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A81812 The fulnesse and freenesse of Gods grace in Iesus Christ; declared in the point of election, by a middle way betweene Calvin and Arminius, and different from them both, in an uniforme body of divinitie. By Francis Duke.; Fulnesse and freenesse of Gods grace in Jesus Christ. Part 1. Duke, Francis. 1642 (1642) Wing D2501; Thomason E146_23; ESTC R22338 174,028 185

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all flesh that is upon the earth c. And in the next place Moses tels us the manner of the proceedings betweene God and this new Generation Chap. 11. Verse 1. He tells us the whole earth was then of one language and also in processe of time whither they journed and at length setled For he saith it came to passe as they journied from the East they found a plaine in the Land of Shynar and they dwelt there Also hee tels what they said and what they did with an unanimous consent They said one to another Goe too let us make bricke and burne them throughly and they had bricke for stone and slime had they for morter And they said goe too let us build us a City and a Tower whose top may reach unto Heaven And then hee tels us to what end and purpose was this great building set up by all these great Counsell cost and labour namely that their owne imaginations and the worke of their owne hands might get them an immortall Name and Fame on earth For they said Let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole Earth This implies they all were now in this plaine Resident and also their apostasie universally from God in the Pillar of truth in which Oracle was wrapt up the gift of mortall and immortall good for from it wee see upon Noahs sacrifice he conveyed to them and theirs all happinesse present and to come So here you see the manner of the proceedings of this new generation towards God for all his gracious mercy by the promised seed his satisfactory righteousnesse Againe it followes in what manner God proceeded for this to them saith Moses Iehovah came downe to see the City and the Tower that the children of men builded and Iehovah said the people are all one and they have all one language and this they begin to doe and nothing will restraine them from that which they have imagined to doe These words imply two things first that this building to the foresaid end was very offensive to God secondly that they were so farre gone in this transcendent mischiefe as no ordinary meanes could restraine their desired purposes and therefore God resolves upon an extraordinary meanes to divert them For saith the sacred Trinity Goe to let us goe downe and there confound their language that they may not understand one another and this did effect it For saith Moses Jehovah scattered them from thence abroad upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the City therefore is the name if it called Babel because Jehovah there confounded the language of all the earth And in the tenth Chapter Moses relates in what parts of the world these scattered families did first settle and then concludes saying These are the Families of the sonnes of Noah after their generations in their Nations and by these were the Nations divided after the flood And so much for the first part of the time of Gods impartiall proceedings to mankind from which precedent premisses observe these particulars First from whence all heathenish Paganisme or Gentilisme did originally spring namely from Gods just punishmen● of this peoples universall Apostasie from the Pillar of truth and Oracle of life and glory descending so famously to them by tradition from Adam by Noah and renewed to them by Covenant from God therefore for this universall apostasie hee left them universally to walke in the vanity of their owne mindes as without God in the world about eighteene hundred yeeres Secondly observe that for mans turning from God in this object of Justification therefore the sacred Oracle was three times confin'd to narrow bounds First when Caine had killed Abel then it was confined to Adam and Evah and so downe to the Families of the ten first Fathers before the flood Secondly then confin'd in the Arke to Noah and his Family when God drowned all the off-spring of the ten Fathers together with Caines Posterity being partakers in apostasy from truth to lying vanities so by punishment in wofull miseries Thirdly confin'd now at Babel when God cast off all the Nations for casting away him in his truth and speciall mercies then was the object of life and glory confin'd to the Family of Shem impleyed Gen. 11. from the 10. verse to the end of the Chapter by Moses recording Shems Genealogie in the Booke of Life and none else mentioning their births their dayes of life and their particular deaths Thirdly observe how that righteous Noah lived and saw the apostasie of the old world and their punishment his own off-springs apostasie at Babel and their punishment the apostasie of Shems Family and so left this world and that family languishing so farre as worshipping the Idol Gods of the Heathen Iosh 24.23 And saith Broughton in his consent of Scripture Noah died but two yeeres before Abraham was borne therefore hee lived to see all this Fourthly observe that notwithstanding all these apostasies yet by tradition God upheld the Oracle of life in the world to this time For Shem now personally continued constant in the truth figuratively personating Christ as King of Peace and Priest of the most high God after the power of an endlesse life although man unbelieving descends downe to endlesse death Therefore Gods proceedings in this first part of time was to all mankinde alike without respect of persons as hee originally said to Caine If thou dost well shalt thou not be accepted But if thou dost not well sinne lies at the dore as precedently is explicated CHAP. VI. Opening the second part of time namely from the time that God called Abraham to the time that he called the Gentiles by Christ in the Gospel VVHereas all Families of the earth at this time were cut off from the Oracle of life and Shems Family to which it was last confin'd by apostasie lay now perishing in their owne corruptions yet then comes God and renewes his gift of Christs righteousnesse imputed to come upon all men to justification of life for now hee predestinated all mankinde to life and glory the second time to enjoy this day of grace namely this world as a day of grace to receive by beliefe of his gift of Christs righteousnesse imputed the day of eternall glory This extraordinary mercy thus universally renewed by this second pr destination not onely proves the sufficiencie of Christs imputed righteteousnesse as the Fathers gift for the salvation of all all alike but also Gods willingnesse to have it effectuall as to a reasonable creature to bring him to happinesse according to his kinde not onely in an ordinary way but sometimes extraordinarily as appeareth in the 9. 10. chapters I say all for I meane both Shems Family and all the Families of the Earth which at this time comprehended all mankinde none excepted and for proofe of this point Gen. 12. saith Moses concerning this Predestination Iehovah had said unto * The
Adam and that is the next generall ground to be handled Observation If this dreadfull judgement was not executed as most certainly it was not then here observe that for Adams offence or evill of sinne in transgressing the Covenant by eating the forbidden fruite not one of man-kinde was ever damned or ever shall be because of the second Adams righteousnesse interposing that judgement by Gods guift imputed to all man-kinde as will more appeare in the next Chapter Observation Although man-kind was so dead * As is described in Cap. 3. yet no man but Adam and Eve in the justice of the Covenant was individually so dead but radically all men was so dead and that two waies as first in their loynes as in our naturall roote but this was not properly it from whence we came to be totally evill as the Devills as is described for this Estate simply considered propounded us no evill but good only as is proved Secondly that wherein they were our most proper roote in this point was the Covenant for in that God propounded for us evill aswell as good and from this ground came our evill in which we might and did become so deservedly deeply dead in sinnes and trespasses but because Chri●t tooke off the execution of that judgement therefore although we were deservedly radically so dead yet therefore neither radically inherently so neither individually * That is not totally according to justice in neither so therefore praise to God ever in him and for him Amen CHAP. IIII. Of the fourth estate of Adam and all man-kinde under the second Adams Restauration IN this Estate is handled six points whereof five are finished in this Chapter but the sixt point is handled in the eight ensuing Chapters The first is that the Lord Iesus Christ is the second Adam 2. That God appointed him so to be before the world was 3. That in that very point of time that Adam failed in the worke the Covenant the Lord Iesus the second Adam first entred upon the worke of the Covenant 4. That by the same entrance he removed for ever that judgement which passed upon all men to condemnation and therefore it never proceeded to execution 5. By him also the world together with all man-kinde was estated to goe on travailing towards that perfection which by Adams fall it l●st 6. That in this fourth State the proceedings of God is equally alike intended and extended to all man-kinde for eternall life and death without respect of persons That the Lord Iesus was the second Adam Saint Paul speaketh expressely for saith hee the first man Adam was made a living Soule the second man Adam was made a quickening Spirit The first was of the Earth Earthly the second was the Lord from Heaven And the same Apostle saith further as by one man came death by man came also the * All mankinde first had a dependance on the first Adam hee being a publike person by Covenant whence all fell in him so also on the second Adam did all mankinde depend to be raised from that fall and so were all and therefore non perished for Adams transgression so shall all be raised by him out of the dust they first which by Faith have submitted to receive life in Gods guift of Christs righteousnesse shall rise to eternall felicity and they which refuse so to submit shall be raised by him to perpetuall shame Resurrection of the dead for as in Adam all die even so by Christ shall all be made alive but every man in his owne order c. 1 Cor. 15. Againe saith hee If by one mans transgression death raigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the free guift of righteousnesse shall raigne in life by one Jesus Christ Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousnesse of one the free guift came upon all to the justification of life for as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by t●e obedience of one shall many be made righteous Rom. 5.17 18 19. Therefore Christ was the second Adam He was appointed by God so to be before the world was for St. Paul affirmes that that felicitie which was lost and which men now or ever hereafter shall attaine unto was appointed with him for them by God before the world was Titus 1.5 Ephe. 1.4 2 Tim. 1.9 Againe saith Wisdome or Christ of himselfe The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before his workes of old was I set up from everlasting from the beginning before ever the Earth was Prov. 8 22. Againe Christ pray'd his Father to glorifie him by his assistance in the worke of the Restauration of the world to attain the glory hee had with him before the world was Iohn 17.1 2 3 4. c. Againe Saint Peter saith Our Redeemer was a Lamb without blem●sh or spot who verily was fore-ordained before the Foundation of the world but was manifested in these last times for you 1 Pet 1.19.20 And the ground of God his revealing to the world that he did fore-appoint Christ before the world was to this worke was not only to give us to understand that in him hee worketh all things after the councell of his will but also that we should know by his mercifull appointment he stood ready as the Ram in the Bush to save Isaac from his Fathers executing knife as the Male-Lambe without spot to take off that most dangerous judgement which was to passe to execution immediatly to the worlds unrecoverable misery for Adam his transgressing the Covenant mans misery being Gods opportunity for in the Mount will the Lord be se ne Gen. 22.13 14 verses That in that very point of time wherein Adam failed in performing the worke of the Covenant the Lord Iesus Christ the * C●●ist was not the second man by naturall production and so the second Adam for if so then must Ca●● have beene the second Adam therefore Christ was the second Adam beause he immediately followed the first Adam in the work of the Covenant to the restauration of the falne world second Adam then first entred the worke of the Covenant although Saint Peter tels them to whom he wrote his Epistle that Christ was manifested in the last times for them yet Christ the second Adam in this worke was manifested by God in a figure the same houre that Adam fell which is implicitly expressed in the new Testament for saith the Text Then they sought to take him meaning the Lord Christ but no man laid held on him saith the Text and gives this to be the Reason because his houre was not yet come Joh. 7.30 So also himselfe saith the houre is come Mark 14.41 Againe and the very houre in which he did finish all righteousnesse by the expiration of his life as a satisfactory sacrifice to Divine justice as the Lambe of God is expresly set
be on an eighth day by his bodies resurrection and therefore then on an eighth day precisely Infants were to be admitted visible members of Christs mysticall body on earth in the Kingdom of grace implying their right by him to his glory (b) Then Infants have much more right to be ●eceived into the Church Militant by Baptisme triumphant in Heaven From which ground when people brought little Children to Christ that he might blesse them hee was angry with the Apostles which kept them from him and commanded them to suffer little (c) Notwithstanding the males onely were admitted to be visible members of Christs body by circumcision yet not onely the women but all the female Infants were then members of Christs body though they received not the seale of the Covenant they being not capable of it in their flesh yet the Grace of the Covenant in Christ received them to be visible members and the ground why that signe of the Covenant was precisely related to the males was to figure that the Lambe of God of the seed of the woman was not to be a female but a male therefore this hinde eth not but that the Infants of believing parents under the Gospel much more may be admitted visible members by baptisme and from the beginning of the world as appeares in the practice of the ten fathers before the flood they esteemed their Infants visible members of Christ for in their infancy they stablished upon their persons by their names the conveyance of the Oracle of life or the object faith once given to the Saints variously to ensuing posterities as appeareth at large in the fifth Chapter of this Treatise Children to come unto him and renders this as a reason of his command for of such is the Kingdome of Heaven therefore so departing this world they ascend to that Kingdome which so belongeth unto them Quest Now the question may be whether circumcision was onely intended to mankinde as in Infancy Answere It was not onely intended unto mankind as Infants but also to men as capable of reason as is Baptisme now for to them it did not ●nely prefigure that the nature of Divels became not totall and the imputed damnation of the Covenant was cut off by Gods mercy in Christ but also to men capable of reason it did prefigure that they submitting in beliefe of truth to receive Gods guift of Christs righteousnesse imputed the●r sinne should not onely be cut off in the habite of sinne in them against Christ weakned in this world and in the next world none (d) Hence it is God adding the law to the promise gave this one law viz. that the Paschal Lambe must be eaten with sowre herbs Exod. 12.8 to remaine but also that they in glory with Christ should ever remaine therefore God to Abraham called the sharpe cutting of the fore-skin of the member of Generation his Covenant meaning that to man believing truth that sharpnesse was a seale of Christs imputed righteousnesse which they received by faith including their vivification and mortification and the ground of all happinesse for so it was to Abraham being circumcised at a full age as Rom. 4 And therefore saith Christ hee that believeth in mee hath eternall life Againe although God cut off the fore-skin of the Member of generation yet but the foreskin for hee left the next innermost skin uncut off this implicitly told men capable of reason that although the grace of the Covenant did cut off the serpentine nature yet hee left a seed to remaine to let men understand that as Abraham could not be justified by workes having this serpentine seed remaining in him therefore in this life man must submit to God guift of Christs righteousnesse imputed as did Abraham for justification and his rule for imitation therefore saith the Apostle being justified by faith meaning men capable of reason we have peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom also we have accesse by faith into this grace wherein wee stand and rejoyce in the hope of the glory of God Rom. 5.1.2 But the question may be here Quest whether mens sins which themselves commit be against the law naturall as supernaturally related to Gods Covenant with the first Adam I answer no for in the second Adam onely after the fall Answ this law of nature in it's perfections was inherent and was related as a meanes to attaine that supernaturall end and then given to us imputatively for justification in him and a rule for imitation for us and therefore all our sinnes are against that law of righteousnesse so manifested to us in him by the Covenant of grace and not as the law was in the first Adam a Covenant of workes and man capable of reason stands bound so to receive it by beliefe of truth in Christ Iesus or the rejection of this rule cuts him from Christ for be that believeth not is condemned already and that by just consequence because he that is guilty of sinne in one is guilty in all for hee that rejects it in point of justification rejects it also as his rule in point of sanctification and from this ground Moses pronounced that man accursed which did not doe all things contained in the Law that is as not intentionally ayming to doe all things contained in that Law as leading to Christ as hereafter in due place will appeare Yet if man did then or now doth but at least intentionally respect this object of Faith as the truth is in Iesus hee is guilty of none although hee actually sinne in many things wherein we offend all Iam. 3. ● and the ground of the point is this that in Christs righteousnesse imputed and by beliefe of truth received as the truth is in Iesus this man wants no righteteousnesse which in heart hee desires to have in Christ nor is guilty of no sinne which in heart hee desires to be freed from Rom. 7.22.25 and Rom. 8.1 Quest Againe another question here to be resolved will be this that in regard Gods mercifull imputation did remove from all mankinde that imputed damnation of the Covenant for Adams sinne then how farre forth doth it also extend to take off the guilt and punishment of mens owne sinnes individually committed against the Law of grace as it is in Iesus Christ Answ It extends exceeding farre in this case also even to any man submitting by beliefe of truth to receive this gift of righteousnesse as the truth is in Iesus for then it takes off all manner of sinne committed against him one sinne onely excepted for saith Christ All manner of sinne and blasphemy against the Sonne of man shall be forgiven unto men but the sinne against the holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men Mark 3. And the ground why God thus foreappointed Christ before the world was to be ready as the Ram in the bush in that point of time to enter the worke of the Covenant to take off the just
Covenant in Christ which God renewed with Abraham is here distinguished into its parts Abraham get thee from thy Country and from thy Kindred and from thy Fathers House to a Land that I will shew thee and then at that time saith God to him I will make of thee a great Nation In which words in Abrahams Loynes God did now predestinate the Iewes unborne to Grace and Glory in Iesus Christ Againe secondly saith God to Abraham Thou shalt be a blessing and I will blesse them that blesse thee and curse them that curse thee In these words in Abrahams Loynes is implyed the glorious exaltation of Christ the second Adam and saviour of the world as proceeding therein without respect of persons Againe thirdly saith God to Abraham In thee shall all the Families of the Earth be blessed In these words is comprehended the Gentiles Predestination to Grace and glory in Jesus Christ for to him restrictively were all these promises made as witnesseth Saint Paul for saith hee To Abraham and his seed were the Promises made yet said hee God said not unto (a) Yet Christ and right beleevers is th s most p●oper seed c●nsidered in his most peculiar mysticall body for Christ is cōsiderable in divers respects seeds as of many that is to all the Off-spring of Abraham in the flesh but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ Gal. 3.16 Therefore at this time all mankinde was Predestinate to Grace and glory in Iesus Christ without difference as upon the immediate fall of Adam (b) For from the time that God promised Christ to Adam till the Gospell was unveiled this mistery lay as hid Col 1.26 Eph 2.7 when this righteousnesse came upon all men to justification of life so now in this predestination to be Vessells of mercy being by their own (c) Therefore it must needs follow that when we were enemies to him God communicated his love and mercy upon man out of love to the glory and praise of his grace by the second Adam Christ Iesus Apostacie Vessells fitted to destruction wherefore when these Gentiles were called to the reception of this grace in the object of Justification rightly doth Saint Paul then say God made knowne the riches of glory on the vessells of mercy whom he had afore prepared unto glory even us whom he hath called not only of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles Rom. 9.23 29. Also when the Apostle called these Gentiles according to Gods purpose about 18-hundred yeares after this Predestination he then saith those whom he did foreknow them he also did predestinate to be conform'd to the Image of his Sonne that he might be the first borne among many brethren And in the next verse hee tells the Gentiles God now accordingly had effected it for he saith moreover whom hee did predestinate them also hee called and whom he called them also he justified and whom hee justified them he also glorified Rom. 8.29 30. And from this ground the Apostle rightly concludes that this promise of God to Abraham contained the Summe of the Gospell concerning the Gentiles for saith hee the Scriptures All these Texts referrs Predestination not to any decree before Abrahams time foreseeing that God would justifie the Heathen through Faith Preached before the Gospell unto Abraham saying In thee shall all Nations be blessed Gal. 3.8 Againe to proceed from this generall ground to a particular proceeding in this universall mercy and to begin where God begins that is at the Restauration of Shems Family to glory And because this glory is restored to this Family from one mans Loynes onely namely Abraham this directs us to two things First that the precedent Apostates of Shems Family were cut off by God from Christ therfore he would ra s● the Iewes as a new generation but from this one mans loynes of Shem Off-spring to enjoy this mercy Secondly it implies that mans deepest misery is Gods most proper object of mercy therefore from this Sonne of Terah of Shems Appostate Family he now promises to make not onely a Nation but also a Nation great and glorious and from this ground of Free Grace in future times when this Nation was a great People and famous but ungratefull to God for this honour God then tells thy birth and thy Nat●vity is of the Land of Canaan that is an Idolatrous brood for saith God God would have them to cōsider what they were when hee predestinated them to this glory in the promised seed with Abraham thy Father was an Amorite and thy Mother a Hittite c. as Josua 24 from the 2. ver to the 6. and Ezekiel 16. from the 3. to the 15. to the 15. yet in the mercy of this promised seed God gave to the Son of this Idolatrous brood three things First hee gave him a Land Secondly from his own Loynes a Nation great and glorious to inherit that Land Thirdly The seed from his own Bowells in whom that Nation was to be heires intail'd to that Land for ever To the first point Gen. 12.7 Moses saith Iehovah appeared unto Abraham and said unto him unto thy seed will I give this Land Cap. 13.14 Iehovah said unto Abraham lift up now thine eyes and looke from this place where thou art Northward and Southward and Eastward and Westward for all the Land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed for ever Chap. 15.18 Iehovah made a Covenant with Abraham saying Vnto thy seed have I given this Land from the River of Egypt unto the great River Euphrates c. Againe to the second point namely the gift of a great and glorious Nation from his own Loynes to inherit this Land as Chap. 13.16 I will make thy seed as the dust of the Earth So that if a man can number the dust of the earth then shall thy seed also be numbred likewise Chap. 15. and 5. he brought him forth abroad and said looke up now towards Heaven and tell the Starres if thou be able to number them and he said unto him so shall thy seed be Againe to the third point namely the guift of the seed in whom this glorious and great Nation should be heires intail'd to this promised land forever for when Abraham had thought that he should be Childlesse and therefore determin'd to make Eleazar his heire to what God had given him then Gen 15.3 behold the word of Iehovah came to him saying this shall not be thine heire but he that shall come forth of thine owne bowells shall be thine Heire and accordingly from him did spring this numberlesse Nation to inherit this Promised Land in the right of the seed promised precedently to Adam and now renewed to be the Sonne of Abraham after the flesh by promise 430 yeares before the Law as it is Gal. 3.16 17 Gen. 13.15 the Land was not in-tail'd by promise in the Plurall to seedes but to thy seed for ever meaning in Christ as
Canaan by oath because of their unbeliefe Heb. and therefore in the next Chapter the Apostle applyes the figure namely that Canaan was to them a figure of their supernaturall rest in the kingdome of grace by faith and the kingdome of glory by fruition Heb. so that the Apostle implyes they were and wee are bound to beliefe it was so to them though it was never declared in plainnesse of speech So neither in the old Testament in plainnesse of speech to the ten Fathers before the flood neither by the Prophets after the flood was it made knowne that hee intended the heavenly glory to mankind but figured that hee intended it to man submitting to him in the obedience of faith by the agreeablenesse of the type with the antitype as in the first world by Enoch who in the obedience of Faith walked with God and was received into the highest heavens soule and body joyntly So likewise by Elias in the time of the Prophets Genes 5.24 Heb. 11.5 2 King So likewise the particular place in which Christ should finish the worke of raising the world to what it travels till now was no more exprest by Moses to man in plainnesse of speech for that end then was the garden of Eden for the same end to Adam but onely by the agreeablen●sse of the Type with the antitype as by Abraham offering Christ in Isaac within the Land of Canaan upon the mountaine assigned him by God as is further amplified in the 8. Chapter of this Treatise Likewise the garden of Edens glory as Gods terrestriall Throne before the fall prefigured to Adam the eternall glory of God so in the land of Canaan Salomons thronized glory from the agreeablenesse of the type with the antitype by the Psalmist is brought in as a figure of Christs eternall throne of glory and not in plainnesse of speech Psalm 45.6 Heb. 1.8 Likewise when Christ by the brightnesse of his comming and the spirit of his mouth shall have consumed the mysterie of iniquity now maintained by the great Roman Antichrist so as that the (a) This is Gods fou●th extrao●dinary me cy in Christ extended to the world the other three are in pag. 120. fulnesse of the Gentiles and the miserable Iewes shall heare the spirit and the Bride say come in the outbreake of the purity of the celestiall doctrine and that most simple godlinesse universally shall abound as the most immediate embleme in the kingdome of grace of the Saints in glory that ever the world did yet containe Then that Church or the city of the living God or the heavenly Ierusalem issuing the streams of this celestiall doctrine and so convey Christ the object of Faith to the health of the nations is likened to Adams first originall paterne in the garden of Eden for saith the Text Rev. 22.17 the 1. 2. he shewed me a pure river of water of life cleare as Christall proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb and in the midst of the (b) Whe ea● Rev. 20. this most transcendent in largement of Christs visible Church is called the Saints raign● with Christ 1000 yeeres and it implyeth no more but this that this glory shall certainly he and that it shall have a time of du●ation although since the world began the Saints successively did onely in faith and love with Christ remaine but with him in this world they did never raign for the g ound of the point is this because till now Christ did never sway the utmost end of the earth for his possession by his Scepter of truth for a● Satan in the old world and so to the time of Christs comming swayed the greatest part of mankind in his lying operations so after Christs rising as the Sun of righteousnesse to the nations by the Scepter of his truth and then Satan extinguished the Saints raigne with Christ by the Heathen Emperours and the abundance of heresies and by the Roman Antichrist in the confines of Christendome and so Satans throne was advanced and the Saints then onely remained with Christ witnessing that of right Christ should raigne but did not but this raigne of the Saints with Christ shall revive that cause of the martyrs and so they shall now live in the glory of that cause for which they then died and by the force of divine truth in that transcendent raigne shall Satans lying operations in the prevalencie thereof be extinguished and so shall Satan be imprisoned in the said duration for 1000. yeeres that is a certaine number put for an uncertaine See pag. 14 15. and pag. 104 105. street of it and of either side of it was the tree of life Likewise to this alludes the Lord Iesus Christ Rev. 2.7 saying I will give to eate f the tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God All plainly proving that this last and greatest splendor of grace by the second Adam was with reference to the paterne of the first Adam in the Covenant and that the eternall felicity by faith and fruition was intended therein though not in plainesse of speech And heere observe two things from this Chap. Rev. 22. First that the Apostasie of mankind from Christ in that purity of the celestiall Church on earth at the most immediate embleme of the glory of God in heaven God will therefore expresse more severe justice upon the world for their apostasie from that then ever before The first is that God will never more extraordinarily raise man out of his filthy apostasie from his grace in Christ Iesus but will leave him to perish in his owne corrupt●on And this is implied in the 11. vers when it is said he that is unjust let him be unjust still be that is filthy let him be filthy still and he that is righteous let him be righteous still and he that is holy l●t him be holy still The second thing is this that their apostasie from this greatest light and grace shall bring on the greatest demonstration of Gods righteous judgement upon the world that ever was namely the last day of the worlds generall judgement implied in the 12. verse where the Lord Iesus saith and behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his worke shall be I am Alpha Omega the beginning and the end I am the first and the last whereupon saith S. Iohn Blessed are they that doe his Commandements that they may have right to the tree of life verse 14.15 So much for the third part of time of Gods impartiall proceedings intending and extending eternall life and death to all and all alike without respect of persons from the time of Christs comming in the flesh to the time of his comming at the day of judgement in flames of fire And from the whole Treatise take this generall observation consisting of five particulars namely what Gods decree was Observat after the counsell of his owne will before the world was As first Gods decree before the world was that God purposed in himselfe to create this world perfect in all it's parts and man the chiefe thereof as appeares in Chap. 1. That then God also purpos'd in himselfe for the eternall praise of his communicative goodnesse and justice to raise this world by Adams improvement of his perfections being the chiefe part therin to a celestiall perfection or to sinke it downe to an evill equivalently contrary to the glory of his Iustice as is described in Chap. 2. Thirdly then also God purposed in himselfe that the knowledge of evill which he in time pronounced to Adam that in the day he did eate the forbidden fruit then that sentence should passe to immediate execution for the eternall praise of his justice as appeares in Chap. 3 Fourthly God then also purposed in himselfe that by Adams most ungratefull fall hee would glorifie the riches of his mercy and his communicative g●odnesse and justice and therefore before the world was God covenanted with the second person in sacred Trinity Tit. 1.2 2. Tim. 1 9. Ephes 1.4 being essentially the one God and sonne of God to assume in time the nature of Adam as the chiefe part of this creation not onely to be ready in point of time as the Male Lamb in the bush but also that then the execution of divine justice should and did immediatly upon Adams eating of the forbidden fruit passe upon Christ to the fall praise of Gods justice to all eternity and so brought in the glory of his mercy by restoring the fallen world to the promulgation of his communicative goodnesse as first in the beginning of time in the type and secondly in the fulnesse of time in the truth in the redemption of the world as is proved Chap. 4. 8. Fifthly God then purposed in himselfe to glorifie his mercy communicative goodnesse and justice by the distribution of that mercy individually upon every of mankind first by giving to all and all alike in Christ Iesus both the meanes and end namely to eternall glory I doe not say he gave any thing to them to attaine eternall life but onely as a meanes to receive his gift of eternall life as attained by Christ the second Adam and Saviour of the world and so to glorifie his gracious goodnesse and mercy in their salvation Or on the contrary to glorifie his justice on them which abuse his grace by a proud persisting in obstinacy for terrestriall trifles to reject his gift of Christ and his righteousnesse the onely ground of mans felicity And that God doth thus impartially glorifie his Iustice and mercy individually upon mankind is proved in the threefold parts of time as from Adams casting out of Paradise to Abraham from Abraham to Christ from Christs comming in the flesh to his comming in flames of fire at the end of time as Chap. 6.7 9 10 11 12. And as for any other decree of God then this concerning the eternall state of mankinde the Scripture speakes it not Glory be to God in the highest heavens on the earth peace and good will to men FINIS