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A82272 Fasciculus chemicus or Chymical collections. Expressing the ingress, progress, and egress, of the secret hermetick science, out of the choisest and most famous authors. Collected and digested in such an order, that it may prove to the advantage, not onely of beginners, but proficients of this high art, by none hitherto disposed in this method. Whereunto is added, the Arcanum or grand secret of hermetick philosophy. Both made English by James Hasolle, Esquire, qui est Mercuriophilus Anglicus. Dee, Arthur, 1579-1651.; Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692. 1650 (1650) Wing D810; Thomason E1325_1; ESTC R209088 90,355 320

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and aspect The like this uncertaine Elixir worketh for that being tyed to no proper quality it imbraceth the quality and disposition of the thing wherewith it is mixed and wonderfully multiplyeth the virtues and qualities hereof 42. In the Philosophicall sublimation The Philosophical sublimation of Mercury or first preparation of Mercury Herculean labour must be undergone by the work-man for Jason had in vaine attempted his expedition to Colchos without Alcides Alter inauratam nota de vertice pellem Principium velut ostendit quod Aug. Cry sop 2. sumere possis Alter onus quantum subeas One from an high a Golden Fleece displayes Which shewes the Entrance another sayes How hard a taske you 'l find For the entrance is warded by horne-pushing beasts which drive away those that approach rashly thereunto to their great hurt onely the ensignes of Diana and the doves of Venus are able to asswage their fiercenesse if the fates favour 43. The naturall quality of Philosophicall Earth and the tillage thereof seems to be touched by the Poet in this Verse Pingue solum primis extemplo à Geo 1. mensibus anni Fortes invertant Tauri Tunc Zephyro putris se gleba resolvit Let sturdy Oxen when the yeare begins Plough up the fertile soyle For Zeph'rus then dissolves the rotten clods 44. He that calleth the Philosophers Luna or their Mercury the common Mercury doth wittingly deceive or is deceived so the writings of * Chap. 4. pari lib. 1 perfecti Magisterii Geber teach us that the Philosophers Mercury is Argent vive yet not of the common sort but extracted out of it by the Philosophers skill 45. That the Philosophers Mercury is not Argent vive in its proper nature nor in its whole substance but the midle and pure substance thereof which thence hath taken its originall and made by it the grand Philosophers opinions being founded in experience 46. The Philosophers Mercury hath divers names sometimes it is call'd Earth sometimes Water in a divers respect because it naturally ariseth from them both The earth is subtle white sulphurous in which the elements are fixed the philosophicall gold is sowne the water is water of life burning permanent most clear call'd the water of gold and silver but this Mercury because it hath in it Sulphur of its own which is multiplyed by art it deserves to be cald the Sulphur of Argent vive Last of all the most precious substance is Venus the ancients Hermaphrodite glorious in each sex 47. This Argent vive is partly naturall partly unnaturall it being intrinsecall and occult hath its root in nature which cannot be drawne forth unlesse it be by some precedent clensing industrious sublimation it being extrinsecall is praeternaturall and accidentall separate therefore the clean from the unclean the substance from the accidents and make that which is hid manifest by the course of nature otherwise make no further progresse for this is the foundation of the whole worke and nature 48. That dry and most precious liquor doth constitute the radicall moisture of metals wherefore of some of the ancients it is called Glasse for glasse is extracted out of the radicall moisture closely lurking in ashes which will not give place unlesse it be to the hottest flame notwithstanding our inmost or centrall Mercury discovers it selfe by the most gentle and kindly though a little more tedious fire of nature 49. Some have sought for the latent Philosophicall earth by Calcination others by sublimation many among the glasing vessels and some few between vitrial and salt even as among their naturall vessels others enjoyne to sublime it out of lime and glasse But we have learned of the Prophet that in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and the Earth was without form and void and darknesse was upon the face of the Deep and the spirit of God moved upon the Waters and God said Let there be Light and there was Light and God saw the Light that it was good and he divided the light from the darknes c. Josephs blessing spoken of by the same Prophet will be sufficient to a wise man Deut 33. Blessed of the Lord be his Land for the * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 à 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In re quapiam eximium praestans Sweetness old transla Precious things new tran Apples of Heaven for the dew and for the Deep that lyeth beneath for the Apples of fruit both of sun and moon for the top of the ancient mountains for the Apples of the everlasting hills c. pray the Lord from the ground of thy heart my son that he would bestow upon thee a portion of this blessed land 50. Argent vive is so defiled by originall sin that it floweth with a double infection the first it hath contracted from the polluted Earth which hath mixed it selfe therewith in its generation and by congelation hath cleaved thereunto the second borders upon the dropsie and is the corruption of intercutal Water proceeding from thick and impure water mixed with the clear which nature is not able to squeeze out and separate by constriction and because it is extrinsecall it goes away with a gentle heat The Mercuries leprosie infesting the body is not of its root and substance but accidentall and therfore separable from it the earthy part is wiped off by a moist Bath and the laver of nature the watery part is taken away by a dry bath with the pleasant fire of generation And thus by a threefold washing and clensing the Dragon putting off his old scales ugly skin is renewed 51. The Philosophicall sublimation of Mercury is compleated in two things namely by removing things superfluous from it and by introducing things wanting the superfluities are the externall accidents which in the dark spheare of Saturne doe make cloudy ruddy Jupiter Separate therefore the blewnesse of Saturn coming up untill Iupiters purple star smile upon thee Add hereunto the sulphur of nature whose grain and leaven it hath in it selfe so much as sufficeth it but see that it be sufficient for other things also Multiply therefore that invisible Sulphur of the philosophers until the Virgins milk come forth and so the first gate is opened unto thee 52. The entrance of the Philosophers garden is kept by the Hesperian Dragon which being laid open a fountaine of the clearest water proceeding from a seaven fold spring floweth forth on every side the threshold wherein make the Dragon drink thrice the magicall number of Seven untill being drunk he put off his hideous garment may the divine powers of light-bringing Venus and horned Diana be propitious unto thee 53. Three kinds of most beautifull flowers are to be sought and may be found in the garden of the wise Damask-coloured Violets the milk-white Lilly and the purple and immortall flower of love Amaranthus Not far from that fountaine at the entrance fresh Violets do first salute thee which being
of Terra Adamica wherein all the virtues and qualities of the Elements are placed At length the heavenly Soule is infused thereinto by the Spirit of the quintesse and Solar influx and by the Benediction and Dew of Heaven the virtue of multiplying in infinitum by the intervening copulation of both sexes is given it 75. The chief secret of this worke consisteth in the manner of working which is wholly imployed about the Elements for the matter of the Stone passeth from one Nature into another the Elements are successively extracted and by turnes obtaine dominion every thing is agitated by the circles of humidum and siccum untill all things be turned downwards and there rest 76. In the work of the Stone the other Elements are circulated in the figure of Water for the Earth is resolved into Water wherein are the rest of the Elements the Water is Sublimated into Vapour Vapour retreats into Water and so by an unwearied circle is the Water moved untill it abide fixed downwards now that being fixed all the Elements are fixed Thus into it they are resolved by it they are extracted with it they live and dye the Earth is the Tombe and last end of them all 77. The order of Nature requireth that every generation begin from humidum and in humidum In the Philosophers work Nature is to be reduced into order that so the matter of the Stone which is terrestriall compact and dry in the first place may be dissolved and flow into the Element of Water next unto it and then Saturne will be generated of Sol. 78. The Aire succeeds the Water drawne about by seven circles or revolutions which is wheel'd about with so many circles and reductions untill it be fixed downwards and Saturne being expell'd Jupiter may receive the Scepter and Government of the Kingdome by whose coming the Philosophers Infant is formed nourished in the wombe and at length is borne resembling the splendor of Luna in its beautifull serene countenance 79. The Fire executing the courses of the Nature of the Elements extream Fire promoving it of hidden is made manifest the Saffron dyeth the Lilly rednesse possesseth the cheeks of the whitening Child now made stronger A Crowne is prepared for him against the time of his Reigne This is the consummation of the first work and the perfect rotation of the Elements the signe whereof is when they are all terminated in Siccum and the body void of Spirit lyeth downe wanting pulse and motion And thus all the Elements do finally acquiesce in Terra 80. Fire placed in the Stone is Natures Prince Sol's Son and Vicar moving and digesting matter and perfecting all things therein if it shall attain its liberty for it lieth weak under an hard bark procure therefore its freedome that it may secure thee freely but beware that thou urge it not above measure for it being impatient of Tyranny it becomes a fugitive no hope of returne being left unto thee call it back therefore by courteous flattery and keep it prudently 81. The first mover of Nature is Externall Fire the Moderator of Internall Fire and of the whole work Let the Philosopher therefore very well understand the government thereof and observe its degrees and points for from thence the welfare or ruine of the worke dependeth Thus Art helpeth Nature and the Philosopher is the Minister of both 82. By these two Instruments of Art and Nature the Stone lifteth it selfe up from Earth to Heaven with great ingenuity and slideth from Heaven to Earth because the Earth is its Nurse and being carried in the wombe of the wind it receiveth the force of the Superiours and Inferiours 83. The Circulation of the Elements is exercised with a double The twofold Wheel the great and the less Wheel by the greater or extended and the lesse or contracted The Wheel extended fixeth all the Elements of the Earth and its circle is not finished unlesse the work of Sulphur be perfected The revolution of the minor Wheel is terminated by the extraction and preparation of every Element Now in this Wheel there are three 3 Circles Circles placed which alwayes and variously move the Matter by an Erratick and Intricate Motion and do often seven times at least drive about every Element in order succeeding one another and so agreeable that if one shall be wanting the labour of the rest is made void These are Natures Instruments wherby the Elements are prepared Let the Philosopher therfore consider the progresse of Nature in the Physicall Tract more fully described for this very end 84. Every Circle hath its proper Motion for all the motions of the Circles are conversant about the Subject of Humidum and Siccum and are so concatenated that they produce the onely operation and one only concent of Nature two of them are opposite both in respect of the causes the effects for one moveth upwards drying by heat another downwards moistning by cold a third carrying the form of rest and sleep by digesting induceth the cessation of both in greatest moderation 85. Of the three Circles the First Circle First is Evacuation the labour of which is in substracting the superfluous Humidum and also in separating the pure cleane and subtile from the grosse and terrestriall dreggs Now the greatest danger is found in the motion of this Circle because it hath to doe with things Spirituall and makes Nature plentifull 86. Two things are chiefly to be taken heed of in moving this Circle First that it be not moved too intensly the other that it be not moved longer then is meet Motion accelerated raiseth confusion in the matter so that the grosse impure and indigested part may fly out together with the pure and subtile and the Body undissolved mixed with the Spirit together with that which is dissolved with this precipitated motion the Heavenly and Terrestriall Nature are confounded and the Spirit of the Quintessence corrupted by the admixtion of the Earth is made dull and invalid By too long a motion the Earth is too much evacuated of its Spirit is made so languishing dry and destitute of Spirit that it cannot easily be restored and recalled to its Temperament Either errour burneth up the Tinctures or turns it into flight 87. The Second Circle is Restauration Second Circle whose office is to restore strength to the gasping and debilitated body by Potion The former Circle was the Organ of Sweat and labour but this of Refreshment and Consolation The action of this is imployed in the grinding mollifying the Earth Potter like that it may be the better mixed 88. The motion of this Circle must be lighter then that of the former especially in the beginning of its Revolution lest the Crow's young ones be drowned in their nest by a large floud and the growing world be overflowne by a deluge This is the Weigher and Assayer of Measures for it distributeth Water by Geometricall Precepts There is usually no greater Secret
Water the second is Aire the mean between Water and Oil the third is Oil it self The Water is distilled to the likenesse or sign of perfect whitenesse which is transparent splendour and the shining clearnesse of crystall and he that attains to this Token hath the Philosophers Mercury dissolving all Bodies chiefly of the Sun and Moon because of the vicinity or nearnesse of Nature Lul Codic p. 119. In our whole Magisteriall there Lullius are three principall Spirits necessary which without the consummation of their resolution cannot be manifested and they are otherwise called three Argent vives and for Argent vive understand the Water in which the Tincture is carried Raymund Theor. p. 122. 24. If you will hear me I will truly Ripleus shew what is that Mercury chiefly profitable know therefore that there are three Mercuries which are the Keys of Science whom Raymund cals his Menstrua without which nothing is done rightly but two of those Mercuries are superficiall the third Essentiall of the Sun and Moon perfect Bodies when we first Calcine them naturally but no unclean Body is ingredienced except one which is commonly called of the Philosophers The green Lion which is the mean of joyning Tinctures With the second Mercury which is vegetable Humidity both the Principall Materiall and Formall bodies ought to be resolved otherwise they are of little moment And with the third which is Humidity very permanent and incombustible the unctuous Tree of Hermes is burnt into Ashes Ripley pa. 25. Sons of Wisdome there are Incertus three solutions the first is of a crude Body the second is of a Philosophicall Earth the third we put in Augmentation The Virgin is Mercury because it never propagated a body in the Womb of the Earth and yet it generates the Stone for us by resolving the Heaven that is it opens the Gold and bringeth forth a Soul Incertus de Chemia pa. 6. Metals are reduced to the first Ventura Matter when they are driven back to that first simplicity which their Elements had in their first Composition in which there were Spirits and Vapours by nature perfectible to the form of the Compound Vent pa. 12. By Argent vive is understood Ludus Puerorum the humidity of that unction which is the radicall humidity of our Stone Ludus Puerorum pag. 174. The Preparation of this Spirit is its subtilation which is performed Vogel by many distillations untill it hath gotten crystalline splendour and clearnesse Vogel p. 148. Keep the rectified Water apart Aristotle because that is the Mercury of the Philosophers the water of Life washing the Leton Aristotle pag. 366. The whole labour and tediousnesse Lull compendium is in this viz. the separation of the Elements and Sulphur Air cannot be divided from Metals unlesse by the twentieth twenty second or thirtieth distillation And the Fire may be divided from the Earth at the eleventh distillation and as many distillations as there are so many putrefactions and reiterations of Water and Air together to wit of our Menstruall water and every putrefaction requireth eight days or six continued so that the division of the Elements dures the space of an year but we have compleated it in seven moneths Lull compend pa. 281. The Alchymists have said that the Stone is compounded of two Waters viz. of one which makes the volatile Stone and the other which fixes and hardens it Idem Between every Calcination of Avicenna the Earth pour on water moderately to wit not much nor little because if much there 's made a sea of perturbation if little it will be burnt up into ashes But sweetly not hastily from eight days to eight days by watering decocting and calcining the Earth till it hath imbibed its Water therefore when the Earth shall not be white bray it together with its Water iterate and calcine it because Aroc and Fire doe wash the Earth and take away its obscurity from it for its preparation is always with Water and as the fitnesse of the Water shall be so also shall be the clearnesse of the Earth and by how much the more the Earth shall be white c. Avicenna pag. 420 421. He which knows not to extract Scala more things out of one is ignorant also to compound one thing of more Our separation is a separation of a watry or moist vapour or phlegme in Balneis a levigation of rarity a production of principles Scala p. 134. Imbibe Calx or Body oftentimes Geber that thence it may be sublimed and yet more purified then before because the Calx ascends upwards very difficultly or not at all unlesse holpen by the Spirit Geber lib. summae perfectionis pag. 573. The Vessell being fitly placed in Ventura the Furnace the Fire underneath must be continued then the Vapour of the Matter will ascend upwards into the Alembick most subtilly and the same will be turned into serene bright and cleare Water having the form of a water drop and the Nature of all the species of which it is generated and it descends again by the Crows beak that is the Neck of the vessell of the Alembick and this Water because it is subtile doth enter the Body and extract first the Soule afterwards it dissolves all that is left and turns it into Water Moreover know that all things which are sublimed are sublimed two ways some by themselves and some with others but our Mercury since it is a Spirit is sublimed by it self but our Earth since it is the Calx of the Body is not sublimed unlesse very well incorporated with Mercury Therefore beat or pound them together and imbibe till they become one Body because the Body ascends not unlesse incorporated with Mercury Ventura p. 141. Dissolve the Gold and Silver in Vogel Water of their kinde if thou know it Vogelius p 78. And this is the last Preparation Massa Solis Lunae viz. of Spirits often reiterated by Contrition and Assation with their Body untill thou see these things which thou desirest in it Massa Solis Lunae pag. 240. Sons of Learning know ye that Afflictes the whole Work and the Government thereof is not done but by Water with which mingle ye the body of the Magnesia and put it in its Vessel and close the mouth carefully and boil it with a gentle fire till it be made liquid for by the heat of the Water the whole will easily be made Water Afflictes in Turba p. 32. THE COROLLARY From a certain Minerall Masse coagulated lucid red ponderous being perfect Metall in the nearest power containing in it selfe vive spermatick Sulphur and vive immature Mercury multiplicable in it self with the most gentle fire of a Balneum or Bath is drawn forth a certain insipid phlegmatick Water which if it be again repoured on with its due proportion of Earth and in due season digested and abstracted by dissolving daily by little and little
is not natured of it self nor takes any thing from natured Nature and that it is unfit to calcine or prepare any perfect Body but this Work belongs to Naturall Fire to wit that the perfect Body be calcined and prepared in that second Water or Naturall Fire that after it might be dissolved in the third Water or Fire against Nature But as they call their second Work the first because nothing enters into that Work which hath not been purified cleansed and purged in the first Work So also they will not here recite the first Water for their Water since it is onely Phlegme not entring the Philosophick Work But call the second the first and the third the second which industriously they doe that they might deceive and seduce the Ignorant Of the same sort was Artepheus also while he endevoured promiscuously to confound the name of Naturall Fire with the name of Fire against Nature in these words The third saith he is that Naturall Fire of our Water which is also called against Nature because it is Water neverthelesse of Gold it makes meer Spirit which common Fire cannot doe But with these Equivocations whoso is unexpert is easily induced into the greater Error But as the whole Theorick of Physick is comprehended in the Explanation of three things viz. Naturall Non-naturall and Contranaturall So that whole Hermetick and Divine Work is performed with Fire Natural not Natural and against Nature which Fires are of the Philosophers vailed in the name of Fire although to us they appear in form of Water clear pure crystalline which tortures calcines exanimates and inanimates the Physicall Body and at length renders it more then perfect which neither by the violence of common Fire nor virulence of corrosive Waters nor by the Spirits of any Animall Vegetable or Minerall can perform And he that knows not from our onely Subject to draw out separate rectifie and compound these menstruous Matters these Fires these Waters these Mercuries is ignorant of the Key of the whole Work Therefore in these must be the toil CHAP. V. The Rise or Birth of the Stone THE birth of the Earth is made Lullius by the way of invented Sublimation That the Earth hath conceived and drunk of the Water of Mercury as much as suffices you may discern and know it by its volatility privation of feces and dregges from the most pure Substance while it ascends after the manner of most pure and most white dust or of the leaves of the Moon or of splendid Talk But when thou seest the Nature of the most pure Earth elevated upwards and as a dead thing even adhere to the sides of the subliming Vessell then reiterate the sublimation upon her without the dregs remaining below because that part fixt with the dregs adheres and then no man by any mean or industry can separate it from them Lull Codic pa. 193. Son you may know that this Lullius is the generall head to all Sublimation of Mercuries Then take the pregnant Earth and put it into a Sublimatory vessell luted and well shut up place it in Fire of the third degree for the space of twenty four hours and sublime the pure from the impure and so shalt thou have the Vegetable Mercury sublimated clear resplendent in admirable Salt which we properly call Vegetable Sulphur Sal almoniack our Sulphur the Sulphur of Nature and many other names we impose on it Lull Test p. 4. The Water approaching that Semita Semitae is Argent vive in the Earth encreaseth and is augmented because the Earth is whitened and then it is called impregnation then the Ferment is coagulated viz. is joined with the imperfect Body Prepare it as hath been said till it become one in colour and aspect and then it is called the Birth because then is born our Stone which of the Philosophers is called a King Semita Semitae p. 441. Son it is a sign when it hath imbibed Lullius and retained four parts more of its Weight that if thou put a little on a heated plate of Gold or Silver it will all as it were fly away into smoke which if it doe not so reiterate it untill such a Sign appear Lull Test pa. 16. But to know this day of the Petrus Bonus Crisis and the Birth or Rise of the Stone which is the term of the whole consummation of the Work it is meet to foreknow the Indicating day since it is the very sign it self and things indicated are as it were things signified for there is the perfection or annihilation of the Work because in that very day nay hour the simple Elements arise purified from all filths which presently stand in need of Composition before they fly from the Fire and are turned into Earth that is in their fixation and not sooner nor later Petrus Bonus pa. 127. And when thou shalt see that Geber thing excelling in its whitenesse the whitest snow and as it were dead adhere to the sides of the subliming vessell then reiterate its Sublimation without dregs Geb in lib. Summae perfectionis pa. 169. When this Mercury arises the Ventura Sun and Moon ariseth together with it in its Belly Vent pa. 170. The Heaven is to be reiterated Scala so often upon the Earth till the Earth become Heavenly and Spirituall and the Heaven be made earthly and be joined with the Earth Scala pa. 121. Restore the vive Argent to the Vogel Earth and decoct it and as before sublime and that reiterate nine or twelve times always augmenting the Fire in the end untill the Earth with often sublimation and force of the Calcining Fire become White and more Spirituall part of it being made more subtill begin something to ascend from the bottome of the Vessell and to adhere to its sides But this purging of the Earth which is performed by Sublimation is altogether necessary before the Physicall Work begin Vogel pa. 228. The Argent vive exuberated Clangor Bucc that is the Body of the Earth passing together with the menstruous Matter through the Alembick and the Sulphur of Nature is the Spirit of Metals sublimated and turned into foliated Earth which is the first and neerest matter of Metals Clang Bucc p. 480. Therefore burn it with dry Fire Aristotle that it may bring forth a Son and keep him warily lest he fly away into smoke and this is that which the Philosopher saith in his Turba Whiten the Earth and Sublime it quickly with Fire untill the Spirit which thou shalt finde in it goe forth of it and it is called Hermes Bird for that which ascends higher is efficacious purity but that which fals to the bottome is drosse and corruption This therefore is Dust drawn from Dust and the begotten of the Philosophers the white foliated Earth in which Gold is to be sown Arist pa. 371. Gather carefully what thou findest Lullius in the middle sublimated lest
gnaw upon the fame labour and glory of the wise who can with patience hear blinde men as out of a Tripode judging of the Sun But it is greater glory to contemne the hurtlesse darts of bablers then to repell them Let them onely disdain the treasure of Nature and Art who cannot obtain it Nor is it my purpose to plead the doubtfull cause of an unfortunate Science and being condemned to take it into tuition Our guiltlesse Philosophy is no whit criminous and standing firm by the aid of eminentest Authors and fortified with the manifold experience of divers ages it remains safe enough from the fopperies of pratlers and the snarlings of envy However Charity hath incited me and the multitude of wanderers induced me taking pity on them to present my light that so they may escape the hazard of the night by help whereof they may not onely live out but also procure an enlargement both to their Life and fading Fortunes This small Treatise penn'd for your use ye Students of Hermetick Philosophy I present unto you that it may be dedicated to those for whose sake it was writ If any perhaps shall complain of me and summon me to appear as guilty of breach of silence for divulging secrets in an itching style ye have one guilty of too much respectfulnesse towards you confessing his fault sentence him if you please so that my crime may supply the place of a reward to you The offence will not bee displeasing unto you and the punishment I doubt not pleasant unto mee if I shall finde my self to have erred in this onely whereby you may put an end to erring for the future Hermetick Secrets CANON 1. GODS fear is the entrance Admonition into this Science It s end is good will towards our Neighbour the all-satisfying Crop is the rearing and endowing religious entertainment with certainty that whatsoever the Almighty freely bestoweth on us we may submissively offer again to him As also Countreys grievously oppressed may be relieved prisoners miserably captivated released and souls almost starved comforted 2. The light of this knowledge is the gift of God which by his freenesse he bestoweth upon whom he pleaseth Let none therefore set himself to the study hereof untill having cleared and purified his heart he devote himself wholly unto God and be emptied of all affection unto things impure 3. The Science of producing Natures grand Secret is a perfect knowledge of Nature universally and of Art concerning the Realm of Metals the practise whereof is conversant in finding the principles of Metals by Analysis and after they are made much more perfect to conjoyn them otherwise then before they have been that from thence may result a catholick Medicine most powerfull to perfect imperfect Metals and for restoring sick and decaied Bodies of what sort soever 4. Those that are in publick Honours and Offices or be always busied with private and necessary occupations let them not strive to attain unto the top of this Philosophy for it requireth the whole man and being found possesseth him and being possessed challengeth him from all long and serious imploiments esteeming all other things as strange unto him and of no value 5. Let him that is desirous of this Knowledge clear his minde from all evil motions especially pride which is abomination to Heaven and the gate of Hell let him be frequent in prayers and charitable have little to do with the world abstain from company keeping enjoy constant tranquillity that the Minde may be able to reason more freely in private and be higher lifted up for unlesse it be kindled with a beam of Divine Light it will not be able to penetrate the hidden mysteries of Truth 6. The Alchymists who have given their minds to their welnigh innumerable Sublimations Distillations Solutions Congealations to manifold Extraction of Spirits and Tinctures and other Operations more subtill then profitable and so have distracted them by variety of errors as so many tormentors will never be bent again by their own Genius to the plain way of Nature and light of Truth from whence their industrious subtilty hath declined them and by twinings and turnings as by the Lybian Quick-sands hath drowned their intangled Wits the onely hope of safety for them remaineth in finding out a faithfull Guide and Teacher that may make the clear Sun conspicuous unto them and vindicate their eies from darknesse 7. A studious Tyro of a quick wit constant minde inflamed with the study of Philosophy very skilfull in naturall Philosophy of a pure heart compleat in manners mightily devoted to God though ignorant of practicall Chymistry may with confidence enter into the high-way of Nature peruse the Books of best Philosophers let him seek out an ingenious and sedulous Companion for himself and not despair of obtaining his desire 8. Let a Student of this secret carefully beware of reading or keeping company with false Philosophers for nothing is more dangerous to a learner of any Science then the company of an unskilfull or deceitfull wit by which false principles are stamped for true whereby an honest and too credulous a minde is seasoned with bad Doctrine 9. Let a Lover of truth make use of a few Authors but of best note and experienced truth let him suspect things that are quickly understood especially in mystical Names and secret Operations for truth lies hid in obscurity nor doe Philosophers ever write more deceitfully then when plainly nor ever more truly then when obscurely 10. As for the Authors of chiefest note which have discoursed both acutely and truly of the secrets of Nature and hidden Philosophy Hermes and Morienus Romanus amongst the Ancients in my judgement are of the highest esteem amongst the Modern Count Trevisanus Raimundus Lullius is in greatest reverence with me for what that most acute Doctour hath omitted none almost hath spoken let him therefore peruse him yea let a Student often reade over his former Testament and Codicil and accept them as a Legacy of very great worth To these two Volumes let him adde both his Practicks out of which Works all things desirable may be collected especially the truth of Matter the degrees of Fire and the ordering of the Whole wherein the whole Work is finished and those things which our Ancestors too carefully laboured to keep secret The occult causes of things and the secret motions of nature are demonstrated more clearly and faithfully Concerning the first and mysticall Water of Philosophers he hath set down few things yet very pithy 11. As for that clear Water sought for by many found out by few yet obvious and profitable unto all which is the Base of the Philosophers Work a noble Polonian not more famous for his learning then subtilty of wit not named whose name notwithstanding a double Anagram hath betraied In his Novum lumen Chymicum Parabola and Aenigma as also in his Tract of Sulphur he hath spoken largely and freely enough yea he hath expressed all things
tincture without Sol and Luna loseth both his cost and pains for the Sun affordeth a most plentifull tincture of rednesse and the Moon of whitenesse for these two are onely called perfect because they are filled with the substance of purest Sulphur perfectly clarified by the skill of nature Let thy Mercury therefore have its tincture from both of these Lights for things must of necessity receive a tincture before they can give one 29. Perfect metals containe in them two things which they are able to communicate to the imperfect Tincture and Fixation for those because the are dyed and fixed with pure Sulphur to wit both white and red they doe therefore perfectly tinct and fix if they be fitly prepared with their proper Sulphur and Arsenick otherwise they have not strength of multiplying their tincture 30. Mercury is for imperfect metals fit only to receive the tincture of the Sun and Moon in the work of the Philosophers Stone that being full of tincture it may give forth other things in aboundance yet ought it before that to be full of invisible Suphur that it may be the more coloured with the visible tincture of perfect bodies and so repay it with sufficient Usury 31. Now the whole tribe of Philosophers sweat much and are mightily troubled to extract tincture out of gold for they beleeve that tincture can be separated from the Sun and being separated encrease in virtue but Spes tandem Agricolas vanis eludit aristis Vaine hope at last the hungry Plough-man cheats With empty Husks instead of lusty meats For it is impossible that the Suns tincture can at all be severed from his naturall body since there can be no elementary body made up by nature more perfect then gold the perfection whereof proceedeth from the strong and inseparable union of pure colouring Sulphur with Mercury both of them being admirably pre-disposed thereunto by Nature whose true separation nature denieth unto Art But if any liquor remaining be extracted by the violence of fire or waters by the Sun it is to be reputed a part of the body made liquid or dissolved by force For the tincture followeth its body and is never separated from it That is the deluding of Art unknowne to Artificers themselves 32. Neverthelesse it may be granted that tincture is separable from its body yet we must confesse it cannot be separated without the corruption of the tincture when as Artists offer violence to the gold or Aqua fortis rather corroding then dissolving The body therefore spoiled of its tincture and golden fleece must needs grow base and as an unprofitable heap turne to the damage of its Artificer and the tincture thus corrupted to have a weaker operation 33. Let them in the next place cast their tincture into Mercury or into any other imperfect body and as strongly conjoyne both of them as their Art will permit yet shall they fail of their hopes two wayes First because the tincture will neither penetrate nor colour beyond Natures strength and therefore no gaine will accrue from thence to recompence the expence and countervaile the losse of the body spoiled and of no value so Cum labor in damno est crescit mortalis egestas Want is poor mortals wages when his toyle Produces only losse of paines and Oyle Lastly that banished Tincture applied to another body will not give a perfect fixation and permanency to endure a strong tryall and resist searching Saturne 34. Let them therefore that are desirous of Chymistry and have hitherto followed Impostors and Mountebanks sound a retrait spare time and cost and give their minde to a work truly Philosophicall lest the Phrygians be wise too late and at length be compelled to cry out with the Osey 7. Prophet Strangers have eaten up my strength 35. In the Philosophers work more toyle and time then cost is expended for he that hath convenient matter need be at little expence besides those that hunt after great store of mony and place their chief end in wealth they trust more to their riches then their own art Let therefore the too credulous Fresh-man beware of these pilfering pick-pockets for whilst they promise golden mountains they lay in wait for gold they demand bright ushering Sol viz. mony before hand because they walk in darknesse 36. As those that sayle between The Philo. Merc. Scilla and Charybdis are in danger on both sides unto no lesse hazard are they subject who pursuing the prey of the Golden fleece are carried between the uncertaine Rocks of the Philosophers Sulphur and Mercury The more acute by their constant reading of grave and credible Authors and by the irradiant Sun have attained unto the knowledge of Sulphur but are at a stand in the entrance of the Philosophers Mercury for Writers have twisted it with so many windings and Meanders involved it with so many aequivocall names that it may be sooner met with by the force of the Seekers intellect then be found by reason or toyle 37. That Philosophers might the deeper drown their Mercury in darknesse they have made it manifold and placed their Mercury yet diversly in every part and forefront of their worke nor will he attaine unto a perfect knowledge thereof who shall be ignorant of any part of the work 38. Philosophers have acknowledged athreefold Mercury especially to wit after absolute preparation of the first degree and Philosophicall sublimation for then they call it their Mercury and Mercury sublimated 39. Againe in the second preparation that which by Authors is stiled the First because they omit the First Sol being now made crude again and resolved into his first matter is Mercury properly called of such like bodies or the Philosophers Mercury then the matter is called Rebis Chaos the whole world wherein are all things necessary to the work because that onely is sufficient to perfect the Stone 40. Lastly the Philosophers do sometimes call perfect Elixir and colouring medicine their Mercury though improperly for the name of Mercury doth onely properly agree with that which is volatile besides that which is sublimated in every region of the work they call Mercury but Elixir because it is most fixed cannot have the simple name of Mercury and therefore they have stiled it their own Mercury to difference it from that volatile A straight way is onely laid downe for them to find out and discerne so many Mercuries of the Philosophers for then onely Quos aequus amavit Iupiter aut ardens evexit ad aethera Aeneid 6. virtus Whom just and mighty Jove Advanceth by the strength of love Or such whom brave heroick fire Makes from dull Earth to Heav'n aspire 41. Elixir is called the Philosophers Mercury for the likenesse and great conformity it hath with Heavenly Mercury for this being void of elementary qualities is beleeved most propense to receive influence from them and that changeable Proteus puts on and encreaseth the genius and nature of other Planets by reason of opposition conjunction
The white colour succeedeth the black wherein is given the perfection of the first degree and of white Sulphur This is called the blessed stone this Earth is white and foliated whererein Philosophers doe sow their gold The third is Orange colour which is produced in the passage of the white to the red as the middle and mixt of both and is as the morning with her safron-haire a fore-runner of the Sun The fourth colour is ruddy and sanguine which is extracted from the white fire onely Now because whitenesse is easily altered by any other colour before day it quickly faileth of its candor But the dark rednesse of the Sun perfecteth the worke of Sulphur which is called the Sperme of the male the fire of the Stone the Kings Crown and the son of Sol wherein the first labour of the workman resteth 65. Besides these decretory signes which firmely inhere in the matter and shew its essentiall mutations almost infinite colours appear and shew themselves in vapours as the Rain-bow in the clouds which quickly passe away and are expelled by those that succeed more affecting the aire then the earth the operatour must have a gentle care of them because they are not permanent and proceed not from the intrinsecall disposition of the matter but from the fire painting and fashioning every thing after its pleasure or casually by heat in small moisture 66. Of the strange colours some called out of time give an ill omen to the work as the Blacknesse renewed for the Crowes young ones having once left their nest are never to be suffered to returne Too hasty Rednesse for this once and in the end onely gives a certaine hope of the harvest if before it make the matter red it is an argument of the greatest aridity not without great danger which can onely be averted by Heaven alone forthwith bestowing a shower upon it 67. The Stone is exalted by Foure Digestions of the Stone successive digestions as by degrees and at length attaineth to perfection Now foure Digestions agreeable to the foure abovesaid Operations or Governments do compleat the whole worke the author whereof is the fire which makes their difference 68. The first digestion operateth First the solution of the Body whereby comes the first conjunction of male and female the commixtion of both seeds putrefaction the resolution of the elements into homogeneall water the eclipse of the Sun and Moon in the head of the Dragon and lastly it bringeth back the whole World into its ancient Chaos and dark abysse This first digestion is made as in the stomack of a melon colour and weak more fit for corruption then generation 69. In the second digestion the Second spirit of the Lord walketh upon the waters the light begins to appear and a separation of waters from the waters the Sun and Moon are renewed the elements are extracted out of the chaos that being perfectly mixt in Spirit they may constitute a new world a new Heaven and new Earth are made and lastly all bodies are become spirituall The Crowes young ones changing their fethers begin to passe into Doves the Eagle and Lion embrace one another with an eternall League And this generation of the World is made by the fiery Spirit descending in the forme of Water and wiping away Originall sin for the Philosophers Water is Fire which is moved by the exciting heat of a Bath But see that the separation of Waters be done in Weight and Measure lest those things that remaine under Heaven be drowned under the Earth or those things that are snatched up above Heaven be too much destitute of aridity Hic sterilem exiguus ne deserat humor Georg. 1. arenam Here lest small moisture leave a barren Soyle 70. The third digestion of the Third newly generated Earth drinketh up the dewy Milk and all the spirituall virtues of the quintessence and fasteneth the quickning Soul to the Body by the Spirits mediation Then the Earth layeth up a great Treasure in it selfe and is made like the coruscant Moon afterwards to ruddy Sun the former is called the Earth of the Moon the latter the Earth of the Sun for both of them is begot of the copulation of them both neither of them any longer feareth the pains of the Fire because both want all spots for they have been often clensed from sin by fire and have suffered great Martyrdome untill all the Elements are turned downwards 71. The Fourth digestion consummateth Fourth all the Mysteries of the World and the Earth being turned into most excellent leaven it leaveneth all imperfect bodies because it hath before passed into the heavenly nature of quintessence The vertue thereof flowing from the Spirit of the Universe is a present Panacea and universall medicine for all the diseases of all creatures the digestions of the first worke being repeated will open to thee the Philosophers secret Furnace Be right in thy works that thou mayest finde God fovourable otherwise the plowing of the Earth will be in vaine Nor Illa seges demum votis respondet avari Georg. a-vari Agricolae Will the expected Harvest e're requite The greedy High-shoot 72. The whole Progresse of the Philosophers work is nothing but Solution and Congelation the Solution of the body and Congelation of the Spirit neverthelesse there is but one operation of both the fixed and volatile are perfectly mixed and united in the Spirit which cannot be done unlesse the fixed body be first made soluble and volatile By reduction is the volatile body fixed into a permanent body and volatile nature doth at last change into a fixed one as the fixed Nature had before passed into volatile Now so long as the Natures were confused in the Spirit that mixed Spirit keeps a middle Nature between Body and Spirit Fixed and Volatile 73. The generation of the Stone is made after the patterne of the Creation of the World for it is necessary that it have its Chaos and First matter wherein the confused Elements do fluctuate untill they be separated by the fiery Spirit they being separated the light Elements are carried upwards and the heavie ones downwards the light arising darknesse retraits the waters are gathered into one and the dry land appeares At length the two great Luminaries arise and minerall virtues vegetable and animal are produced in the Philosophers Earth 74. God created Adam of the mud of the Earth wherein were inherent the virtues of all the Elements of the Earth Water especially which doe more constitute the sensible and corporeall heap Into this Masse God inspired the breath of Life and enlivened it with the Sunne of the Holy Spirit He gave Eve for a Wife to Adam and blessing them he gave unto them a Precept and Faculty of multiplying The Generation of the Philosophers Stone is not unlike the Creation of Adam for the Mud was made of a terrestriall and ponderous Body dissolved by Water which deserved the excellent name