comming of that day of the Lord Iesus to iudgement And here furthermore wee gather that heauen and earth shall be dissolued and made newe that this worlde nowe shall haue an ende as it had a beginning contrary to the false opinion of the Philosophers and wicked Atheistes of our time which thinke that all things shall continue as they doe for euer Thus much for the maner of the iudgement Nowe as concerning the time our Sauiour Christ hath forewarned vs that it is not for vs to knowe the times and seasons which the father hath put in his owne power Act. 1. For of that daye and houre knoweth no man no not the angels which are in heauen neyther the Sonne him selfe but my Father onely saith Christ Which is to be vnderstoode that Christ knoweth not the latter day as hee is man but as he is the eternall God and one with his Father euen his wisedome he knoweth it and al things else We see then that the day and houre is most vncertaine and yet the thing it selfe most certaine that it shall be But although this day and houre be vnknowen yet notwithstanding our Sauiour Christ hath giuen vs signes and tokens of his comming which may sturre vs vp the more warily to waite for his comming These things our Sauiour sayd shoulde come to passe before he came we see they are fulfilled already many shall come in his name to deceiue vs saying I am Christ shall deceyue many we shall heare of warres nation shall rise against nation realme against realme there shall be famine earthquakes and pestilence in diuers places the godly shal be afflicted killed and hated of al men for Christs sake many shall bee offended at the Gospel and betray one another the father the sonne and the sonne the father the brother against the brother shall rise and put him to death false prophets shall aryse and deceiue many iniquitie shal be increased and the loue of many shall bee colde and the Gospel shall bee preached vnto all nations and then shall the end come Furthermore there shal be signes in the sunne and in the moone and in the starres the sunne shal be darkened the moone shall not giue her lyght and the starres of heauen shall fall which things haue come to passe whither you take them litterally or allegorically for both the sunne and moone hath beene eclipsed and signes and wonders haue appeared in the starres and if ye take the sonne for the worde of God and Gospel we see it hath bene darkened and abused by the Papistes The
moone which doth represent the Church which taketh her light from the sunne Iesus Christ hath byn persecuted turned into blood and not giuen her light by reason of troubles and the starres which are likened to the preachers haue fallen away and otherwise stept aside These things and the lyke may put vs in minde that the cōming of Christ is not far off euen as when we see the trees begin to budde we know then that the spring time is neere We know furthermore that the time of this iudgement shal be very sudden as the lightnings or as the cōming of a thiefe and as the sudden crying out of a woman with childe For as it was in the dayes of the floud in Noes time the waters came and tooke them all away so shall the comming of the sonne of man be Likewise also as it was in the dayes of Lot they ate they dranke they bought they solde they planted they buylt they gaue in marriage and married wiues but in the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rayned fire brimstone from heauen and destroyed them all After these ensamples shall it be in the day whē the Sonne of man is reuealed And surely this day is hid from our eyes that we shoulde be prepared euery day not be secure or careles to differre repentance and put it off from day to day as a great many do among vs. Seeing then the time is at hand and yet vnknowē we ought to be prepared and be in a readines to follow our Masters counsel for he saith Take heed to your selues least at any time your hearts be oppressed with surfeting drunkennes and cares of this life and least that day come on you at vnwares for as a snare shall it come vpon all them that dwell vpon the face of the whole earth Watch therefore and pray continually that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to passe that ye may stande before the Sonne of man This daye is as the day and time of our death as we knowe not when we shall die and yet it is most certaine that we shall die so it is with this day And whether a man shoulde looke for the day of his death or this day of iudgement first truely I can not tell they are both so vncertaine neither haue we longer warrant of time prescribed vnto vs in the scriptures of the one then of the other I praye God the Lord Iesus may finde vs as good seruants doing his will and woorke at his comming that wee may haue our candles burning in our handes with oyle in our lampes and the marriage garment on our backes ready to open the doore when he cōmeth and knocketh for vs. Happy shal we be if the Lord find vs so doing otherwise if he finde vs smiting our felow seruants eating and drinking being drunken he shal come vpon vs at vnwares and cut vs in pieces giue vs our portion with the vnbelieuers hypocrites where shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth Let vs therefore I beseeche you brethren by the Lorde Iesus knowing the time is short and at hande euen in the doores gird vp the loines of our minde that when our Sauiour knocketh we may open vnto him immediatly Thus wee see what we haue to note and learne vpon the time of the comming of Christ vnto iudgement The place also is to be considered the nations and kinreds of the people that shall appeare that day are so many and innumerable that the earth shall not bee able to conteyne them all therefore Saint Paul saith that we shall be caught vp in the cloudes to meete the Lord in the ayre So that all shall bee taken vp into the ayre as the place of iudgement But I come to the last poynt which is more materiall to our purpose for what ende this great and last day is reserued and kept in store It hath two endes or causes why it is ordayned of the Lorde the one is that the godly may be deliuered out of their miseries and troubles which they haue here stoutly endured for Christes sake and be receyued into euerlasting life The other is that the wicked reprobate and all the companie of infidels which haue herecontemned the Lord liued in pleasure and delites of the fleshe may be iustly punished as they haue well deserued with euerlasting fire brimstone which is the second death For it might seeme if there were no iudgement or life after this that the Lord were notiust in his doings for neither are the godly and ryghteous rewarded many times in this life neyther are the vngodly punished for their offences while they liue here for the most part Now God is most iust which will rewarde all godlines and vertue and seuerely punish vice and wickednes These two endes doth our Sauiour mention in the general iudgement the one sort saith he shall goe into euerlasting life and the other sort into euerlasting fire Matth. 25. Saint Paul likewise doth make mention of these causes in the second epist of the Thessalonians the first chapter shewing as well what the good shall haue as the bad saying on this wise It is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you and to you which are troubled rest with vs when the Lord Iesus shall shewe him selfe from heauen with his mighty angels in flaming fire rendring vengeance vnto them that do not knowe GOD and which obey not the Gospel of our Lorde Iesus Christ which shal be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glorie of his power thus much for the wicked Now foloweth rewarde for the good when hee shall come the bee glorified in his saintes and to bee made marueylous in all them that beleeue in that day Here wee may haue a notable discourse as is in any place of scripture why our sauiour Christ shal come to iudgement both in respect of the good and bad yea the wicked angels and spirites them selues as Iude saith hee hath reserued in euerlasting chaines of darkenesse vnto the iudgement of the great day This day is greatly desired and longed for of the godly and especially of the true ministers of Christes Gospell that their cause may bee knowen to bee good agaynst the wicked and their sayings veryfied concerning this iudgement for surely there is nothing almost seene of God or beleeued of the wicked vntyll that day Tell them of this day and terrifie them with it they make a mocke at it they count them for fooles and simple persons that liue a godly and Christian life but when this day commeth as it will come certainly it will make a recompence for all and they shall finde all our sayings threatnings to be most true Therefore the godly desire it in respect of Gods glorie chiefly which the wicked haue defaced A great many of them thinke that there
to Christ are gentle as sheepe not cruel as wolues for they shall not hurt nor destroy in al the mountayne of my holines saith the Lorde of hosts by his Prophet This name of the church excludeth y● bloody church of Rome for they are as wolues cruell beastes deuouring the sheepe as well with vs appeared in Queene Maries dayes howe bloodthirstie they were in that the wolues slewe so many of the sheepe of Christ It is called the spouse of Christ therefore they that giue them selues to another head and husband as the false Romanes doe are not of this church It is also compared and likened to the moone because the churche taketh all her light and brightnes of Iesus Christ the true sunne of righteousnes as the moone doeth take of the sunne all her light which thing the Papistes doe not for they ascribe not all to Christ but some things to the Pope some to them selues and others And as the moone is not alway visible being in her change so is not this churche to the eye of man alwayes in a visible she we as the proude churche of Rome is but hath sometime warre and aduersitie sometime peace prosperitie It is moreouer like vnto a ship vpon the seas tossed in deede with the waues from one place to an other but yet neuer drowned because Christ Iesus is in it and holdeth the sterne with his hande These thinges vnto the which the church is likened doe very well conuince Rome to be no church of God at all for it is alwayes visible to the eie and in great wealth and prosperitie as Babylon was so it boasteth of her selfe as shee did It neuer at all mourneth or is in the pit of afflictiō as Christ said his church shouldbe Iohn 16. And as we reade in Ezechiel 9. this church of Rome doth alwayes laugh and reioyce and neuer feeleth the rodde which is a token of bastards and such reprobates and not of Gods children Heb. 12. This true church of Christ is but one For there is but one mediator one husband and therefore one spouse and one body as Paul proueth Ephes 4. and is called vniuersall because it is in all partes of the earth and the Lord hath of his church out of all nations and kinreds tongues Reuel 7. Which church yet notwithstanding is deuided into particular churches of euery coūtrey kingdom where as they al make but one general church For they are ioyned together in the same spirite fayth baptisme and Lorde Iesus which is one head to them all There was a particular church in the house of Philemon as Paul reporteth in that epistle and he also calleth the Corinthiās a church others too vnto whom he wrote meaning that they were speciall churches of this vniuersall church And here the ignorance of the Papistes is seene and manifested which make that to be general and catholike which is but particular special For although their Rome were a true church yet can it not be termed by any meanes Catholike except all the saintes and good men aliue vpon the earth were in it which can not be Here thē they are deceiued in the worde Catholike making that to bee generall which is but in part so Paul did neuer write to any church which hee called Catholike for if hee had meant so that Rome had bene the catholike church when hee wrote vnto it then could he not properly haue called Corinth a church at all The summe of all that we haue said hitherto is thus much that there is an holy church whose head is Iesus Christ alone to this end and purpose called of God by his woord that it should gloryfie him for his goodnesse For looke whatsoeuer our God doth he doth it in y● behalfe of his holy church For this end doeth hee destroy sometymes mightie kingdomes and great Princes that hee might deliuer his church and verily for this ende doeth hee keepe and preserue so long this wicked worlde vntill the number of his elect be fulfilled He neuer destroyed any nation but it was for his churches sake Oh howe greatly are we then bound to the goodnes of this our Christ which worketh so great thinges for vs shall we not magnifie his grace shal we not yeelde him continuall thanks and that in the middest of the great congregation Beleeue me deare brethren we are elect ereated redeemed iustified sanctified preserued dayly by his power shal be gloryfied in the life to come with his holy angels and saintes that we should set forth his praise glory And this is y● thing which the blessed Apostle S. Peter doth in his first Epistle the second Chapter so earnestly exhort vs vnto saying To the church of God the trewe christians of Pontus Asia Cappadocia Galatia and Bithynia and in them to vs all you are sayth he a chosen generation a roial priesthood an holy nation a people set at lybertie Marke nowe dearely beloued the chiefest poynt to what ende all these thinges are done vnto vs that yee shoulde sayth hee shewe foorth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darknesse vnto his marueilous light Doe wee nowe shewe foorth his goodnesse with thankesgiuing then are we good Christians and serue to the ende whereunto the Lord hath made vs. Are wee not all carefull of this duety to praise God his name daily Surely we haue then transgressed and degenerated from the ende of our creation and calling The praise of God is such a thing so hye and so excellent that if all the Angels in heauen with their force and might and all the men in earth with all their speach and eloquence goe about to set it forth and declare it they shall not do it sufficienly and as it deserueth to be done We ought then to do what lieth in vs and this thing doth the triumphant church in heauen of Angels and Saints teache vs that we should neuer cease to exto his name at al times as they do for they cannot satisfy themselues with crying Holy holy holy is the Lorde God of hostes the whole worlde is full of his glory Esay 6. And in the Reuelation the fourth chapter the foure beastes and the Elders cease not day nor night crying Holy holy holy Lorde God almighty which was which is and which is to come And yet for all this wee here in earth can satisfy our selues and be contented to set foorth his praise either neuer a whit or els so negligently and by such startes as wee declare wee haue no great loue and care thereunto so colde is our zeale in this poynt and yet most hot in trifles and vanites apperteining to our pleasures profits in this life Wee haue nowe heard dearely beloued the meaning of this article concerning the Catholike Church what it is and who is the head of it what authoritye it hath by what signes it may bee alwayes knowē from the Romish or false Church We
7. Yea this confession acknowledging of our faults must sometime be made to our neyghbour or brother if we haue offended him and we must are commaunded to seeke reconciliation at his handes as our Sauiour sayeth Matth. 5. If thou bring thy gift to the altar there remēbrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue there thine offring before the altar and goe thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift And this is that thing that S. Iames meant in his Epistle 5. Chap. Acknowledge your faultes one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed not so that wee allowe any papisticall shrift or a vaine confession of all our sinnes in the eare of a masmonging Priest which can do vs no good but rather taketh an occasion him selfe to bee ill when he heareth the lewde deedes of some But wee meane that an agreement is to bee sought for with submission one to another if any man be offended Neyther doeth this place of Iames prooue the Popish confession as they woulde haue it for hee speaketh not here of the Priest but of all Christians And if so bee they will haue this place to prooue it then must their Priest confesse as well his sinnes to the people as the people to him for so goe the wordes of the text One to another acknowledge your faultes Notwithstanding if any man feele him selfe grieued with his sinne and clogged in his minde and conscience if then hee resort to his godlie and learned Pastor or preacher in the parishe and tell it vnto him to haue comfort and his aduise what to doe hee can not iustly for this bee reprehended of any because it is both good and godly But to number vp al their sinnes to the minister as the papistes woulde haue it no man can doe for who knoweth howe oft hee offendeth as Dauid sayth Psalme 19. neyther is this thing warranted by any authoritie or example in scripture But to our purpose wee see then by these thinges that as we are sinners all the sort of vs so wee must not dissemble them if wee truely intende to haue remission of them but with our whole heart we ought to confesse them vnto the Lorde And here is to bee noted that in this article wee doe beleeue and confesse a remission or forgiuenesse of sinnes and not a satisfaction of vs for our sinnes as the aduersaries teach that wee must satisfie for our sinnes and purchase pardons from Rome by money by masses and such trumperies as going on pilgrimage barefoote by fastings and lying in hearecloth Surely if these things bee added to take away our sinnes then is not this our article true which sayth that there is a free remission of sinnes without paying any thing at all of our part euen as the detter when hee hath nothing to pay or discharge his dette some godly creditour doeth freely forgiue him Nowe if hee shoulde pay any thing or halfe of it then it is not freely forgiuen but partly forgiuen and partly payde but Iohn pronounceth that if any man thirst he may come and take of the well of the water of life freely Reuelation 20. 22. Esay 55. If wee may take away any of our sinnes by satisfying for them then all is not due to the blood of Iesus Christ but Iohn sayth that it is the blood of Christe and no other thing that doeth purge vs from all our sinne Wee with all our merites and good deedes can not satisfie Gods wrath and anger conceiued for one of the least of our offences for the least sinne that we committe deserueth euerlasting hell fire and howe then can wee satisfie except wee bee freely forgiuen This Dauid well vnderstoode saying If thou O Lord straitly markest iniquities O Lorde who may stande but marke what Dauid addeth and it confirmeth our position and purpose but mercie saith hee is with thee that thou maiest be feared Psal 130. Hee declareth vnto vs sufficiently that wee can not bee iustified before the most pure God but by forgiuenesse of sinnes and therefore pronounced that man blessed that had his sinnes forgiuen not that had satisfied for them Our sauiour doeth teach his to pray in humilitie Forgiue vs our sinnes and not to say Giue vs grace or might to satisfie for them Thus much for the first poynt that if wee will haue pardon of our sinnes wee must first confesse and acknowledge them for what should God forgiue vs if we were not sinners The seconde thing to consider in this article is to knowe to whome to come vnto for the forgiuenesse of sinnes and for whose sake they are remitted otherwise to knowe and beleeue a remission of sinnes is in vaine for as it is bootelesse for a man that is very hungrie to knowe and beleeue there is meate in the worlde except he knew the place the man that had it for him that he might resort vnto him and as it is in vayne to confesse thy disease and sickensse vnles thou know some good Physicion who may helpe thee so surely it shall profite vs nothing at all to knowe or to confesse our sinnes if wee bee ignorant of the mediatour that should take them away yea if the sicke person shoulde seeke out such a Physition as either could not or would not cure him his labour also were vnprofitable and all one as if the needy man shoulde goe to one for an almes that is as needy as hee him self Let vs therefore take diligent heede to this that being sicke of our sinnes in our soules we goe and runne to such a cunning Physition as we are sure both can and will for his abilitie and compassion cure and heale our infirmities and hath a salue for euery sore and maladie This cure and Physicke for all diseases resteth not in any creature whatsoeuer no not in the Angels for they neede a mediatour to holde them al vp not in the Saintes for eyther they are all sinners as those aliue here in the earth or els haue bene all sinners as they in heauen and therefore neede a mediatour as well as wee There is no creature therefore in this great cure of sinnes that can doe vs any good nay rather wee shall be woorse and woorse runnyng to them as the woman in the Gospell was with the issue of blood seeking vnto Phisitions vntill shee came to Christ who cured her immediatly Luke 8. for he is only the good Physition that came to cure our deadly woundes Matthewe 9. Will yee then knowe who this is that onely forgiueth sinnes Marke what the holy Ghost saith Ioh. 1. Behold the lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde Who is this onely lambe of God but Iesus Christ the sonne of GOD slaine from the beginning of the worlde for the sinnes of the people for there is but one mediatour betweene God man the man Iesus Christ 1 Timo. 2. and he hath giuen
him selfe a ransome for all If this bee so we may boldely come vnto him at his commaundement especially when hee calleth Come vnto mee all yee that doe labour and are laden and I will refresh you Matt. 11. The whole scriptures both of the newe and olde testament doe propounde no other redeemer vnto vs then Iesus Christ All the sacrifices were figures of remission of sinnes by Christ alone for it was vnpossible as the Apostle saith that the blood of goates and calues shoulde take away sinne but yet sinnes were taken away vnder the lawe It remayneth therefore that they shoulde bee taken away by Christ for Abraham reioyced to see his day and sawe it gladly Iohn 8. There was but one temple but one hie priest but one altar so there is but one Christ to men to take away sinnes for all these thinges were shadowes of him He is the true temple in whome wee must pray the hie priest that offereth his body for vs and the true altar vpon whom we must offer all our sacrifices of prayer and thankesgiuing if wee will haue them to please God and to be accepted of him Wee haue saith the holy ghost an altar meaning Christ whereof they haue no authoritie to eate which serue in the tabernacle meaning the vnbeleeuing Iewes Let vs therefore by him offer the sacrifice of praise alwayes to God that is the fruite of the lips which confesse his name Hebrews 13. Our sauiour Christ when he sent forth his apostles to preach willed not them to preach remission of sinnes but in his name onely Luke 24. and this doeth Peter in the Actes declare vnto vs chapter 10. Through his name euery one the doth beleue shal receiue remission of sins Healings of the body were done wrought in his name by y● Apostles Actes 5. and therefore the clensing and curing of the soule which is by remission of our sinnes is much more to be looked for at his hands And as it was in Egypt in the great dearth and famine of corne none could haue any food of Pharao the king but by the hāds of Ioseph whō he had made ouerseer ruler of the land in his name for when they cryed to him for breade he sayde Goe yee to Ioseph and what he sayth to you do ye Genesis 41. so it is nowe in the famine and dearth of our soules for spirituall foode we can haue nothing to feed our hungry soules from the king of heauen but by the meanes of the true Ioseph which is Iesus Christ who is ordeined of his father to rule and gouerne all thinges in his name so that hee sendeth vs to his Sonne when wee aske any thing of him for in him hee is wel pleased and for his sake onely and for no mans else doeth hee bestowe this benefite vpon vs for GOD hath in deede giuen lyfe vnto the worlde but this lyfe is in his Sonne that all should honour the Sonne as they honour the Father And as among the Israelites none coulde bee healed that were stung of the fyerye Serpentes but all such as looked vp to the brasen Serpent which Moses made so it is as certaine that none can bee deliuered from the stinging of the olde serpent which is the deuill but they that looke vp to the sonne of God on hie in heauen they haue redemption by his blood that is the remission of sinnes Ephesians 1. There is no other name vnder heauen wherein we must be saued no other fundation whereupon wee must builde vp into heauen no other stone that coupleth the building together no other key that openeth heauē gates vnto vs but Iesus Christ Reuelation 5. Except therefore we beleeue that it is he that taketh away all our sinnes wee shall die in them Iohn 8. Neither is this doctrine onely confirmed vnto vs by the authorities of the worde but also by the examples of all the godly Dauid was ignorant in the way of the Lord but to whom doth he goe for knowledge Teach me O Lorde saith hee the way of thy statutes Psalme 119. Neither shall ye reade that he went at any time to any other in that his whole booke of prayers thankesgiuings saue onely to the Lorde he did knowe well ynough that all other scholemasters were vnlearned and domme and as Idoles that could not speake The woman of Canaan went at the first to Christ to haue her daughter cured Saint Paul praied to the Lorde to haue the messenger of Satan to depart from him 2. Cor. 12. Neither can there be any example brought of any that euer he went to any other then to the Lord onely to haue his sinnes and offences taken awaye By this that our sinnes are forgiuen in Christ alone we learne that we of our selues by nature are hatefull vnto God before we bee reconciled vnto him by the death of his Sonne so that except he behold and looke vpon our sinnes in the face and countenāce of Iesu Christ wee are but castawayes Wherefore brethren let vs looke vnto it that wee may perswade not men but our owne selues not in tongue and mouth onely but in heart and deede that we are surely members of Christ Furthermore we gather by this that the Papist the Turke the Iewe haue all gone astray for they seeke for remission of sinnes by other meanes then by the death of Christ The Papist by his satisfactorie woorkes of his owne deuice by pardons from the Pope when as no man can forgiue sinnes but God onely by his praying to Angels to Saints whome he maketh intercessors and mediators to God and so leaueth the waters of life Christ Iesus and diggeth such broken pittes and cisternes as can holde no water at all I see not therefore howe hee can haue remission of his sinnes seeing he seeketh it els where then in the blood of Christ and of Christ alone for they giue something vnto him but not all and so they make him but halfe a sauiour But eyther hee will bee a whole Sauiour vnto them that hee may haue all the glorie and prayse or else he will be none at all Christ can not abide any thing to be ioyned with him in the way to saluation and euerlasting life but he will bee the onely and whole Sauiour to men The Turke that hateth this name of Christ and goeth not about to haue remission of sinnes by it can clayme no part in the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen hee thinketh to bee saued by God the Father when hee honoureth not God the Sonne Agayne he trusteth to his Alcoran and his false prophet Mahomet and forsaketh the true and euerlasting Prophete Iesus Christ whome God sent into the worlde to giue life vnto it They can saye I beleeue in God the Father Almightie but they will not confesse that which followeth of Iesus Christ the onely Sonne of God and therefore they are not vnder the Couenaunt of grace and saluation but stande all accursed before the lyuing
he therefore saye that is the poore man that because he hath this rewarde he hath deserued it If he so do he doth very vnthankfully When the seruant hath done his duetie can he clayme any thing of his master by merite I trowe no sayeth our Sauiour Christ Luke 17. Neyther doeth the master thanke him So we if we had done all things commaunded vnto vs as we are farre from performing the least of them yet we are vnprofitable seruants and what doth an vnprofitable seruant deserue at the Lordes handes Surely not the kingdome of heauen if he deserue any thing it is stripes Let vs not therefore thinke that we can deserue ought at Gods handes or gratifie and pleasure him so that he shoulde be beholding to vs of duetie to do any thing for vs. This is a very deuilish opinion Christ hath deserued at Gods hāds all thinges necessarie for vs therefore if we be in Christ we shall haue all thinges wee can desire The lande of Canaan which was but a type figure of heauē the Iewes coulde not get by their owne righteousnes but only by the free promes of God in mercy made vnto them It seemeth they had some opinion of their own deseruings as the Papistes haue now therefore Moses gaue thē oftētimes in charge to attribute al to the fauour of the Lord not to their good works as appeareth in the 7. 8. 9. of Deut. but especially in the 9. chap. wheras he saith Heare O Israel thou shalt passe ouer Iorden this day to go in and possesse nations greater mightier then thy selfe cities great and walled vp to heauen A people great tall euen the children of the Anakims whō thou knowest of whom thou hast heard say Who can stande before the children of Anak vnderstād therfore that this day the Lord thy God is he which goeth ouer before thee as a cōsuming fire he shall destroy them he shall bring them downe before thy face so thou shalt cast them out destroy them suddenly as the Lord hath said vnto thee Speake not thou in thy heart after that the Lorde thy God hath cast them out before thee saying For my righteousnes the Lorde hath brought me in to possesse this land but for the wickednes of these nations the Lord hath cast thē out before thee For thou entrest not in to inherit their land for thy righteousnes or for thy vpright heart but for the wickednes of these nations the Lord thy God doeth cast them out before thee that he might performe the word which the Lord thy God sware vnto thy fathers Abraham Isaac Iacob Vnderstād therfore that the Lorde thy God giueth thee not this good land to possesse it for thy righteousnes for thou art a stifnecked people Thus you see how in many words the Lord throweth down all their worthinesse and extolleth his onely goodnes towards thē Now if they were not able to get purchase this tēporal land of the earth how shal we gel heauē if a man cā not builde an house and finish it except the Lord builde it Psal 127. How can any man buylde an house for himselfe in heauen The Israelites were taught to saye that their abundāce in meate drinke other blessings of this life came frō the Lorde not frō their owne power or strēgth Deut. 8. vers 17. And shall we be so iniurious to God so vnthākful to Christ so presūptuous against the holy ghost as to say we haue gottē to our selues euerlasting life God forbid that this foolishnesse shoulde enter into the heart of any man Seeing then al these smal things come not for our owne deserts vnto vs but for his Christes sake much more must we ascribe to his goodnesse this great benefite of life euerlasting As concerning this life to come to aske as many do fondly and curiously rather then godlily whether wee shall knowe one another or whether we shal all be alike in degree I thinke these questions to be such as S. Paul willeth vs to eschew put away farre frō vs. This is certaine our knowledge there shall be most perfite and absolute for then shall I knowe as I am knowen and no ignorance of any thing that is necessarie shall be in vs and euery man shall bee contented and haue his full ioye in all measure of his quantitie so that the least pynte potte shall be as full for his measure as the greatest tunne is with his quantitie All men there shall haue fulnesse of ioye Psalme 16. The Lord sende vs thyther and we will be content with the lowest roune as Dauid professed of himselfe The best question for al to aske especially of the simple and vnlearned is to know throughly the way that bringeth vs thither which is onely Iesus Christ the way the trueth and the life Iohn 14. And so dyd our Sauiour answere for being curiously demaunded of one howe many shoulde be saued he tolde him the meanes howe he shoulde be saued And so must wee doe also and not feede the fancies of men or delite their vaine humors I am sure there bee many men that will aske what we shall doe in heauen and what we shall eate and drinke or whether we shal be clothed there which can not tell howe to come thither if they were demaunded the question And what a madnesse is this to striue for the shadowe and to let the body goe to enquire to knowe things which we are not commaunded to search after and to let goe those things which we are bound to knowe And this vice is most common to them whom we terme fine witted felowes which contemne common and necessarie questions to seeke out deepe and profound questions nothing at all tending to godlinesse but rather to the subuersion and ouerthrowe of all religion and honestie These men the holy Ghost doeth wil vs to auoide and seeing they are fooles to answere them with silence to their foolish questiōs These things breede strife and controuersie about words and they are like to that serpent Hidra which of one idle head bring foorth a great manie to destruction Here is no mention made of hel or of death because all that is in this confession of fayth is set downe for the onely comfort of the godly and not for their terrour Notwithstanding as there is a life and a great rewarde for the godly after this race is ended So is there a hell and seconde death prepared of olde for the wicked and reprobate For our Sauiour Christ speaking of this life speaketh also ioyntly of the euerlasting destruction in fire which is for the deuill and all his angels and those that in this life haue serued him here with their bodies and soules and all their members These sayeth Christ shall goe into euerlasting payne Matt. 25. Where Origen and all those that thought this payne should not be for euer are most playnely confuted for Christ affirmeth it
therefore they are not only Idolaters which worship and serue Idoles and strange Gods as the Ethnicks such like but also all those which worship and serue the true God of heauen after their owne fantasie or after the traditions of men without faith without the word of God otherwise thē God hath commaunded them And they only are Christians which do confesse and serue one onely God which is in heauen according to his word and commandement all whose woorkes aswell outwarde as inwarde corporall as spirituall bee the true seruice of the Lorde because the same are done in the fayth of the Sonne of God and according to the calling of the Lord after the which euery faythfull bodie ought to walke The Lxxxvi Article I beleeue and confesse that it is not lawfull for a Christian to be present eyther in spirite eyther in bodie at the idolatrous sacrifices neither to enter into their temples while they are in doing of their idolatries and sacrifices if it be not of purpose to rebuke and vtter their impietie and to teache the trueth as the holy Prophetes and Apostles did and not to dissemble as the hypocrites doe For if the bodie be the creature of God as it is in deede aswell as the soule and be the Temple of the holy Ghost and a member of the mysticall bodie of Christ and if it shall one day rise and possesse eternall life with the soule it must then followe of necessitie that it ought to be wholly dedicated vnto the ryght seruice of God in this worlde together with the soule and the spirite or else they can not at the generall resurrection be coupled together but must be separated asunder the one to be with God in heauen whome it loued and the other to be in hell with the deuill whom it serued the which thing is impossible for that cause I say that al such dissimulatiō is a plaine forsaking of Christ and of his Gospel Likewise I beleeue and confesse that all maner of such dissemblings by the which the trueth of the Gospel is hid the word of the Lord despised infidelitie and ignorance confirmed and the weake are offended the same can not be of God but of the deuill and altogether against the trueth of Gods worde And therefore there must be no halting on both sides but wee must goe and walke foorthryght and strayghtly before this great Lorde which seeth beholdeth and knoweth all things yea euen before they are begonne The Lxxxvii Article I beleeue also that the beginning of all Idolatrie was the fynding out and inuention of Images which also were made to the great offence of the soules of men and are as snares and trappes for the feete of the ignorant to make them to fal Therefore they ought not to be honoured serued worshipped neyther to bee suffered in the Temples or Churches neyther in any other places where Christian people doe meete together to heare and vnderstande the word of God but rather the same ought vtterly to bee taken awaye and throwen downe according to the effect of the second commandement of God and that ought to bee done by the common authoritie of the Magistrate and not by the priuate authoritie of any particular man For the wood of the gallowes whereby iustice is done is blessed of GOD but the Image made by mans hande is accursed of the Lorde and so is he that made it And therefore wee ought to beware of Images aboue all thinges This is that I beleeue of the Catholike faith and of the thinges that concerne the same and is for the fourth point of my faith Nowe resteth to speake of the fruites that proceed out of the same and what I receiue by the same faith which fruites are in number three whereof the first is The forgiuenesse of sinnes The Lxxxviii Article I beleeue that al those that are come and shall come of the race and lyne of Adam generally are conceiued borne in iniquitie and corruption except Iesus Christ only and that they are all sinners transgressers and breakers of the law and wil of the Lord and according to their nature they are corrupt the children of wrath worthy of Gods iudgement of condemnatiō eternal death all needing the grace and mercie of God and of Christes blood shedding For God hath wrapped all vnder sinne to the intent hee woulde haue mercie vpon all through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Lxxxix Article I beleeue that the knowledge of sinne proceedeth of the lawe but the remission and forgiuenesse of sinne commeth of the Gospel and is giuen vs by the onely grace and mercie of God in the blood of Iesus Christ through the faith wee haue therein whereby wee are counted righteous before God not through our good woorkes or deseruings neither by the merites of any other creature either in heauen or in earth For I knowe not neither do I alow any other merites but the merites of my good Lord master and onely sauiour Iesus Christ who hath merited and sufficiently satisfied for vs hath paide for his owne their dette in wiping out the hande writing and obligation which was against vs and in taking the same from vs hath fastened it vnto the Crosse The xc Article I beleeue that this iustifiyng faith is a meere and singular gift of God the which is commonly giuen by the hearing of Gods woorde whereupon onely it is builte and not vpon the doctrines and traditions of men I call a iustifiyng faith a certaine assurance and earnest perswasion of the good will loue grace bounteousnesse and mercy of God towarde vs whereby we are assured verily perswaded in our hearts of the mercy fauour and good will of God the father that he is on our side and for vs against all that are against vs and that he wil be a mercifull father vnto vs pardoning our sinnes and will giue vs his grace make vs his children by adoption and admitte vs for heires vnto eternal life and all this freely in his sonne by his only sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde and not for our merites or good workes This faith can doe all thinges and to it nothing is impossible the which faith is neuer perfect nor great ynough in vs and therefore ought wee alwayes to praye with y● Apostles saying Lorde increase our faith helpe our vnbeliefe For that faith only doth comfort vs maketh vs holy maketh vs righteous and acceptable before the Lorde it declareth vs to be the children of GOD and heires of eternall life the which faith also is the mother the spring and roote of all good workes like as infidelitie is the fountaine and roote of all wickednes The xci Article I beleeue also that good workes are not superfluous vayne and vnprofitable but necessarie to saluation I call good workes not those which are done after the fantasie or commaundement of men but onely those that God by his woorde hath commaunded to bee done the which ought to be done
not to deserue or merite any thing thereby at Gods hande or by the same to escape eternall condemnation but onely because God hath commanded them and that they might testifie the loue that we haue vnto our Lord and our obedience to his holy woorde and commaundement and to the intent that in vs and by vs hee might be glorified and that our neighbours aswell the infidels vnbeeleeuers as the faithful might therby be edified and in like maner to shewe and to manifest the faith that we haue in God and in his worde as the good tree sheweth it selfe and is knowne by his fruite yea to make sure and certaine vnto vs our calling election predestination To these endes serue all the good works commaunded by God and who soeuer doeth them to any other ende doeth misuse them sinneth and doth iniurie to the blood of Christ and dishonoureth God and his word for in so doing he declareth Christ died in vayne The xcii Article I beleeue that there is none either in this worlde or in the other worlde eyther in heauen or in earth which can forgiue mee and pardon my sinnes but onely God which hath giuen power and authoritie to the ministers of his worde to declare to all faithfull beleeuers which are of a contrite heart and be truely penitent that all their sinnes through the free mercy of God are forgiuen them through the blood of Iesus Christe which was shedde for them yea to declare vnto them that they are pardoned of their sinnes and that the same is done by the ministery of the worde of the holy Church in the which this remission is exhibited and giuen and not otherwise But on our part is required perfecte repentance the which hath two partes The first is contrition that is to say the knowledging hating and abhorring of sinne the which thing is administred by the Lawe and bringeth vs to despaire if with the contrarie we be not holpen with a lyuely fayth and the mercie of GOD the Father thorowe the blood of Iesus Christ which proceedeth out of the Gospel This fayth comforteth vs maketh vs stedfast and causeth vs to fynde fauour before the iudgement seate of God The xciii Article I beleeue that sinne dwelleth stil in man yea in the very saintes and children of God after their newe birth through Baptisme and the holie Ghost the which sinne neuerthelesse shall not be laied to their charge because of the faith they haue in Iesus Christ for as al the sinnes of the infidels and reprobate bee damnable and shall not bee pardoned because of their infidelitie euen so all the sinnes of the faithfull and chosen bee veniall sinnes and forgiueable because of their faith And therefore I beleeue that there is one onely sinne that is mortall and irremissible which is vnbeliefe or infidelitie that is to say not to beleeue in the sonne of GOD. For where true faith in Christ is founde there all sinnes are hid couered and pardoned I beleeue the resurrection of the flesh which is the second fruite of my faith The xciiii Article I beleeue that there shall bee one resurrection which shall bee generall to all the worlde aswell of the good as of the badde which shall bee in the ende of the worlde by the power of Christ and through the ministerie of the angels the which with a great voice of a trumpette shal cal together all the worlde before the Lorde and shall gather together the electe and chosen from the foure windes euen from the highest of the heauens vnto the endes of the earth and deuide the euill from the good and the wicked shall they cast into the fierie fornace where is weeping and gnashing of teeth and then shall the righteous shine as the sunne in the kingdome of their father and shall bee together and bee companions with the Angels of God This is the seconde resurrection and blessed is hee that shall haue part of portion therein for the same shall not be touched with the seconde death The xcv Article I beleeue that this resurrectiō shal be of the flesh not of the spirit that is to say that the spirit or soule of mā shal not rise because it is immortal dieth not But the body which before aswel by the reasō of nature as also because of sinne was subiect vnto death and corruption to rotte and to be brought to ashes shall be raysed vp and shal be coupled with his owne proper soule and spirite and shall bee set in a more perfect estate then that wherein the first man was before hee sinned and shall be clearely exempted from al maner of corruption of sinne and so consequently from all maner of imperfections and shall bee fashioned like vnto the glorious bodie of Christ The xcvi Article I beleeue that I shall rise not in any other mans flesh and body but in myne owne that I brought out of my mothers wombe euen with the self same body and bones that I haue at this present but the same altered and chaunged made of mortall immortall of corruptible incorruptible of vile and contemptible glorious And therefore I doe waite for the comming of my sauiour Iesus Christ the which through his power will change my vile body which was but a cast-away to make it like vnto his owne glorious bodie according to the power whereby he is able to subiect all things to him selfe I beleeue eternall life which is the third and last fruite of my faith The xcvii Article I beleeue that I shal rise as I haue said with all the faithful and elect not to die any more as did they that miraculously were raysed vp from death as well by Christ the Prophets the Apostles and such other but vnto a life that is immortall euerlasting shall endure for euer to raygne eternally with God both in body soule And thereof I am sure and doubt nothing at all knowing that whosoeuer doubteth of his saluation by Christ the same shall not bee saued Wherefore as I am sure and certaine that Christ is dead and risen againe for me and therein do not doubt euen so am I sure and certaine of my saluation wrought by him and that without fayle I shall be saued and by him shall enter into eternall life The xcviii Article I beleeue that then I shal see him face to face whome now I see as thorow the glasse of faith and then shall knowe him perfitly whome now I know but in part who after that he hath destroyed and confounded al his aduersaries and hath made them his footestoole shall make all thinges newe for the glory of those that are his Thē shal he be an whole God in all and ouer al things Then shal none teach his brother saying Knowe the Lord for then all shall knowe him from the greatest vnto the least The xcix Article I beleeue also that as the spirites of the infidels wicked and reprobate after they are departed from their bodies incontinently do goe to hell vnto euerlasting fire their bodies neuerthelesse abiding in the earth corrupting and rotting euen so likewise the soules and spirites of the faithfull and chosen children of God incontinently after they doe depart from their bodies without any tarying are on high in heauen to be in glory with the Lord and there do stil wayte with an earnest desire for the comming and whole redemption of their bodies the which they haue left rotting and corrupting in the earth the which thing they shall obtayne at the last daye and not before Wherefore I refuse the fonde opinion of the Sleepers which affirme that the spirits of the saintes are not yet in heauen but do sleepe in a certaine place vnknowen to vs vntill they shal receiue their bodies at the last day At which day the mysticall body of Christ wholly perfectly and fully must enter into eternall glory The C. Article I beleeue for a conclusion that as the Saintes and the blessed when the iudgement is ended shall goe with Christ triumphantly through the aire in body and soule to dwell euerlastingly in glory with him his Angels euen so the wretched wicked and miserable damned shal go to hell in bodie and soule with the deuil and his angels eternally to dwel and to be tormented with him in the fire of hell which neuer shall be quenched whereas shall be continuall weeping wayling and gnashing of teeth stung to the quicke with the worme that neuer shall dye From the which the Lorde God of his great mercie and grace vouchsafe to preserue and keepe vs. Amen FINIS ¶ Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie Anno 1581. Actes 16. 1. Tim. 2. Potentia Dei Sapientia Dei Bonitas Dei God is knowen three wayes Psal 45. 7. Luk 9. 35. Christs priest hoode Psal 110. 5. Heb. 9. 14. Matth. 16. Luke 19. Psal 22. 1. Matt. 27. 46. Iohn 8. 56. Actes 4. 12. Col. 2. 14. Actes 27. 37. Matth. 28. 6. Gen. 4. 14. Exod. 8.8 and 9. 28. Gen. 27.38 2. Cor. 25. Luke 1. 75. Luke 24. What it is to sit at Gods right hand Iohn 1. 18. and 4. 24. Esaie 11. 1 Pet. 2. 9. Esa 1. Luke 17.