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A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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hidden amongst the opē wicked vngodly as 〈◊〉 few graines of wheate lie in a great heape of chaffe c. Then ●…hich doctrine nothing can be deuised more vncleane corrupt ●…r more vnworthy the Church of CHRIST as breaking all the or●…inances and lawes of GOD at once and vtterly subuerting defi●…ng all Christian communion c. vvhich doctrine as yt is directly ●…ontrarie vnto the whole course of scriptures both for the entrance ●…to the Church and for the order conuersation in the Church 〈◊〉 can no place of scripture be applied to the vpholding and confir●…ation therof without vnsufferable falsifying and violent wrasting ●…e same As for this place Ma●…hew 3. 12. yt no more prooueth this doc●…ine then the others out of Math. 13. for here Mathew rather recor●…eth the conclusion of Ihon the Baptistes sermon doctrine then ●…ny way describeth the estate of the established Church of CHRIST 〈◊〉 the 11. and 12. verses shewing the incomparable excellencie of CHRISTES person and ministerie in respect of his also in the same ●…ewing the diuers effectes of Christes cōming vnto such as looked ●…or him vvho as they vvere of two sortes so had they seuerall suc●…esse The one sort he baptised the other he consumed with fire ●…he one sort he fanned fifted purged fined and preserued as wheat ●…nd siluer the other with the same fanne and fornace he ●…scattered ●…nd burnt vp as chaffe drosse The humble poore of the flock ●…vhich gaue eare to the voice in the wildernes which confessed ●…epented their sinnes and made strait his pathes receaued Ihons ●…aptisme those he receaued fed kept c. but those proud Pha●…isies learned Scribes and carnal Sa●…uceis which thought them●…elues in a perfect estate and despised the councel of God against ●…hemselues and would not be baptised of Ihon those when the ●…ESSIAH also came despised and contemned him and therfore he ●…ut them off in one day yea his day was vnto them darknes and not ●…ght c. But now which way should this fowle vncleane barn-floore thus pestered ouerspred with chaffe be likened almost without bla●…phemie vnto y e holy Church of Christ rightly planted established gouerned according to his holy will testamēt where as hath beene said all the people that enter are receaued there are chosen redeemed called out of the world from amongst the heathen Saintes by calling partakers of the same pretious faith glorious hope humble obedient louing sheepe And therfore is y ● church likened to a sheepfold which is both watched and defended to keepe out the wild beastes the wolfe and litle foxes vnto a garden shut vp welspring inclosed an orchyeard vineyard walled where al the plantes are natural sweet incense trees pomgranate al sweet fruit trees Myrrhe Aloes cynnamon with trees of chief spices Heere entereth no Cananite or profane person but euerie vessel shalbe cleane holy as bowles before the Altar c Furthermore euē in the material temple there were ash-pannes besoms to sweep carry out al dust filth And euen in euerie barn-flore the husbandman hath his flayle his fanne his syue to tresh his wheat out of the eare to purge yt from the chaffe to seuer yt from darnel tares c. which labour if he should slack he should haue no vse of his wheat he should haue no cleane nor wholsome bread And how much more shal our heauenlie husbandman purge his seed his wheat from such reprobate chaffe giddy darnel before he receaue them into one loafe set them at his heauenly table They canot be a newe lump vnto him except they be purged from the old leuen of maliciousnes wickednes The seruantes of God can neither build the Church nor ioine in any spiritual actiō with the profane nor with such counterfeit professors as the Samaritanes nor with such bastardy false seede as that of MOAB of ASHDOD c. There may be no misseline or seedes of diuers kinds sowē in the Lordes ●…ield The God of heauen and earth requireth vnto himself a holy seed he will be sanctified of all that draw neere vnto him for euen our God is a consuming fire How then dare any admit those the Lord shutteth out of his Church or how dare they mingle and ioyneth such reprobate knowen chaffe cockle tares darnel with the Lordes wheate wittingly and wittingly which the Lord with fanne syue purgeth seuereth casteth out of his barn-flore much lesse receaueth not into his granarie But how far is their ignorant rash●…es or rather presumptuous boldnes proceeded which not only receaue into retaine in their Church fellowship these heapes of the wicked opē vnwor●… euen all the profane multitude al sortes of people that are found within their territories and iurisdiction without respect of person but euen thrust them vpon Christ whether he will or no and make him an high Priest Prophet vnto them administring vnto them and their seed the holy thinges of God as baptisme the Lordes supper Is not this to mingle heauen and earth ligh dark●… or ●…hat higher sacriledge can be committed shal these places thus ●…rasted falsified hide diminish their sinns or rather not agra●…ate make manifest their error wickednes By what sober con●…truction or almost cōmon sense can this place Math. 3. be vnder●…tood of the planted and rightly ordered Church of Christ or how ●…ay such a Church be compared to a flore where in a great heape ●…f chaffe a few graines of wheate lie hid and buried we read in the ●…criptures that the righteous shall shine as starrs in the Church of God yet I willingly acknowledge that there can in this life be no wheate so pure which hath not both chaffe branne c. but that ●…n an other sense only I would know of these men that thus grossly ●…iken the Church of God what difference we may put betwixt the ●…orld and their Church In the world in deed the children of God ●…hal for a season be mingled remayn amongst the profane wicked vntil the time of their visitation calling but after they haue once giuen obedience vnto the voice of Christ then forget they forsake their old conuersation companie haue no longer fel●…owship with the vnfruitful workes of darknes but are renned in ●…ighteousnes holines and true knowledg after the image of him that called them out of darknes into his merueilous light c. But to couer cure al this confusion disorder al this sacrilegious profanatiō portsale of the holy thinges of God al other mischeifes enormities amongst thē as also to stop the mouthes to terrifie al such as find fault with reprooue these thinges or depart from amongst them where
prophannesse excesse in gluttonie in apparel let the idlenes wantonnes vanitie with the idolatrie aboue spoken of vsed vpon the Lords day shew how well the fourth commandement is taught and obserued in the Church of England Let the common ryot headstrong disobedien●…e and contempt of al the children and seruants euen of al the youth of the land the due punishment wherof is here neither spoken of nor executed let their profane vaine idle educatiō shew how wel the 5 Cōmandement is taught and obserued in the Church of England Let the continual open iarres fraies murther bloodshed in euerie corner of the land without either censu●…e or p●…nishment yea the vsual pardons that they giue for the same shew how well the sixth Commandement is taught in the Church of England Not heere to speake of the cōmon contentions wrangles iarres sutes wrongs of the wrath heartburning malice enuie cursed speaking reuiling nicknaming reproching blaspheming that are rife amongst them Let the general vnclennes whoredome adulterie which neuer abounded more in SODOME so that almost there is not one amongst them that hath his wife chast or their bed priuate Let their maner of punishing purging this sinne shew how wel they teach and keep this commandement Not here to speake of their exquisite arts and curiositie in setting out their beautie to the view their prodigious shapes whorish atyres dissolute immodest behauiours entising and alluring wordes wherwith they prouoke vnto lust all which in this Church are made no sinnes but matters of comlines curtesie loue c. And that your grauest best conscienced preachers think not themselues in this case without blame let them examine their corrupt consciences how m●…ny of their cheif hearers deuou●… proselites they know both men women that know such crimes ech by other and yet for filthie lucre or fleshly respects continue together Let the publike open general thefts violence robberies wrongs and either their permission or their corrupt and vnlawfull punishing the ●…ame shew how the eyght cōmandemēt is tought Not here to speake of the priuy more secret nay truly of the opē falshode deceit couē in all trades offices callings estates degrees persons What should I ●…tand to prosecute the rest Let the generall deceit swearing forswearing backbiting slaundering the insatiate coueting lusting c. shew ●…ow well they teach obserue the other lawes And as they deale with the lawes and iudgmentes so handle they in like maner the ●…rophets which are the faithful expounders of the lawes al which to demonstrate in particuler were an endles vnacheuable laboure And if these general corruptions errors transgressiōs be so infinite what is to be thought of their perticuler personal errors which they in their publicke doctrine and daily ministery sparse abrode euen as that flood of bitter wate●…s which the Dragō casteth forth of his mouth and the miserable people of the earth swallow vp partly through their general blindnes partly through their seruile subiection which haue not the power or libertie publikely to controule or censure any error be yt neuer so blasphemous Whervpon is come about that euerie one taketh boldnes to vtter in their pulpyts what him listeth so he speake not against any thing by publick authoritie established he may handle the word of God after his owne fancie and abownd in his owne sense Whervpō arise such an innumerable heape of errors so m●…nie diuerse variable inconstant contrarie opinions amongst them that as the ignorant papistes say yt is impossible to find two of them in one mind and iudgment yea in any two Churches of the land to heare the same doctrines taught because in deed they preach either their owne dreames and phantasies or els their lucubrations out of humane writings who are almost of as diuers sundrie opinions as themselues Yet if any of these authors be with the BB●… priuiledg then are they authentick irrefragable called by both sides the faith of the Church of England and not to be impugned or gainsayed without the censure of most high presumption Thus hath God in his iust iudgment deuided the tongues confounded the language of these Babiloni●…h builders that they almost agree not in or vpon any thing one preaching one thing an other the quite contrarie one building after this sort another after that one calling for this law this thing an other for that Thus is their kingdome deuided their estate confused and their house shal shortly be left vnto them desolate Many and innumerable excuses shifts cauils they daily knit wea●…e and forge to couer their detestable dealings and hide their waies from the Lord both by peruerting the scriptures thervnto and diuerting them by their sophistrie and putting them away be they neuer so directly against them with all which their poisoned diuises yt is not my purpose nor yet in my power here to meddle they being already so infinite and their forge daily going to frame new Only this from the mouth of the Lord I warne al men of They are but Cockatrice egges that they disclose hatch but spiders webbes that they weaue their egges are full of deadly poison he that eateth of them dieth he that is but sprinkled with them or treadeth vpon them is as if he were stung with a Viper or Scorpion their webbes shall not be for cloth neither shal they couer thēselues with their deeds their workes are the works of iniquitie and the worke of violence in their hands c. The work the workmen shalbe consumed together The wall th●… dawbers shall both fal and be ouerthrowne in the storme of the Lords wrath all their turning of diuises though they build as high as heauen dig as deep as hell shall not couer them from the eies or defend them from the hand of the Lord but rather as the Prophet saith in an other place they shall pull al downe vpon their heads by the same meanes wherby they thought to vphold yt For saith he this iniquitie shalbe vnto them as a breach that falleth as a swelling in an high wall whose breaking cōmeth sodainly in a moment the sentence is gone out from the Lord yt ●…asteneth to be performed BABILON shal fall be vtterlie destroied together with al their substance people pleasures euil cōmeth vpon her and she shall not know the morning therof destruction shal fall vpon her sodainly ere she be aware the multitude of her diuines and inchanters shall neither deliuer her from nor discouer vnto her these euils but they shalbe as stubble and the fire shall burne them together with her This is the end of all their cunning learning which you see they employ not to publish and proclaime the Lords truth so much as to suppresse darken the same hoping therby to hide their owne counterfait dealing which the Lord wil haue no longer couered but reuealeth their wickednes vnto all men that those which haue any feare or
this Chapter to proue that the Church of Chri●… ought to be built in all things according to the wil of Chrift as he hath set downe in his Testamēt othérwise yt cā neither be said his howse nor y e builders therof or builded therin his faithfull seruantes See how before I wist or would I am drawne into particulars as into a whirlepoole bottomles gulph of knowledg whiles I thought but to haue drawne but a litle water at the brinke in the shallow vessel of my vnderstanding and crazed memory which though they be no way able to breake vp these vnmeasured depthes or orderly to deliuer but that litle God giueth me to see in them yet I doubt not but many infallible Arguments may from this Chapter be drawen without any violence or wresting to proue the necessity perpetuity of that forme order of building gouerning Christs Church which he by his Apostles hath set downe in his Testament Now let me proceed to confirme this Proposition by other reasons drawen from other places of scripture As yt hath beene shewed that there can be no true building without that only true foundation expresse patterne of the Apostles practice in Christs Testament that all other foundations formes buildings builders are deceitful false and wil not abide the fiery trial or stand in Gods sight so if we consider the manner how the holy Ghost instructeth vs in other places vz. 1 Cor. 12. Ep●…es Rom. 12. vve shall there see the cōgruence necessity perpetuity of the order gouernmēt which Christ hath in his Testamēt prescribed We there reade this his Church compared to an ●…umane body which consisting of diue●…s members must of n●…cessitie haue them duly placed and knit together in their ●…ight order srame We reade there that as God createth fashioneth placeth and knitteth together the memb●…rs of this our earthly b●…die without taking coūcel of one or another so in like wisdome power he createth prepareth ordereth disposeth cōmingleth cōtempereth al the members of this his heauenlie bodie according to the rules of his T●…stament by the manifestation of the spirit in euerie one But now ●…uen common sense teacheth how far the wisest man vpon earth is from being able to make vnto mans bodie the least m●…mber therof euen but one haire white or blacke much lesse to knit the members together by iointes sinewes in their due place function How thē can dust and a●…hes imagine to make vnto the spirituall bodie of Chri●… new strāge members knit them as strāgely together by new iointes and synewes We reade in the●…e chapters that the ministers officers appointed by our Sauiour Chri●…t in his Testamēt are the principal mēbers of this publike bodie of the Church his ordināces lawes there set downe the iointes and sinewes wherby the members are fitly knit vnto the whole bodie euen as the curtaines of the tabernacle by their strings and hookes But now as no mortal man can make fashion dispose or knit together these humane members of a naturall bodie so much lesse can he make anie other members serue in the places of the true natural mēbers or by anie meanes place fastē and knit these as by ioints and sinewes vnto and in a mans bodie What vse should a man haue of an eie of glasse a nose of waxe an hand of brasse a foot of wood what congruence coherence proportion sympathie feeling compassion should these haue with the other members what learning or art can knit these by iointes sinewes vaines artures or draw one the same ●…kin ouer them as a couering or fasten yt vnto them as vnto or together with the true and natural members Yf mans wisdome cannot 〈◊〉 this in a frai●…e humane bodie of earth and clay what possibilitie thē is there to bring this to passe in the spiritual bodie of Christ what communion what commixture can there be betwixt heauen earth betwixt light and darknes betwixt spirituall carnal things how thē is yt possible to knit or make agree the earthly darke carnal diuised members and lawes of man to the heauenlie lightsome spiritual bodie of Christ Yea albeit this could be supposed to be brought to passe then which nothing cā be more fonde thē to imagine more wicked then to attempt vvhat kind of strange and monstrous bodie should ●…hey now make vnto Christ by knytting vnto him strange members such as belong not to his bodie Yf an humane bodie should haue growing vnto yt anie other then the true members that belonge vnto a man were not ●…uch a creature to be held a monster and not a man As for example if yt had manie heades in steade of one if yt should haue feete like a Beare a mouth as a Lion the rest like a Leopard c. who that had anie sight or sense could take esteeme this for the natural bodie of a man muchlesse for the comely beawtiful amiable bodie of Christ or of his Bride were not this to be liker vnto the bodie of Antichrist that Beast of that whore that monster what then i●… the presumption reb ellion furi●… of those Prelates that dare enterprise not onlie to cast away the true and naturall members but in the place of them to plant these adulterate monstrous members and that as they would make themselues and others beleeue in the bodie Church of Christ. Againe what an astonishment madnes hath inuaded and possessed these learned reforming Priests that confesse the want of al Christs true members I meane such officers as he hath ordeined for the building and gouerning his Church that complaine likewise of the vnlawfulnes and antichristianitie of these members which now grow vpon this bodie and gouerne the same and yet discerne not themselues to be of these mōstrous antichristian members euen the ministerie mouth of that Beast●… hauing the same orginal shape and forme with them being all come out of one smokie forge c yea and for all this mistake that beastlie bodie of the harlot their Church that beareth groweth vnto and consisteth of these members for that heauenlie bodie that true spowse established Church of Christ as though Christs bodie Christs Church could grow vnto and consist of these false members or be said built and established without the true members What strange paradoxes are these yet are they euen the forwardest positions they can be drawen vnto But we are taught in these scriptures that Christs bodie consisteth not neither can his Church be built with such strange Antichristian mēbers or with anie other then those which he hath there prescribed for the gathering the Saints into one for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ c. From which Scriptures infinitie reasons if we would enter into particulets might be drawen to prooue the necessitie congruence and perpetuitie of these officers ordinances there prescribed to the ministerie gouernment and
passed ouer or punished by some lighter trifling chasticement wilfull murther oftē pardoned theft if yt be aboue 13 pēce punished by death yea this sin is punished not only in the persō of the theefe who that wise King saied if he should steale seuen times may yet liue satisfie with his body or goodes but in the persōs of al such as this their vniust law iudgeth anie way accessarie which extendeth so far as manie honest mē may for this trifle for buynig or receauing part of these stollen goodes be also put to death forfait al the lands goodes they haue wherby their wiues children families are punished also vtterlie vndone And thus by this their pollicie are manie theeues made for one not to speake of al this guiltles blood that is vpon the head of the magistrate Iudg officers Iurie and the whole land by this meanes what should ●… stand to particulate their infinite transgressiōs of Gods lawes euē in their ciuil estate which is in much worse case then manie heathē nations which neuer knew God or his Christ. Al this ariseth of this immunitie from the order gouernment censure of Christ in his Church frō the inordinate authoritie the apostaticall church giueth vnto Princes magistrates they assume vnto themselues so that the saying of the prophet concerning the proude Kings of Babel is now rightly verified in them Thow didst say with thy heart I wll ascend into heauen aboue the star●… of GOD almightie I wil exalt my throne wil sit in the mountaine of the congregation in the sides of the north I wi●…l ascend aboue the heigth of the clowdes I wil make my self equall vnto the most high For see whiles they take power to reiect that holie gouernmēt order officers lawes that Christ our King hath ordeined and apointed to his Church they stretch their hand also presume further to e●…ect a new gouernmēt new orders lawes officers ministry ministratiō c. And what is this but both to reprooue Christs lawes and to reiect his yoke from them also to take Christs offices throne S●…epter from him whome the Lord hath set vpō the throne of Dauid to order stabli●…h yt with iudgment iustice l●…id the key of gouernment vpon his shoulder that what he openeth no man should ●…hut and wh●…t he shutteth no man should open How g●…eat thē is their pride presumptiō y t are so far ●…rō obeijng seing Chri●…s lawes executed as they vtterly abrogate them t●…ke th●…m out of the way set vp their owne idol diuis●…s in the stead of thē So far are they frō taking lawes at him as their King Lord as they giue lawes of him as King Lord. Is not this to denie nay to put an end to his ministerie kingdome to his ministery by taking away y t which he established bringing in a new into the church to his kingdome by abrogating his lawes offices ordinances by bringing in establishing their owne In so much as through y e odious fl●…tery of these their priests some of them haue suffered themselues to be called the supreme head of 〈◊〉 Church in earth as though Christs Church had one head in earth an other in heauē or that Christ were not the head of his Church here in earth also But the wretched Priests would excuse this i●…audible blasphemie with this interpretatiō which yet they expresse not 1. vnder Christ as though Christs Church might haue two heades an vpper an vnder head one aboue an other were not this to make her a monster like their Church which hath m●…nie heads vpō them writtē names of blasphemy as supreme head of the Church primate Bishop metropolitane Bishop Lord Archbishops grace Lord Bish. Archdeacon c. Al which heads but especially that their supreme head of the church may they say make lawes for the church And al this execrable blasphemy they hide vnder the title office of the ciuil magistrate who in deed is Gods blessed ordinance Neither wil these lymmes of y e Deuill be satisfied with any humble acknowledgmēt of y e ciuil powe●… or with anie christiā submissiō vnto th●…●…ame but wil extort by othe an allowance subscriptiō vnto this their vngodly power blasphemous titles antichristian decrees proceedings c. It wil not suffice to confesse that God hath made the ciuil magistrate the keeper of the booke of the law to see both y e tables therof obserued by al persons both in the Church cōmon welth so hath power ouer both church cōmon welth but they must haue this indefinite p●…oposition granted them That a Pri●…ce hath power to make lawes for the Church By which word making is implied or rather as y e general estate both of church cōmō welth shew expressed plainly that they meane that y e Prince may deuise make new lawes for the Church such as are notheard of in that booke of God By lawes they meane any traditions ordinances customes c. which are not prescribed in CHRISTS Testamēt otherwise why should they vse these words or v●…ge that power of making lawes A godly Prince is bound ●…o Gods lawe made the keeper therof not the controler the seruant not the Lord. God hath in that booke made most perfect necessary lawes both for Church cōmon welth he requireth of the King magistrate to see these lawes executed and not to make new He that mak●…th any new lawes taketh vn●…o him the office of God who is the onlie law maker al men of what estate soeuer ar●… but Gods creatures s●…uātes subiectes to his law Moses ●…oshua Samuel Dau●…d 〈◊〉 made no new lawes but reu●…ued executed the olde lawes which God had made These exampl●…s that miserable man high tra●…tor to God his Prince ROBERT SOME citeth to prooue y ● P●…nces may make lawe●… for the church cō●…on welth t●…erby ind●…uoring to 〈◊〉 hold her Ma ● and the honorable Magistrates of this land in this presumptuous breach of al Gods l●…wes in this church cōmon welth by causing thē to rati●…ie publish y e vngodlie decrees which that blasphemous high Commissiō hath made or shal heerafter make vnder this pretext that Christian Princes haue power to make lawes for the Church Whi●…h Commissiō al their proceedings because they cā no way be iustified by the law of God Testimēt of Christ but are directly cōtrarie vnto the same as shal straight way be prooued therfore y ● old lymme of Antichrist that crowned horne of the Beast that T. C. breatheth out of the mouth of the dragō most h●…llish blasphemie against Christs 〈◊〉 thē that dwel in the heauen accusing Christs blessed order māner of gouernmēt of sedition tumults disobedience vnto the ciuil estate as giuing the raines to the p●…oples vnbrideled inordinate appetites which can not be rest●…eined subuerting
alloweth They therfore should now sin greeuously against the iustice maiestie of God they should draw themselues into Gods wrath hardē y e heart destroie the soule of the other yea ●…uē opē a gap wide doore vnto the whole church to sin who seing such foreslacking of iudgment would take boldnes vpō hope to find repentance time inough They that giue anie further time vpon pitie or anie other fleshlie reason cōdemne the Lord of cruelty rashnes who giueth no further time after publike reproofe exhortation despised So that to y t ●…eaden ●…ule of proceeding to excommnnication with a leaden heele whē the sin is thus ripe I oppose this golden rule to remooue sinne out of the church with the wings of a Storke the wind vnder their wings yet first that the Epha be lifted vp betwixt the earth the heauē that the sin be publikly seene publiklie censured Now for this same new found cēsure of suspension which they these Reformists would bring in exercise in stead of excommunicatiō or as they pr●…tend as a preparatiue to excommunicatiō wherby they may first be shut out from the holiest of all out of the chancel where the Priest by sole authoritie raigneth so by degrees proceed to excommunication to shut him out of the church also if he repent not what doth this their wisdome pi●…ie but comdemne the Lord of follie crueltie or rather shew forth their owne presumption follie y t thus forsake condemne the waies of the Lord as vnequall by bringing in following their owne waies as more equall How can these forgers th●…se coyners of religion seeme sue to cast out the heape of humane traditions as contrarie such as cannot be ioined vnto or with the Testament of Christ yet bring in these forgeries of their owne for so I may iustlie cal them from whencesoeuer they haue deriued them if not from the booke of God But least I be noted of preiudice to find fault with the thing I know not to condemne before I haue conuinced let vs in a word or two see how thi●… timber of these accordeth to the rest of the building and vpon vvhat socket or foundation yt standeth This suspension we find to be a publike seperation putting away of some opē offendor vnworthie receauer frō the Table of y ● Lord by the Pastor before excōmunication he yet being held a member of their Church cōmunicating with thē in praiers cōtributiō c. Heere I must not be vnderstood of the yonger sort which are not as yet admitted to the Table of the Lord the seed of the faithful of thē called Cate●…umenoi but of such as haue beene partakers therof and are vnder the censures of the Church Let vs now see how lawful yt is for the whole Church but especiallie for anie one mēber as of his owne sole authoritie to shut out such members from the Table of the Lord before or otherwise then by excommunication That this may be done let vs see wh●…t the Table of the Lord is The Apostle thus defineth yt The cup of blessing which we blefs●… is yt not the communiō of the blood of CHRIST the bread which we breake is yt not the communion of the bodie of CHRIST because we manie are one bread one bodie for al participate of one bread Heere we see this Table or Sup●… of the Lord a liuelie and most comfortable s●…mbole of our communion with CHRIST as also ech with other in Christ excellently shewing vnto vs the meanes mauer of our redemption to stir vs vp vnto thankfulnes to reioice in our God praise his name therfore to the generall strengthning of all our faithes and to the mutuall binding vs together in all holie duties and loue c. Here we see the Table of the Lord to be publike free open alike cōmon to all Saints ech one hauing a like interest necessity vse comfort therof the least as wel asmuch as the greatest CHRIST hauing alike died paied one and the same ransome for them all that they all might haue a like interest in him feed and feast through one and the same Spirit faith hope ioy in him Which interest power ioy c. no mo●…tall man not the whole Church much lesse any member therof no nor hell gates shalbe able to plucke from the least member of CHRIST whiles he remaineth and abideth in the body A most vnnaturall part were yt in the mother to plucke away the brest from the child wherby yt should be nourished but though y e mother might do this murther her owne child without blame yet the whole Church cannot driue away or keep out the least of these mēbers frō any publike action of the Church much les●…e seperate them frō this heauēly comfort free publike cōmunion whiles they remaine members of CHRIST are not cut off from his body Further seing this Table is called The communion of the body blood of Christ as also the communion of the whole church who can keepe back any such member as still remaineth in the body of CHRIST in his Church without depriuing him of this cōmuniō of CHRIST of the Church and so of life for except they ●…ate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his blood they can haue no life in them But these men keepe them from the body blood of CHRIST from the communion of CHRIST and of the Church therfore also frō life yt self and so in seeming to correct him lightly they kill him out right for more then this can they not do by this orderly excōmunication which they hold so rigoious Such as shall cauil at these words Except ye shall eate the flesh of the Sonne of man c. saijng that I popishly abuse the place let them cauil though I acknowledg that many thowsands that neuer attained y e symbole of the supper yet do feed of that body blood of CHRIST by faith vnto eternall life yet this I say that such as by censure are put backe from the Table of the Lord are cut from the communion of CHRIST of his Church and so from life For if he haue not communion with Christ and his Church he can haue no life he cannot be both thus s●…perate from their communion and haue yt together They that pluck away the seale cancell the deed but they pluck away the seale of the couenant in that for his sin they debarre him from this comfortable communion which is yet more then the seale in that yt bringeth such present effect and comfort Therfore they as far as man can doe cut him from Christ his couenant by this their idol suspension Now then hauing thus shut him out of their cōmunion how should they hold him in ythauing thus cut him off from Christ and the bandes that should bind him to Christ to the Saints how can they hold him a