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A75800 The spirituall use of an orchard, or garden of fruit-trees. Set forth in divers similitudes betweene naturall and spirituall fruit-trees, in their natures, and ordering, according to Scripture and experience. The second impression; with the addition of many similitudes. By Ra: Austen, author of the first part. By Ra: Austen, author of the first part. Austen, Ralph, d. 1676. 1657 (1657) Wing A4236; Thomason E915_8; ESTC R208885 172,355 230

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of this inclosed Garden to enter into it those that did never yet feast nor banquet with Christ there nor so much as tast of any of his delicates O let them all take notice of these things and consider where they are and what they are a doing They are now in a dry and barren wildernesse where there is a dearth a scarcity and want of all profitable and pleasant things they are now with the prodigall feeding swine and grasping empty husks to satisfie themselves being ready to famish for want of foode while they might have bread enough and the fatted Calfe to feed upon if they will come into this pleasant Garden there they shall have a feast of fat things of wine on the lees wee l refined They shall have all that their hearts can desire Psal 37.5 they shall have joy and peace and full satisfactions there they shall have Christ and all his fulnesse made theirs there they shall have God for their Portion in whom they shall find infinitely more happinesse and satisfaction than in all the Creatures both in heaven and earth Therefore come into this Garden now even now while it is called to day and be partakers of the Profits and pleasures of it Vse 2 Let all those who dwell in this Garden inclosed and are partakers of all these great priviledges consider and admire the abundant love and kindnesse of God towards them and walke in some measure answerable thereunto There are some of the freinds of Christ with whom he feasts and banquets frequently letting them find the powerfull workings of his spirit establishing and refreshing their spirits in many discoveries of his love to them assurance of the pardon of sin freedome from Hell Sathan the condemning power of the Law or Covenant of workd c. discovering to them that all the waies and proceedings of his providences towards them are in Wisdome Love and Mercy to the increase of grace here and to fit them for glory hereafter his spirit witnessing and sealing unto them the unchangeable love of God in Christ in the Covenant of free grace whereby they have an habituall and well grounded assurance of their present state of happinesse and of their perseverance in it unto the end And then an exaltation unto infinite glory unto all Eternity These and such like are the dishes and dainties in the Feasts and Banquets that are found in this Garden inclosed the Church of God The sixtie fifth Observation in Nature THe husbandman does carefully fence his Orchard or Garden of fruit-trees round about he makes a Wall Pale hedg ditch or some fence or other on every side of his Garden that no Cattle nor any other enemies may anoy or hurt it This shadowes out unto as That The Church of God is encompassed Proposition shadowed and preserved by God himselfe The Prophet Esay speaking of the Lords Vineyard Chap. 5.2 saies He fenced it or as it is in the Margent he made a Wall about it that is he himselfe is about it Psal 125.2 As the hills are round about Jerusalem so is the Lord round about his people from henceforth even for ever All the Attributes of God are for the safty and preservation of his people Ps 5.12 With favour shalt thou compasse him as with a sheild so of his power wisdome faithfulnesse c. This was the hedg that Sathan saw was about Job chap. 1. ●0 Hast not thou made an hedg about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side 2 Ki. 6.17 There were Charets and horses round about Esha which were Angels for the preservation of Elisha as the Prophet hath it Psal 68.17 the Charets of God are 20000 even thousands of Angels so the Angels are still ministring spirits to all the faithfull God gives them a charge to keep his people in all their waies Psal 91.11 The Church of God is called a Garden a garden compassed and fenced Cant. 4.12 a Garden inclosed is my sister my spouse This is sound and unspeakable consolation to all that feare God The Power Wisdome Love Mercy faithfulnesse of God even Vse 1 God himselfe compasseth them round about they dwell in God Job 17.21 and 1 Joh. 4.16 who or what then can hurt them or prevaile against them Souldiers within a strong impregnable Garison neede not feare a besieging enemy if they have all things necessary and convenient for them there so the people of God dwell in God in whom is all fulnesse Esay 33.16 He shall dwell on high his place of defence shall be the munition of Rocks bread shall be given him his waters shall be sure see here the safety of such as feare God The Tower wherein they are is so high that no enemy can possibly scale it neither can they undermine it it is built upon a Rock or Rocks and they have provision enough within bread and water by which is understood all the fulnesse of God given out both in temporals and spirituals so that the Gates of hell all the powers of men and devills combining together against them shall not prevaile over them nay their enemies shall be destroyed in their attempts for God is a Wall of fire round about his people Zeck 2.5 and a consuming fire Heb. 12.29 all the enemies of God and of his people shall be consumed by it So then we seethe safety and happinesse of all the trees of Gods inclosed Garden they are implanted into Christ they are inclosed and incompassed by God himselfe they shall be preserved from all evill and shall want no manner of thing that is good All the Attributes of God even God himselfe is a Brazen Wall a Wall of fire compassing them round about so that nothing shall hurt them And although their enemies sometimes may kill them yet they cannot hurt them Though possibly they may loose their heads yet they shall not loose an haire of their head Luk 21.16 17 18. Their losse for Christ is gaine The sixty sixt Observation in Nature WHen the husbandman dresseth up his Orchard or Garden and removes such trees and plants as are barren and unfruitfull or that bear naughty fruits and plants others in their roomes that are choice and speciall trees and gathers out the stones weeds rubbish and whatsoever is offensive and bestowes much time cost and labour in preparing and ordering all things in his Garden for his profit and delight men may judg by all these things that he intends to come settle himselfe Proposition shadowed and dwell there This shadowes out unto us That When God doth purg a Nation or place from persons and things that are offensive to him and brings in his owne people and worship in stead thereof this is an evident taken that God intends to dwell there God is infinite and is not included in one place more than another The Heaven of heavens cannot containe him 2 Chro. 6.18 yet he is said to dwell in some places rather than in others
The Spirituall use of an Orchard or Garden of FRUIT-TREES Set forth in divers Similitudes betweene Naturall and Spirituall fruit-trees in their Natures and ordering according to Scripture and Experience The second Impression with the Addition of many Similitudes By RA AUSTEN Author of the first part Hos 12.10 I have used Similitudes by the Ministrie of the Prophets Jer 17.8 He shall be as a Tree planted by the waters and that spreadeth out her Roots by the River and shall not see when heat cometh but her leafe shall be greene and shall not be carefull in the year of drought neither shall cease from yeilding fruit Rom 11.23 And they also if they abide not still in unbeleife shall be grafted in for God is able to graft them in againe Joh 15.1 2. J am the true Vine and my Father is the husbandman Every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit Cant. 2.3 Like the Apple-tree among the Trees of the forrest so is my beloved among the sonnes I sate downe under his shadow with great delight and his fruit was sweet to my tast OXFORD Printed by HEN HALL Printer to the UNIVERSITY for THO ROBINSON M.DC.LVII Aug 2. 1656. Imprimatur JOHAN OWEN Vice-Can Oxon A Preface to the Reader HAVING in the first part of this work spoken at large concerning the ordering of Naturall Fruit-trees in all respects and of the great Profits Pleasures and Advantages that arise thence I shall now consider Fruit-trees upon another Accompt and endeavour to make some Spirituall use and improvement of them And this should be our care as to all creatures which we have to do with upon all occasions according to the example of our Lord and Saviour whose use it was to spiritualife Naturall and Morall things when he conversed with us in his bodily presence as we see frequently in Scripture When the Pharisees spake of washing their hands before meate Matth. 15.20 Christ instructs them thereupon about spirituall defilements when the woman of Samaria came to draw water Christ tells her of living water Joh. 4.10 When his disciples brought him Meate he tells them he had meate they knew not of it was meate and drinke to him to do his fathers will Jo. 4.34 When the man spake of having his inheritance divided Luk. 12.13 our Saviour thereupon instructs him and others at large to beware of coveteousnesse and worldly cares when the multitude followed him having eaten of the Loaves Jo. 6. Christ thereupon counsells them to labour for the meat that perisheth not for the bread of life Joh. 6.26 And many spirituall things he illustrates by Similitudes from Naturall things as we see Matth. 13. and many other places from Scede Tares Mustard-seed Leaven a Treasure in the Feild a Pearle a draw net c. So should we make a Spirituall use of Naturall things and so turne Earth as it were into heaven When we have gone through all the workes and labours to be performed in the Orchard and have received thereby a rich recompence of Temporall Profits and Pleasures in the use of the Trees and Fruits we may besides all that make a Spirituall use of them and receive more and greater Profits and Pleasures thereby Men are not wont to stint themselves at wordly Profits but why are they not willing to receive all kinds of Profits or why are they not willing to receive the greatest and best should a man chuse and preferre a Glasse-beade or Toy before some Pretious and Rich Jewell would he not be censured for a foolish man how much more foolish and unwise is he that seeks after Temporall Profits and neglects Spirituall and Eternall therefore be carefull to make a spirituall improvement of fruit-trees The World is a great Library and Fruit-trees are some of the Books wherein we may read and see plainely the Attributes of God his Power Wisdome Goodnesse c. and be instructed and taught our duty towards him in many things even from Fruit-trees for as trees in a Metaphoricall sence are Books so likewise in the same sence they have a Voyce and speak plainely to us and teach us many good lessons The Lord Bacon saies God hath two great Books which we ought to study his Word and his Works the one discovers his Will the other his Power The Apostle saies Rom. 1.20 The invisible things of him from the Creation of the World are clearely seene being understood by the things that are made even his Eternall Power and Godhead The Creatures of God are to be studied as Books for in them we may read the Attributes of God and observe some small resemblances and darke shadowes of his infinite Excellencies and Perfections they are seene Per speculum Creaturarum They who cannot read a line in any Printed Book may read many good lessons in the Book of the Creatures Fruit-trees though they are dumb companions yet in a sence we may discourse with them The Saints soule exalting humiliation p. 87. et p. 205. The works of God speak to the mind as his Word does to the Eare. Mr Boulton saies Our Eyes Especially on the Sabbath day ought as little Bees fall upon severall objects and from them as from so many Flowers gather hony and bring it into the hive That is sweet heavenly wholsome Meditations for magnifying the Creator in all his Attributes Fruit-trees and other Creatures do truely though without an articulate voyce Preach the Attributes and perfections of God to us And we may read divine Truthes in them as in a Book consisting of words and sentences the Creatures of God according to their natures speak out the praises of God Ps 145.10 All thy workes praise thee O Lord and among them Fruitfull Trees 148.9 Things without sense or life have a voyce and speak to us Ps 19. The Heavens declare the glory of God vers 3. Their voyces are heard in every language or Nation and vers 4. Their words go to the ends of the World So that not only rationall and irrationall but even Inanimate Creatures have a voyce and speak loudly to men and it is our duty to learne their language and hearken to them All Creatures as a holy Man saies have a teaching voyce they read us divinity Lectures of divine Providence We must be content to stoope to their way and manner of teaching as the Egyptians and others in former times who were instructed by Characters and Hyeroglyphiques by something represented to the eye Notions were conveyed to the understanding Dumbe Creatures speak virtually and convincingly to the mind and Conscience If we make use of Creatures to serve our turne only in reference to our outward man we make not halfe that use of them as we ought we should study the Creatures and learne from them to bring us nearer the Creator Climbing up by them as by steps or staires till we ascend to the highest Good How much of the goodnesse and excellencies of God do Fruit-trees
same folly as those who take more care about the shape and fashion of the Garment than the health and soundnesse of the body Or to use the Metaphor in hand they bring forth Leaves instead of fruits and so are unprofitable trees lyable to Gods displeasure and cutting downe every moment and also to be accompted by discerning Spirits to be such as have little or nothing of The power of godlinesse The Eighth Observation in Nature THe Fruits of trees discover plainly of what kind the Trees are the Leaves and blossomes especially of some kinds may deceive us but the fruits cannot deceive us but discover manifestly of what Nature the trees are From this Observation we learne That Proposition shadowed By the Fruits of Spirituall Trees we may conclude the Nature of the Trees The waies and Conversations of men discover what their Natures are If men of discerning Judgments will but exactly observe and try the Actions of others they may by degrees conclude from what Principles they act It s true indeede from the Actions and waies of some persons a man cannot easily conclude this vices in some are clothed in the habits of Vertues howsoever of some others this is more cleare The worke of grace in the hearts of some is so cleare and apparent in their lives and Conversations that if men will but judge according to Scripture rules the worke will be manifest So on the other side concerning Profane and scandalous persons a man may without breach of charity conclude such persons to be at present in the gall of bitternesse and bond of iniquity And though Formall Professors may for a time deceive us by their Leaves and blossoms of good words shewes Professions Formes and outward Observations Wolves may have on Sheeps clothing Yet if we tast and observe their fruits after a time we shall know them Mat. 7.16 by their fruits ye shall know them So againe Lu. 6.44 Every tree is knowne by his own fruit Vse 1 This should teach every one to try their owne fruits by the word of God for thereby will be comfort to them that feare God they may have continuall grounds of rejoycing when they observe their fruits to be good to be such as the husbandman cals for and approves of they may thence conclude that they are Trees of the Lords planting Engrafted Trees and this is a ground of joy indeed to know our names are written in heaven And here also will be grounds of conviction to unsound Christians for by a certaine knowledge of the Fruits they may have a certaine knowledge of the Trees And therefore let such seeing and considering their bad fruits give themselves no rest untill they find the nature of their fruits changed whereby they may conclude that the nature of the tree is also changed Vse 2 The thorough and serious consideration of this Proposition may be a speciall meanes to support and satisfie the spirits of Gods people who are in a doubting condition and question the truth of their graces for let such consider that hereby they may receive the best satisfaction that believers can possibly receive next unto the immediate testimony of the spirit of God to look upon and try their fruits by the word for fruits are infallible evidence of the nature of the Tree that brings them forth Therefore observe if these and such like fruits are brought forth the Tree is certainly good an ingrafted tree If there be fervent desires pantings and breathings of the soule after God delight in the word and ordinances Love to God and his people secret goings out of the soule after and closing with spirituall things disliking and hating corruptions and whatsoever is against the mind of God and opposing of it with a rising of spirit against it with zeale and indignation if there be a secret joy and cheerefullnesse in the spirit when things goe well with the people of God when holinesse and the power of godlinesse is like to be set up promoted and encouraged and sin suppressed if the spirit be stirred to pray against the dominion and power of wicked and unregenerate men not onely such as are prophane but also such as are but morally honest yea though they be accomplisht with the utmost of naturall and morall endowments prising and preferring sincerity and holinesse in any person before all gifts without grace These fruits I say are reall and infallible evidences of a good tree of a Tree ingrafted into Christ and that soule that finds them in it selfe if the spirit of God shine upon them and shew them may as certainly conclude upon the truth of grace there as if an Angell were sent from God to tell such a one that he is beloved of God It is as possible in nature for Thornes to bring forth Grapes or Thistles Figgs as for a Bad tree a person out of Christ to bring for h these fruits Let not such soules therefore so dishonour God wrong themselves and gratifie Sathan as to question the truth of grace in themselves but rejoyce evermore because their names are written in heaven Hereby we know we are translated from death to life because of these fruits 1 Joh. 3.14 The Ninth Observation in Nature THe branches of fruit-trees if cut off and stuck in the ground they will in the spring bud and blossome and be as forward as the boughes that grow upon the stock or root and will seeme to grow but when the sun drawes neere and the weather growes hot these boughes begin to decay and wither they cannot indure heat they within a while shew that they want a roote This is another Similitude of the state of spirituall fruit-trees and shadowes out unto us this Proposition Proposition shadowed That some persons flourish with a profession for a time but in the heat of affliction they fall off Many Christians will flourish with a profession in the time of prosperity when many showers of blessings and outward comforts fall on them but when the hot sunne of troubles and afflictions begins to scorch and the dewes and raine of temporall blessings are taken away and withheld then they shew themselves to be but as Boughes stuck in the ground and without roots which bud and blossome but can bring forth no fruit These are they spoken of in the Parable Luk. 8.13 The seede that falls upon the Rock springs up as well it may be as that on the good ground but when the sun growes hot it scorcheth it and it withers Mat. 13.21 He hath no roote in himselfe but endureth for a while and in time of persecution he is offended Such the Apostle speakes of 1 Joh. 2.19 They went out from us because they were not of us c. This shewes us the end of Hypocrites formall professors who Vse 1 have no root in Christ such as are not really ingrafted into Christ they will certainly fall away at last none can persevere but by being in Christ Job 27.10 Will he the
Garden the Church Joh 5.17 My father worketh hitherto and I worke And though he can doe all his works with a word of his Mouth yet he is pleased to make use of many Instruments in carrying them on Now God doth very much approve of Zealous and active instruments in the works he sets them about their zeale being guided with wisdome and Judgment Jehu because he was Zealous and active for God in destroying Ahabs house God established him 2 Kings 10.30 and his posterity in the Throne unto the fourth generation But Saul an eminent Instrument and set up by God himselfe yet neglecting to doe the Lords work throughly which was in his power to doe God said him aside in displeasure and set up David a zealous and active Instrument in his stead to carry on the works he had to doe And Eli though a good man and an eminent Instrument in the hand of God yet when he grew dull wanted edg viz zeale to suppresse the wickednesse of his sonnes and to honour God in his Office God was exceedingly displeased with him and threw him aside in respect of making use of him any longer and chose another in his stead 1 Sam. 3. But how well was God pleased with Phinehas a man of spirit and zeale for God God himselfe stands up for him and commends him Phinehas and his sonnes were established in the Priests Office Numb 25.13 He shal have it and his seed after him even the Covenant of an everlasting Priesthood because he was zealous for his God God cannot abide indifferency and luke-warmnesse in matters concerning his honour and the interest of his sonne which he himselfe is jealous for a dull flat indifferent spirit in these things is loathsome to God he cannot beare it Rev. 3.16 Because thou art luke-warm and neither hot nor cold I will spew thee out of my mouth Men that act not for God they act against him Luk. 11.23 He that is not with me is against me Use Seeing this is so It is the safety and wisdome of all men in any place of Power higher or subordinate to lay out themselves with zeale for God to be diligent and active Instruments in the designes of God acting according to the directions and leadings of his Word and Providences The advantages will be not only the honour of God in the inlargement and establishment of the kingdome of Christ but also the honour and establishment of such Instruments God will still delight to imploy them in his great works Numb 25.13 The nineteenth Observation in Nature THe Husbandman in Autumn and Winter is Pruning of his trees and boughs and branches are scattered up and downe all the parts of the Orchard He is then digging up the earth and baring the Roots of trees transplanting some and setting others in their roomes and doing many other works which make the Garden lye rough and unhandsomely But all these works tend to the greater beauty pleasure profit in the garden afterwards in the spring and sommer This Similitude shadowes out unto us this Proposition which is cleared by Scripture That the Commotions troubles Proposition shadowed and confusions in the Church of God will end in the settlement peace and glory of it God hath a great work to doe in the world and is now about it even in our daies He hath said he will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land That he will shake all nations and the desire of all Nations shall come Hag. 2.6.7 When were the Heavens and the Earth and the Sea so shaken as they have been of late yeares who knowes not of the overturnings and great alterations that have been among us both in Church and State It is God that changeth the times and the seasons it is he that putteth downe one and setteth up another and all these things are but in order unto the glory of his Church Yea he will still shake and overturne the Nations untill he hath established and setled his sonne Christ Lord and King over all the Earth This is his great designe now in hand Thus saith the Lord God remove the Diadem and take off the Crowne this shall not be the same exalt him that is low and abase him that is high Ezek. 21.26 I will overturne overturne overturne it and it shall be no more untill he come whose right it is I will give it him Christ alone hath right to raigne and God hath promis'd him the Heathen for his inheritance and the uttermost parts of the Earth for his possession Psal 2.8 And such as oppose him and stand out in rebellion against him though they be Kings and Monarch's and say we will not have this man to raigne over us he will break such with a rod of Iron and dash them in peeces like a Potters vessell Psal 2.9 Christ now meets with opposition in coming to enter upon his kingdome and thence are all the stirres commotions and confusions among us but he will at length prevaile and the government shall be upon his shoulders and of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end the zeale of the Lord of hosts will performe this Esay 9.7 His Kingdome shall at length be established upon the tops of the Mountaines and be exalted above the hills Mica 4.1 And after he hath rebuked the strong nations of the earth and brought them into subjection Then they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their speares into Pruning hooks and shall learne war no more but they shall sit every man under his Vine and under his Fig-tree and none shall make them afraid for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it Mica 4.3 4. and againe Esay 32.18 My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation and in sure dwellings and in quiet resting places Let all take notice of the great designe that God hath in hand Vse 1 in the enlargement of the kingdome of his sonne and establishing him in it and beware they be not found fighters against God And though men contrive and bend their strength against God yet will he carry on his work and they shall be broken Esay 8.9 Associate your selves O ye people and ye shall be broken in pieces Gird your selves and ye shall be broken in pieces Vse 2 This truth is full of Consolations to the Church of God which hath been long oppressed and kept under by the enemies thereof For surely the time of deliverance is neere As by the budding and blossoming of the Fig-tree and all other Trees we know that the Sommer is neere so the terrible shaking of the Nations declare that the redemption of Gods people drawes neere these being the last daies The day of the Churches deliverance from under the power of Antichrist hath dawned Esay 60.1 Arise and shine for the light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated so that
lifted up Lowly Christians are like the lower grounds under hils and neere Rivers upon which when moisture descends from the heavens and from the hills it rests there and makes the ground fat and consequently fruitfull Who was a more fruitfull Christian than David the holy Prophet he was so eminently fruitfull and brought forth so much and so lovely fruits as that God himselfe commends him and saies he walked in all the commandments according to his owne heart one particular excepted and we see of what a spirit he was in respect of humility Psal 131.1.2 My heart is not haughty nor mine eyes lofty my soule is even as a weaned Child And the Apostle Paul discovers a spirit of more then ordinary humility 1 Cor. 15 9. I am the least of the Apostles that am not meete to be called an Apostle And as though that were not low enough he descends lower I am lesse then the least of all Saints Eph. 3.8 But now who among the Apostles or Saints brought forth more and greatter fruits then this lowly tree In nothing was he behind the very cheife Apostles 2 Cor. 12.11 yea he laboured more abundantly then they all 1 Cor. 15.10 and 2 Cor. 11.23 In labours more abundant The Reasons hereof are first humble Christians have more from God then others because neerer God they walke with God and Communicates himselfe to them more then to others as familiar friends communicate secrets one to another so God to the humble soule that walkes with him He giveth grace to the humble 1 Pet. 5.5 He will teach the humbe his way Ps 25.9 but he resisteth the proud and is a farre off from him Secondly Humble soules are communicative they make others partake with them of what God hath given them Children every one plucke fruit from a low Tree and he that watereth shall be watered also himselfe Prov. 11.25 the more they give out the more they have comming in the more good fruit a Tree brings forth the more will the husbandman doe for it by way of culture that it may still bring forth more fruit Thirdly Humble Christians are most fruitfull because they receive profit from all persons from all things they can learne something from everie thing from the meanest from the worst whereas proud persons thinke they have so much that they 'l learne from none so that their advantages are both from heaven and earth as materiall trees growing low neere the ground have not only the sun and raine but also some advantage by the reflection of the sunne beames from the earth which tall high Trees have not Vse 1 Let us be much in love with this pretious grace of humility and beware of pride if we would bring forth much and faire fruits let us labour to be clothed with humility and follow the most glorious Patterne herein Mat. 11.29 Learne of me for I am meek and lowly in heart Then shall wee bring forth much and great fruits whereby our father will be glorified whereof our selves and others may eat and be filled But here we may stand and take up a lamentation for what we see contrary in many of the people of God in our daies especially among those who have best parts and abilities O what shall we doe to pluck up this poysonous destructive Plant from among the good plants of grace This has a strong hold even in many of the Saints and is like that uncleane spirit Mat. 17.21 which goeth not out but by Prayer and fasting with great striving and much adoe Consider is it no Argument against it in that it puts us a farre off from God in respect of that close communion we might otherwise have with him and secondly it almost stifles and chokes our graces that they cannot act at they doe in the humble soule thirdly it blemishes and cloudes exceedingly both in the eye of God and humble soules the beauty and honour of Christians in this life and lessens their future glory and that for ever This is for the honour and praise as well as for the consolation Vse 3 of humble saints who though they be lowest perhaps in outward respects here in the world yet are they in highest esteeme with God their humility exalts them even in the accompt of God and such low spreading Trees shrubs in their owne eyes when they are transplanted into the Garden of God in Paradise shall be set upon the highest ground and be the talest Trees there farre above many of their breathren who in this life are farre above them The one and thirtieth Observation in Nature THe Roote body boughes branches and small Twigs of a Tree make but one body or substance Though the parts of a Tree are distinguished and knowne by severall names and are divided into multitude of boughes branches and twigs yet all of them are so joyned together as that they make up but one body or substance This shadowes out unto us That Jesus Christ and his people Proposition shadowed though multitudes of distinct persons yet are so united as that they make but one body Christ is the head of his Church and all believers being united to him by faith are his Members 1 Cor. 12.27 Col. 1.18 Ye are the body of Christ and members in particular Now there is not a more reall union in nature between the head and the Members in the body of a man or betweene the Roote and branches of a tree then there is betweene Christ and his people When Christ ascended up on high he gave Gifts unto men for the perfecting of the saints the body of Christ Eph. 4.12 That they may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ vers 15. From whom the whole body fitly joyned together and compacted by that which every joynt supplyeth according to the effectuall working in the measure of every part maketh increase of the body unto the Edifying of it selfe in love vers 16. Christ calls himselfe the Vine Joh. 15.5 that is the bottome stock or Roote of the Vine and his people are the Branches Now as the Branches being joyned and made one with the Roote doe receive all their nourishment sap and life from the roote whereupon they increase and without which they would certainly die and wither so it is betweene Christ and his people there being a reall mysticall union and onenesse betweene this head and this body life and nourishment is given from the head to the body Col. 2.19 from which head all the body by joynts and bands having nourishment ministred and knit together increaseth with the increase of God Vse 1 This is a ground of unspeakable consolation to believers for this being so Christ will certainely take care of them being joyned to Christ and one with Christ they shall have life nourishment strength wisdome righteousnesse holinesse all good things in this life out of his fulnesse and glory hereafter for ever it cannot be otherwise for in so doing
Christ provides for himselfe and glorifies himselfe his Members being one with him Vse 2 From hence a spirituall eye may see a very great dignity beauty and glory put upon Believers though the meanest Vnion and onenesse with such a glorious person puts a spirituall glory upon them A great Prince marrying a meane person by that union an honour is derived upon the party according to the dignity of the Prince Now believers are married to Christ Jer. 3.14 and Rom. 7.4 and so made one with him as the husband and the wife are one so that what dignity and honour is upon the husband is also in a proportion upon the wife The two and thirtieth Observation in Nature THe Roote of a Tree does continually give up sap and nourishment to the Boughes and branches all the yeare long as well in winter to preserve life as in sommer to cause growth and increase But no sap at any time descends from the Branches to the Roote though most men upon mistaken grounds of this See pag. conceive and affirme that sap descends in Autumne into the Roote This shadowes out unto us That As we have our life and all from Christ Proposition shadowed so we are continually receiving new supplyes from him but can adde nothing to his infinite perfections Christ is the Roote as his people are the Branches and from this Roote sap continually ariseth to maintaine life and cause growth and fruitfulnesse Jer. 17.8 He shall be as a Tree planted by the waters and that spreadeth out her roots by the River and shall not see when heate cometh but her leafe shall be greene and shall not be carefull in the yeare of drought neither shall cease from yeilding fruit So. Psal 1.3 And Esay 58.11 The Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfie thy soule in drought and make fat thy bones and thou shalt be like a watered Garden whose waters faile not They shall not hunger nor thirst c. by the springs of water shall he guide them Esay 49.10 As willowes by the water courses Esay 44.4 Here we see are continuall supplyes of nourishment to the soul Rivers we know are continually running and fountaines or springs are continually springing these Gardens are watered with waters that faile not as the Prophet speaks Esay 18.11 Though the body and branches of a tree were as full of sap as the barke would hold yet would all be soone exhausted and spent and the branches would wither and dye if there were not a continuall supply from the Roote So though a man had the habituall grace of all beleivers on earth yea of all the Angels in heaven as much as a Creature is capable of yet could he not thereby persevere all would be spent without new supplyes from Christ Our Saviour tells us these supplyes never faile but are constant Joh. 4.14 Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life We see then supplyes from Christ are constant and continuall which believers draw from him By these Rivers streames and springs of water are meant the constant supplyes the believing soule drawes and receives from Christ by his spirit As we see Joh. 7 38 39. He that believeth on me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water This spake he of the spirit And for the second part of the Proposition we can adde nothing to his infinite perfections Iob. 22.1 2. Can a man be profitable to God is it gaine to him that thou makest thy waies perfect And againe Job 35.7 If thou be righteous what givest thou him or what receiveth hee of thine hand So the Apostle Rom. 11.35 Who hath first given to him and it shall be recompenced unto him againe God is no gainer by us All his Creatures together doing theirutmost can adde nothing to his essentiall glory which is infinite and therefore admits of no additions But we are said to glorifie God when we manifest declare and set forth what he is when he is made knowne among his Creatures and worshipped Vse 1 This shewes us whither to goe for constant supplyes of wisdome strength quickning and all Gifts and graces even to Jesus Christ the store-house and Treasury of all good things For it pleased the father that in him should all fulnesse dwell Col. 1.19 There is something in Christ suteable to all and everie of the wants of his people which they may obtaine of him Vse 2 This being so it should make us low in in our owne eyes and ascribe all the glory to Christ in all the good we have in all the good we doe what hast thou that thou hast not received I live saith Paul yet not I but Christ liveth in me Gal. 2.20 So Peter and Iohn having healed the man put off the honour from themselves upon Christ Acts 3.12 why looke ye so earnestly on us his name hath made this man strong c. vers 16. The three and thirtieth Observation in Nature THe waies and Rules of the husbandman in Ordering his fruit-trees are very strange to most people they wonder to see many peeces of his husbandry in his Orchard and Garden some things seeme contrary to reason when he cuts downe or diggs up some faire large Trees beautifull to looke upon and sets small weake plants in their stead and cuts off some large tops and branches of others and grafts onely a few little twigs in their roomes wrapt about with a lump of clay when in winter he prunes his trees and laies their roots bare and scores and cuts their bodies on every side these and many such like workes are strange to most men they have other thoughts of them then the Husbandman hath This shadowes out unto us That The dispensations of God towards his Church Proposition shadowed are contrary to the Judgments of most people in the world In all ages God and his waies have beene opposed by the corrupt reasonings of men Man in his naturall estate cannot see God nor the things of God he perceiveth them not because they are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2.14 When God is about that great worke to bring soules out of the snare and bondage of Sathan into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God his waies whereby he does this are very strange to most men when they see poore creatures humbled and broken in their spirits and sometimes almost distracted through feares and apprehensions of wrath or under any other great Affliction what doe most people thinke of such see say they how God plagues them for their Hypocrisy they will presently censure them for dissemblers David being under Afflictions became a wonder a monster unto many Ps 71.7 they judged God had forsaken him vers 11. Even so it is now And as it is thus in respect of particular persons so also in respect of the whole Church When God went about to
it is like Apples of gold in pictures of silver Prov. 25.11 The husbandman lookes and calls for fruits in their season Mar. 12.2 At the season he sent a servant that he might receive of the fruits of the vineyard So Mat 21.41 We ought in private meetings to consider what discourse is most seasonable what questions exhortations reproofs are most sutable and seasonable and accordingly apply our selves our spirits at some seasons are farre more apt to receive impressions than at other times Now therefore we should be seasonable in publique and private duties but some take little heed to this when the subjects they hold forth in Sermons suite neither with persons nor things to which they ought to apply their doctrine if they will speake seasonably but are like snow in harvest or singing songs to an heavy heart Many things materially good for want of due circumstances and seasonablenesse in performance are of little worth Those doctrines in publique and discourses and duties in private which are not only agreeable to the word in generall but also concurre with and carry on Gods maine designes in the generation we live in such fruits are seasonable fruits otherwise though good in themselves they are not seasonable Also when the word is so divided as to give to every one his portion and application is made to particular and different cases and Conditions of persons then these fruits are seasonably brought forth The eightie first Observation in Nature FRuit-trees yeild forth their fruits as well to the wicked as the godly The unholy and profane do yearly eat and drinke of their fruits and have profits and advantages by them as well as the most holy This shadowes out unto us Proposition shadowed That The godly are profitable not only one to another but the wicked also faire the better for them They that feare God have great and precious promises made to them concerning the good things of this life as well as of the life to come which God performeth to them as he sees is best for them of which outward good things the wicked who grow amongst them as Tares amongst the Wheate are partakers Also being partakers of the divine nature and having the spirit of their heavenly father dwelling in them they imitate God in some measure who doth good to the just and unjust and lets his raine fall and sun shine upon the wicked and the good Matth. 5 25. They do good to all according to the command Gal. 6.10 and that of Matth. 5.44 Love your enemies blesse them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you Wicked men share both of privative and positive blessings among the godly Even Sodome was spared for a time while righteous Lot was among them How many fared the better for Josephs sake David was kind to churlish Nabal in keeping his Cattle from spoile while he remained by them Laban was blessed in outward things for Jacobs sake Gen. 30.27 Potiphar and his house Pharaoh and all Egypt fared the better for Joseph Gen. 39.5 and 41. c. Also they reprove exhort and admonish the ungodly as well as the godly they give and lend and doe good not only to them that will do good and lend● and give to them but also to their enemies if their enemy hunger they will feede him if he thirst they will give him drinke Vse 1 Hence we may take notice of the noble and excellent nature of Gods people in that they do good to all to those who do hurt to them the ungodly are not so the righteous is more excellent than his carnall neighbour Prov. 12.26 and Prov. 17.27 He is of an excellent spirit Herein he holds forth some resemblance of the Nature of God his father who does good to the just and unjust Vse 2 We may also hence take occasion to observe the basenesse and unworthinesse of the spirits of ungodly persons who hate the righteous notwithstanding all their love they returne evill for Good Psal 109.4 for my love they are mine adversaries This is the highest aggravation of mans sin against God to sin against love against mercy and kindnesse God calls Heaven and Earth to wonder at it Esay 1.2 Here O Heavens and give eare O Earth c. I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me so in a proportion is the sin aggravated in respect of men it is the highest ingratitude to returne hate for love evill for good The eightie second Observation in Nature SOme fruit-trees are slow in bearings fruits many yeares passe ere they beare any considerable quantity of fruits but notwithstanding the husbandman does not presently cut them downe but prunes them diggs about them waters and orders them from yeare to yeare and waits for their fruits This shadowes out unto us this Proposition That When men are slow in the duties of obedience God is patient towards them Proposition shadowed and in the use of all meanes waits for their fruitfulnesse God is the great Husbandman of his Vineyard the Church and having many fruit-trees in it he prunes orders and gives them convenient culture from yeare to yeare by his word spirit Ministers Providences favours frownes Chastisements and all meanes and lookes every one should be fruit-full under all his dispensations And yet so it is that many are unfruitfull or beare but few and small fruits though God expect much they returne but little now notwithstanding God of his infinite patience tarries and waites upon them for their fruits Many yeares did the Lord waite for the fruits of Repentance from the old world 1 Pet. 3.20 The long suffering of God waited in the daies of Noah And Esay 30 18. The Lord will wait that he may be gratious He Plants and waters and prunes and dresses his fruit-trees and then waits for their fruits in their seasons Luke 13.7 These three yeares I come seeking fruit on this fig-tree God cuts not downe fruit-trees suddenly for their unfruitfulnesse but sends his word and spirit and causeth the dewes and raine of Heaven to fall upon them in manifold mercies and Providences and then waits for and expects fruits God is as the Apostle saith 2 Pet. 3.9 Long suffering to us ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance This should make us observe and admire the abundant kindnesse Vse 1 and love of God towards us that God who is infinite in power wisdome justice and absolute of himselfe having no neede at all of his Creatures and in a moment able to bring to nought whatsoever shall oppose him shall yet wait upon his Creatures as if he had some need of them or expected some advantage by them whereas it is for our profit and advantage he is indulgent towards his Children bearing with them Ps 103. when they beare some good fruits he purgeth and pruneth them that they may bring forth
blasphemed his waies to be scandalized and the generation of his children to be reproached the name of God is blasphemed through you Rom. 2.24 James 2.7 Vse 1 Let such as professe Christ depart from iniquity and labour after a holy and fruitfull conversation for Joh. 15.8 Herein is my father glorified that ye bring forth much fruit I verily believe God hath more honour Religion and the Gospell more credit by some one of his people meane and despised it may be in the eye of a corrupt mind than by an hundred others who yet may have grace to bring them to heaven therefore let us strive to out go one another in bringing honour to God by a holy and heavenly conversation The eightie seventh Observation in Nature IF a Grafted tree and a wild ungrafted tree grow neere together both of them sucking one and the same juyce of the Earth the one converts it into good sap and nourishment and consequently into good and wholsome fruits the other turnes the same juyce of the Earth into sower bitter and it may be as in some kinds into poysonous fruits and this is from the different Formes and Natures of the Trees Proposition shadowed This shadowes out unto us this Proposition That The same things which are blessings to the Godly are curses to the wicked because of their different Principles The righteous and the wicked dwell together they are mixed as the Wheate and Tares Flowers or Weeds in a Garden and both for the most part are partakers of the same outward priviledges but to them that are in Christ all things worke together for their good Rom. 8.28 To the pure all things are pure but to the unbelieving there is nothing pure Tit. 1.15 A godly man does not only draw sweetnesse out of things that are of themselves sweet out of the word Ordinances Christ and his people but also even out of things that are bitter as Crosses afflictions Temptations Trials to him out of the strongest comes sweetnesse But now a wild ungrafted tree a person out of Christ he is like the spider that sucks poyson out of the sweetest flowers the best things become evill to him blessings become curses his health strength liberty riches honours friends gifts Learning c. all these become snares unto him he makes use of them to his owne hurt drawes nothing out of them but sin and death Their Table becomes a snare to them and that which should have beene for their welfare it becomes a Trap Psal 69 22. Yea all spirituall things prove for their greater condemnation they despise the riches of Gods grace and turne it into wantonnesse Jude 4. and therefore treasure up unto themselves wrath against the day of wrath The very Gospell it selfe which is the power of God to salvation and the savour of life unto life to them who are in Christ these wild Plants suck no sweetnesse out of it but to them it is the savour of death unto death 2 Cor 2.16 Yea the greatest Gift that ever was bestowed on the sonnes of men Jesus Christ out of whom the branches ingrafted into him draw sweetnesse sap and life marrow and fatnesse wine and water of life he is not sweete to them but contrariwise an offence Christ crucified is to them a stumbling block and foolishnesse 1 Cor. 1.23 Christ his word his Ordinances his people his mercies Judgments all his things are perverted and abused by them Hence we may see and admire the free distinguishing love of God towards his owne people who maketh such a difference betweene Use 1 them and others so that all things even the worst things are good to them they draw virtue from them but all things even the best things are evill to the wicked they draw poyson and death out of them Seeing that by reason of the corrupt nature in the wicked they draw evill out of what is good and that all things are abused by them to their owne destruction this should caution us alwaies to beware of their Opinions Judgments practises though they be never so eminent in parts and learning and bring Scripture to back them yet suspect all for they cannot see nor discerne their minds and consciences are defiled they suck not the marrow of-truth out of the word but they pervert it to their owne destruction 2 Pet. 1.16 they draw poyson corrupt doctrine out of the pure and wholsome wells of salvation Therefore our Saviour warned his disciples to take heede and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadduces which was their doctrine Mat. 16.6 12. The word which is as the Pillar of fire and discovers to the people of God their way is but a darke Cloud to them Exo. 14.30 they stumble at the word yea at Christ himelfe 1 Pet. 2.8 A stone of stumbling and a rock of offence even to them which stumble at the word c. The eightie eighth Observation in Nature THe best fruit-trees have some faults and defects are subject to Cankers Mossinesse and other diseases to luxurious growthes some years they beare but few fruits and many of them small and perhaps spotted or chapt or otherwise imperfect This shadowes out unto us this Proposition That Proposition shadowed The best of Gods Children are guiltie of many sins and infirmities in their conversations We know there are two Natures continually working and striving in every regenerate person and sometimes the flesh prevailes very much and the graces of the spirit are clouded and obscured by it in the best men Moses spake unadvisedly with his lips Psal 106 33. Aaron made an Idol for the people David fained himselfe mad 1 Sam. 21.13 he numbred the people contrary to the minde of God he committed adultery and murther and sinned in many other respects Paul and Barnabas contended together and parted Acts 13. Job and Jeremiah cursed the day of their birth Jerem. 20.14 Jonah was very angry without cause Chap. 4.1 We need not multiply particulars the Experience of the people of God makes this too manifest who say with Paul Rom. 7.15 that which I doe I allow not for what I would that do I not but what I hate that do I vers 19. The evill which I would not that I do Jam. 3.2 In many things we offend all The consideration of this should humble all the people of God Vse 1 seeing we carry about with us a corrupt Nature and can by no meanes be rid of it This should make every one of us watchfull and circumspect Vse 2 against sin and all enemies for if the tallest Cedars and strongest Oakes have beene bowed and brought downe how shall the weake Plant resist but by drawing continually sap and strength from the Roote and walking closely with God The consideration of this Proposition may be a meanes to stay Vse 3 the spirit of a weake Christian who is discouraged in looking upon his sin and corruption whatsoever is written is written for our learning that we