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A76069 Basilius Valentinus, monk, of the Order of St. Bennet: his last will and testament Which being alone, he hid under a table of marble, behinde the high-altar of the Cathedral Church, in the Imperial City of Erford: leaving it there to be found by him, whom Gods providence should make worthy of it. Wherein, he sufficiently, declares the wayes he wrought to obtain the philosophers stone: which he taught unto his fellow collegians, so that they all attained the said philosophers stone, whereby not onely the leprous bodies of the impure, and inferior metals are reduced unto the pure and perfect body of gold and silver, but also all manner of diseases whatsoever are cured in the bodies of unhealthfull men, and kept thereby in perfect health unto the prolonging of their lives. A work long expected. Basilius Valentinus. 1658 (1658) Wing B1016; ESTC R231639 202,436 343

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us for from them I had it next unto Gods revelation the reading of their books must be frequently iterated then the fundamentals thereof will the better stick to the memory and truth like a burning Candle be not extinguisht Be industrious in your carefull working search into Scriptures continually be not prepossessed with opinions follow after the unanimous concurrence of Philosophers a wavering man is easily brought into wrong wayes and such men which have wavering mindes seldom build firm houses Seeing the stone of the most ancient Philosophers doth not come or spring from things which are combustible because this stone is freed from all dangers fire may put him unto therefore trouble not thy self to seek for it in such things where Nature would not have thee to seek for As for example if one should tell thee this stone is a vegetable work because a growing quality is in it but it is not For if our stone were of a condition as other vegeta●●es are it would easily be consumed in fire nothing ●ould stay but onely its Salt Though there were men ●ho have written great volumes of the vegetable stone yet ●●y friend you must note that it will be very difficult for ●●e to conceive of it for they call our stone a vegetable ●●e because a growing and augmenting belongeth there●nto Note further irrational beasts have their increase of ●heir own kinde so you strive nor to seek for or to make ●his stone but onely of his own seed from whence it hath 〈◊〉 beginning and being Neither ought you to look out ●or any Animal soul for the making thereof flesh and ●loud which the great Creator hath bestowed upon Ani●als belongeth properly unto animals God composed ●hem of flesh and bloud whereby an Animal is made but ●●r stone which from the ancient Philosophers came as by ●n inheritance upon me is made of one and of two things which contain a third this is the naked truth and it is rightly spoken for the ancients understood by man and wife one body not in respect of the outward appearance but by reason of their innate love which they got at the first working of their Natures in that respect it is acknowledged that they are one and as both propagate and increase their seed even so the seed of that matter of which our stone is made can be propagated and augmented If you be a true lover of our Art you will take this expression into consideration to keep thy self out of the pit into which erroneous Sophisters usually fall which their enemy digged for them My friend that you may know further from whence this seed cometh then enquire first of thy self to what end you intend to seek after this stone Reason then will dictate unto thee that it must needs spring from a Metalline root which the Creator hath ordained for Metals to generate thereby if you will know the matter of it then note First when the spirit moved ●pon the water and the Universe was encompassed with darknesse then the omnipotent and eternal God who i● without a beginning and end whose wisdom was from eternity by his insearchable Decree created heaven and earth and the things contained therein be they visible or invisible by what name soever they may be called But of ●he manner of this glorious Creation my intent is not now to Philosoph●ze much upon let Scripture and Faith be impartial judges herein The great Creator hath given in the Creation to every Creature a seed whereby it should generate and encrease whereby Animals Vegetables and Minerals might continually be preserved Man hath no power bestowed on him to make or bring forth a new kinde of seed according to his fancy against Gods ordinance there is granted unto him a propagation and increase God reserved for his sole power to make seed else man could play the Creator also which doth not beseem him and belongs meerly to the highest Creator Conceive thus of the seed which worketh Metals there is a heavenly influence according to Gods good pleasure and ordinance from above it falls and mingleth with sydereal qualities When such conjunctions happen then these two beget an earthly substance as a third thing whic● is the beginning of our seed its first original whereby its first descent is proved from these three the Elements have their off spring as water aire and earth which work further by an Ae●nick fire to the bringing forth of a perfect thing which Hermes and all those before me for I could finde no more have called the three principles and were found to be an internal Soul an incomprehensible spirit and a visible body These three being together in one dwelling in processe of time yet by Vulcans help to be a comprehensible being as a Me cury Sulphur and Salt these three by an uniting be●●●●rought into a coagulation according to Natures miraculo●s operation there is brought forth a perfect body as Nature would have it and the Creator had ordained the seed for it He that purposeth to seek after the fountain of our work and hopeth to get the vi●tory in this warfar to h●m I tell this for a truth that where there is a Metalline Soul a Metalline spirit and a Metalline form of body that there must needs be there also a Metalline Mercury a Metalline Sulphur and a Metalline Salt these must needs produce a perfect Metalline body If you do not conceive of it now then surely you are not adapted for Philosophy and in brief it is thus it will not be possible for thee to reap the benefit of any Metalline body unlesse you have joyned compleatly the forenamed three principles Note further Animals are composed of flesh and bloud there is in them also a living spirit and breath which dwelleth in them but they are destitute of a rational Soul which before them man is endued withall This is the reason that when Animals lost their lives they are gone no more hopes of them for ever But man who offering his body to his Creator in time of death hath a Soul who at the day of ●esurrection is to receive a glorified body to his Soul and are to dwell together and so Soul Body and Spi●i come together again i● an heavenly clarification which in all eternity will never be separated again c. Therefore man by reason of his Soul is acknowledged to be a fixed Creature because he is to live for ever after this life ●hough in his body he is subject to a temporal death For death is unto man onely a clarification according to Gods ordinance by certain degrees is delivered from a sinfulnesse and transplanted into a better condition which doth not be●●ll other Animals therefore are they esteemed to be unfixed Creatures for these being once gone by death cannot expect nor look for any resuscitation because they want a rational Soul for which the sole Mediator Jesus Christ hath suffered and shed his innocent bloud A spirit ●●●y have a
nest alone in the Alpes where her Chickens by rea● of the snow are destroyed by frost which is on the tops these Mountains But if you add unto the Eagle the cold Dragon wh● had his dwelling a long time in stone clifts and Subte●●nean caves where he crept in and out both these be● placed on that Hellish stool then Pluto will so stron● breath upon expelling a fiery volatile spirit out of 〈◊〉 cold Dragon whose great heat will burn the Eagles feath prep●ring a sweating-bank that the snow on the hig●● tops of the Mountains do dissolve and turn into water t●● the mineral ba●h be rightly prepared and riches and hea● be bestowed on the King The third Key WAter destroyeth fire quencheth it quite if abundance of water be poured into little fire then fire must yield unto water giving way for the victory unto it Thus our fiery Sulphur must with water be prepared by Art must be conquered if so be that after the separating of the water the fiery life of our Sulphureous fume shall get the triumphing victorie But here no victory can be obtained unlesse the King have bestowed strength and vertue unto his water and have delivered unto it the Key of his Court colour that be be destroyed thereby and be made invisible however at this time his visible form must appear again but with great diminution of his simple essence and great melioration of his condition Limmers carry yellow on white red upon yellow or a purple colour though all these colours are at hand yet the last is predominant being the uppermost in its degree The same order must be observed also in our Magisterium which being done then you have before you the light of wisdom which shineth in darknesse and yet burneth not For our Sulphur doth not burn yet giveth a light afar off neither doth it tinge unlesse it be prepared and tinged freely with its own tincture to give a further tincture unto weak imperfect bodies of Metals This Sulphur hath not a tinging quality unlesse the tincture be given to it in a fixation for a weak one cannot victorise the stronger keepeth down the weaker and weak things must yield unto strong ones The conclusion herein is this a weak and mean thing cannot help another which is in the same frailty neither can it import any furtherance to the operation of it can one combustible protect another which is of the fame condition A Protector must have a greater power than he wh●m ●e intend● to protect so thing combustible must ●e defended by ●u●h which in their fixation are incombustible He that will prepare our incombustible Sulphur of Philosophers m●st be circumspect t● seek our Sulphur in a subj●ct wherein it lieth incombustible which cannot be unlesse the Salt-Sea have first swallowed the body and cast it up again freely then ●xalt it to ●●s degree that it excel with its ●ustre all other Stars in H●aven and be in its substance as rich of bloud as the Pellican is a● the opening of her breast nourishing many of her Chiek●ns without the weakning of her own body This is the Rose of our Masters of a Scarlet colour and the red blou● of the Dragon of which so many have written and is th●● Purple mantle of the highest Commander in our Ar● wherewith the Queen of salvation is clad and covered and thereby all needy Metals may be wa●●'d Keep this honourable Mantle with the Astral Salt very car●fully which followeth after this heavenly Sulphur let not any mischance befall it impart to it the birds volatile quality as much as there is needfull then the Cock will d●vour the Fox which is drown'd in water or reviveth by fire and is devoured again by the Fox where like is requited with the like or like is reconciled unto unlike The fourth Key ALl flesh begotten of earth must be destroyed and reurn to earth again which it was at first then that terrestrial Salt affordeth a new birth by heavenly resuscitation for if there be nor first an earth there cannot ensue any resurrection in our work For earth containeth that natural Balsam and is the Salt of those which sought for it by a knowledge of all things or universal knowledge the final judgement of the world will be by fire which the great Creator at first made of a nothing must by fire he turn'd to ashes again out of these ashes the Phoenix bring●● forth again her Chickens For these ashes contain real●● the true Tartar which must be dissolved after its dis●●lution the firm and strong lock of the royal room is ●●ened New heaven and new earth are made after that great ●ombustion or burning and the new man will appear more ●●loriously than he was in the first world because in the ●●ther he is clarified If ashes and sand be well ripened and digested by fire ●●en the Artist turneth it into glasse which afterward ●oldeth in the fire in its col●ur it is like unto a transparent ●●one an● looks no more like any ashes this is a huge mystery unto ignorant men but not so to knowing men for they found it to be so by their dayly experience and Manuals Men burn Lyme of stones to make use of them for a Cement in buildings before the fire prepareth it thereunto it is a stone and cannot be used for a Cement as long as it is a hard stone fire bringeth stones unto a maturity and receiveth from the fire a very hot degree whereby it is strengthned and groweth so potent that there is almost nothing comparable unto it the fiery spirit of Lyme Every thing being reduced into ashes affords by Art a Salt if you at the anatomizing of it are able to keep apart its Sulphur and Mercury and make restitution thereby unto the Salt according to A●● ●hen fire will bring it to that again which it was before its Anatomy and destruction worldly wise men call this a folly counting it meer lies call it a new Creature which to do man hath no grant of God themselves understand it not that this Creature hath been formerly so and the Artist sheweth its increase onely by the seed of Nature That Artist which wanteth ashes cannot make any Salt for our Art because our work cannot be made lively without Salt for the coagulation of things worketh meerly the Salt As Salt preserveth things from putrefaction even so the Salt of Philosophers protecteth Metals that they canno● be reduced to a nothing unlesse their Balsom die and the natural Salt spirit be gone then their body would be dea● and nothing further could be effected with it because th● Metalline spirits are gone and at their natural departin● left a dead dwelling into which no more life can b● brought again Note further you that intends to learn this Art that th● Salt out of ashes is of great eff●●cie many vertues are hi● therein Yet the Salt availeth nothing unlesse his innermost be turn'd to the out-side For the spirit alone
pleasant voice of the Queen and embrace her friendly out of a great love and take his fill of her both will vanish and enter into one body They say two men can master a third especially if they have elbow room to vent their malice Hereupon you are to know from a true ground that a double winde must come called Vulturnus then a single winde called Notus these come rushing from the East and South and will keep a stir being robb'd and their blowing or motion allayed and the aire is turn'd into water then you may confide that a spiritual one will become a bodily one and that the number by the four seasons of the year in the fourth heaven will predominate after the seven Planets have finish'd their ruling and will finish its course in the neathermost dwelling of the Palace and will hold in the highest fiery examen then the two which went forth suppressed the third and consumed him Here in our mastery is requisite an exact knowledge for the division and conjunction must be rightly hit if so be you intend to get riches by your Art and the Scales must not be falsified by unequal weights This is the Rock spoken of in this Chapter that you must finish it without any defect by the artificial heaven with air and earth with the true water and sensible fire setting in equal weights whereof I inform you really The seventh Key NAtural calidity preserveth mans life for when natural heat is gone then the life is at an end Natural fire being moderately used is a defence against cold but an immoderate heat is destructive There is no necessity that ●●e Sun should touch the earth corporally with her whole substance it is sufficient that the earth be strengthned by 〈◊〉 rayes which she ejaculateth unto the earth and doth ●hat way her duty for in that way she is of a sufficient ●●cacy to perform her office bringing things unto matu●●● by her digestion for the distance of the aire bringeth 〈◊〉 solar rayes into a temperature so by means of the aire 〈◊〉 fire doth work and the aire worketh by the help of 〈◊〉 Earth produceth nothing without water and water ●●thout earth can rise nothing neither now as these two ●●nnot be one without another in the generating of ●its neither can fire be without aire nor aire without ●e fire is livelesse without aire and without fire the aire ●●nnot shew its due calidity and drynesse The Vine at its last ripening hath need of a greater solar ●●at than it hath at the beginning of the Spring and if ●e Sun hath a good operation in the Harvest then the Vine ●elds a better and stronger sap which it doth not if the ●●ns heat be defective The vulgar counteth all things ●●ad in Winter because frost hath locked up the earth ●●at nothing can spring up but when the Spring-season ap●●oacheth and the Sun in her ascending breaketh the frost 〈◊〉 things turn to life again Trees and Herbs appear in the ●●elinesse and the Animals which hid themselves from ●●e frost creep forth again out of their caves and holes ●egetables afford their new fragrancy their operation is ●pparent in their pleasant blossoms of several colours ●hen the Summer worketh further brings these blossoms 〈◊〉 further ripenesse into fruits upon which ensueth a rich ●●rvest for the which thanks are due to the Creator which ●et these periods unto Nature Thus one year worketh after the other so long till ●he Architect thereof pulls them down and the Inhabitants ●f the earth be exalted by the glory of God then all earth●y Nature will be at an end in her working and in its place ●●ere will be an infinite eternal one When the Sun in Win●●r goeth further off from us she doth not dissolve so well the great snow but approaching nearer to us th n 〈◊〉 aire groweth warmer and the snow is easily melted a● being turn'd to water it is gone for the weake● must g●● way unto the stronger The same order must be observed the government of the fire that the moist liquor m●y 〈◊〉 be exiccated too suddenly and the Philosophick earth 〈◊〉 not to soon mel ed and dissolved else your wholes●m fis●● would turn into Scorpions and if you intend to be a ri●● minister in your office then ●ake first your spiritual wa●● on which the spirit moved at the beginning shut the do● of the strong hold upon him because this heavenly pl●● will be besieged by earthly enemies your heaven must 〈◊〉 guarded with three Bull-warks onely one entrance m●● be strongly guarded with a watch All this being finish'● then kindle the light of wisdom and look for your pen●● you lost let the light be of that bignesse as you see the● is occasion for For you must know tha● creeping b●●● and worms have their dwelling in a cold and moist e●●● their condition and no are leads them thereunto h●mans habitation is upon earth according as his temp●●● and mixed condition ●●quireth but Angelical spirits ●●ving not an earthly but an Angelical body not being i● subjection unto a sinfull flesh as man is are placed into higher station are able to endure both heat and cold in t●● upper and neather Region without any molestation an● when man is clarified then will he be able to do like the●● heavenly spirits God ruleth heaven and earth and worket● all in all If we prove good governours of our Souls then we sha●● be Gods Children and Heirs to accomplish that which i● impossible for us to do now which cannot be done unless● all the water be exsiccated and heaven and earth togethe● with the men be judged by fire The eighth Key NO flesh be it of mans or of beasts can bring any further increase or propagation unlesse it come first into putrefaction So all Vegetables unlesse their seeds be brought into putrefaction cannot be augmented Many beasts and worms are generated by putrefaction this mystery in Nature deserves admiration Nature permitteth this because this living increase is for the most part found in the earth which with other Elements are so raised by spiritual seeds To prove this with examples women in Villages know to give instances in that particular for these cannot hatch any Chickens unlesse they put the Eggs into putrefaction If bread be put into honey then the Ants are bred which is one of Natures mysteries It is seen ordinarily that Maggots do breed in flesh in men and horses and such like Carcases in Apples Pears c. and who is able to relate all the kindes of worms which are generated by putrefaction Some Vegetables also grow in certain places where never such grew formerly nor were they sowed in those places onely by putrefaction they were produced the reason of it is that the earth in such places it inclined thereunto and is impregnated thereby which the syderial qualities have infused and wrought a seed into especially which seeds putrifie in the earth and by the elemental operation
conscience to deprive their fellow Christians of their monies by cheating all they look for is to be talk'd of and live in reputation they stick full of diabolical pride and vanity up to the ears these in the end in great woe and miserie have their poor Souls drowned most lamentably woe woe to you Children of Sathan Here I intend not to use any prolixity of words nor to bring in any such matters which are heterogeneal to my purpose at the closing of my book I will be more large in my expressions as far as the heavenly Prince shall enable me to do where as for a final Corollarie to all my writings I shall annex things with that proviso and intreaty that all those which intend to be real and conscionable in their Medicaments may aide cure their oppressed fellow Christians and to search and inquire into such things which God for such purposes hath ordained and implanted them into nature This present book of mine deserves to be called A light unto darknesse for other things which in my former writings I have discoursed of by way of parables which stile I made use of the rather because it is proper to Philosophers are declared in this my last information where I deal in plain and clear words describing and naming the matter openly shewing the preparations from the beginning to the middle and end demonstrating and setting before the eyes of men the matter in general and particular confirming and justifying the truth thereof and making a distinction betwixt the ground and no ground in so plain terms that the very Children may understand and feel it with their hands And because this book affordeth another knowledge differing from others of my writing wherein I have not written so obscurely nor made I use of such subtilties as the ancients did who lived before me and ended their dayes happily therefore doth it require another place also to be laid up in and kept secret from the perversenesse of men in the world I do not desire it should be buried with me to be a prey and food for Worms but it shall be left above ground and kept secret from wicked men and my purpose is that it shall be laid into a secret place where none shall come near it but he for whom God hath ordained it other writings of mine shall sooner see the publick light But know thou whoever thou art into whose hand this my last Testament comes which contains the Revelation of heavenly and earthly mysteries it will happen to thee by a divine providence to whose custody at my devotion then perform'd I committed it depositing the same into that secret place together with other things not inforced upon any grounds of necessities or straightnesses to leave it there onely for him whom Gods goodnesse shall appoint to finde it For it is not good for me to let God's Creatures and mysterie which are too abstruse already and stept from the light into darknesse by reason of the malicious perversenesse of the wicked world to die with me as envious men are with to do with gifts they are entrusted withall but even leave a glimpse of truth and of the clear heaven thinking befitting to discharge my conscience in putting forth the talent to usury let the will of the Lord be done in him whom he deemeth to be worthy of it into whose care and diligence I commit it from henceforth and for ever For I a Cloyster-man and an unworthy Servant of the Divine infinite Trinitie confesse and ackowledge that I should never have come so far in my knowledge of these endlesse mysteries in the Analogie of natural things in the melioration changing their qualities for a sure and strong upholding of this profound knowledge of the true Medicine according to this Ordinance whereby I am ready to do good to all and every one which desireth my help herein which as I have done hitherto so my desire is that God would enable me to do the same to the last of my breathing I say I should never have attained unto it if by God special goodnesse grace and mercie several books had not come into my hands written of ancient Masters which departed this life a long time before me causing great joy to me stirring up in me a return of hearty thanks to God who so graciously was pleased in his providence to bestow them on me in the Cloyster before any of my Fellows I do speak it without any vain-glorie I have done so much good thereby to my fellow-Christians as ever was possible for me to do which next to God returned thanks for it even to the end of my dayes Now whereas I can be Steward no longer I have done according as my abilities would give leave let others also be industrious and not defective in their Stewardship I return mine into the faithfull hands of God Almighty and deliver up to his Divine power and glorie instead of the Keyes for the house all the allotted mysteries set down here in my writing leaving them to his disposing to bestow them after my death unto him whom his Divine will shall chuse thereunto to be for the knowledge of his praise-worthy name the good and help of such that stand in want of necessaries and health for the avoiding and shunning of all worldly pompe pride wantonnesse luxurie rashnesse pleasure covetousnesse and spightfulnesse or contempt of others O Lord God Almighty mercifull Gracious Father of thine onely begotten Son Jesus Christ who art onely the Lord of Sabaoth the principle of all things that are made by thy Word and definite end of all Creatures above and below I poor miserable Man and Earth-worm return thanks with my babling tongue from the innermost Center of my heart who hast been pleased to enlighten me with the great light of thy heavenly and earthly wisdom and the greatest mysteries of the created secrecies and treasures of this World together with thy Divine saving word by which I learn to know thine Almighty power and wonders To thee belongs eternal praise honour and glor●e from eternity unto eternity that thou hast bestowed on me health and lively hood strength and ability to be helpfull to my fellow Christians in their necessities and inflicted infirmities with those mystical healing Medicines together with such spiritual comforts to raise the drooping spirits Lord to thee alone belongs power might and glorie to thee is the praise honour and gratefulnesse for all the mercies and graces thou hast bestowed on me and hast preserved me therein till to this my great age and lowest weaknesse O! thou God of all graces and father of all comforts be not angrie with me that I deliver up to thee mine eternal Creator the Keyes of my Stewardship wrapt up in this Pergamene according to the dutie my calling and conscience calls for with these thou suffer'st me to keep house the most of my time till now thou hast called and foreseen me to be thy servant
lead o●ers are very brittle having little of slate and Talk and these are discerned by their firmnesse there are other stones in which appear Copper and the flowers of Zwitter there are others also which have flat floats and slate-stone in which is wrought Copper oar hence it may be gathered that by reason of these several formes are produced several fruits and in Mines toward the South better oars are found then there are some toward the West called after-oars between which there is alwayes ordered or placed a center of perfection CHAP. II. Of general operations of several metals ALmighty God for his eternal honour and glory hath held forth to mankinde innumerable wondrous works which he as the sole Mediator and Creator hath set forth i● natural things the same he hath shewed also in his omnipotency under ground in metals and minerals of them w● may learn as the twelve Sybils prophesied of the bright true and onely Son of Righteousnesse and Truth in whic● do rest after the twelve ports and gates of Heaven and after the twelve moneths moveable and unmoveable visibl● and invisible bodies the seven Arch Angels standing befor● the Throne of God after these the seven Planets Sun Moon Mars Jupiter Venus Mercury Saturn and the re● of the stars and the seven metalline oars in their prope●ties as gold silver copper iron tin lead Mercury the Vitriol Antimony Sulphur Wismuth Kobolt or bras● oar allom salt and other mineral growths That the true center may be comprehended and conce●ved of God hath made the first separation according to h● word The Spirit of the Lord moved upon the water th● whole elemental body of the earth hath been water b● the Spirit of the Lord Zebaoth hath divided it fashion● the earth from the muddinesse of the water and therein all metalline fruits that ever were created and generated under ground all these were first water and may bee reduced againe unto water all other creatures be they animalls vegetables mineralls all these are produced from the first water the several kinds of beasts fishes and sea-monsters after the Lords spirit and after the first eternal breathing Essence which brought forth and shaped things tinged and untinged soft and hard small and great creatures after the twelve stones in the brest-plate of Aaron He created man after his own image the holy Spirit was infused into Adam who had a fulnesse of eternal wisdome and that according to the order of Melchizedeck Almighty God who is the first and last the first principle and end of all things hath set his gifts into times hours dayes years which according to his eternal Decree have their revolutions he hath blest in his most holy means Abraham Isaac Jacob Aaron Melchizedeck and others he hath infinitely blessed according to his good will and pleasure from eternity putteth several periods unto them and in his unsear●hable decree and will he hath laid the foundations also for Minerals and Metals a help for the supporting men in their ●eccessities in this miserable life thus hath he meliorated ●nd exalted the earth in her goodnesse men have reason ●o return hearty thanks unto the Creator for it God in his gracious providence next unto the knowledg ●f himself and of his holy word can bestow no better gift to man than to indue him with the true knowledge of Metals and Minerals Jews thought themselves wise men ●erein but as little some Miners know Minerals and Me●als as little knew the Jews their Messias and Gods word 〈◊〉 its true sence Therefore from that blessed and promised Countrey the knowledge of pretious stones minerals and metals are come to us as by an inheritance as being the ●st and are become the first and they the last but 〈◊〉 the end Heavens gate will be opened unto them again ●ternal and external gifts and means will be bestowed on them and the true use of metals will be none of the meanest Where there are fertile stones be they rocks flints peebles marbles in their central points is found what they are in their operations The several gums and rasoms the one excelling the other in beauty transparency hardnesse or liquidnesse are known and discerned by their fragrancie and tast Miners ought to endeavour incessantly and in simplicity how the neerest way may be chosen to find out the Mineral-passages and veins into which God and nature hath laid direct courses CHAP. III. Of the stones rocks and flints of Gold its operation condition and striking courses GOld is wrought in its proper rocks and marbles and in the purest matrix of the firmest earth of a most perfect salt Sulphur and Mercury purged from all feces and impure spirits with the conjunction of a natural highly clarified Heaven of white yellow and red sulphureous earth after the fiery nature of Sol in a deep fixation insomuch that none of all other metals hath an higher compacter and more ponderous body of a goldish matter in which there is no humidity all the elements are equally in it bound up which in their unity have wrought such a fixed body tinged the same throughout with an everlasting citrin colour with the deepest tie and uniting of its pure earth Sulphur and Mercury and with its Vitriol essence it doth all what the Sun among the Stars doth operate Naturally all is gold what cleaveth thereunto in and at all sides and it is found in the best and closest stones and passages and the power of Sol worketh meerly upon that oar and in its quality is comparable unto Sol. This noble gold stone and oar is sometimes mixed and on its outside ●here sticketh some obscure and dark matter having annexed to it some slats and other spermatick matter which de●racts from the goodnesse of its own nature and though ●he Creator hath indued it with great Vertues yet doth it ●umble it self and suffers it self to be found in despicable Mineral-stones where it loseth much of its tincture as is apparent by the Touch-stone where the mixture of Copper Silver Tin and others is seen all these mixed impurities can be separated from it with artificial Manuals and with little ado it may be brought into a perfect state Gold oars naturally are wrought thus that the gold stands in it close compact firm and good which is found sometimes in the crosse passages It s fixednesse is found in the deepnesse under ground where it hath its greatest power and it is found also sometimes in a speckled jaspis full of eyes and mixed with flints in its passages where many times Vitriol flint is found abundantly which Vitriol is the best among all other sorts of Vitriols The Hungarian Vitriol hath the precedence before all the rest which is sufficiently known in their proves and exemines as may be demonstrated to the eye In its passages are found sometimes fluxes of several colours which are interlined with gold and must be forced with fire To that purpose it is requisite that it be dealt
fruits serve for mans good both for his body and spi●● for nothing is hid from my transparent power my splen●● and lustre over-shadoweth all these and are held to ●ir growing unto maturity let no creatures marvel at ●●se several distinctions from whence they all should ●ne for all have their principle from me frō my spirit ●ich is hidden in me which none can dive into save the 〈◊〉 creator of all things from whom it proceeded as out ●his Divine mouth Thus I close up my speech and my 〈◊〉 startle at so great a mystery and attest in truth for a ●ewell that I am not onely the Gold and present Sol but ●e also strength and power to all the inferies terrene spi●● for Aristeus and Onizon is in subjection unto me for I 〈◊〉 α and God be praised for ever Thus I conclude the second part of my Mineral book ●erein I have shewed faithfully as much as I know and ●●ld in my industry apprehend let others do their en●avours also let them produce their knowledge also that 〈◊〉 light of the noble nature may still be supply'd in her ●●nitude and may not go out whereby cause would be ●●en to the enemy and envious men to be outragious ●●inst such truths Let God still and uncessantly be im●●tuned with prayers and thanks-giving For these ends ●ave written these my two Treatises and annexed the ●nuals at the beginning which otherwise needed not to 〈◊〉 done that by earnest prayer and thanksgiving and con●●ued earnest worshipping of God every one might care●●ly exercise himself therein and be convinced in his ●●ason how gloriously almighty God hath created or●●ined and held forth nature to perform her operations under ground and to produce unto the day light form●● their Nativities and fruits that we may reap thereby 〈◊〉 onely our sustenance but may acknowledge Gods infin● mercy and goodnesse for which none can return sufficie● thanks However let every one do his duty and as mo● as he is able to perform with his heart and tongue pray God is sincerity for his grace blessing and wisdom t● conceive by his spirit of truth and righteousnesse of his great and wonderfull Creature that the honour of God maybe exalted above the Heaven and be proclaimed with infinite praise throughout all the World End of the second Part. THE THIRD PART OF BASILIUS VALENTINUS His last TESTAMENT Treating of the Universal work in the whole World with a perfect Declaration of the XII Keyes wherein is significantly expressed the name of the great matter There is an Elucidation also of all his former writings published for the good of the posteritie and such that are lovers of wisdom LONDON Printed Anno Domini MDCLVI THE THIRD PART IS A Declaration of the XII Keyes HEre followeth the third part of my intended writings wherein is truely shewed the original and prime matter of our Philosophick stone which is a perfect instruction to the practick part which sheweth the direct way to the inexhaustible foun● of health and of the abundance of riches to provide mans necessaries and this is a Declaration of my former ●itings which is left for a love-token to all those that lovers of Philosophy My friend you must note that by this intended work ●ching the Minerals I had reason to prefix the two parts Minerals and Metals and their Oars holding it a neces●y to hold forth a light unto the ignorant how that one 〈◊〉 it from above frameth all such Oars Metals and Mine●s taking their original under ground for to generate ●ereby For earth is alwayes ready and covetous to at●ct and to retain that spirit which proceedeth from Hea●ns powers which it presenteth in processe of time in a ●mality and perfection The manner of it hath been spo●en of sufficiently in my former writings which is the rea●n why I give onely hints of them in this place Note that all things proceed from a heavenly influenc● elementall operation earthly substance from this mix●●● arise the 4. Elements water aire earth which engender h●● the help of fire hid therein in a warm digestion produci●● a Soul Spirit and Body These are the three prime pri●ciples which in a coagulation come to a Mercury Sulph● and Salt these three being in conjunction according to th● nature of the seed produce a perfect bodie be it in th● Kingdom either of Minerals Animals or Vegetables A● things in the world that are visible and palpable are d●●vided into these three Kingdoms the Animal which co●tains such that have a lively breath composed of flesh an● bloud as men beasts worms fishes fowls The Vegetables which contains trees herbs seeds roots fruits an● all such things that are of a growing quality the Minera● contains all manner of Oars Metals Minerals Marcas●● Calxes Zincks Lobol's all sorts of flints peebles wismuth● stones precious ones and others Animals have their special seed a spermatick substance which after a copulation generate flesh and blood whic● iced is their prima materia from a heavenly influence created of God of the 4. Elements wrought by nature whic● formerly were quoted in my writings Vegetables also have their proper seed which God bestowed on them according to their several qualities an● forms by a heavenly and sideral influence and receive the● elemental fruitfull growing from the earth with an orde● thereby to generate and augment Minerals and Metals also have their original seed fro● God by the heavens influence in a liquid aereall substance by a Mineral spirit sulphureous Soul and earth● Salt in one body joyned of these I have spoken in my s●mer writings Note further if any of these Metalli● and Mineral kind● shall be brought to a farther propagation and augmentat●on it must first be reduced to its first seed and prima m●teria If you will transmute Metals augment them bring ●em into a tincture or Philosophick stone you must first ●derstand how you may destroy by a spagyrick Art the ●etalline and Mineral form and separate it into a Mercury ●●lphur and Salt these three must be purely separated and ought to their first principles This separation is done in and by a Mercurial spirit sul●ureous Soul and a white Salt These three in a due or●ring of a true manual must be joyned again that they ●ay be brought to the highest and most perfect purity In which conjunction must exactly be observed the ●●antity after this conjunction the whole substance is ●eerly a liquid substance and philosophick water in which ●l the Elements first the heavenly then the elemental and ●●sly the earthly qualities are shut up and lye hid therein For the Mercurial spirit is cold and moist the sulphureous ●oul is warm and dry and this liquor is the true prima ma●ria and first seed of Metals and Minerals which by Vul●●ns Art is brought to a plusquam perfection into a transcen●ent fix'd Medicine out of which is generated the true ●hilosophick stone and must be produced in that way Therefore observe and
take notice that all Metals and Minerals have onely one root from which generally th●●r ●●escent is he that knoweth that rightly needs not to de●●roy Metals to extract the spirit from one the Sulphur ●●om a second and the Salt from a third For there is a ●●earer place yet in which these three Spirit Soul and Bo●y lye hid in one thing well known and may with great ●raise be gotten it shall be nominated afterward in several ●erms He that learneth to know exactly this golden seed or ●his Magnet and searcheth throughly into its properties ●●e hath then the true root of life and may attain unto that ●●is heart longeth for In my former writings as also in the XII Keyes from the first to the last I ordered thus my stile 〈◊〉 writing wherein I held forth unto posterity the ●ractick how the great stone of Philosophers or the best purified gold may be made out of Sulphur and Salt with 〈◊〉 help of the spirit of Mercury which must be drawn from crude unmelted Minera according to the Tenor of my fi●● Key set down in a parabolical manner Why I laid the work of the Philosophick stone upon t●● Gold Metal this is the reason that the simple Laborato●● to whom is unknown the other body or subjectum whic● containeth all the three principles though it be a thi● well known yet is it stranger to their brains may le●● hereby more wit and knowledge Many of the ancie●● Philosophers which lived long before me have in the sa●● manner with me obtained the true universal stone of a mysteries and health as their books which are extant gi●● evidence thereof The first time I took great pains a●● made great expences and consumed much time about th● purified Gold alledged in the first Key this heavenly sto●● I prepared in the Cloister I lived in and happily obtaine● it The highest in heaven bestowed his further grace 〈◊〉 blessing upon me that I took into further consideration th● tinging 2 animated 1 spirits placed and planted into their several bodies Let no man be ashamed to learn to ●dd more 〈◊〉 his learning and to dive further into that which was hi● from him notwithstanding his knowing wayes Natu●● reserveth many things in her secrecie which mens dull understanding and shortnesse of life cannot reach unto Whereas God in his great goodnesse hath bestowed th●● great gift upon me for an improvement of that talent I hav● imparted the same to my fellow Christians in the said XII Keyes Those that are endued with deeper wits and knowledge and in their hearty and carefull endeavours strive further to dive in the Art will meet in the same place with a more easie and more known matter which almost w●● named and set down of an effectual quality out of which in like manner as the ancients before me in their exac●● speculation and practick have in the end better known the onely scope and drift which hath been practised several ●●s by me also in a shorter time and lesse pains taking 〈◊〉 they and I have obtained health and riches in this ●wn and despicable matter and Mineral substance is ●●d a sulphur and tincture more effectual and more wor●● than the best Gold can afford which is fluid and open ●●its Mercurial spirit also and its mystical Salt is free and ●●n whose vertues may with lesse pains in a visible man●● be drawn from it ●e that hath considered exactly my XII Keyes fre●●ntly perusing the same must needs conceive and that ●rein is held forth the whole preparation of our stone 〈◊〉 the beginning to the end without any defect yet so ●t it onely should be prepared of Gold fitted for it But 〈◊〉 according to Gods ordinance in nature have pointed at ●old which is much better and requireth to be taken in●● deep consideration which being unknown and strange Novices for some reasons I forbear to give them any di●●tion thereunto with a resolution to write and to point at ●●h matters as themselves are inclined to seek for their ●●d in them At the beginning of my XII Keyes according to the ●●nner of Philosophers in a parabolical way I made rela●●n of the property and work of our stone and balsam how was made by Artists which as by an inheritance is come 〈◊〉 me also wherein I spoke as much as was meet of the ●vernment of the fire chargeable appearance and of the ●●iefest planetical colours and the final end thereof After ●●e accomplishment of these peruse well the XII Keyes for ●●ch containeth a particular work The first Key informeth you that if you seek for the ●●ed in a Metalline body as in the Gold then before all ●●ings it must most exactly be purged from all its impure ●eprosie and that nothing must be mix'd with our Foun●ain but such which is of a pure spermatick quality This ●urifying is perform'd with Antimony which stands in a ●ear relation and affinity unto Gold which is the reason why antimonial sulphur purgeth the Soul of Gold gradu●ting the same to a very high degree On the other-side 〈◊〉 Gold can meliorate in a short time the Soul of Antimo● and can bring it to a firm fixation exalting Antimony 〈◊〉 Gold to an equal dignity and vertue and can be broug●● not onely unto a white Metal of Lune but also to a tra●scendent Medicine for mans health of which you sh●● have a further direction hereafter when I shall treat in p●●ticular of Antimony Al●hough Antimony hath promise unto Saturn a sociable brother-hood because Antimony qualification doth rest in some sort on the quality of Satur● in an equal concordance yet after the fixation of the exalted Sulphur of Antimony his next friend Saturn canno● get any prey from him because the King received him int● his golden Palace and make him partaker of his triumphing Kingdom This is the reason why he can endur● now heat and frost and overcomes it and standeth with the King a Conquerour in great and transcendent glory The purifying of the Gold is perform'd thus Laminate● the Gold-thinly after a due manner cast it thrice through Antimony afterward the Regulus which is set at the through casting must be melted before the blast in a strong fire and driven off with Saturn then you will finde the purest fairest most lustrous Gold pleasant to behold as much as the lustre of Sol is This Gold is now fitted to surrender its innermost being first brought from its fixednesse into a destructive form and passe through the Salt-Sea of its corruptiblenesse is drowned therein escaped again and appeared visibly The second Key MY Friend note and take that into a serious consideration because the chiefest point lyeth herein cause a Balneum be made let nothing come into it which should nor be there that the noble seed of the Gold fall not into ●estructive and irrecoverable opposition after its destru●on and take an exact and carefull view of such things ●●ich my second Key informeth thee of