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A89326 The soules own evidence, for its own immortality. In a very pleasant and learned discourse, selected out of that excellent treatise entituled, The trunesse of Christian religion, against atheists, epicures, &c. / First compiled in French by famous Phillip Mornay, Lord of Plessie Marlie, afterward turned into English by eloquent Sir Phillip Sydney, and his assistant, Master Arthur Golden, anno Domini M D LXXX VII. And now re-published. By John Bachiler Master of Arts, somtimes of Emanuell Colledge in Cambridge. Published according to order.; De la verité de la religion chrestienne. English Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623.; Sidney, Philip, Sir, 1554-1586.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606.; Batchiler, John, ca. 1615-1674. 1646 (1646) Wing M2802; Thomason E324_3 62,858 73

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him that maketh it to sound What would hee say then if he could afterward see how the same man being now quickned attaineth in one moment from the one side of the earth to the other without shifting of place descending downe to the centre of the world and mounting up above the outtermost circle of it both at once present in a thousand places at one instant imbracing the whole without touching it keeping upon the earth and yet containing it beholding the Heavens from beneath and being above the Heaven of Heavens both at once Should he not bee compelled to say that in this silly body there dwelleth a greater thing then the body greater then the earth yea greater then the whole world together Then let us say with Plato that man is double outward and inward The outward man is that which we see with our eys which forgoeth not his shape when it is dead no more then a Lute forgoeth his shape when the Lute-player ceaseth from making it to sound howbeit that both life moving sense and reason be out of it The inward man is the Soule and that is properly the very man which useth the body as an instrument whereunto though it be united by the power of God yet doth it not remove when the body runneth It seeth when the eyes be shut and somtimes seeth not when the eyes be wide open It travelleth while the body resteth and resteth when the body travelleth that is to say it is able of it selfe to performe his own actions without the help of the outward man whereas on the contrary part the outward without the help of the inward that is to wit the body without the presence of the Soule hath neither sense moving life no nor continuance of being In the outward man we have a Counterfet of the whole world and if you rip them both up by piecemeale ye shall finde a wonderfull agreement betwixt them But my purpose in this book is not to treat of the things that pertain peculiarly to the body In the inward man wee have a summe of whatsoever life sence and moving is in all creatures and moreover an Image or rather a shadow for the Image is defaced by our sinne of the Godhead it self And that is the thing which wee have to examine in this Chapter In Plants we perceive that besides their bodies which wee see there is also an inward vertue which we see not whereby they live grow bud and beare fruit which vertue wee call the quickening Soule and it maketh them to differ from Stones and Metalls which have it not In sensitive living things we finde the selfesame vertue which worketh while they sleep and are after a sort as the Plants and there withall we finde another certaine vertue or power which seeth heareth smelleth tasteth and feeleth which also in many of them doth hoord up the things brought in by the sences which manner of power the Plants are void of This do we terme the sensitive Soule because the effects thereof are discerved and executed by the Sences In man we have both the quickning and the Sensitiue the former uttering it self in the nourishing and increasing of him and the latter in the subtility of sence and imagination where through he is both Plant and Beast together But yet moreover wee see also a Mind which considereth and beholdeth which reapeth profit of the things that are brought in by the Sences which by his seeing conceiveth that which it seeth not which of that which is not gathereth that which is finally which pulleth a man away both from earth and from all sensible things yea and after a sort from himself too This doe we call the reasonable Soule and it is the thing that maketh man to bee man and not a Plant or a brute Beast as the other two do and also to be the Image or rather a shadow of the Godhead in that as we shall say hereafter it is a Spirit that may have continuance of being alone by it selfe without the bodie And by the way whereas I say that the inward man hath a quickening power as a Plant hath a sensitiue power as a Beast hath and a power of understanding wherby he is a man my meaning is not that he hath three Soules but onely one Soule that is to wit that like as in the brute Beast the sensitive Soule comprehendeth the quickening Soule so in man the reasonable Soule comprehendeth both the sensitive and the quickening and executeth the offices of them all three so as it both liveth feeleth and reasoneth even as well and after the same manner as the mind of a man may intend to his own household-matters to the affaires of the Commonweale and to heavenly things all at once Or to speake more fitly these three degrees of Soules are three degrees of life whereof the second exceedeth and conteineth the first and the third exceedeth and conteineth both the other two The one without the which the bodie cannot live is the Soule or life of the Plant and is so tied to the bodie that it sheweth not it selfe in any wise out of it The second which cannot live without the bodie is the Soule or life of the Beast which doth well utter forth his power and force abroad but yet not otherwise then by the members and instruments of the body whereunto it is tyed The third which can of it selfe live and continue vvithout the body but not the body vvithout it is the soule of man vvhich giveth life inwardly to all his parts sheweth forth his life abroad in the perceiving of all things subject to sence and retaineth still his force as shall be said hereafter yea and increaseth it even when the strength of the body and the very livelinesse of the sences fail And in very deed you shall see a man forgoe all his sences one after another as the instruments of them decay and yet have still both life and reason unappaired The cause whereof is that some of the instruments of life and sense doe faile but the life it selfe vvhich quickneth them fayleth not And therefore the Beast forgoeth not life in losing sense but hee utterly forgoeth sence in forgoing life And that is because life is the ground of the abilities of sense and the sensitive life is a more excellent life than the quickning life as wherein those powers and abilities are as in their ●oot To be short he that bereaveth man or beast of the use of sences or man of the right use of reason doth not thereby bereave him of life but he that bereaveth the beast or the outward man of their life doth therewithall bereave them of sence and reason Therefore it is a most sure argument that the soule which causeth a beast to live and the soule that causeth it to have sence are both one that is to wit one certain kind of life more lively and more excellent than the life that is in Plants And
one is as an appendant to the other And in very deed to what purpose were the World created if there were no body to behold it Or to what end behold wee the Creator in the world but to serve him And why should we serve him upon no hope And to what purpose hath he indewed us with these rare gifts of his which for the most part doe but put us to pain and trouble in this life if we perish like the brute Beast or the Hearbes which know him not Howbeit for the better satisfying of the silly Soules which go on still like witlesse Beastes without taking so much leysure in all their life as once to enter into themselves let us indevour here by lively reasons to paint out unto them againe their true shape which they labour to deface with so much filthinesse The Soule of man as I have sayd afore is not a body neyther doth it increase or decrease with the body but contrary wise the more the body decayeth the more doth the understanding increase and the neerer that the body draweth unto death the more freely doth the mind understand and the more that the body abateth in flesh the more workfull is the mind And why then should we think that the thing which becommeth the stronger by the weaknesse of the body and which is advanced by the decay of the body should returne to dust with the body A mans Sences fayle because his eyes fayle and his eyes fayle because the Spirits of them fayle but the blind mans understanding increaseth because his eyes are not buside and the olde mans reason becommeth the more perfect by the losse of his sight Therefore why say we not that the body fayleth the Soul and not the Soule the body and that the Glasses are out of the Spectacles but the eysight is still good Why should we deeme the Soule to be forgone with the Sences If the eye be the thing that seeth and the care the thing that heareth why doe we not see things double and heare sounds double seeing we have two eyes and two ears It is the soule then that seeth and heareth and these which wee take to be our sences are but the instruments of our sences And if when our eyes be shut or picked out we then behold a thousand things in our minde yea and that our understanding is then most quick-sighted when the quickest of our eysight is as good as quenched or starke dead how is it possible that the reasonable soule should be tyed and bound to the sences What a reason is it to say that the soule dyeth with the sences seeing that the true sences doe then grow and increase when the instruments of sense doe die And what a thing were it to say that beast is dead because he hath lost his eyes when we our selves see that it liveth after it hath forgone the eyes Also I have proved that the soule is neither the body nor an appertenance of the body Sith it is so why measure we that thing by the body which measureth all bodies or make that to die with the body whereby the bodies that die yea many hundred years agoe doe after a certain manner live still Or what can hurt that thing whom nothing hurteth or hindereth in the body Though a man lose an arme yet doth his soule abide whole still Let him forgoe the one halfe of his body yet is his soule as sound as afore for it is whole in it selfe and whole in every part of it selfe united in it selfe and in the own substance and by the force and power thereof it sheadeth it selfe into all parts of the body Though the body rot away by piecemeal yet abideth the Soule all one and undiminished Let the bloud dreyn out the moving wax weake the sences faile and the strength perish and yet abideth the minde neverthelesse sound and lively even to the end Her house must be pierced through on all sides ere shee be discouraged her walls must be battered down ere she fall to fleeting and she never forsaketh her lodging till no room be left her to lodge in True it is that the brute beasts forgoe both life action with their bloud But as for our soule if we consider the matter well it is then gathered home into it selfe and when our sences are quenched then doth it most of all labour to surmount it selfe working as goodly actions at the time that the body is at a point to fail it yea and often times far goodlier also than ever it did during the whole life time thereof As for example it taketh order for it selfe for our household for the Common-weale and for a whole Kingdome and that with more uprightnesse godlinesse wisdome and moderation than ever it did afore yea and perchance in a body so far spent so bare so consumed so withered without and so putrified within that whosoever looks upon him sees nothing but earth and yet to heare him speake would ravish a man up to heaven yea and above heaven Now when a man sees so lively a soule in so weake and wretched a body may he not say as is said of the hatching of chickens that the shell is broken but there commeth forth a chicken Also let us see what is the ordinary cause that things perish Fire doth either goe out for want of nourishment or is quenched by his contrary which is water Water is resolved into aire by fire which is his contrary The cause why the Plant dyeth is extremitie of cold or drought or unseasonable cutting or violent plucking up Also the living wight dyeth through contrarietie of humours or for want of food or by feeding upon some thing that is against the nature of it or by outward violence Of all these causes which can we choose to have any power against our Soule I say against the Soule of man which notwithstanding that it be united to matter and to a bodie is it selfe a substance unbodily unmateriall and only conceivable in understanding The contrarietie of things Nay what can be contrarie to that which lodgeth the contraries alike equally in himselfe which understandeth the one of them by the other which coucheth them all under one skill and to be short in whom the contrarieties themselves abandon their contrarieties so as they doe not any more pursue but insue one another Fire is hote and water cold Our bodies mislike these contraries and are grieved by them but our mind linketh them together without eithet burning or cooling it selfe and it setteth the one of them against the other to know them the better The things which destroy one another through the whole world do mainteine one another in our minds Againe nothing is more contrary to peace then warre is and yet mans mind can skill to make or mainteine peace in preparing for warre and to lay earnestly for warre in seeking or inioying of peace Even death it selfe which dispatcheth our life cannot bee contrary
the immortall spirit of our soule move and rule our frail body Hereunto consent all the writers of his time as Ovid Virgill and others whose verses are in every mans remembrance There wanted yet the wight that should all other wights exceed In lofty reach of stately minde who like a Lord indeed Should over all the res'due reign Then shortly came forth man Whom either he that made the World and all things else began Created out of seed divine or else the earth yet young And lately parted from the Skie the seede thereof uncloong Reteyned still in fruitfull wombe which Japets sonne did take And tempering it with water pure a wight thereof did make Which should resemble even the Gods which soverein state doe hold And where all other things the ground with groveling eye behold He gave to man a stately look and full of Majesty Commanding him with stedfast looke to face the starry skie Here a man might bring in almost all Senecaes writings but I will content my selfe with a few sayings of his Our Soules sayth he are a part of Gods Spirit and sparkes of holy things shineing upon the earth They come from another place then this low one Whereas they seeme to be conversant in the bodie yet is the better part of them in heaven alway neere unto him which sent them hither And how is it possible that they should be from beneath or f●om anywhere else than from above seeing they overpasse all these lower things as nothing and hold scorn of all that ever we can hope or feare Thus ye see how he teacheth that our souls come into our bodies from above But whether go they againe when they depart hence Let us here him what he sayes of the Lady Martiaes Sonne that was dead He is now everlasting sayth he and in the best state bereft of this earthly baggage which was none of his and set free to himselfe For these bones these sinewes this coate of skin this face and these serviceable hands are but fetters and prisons of the soule By them the soule is overwhelmed beaten downe and chased away It hath not a greater battell than with that masse of flesh For fear of being torn in peeces it laboureth to return from whence it came where it hath readie for it an happie and everlasting rest And again This soule cannot be made an Outlaw for it is a kin to the Gods equall to the whole world and to all time and the thought or conceit thereof goeth about the whole Heaven extending it selfe from the beginning of all time to the uttermost point of that which is to come The wretched course being the Iayle and fetters of the soule is tossed to and fro Upon that are torments murthers and diseases executed As for the soule it is holy and everlasting and cannot be layd hand on When it is out of this body it is at libertie and set free from all bondage and is conversant in that beautifull place wheresoever it be which receiveth mens soules into the blessed rest thereof as soone as they be delivered from hence To be short he seemeth to pricke very nere to the rising againe of the dead For in a certain Epistle to Lucillus his words are these Death whereof we be so much afraid doth not bereve us of life but only discontinew it for a time and a day will come that shall bring us to light againe This may suffice to give us knowledge of the opinion of that great personage in whom we see that the more he grew in age the nerer he came still to the true birth For in his latest bookes he treateth alwaies both more assuredly and more evidently thereof Also the saying of Phavorinus is notable There is nothing great in earth sayth he but Man and nothing great in Man but his soule if thou mount up thether thou mountest above Heaven And if thou stoope downe againe to the bodie and compare it with the Heaven it is lesse than a Fly or rather a thing of nothing At one word this is as much to say as that in this clod of clay there dwelleth a divine and uncorruptible nature for how could it els bee greater than the whole world As touching the Nations of old time we reade of them all that they had certain Religions and divine Services so as they beleeved that there is a Hell and certain fieldes which they call the Elysian fields as we see in the Poets Pindarus Diphilus Sophocles Euripides and others The more superstitious that they were the more sufficiently doe they witnesse unto us what was in their Conscience For true Religion and Superstition have both one ground namely the soule of man and there could be no Religion at all if the soule lived not when it is gone hence We read of the Indians that they burned themselves afore they came to extreme oldage terming it the letting of men loose and the freeing of the soule from the bodie and the sooner that a man did it the wiser was he esteemed Which custome is observed still at this day among the people that dwell by the River Niger otherwise called the people of Senega in Affricke who offer themselves willingly to be buryed quicke with their Masters All the demonstrations of Logicke and Mathematicke sayth Zeno have not so much force to prove the immortalitie of the soule as this only doing of theirs hath Also great Alexander having taken prisoners ten of their Philosophers whom they call Gimnosophists asked of one of them to try their wisedome whether there were moe men alive or dead The Philosopher answered that there were more alive Because sayd he there are none dead Ye may well think they gave a dry mocke to all the arguments of Aristotle and Callisthenes which with all their Philosophie had taught their scholer Alexander so evill Of the Thracians we reade that they sorrowed at the brith of men and reioyced at the death of them yea even of their owne childen And that was because they thought that which we call death not to be a death in deede but rather a very happie birth And these be the people whom Herodotus reporteth to have been called the Neverdying Getes and whom the Greekes called the Neverdying Getes or Thracians Who were of opinion that at their departing out of this world they went to Zamolxis or Gebeleizie that is to say after the interpretation of the Getish or Gotish tongue to him that gave them health saluation or welfare and gathered them together The like is sayd of the Galles chiefly of the inhabiters about Marsilles and of their Druydes of the Hetruscians and their Bishops and of the Scythians and their Sages of whom all the learning and wisedome was grounded upon this poynt For looke how men did spread abroad so also did this doctrine which is so deeply printed in man that he cannot but carie it continually with him Which thing is
here gather together their owne speeches one after another Hermes declareth in his Poemander how at the voyce of the everlasting the Elements yeelded forth all reasonlesse living wights as it had bin out of their bosomes But when he commeth to man he sayth He made him like unto himselfe he linked himselfe to him as to his Sonne for he was beautifull and made after his owne Image and gave him all his works to use at his pleasure Againe he exhorteth him to forsake his bodie notwithstanding that he wonder greatly at the cunning workmanship thereof as the very cause of his death and to manure his soul which is capable of immortality and to consider the originall root from whence it sprang which is not earthly but heavenly and to withdraw himselfe even from his sences and from their trayterous allurements to gather himselfe wholy into that minde of his which hee hath from God and by the which he following Gods word may become as God Discharge thy selfe sayth he of this body which thou bearest about thee for it is but a cloke of ignorance a foundation of infection a place of corruption a living death a sensible carryon a portable grave a household thief It flattereth thee because it hateth thee and it hateth thee because it envieth thee As long as that liveth it bereaveth thee of life thou hast not a greater enemie than that Now to what purpose were it for him to forsake this light this dwelling place this life if he were not sure of a better in another world as he himselfe sayth more largely afterward On the other side what is the soule The soule sayth he is the garment of the minde and the garment of the soule is a certain spirit whereby it is united to the body And this minde is the thing which we call properly the man that is to say a heavenly wight which is not to be compared with beasts but rather with the Gods of heaven if he be not yet more than they The heavenly cannot come down to the earth without leaving the heaven but man measureth the heaven without removing from the earth The earthly man then is as a mortall God and the heavenly God is as an immortal man To be short his conclusion is That man is double mortall as touching his body and immortall as touching his soule which soule is the substantiall man and the very man created immediately of God sayth he as the light is bred immediately of the Sunne And Chalcidius sayth that at his death he spake these words I goe home again into mine own countrey where my better forefathers and kinsfolke be Of Zoroastres who is yet of more antiquity than Hermes we have nothing but fragments Neverthelesse many report this argument to be one of his That mens souls are immortall and that one day there shall be a generall rising again of their bodies and the answers of the wise men of Chaldye who are the heirs of his Doctrine doe answer sufficiently for him There is one that exhorteth men to return with speed to their heavenly father who hath sent them from above a soule endowed with much understanding and another that exhorteth them to seeke paradice as the peculiar dwelling place of the soule A third sayth that the soule of man hath God as it were shut up in it and that it hath not any mortality therein For sayth he the soule is as it were drunken with God and sheweth forth his wonders in the harmonie of this mortall body And again another sayth It is a cleere fire proceeding from the power of the heavenly father an uncorruptible substance and the maintainer of life containing almost all the whole world with the full plenty thereof in his besom But one of them proceedeth yet further affirming that he which seteth his minde upon godlinesse shall save his body fraile though it be And by those words he acknowledgeth the very glorifying of the body Now all these sayings are reported by the Platonists and namely by Psellus and they refuse not to be acknowne that Pythagoras and Plato learned them of the Chaldees insomuch that some think that the foresaid Hermes and Zoroastres and the residue afore-mentioned are the same of whom Plato speaketh in his second Epistle and in his eleventh Book of Laws when he sayth that the ancient and holy Oracles are to be believed which affirme mens Souls to be Immortall and that in another life they must come before a Judge that will require an account of all their doings The effect whereof commeth to this That the Soule of man proceedeth immediatly from God that is to say that the father of the body is one and the Father of the Soul is another That the Soul is not a bodily substance but a Spirit and a Light That at the departure thereof from hence it is to go into a Paradise and therefore ought to make haste unto death And that it is so far from mortality that it maketh even the body Immortall What can we say more at this day even in the time of light wherein we be Pherecydes the Syrian the first that was known among the Greeks to have written prose taught the fame And that which Virgill sayth in his second Eglog concerning the Drug or Spice of Assyria and the growing thereof every whereis interpreted of some men to be ment of the Immortalitie of the Soule the doctrine whereof Pherecydes brought from thence into Greece namely that it should be understood everywhere throughout the whole world Also Phocylides who was at the same time speaketh thereof in these words {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} That is to say The Soul of man immortall is and never weares away With any age or length of time but liveth fresh for aye And again {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} The Remnants which remayn of men unburied in the grave Become as Gods and in the Heavens a life most blessed have For though their bodies turn to dust as daily we do see Their Souls live still for evermore from all corruption free And in another place he says again {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} We hope that we shall come agayn Out of the earth to light more playn And if ye aske him the cause of all this he will answer you in another verse thus {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Because the Soul Gods Instrument and Image also is Which saying he seemeth to have taken out of this verse of Sibil● {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} In very reason Man should be The Image and the shape of me Of the same opinion also are Orpheus Theognis Homer Hesiodus Pindar and all the Poets of old time which may answer both for themselves and their owne Countries and for the residue of their ages Likewise Pythagoras a disciple of