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A68672 Certaine sermons, vpon seuerall texts of Scripture: preached by that reuerend and faithfull seruant of Iesus Christ M. Robert Rollok, minister of the Church (and rector of the Colledge) of Edinburgh. Whereof the first eleuen were before published, and the remnant seuen, are newly adjoyned thereunto; Certaine sermons upon severall places of the Epistles of Paul Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619. 1616 (1616) STC 21272; ESTC S116139 202,286 389

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heavenly glorie shall bee none other thing but the per●yting of our regeneration For when all this pelffrie shall be taken away then wee shall fully bee renewed As to the Spirit if ever hee was powerfull in earth he shall be more powerfull in Heaven so that the same Spirit that heere dwelt in thy body shall then glorifie thy body and make it to shine brighter than the Sunne Therefore let vs seeke this regeneration and the Spirit of CHRIST For in these two standeth the perfection and the glorie of the life to come Now when he hath reckoned out all the warrands of life whereby he assureth himselfe thereof hee concludeth in the next ve●se Then saieth he wee haue confidence alwayes as if hee would say Hauing these warrandes I haue confidence alwayes that is I am assured of my glory and yet the wordes import not only an assurance but the effect thereof which is a sweete securitie in the soule for whensoeuer any man is assured of life then the soule with sweetnesse wil rest then commeth that peace of Conscience assuring vs whether wee liue or wee die wee are CHRISTES so this draweth on that boldnesse confidence Then looke the nature the beginning and ●ising of Faith it is builded and standeth vpon these three pillars An earnest desire of life Regeneration and the Spirit of GOD These are the three proppes thereof which are sensible to them who haue faith and wee shoulde bee acquainted with them Then of this riseth the sweete confidence of glory and security the repose and rest of the soule and conscience and from the soule it commeth vp to the mouth and breaketh out in a glorying As this same Apostle vpō this confidence in his soule breaketh out saith What shal seuer vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or pe●il or sword No in all these things we are more than victorious through Him that loued vs. Rom. 8. 35. c. So that faith being builded vpon these three pillers securitie and confidence beeing builded vpon Faith then boldn●sse in mouth will say I defie all contrarie powers lay the sword lay fire lay death before mee it will say I defie them all yea let all the Deuils of H●ll come before a man his faith be well builded and confidence on faith hee will defie them all yea albeit they threatē damnation to him for it thou stand in Christ thou shalt liue albeit thou must bee separated from this mortall life yet all the worlde cannot separate thee from the life of Christ Seeke this life now in time that in trouble wee may say that wee will rest in Christ and all the world shall not seuer thee from Him Yet to goe forward in the words The Apostle as yet hath not the full contentation in heart for all this assurance For saith he wee knowe that while wee are at home in the bodie wee are absent from the LORD If wee bee at home with a thing we are farre from a better thing which is abroade Alas thou beeing ●t home a● thine house and fire thou art farre abroade from thine home in Heauen whilst wee are at home in this mortall bodie wee are strangers and Pilgrimes from the LORD Brethren yee shall learne heere a great difference betweene confidence contentation It is one thing to haue contentation another thing to haue confidence This Apostle had confidence but not contentation Thou art farre dec●aued that thinkest thou hast sufficient contentation in this worlde Woe is thee yea although thou haue Heauenly graces and if thou thinkest thou hast contentation either of glory or of sight all is nothing Why Because there cannot nor shoulde not bee contentation heere no the best and moste confident man that liueth shoulde not thinke hee hath contentation in this pr●s●nt life All thine holinesse faith confidence and hope shoulde not giue thee full contentation All the kingdomes honours and riches of this worlde which is nothing but dirt and pelffrie in respect of those Heauenly thinges shoulde not giue thee full contentation And yet the worldly foole will saye in his heart I haue contentation and sufficiencie O! but what saide CHRIST to him that decreed with his hart to make wide barnes Foole this night thy soule shall be taken from thee Lu●e 12. 20. Away with an opinion of contentation in this earth and thou bee a king of all the earth Wilt thou haue contentation without CHRIST Wilt thou hau● sufficiencie and not haue Him who is thy life glorie When thou art a pilgrime from CHRIST and wandring from thy countrey and inheritance wilt thou saye thou hast thine hearts desire Had euer pilgrime full contentation during the time of his pilgrimage Then no contentation to the faithfull soule but in CHRIST I shall neuer thinke cōtentation to be in my soule till I see CHRIST face to face I giue thee the same counsell yea and if I had all spirituall graces in neuer so great a measure yet no cōtentation for my soule till I see CHRIST for all our blessednesse standeth in the sight of CHRIST and thou canst not see CHRIST heere because thou art absent from Him For as long as I am at home speaking of the soule so long as it is closed heere within this earthly tabernacle I am absent from CHRIST And this prison of my bodie so closeth mee about that I cannot see CHRIST Brethren it is this mortall bodie that is clothed with sinne and mortality wherewith we must be clothed as long as wee are heere that holdeth vs from the sight of CHRIST It is impossible so long as thou art clothed with the sinfull bodie to get that full sight of IESVS albeit Hee were standing on the earth cloathed with His glorie So thou must be vnclothed of this mortalitie ere thou canst see Him And there is the grounde wherefore wee shoulde thinke no contentation whilst wee are in this body Because so long as wee dwell in this mortall body we shall neuer see CHRIST nor get a full fruition of His countenance Therefore Brethren take not so much pleasure and delight in this mortall bodie for I assure thee it is but a prison holding the faithfull soule and the eye of the faithfull soule from the sight of CHRIST but assoone as it shall bee loosed from it it shall mount immediatelie with joye to CHRIST and there get full contentation in His face yee thinke so long as yee want these earthly thinges yee cannot get contentation I speake not of the wicked but euen of the regenerated man but when the soule getteth this glorious presence of CHRIST in Heauen it shall haue joye in infinite degrees greater than euer it had in earth And albeit the body shall lie heere in graue and ignominie for a time yet all that shall bee recompensed by the glorious sight of CHRIST which the soule shall enjoye in the Heauens beeing separated from the body Wee
professe or followe Christ what can bee more hard But suppone reason were conuinced and the mouth thereof closed that it coulde gette no shift to answere yet thinkest thou so to bee quite of thy selfe No the will and the affections will stand obstinately against the judgement of the minde and follow out and pursue that which the minde discearneth to be euill So thou mayest easily see that there is nothing more harde than to gette this Regeneration yea thou mayest see that it is a thing altogether impossible except that Almighty Spirit of God be present and worke it effectually in the soule all the kings of the earth with all their weapons and engines of warre cannot be able to doe it No all the Angels in Heauen are not able to accomplish this worke The weapons of our warre-fare saith Paul are not carnall but mighty through God to cast downe strong holdes casting downe imaginations and euerie high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ 2. Cor. 10. 4. 5. There is no power in Heauen or earth but onely the Spirit of God that is able to renewe one creature And this power is granted to this our Ministerie the preaching of the Euangell Let great men let worldly men esteeme of it as they please God hath ordained this Ministery to minister this wonderfull power whereby the soules of men shall be regenerate Further thou must vnderstand that this Regeneration is not perfected in an instant but in processe of time it must continue all the dayes of thy life so long as thou liuest albeit thou liue a thousand yeeres this olde man will not bee perfectly and altogether mortified and slaine till the houre of death Thou must all the dayes of thy life-time be groaning vnder the burthen of sinne subject to crosses and troubles away with light-headed sinners who saye they woulde alwayes haue their heartes vp sadnesse becommeth a sinner well and thou must striue to finde the newe man to bee renewed degree by degree piece and piece euen till at last death bee swallowed vp of life and mortalitie of immortalitie And if thou wouldest haue this worke to goe forward in thee then set euermore Iesus thy Lord and thine head before the eyes of thy soule looke vpon Him with the eyes of faith for it is only His presence the sight of His glory that worketh this marueilous change for there is a great oddes betweene the sight of His glorie and the sight of the glorie of worldlie Princes for the sight of their glorie will not change thee nor make thee glorious but vanisheth awaye in a moment But the sight of the glorie of IESVS shall change thee and make thee glorious whensoeuer thou beholdest Him either by faith in this worlde or else face to face in the Kingdome of Glorie For when thou beholdest Him with the eyes of faith heere thou shalt bee changed according to the measure of thy faith and because thy faith is imperfect thy change heere must bee imperfect but when thou shalt see Him face to face and beholde Him as Hee is then shalt thou bee like vnto Him in glorie thy change shall bee perfect His presence shall bee effectuall to change thy vile bodie and to fashion it like vnto His owne glorious bodie when thou beholdest His glorie thou shalt bee changed into the same glorie Therefore yee see what neede wee haue to finde this Regeneration begunne in vs heere and to finde a continuall progresse therein all the dayes of our life that so wee maye bee assured that the LORD shall crowne His worke in vs with glorie in IESVS And nowe to ende then surelie yee see that corruption mischiefe and venome euerie man without exception communicate vnto their children by naturall generation Therefore Brethren this is mine exhortation to all both to great and small I except none from the King to the Begger Striue as yee are instrumentes of generation so to bee instrumentes of regeneration that your children maye bee taken out of nature and planted in grace and so bee made members of the mysticall bodie of IESVS CHRIST Striue to bring them vp in the knowledge of CHRIST that so yee maye bee free of that heauie judgement which remaineth for all such as neglect this duetie towardes their children and that yee maye see GODS blessing vpon your children heere and maye haue hope of that eternall life and glorie heereafter which the LORD hath promised to His owne in CHRIST IESVS To whome with the FATHER and the Holie SPIRIT three persons and one GOD be all Honour Glorie Praise Power Dominion both now and euermore So bee it THE XVII SERMON I. TIMOTH CHAP. I. verse 12 Therefore I thanke him who hath made mee strong that is Christ Iesus our Lord for hee counted mee faithfull and put me in his seruice verse 13 When before I was a blasphemer and a persecuter and an oppressour but I was receiued to mercie for I did it ignorantly through vnbeliefe verse 14 But the grace of our Lord was exceeding aboundant with faith and loue which is in Christ Jesus IN this Text beloued Brethren in Iesus Christ there is set downe to vs a notable example of thankfulnesse to God in the person of the Apostle Paul for that great and incomparable mercy which the Lord bestowed vpon him not onely in forgiuing him his grosse and manifold sinnes but also for setting of him in His seruice and for the committing to him the message of reconciliation making him an Apostle to preach repentance and remission of sinnes to others As the mercies which he found were wondrous great so is hee wondrous carefull alwayes to testifie his thankfulnesse to GOD And to the ende the more chearefully he may praise thanke God hee considereth and setteth downe by degrees and in order his vnworthinesse and the euill deedes that he did notwithstanding whereof the Lord extended His mercy most aboundantlie towardes him To come to the wordes Hee saieth Therefore I thanke him who hath made me strong that is Christ Jesus our Lord These wordes depend vpon the verse immediately going before hee saide before that the glorious Euangell of Iesus Christ was concredite to him for the which cause he bursteth forth in thankesgiuing and hee saieth Therefore I will be thankfull to Him who hath concredited it vnto mee Then yee see his thankfulnesse ariseth on two considerations First vpon the consideration of the excellency of the Euangel of Iesus Christ The Gospell is glorious in it selfe and it is come down from the blessed God next vpon the consideration of his owne vnworthinesse looke howe worthie the Gospell was as vnworthie was hee then considering that so worthy a thing was giuen vnto him and that hee himselfe was so vnworthy hee knoweth not what thankes to giue he cannot deuise what manner of waye to testifie his thankfulnesse If once wee could see what God were howe
nor seek to none other thing but to the pleasing of that fleshly body without regarde of the precious soule alas in pleasuring thy bodie thou losest thy soule thou makest thy bodie thy Heauen and thou testifiest plainly that thou wantest that light and sense of that Heauenly bodie which shall be after this life Thus farre for the description of the death of the body which is the house of the soule learning vs to esteeme of the soule and body as they are indeed and that not with a fleshly sense but with the Spirituall eyes of Faith Nowe wee come to the life that is contrarie to death There is two partes of man his soule and bodie this glorie of the which wee speake is not the glorie of the soule onely but the glorie of the bodie likewise a glorie belonging both to soule and bodie Wee saieth hee shall get a building not a sillie house as this earthly body was but a faire building Hee calleth the body which wee haue presently an house but the body which we shall get hee termeth it a building Thou gottest this bodie from nature that other is aboue nature nature cannot giue thee that other bodie GOD shall giue thee it aboue nature and against nature What building is this It is an house not builded with the hands of men it is builded with GODS owne hand the LORD immediatelie with his owne hand builded vp this building The former house of this body was vnstable and had no abiding for this body passeth away but this second building is an house that shall neuer fall nor slit but shall be eternall When thou shalt get this building thou shalt not need to be afraid for the dissolution thereof it shall neuer be dissolued Where shall this building be builded men regard much situation in building this house in the which we dwel here it is builded in the earth and it is a tabernacle pitched somtimes in this place somtimes in that place but the situatiō of this building shall bee in the Heauen for I assure thee when a man is once glorified entereth into that glorie hee shall no more returne to the earth The earth cannot beare a glorified person Christ beeing glorified coulde not abide in the earth but He went to that glorious mansion in the Heauens Thou shalt no sooner bee glorified but thou shalt mount vp to Heauen as CHRIST did Well then there is the glorie and there is no worde heere but it aggregeth that passing glorie Euerie worde l●tteth vs see the greatnesse of that glorie and yet it is not all tolde Nay Paul cannot tell thee all the glorie that shall bee in the glorified bodie he hath giuen but a little inckling of it It is but a building whereof hee telleth thee Yet marke Who is this that speaketh this It is Paul How speaketh he it by faith Is it his mouth that speaketh it no it is the soule that lodgeth in the bodie that falleth out in the extolling of that building that it shall dwell in As a sillie man in a cottage appointed to glorye shoulde saye I am nowe sitting in a sillie house but I shall once sit in a glorious Palace So marke Faith will cause the soule mount vp aboue the bodie and whilst the soule is in the bodie Faith and Hope will lift it vp and put it in a maner into Heauen Therefore this same Paul saith in the third Chapt. to the Phillip the 30 vers By Faith and Hope hee had his conuersation in Heauen while hee was yet dwelling on the earth Get therefore Faith and Hope that entereth thee into the possessiō of that glorie and before the soule bee seuered from the bodie they will in a maner put thee in possession thereof It is the too-looke to heauen that maketh the soule of Paul to rejoyce in this glorie The cottager that hath not a too-looke to a better house is a foole to despise his cottage but hee that hath a too-looke to a better who can blame him to despise this cottage I will tell thee my counsell before thou dislodge out of this bodie for as fraile as it is be assured of a better goe not out of the house doore except thou knowe that thou shalt enter into a glorious house I assure thee if thou bee not prouided for a better house and haue not Faith and Hope of a better than that which thou lodgest in thou shalt enter in a worse thou shalt get that bodie againe which was euill before but then it shall bee a thousande times worse for the soule shall bee shot into that bodie againe and then thou shalt be shot both soule and bodie into that foule dungeon of Hell So brethren looke for a glorious building thou that esteemest not of this bodie bee carefull for a better A vaine prodigall man will cast his soule out of this bodie and in the meane time will not bee prouided for a better lodging thereto Hee is not esteemed a man in these dayes that wil not hazard and cast out his life for an euill cause and quarell Trustest thou that that soule of thine shall get any better lodging hereafter and thou not prouided thereof by Faith and Hope here nay nay O blessed is that man that dieth in a good cause And what better cause can be than Christes cause who is the God of life Assure thee thou that wilt die for Christs cause thou shalt get a building in Heauen thou that takest no care of this life for Christs cause death shall be aduantage to thee The Lord graunt vs a too-looking to that Heauenlie building an assurance of that Heauenlie life Thus much for the assurance that Paule hath that hee shall dwell in Heauen Nowe in the verse following learne howe hee groundeth this assurance and what warrande hee hath for him Faith is not a word as to say I belieue and Hope is not a word as to say I hope Nay but thou must haue a warrand of thy saluation in this life or else I assure thee in the Name of GOD thou shalt neuer get Heauen It is a straite way to come to Heauen and it is wondrous hard to get the assurance of it It is no small matter to get an assurance of life euerlasting after death Then looke what warrandes this man PAVLE had that thou mayest preasse to haue the like The first grounde of his assurance is in this seconde verse For this cause saieth hee wee sigh desiring to bee clothed to put on as it were a garment Wherewith With our house which is from Heaven These are his wordes Then his first warrande and ground of his assurance is a desire of that same glory What sort of desire An earrest desire with sighing and sobbing not a colde desire but day and night crying and sobbing for life Thinkest thou so easily to get Heauen that canst neuer say earnestly in thine heart GOD giue mee that Heauenly life no thou wilt bee
it is sowne in dishonour and is raised in glorie it is sowne in weakenesse and is raised in power The weakest bodie in Heauen shall be stronger than the strongest man in earth Then saieth hee it is sowne a naturall bodie and is raised a spirituall bodie So the change is in qualitie and therefore he saith to the Philippians chap. 3. vers 21. When CHRIST commeth Hee shall transforme not abolish but transforme in qualitie our vile bodies like to His owne glorious body Christ keepeth in y e Heauen that same very body which he had in the earth thou shalt keep the same bodie in Heauē which thou hast in earth but it shall be altered in qualitie as far as y e Heauē earth is different Brethrē this ministreth comfort there is none of vs but naturally we loue this body then let this comfort thee that suppose thy soule shall bee for a time without this bodie yet thou shalt get it again Another comfort death cannot destroy it the graue shall not bee able to swallow vp that body but the graue shal keep it the dust substance thereof till the comming of Christ then it shall be compelled to render it againe Life shall swallow vp death but death nor the graue shall not be able to swallow vp the bodie of God● Elect But the reprobate shall be swallowed vp of death both in soule bodie In the 8. chap. to the ROMANES the 10. and 11. verses Paul ministreth these two consolations against death Hee saieth The bodie must die because of sinne but hee subjoyneth The soule in the meane time shall liue and the Spirit of Iesus shall take it couer it with that blood And albeit it was a sinfull soule yet assoone as the Father blinketh vpon it wimpled and wrapped as it were in the blood of Iesus immediately hee biddeth it passe to glorie He goeth forward And where it might haue bene said shall we haue no consolation in the body He answereth If the Spirite of Him that raised Iesus from the dead dwell in your mortall body what then He that is GOD the Father that raised vp Christ from the dead He by His Spirit shall raise your bodies that same body that is dead and laid in graue that same body by Gods Spirit for the Spirit of Iesus and the Spirite of the Father is all one shall be raised vp Learne then if this holy Spirit of God once take lodging in you He shall neuer leaue you in soule nor body He shal accompanie the body in the graue and conuoy the soule to Heauen The Spirit of Iesus shall goe with y e soule lift it vp The earth getteth the body when the soule is separated from it yet the Holy Spirit shall goe to the graue with the body and shall remain with it in the graue and with the least part of the dust thereof And when Christ shall come He shall gather it together and make it a whole body So happy are they that haue once lodged this guest in their soules for neither fire nor water nor none other power euer shall bee able to destroy them because that Holy Spirit euer remaineth with thē Now in the next verse because it might haue bene said and objected Thou wouldst not want the bodie why sighest thou then and what meaneth this desire if thou wouldst keepe the body Wee the faithfull that are in this tabernacle we sigh are burthened but marke our desire because wee would not be vnclothed as some will say Soule to God and bones to the dung-hill in contempt of the body but thinkest thou to be glorified in Heauē without a body No but would be clothed vpon that mortalitie might bee swallowed vp of Life As if hee would say I wold haue this faire cloke of glory put vpon this body that it might consume and swallow vp all this stinke of sinne that is in the body Learne then first the body as it is now is a burthen Hee saieth Wee that are in this tabernacle sigh and are burthened It is a loade laide vpon the backe of the soule it is a tabernacle but a burthenable tabernacle as an house smoothering him down and he holding the same vpon his shoulders that appearantly it would be better for him to bee out of it Learne secondly the estate of them that dwell in this tabernacle If the body be a burthen then the soule must sigh grone as a man vnder a heauie burthen And the body is nothing but an house of mourning to the faithfull soule as long as it dwelleth therein The wanton light man thinketh this body which he beareth about to bee no burthen and will run and leape with it as though this carcasse were as light as a fether Alas hee feeleth not the burthen hee is senselesse and like one in a feuer and in a rage that knoweth not what hee doeth nor what hee suffereth A mountaine is lying vpon him and hee feeleth it not Woe to those men that are so wanton vnder this miserie Amend in time or the LORD sh●ll thrust thee downe to Hell Fye on thee that dwellest in Bethania the house of mourning canst not mourn Mourne in time or else I assure thee thou shalt mourne for euer This beeing the condition of men who dwell in this tabernacle sighing and desiring as a wom●n with childe to bee relieued what is the ende of this desire The ende of the mourning of the Godlie is not that they woulde bee quite of the house as manie desire that were wrong for manie will mourne vnder this house desperatelie and the bodie will bee a burthen to the soule in them and their life will be vnpleasant to them they will thinke to get a reliefe of the burthen by the want of this present life and will put hand in themselues but then beginneth their euerlasting mourning for they neuer knew what mourning was till that end come So then this is not the way to bee deliuered of the burthen but the way is To seeke to put on a cloathing on this bodie and heere is the ende of our desire It is clothed with mortalitie and that is all the matter of thy mourning It is not the substance of the bodie that causeth thee to mourne but sinne that possesseth thy bodie and corrupteth the marowe of thy bones death accompanying sinne Then this mortalitie beeing an accident of sinne which is the chiefe cause thereof the remedie is Seeke to bee cloathed with the life that commeth from Christ Sucke in by Faith a droppe of that life of Christ This will not destroy thy bodie but it will destroy the death sinne that possesseth thy bodie And the life of Iesus Christ in a moment wil swallowe vp all that death and sinne and all that miserie that laye on thee There is the way to dwell with ease in the bodie Seeke not to destroy the bodie But seeke the slaughter of that sinne and death that lieth
to remooue out of the bodie and to dwell with the LORD There are two good thinges The one confidence the other light The Apostle maketh a choise heere he will leaue confidence here in the bodie and hee chooseth to die that he may attaine to the light and in this respect he would change all the confidence hee hath with death Thou wil● not change a foot of earth with death but th' Apostle will change confidence with death and confidence is more preciou than all y e earth Few will doe this and yet thou wi 't die and thou hadst sworne it Well is that bodie that is so resolued to die as Paule was But maketh Paule a choise of death for death it selfe Certainely no man wil choose death for death it selfe for except the LORD lighten death and transforme it it is an entrie to Hell And if thou haue none other respect in death but to be quite of this miserable life as some will s●y Would GOD I were dead that I might bee quite of this miserie thou shalt bee in greater miserie after death than euer thou was whilst thou was liuing What then should bee the speciall cause that should mooue a man to say Would GOD I were dissolued euen this I am burthened with sinne I am burthened with mortalitie This burthen should bee a great motiue Well is the soule that is freede of sinne What pleasure is it to a soule that woulde faine serue GOD to liue euer in sinne Nay no pleasure This is the speciall motiue that should mooue vs to make choise of death To bee with IESVS CHRIST to dwell with Him and to bee in His companie in the participation of that glorie that is in the countenance of CHRIST For that ca●se I would flit that I might bee with my LORD and embrace that joye So as the miserie of this worlde will put thee forwarde to GOD. so the sweetenesse of CHRISTS companie will draw thee forward Then to ende The Apostle hath preconceaued in himselfe a wonderfull joye of that glorie when hee sawe it not yet so must wee doe All his walking was by faith and not by sight but hee seeth before the hand an Heauenlie joy and pleasure in respect of that ●ruition that he shall once get of the countenance of CHRIST This shoulde learne thee to looke euer for more than thou ●eest thinke not that thou hast seene all the glorie that shall come to thee and hast felt all the pleasures that are laid vp for thee in Heauen But thinke that there is greater joye and glorie there thā euer thou couldi heare of for CHRIST him selfe neuer vttered al the glory that is laid vp for the Sainctes All that wee see heere is but in a mirrour All the glorie of CHRIST in the Scripture is but in a mirrour li●e as when the Sunne shineth in the mirrour thou lookest not to the Sunne that shineth but to the glauncing thereof in the mirrour And as there is greater shining in the Sunne than in the glauncing thereof which thou seest so thinke euer there is greater glorie in Heauen than euer thou hearde of in the Scripture Suppose not that thou canst thinke of the joyes of Heauen as men on earth thinke on earthly thinges Who can thinke a thing greater than it is No the glory of Heauen and the joye with CHRIST mounteth vp aboue the reach of thy faith and hope and all thing that is able to conceiue the same It mounteth vp higher that the Heauen of Heauens is aboue the earth Therefore thinke not with thy selfe it is too much that I looke for Thou failest only in narrownesse thy Faith and Hope is so narrowe that they cannot comprehende the thousande part of that glorie And so wee should say I hope and I belieue more than I am able to comprehend And here is the cause that thou canst not get that full sight of glorie that is laide vp for thee The weake begunne grace of Faith and the Spirite of GOD in thee is not able to attaine to the thousand part of that glorie The LORD giue vs grace to preconceaue this glorie in some measure that wee may seeke the same and say with PAVL I haue Faith and Hope but that glorie passeth all The LORD grant vs this euen for CHRISTES sake So bee it THE THIRD SERMON II. COR. CHAP. V. verse 9 Where●ore also we couet that both dwelling at home and remoouing from home wee may bee acceptable to Him verse 10 For we must all appeare before the judgement seate of CHRIST that euery man may receiue the things which are done in his bodie according to that that he hath done whether it be good or euill verse 11 Knowing therefore that terrour of the LORD wee perswade men and wee are made manifest vnto GOD and I trust also that wee are made manifest in your consciences WEe haue hearde Brethren these dayes past the remedie that the Apostle setteth downe against this temporall death the dissolution of the body In a worde it is a full assurance and perswasion of the heart that when we are dead concerning the body yet we shall liue againe and shall receiue at the handes of God a more glorious body than euer this bodie was It is an harde matter to get this assurance for the naturall reason of man cannot nor will not perswade him that hee once beeing dead the bodie beeing dissolued in ashes that euer that bodie shall bee recouered againe Therefore the Apostle bringeth in three argumentes of this assurance The first is the earnest desire that the Godly haue in this life to be glorified It is a thing impossible that this desire can bee in vaine Hee that giueth thee a desire of glorie and sighing for it He must giue thee the life and glorie that is desired and sighed for For otherwise Hee would neuer giue thee grace to sigh once for this life and glorie except Hee were purposed to put thee in possession of that glorie one day The second argument is taken from our regen●ration or the end of our regeneration GOD is Hee that maketh vs of new againe after we were dismaide by the fall of Adam Hee createth vs of newe againe to this ende that wee should liue the first creation It ended indeede and wee haue lost the right thereof euen in the first creation Wee were created to liue euerlastingly yet wee died But the second creation in IESUS will neuer breake but as in him wee are renewed to life liue shall wee in the Heauens euerlastingly it can neuer faile Peter saith in his first epist chap. 1. vers 3. Wee are regenerate againe into that liuely hope The third argument is the Spirit of CHRIST whereby GOD worketh in vs both the desire and regeneration hauing once giuen vs that Spirit He taketh Him not from vs againe but letteth Him dwell in soule and bodie to bee an earnest-pennie in vs assuring vs He shal neuer leaue vs till the whole promises in
verse lastly from the seuenth verse to the ende he recommendeth this duetie to Israel that is to the Church of GOD to waite vpon the LORD and with the recommendation hee giueth in forceable reasons to mooue them To come to the first part first hee saith that in his greatest danger hee cryed to the Lord IEHOVAH Next hee setteth downe the prayer To come to the proposition he saith Out of the deepe yet more Out of the deepe places haue I called vnto thee O IEHOVAH By these deepe places hee vnderstandeth great miseries great dangers wherein his body was great terror and feare in his conscience for his sinne offerding of God for the Scripture as ye may see Psal 69. 2. 3 compareth great afflictions to deepe waters wherein a man is like to drowne and manie a time when the body is in danger the soule will bee like to drowne in desperation No doubt the greatnesse of the danger made him to vtter to the Lord voyces cōming from the very deapth of the heart If we felt our selues in great dāger we wold call from the deapth of our hearts to God he vttered not a voyce onely but a lowde voyce with a crie This is the meaning of the words We so here first that the children of God whom God loueth most intirely are many times subject to great and extreame dangers and troubles and if euer thou thinkest to come to Heauen make thee in thine owne course to suffer one trouble or other Let no man thersore judge euill of a man because he suffereth Next we see the greater the danger bee the heauier y e distresse the afflictiō wherwith y e godlie is exercised bee the more vehement feruent earnest will their prayer be they haue to God and howe commeth this to passe Euen in this maner by these degrees Oppressiō afflictiō worketh in the hearts of the faithfull a sense of y e common misery of nature Whē the hand of y e Lord is vpon afaithful man then he begins to feele his sinne corruption And except the LORD exercise vs in this life either one way or other the best of vs all will fall into such a sound sleepe that we will neither remember what we haue bene what wee are nor what wee shall bee neither acknowledge our selues to be sinners So there is a necessity of afflictions for affliction bringeth vs to a feeling of our misery Next when through affliction the heart is prepared and brought to some sense of sin then it is capable of grace thē it prayeth to God Look neuer to come to Heauen if thou feelest not thy finne yea and that thou art a miserable sinner Then if once thine heart bee prepared with some sense of sinne and miserie then commeth in that holy Spirit of Iesus Christ which in y e Scripture is called the Spirit of adoption who finding y e heart dejected and made lowlie the Spirite will nerer looke in to a proude heart beginneth to worke to touch the heart of the miserable sinner with a sweet sense of mercie through Iesus hee beginneth to shedde abroade the loue of Christ into the soule and when once the heart hath tasted of the sweetnesse of mercie and as Peter saieth hath tasted how sweet and gracious the Lord is and findeth this passing loue of God in Iesus Christ then i●…eth a boldnesse and beginneth with confidence peartnesse to present itselfe before God and to put vp prayers and requestes Roman 8. 26. When once that Spirite hath giuen libertie then we crie with an open mouth for the heart is wide opened Abba Father Roman 8. 15. Because wee haue gotten a sense of that fatherlie loue in Iesus Christ The prayer of the faithfull is most effectuall when they are in greatest danger and then the voyce is lowdest for it is the Spirit of GOD who maketh intercession for vs with sighes which cannot be expressed but God knoweth the meaning of his Spirit Now Brethren surely few of vs haue yet beene in this deepnesse and extreamitie of miserie the Lord hath not yet so pressed vs with His hand as Hee hath done many others and therefore ●e●● there is amongst vs who hath this feeling of sinne and miserie and consequently few of vs can pray so earnestly Howe many are there amongst you that dare say that yee feele sensibly the common miserie of nature Goe to your hearts and looke if yee feele it not sleeping in sinne and so long as thou sleepest thus and knowest not thy miserie howe wilt thou bee carefull to feele the loue of Christ and how wilt thou earnestly pray to God And certainly I take this coldnesse in prayer to be a fore-runner of a judgement to ouer-take this Land No it were better to bee swimming in the waters of affliction praying earnestly to GOD than to bee this way lying in prosperitie without prayer Nowe I goe forward After hee hath proponed that out of the deepnesse hee cryed to IEHOVAH then to let vs see his cryes hee setteth downe the forme of prayer that hee vsed in his great miseries first he saieth O Lord heare my voyce Next in the other wordes hee doubleth ouer the same petition Attende to the voyce of my prayers for hee prayeth not coldly but hee cryeth earnestly certainly the doubling of the crie would be opened vp from the ground Wee should gripe downe to the heart from whence the prayers of the godlie do flow that when we heare them or reade them we may get such an heart disposition in prayer as they had The doubling of the prayer and the mouth wide opening commeth of the doubling of the graces of the Spirite of GOD in the heart and of a double opening of the heart for except the heart be opened in prayer the mouth cannot be opened with pleasure otherwise if thou speake anie thing I will not giue one pennie for it So the opening of the mouth commeth from the opening of the heart When the Holy Spirit so sweetly maketh manifest the loue of God to the creature then y e tongue is loosed the second cry cōmeth of the second grace of y e second opening of the heart so oft as thou cryest so oft is there a new grace motion within the heart wrought by the Holy Spirite for it is Hee onely that openeth the mouth piece and piece to speake to God for take this for a certainty that Paul saith There is none that can call Iesus Lord without that Spirit come in 1. Corin. 12. 3. And againe hee saith We knowe not what wee should pray or how wee ought to pray without that Spirit teach vs Romanes chap. 8. verse 26. And if Hee teach not no man or woman is able once to open the mouth with confidence and liberty to pray And so Brethren if yee would speake well pray well or doe well looke euer to the disposition of the heart and night and daye pray for that
sent with commission to the Gentiles but in case of the contumacie rebellion of the Iewes as if the Lord had said vnto him Goe thy vvay vnto mine owne people vvhome I haue chosen from among all the Nations of the earth and see if thou canst vvinne them goe no further And if the Iewes had not bene rebellious and disobedient vve had neuer gotten mercie and grace Looke Roman 11. 11. The fall of the Iewes vvas the raising vp of the Gentiles the diminution of the Iewes vvas the riches of the Gentiles Howe got yee grace saith he By their contumacie and rebellion So Christ sending out his Disciples to preach biddeth them go not vnto the Gentiles or vnto the Samaritanes their next neighbours but vnto the l●st sheepe of the house of Israel Matth. 10. 5. And Paul in a preaching before both the Iewes and Gentiles Act. 13. 46. The worde of GOD saieth hee behooued first to bee preached vnto you the promise belonging vnto you But because yee will not receiue the worde and haue made your selues vnworthie of life euerlasting Therefore I will turne and preach to the Gentiles And so hee bade the Iewes good-night and turned him to the Gentiles And the TEXT saieth that then the Gentiles rejoyced exceedingly So vvee vvere strangers from heauen and aliantes from the common vvealth of Israel And vvee learne in the example of this vvoman that our entrie to grace and to heauen vvas verie hard and difficill And as our entrie to grace vvas hard so if vvee fall from grace our re-entrie to grace shall bee farre harder And if thou fall once from grace hardly shalt thou get grace againe A Gentile that falleth once from grace and treadeth vnder his feete the blood of Iesus shall neuer bee renewed with grace againe And I say to thee O Scotland if thou fallest from grace looke neuer for grace againe Looke to the cities amongst the Gentiles that fell from grace looke Corinth looke Philippi looke y e Galathians c. got they euer grace again No so if Scotland fall from grace it will bee a wonder if euer it get grace againe The wrath of God shall bee powred foorth vpon euery one from the greatest to the smallest for if He receiued not the Iewes His owne people into grace after that they were once fallen from it shal He take thee vp againe a Gentile a vile dog in respect of them And yet our men in this countrey care not to cast themselues and their whole land into Hell and into euerlasting abjection from grace without all hope of recouery So this is an harde answere shee findeth no grace at all They that follow Iesus Christ and seeke for grace will finde in their way a sore tryall men thinke that Heauen is but a common benefit that it is easie to a mā to come thither but albeit thou be a king an Emperour or Monarch thou wilt find an hard entry therein Will thy kingdome or thy lordship bring thee to heauē No if thou sleep on in careles security thou shalt neuer so heauē So if there were no more but this exāple of this Gentilish womā it teaches vs that it is hard to win to heauen that the gates of Heauen at the first shall be shut vpon our teeth What is the cause of this Thou art further from Christ and from grace from Heauen and from the joye of Heauen a thousand times more than the naturall earth is from the naturall Heauen Thou art a Canaanite come of a cursed generation What adoe hath a Canaanite with Heauen so vnworthie a thing with so worthy a thing The Lord before He opened the gates of Heauen vnto her Hee woulde let her vnderstand that shee had nothing to doe with Heauen And I say vnto thee that the Lord ere euer Hee giue thee grace Hee will haue thee knowing by tentations and tryalles that thou art a Canaanite descended of a cursed and reprobate generation and vnworthie that euer thou shouldest see Heauen or haue a do with Heauen And if Hee bring thee not to this sight and this feare I giue thee thy dome thou shalt never see Heauen Nowe marke Hee hath cloased the doores of Heauen vpon her And certainely this answere might haue caused her to haue gone awaye with shame and confusion But for all this tentation she continueth still she crieth still and hopeth for mercie holde vpon mercy hope still belieue on still and that hope shal neuer make thee ashamed Shee hath cryed for mercie the gates of Heauen are shut against her What doeth shee Goeth she her way No no shee tarieth still and knocketh And if thou knewest what Heauen were and what Hell were thou wouldest bee loath to leaue Heauen Oh! the tormentes that remaine for them that fall into Hell So shee knocketh and falleth downe vpon her face and adoreth and saieth O Sonne of Dauid haue mercie on mee This adoring was not onely for the casting the deuill out of her daughter No no she sought euerlasting life at the handes of the Lord that healing of her daughter was an earnest-pennie of that Life This was the mind of the woman no question It is saide in the Scripture Seeke and yee shall find aske and yee shall receiue knocke and it shall be opened vnto you Mat. 7. 7. If the seeking faile thee yet tarie still and knocke And if it had not bene the Lords will that a sinner when he findeth heauen gates closed vpon him should tary stil knock would he haue biddē him knock It were a presumptuous thing for a begger to knocke at one of our doores but seeing y e Lord hath expressely commanded thee to knocke then knocke on boldly And if thou goe away with the first answere or the first nay-saying thou wast neuer truely hungrie nor thirstie And it is a token that thou countest little of the grace of GOD. If thou knewest howe precious a thing the grace of God Iesus Christ were and what Heauen were and what Hell were thou wouldest neuer cease knocking day nor night all the dayes of thy life for if thou goe away proudly and tariest not vpon Gods answere but speake presumptuously say If He will not giue mee grace let Him holde it to Himselfe as blasphemous men will say then Hee will shoote thee into Hell for if thou wert a king of all the worlde thou shalt neuer get thine head in at Heauen gates except thou knocke Lord if the world knew how hard a thing it is to get entry there men think that they will come easily sleeping to Heauen albeit they take their pleasure pastime but they deceiue themselues there must bee much striuing and fighting ere they get Heauen Before that Heauen could be opened it behoued Iesus Christ to shed His precious blood Now Brethren ye may say to me Alas who can knocke who is able to come there No thou hast no power once to lift vp thine hand to
disappointed It is the violent that entreth into Heauen Matth. 11. 12. as yee will see a man violentlie thrust in at a doore Thou that wouldest goe to Heauen make thee for thronging thorowe till all thy gut●es bee almoste thrust out Paule in the eight chapter to the Romanes and the 22. and 23. verses vseth these argumentes against those wicked men that cannot sigh for Heauen First hee taketh his argument from the elementes the senselesse and dumbe reatures which sobbe and grone for the reuelation of the sonnes of GOD and trauell for that time as a woman in her birt● O miserable man The earth shall condemne thee the ●loore thou sittest on is sighing and woulde faine haue that carcasse of thine to Heauen The waters the aire the heauens all sighing for that last deliuerance the glorie appertaineth to thee and yet thou art laughing Alas what shall betide thee The other argument hee taketh from the sighing of men who haue gotten the Spirit of GOD We also saith he who haue the first fruites of the Spirit euen wee doe sigh in our selues waiting for the adoption euen the redemption of our bodie Thou that hast not gotten the Spirit shalt neuer sigh for Heauen flesh and blood will neuer shed one teare for Heauen It must onely bee the Spirite of IESVS that must fetch vp the sigh out of the heart and the teare in the eye Roman 8. 26. So hee taketh his argument from them who haue gotten a sense of the Spirit of GOD and redemption of the body to prooue the certainty of that Heauenly Kingdome and glory Nowe there cannot bee a surer argument to vs that euer wee shall obtaine glory than this sighing in heart for it and this earnest desire thereof If thou find thine heart desirous of glory a sure argument thou shalt bee partaker of glory It is saide Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousnes for they shall be filled Matth. 5. 6. Seekest thou for CHRISTES righteousnesse and thy glorie assure thee thou shalt get a sweete filling Marke it I saye to thee thou hast not onlie through this earnest desire of glorie an assurance that thou shalt reigne in glorie but looke to your experience that desire is not so soone begun of that life and glorie but so soone also the soule of the faithfull beginneth to rise with joye Who euer yet was hee that gaue a sigh from his heart raised vp by the Spirite of Christ that felt not with that sigh a joye in his heart Learne it by your experience This letteth vs see that the desire and thirst of glory putteth vs in present possession of a part of glorie Ere thou come to it desire it earnestly and I promise thee in the Name of the Father thou shalt be presently put in possession of a part of that Heauenly inheritance It is true thou shalt not get it al here yet there is none other Heauen after this life but that Heauen which thou gettest begunne in thee in this life Alwayes looke euer for that joye that is by sight There are two ioyes the one by sight the other by faith 2. Cor. 5. 6. The ioye by faith is in our pilgrimage in this life The ioy by sight is after this life when with our eyes wee shall see Christ The ioy by faith is to looke to Christ a far of and yet wee reioyce and loue Him that is farre absent 1. Pet. 1. 8. Faith hath a ioye that it enioyeth by speaking and thinking Sight hath the ioye that it enioyeth by presence The ioye of the eye great in quantitie and the fulnesse of ioye The ioye of faith not so great for it is the ioye of a pilgrime not as yet come to his home The ioye of the sight is when wee shall see our glorious Lord face to face whom we see only now by faith 1 Cor 13 12. This is the fulnes of ioy The ioy of Faith which induring our pilgrimage is not so full O how great shal be the ioy at the perfect seeing of Christ Thinke never to have the ioy by sight after this life except in this life thou have the ioy by faith as the earnest-penny of the other except by Faith thou once get a ioy before thou depart from this life thou shalt never see the face of Christ nor have ioy in him So brethren it is a good thing to have that desire of Heaven Sigh and sob and desire with Paul for Heaven for it is a Charter Evidence of thine everlasting inheritance never earthly lord had a surer charter of his land than thou that hast a desire of heaven hast of thine inheritāce in heaven for these earthly evidences of land are without thē in their kists but this evidence of thine is written ingraffed in thine hart Now when extremity is threatned it is time to seek thy warrands of this heavēly in heritance this present country is good forthee the best country that ever thou shalt see except thou find this warrand of sighing and desire for that heavēly inheritāce And therfore let scorners mockers scorn as they wil the children of God must powre forth tears And this is it that y ● Lord hath bene desiring these many days past he hath benegently drawing out of us this sense but now He beginneth to presse it out of us that our eyes might burst out in teares and thou that canst not sob and desire in these miserable dayes to bee dissolved thou hast no true matter of ioy Woe bee to them that have none heart to sigh for the troubles of Christs Church but are ever ready to execute iudgement against Gods servants when the Lord is visiting them Well the Lord shall wring out teares out of them in His wrath that will not sob in the time of the danger and trouble of His Church Then what is it that Pavle sigheth for And what desireth he Hee desireth a new cloathing to bee put one above as a cloathing that is he would keep this same body in substance and cast off this filthy garment of sinand death put on that glorious shape of the body of Christ The reason is set down For when the Lord shal cloath us we shall not be found naked So this body shall remaine in substance but O the glory and immortality of it Mark the natur of the lodging which we shall receive it shal not be another body in substance than this body which we have heer in earth The same body in substance wee shall have in heaven which we have heer Heerein onely is the difference this body is vile it is mortall full of sinne and wickednesse unglorious ignominious full of corruption weak infirm But when this body shall be changed in heaven it shall not be changed in substance but in qualitie Paul 1 Cor. 15. 42. 43. 44. Saith The bodie is sawn in corruption and is raised againe in incorruption and is raised againe in incorruption
this naturall life shall bee taken from thee thou shalt get another life euerlasting in glory but if thou findest thy self not renewed by the Spirit of grace take this life from thee thou shalt not get life euerlasting in glorie So looke if thou be a newe creature thou hast gotten a greater grace than to be borne to an earthly kingdome if so be thou mayst assure thy selfe of lif euerlasting What is this newnesse in the new creature This newnes that is in the new creature is nothing els but that same life which we shall liue in Heauen and is begun here This newnesse is only this new life of regeneration which life so long as thou liuest heere from the time that thou hast gotten a sponke thereof piece and piece eateth vp the olde and cankered nature The life of God within thee will consume euen as thou consumest the meat thou eatest the olde corruption which lieth in thy nature and in the ende in the glorious resurrection of the dead it shall bee altogether abolished This life then which is begunne heere it shall open the mouth and swallow vp death and death thereafter shall haue no more place This life is onely eating vp by little and little death heere but at that time it shall swallowe it vp wholly and thou shalt say with Paule Death is swallowed vp 1. Cor. 15. 54. So well is the soule that hath a warrande of his new creation whether he die in his bed or out of it he shall die with joy Then my counsell is seeing death is daylie threatned let euery one striue to get this assurance of this new life begun in him heere that it may swallowe vp death Woe bee to them that haue not this assurance This is the second assurāce of life euerlasting I pray you marke these assurances for Paule had such an earnest desire that hee sought all assurances and warrandes of this life and hee is reigning now in Heauen So thou who thirstest after life learne at him Nowe resteth the thirde warrande in the next wordes Who also hath giuen vs the earnest of the Spirite Learne the words for al the doctrine riseth of the words Then the third warrand is the Spirit of Christ Iesus in thee If euer thou mindest to haue life hereafter thou must haue Gods Spirit in thee not onlie thine owne Spirite but Gods Spirite flowing from God through Iesus Christ entering into thy bodie soule Beholde the liberality of God when Hee by His Spirite hath renewed thee Hee will not take that Spirite from thee as a man will doe when he hath builded a worke hee will take his hand from it stand if it will or not But the Lord doeth not so Hee hath renewed thee by His Holie Spirite which Hee putteth within thee O how the Lord putteth the third person of the Trinitie in thee and maketh Him an earnest-pennie to thee of Life euerlasting Because thy regeneration is vnperfect and thou hast not yet attained to that Life therefore Hee letteth His Spirit abide in thee assuring thee as an earnest-pennie that whatsoeuer God hath promised He shal perform it to thee and thou shalt not bee disappointed of a jot thereof Such is the infidelitie of our nature that all the promises all the othes which He maketh to confirme His promises all His Sacramēts which Hee hath joyned to His promises cannot perswade vs. But looke to this thirde warrande Hast thou the Spirit of God if Hee bee in thee He will bee quicke working joye with sighs He cannot be idle Hee will be working the worke of regeneration both day and night Then anger Him not Ephes 4. 30. Away with filthie cogitations away with euerie rotten worde away with euerie euill deede labour to pleasure Him day night and striue to keepe Him and thou shalt hauea warrande of life in thy bosome and when thou art dying thou shalt find such sweetnesse in death as is wonderfull to tell None euer had the Spirite of God but in death they had vnspeakable joye Then seeke to bee in Christ and get His Spirite within thee and hauing gotten this Spirite keepe Him diligently and powre out thine owne spirite but never Gods Spirit for then in all distresses thou shalt have comfort Now to resume all Yee who take great pleasure in your Charters the Evidences of your inheritance and land take heed to this Your inheritance is in Heaven and thou art a foole who thinkest that thou hast an inheritance in earth For either shalt thou be pulled from it or it shall bee pulled from thee Nay looke as ever thou wouldest be an inheriter that thine inheritance be in Heaven Thou art the foolishest begger and the poorest that ever was if thou bee a King if thou thinkest thine inheritance to be in earth Having laid this count with thy selfe Mine inheritance is in Heaven then next looke that thou have thine evidence For thou shalt never possesse Heaven except thou have the evidence thereof laid up in thy charter kist Now thine evidences are the same euidences that Paul had and the same kind of evidences serve for all it is an inheritance that all men must get one sort of charter must serve for one inheritance What then can be the charter and evidence Canst thou sigh for that Heavenly inheritance Canst thou have a desire of it There is thy first evidence Then findest thou thy selfe to bee renewed Findest thou CHRISTS life in thee The life of Iesus is manifest in me saith Paul 2. Cor. 4. 10. Findest thou the wicked life of this world reformed There is the second evidence Yet more findest thou the worker of the desire and the worker of thy regeneration the Spirit of Christ within thee then keepe him well There is the best evidence of all the evidences of thine inheritance having these assure thy selfe of Heaven but wantest thou these or any of them thou shalt never get that inheritance in Heaven As these three are three evidences of thine heavenly inheritance so they are three props of Faith that gripe this Heavenly life They are the three pillars that hold up Faith which is builded upon them cut one of these pillars away and thou shalt lose Faith and Hope But here it may be asked Are all these three of the nature of the life to come I answere As for the desire sighing and sobbing for that heavenly inheritance it endeth with this life and in that life to come all weeping shall bee taken away REVEL 21. 4. Mourne and groane in time then heereafter shall come ioy aud pure ioy A troubled ioy is ●eere in this life but heereafter there shall bee a pure and solid ioy and nothing but ioy So this mourning ceaseth then and is not of the nature of the life to come but as to the new creature and regeneration it is of the nature of the life to come and it is the beginnning and first part of that heavenly glorie so that our
thinke we can haue none Heauenly glory and joy except wee haue this earthly body there It is true indeede the soule cannot haue so great joye as if the soule and body were together but it is also true that the soule beeing separated hath greater joye in Heauen than the soule and body can haue together in this earth Otherwise howe woulde Paul haue desired to haue beene dissolued he hauing that confidence and earnest-penny of glory except he had desired that joye in the soule Alas wee are so senselesse that wee thinke joye cannot come except wee get it in our earthly body And this is one part of our miserie Now in the next verse in a parenthesis he casteth in the cause why hee is absent from GOD and a pilgrime heere and saieth For wee walke by faith and not by sight As if hee woulde saye All the sight which I haue of Him is afarre of looke how farre the Heauens are distant from the earth also as far is IESVS distāt from the eye of the faithful soule there is onely a farre sight of Him heere all the sight of Heauenly glory which wee haue here is like a more in respect of that sight we shall ge● it is so farre from thee that it seemeth not to bee the thousand part of that fulnes that it is indeed Thou seest it now as it were a more but thou shalt once see it as a mountaine in great fulnesse So Paul saith I see my LORD but afarre of there is a great distance betwixt the eye of my soule and Him besides this farnes such a mist ariseth out of the stinking body of corruption betwixt my LORD and me like a cloude that it hideth my LORDS face from me So there are two impedimentes which hinder vs from the full sight of CHRIST the first is the farre distance of place betwixt Him me the second is the smoke mist of my corruptiō that goeth in betwixt me Him and taketh the sight of my LORD from me Find yee not this in your selues by experience In the beginning of an houre thou shalt haue a sight of Him and againe ere the halfe houre bee past the sight of Him is away let bee a day or halfe a day Then maruell not suppose Paule complaineth of this that he cannot see CHRIST in respect of the farnesse and smoke that commeth betwixt them Would to GOD wee had a sense of this Who is he that once groneth for this and saieth Alas I am a pilgrime it is a farre sight which I haue of my LORD O! if my soule were loosed from my bodie that I might bee with Him Who can saye this No wee are all sleeping and there is none eye lifted vp to CHRIST in this great mis●rie Wilt thou alwayes crie peace in such a miserie at last thou shalt be pressed downe to Hell Yet to insist vpon this verse We walke saith he by faith and not by sight Yee see heere then the condition of a Christian is walking not sitting nor sleeping hee must be afoote This worde is euer in the Apostles mouth 1. Thessal ● 6. Colloss 4. 2. c. Euer walking a pilgrime must not sit downe Thou art a pilgrime vpon thy journey towardes another countrey thou must not sit downe for otherwise thou shalt neuer come to thy journeys ende The seconde thing which I marke heere This walking must not be in darknesse but it must bee in light Woe to him that walketh in darkenesse for if hee were neuer so well occupied hee shall die in darknesse hee that walketh in darkenesse he shall get Hell for H●ll is darknesse so that walking must be in light The light is of two sorts they are both set downe in ●…hrse The first is the light and knowledge of ●●●●● The second the light of presence and sight The knowledge of Faith is but a glimmering in respect of the other light that is by sight whē thou shalt see CHRIST in His presence is a wonderfull light when Hee shall looke to thee and thou to Him the beames of His glory shall so strike on thee and cause thee shine that thou shalt bee astonished There is no soule but assoone as it commeth in His presence it will bee astonished and maruell that euer there was such a light in CHRIST Faith hath but a small light but the light by presence is marueilous H●e shall translate vs to a marueilou light 1. Pet. 2. 9. All the Angels wonder at the light which is about the Lambe and thy soule when it shall come into glory shall stand wondering at such a glory and thy body when it shall followe shall wonder and all shall bee wondering at such a passing glory These are the two sights Would GOD wee coulde take heede to get a glaunce of that Heauenly glory then all the pleasures of this earth would bee but vanitie dirt and pelffrie to vs. The Lord yet open our eyes to get a sight of this glory These are two lights and as there is two lights so there is two kindes of walking The one is in this life the other in Heauen in the life to come In this life wee haue a small glimmering without any Sunne a blincke of light enuironed about with darknesse Therefore because of the want of light there is such stumbling in our walking in this life but when we shall walke in the Heauens with that H●au●ly light of GOD with the countenance of CHRIST before our eyes then no staggering neither to this side nor to that because of that light that is in the face of CHRIST euer shining in our eyes The darknesse yee see is vnpleasant but the light is pleasant It is a wonderfull thing that wee shall get leaue to walke in that inaccessible light of GOD wherein the Father and the Sonne doe walke Brethren thinke on these things for these are the chiefe points of all All earthly thinges euanish when the Sunne goeth downe and darknesse commeth Therefore set your eyes vpon that glory which neuer shall euanish nor decay as euer ye wold desire to reign there These dayes require this preparation Certainely preaching and hearing will euanish and preaching beeing taken away faith will faile and without faith how can mē attaine to glory Therefore to keepe in the glory of this light we should earnestly crie LORD GIVE VS THIS WORD For if it bee taken away wee shall bee worse than they of Sodome and Gomorrha Now the Apostle hauing shewed this he commeth backe againe and saith Neuerthelesse we haue confidence c. He that hath confidence he will rejoyce to speake of it it swelleth so in his heart that of necessity it must bee vttered and hee will say once twise thrise I haue confidence ●u● nowe with confidence hee joyneth another thing to wit his loue to die and to slit out of the bodie to reigne with CHRIST Loue to die is the companion of confidence Hee saieth I haue confidence but I loue rather
part it is the hope of that life and glory to come and an eye to Heauen that maketh a Pilgrime to liue well in this life where this eye to Heauen is not there is no good life Wherefore should we speake further Alas these euill liues of men these murthers adulteries thefts tell vs plainely there is no sight of Heauen nor regarde of the life to come Thou that passest thy time taking thy pleasure in the displeasing of GOD testifiest that thine eye was neuer on Heauen that the eye of thy soule was neuer lifted vp aboue thy bodie and assure thy selfe if thou liue on so thou shalt neuer see Heauen Now in the next verse hee subjoyneth another argument moouing him to bee ambitious to bee with that LORD of life The first argument was because hee was to dwell with that LORD in Heauen The second is that terrible Iudgement that all flesh shall see except they endeuour themselues to serue GOD in this life For saieth hee wee must all appeare before the Iudgement-seate of CHRIST Learne a lesson of the pith of this argument As there is a force in the hope of the life to come so there is a force in the feare of a terrible Iudgement to mooue a man to liue well here Looke howe needefull the one is to cause thee to liue well in this life as needefull also is the other Hope of life is needful feare of judgemēt is needful what should be the cause of this knowest thou not thy nature how backward froward it is so that except thou be pricked forward with terrors of judgement thou wilt neuer addresse thy selfe to Heauen but wilt linguer sit downe by the way Brethren There are two things in Heauen and two thinges in earth both seruing to mooue vs to liue well heere in this life In Heauen there is two seates one of Grace which is called the Throne of grace The other a seate of Iudgement a Tribunall Fie on all tribunals in the earth in respect of that Heauenly Tribunall The Throne of grace is spoken of to the Hebrewes Chapt. 4. vers 16. Let vs goe boldly to the Throne of grace that wee may get mercie But this will not suffice except the Tribunall of judgement be also before thee to draw thee forward both must bee before thee and as thou lookest to the Throne of grace with the one eye so look to the Throne of judgement with the other eye There are also in like maner two thinges in earth to draw thee forward The one the Gospell of grace The other the Law threatning judgement The Gospel drawing thee louinglie to GOD the Lawe threatning thee to goe forwarde or else thou shalt die The Gospell gently alluring thee forwarde promising that thou shalt get life The Lawe standing about the Gospell as a fire to terrifie thee and if thou goe out of the right way it will burne thee It will not bee the Gospell alone that will serue the turne Indeede if there were no canker in thee the Gospell would serue the turne but in respect of this wicked canker in thy nature thou must be threatned with the Lawe Seest thou not thy nature fairnes will not serue the turne thou must be pulled forward by the haire or else thou wilt fall into damnation Take me away the rebukes of the Law if thou bee a king or a Monarch it is but a dead Gospel to thee such is the corrupt nature of man Take away the canker of the nature of man I shall speake nothing of the Lawe but as long as this canker remaineth the Law must threaten all from the king to the begger I were a false Doctor if I vsed not the threatning of the Lawe to rebuke this canker of nature Who is more holie than Paule was He looking vp to Heauen seeing the Mercie-seate likewise seeth the Iudgement-seate and if hee had not seene the Iudgement-seate and beene terrified therewith hee shoulde neuer haue gotten a sight of that Mercie-seate so must it bee with vs wee must see that Iudgement-seate as well as that Mercie-seate This is wonderfull Hee was euen nowe speaking of CHRIST as a sweete LORD and faine would bee at Him and nowe againe hee setteth Him vp as a Iudge to terrifie men Is this the LORD at whom he would bee Who desireth to appeare before a terrible Iudge Who hath life and death in his handes Take heede this is Paules meaning The LORD IESVS Hee is both terrible to men and joyous to men and Hee must bee both joyous and mercifull indeede to thee who endeuoureth thy selfe to please Him in this life Terrible to them who endeuoureth them not to please Him in this life Wouldest thou haue Him mercifull to thee studie then to liue well serue Him sincerely in thy calling Wilt thou haue Him terrible to thee thou shalt indeede finde Him terrible to thee and thou shalt shake tremble at His countenance in case thou seeke not to please Him in this life And this shall bee the first sight that euer the wicked who desired not to please Him in this life shall get of Him Heauen and Hell are thought jests mocks now adayes this Tribunall is not looked too but certainely thou must appeare either before the Throne of Mercie or the Tribunal of Iudgement Yet to goe forward in the wordes I shall only touch them without discoursing on that generall judgement Then first heere to let you see the terriblenesse of that judgement there is an Appearance whereof Esaias in his 45. Chapter and the 23. verse thereof and Paule Roman 14. 11. speaketh As I liue saieth the LORD all knees shall how to Mee and all thinges shall confesse Mee to bee GOD. There is the reuerence that shall bee at that appearance all kinges in the earth shall bow their knees the tongue that would not speake in this earth to GODS glory shall then bee compelled to speake to His glorie Then there is first an appearance Secondly an necessitie Thou must appeare Thirdly an vniuersalitie all shall appear without exception all shall be called and all must answere Hic sum I AM HEERE None shall bee away man nor womā rich nor poore from Adam the first man to the last man borne on the earth Then fourthly The seate before the which this appearance must bee is a Tribunall the Iudge is CHRIST IEHOVAH GOD not man onely all knees shall bow to Him as GOD and not only to CHRIST as GOD but to CHRIST in our nature as man he shall sit as a glorious Iudge as it is saide Iohn 5. 22. The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to the Sonne And as there shall bee one appearance of all so there must be one receiuing none shall appeare but something they shall receiue What shall bee receiued A reward of thy actions and doinges in thy bodie which rewarde shall appertaine to the bodie as well as to the soule because thou didst them in
to Iesus discerne betwixt dead men and liuing men in this world Dead men are they who are natural men and no more Hast thou no more but nature with all the prerogatiues that can followe nature thou art dead although thou bee a king Liuing men are they who are borne againe by Christ Hast thou the Spirit of Christ thou liuest wantest thou the Spirit of Christ thou art but dead So there is a speciall point of Christes seruice discerne betwixt liuing men and dead men thou art in the middest of them and liuing men on the one hand dead men on the other hand Discerne betwixt them Count not of the dead man although hee had all the prerogatiues vnder Heauen If he haue no more but nature call him not blessed The liuing man is hee that hath the Spirit of Christ in him albeit he be a begger and the men who make an account of their worldlie prerogatiues and follow nature and the olde generation are but naturall men thou that accountest of dead men thou art dead thy self as thou art dead so all thine estimation is of dead men To goe forward to the wordes Hee amplifieth this by the example of Christ and saieth How beit I accounted once of Christ after the flesh before ● knewe Him well yet from hencefoorth I will knowe Him no more after the flesh and therefore why should wee knowe men after the flesh who are inferiours to Christ the head of all flesh Nowe ●o speake of this Lord When He was in this worlde Hee was clothed with these earthlie prerogatiues as other men yea I thinke Hee had these outwarde prerogatiues in His owne person in greatest measure aboue all men For neuer man descended of a more excellent rase and genealogie than He did Then looke to his beautie albeit it bee not set downe in the Scripture yet I thinke there was neuer man so faire in beautie as He He was most wise most eloquent of all mē therefore y e Apostles held Him in admiration for these prerogatiues But from once by His glorious resurrection as the Apostle ●aieth Roman 1. 4. Hee was declared mightily to be the Sonne of GOD then all these thing euanished and the onelie admiration remained of that glorie which Hee declared by His resurrection All these earthlie prerogatiues saieth Paule then passed out of their eyes and the graces of CHRIST onlie remained to be marueiled at The lesson is plain The LORD IESVS is the rule of the estimation of all flesh In thine estimation hold thine eye alwayes vpon CHRIST or els thou shalt fall First cast thine eyes vp to Heauen and then ca●● downe thine eyes on man who is but a worme on the ear●● Looke vp to a glorious GOD IESVS the Mediator and then to a worme on this earth though hee bee a king and say Those thinges that I will not count of in IESVS which He had beeing in G●●l●e and in the earth I will not count of them in thee that art but a worme I will not doe it But by the contrarie that thing which I esteeme of in Him that passing glorie which is in Him when I looke to thee and see a glaunce thereof in thee indeede for that little resemblance which I see in thee like to my LORD resembling Him in grace I will esteeme of thee otherwise I may well giue thee this worldlie reuerence b●● if thou wantest this resemblance I will neuer count thee happie albeit thou hadst all the earthly prerogatiues in the world And certainelie they who hold men in ●…miration for their earthly prerogatiues neuer ●●●● CHRIST nor His glorie Thou that wilt see a Tribunall a Monarch heere and maruell thereat thou neuer saw the Tribunall of CHRIST So the thing that causeth people to esteeme of men for their earthly prerogatiues is because they see not the glorie graces of CHRIST Would the people haue esteemed so much of Herod if they had knowne the Majestie of the Great GOD when they called him a god Acts 12. 22. No not for all the world and therefore seeke a sight of the glorie of GOD if ye would rightlie esteeme of men and giue them only their owne place Nowe to goe forward Yee haue heard of the purpose that the Apostle taketh in seruing of his LORD by the right esteeming of men in this world among whome hee liueth In the next verse he commeth to the estate of this world sheweth what alteration was made in the world by the alteration made in the person of IESVS for when IESVS altered all creatures altered with Him when He went from the earth to the Heauen and left behinde Him all these earthly pleasures there followed a wonderfull change and alteration in all the creatures But to come to the wordes Hee first speaketh of the estate of man and secondly of the estate of the rest of the creatures in the earth As for man h●● saieth Therefore if anie man be in Christ let him ●●● a newe creature Marke this If anie man bee in CHRIST hee is a new creature hee is changed he is altered and wonderfully altered he is changed from an olde creature to a new creature from an olde dead creature to a newe liuing creature from nature to grace from death to life from Hel to Heauē What shold become of an old rottē stok but be casten into the fire So if thou hadst continued an olde rotten creature thou hadst beene brunt in that fire which is vnquenchable He setteth downe the meanes how this change is made First thou must be in Christ as euer thou sawe an impe ingraffed in a tree so thou must be planted and ingraffed in Him Being planted in Him then commeth that fresh sap out of Him into thee and transformeth thee and maketh thee a newe creature Then learne of this first looke the force of the alteration of IESVS when Hee altered from earthlie things to Heauenlie glorie man especiallie altered with Him Then looke secondly the dignitie of man among all creatures hee hath the first place of changing Christ was first effectuall in man to make him a newe creature And this preferment hath man aboue all the Heauens and aboue al the creatures The maner how this commeth to passe is this Ere thou bee altered thou must bee raised vp to Him and joyned with Him and ingraffed in Him as an impe in a tree then He and thou and thou and Hee being made one the glorie that is in Iesus spreadeth her selfe oued thee couereth thee But if thou bee not in Him thou shalt neuer get any part of His glory Looke that thou be in Him by faith for faith ingraffeth thee in Him and beeing in Him thou shalt get a part of His glory and yet thou art but a creature and not a creator The difference is in newnesse thou was made before olde but now made newe greene liuelie being once ingraffed planted in Christ thou art flourishing It is
true all these things are not seene yet and this flourishing of vs in Christ is not found yet perfectlie and this conjunction of Him with vs is not so sensible as it shall be but this shall once be found true we shall find that wee were the sonnes of God and newe creatures when wee were on this earth and wee shall get the accomplishment of our felicitie in Heauen when we are reigning in glory with Him Now as to the rest of the creatures hee saith Olde thinges are past by behold all thinges are become newe He saith Beholde Marke the word hereby stirring vp their hearts to see the alteration and renewing of these creatures seing it is a thing difficill to be belieued by men There is no creature neither Angell nor man no the dumbe senselesse creatures as the Heauen earth fire water a●●e but they were all benefited by that change made in Christ and by His glorious resurrection and ascension they receiued some alteration from the worse to the better The Angels who were before in glorie were bettered and their glorie was augmented by the rising of Christ The Apostle Eph. 1. 10. and 3. 10. and Col. 1. 20. sheweth t●●● But to speake of the inferiour creatures and their estate of this Heauen Sunne Moone Starres Earth Water c. that were created for the vse of man these creatures from the beginning euer altered with man When man was created in the beginning in perfection these creatures were in their perfectiō the Heauen in his perfection the Sunne in his perfection c. When man fell they fell also the Heauen fell from his perfection c. the earth was accursed for man Rom. 8. 20. As man grew olde that is as hee grewe in sinne vnto the time that sinne came to the height which fell in that same period of time when CHRIST came into the world then the Apostle saieth sinne superabounded and all was vnder sinne And surelie I thinke if the LORD had not come at that period of time whē the world superabounded in sinne and sinne was come to the height the world had presentlie perished So I saye as men grewe olde by sinne the Heauens the Sunne the Moone and all the rest of the creatures grew olde Alas●man by sinne defileth the aire the Heauens c. When thou O man for whome all the rest of the creatures were made runnest forward in offending thy Creator thou drawest on all the rest of the creatures after thee And againe at the comming of CHRIST the old creatures beganne to be made new creatures and the creatures that were made to the vse of man were benefited with that benefite of man got a renewing as man their lord was renewed Againe after CHRISTS comming when man beganne of new to degenerate and grow olde then the creatures also beganne to grow olde So man growing in sinne draweth after him the creatures and as he decayeth the earth and all creatures decay also and therefore Paul Rom. 8. 19. 22. saieth that the senselesse dumbe creatures grone and make a mone for sin mourning as a woman traueiling of birth faine would be deliuered so the earth would faine be quite of thee O sinfull man that art made of the earth and treadest on y ● belly of the earth she groneth vnder the weight of thee for sin Fy on thee that cāst not grone for sin thou shalt either grone here in this life and get relief or thou shalt grone after this life for euer without reliefe This is the groning that the poore creature maketh for the bearing of thee the earth would ●aine serue God in her own kind but shee is made subject to thy vanitie Rom. 8. 20 and therfore she groneth so the senslesse creatures are wearie and cry Lord put an end to this vanity and are crying this day this same houre But man for whome the earth and all is made subject to this miserie and vanitie is going playing him on the earth without groning Well at last when the sonnes of GOD shall bee reuealed and shall bee glorified Coloss Chap. 3. vers 4. then the earth which groned with them when they groned shall bee glorified with them and then the Sunne and the Moone shall receiue newnesse and as Peter saieth 2. epist 3. 〈◊〉 The sonnes of God shal receiue this same Heauen in substance but it shal be new and the earth shal be new then the earth shal be no lōger capable of a sinfull man Thou sinner shalt not get leaue to looke to this Heauē only the sonnes of God that shall be glorified shal get this priuiledge they shal be kings of this newe earth Yee see then the estate of the creatures euanisheth according to mans estate and altereth as man doeth and in the ende the creatures shall haue the participatiō with man of that glorie which they longed for This for the opening vp of the Text. Learne here ye see y e creatures get renewing as well as man but marke the difference in the second roome Man is first renewed then the creatures are renewed Mā hath his preferment first next the creatures are renewed but not after that maner that mā is renewed and preferred for man is first graffed in Christ and he is made one with Him Iesus the Head y e Church the body and euery faithfull man and womans member of that body Eph. 1. 22. 23. But the creatures when they are renewed they are not ingraffed in Christ The Heauen when it is renewed is not called to that honor to be ingraffed in Christ it is no part of the body of Christ The earth when it is renewed is no part of the body of Christ No no such conjunction is betwixt Christ and those creatures as is betwixt Him His Church Then seeing these creatures that are renewed with mā are not honoured with that conjunction which is with Christ the Lord it must follow that the glory of the creatures is not equall with y ● glory of man When the Heauens shal be made new very glorious yet all shall be nothing to that glory of mā Thou O man shalt shine in body aboue the glorie of the Sun by a thousand stages Matth. 13. 43. The conjunction of Christ not being so made with the creatures as it is with man the glory of them cannot be compared with y e glory of man but al the glory of the creatures shall be as a participatiō of the glory of man Thou mā shalt be glorified with the glory of Iesus Christ himself the creatures shal bee glorified but with thy glory All this telleth vs what glory wee should looke for seeing this Lord that maketh this renovation is so glorious It is certain that at the cōming of Christ in the world and His passing vp to the Heauens a renewing of all the creatures in the world was made al things were renewed This is a ground that we must hold if we belieue that Christ
thee and holden vp before thine eyes then He sendeth His torturer saith Go thy wayes Sathan and plucke out the eyes of this bodie then hee plucketh out the eyes of thy mind immediately and God giueth thee ouer to a reprobate sense and this is it which the Apostle saith of the Gentiles Rom. 1. 28. It pleased them not to retaine God in knowledge therefore God gaue them ouer to a reprobate sense And Ephes 4. 18. Hauing saith he their cogitations darkned and beeing strangers from the life of God thorow the ignorance that is in them because of the hardnesse of their heartes There plainlie hee letteth vs see that the hardnesse malice of their heartes bringeth on this ignorance and blindnesse Therefore beware of this malice and put it out of thine heart or else thou shalt bee carried blindlinges to euerlasting damnation suppose thou bee an Earle or a King what regarde hath GOD of persons Now Brethrē there are some words that I must weigh to you as the Lord shall giue me the grace I shall repeat them marke ye with me if they be not weighty That the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ which is the image of God shuld not shine vnto thē or spread His beames vpō them ye know anie man y t hath knowledge knoweth that this might haue bene spokē in fewer baser words but the Apo. cōtents not himself with base words in such a matter but saith that y e light of the glorious gospel c. Well is there one word here in vaine and is there any chāge of words made for nothing are simple base words changed into glorious words for nothing no alas we cannot see this and it is one of the things in the world that I would fainest haue you to vnderstand what moueth the Apostles and Prophets to vse such an high language and set vp a thing in such glorious tearmes the which they might vtter in baser tearmes Thinke not that the men of God Prophets and Apostles haue spoken as we say hyperbolicè great and loftie words greater than the matter These wordes are borrowed words and they are borrowed from the most glorious thing in the earth and yet they attaine not to the thousand part of the things which by them he would expresse All the high wordes that a man can vse to expresse y e glorie of Christ are not able to expresse the thousand part of that glorie But to come to the purpose Ye haue set down first in glorious tearmes the effect of the Gospell it is set down in shining and beames thereafter ye haue set downe the Gospell it selfe To come to the first The most glorious thing that a man can see in this earth is the shining of the Sunn which the Lord hath fixed in the Heauens The pleasandest thing that a man can looke to when he hath looked to all these earthlie thinges is the glauncing of the Sunne in a faire day And therefore ye see the glorie of the Sunne is described very highlie by Dauid in the 19. Psalme To applie this Euen so the effect of the Gospell beeing the most glorious effect that euer was wrought the Spirite of God setteth it out by the most glorious thing in the world the spreading of the Sunne beames And surelie suppose there were no more but this word Shyning it letteth vs see a wonderfull effect of the Gospell in the hearts of men and women Ye see by experience the beames of the Sunne suppose they were neuer so bright will neuer alter the bodie which they shine vpon nor make it bright like themselues the sunne hath shined this long time in the world but yet by shining it could neuer so trans-change any creature that it coulde become as bright as the Sunne it selfe It may well let thee see the bodie that is opacum as wee saye darke obscure so long as it shineth but as soone as it is remooued the bodie is darke as it was before But as to the Gospell The Gospell with the beames of it not onelie maketh the object wherevpon it shineth to be seene and to appeare but it doeth more it transformeth the soule of the man or woman into that same light and brightnesse that is in it That is to say The face of IESVS the Sunne of righteousnesse that shineth in the Gospell when the beames of it striketh vpon thy soule they make it lightsome and bright like the face of Iesus they turne the soule in the shape of the face of IESVS that shineth in the Gospell Would yee haue Scripture for this looke the last verse of the chapter going before We behold saieth hee as in a mirrour the glorie of God with an open face and are changed into the same image from glorie to glorie as by the Spirit of the Lord. And this is done in such a sort O would to God wee knew the power of the Gospell that thou who hadst nothing but darknesse within thee art made a shining light casting out thy beames and ouer-shadowing sillie darke bodies Hee that brought light out of darknesse saith Paul by His word Hee hath shined in mine heart that I may minister the knowledge of Iesus Christ to others So is it moste certaine thou in whome the Gospell is so powerfull art made a light in the world to illuminate darke soules Nowe to come to the next the Gospell it selfe How expresseth he the Gospell Hee calleth it not simplie and barelie with a meane word The Gospell all these meane words and sillie simple speaches of such a glorie telleth what feeling men haue in their heartes of the effectualnesse of the Gospell but hee calleth it The light of the Gospell The Gospell is a light and it is the light of lightes The Sunne albeit it be bright was neuer comparable to it in shining and therefore it casteth out such glorious beames in the soules of men and women What is the cause that it is a light The cause is in the subject of it The subject of it is glorie What will make a light if glory will not make it The Gospell is the Gospell of glory and all that is within it is glorie What glorie ●● this The glory of CHRIST the King of king● his glory must be a great glory what kind of person is this Christ He is y e Image of God He neuer resteth mounting vp till he come to that diuinity Lo how he riseth he climbeth from the Gospel to the Mediator from y e Mediator to that glorious Majesty So all the glorie that shineth in y e Gospel is y e glory of God and all the light of the Gospel is that light of God which th'Apo 1. Tim. 6. 16. calleth y t light which hath none accesse neuer man had accesse to it till this Iesus brought it down without this light thou art but darknesse and shalt end in exteriour vtter darknesse All the beames of the Sunne are but darknesse in
power to your destruction but all the power which GOD hath giuen mee is to your edification The GOD of Heauen gaue neuer to anie creature in Heauē no● earth power to doe against her but all to maintaine her in her liberty Then meddle not with her jurisdiction Let none earthly power meddle with it and beware that no irruption bee made within it There was neuer Emperour nor Monarch of this worlde that made irruption within it that euer wanne by it Therefore let euerie soule beware to meddle with this libertie for certainelie that sworde that shall be strocken at her shee shallding it back again like the hammer off the stithie Reade the Ecclesiasticall Histories yee shall see that neuer man got the vpper-hand that euer medled with it And therefore the LORD open mens eyes and let them see this that they may reuerence this glorious Spouse of IESVS CHRIST as euer they would see that glorious Face of CHRIST IESVS Her Head To whome with the Father and the Holie Spirite bee all Praise Honour Glorie worlde vvithout end so bee it THE NINTH SERMON II. COR. CHAP. X. verse 1 Now I Paule my selfe beseech you by the meeknesse and gentlenesse of Christ who when I am present amongst you am base but am bolde towardes you beeing absent verse 2 And this I require you that I neede not to be bolde when I am present with that same confidence wherewith I thinke to bee bolde against some who ecteeme vs as though wee walked according to the flesh verse 3 Neuerthelesse though wee walke in the flesh yet we doe not warre after the flesh verse 4 For the weapons of our warre-fare are not carnall but mightie through God to cast downe Holdes verse 5 Casting downe the imaginations and euerie high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuitie euerie thought to the obedience of CHRIST THESE Corinthians vnto whome the Apostle writeth beeing before founded and grounded in the faith of IESVS CHRIST by this Ministerie yet afterward seduced and led aside with false apostles Oratours ●ather than Teachers who preached the Gospel of IESVS CHRIST with humane affected eloquence beginne to disdaine the Apostle who ●ounded and grounded them in that Faith of IESVS CHRIST and to account of him euen as if he had not beene sent or had not bene an Apostle in verie deede but had onelie giuen himselfe out for an Apostle Therefore in this present Text the Apostle beseecheth them to account of him as he was indeed as the Apostle of Iesus Christ and desireth them so to esteeme of him and so taking occasion he falleth out in a verie high description of his Apostleship And first hee maketh a request vnto them Nowe I Paule my selfe beseech you by the meeknesse and gentlenesse of Christ Surelie if yee will consider their deseruinges at the handes of the Apostle they should haue bene met more hardly and sharper language should haue beene directed vnto them Yet y e Apostle meeteth them gently directeth to them a meeke and gentle request I Paule in mine own person beseech you and that for the meeknesse and gentlenesse of Iesus Christ if euer ye had any taste of that mercy meeknesse in Iesus Christ towards you euen for that meekenesse sake and for that mercies sake obey me doe the thing which I bid you So the Pastor hath his lesson first heere It is the part and duetie of a Pastor who hath to doe with people First at the entrie to beginne with meeknesse and lenitie yea amongst all the properties that is required in a faithfull Pastor this is not the least to bee endued with lenitie and pitie Lenitie I saye arising not onelie of the consideration of the miserie of men with whome hee hath to doe for all people are miserable by nature and all our preachinges are to a companie of miserable creatures who beeing miserable hath neede of mercie and craueth pitie but arising also of a sense and feeling of his owne wretchednesse and miserie What Is hee not himselfe a miserable man by nature as well as anie other person of the flocke man or woman Then againe the mercie and lenitie of IESVS CHRIST which hee hath found towordes himselfe shoulde mooue and raise vp his lenitie and pitie towards his flocke Therefore Paule beeing of minde to speake to these Corinthians how be it he had matter of sharpenesse threatning offered vnto him by them yet the mercy of Christ towards him who was so miserable himselfe vntill hee got that mercie changeth all sharpnesse to lenity turneth his threatnings which hee might haue vsed in a pitifull request Next the people likewise hath their lesson here For as the lenitie pitie and meeknesse of Iesus Christ should mooue the Pastor to lenitie towards y ● people euen so this same lenitie meeknesse of our Lord Iesus should moue the people to obey the gentle and humble request of the Pastor And he or she that euer hath felt in heart and tasted the sweetnesse of the mercie of GOD in IESVS CHRIST will not so soone heare of this lenitie and mercie for CHRISTS mercies sake or for His lenities sake but as soone they wil bee moued to obey the request And they againe who continue stubborne disobedient notwithstanding of a duetifull and lawfull request I saye for my part that stubborne hearted bodie neuer knew what Christ meaned neuer felt remission of sinnes through the blood of Iesus Christ They that will not doe the thing which they should doe for the mercies sake of Christ shall neuer taste of that mercie nor of Iesus Christ Affuredlie they serue for nothing but to be faggots for the fire of Hell for where mercy is not there must be judgement Now in the latter part of the verse hee setteth downe a description of himselfe I Paul who when I am present among you am base but am bolde towardes you being absent This is one thing in effect with that which followeth afterwards in the 10. verse of this chap. for this dis-estimation of himselfe is from that light account and regarde that they made of him and of the Gospel which he teached For the Letters saith he are sore and strong but his bodilie presence is weake and his speach is of no value He here describeth himself conforme to their dis-estimation of him for the mis-liking is recent in his memorie yet his speach is meeke to them This matter would haue angered a good man but Paul is so farre from anger that hee breaketh out in a gentle and humble request Whereupon I note That the vnthankfullnes of the world should not breake our patience or cause vs forget that lenitie wherewith the Embassadour of Iesus Christ shoulde bee endued for lenitie is bounde to vs and wee are bound to it yea although this worlde be neuer so vngrate yet we are bound to striue by long suffering to ouercome in the ende Secondly think ye not but Paul
body there are manie who if they haue their body well disposed are at ease then but if it be not well disposed they are heauily displeased then they grone and sigh no our misery beginneth not at our body it beginneth within vs at our soules and not at y e inferior parts of the soule but at the minde which is the most excellent part light of our soules and that should guide all the rest of the powers of y e soule Nowe the sicknesse of it is madnesse it is blinde ignorant without judgement and wee are madde fooles by nature There is no man born in y e earth but he is borne a foole thou art borne a mad bodie and besides thy selfe Thou wilt thinke thy self very wise thy wit will compasse Heauē earth yea others that look to thee wil think thee wise but if thou haue no more than nature thou art a foole As he is a fool in very deed who thinketh he speaketh alwayes an oracle euen so art thou that art not in Christ and countest thy selfe wise the wiser thou thinkest thy selfe thou art the more and the more a foole All this is to let men see that none is wise without God For when the light of GOD is not in thee all that thou doest is foolishnesse and hee that is wise without GOD shall curse his wisedome one day and saye that all was but madnesse yea and all the Monarches in the worlde shall curse that wisedome which they had without God This natural sicknesse goeth further downe it descendeth to the heart it tarieth not in the minde But next wee become maine rebelles against God hee that is madde he is set to rebell and he is froward euer inclining to disobedience against GOD. Brethren yee knowe there are two sortes of fooles amongst men Some fooles are sillie simple fooles other fooles are malicious fooles by nature we are all borne fooles but malicious fooles euermore rebelling and displeasing GOD. If wee compare th●se two sortes of fooles together the second is worst LORD saue vs from a rebellious heart For I tell thee the minde is not so blinded but it hath some sight of GOD but the heart of man after the fall is altogether inclined to rebellion so that if there bee one spunke of light left in nature it will trauell by all meanes to put in the finger in the eye of the minde and put it out And therefore trauell to reforme thine heart for if it bee not reformed it shall euermore carrie thee the wrong way So there are two partes of the miserie of man Nowe commeth on the thirde Thy miserie endeth not heere Marke and trauell to finde this in experience Fie on vs if wee knowe not our selues for if wee know not our selues wee shall neuer knowe God aright The thirde part standeth in actions for the madde and rebellious heart must breake out in some actions Can a mad and rebellious bodie bee idle Hee calleth ou● works wauering going out of the way Can a mad man keepe the hie waye No but euermore hee goeth to one side or other No more can wee by nature goe forwarde in the right waye for by nature wee are madde frowarde and disobedient It is true naturall men will doe things that are right in themselues but no man shall do that which is good in it self rightlie that hath y t rebellion in his heart for wee doe nothing rightly but when our eyes are vpon God Albeit the action were neuer so good if thou seekest not GOD in it it is not done rightlie Thou mayest well doe it to please the eyes of men and thou mayest get thankes at the handes of men for it but thou shalt get none at Gods handes so if thou wouldest bee accepted of GOD and wouldest haue the action of thine handes to please God first looke that thine action bee good and then looke to God in thine action Then there are three parts of misery of the naturall man first madnesse in the mind secondly maliciousnesse in the heart thirdly his actions are wauerings all wandring out of the way To goe forward Hee describeth this wauering and he calleth it seruing it standeth in slauerie his whole life-time is but a seruice and slauery The naturall man if hee haue no more but nature hee is a slaue and a seruant bought and solde for Paul saieth hee is solde to bee subject to sinne Roman 7. 15. Suppose hee were a Monarch of the whole earth if hee bee without the newe man hee is a slaue It is true hee will haue manie seruantes vnder him but hee is the first and chiefe slaue himselfe yea hee is a greater seruant than the verie kitchen boye and the moste abject seruant in his house But to whome is this seruice done To whome are wee slaues In plaine talke hee saieth to concupiscences Hee calleth them pleasures but fi● on them how beit they are sweete things yet they haue a soure ende Harlotrie is sweete for a time but O that bitternesse in the ende It is sweete to murther but O that bitternesse that it shall bring with it in the end it shal be bitterer than the very gall Paul maketh mention here of a●varietie and diuersity of lusts Thou that seruest thine own lusts art not subject to one maister only but to an hundreth thou art subject to many vncleane maisters of diuers qualities Brethren are these our maisters Fy vpon them the seruice done to them it is a vile seruice Thou that art a lord when thou lookest to thy kitchen boye thou wilt thinke his seruice vile but fye vpon thee thou art a greater slaue hee is an honest seruant but thou art a slaue for thy seruice is done to thy filthy pleasures there is a variety of them and so thou hast manie maisters whom thou seruest And therefore yee will see these men who serue their owne lustes to bee the weariest bodies y ● euer liued euen as if they were drawne thorow a myre for the onely true and cleane seruice is the seruice of that onely one GOD the onely repose of thy soule is on that one GOD there is no rest but on Him Awaye with that creature that drinketh in the soule lustes of this earth that is no rest to him heere and woe to that rest that shall come in the ende So there are the maisters which wee serue foule concupiscences and fleshlie lustes It may bee asked Will a person bee subject to such a great varietie of concupiscences I answere The seede of euerie sinne in the worlde is in euerie man so all concupiscences are in thee because the seede of them is within thee No the best men in the earth hath the seede of these lusts which budde out into actions it will lurke for a time in the winter but in the spring it will breke out and then thou wilt knowe thou hast it when thou feelest the stinke of it So there is the first answere the seede of
knocke at that gate except that the Lord put out His hand hold thee vp euen in the meane time when Hee is holding thee backe so wonderfull is the Lordes working with His owne He will be holding them abacke with the one hand and He will be pulling them in to Him as fast with the other hand when He will be disswading He will perswade when He forbiddeth to approach vnto Him hee inwardly allureth m●n to come vnto Him Nowe will yee heare the Lordes answere If the first answere was hard this is as hard and rough for with an angry countenance no doubt He answereth It is not lawfull saieth Hee to take the childrens bread and to cast it vnto dogges It is euen as much as if Hee had taken her by the shoulders and thrust her out first Hee saieth Thou art but a dogge a Gentile and this that thou seekest is a precious thing the bread of life this appertaineth onely to the children of GOD Shall I take that and giue it vnto a dog As if Hee had saide Goe thy waye dogge thou shalt not get such a precious benefite as thou requirest Then we see here because she was a Gentile therfore Hee calleth her a dogge Suppose thou bee a King I pray thee be not too proude in thine own conceit and yet a Gentile Ergo by nature a dogge He will cast a Kingdome an Empire a Monarchie to a man as one will cast a bone into the mouth of a dogge but all is nothing in respect of one droppe of grace and the hope of the kingdome of Heauen Albeit thou bee a begger and yet gettest but one droppe of grace through IESVS CHRIST anie hope of the Kingdome of Heauen anie beginning of regeneration then thou hast gotten a greater grace a more precious thing than Caesar that got all the worlde There is no comparison betwixt the meanest spirituall heauenly gift betwixt the greatest temporall and earthly thing Nowe I note againe the hardnesse to winne to the Kingdome of Heauen Would yee not thinke it a marueilous thing to turne a dogge into the Sonne of God It is as great a wonder to see a Gentile to be called to Heauen as to make dogges and stones the Sonnes of God Nowe know that before thou gettest accesse to Heauen although thou wert a king thou must bee humbled in thine owne conceite thou must know thine owne estate and condition thou must thinke thy selfe as vile and contemptible as a verie dogge by nature as this woman was brought to saye otherwise thou shalt neuer get heauen Then Brethren if the entrie to the Kingdome of heauen be so harde if thou like a dogge returne to thy vomite or as a sow to the puddle as Peter saieth 2. Pet. 2. 22. after thou art was●en with the blood of that immaculate Lambe then it is a wonder if euer thou get grace to re-enter againe Now heare the poore womans answere she granteth all It is verie true thou sayest I am but a dog a vile and an vnworthie wretch and that bread of heauen is a precious thing I am not worthie that it should bee casten vnto mee Yet saieth shee the whelpes doe eate of the crummes which fall from their maisters table If thou wilt not shew mee this grace to eate bread with the children yet let me eate the paringes and crummes vnder the table Ere euer the Lord bestow grace and eternall life vpon thee hee will haue thee to accompt thy selfe vnworthie of anie grace yea hee will haue thee to accompt as vilely of thy selfe as of a dog albeit thou hadst neuer so many great prerogatiues otherwayes in the worlde ere thou get that life thy conscience will accuse thee to bee vnworthie of such a life and such a joye as the LORD ordained for his owne Shee scipped before nowe shee thrumbleth and thrusteth in at the gates of heauen and goeth like a violent woman not indeede preassing like a sturdie begger to be in whether the Lord would or not but by humilitie and acknowledging of her owne vnworthinesse in all submission comming as it were creeping like a sillie whelpe vnder the table that is the violence that is done to the Kingdome of heauen Matth. 11. 12. Shee taketh vp heauen by violence in all submission and humilitie And if thou bee once but a whelpe vnder the table of GOD in the house of GOD to gather vp the crummes of that plentifull table thou art called to a greater honour than if thou were made King of all the worlde I had rather bee a doore-keeper in the house of GOD than to bee king of all the worlde Nowe Brethren when shee is thronging in hee is loath to put her out againe No hee saieth O woman great is thy faith bee it vnto thee as thou desirest thy faith hath wonne the victorie From whence had this poore woman all this perseuerance and this continuance and this constancie but from him and yet hee standeth wondering at his owne graces The LORD beholde his doing when hee hath giuen thee grace and perseuerance when thou commest to heauen he will wonder at thee and there is the ende of all thy perseuerance a faire crowne of glorie And what more doeth hee That same moment that force that was in the worde that proceeded out of the mouth of IESVS extended it selfe to the womans daughter and healeth her and casteth the deuill out of her Now she sought only to creepe in as a whelp vnder the table to eat the crummes and now the LORD setteth her vp at the table to sit with Him in glory as CHRIST Himselfe saieth I say to thee saieth Hee manie shall come out of the East and out of the West into mine house into the Kingdome of Heauen and sit downe at the Table with Abraham Isaac and Iaakob Matth. 8. 11. And from whence are wee come Euen out of the furthermost point of the West And O SCOTLAND Belieue in IESVS seeke earnestlie grace at Him and waite patientlie when Hee tryeth thee and thou shalt find that thou shalt be set downe with ABRAHAM ISAAC and IAAKOB in glorie Wee are the Sonnes of GOD indeed but it appeareth not yet what wee shall bee but one daye it shall appeare when wee shall be crowned with the crowne of glorie The Lord worke this faith and earnest desire of grace in vs for Iesus Christs sake To whome bee all glorie honour and praise for euer and euer Amen THE XV. SERMON LVKE CHAP. VII verse 37 And beholde a woman in the citie who was a sinner when shee knewe that Iesus sate at table in the Pharisees house she brought a boxe of oyntment verse 38 And shee stood at his feete behinde him weeping and began to wash his feete with teares and did wipe them with the haires of her head and kissed his feete and anointed them with the ointment verse 39 Nowe when the Pharisie who bade him sawe it hee spake within himselfe saying If this man
fore-father hee payed his tithe as vvell as Abraham did Euen so vvee beeing euerie one of vs in the loynes of Adam vvhen hee sinned vve made all defection from the LORD and sinned in him Vpon this defection there followed a guiltinesse wherethorow there is none of vs but vvee are obliged to die euerlastinglie And if there vvere no more sinne in all this vvorlde but that first Apostasie only there is matter enough of thine euerlasting damnation thou needest not to heape sinne vpon sinne there is thine obligatiō to thine euerlasting death and to damnation This is the first part of originall sinne The second part of originall sinne is the effect that followeth vpon the first a foule and horrible corruption that entered in the whole nature of man so that from the top to the toe of man there is not so much whole as one intch Man is a vile leprous creature there is not a whole intch neither in bodie nor soule but all is infected for Brethren that first defection past not away so but it brought with it a fearefull ruine and wracke to mankinde and it leaueth behinde it a foule stinke and terrible darknesse and that came of the just judgement of GOD punishing sinne by sinne And this corruption of nature bringeth with it the owne guiltinesse obligation to eternall death so that sundrie wayes we are guiltie of death The Apostle Paul Ephes 2. 3. setteth downe this guiltinesse when hee sa●eth Wee were all children of w●ath This second part of it Is it that Christ calleth heere flesh in another place it is called the olde man for by flesh we vnderstand not this fleshlie and bodily lumpe which wee cary about with vs nor yet as the Papists call it a concupiscence in this lumpe and nothing in the soule No no but this flesh is a corruption both in soule and bodie and in all the powers and faculties thereof So that there is neuer an intch free from that pest The Lord who made man Genes 8. 21. expresseth the worke and the force of the flesh after the fall where it is saide that after Hee looked and sawe this corruption He saide that the whole in aginations of the cogitations of the heart of man are wicked and euill continually which wordes import that man from his youth yea euen from his mothers wombe could doe nothing but imagine thinke and forge euill wickednesse and all sortes of mischiefe And when Hee sawe this Hee vttered a sadde and an heauie voyce It forthinketh mee that euer I made man Genes 6. 6. And it was no small thing no question that made the Creator to repent that He made man What is man nowe but a filthie creature and a pest to infect Heauen and earth if it were possible But that yee may the better vnderstand the incomparable greatnesse of this euill which is in man I shall let you see howe it hath spred it selfe thorowe the whole power of the soule of man for as for the bodie I speake nothing of it it is true indeede it neuer leaueth that bodie till it resolue it in earth againe which otherwise was made to bee immortall and in the meane time till death come it maketh the body to bee subject to many great and fearfull sicknesses and diseases Where from come these biles the feuers the palsie the pest the leprosie and other diseases but from this corruption But I speake nothing of it I will let you see howe it hath spred it selfe in the soule of man Brethren there is neuer a power nor facultie in the soule but all is infected This pest it hath not only infected the inferiour appetite as the blinde Philosophers thought and as the Papists doe this day affirme But where beginneth it What is the most excellent power of the soule It is the vnderstanding the minde and this is it that we call reason This corruption it hath so entered into the soule of man that when as that vnderstanding should be as a light going before to direct all our actions motions and thoughts the right way according to Gods worde and ordinance It doeth nothing but fight and repine against the wisdome of the God of Heauen It is an hard matter y t God hath created this vnderstanding and yet it fighteth against Him Paul saieth Rom. 8 7. that the wisdome of the fl●sh is enemie against God that is the very vnderstanding of man which is the most excellent thing in man is enemy to God let bee the inferiour appetites And therefore Ephes 4. 23. hee desireth not onely that the inferiour appetites should bee renewed but that regeneration should begin at that which is most excellent in the soule euen that they may bee renewed in the Spirite of their minde Then yee see this vnderstanding of man is altogether corrupt and that light of the minde is turned vnto terrible darknesse and that this wisedome fighteth directly against God for this reason of man fighteth not onely against the wisdome of GOD set downe and declared in the law but chiefly against that which is more against His wisdome manifested in the Euangell He esteemeth it naturally to bee but meere foolishnesse that euer a man shoulde get saluation by a crucified man 1. Cor. 1. 18. And to goe fordward This pest ceaseth not here nor resteth not in the minde onely but it entereth into the rootes of the heart into the will and affections of man it hath entered so into his vvill that when as this will of ours this power of our soule that we call the will should haue chosen that which is good and refused that which is euill according to the reason going before informing what is to be chosen and pursewed and what is to be refused and eschewed it fighteth not onely directly against that most holy wisedome and will of God but euen against that sponke of knowledge light and reason that is left in man for when man fell in Adam the Lord tooke not all kinde of light from man but Hee left in His great mercy in man some sponke of light and knowledge of the Majestie of GOD the Creator whereby hee might in some measure knowe his Creator And Hee left in man also some knowledge judgemēt of politike things cōcerning our cōuersation dealing with our neighbors what is just what is vnjust what is reasonable what is vnreasonable he left in him also some judgemēt discretiō of naturall things whereas He might haue set vp man as brutish as a dogge or an asse Notwithstanding of this the raging corruption of the malicious will repineth against this sponke and striueth to blotte it out that it should neuer vtter it selfe to reformation and to glorifie God and to discharge a duetie to man in such sort that it were a just judgement of God that they should be made as brute as beasts as it went with the Gentiles Rom. 1. 24. whome Hee gaue ouer vnto reprobate mindes so that
blessed that inuiolable Majesty were and what the Euangell is how glorious how liuely howe powerfull in operation and then what our selues are how vnworthie we are now Lord what would wee account of Iesus Christ this heart that now is bound vp would then bee loosed to thankfulnesse But wee see not what GOD is and if we haue not found glorie and the power of the Gospell Looke what great cōmendation this Apostle giueth to the Gospell 2. Cor. 3. 6. where hee compareth the Lawe with the Gospell and calleth the Gospell the Ministerie of the Spirit the Ministerie of righteousnesse y ● Ministerie of life Then againe wee see not what our selues are how vile how filthie and vncleane we are we see not that mysterie of sinne that is in vs and therefore we account so little of the Gospell and are so little moued when the Lord threatneth the away-taking of it And to the ende men may knowe howe they ought to esteeme of this Ministerie of this Gospell committed vnto them which now the world so much contemneth and disdaineth we shall speake a litle of the dignitie excellencie thereof To haue the Gospel of Iesus Christ cōmitted to a mans charge is no small thing No there is no fleshe worthie of such dignitie and honour no not the Angels in Heauen let be sillie mortall creatures Is the creature worthy to dispose the treasures of saluation Is a man worthy to reconsile God and the world Is anie man worthy to bee an instrument to bring remission of sinnes peace of conscience and joye in the Holie Ghoste to the soule of man Is anie worthy to beare witnesse to the soule of man that life euerlasting appertaineth vnto him and is laid vp for him in the Heauens And this mooued the Apostle to crie out when hee considered this Who can be found meet for these thinges 2. Cor. 2. 16. And so if wee knewe all that is contained in the Gospell wee woulde saye that the Angels themselues are not worthie to beare such a message to dispense the secrete and hidden thinges of GOD to confirme forgiuenesse of sinnes to put poore sinners out of doubt that the LORD loueth them and taketh them for His children and last that Hee will crowne them with saluation and euerlasting life And the consideration of this should moue them whom the Lord hath set in His seruice to follow the example of th'Apostle Paul and day and night to bee thankfull to God vvho chooseth such fraile and poore creatures to such an high excellent and glorious office as to offer saluation to them who before were condemned and cast-awayes Next this consideration should mooue men faithfullie and carefullie to execute that charge which is committed vnto them as also to pray y ● Lord earnestlie that Hee would blesse them with graces and strength according to the weightinesse of the calling that they maye bee ●ound faithfull in that Great daye for man of himselfe cannot doe so much as to thinke a good thought 2. Cor. Chap. 3. vers 5. let be to haue such graces by nature as to furnish such an high and glorious a calling And as the Pastors haue their duetie to learne heere so the people also may and should make their vse of it that is when they come to heare the word of God to the ende that the Gospell and the promises of mercy may profit and edifie them they shoulde bee resolued in themselues that it is God that sendeth men vnto them and maketh them meete who were vnmeet And in this place the Apostles minde is not onely to humble Preachers to acknowledge the grace bestowed vpon them but also to resolue all men that hee that preacheth is sent from God otherwise the preaching of the Gospell will ne●er profit them And last this serueth to reprooue the vaine thoughtes and vngodly speaches of the common multitude for they thinke this Ministery to bee but a base and contemptible calling and say Who should be placed into it who but such fooles and vnworthy bodies as cannot bee meete for another calling who but kinlesse bodies But if a Gentleman an Esquires sonne a lordes brother c. take on this calling hee is disgraced and abased therewith But. O vnworthy wretch No Emperour no Monarch nor no flesh whatsoeuer is worthy of so great a calling no the Angels in Heauen honour not so much the commission as the commission honoureth them If thou continuest in counting basely of it to the ende thou shalt finde it at the last to bee the most glorious thing that euer was but it shall be to thy confusion and destruction Nowe I goe forward Hee commeth to a reason of his thankfulnesse Who hath strengthened me saith hee that is of a weake body full of imperfection blottes and sinnes which might haue hindered mee from that calling Hee made mee strong and able So the Apostle compareth his estate by nature with that estate which he found of grace and when hee was in nature hee saieth hee was weake and vnder the worde of weaknesse hee comprehendeth his blasphemy persecution and oppression which hee setteth downe heereafter And heereby wee maye see that men will neuer knowe the grace of God well nor accompt worthily of it vntill they consider what men are when GOD leaueth them to their owne estate And when men get a sight either of themselues or of others they will see that there is no goodnesse nothing worthie of praise but much mischiefe misery both in themselues and in others And when men once seeth and knoweth this then it will bee an easie thing to them to judge of the grace of GOD which supplieth and remedieth all wantes and vices When Paule looked to himselfe hee sawe no goodnesse that that had appearance of goodnesse was nothing but euanishing smoake and therefore confesseth that whatsoeuer was in him by nature was corrected and so hee giueth the praise of all to God Againe I see that none will account of IESVS CHRIST and His Gospell but they who finde a power and strength in the Gospell There is a power in the Gospell which all the faithfull finde for by the Gospell he that was weake to any good deede is made strong by the Gospell he that was dead is quickened and beginneth to liue This constrained the Apostle Paule to giue such glorious and powerfull stiles to the Gospell hee calleth it the power of God to life and saluation Rom 2. 16. he calleth it liuely and mighty in operation Heb. 14. 12. The children of God find it powerfull to ouerthrow and cast downe the imaginations of man and euery strong holde which is raised vp against Iesus And whosoeuer findeth this of necessity they must be thankfull Alas that there should be such a power and strength in the Gospell and that we should finde so little of it for if wee found it it could not bee possible but wee woulde testifie and practise by mouth and hand by word and