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A49867 A fountain of gardens Vol. II. Being a continuation of the process of a life according to faith, of the divinely magical knowledge, and of the new creation. In mutual entertainments betwixt the essential wisdom, and the soul in her progress through paradise, to Mount Sion, and to the new Jerusalem. By J. Lead.; Fountain of gardens. Vol. 2. Lead, Jane, 1623-1704. 1697 (1697) Wing L783B; ESTC R212812 202,788 554

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Lilly will sprout out of the Immaculate Body and shall be watered from the Heavens so fair and lovely that she will be elected for the Lamb's Bride and Mate who raised is to the high Eagle state who may have Power mount into the Heavenly Place and again be sent therefrom for such purposes and intents as here are premised She being big with such a travelling Seed as may break the Serpent's Head in dethroning him who hath got into the Heavenly Place Where now expect he will be cast out as strong travelling Powers do take hold upon this Woman These Pangs and Sorrows will differ much from those that were in Eve's day whose Sorrows greatly multiplied hereby through a natural vile sinful Body no hope whereof there is that ever it shall be destroyed till this Birth of Births doth grow to ripeness in any such one Who in Wisdom's Virgin likeness shall be bred up to the Wonder in Heavenly Places from whence all Wonders shall go forth For who but this Man-child shall be the Ruler of Nations in all Soveraignity no more under the Power of any Herod or Pontius Pilate to be arraigned unto Death For he is immediately caught up unto God and his Throne and from thence is to descend again to bring up the Remnant of the Virgin-Seed against whom the Dragon still makes War But to each one who belongs to this his Kingdom of Priests they shall be mightily born up upon his strong Eagle-Body so as all the Dragon's Floods shall be too short to reach this high Eagle-Nest which is prepared in the Heavenly Place Upon this Rock of Strength I saith the Amen will build my Virgin Church who shall know no more any thing of the Number of the Beast but shall be totally acquitted from Men of the earthly quality Therefore I give this Word to you in particular that ye may know there is somewhat of Grace to you peculiarly by this Prophecy which is upon renewing Therefore consider hereof and ponder it deeply for to the pure chast Virgin Mind much of this may happen suddenly You daily from the Unction have received much in order hereunto which Golden Talent I do expect should be improved that so ye may further be trusted with more considerable Dignities and Powers tending to Wisdom's Star sparkling Crown which to none is given till they be quite driven out of the Worldly Principle If now then ye can ascend with all your Might to this Tree of Life you may find quick Removes to him who is that Ghostly overshadowing Power who can impregnate with this last all-saving Birth O saith the Spirit that hereunto ye could give your selves without further debate to the glorified Person of your Jesus that the issue might be to wit a glorious Son of Might brought forth to all Wonderment March the 13th 1676. Now as concerning the latter Vision whereof I gave a Narrative according as I had magically seen it The Interpretation whereof was after this manner given to me this is the Child that is born from the Heavenly Virgin Womb after all those spiritual and deep ●ravels Moreover it was said to me Dost thou not remember that thou didst ask some Years since a Son of God with great earnestness a●d engagedst to dedicate him to be a Temple Priest and Prophet if herein thou mightest be answered Though thy Petition was not granted in that way as to have a Son by earthly Generation but much better it shall be if thou shalt see the travel of thy Soul and Spirit in the Birth of a pure Nazarite given unto thee from the Lord. Which is a thousand degrees beyond what once thou were greatly sollicitous after to wit a fleshly Birth Since which time much hath been wrought for thee Wisdom hath so highly favoured thee as to cast thee into her Virgin Mould or else no way capable to embrace such a Man-child who shall have Power to do great and mighty things on the Earth and to hold up the four Winds an Elias Spirit to shut and open the Heavens Such a one God will need upon the Earth to have but none could yet arrive to this mighty high and glorified state the mortal Spirit hitherto so hindred and the Dragon hath raised great Seas of partition and hath brought down such with his twisting Tail as were ascending for Heaven for out of Mount Sion's Heaven Wisdom's deputed Virgin Woman is to descend with all accomplished Power and Perfection of Holiness Then what manner of Child thinkest thou this must be Who is begotten by the Eternal Word of Truth and is daily to be brought up a Nazarite by the pure honey Dews and Milk from the Virgin Breast that so his strength may hereby daily grow Happy thou and blessed wilt be called if such a spoiless Nazarite Lilly thou shalt bring out of thy Spiritual Womb. At which I tell thee who am the All-Seer the Serpent doth heave mightily against it there is daily plotting to make hereof an abortive nay when thou hast him in thy Arms it may slip away Which for Caution was shewn that thou mightest take hereof sure hold because this Holy Birth is designed to be in that Person to whom the Serpent hath had long Indignation but through great heed and daily watching and care he may keep out from this last prepared hurtful Snare Who then shall indeed bear the Banner of Victory over all his and thy home-bred Enemies Who if obedient to his Eternal Virgin-Mother in all things which shall proceed from the Law of her Mouth may then be the Man of Wonder indeed But before-hand take thou charge on his behalf lest he suffer any Dalilah to come near his Head with a Rasor where only his strength doth lie if so all will be undone as ye did see in the case of Sampson This holy spiritual Off-spring must be for the Conversation of Masculine Virgins who are of his own rank and sort For whatever shall from this low contrary Sphere interfere with this holy Nazarite the Marks and Spots thereof will be obvious upon that smooth shining Skin to his disgrace Therefore let him abide in that Milk-white Nature answerable to his Birth still keeping washing with the Water of Life that so Wisdom may have great joy and delight in her first-born in the Earth Seven ecchoing Voices I did hear in me to declare who it was should Personate this Nazarite Birth If he could clear himself from all clogs and weights then said Wisdom who but he my first Born Heir shall be This Word of Truth do thou give him for Meat to eat no other but what doth proceed from the pure Unction in his Heavenly Nature in him as he can digest it and as Wisdom's Spring● Well flowing thence continually in him This Person noted so o●●●n by me did not arrive to this Per●ect Degree so as Wisdom's First-born to be though he reached far yet not able was he while in this Principle he lived the Crown-Number to
Death shall not at all hurt you let not your Souls faint but direct your Prayers to the Holy Temple that so through great fervency from these nether Depths you may there into enter and from Death's Bands ye shall beloosed The Body of mortality as the Fish shall vomit you up when great IEHOVAH shall once the Word give forth These Openings are still for your Support February the 21st 1676 7. I saw a Vision thus presented to me I did see a green Cloath-Covering which was sown over a White Sheet which was let down and I was bid to unrip it which after a metaphorical manner was done I know not how And under it there were Creeping Creatures that were of a devouring Quality then under the Linnen there appeared a Lamb pure and white with sparkling Eyes as Flames of Fire Which thing considering it was thus opened unto me This was the Face of the Covering that the Word of Command came forth to have unripped and taken off By which the very inward ground might be discovered where the fatned Beasts did lurk under who by the Covering were bounded But now the shame of their Nakedness did appear so as they crept away and could no longer abide by reason of the Lamb's sparkling Eye which caused the Remove to be made saying to me Now give place who am come to scatter and destroy all of this evil quality from before my Face I can no longer bear this Covering upon me this partition Vail must be rolled away even that dark Body of Sin which hath been as a weight upon the Lamb of God Whose Eyes do pierce to find out every thing that hath made a breach that so the Heart of God should not be concealed from you into which you could never see so long as this thick dark Covering remained whereby hid hath been the very Original matter that hath brought in all the Woe and Sorrow For which purpose by way of this Similitude you may come hereby to understand the force of that great Love that moveth to lay all naked and bare that so through the medium of that light Eye which did lie under covert for a time ye might see the Image of that Sin-breeding Beast that could multiply into such encrease under the green Covering Whose Seat and breeding-place shall make discovery to the most innermost Ground unto thee that so thou mayst be at rest from the source of Sin 's working property Let us in the first place now make enquiry into the Originality of this Monster how he came to have a Being For in the beginning of the Paradisical Creation all was created by God comely good and perfect how came then this strange Essence to be brought in to dispoil and alter the whole Heavenly Course of things in this Paradisical Creation Now know that before this there was a Creation of Angelical Hosts as an immediate product from the everlasting Being Who delighted to generate Thrones Mights and Powers that so God through distinct Existencies of Celestial Spirits of that high Angelical Order might come to manifest his Attributes which before lay void and hid in an Eternal Stillness So as here was the Angelical World in pre-existency before the Paradisical The Superiour Heavens were furn●shed in the first Place with Dignities suited for God's own peculiar Habitation Of which Number there was a Spirit of high Elevation that did awaken in some of them who were Principalities in this Kingdom to exalt themselves equal or above the Lord their Maker For which cause being cast out from the most meek and holy Presence they consulted how to spoil and infect having great Envy against God's new Creation and formation of Man in and after the express Image of himself This blew up their Coals of Jealousie and fiery Indignation which as deadly Arrows were soon sent forth namely so soon as Adam came to have an existency He must be tried by this subtle Serpent And the first onset was whether they could by their Magical Art cast him into a deadly Sleep that so thereby his Impotency might be manifested stupifying his seven high graduated Faculties Who hereby before he was aware did loose his Virgin generating strength and whereas it was said That God cast him into that Sleep the meaning is God suffered it and permitted the probation to come upon him to see whether he could stand this first Insinuation which was by some secret Poyson that he had drunk in from the fallen Spirits who had somewhat already of their evil Seed cast in In that God said Seeing Man is already fallen from that primary force and strength that he cannot bring forth from that Virgin Female property Now it will not be good for him to be alone he shall have a Companion answerable to his present state which is already lower by many degrees then when the pure immortal Breath did enter in But had Adam with his Eve here staid and had not been brought in a further Premunire Mankind had not seen the Sin fatal Death of Mortality But the Serpent seeing his Invisible Sorcery had taken so good ●ffect he now is more bold to adventure upon the second Tryal suiting his Temptation more subtlely telling them they should be as Gods Which was an inducing Argument at which Sugar-Bait they presently nibled and did eat of it and in that very moment were turned into that mortal Beastly shape the Figure whereof you do to this Day wear But well had it been if this had been all the injury but oh the Serpently Seed was cast in there who at once sent in that Poyson that hath had its death operation ever since Thus you see the Originality from whence ye have derived your Earthly Life of Mortality which is so inherent that as a boiling Source it is maintained from this strange introduced Fire so as though you are in continual Labour to scum off the Filth thereof yet it still renews again So while the root of this corrupt Matter remains your toil fear and care will have no end Now what is it think ye must enter in so deep as to suck out the Serpent's deadly Sting that hath made all this disorder in Nature Many Medicines have been applied and some have been safe and undoubted of yet they have not reached the place of Sin 's Conception to destroy both the Serpently Seed with the first Earthly Eve which is the Mother of all Living in the Earthly Property Her Womb is fruitful still to b●i●g forth Viperous Thoughts and evil Earthly Motion from a flowing Source throughout all Generations Now you will say how and by what means shall this be remedied You cry the Power is not in us how can that come to be nullified that is so essentially in us The Boughs may while but tender Boughs be bent and when strong grown they may be cropt but the stock as a deep grounded Oak our Arm is too short to reach We cannot move it the very Earth will
White loose Garment girt about her with a seeming White Silken Girdle who came near to me saying Behold and see what ye may arrive to be in me And so passed away Then after a while there was a Child all Lovely and Fair put into my Arms it was all naked of a smooth shining Skin I could not see who it was that disposed it to me but it was unexpectedly let down into my Arms. I thought it to be very Weighty though but little so passing to go away with it it suddainly slipped through my Arms unto the Ground at which I gave a great Screek and with great Fear and Concern took it up again without much Damage March the 12th 1676. The Interpretation of the First Vision Concerning this Vision the Thoughts of my Head were for the space of time much troubled till the revealer of Secrets did expound to me the meaning hereof As to the first which was the Woman with the Crown upon her Head This was declared to be the Virgin-Bride of the Lamb who came to shew her self made fully Ready all Bright and Fair as the Queen and Princess of Heaven Who hath her place at the Right-hand of the Immanuel for so much as this Woman is the Glory of the God-Man who out of this masculine Nature is taken according to the Figure of the first Paradisical Man who brought forth that Eve that was the Mother of all that lived in the mixed Property of Good and Evil. All of which Off-spring the present visible World doth consist of which to this Day is under the denomination of the fallen Creation which hath been upon Restoring ever since the Relapse but not yet Restored What then has made it stick so long Where is that Woman whose Seed must bruise the Serpent's Head Is she not yet made manifest Yes sure she hath been known as to the first Figure hereof to whom it was said That this Eve or first Woman should bring forth her Seed in Sorrow It hath been also generally concluded That out of this earthly Eve that Royal Seed should come by which the Serpent in Nature should be destroyed which was so suddainly introduced both into Adam and Eve True it is that the genaelogy did so run from them to the Birth of Christ after the Flesh but yet not to be reckoned for Eves Seed though God said to the Serpent that he would put Enmity betwixt his Seed and the Womans But how is that to be understood Not in the Line of natural Generation Neither was it said that from such a Woman who lies under the Curse of Sin and Sorrow that this blessed Birth should spring therefrom Though in Truth and Substance a mighty and wonderful Birth was made manifest wherein a deeper Mystery hath been couched than to past Time and past Generations hath been Revealed But now the Hand of Love begins to move and the Covering is turning away off from such who are turned in to know the Treasures of eternal Wisdom The Spirit of Truth is verily at hand to drive and guide the pure Mind jointly with it self into the Ocean-Mystery which is God himself in his abstracted Deity whereinto separated Spirits may very deeply dive when they are departed from their Earthly Senses This deep thing which is upon revealing I found like a boiling Pot of Oyntment so sweetly flowing into my Intellectual part Upon which my Mind as all in a flaming Light was enlightned to see what under the Mantle did lie Who according to eternal Counsel was hereunto fore-ordained typically to be brought forth in the Line of Natural Virginity even a Man or Sorrows and acquainted with Griefs and subjected to Sufferings hiding and covering by a Terrestial Form that sparkling Star of the Deity Which also would have been obscured if he had not again risen from the Dead Which gave the Church a mighty Remove in that day from shadows into that which was more Spiritual and Substantial through the giving of the Unction Which hath from that Age striven mightily but the Man of sin still hath been too strong witness those Complaints to the very breaking Hour of Mortality in them that are highest in the Birth-Ministration of Jesus as working through humane Properties But then an Objection must rise herefrom If all this be too short what more is there yet to come Things now have long stood at a stay what may we from the mighty God and everlasting● Father more yet expect that so the Temple Body of Jesus may not still lie unperfected Well what more forceable can there be then Christ in the Flesh and Christ in the Spirit Ans. To this there is an Answer by the All-searching Spirit prepared there is yet a Virgin Woman to be revealed out from the Heavens whereof Mary that bro●ght forth Christ according to the Flesh was but a Type For it was neither Eve nor she to whom the Promise was made concerning that Birth which should bruise the Serpent's seven headed Power There must be another Genealogy found out from whence the Serpent-treader must also come Look and see and you shall find hereof is recorded Rev. 12. To which place I was by that Holy Ghostly Seer referred as to a Foundation for this more Excelling Ministration Iohn seeing this in Vision so long since and nothing hereof yet produced let not that seem so marvellous in your Eyes for Times decreed are in the Spirit as known to God in what Age in the World this Blessing will be most seasonably brought forth Conclude ye may by Wisdom's Star that hath appeared in your Heavens that out-thence if kept pure and clear this great Wonder may follow according as ye did see in the late Idea But ah my Lord how is this to be understood sure this Woman is not to be manifested in any one Particular who is subsisting in a Corporeal Substance For she will come all arrayed in a Body Saphire-like and not in the garb of the Mortal Creature with the Globe of this World● under her Feet Therefore this Query meets with this Who living in this Principle may expect such a Ray of Glory for to become a Covering And this was Answered Wherefore dost thou think that it was cryed up for a Wonder if it was not upon some extraordinary change who though thus transformed into such brightness of Excellency yet she is called a Woman But the pure Heavenly Glory altogether covereth the Creaturely Being The sparkling Deity that was hid within becomes the great and high amazement a flaming Garment This also will be obvious to the right discerning Eye in this present Sphere from whence will arise the admiration and great questioning there will be from whence this Woman did proceed If any hereof shall make a doubt how it can ever be on Earth for Virgin Wisdom to draw over her Virgin Vail of Purity in some one or other so as expresly to Personate her Tell them from the Alpha and Omega such a spotless
the Eyes of many and even of our Brethren as we still esteem them as the Dung of the Earth and as the Offscouring of all the present Forms of Religion because we have believed they Word and have listened to thy Voice calling unto us in the Evening of this Sixth Day Wherefore dealest thou thus with us O Lord our God Surely thou answerest us Why are ye so jealous of mine Honour as if the Times were not in mine Hand and the Seasons ordained in my Counsel Arise and hold not your Peace though ye be but the Offscouring of the Earth and lie as among the Pots Blow ye the Trumpet and cease not till I shall appear Suffer me to plead my own Cause and at my own time Remember my Servant John that I sent to prepare my Way how he wrought not any mighty Deed yet was sound faithful in his Ministration and prevailed abundantly Think not that I am slack in performing my Promises of destroying the Adversary that Man of Sin by the Ghostly and Miraculous Powers going out of my Mouth as streams of Fire For 〈◊〉 my Promises are at hand to be fulfill'd Hold but fast unto the End● and rejoice greatly that ye are counted worthy to suffer shame for my Name Wherefore we shall not be Solicitous what may be Said or Thought of us by Any Our Part is Defensive not Offensive and so Only but with respect to the Honour of God and the Immutable Truth of his Word And therefore it will be incumbent on those who would oppose us to shew the Invalidity of that Charter which we pretend to have from the Mouth of Christ himself Luke 11. 10 13. Matth 5. 48 compared with 1 Cor. 13. Iohn 16. 10 12 13 14. compared with Chap. 17. 20 21. and Acts 2. 17. 39. Or to produce but any one Testimony either out of the Old or New Testament which they themselves dare to rely on for the Final Cessation of Revelation and Prophecy in the Church of God either with the Apostles or shortly after or even after several Centuries of Years as the more Moderate and Learned do Assert Or else to shew that what we do profess to have thus learnt when rightly understood is Clearly contrary to what is con●●'d in the Law or in the Gospel or to some thing deliver'd by the Holy Prophets or Apostles Either of which if these Gentlemen can prove they will do much towards the Sapping and Overturning the whole Foundation upon which we stand But till this shall be done all this other Labour will be but in vain and instead of retarding will but serve more Vigorously to promote the Work that is undertaken and carried on by some that are of a Nehemiah Spirit and not to be daunted with big and terrifying Words If there be then any Dissatisfied as to the Contents of this Volume or of the former or other Writings hitherto Printed of this Author let them if their Dissatisfaction be out of a Zeal for God and the Truth of Religion consider with cool and sedate Thoughts whether there be not as good a Ground in Scripture for the Expectation and Belief of such a Kingdom of Christ to come as is herein expressed and said to be revealed by the Powers of the Holy Ghost as there is for many of the Opinions in Religion which they do receive and Articles which they have subscribed to Let them consider what is the Sanctification of the Divine Name on Earth to be daily Pray'd for and therefore to be believ'd in what the Coming of the Kingdom of our God on Earth and what the Doing of his Will on Earth in like manner to be Pray'd for and Believ'd in as to the very same degree that it is in Heaven that is both with the same Oneness of Spirit the same perfection of Purity and the same Vniversality of Extent with respect first to the Name of the Father to be sanctified by such as shall have receiv'd the Seal of the Adoption of Children secondly to the Kingdom to be manifested which must be in the Power of the Father and thirdly the Will to be performed which must be by the Holy Ghost ministring in the inward Sanctuary which he fills Let them consider what other Systems do say as to these matters and then let them examin what a System may be drawn out of this Book when well digested and fully comprehended After which let that which is hence drawn be compared with those and both together be compared with the Sacred Scriptures taken in their easie plain and natural Sense without running to or depending upon the Glosses Interpretations or Comments of any whatever Let them further consider whether in these Scriptures there be the least Footsteps to be found for such a prevailing Opinion as is at this day grown in a manner Universal amongst us that the Prophetical and Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit were design'd by Christ for the establishment only and Foundation of his Church and not for its Building up and Perfection in the Work of the Ministry till all should be brought hereby into the Unity of the Faith and the Knowledge not only of the Mysteries of Religion but a full conformity to the Stature of Christ in the most perfect and stable Model of it concerning which much is spoke both here and in The Message to the Philadelphian Society It is to be confessed that there are indeed several things that will be apt to shock the Readers at the first view who have not had any such Experiences in themselves but chiefly through the Strangeness of this Parabolical and Mystical way of Writing which is fallen under as great a Disreputation in this present Refin'd Age as it was of Esteem in the first Ages of the Church But upon a most nice and accurate Examination these Stumbling Blocks will either all or for the most part moulder away of themselves And whereas it is generally Objected against every one that steps out of the Vulgar and Ordinary Road and speaks but of any Divine Favours above what are common That all proceeds from the Root of Pride in them variously transforming it self you may be Here assured that there is the most Solid ground Established by what you shall read in these so Peculiar Memoirs for the Humility of the Cross without making it to interfere with Faith or Hope● or to impede the Progress of any Generous Design for the Good of this Nation of Christendom and of the whole World And no where better you may find what a vast distinction there is of a True and Christian from a False and Beggarly Humility Another thing that may recommend this with the other Treatises of the same Author is that there will not herein be found any vilifying or reproaching the Sacred Customs among Christians any Lessening or Derogating from any Institutions either of Christ or of his Apostles as is usual unto Some but a just Deference to the truth of the
as one entire Body of Glory Iune the 6th 1677. This Morning about four of the Clock awaking with a raised Mind ready to entertain discoveries from that invisible Orb to which my whole Heart tended to I found my self suddenly carried out of my animal sense and several idea's did open to me from the Upper Region I saw in the Firmament of the Heavens Bright Figures like Half Moons and great rolling up and down of the Starry Heavens which seemed to be in a troubled Commotion Then there were great fears at the sight hereof among the lower Spirits of this Region Then I saw somewhat like a Standard set up with a Writing upon it proclaiming War with all the Inhabitants upon the Earth And about these I did see Bows and sharp Arrows and because I saw this Piller or Standard at a distance I thought it was or might not be real and so I went to it and touched it with my hand and read the Writing which was Controversie with the Nations of the World Then after this I saw the Clouds of Heaven pass away and various Persons of great Majesty descended down to the place where the Standard was set and they appeared as those that were Judges of the Earth And two or three of them made towards me to have spoke with me and their Presence was terrible that I shrunk away For my mean Corporeity was very inconsistent to their Glorious Personalities And this word followed This is the Lord who after this Tribulation will come with his Ancients to raign over the Earth Iune the 7th 1677. Then this word did speak through me Haste and pass away from Paradisical Righteousness to Sion's Glory For let your Condition seem never so mean and low yet verily designed ye are to work through all vicisitudes till Palms of Victorious Glory in the hand of the great Alpha and Omega be given to you which will make you to be the admiration of all in the higher and neather Regions Then these Rules were given expresly in order hereunto 1st Suffer gladly the Transplanting Power to crop off all what it finds superfluous dry and sapless 2dly Permit no other Pruning Hook to come near any Branch of your superiour Life-trees but that flaming word of the Spirit that knows rightly to divide betwixt the dead and the living 3dly Seek and make application to the Most High for an impregnable fence while these Fruits are ripening there will be required an invincible gard or else the subtile Foxes and Beasts of Prey may get in for to make spoil In the 4th place Then again watch not only against the Invasions from what Ministers from this visible Principle but from a near and more inward Center whereout the Serpent may move and twist himself while yet you are but in the Paradisical Property For in this first Transplantation lieth all your danger Therefore if all the Fruits of this mystical Life-tree can but reach to a Golden Hue so solid as to become a fixed Seed then ye are out of all hazard and fear But cast this Seed into Earth Air Water or Fire it will attract to it self out of every thing a bright consuming Glory Then this word was added saying Weigh and consider this mystical thing for here lieth the highest state of Perfection Observe the Most Holy in all his removes within your Heavenly Plantation for every new ingraffing from the Mighty Arm of Power will be an evidence that he will not leave you till Scions ye are made as Branches of this Saphire glorious Tree Iune the 8th 1677. This Morning this word was given me to feed upon saying I the Most Holy will Tabernacle with with a Spiritual Mind My Life and Peace as a Spring will bubble there The carnal and earthly Mind is Satan's seat the pure Mind is God's Throne Now choose which of those you will give place to for accordingly your Mind must be ordered If for the high and most holy Society then all Spiritual Then was that Scripture repeated to me For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace Which life of Carnality is enmity to God who will be evermore a Stranger to such who shall know nothing of his Love Joy Goodness Power and Sweetness For if they commune with earthly Spirits and things of this terrestrial being then such dark influences are left upon their Minds as make them altogether unmeet to talk with God or to take in of those Species which tend for transfiguring the Soul into a bright body of Glory When the Mind is pestered and overcharged with thoughts that tend only for this gross elementary Life there is no room for the Holy Ghost that proceedeth and cometh from such a wonderful being of holiness as the Father of Spirits is Iune the 17th 1677. I saw a Ball of Fire and out therefrom went Flakes of Fire and fell amongst thorny Bushes so as they were no more being consumed by the Flame And it was said to me these are the particles and dispersive Powers that will go forth from the substantial God head to devour the Shrubs of the Earth Then after this internal sight I was as in a sleep where much combustion strife and spiritual Labour for the attainment of somewhat that was of Eternal Consequence And such was the clamorous onset of earthly Spirits that for a time I found my self sunk down into a dark Vally Upon which I awaked with great perplexity Then after this I saw in way of Vision a rich Golden Sledge set up and I was to slide down upon it And a voice cried Fear not for an end to all weariness and travel will come when this out of the Heavens shall descend Iune the 23th 1677. Sarah and Abimelech This Morning as I was recollecting my interiour Powers and Faculties which I found had been somewhat scattered by being let out and employed upon secular concerns and which I found was as going upon Thorns grievous and unsavory Upon this my Spirit made application with Soul-meltings for Life-recovery and restitution to those wonted familiarities and divine discoveries wherein consisted all my peace life and satisfaction Upon which my care now was how we who were under a peculiar obligation should discharge our selves of all and every weight that had beset us For it was presented to me that while we were gathering together what might accommodate our outward man as Paul did the sticks to warm him after his perilous voyage even so we upon necessary and lawful things being employed were in danger of the poisonous Vipers which would stick so close to our hands as we should be constrained to awaken and call up the Most Holy Adjuring Power of the Mighty God Whereby we might be able to cast them off before they infected our pure eternal Life-blood that so we might proceed forward in our Spiritual Work For this word was spoke why seek ye to dwell in ceiled houses and let the most holy in
Territories so as to lay them waste in this terrestrial state Then this word was further given me Oh the Sinless state will do it Then there were in way of Vision several Papers as written upon to my view and a Voice spake Get them signed with this wonderful Name and then you may have what you will granted by him who carries the Treasury Key This much answered to a word which sometime I had before of getting Bills of Faith subscribed to Then was further opened unto me the great freedom and efficacy that we might have by Entring our selves into this Name or rather by its entring into us for the dispersing all its Powers Oh what singular advantage it is to have such a rich Banker to charge upon while we are in this Foreign Country and necessitous place as to answer to all just requirings as soon as the Father seeth but his or his Sons Name to any Petition there is no scruple of answering to it Christ told his Disciples that hitherto they had asked nothing in his Name Verily the same may be said of us We have often pronounced this Name literally but that hath been little available But we have not so asked as to breath forth all pure flames from this Name without any of the old Name mingling with it for if so then immediate effects would follow For if at any time all pure Inspiration did open from this Name what is there to be named that we might not be able to work and do through this great Name Alpha and Omega Oh might we come to be known by that and no other Name abiding in us then whatever was 〈◊〉 by us on Earth should be surely confirmed in Heaven It is well 〈◊〉 ou● looking into this Mystery and making our aim at this White Mark that will bring to us so considerable a Prize as hath been so freely revealed to us by the Spirit that so through this Name we might be Conquerors over this whole Principle August the 25th 1677. This Night somewhat before break of Day I did verily believe there lay one by me in the Bed At which I was put into some fear but then it appeared to be the Figure of my deceased Husband Who discoursed many things to me challenging Conjugal Love and the renewing of that old affinity which was betwixt us with manifold circumstances thereupon attending At which at first I was somewhat disturbed but I took courage and discoursed with him and told him I fear'd to have Union with any inferiour Spirit till they had got up to the highest perfection and asked him several questions concerning which he seemed to be silent and could not give me satisfaction as to his being in that full growing state for the compleatment of this glorification But still I beheld him magically hovering about me and he asked me for a Bible While I thought that he was now above that way of knowing God which I urged much that he might now know as he was known but he gave me no answer thereto Then he proved me with some small Pence which seemed to be like Gold which I set light by and did not receive them as not understanding wherein they could be of service to me aiming at greater things from Wisdoms Treasury After I had said that since his decease I had made choice of an unchangeable Mate for whom I must now be and for no other but as they are compleated in his glorified Body where I should rejoyce to know him and to meet him Upon which he disappeared And then coming to my exteriour sense I understood in what a Magia Trance I had been After which about four a Clock I found my self all inspired for Prayer that I might learn to understand what the Divine Will was hereby And as I was considering in my Mind of that departed Spirit that appeared magically unto me This morning it was spoken to me thus I have now proved thee whether thou wouldst be for me and for no other Spirit inferior to me who am the Lord thy Redeemer that hath given and shed my saving Name into thee Which is a considerable earnest of what I further intend as thou abidest in Nazarite Chastity knowing no Spirit more but what can mate it self with me in high Celestial Unity Therefore hereunto watch that at no time supplanted thou be of what is designed by holding out in loyalty upon every account For I should not take it well that you should run into any one if distinct from me though an Angel whose Habitation may be in a more high and heavenly Sphere Remember a check for this was given to the beloved Iohn whose heart was apt to run into the Angel that shewed him the great Visions therefore was he bid to worship God and to keep nothing less in his Eye than the Supream Deity albeit that it is in a glorified humanity From hence I took occasion for to make this Objection to my Lord If thus We must be dear Immanuel allotted for thee alone Why is it then that thou with thy all-taking Humanity and Personality will not dwell with us constantly as to be a covering to our Eye and a perpetual attraction to our Minds For through absence of thee we often find that temptation gets ground for verily all our Spirits are for mutual association therefore when thou dost retire from us we are then apt to fall in with somewhat that is near unto us For thou thy self knowest that we are constituted of such working stirring Esseces that must spend themselves either upon what is essentially good or evil as either of these have greatest affinity with and dominion over the Mind And if through a superior light we swerve and turn aside from all that is grosly earthly and that is of known sin yet here we may be nevertheless at a disappointment of that express and actual conversation with Thee as thou art now a transfigured Corporeity So as great is our present disadvantage hereby Oh Lord Jesus August the 26th 1677. This reply did spring from the Spirit of the true Bridegroom Dost thou then imagine or concludest therefrom that I the First and the Last do impose upon you a severe Law of Loves Loyalty in allowing and giving you no liberty to make any contract with either Angel Spirit or Creature dividedly from your Lord and Saviour Whose now you are by what he hath for you wrought Let it henceforth be of all acceptation to you as a pleasing restriction though accompanied with the disadvantage of my remove from you as in mortal forms ye are Yet dear souls let not this lesten your Loves to me who am and will be to you ever the same as if I were in a visible form of Humanity Let it suffice that I have planted my Sublime Nature within you where you may have all pleasurable conversation if ye turn in thereunto Where I will not fail to meet you and greet you with fresh joys and loves
Jesus and so both do agree to pass and see the goodly Spaces of Eternity whether all things be so as hath been reported of concerning the matters of Christ's Kingdom To which we are annexed Heirs and therefore concerned to take our flight thither to view all within the New Canaan For our Lord did know that a sight before hand of this Inheritance would greatly satisfie As it was with the Queen of Sheba who gratified both her Eye and Ear in the state of Solomon's Kingdom Now then may not we in the Spirit of Faith and rising power of Christ's Spirit come to have such a pass over Iordan's flowing River Hereupon it is cleared up to me that it is most lawful and expedient to take such a heave or flight in the Spirit For which end in obedience to the counselling Word which to me was dropped in Let us then be as a goodly Ship who would launch into the Ocean deep and would swim upon the broad Waters all tackled and trimmed and pitched within that no place may be found for bleaking and our pure and white Sails stretched out all in a readiness lying at the very Haven upon the Anchor of Hope waiting to see when the Gusts and Breath of the Holy Ghost will turn our Ship about and blow all South that we may suddainly be cast upon the Rock of Pearls and Precious Stones in that Land Beulah that is so little known But who now must be hither our sure Pilate but he that hath already there been even that bright Star that can steer through Fire Water and Air having himself broke through all these and so will do no less for us if we shall be found in such a ready posture as here hath been described Now let us give all place to this Ioshua-Spirit in our Bark who will make a remove for us out of the Wilderness He doth but wait for the mighty Birth to be here brought forth that so we may pass away jointly and altogether It was further also denoted to me that all the murmuring and unbelieving Spirits should be wasted away in the Wilderness who have murmured through fear and distrust For these can have no share with us whether they be with or without us all are excluded none but Ioshua and Caleb will enter in with us to view and will have possession with us in the Land Beulah December the 7th 1677. A very curious Question did stir in my Spirit why such a concealment of the Heavenly Things was in this time of our Lord's mediating Priesthood And why no more visible Effects were produced upon his Members on Earth as to the Resurrection-day For since the Apostle's Age little hath been wrought in any miraculous way further then by internal Light and Spiritual renewings and the Love of God shed abroad with the Blood of Spriukling which is the highest degree that yet any have arrived unto But all this did not appear to me to be th●t which the perfect Restoration must further make out nay what the Apostles saw and heard in their time who had the first Breathings from Christ after his Ascension Yet all then and since have been exceeding short of what is in reserve to be revealed As I do know this from a sure Word of Intimation and so herefrom my expectation hath been greatned and the Pool of my Mind stirred and troubled and somewhat as from a central Fire boiling up to clarifie that and so the gross thick and dim Eye might be single and piercing to see if possibly into its own original body of Light That so hereby a clear Aspect might be of what hath been acting and working in order to the Consummation of another more pure and perfect Creation Thus being upon an internal search into matters of this high Nature this Word was brought into me saying Why art thou troubled that such long respit hath been as to the Manifestation of the absolute Reign of the Lamb that was slain because his Might hath not been shewn nor his Power wrought nor his Wonders done in the Earth Yet now look for a greater Overturn then ever through the whole fallen Creation This long cessation shall not nullifie it for this Kingdom will have its revealing Day for the Golden Sand of the half hours Silence is running out apace which must be first expired out in Heaven It was then given me to understand that this Half Hour of Silence hath been ever since the Holy Ghost appeared in Cloven Tongues of Fire upon those who in a travelling Birth did here wait for it upon the Lord's Promise For since that time little news hath been heard from Heaven only the Beloved Iohn had the last great and signal Revelation from Jesus Since that only such a Ministration hath been which hath taken up their Testimonies in a still and private way opening the Mind of the Spirit in the Doctrine of the Old and New Testament But for a new and fresh Word that may be said to come immediately from the Lord which hath not been before truly it may be said as it was in Samuel's time that the Word of the Lord i● pretious in this day We may travel from East to West from Nation to Nation and scarce find a true Seer with whom the express● Word of the Holy One is Some hidden ones under the stuff of this Principle there may be who will not be known till the Lord calls them out to unfold boldly his Mind For this is an Age that can as little bear as any formerly such Truths as will shake their whole righteous Foundation as it may be so termed and others whose Lives and Loves are in that which must also be laid wast in the common destruction which is coming upon all visible things Therefore never more need then now is for true and anointed Prophets to enquire how things are going in the invisible Kingdom For all the Plat-form is first laid there how things in this external state will be Therefore it is needful that some must be here truly prepared for it and should never be off their Watch-tower but be listening continually For it was said upon the enquiry of a Spirit That the half Time of Silence was now upon breaking up and mighty Powers would begin to work Therefore let the regardful understand the present Motions of the Heavens Though our Lord Jesus is shut up from all mortal view yet the effect of those invisible Workings may be known in our low Heavens and may be felt by such whose Hearts are bent and full stretched out to the Heart of a glorified Jesus these will attract down Light and so the lower Heavens may so contact with the upper as to become all privy to the great Affairs Counsels and Designs which are stirring within the Globe of Eternity But the Query is By what way or mean● shall any one come to be so Inseeing that yet have upon them the thick film of Mortal Sense Answ. There is