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A41649 A word to sinners, and a word to saints The former tending to the awakening the consciences of secure sinners, unto a lively sense and apprehension of the dreadfull condition they are in, so long as they live in their natural and unregenerate estate. The latter tending to the directing and perswading of the godly and regenerate unto several singular duties. As also a word to housholders stirring them up to the good old way of serving God in and with their families, from Joshuah's resolution, Josh. 24. 15. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Set forth especially for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of St. Sepulchres Parish, London by Tho. Gouge, late pastor thereof. Gouge, Thomas, 1605-1681. 1668 (1668) Wing G1371; ESTC R222576 207,485 324

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and manifesting his greatest power in their greatest impotency Yea though sometimes he seems to leave them in their distress yet he giveth such sufficient strength as they are thereby enabled to bear it and well to pass it through This is evident by the Apostles holy triumph in this case We are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed The ground hereof is the assistance which God affordeth us and the strength which he communicateth to us IX All things shall work together for the good of the Regenerate And God will do them good by all in the latter end He will turn their losses into gain their crosses into comforts their sorrows into joy their cursing into blessings Those afflictive providences which seem to be most prejudicial unto them will in the issue prove most beneficial As we see in Ioseph The evil which his brethren intended against him turned to his good Their selling him as a slave to the Ishmaelites proved the means of his advancement How did Ma●asses imprisonment work for his good For the text saith When he was in affliction he besought the Lord and humbled himself greatly and the Lord was entreated of him To know that nothing shall hurt a child of God is ground of exceeding great comfort and consolation But to be assured that all things even all cross-providences shall work together for his good is enough to fill the heart with joy Oh then how great is the happiness of every Regenerate person who may be assured that whatsoever befalleth him shall be for his good and doth work together for the best Certainly he may truly say Soul take thy spiritual ease for here is much spiritual good treasured up for thee X. A blessed death For so saith the Spirit Blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord that is in the faith of Christ. Who are blessed both because then they rest from their labours from all their toyl and pains from all their griefs and sorrows As also because their works do follow them through free-grace in glorious rewards The souls of the Regenerate so soon as they are by death separated from the body go immediately into Heaven as is clear from that speech of our Saviour to the converted thief on the Cross This day thou shalt be with me in Paradice which place the Apostle expoundeth to be the third Heaven The word in the Original translated this day implyes that immediately after the breathing of his soul out of his body his soul should go to Heaven And thus it is with all the Regenerate unto whom death is like the red-Sea to the Israelites even a passage and thorow-fair into the Heavenly Canaan XI An happy Resurrection For at the sound of the last Trumpet all the Regenerate shall arise out of their graves like so many Iosephs out of Prison Whatsoever imperfections were before in their bodies as blindness lameness crookedness shall then be done away Though the body was sowen in corruption yet it shall be raised in incorruption not to be subject to any manner of aches pains diseases or imperfections Though it were sowen in weakness it shall be raised in power And though it was sowen in dishonour it shall be raised in glory Here it is many times deformed but then all deformities and defects shall be removed and the body made more glorious through the admirable beauty thereof Certainly if the Beauty of all the Men and Women in the World were concentred in one it would be far short of the Beauty of the Saints in Heaven whose bodies shall shine more gloriously than the Sun in the Firmament XII The last and highest priviledge of the Regenerate is That they shall have an Heavenly inheritance Fathers on earth use to provide inheritances for their Children And the Apost●e Peter Blesseth God who hath begotten us to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven The Regenerate in this life poss●ss Heaven in Christ but hereafter they shall enjoy it in their own persons When they come to enjoy this heavenly inheritance they shall not only be freed from all evils both bodily and spiritual but likewise replenished with all good Their minds shall be inlightned their wills reformed their memories made blessed treasures their consciences purged their hearts purified their affections rectified their bodies glorified and all these perfectly There shall be a blessed communion of all the Saints together who shall enjoy the society of Angels and fellowship with Christ himself whose surpassing excellency they shall cleerly behold and partake of that glory wherewith he is arrayed What tongue can express what heart can conceive the excellency thereof If Peter Iames and Iohn seeing but some small glimpse of Christs glory and Majesty in his transfiguration were so ravished therewith that setting aside all worldly desires they wished only the continuance thereof Then how shall the Saints in Heaven be ravished with joy and comfort when they shall continually behold their Saviour Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of his Father like a triumphant Conquerour having subdued his and his Churches enemies Thus have I shewed you some of the glorious priviledges of the Regenerate Oh happy day may that Man or Woman say as long as they live when God by his Spirit Regenerated them and made them new creatures Many keep their birth day as a day of rejoycing and feasting But they who know the day of their new-birth may well make that a day of rejoycing while they live in regard of the many glorious priviledges whereof they are thereby partakers CHAP. XVIII An Exhortation to bless God for the work of Regeneration And to walk worthy thereof II. A Second branch of the Use of Exhortation unto the Regenerate is To be thankfull unto God for this great mercy Admire the grace of God and bless his name for ever Art thou made alive Is the life of God begotten in thee And hast thou evidence of it O bless God whilest thou hast any being Let thine heart and mouth and life be filled with his Praises Take up the Psalmists words Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits Wilt thou be thankfull unto God for thy natural birth And wilt not thou be thankfull to him for thy spiritual birth wilt thou bless him for that he hath made thee a reasonable creature And wilt thou not bless him for making thee a new-creature wilt thou bless him that thou art not a Toad And wilt thou not bless him that thou art not a Devil Is not Regeneration of all mercies the most necessary And wilt not thou be thankfull for that which is the one thing necessary If the Children of Israel praised God for their deliverance from the Aegyptian bondage how much more cause hast thou
to praise and magnifie the name of God for thy deliverance from a greater than Aegyptian bondage It being a deliverance from Satan the worst of all Tyrants from hell of all prisons the most loathsome yea from sin death and the curse of the Law The more to stirr up thy self to this duty of thanksgiving for this mercy 1. Consider the specialty of Gods love and goodness unto thee therein in singling thee out from the multitudes that perish and setting thee apart for life Hath he dealt by all as he hath dealt by thee Oh how many millions of Men and Women hath he suffered to live and dy in their sins when thy soul liveth How many for birth more noble for policy more wise for riches more wealthy are let run in their sins till they fall into wrath when thou art escaped when thou considerest that he should pass by them and set his special love upon thee if this do not fill thee with love and with praises the very stones may cry out against thee The Psalmist speaketh of it as a great mercy to a godly man that in a time of Plague and Pestilence a thousand should fall on his right hand and on his left and yet it should not come nigh him But what is that to this mercy that many thousands should fall into hell on thy right hand and on thy left and yet thou preserved 2. Consider how sad thy condition was before thy Regeneration being a Child of wrath a bondslave of Satan and an heir to hell And then compare it with thy present state Behold of a child of wrath thou art made a Son of God of a slave of Satan thou art become Christs freeman of an heir of hell and damnation an heir to Heaven and salvation And doth not this call for thankfulness 3. Consider that this mercy is unspeakably greater than all other mercies in the World This new birth makes a man an ho●ourable person one of the royal seed a King and Priest to God This makes him a rich man the least degree of this grace is better than all the wealth in the World this is the true riches the durable riches a treasure that faileth not nor can it be valued This makes him a joyfull man there 's joy in Heaven at thy conversion and a foundation of everlasting joy laid in thine own soul thou maist rejoyce its meet that thou make merry for this thy soul was dead and is alive was lost and is found Theodosius gave God greater thanks that he had made him a member of the Church than head of the Empire So bless God more for this mercy that he hath made thee a member of Christ than if he had made thee an heir of all the Earth What though God hath not abounded to thee in outward honours and estate yet if he hath abounded to thee in grace this alone will be matter of eternal praises Luther hath a notable story which may be useful to this purpose In the time of the Council of Constance he tells us there were two Cardinals riding to the Council and in their journey they saw a Shepheard in the field weeping One of them pittying him could not but ask him why he wept At first he seemed loth to tell him but being urged he told him that upon the beholding that Toad which was before him he considered that he had never praised God as he ought for making him such an excellent Creature as a man that he had not made him such a deformed Creature as that Toad Upon hearing whereof the Cardinal was much affected considering how he had received greater mercies than this poor man and yet had not returned unto God that praise which was due unto him And will not this poor man rise up in judgement against many of us yea have not the best of us cause to be greatly humbled before the Lord who do not so affectionately remember the grace of God in making us Christians as that poor Shepherd did in making him a man O friend prove thy self to be born again and then go thy way rejoycing leaping and praising God III. Hath God by his Spirit Regenerated and made thee his Child then walk worthy of this special mercy and dignity This worthy walking is much pressed in Scripture as Col. 1.10 walk worthy of the Lord. And Eph. 4.1 walk worthy of the Vocation wherewith y● are called In these and other-like places the word worthy importeth no matter of m●rit or condignity but only a meer meetness and congruity or answerableness The Greek word translated worthy is in other places turned meet or as becometh as Rom. 16.2 Phil. 1.27 And where Iohn Baptist saith Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance our new Translations turn it meet for repentance So that the meaning of the foresaid duty is that ye carry your selves in some measure suitable and answerable to your new birth and high dignity To which agreeth that of the Apostle Peter Ye are a chosen generation a peculiar people that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marv●ilous light As the Regenerate are more excellent in their state and relation than the carnal and unregenerate so ●ought they to be singular and exemplary in their lives and conversations This Christ requireth of every true Christian for saith he speaking to his Disciples What do ye more than others As if he had said you who will approve your selves to be sincere Christians and the true Disciples of Jesus Christ must be of a more holy and heavenly frame of an higher strain than the rest of men you must be singular and shine as lights in the midst of a sinfull and crooked generation by living exemplary and convincing lives that it may be said of you what God said of Iob There was none like him in all the earth as for wealth so for piety he being by many degrees the highest for grace in his age Hath God shined upon your souls by his grace let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in Heaven The more to quicken you up to a singular and exemplary life to a life above the rate of carnal and unregenerate men I. Consider thy high birth and noble parentage For being born of the Spirit thou art thereby made partaker of the divine nature and art become a Child of God a member of Christ and hast blood royal running in thy veins Thy life ought to be suitable to thy birth and breeding aspiring after higher things than worldly men do or can do and avoiding those base and filthy actions wherein carnal men take their chief delight For know that thy sins go nearer the heart of God and provoke him more than the sins of other men And thou my Son Brutus art thou one of them said Iulius Caesar to his Son when he
creatures shall run hither and thither and not get a drop of Water to cool their scorched tongues Ah sinner sinner how canst thou but quake and tremble at the thought of this fire at which the very Devils do quake and tremble Suppose thou wert condemned to be cast as many of the Martyrs were into a boyling Caldron or flaming fire oh how dreadful and terrible would the apprehension thereof be unto thee and how wouldst thou cry and roar through the extremity of the torment But alas what is a boyling Caldron to that boyling Sea of fire and brimstone And what is a flaming fire of Wood and Coal here to the fire of hell kept in highest flame by the breath of Gods wrath Surely this as far surpasseth that in heat as our Chimney fire doth exceed the fire painted on the Wall This me-thinks should sowre the pleasure of all thy sinful lusts and provoke thee forthwith to set upon that stricter course of life that more serious circumspect conscientious walking whereby thou maist escape these heavy things Ah sinner look about thee while it is called to day run over to Christ lay hold on his righteousness stoop to his Scepter beg of God that whatsoever he deny thee he would not deny his Son to thee by whom alone thou canst be freed from this tormenting fire Otherwise woe and alas that ever thou wert born But oh how wonderfully prodigal are we generally of our souls when that for the vile things here below we are so ready to prostitute them to the lust of Satan and to expose them to the torments of hell-fire Whereas alas What is it to gain the World and to lose our Souls What to spend our dayes in mirth and jollity and in a moment to be cast into hell It is easie for a secure unbelieving soul to read and hear of this fire But woe and ten thousand woes to all such who shall feel and endure and prove by their experience how hot it is 4. Another resemblance whereby the misery of the damned is set forth is a Worm Their Worm shall not dye neither shall their fire be quenched Which very words Christ applyeth to the damned in hell Mark 9.44 46 48. This metaphor of the Worm setteth out the sting of conscience and anguish of soul and sheweth that hell pains go through a man without and within In the forementioned place there be two especial things in the torments of hell which are thrice repeated together namely the Worm and the fire the Worm that dyeth not and the fire that is not quenched And it is observable that in all the three verses the Worm is set in the first place as it were to teach us that the principal torment in hell is the Worm rather than the fire And what is the Worm but the sting or the torment of an evil conscience which shall lye eternally gnawing and griping the hearts of the damned in hell As of the putrefaction of the body there breedeth a worm which eates and consumes the body so from the corruption of the soul tainted with sin there ariseth the Worm of Conscience which gnaweth and vexeth the soul with continual anguish Men talk much of hell-fire and it were well they would talk more of it But yet there is another torment that would be thought on too and that is this Worm of an evil conscience which whilest the fire burneth this will bite and sting the soul with torment intolerable This Worm of Conscience consisteth especially in two things 1. In bringing to remembrance thy former sinfull lusts and pleasures of which nothing remaineth but thy present shame and pain Then shall thy conscience gnaw thee by bringing to thy remembrance thy former oaths and cursings thy mispent time thy cozenings and defraudings yea all thy secret impurities as well as thine open iniquities as also thy sinful omissions of good duties how seldom thou prayedst with thy family or in thy closet how little care thou hadst of thy precious soul slighting the opportunities and means of grace Ah sinner the remembrance of these things will exceedingly pierce thy soul and afflict thine heart with bitter grief and sorrow Soul how camest thou in hither ah this was mine own doing t' was my negligence and carelesness and wilfulness and wickedness A little care a little wisdom a little labour and pains might have prevented all this If I would have hearkened to God hearkened to conscience in time none of all this misery had ever come upon me Oh wretch that I was oh foolish sottish wilful wretch how have I undone my self what ever I now feel and roar under I have none to blame but my self t' was mine own doing that I am fallen headlong into this place of torment 2. In despairing of freedom and deliverance from thy present misery This is one special thing which will very much add to thy present torment that thy condition though most sad and dreadfull yet is hopeless Didst thou conceive any hope of deliverance after thousands and millions of years hell would not be hell unto thee But this is that which will lye like a mountain of lead upon thee that there is no hope of deliverance In the consideration whereof consisteth the gnawings of the Worm of Conscience These are the resemblances whereby the misery of the damned is set forth IV. The misery of the damned is further fet forth in Scripture by the place where they abide which is ●ell For that is the most usual word attributed to the place of the damned In the old Testament that word which properly signifieth the grave is oft translated hell and by way of resemblance Tophet is taken for hell because in the place called Tophet great fires were made wherein they Sacrificed their Children In the New Testament there are two words ordinarily used to express hell One implyeth a place of darkness The other translated from the name of the place where the forementioned Tophet was called Gehinnom the valley of Hinnom whence hell is called Gehenna The place of the damned is also called a bottomless pitt by reason of the unsearchable depth of it and a lake These and other like names of terrour are attributed to the place where the damned are tormented but where that place is in Scripture is not expresly revealed and therefore cannot be defined only we may know that it is out of Heaven even below it It is the most fearful place that ever was or can be and it is a great point of wisdom in this World so to carry our selves as we may never come by our experience to prove where and what it is V. The misery of the damned is likewise set forth in Scripture by the perpetuity and eternity of their torment Their Worm dyeth not and their fire is not quenched but continueth to burn without end And therefore is called unquenchable fire and everlasting fire As the Salamander is said to live
Gods justice for thy sins for otherwise when either thy conscience or the Devil begin to aggravate thy sins and to set before thee the number and the hainousness of them thou wilt be at a loss and even ready to sit down in despair whereas if thou didst cleerly apprehend what a full satisfaction the death of Christ was to Gods justice for all thy sins thou wouldst not fear what either thy conscience or the Devil could object against thee In Rom. 8.33 We read how the Apostle from the consideration of Christs all-sufficient Sacrifice and full satisfaction to Gods justice by his death did triumph over sin and Satan For having treated thereof in the former part of the Chapter In the latter part thereof ver 33 34. he speaks as one ravished with abundance of comfort yea challengeth the Devil and all the World to object what they could against the pardon of his sins Who saith he shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect It is God that justifieth Who is he that condemneth it is Christ that dyed As if he had said let Conscience and carnal Reason let Law and Sin let Hell and Devil object what they can let them object the number and hainousness of my sins what is that seeing Christ hath dyed even Christ the Son of God hath offered up his own life as an all-sufficient Sacrifice and thereby abundantly satisfied Gods justice for my sins Beloved the case between God and us and our Saviour Jesus Christ is not much unlike the case of a Creditor a Debtor and a Surety Though the debtor be altogether unable to satisfie his debt or to contribute any thing thereunto yet if his surety have fully discharged the debt and cancelled the bond the debtor is safe enough from imprisonment or danger of arrest In l●ke manner though we were much indebted unto God and were no way able to make the least satisfaction for our sins yet seeing our surety Jesus Christ hath taken upon him the debt of our sins and fully satisfied Gods justice for the same by offering up his own life as an all-sufficient Sacrifice upon the Cross we shall not need to fear the accusations of Conscience or of carnal reason or of all the Devils in Hell if we do apply the merits of Christs death unto our own souls comfort IV. That there is hope of mercy for the worst of sinners appeareth from Christs Willingness to receive and embrace all poor sinners who will but come unto him and receive him upon the terms of the Gospel 1. Christs Willingness appeareth from his frequent personal invitations of all sorts of sinners even the worst to come unto him for life and salvation as Matth. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest In which we find no exception either of persons or sins but whosoever thou art rich or poor male or female how many and hainous soever thy sins are if thou art but sensible of them thou art invited to go unto Jesus Christ and to cast thy self and the burden of thy sins upon him And Rev. 22.17 Let him that is a thirst come And whoever will let him take the Water of life freely That is in whomsoever there is but an earnest will and longing desire to partake of Christ and of the benefits of his death and passion they are invited to come unto him Now these gracious invitations of Jesus Christ unto poor thirsty sinners to come unto him that their souls might live must needs argue his incomparable willingness to have them saved 2. Christ knowing our backwardness to come unto him to the forementioned invitations adds his awakening excitation or proclamation crying out Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters c. And because many poor souls are apt to say Alas there is nothing in me to commend me unto Christ I have no goodness no righteousness of mine own therefore Christ adds He that hath no money that is he who hath no goodness no righteousness of his own which is there meant by money let him come And indeed they are the fittest to go unto Jesus Christ for it is the empty soul that is most capable of Christ the soul emptied of all self-righteousness and self-goodness Whereas that soul which with the Church of Laodicea is rich and full with a conceit of its own righteousness hath no room for Christ. 3. Christs Willingness appeareth by the many sweet and gracious promises which he hath made in his Word unto all those who by faith come unto him As that known promise Come unto me all ye who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest that is I will ease you and refresh you I will comfort you with the assurance of the pardon of your sins I will give you peace of Conscience here and eternal peace and rest with me for ever in my Kingdom And questionless one special reason why many find so little peace and comfort in their souls is because they go not unto Jesus Christ they cast not themselves and the burden of their sins upon him who is the fountain of peace and comfort and from whom alone it is to be had And Mark 16.15 16. saith our Saviour He that believeth shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned that is He who goeth out of himself unto Christ for life shall be saved from the wrath of God from the curse of the Law from the guilt and power of sin yea from eternal death and condemnation and shall inherit eternal life and salvation But he that believeth not shall be damned that is He who refuseth to go unto Jesus Christ preferring his lusts and corruptions before him shall be cast into that burning lake where is nothing but weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth Oh how earnestly doth Christ press sinners to come unto him that they might have life promising Heaven and salvation upon their coming and threatning hell and damnation upon their refusing And what more prevailing argument could he use to perswade sinners to come unto him Which must needs evidence his exceeding great willingness to embrace them with the arms of his mercy upon their coming 4. Christs Willingness appeareth from his e●d of coming into the World which was to save poor l●st sinners He left his Crown and Throne his Royal Court and glorious Robes and cloathed himself with the rags of our humanity for no other end but to seek and to save that which was lost as the Apostle expresseth This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Iesus Christ came into the World to save sinners So that the Salvation of poor lost sinners was his great design in coming into the World He came from Heaven to Earth for this very end that he might send us from Earth to Heaven The Son of God became the Son of man that we the sons of men might become
XVI Several Objections of Carnal and Vnregenerate men against the use of the forementioned Means Answered HAving shewed the Means I come now to answer the Objections which many carnal men pretend against the use of them in order to a new birth Obj. 1. Some are ready to object and say These are indeed likely means but they find neither strength nor ability to set upon the practice of them A. 1. I would ask thee whether thou canst in truth say thou hast not been wanting to thy self in such things as were within thy power and strength Hast thou not as much power to go into the house of God as into an Ale-house to read the holy Scriptures as Play-books and Pamphlets to associate thy self with the Godly as with the Wicked and Prophane canst not thou take up a resolution to abandon thine old sinfull lusts and to set upon a new course of life Certainly if thou hast been wanting to thy self in these and such like things this objection taken from thine own inability is but an idle excuse and argues rather thine unwillingness than disability and know that in the last and great day thou wilt be damned not so much for thy want of power as for thy want of will 2. If thou wilt but put thy self upon the use of Means thou dost not know what strength thou maist receive from God and what may be the issue thereof While Peter was Preaching the holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the Word And for ought thou knowest whilest thou art attending upon the Ministry of the Word or praying unto God the Holy Ghost may fall on thee and make that Ordinance effectual for thy Regeneration and Salvation And therefore put thy self upon the use of Means wait at the Pool thou knowest not how soon the Spirit may come and move upon thy soul. For God doth usually meet with those who seek him Obj. 2. I fear I am not elected and therefore conceive it altogether fruitless for me to labour in the use of any means for this new birth Oh could I be assured of my election then should I with comfort and confidence labour after it A. 1. Election is a secret thing and belongeth unto God according to that of Moses Secret things belong unto the Lord our God but things which are revealed belong unto us And therefore trouble not thy self● with Gods secret will but follow his revealed will Apply thy self seriously and cordially to the use of the means God hath sanctified for thy Regeneration and from thence thou maist gain some comfortable evidence of thine election 2. Consider though it be the duty of every Christian to give all diligence to make his calling and election sure yet no man can know and be assured of his election till he be Regenerated by the Spirit of God therefore the not knowing thine election should be so far from keeping thee off from applying thy self to the means of Regeneration as it should rather be an argument to press thee thereunto for by thy Regeneration thou maist know thine election The eternal decrees of God are only made known à posteriori from their effects o●e whereof is Regeneration find this and thou needest not doubt of thine election 3. Wilt thou not plow nor Sow because thou knowest not whether God hath determined thee an Harvest Thou wilt say I am sure I shall not reap if I sow not there 's hope of an Harvest if there be a Seed-time and therefore I will adventure to sow what ever the issue may be And wilt thou not be as wise for thy soul as for thy body Because thou art not sure of thine election wilt thou make thy damnation sure Obj. 3. Ah! I am too unworthy to partake of so great a mercy there is nothing in me to move God to work grace in me and therefore why should I trouble my self about it A. 1. Consider Gods grace is every way so free that the mercy which he vouchsafeth to any of his Creatures is altogether of himself and from himself He respecteth his own goodness not our worthiness in the mercies which he conferreth If none shall obtain grace but the worthy who then can be saved 2. Consider that no man before his Regeneration could ever find any worthiness in himself why he should partake of that mercy What was there in Manass●h Or in Zacheus Or in Mary Magdalen Or in Paul before their conversion Surely none at all Nay there is never a child of God on Earth or in Heaven but had as much personall unworthiness before his Regeneration as thou now hast Why then doth the sight and apprehension of thine unworthiness put thee out of all hope of obtaining the same 3. Consider that the sense of thine unworthiness is some degree of worthiness yea it is the greatest worthiness thou canst attain unto And none ever found greater mercy from God than they who have been most sensible of their unworthiness Instance the Centurion who speaking unto Christ said I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under the roof of my house And yet Christ granted his desire in healing his servant So likewise the Woman of Canaan who acknowledged her self to be no better than a Dog yet received this answer from Christ Oh Woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt So likewise the Publican who was conscious to himself of so much unworthiness that he stood afar off and durst not lift up his eyes unto Heaven but smote upon his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner Yet as the text noteth ver 14. He went away justified rather than the Pharisee who was puffed up with a conceit of his own righteousness 4. It is to be feared that this objection of thine unworthiness ariseth not so much from true humility as from the pride of thine own heart who art loth to be beholding unto God for any mercy but wouldst rather discern something in thy self which may deserve it at his hands But we are to root out of our hearts this spiritual pride and be humble and then we may rest confident that though we are most unworthy in our selves yet God will accept of us in and for the worthiness of Jesus Christ. Obj. 4. Some object the number and the heinousness of their sins Oh they are such vile and wretched sinners having mispent the best of their time the strength of their youth in the service of sin and Satan and in gratifying their own carnal lu●ts and affections and as they have grown in years so they have grown in sin and wickedness and therefore cannot expect so great a mercy from God as of a Son of Belial to be made a Son of God by the work of Regeneration A. 1. Know for thy comfort that God hath embraced with the arms of his free grace as great and heinous sinners as thy self For hast thou been an Idolater or Murderer so was Ma●asseh
yet was he received to mercy Hast thou been a Blasphemer or a Persecutor of the Saints and servants of God So was Paul and yet he obtained mercy Hast thou been a Filthy unclean person wallowing and delighting like a Sow in the filth of sin and mire of sinfull filthiness So did Mary Magdalea and many of the Corinthians yet were they washed with the blood of Iesus Christ justified and sanctified Hast thou been an Oppressor and Extortioner who hast got thine estate by over-reaching thy neighbours and grinding the faces of the poor So did Matthew and Zacheus who yet found mercy Why then is there not hope of mercy for thee when grace hath embraced such great and heinous sinners Q. Wilt thou say thou art a greater sinner than any of these forementioned A. 1. This is scarce credible But suppose thy sins do exceed the proportion of any one thou canst find pardoned in Scripture yet this were no just ground of despair because the depth of Gods mercy was never yet fathomed God never acted his mercy so far but he is able to act it farther Greater sinners than ever yet were pardoned may be pardoned And therefore though thy sins were more and greater than the sins of others yet there is hope of mercy for thee unless by thine infidelity thou dost exclude thy self from the same 2. Consider that there was no more in Manasseh Mary Magdalen Paul nor any of the Saints now in Heaven to move God to have compassion on them than there is in thee The Apostle saith that there is no difference for all have sinned The true cause of any mans Regeneration is the free grace and love of God For saith the Apostle we were all by nature the Children of wrath even as others But God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickned us And immediatly addeth By grace ye are saved Now seeing the free grace and love of God is the true cause of mans Regeneration and Salvation why shouldst thou imagine there is less love in God for thee than there was for them Obj. 5. Others object they fear their time and day of grace is past and gone having long stood out and rejected many offers of grace and that it is now too late to seek after the grace of God A. To this I answer that the slighting and rejecting the many offers of grace is very sad yea an heinous sin which calls for thy deepest sorrow and humiliation This made our Saviour to weep over Ierusalem because they neglected the day of their visitation But yet know 1. Though thou hast often refused and rejected the offers of grace yet is not thy condition hopeless in that it is not the sin against the Holy Ghost which alone cannot be pardoned but it is a sin though heinous yet pardonable Many have obtained mercy even for this and so mayest thou upon thy true humiliation and repentance For such is the mercy of God as he both can and will pardon even sins against mercy 2. It 's a question whether there be any Saint on Earth or in Heaven who before their closing with Christ by faith did not stand out against and reject many of his gracious invitations excepting such as were sanctified from the Womb. 'T is the Devil that puts it into thy mouth to say I have slighted many offers of grace therefore my day of grace is past and gone Do we not see by daily experience how Christ brings home some to himself in their old age who questionless in their youth and riper years turned many a deaf ear to his gracious invitations And that Christ is still willing and ready so to do appeareth by this that he continues his offers of grace though formerly neglected How oft would I have gathered thee saith Christ of Ierusalem 3. Christ hath several seasons of Conversion and Regeneration all come not in at the first hour of the day nor at the sixth hour Christ brings home some to himself in the latter end of their lives who have all the former part slighted and rejected his gracious invitations And therefore he will have them often renewed and tendred to poor sinners because though the time of some be to come in at the first offer yet the time of others is to come in upon renewed and multiplyed offers so that often renewing thy refusals is not an eternal prejudice 4. If thou art heartily sorry for thy former refusals and dost now unfeinedly desire to close with Christ I may with confidence say thy day of grace is not past For those affections wrought in thee by the Spirit of God are gracious hints that he intends thee good if yet thou wilt accept Such who have outstood their day are usually given up to a feared Conscience and reprobate mind and are hurried by the Devil to the committing of all manner of sin and wickedness and that with greediness and delight 5. Thou who fearest thy day of grace is past know this that if thou now findest in thy self a willingness to abandon thy former lusts and corruptions and to become a new creature to cast off the Devils service and to become the servant of the Lord Jesus thy day of grace is not past 6. It is evident thy day of grace is not past because the Lord hath not yet given over to strive with thee Is he not yet woing and beseeching thee by the Ministry of his Word by the motions of his Spirit to accept of the reconciliation purchased by the blood of his Son And doth not Christ himself stand knocking at the door of thine heart telling thee that if thou wilt open to him he will come in and sup with thee and thou with him It is yet the acceptable time and day of Salvation if thou wilt accept thou maist be accepted Say not foolishly my day is past but prove it is not so by coming in this day Harden not thine heart this day and thou shalt find God will not harden his ear against thy cry 7. Though thou hast long stood out yet know that God will not presently take the forfeiture of thee neither will Christ suddenly take his advantage against thee If the Lord were as hasty to punish sinners as they are forward to commit sin there would suddenly be an end of all And if Christ should be as forward to reject sinners as they are to reject him what hope of mercy were there But Christ is not so severe he is of great goodness and of great patience he makes tenders of grace and peace over and over again and waits our acceptance In which respect he is said to stand at their door and knock As knocking is usually a repetition of strokes so standing at the door and knocking implyeth his waiting for our opening Ah sinner doth Christ continue to renew his offers of grace and mercy unto thee and wilt
with a love unto him again It is not sufficient to think and think often of sin and the misery it hath implunged as in but we must so think thereof as to work our hearts to an hatred of sin and a fear of that wrath of God it hath exposed us and made us lyable to and to a looking after Jesus Christ who alone can free us from the guilt of our sins and from the punishment due unto us for the same This is a work of so great concernment and advantage as none can truly apprehend but such as have made tryal therein David who was a man full of Holy and Heavenly affections was full of Heavenly meditation And from the experience of that abundant sweetness and comfort he found therein doth often in his book of Psalms commend it unto others and pronounceth that man blessed who meditates in the Law of God day and night Let thy soul full often soar aloft upon the wings of divine contemplation Let not any solitary season pass away without some spiritual meditation and conference with thy God Either take a sorrowfull survey of thy manifold sins which may draw from thee as hearty grief for the same so hearty ejaculations for the pardon and forgiveness of them Or take a view of Gods blessings and favours towards thee and let this inlarge and raise up thine heart in praises and thanksgivings unto him Or bath thy self in an admiring commemoration of the meritorious blood of the immaculate Lamb Christ Jesus which was abundantly shed for the washing of thy body and soul from the filthy spots and stains of sin Seriously think what he hath done and suffered for thee how he hath fullfilled the Law and undergone the punishment due to thy sins and now in Heaven maketh intercession for thee by presenting himself an allsufficient Sacrifice unto his Father for thy sins Oh think with thy self what thou must have suffered for thy sins if he had not suffered for them What thou hadst been if he had not redeemed thee even a bondslave of Satan and fire-brand of hell Especially let thy soul full often meditate on the glorious things which the Lord hath reserved in Heaven for such as here do sincerely serve him and obey the Gospel of Iesus Christ. Oh think with thy self what a blessed thing it will be to live in the vision and fruition of God himself in whose presence there is fullness of joy and at whose right hand there are pleasures for evermore As also what an happiness it will be to behold the glorious body of Iesus Christ shining there with such incomprehensible beauty as shall infinitely delight the eyes of the beholders and that to all Eternity without satiety for the longer the Saints behold Christ the more they will be ravished with joy and delight Ponder likewise as on the excellent qualities wherewith thy soul and body shall be adorned in Heaven so on the excellency of that place which is set forth in Scripture by Pearls and precious stones And the more to set off this glory and blessedness oft consider with thy self the deplorable state of the damned in hell who feel nothing for the present but wrath and vengeance and can expect nothing for the future but the fuller Vials of Gods indignation to be powred on them to all Eternity Such considerations as these will serve as notable helps to draw and keep thine heart Heaven-ward and to turn all the streams of thy desires and longings towards the God of glory But oh how many Christians are there who having an hope towards God and some confidence of their interest in things above do notwithstanding converse but very little with them Their thoughts are seldome on Heaven or Heavenly things that notwithstanding all their confidence they may well question whether their treasure be there Consider Reader As before the Lord whether this be not thine own case Thou canst not be ignorant that an heart estranged from Heaven hath little evidence that he hath any part or place therein And wilt thou yet perswade thy self that God is thine when thou carest no more for him Dost thou highly prize an Heavenly mind and account them the best and the happiest Christians that are much in Heaven and yet is it not grievous to thee to find that thou didst never in all thy life it may be or but very seldome fix thy thoughts thereon for a quarter of an hour together but hast many and many a time suffered the Devil to run away with thy thoughts and to detain them on this dunghill below Certainly it were better the Devil had power to run away with thine estate than with thy thoughts and to order their motions at his pleasure Oh the multitude of Worldly and covetous thoughts of wanton and unclean thoughts of proud and ambitious thoughts of wicked and prophane thoughts yea of blaspheamous and atheistical thoughts that lodge in the hearts of most of us and there Revel it day and night Oh the speculative filthiness and contemplative uncleanness that not only harbours but likewise find hearty wellcome and entertainment there Surely friend thou hadst best look to thy self and get thy heart cleared of these evill guests thy vile and vain thoughts drive away these birds of prey and then the thoughts of God will be more familiar and precious to thee That thou maist get up to this Heavenly-mindedness take these directions 1. Humble thy self unfeignedly for thy great strangeness to God and Heaven that thou hast so rarely set thine heart on things above And for the time to come let it be thy special care and endeavour to habituate thy self to Spiritual and Heavenly Meditations frequently to steep thy soul in Heavens delights 2. When thou findest thy mind and thoughts to be ridden by the Devil and carryed away from God lift up thine heart by earnest and fervent prayer unto him who is the Father of Spirits and hath power over Devils and begg of him that as by his permission he hath suffered the unclean Spirit to enter into thee so he would command him speedily to depart from thee that thy mind might be free for its proper work For he only can cast down imaginations and every thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 3. Work thy heart to a perfect detestation of all vain and wicked thoughts that thou maist be able to say with David I hate vain thoughts This will highten thy resolutions to a greater watchfulness against them for the time to come and to use thine utmost endeavour to drive them away so that though they may arise in thine heart yet they may not lodge there And know this for thy comfort that those vain and wicked thoughts which thou dost from thine heart hate and detest shall not be laid to thy charge at the great day of account 4. Above all things keep a watch over
bring in all their strength object what they can either the justice of God or the number and hainousness of my sins what are all these Seeing Christ hath dyed who is he shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect whom shall condemn It is Christ that dyed As if he had said seeing Christ the beloved Son of God hath offered up his life as a Sacrifice and satisfaction to the justice of God for my sins I will not fear the accusations of Satan nor the objections of mine own carnal heart Q. What hath Christ done for our Redemption A. 1. He performed that obedience which we did owe to the Commandments of God 2. He suffered that punishment which was due unto us for our sins The former is called Christs active obedience the latter his passive obedience Christs active obedience was most absolute and perfect for he perfectly performed whatsoever the Law of God did require which himself intimateth in that speech of his to Iohn Baptist Matth. 4.15 It becometh us to fulfill all Righteousness And as we were made unrighteous by the first Adams disobedience So are we made righteous by the obedience of the second Adam Christ Jesus This the Apostle expresly noteth Rom. 5.19 As by one mans disobedience meaning Adams many were made sinners So by the obedience of one namely Christ shall many be made righteous that is all who belong unto him And as Christ subjected himself unto the Law and fulfilled the same for us in our stead whereby he purchased eternal life and salvation for us So likewise he suffered that punishment which was due to us for our sins and thereby redeemed us from death and hell For as the Prophet Isay speaketh Isa. 53.6 The Lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all that is the punishment due to all our iniquities And verse 4. Surely he hath born our griefs and carryed our sorrows The sorrow and anguish that was due to us for our sins he hath born it all and every jot of it And so having made full satisfaction to the justice of God for us we are discharged Therefore saith the Apostle Eph. 1.7 we have redemption through his blood that is through the bloody death and passion of Jesus Christ we are redeemed from all our sins But yet this is not so to be understood as if we were redeemed from the curse by Christs passive obedience and had the inheritance of glory purchased for us by his active obedience separately considered but by his active and passive obedience joyntly considered we are both redeemed from the curse and entitled to glory Q. What offices did Christ undertake to make us partakers of the benefit of that which Christ did and s●ffered A. Christ undertook three Offices he became a a King a b Prophet and a c Priest a Act. 5.31 b Deut. 18.18 c Psal. 110.4 Q. What are the parts of Christs Kingly Office A. 1. To govern his Church Christs governing his Church is partly External and partly Internal 1. External by his Word wherein his Laws are revealed And by his Officers and Ministers which he hath appointed to stand in his room to whom he hath committed not only the word of reconciliation but also the power of the Keyes or a power to put his Laws and Orders in execution 2. Christ doth Internally govern his Church by his Spirit whereby he so powerfully works upon them that he makes them willingly to submit to him Q. What other part is there of Christs Kingly Office A. 2. To provide for his Church Christs providing for his Church extends to all things needfull for soul and body even to all spiritual and temporal blessings He provides spiritual blessings for the souls of his members by furnishing them with all needfull saving graces He likewise provides temporal blessings for their bodies so far as he seeth to be good for them The young Lyons do lack and suffer hunger but they that fear the Lord shall not want any good thing Psal. 34.10 Q. What other part is there of Christs Kingly Office A. 3. To protect his Church Christ protects his Church and Members from all enemies Her enemies are Visible and Invisible Her Visible Enemies are all manner of wicked men Her Invisible enemies are the Devil and his Angels Christ either keepeth these enemies from assaulting his Church as Gen. 35.5 or weakneth their power and restraineth it as 2 Sam. 3.1 Or delivereth his out of their clutches as Exod. 14.39 Or destroyeth their enemies as 2 King 19.35 Q What is the chief work of Christs Prophetical Office A. To teach and instruct his Church Q. How doth Christ instruct his Church A. 1. Outwardly by his Word 2. Inwardly by his Spirit First Christ instructs his Church outwardly by making known his Fathers will which he did by his own mouth when he lived upon the earth And by his Ministers after his Ascension into Heaven by their writings and Preaching Obj. Some may Object and say Gods will was made known before Christ was born Ans. 1. It was indeed made known but not so clearly nor so fully as by Christ. It was obscured by Types 2. It was not then made known altogether without Christ. For though Christ of old did not so visibly shew himself a revealer of his Fathers will as after he was born and lived on Earth yet did he reveal Gods will to the Children of men in those dayes For wheresoever God is said to speak the Son of God the second person in the Trinity is there meant And when God is said in any visible shape to appear to men the same person the Son of God appeared Yea that which Angels or Prophets made known to men was first made known to them by the Son of God Act. 7.38 In this respect among others Christ is often called the WORD as Iohn 1.1 c. For as men by word of mouth ordinarily declare their mind and meaning So did God declare his will and mind by his Son 2. Christ instrúcts his Church inwardly by causing his Spirit to work with the outward Ministry which he hath ordained upon the souls of men Christ speaketh now in Ministers as he did in Paul 2 Cor. 13.3 though not in the same measure yet in the same manner Thus in and by those Ordinances which he hath prescribed to his Church he enlightneth the mind mollifieth the heart comforteth the Conscience yea and worketh faith hope love patience new-obedience and all other needfull graces Q. What are the parts of Christs Priestly Office A. 1. Satisfaction 2. Intercession These two were th● principal works of the High-Priest under the Law 〈◊〉 did by offering Sacrifice The other by entring into the most holy-place with Incense Both these are joyned together and applyed to Christ Rom. 8.34 Who is he that condemneth It is Christ that dyed yea rather that ' is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us Here we have