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B08096 The great assize, or, Day of iubilee. Deliuered in foure sermons, vpon the 20. chapter of the Reuel. ver. : Whereunto are annexed two sermons vpon the I. chapter of the Canticles, verse 6.7. / [By] Samuel Smith, minister of the work of God at Prittlewell in Essex.. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1617 (1617) STC 22847.7; ESTC S95246 88,613 364

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were parched and for lacke of rooting withered away From whence wee obserue a twofold instruction 1. That the Church of God sometimes is in the very heate of persecution 2. That Christ the good Shepheard euen then forsakes not his bur at Noone-day euen in the extremitie of the same prouides a shadow and place of comfort and refreshing for those that are his sheepe Obiect 3 The Church of God somtimes is in the very heate of persecutiō First wee are taught heere that it is the will of GOD that his Church sometimes should be tryed And it is his will that sometimes his People should vndergoe persecutions according to the rule of the Apostle S. Paul 2. Tim. 3.12 Whosoeuer will liue godlie in Christ Iesus must suffer persecution This is expresly taught by the Prophet Dauid Psal 34.19 Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth him out of all This was the condition of the Israelites in Egipt who remayned there a long time in cruell bondage vnder Pharaoh Exod. 1.12 And in Hesters time how were the poore people of God in the heate of persecution Est 2.23 This was the State of the whole Church of the Hebrewes described thus That Some were racked and would not bee deliuered Hebr. 11.35 c that they might receiue a better resurrection And others haue beene tryed by mockings and scourgings yea moreouer by bloud and imprisonment They were stoned they were hewen asunder they were burned slaine with the Sword wandered vp and downe in Sheepes skinnes and in Goates skinnes being destitute afflicted and tormented whom the world was not worthie of c. This we might further consider in the examples of Abraham Isaac Iacob Iob Ioseph Dauid Ieremy and the like whose liues are a plentifull store-house to testifie this truth That the people of God doe many times endure manifolde afflictions and sundry trialls And this haue wee had experience of in this Land in the dayes of Queene Marie when the Sunne shone hot and that the fire of persecution was great to the wasting of the bodies of many a deere Childe of God So that if we hope to liue with Christ in the Church Triumphant we must first die with him in the Church Militant For none shall raigne with Christ there that haue not first suffered with him heere Nor none shall haue their teares wiped from them in heauen that haue not first shed them on the earth Thus hauing seene the Doctrine that it is the State and condition of Gods church heere vpon earth to vndergoe sometimes many and grieuous afflictions Now let vs see the Reasons that so the Doctrine may leaue the greater impression in euery one of our affections In regard of Gods enemies Reason 1 themselues which know not the Father nor IESVS CHRIST his Sonne they haue nothing to stoppe and to stay their rage and malice as our Sauiour witnesseth when he saith They shall excommunicate you yea the time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you will thinke that hee doth GOD seruice And these things will they doe because they haue not knowne the Father nor yet mee So that it is no maruel though the enemies of gods Church doe rage against the faithfull seruants of God being stirred vp thereunto by the instigation of Sathan seeing that they know not God nor Iesus Christ Iohn 15.19 but haue their eyes blinded by Satan the prince of this world Reason 2 GOD suffereth his children many times to vndergoe some sharpe and bitter triall of affliction and to suffer euen the burning heate of Persecution to make knowne the Vertues and Graces of his Children as Saint Paul saith It is necessarie that afflictions should come that the elect may be manifest who they be As it is not possible to know the valour of the Souldier if hee lie alwaies in the Campe and neuer come into the Field So is it impossible to know the Courage Patience Obedience Zeale Loue c. of his children till triall come And therefore God would haue Abraham tempted to make his faith knowne So Iobs patience Dauids pietie Pauls courage c. The earth which is not tilled and broken vp will yeeld nothing but briers and thornes And Vines will waxe wilde if they bee not pruned and cut Euen so the vnruly affections of our hearts as so many noysome weeds would quickly ouer-runne the whole man if the Lord by sanctified afflictions should not manure vs. It is good therefore said Ieremy or a man to beare the yoke in his Lam. 3.27 youth And in another place the same Prophet saith Ier. 48.11 Moab keepes his sent because hee was not powred from vessell to vessell but hath beene at rest euer since his youth There are besides these diuerse other reasons wherefore the Lord doth thus exercise his deere children in this life with crosses and afflictions as to humble them for sinnes past and to preuent sinne in them for the time to come Because when we shall perceiue that the only weapon whereby Sathan woundeth our Soules is sinne it will make vs repent of sinnes that are past and warie of sinnes for the time to come And also to humble the pride of our hearts For knowledge puffeth vp and in whatsoeuer thing wee goe before our brethren naturally we waxe proud of the same Now the Lord by these afflictions like a skilfull Physition le ts out the superfluous humours of pride and vaine-glory when wee shall see what wee are by nature Well let vs make some vse of this Doctrine to our selues Vse 1 Wee haue had a long Morning and yet are in peace and rest but it will not euer bee Morning the Sunne will rise and it will bee Noone day the Lord will haue a time of triall It is the Lords vsuall dealing after long time of peace to bring some trials that the Elect and true Christian may bee discerned Of all things in the world the Lord cannot indure that his glorious Gospell should bee contemned and despised as it is at this day amongst vs Oh then seeing that wee must euen looke for a triall Let vs prepare and arme our selues with all needfull vertues with patience with humility with courage zeale c. Alas any thing wil serue the turne now to bee a Christian a small matter But if in the time of triall we shrinke Luk. 14.25 or else yeeld vnto the enemy then wee shall shew that wee are but hypocrites and cowards Oh then let vs be good Souldiers now in the time of peace prouide and sharpen our weapons against the time of warre Let vs cast it what it will cost vs to bee the Sheep of Christ losse of Lands liuings gold siluer liberty country yea life it selfe yet to resolue by the helpe of God neuer to bee ashamed of the Gospell of Christ let persecution come neuer so hote vpon vs. Secondly we learne hereby Vse 2 not to promise vnto our selues worldly Peace and Prosperitie while
THE GREAT ASSIZE OR DAY OF IVBILEE Deliuered in foure Sermons vpon the 20. chapter of the Reuel ver Whereunto are annexed two Sermons vpon the 1. chapter of the Canticles verse 6.7 The second Impression corrected and amended by the Authour SAMVEL SMITH Minister of the word of God at Prittlewell in Essex Math. 12.36 I say vnto you That of euery idle word that men shall speake they shall giue an account thereof at the day of Iudgement LONDON Printed by NICHOLAS OKES 1617. ❧ TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVL AND VERtuous Gentlewoman Mistresse IANE ELIOT of Newland Hall SAMVEL SMITH wisheth the encrease of all true comfort in this life and eternall happinesse in the next RIGHT Worshipful the Apostle Paul hath told vs That In the last dayes shall come perillous times For men shall bee louers of their owne selues couetous boasters prowd cursed speakers Disobedient to parents vnthankefull vnholie without Natural affection Truce-breakers false accusers intemperate fierce no Louers at all of them which are good traytours heady high-minded Louers of pleasures more then louers of God hauing a shew of godlinesse but yet denie the power thereof And they are the words of our Sauiour himselfe that as it was in the dayes of Noah So shall the comming of the Son of man be And againe vvhen the Sonne of man commeth shall hee finde Faith vpon earth When were these perilous times Saint Peter speaketh of if not now When was there the like securitie When gaue men themselues ouer to their owne hearts lust more then now By the which then wee see that we are they Vpon whom the ends of the world are come and that wee must all shortly be called to accompt for these things The Nineuites fast and repent the Publicans do feare and quake when Ionas cryeth to the one and Iohn to the other of iudgement to come Ahab is humbled and Felix trembles when from Elias and Paule they heare of death and Judgement yet alas where is the man among vs that thinkes of these things Doe not men crie Peace peace till destruction come vpon them as the Trauell vpon a woman with childe Shee thinketh not of the paine vntill it come and they thinke not of this day of reckoning till it come This is the security of our Age so that we may now looke for an end to be put vnto these sinnefull daies for vvhat are they but the fore-runners of that last and dreadfull day The Lord make vs wise betimes that we may think of that Great Assise and the account that we are then to make I haue heere endeauoured in a weake measure to vnfold the Doctrine of the day of Judgement the which J here present vnto your Worship in regard of the demonstration of my vnfained thankefulnes for your extraordinary kindnesse bestowed vpon me As also in regard of the great affection and good deuotion you beare to the Truth Accept therfore I pray you what is heere offred vnto you and take in good part my indeuour therein so I humbly take my leaue Resting Your Worships in all Christian duetie to be commanded SAMVEL SMITH ❧ To the Christian Reader Grace and Peace from IESVS CHRIST the Prince of Peace CHristian Reader I present heere vnto thy view the third publique fruite of my Ministerie wherein I haue endeuoured that those especially of mine owne Hearers might a second time take notice of my Exercises that in publike I deliuered vnto them The night commeth when no man can worke therefore it stands vs all in hand both Minister and People to esteeme of Time as the most precious thing in the world and the rather because we know not how soone we shall be called to an account of our Works Many haue had many times many good purposes of hart to cleaue vnto the Lord that haue beene preuented by Death for want of timely Repentance It shall then be our wisedome To agree with our Aduersarie while wee are in the way with him for if wee be but once arrested by Death we shall be sure to pay the vtmost farthing Vse this as a help vnto thee to better thee in the performance of that dutie which concerns thee so nearly That thou must one day giue an accompt of thy Workes If thou reape any benefit by it giue the praise vnto God from whom euery good perfect gift proceedeth and help me in thy praiers which I shall take as a full recompence of all my Labours and be encoraged to spend some houres more in the like dueties for thy good In the meane time I remaine Thine in the common Sauiour SAMVEL SMITH THE GREAT ASSIZE The first Sermon REVEL 20.11.12 c. 11 And I sawe a great white Throne and him that sate on it from whose Face fled away both the Earth and the Heauen and their place was no more found 12 And I saw the dead both small and great stand before God and the Bookes were opened and another book was opened which is the book of Life the dead vvere iudged of those things vvhich vvere vvritten in the books according to their deeds 13 And the Sea gaue vp her dead which were in her and Death and Hell deliuered vp the dead that were in them and they were iudged euery man according to his deeds 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death 15 And whosoeuer was not found written in the booke of life was cast into the lake of fire HAVING spoken not long since of the Comming of CHRIST into his Garden Cant. 5.1 or into his Church and of his kinde and princely offers vnto vs suing for entertainment at our hands being his first comming vnto vs heere in this vale of Teares I thought it verie necessarie to speake something of his second comming that those that will not be moued with the former might be terrified with the latter To which purpose I haue made choyce of this place of Scripture in which this matter as you see is at large described with many necessary circūstances needfull to be knowne and learned of euerie one of vs all For heere the second comming of Christ is reuealed to Saint Iohn in a vision from Heauen euen in that manner in which Christ will come at the last day For these fiue Verses containe in them nothing else but a liuely and heauenly description of the second coming of Christ to Iudgement with all the circumstances belonging to the same The parts of the Text. For first if you would know with what Maiestie Power Integritie Seueritie and Terrour this great Iudge will come you may see the person of the Iudge described in the first verse of this present Text. Secondly if you would vnderstand what persons must be cited and summoned who must appeare Saint Iohn saith heere he Sawe the dead both great and small stand before the Iudge all that euer are that haue been or shall bee vnto the end of the
after this Kingdome of Heauen Surely it is none other in Heauen or earth but this our gracious King who being the onely immortall and wise GOD hauing the Key of Heauen and of the bottomlesse Pitte he alone can kill and make aliue hee alone can lift vp to Heauen and send to Hell hee alone and none but hee can saue and destroy O vvhat a comfort is this vnto all the poore Members of CHRIST IESNS For vvhat greater ioy and comfort can there bee to anie poore soule then this to know that he that is their Iudge is their Sauiour a sweet Redeemer a mercifull Iudge vnto them he will neuer condemne his owne members Nay he will crowne them with his ovvne Selfe and vvith his owne Glorie Vse What must this teach vs Surely seeing our Iudge is a King and that he alone is able to saue and to destroy this must teach vs euery man and woman in the feare of God to yeelde to this King that true loyaltie that sincere obedience and seruice which this our King requireth of vs in his blessed word Malac. 1.6 If I he a Father where is mine honour If I be a Lord where is my feare saith the Lord. So vvill Christ say If I be a King where is that loyaltie seruice and obedience that is due vnto mee Now Christ Iesus is a Spirituall King and therefore he will be serued in Spirit and Trueth O then let vs all with a godly purpose of heart yeeld and resigne our selues bodies and soules to honour this King and to performe vnto him true and spirituall obedience for euermore Alas it is not externall and outward seruice which hee expects he is not like an earthly king but he regards the heart and the soule that is a speciall thing in his seruice And if wee shall thus performe this spirituall seruice and obedience then wee shall shew our selues to bee his loyall and dutifull Subiects and then will he acknowledge vs for his Seruants But if wee denie to him this seruice of the heart and giue it to anie other he will then cast vs off for euermore Seueritie of the Iudge described Thus much of the Maiestie of the Iudge and of his sinceritie and vprightnesse in iudgement Now in the description of the Iudge it is further added that from the face of this Iudge both The Heauen and the Earth flee away And this doth shevv the wonderfull seueritie of this great Iudge of Heauen and Earth We know that men flie those things that they feare and dread So here the Heauen and Earth do feare the glorious presence of IESVS CHRIST the great iudge of the whole world and seeke to hide themselues that they may not appeare before him This flying of the Earth and the Heauens and hiding themselues that they dare not appeare in the presence of CHRIST this shews the wonderfull maiestie and the great seueritie and terror of CHRIST IESVS the Iudge from whence we obserue a three-fold instruction The Heauens and the Earth Vse 1 are voyde of sense they are great and mightie Creatures Agayne they be verie goodly and beautifull Creatures Besides all this they neuer committed anie sinne Hovv commeth it to passe then that they shal flie hide themselues from the glorious presence of the Son of God Ans They neuer sinned indeed but yet the sinne of man is of that force that it hath infected both the earth we treade on and the heauens ouer our heads many thousand miles aboue vs. Oh then see how monstrous a thing sinne is in the sight of Almightie God what a vile thing that the contagion and infection thereof should hurt infect the whole Heauens and make them that they dare not abide the glorious presence of God their Creator O should we not abhorre sinne as the vilest thing in the world Wee are afraide of the plague because it infecteth and killeth mens bodies But the plague of Sinne is a thousand times and more to be abhorred and fledde from seeing it poysons and infects both bodie and soule is so contagious that the creature is afraid to behold the face of the Sonne of God Seeing both Heauen and Vse 2 Earth shall flie and perish from before the glorious presence of Christ Iesus Nay they shall burne with fire as Peter saith 2. Pet. 3.10.11 All these goodlie houses all thy golde and siluer and costly apparell shal be burnt with fire this may teach vs moderation and sobriety in the vse of Gods creatures What folly is it to spend al that a man hath to build a stately house and yet in the end it must be consumed with fire and become nothing else but fevvell for the fire That seeing the heauens and Vse 3 the earth these great and mightie Creatures these beautifull and excellent works of almightie Gods power which haue no sense nor feeling nor neuer sinned if these shall flie before the Sonne of GOD as being not able to indure his presence Alas what shall wicked and hard-hearted sinners doe what shall become of the vile wretches of the world which liue and delight in sinne where shall the vngodlie and sinner appeare what will become of all ignorant soules what will become of the Blasphemer and Adulterer If the Heauens and the Earth these great and glorious creatures which sinne not shall not be able to stand in his presence Then what I say will become of all prophane and vngodly sinners Alas they shall be euen at their wittes end not knovving in the world which way to turne them nor where to flie for succour vvhere shall they seeke for refuge when as the Iudge himselfe is their enemy who dares pleade for them dare any Saint or Angell No no no Saint or Angell dares open their mouth to speake one word in their behalfe neyther can any creature deliuer them from the dreadfull vengeance of this terrible Iudge Verse 12. And I saw the dead both great and small THvs haue you seene the person of the Iudge described by his wonderfull maiestie and povver The persons that shall appeare before this Iudge described wherevvith he will come to iudgement and also by the great severitie and terrour that shal astonish both the heauen and the earth and make them to flie from before his presence Now in this Verse and that which follovveth is declared who be they that shall appeare before this great Iudge Namely I saw the dead both great and small c. Secondly the euidences that shall bee brought in and vvhat witnesses shall be produced either to excuse or accuse in these words And the Books were opened Obiect And I saw the dead both great and small c. Before we come to speake of the wordes heere may a question arise Namely How this can be true that Saint Iohn saith He saw the dead both great and small For we beleeue that Christ Iesus shall iudge both quicke and dead not onely the dead but the liuing and Paul
we doe neuer seeke for this or dreame of heauen till wee haue one foot in hell let vs not then thinke to gaine a kingdome so easily we cannot go to heauen on beds of dowlne but we must striue to enter therein And as life is sweet ioy riches honor and pleasures are sweete so to haue them for euer without feare of loosing this is a blessed thing for so it is with them that bee in possession of this Kingdome they shall be out of feare to loose it but shall raigne with Christ for euermore Thus in some sort you may conceiue the blessed and most happy estate of all the elect and faithfull children of Almightie God which ought to moue vs to repent and turne to God But what shall become of the rest the vngodly sinners of them whose names be not written in the Booke of Life Alas poore wretches poore soules it grieues me to think of them it would make a mans heart to melt to thinke on their most wofull miserie And I quake to speake or to thinke what shall become of their soules for euer The Holy-Ghost saith heere They shall be cast into the lake of fire What shall become then of the swearer drunkard c. They shall be cast into the lake of fire Matth. 25. for so saith Christ Goe ye cursed c. This is their end and this is their portion for euermore Ah poore wretch Ah vile creature ah miserable sinner it had beene good for them if they had neuer beene borne or beene made rather Toads or Serpents then Men. For besides that that they shall be cast out of the glorious and comfortable presence of God and his holy Angels they shal be cast into this lake of fire for euer Concerning which Lake of fire into which all impenitent and hard-hearted sinners shall be cast for euer I will set downe three speciall points First the perpetuitie of it Secondly the extreamitie of it And thirdly that it is remedilesse All which considered mee thinks it should make the flinty hearts of sinners to melt and to breake in peeces for feare they doe come into this place of torment into this lake of fire And seeing the spirit of God doth repeate it againe and againe that all reprobate sinners shal be cast into the lake of fire it is to shew that men doe little consider of that they doe not tremble at it And therefore he beates vpon it to teach vs it is a speciall poynt to bee thoght on to mollifie our hard hearts And first concerning this lake of fire In that it is named heere A lake of fire this noteth to vs the extremitie of the torment that it is a place of endlesse woe vnspeakeable paine The Scripture giues it sundrie names to set forth the vnspeakable torment thereof Reu. 21.8 All wicked impenitent sinners shall be cast into the lake of fire For of all torments none is so extreme as fire And Christ saith There shal be weeping Luk. 13.28 wayling c. And it shal be most hot and yet most colde strangenesse of this fire c. Againe Their worme shall neuer die Marke chap. 9.44 That worme which shall gnaw their consciences euen the torment of their consciences O what a wofull thing is this for a man or woman to haue a worme continually to gnaw their bowels within neuer to let them alone or to giue them any rest Such shall the misery be of the wicked Againe Tophet is prepared for the King hee cannot escape and it is deepe and large and the burning therof is fire much wood and the breath of the Lord as a riuer of brimstone shall kindle it Esay 30.33 So as the wrath of the Lord shall be as bellows to blow it and as a riuer of brimstone to maintaine it By this you may alittle conceiue the extreamitie of this wofull Lake of hel fire But if I had the tongue of men or Angels I could neuer expresse it to the full For as the ioyes of heauen be vnspeakeable so the torments of hell can not be expressed at what time the totall wrath of God shall seize vppon the reprobates both body and soule and shall feed vpon them for euermore Now to the end you may the better conceiue the extreamitie of it you must know that the torments of hel they be vniuersal euen in all the parts of the bodie and faculties of the soule at once the mind the wil the conscience the affection the head the heart c. all at once shall be tormented The paines in this life they are for the most part particular in some part of the body but in this fire the sinner shall be tormented in all parts at once and yet we may see that some pains there be as is the stone c. which men would not willingly haue for a whole world Alas what a woefull thing will this be to be thus tormented euen in all and euerie member so extreamly Let one example serue in this point The rich Glutton cries out Oh I am tormented in this flame Luk. 16. The torment and heate was so great that hee would haue giuen euen a whole world if he had beene Lord of it for so much water as would haue stucke to ones finger to haue cooled his flaming tong Tongue tongue Soule soule Thus you see that this fire is most extreame and wofull and yet men wil not beleeue it they feare it not But let vs thinke vppon the most wofull and extreme paine of this Lake of fire and let vs make that vse which CHRIST teacheth vs If thy right hand or foote that is anie thing neuer so sweete neuer so profitable neuer so deere or neere vnto vs Let vs cut them off and cast them from vs that is let vs forgoe and forsake them all For it is better to goe poore to heauen then rich to hell It is better to goe naked to Heauen then in costly apparell to Hell O let all carnall men all vngodly sinners that liue in pleasures sports or pastimes yea let them know they shall pay full deerely for these things euen the losse of their soules in hell for euermore Secondly as the paines of Hell be easelesse and most extreame so they be endlesse and perpetuall no end of them for euermore So Abraham tels the rich Glutton You that bee there cannot come hither Luke 16. and so sayth S. Iohn Reuel 21. It is a lake of fire brimstone that burneth for euer So Go ye cursed into euerlasting fire Mat. 25.41 It can neuer be quenched when as damned sinners shal lie therin many thousand yeares yea as many as there be Starres in Heauen and yet neuer to haue an end If a man should but once euerie thousand yeares take one spoonfull of water out of the Sea how many thousand thousand yeares would be expired before he should haue emptied the same O consider this you that forget GOD Consider this you which