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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00282 An abstract, of certain acts of parliament: of certaine her Maiesties iniunctions: of certaine canons, constitutions, and synodalles prouinciall: established and in force, for the peaceable gouernment of the Church, within her Maiesties dominions and countries, for the most part heretofore vnknowen and vnpractized Stoughton, William, fl. 1584. 1583 (1583) STC 10394; ESTC S101664 176,465 272

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thinges mooue me neyther is my life deare vnto my selfe that I might fulfill my course with ioye and the ministration of the worde which I haue receyued of the Lorde Iesue to testifie the Gospell of the Grace of GOD. And nowe beholde I am sure that hencefoorth you all thorowe whome I haue gone preaching the kingdome of GOD shall see my face no more Wherefore I take you to recorde this day that I am pure from the blood of all men For I haue spared no labour but haue shewed you all the counsell of GOD. Take heede therefore to your selues and to all the flocke among whome the holy Ghoste hath made you ouerseers to rule the congregation of God which he hath purchased with his blood c. Or else the thirde Chapiter of the first Epistle to Tymothie THis is a true saying If any man desire the office of a Byshop he desireth an honest worke A Byshop therfore must be blameles the husband of one wife diligent sober discreete a keeper of hospitalitie apt to teach not giuē to ouermuch wine no fighter not gredi of filthy lucre but courteous gētle abhorring fighting abhorring couetousnesse one that ruleth well his owne house one that hath children in subiection with all reuerence For if a man cannot rule his owne house howe shall hee care for the Congregation of God Hee may not bee a yong Scholler lest hee swell and fall into the iudgement of the euill speaker Hee must also haue a good report of them whiche are without least he fall into rebuke and snare of the euill speaker After this shal be read for the Gospell a piece of the last Chapiter of Matthewe Fol. 9. pag. 2. THen Iesus came and spake vnto them saying All power is giuen vnto mee in heauen and in earth Goe yee therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghoste teachiug them to obserue all thinges whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you And loe I am with you alway euen vnto the ende of the worlde The prayer vsed by the Bisshoppe in the ordering of Ministers Fol. 11. pag. 1 ALmightie God giuer of all good thinges which by thy holy spirite hast appoynted dyuers orders of Ministers in the Churche mercifully beholde these thy seruauntes now called to the office of priesthood and replenish them so with the trueth of thy doctrine and innocencie of life that both by word and good example they may faythfully serue thee in this office to the glory of thy Name profit of the congregation thorow the merites of our sauiour Iesu Christ who lyueth and reygneth with thee and the holy Ghoste worlde without end Amen These prayers and these places of scripture appoynted by the whole consent of the Realme to be made read at the time of making Deacons ministers most strongly prooue that their intent and purpose was to haue such men placed in the office of Deacons and ministers as whom the holy scriptures hath commaunded should be placed as they pray might be placed But suppose that they being not so faithful to the lord as were expedient for them account not the Lordes wayes to be the best wayes his councels not to be the wisest counsels to interpret the meaning of the statute because they are such wayes as wherein the Lordes seruants applie them selues precisely to walke therfore ignominiously are termed Precisians Suppose this I say yea and suppose that they haue preferred their own inuentions and set the consultations of the grauest Senatours and wisest counsellours and chiefest rulers of the lande behinde their backes yet if reason might haue ruled them and their will might haue beene no lawe there was and is an other maner of calling of triall of examination other qualities an other face of the church an other Latine tongue by other positiue lawes required which as partly by sequell of their proceedinges and partly by their owne recordes appeareth was neuer or very seldome vsed by any of them The maner of calling ought to haue beene thus The maner of calling QVANDO EPISCOPVS c. When the Bishop is disposed to make an ordination all they which will come to the holy ministery the fourth day before the ordination are to be called to the Citie togeather with the Elders which ought to present thē And this kind of calling is a solemne publishing the bishops purposes either by some processe openly fixed vpon the doores of the Cathedrall Church or proclaymed Voce Preconis by the voyce of an Apparitor to make the Byshops intent knowen that happely such a day he will make Deacons or ministers and therefore citeth such to be present as will offer themselues meet men for that seruice Which maner of calling is briefly also commaunded by order and forme of the booke of ordayning ministers First when the day appoynted by the Bishop is come c. Fol. 2. p. 2. 27. Article And in the Articles of religion the selfe same is expressed It is not lawfull for any man to take vppon him the office of publike preaching or ministring the Sacramentes in the congregation before he be lawfully called and sent to execute the same In the title Articles for certaine orders in ecclesiasticall pollicie In the aduertisementes likewise you haue these wordes First against the day of giuing orders appoynted the bishop shall giue open monitions to all men to except against such as they know not to be worthy either for life or conuersation The maner of tryall followeth and ought to be after this sort The maner of tryall ET TVNC EPISCOPVS c. And then the bishop ought to choose him ministers and other men skilfull of the law of God exercised in Ecclesiasticall functions who first of all ought diligently to enquire out the life of them that are to be ordayned their kindred their Countrey their age their bringing vp the place where they were borne whether they be learned whether instructed in the lawe of God whether they firmely holde the catholike faith in plaine wordes can vtter the same and they to whom this charge is committed ought to take heed that they do not for fauour or for desire of reward decline from the truth to present any to the handes of the B. either vnworthily or not meet to take holy orders And therfore let them continually three dayes together be examined so on the sabboth in the which they are approoued let them be presented vnto the B. Constitu Otho Sacer. Out of the constitutions of Otho I haue before cited this decree following which may aptly be repeted againe to prooue the hauing of a scrutine to be necessary before the making of ministers as it was there to prooue what qualities were requisite in them Quare cum ninus periculosum sit c. Considering that it is a thing very perrillous to ordayne men vnworthy Idiotes illegitimate irreguler persons vnlearned
priestes and the prophetes slewe Vriah with the swoorde yet ceased not Ieremiah to stande in the Court of the Lordes house to speake vnto all the cities of Iudah all the wordes that were commaunded him to speake and kept not a word backe 2 Kin. 23. 3. When Hilkiah the priest had found the booke of the lawe and caused Iosiah to reade the same it is written that the KING stoode by the piller and made a couenant before the Lorde that he the KING and the priestes and the prophetes and all the people both small and greate should walke after the Lorde and keepe his commaundementes and his testimonies and his statutes with all their hearte and with all their soule And that the KING commaunded Hilkiah the high priest and the priestes of the seconde order to bring out of the Temple of the Lorde all the vessels that were made for Baall and for the grooue and for all the host of heauen and that the KING burnt them without Ierusalem in the fieldes of Kidron and that the KING carryed the powder of them into Bethel and that HE put downe the Chemerym and that HE brake downe the houses of the Sodomites and that HE brake the images in peeces c. When the spirite of the Lorde came vpon Azariah to tell Asa and all Iudah and Beniamin that the Lorde was with him whilest they were with him encouraged them in their affliction to turne vnto the Lorde God of Israell for that their confidence and trust in him shoulde not be frustrate but haue a rewarde Asa hearing these wordes of the prophet was encouraged and tooke away all the abhominations out of the lande of Iudah and Beniamin And King Asa deposed Maachah his mother from hir regency And Asa brake downe hir idoll and stamped it and burnt it at the brooke Kidron 2. Chro●… and king Asa did all these thinges at the councell of the Prophet Neither can the holy doctrine of the Gospell be sayde to be repugnaunt herevnto God is euer more one and the selfe same God in all ages he is euermore the authour of peace and order not of discord or disorder If therefore the Lord haue not yet gratiously opened hir maiesties eyes to vnderstand all singular misteries of his Testament or if he will some blemish to remaine in the gouernment of a faithfull Queene vnder the Gospell as it pleased him to haue blottes in the raigne of good kings in the time of the law or if he will that the aduersaries of Iudah and Beniamyn hyre counsellers to trouble their building and hinder their deuise all the dayes of Cyrus or if he will the Temple to be built in the dayes of Esra the chiefe priest but the walles to be reedified by a Eliashib and his brethren or if he will haue his Church tary his holy leasure and appoynted time or if he haue any other glorious purpose to work in our dayes by hir highnes what is that to him that is a minister of the Gospell Onely it behooueth him to be a faithfull Steward in his function For an woe hangeth ouer his head if he preach not because necessitie is layde vppon him And let him be assured that whatsoeuer is either bounde or loosed by him in earth the same is bounde and loosed by the Lorde in heauen The repentaunt and faithfull shall be forgyuen The obstinate and impenitent shall bee hardened And thus hauing deliuered my mynde touching these thinges which otherwise by synister construction might haue beene daungerous to my selfe and offensiue to others Touching the former cauill I answere as followeth First I confesse that euery one meete and apt to teach that euery one qualified as is requisit that euery one mooued inwardly by the holye Ghoste and outwardly called and appoynted by the bishop hauing authoritie by the order of this church of England in this behalfe is in deed by law a minister First because he is indeed truth a messenger sent appoynted to this office by the Lord him selfe Secondly he is a minister by the law of this land For the state of this man learned qualified and inwardly called and the state of the vnlearned vnqualified and not inwardly mooued differ as much as light darknes For where the life the learning the conuersation the paines of the former doe appeare in deede to be sincere sufficient honest and diligent euen such as the law it selfe requyreth should be in him and so the ende of the law satisfied in that behalfe in this case and for this man there is a presumption Iuris de iure of law and by law that in his outward calling and triall c. all thinges requyred by lawe were accordingly perfourmed by the bishop and so he a lawfull minister But touching the other man it is quite contrarie and therefore this presumption by law must cease Glos extrauag de prebend cum secundum Apostolum verdiceat For where his life his learning his conuersation do appeare manifestly to be vile corrupt and vnhonest and not such as the law requyreth and so the law frustrated in this case there is a presumption Iuris de iure of lawe and by lawe against him that he came to his office per surreptionem by stealth and vnorderly Letters obtayned for enioying benefices vntill it appeare they were obtayned either veritate tacita or falsitate expressa truth concealed or falsehoode expressed are good and to be obeyed but if afterwardes either of these appeare they shall bee accounted surreptitious and voyde A Bull or dispensation from the Pope authentically sealed is presumed to haue beene gotten bona fide in good faith but if in the tenor thereof appeare false latine it is then presumed to haue been obtayned per surreptionem A sentence giuen by a iudge is presumed to be a iuste iudgement and euery one for the authoritie and reuerence of the Iudge ought so to deeme of the same But in case the matter be appealed and there be found a nullitie in his processe the former presumption ceaseth and the sentence as an iniurious sentence is to be reuersed In like maner if a Bi. should make an hundreth ministers in one day for the authoritie and reuerence of the bishop and the good opinion I ought to conceiue of his vpright and sincere dealing of his holy religion and feruent zeale to the lordes house were I absent and sawe not his proceedinges to be contrary to law as I ought so I trust I should both esteeme his doinges therein to be lawfull and orderly and also reuerence those whom he had so made as messengers sent from the Lord. But if afterwarde when any of them shall come to execute his office of ministerie when he came to teach the people he shoulde then manifest him selfe to be but an Hipocrite but to haue fayned a certaine kinde of holinesse and zeale when he shall him selfe discrie his owne vnablenes and displaye his wantes were it