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A04920 An answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cauillations written by an Anabaptist, and aduersarie to Gods eternal predestination. And confuted by Iohn Knox, minister of Gods worde in Scotland. Wherein the author so discouereth the craft and falshode of that sect, that the godly knowing that error, may be confirmed in the trueth by the euident Worde of God Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1560 (1560) STC 15060; ESTC S108122 364,871 458

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that deny that to be any parte of his mynd but say he reproueth mannes malicious blasphemy and manifest impietie The argument which ye gather of the nynthe chapter of the same book and wold seme to confirm by the wordes of Christe spoken in the seuenth of Mathew hath no greater force then the former for the writer defineth not what God had determined in his secrete and eternall counsell but what he hath expressedly cōmitted to mannes charge by his law and by his holie Spirit speaking in his Prophetes and that him self doeth plainly witnesse For after that he hath asked wisdom righteously to iudge the people committed to his charge he thus speaketh what man is he that knoweth the counsell of God or that can comprehend in his mynd what God wold The cogitations of mortall men are fearefull and our opinions deceauable c. scarsly by cōiecture can we attein to the thīgs that be in earth and w t trauale fynd we those things w t be amōgest our hādes But who shal searche oute those thīgs y t be in the heauēs and who knoweth they coūsell except that thow shall giue wisdom and from the hiest places shall send thy holie Spirit for so the wayes of those that dwell vpon earth haue bene directed and they haue learned those things that haue pleased the. Cry now as pleaseth you that because man was made lord ouer creatures in earth for that is the veritie of the text to reule the world in holynes That therefor there was no man reprobated and he writer will answer for him self and will affirme that he searcheth not what God hath determined in his eternall counsell and what shall become of euerie man for that confesseth he to be incomprehensible but he declareth what God commandeth in his law and what he hath expressed by his holie Prophetes To the which if man be found inobedient resteth no excusation seing that gods will is manifestly declared as Moises saieth in these wordes The secretes appertein to the Eternall our God but those things that be reueled appertein to vs and to our children for euer that we may do all the wordes of this law Your argumentes which ye think most strong gathered of these wordes in the 7. ād 12. of Mathew are most weak and vaine For as we do not denie that man was created iust so do we cōstantly affirme that in iustice he stood not but became altogether vniust and therefor God did not condemne man before he was giltie as you falsly gather of our doctrine Wonder it is that ye se not degrees and iust causes which com betwext the purpose of reprobation and the iust condemnation of man This is your argument God purposed to reiect man before he was created Ergò he did damne him before he was criminall or glitie Your consequent is fals far no part of gods iudgements was put in execution before man did sinne for grace was offered to Adā after his fall Cayn was admonished ād rebuked of his crueltie his posterities ād sede had raged in their furie and finally all flesh had corrupted their waies befor that gods vengeance and most iust iudgement were poured furth and put in execution against the rebellious and vnthankfull world If you be able to proue that the sentence of death was executed vpon Adam before he offended or that Cayn was accursed by gods mouth before he had murthered then hath your argumēt som apperance but if the iust causes of condemnation be found in man and so founde in man that God in vowies can thereof be accused then oght you to be ashamed to burden vs with that which ye your selues most folishly collecte And further ye shall vnderstand that as the Apostle putteth certen degrees and causes which are sensible vnto vs betwext the eternall election of gods childrē ād their glorification euen so put we the contrarie degrees and causes betwext the reprobation and the iust condemnation of the wicked for as those whom God hath chosen before all tymes in time he calleth ād that of purpose to Christe Iesus his sōne ād whō thus he calleth he iustifieth and that more and more vntill that flesh and the corrupt affectiōs thereof being mortified they attein to their glorie So by the contrarie be the reprobate either left all together in blindnes neuer called to the light and knowledge of gods fre mercie or if they be called they either do condēne it orels sodanly fall from the same and so abiding in their corruption do still heap sinne vpon sinne till at the last their measure being full God executeth this most iust iudgements against their continuall rebellion Inferre now as many absurdities as please you vpon our doctrine you procede THE ADVERSARIE You say that God reprobated and ordeined man to damnation the most parte of the world afore the foundatiōs of the world were laid and yet in the creation God made all mē after his own image good and righteous as the scripture witnesseth for as we were all created in one man that is Adam So were we all created in one estate that is after the image of God to lief then if your opinion be true the ordināce of God in his election afore the world is not cōforme to his ordinance in the creation And the h●lie Gost saieth If I buyld vp agane that which I haue cast doune before I declare my self to be a transgressor if God created man to his own image vnto lief whom before the creatiō he had reprobat ād cast away declareth he not thereby him self to be inconstant and a trāsgressour Ye can not escaip here with your bare solutiō where ye say afore the world God hath not ordeined all but som vnto damnation for in our creation all were ordeined vnto lief for so much as we were all created after the image of God of the ordinance of God in our electiō afore the world The Apostle writeth thus we be blessed saieth he with al maner of spirituall blessinges in heauenlie thinges by Christe according as he hath chosen vs in him before the foundations of the world were laid that we should walk in thē Here do we learn that gods ordinance in his electiō afore the world and also his ordinance in the creation is alwaies one For as we are chosen in Christe Iesu so we are created in Christe Iesu and as we are chosen to be holie and without blame so are we created vnto good workes Wherefor gods ordināce in his holie electiō and his mightie creatiō is one ād of like strēgth and surenes further seing we be as the Apostle saieth bothe elect and created in Christe Iesu. and forasmuche as there is no damnation to them that are in Christe Iesu then is there no damnation either in the election or creation ANSWERE Because that aswell your forged lies as the vanitie of your reasons haue ben declared I will not trooble the reader with repetition of the
that of nature we were all the sonnes of wraeth If ye alledge that the apostle speaketh in that place of man as he is corrupted in Adame and so iustly depriued from gods fauor then I demand of you if man doth yet stād in Adame which if ye confesse the holie spirit shall conuict you of alie For by the mouth of the Apostle he affirmed that by one mā sinne entred in to the world ād by the meanes of sinne death came vpon all men so that in the first man Adame who fell frome his puritie haue we neither loue iustice nor life but y e cōtraries to wit hatred sinne ād dea●h But God as he had chosen his elect before all beginning in Christe Iesus his Sonne so hath he placed these giftes in the second Adam alone ▪ that of his fulnes we may all receaue euen grace for grace And thus ye may easely perceaue how vane be your arguments which you iudged most strong Your first drawen from nature and naturall inclination proueth nothing becaus that God who is alwaies fre can not be subiect to the lawes of nature Albeit that for our weaknes he some tymes vseth similitudes taken from nature Your second is like vaine seing that neither Adam him self did stand in his perfection neither is any of his corrupted sede as he is the sō of Adam borne in that cōdition ād dignitie But cōtrarie wise we must refuse fleshe and blood nature and our first Adā if euer we shall be partakers of life This onely were sufficient to confute bothe your vnreasonable reasons But that here after ye shall haue no accasion to complain of obscurite neither yet that we relent in any parte I will first simply propose what we teach and beleue and there after by gods grace euidently proue the same You make the loue of God common to all men and that do we constantly deny and say that before all beginning God hath loued his elect in Christ Iesus his Sonne and that frome the same eternitie he hath reprobate others whom for most iust causes in the tyme appointed to his iudgement he shall adiuge to tormentes and fier inextinguible Here you stomak and storme here ye crie blasphemie and here you say that we affirme that which can not be proued by gods scriptures How sure is the probation of the former part let the indifferent reader iudge by that which is all ready spoken Let vs now come to the second And that ye shall not think that I shall more depend vpon argumentes and reason then vpon scripture I will begin with scripture and let argumentes and reason serue onely in stede of hande maides which shall not command but obey scripture pronounced by the voyce of God After that by rebellion man was spoiled of all graces and that the contrarie vices had taken place and possession in the heartes of bothe these miserable creatures of Adam I mean and of the woman God pronoūced this sentēce agaīst the serpēt Because thow hast done this cursed art thow amōgst all the beastes of the earth I shall establish enemitie betwext the ād that womā betwext thy sede and her sede That sede shall break downe thy head and thow shalt break doune his hele As I suppose no man wil be so impudent as to deny that this is the voice of God pronouncing and promising that he will stablish and put a battel where none was appering to be for sathan before had obteined such victorie and so had vanquished bothe the woman and Adam that they could neuer haue resisted that seruitude by them selues And therefor doth he disclose the bowelles of his mercie and doth communicat with them that counsell which was secrete with him selfe before all begining And if ye demande How can it be proued that this was his eternall counsell I answer because that he in whom there is no changeing nor variablenes hath now pronounced it and whether this reason be sufficient or not in answering to your obiection we shall after consider Now resteth it onely to be obserued whether it was the will of God or not to make a difference betwext man and man Plaine it is that before his face as touching the first birth there standeth but one lompe or masse as saint Paul termeth it and yet from the same are two sedes appointed to spring which are the two churches The elect conteined vnder the sede of the woman and the reprobate or malignant church comprehended vnder the name of the serpentes sede To the one is promised victorie to the other is denounced by the irreuocable sentence of God the ▪ broosing of the head which is destruction and confusion I think ye will not say that he was constreined ther to by any force exterior as we speake seing he is the eternall which changeth not euer abiding Lord ouer all creatures who may and doth performe what so euer he will in heauen and in earth Then of necessitie it must folowe that this battell is appointed by his will And that do the wordes plainely beare For he saieth not I know that there shall be a battell or I will suffer and permitt as you vse to interprete such places a battel to be but he plainely saieth I will put and stablish the battel and enemitie declaring thereby that as he was the force strengthe and the conductor to the sede of the woman so wolde he most assuredly giue victorie to the same Which thing S. Augustine diligently did note and godly admonished Affirming that our condition in Christe Iesus is now better and more sure then before was the condition of Adam in his own fre will For that that he had non other strength but that which might be and was ouercome But we haue the strength that is inuincible because it is the power of the eternall This one place I say doeth most euidently proue that God willingly maketh a difference betwext man and man appointing to the one sorte victorie and lief to the other subiection and death But yet ye reply this can not be proued to be the eternall coūsell of God for it is pronoūced in respect of the faith workes and obedience of the one and in respect of the infidelitie vicious liuing and inobedience of the other Your obiection which here I now intreat that after I be the les troubled hath two membres the former will I now touche abiding better oportunitie for the other Where ye alledge that this can not be proued to haue bene the eternall counsell of God becaus it was pronounced in tyme your reason appereth and is more then foolish For what is he that agaīst he plain scripture of God will affirme this reason The kingdome of heauen s●albe giuen in the end of the world to the elect of God therefor it was not prepared to them before the beginning Doth not I say the plaine voice of Christ condemne this vaine reason Or if I should
then were his workes full of crueltie miserie damnation and destruction Now as touching this saying who is able to resist his will we must learne what is gods will If you ask the Lord he will answer you it is not my will that any man sinne neither is it my will that the sinner die but rather that he amend and liue but if he will not amend but continew in sinne him wil I punishe and him may I also punishe hauing power aboue all men as the potter ouer the clay Wherefor when any man suffereth iustly for his trespasse he oght not to accuse God and say who can resist his will ▪ as God wold absolutely the destruction of his creatures as ye teach God will all men to repent and amend and also that the● who will not repent and amend be punished this his will is iust and full of mercie against which will is no man able to resist for either must they repent and amend orels they must suffer As the potter wold gladly make of his clay a good vessell but if it will not frame he breaketh it and casteth it away and as the king wold all his subiects to be obedient vnto his lawes yet the vnworthiest slaue in his dominion hath power to break the kinges lawes Notwithstanding whē he suffereth for his offence the kinges will is fulfilled euē so thogh God both wille hand cōman deth vs to obserue his law yet haue we power to offend against the former parte of his will otherwies we should all obserue ●he will of God and be saued and so should there be no reprobate But when for our disobedience we be punished the will of God is fulfilled which will is both good and iust and therefor oght no man to accuse it ād say who is able to resist his wil. No more thē clay when it framed not to be a good vessell doeth accuse the potter of breaking it ANSWER Ye be not able to proue that in any vehemencie we alledge those wordes of the Apostle in other sentence thē he wrote thē for all praise ād glorie be vnto God the mercifull giuer we haue not so litle profited in the schoole of Christ Iesus that we wold wrest the wordes of the holie Gost to a cōtrarie sense We are not ignorant that the Apostle pronoūceth these wordes in the person of carnall mē who hearing that God hath mercie vpon those that he wil and that also he maketh hard hearted such as he will do storm and furiously crye wherefor thē doeth he cōplein who is able to resist his wil. These wordes I say do we not vrge to proue our doctrine for where we affirme that the onely will of God is the perfect reule of all thīges which be done ād are to be done in heauē and in earth we build our doctrine vpon euidēt testimonies of the scriptures ād vpon the cheif principalles of our religiō and faith Dauid and Isaiah do both aggre that our God who dwelleth in heauen doeth what so euer he will in heauē and in earthe that he formeth light and doeth creat darknes that is giueth aswel prosperitie as aduersitie Daniel affirmeth that the supreme God distributeth kingdomes as best semeth to his wisdom and Salomon doeth witnes that against the Lord there is no counsell can preuale The necessarie principalles of o r faith do teach vs that as in God there falleth no ignorance so in him there is no impotencie He doeth not as it were in suspēse ād doubt behold the euēt ād chāce of thīges ronning after to seke remedie but that in wisdom hath he disposed all thīges willing nothing which he may not and doeth not bring to passe in time according to his eternall purpose and working nothing which is not most iust howbeit the causes thereof be hidde frome vs. Of these and many mo scriptures and necessarie principalles of our faith do we grounde our doctrine and not vpon that one place spoken in the rebuke of the stubborn and rebellious disputers with God ye burden vs that we accuse and make God to be the author of euill ād the cause of damnation That we cause many brest owt and say since his will and pleasure no man is able to resist let him lay it on him self ād not to vs if any sinne be committed And last ye affirme that if our sainges be true that then are gods works full of crueltie miserie damnatiō and destructiō and so of two thinges ye accuse vs and the thirde ye affirme ineuitably to folow of our doctrine if it be true Here after I will not greatlie labour to confute thy argumētes which is a thing most easie euen to any godlie man how beit he had neuer sene arte nor studied the same But seing that thow and thy most pestilēt sect be not content maliciously to sclander those that in such a case be most innocēt but that also with most impudent mowthes ye vomite furth your horrible blasphemies against gods maiestie I will most earnestlie and most vnfeanedlie require of all reulers Princes Magistrates and gouernors who in the fear of God do ruele aboue their subiects that as they will answer in the presence of the Lord Iesus for the administration of iustice committed to their charge that indifferently they iudge betwext you and vs. To witt that if we can euidently be cōuicted of those crymes which ye most maliciously and most vniustly lay to our charge that then iudgement without mercie be executed against vs. But and if ye fail in your probation and also if ye can not proue crueltie to be in gods workes supposing that our doctrin remaine as that it is trew ād stable that then such order may be takē for repressing of your vennemous tongues that neither ye be permitted thus openly to blaspheme gods Maiestie neither thus maliciously to sclander innocentes and to offend y e eares of all godlie hearers And to the end that mē shall not think that being at this time accused we beginne to deuise new defenses or excuses of our selues I will faithfully and simply bring furth of the workes as som what I haue done before of that singulare instrument of Christ Iesus in the glone of his Gospell Iohn Caluin such sentences as shall make plaine to all men what our opinion is of God of the fall of man of the wōderous work of our redemption and of the most iust reiection and damnation of the reprobat Thus saieth he dependeth the perdition of the reprobate vpō the predestination of God that the cause and the mater is altogither found in them the first man fell because the eternall iudged it expedient why he iudged it we know not yet certē it is that he so iudged it not but that he saw the glory of his name thereby to be illustrate when that thow doest heare the mention of gods glorie there also remembre thow iustice to be for of necessitie it is that iust must y t
spirit that Balaam was led withall when he counselled to giue occasion of sinne to the people I know ye wil answer that I mean not so Mean what ye list and do what ye can yet this is the issue and frute of your doctrine and who so euer is thus corrupt by you without he repent he shall die the death but God shall require his bloode of your hāds Marke well your disciples how many of them endeuore thē selues to bring furth the frutes of repentance how many of thē seke for power to crucifie the flesh with the lusts and cōcupiscence thereof How many of thē cā we perceaue by their conuersatiō that they haue cast of the old mā ād put on the new mā walking sincerely in their vocation ād the true feare of God but if they accustom to frequent your congregations as the papistes do the masse thē be they faithfull brethren I hold my peace of that ye vse to haue respect of persons preferring the welthie which if they be liberal thoghe they be drowned in many vices you vse to help vp such sores with this saying There is none during this life that cā be knowē to be in the election be he neuer so vertuous nor any owt of the electiō be he neuer so vnrighteous after this maner ye do heall thē vp so that they nede not to indeuor them selues to bring furth the frutes of liuelie faith for the surest tokē of their electiō they think to be that they be of your congregation but Christ saieth in that shall al mē know that ye are my disciples if you do what so euer I cōmād you ād againe ye shal know thē by their frutes for a good mā owt of y e treasure of his heart bringeth furth good things yet ye say no mā cā be knowē to be either in the election or owt of the election during this life and for proofe hereof ye alledge the saying of Paul ▪ the deuil doeth transforme him self into an Angel of light to which I breifly answer that God doeth neuer trāsforme hī self into an Angell of darknes wherefor so long as ye walk in darknes ye be not of God But thus ye take the most shameful mē by the had flatterīg thē so that they cā not return frō their wickednes whereby it appereth that ye be not sent frō God for ye by your doctrine giue occasiō to the people to sinne And the Lord saieth if they had bene in my coūsell they had turned my people frome their euill waies ād wicked imaginations but such lippes such letuce such disciples such masters of your chief Apollos be persecutors on whō the bloode of Seruetus crieth a vēgeāce so doeth the blood of others mo whom I coulde name but forasmuch as God hath partly alredie reuenged their bloode and serued som of their persecuters with the same measure where with they measured to others I will make no mention of them at this tyme. And to declare their wickednes not to haue proceded of ignorance and humane infirmitie but of indured malice they haue for a perpetuall memorie of their crueltie sett furth bookes affirming it to be lawfull to persecute and put to death such as dissent from them in controuersies of religiō whome they cal blasphemers of God notwithstanding they afore they came to autoritie they were of an other iudgement and did bothe say and write that no man oght to be persecuted for his conscience saik but now they are not onely becom persecuters but also they haue giuen as far as lieth in them the sword into the handes of bloodie tyrantes Be these I pray you the shepe whom Christ sent furth in the middest of wolues can the shepe persecute the wolf doth Abel kil Cayn●doeth Dauid thogh he might kill Saul shortly doeth he which is born of the spirit kill him which is born after the fleshe Mark how ye be fallen in to most abhominable tyranny and yet ye se it not Thus I am constreined euen of conscience to write That if it shal please God to awaik you owt of your dreā that ye may perceaue how me error haeth drowned you in mo errors and hath broght you to a sleping securitie that when ye walk euē after the lustes of your heartes thirsting after bloode and persecuting poore men for their conscience saik ye be blynded and se not your selues but say tushe we be predestinat what so euer we do we are certē we cā not fall owt of gods fauor A wake therefor and looke what dāger ye be in and how by your poisoned doctrine ye infect the people of God and draw them to a secure ydle and careles life ANSWER The crimes laid to our charge in this mater be haynous For first we are accused that we prouoke men to a careles ād libertine life So that by vs the people do nothīg ●uteate and drink and ryse vp to play That we haue no conscience but being led with the spirit of Balaam giue occasion of sinne to the people That none other frute doeth ensue our doctrine ●ut libertie to sinne for our disciples are cruel murthe●ers subiect to all iniquitie respecting persones and flattering sinners And last y t by our poisoned docttrine we infect the people and bring thē to a secure ydle and careles life Because I wil omit no notable part of your booke to ouerslippe without some reasonable answer I wil folowe youre ordre althogh it be confused If you be able by plaine scriptures to proue a thirde sort of mē which nether be elect nether yet reprobat then shal we learne of you other wise to deuide But if God by his first voice pronounced in this mater made menciō but of two sedes and if Christ Iesus whē he shal come shall set one army on the right hand and an other vpon the left hand without mencion made of anie third sort of men we can not repent nor yet call back the trueth of our doctrine albeit that ye in despite and furie cry what can the deuil wishe his membres to teach more for the aduancement of his kingdome then this what can be inuented more to prouoke men to liue a careles and libertine life more then if they be persuaded that nether wel doing auaileth or pleaseth God nor euil doing hindreth vnto saluacion and so forthe ye procede in youre first accusacion Before I haue required and yet againe do require of Gods faithful lieutenants in earth I meane of lawful Magistrates who rule in gods feare whome ye vtterly studie to abolish and depriue of them I saie I haue required iustice to be ministred betwext vs and you without respect of persones Let the heauen and earth if men wil not yea let God and his holie Angelles in whose presence we walke beare recorde and witnes how vniustely and maciously ye accuse vs that we prouoke the people to a careles libertine life If euer it can be proued by our doctrine or
will not refuse them nether yet will I dispyse them so that I will vtterly destroy them or make my couenante with them to be of none effect for I am the lord their God for then I shall remembre myne old couenant which I made with thē when I led them furth of the land of Egypt in the presence of the Gentiles that I might be their God I the eternall And in the same prophete in many places mo the same is most euident for thus he writeth foreseing their captiuitie Yet now heare ô Iacob my seruāt and Israel whō I haue chosen thus saieth the Lord that made the and formed the from the wombe he will help thee feare not ô Iacob my seruant aduerte that yet he doth acknowledge Iacob to be his seruant euen in his greatest miserie and thow righteous whom I haue chosen for I shall powre owt waters vpon the thirstie floodes vpon the drie grounde I shall powre furth my spirit vpon thy sede and my blessing vpon thy buddes And in the same Chapter after that he hath reproued the vanitie of idolaters he saieth Remembre these ô Iacob and Israel for thou art my seruant I haue formed thee to this purpose that thou shouldest be my seruant ô Israel forget me not c. For my names saike will I differ my wrath and for my praise will I refrein it frome the that I cut the not of c. Lift vp your eyes to the heauens and beholde the earth beneth for the heauens shall vanish away like smoke and the earth shall wax olde like a garment and they that dwell therein shall perish in like maner but my saluation shal be for euer he meaneth the deliuerance which he had promised to that people and my righteousnes shal not be abolished c. For a litle whyle haue I forsaken thee but with great compassion shal I gather thee c. And the sonnes of strangers shall buyld vp thy walles and their kinges shall serue thee for in my wrath I smote thee but in my mercie I had compassion on thee c. For Zions sake I wil not hold my tongue and for Ierusalems sake I wil not rest vntill the righteousnes thereof breake furth as the light and the saluacion thereof as a burning lamp c. And their sede shal be knowen amongest the Gentiles and their buddes among the people All that se them shall know them that they are the sede which the Lord hath blessed These and many places mo do manifestly witnesse that God did neuer before the comming of Christ Iesus in the flesh vtterly reiect and refuse that people as that they did not appertein vnto him but that he did auowe them to be his chosen his peculiar people and his inheritance euen whē they were in greatest miserie Yea further God had continually of the sede of Abraham during the tyme of the Law and the prophetes som nombre openly to glorifie his name in the eyes of the world And therefore consider with your self how iustly ye gather vpon these wordes of the prophet God shal yet againe choose Israel that therefore God had vtterly reiected all Israel yea euen from the life euerlasting for except that so ye conclude ye haue proued nothing of your purpose for the controuersie standeth not betwext vs and you whether that God doth somtymes choose and promote a man or a people to honor and dignitie in this life thereafter iustly depriue him or them from the same for this did we neuer denie But the hole controuersie consisteth in this point whether that such as God in his eternall counsel hath elected in Christ Iesus to life euerlasting can after be reprobated and so finally perish and that shal ye neuer be able to proue That the simple reader may the better vnderstand the meaning of y ● prophete this I adde The people in the captiuitie of Babylon were so oppressed and so destitute of all hope euer to be restored to any dignitie or libertie againe That to them it appered a like possible to raise the dead carkases of such as were buried in their graues as to deliuer them from the handes of the proud and pu●sant Babylonians And therefore doth not onlie Isaiah who long afore saw their bondage the redemption from the same but also Ieremiah Ezechiel who did se it with their eyes with great boldnes cōstācie affirme that they shoulde be deliuered from that bōdage y t they shoulde be maried w t God so shoulde be chosen againe as o r Prophet here speaketh w c is not to be referred to y ● part of God but to the apprehension of the people who thoght them selues vtterly forsaken and reiected of God Against this temtatiō y e prophet saith God shall choose Israel againe that is shal restore them to y e former dignitie yea to a greater And y t shoulde he do in such sort y t they should know y t he was God merciful cōstant and immutable of his promes And so the renouatiō of the league in such sort that the worlde might se that God fauored Israel is called the new election new mariage not that God had euer in him self decreed and purposed that the Messias and blessed sede shoulde descend of any other nation but of the sede of Abrahā and house of Dauid but that the people in the tyme of their affliction had receaued such a wounde by reason of their grieuous plagues and former offences that they thoght y t God had vtterly reiected them let y e prophetes be redde with indifferent iudgement And this I dowbte not shall appere most true Now to the rest of your scriptures ADVERSARIE Christ commandeth Iohn to preache vn●o the seuen Congregations Among whome were bothe elect reproba●e to whom he vs●th no such maner of doctrine as ye teach ●ha● the elect coulde not fall from their election but warneth them to take hede that they lose n●t that which they had g●ten but labore to increase threatning them with destruction if ●hey forsake ●he grace whereof they were made par●akers nether discouraged be the most wicked of them as ye do saying that by the preordinance of God they of necessitie must perish but willeth them to repent and amend and they shoulde liue yes knew he bothe who were elect and who were reprobate ▪ To the congregation of Ephesus he saith that she was fallen from her first loue and without she remembred from● whence she was fallen repented and did her first workes the Lord wold shortly come and remoue her candilstick out of her place The congregation of Smirna he commandeth so be faithfull vnto the death and so shoulde she receaue the crowne of life If Christ had bene of your opinion he had not vsed such maner of doctrine In vaine shoulde he exhorte the reprobate to be faithfull whom he had cast away and superfluous were it to exhort the elect
our frayle bodies do we hold the secrete will of God for a ruele of all equitie perfection and sufficiencie teaching and affirming that if any man of vaine curiositie or of deuelish pride presume to define or determine vpon these or others his inscrutable secretes the causes whereof other then his secret but most iust will is not neither shal be reueled till the full glory of the sonnes of God be manyfested when the wisdome goodnes iustice and mercie of God shall so euidently appere to the full contentation of his electe to the most iust conuicting of the consciēces of the very reprobate to whome shall be left no place of excuse but in their owne consciences they shall receaue the iust sentence of their most iust condemnation and so shall they in tormentes glorifie the most iust most seuere iudgement of God and his vnspeakable hatered against sinne conceaued We teach and affirme I say that if any man in this life trauale to searche out other causes of these foresaid works of God then his secrete will that the same man hedlongs casteth him selfe in to horrible cōfusion which he can not eskape without spedie repentance And against such men are al the scriptures by you alledged spoken and written and not against vs who as we affirme nothing which gods worde doeth not plainely teache vs so do we cease curiously to inquire any cause of his workes other thē it hath pleased his godlie wisedome and mercie to reuele vnto vs by his holie spirit plainely speaking in his holie scriptures And therefor to you it shal be most profitable to trye and examine this mater with greater indifferēcie then hitherto you haue done and to ponder and wey whether it be ye or we that be wise in our owne conceate sight or opinion or that go about to finde out the almightie that is to subiecte his Maiestie and wisdome to the iudgemēt of our corrupt reason You I say who vpon his words plainely spoken by the holie Gost and vpō his works which he neither fearerh nor eshameth to attribute and clame to him selfe dare make these blasphemous conclusiōs Then is he more cruel then a wolf then is he a dissembler then beareth he hōny in his mouthe gaule in his breast then is he author of sinne him self thē is he vniust cōtrarious to him self or we y t cōmīg but onely to the sight of gods incōprehensible iudgements with all trēblīg reuerēce fall done before his Maiestie w t the Apostle do crye Oh y e depnes of y e riches wisdome and knowledge of God howe inscrutable are his iudgementes and vnsearcheable are his waies who hath knowen y e minde of the Lord or who hath bene of his counsell or who hath giuen vnto him first that he should recompence him for of him and by him and in him are all things to him be glorie for euer Amen Be you your selues iudges I say whether you or we do search out thinges that be aboue the reache of our capacities and by that meanes studie to bring God as it were in bōdage to our reasons but now that which foloweth in these wordes ADVERSARIE Thy worde sayeth Dauid is a lanterne to my fete and a light vnto my steppes when thy worde goeth forth it giueth light and vnderstanding euen Vnto babes all the wordes of the Lord are pure and cleane it is a shilde to them that put their trust in it And the Prophet Esaya if any mā lacke light ●et him looke vpon the lawe and the testimonie we must not leaue the word and seke to establish our phantasies ether by reason or gods secret will for we are commanded that we turne not from the word nether to the right hand nor to the left that thou maiest saye●h th● holye Gost haue vnderstanding in all that thou takest in hand This is sufficient for vs and this we oght for to do But we knowe say you euen by the worde that God hath a secret will whereby he worketh all that pleaseth him verie well and can you proue thereby that God hath two willes God hath reueled so much of his will as is profitable for vs to vs to knowe the rest which is nether necessarie nor mete for vs to know he hath not reueled Is it therefore an other will or is that which is not reueled contrarie to that which is reueled then shal there be contrarieti● in God which is fals if God in respect of his reueled will wold not that Adam shoulde fall but in respect of his secret will he wold Adam should fall then did God will two contraries which is impossible was there euer any such monsterous doctrine taught God abhorreth a double heart which speaketh one thing and thinketh and other and yet abhorre you not to charge God with that which he cannot abide in his creatures that is that he should speak one thing as that Adam should not haue fallen and think and will the contrar●e that Adam should haue fallen ANSWER The wil of God plainely reueled in his holie scriptures we do not onely followe as a bright lanterne shining before vs for the directing of our pathes walking in the darknes of this mortalitie but also we affirme it to be of such sufficiencie that if an Angell frō the heauen with wonders signes and miracles wolde declare to vs a will repugning to that which is alredie reueled persuading vs vpon that to ground our faith or by that to rule the actions of our liues we wold hold him accursed and in no wise to be heard and therefore yet once againe I cā not cease to exhort you if by late reuelations ye I mean some of your faction hath receaued any newe knowledge of gods will by the which you persuade others that man in this life shal be pure and clean with out sinne that God shall expell it not onely in the resurrection but euen while we walk compassed with this corruptible flesh euen as the bright sunne chaseth away the darck cloudes that the children of God shal so beare dominion ouer the wicked in this earth that all the proud tyrannes and oppressors shall be come slaues to the godlie and that shal be their hell and punishment as the earthlie reigning of the others shal be their heauen and ioye promised Examin I say your selues if that any of you be infected with these and others mo grosse and foolish fantasies which by gods reueled will you be neuer able to proue But as for vs we haue proued and offer to proue at all times by the reueled will of God what so euer we teach affirme or beleue of gods eternal electiō or of his most iust reprobatiō for we cōfesse euen the self same thing which you alledge vs to say which is that by the word of God we knowe that God hath a secret will whereby he worketh all that pleaseth him in heauen and in
doth the Euangelist attribute to the Prophet not onely that he declared their blindnes but that God by him did in verydede iustly blind their eyes and harden their heartes But this shall more plainly appere in examining the reasons and scriptures which ye alledge for proofe of your interpretation First say you their heartes ●ere alredy hardened which their wickednes did plainely declare yet hath he commanded the Prophet to do his office not to make their heartes hard for that bel●ngeth onely to God who giuing them ouer to their heartes lustes he alredy hardened them And so ye conclude that the Prophet did onely declare vnto them the hardenes of their heartes We do not deny but that their heartes were hardened before and that iustly for their iniquities sake they were giuen ouer to their heartes lustes But whether they were so hardened before the preaching of the Prophet that after they could be not harder I greately doubte Yea I nothing doubte to affirme but that euen as the claye by the heate of the Sunne becometh more hard and more hard or as the branch cutte of the natural stock doth more more wither vntill that no kinde of sappe nor moisture doth remaine euen so I say do the reprobate from time to time become more obstinate more blinde more hard and more cruell and that by the word w c doth plainely rebuke their iniquitie and euidenly declare whose children their are Exāples in scripture hereof are manifest Some lenitie and gētlenes appered in Pharao toward the people of Israel before that Moses at gods commandement required their libertie But that will and word of God commanding him to let his people go and serue God in the wildernes did so quicklye worke in the heart of that reprobate that the greater hardnes of his heart was sodenlye felt by the Israelites to their greate grief and grudging disconfort In the people of Israel in their elders Priestes and counsell appered some face of iustice when Stephan was accused before that he pronounced these wordes ye stiffenecked and vncircumcised in heart and eares you haue euer resisted the holy Gost euē as your fathers haue resisted so do you whom of the Prophetes haue not your fathers persecuted and they haue slayn them whiche shewed before of the cōming of y t iust whom ye haue now betraied murthered Before this sentence I say there appered some face of iustice but what ensued the holy Gost doth witnes saying whē they heard these thinges their heartes brast for anger and they gnashed at him with their tethe And after also that he gaue a more plaine confession of Christe Iesus of his exaltation glory power and Maiestie they cried out w t a great voyce they stopped their eares they as wolues enraged russhed vpon him w t one consent and so without all ordre of iustice did stone him to death If ye cōfesse not y t the word of God proceding frō the mouth of Stephen did not more harden them who no doubte were hardened before you deny a trueth that is more then euidēt Diuers places more I might adduce for the same purpose but hauing respect to breuitie I stand content with th●se two which I doubte nothing are sufficient to proue that men that be alredy hardened yet by the comming of the plaine word which rebuketh their iniquitie they become more hard As the owle being blind euen when she appereth to see best in the night season but yet in y e day time she is more blinded bacause that the weaknes of her eyes can not abide the bright beames of the sunne And euē so it is w t the reprobate they are alwaies blind and hard heared but whē the light of God doth most plainely shine before thē or when they are called frō iniquititie to vertue then becometh the word of glad tidinges to thē a verie sauor of death by the w c they are both more blinded and more hardened And so in your first reason we dissent frō you in y t that you seme to affirme that because y e reprobate are once hardened therefore they cā be no more hardened Your second reason is that because it belōgeth to God onely to make hard their heartes th●t therefor there resteth nothing to the Prophetes but to shew vnto them the hardnes of their hartes I am glad that once ye will cōfesse y t it is nothing repugning to gods good nature for iust causes to harden the heart and to make blind y e eyes of the reprobate But y t therfore nothing resteth to y e Prophetes or Apostles but onely to declare vnto mē their hardnes I cā not admitte For we do find y t God doth so cōmunicate his power w t his true messingers and embassadours that what soeuer they lowse in earth he doth lowse in y e heauē what soeuer they bynd in earth he bindeth in heauē whose sinnes they remitte they are remitted whose sinnes they reteine they are reteined The Lord him selfe saith vnto Ieremie Behold I haue put my wordes in thy mouth and I haue ordeined thee aboue nations and kindomes that thou maiest roote out destroy scatter and that y u maist also build vp and plant And vnto Paul it was said And now I shall deliuer the from the natiōs to y e which I send thee that thou maist open the eyes of those that be blind that they may conuert from darknes vnto light and from the power of fathan vnto God These wordes do witnes that the effectuall power of God doth work with the word which he putteth in the mouthes of his true messingers in so much that ether it doth edifie lighten or mollifie to saluation or els it doth destroy darken and hardē For the word of God is of y e nature of Christe Iesus he is not onely come to illuminate and to raise vp but also to make blind and to beate downe as he him selfe doth witnes saying I am come to iudgement into this world y t those that see not shall see that those that see shal be blind And Simeon saith Behold this is he y t is put in resurrection in ruine of many in Israel In so much that vpon whō that stone of offense falleth it shall burste him to powder And therefore we can not admitte that the ministerie of his blessed word preached or published by his faithfull messingers be nothing els but a simple declaration what men be No we know that it is the power of God to saluatiō of all those y ● beleue that the message of reconciliation is put in their mouthes that the word w c they preach hath such efficacie strength that it deuideth asunder y ● ioyntes sinewes y e bones frō the marye that y e weapons of their warrefare are not carnall but are power in God to the beating downe of all strōg holdes by the which the true messingers beat down all counselles
preaching of his Law and by rebuking of their manifest impietie And so he did God working all to his glory according to his eternall purpose And this because your interpretation is not sufficiētly confirmed by any phrase of the scripture which ye haue alledged ād also because it repugneth to the scriptures which before I haue adduced we can not admitte it Against your complexion or Epilogue which is nothing but a superfluous repetition of those thinges which sufficiently ye haue not proued althogh you so bragge we say that as God by his eternal word and power infinite hath created al thinges so hath he by his wisedom incomprehensible so disposed all thinges● y t as nothing was created for the self so was nothing the appointer of the self to serue God as his glory required But he in his eternal counsel appointed the end to euery creature to the which they shal once atteine by such meanes as he most iustly hath appointed And therfor seing his glorie doth no lesse require his iust iudgemētes then his superaboūdant mercie to be knowen he hath in his eternal counsel elected some and reiected others euē before y e foundatiōs of y e world And albeit he created man after his own image yet did God neuer determine y t mankind should stād in Adam but his iust coūsell and purpose was that all men should fall in Adam that the elect might know the price of their saluation Christe Iesus in whō they were elected before y t in Adam actualy they did fall or were created And so God willing to make his glorie to shine in al hath prepared some vessels of mercie and some of wrath to y e one he hath frely giuē life euerlastīg in Christ Iesus his sonne The other he hath for iust causes so reiected that albeit with long pacience he suffereth their manifest rebellion yet in the finall iudgement he shall commād them to go to the fire that neuer shal be quenched And this will and counsel of God is neither secret nor hidde from his Church but is in his word most manifestly reueled ād therfor of it we feare not to affirme that euen in the first promise and euer since hath God made a plaine distinction betwext the elect and the reprobate so that the purpose and counsell which before was hidde in God was in time manifested vnto man Which will and counsell of God becaus it is constant and immutable like as God him selfe is must of necessitie take effect and therfor I boldly affirme that neither can any whom God in his eternal purpose hath reprobated become the elect and so be saued neither yet can any of Christes elect nombre to life euerlasting be reprobated and so come to finall perdition We further saye that albeit gods will in the selfe be one to witte the manifestation of his own glorie yet as touching his creatures it hath diuers respectes for God will the saluation of some and he also will the iust ●ondemnation of others And the contrarie of this doth God neuer declare in his word but rather doth most plainely reuele it And therfore this his godlie will is not called secrete as that it is not expressed in his word but because that in his word there is no cause assigned gods good will onely excepted why he hath chosen some and reiected others And this knowledge is so necessarie to a Christian that without the same ca the heart of man neuer be sufficiētly subiected vnto God nether can he rendre vnto him due praise and honor except that he acknowledge and confesse y t God him selfe hath made differēce betwext him others To your odious termes dispitefull railing I briefely say at this time THE LORD shall iudge To my knowledge there resteth no notable scripture which ye haue alledged or rather abused for confirmatiō of your error which is not sufficiētly answered two places excepted The one is of Ezechiel affirmig that God will not the death of a sinner the other conteineth the wordes of Paul saying God will all men to be saued which places because you recite them here in the description of him whom you call the true God I thoght it expedient to delay til this opportunitie to y e end that h●uing to fight as it were face to face with the deuil him self I might haue some cōfort of my God in entreating some place of his holie scriptures Thus you procede with a mouth most execrable and blasphemous THE ADVERSARIE The properties of the God of the careles by necessitie Their gods wrath exced●th all his workes for he hath reprobate the most part of the world afore the foundation of the world be is slowe vnto mercy and ready to wr●the for he will not be intreated to saue any of them whom he bath reprobate afore but of necessitie do what they can they must be damned ne●ther is he omnip●tont which may do and leaue vndone ▪ what pleaseth him for he is bound ●y ●is ●wn absolut ordinance and infallible foresight to do onely all things as they be donne and becaus 〈◊〉 so pleased him to she we his power strength he styrred up Pharao many mo to do wickedly ●e giueth wicked commandement and euill thoghtes to Semei and many other And therafter plagued them for their labor onely because they were wicked instruments to work his will for he made them naughtie vesselles 〈◊〉 commit all abomination neither could they choose but work wickedly being ●is vesseles of wrath he hathe two willes ●ne contrary to an other for he saieth one thing and thinke●h another he is worse the● the deuill for not onely tempteth ●e to do euill but compellet● by immutable fore ordinance and secret wil without which no thing can be do●●e he is the prince of darknes for frome him com● euill thoghtes which are darknes ANSWER Because that now I haue to do not onely with a blasphemer but euē as it were with a deuill incarnate my first and chief defence is to say the Lord putte silēce to the ● Sathan The Lord confound thy dispiteful counselles by the which thou studiest to peruert the righteous way of the eternall God But now of thee ô blasphemous mouth I aske if thou be able to forge to the and to thy pestilent facti● an other God then that God who most iustly did drowne and destroy by water all liuing creatures in earth except so many as were preserued in the arke with Noah who also did destroye by fire from heauen Sodom and Gomorra with the cities ●diacent and the hole inhabitantes of the same Lot and his two daughters onely reserued● who further by the space of four thousand yeres did suffre all nations to walk in their owne wayes reueling onely his good will and the light of his word to the sede of Abraham to those that descended of Iacob I meane Canst thow I say forge to thy self another God then this eternall maiestie of our
was necessarie y e Citie being now takē for the auoiding of tumultes and other dangers to build two Castles in the Citie with strong holdes ▪ al which thinges he desired to be considered To these thīgs answer was made y t y e Bishoppe had taken the greater parte of the spoile with all the ordinance and goods of the citizens which wholie apparteined to the commō welthe of the Empire therefore that it was reason the value should be counted and communicated with the charges what other things were necessarie besides should also be considered After it was determined that the Bishoprike of Monstere should be vnder the Empire after the ancient custome and that al the nobilitie should be restored and the citizens also which had departed to other places so they were not Anabaptistes that the Bishoppe should set forthe the religion according to the decre of the Empire that in the beginning of the next spring the embassadours of the Princes should go to Monstere to know the state of the citizens and to kepe them in sauegard to pull doune all the forteresses which the Anabaptistes had erected and that the Bishop also should pul doune the Castles which he had builded in the citie that he should without delay put to death the king with knipperdoling Crechting y e prisoners without reteining them any lōger As for that which we said was determined of religion the duke of Saxone the Lātegraue Wirtemberg and Anhold testified openly that they wold not cōsent to it the citezins also professed the same nether wold they haue the old forteresses of the towne distroied but they consented to the pulling downe of the new The king and his two felow captiues were caried hither thither to the Princes to be gased and laughed at by which occasiō the preachers of the Lantgraue talked and disputed with the king chiefly of these pointes of the the kingdome of Christe of Magistrates of iustificatiō of Baptisme of y e supper of the Lord of the incarnation of Christe of Mariage and they preuailed so muche by the testimonie of the Scriptures that althogh they did not altogither conuert him yet they so bowed and confounded him notwithstanding his repugnance and defending his opiniōs that at the last he granted to the most part of al which neuertheles is thoght that he did but to saue his life for when they came to him the seconde tyme he promised so he might be pardoned to bring to passe that all the Anabaptistes which were in great nombre through all Holand Braband England and Friseland should kepe silence and in all thinges obey the Magistrates Those same men also disputed w t the kinges felowes bothe by communication and writing of mortificatiō of the Baptisme of infantes of the communion of their goods and of the kingdome of Christe When they were come to Telgate the Bishoppe asked the king by what auctoritie he arrogated to him self such libertie ouer his Citie people who asked him againe who gaue hī auctoritie power in y t Citie and whē the Bishopp answered that he obteined that iurisdiction by the consent of the congregation and people euen so saith he was I called thereunto of God Thē were they caried backe againe to Monstere the twentie of Ianuary where eche of them were put in a seuerall prison The same day came the Bishop thither with the archbishop of Collē and the embassadours of the Duke of Cleaue with him two daies after they were exhorted by godlie admonitions to conuert from their errors And in dede the king aknowledged his sinne and made his recourse to Christe by praier the other two wold not confesse that they had offended at all but obstinatly defended their fals opiniōs the next day after the king was brought forth into an high place and bound to a poste where were present two executioners with fyrie tongues to torment them with all the king at the thre first pyntches of the tongues held his peace afterward crying to God incessantly for mercie When he had bene torne on this maner for the space of an houre and more he was thrust through the breast with a sharp sword and died The same punishment also had his felowes which being all dead they were eche of them bound in yron cofers and hōg vp in the toppe of the towre of the Citie the king in the middest higher then his fellowe● by the stature of a man This fearefull tragedie in which gods most iust iudgemētes are declared doth teach vnto vs two things The former what may the innocēt and the godlie looke for if ye may bring your enterprises to passe and secondarely what doeth the worlde the rulers now in earth for the most part deserue As touching you how so euer for a time ye cloke your crueltie what simplicitie so euer ye declare in your externall gesture what so euer ye speake of charitie and loue and how so euer ye seme to be zealous ouer the trueth yet shall you in the end produce no other frute then these yours fathers haue done before you If y t I liste to note particular exāples I might shew in your sect and amongest you to haue bene so horrible enormities as more horrible were neuer from the beginning but lest I might seme to take any pleasure in accusing particular persōs I wil not at this presēt write al that I know Onely I say that the Church of God may looke for no other thing at your hand but for confusion of all gods ordinances and for more cruel persecution then euer yet it did susteine since the daies of the Apostles for what your fathers began in Monster in their purpose you do performe and finish and to that end do you write your bookes some calling all the Scriptures of God in doubt some affirming that there is a more perfect knowledge then that which is cōteined or expressed in the worde some plainely denying the God heade of Christ Iesus and of the holy Gost some claiming liberbertie that no man should be troubled for his conscience cloking vnder that title all blasphemie and diabolicall doctrine And you now last in accusing vs of these most odious crimes whereof we be most innocent ye and your brethern I say in teaching this your pestilent doctrine and accusing vs who gainstand your deuilish errors do plainely declare what ye haue already intended if God by his great power bridle not your furie And assuredly the world and the Rulers of the earth for the most part most iustly deserue so to be entreated As for y e Church of God it must be subiect to the crosse euen vntill the comming of the Lord Iesus from the heauens But the world I say and the Princes of the earth which is the● seconde point which we haue to marke in this former historie most iustly deserue to be punished with suche confusion as ye intend For the one and the other I meane the
if ye affirme y t God nether tēpteth y e obeidiēce of his seruātes nether yet sendeth false prophetes to tempt his people his plaine scriptures will rebuke your vanitie for God tempted Abraham he tempted his people fortie yeres in the wildernes he tempteth also by sending fals prophetes as Moises doth witnes And therefor ye must be compelled to grant that this word tempting or to tempt is diuersly taken in the scriptures somtimes to trye and examyn somtimes to bring to light and knowledge thinges that be secret in mans heart sometymes to seke by experience a certentie of thinges spokē pronounced or affirmed and somtymes moue or to prouoke to iniquitie in this last signification we confesse that God tempteh no man for as the mater of all iniquitie lieth within man so is he prouoked moued and stirred therunto by his owne lustes and instigation of the deuill onely And thus albeit we grant that to moue euill thoghtes is to tempt yet we denye y e cōuersion which is this Ergo to tēpt is to moue euill thoghtes But let vs heare forther of your profound vanitie all is good say you that commeth from the father of light God grant that in your heartes ye were assuredly so persuaded if euill thoghtes come from him they must be good and so you conclude that then was Iosephes wordes fals and that God may be called the father of darknes O execrable is your blasphemie because from him come euill thoghtes which are darknes Answer If any of vs haue so written or spokē let vs be stoned to death as execrable blasphemers And if that ye in your blind fury do therewith vniustly burden vs althogh ye may eskape the handes of man yet shall you not esskape gods seuere and soden vengeance It is malice that will not suffer you to vnderstand howe that these euilles whiche men willingly comitt in so farre as they com from God are iust profitable and good for we most constantly affirme that the damnation of the deuill the induration of Pharao the deceauing of Achab and other such in so farre as they proceded from God are his iust and good workes because they are the punishment of sinne the excecution of his iust iudgementes and a declaration of his iustice which iustely is armed against the obstinate rebellion of Angelles and men but thereof to conclude ergo their euill thoghtes their malicious myndes their hatered and crueltie came immediatly from God is more then a blasphemie for all these be and are found within the offenders which God doth vse not by an ydle permission for that is a thing most contrarious to his iustice but effectually as his wisedome best knoweth they shall serue to his glory y t for vtilitie of his chosen children I say it is a thing most contrarious to gods iustice power ydly to suffer iniquititie to be done if he had no further respect then to the facte as it is committed for as a man can not be excused who may impede murther and doth it not so can not gods iustice be excused by your ydle permission if he had no further respect but to thinges as they be dōne by man And so is gods iustice rather accused then mainteined by the foolishness of your curious braynes saying God permitteth many thinges which he wold not what vanitie is this Is it not a thing confessed amongest all that gods power is omnipotent who then cā compelle him to suffer that which he wold not And why doth he willingly suffer thinges which in his law he hath forbidden I answer for the manifestation of his own glory which is more precious then the heauen and y e earth and all the creatures in y e same conteined And thus doth vanitie cause you to fear that gods iustice shall fall into decay except it be vndersett vpholdē w t your foolishe distinctiō betwext his will his permission but we feare not to affirme y t he permitteth nothing which in some respect he will not for as he is omnipotēt a most louing father so should he suffer no calamitie to come nor crueltie to be vsed against his children ▪ except he did before see yea and before determyn their cofort his glory to arrise of the same And will you say y t gods glory the cōfort and y ● preseruation of his Church is an euill work because that wicked men are instrumentes by whome gods eternal counsell is broght to passe Was the exaltatiō of Iosephe to honor the preseruation of Egypte and of other nations from famine yea and the feding of Iacob and his familie an euill work because that Iosephes brethren of malice and enuie did sell him to the Ismaelites and they for lucre did seli him againe to Putiphare whose wyfe of malice did moste vniustly accuse him so being in prison at length he was broght to the knowledge of Phirao and so was promoted for his reuelation and wisedome to honor and dignitie O say you it is not this that we do lay to your charge but you affirme that God was author of the malice and of the wicked thoghtes of Iosephes brethren You do belie vs most maliciously for we constantly denye that God ether powred in them any malice o● did moue by his holie Spirit any wicked thoght into them for those we say they had of nature in so farre as it is corru●ted But we say that God vsed their wicked thoghtes and malice to his glory and to the full comfort of him whose destruction they soght and that he did not ydly permitting them but effectually working by such instrumentes and meanes as his wisedome had before appoīted Rage now as you list for albeit to you this saing is vaine y t God worketh all thinges for his owne glory yet will not God haue his glory measured by y e vanitie of your braine We gl●rifie God say you when we iudge him w●rthie to be glori●ied Answer if you vnderstād that then onely and at none other time elles do mē glorify God but when they confesse him worthie of glory you are ignorant foolishe and manifest liers for your argument is no better then if I should say man slepeth in the night season therfor no man may or can slepe at any other time If your master Castalio had considered that an argument made a specie ad genus negatiue is vaine and foolishe he had not heaped to gether so many sophisticall reasons by the which you and others are abused To make this mater some what more plaine If y e glorie of God cōsist in the manifestation of his mercie of his trueth of his power of his wisedome and of his moste iust iudgementes then do all creatures glorifie God whether they iudge him worthie or vnworthie of the same for Dauid affirmeth that the heauens declare the glory of God and yet haue they nether iudgement nor vnderstāding the heauen and the earth saieth Isaiah are replenished with his glorye
And in an other place the beastes of the field shall preach my glorye the dragons and the birdes of eastriches and Achan also was cōmāded to giue glory vnto God The earth shal be compelled saieth Habacuc to knowledge the glory of God Zacharie also the Prophet saieth for his glory hath he sent vnto the nations which haue spoyled you finally shall not sathan and the reprobate in their iust condemnation giue glory vnto God and do ye think that all these creatures iudge God to be worthie of glory in such sort as they acknowledge his power his wisedome his iustice frō their hole heart submitte them selues to his holy will I trust you do not for we knowe that sathan is a spirit confirmed in malice and rebellious against God yet is he cōpelled euen in tormentes to giue glory vnto God in so farre as in his iust dānation he declareth gods power and iust iudgementes And therefor I say that you restreine the glory of God with in to streit narrowe limites when y t you will that it shall extend no forther then to suche as from their heart iudge God worthie of glory y e w c perteineth to his chosen children onely and can neuer be giuē by the reprobate for such glory must procede frō faith w c is not cōmone vnto all but is the speciall gift giuē to gods elect yet neuertheles by other meanes God declareth his glory euen in the vesselles of his wrath as is before declared Of the example of Nabuchadnezer ye can make but a particular cōclusion in this for me Nabuchadnezer after he had felt the iust punishement of his pride and arrogācie gaue glory vnto God Ergo some man after punishmēt giueth glory vnto God If you make your cōclusion extend any further it is fals for if you say that all men after punishment giue glory vnto God w t the same confession that he gaue many examples may be showen to the cōtary if you saye that none other giueth glory vnto God except such as so be punished that will be proued likewies fals And if you say y t gods glory doth shine in none except in those that acknowledge confesse God to be mercifull and iust that is most vaine of all and thus I say your conclusion must be but particulare The reasons the cōclusion which you make vpon these wordes of Dauid Praise God all you natiōs are so foolish on the one parre and so filthie and execrablevpon the other that amongest all nations ye oght not onely to he mocked but also to be had in horror and detestation first you say If God must be praised amongest all nations then must gods workes be such as all nations may knowe them and prais● them I answer euen so they are and such amongest all natiōs as haue y e eyes of their myndes illuminated by gods holie spiri● do see iust caus why y t they oght to praise gods wisedome euen in all his workes But you procede saying there is no nation which at any tyme shall acknowledge God to be iust for that be punishe●● ma● for that whervnto he him self did prouoke him and so after the example of the priestes of the Philistines ye ask this questiō If God should punishe man because he hath a beard should any glory redound 〈◊〉 God there of seing he hath giuen vs beardes his self And so you skoffe iest at vs saying y t we be very religiouse because we say that none oght to speak so vnreuerently of gods workes God is witnes that I write notwithou● some grief of heart nether yet y t I affirme this which I am to speak for priuie hatered w c I bear against the persone of any man But in gods presence I say that rather then such horrible blasphemies should haue bene fostered in my heart deuised in my braine written by my pen and pronounced by my mouth and tongue that rather I wold my carcasse should haue suffered most cruell and vile death yea and further I say that better it had bene for you neuer to haue bene borne then thus blasphemously to expose gods great Maiestie to opprobrie ād mockage for I appele to the iudgement of the heauen and the earth and of all creatures in the same conteined if euer that Iulian the appostate spake more disdainfully of God then here you write But for the instruction of the simple reader to answere you more reasonably thē your vnreuerent skoffing deserueth I say first that the mynde of Dauid was not to teach vs what euerie nation and euery particulare man amongest the Gentiles shall do but what was the duetie of euerie nation euery people and euerie man to do when gods mercies should be offered vnto them And therfor if you conclude all natiōs do praise God in such sorte as Dauid meaneth because that the holie Gost by his mouth commādeth all nations to praife God you make no better an argument then if ye should affirme that euery man loueth God with all his heart with all his mynd with all his strength because that God so commandeth This is one portion of your ignorance The second foloweth gods workes say you must be such as all nations may knowe them and praise them I answer if you vnderstand that al that praise God vnfeinedly from their heartes must haue some knowledge of his mercies goodnes iust iudgemētes and wōderous workes we distent not from you But if you say as by your proces is euident that you do that except all nations perceaue and vnderstand the very grounde of gods iustice that God amongest them shall haue no glory then as we lament your foolishnes so we detest your error ▪ for albeit that the ●aturall man can neuer atteine to the knowledge of those things which God purposeth yet shal not God be defrauded of his golry no not in the most carnal and wretched man Christe Iesus was sent into the world and came to that people which was called his own and his glory did so shine to the eyes of some that they did acknowledge it to be the glory of the onely Sōne of God ▪ But did the princes of the priestes and the hole nation of the Iewes see the same glory and so confesse him as did the electe Saīt Paul witnesseth the cōtrarie saying if they had knowen they had not crucified the king of glory Paul was appointed a preacher to the Gentiles amongest whome he most faithfully and moste boldely did open the treasures of gods great mercies and of the glory of his Sonne Christ Iesus but did euery citie realme nation or man to whome these treasures were opened so receaue vnderstand and imbrace them that for the same they glorified God the contrarie is euident But was God therfore defrauded of his glory euen in y e midest of a wicked generatiō God forbid for as the eyes of some were lightned and so did glorifie the word of the Lord so