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A76574 Samuelis primitæ: or, an essay towards a metrical version of the whole book of Psalmes Composed, when attended with the disadvantagious circumstances of youth, and sickness. By Samuel Leigh.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Miscellaneous metrical versions. Leigh, Samuel, fl. 1686. 1661 (1661) Wing B2473A; ESTC R230148 86,810 163

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they be 5 They 've mouths but speak not eyes but cannot see 6 They having ears hear not we know full well They noses have yet have no sense to smell 7 They hands but feel not feet but they walke not There 's none of them that speaketh through his throat 8 They that them make are like unto them just And so is ev'ry one that in them Trust 9 O Is-ra-el trust in the Lord alway He is their help that trust in him for ay 10 O house of Aaron trust ye in his Name 11 For he 's their help and shield that do the same 12 God hath been mindeful of us he 'l us bless To Israel Aarons house he 'l do no less 13 Who fears the Lord our God he 'l bless them all Who ere they be let them be great or small 14 The Lord he shall increase you more and more Both you and yours you children shall have store 15 You are the blessed of the Lords say I Which made the earth and eke the Heavens high 16 The highest Heavens are the Lord 's above The earth to men he gives of his free love 17 The dead praise not the Lord neither do they That into silence do go down that way 18 But we will bless the Lord our God alway Praise ye the Lord from this time forth for ay PSAL. CXVI 1 I Love the Lord because he hears my voyce I am his Suppliant he is my choice 2 He hath me heard therefore on him I 'le call And whil'st I live make him my all in all 3 Hells pains and eke deaths sorrows set me round Nought sorrow but and trouble there I found 4 Upon the Lords great Name then did I call I pray thee Lord my soul free from this thrall 5 God gracious is to mercy bent is he 6 He simple keeps I low was he rais'd me 7 O thou my soul return unto thy rest God hath much kindness unto thee exprest 8 For thou deliv'red hast my soul from thrall Mine eyes from tears and eke my feet from fall 9 In land of living 'fore the Lord I 've walk't 10 I have believ'd was griev'd therefore I 've talk't 11 In haste I thus said All men liars be 12 What shall I render God for 's gifts to me 13 The wholesome cup of saving health I 'le take Unto the Lords great Name my pray'r I 'le make 14 Unto the Lord my God I 'le pay my vow In presence of his people even now 15 The death of those in whom God takes delight Most precious are in his most glorious sight 16 Thy Servant Lord I am I do confess Thine Hand-maides Son thou 'st loos'd me from distress 17 The sacrifice of prayer I 'le offer thee Thy Name shall still be call'd upon by me 18 Unto the Lord my God I 'le pay my vow In presence of his people even now 19 In all the Courts and Temples of the Lord Let Sion praise his Name with one accord PSAL. CXVII 1 O All ye Nations to the Lord give praise All ye his folk both now and eke alwayes 2 For he is mercifull his truth for ay Indures praise ye the Lord therefore I say PSAL. CXVIII 1 GIve thanks to God for he is good alway His mercy doth indure both now and ay 2 Let Israel say his mercy lasts for ay 3 And eke the same let Aarons houshold say 4 Those that fear God even now let them say That he his mercy eke indures for ay 5 I call'd on God in grief he answerd me In place most large he also set me free 6 The Lord is on my side I will not be Afraid what man or beast can do to me 7 God takes my part with those that do help me My wish on them that hate me I shall see 8 'T is better to believe the Lord most just In Princes great then to confide or trust 9 'T is better to believe in God most just In Princes great then to confide or trust 10 All Nations living compas't me about But in the Name of God I 'le them blot out 11 They all beset me compast me about But in the Name of God I 'le blot them out 12 They came 'bout me like Bees but in Gods Name I quench't their fiery thorns I 'le ' stroy the same 13 That I might fall thou sore hast thrust at me But God he helpt and eke deliv'red me 14 The Lord is my defence my strength and song And he also my Saviour is most strong 15 In th' dwellings of the just there 's health and joy The Lords right hand triumpheth valiantly 16 The right hand of the Lord 's exalted high For his right hand things worketh valiantly 17 I shall not die but live and all abroad Declare the wondrous workes ev'n of our God 18 The Lord my God hast chastened me sore But unto death he hath not g'ven me o're 19 Open the Gates of Righteousness alwayes I 'le enter them the Lord alone to praise 20 Gods Gate in which the just to enter are 21 I 'le give thee praise for thou hast heard my pray'r 22 The stone which builders oft-times did refuse Is now become the cheif stone which men use 23 This is the doing of the Lord most high It marvellous doth seem ev'n in our eye 24 This is the day which God the Lord hath made We will rejoyce and eke in it be glad 25 Save now my God O Lord beseech thee I I thee beseech send us prosperity 26 Who comes i' th' Name of God blessed is he Out of Gods holy house blest you have we 27 He who hath shewn us light is God the Lord On th' Altars hornes binde th' Sacrifice with cord 28 Thou art my God I will shew forth thy praise Thou art my God I 'le thee exalt alwayes 29 Give thanks to God for he is good alway His mercy doth indure both now and ay PSAL. CXIX 1 BLest are the undefiled in the way Who daily walk i' th' Law of God their stay 2 Blest are all they from 's Laws that ne're depart But him to seek do wholly bend their heart 3 They do no wicked thing nor go astray But daily walk uprightly in his way 4 Thou hast commanded us O Lord on high Thy Precepts for to keep not go a-wry 5 O that my wayes directed were by thee To keep the Statutes thou prescribest me 6 Then shall no shame o're cloud me when I shall My self give up to keep thy Precepts all 7 I will thee praise with uprightnesse of heart When I 've thy judgements learn'd I 'le ne're depart 8 Thy Statutes all Lawes also keep will I O Lord my God leave me not utterly BETH 9 By what meanes shall a young man's life amend By setting's self on Gods laws to attend 10 I have thee sought with my whole heart alway From thy Commandments never let me stray 11 Thy word hath still been hid within my heart Nor hath transgression caus'd me
Kingdom they shall talk each hour And speak of thy great goodness and thy pow'r 12 To make the folk thy mighty acts to know Thy glorious Kingdoms Majesty to show 13 Thy Kingdom is for everlasting sure And thy Dominion through all ages dure 14 The Lord upholdeth all that fall and he Raiseth up those that bow'd together be 15 The eyes of all wait upon thee to give Them meat in season that their souls may live 16 Thou openest thy bounteous hand and gives To satisfie th' desires of all that lives 17 In all his wayes the Lord is righteous still He holy is in all his works and will 18 The Lord is nigh to them that on him call In truth he them doth hear and ever shall 19 Th' desire of those that fear him he 'l fulfill He 'l hear their cry and save them all he will 20 The Lord preserves who loves him they 'r his joy But all the wicked he will quite destroy 21 My mouth shall speak the praises of the Lord All flesh shall blesse his Name with one accord PSAL. CXLVI 1 PRaise ye the Lord my soul shall give him praise 2 Whilst that I live I 'le him exalt alwayes 3 In Princes put no trust neither confide In Sons of men who cannot help nor guide 4 Their breath doth fall to earth full soon away And then the councells of their hearts decay 5 He 's blest that Jacobs God hath for his stay Whose hope is in the Lord his God for ay 6 Which heav'n earth sea and therein all the store Did make which keepeth truth for evermore 7 Which frees th' opprest to th'hungry which doth give Due food which looseth pris'ners le ts them live 8 God op'neth th' eyes of th' blind and them doth raise That are bow'd down th' upright he loves always 9 God th' widdow stranger fatherlesse keeps ay But upside down he turns the wickeds way 10 Sion the Lord thy God shall raign e're more All ages to praise ye the Lord therefore PSAL. CXLVII 1 PRaise God for it is good and to him sing For so to do it is a comely thing 2 God builds Jerusalem for there he 'l dwell Gathers in one th' disperst of Israel 3 Th' broken in heart he heals much ease they finde And eke their wounds he carefully doth binde 4 He tells the Stars and calls them by their Name 5 God's great his power and knowledge is the same 6 The meek God lifteth up sets them on high But throws to ground those that act wickedly 7 Thanks give with praise unto the Lord our King And to our God on harp eke praises sing 8 Who cov'reth th' skie with clouds who rain makes flow On earth who maketh grass on hills to grow 9 He food unto the beasts of th' field doth give To th'ravens young which cry that they may live 10 I' th' strength of horse rejoyce he never can Nor takes he pleasure in the legs of man 11 Of those that fear him God doth love the sight In those that in him hope he takes delight 12 O thou Jerusalem give God due praise And eke thou Sion blesse his name alwayes 13 He'th made strong bars and th' gates together prest Thy children eke within thee he hath blest 14 He peace makes be i' th' borders which are thine And eke thee feeds with wheat which is most fine 15 He his commands doth send the earth about His word doth swiftly run the world throughout 16 He giveth snow like wool which fall full fast He scattereth hoar frost as ashes cast 17 He casts forth ice like morsells at that tide The vehement cold thereof who can abide 18 He sends his word them melts makes th' wind to blow He causeth ice to thaw waters to flow 19 To Jacob he his word of truth did show He 's law and judgment Isr'el gave to know 20 With other Nations thus dealt hath not he They knew no laws of his the Lord praise ye PSAL. CXLVIII 1 PRaise ye the Lord him praise from heavens high Yea praise him still above the starry skie 2 Praise ye his Name ye glorious Angells still Praise him ye noble hosts that do his will 3 Ye glorious creatures Sun and Moon him praise The same perform ye brightest Stars alwayes 4 Yea praise him in the highest heavens still Ye waters 'bove the heavens this fulfill 5 Yea let them praise the Lords most mighty Name At his command he did create the same 5 He likewise hath establisht them for ay Set a Decree which not o're-pass they may 7 Praise ye the Lord likewise from earth below Dragons all deeps praise ye his Name also 8 Yea fire and hail snow vapour praise the Lord With stormy windes that execute his word 9 Yea mountains great and hills that be so high Trees fruitfull Cedars eke him magnifie 10 Yea beasts and cattel that in forrests dwell Things creeping flying fowl his praises tell 11 Kings of the earth great Princes People all Praise ye the Lord ye judges great and small 12 Ye young men strong and maidens praise his Name Fathers also and children do the same 13 Let these praise God for 's Name alone 's most great His glory 's 'bove the earth 'bove heavens seat 14 The Lord his peoples strength exalteth still That 's Saints should all be prais'd it is his will This to his Servant Israel doth he A people near to him the Lord praise ye PSAL. CXLIX 1 PRaise ye the Lord new songs unto him sing Amongst his Saints let all his praises ring 2 In him that made him Israel let rejoyce Let Sions Sons be joyfull in their choice 3 Let them his Name exalt and praise in dance On Timbrel and on Harp his praise advance 4 For God takes pleasure in his peoples peace He 'l save them eke to beautifie not cease 5 Let th'Saints in glory joyfull be and sing A loud upon their bed of God their King 6 Let th' mouths be fill'd with praises of the Lord And in their hands be a two-edged sword 7 Vengeance to execute th' heathen among And punishments upon the people strong 8 Their Kings in prison there to bind with chain Their Lords in iron fetters to remain 9 To execute on them Gods written word This honour have his Saints praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CL. 1 PRaise ye the Lord him praise in 's holy seat Praise him i' th' firmament of 's power great 2 For 's mighty acts and deeds love him alwayes According to his greatnesse give him praise 3 With trumpet praise the Lord who is most high Yea praise his Name on Harp and Psaltery 4 With Timbrel praise his Name 't exalt in dance With Instruments and Organs him advance 5 Yea on loud Cimballs still advance his praise On sounding Cimballs give him thanks alwayes 6 Let all things living praise the Lord I say Praise ye the Lord soul praise thy God for ay FINIS
regard I hate and trust in thee alone O Lord. 7 In thee I will rejoyce thou wilt not see My soul in trouble nor adversitie 8 Nor didst thou to my foes make me to come Thou hast my feet plac't in a most large room 9 Some pitty on me take O Lord mine eye With grief 's consum'd my soul with miserie 10 My life is spent with grief with sighs my year My strength me fails my bones consume with fear 11 ' Mongst foes I am a scorn friends are dismaid My neighbours when they see me are afraid 12 As men when once they 're dead are quite forgot Just so am I or like a broken pot 13 I 've heard much slander fear was on each side When they conspir'd ' gainst me thou wert my guide 14 For I in thee O Lord did put my trust I said thou wert a God to me most just 15 My times are in thine hands deliver me From th' hand of him which is mine Enemie 16 Thy face to shine upon thy Servant make O Lord save me for thy sweet mercies sake 17 Let me ne're be asham'd on thee I call Put sinners to the shame and make them fall 18 Make dumb their lips which follow after lies And mischief do against th'upright devise 19 How great 's thy goodness laid up for them then Which fear and trust in thee for th' Sons of men 20 Thou shalt in secret keep them and them hide From strife of tongues and from the worldlings pride 21 Blest be the Lord who shew'd me all along Marvelous kindness in a City strong 22 I said in haste when I was much opprest I was cut off yet heardst thou my request 23 Ye Saints love God who doth the faithfull guide He 'l give the proud according to their pride 24 Be of good courage for the Lord 's most just He 'l strengthen you if you make him your trust PSAL. XXXII 1 THe man is blest whom God forgives his sin 2 Whose heart no guile nor fraud is found therein 3 For whilst that I my sins kept close my bones Did waste away with dayly plaints and moanes 4 Both day and night thy hand on me lay smart My moisture into dryness did convert 5 Then to confess my fault I did begin Thou didst O Lord forgive me all my sin 6 The humble man shall therefore pray to thee Floods shall not him destroy he needs not flee 7 When trouble once doth compasse me about Thou art my refuge and dost rid me out 8 I will thee teach how thou shalt walk aright And will thee guide according to my sight 9 Be not so ignorant as th' Horse or Mule Whose mouth without a bit there 's none can rule 10 There shall much sorrow find the wicked out But God the righteous compasseth about 11 Be glad in God therefore lift up your voice Y' upright in heart and in him much rejoice PSAL XXXIII 1 YE righteous in the Lord rejoyce for praise Is comely to th' upright in all their ways 2 Praise ye the Lord with harp and sing him things Of pleasantnesse with musick of ten strings 3 Play skilfully sing him a song most new 4 His words are all most pure his works most true 5 He loveth right and judgement with good will And with his goodness he the earth doth fill 6 For by his works alone were th' heavens wrought And by his breath the Hosts to passe were brought 7 He gathers Seas on heaps within the shore He layeth up the depth in house of store 8 Let all the earth fear God and let them all In awe of him be kept and on him call 9 He spake and it was done he did Command The universe is perfect out of hand 10 God brings to nought those that do evil act He maketh their device of none effect 11 The Councells of the Lord shall ●●and most pure His thoughts t' all ge-ne-ra-ti-ons shall endure 12 Blest are all they t' whom God their guide is known Whom he doth chuse he taketh as his own 13 The Lord look't down on men mortal by birth 14 Considering the dwellers of the earth 15 He fashioneth mans heart and doth it frame Alone he knowes the working of the same 16 A King of Hosts shall not be sav'd at length Nor shall a mighty man prevail by 's strength 17 An horse for safety is most vain nor can He by his strength deliver any man 18 Behold the eyes of God the just doth aid With those that to offend him are afraid 19 Their soul to death in famine thou'lt ne're yield 20 Our souls waits on thee thou' rt our only sheild 21 Our hearts in thee shall joy still present be 22 With us who daily put our trust in thee PSAL. XXXIV 1 I 'le bless the Lord for ever and his praise Shall in my mouth continue all my dayes 2 My soul shall make her boast of God my choice Th'umble shall hear thereof and much rejoice 3 O therefore magnifie with me the Lord And let 's exalt his Name with one accord 4 For I my self him sought he lent an ear And did deliver me from all my fear 5 Who doth behold shall see his light most clear They shall not be asham'd nor need they fear 6 This poor man for relief to God did cry He sav'd him from his trouble instantly 7 Gods Angel doth Encamp them round for ever That fear his Name and he doth them deliver 8 O taste and see that God is good and just Blessed is he who maketh him his trust 9 Ye Saints fear ye the Lord to him give ear For there 's no want to them that do him fear 10 The Lyons young do rage and suffer much But who fears God no lack shall be to such 11 Come children dear unto my words give ear I will you teach how you the Lord shall fear 12 That man that would lead long a blessed life 13 Must keep his tongue from guile his lips from strife 14 From ill depart do good and peace pursue 15 To such the Lord gives ear they 're still in 's view 16 Gods face is ever ' gainst the wicked train He cuts off those that should of them remain 17 The Righteous cry God doth hear them ever Frees them from pain and them he doth deliver 18 The Lord is nigh to such as contrite be The poor and meek also them 〈◊〉 he 19 Th' afflictions of the righteous many be But God from all of them do set him f●ee 20 The Lord he doth preserve their Sons alway That none of them are broke or do decay 21 Sin shall the wicked slay he that doth hate The righteous shall be ever desolate 22 The Lord redeems the Souls of his nor shall Those that make him their trust be prone to fall PSAL. XXXV 1 LOrd plead my cause with those that strive ' gainst me They sought to slay but conquer'd are by thee 2 Be thou my help take hold on Spear and Shield
Samuelis Primitiae OR AN ESSAY TOWARDS A METRICAL VERSION Of the whole BOOK of Psalmes Composed when attended with the Disadvantagious circumstances of Youth and Sickness By Samuel Leigh 1 Tim. 4.12 Let no Man Despise thy Youth Frueris quidem etiam dum emendus Etiam dum componis Sen. Epis 4. ad Luc. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 London Printed by Tho. Milbourn for the Authour and are to be sold at the Golden Lyon in St. Pauls-Church-Yard 1661. To my most GRATIOUS SOVERAIGN THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY HOsanna's only we could once Aspire But now Sing Hallelujah's in the Quire The KING Return'd and with him Halcy'on dayes Turns mournfull Elegies to Psalmes of Praise Your Foes a Fall receiv'd but You a Palme ●n such a Juncture David penn'd a Psalme ●en Royal Psalmes Dread Sir to God your King You ours and give Your Subjects leave to Sing ●ee'l take our Harps which on the Willowes hang Our KING in a strang Land no Song we Sang. ●ardon Great Prince what 's rudely here Compil'd T is not a Man presumes thus but a Child S. L. THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY TO MY Most Worthy and much Honoured Father-in-Law CHARLES POTTS Esq Son to Sir John Potts Knight and Barronet Worthy Sir COnsulting with my self about this Libellulus to whom I should Dedicate it I concluded to make Choice of such a Person as might ●e of Spotlesse Innocency so that in his captious Age none should dare to ●harge him with the least Offence in ●ord or Deed For justly fearing too ●●●y Faults might be found in the Work 〈◊〉 self I desired to make some amends 〈◊〉 Dedicating it to one free from Excep●●on and the rather to your self Sir because I have received more Encouragement from you alone than all men living besides And were I not confident that you would somewhat bear with my Faults I durst not have Entituled you to this my Worthlesse Labour I flourish as if I would say something whereas I am indeed meerly Ignorant and acknowledge all Faults to be my own Weaknesse in undertaking so high and pithy a Businesse Yet would I endeavour to shew forth what God out of his own Free Grace hath bestowed upon Sir Your most humble obedient and Thrice Affectionate Son and Servant Samuel Leigh TO THE CHRISTIAN READER Kind Reader WHo e're thou art that views this my poor Essayes despise them not because they are onely the Fruits of some few houres wherein I was detain'd from School by bodily weakness or for the Child-age of its Authour the Sun having scarce run its Annual Race fifteen times since first I view'd it but accept it in the Spirit that writ it viz. Meekness and Sinceritie I wish the reading of it to those of mine own age not as a Pattern but in hopes they will passe by my Weaknesse and Remember Psalm 8.2 Out of the Mouths of Babes and Sucklings the Lord ordaineth Strength To whose protection he commits thee Who is thine in all well wishes Samuell Leigh I Have Perused this rendring of the Psalmes in verse and find it well done so far as my leisure would give me leave to Read and therefore cannot but approve it who ever had been the Authour but when I consider who is the Authour I cannot but admire it that a Gentleman so young and who hath not yet passed the trivial School should take off his minde from childish vanities and ingage in a work so grave and serious and perform it with such sharpness is to me a wonder and an hopeful presage that in Riper years nothing but what is Excellent is to be expected from him This I testify by the Subscription of my Name Thomas Manton D.D. BEing desired to View this Essay the Version of the Psalmes in Meeter I have as my Occasions would Permit taken notice of some of them and cannot but highly commend the Ingenuity and diligence of the young Gentleman in this his undertaking wherein appeareth such Divine Breathings as are not ordinary in one of such tender years and seem to be the first fruits of some further and larger Atcheivements wherein I should much rejoyce if he may be Encouraged By the Subscription of Gabriel Sangar These to the RIGHT WORSHIPFULL and truly Vertuous LADY THE LADY ANNE POTTS Madam I Have according to your Order Perus'd at length Mr. Samuell your hopeful Son 's Metrical Paraphrase of the whole Book of Psalmes which hath struck me into a twofold Admiration one of the Subject he chos'd to Treat of that leaving all Youthful and low Arguments suting most as may be conceiv'd with his present yeers Eagle like he soar'd aloft and pitched upon a Theme sublime and altogether Divine discovering hereby a Spirit Angelicall rather then Humane The other is his Ingenious and also Ingenuous Expressions void of affectation in a matter so profound and deep Madam these first Fruits in years so tender bespeak a plentiful Harvest of higher things for the future than he can undertake to name Who is Madam Your Humbly Devoted Servant Jo. Turing King street in Covent Garden September the 3d. 1660. TO THE Ingenuous Young Gentleman the AUTHOUR OF THIS METRICAL PARAPHRASE THe Hebrew Child God's and the Virgin 's Son Entred the Lists when twice six Years had Run Gravel'd the Rabbies ' maz'd the standers by And so Revealed his Veil'd Divinity Ev'n so when Tender Years and Youthful Braines Declining lighter Sports engage their paines To follow thoughtful Fancy and to sease on The Sacred Matters of Profounder Reason Judgement with due proport'on will incline To say they 'r Acted by a Sp'rit Divine Greenness of Youth matters Sublimitie Both thine compar'd wee 'l say no less of Thee Goe on Brave Soul Maugre Contempt and Suit Thy Vernal Blossoms with Autumnal Fruit. G. H. M. A. PSAL. I. 1 THe man is blest that doth not walk nor sit Nor stand in Sinners Way nor God forget 2 But in the Law of God doth much delight And meditates therein both Day and Night 3 He shall be like a Tree by th' River side Which brings forth Fruit in her due Time and Tide Whose leaf shall never fade nor fall but still What ere he takes in hand shall prosper well 4 But with ungodly men 't is nothing so Like as the dust so shall the wind them blow 5 The wicked shall not then in judgement rest Neither shall Sinners but the Saints be blest 6 For why the wayes of Saints the Lord doth know But He the wicked quite shall overthrow PSAL. II. 1 WHy do the Heathen rage what 's in their brain To make such tumult since 't is all in vain 2 The Kings and Rulers of the earth conspire Against the Lord whom we ought to admire 3 They say let all their Laws by us be broke And of their doctrine le ts reject the yoak But he that in the heaven sits doth smile At their own madness who themselves beguile Then will the Lord the wicked turn away And in his fury
were they They troubled were and hasted fast away 6 Great terrour on them fell which made them look As women do in travell that are took 7 And with an eastern wind Lord thou hast broke The Ships of Tarshish with a heavy stroke 8 As we have heard we 've seen Lord thou wilt never Thy City leave but ' stablish it for ever 9 Lord of thy loving kindness we have thought As midst thy temple where thou us hast taught 10 Like to thy Name for ever is thy praise In righteousness thy right hand acts always 11 Let Sions mount and Judah praises sing ' Cause of the righteous judgements of their King 12 Round Sion walk do thou Her Towers count That thou maist know t' how many they amount 13 Her Bullwarks and her Courts consider well That following generations thou maist tell 14 For this God evermore our God is he And he our guide even unto death shall be PSAL. XLIX 1 ALL people in the earth of this consider 2 Both high and low both rich and poor together 3 For why my mouth of wisdom it shall speake And eke my heart in t ' understanding breake 4 To parables incline mine ear I will And open my dark Speech on Harp with skill 5 In evill dayes then wherefore should I feare When 'bout my feet mine iniquities were 6 They that in multitudes of wealth trust most And in themselves do of their riches boast 7 There is not one of them that that can redeem His brother or give God fit price for him 8 'T is too great price to pay none it can have 9 That he should longer live not go to grave 10 He Wise and Fools sees subject to th' event Of death when dead strangers possesse their rent 11 They think their houses stand for ever shall Therefore their Lands after their names they call 12 Yet shall not man in honour alwayes stay But like the beasts soon perish and decay 13 And this their way their folly is and yet Posterity of what they say think fit 14 Death on them feeds like Sheep they lye in grave Their beauties fade the just rule o're them have 15 But God he will redeem my Soul from pain And to himself he 'l me receive again 16 Fear not when mans great riches doth increase 17 They 'l all forsake him when he doth decease 18 Yet living he doth blesse himself in 's deeds Whilst others likewise him with flatt'ry feeds 19 Be gath'red to his people then he must Light never more to see but sleep in dust 20 Man in 's honour and knows not how 't increast May be compar'd to the de-cay-ing beast PSAL. L. 1 THE mighty God ev'n all the world doth call From th' rising of the Sun unto its fall 2 And out of Sion which God loveth best He will perfection shine above the rest 2 Devouring fire 'fore him you may see And round 'bout him it shall tempestious be 4 To earth and heaven 'bove then call shall he That he may judge his folk in equitie 5 Thy Saints together to me gather now Those that are mine by Sacrifice and vow 6 The heavens shall his righteousness declare For by himself all Creatures judged are 7 Hearken my people and Israel to me I 'm God thy God I testifie to thee 8 I blame thee not for want of sacrifice Or daily offrings before mine eyes 9 Bullock or Goat I need not take that 's thine 10 For all the beast on thousand hills are mine 11 All fowls on mountaines they by me are known All beast in field that feed eke be mine own 12 I would not tell thee though I hungry were The world is mine and all the fulness there 13 Eat flesh of Bulls drink blood of Goats will I 14 Offer thanksgiving pay thy vows on high 15 Then call on me in troubles when ye be And I will help then glorifie thou me 16 To wicked men saith God how is' t you dare My words take in your mouth Statutes declare 17 Since me and mine instruction thou dost hate My word behind thee casts as out of date 81 For when thou saw'st a thief thou with him went And with Adulterers gav'st thy consent 19 Thou giv'st thy mouth to ill art void of shame Thy tongue both fraud and eke deceit doth frame 20 Thou sit'st and speak'st against thy brother dear To slander mothers Son thou dost not fear 21 Cause I kept silence these things hast thou done Like to thy self thou judgest me such one But I 'le reprove thee for thy deeds so base And them in order set before thy face 22 Who forgets God consider this for ever Lest I you tear when none can you deliver 23 He offereth praise that glorifies the Lord He 'l bless in safety him that loves his word PSAL. LI. 1 HAve mercy Lord some pitty on me take Blot out my sins for thy sweet mercies sake 2 To wash me throughly Lord do thou begin And drench me from my trespasses and sin 3 Mine iniquities I confess to thee My sin before me is Lord set me free 4 I 've done this ill ' gainst thee and in thy sight If thou me dost condemn thou dost but right 5 Behold my mother me conceiv'd in sin And I have ever since remain'd therein 6 But thou desirest truth i' th inward part Therefore thou wisdom sends me to convert 7 Purge me with Hysop and I clean shall be Whiter then Snow if thou wilt but wash me 8 Make me in gladness Lord to hear thy voyce That th' bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce 9 Lord from my sins do thou turn back thy face And my transgressions blot from out their place 10 Create in me a heart most clean and true And in me Lord a Spirit right renew 11 And from thy presence Lord take thou not me Nor let thy Spirit taken from me be 12 Give unto me those joys which are in thee And eke uphold me with thy Spirit free 13 Thus then will I transgressors teach thy heart And sinners shall to thee O Lord convert 14 From guilty blood do thou Lord me deliver My tongue then shall thy Justice praise for ever 15 Do thou O Lord open my lips always My mouth shall then shew forth thy wondrous praise 16 Thou lov'st not sacrifice else should'st it have Nor dost burnt of-fe-rings of me e're crave 17 A broken Spirit is Gods Sacrifice A contrite heart he never doth despise 18 Do good O Lord on thy most Holy Hill Build thou the Walls of Je-ru-sa-lem still 19 Thou wilt our offerings accept I say Yea Calves we will upon thine Altar lay PSAL. LII 1 WHy boast'st in mischief mighty man 't is sure The goodness of the Lord shall e're endure 2 Thy tongue like Rasors sharp mischief devise Working deceitfully and forging lies 3 Thou lov'st not good but thou preferrest ill Falshood 'fore truth eke thou advances still 4 Thou dost delight in fraud deceit and wrong O thou
deceitfull and mischievous tongue 5 God shall destroy thee from thy dwelling place Both thee and eke thy seed he will deface 6 The just they 'l see thy fall with fear the Lord They 'l praise and laugh at thee with one accord 7 See him that would not take God for 's defence Made goods his God was rul'd by corrupt sense 8 In th' house of God I 'm like green Olive-tree In God I trust he doth deliver me 9 For this therefore I 'le praise thee with my voice Set forth thy Name wherein the Saints rejoice PSAL. LIII 1 THe fool in 's heart hath said a God there 's none Corrupt are they good works they'v done not one 2 God looks to earth on ●ons of men to see If any lov'd him in sinceritie 3 They 'r all corrupt and faln out of the way Ther 's none of them doth good not one I say 4 Do not the wicked know they feed on all My folk as bread nor do they on me call 5 There were they in great fear and much dismaid Whereas there was no cause to be afraid His bones that thee beseig'd are flung abroad They are consumed and cast off by God 6 Give thou the people health O Lord fulfill Thy Vow to Israel made on Sion hill When God brings back his that were captive led Then Jacob shall rejoyce Israel be glad PSAL. LIV. 1 THy strength me judge me save thy name O Lord 2 Unto my words give ear my prayer regard 3 Strangers against me rise and vex me still Regard not God but seek my soul to spill 4 But loe the Lord mine helper is and aid Upholds my soul nor lets me be afraid 5 With ill repay all those that for me wait Destroy my foes that for me lay a baite 6 I freely sacrifice then to thee will And praise thy Name therein is comfort still 7 He keeps me from those that ' gainst me conspire Upon my foes mine eye hath seen's desire PSAL. LV. O Lord my God give ear to me that pray Nor from my supplications turn away 2 Attend to me O Lord and hear my voice My prayer so mournful is I can't rejoyce 3 ' Cause of the cruelty and noise of those Who blemish me and are my mortal foes 4 My heart within me Lord is pained much The deadly terrours faln on me are such 5 The terrours faln on me make me afraid With horrors over whelm'd I 'm sore dismaid 6 O that I 'd dove-like wings I did then say Then could I be at rest by flight away 7 I 'le wander far and in desart remain 8 And hasten my escape from stormes and pain 9 Destroy O Lord and eke divide their tongue For I in their City have seen much wrong 10 Both day and night these go about the wall Mischeif's in th' mid'st and sorrows eke withal 11 Guile and deceit in mid'st thereof do meet Nor wickedness departeth from her street 12 If foes should me reproach I would 't abide And from him I my self could safely hide 13 But thee it was which friendship did pretend 14 And to Gods house thou went'st with me a friend 15 Let death them take let them go quick to hell Evil's with them in wickedness they dwell 16 As for me I upon my God will call And he will save me from my troubles all 17 Morning and noon I 'le pray and eke rejoyce And cry aloud for he will hear my voice 18 My soul in peace he 'l keep from wars ' gainst me Though Adversaries join and many be 19 The Lord that reigns both now and evermore When I complain he 'l punish them full sore 20 His Covenant of peace they have forgot And those that wish their good they value not 21 Smoother then oil or butter were their words Their hearts conceiveth war and cuts like swords 22 Cast thou thy care on God he 'l thee sustain Nor shall the just in troubles long remain 23 The bloody man the Lord shall cast always In pit nor shall he live out half his days But I O Lord in thee will ever trust For thou art unto me a God most just PSAL. LVI 1 O Lord my God be merciful to me Lest by mine enemies consum'd I be 2 To wallow me O Lord they take delight And many be which do against me fight 3 O Lord my God when that I am afraid I 'le trust in thee alone who art my aid 4 O Lord thy word I 'le praise and trust in thee Nor will I fear what flesh can do to me 5 What I e're spake they rest my words at will And all their thoughts do work ' gainst me for ill 6 Themselves they hide most close and for me wait They mark my steps and for my soul lay bait 7 Shall they in mischeif scape Lord on them frown And in thine anger cast these people down 8 Thou tel'st my flights and on my tears dost look Keep them in glass and write them in a book 9 My foes turn back when that I cry to thee And by this same I see thou lovest me 10 God and his word I 'le praise and trust mine aid 11 What man can do to me I 'm not afraid 12 O Lord my God thy vowes are upon me And I will dayly render praise to thee 13 My soul defend from death keep feet upright That I may walk with such as live in light PSAL. LVII 1 TAke pitty on me keep my soul in rest Thy wings my guard whil'st ill from me be past 2 I 'le call on God my God who is most high To him that gives me all things will I cry 3 From heaven he will send me safe from those With mercy truth who are my deadly foes 4 My soul with Lyons is all set on ire I live with such as fret like flames of fire 5 Their teeth like spears and arrows I have seen Their tongue is sharper than a sword most keen 5 Exalt thy self above the Heavens clear And let thy glory 'bove the earth appear 6 They for my steps prepared have a net My soul 's bow'd down in pit they would me set They thought they could me catch in their own pit But they themselves are faln in midst of it 7 My heart is fixt O Lord in thee alwayes In thee t is fixt and 't shall sing forth thy praise 8 Awake my joy my lute le ts hear thy voice For I my self will wake and eke rejoyce 9 'Mong people Lord to the I 'le praises bring Amongst all nations I to thee will sing 10 Thy mercies to the Heavens do extend Thy truth doth go from one cloud to the end 11 Above the Heavens Lord exalted be Thy glory also 'bove the earth le ts see PSAL. LVIII 1 YE Rulers put in trust do ye judge right Are all your judgements just ev'n in Gods sight 2 In heart ye muse to mischeif and consent Where ye should justice eye to bribes ye 'r bent 3 The wicked
he that did rebell Thou did'st subdue that he with thee might dwell 19 Blessed be God who pours on us his grace From day to day he 's God of our Solace 20 He 's God alone who 's our Salvation ever And who from grief and pain doth us deliver 21 But God shall wound the head of 's enemies And th' hairy scalp of those that ill devise 22 From Bashan I he said my folk will bring From depth of Seas and from the liquid spring 23 Their feet shall dip in th' blood of those my Name That hate th' tongues of their dogs shall do the same 24 They 've seen how thou dost all thy foes deface And how thou go'st into thine holy place 25 Singers the Van lead Minsterells the reare Damsels in midsts of Timbrills playing were 26 Let Israel's Congregation praise the Lord Let Jacobs seed do th' like with one accord 27 Their chief was Ben. But Juda made the hosts With Zebulun Napthali in their coasts 28 As God hath giv'n the pow'r so Lord command The thing in us thou 'st wrought ever to stand 29 Thy temple in gifts give the Lord will we Kings at Je-ru-sa-lem give praise to thee 30 Rebuke great spear-men that prize war not peace As Bulls and Calves their tumults cause to cease Till they submit and tribute to thee yeeld Scatter thou them and make them quit the field 31 Princes from Egypt then shall come to see And Ethiopia stretch her hand to thee 32 Ye Kingdomes of the Earth sing to the Lord And to our God all praises due afford 33 To him that rides upon the Heavens high That was of old his voice doth peirce the skie 34 All strength to God ascribe praise him aloud His strength mounts Is-ra-el and 's o're the cloud 35 O God thy holiness is dread e're more Jacobs God gives us strength praise him therefore PSAL. LXIX SAVe me O God lest waters me o're spread So nigh my soul they come I 'm fore afraid 2 I stick in mire and almost drowned be I feel no ground the seas so o're flow me 3 With crying oft I faint my throat is drie Mine eyes me fail while I look God on high 4 My foes that hurt my soul with hate are led In number they surmount th' haires of my head They vex me causlesse prosper and are glad And make me give the things that I ne're had 5 O Lord thou know'st the foolishnesse of me Nor are my iniquities hid from thee 6 Let none that seek and wait on thee have shame 7 Because I 've born reproach that bears thy Name 8 Unto my brethren stranger I became And to Mothers son I alien am 9 For th' zeal to thee I bear they fall on me I grieve to hear their checks and taunts at thee 10 I wept chastned my soul with fast yet they To give me great reproach do not delay 11 Of sackcloth also I my garment made As of a Proverb so of me they said 12 They speak ' gainst me that sit within the Gate And drunkards frequently of me do prate 13 Lord then I pray that when it pleaseth thee Thou wilt alway send down thine aide to me 14 Let me not sinck but from the mire me keep From enemies and from the waters deep 15 Lest with the waves the depth should me devour And that the pit should shut me in her power 16 O Lord to me give ear for thou' rt most kind As thou art mercifull have me in mind 17 Hide not thy face from me O Lord for I In trouble am but answer speedily 18 Redeem my soul O Lord do thou draw nigh And me deliver from mine enemy 19 Thou know'st what shame and troubles fall on me For all mine enemies before thee be 20 Reproach and heaviness my heart have broke I look't for pity but none eas'd the stroke 21 And in my meat they also gave me gall When thirst they gave me Vinegar withall 22 Lord make their table then become a snare That prove their trap where they thought well to fare 23 Blind thou their eyes that they may never see And to themselves a terrour let them be 24 Thy wrath and indignation on them pour In thy displeasure cease on them each hour 25 Let thou their dwelling place be desolate Let none dwell in their tents but all them hate 26 Where thou dost smite they wound without relief Whom thou dost wound they still augment their grief 27 Adde sin unto their sin nor let them come 28 Into thine own account or th' righteous sum 29 But poor O God and sorrowfull am I Let thy salvation set me up on high 30 Then with a song I 'le praise thy holy Name And with thanksgiving magnifie the same 31 This Offering far please thee better shall Then either Ox or Bullock from the stall 32 The humble shall see this also the meek Your hearts shall live which after God do seek 33 He hears the poor nor pris'ners doth despise 34 Earth Seas him praise and all above the skies 35 He 'l Juda's City build and Sion save Much people there their dwelling place shall have 36 Seed of his servants there inherit shall Who loves his Name shall it possesse withall PSAL. LXX 1 MAke haste O God make haste me to deliver Make haste to help me thou' rt my God for ever 2 Put them to shame which do my soul pursue Put them to flight that seek to make me rue 3 For a reward of shame turn them away That scornfully at me do cry Aha 4 Let all those that thee seek be glad rejoyce Such as thee love thee magnifie in voyce 5 But I poor needy am deliver me Thou art my help Lord therefore set me free PSAL. LXXI 1 O Lord my God I trust in thy great Name Let me therefore never be put to shame 2 And in thy righteousness deliver me Incline thine ear and also set me free 3 Be thou my rock to whom resort I may Thou said'st thou would'st my fortresse be alway 4 From th' wicked's hands O Lord deliver me And from those hands that work iniquitie 5 Thou art my hope in whom I dayly trust Ev'n from my youth to thee I had a lust 6 Thou hast me kept e're since that I was born Therefore I 'le praise thee evening and morn 7 As to a wonder folk to me do throng But thou to me O Lord art refuge strong 8 Let thou my mouth be filled with thy praise And of thine honour let me talk alwayes 9 Refuse me not when age my limbs doth take Though strength me fail do not my soul forsake 10 For all my foes would take me through deceit And they that for my soul do dayly wait 11 Say God's forsook him let 's him threaten ever For there is none that now can him deliver 12 O Lord thou need ne're absent from me be But in great haste do thou give help to me 13 Confound my foes and make them all
pray 5 Thou givest them both bread and tears to eat Yea tears they drink in measure full and great 6 Thou mak'st us strife to those that round us be And we are laught at by our enemie 7 Turn us again thy face to shine cause thee On us and then we shall in safety be 8 From Egypt thou O Lord a vine brought hast Thou 'st planted it and out the Heathen cast 9 Thou didst prepare a place and set it fast And it grew great and fil'd the earth at last 10 Hills covered were with shade that from it came And Cedars strong with branches of the same 11 Unto the Sea her boughs so big she sent And eke her branches to the River went 12 And broken down her hedges then why ha'st That all which passe thereby may make it waste 13 The Boar out of the wood wastes it each hour And wild beasts of the field do it devour 14 O Lord of Hosts from Heaven look again We thee beseech and this thy vine sustain 15 Thy plant I say whom thy right hand hath set Support alway and do not it forget 16 They cut it down and eke it burn with fire And we all perish through thy frowning ire 17 Let thy right hand them keep thou keep'st so long And with his Son whom thou hast made so strong 18 So will we not at all go back from thee Us quicken and call on thy Name will we 19 Turn us again thy face to shine cause thee On us and then we shall in safety be PSAL. LXXXI 1 SIng to the Lord our strength with pleasant voice To Jacobs God and eke in him rejoyce 2 Sing Psalmes prepare your instruments most meet And eke strike up of ev'ry string most sweet 3 Blow up your Trumpet in th' new moon I say In th' time appointed on our solemn day 4 For this a statute is to Is-ra-el A Vow which Jacobs God did make full well 5 With Joseph this was made when that he came From Egypt that his seed might do the same When God prepar'd to bring him from that land Whereas that speech he did not understand 6 I from his shoulders th' burden took away And set him free from burning brick of clay 7 When thou in grief did'st call to me and cry I answer'd thee in thunder secretly At th' waters of discord I did thee prove Whereas Gods grace with mutt'ring thou didst move 8 Here O my folk to you I 'le testifie O Israel if thou'lt hearken unto me 9 Thou 'st serve no strange God in the land abroad Nor shalt thou serve a strange or forrain God 10 From Egypt I thy God did set thee free Then ask me much and I will give it thee 11 But my folk would not hearken to my voice Neither would Is-ra-el in me rejoyce 12 So I them gave unto their lusts and will And let them walk in their own counsel still 13 O that my folk had heard me all their dayes And Is-ra-el had walked in my wayes 14 I soon should have subdu'd their enemy And turn'd my hand ' gainst their adversary 15 Who hate the Lord submit t' him should be sure And then they all for ever should endure 16 He would them feed ev'n with the finest wheat And hony from the rock they all should eat PSAL. LXXXII 1 ' MOngst men of might the Lord our God doth stand To plead the truth with Judges of the Land 2 How long will ye in wickedness proceed And eke accept of wicked men indeed 3 The poor and fatherless do thou defend To th' needy and afflicted justice send 4 The poor and needy man do thou deliver And rid him from the wickeds hands for ever 5 They nothing know nor will they understand Th' in darkeness walk no curse is on the Land 6 The Lords above ye are ev'n Gods I 've said All of you are the Sons of your great aid 7 But ye shall dye like men and so decay I 'le all of you destroy and pluck away 8 Up therefore Lord judge th' world with all thy might And eke all Nations take as thine own right PSAL. LXXXIII 1 O Lord my God do not refrain thy tongue Hold not thy peace nor silent be too long 2 Behold thy foes see how they rage and cry And those that hate thee hold their heads on high 3 Thy folk ' gainst they consult and use deceit Eke for thy hidden ones they lie and wait 4 They 've said from be-ing great let 's stroy the same That we no more may think on Israels Name 5 For they 've consulted all with one consent And eke ' gainst thee their wickedness is bent 6 The tents of Edom and the Ismalites The Hagarens and eke the Moabites 7 Gebal Ammon and Amalek conspire Th' Philistines ' gainst thee rise with those at Tire 8 And Ashur eke with them in league will be He 'l also help Lot and 's posteritie 9 As thou serv'dst th' Midianites serve them each one As to Siser Jabin at th' brook Kison 10 Whom thou in Endor Lord didst slay by night That they like dung lay open in thy sight 11 Their Nobles make like Orch Ze-eb yea Their Lords as Zebah and as Zalmunna 12 Who said let all of us throughout the Land God's houses fair receive into our hand 13 Make them O God like wheeles that cannot stay Or like the chaff which windes do blow away 14 As fire that burns the woods both far and nigh And eke as flames that hills consume most high 15 So let thy tempest Lord on them be laid And let thy windy storms make them afraid 16 And eke their faces all fill full of shame That they O Lord may seek thy holy Name 17 Let them be troubled all for thee therefore Let them be put to shame for ever-more 18 That men may know Gods Name Jehovah is That he 's most high and that the earth is his PSAL. LXXXIV 1 O Lord how pleasant is thy dwelling place And eke the tabernacles of thy grace 2 My soul doth long Gods courts on high to see And for the living Lord my heart shall be 3 The sparrows find out room where they may rest And swallowes for their young do get a nest Thine Altar by these birds may sit and sing O Lord of Hosts thou art my God and King 4 Blessed are they in house that dwell with thee They praising of thy Name shall ever be 5 Who put their strength in thee blessed are they In heart who seek unto thine house the way 6 Passing through Ba-ca's vaile they wells dig still They look like springs for thou their pits dost fill 7 From strength to strength they go faintnesse sha'nt be The God of Gods in Sion they do see 8 O Lord of Hosts heare me that to thee pray And Jacobs God give ear to me alway 9 O God our shield behold us with thy grace And look upon thine own anointed's face 10 I 'le rather in thy
courts one day abide Then be elsewhere a thousand dayes beside I 'de rather keep th' door of the house of God Than dwell in th' tents of wickednesse abroad 11 For God will glory grace and worship give No good withhold from those that purely live 12 O Lord of Hosts that man shall blessed be That wholly doth depend and trust in thee PSAL. LXXXV 1 LOrd thou 'st been merciful unto thy land And thou hast rescu'd Jacobs seed from band 2 Thy folks iniquitie thou hast forg'ven And thou hast also covered their sin 3 Thou 'st also took thy wrath most sore away And thou from wrath that is most fierce dost stay 4 God of our health convert us all to thee And let thine anger cease ' mongst us to be 5 Wilt thou be angry Lord and not return And shall thy wrath unto all ages burn 6 Wilt not again let us revived be That we thy people may rejoyce in thee 7 O Lord declare thy goodness in our wealth And be to us an aid and saving health 8 I 'le heare the Lord who to his Saints speak peace That never they return to foolishnesse 9 His health to them that fear him is at hand That they may dwell in glory in our land 10 Mercy and truth meet in one and th' same place Justice and peace each other do embrace 11 Truth from the earth flourisheth pleasantly And righteousness looks from the heavens high 12 Yea God shall give you things most good in peace And all our land shall yeild forth her increase 13 Justice shall 'fore him go like guide or stay His steps he 'l keep and lead them in the way PSAL. LXXXVI 1 LOrd bow thine ear for poor and weak am I And needy eke then listen to my cry 2 Preserve my soule Lord for I holy be Thy servant save who trusteth still in thee 3 Be mercifull to me Lord for I cry To thee O Lord my God uncessantly 4 Comfort thy servants soul with pain that 's pin'd For unto thee I lift my soul and mind 5 For thou art good thy gifts of grace are free Thy mercie 's great to those that call on thee 6 Give ear O Lord when that to thee I pray And hearken to thy suppliant alway 7 For in the day of trouble upon thee I 'le call for thou wilt quickly answer me 8 Among the Gods there 's none like thee doth shine Nor are their works to be compar'd to thine 9 The Gentiles which thou didst make and frame Shall worship thee and glorifie thy Name 10 For thou art great all power is thine owne Thou wondrous things dost thou art God alone 11 Teach me thy way thy truth I will walk meek Unite mine heart with fear thy Name to seek 12 O Lord my God my heart shall give thee praise And I will glorifie thy Name always 13 Thy mercy shew'd to me most great is it For thou 'st delivered me from th' lowest pit 14 The proud against me rise with men of might They seek my soul and have not thee in sight 15 But thou art meek full slack and slow to wrath Long-suffering thy truth no measure hath 16 Turn to me and strength to me apply Thy servant and thy hand-maids son am I. 17 Some sign me shew that all my foes may see And be asham'd ' cause thou Lord comforts me PSAL. LXXXVII 1 GOds city is upon the holy hills 2 Sion he loves more then where Jacob dwells 3 Glorious things are spoke of thee abroad O city of the living Lord our God 4 On Ra'ab I 'le look and bear in mind the same And Babilon shall learn to know my Name Lo Philistine Tire E-thi-ope likewise A folk long since were born and there did rise 5 'T was said of Sion divers men of fame Have there sprung up and God doth stay the same 6 When God the people counts it shall appear That this man at the first did spring up there 7 The trumpeters and singers there shall be And all my springs are composed by thee PSAL. LXXXVIII 1 O Lord thou God of my deliverie Both day and night 'fore thee I oft do cry 2 Lord let my prayer before thee oft appear And to my cry do thou incline thine ear 3 For in my soul I grief and trouble have And eke my life doth draw nigh to the grave 4 Like those that go to pit I 'm in thy sight And like a man that hath no str●ngth nor might 5 Free 'mong the dead like th' slain that lie i' th' Land Whom thou destroy'st and cuttest from thine hand 6 Yea thou hast laid me in the lowest pit In darkness eke and in the depths of it 7 Upon me sore lyeth the wrath of thee With all thy waves thou 'st much afflicted me 8 Thou friends put'st from me mak'st them hate me sore I am shut up and can come forth no more 9 My sight through grief me fails I call thee God To thee always my hand I stretch abroad 10 Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead always And shall the dead arise and give thee praise 11 Or shall thy kindness Lord be taught in grave With those that dy shall truth her honour have 12 Shall they that lye in th' dark thy wonders wot Thy justice eke where all things are forgot 13 But I O Lord to thee did call apace My pray'r shall early come before thy face 14 O Lord why castest thou my soul from thee Why hidest thou thy glorious face from me 15 From my youth up I 'm griev'd and like to dy I bear thy terrours distracted am I. 16 Thy wrath most fierce doth heavy on me fall Thy terrours eke do me oppresse withall 17 They compasse me as waters at the tide And eke with streams beset me on each side 18 Lover and friend far from me thou hast put In darkness thou hast mine acquaintance shut PSAL. LXXXIX 1 THy mercies Lord to sing I ne'er will spare With mouth I ever will thy truth declare 2 I said thy mercies ever shall remain Thy truth in heaven shall appear most plain 3 God saith with mine elect I 've cov'nant made I 've sworn my Servant David to perswade 4 Thy seed I 'le stay and stablish it full fast Thy throne I 'le build for ever it shall last 5 The heavens shall thy wonders praise O Lord Thy Saints within thy Church thy faith record 6 Who 's like the Lord in all the clouds abroad 'Mong Sons of men what one is like our God 7 God 'mong his Saints is greatly to be dread Of all 'bout him in terrour to be had 8 Lord God of Hosts what one is like to thee On ev'ry side thy truth is seen to be 6 The raging Sea thou rulest at thy will The waves thereof that rise thou makest still 10 Rahab in peices as one slain thou 'st broke And from thine arm comes enemies dead stroke 11 Heaven is thine thine is the earth also The world thousound'st
that all things should thee know 12 Both north and south O Lord thou mad'st the same Tabor Hermon rejoyce shall in thy Name 13 Thine arm is mighty powerfull through th' land Thou art most high and strong is thy right hand 14 Justice and judgement do thy throne embrace Mercy and truth advance before thy face 15 The joyfull sound that know blest is the folk For such O Lord shall in thy favour walk 16 Such in thy name rejoyce shall all the day Thy justice in exalted be shall they 17 For why their glory strength in thee doth ly Thy favour in thou 'lt lift our horns on high 11 For God the Lord defence to us doth bring The Holy one of Israel is our King 19 Thy will to Saints in visions thou didst show Thou told'st thy mind to them that they might know A man of might I 've chose your King to be And set him up among the folk for me 20 My servant David I have searched out I him anoint King over all the rout 21 With whom my hand shall aid and eke remain Mine arm also with strength shall him sustain 22 His enemies they shall not him devour Nor Sons of wickedness o're him have pow'r 23 Before his face I will beat down his foes That hate him without cause I 'le plague all those 24 My mercy and my truth in him shall lie And in my Name I 'le lift his horns on high 25 I 'le set his kingdom o're both sea and land He shall embrace the flood with his right hand 26 He shall depend on me and thus shall say Thou art my fathers God and eke my stay 27 I 'le make him my first-born on earth that springs His might I 'le make above all earthly Kings 28 My mercy I will keep for him in store And eke my covenant for evermore 29 His seed I 'le also make t' endure alwayes And eke his throne to last as heavens dayes 30 If 's Sons my Law and judgements in w'ont stay 31 My Statutes and Commandments if breake they 32 Then with a rod their sins visit will I With stripes them scourge for their iniquity 33 Yet I 'le not quite my kindness from him take Nor shall my faithfulness him ere forsake 34 I will in no wise break my covenant Nor will I change that from my lips hath went 35 Once by my holyness now sworn have I I made to David promise I 'le not lie 36 His seed for ever shall endure and be And eke his throne ev'n as the Sun 'fore me 37 And as the moon for ever standeth fast As witnesse true so shall his kingdom last 38 But thou dost now cast off and eke reject Thou' rt wroth with thine anointed and elect 39 Thy servants now thou 'st quite undone took down Unto the ground also his Royall Crown 40 Thou pluck'st his legs up him to confound And thou hast brought his strong holds to the ground 41 He 's spoil'd by all that pass that way throughout He 's made a scorn to neighbours all about 42 ' Gainst him that are 'bove him thou 'st set all those O're him rejoyce thou hast made all his foes 43 Thou 'st made his sword blunt that should foes withstand To him in war thou giv'st no upper hand 44 Thou 'st made his glory cease the world quite round And thou hast cast his throne down to the ground 45 Thou hast much shortened his youth and Name And eke thou hast him covered with shame 46 How long Lord wilt thy self hide wilt ne're turn Still shall thy wrath like fire against me burn 47 Remember thou my time consumeth fast Why mad'st thou men like things most vain to waste 48 What man death sore his eyes shall never have Shall he his soul deliver from the grave 49 Thy loving kindnesses O Lord where are Which in thy truth to David thou did'st sware 50 Remember what doth on thy servant ly Th' reproach of folk born in my brest have I. 51 Wherewith thy foes O Lord blaspheme thy Name Th'anointeds steps they cease not to defame 52 Blessed be God both now and eke alway Prais'd be his Name Amen Amen I say PSAL. XC 1 LOrd thou hast been our sure defence and rest So long time past as cannot be exprest 2 E're mountains were or earth or world abroad From age to age for ever thou art God 3 Thou grindest man like dust or clay and then Thus do'st thou say Return ye sons of men 4 For many yeers as now are in thy sight When it is past 't is as th' watch of the night 5 When thou them scatterest as sleep's their trade And like the grass whose beauty soon doth fade 6 It springs in th' morn and groweth presently At noon 't is cut quite down and waxeth dry 7 For through thy wrath our might is much decay'd And of thy wrath we are full sore afraid 8 Thou 'st set our iniquities in thy sight Our secret sins are in thy favours light 9 Thy wrath us kils thereof doth nought remain Our years consume and can't be cal'd again 10 Full threescore years and ten we live on mold Who sees four score is counted wondrous old And yet the strength the which we look upon Is nought but grief for they as blasts are gon 11 Who once doth know what power thine anger hath And feareth thee according to thy wrath 12 Lord teach us while on earth we do remain T' apply our heart ev'n wisdom to attain 13 Return O Lord how long wilt in wrath proceed Thy Servant favour shew help him at need 14 O fill us early with thy truth always That we may much rejoyce ev'n all our days 15 Thou hast us plagu'd but now Lord make us glad For all the years that we have trouble had 16 Thy work let to thy servant Lord appear And eke thy glory to their children dear 17 Thy grace let stand upon thy servants thus And what we take in hand prosper to us PSAL XCI 1 HE that in secret place dwells of th' most high Shall ' bide under his wings eternally 2 I 'le say of God he is my ' fence most just My fortresse eke for in him I do trust 3 Sure from the fowler he shall be thy ' fence And also from the noisom pestilence 4 His wings thee'l save and keep thee safely there His truth shall be thy ' fence instead of spear 5 Thou shalt in no wise fear nor be affright Of shafts that flee by day or else by night 6 Nor of the plague that walks in dark so fast Nor yet of that which at noon-day doth waste 7 Ten thousand at thy side destroy'd shall be But there no harm at all shall come to thee 8 Thou shalt behold it onely with thine eye And see th' reward of those act wickedly 9 Because thou 'st made the Lord thy refuge be And trusts in him thy sure defence is he 10 There shall no evil fall upon thy face
all the folk be fearfull at his sight 10 Tell all the world the Lord doth reign above He'th set the earth so fast it cannot move And that 't is he that rules with princely might To judge the folk with equity and right 11 The Heavens and the earth shall much rejoyce The Sea and all therein shall make a noise 12 The field shall joy with all things on the earth The Woods and ev'ry Tree shall sing with mirth 13 Before Gods face and coming of his might When he shall judge and rule his folk aright PSAL. XCVII 1 THe Lord doth reign let all the earth rejoyce Let multitudes of Isles him praise in voyce 2 Darkness and Clouds are round about him gone Justice and judgement dwell about his throne 3 A fire before him goes the World throughout And burneth up his foes ev'n round about 4 His ligh-te-nings did to the world appear Whereat the earth did look and deadly fear 5 The Hills like wax do melt ev'n at Gods sight Ev'n at the presence of the Lord most bright 6 The Heavens shew his justice all abroad That all may know the glory of our God 7 Shame sure will come on those serve Idols vain On those that love dumb Pictures to maintain 8 Sion heard glad was Juda did rejoyce ' Cause of thy judgements they 've set forth their voyce 9 For thou art high in all the earth abroad And art exalted 'bove all other God 10 All that fear God hate all things that are ill He saves his Saints from such as would them spill 11 The light is sown ev'n for the just mans part Gladness and mirth for the upright in heart 12 Ye just in Gods great holiness rejoyce Be thankfull to him both in heart and voyce PSAL. XCVIII 1 O Sing to God a new and pleasant Song For he hath wrought his wonders great and strong With his right hand he doth his foes devour And victory get with his arm and pow'r 2 The Lord makes known his saving health and might He shews his justice in the Heathens sight 3 To Israel truth in mind he doth record All earth hath seen the goodness of the Lord. 4 A joyfull noise make to the Lord alwayes In him rejoyce and eke to him give praise 5 Play on the Harp and Psalms unto him sing 6 With Trumpets eke rejoyce before our King 7 Yea let the Sea for joy both roar and swell And eke the earth withall therein that dwell 8 Let floods rejoyce and clap their hands apace The Mountains eke before the Lord his face 9 He 'l come to judge the World and ev'ry wight And rule the folk with justice and with right PSAL. XCIX 1 THe Lord doth reign though folk do rage full sore He sits on Cherubs though the world doth roar 2 God's high 'bove all in Sion is his seat 3 He 's holy let all praise his Name most great 4 Th' Kings strength loves judgement equity and right Which he in Jacob executes with might 5 Exalt then God th'Lord for he 's most holy Before his foot-stool worship all lowly 6 Moses Aaron were 'mong his Priests and eke Samuel 'mong those that to his Name did seek 7 They call'd God heard and from Clouds Pillars spake They kept his Statutes nor his Ordnance brake 8 Thou answredst them O Lord and them forgave Though vengeance on their follies thou would'st have 9 Exalt our God him worship at his hill For he most holy is in all his will PSAL. C. 1 ALL Lands make joyfull noise 'fore God rejoyce 2 Him serve with gladness and with pleasant voyce 3 Know th' Lord is God 't is he that hath us made Not we our selves we's sheep are he 's our aid 4 Enter his Gates with praise his Courts with th' same Be thankfull to him blesse his holy Name 5 For God's most good his mercy doth endure His truth unto all ages is most sure PSAL. CI. 1 MErcy and judgement eke I 'le sing to thee 2 I 'le wisely do untill thou come to me 3 My heart shall walk within my house in light I 'le set no wicked thing before my sight 4 Who falls I hate they shall not cleave to me Ill hearts shall from me part no ill I 'le see 5 I 'le slay him that 's friend sland'reth privily Th' proud heart I 'le hate and him that looketh high 6 Mine eyes on th' faithfull of the Land shall stay He me shall serve that walkes in perfect way 7 He that deceives in my house shall not dwell Nor shall he oft see me that lies doth tell 8 The wicked of the Land soon slay will I Ill doers eke from th' City of th' most high PSAL. CII 1 MY prayer hear Lord my cry let come to thee 2 In troubled times hide not thy face from me 3 Incline thine ear to me hear when I call A smoake consumes as th' herb doth fade I fall 4 My heart like grass is scorcht and withered So ●ore that I forget to eat my bread 5 With groanings sore my bones cleave to my skin 6 As deserts Pelican such case I 'm in 7 As sparrow ' lone on house so watch do I 8 ' Gainst me is sworn my raging enemy 9 For I have ashes eat instead of bread And with my drink my tears have mingled 10 ' Cause of thine indignation and thy frown For thou 'st me lifted up and cast me down 11 Like shadow that declines my dayes do pass And I my self like to the with'red grass 12 But thou O Lord for ever shalt indure Unto all Generations firm and sure 13 Thou shalt arise and Sion mercy show For th'time to shew her favours is come now 14 For in her stones thy servants pleasure take Favours her dust Lord do not her forsake 15 The heathens then O Lord thy Name shall fear Thy glory ring through kingdomes far and near 16 When God shall Sion build appear shall he In glory great and magnanimitie 17 Th' prayer of the destitute he will regard Not them dispise but give them due reward 18 For future age this shall be writ alwayes That those here-after born may give thee praise 19 For he look't down ev'n from his holy place Beholding earth with 's most glorious face 20 To hear the groans of those that pris'ners are And those that were condemn'd to die to spare 21 Mount Sion in for to declare Gods Name And in Jerusalem advance his fame 22 When people gath'red are both far and near To serve the Lord and in his Courts appear 23 My former strength he weakned in the way My dayes he shor-te-ned Thus I did say 24 Midst of my dayes away Lord take not me Thy years throughout all generations be 25 Of old thou 'st laid th' foundations of the Land The heavens are the workes of thine own hand 26 They perish shall but thou shalt still indure They shall wax old and change like a vesture 27 But thou' rt the same thy years for
ay shall be 28 Thy servants sons shall daily stand 'fore thee PSAL. CIII 1 SOul bless the Lord bless thou his holy Name And all within me do likewise the same 2 Still blesse the Lord my soul ne'er cease to be Mindfull of him who still takes care of thee 3 Who gave thee pardon for thy faults who still Makes well thy pain and sickness at his will 4 Who doth redeem thy life from death and who Doth tender mercies daily to thee shew 5 Who feeds thee with good things so that thy youth Like as the Eagles so he still renew'th 6 The Lord with justice executeth those Who are not friends unto his Saints but foes 7 The Lord to Moses did his wayes declare His acts unto the Isralites lay bare 8 The Lord is mercifull though we him grieve Slowest to wrath and quickest to forgive 9 He will not alwayes chide nor will he cause His wrath both now and ever-more to pause 10 Nor yet according to our sins hath he Rewarded us but in a higher degree 11 As far as 't is 'twixt earth and heaven above Such is his mercy to us such his love 12 Such space as 't is 'twixt East and West such he Removes from us both sin and miserie 13 Like as a Father loveth Children dear So doth the Lord if we him truly fear 14 The Lord that made us knows our fashion just How weak we are and how we are but dust 15 And how the dayes of man are few for they Like as a flower quickly fade away 16 Whos 's gloss and beauty stormy windes disgrace And make it loose the sweetness of that place 17 But yet the Lord his Saints will ever love Their Children shall be blessed from above 18 To such as keep his Covenant and do His Will and his Commandement also 19 The Heaven is the footstool of the Lord The Earth he ruleth both by pow'r and word 20 Ye Angels great in pow'r praise ye the Lord Which to obey and do his will accord 21 Ye Noble Hosts and Ministers strive still To execute his pleasure and his will 22 Yea all his works praise ye his holy Name In ev'ry place soul do likewise the same PSAL. CIV 1 BLess God my soul O Lord thou art most high With honour thou art clad and Majesty 2 Who as a Garment cloathes thy self with light Who stretchest out the Skies like Curtaines bright 3 Whose Chamber beams do lie in waters low Who makes Clouds Charrets rides on wings that blow 4 Who Angels Spirits makes Ministers a flame 5 Who laid the Earth that none can move the same 6 As with a garment thou 'st it cloth'd with th' deep Thou 'st made the waters 'bove the Mountains keep 7 At thy rebuke they fled there none would stay From th' thunders voyce they hasted all away 8 They go by Hills by Vales their way they take They go to th' place which thou for them did'st make 9 Thou 'st made abound that they o're't may not pass That they turn not again to cover th' grass 10 He sends the springs into the streams most strong Which runs the Mountaines and the Hills among 11 They drink do give to each beast of the field The Asses quench their thirst which are most wilde 12 The dwelling place of fowls eke by them are Which 'mong the branches green do sing most rare 13 The Hils eke from his Chambers watreth he All earth 's fill'd with thy works which they do see 14 For beast he grass for man he herb doth sow That he may food ' cause from the earth to grow 15 And that which makes mans heart glad namely wine And oil to cause the face of man to shine 16 Gods Trees are full of Sap they nothing want Lebanons Cedars there the Lord did plant 17 Where birds for safety go and make their nests For th' Stork th' Fir-tree her house is there she rests 18 Th' Hills for th' wilde Goates a refuge is most high Rocks are for Conies that they there may lie 19 For Seasons he appointed hath the Moon The Sun knowes when t is up t' must go down soon 20 When it is night thou makest darknesse sleep Wherein all beasts out of the Forrests creep 21 The Lyons young do roar after their prey From God the Lord they seek their meat alway 22 The Sun doth rise they get together then And presently they couch down in their Den. 23 Man goeth forth unto his work full soon And to his labour there he stayes till noon 24 In Wisdom Lord thy works each one thou 'st wrought Thy Riches on the earth are past mans thought 25 So is the great wide Sea wherein are all Unspeakable things creeping large and small 26 The Ships go there th' Levi'than eke I say Whom thou hast given leave therein to play 27 These all on thee do wait O Lord that live That in due time thou meat to them maist give 28 That thou them giv'st they gather from the Land They 'r fil'd with good when thou openest thine hand 29 Thou hides thy face they troubled are and mourn Thou tak'st their breath and they to dust return 30 Thou sends thy spirit forth they new-born are Thou dost renew the earth that was most bare 31 For evermore Gods Glory shall indure He shall reioyce in 's works that are most pure 32 The earth trembleth when he on it doth look The Hills he toucheth instantly they shook 33 Whil'st that I live unto the Lord I 'le sing And whil'st I be I 'le praise give to my King 34 My Meditation on him shall be sweet I 'le glad be in him he 's my help most meet 35 Sinners destroy ill men let be no more Bless thou the Lord my soul praise him therefore PSAL CV 1 GIve thanks to God upon his Name eke call Make know his deeds 'mong people great and small 2 Unto the Lord our God high Psalmes eke sing Talke of the wondrous works ev'n of our King 3 Glory in God and in his holy Name Let th' heart rejoyce that seeks to do the same 4 Seek God the Lord his strength and aid therefore Yea seek his face both now and evermore 5 His wondrous works let still be in your heart Nor let his judgements from your mind depart 6 Ye Seed of Gods own Servant Abraham Ye Jacobs Sons Gods chosen do the same 7 He is our Lord our strength our aid our God His Judgements are in all the earth abroad 8 The Covenant which he to his hath made He hath perform'd according as he said 9 Which Covenant he made to Abraham His Oath he made with Isa-ac by Name 10 It stood for Law That Jacob might obey For Covenant to Is-ra-el for ay 11 Say-ing th' Land Ca-na-an to thee I 'le give Th' Lot of thine Heritage wherein thou 'st live 12 When they were but a few in number men Yea very few and strangers in it then 13 When they from one place to
there be And vengeance shew on them that trouble me 85 The proud have digged pits and spread their net For me because thy laws they do forget 86 All thy Commandements most faithfull be They persecute me falsly help thou me 87 On earth they almost me consumed yet Nor thee neither thy Laws did I forget 88 After thy loving kindness quicken me So shall I keep the word promis'd by thee LAMED 89 For ever Lord to us thou hast made sure Thy word in heaven ever to indure 90 Thy truth unto all ages is for ay Thou stablish't hast the earth not to decay 91 As to this day they still continue shall Ordain'd by thee for they 're thy servants all 92 Unless thy Law had been my whole delight I should in affliction perish'd quite 93 I 'le ne're forget thy precepts nor yet thee For with them thou hast oft times quickned me 94 I am thine save me for thou hast me bought For with whole heart thy precepts all I 've sought 95 The wicked watch me still for to destroy But I 'le thy Truth consider mak 't my joy 96 Of all perfections end I 've seen O God But thy Gommandments are exceeding broad MEM 97 How do I in thy Law delight alway It is my Meditation all the day 98 Thy Word hath taught me wiser for to be Then all my foes for they are still with me 99 My teachers all in knowledge I excell ' Cause I thy Laws keep them to others tell 100 More than the aged I do understand Because I keep thy Precept and Command 101 My feet I have refrain'd from th' evil way That I thy Word may keep make it my stay 102 I 've not departed from thy judgements yet For thou' rt my teacher I 'le not them forget 103 How sweet unto my tast 's thy word alway Doubtless no hony half so sweet as they 104 Thy precepts through I understanding get Therefore I each false way from me do set NUN 105 Thy Words a Lamp my feet for to direct A light unto my paths in all respect 106 Lord I have sworn and it perform I will Thy Righteous Judgements ever to fulfil 107 I am afflicted much quicken O Lord My fainting soul according to thy Word 108 O Lord accept my lips pure offring free Thy Righteous Judgements also teach thou me 109 My soul continually is in my hand Yet I thy Law forget not nor command 110 The wicked folk for me have laid their snare Yet from thy precepts I did never erre 111 Thy Law 's mine heritage I 'le ne'r depart Thy Testimonies still rejoyce my heart 112 I 've set my heart to keep thy law alway In perseverance that shall last for ay SAMECH 113 I hate vain thoughts but love thy Law O Lord 114 Thou art my hiding place I trust thy word 115 Ye evill doers all from me depart For I 'le on Gods Commandments set mine heart 116 That I may live thy promise me uphold Of hope let me no shame have but be bold 117 Uphold me Lord and then full safe am I Thy Laws I 'le love and that continually 118 Them that erre from thy ways thou 'st trod to ground For their deceits are falshoods that abound 119 Thou like earth's scum the wicked turn'st away Therefore I love thy testimonies ay 120 For fear of thee my flesh doth tremble much I 'm sore afraid thy judgements they be such AIN 121 Judgement and justice eke O Lord I 've done Let me not be opprest by any one 122 My surety thy servant be ev'n for good Let not the proud m'oppress nor seek my blood 123 Mine eyes do fail for thy Salvation Lord And for thy just and eke thy faithfull word 124 In mercy Lord do with thy servant deal Thy Statutes teach me they are my choice weal. 125 Lord I am thine me understanding give That I may know thy precepts by them live 126 'T is time for thee to work bring folk in aw For they imperiously make void thy Law 127 Therefore thy Statutes pure O Lord I love Above choice treasure yea choice gold above 128 So I 'le esteem thy precepts all for ay Most right they be and I 'le hate all false way PE 129 Thy Laws are wonderfull ev'n in the deep Therfore O Lord my soul them all doth keep 130 The entrance of thy word doth make folk live Unto the simple it doth knowledge give 131 I opened my mouth and eke did pant Thy Laws and eke thy precepts of for want 132 Be mercifull to me keep me from shame And eke me use as those that fear thy Name 133 Set m' in thy word let no iniquitie Me rule or have Dominion over me 134 Deliver me from those would me oppress So will I keep thy Laws in righteousness 135 Thy face upon thy Servant make to shine Thy Statutes teach me that they may be mine 136 Great streams of water run quite down mine eye ' Cause th' break thy Laws follow iniquity TSADDI 137 Most just and righteous eke art thou O Lord Upright are all thy judgements and thy word 138 The testimonies thou 'st injoyn'd for ay They righteous are and faithfull eke are they 139 My zeal it hath consumed me O Lord Because my foes forgotten have thy word 140 Thy word it is most just and eke most pure Therefore thy Servant will in it indure 141 I small am and as scorn before men set Yet do I not thy precepts Lord forget 142 Thy righteousness it is most just alway And eke thy Law it is the truth for ay 143 Trouble and grief me hold they eke me spite Yet thy Commandements are my delight 144 The righteousness thy Laws of is for ay Me knowledge give that I may live alway KOPH 145 I cry'd with my whole heart O Lord me hear I will thy Statutes keep and eke thee fear 146 O Lord my God save me to thee I cry Thy testimonies all then keep shall I. 147 I cry'd to thee before day break O Lord And eke did hope and trust i' th glorious word 148 Mine eyes prevent the watches of the night That meditate thy word in Lord I might 149 For th' kindness sake my voyce let come 'fore thee According to thy judgement quicken me 150 That follow after mischief nigh they draw They far are from thy precepts and thy Law 151 Thou' rt neer O Lord therefore on thee I l'e call And thy Commandements they truth are all 152 Touching thy Laws I them have known alway That thou hast founded them even for ay RESH 153 My grief consider eke deliver me For I thy Law forget not nor yet thee 154 Plead thou my cause eke set me free O Lord Quicken thou me according to thy word 155 Salvation's far from those that wicked be For they thy Statutes seek not neither thee 156 O Lord my God thy mercies many be According to thy judgements quicken me 157 Both foes and followers many are mine