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A19239 Meditations and praiers gathered out of the sacred letters and vertuous writers disposed in fourme of the alphabet of the Queene Her most excellent Maiesties name : whereunto are added comfortable consolations (drawen out of the Latin) to afflicted mindes. Conway, John, Sir, d. 1603. 1571 (1571) STC 5652; ESTC S4590 71,691 468

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accuse nor any poisoned tongue in true touche by present annoye What more woorthely beutifieth the Maiestie of Kingely rule aduaunceth wisedome to her Highest steppe of glory or can so sweetely make the chiefe Harmonie of al good gouernment as againste the wofull afflicted to deliuer Clemencie to eache offender Mercie to the vertuous Rewarde and in causes doubtfull to suspende iudgemente Truely these are they whiche not onely satisfie the Heauens and Earthe with a right aspecte of Diuine Iustice but are chiefe moouers that the longe abandoned Virgin Astrea hath resigned sacred seate to become your handmayde to highe Glory through al Prouinces and strēgthneth my feeble partes amid these conflicting daies encreasing chiefe delight to nourishe healthe against infection of place vbi Vnda locusque nocent causa valentior istis Anxietas animi quae mihi semper adest Thus doe I striue moste seemely Soueraigne tossed in the Sea of many troubles bruised with the Ankore of griesly griefe and meished in the tumblinge toyle of frowarde Fortune thirstinge victory to the onely ende that protected by your Vertue to wage true triall of my owynge homage and faithfull harte before the Imperiall Seate of your cleare and able Iudgement where I doubte not but a single truthe whose ende hath no beynge and so Priuileged that shee triumpheth of Time and not Time of her and will in fine aduaunce her selfe and by hir Iustice free mee of suspition and so wholy discipher my honest intent true faithfull feruent and duetifull care of your Royall Person Common Weale and happy Gouernment as my dealinge therein equally hearde shall keepe weight with the truest and moste faithfull Subiect belonginge to your Stately Rule with the remainder of my life founde by ready shewe of owynge Homage and duetifull good will and forwardnes woorthy your Princely Clemencies added to my chokinge calamities by your Heauenly disposition without the whiche I had estsoones perished where yet beholde I reste like subiecte to the daiely perill of suche ensuinge Battaile as obedient to your further will and pleasure whereunto I onely caste the Ankore of my well doyng and hope of my health Hauing gathered without Fenne or Paper this hādfull of pietifull Praiers that geue my pininge ghoste her beste solace Whiche effecte I laie before your feete to whiche boldnesse moste triumphant Prince if you adde desired Pardon allowinge the ripè grayne of my good wil in the rudenesse of this roughe acte I shall deeme my selfe thrise happy and imboldened to presente your excellency with the larger partes of my imployed trauell whiche I truste shall better agree your Highnesse farther likinge and woulde haue made it my rather oblation in steede of this small peece but that I wante apte instrumentes to pullishe the same and contagion of place that ofte annoyeth and depriueth my sences their duetifull office but shall neuer enforce mee from the bounden duetie of true ●llegeance as knoweth God to whom of daiely custome your Maiestie repayreth to be eased of the yrksome burden of ordenary sinne At whiche time if your Highnesse vouchesafe the perusinge these fewe thinges by mee selected there shall appeare the vnfeined griefes I suffer Which knowen to your Maiestie I haue my desire attending● a better exchaunge at your Princely pleasure when I shall moste willingly Sacrifice my Body in eche duetifull seruice Deeminge my life moste happy when death shall chalenge the same in your quarell for tribute of your woorthy Merites in whose effectes you shal neuer repent neither your Highnesse conceiued good in thoughtes nor committed compassion in geuinge reliefe to my drenched state which if I further finde not Gods will be donne your Maiestie preserued your Enimies confused with all Peace Tranquilitie and Happinesse whilest you liue in this soyle of sorrowe as exile from our Heauenly Father whose ioyes throug● his deere Sonne God graunte you participate after this Life to the heyght of your desires and deapth of my daiely Prayers Your Maiesties in triple bondes of Homage I. Conway To the Reader I Deeme it vvil be cause of greate woonder to thee gentle Reader that I whom neither daily experience of Learning hath instructed long vse of exercise hath perfected ne yet the frequented Studye of ●acred Muse hath authorised would enterprise the Publication of any woorke and hazarde the daunger of detracting tōgues chiefly of so pure Diuine a cause as effect of Prayer which I doo not committe to open Eies as a thinge worthye of Learned viewe or deeming the store of like matter rare to thy Age hauinge choyse and abundaunce neither yet thorow Pride of Vaine glory mooued or otherwise that I would bee reputed more Religious then Vertuous Chiefly haue I wrought the same Priuileaged through the Zealous Loue my gratious Gouernesse hath in all Vertue to approche her stately presence as the Image of my devvtiful memorie boast of my true Loyaltie and vievv of my deepe misery Consequently being tormented with infinite troubles Broken with the Ankor of many cares restrained of Libertie spurned of Fortune forsaken of health forgotten of Friends couched in Caue of deep Foregetfulnesse My faithfull Seruice misconstrued sinister practises allowed my true Loyaltie therby suspected and with my renowmed Soueraigne sinisterly defaced Emong these rigorous rages of rankours raigne emong these fretting furies of fickle blinde and frowarde Fortune emong these cruel chaunces of Worldely choking calamities Emōg these sturdy striuing streams of stubborne stormye state Sith I find nothing that geueth my consuming carkas comfort but only Prayer being the most redy calme to appease these troublesome tempestes and further findinge it the faithfull Imbassidour perfect Pathe to eche mannes eternall blisse haue thought it not altogether in Vaine repugnaunte to deuide with thee gentle Reader the excellencie and benefite of the same to be holden with thee as a daily exercise of thy delights and most sure staffe to all thy purposes so shalt thou shun the shipwracke of all aduersitie and continevv with increase the beawtie of thy prosperitie Make mee thy Presidente I beseeche thee searche the records of my passed Life Credite not Fame who wanteth truthe and measure in all thinges and when thou wilte enter Iudgement haue reason for thy guide and dewe proued Actes for thy ground so shalt thou not erre Which recorded in minde rifle the race I haue runne I pray thee vnfold the Table of my Actes good or ill I boast a life free from deede or pretence of any disloyaltie againste my renowmed Soueraigne I compare a Harte so true and faithfull in the Weale of my Natiue Countrie as may equal I protest before the maiesty of the highest the beste and not inferiour to the truest Yet I acknovvledge I worthily beare this my exiled libertie whose Fruites in parte I offer thee for that I haue rebelled against the Omnipotente GOD and my chiefe LORDE for that I haue been negligente of his Precepts and slouthfull in this vse of Holy Prayer Whervnto I hope easie
deuouring Dragons with open mouth deliuer mee from their greedy gripes and free my feete from the paths of such venemous serpentes O Lord thou seest they haue stopped vp my well springes of truthe how they haue broken mee in peeces preferred their guiles and altogeather laide me waste I am made their marke to shoote at their strongest bowes haue they bente againste me out of their malicious quiuer they haue shot their sharp shaftes of eger enuie yea euen into my raines They laugh me to scorn in their dissembling hartes and yet bear me faire countenaunce No regarde is had of my truthe and vtter confusion is com vpon me thy guifts Lorde proper to my selfe are holden from mee and I perish in want hauing of mine owne The leauen of my Breade is made with cruell cares and my drink m●ngled with salt teares they haue ouerwhelmed mee with heaped stoanes and haue buried my innocencie in shamefull graue I am sequestred from all freedom and thou Lorde knowest I am not giltie Correcte mee not in my misdeedes towards thee Lorde but in the mildenesse of thy mercie for I acknowledge I haue don thinges vnlawfull againste thy Throne and am no more woorthy to be called thy Childe Yet Lord from the bottome of a broken harte I aske thy Pardon and my Spirite trusteth in thy mercie and requireth that mine enimies may no lenger triumph ouer mee Sweete Lorde loke downe and remedie my miserie and thraldome Remember how long I haue ben fedde with sorrowe and care how my Body wasteth and my Soule melteth away I feare Lorde thou hast forsaken mee and sette vp the horne of mine enimies that thou geuest them this longe Glory ouer mee O mercifull Father doo not so I beseech thee If my scourge be determined with thee for anie my contēptes of thy will yet deliuer mee from the handes of the malitious I acknowledge my faultes towardes thy Celestiall Seate and say my rightuousnesse all is stained I appeale to thy mercy for thy truth and Sonnes sake But Lorde if my breast euer harboured any vniust pretence or acte againste thy Seruaunte Elizabethe my gratious Queene and Gouernoure as a ioyfull praie bestowe me emongest mine eger enimies To this day from my birthe thou knowest Lord I haue honoured her with Loyall loue and serued her with true harte and innocent handes Now Lord if such discharge of dewtie hathe euer wonne victorye ouer any her woorthy thoughtes I beseeche thee not in my deserts to thee but for my truthe to her multiplie in secret brest such thoughtes to sure encrease of firm beliefe as through thee inspired with my large truthe which might neuer boast her selfe I may be saued from the snares of the malicious and my innocencie knowen to her Wake Lorde I beseche thee and renewe on mee thy mercies and helpe as euer thou hast don of olde My Soule saith within mee thou Lorde arte her onely portion and therefore shee will hope in thee And my body hast thou alwaies deliuered in greatest perill when so euer I haue put my trust in thee Arise most mightie helper and ayde thy seruaunt who only seeketh succour of thee Sure I am in mine enimies pittes thou wilte not mine Innocencie perish neither destroy mee vtterly in mine vnrightuousnesse towardes thee for that my contrite hart appealeth to thy mercie and thy condition is not to seeke the deathe of a sinner neither to be founde vntrue in thy promisses wherin my Spirite onely trusteth Amidst my sorowful plaints and scorchinge sighes Lorde poure out the comfortable dewes of thy compassion For in no other healpe will I truste but in thine thoughe the whole earthe would assure me Mine enimies swarme as Bees to the Hieue and spreade as flowers of the Spring my freendes walke in single number and hundreds that earst professed faithe denie their sentence suche as woulde my good want the mean therto and those that beste may with Fortunes threates are beaten downe and made lame Wherfore Lorde wash the vnderstandinge of my gratious Gouernesse with the flowing springs of my truthe Cause her with speedy hande to restoare my decaied partes Guide her minde still in thy loue and feare who with such perfite wisdome true iustice and pitieful compassion shewinge whose member shee is hathe thus woorthily preserued mee Yea further Lorde guide so her course on earthe that thou maist afterwards of right equal her ioyes with thy blessed Cherubins aboue the high heauens Continewe in her thy grace which geuest euery good guifte that as shee is thy chosen vessel no vsurpinge harte nor bloudy hande may euer haue power againste her But replenished with thy holy Spirite may execute thy will and walke in thy paths neuer wanting the strength of thy right hand to beat downe her enimies But found worthy of thy ritche goodnesse wee may longe enioy so matchlesse a Heade and Gouernour Graunt this Lord I beseeche thee with exchaunge of my hard state into better euen at thine owne will and my Spirte shall neuer cease to geue praise and thanks to thy holy name Amen To the Reader MY willinge minde sundrie waies annoyed in the purpose of my Pen is forced with other laboures not onely to estrange her Royall Maiestie the finall partes of this small peece but here to offer thee courtuous Reader in supplie of voyde paper these fewe selected Sentences in bothe tongues out of Holy Scripture and other Diuine and Ancient Writers whiche for their woorthinesse thy behoofe and lesse labour if thou accepte better placed then barraine paper and graunte theire once readinge I haue my desire For after deeme I if knowledge of Vertue may allure thee or viewe of vice abashe thee often wilte thou reade and vnreade them to imbrace the good and eschewe the ill Which the heauēly Father graunt vs al his grace to fulfill Sentences out of the holy Scripture THe fear of God is worship and triumph gladnesse and a ioyfull Crowne yea who so feareth the Lord shal be happy and when he hathe neede of comfort he shall be blessed The Seede of them whiche feare the Lorde shall be brought to Honour But the generation of the prowde disceiptefull and malitious shall perishe with the shame of their wickednesse Laboure to geate thee a good name for that shall continew by thee surer then a thousand greater treasures of Golde A good life hath a number of daies but a good name endureth for euer The vntruth of a lying tongue murdereth the Soule vpon the heade of the backbiter and blasphemour with terrour shall the Lorde sende the thunder of his wrath consume them hastily He that loueth Ritches shall not be iustified And who so foloweth corruption shal perish in the same Goulde and Siluer is the tree of falling to euery one that greedily seeketh the same blessed is the Ritch which is found without blemish Trauaile and carefulnesse for Ritches taketh away the sleepe and maketh the flesh to consume they help not in the day of iudgemente
not ouer to an vnshamefast obstinate minde but correct mee in thy mercie for into thy handes I committe me Amen E ENter thy Iudgementes in the tables of my harte destroy my affections with thi loue send thy wisdome from the holy Heauens and from the seate of thy maiesty that she may be with mee and labour with mee that I may knowe what thing is acceptable before thee and may Iudge thy people rightuously and deserue betweene good and euill G GRatious Lorde thou that arte the most hie God aboue al the yearth long suffering and of muche mercie sorowinge the sinnes of man and of thy greate goodnesse haste promised to the penitent remission of sinnes Lorde I haue sinned my iniquity is multiplied aboue the sandes of the Sea and there is no hope of life in mee bicause I haue sturred the to anger in multiplying offēces before thee And now Lorde trustinge in thy mercy I bowe the knees of my hart beseching of thee goodnesse distroye mee not together with mine iniquity for the dead whose Soules are out of theyr bodies can neither prayse nor thanke thee but the sorowfull hart and the thirstye Soule ascribe praise vnto thee O Lorde I powre my Prayers before thee and require mercie in thy sight saue me which am vnworthy and reserue not eternall punishment for me for thine owne sake I aske it and will prayse thee al the daies of my life Amē I ILluminate my hart O Lord with the lighte of thy woorde leade mee Lord in thy way and I shall enter into thy Truthe printe thy feare in my hart that I may reioyce in thee lette thy woorde be a Lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my paths So shall I not erre from the right way but walk with an vpright harte a cleane conscience and single eye before thee this day and euermore Amen N NEuer will I cease to call vpon thee moste m●ghtye God of Hostes whiche fittest vpon the Cherubins and haste dominion ouer al the kingdoms on the earth Thou which madest the Heauens and all things comprehended in them bowe downe thine eare and heare open thine eyes and behold saue mee from the hande of mine aduersaries suffer no euill to happen vnto mee that al the people may know that thou alone arte my god Amen A ASsist me O Lord my God with thy Heauenly grace and renew in mee a righte Spirite that I may receiue strength and ablenesse to doo thy rightuous will and to stand against al the assaultes of wilie Sathan that they may haue no place in me but that the Old man which I beare about in my body may be crucified and daily die in me that the desire of sinne erroure of worldly vanities may vtterly be destroyed that I may euermore be renewed in the Spirite of my minde that the life of my Sauiour Christe may alwayes appeare in mee To whome with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all honoure triumphe and glory for euer and euer Amen IOAN I. SI confiteamur Peccata nostra Deus fidelis est iustus vt remittat nobis Peccata nostra emundet nos ab omni Iniquitate Si dixerimus quoniam non peccauimus Mendacem facimus cum Verbum eius non est in nobis IOSVE Fili mi da Gloriā Deo Israël confitere atque indica mihi quid feceris ne abscondas AGVSTINVS Confessio est salus animarum dissipatrix Vitorum restauratrix Virtutum expugnatrix Daemonum Quid plura Obstauit Os Inferni Paradisi Portas aperit Cassidorus super Psalm 77. O beata Confessio quae aeternum tollit opprobrium Nam quicquid Reatum inuenerit Poenitentia perpetuis Seculis reddit Absolutum An inward speache vvherevvith Christ dooth comfort the Soule of the sinner desiringe to liue better Gathered out of the works of sundry holy Writers I Loue them saith Christe that seeke mee and my delight is emonge the children of mē Sic dilexi Mundum vt in mortem datem animam meam vt non periat sed habeat vitam aeternum quicunque in me crediderit I haue so loued the worlde that I gaue my selfe vnto death that who so euer beleeued in mee should not perish but haue euerlasing life O thou Soule O Daughter I haue laboured hungred thirsted I haue bene despised and suffred persecution for thy sake I am wounded for thine iniquitie I am weried through thy wickednes I am dead for thine offences and risen again for thy iustification the loue whiche I beare to thee hath forced mee to doo and suffer all these thinges and to make choyse of thee for my childe Wherefore amende thou and returne to mee washe thee in the bloud of my wounds and deck thee with vertues and merites of my life All these thinges I willingly geue thee nay rather as a most louing father offeringe these thinges I runne to imbrace thee and receiue thee with imbracinge and kissing alluring thee to loue me againe return Daughter and be cleane Praebe cor tuum mihi quia praeter hoc aliud abs te non desidero Be sory that thou hast sinned bicause thou hast offended mee or at the leaste sorrowe because thou canst not perceiue thy selfe pensiue for oft it cometh to passe that it better pleaseth mee and is more profitable to man to haue a wil to be contrite and deuout then to perceiue contrition or deuocion Because this contrarye desire of willing and vnwillinge engendreth affliction of minde Therfore be sory and angry with thy selfe yee iudge thy selfe woorthy to be damned bicause thou hast sinned and art not sory as thou oughtest This contrition although it be not sensible yet it is such though thou suffer persecution as will bring thee to health eternall for I knowe your miserye your weaknesse and necessitie so that in no wise a willing mind ought to dispaire what soeuer oldenes or coldenesse of conscience he feele But you wil say I haue cōmitted innumerable offences how shall I perticulerly sorrow euery one of them O my daughter needest thou comfort let only truthe comfort thee if thou hast many sinnes haue also one generall contrition in the whiche thou wilte include all and euery offence so that there be no sinne whiche althoughe it came vnto thy minde wouldest exempte frō thy penitencie and whiche thou wouldest not eschewe forsake For this generall contrition extendeth it selfe to all and euery offence yea vnto those whiche thou haste forgotten and canste not remember neither doo I require that you should necessarily haue for euery offence seuerall contritions accordinge to the number māner of your sinnes for thus I haue spoken of Mary Magdalaine I haue forgeuen her many offences for that she loued much I saide not bicause shee loued oftentimes neither coulde this Magdalaine in so suddaine a compunction be otherwise sory then for all togeather Thou likewise so be sory for all that there be no sinne which may delight thee whether generally or