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A02919 The faith of the church militant moste effectualie described in this exposition of the 84. Psalme, by that reuerend pastor, and publike professor of Gods word, in the famous vniuersitie of Hassine in Denmarke, Nicholas Hemmingius. A treatise written as to the instruction of the ignorant in the groundes of religion, so to the confutation of the Iewes, the Turkes, atheists, Papists, heretiks, and al other aduersaries of the trueth whatsoeuer. Translated out of Latine into English, &c. by Thomas Rogers. Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1581 (1581) STC 13059; ESTC S118432 286,633 582

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we stand Fourthlie it is to be noted that the praiers of Saintes are therfore acceptable in the sight of God because they depend vpon the intercession of Christ the highe Priest For when we make intercession for others we praie not trusting in our owne merites or price which we haue paide for redemption but in the merite of Christ his righteousnes and in the ransome which he hath Therefore saith Christe Whatsoeuer ye shal aske the Father in my Name that is depending vpon my merite and intercession he will giue it you Hitherto pertaineth that compellation in the Lordes praier O our Father For as the name of a Father putteth vs in minde of Christ in whom through faith we are the sonnes of God and he is our father So the pronoune Our doth admonish vs of faith that through confidence in the sonne wee should cal vpon the father not trusting in anie worthines or merites of our owne For which cause the Apostle saith Let vs approch vnto God through him For he euer liueth to make intercession for vs. As often therefore as wee would praie let vs consider the cause whie we saie Our Father that we maie both thoroughlie be persuaded that for his sonnes sake we please God and without al doubting also beleeue that for the intercession of the sonne whose members we be through faith we are heard Wherefore theie which bring not this faith do but waste winde when they praie For theie haue none accesse vnto y e father Let such then looke what they do who contrarie to the word of God do depend vpon other patrons Fiftlie forsomuch as the sonne of God is the perpetual priest which maketh intercession for the Church whensoeuer it doth amisse we maie not flie vnto other patrons but vnto Christ alone as the onelie patron and most trustie anchor of safetie Therfore the Apostle Iohn doth saie If anie man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the iust And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes But then do we rightlie approch vnto this Aduocate for the attainment of the remission of sinnes whē we are sorie for our wickednes cōmitted when we rest our selues with à faith vnfained vpon Iesus Christ the propitiator and intercessor when we purpose afterward through God his grace to leade à pure life and finalie when we cast from our heartes à purpose to sinne Vnlesse these be ioined-together in vaine doest thou boast y t Christ is thie patron Some there be who think theie be pure if once theie haue poured their sinnes into the bosome of some pastor some pastors too do thinke that by their magical absolutions theie can vnburden sinners but both sortes doe most filthilie erre out of y e waie For both Christ alone is y e purger of sins in whō if thou repose not a liuelie faith which hath those foure cōditions which we haue recited in vaine dost thou vnburden thie self in the bosome of y e priest Christ alone it is y t absolueth from sins vnto whom if y u aproch not through faith y u sahlt die in thy sins But the absolution of à priest is then profitable when the confession is tempered with true repentance turning from sin And this absolution of the priest is nothing else than à testimonie of the absolution which is giuen in heauē by our hie priest Iesus Christ. And therfore saith y e Lord Whatsoeuer you loose on earth shalbe loosed in heauen So that the absolution which is pronounced by the minister of the Gospel dependeth vpon his faith which requireth absolution not of the merite either of confession or of pronouncing any wordes whatsoeuer This place would craue a confutation of them who chose other aduocates beside Christ but because this madnes is alreadie mentioned aboue where we dealt with Popish sacrifices I wil not with moe wordes refute them in this place And thus much of y e three parts of Christ his priest-hoode to wit of doctrine of sacrifice and of intercession The other pointe contained in the definition of the priesthoode touching the preseruation of the church the remission of sins the gift of the holie Ghoste and euerlasting life be rather most pleasant fruites than partes of Christ his Priesthoode CHAP. 38. 1. Of the couenant which Christ our hie Priest hath entred into 2. The special pointes to bee considered therein 3. Of the olde and newe couenant or Testament wherein theie doe differ 4. The difference betweene the newe Testament and the Gospel 5. Whether with the olde Testament the tenne commandements be abrogated or no. FOrsomuch as euerie priest as y e Epistle to y e Hebrues doth testifie is a suretie of some couenant for it is behoueful that some certaine couenant be set according to which the mediator betweene the parties at controuersie maie determine that sure peace and friendship maie be established betweene God and men Christ our Priest hath à certaine couenant For as the Leuitical priest had his priesthood and à certaine couenant annexed to the priesthood So Christ our Priest to whome the Leuitical priestes with their sacrifice and couenant gaue place hath his priesthood and certaine couenants annexed to the priesthod For the priesthood being changed as the Epistle vnto the Hebrues doth saie of necessitie there must be a change of the law Againe for this cause is he the mediator of the newe Testament that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament they which were called might receaue the promise of eternal inheritance For where a Testament is there must be the death of him that made the Testament For the Testament is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it is aliue Wherefore neither was the first ordained without bloud For when Moses had spoken euerie precept to the people according to the lawe he tooke the bloud of calues and of goats with water and purple wool and hyssope and sprinkled both the booke and al the people Saieng This is the bloud of the Testament which God hath appointed vnto you And although by these words of the Apostle it is euident that as the former that is the olde Testament is a couenant annexed to the priesthood of Aaron confirmed by the bloud of brutish creatures whereby GOD did binde himselfe to the Iewes for to giue them the lande of Canaan to their possession if so be for their partes theie obserued the condition which was the fulfilling of the lawe so the newe Testament should be a couenant annexed to the Priesthood of Christe confirmed with the bloud of Christ whereby God doth binde himselfe to forgiue sinnes and to giue a celestial and euerlasting inheritance in heauen but with a condition of faith whose true and right fruite is perfect obedience toward GOD.
smal importance y t by a little holie water they may be washed-away I omit them in like sort who dream that by the Popes pardons by Masses sinnes be redeemed by which toies the Popes kingdome is encreased vpholden and preserued both to the great dishonor of God and the most certaine destruction of infinite soules Thirdlie of the due waying of sinne this also followeth y t no pure creature could satisfie the iustice of God make amendes for the offence and restore man to his former happinesse where-from he did fall through sin And therfore Christ was faine in the flesh to take our cause vpon him selfe and to satisfie the iustice of God And although this wrath of God as we haue shewed be infinite yet is it tempered with mercie as the Prophet Habakuk doth saie In wrath remember mercie And Theodoret It is the propertie of God by the temperature of mercie to mitigate his iustice But of this mercie we are nowe to speake CHAP. 32. 1. The great mercie of God toward miserable man 2. Where-unto it may fitlie be compared AFter the due examination both of mans miserie and of the wrath of God against wickednes the infinite mercie of God which is the foundation of our turning vnto him is to be caled into minde God is saide to be merciful not because he is subiect to perturbations and griefe of mind as man is but for that of his meere goodnes loue he helpeth mans miserie For the mercie of God issueth out of loue and loue from the likenes which man hath with God being formed according to his image and similitude This mercie of God toward man is diuerslie painted-out in the Scriptures and the force thereof is commended to vs by sundrie comparisons First it is compared to the kindnesse of à mother towarde her tender babe For so saith Isaiah Can à woman forget her childe and not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe Though she should forget yet will not I forget thee And in the 103. Psalme it is likened to the natural kindenesse of à Father As à father it is there saide hath compassion on his children so hath the Lorde compassion on them that feare him Of this naturall affection of parentes toward their children the worde Mercie in the Hebrue tongue is deriued And therefore Zacharie saide Through the tender mercie therebie to expresse the force of the Hebrue worde and the affection of God taking pitie Secondly this mercie of God is compared by Isaiah to mountaines and valeies where he saieth The mountaines shal remoue and the hils shal fal downe but my mercie shal not depart from thee neither shal the couenant of my peace fall awaie saith the Lorde that hath compassion vpon thee Thirdlie it is likened to the largenesse of the earthe as in the Psalme The earth is ful of the goodnes of the Lord. Fourthlie it is likened to the hie heauens in the 103. Psalme As hie as the heauen is aboue the earth so great is his mercie toward them that feare him Fiftlie it is compared to the ornament of à Kings throne In mercie shal the throne be prepared and he shal sit vpon it in stedfastnesse Sixtlie it is compared to à cloude of raine in the time of drought Eccles. 35. Oh how faire à thing is the mercie of God in the time of anguish and trouble It is like à cloude of raine that commeth in the time of drought Seuenthlie it is compared to à buckler or weapon of warre Psalme 103. Who redeemeth thy life from the graue and crowneth thee with mercie and compassions that is compasseth on all sides And Psalme 5. Thou with fauour wilt compasse him as with a shielde Eightly it is preferred before life it selfe than the which nothing is deemed better or sweeter Psal. 63. Thy louing kindnesse is better than life Ninthlie it is preferred aboue all other workes of God Psalme 145. The Lord is good to all and his mercies are ouer all his workes Last of all it is compared euen to the maiestie of God himselfe For so saith Ecclesiasticus As his greatnes is so is his mercie As if he should say In God there is souereign maiestie linked with souereigne mercie by the one whereof he hath power to do what he list by the other he hath will to preserue his chosen And although God by manie argumentes commendeth his mercie vnto vs yet the chiefest is that he gaue his sonne Iohn 3. God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that who so euer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Rom. 5. God setteth-out his loue toward vs seeing that while we were yet sinners That is not conuerted vnto God Christe died for vs. Rom. 8. God spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him for vs al. To be briefe No creature is able sufficiently to commend this mercie of God flowing out of entire goodnes and loue The wisedome of the world is not touched with mercy toward the transgressors but toward the vnfortunate and such as do seeme vniustly to be afflicted For so saith Cicero They are to be pitied who are in miserie for fortune not for their offences But the wisedome of God doth helpe transgressors and the greatest sinners if so be they repent For grace proceeding from mercie aboundeth ouer sinne And Augustine doth say Greater is God his mercie than the miserie of all sinners So that Dauid not without cause doeth adhorte vs to praise God for this his infinie mercie Al nations saith he Praise ye the Lorde all yee people praise him For his louing kindnes is great towarde vs and the trueth of the Lorde endureth for euer But here some maie well obiect and saie the mercie of God in deede is great but for al that it hath an impossible condition annexed For so saith the Lord himselfe who cannot lie I will shewe mercy vnto thousandes to them that loue me and keepe my commandements This promise of God without Christe is plainlie to none effect because a condition of impossibilitie is added therevnto For no man by his owne strength can fulfil the commandements of God notwithstanding in Christe it is possible and effectual vnto a thousand generations of Christ that is to al who are borne the sonnes of God in Christ. For as he is the ende of the lawe for righteousnesse vnto euerie one tha● beleeueth so al the promises of God in him are yea and Amen as Paule saith Hitherto belongeth that in Exodus The Lord the Lord God is mercifull and gratious and aboundant in goodnes and trueth who reserueth mercie for thousandes forgiuing iniquitie transgression sinne Neither maie it be douted y t God when he made this promise did signifie howe both Christe should be the fulfiller of the lawe and that al which desire the mercie promised must runne
the first place and order are placed those celestial spirits which in respect of their seruice which they do to their King are called Angels For they are al ministring spirits saith Paul for their sakes which shal be heires of saluation Because while this world doth last there shal be Angels attending vpon the busines of the kingdome of Christ which notwithstanding is not the end of their nature but a temporal seruice But after the general iudgement with the elect of God hauing attained à perfect conquest they shall euerlastinglie triumph-together The number and office of those Angels no man hath more plainlie expressed than Daniel did who beheld them Thousand thousands ministred vnto him and ten thousand thousands stoode before him The fight and victorie which the Lord of hostes and his Angels haue got is described in the Reuelation on this wise Michael and his angels fought against the dracon and the dracon fought and his angels But they preuailed not neither was their place found anie more in heauen And the great dracon that old serpent called the diuel and satan was cast out which deceiueth al the world he was euen cast into the earth and his angels were cast-out with him Then I heard à loud voice saieng Nowe is saluation in heauen strength the kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast-downe which accuseth them before our God daie and night But they ouer come him by the bloud of the Lambe and by the word of their testimonie Touching Michael which is saide in this place to be the captaine of the warre it is the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ as mai● be gathered both out of Daniel and also from the etymologie of the name For Michael is as much as Who is like God The Angels therfore following the conduction and standard of Michael that is the Lord of hostes are celestial spirits In the second order of these armies are godlie teachers waging battel with the kingdome of the dracon that is of the diuel and with his angels y t is with defendors of idols and blasphemies Such in times passed were Moses Ioseph Daniel the Prophets and the Apostles and manie godlie Ministers of the word in the Church afterward Whose weapons are not carnal but spiritual For so doth Paul saie We do not war after the flesh For the weapons of our warfare be not carnal but mightie through God to cast downe holdes casting downe the imaginations and euerie high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuitie euerie thought to the obedience of Christ that is the weapons of godlie teachers in the Church be the verie word of God the power of the holie Ghost in the word and earnest praier In the third order of the Lordes hoste be godlie hearers of the word who for Gods glorie and their owne saluation fight against the flesh sinne the world and the diuel Their war and weapons in the Epistles vnto the Ephesians be described on this wise For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers and against the worldlie gouernors the princes of the darkenes of this world against spiritual wickednes in the hie places For this cause take vnto you the whole armor of God that ye maie be able to resist in the euil daie and hauing finished al things stand fast Stand therfore and your loines gird about with veritie and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnes And your feete shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace Aboue al take the shield of faith wherewithal ye maie quench al the firie dartes of the wicked and take the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God And praie alwaie with al manner praier and supplication in the spirit Or in fewer wordes as Paul in an other place writeth Fight à good fight hauing faith à good conscience which some haue put awaie and as concerning faith haue made shipwracke In the fourth place be euerie particular man in his vocation Exod. 38. it is said that the women did assemble and came together at the doore of the Tabernacle that is they did those things which were enioined them to doe Euerie man therefore fighteth vnder the banner of Christ when stoutlie in y e feare of God he doth those things which in respect of his calling he is bound to do Then both teachers and hearers also be the good soldiers of the Lord when they doe their duties godlie and diligentlie After which sort we maie iudge of all other callings warranted by the word of God Herevnto if you thinke good you maie ad à fift order namelie y e celestial armie or hoste as the Sunne Moone and the Stars the which are therefore saide to be the hoste of the captaine Christ because after their facion they reproue darkenes declare the glorie of Christ and prouoke both Angels and men by their example as it were to glorifie God euermore Nowe of those things which hitherto we haue spoken of y e Lord of hostes of his fight armies and victorie there is a double vse For as they confirme comfort and encourage the godlie fighting vnder Christ the captaine so do they throw downe terrefie and confound the wicked Wherefore being admonished let vs ioine our selues through faith and obediēce to Christ the captaine and with true puritie of minde to these vnspotted spirites beeing thoroughlie persuaded that he which fighteth an honest fight in faith and à good conscience shal receaue an incorruptible crowne of glorie which Christ our Lord capitane and champion hath promised to vs. For as true victorie consisteth in the blood of the Lambe and worde of the testimonie so they who are sprinkled with this blood which is then done when we beleeue in Christ according to the word of the testimonie shal trulie obteine victorie CHAP. 4. 1. Against those which wil be counted and yet are not the true Church 2. particularlie against the Iewes that what soeuer things were written of the Messiah by Moses and the Prophets are fulfilled in Christ. NOwe for so much as manie assemblies of men vsurpe y e title of the Church for that was it which we proposed in y e second place we are diligentlie to consider who be they which will needs be called and yet be not the Church and also which is the true Church of God that al other congregations auoided we maie ioine our selues to the true Church The Iewes supposing the Messiah whome as yet al in vaine they looke for to pertainè vnto them alone doe proudlie contemne al other congregations and hoast-abroad howe they are the true Church of God The Mahomets or Turkes because their dominion is verie great which they haue in the
of which Isaiah in his 50. Chapter I gaue my backe vnto the smiters and my cheekes to the nippers I hid not my face from shame and spitting After that he was hanged on wood or vpon the crosse For manie times among the Fathers saluation hath come by woode The image and prophecie of this wood was in the arch of Noah and in the wood which Moses threwe into the most bitter waters wherebie they became most pleasant By this figure the virtue of y e crosse of Christ is notablie depainted For as the most bitter waters by the wood throwen there-into were made most sweete and pleasaunt so nothing is there but wil be most comfortable to vs if the wood of Christ his crosse namelie faith on Christ crucified be added as à sause But à more excellent figure is in the wood wheron the brazen serpent was hanged For as Moses at the cōmandement of God in y e wildernes set-vp on high to y e view of al the Israelites the brazen serpent which hong vpon wood y t such as were wounded to the death of serpents might be healed therby So Christ was lifted vp vpon the wood and shewen as it were to al nations that as manie as were wounded vnto the death by the old serpent the diuel might be saued looking and trusting on him So then Christ hong on the crosse and was made à cursse for vs to redeeme vs from the cursse of the serpent which he through sinne brought vpon mankind Therefore it is written Curssed is euerie one that hangeth on tree After this manner Paul vnto the Galathians applieth the type to y e truth Here y e humanitie of Christ seemed most vile worser than the basest sort of men in so much as his verie friendes and familiars did flie awaie being dismaied and abashed Whereof it was prophecied in à psalme But I am à worme and not à man à shame of men and the contempt of the people And in the 88. psal Thou hast put-awaie mine acquaintance far fro me and made me to be abhorred of thē Yea at that time he which was the fairest among men so lost al grace of beautie that it was à verie hard thing to know him according to the prophecie of Isaiah Beholde my seruant shal prosper he shal be exalted and extolled and be verie hie As manie were astonied at thee his visage was so deformed of men and his forme of the sonnes of men so shal he sprincle manie nations the Kings shal shut their mouthes at him for that which had not bene tolde them shal they see and that which they had not heard shal they vnderstande And afterward He hath neither forme nor beautie whē we shal see him there shal be no forme that we shoulde desire him Hee is despised and reiected of men he is à man ful of sorowes and hath experience of infirmities wee hid as it were our faces from him and was despised and we esteemed him not Lo howe playnlie the Prophet hath fore-tolde how it should come to passe that the Iewes in respect of his vile punishment whereof themselues were the autors shoulde contemne the Messiah The high Priestes and the princes of the people spake il and rayled of him nodding their heades at Iesus fastened to the crosse as the Prophet Hosea prophecied I haue redeemed them yet they haue spoken lies against me And Psalme 22. They gape vpon me with their mouthes as à ramping and roaring Lion Againe Doges haue compassed me and the assemblie of the wicked haue inclosed me And again Psalme 35. They had me in derision and gnashed their teeth at mee Zecharie also prophecied of his handes side that were pearced Chapter 12. They shal looke vpon him whome they haue peirced And Psal. 22. They peirced mine hands and my feete In his extreeme tormentes he cried My God my God whie hast thou forsaken me Which thing long afore was fore-told by Dauid in y e 22. Psalme which Psalme is as it were à certain Epitome of y e passion of Christ. When he was about to yeld vp y e Ghost he vsed y e words of Dauid who carried à type of Christ himselfe Into thine hands Lord I commend my spirit as it is in the 31. Psalme His hanging betweene theeues was also foreshewed by the Prophet Isaiah in his 53. chapter where he saith He was counted with the transgressors How Christ praied for his crucifiers Isaiah in the same chapter fore-telleth He bare the sinne of manie and praied for the trespassers As Iesus was vpon dieng there was darkenes ouer al the lande as though the sunne would haue lost his light when as notwithstanding the Moone was at the ful The earth also terriblie did quake according to the prophecie of Ioël The Sunne and Moone shal be darkened and the starres shal with-drawe their light The Lord also shal roare out of Zion and vtter his voice from Ierusalem and the heauens and the earth shal shake And Amos in his 8. chapter doth say And in that daie saith the Lord God I wil euen cause the sunne to go downe at noone and I wil darken the earth in the cleere day The Lord was crucified without the gate euen as the sacrifice that was brought without the campe for the purgation and sanctifiing of the people by the whole multitude of the sonnes of Israël as may appeare Num. 19. For the red kowe in the sight of all was killed and of the blood thereof and of the ashes and water purgations were made Vnto the speedinesse of the Lords punishment who was taken about night and led vnto the hie Priestes the next morning earlie carried vnto the iudgement hal of the president and at noone crucified belongeth the figure of the paschal lambe wherof Christ also is oftentimes called à lambe But that it maie the better appeare howe the bodie aunswereth to the shadowe and the trueth to the figure let vs compare one thing with an other For that paschal lambe doth much resemble our Sauiour Christ yet as the shadowe the bodie and the type the truth 1 As therefore that Iewish lambe was à male of à yeere old and that without spot so Christ à full and perfect man was without sinne 2 As the houses which were sprinckled with the blood of the paschal lambe preserued the inhabitor from destruction so they whose consciences are sprinckled with the bloode of Christe the immaculate lambe shal bee free from the punishment of sinne which is damnation 3 As nothing of the paschal lambe might be eaten that was either rawe or boiled or sodden in water but that which was rosted with fire So there was no part of the Lords bodie but was rosted with great flames of sorowe 4 As the children of Israel
companie of al which beleue through the vniuersal world who although theie be far wide dispersed yet in most goodlie proportiō theie do cleaue together that theie maie make one house of God and one bodie knit and compacted together by the Spirite of Christ by mutual charitie by communicating of gifts and duties by vsing the sacraments by the confessing worshipping of one God Wherbie there is such à sweete concent in this bodie that each are touched both with the prosperitie and aduersitie of others Moreouer seeing this congregation is gouerned by the word of God there be two sorts of men in the same to wit teachers of y e word learners Whē these mutualie like parents childrē do reuerence loue each other then is y e Church at à good staie For so theie do both take heed of corrupting the word mutual good wil wil not alowe of schismes But among the ministers of the word there hath bin alwaie is great diuersitie according to the difference of gifts of calings For Christ ascending into heauen gaue some to be Apostles some Prophetes some Euangelistes and some Pastours and Teachers who although theie were of equal power as touching spiritual iurisdiction yet differed theie verie much in honour and degree of office Paule in honour and in order surpassed Timothie and Titus Timothie in degree and order excelled the other elders of the Church at Ephesus al which Paul in the Acts caleth Bishops or Ouerseers This preeminēce was verie behoueful for y e church For it is impossible y t anie thing should be wel done where al desire to be of equal honor degree The Churche that folowed the Apostles time the Gospel now being dispersed ouer à great parte of the world and Churches being established did appoint as best serued for the profit of the same an order of ministers ordained Patriarches whose office was to haue à care y t Bishops of euerie Dioces were chosen rightlie and ordeined that euerie Bishop did his dutie as he ought to do and y t each Bishops clergie and flock were obedient to their Dioceser in al thinges that were godlie Moreouer it ordained Chorbishops whom Iustine caleth Proestotaes which were Presidents Againe it ordained pastors teachers And this was the ordinance of the purer Church which the reformed Churches for y e greater part at this daie doe reuoke as far as it is requisite for them shaking of the yoke of the Popes who from y e time of the Emperour Phocas haue vsurped authoritie gouernement ouer the Church of God contrarie both to the commandement of Christ and examples of the Apostles which thing some of the holie Fathers with the Apostle Paule did testifie should be the proper note of Antichrist For since that time al Popes haue borne one the same person as theie who couered with one and the same visour vnder the name of Christ do endeuour vtterlie to abolish the Gospel of Christ. CHAP. 17. 1. What power the Church hath 2. The kindes thereof 3. Of the keies of heauen 4. And of the discipline of the Church THe power which we made the second part of the vpright state of the Church is an authoritie giuen to the Church by Christ wherebie it is ruled according both to the worde of God and to profitable and godlie constitutions of virtuous gouernours For this power is of those thinges which are appointed for the building of the whole bodie of the Church The which as it is of Christe so it must depend vpon the worde of Christe and according to his worde be exercised for the welfare and edification of the whole Church And therefore saith Paul Authoritie is giuen vs not for your destruction This power is of two sortes to wit either ordinarie or iuridical The ordained power is that which hath à certaine rule to worke by which the ministers of the Gospel in the vpright state of the Church doe folow and require neither consultation nor the iudgement of the ecclesiastical senate but doe gouerne the Church according to the rule prescribed By this power the Preachers doe receiue such into the Church as are conuerted vnto the Gospel and sweare obeiesance to the king Monarch Christ according to this commaundement Goe ye into al the worlde and preach the Gospel vnto euerie creature He that shal beleeue and be baptized shal be saued but he that wil not beleeue shal be condemned Hitherto also belongeth that of our Lorde vnto Peter I wil giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vppon earth shal be bounde in heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt loase on earth shal be loased in heauen But what are these keies These keies of the kingdome of heauen without controuersie are that whereby the kingdome of heauen is either opened or shutt And that by the preaching of the Gospel the kingdome of heauen is both opened and shut al the godlie doe confesse which giue credite to the words of Christe who in the laste of Matthewe doeth saie Al power is giuen vnto me in heauen and in earth Goe therefore and teach al nations And in the 20. of Iohn As my father sent me so sende I you And when he had saide that hee breathed on them one said vnto thē Receaue the holie Ghost Whosoeuers sinnes yee remit they are remitted vnto them and whosoeuers sinnes ye retaine they are retained How do they open and shut By remitting and by retaining of sinnes Howe doe they remit and retaine sinnes By preaching repentance and remission of sinnes in the name of Christ. Therefore the ministers of the Gospel as much as in them is doe open the kingdome of heauen and remit sinnes in his name who sendeth them in message when they preach the Gospel Nowe if the auditors doe beleeue the Gospel the kingdome of heauen is opened vnto them and their sinnes be forgiuen not by the ministers but of the Lord himselfe in whose name the ministers doe pronounce remission of sinnes But if the auditors doe refuse to beleeue the ministers be saide to shut the kingdome of heauen and to retaine sinnes and that for the euents sake not willing lie for they would ful gladlie haue al their auditors to beleeue the Gospel and be saued This power of Christ committed to the ministers of the Gospel is verie aptlie signified by keies For as keies are deliuered to stewardes appointed in families that they maie serue the Lord open and shut not after their owne minde but according to the pleasure of their master So to the ministers of the gospel power is giuen to open and to shut the kingdome of heauen according to the commandement and precept of Christ the householder For they are stewardes not the goodmen of the house and seruantes not Lordes And therefore they are to gouerne al thinges
Mediators doe vnderstand such patrons as by their own merites worthines maie purchase to vs the fauour of God For this is à common principle among them that men liuing in earth do need patrons in heauen in as much as theie are vnworthie to appeare in the sight of God By which saieng beside that theie bereaue Christ our Mediator of his honor theie make themselues guiltie of threefolde impietie For first while theie make the dead intercessors for the liuing theie doe runne beyond the limits of Gods worde and foole hardilie are carried into damnable darkenes and vpon the steepe mountaines of Hel. From whence to returne backe and to aspire aloft that is à labour and à sore paine But what à prophanenes this is the godlie alone do marke who know that darknes is there where the torch of Gods word is not born-afore who know that al is abhominable which God hath not decreed and who consider that al which dust and ashes doth inuent in religion without the direction of Gods worde doth proceede from Satan Secondlie when theie teach howe we must depend vpon the merites of saintes theie depart from the true foundation of saluation and seeke another foundation to builde their saluation vppon without the worde of God For seeing that mortal man by his owne merite can not attaine saluation it is impossible that the merites of Saintes should bring saluation vnto others which merites for al that the Pope faineth to be the treasure of the Church which he dispenseth not gratis but according to their disbursing who acknowledge the Pope to be the treasurer of the Church Thirdlie in forging such fained patrons to themselues theie are drowned the more deepelie in darkenes For theie departe from the first commandement and with cursed impudencie cal vpon Saintes driuen therunto by the diuel himselfe who hath brought into the world the inuocation of Saintes and that for these causes First to bereaue Christ of his honor Secondlie to make the saintes infamous Lastlie that in time to come theie maie bee partakers of his eternal paines who in this life doe cal vpon saintes The fourth The Popish masse is laide open for filthie lucre sake For theie not onelie doe sel Masses for the redemption of soules out of purgatorie but also make them common to be bought for the obteining of anie thing In which of sinns manie sinns do meete together of which I wil recite à few that with à perfect hatred we maie abhor y e most filthie lucre of the Masse For first this gaine striueth against the foundation of our saluation which is free mercie For by grace saith Paul are ye saued throgh faith that not of your selues it is the gift of God Not of workes least anie man should boast Secondarilie it abolisheth the Lordes supper For who is so blind but maie see how it is farre from the Supper of Christe to seeke filthie gaine therebie which supper the Lord would haue to be à notable argument of his inward loue toward the Church and à testimonie of the redemption of the Church by his death which free redemption of his beloued spouse he sealeth in his supper Thirdlie this hūting after gain doth vtterlie ouerthrow the Prophecies of the prophets concerning y e benefites of the Mediator of the Newe Testament Ho saith Isaiah euerie one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and ye that haue no siluer come buie and eate come I saie buie wine and milke without siluer and without monie By water wine milke the prophet vnderstandeth the benefites of the Gospel which he pronounceth are freelie bestowed For as our bodies are nourished by bread wine water and milke so our soules are nourished and susteined by the doctrine of the Gospel by the holie Ghost by the sacraments and other such free giftes of Christ. Fourthlie the buieng and selling of the Popishe Masse doth make miserable men drunke with carnal confidence For by paieng monie for this feigned purgation as it were for an effectual medicine theie persuade them-selues that theie driue-awaie al diseases of the soule and that without faith repentance And because by Masses purchased theie trust theie be armed against the diuel and death theie goe-on the more boldlie in wickednes and dailie become the more obstinate Fiftlie this gaine of Masses is the ground of Purgatorie For to make their Masses the more vendible the Priestes did teach howe there was a Purgatorie of soules after death wherein the soules of the dead should be deteined vntil theie were purged sufficientlie from the spots of sinnes committed in this life And therefore Masses were appointed to be solde to them who desired that either them selues or their friendes might be deliuered from the fire of purgatorie wherebie theie fained that the paines of purgatorie were brought-out Henc● the Patrimonie of Peter as theie cal it was exceedinglie encreased And hence it is that the goodes of miserable men are translated from the true heires vnto balde Priestes and Monkes Sixthe this gaine of the Masse and subtiltie of the Romane baude is the strength of the Papacie that is of the Antichristian kingdome And therefore maruel it is not though the Papistes doe so fiercelie contend and fight for their altars For theie feare much that their chimneies would fal downe if their altars were once ouerthrowen The fifte It is abhominable idolatrie to worship à peece of bread in y e place of Christ. For as à litle aboue we haue touched also the Priest after y e mumbling of the historie concerning the institution of Christ doeth firste of al adore the bread himselfe and then lifteth the same vp that the people maie worshippe it For the Papistes be persuaded that by the virtue of the mumbled wordes of the instituted supper the elementes of breade and of wine be transsubstantiated into the verie bodie and bloode of the Lorde which they lay open to be adored but verie erroneouslie For this transsumbstantiation so stiflie defended by Thomas is contrarie to the nature of a sacrament For as in baptisme it is required that the substance of water doe remaine which while it is sprincled according to Christ his institution is à right sacrament and with that water after à secret sort the verie bloode of Christ whereby the inward man is washed from wickednes yea and putteth-on Christ himselfe is present So it is required that in y e supper of the Lord the substance of breade and wine doe remaine which being reached-forth and taken after the institution of Christ are à verie sacrament and with that bread wine after à secret sorte the verie bodie and bloode of the Lorde whereby the inwarde man is nourished fed and refreshed are present So that before the vse whervnto they be ordeined bread and wine are no more à sacrament than is the water of baptisme And therfore it is as great madnes to worshippe the breade and wine as if à
man woulde worship the water either to be sprincled vpon à man to be baptized or sprincled alreadie and reserued for worship sake Nowe whereas the Papistes doe attribute to the reciting of the wordes of the supper virtue to transsubstantiate to speake as they do the elements surelie they haue learned that of the Magicians and witches rather than of Christ. For he alone it is and none other that by his diuine power worketh in the supper by the hands of his ministers reacheth to vs when wee doe communicate his verie bodie and his verie blod after an vnsearchable maner And wheras in reformed Churches the ministers of the Gospel doe pronounce the historie of the institution of the supper with à loude voice in à knowen tongue they doe it not that anie virtue by that reciting shoulde passe-ouer into the elementes but otherwise for à most holie and profitable purpose For they know nothing is more comfortable to the godlie than to heare the historie of the instituted supper which containeth the causes of the institutiō and commendeth to them the greate loue betweene Christ and his Church And therefore as the Papistes by mumbling with themselues the wordes of the supper commit hainous sacriledge by keeping close the doctrine of Gospel the summe whereof is contained in the historie of the institution of the supper So doe I iudge it an intollerable thing sorelie to be punished if anie woulde celebrate the Lord his supper without repeating the historie of the same taken either out of the Euangelistes or out of Paul Here some perchance wil arise saie in the celebration of the supper in the reformed Churches y e bread is cōmonlie adored euen as in y e papacie Herevnto I doe thus answere If anie in our Churches do worship the bread and the cup he sticketh as yet in à papistical error from which he is to be reuoked by the godlie ministers of the Gospel Then I distinguish betwene the worship of the bread and the reuerence towarde the maiestie of Christ present in the supper which reuerence we do testifie by bowing the knee and by outward gestures of the bodie while we are occupied in the celebration of the supper The which reuerence as I iudge it laweful and godlie and commended to vs by the Apostle Paul so I doe thinke the worship of the breade and of the wine is wicked prophane both because we haue no cōmandemēt to doe without which à godlie minde can appoint nothing in religion and also because it is meere presumption as that which is not cōtent with that vse of the sacrament which the Lorde requireth The sixt It is contrarie to the institution and nature of the Lorde his supper that one seueralie by himselfe shoulde haue à banket without moe communicants For thus doeth Paul saie When ye come together into one place this is not to eate the Lordes supper For euerie man when they shoulde eate taketh his owne supper afore Againe as no man can baptise himselfe alone So neither is it lawful for à priest to minister the Lordes supper priuatelie to himselfe alone If then this Lordes supper be not à priuate banket surelie in vaine do those sacrificers vaunt howe with fiue wordes they can pluck-downe the bodie of Christ from heauen vpon their altar For y e bodie blood of Christ is onelie in y t place where the institution of Christ is maintained and the communion according to the institutiō It is needful then that at the least there be one to minister and another to receaue The seauenth By the helpe of this masse the kingdome of Antichrist which was erected by the diuel is augmented established For the storehouse of al vngodlie worshippings whereby the kingdome of Antichrist is vp-holden is the masse Which therefore the more forceablie doeth deceaue because it hath à forme quite contrarie to y e nature therof For it seemeth goodlie whereas nothing is more abhominable The eight The application of the masse for the dead y t they maie be deliuered frō purgatorie is à meere diuelish inuention For no man is forgiuen without he haue faith wherfore they most horriblie deface the glorie of Christ which do faine that that offering doth merite that remission of sinnes for the deade Furthermore al which depart out of this life doe depart either in faith or without faith In in faith they are blessed according to that Blessed are the dead which die in the Lorde And Peter saith The end of faith is the saluation of soules But if they die without faith the sentence of Christ standeth sure He that beleeueth not on the sonne the wrath of God abideth on him So then there is à double waie to wit à waie of saluation which is of the faithful and à waie of death or damnation which is of al such as refuse in this worlde to beleeue on Christ. Where then is purgatorie frō whence the soules by masses be redeemed for monie Notwithstanding albeit the trueth touching the idolatrous masse of Papistes bee not vnknowen to the Church of God yet the Papistes to shew that they haue some ground doe obiect three thinges as buclers for their defence For first they bring-out the deede of Melchizedech Secondlie they oppose à place of Malachie touching the sacrifice to come among the Gentiles with the like Lastlie they doe amplifie the worthines of the people of the new Testamēt But what force they are of let vs brieflie consider The deede of Melchizedech from whence the Papistes do seeke to haue their cause countenanced is thus described Gen. 14. And Melchi-zedek king of Shalem brought-foorth breade and wine and hee was à Priest of the most high God Therefore he blessed him saieng Blessed art thou Abraham of God most high Hence do they most impudentlie inferre that Priestes must offer to God bread and wine for peace offeringes With as good a consequent might one make this argument Philip is in Spaine therefore the sea is sweet For first they doe corruplie reade He offered for He brought-foorth and in place of the particle And they reade For. Wherby they testifie who is their master euē the diuel the corrupter and slanderer of gods worde Secondlie they doe verie naughtilie distinguish the thinges which are to be compounded and mingled the thinges that are to be distinguished For there be two distinct members of the narration in Moses The former is of the king his deed The latter of the priest his deed Melchi-zedek brought-forth bread wine you haue the king and his deed And he was à Priest of the most high God therefore he blessed him Where you haue the priest and his deed Melchi-zedek therefore in bringing forth bread and wine showed himselfe a liberal king whereby he would refresh the wearied host of Abraham And in blessing Abraham he shewed himself a Priest For it was the office of Priestes to blesse the