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A68061 An exquisite commentarie vpon the Reuelation of Saint Iohn VVherein, both the course of the whole booke, as also the more abstruse and hard places thereof not heretofore opened; are now at last most cleerely and euidently explaned. By Patrik Forbes of Corse. Forbes, Patrick, 1564-1635. 1613 (1613) STC 11149.3; ESTC S102414 192,912 300

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lector arenam Liba neu ●icco rade profunda pede Hic sulcanda via est huic te duce numine oportet Etpoteris placi●ae credere tutus aquae The Summe of the Booke THis Booke is that written record of the things in Vision heard and seene by Iohn in Patmos which according to the commandement giuen him hee sent to the seuen Churches of Asia Whereof it is that besides the inscription in the first three verses the whole is an Epistle hauing a salutation to the ninth of the first Chapter a valediction in the last verse of all and the body of the matter in the rest This body hath for the most part a propheticall narration to the sixt of the last Chapter and thence the generall conclusion The narration hath two parts the first is of things which partly then were and partly were also to bee done thereafter And this part hath first a goodly vision of Christs presence operation and dispensation in and towards these seuen Churches and which in common concerneth them all And secondly a particular accommodation thereof to each one according to their proper condition good or euill or mixed at that time In which respect this part is said to be of things which were then existent as it is also of things to be done thereafter because of the future good or euill promised or threatned The second part of the narration is of things which were to be done thereafter concerning first and properly the whole militant Church Like as the whole euents thereof were to fall out after the time of this trance how soeuer for cleering the working on of these euents some circumstances and beginnings are in one or two places deduced higher And this second part hath a generall introduction to the speciall Storie Chap. 4. and 5. and the story of speciall euents thenceforth The introduction hath two parts first a goodly type of the true Church militant according to that constant and inuariable condition shee euer holdeth in all her changes wrestlings sufferings victories kythings and eclipses For expressing accordingly of all which as diuers and conuenient types thorow this Prophecie are taken so alwaies in all cases this of the Throne Beasts and Elders euer holdeth thorow all This constant condition hath God his constant presence as King and Lord fixing his habitation and ruling in the midst of his Church her gracefull state herethrough as which is a royall priesthood to him his generall and constant dispensation to this end terrible for her and gracious towards her and her dutifull worship of him againe Chap. 4. In the second part of the Introduction is shewed by whom and in whom it is that shee hath all this presence protection and graces and specially thus artificially to bring on the story of speciall euents by whom it is that she hath this singular benefit of this reuelation The dignitie whereof is shewed first in the retired eminencie of the matter and secondly in the worthinesse of the Person reuealer Chap. 5. The speciall storie is thence of which the abstruse secrecie locked vp in God his counsell as by a sealed Booke in God his right hand it was figured so the manifestation thereof to vs is typically expressed by opening of the seales in which the whole Story being comprehended six of them opened yeeld also many types of these first sorrows wherewith God plagued the world for reiecting the Gospel I h● seuenth yeeldeth 7. Trumpets whereof the first six haue the second euils and the seuenth vpon induration against all former punishment affordeth seuen vials of the last wrath for full and recurelesse destruction of the enemies and the Church her constant gracefull and quiet state thereupon The beginnings of sorrowes are first the powerful preaching of the Gospell in it selfe properly the first blessing yet to the world ●adly impugning that which must Conquer and Ouercome becomming the sauor of death is the first and mother plague begetting bloudy warres strange famines greeuous pestilences and not some beasts God his foure great plagues seuerally and iointly Against all which notwithstanding the rage and induration of enemies still groweth and that to so huge and cruel effusion of the bloud of Saints as in God his iustice cried for no lesse then the full and finall destruction of that afflicting state Which neuerthelesse in God his wise dispensation is reiourned till the accomplishment of the rest of Martyrs in that honour of suffering And that the Church might attend this the more patiently she getteth in the time relaxation from open persecution and the sufferings of Martyrs become honourable Thereafter that bloudy state through inuasion of barbarous and vnco●th nations suffereth such strange alteration as the whole face thereof is turned and it receaueth a deadly wound so farre as might make way for the succeeding huge mischiefe in the seuenth Scale Chap. 6. Before the opening whereof to a particular manifestation of the euils therein for more cleering of the matter and in a diuine artifice to imply that this second mischiefe was hatching euen in time of the first sorrowes a summary view of the whole sequell thereof is giuen in a deadlie euill to ouergoe all the face of the visible Church worship and professors therein Against which the care of Christ for preseruing his true Church is shewed and her double condition first vnder and in time of the mischiefe by a mystical number of sealed ones and of whome and how that number is made vp to the ninth verse and secondly her condition victorius ouer the euill as the same condition is offered to Iohn his perception first by seeing and hearing and secondly by information to the end of the seuenth Chapter For particular explication of that which in the seuenth Chapter was summarily portended the seuenth Seale is opened and yeeldeth seuen Trumpets as also many signes giuen of diuers degrees of iudgements whereby God was as it were to charge vpon the World these in cōparison are lighter or heauier The first foure are lighter first through cold showers of selfeloue and fierie contention mixed with crueltie in the visible Church followeth a destruction in part of true spirituall life and religion both in weake and in such as appeared strong Christians Secondly through the fire of ambition amongst Church-men a corruption in part of the common worship and a death in superstition Thirdly through hereticall prauity arising vpon despitefull pride bitternesse and presumption of great knowledge the very grounds and chiefe Doctours are poisonablie infected to the death of many therein Fourthly darke ignorance and a decay in part of true light and learning both in diuine and humane sciences Chapter 8. Now these foure lighter euils were but alse many steppes to the fift and first of three great woes in the fift Trumpet When not in part onely but through the fall of great Pastours from Heauen to the loue of the Earth and thus losing the Key of knowledge and of the Kingdome of Heauen
enemies should still increase and that to such degree of crueltie as in God his iustice required their speedy and finall destruction which neuerthelesse should bee delayed for a time but so as the rage of persecution being mitigated the Church should become of great account euen before men Therefore in this fifth Seale is put the cry of Soules against cruelty not that here it beganne but for the hight whereto the enemies were come now therein as also a reason of God his patience in such measure of wrong was needfull And further hearts are hereby wakened to see the equity of the great plague in the sixt Seale when God in a great degree performeth the promised vengeance albeit then fully it shall bee executed when vpon powring out of the seuenth Viall they shall bee absolutely destroyed who destroyed the earth and the kingdomes of the world shall become our Lords the rest of Saints being slaine by the beast euen the rest of the womans seed Chap. 12. 17. and 13. 7. and 14. 12. 9 The sixth type vpon opening of the sixt Seale 〈◊〉 a great Earthquake the darkning of the sunne and moon the fall of starres the departing of heauen and remouing of mountaines and Ilands from their places the speech opening the signification is the Kings of the earth great men rich men chiefe Captaines mighty men bond-men and free-men should haue such commotion and alteration of state carrying such imprinted sense and cleare sight of Christ his wrath and vengeance as they should bee filled with desperate terrour so sore a iudgement comming on them as in a sort the state of the world should bee ouerturned these who were as the Sunne Moone and Stars for glistering shew in their Kingdomes wealthes honours commandements and great roomes being darkened and falling from their places all their glory and honour compared to Heauen euanishing as a scrole rolled vp such as seemed most closely hedged about as Ilands being driuen from their places and who appeared to bee setled as mountaines yet remouing Which plague should bee so much the more grieuous as no condition of men bond or free should escape it all feeling such desperate terror and sorrow as felt these Isai 2. as had the Israelites at the destruction of Samaria Ose 10. and as Christ foretold should betake the Iewes at the destruction of Ierusalem Luke 21. Neither is this type to be drawne to any other or extended to any further sense To take it of the last consummation is ridiculous ignorance the seuenth Seale as yet not opened and yeelding more then foure times as much story both for time and euents in time as all these six preceeding and to extend it to the decay of the visible Church is impertinent as which matter is handled properly in the seuenth seale and six trumpets thereof For albeit that in this Prophesie both before and hereafter starres be put for Pastors of Churches and the eclipsing of Sunne and starres for darkening of spirituall light and fall of starres for falling of Pastors from the truth yet here where that matter is not handled and where the holy Ghost so plainely ioyneth the interpretation wee ought not iumble so distinct matters and the frequent vse of these same Allegories in the Prophets for euents of this same kind might haue taught so much Isai 13. verse 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. and 14. 12. and 24. 19. 20. 21. 23. and 34. 40. Ezechiel 32. 7. 8. Ioel 2. 30. 31. 10 Now for right accommodation of Story to these Seales wee must flie two extremities wherein many Interpreters falling breed to themselues great difficulties and darken cleare matter The first is of these who tying themselues to more strait rules of interpretation thē the holy Spirite hath laid to them will needes haue these seuen Seales as also the Trumpets and Vials to bee so many knots or periods of time exactlie cutted within which the accommodation of each is to bee sought whereas they are no knots of time but types of distinct matters and the whole matter comprehended in seuen Seales whereof the seuenth affording the trumpets vials hath the matter of foure times alse much time as all the former sixe sheweth the weakenesse of this coniecture yea the effects of them are seene clearely to bee often of one time the former holding out long after the beginning of the next The other extremity is of these who well perceiuing the absurdity of the first neglect in the accommodation all consideration of distinct time so iumbling Seales Trumpets and Vials to the confusion of all order and light of Story which in this Prophesie is most orderly set downe with special relation to distinct euents Then let vs hold this rule that these sixe Seales haue the story of the first sorrowes as Christ calleth them Mathew 24. 8. as the seuenth Seale hath both the second sorrowes in the sixe Trumpets and the last wrath in the seuenth by seuen Vials Thus farre then wee haue to respect time in accommodation of these Seales that albeit they shew such ordinary iudgements whereby God at all time hath punished and will punish the contempt of his grace yet here they haue a speciall relation to the first time from the writing of this Prophesie to the ouerturning of the state of the Roman Empire so far forth as might make way to the succeeding more dangerous euill in the seuenth Seale and sixe Trumpets thereof Now as these beginnings of Sorrowes so called and of Christ himselfe recorded in the same order which here is set down fell out in diuers places Mathew 24. 7. 8. So also in diuers times of that first time now and then here there yet alwayes in this order that first the white horse goeth out after the Sword Famine Pestilence and noisome beasts God his foure great plagues Ezech. 14. 21 sometimes seuerally sometimes ioyntly as God saw it expedient fitting his iudgements to the growth of induration against that persecuting estate till at length all the glory and face almost of that wicked Empire was ouerturned And these are the proper euils of that first time for that albeit in succeding ages God hath inflicted them on the world yet neither in such degree as then neither for any degree thereof vpon the world thereafter come they in account in respect of heauier woes thē they 11 How the preaching of the Gospell went forth conquering to ouercome maugre all opponents besides the successe preceding this Reuelation it had after Domitian who now letted it with all his might a great propagation as in story is cleare and whensoeuer by persecutors it was crossed immediately the red horse and his great sword in God his iustice commeth forth in bloudy warres partly with forrainers but most tragically of the Caesars amongst themselues whereof the Stories are knowne and too long here to bee repeated 12 Now famine ordinarily euer accompanieth or ensueth hard vpon Warres but these times had as strange bloudshed so vncou●h examples
any bloud in the third part of the sea would haue liued become dead in hereticall prauity The verity and accommodation hereof is more then cleare as principally in Arrius so in all the other Arch-heretikes of that time men more learned then holy and more quicke then modest like blazing Comets corrupting the truth of doctrine in a great part And therefore for the full perfection of euill in this kind when not onely the third part but wholy al both earth Sea fountaines shal be burnt turned into bloud and made bitter and al light eclipsed the like type is vsed in the fift Trumpet but with this notable difference that that starre falleth to the earth and so breedeth the mischiefe 9 The fourth Trumpet bringeth a darkenesse in part vpon Sunne Moone Starres day and night A kindlie degree of euill to follow on the former and there withal noting yet a higher degree of Apostasie and aduancement of the mystery of iniquitie as the heauenly lightes are aboue fountaines and riuers This is the type of darke ignorance comming on the world first in a great part The former euils arose more vpon contention pride and bitter despite then vpon ignorance while men either not aduerting or maliciouslie miscarried they tooke place but now together with these commeth also grosse ignorance in a great part darkening all true knowledge Christ is our sunne whom wee behold in the true light of his Gospell whereof when the third part is darkened so farre is our sunne darkened to vs. The Moone and starres are they in whose hearts God so shineth as they are able to make the light of the knowledge of God to shine in the hearts of others in the face of Iesus The day is that light thus ministred from our sunne by these starres wherein we walke who are children of the day and not of the night For starres here must bee considered more as receiuing light from the sunne they dispense it to vs then for that they shine in the night And here the night signifieth that light which naturall men who are not children of the day but of the night yet haue in humane sciences liberall arts in comparison to the light of the Gospell but a night of darkenesse whereof now by this Trumpet came a great decay as in story is more then manifest Now as these euils are said to worke but on the thirde part in each kind to shew that the first degrees came on but in part so as first the loue and life of God abode in the most part of the Church as in the second degree yet the most part worshipped purely and in the third held still the Orthodox faith like as now in the fourth yet continued great measure of learning both in diuine and humane sciences Whereas in the next Trumpet al falleth to the height of euill and a totall and common Apostasie is set downe And therefore for preparation to it a heauie warning is giuen of a triple woe But this warning is by an Angell flying through the middest of heauen and so farre remoued from the perception of earthly men it being so farre and obscurely deliuered as few were capable thereof or aduerted it see Chapter 14. and 18. 1. Diuers learned and godly men of whome this Angell is the type saw the mischiefe comming on through these euils more and more preuailing and gaue warning of it euen Gregory Bishop of Rome saw so much and made him say Rex superbia prope est quod dicinefas est Sacerdotum est paratus exercitus and vbi est ille Antichristus qui appellationem vindicabit vniuersalis Episcopi cui Sacerdotum exercitus paratus est ad assectandum cum prope est in foribus Hee did hit very right for within little more then three yeeres after him his owne successor Boniface the third tooke to himselfe the title of Vniuersalis Episcopus which all the succeeding Bishops retaine and so by sufftage of a most famous Bishop of Rome they are that Antichrist CHAP. IX FOllow the heauier woes denounced in the fourth Trumpet to fall on the earthly sort on whome are all these iudgements from which the sealed ones are exempted Of these three the first is in this fift Trumpet euen that huge mischiefe of Antichrist to which height of iniquity the former euils were al 's many steppes The other two woes following in the 6. and 7. Trumpets are the consequences in God his iust indignation of this great woe the one for punishment to prouoke repentance in the 6. Trumpet which being ineffectuall to conuersion vpon obstinate impenitency verse 20. 21. the seuenth Trumpet bringeth the third great woe and last wrath to Antichrists vtter destruction 2 In this euill are the origine whence it ariseth and the euill it selfe the origine is first and secundarie arising of the first The first is the fall of a great star from heauen to the earth the type of Pastors of great marke falling from being heauenly to becom earthly from the true state of Saints to the state of the world and to the loue thereof from light to darkenesse from the keyes of the kingdome of heauen to the keyes of the bottomlesse pit Now as this fall was not in one instant or point of time nemo repente fit turpissimus but by degrees so is it not to be taken of one man personally but is the generall type of that euill wherein Pastors falling they became ignorant and ministers of darke ignorance out of which arose the mischiefe of Antichrist and his poysonable Armie the euill is the loue of the earth where through cometh this change of Keyes by an Apostasie and falling away of these who had beene starres of heauen and ministers of light as hauing the keyes of the kingdome of heauen to bee the ministers of other Keyes euen these of Gehenna This is that succession and these are the Keyes the Church of Rome and Bishoppes thereof so much bragge of as this whole prophesie euinceth clearely The secundary origine of the euill is darkenesse arising through this fall and change of Keyes and that in a strange degree for this darkenes is not in part as that of the fourth trumpet but it eclipseth all light actiue and passiue sunne and aire Christ is our sunne whose beames lighten our spirituall aire whereby wee both walke in light and draw in a pure breath for intertainement of our spirituall life This by this darkenesse of the bottomlesse pitte which arose through that pastors falling to the loue of earthly things lost the key of knowledge and became Ministers of darkenesse is wholy eclipsed so as all the face of the visible Church is darkened and common life in it corrupted The euill of the third Trumpet was by fall of a great starre but that fell in the fountaines and riuers so making them in a part bitter but here the desire of riches and loue of the earth maketh all erre from the faith 3
on the world which yet the sealed ones escape that by comparing wee may finde what a huge wisdome here in two words is comprised Now in all the story of old no such case occurreth but onely the deluge of Noah in all things semblable to this That was the onely generall plague wherewith euer at one time the whole world was punished and this darkenesse of Antichrist is a spirituall plague ouergoing once all the Christian world In that onely they escaped whom God sealed vp and inclosed in the Arke the type of his true Church here none escape but the sealed ones who are on Mount Sion with the Lambe while all the earth follow the beast That plague ouerwent the earth by opening the fountaines of the great depth Abyssi magnae Tehom Rabbah of the windows of heauen This by fall of a star from heauen opening the bottomles pit smoake bullering out therat ouergoeth all That by degrees grew till at length it ouerwent the highest mountaines fiue times three cubits this by degrees rose to ouerwhelme sunne and aire These waters preuailed ouer the highest mountaines fiue times thirty dayes that is fiue monethes this euill growing by degrees to a height shall haue a time of preuayling and obtaining place ouer all These waters preuailed not still but after an hundred and fifty dayes that is fiue monethes they beganne peece and peece to decrease til at length the earth was dried the Arke opened and the closed and sealed vp ones came forth and replenished the earth This euill after a time of preuailing ouer all shall abate and by the light of the Sunne of righteousnesse and wind of God his mouth by degrees bee consumed as by degrees it did grow and the true Church shall breake forth the Tabernacle of Testimony shall bee opened in heauen and these 144000. hid ones shall become a number innumerable with palmes in hands And as Elizabeth the mother of Iohn Baptist bearing the reproch of barrennes hid her selfe fiue Monethes thereafter to appeare with big bellie so in this preuailing euill of Locusts and their King Abaddon the true Church as barren shall lurke fiue monethes that is for a time to breake forth thereafter big with child Of these who should bee preachers of repentance from Antichristian workes and forerunners of the Lord his last comming as Iohn was of the first Finally as the waters of Noah was such an euill as neuer shall come againe and thereof the Rainebow made a Seale so the darkenesse of Antichrist once dispelled shal neuer againe ouergoe all for hee must goe to destruction And for this it is that agreeably thereto the great Angell comming to his ouerthrow in the next Chapter hath the Rainebow about his head Now weigh what plenty of light and depth of wisdom lye hid in these two words of fiue monethes which the spirit repeateth twice of purpose to waken our negligence to take it vp Of the other times wee shall speake in the owne place 6 This was the generall note of their limitation Now follow the properties of these Locusts whereby they are able to vexe first they are like horses not common horses but prepared to battell lusty f●d strong and fierce ouer comming all opponers Hereto they are strengthned by vsurped spirituall authority expressed in Crownes which are neither vpright in forme nor matter With this is ioyned hypocrisie for they look like men who measure their affaires by iudgement as full of reason and humanity For simulate modesty and simplicity and for force of alluring inticements they haue haire like women with faire and flattering speeches deceiuing the hearts of the simple and prouoking to spirituall fornication But vnder this they are cruell deuourers as hauing teeth of Lyons deuouring widdowes houses vnder colour of long prayers whiles within they are rauening Wolfes They are armed against all inuasion hauing priuiledges and immunities from all secular power shaking their tippets on Kings as being onely subiect to their King Abaddon Now al these make their inuasions terrible to the greatest they being therefore like horses and chariots rushing to battell and it is well knowne how the contesting with them hath often brought Princes to the pinche of their estates and their daily treasonable bloody attempts and suggestions against the liues of Princes proue this clearely All this is effectuate by the stings in their railes that is their poisonable doctrine The ancient and honourable man is the head and the false Prophet teaching lies is the tatle Isai 9. 15. 7 Thus is the Armie Their head is described from his state and his name agreeable thereto his state is that he is their King euen setting himselfe vp against the great King 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. Thess 2. the quality of this his Kingdome is shewed in that hee is the Angell of the bottomlesse pitte that is the Diuell his Lieuetenant for to him the Dragon giueth his throne and great authority Chap. 13. Hee is the man of sinne His name fit for such a King is destroyer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both for destroying the faith of others and for that hee goeth to destruction Chapter 17. Paul calleth him accordingly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hee goeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chapter 17. 11. It is wonder in so clear consent of scripture how any learned could doubt who here is described Hee is so called both in Hebrew and Greeke to shew that hee shall bee no proper head of Iewes or of Gentiles but a common deceiuer of both Iew and Gentile professing Christianity and whom at length both Iewes conuerted to the faith and Gentiles shall know and call the Antichrist when the place of his foile shall bee called in Hebrew Armageddon for euen in this that hee shall bee so called in Hebrew is implyed a prophesie of the conuersion of the Iewes as in the same sense Chap. 1. with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greeke is put Amen in Hebrew 8 This is the first great woe now said to bee gone the second to come anone in respect of their description here not that for euent in time this woe was fully past before the beginning of the next as is euident by the end of this Chapter where after the description of the sixt Trumpet the impenitency of men still continuing in Antichristian works is shewed so as the first woe holdeth on all the time of the second and this second woe had his beginning soone after the open beginnings of the first God so punishing sinne by sinne according to the growth and induration of men in the first impietie giuing the more free scope to the second till desperate obstinacie bringeth on the last woe and finall wrath for as the woe is not said to come till the height thereof at least in such degree as wherefore it may iustly bee esteemed the soarest iudgement in the time albeit in some degrees it hath beene working on before so the next woe comming
righteousnesse now so shining as in place of glorifying God by repentance and acknowledging of their errors and workes of darkenesse they as the Children of darkenesse and hating the light whereby their workes are reproued boile in despitefull rage and are burnt vp with enuie and malice as were the Pharisies at Christ his cleare doctrine and euident myracles and that Stephen hauing his face like the Sunne And they blaspheme God in blaspheming his truth and true Church speaking euill of the way of righteousnesse their desperate rage still increasing as the light groweth because induration in impenitency is a common effect of all these plagues In that showsoeuer God hath his owne single ones to pull out of that Kingdom yet the body is not reclamable but must goe to destruction Compare this with the fourth Trumpet The light of the Gospel is a plague and torment to the reprobate world as the two witnesses Chapter 11 were a vexation Here the first effect of this Vial is rage the second blasphemy 7 The first is on the throne of the Beast that is on his Kingdom as the next words interpret and as the whole frame of Scripture speech euinceth The throne of Dauid is for his Kingdome The Throne is established for the Kingdome is established Satan his throne Chap. 2. 13. for his kingdome The first effect heere of is their kingdome loseth the glory lustre pompe and wonted estimation and becommeth contemptible Whereupon the secundarie effect followeth in them of desperate sorrow expressed by a gesture of men extremly grieued Gnawing their tongues and obdnration in impenitency and blasphemy their●ores by the light of the sunne being more and more laid open and thereby their sorrow augmented For their workes see Chapter 9. And withall consider what a wise and iust retribution As by falling from heauen to the earth and from being starres of light to become ministers of darkenesse they opened the bottomlesse pit and let out darkenesse by the smoake thereof eclipsing all true light and so erecting the kingdome of darkenesse So heere by the cleere arising light of the sunne of righteousnesse all the earthly and worldly account of their Kingdome becommeth contemtible and is darkened And as by the doctrine of darkenesse they like Scorpions stinging men tormented their consciences so the light op●ned and discouering their treachery tormenteth them with anguish and sorrow This effect both first and secondary we see already in great part but shall yet see more For albeit these plagues heere haue their owne degrees for order of working yet still the former hold on with the subsequent till all together in the ende bring finall destruction 8 The sixth viall is notable in many circumstances It is poured on Euphrates the effect is drying the waters thereof This effect is for a speciall end that the way of the Kings of the East may be prepared Against this effect and apparent sequell thereof a great endeauour is shewed and the euent thereof The endeauour is of the principals Dragon Beast and false Prophet by their instruments a pestilent broode and well resembling their origine foule spirits and spirits of Diuels so is their qualitie Their dealing is to goe to the Kings of the Earth strangers from heauen whom they may perswade importunely cronting like frogges night and day in their eares Their force of perswasion is by working signes thus to shew them to bee fase Prophets seducing The ende of this their endeauour is to gather these earthly Kings together in their purpose to vphold their tottering Kingdome now threatning a fall and to impede the apparant effect to which this Viall maketh preparation but which God shall turne to an other fine then they purpose euen to be glorified in their iust destruction as the euent prooueth Now both in respect of the great danger to be deceiued and misled by these frogs and of the great day of God his wrath to come on them so much the more perrilous as it should come like a thiese in the night warning is giuen to watch and hold the true faith whereby putting on Christ and girding him to vs as with a golden girdle we be not found naked and so ashamed but blessed through our garment The euent of all this their busie trauell is expressed in this that they gathered them to a place called in Hebrue Armageddon 9 Now because for the most part the effect and sequels of this Viall are yet to come in seeking the accommodation we must walke warily as the light of holy writ may leade vs. Euphrates properly is that great Riuer whereon Babylon properly so called did stand and wherto it serued for beauty commodity and fortification It was also the march bordering Dauid his kingdome on the East separating and in a manner debarring the Easterne peoples therefrom To both these considerations in this allusion the spirit hath respect In the 51. of Ieremy prophecying the destruction of Babylon hee threatneth that he will dry vp her waters Thence hither to the destruction of the mysticall Babylon the speech is brought In the next Chapter the whore Babylon is said to sit on many waters Which are interpreted Kings Nations Peoples and Tongues To shew in great dominion and authority great dignity and strength The drying vp then of her waters is the decay of her authority dominion glory and power by the substraction of these from her obeience in whom was her strength and fortification Euen that same which Chapter 17. is expressed by eating her flesh and making her naked Thus fitly for this respect and yet more for the second the drying of Euphrates is heere mentioned in a depth of wisdome to shew how that Riuer bordering the kingdome of Dauid on the East and set betwixt the Easterne Kings and the blessed land being dried vp the Kings of the East should therethrough haue easie accesse thereto the debarring impediment being remoued The sense is As Antichrist his rising was the occasion of darknes and defection from the Gospell to Mahometisme in the East and of the obstinate abiding of Iewes who are most part in the East and whom specially heere the spirit pointeth at as the euent cleareth in their infidelity and as the greatnesse and power of Antichrist still debarreth both from embracing the Gospell as Euphrates flowing ouer all his bankes and so letting all free passage to the Kingdome of Dauid both Iewes and Mahometans through the superstition idolatry and corruption of the Romish Church abhorring Christianity so now her waters being with the heat of the sunne of righteousnesse dried vp an open way shall bee prepared for them to receiue the Gospell I know how some from the story of Cyrus and Darius King of the East diuerting the course of Euphrates and so surprising Babylon thinke this allusion taken to shew how mysticall Babylon shall in like manner be destroied by Easterne Kings But the spirit of God fetcheth nothiug from Xenophon or Herodotus but all his allusions
and the light of the Sunne seuenfold 23 The tenour of the proclamation in a figuratiue speech from Ezechiel sheweth so certaine and an exceeding great destruction of the Beast and his aiders as they their states great roomes rents and substance should bee a prey and that in such degree of hauocke as all giuen to reiffe or seeking after prey should bee filled I shewed Chapt. 17. what it is to eat the flesh of the Whore but heere is such a strange ranuersing of the state of the world as no doubt falleth by that earth-quake of the seuenth Viall And out of all question the totall ruine of that state must change the face of the world in so great endeauors of hell and heauen for it and against it 24 Thus is the party victorious Followeth the aduersary and his foile The aduersary to any that seeth not him who iudgeth and fighteth righteously will appeare great Euen that wonderfull Beast Chapt. 13. bearing vp the Whore Chapt. 17. and now in great chafe at her fall by his frogges gathering the Kings of the earth Armageddon The first party was from heauen and his host heauenly Heere the leader is the Beast of the bottomlesse pit which was opened for his out-comming as were the heauens for the others and his hosts are all earthly For albeit many of his hornes haue fallen away from him ere now and ioyned to the host of heauen yet hee is euen at this point through the diligence of his frogges strengthened with many Kings 25 So are the parties The euent of the battell in the Beast his foile is declared in few words without any mention of a conflict but of a proud and obstinate purpose to fight against the rider on the white horse For they shall be blind and obdured to the end as is cleare by the effects in them of the Vials Chapt. 16. And the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hee was intrapped or snared Implyeth in it as an easie victory for the part of him that rideth the white horse so a sudden and vnexpected foile to the Beast and his followers For he dreameth of perpetuity as also staying vpon him the Whore I sit beeing a Queene and am no widdow and shall see no mourning Chap. 18. 7. 26 Their iudgement is distinct according to the diuers qualitie of the parties The Head Beast and false Prophet are cast in the lake of fire and brimstone and that a liue to shew a most horrible and recurelesse iudgement by allusion to that of Sodome and of Core Dathan and Abiram who went downe aliue in the pit Euen eternall destruction and torment The followers are slaine by the sword of the Lord his mouth to the losse of all their glory and worldly state which is made a prey to others Onely by this difference to shew how this great Captaine iudgeth and fighteth righteously giuing to each according to the degree of their sinne For no doubt but euen at this point many shall follow the Beast and fall from their estates by his fall whom yet by destruction of their flesh the Lord may reclaime from the full degree of his punishment in lightning them to see the truth As many also shall drinke with him of the cup of endlesse wrath 27 That the Beast and false Prophet are heere made two is only to shew the ruine of the Head and State with him For as the false Prophet ruling ouer the State is the Beast so being distinctly considered from the State he is the false Prophet As the first and second Beast are Cha. 13 distinguished but for explication So this is put to shew in such sort the fall of the false Prophet the eight heade and one of the seuen the beast with hornes like the lambe making the image of the Beast by cure of his deadly wound as state and all shall perish eternally For as this Beast hath some note from all the foure in Daniel so in the destruction of this the spirit alludeth to that of these Who all so fell as yet in the destruction of the last which was burnt with fire the finall ouerthrow was of thē all the state of the former in some sort remaining in the succeeding Beast as this Beast here falling in the first heads yet still continued in the subsequent till in this last head the Beast going to destruction it vtterly perished In Babels fall by Persia and Media yet in them the Kingdome in a sort continued Darius of the Medes taking the Kingdome Dan. 5. 31. And in their ouerthrow by Alexander who despising Macedon setled both in their places and to their fashions as also in his successors after his fall the domination of the former beasts in some sort abode But the fourth Beast falling al vtterly perished See and weigh Dan. 7. 11. 12. for there is the allusion One thing here is worth the marking that in the false Prophets working which maketh his guiltinesse and is heere recorded both to know the party and his iust punishment his deceit in making men receiue the Beast his character and to worship him is only mentioned and no word of his name or number as neither are they euer spoken of in his iudgement either denounced or spoken of The reason see vpon Chap. 14. Sect. 8. Now we must not imagine here one certaine place or one point of time of all this the Beast his endeauor and foile as neither in the next Chapter of the Dragons For their we see how Gog and Magog are from the foure quarters of the earth all Satan his instruments of his last fury and in all places As for the name attributed to the place of foile Chapt. 16. Armageddon wee shewed the reason there And it is wheresoeuer the Lambe fighteth and ouercommeth Albeit out of doubt their last endeauors shall be strange and their fall conioined with such wonderfull broiles and alterations of the State of the world as was not since men inhabited the earth And then the fattest karkasse shal be the finest prey Blessed are they who come to the supper of the Lambe his marriage For who come not are made a supper And who will not feede on the Lambe are iustly made foode to the fowels of heauen CHAP. XX. WEe haue heard the iudgement of the Whore and the Beast her aduancer but for a perfit victory is requisite also the destruction of the Dragon that great and Master enemie as of whose Kingdome and authority the Beast who made all the Whores credit was onely the suffragant That is in this Chapter set foorth in two degrees of his captiuity whereof the last is absolute to eternall destruction Now as captiuity implyeth euer a fore-going liberty whereof it is the priuation so heere a twofold liberty or loosing is to bee taken vp according to the two degrees of restraint The first liberty it was not needfull that heere it should be recorded beeing largely declared in the 12. Chapter From which liberty
not designing any one particular person as the head of impiety a perfect and vnrecouerable destruction of them both both in God his iustice and for the Churches full security was requisite To the Reader HEere should haue followed the like Commentary vpon the two last Chapters 〈◊〉 vpon the former but for some speciall reasons they are omitted Vse that which heere thou hast with an vpright heart and giue glory to God A TABLE CONTAIning the most notable things in this booke A Rule for right Accommodation of Story to the seuen seales of this booke 41 The wrong ground whereby men marre the Accommodation 46 How farre time must bee lookt to in the Accommodation 89 The Aire 170 Our Altar Christ 37. 60. 81 The Ambition of the Romane Bishops 65 Angels are about the Church for two respects to protect her and to learne wisdome by her 29. 30 Angels are not to be worshipped 210. Angels put for the name of office not of nature 59. The Angel of the couenant 50 59 Antichrist his beginning 70 Whence and in what manner hee arriseth 118 119. 120 175. The mischiefe comming by him compared with the floud of Noah 77. His name 79. The number of his name 124. What sort of enemie he is 137 140. That he is the Pope 113 183 185. Acommon deceiuer of alboth Iewes and Gentiles 80. How he hath not power to slaie men and yet with him is found all the blood shed on the earth 72. 84. How farre he did preuaile 139. How to iudge of his followers 136 137 141. The first and second degrees of his fall 157. The third degree of his fall 158. The fourth 160 The fift wherein is a wise and iust retribution 161. The sixth 163. His destruction irrecouerable and vtter ruine 78 89 165 177 218. His vnexpected foile 218. His irrecouerable fall compared with the fals of the Beasts in Daniel 219. Armageddon 165 Christ his Arrowes kill all but differently 34 A diuine Artifice of the spirit 160 The Attire of the Bride 208 B BArbarous nations ouerturners of the Romane Empire although Satan his intention in spewing them out of his mouth was farre other 110 A great Battell in heauen 103 108 Why men are named Beasts 123 That the first Beast is the state of Rome not vnder the persecuting Emperours as the common opinion is but of the same time and condition with the second Beast that is vnder the Popedome it is prooued by foure cleere notes of the first Beast proper to the Popedome The first note 113. The second the third and the fourth note cleerest of all 114. How the same Antichrist to wit the Popedome is set fourth in both the Beasts 118. 121. What reason the Beast and false Prophet be distinguished seeing they are but one 121. 177. 178 ●18 What the wound in the sixth head of the Beast was and the curing of it 116. 117. In what respect but seuen heads are attibuted to the Beast albeit in number they bee eight 118. 176. Who is the seuenth head of the Beast 122. 177. The Beast is the eight head and one of the seuen to wit the sixt 116. 122. 176. Who the Beast is 123. 178. His seuen heads 175. How he had beene and then in Iohn his daies was and how hee was to come and what bee the Kings called his Heads 176. The hornes of the Beast 179. Why to this Beast is attributed not only hornes as to that in Daniel 7. but further also heads 179 The Beast in comparison set against Christ 217 Beasts throne and elders 20. 202 Christ his garment dipt in Blood 214 Pope Boniface the eight 231 The Bookes opened in the last iudgement 235. 236 The Bride her preparation 206. Her attire 207. 208 C THe degrees of a true inward Calling to the ministry 91 The length of the Land of Canaan 144 The Captaine of the Lord his Host 214 His power to doe all things 213 The Character of the Beast 124. 136. 219 Christ in diuers respects is both God sitting on the throne and also the Lamb standing betweene the throne and the Beast and Elders 13. He is dispenser of all both mercy and wrath 60. His comming downe from heauen 85 He is Lord of Sea and Land 87. Hee commeth in his Kingdome with power 107. 110. His garments dipt in blood 214. He is our Garment 162 The Church her constant gracefull state in the presence of God in her 12. In her goodly state heerethrough 13. In God his dispensation terrible for her 14. And gracious towards her in three graces 15. Her happinesse by this state 20 Without the true Church is neither saluation nor any true knowledge 24 The true Church preserued euen vnder Antichrist 53. 71 Her case vnder him 93. 137. And it is shewed in three distinct speeches 138 The Church her enemies and sufferings after what manner they be described in this Prophecie 104 The primitiue Church her habit and her trauelling in birth 105. Her flight to the wildernesse 190. Why she is called a mountaine 166 The Church her estate in the last daies 261 That the last two Chapters of the Reuelation must bee vnderstood of the Church militant 264 The Roman Clergy 70. 196 Their properties 78 A Cloud a note of diuine maiesty 86 A delightful Cōgruity in the order of God his working 164 Conscience the twofold state thereof the intollerable torment thereof comming by Popish Doctrine 72. 73 Constantine the great 44. 109 Contention set foorth by fire the effects thereof 62 How it was among the Churchmen 63 The Course of the Reuelation 32. 101. 142. 153. 232 And of the Trumpets 61 The Artifice thereof noted 84. 90. 100. 101 The Cry of soules of Martyrs 37 The Dragon his Crownes are vpon his heads but the Beast his vpon his hornes 113 Christ hath many Crownes 213 The Cup. 135. 136 D THe Day of Iudgement shall come on a secure world 169 Death of two kinds 64 Of a third ki●de 67 Death first and second 223 224 To Dye in the Lord. 142 Desire of further k●owledge 49 The threefold Dignity of God his Saints 14 Dioclesianus a cruel persecuter 43 What Disposition is requisite for the perception of Diuine Mysteries 173 A Doore open in heauen 9. How wee must enter thereat and the necessity and fruit of entring 10 Our Doore to God is Iesus Christ 259 The Dragon who and of what time he is 105 His binding and to whom he is bound 222. 228 E THat great Eagle 109 The Earth in opposion to heauen for the earthly sort 10 For the place of the visible Church 49 The Earth in an other third sense 156 The loue of the Earth the effect thereof 70 A great and strange Earthquake 170 The East a pleasant discourse vpon the comming of the Angel from the East 50 The occasion of the falling away of the East from the truth and their con●ersion againe 163 To Eate the word of God 91 To Eate the flesh of the
Whoore. 181 The E●●s of Christ as a flame of fire 212 Elders Throne and Beasts 202 Romane Emperors bloody persecuters and how some were forced to honour the Saints 48 The Germaine Emperors 175. 179 The Graecian Emperors 178 The Enemies of the Church in the old and new Testament 104. 145 Example 193 F HOw to iudge of our Fathers in time of Antichrist 136 141 Fire from the Altar of a double effect 60 Fire of Gods spirit of loue and the fire of contention the different companions and effects of the two fires 62 The Fire of Ambition 63 Fire Brimstone and Iacinthe 83 The Fire of Christs feet 86 To haue power ouer Fire 146 How the Fire is mingled with the Sea 150 Christ his eies a flame of Fire 212 The Flood cast out of the Dragon his mouth 109 Flying through the middest of heauen 68. 134. 187 Frogges comming out of the mouthes of the Dragon Beast and false Prophet 161. 162 Their properties 164 Who they are 165 Fulminatrix legio 43 G CHrist his Garment dipt in Blood 214 His neme written on his Garment 216 Our Gate and onely doore to God is lesus Christ 259 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 254 God his seate in his Church his nature and Trinity of that one shadowed by three Iewels 12 His patience 82 Gog and Magog 233 That they are not particularly the Turkes who they are 242. 243. 244. 245 Golden Vials 27. 153 The three Graces of God towards his Church 15 Pope Gregory the seuenth 229 H THe mourning of Hadadrimon 167 Haile for cold preaching 62 For iudgement 99 Heretikes their disposition 66 Haleluiah 200 Harpes 27. 148 Haruest 145 Heauen in opposition to earth throughout this Prophecie is taken for the true Church in opposition to the worldly sort 10 Heauen put for the glory and honour of the great men of the earth 40 Amultitude in Heauen 200 The Heauens cast wide open 211 Hornes 26 Why the Beast is said to haue two hornes like the Lambs seeing to the Lambe are attributed seuen 115 Tenne hornes of the Dragon and of the Beast 123. 179 The difference betweene the tenne hornes Daniel 7. and the tenne hornes Reuel 13. and 17. 179 Why the hornes of the Beast haue crownes and not the hornes of the Dragon 113 Horses 33 The Host of heauen 215 I ALlusion to the fall of Iericho to the fal of Babel 100 Iesuits the origine their busie endeauours their date they are the last puffe of Satan his mouth and of the Vicar of his throne 165 The conuersion of the Iewes 80. 164. 167 But most euidently 168 139 Whether they shall inhabit their owne Landagaine 168 How great a way the Popes fall shall make to their conuersion 169 Their conuersion and ioy vpon his fall 201. 206 Iohn disposed the Canon before his death 269 The Impenitency and Induration of Papists 160. 161 The ordinary degrees of true Illumination 25 How we should looke on the condition of the Church of Israel in the old Testament 245 What is requisite to Iudge righteously 212 A description of the last Iudgement 234. 235 The manner of processe in the last Iudgement how it shall be ledde by that which is written in the bookes and yet according to our workes set foorth not for it selfe or time thereof but to shew the continuall recurelesse and finall destruction of the enemies and goodly state of the Church thereupon holding still one to the last Iudgement and so eternall 236. 237 The yeere or age of that day cannot determinatly bee gathered vpon any ground in Scripture 241 Iulian. 229 K KIngs 194 King of Kings and Lord of Lords 215 The Keies which the Popes haue to wit of the bottomlesse pit 70 Christ and his Ministers haue these same Keies in a farre different sense 221 L THe Lambe of God 27 In what respect the Lambe his slaughter is the reason of his worthinesse 28 The Lambe his mariage 206 Seuen burning Lamps 15 Legio fulminatrix 43 Lightnings thundrings and voices 14 True Light bringeth euer true ioy 24 White Linen apparel 153 Where our Church was before Luther 140 Lions Buls and Cherubins in Salomon his Temple types of the Ministers of the word 18 Two Lions of diuers qualities 24 M MAgeddon or Megiddon 165. 166 Mahomet his time of rising by what meanes he spred his doctrine the swift course of the victories of his successors 82 A Man 42 The face of a Man 17. 78 A Man-childe 106 The number of a Man 126 The measure of a Man 257 Of an Angel 258 The Marriage of the Lambe 206 The soules of the Martyrs cry 77 The Merchants and Merchandize of Rome 195 God euen in wrath remembreth Mercy 60 Ministers of God his word are necessary for begetting in vs the life of God 16 The properties requisite in them 17 The light and feeling that ought to be in them 88 They are the light of the world 188 The degrees of a true inward calling of a Minister 91 The type of the Ministers who were first open contesters with Antichrist in three rankes 133. 134. 135 How they were persecuted 141 True Ministers haue power ouer fire 146 Myracles 151 Christ is our Morning starre 267 Why the Church is called a Mountaine 166 Mourning must goe before ioy 23 The Mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Mageddon 167 The Mystery of God the finishing thereof 88 89 99. 155 What is requisite for the perception of Mysteries 173 A Mystery where of the Author in sobernesse confesses bee dare not determine 12. Another 232. Another 258. N ANtichrist his Name 79 Christ hath a Name which none knoweth but himselfe 213 His Name King of Kings 215 His Name the Word of God 214 To haue the Name written on the garment and one the thigh 216 A New World 241 How Christ reneweth the world 252 The Night for humane sciences 68 Noah his flood semblable to the euil of Antichrist 77 Number of the Elders twenty foure the reason thereof 13 The Number of foure 17. 49 In an other respect 81 The Number of twelue 120. 128 The Number of the name of the Beast 124 The Number of the name of God 125 O VVHat makes the Obduration of Papists 173 Odoacer King of the Heruls 17 Our praiers are Odours 27 How and in whom they are Odours 59 The Order of the Reuelation 32. 142. 153. 232 The great artifice thereof 48. 90. 94. 98. 100. 101 P HOw to iudge of Papists 136. 137. 141 The cause why Papists be so obdured 147 Their vnity 180 Papisticall seducers may be iustly punished by death yea and should be 159 Their impenitency 160. 161 Their desperate sorrow because of the light of the Gospel 161 Christ his feete are Pillars 86 Pharao a type of the Dragon 104 That the Pope is Vicar of Satan his throne 112 That he is the Beast that Antichrist 113 It is also proued by three infallible tokens 183 And by a plaine and forcible argument euinced 185
were happy but vpon defect hereof they are taxed that hauing a name that they liue they are dead that their works are not perfect in Christ his sight Howsoeuer among them God hath his number whose hearts and liues are answerable to their profession To whom is promised that they shall walke with Christ in white And the rest are warned to repent and watch least he come vpon them in an howre that they know not 10 Philadelphia hath an open dore set before her into which to enter for any humane aide shee is of little strength but what Christ openeth none shal be able to shut and what he shutteth none shall be able to open so that at the feet of this Church notwithstanding her little strength yet the enemies are faine to bow and giue their names And hereupon shee hath the promise to be established as a pillar not to goe out any more and that on her Christ will write his name c. So as to haue this honour permanent to bee Christ his true Church that new Ierusalem from heauen which shall neuer be moued 11 In Laodicea they thinke themselues so setled gifted and strengthned as they become secure and vainely presumptuous This bringeth in a cold indifferency in matters of God his worship men becōming Luke warme and neither cold nor hot the very next sexe to plaine Atheisme Christ for soueraigne medicine against this euill calleth vp to his true riches wisdome banquet and hope of his throne whereto we attaine by fighting and ouercomming as did our Head CHAP. IIII. THe second part of this propheticall narration is henceforth to the 6. of the last Chapter of things to fall out after the time wherein Iohn had this reuelation and concerning first and properly the whole militant Church 2 In this is first the preparation of the Apostle to the perception of these mysteries and then the things reuealed The preparation is in the first and beginning of the 2. vers of this Chap. and is by sight by inuiting voice and the euent of both in Iohn 3 In the first besides the thing which he seeth are two circumstances of time and the seer his disposition The time is after the perception of the former things wherein no intermission is to be imagined but onely the order of manifestation noted all being but one continuall trance vpon one and the same Lord his day The seer his disposition is that he yet looked shewing a holy desire and earnestnesse not resting in things already seene but intending still his eies to see more Which disposition beeing in sobriety and sincere affection is neuer fruitlesse in any That which for preparation Iohn seeth is an open doore in heauen a signe of an entrie opened vnto him to the sight of heauenly things which neither are earthly nor of earthly mindes comprehended Thus Iohn Baptist saw the heauens opened so did Stephen the first Martyr Iacob vpon such a sight called L●z Bethel the house of God and gate of heauen and the Lord most plainely shewing what by this frame of speech is meant when hee would tell of a more plentifull dispensation and sight of heauenly things hereafter saith he yee shall see the heauens open 4 In the inuiting voice are two what the voice was euen one and the same of a trumpet which first spake to him Chap. 1. And next what the voice vttered wherein is the commandement and end thereof The commandement is Come vp hither whereby is required in Iohn and all hearers and readers hereof a rising aboue themselues from the earth and all earthly affections to enter at the doore opened by God to see his secrets For as God his true Church consisteth of such as are not of the world so neither is God his dispensation towards them neither their gracefull state thereby to naturall and worldly men perceptible And heereof it is that throughout this Prophesie heauen in opposition to the earth is taken for the state of the true Church as the earth is for the worldly sort The end of the commandement is that he might shew him things which must bee done heereafter which sort of things are most difficile to know and yet we must desire to vnderstand But the Lord doth nothing but that he reuealeth to his seruants the Prophets 5 The euent in Iohn cleereth the end of the commandement This euent is he is rauished in spirit not as if this were an other trance the former being past but to shew a further intending of spirit and degree of rauishment now requisite for perception of more hidde and retired matters then were the former which were first properly of things then in earth existēt concerned particular and visible Churches whereas the things following are not only future but concern first and properly the whole militant which with the eies of faith we must behold as also her condition And this is to all flesh impossible to whom God openeth not heauen yea and whom he bringeth not vp and to whom he sheweth not the same when they are come thither For in these matters before we enter in the Lord his Sanctuary wee are but beasts Psalm 73. 17. 22. 6 This is the preparation The things offered to Iohn his perception follow thorow the rest of the booke and haue two parts For as the whole concerneth chiefly the state of God his Church and God his administration in grace towards her and wrath against her troublers so before the story of speciall euents is put in this and the next Chapter a goodly vision of the generall condition of God his Church and his administration for and towards her As we see in the beginning of the prophesie of Ezechiel the like vision of God his generall administration in the world and as before the first part of this propheticall narration a vision was put to shew the operation of Christ in his Church The first part then of the two is in this and the next Chapter and may well be called a generall introduction to the speciall story The other part hath the story of speciall euents to the 6. of the last Chapter 7 In the introduction are first a goodly type of the Church militant as in and against all troubles it hath and euer shall stand stable through God her King in the midst of her resident and his generall dispensation towards her gratious and for her terrible in this Chapter And next his particular dispensation of this present reuelation and things therein for her instruction and comfort the excellent dignity of which particular benefit is by many arguments shewed in the 5. Chap. And both these are here for great vse The first for stablishing the heart of Iohn and all Christians against the manifold dangers wrestlings decaies and apparent eclipses of the Church in the course of the subsequent story by setting downe in type such a state thereof as whereto alwaies at least with the eie of faith wee
from Christ his owne words I called the beginnings of sorrowes being taken whole and together are anteriour both in consideration and in time to the euill of the seuenth seale and sixe trumpets thereof as whereby are shewed the iudgements of God against the open rage of the Dragon in his ministers the Roman Emperours by all the degrees thereof till induration at length bringeth this ruine and as the the second great euill of the seuenth seale and sixe trompets thereof taken whole according to that height of mischiefe whereto it grew is posterior both in consideration and time to the former so in comparing parts the second in some first degrees of her grouth is before the full end of the first Heere is the deceit that men thinke the effects of the sixe seales must haue a full end before the opening of the seuenth vpon their forelaid preiudice For euen in the time of Satan his first open rage he was busie hatching the second euill the mysterie of iniquity working euen then albeit before it could be reueled or come to any great height that which with-held behoued to bee taken out of the way the sixt head behoued to be wounded deadly and the seuenth rising by the wound euanish in a short space that the eighth by cure of that deadly wound the beast which was and is not and yet is might bewhich all the world and perish in the cup of the last wrath So that Areth as saith fitly that this sixth seale maketh way to the Antichrist who though he was before this well farre aduanced yet the holy Ghost deliuereth his who●e grouth in the seuenth seale thus distinguishing diuers cases and not preciselie cutting times And the next Chapter containing summarily the whole story of the seuenth seale before it bee opened for particular explication sheweth that as that mischiefe was in some degrees working on in time of the sixt seale so this Prophecie is penned for clearing of matter and not for calculation of times Albeit each euill considered in the height thereof and taken whole and together is deliuered according to their order in time 16 The summe then of all this Chapter is that the Gospell going forth in power should by Satan stirring the Empire of Rome against it so bee resisted as God in his iustice should punish that state with sending bloody both intestine and forraigne warres strange famines and grieuous pestilences seuerally and iointly and all his ordinary plagues Notwithstanding which they should stil so grow in cruelty against the professors of the Gospell as in God his iustice required no lesse then full and finall vengeance the patience of Saints being extreamly proued Which vengeance in respect that for good considerations in God his wise administration specially for fulfilling the sufferings of Saints and therein the cup of the enemies iniquity it was to bee for a space delaied left the Saints thereupon should be tempted aboue measure God gaue them in that time great relaxation from persecution and high account before men And soone after in such degree as in the time might witnesse his wrath euen to the consciences of the aduersaries indured against all the former iudgements hee powreth a great measure of indignation vpon that bloody sta●e giuing it so a deadly wound CHAP. VII THe sixeseales opened exhibited the particular types of the first sorrowes The seuenth is to bring foorth so huge an euill as the heart of Iohn and all hearers and readers were to bee strengthened against the horror thereof Herefore it is that before the seale be opened to the manifestation of so many degrees of a detestable mischiefe in this Chapter a summary view is giuen of the rest of this Prophesie in a generall type of the euill arising of the prouident care of Christ to preserue to himselfe a Church vnder and in the midst thereof the victory of the Church ouer this euill and her gracefull state thereupon Thus not onely by a timous praeception of deliuerance from so dangerous a case fortifying hearts which otherwaies at long and particular explication thereof without this praemunition might haue fainted but also by this order of handling in proponing these things before the opening of the seuenth seale whereof they are the proper euents implying not obscurely that this second great euill was euen in time of the former sorrowes greatly aduanced 2 The mischiefe is shewed in foure ministers of indignation by their number place and action portending plainely that euill which at more length and particularly in the sixe trumpets is exponed Against which inconuenience vpon the world how Christ entertaineth his Church during the time of the euill is declared to the 9. verse From thence to the end of the Chapt. is first the Church her victory at length in the seuenth trumpet and seuen vials thereof declared and next her gracefull state thereupon which is amplie in the 21. and 22. Chap. inlarged heere both summarily proponed 3 The number of these ministers of indignation is foure for the foure corners of the earth See Chapt. 4. their place the foure corners of the earth to shew an euill which in the height of it should ouergoe all as is cleere in the fifth trumpet and end of the 13. Chapter Their action is to hold the forue windes c. Windes when they are tempestuous are noysome but blowing temperately and mildly they bring a sweet influence of fertility to the earth and of purification both to sea and aire We liue by emitting and indrawing of breath and without wind all things would putrifie Hence in Scripture to signifie the influence of spirituall graces speeches are borrowed Ioh. 3. Act. 2. Cant. 4. Arise ô South and come ô North blow on my garden c. See Ezech. 37. 9. whence most cleerely this speech is in this sense The with-holding then of windes signifieth the restraint of spirituall life and grace The earth sea and trees are also typicall as is euident in the fifth trumpet Chapt. 9. where the maine point of this foreshewed euill taking exec●tion the ministers thereof are interdicted hurting of these trees who had the seale of God on their fore-heads This frame of speech is also from the practise of enemies in extreme destructions As of Israel Iuda and Edom against Moab Marring euery good field stopping euery fountaine of water and felling euery good tree 2. King 3. 19. Destroying so the fields wherein the moysture whereby and the things themselues which in fields and by moysture doe grow The ea●th then is the place of the visible Church wherein are trees good and bad some bearing fruit some but leaues but as heere it is hurt by this plague it signifieth onely the earthly ones who are in it but not of it for the sealed ones are not of the earth but albeit in the earth yet the citizens of heauen The Sea is the common worship wherein men are ioyned pure or impure as it falleth through the lothsomenesse or deadlinesse of
for discerning the kingdome fiue hauing ere then fallen and two not as yet risen The second beast is put onely for cleare explication of the condition nature quality and working of this last head considered a part and by it selfe and how this great worke of quickning that mortally wounded kingdome or beast is wrought by it so as vnder it the Beastreuiueth and now howsoeuer for discerning the kingdome all the heads be mentioned commeth only to bee considered in that state and respect in which for great diuersity from the former condition before the wound yea and before the the cure this head is in a sort a different beast as hauing this singular in shape that it is like the Lambe in working that it doth by signes and wonders in condition that the beast vnder it is rather an image of the former then the same and yet a liuely image therefore called the eight head and one of the seuen In which respect but seuen heads are attributed to the beast albeit in number there be eight That the first riseth out of the sea and the second out of the earth it is but to note the different manner of rising of the last head and state vnder it from the rising of the Beast in all his former conditions and heades They both in their distinct manner of rising haue this common that they are from below For albeit the earth and sea in degree of account with other creatures as the fountaines sunne moone starres Chap. 9. and. 16. according to the effects wrought in them and that wherof they in these degrees are the types are to bee taken so as agreeth with the course of the mystery as in these places is declared Yet when Sea and Earth are set in opposition to heauen as heer and Chapter 10. when the Angell descending from heauen for ouerthrow of this beast setteth his feet on the sea and earth whence in distinct consideration the beast ariseth And Chapter 12. reioyce O heauens woe to the Inhabitants of sea and earth then things arising from sea and earth must bee taken as Christ speaketh to the Iewes Yee are from below I am from aboue And euen the foure beasts in Daniel whose whole ferity cruelty fraud and destroying power is in this one whom in the beginning of his seuenth Chapter hee seeth rise out of the sea are said in that same chapter verse 17. to arise out of the earth as all one thing except that as the earth sheweth the origine to be earthly and from below so the sea sheweth their rising to bee of the troubles tossings and alterations of the earth whose commotions are compared to the stormy sea and according to this to shew the peaceable and calme estate of the Church vpon vtter destruction of this Beast it is saide Chapter 21. that there was no more sea Then this second Beast is said to rise out of the earth not onely for that it was from below for so is the whole beast first last throught the star falling from the heauen chap. 9 But because this last head howsoeuer the beast or kingdome of Rome considered absolutely riseth out of the sea in the particular consideration thereof by it selfe and apart arose in a farre different manner from all the former which all arose by great commotions and sensible alterations but this last head arose slily subtlely and almost insensibly by slow degrees as things that grow through the earth and so became head of that Kingdome which vnder it is the beast going to destruction See Steuchus against Valla. Paulatim imperare incipiebat religio habenas imperij caper● ius suum acquirere nihil subitum nihil tumultuarium Where the second beast is said to worke before the first beast it is not to bee taken for impudent or violent vsurpation but according to the Phrase of Scripture as Iohn Baptist to goe before Christ And this is onely for clearenesse of explication of him and his manner who maketh the Image as trauelling with all sedulous endeauour by lying signes to conciliate authority honour and submission to that state vnder himselfe as head thereof Neither hereupon must wee thinke the second beast working to bee an other from him before whom hee worketh except so farre as the spirit so will distinguish betwixt the Kingdome wholly and absolutely and this last head peculiarly considered in comparison to the former and as after a deadly wound hee quickneth so that state again as hee procureth to it worship of Nations In one word the first beast is the Kingdom of Rome vnder the Pontificality the second beast is the Pontificality wonderfully quickning the wounded beast to that estate therfore Chapter 17 but one beast euen this first is put and called the eighth head so euidently telling vs that both are one and the same except in consideration as I haue said According to this it is that hereafter the beast is distinguished from the false Prophet not that they are two as many fondly imagine but onely to take vp so the State and Kingdome as the false Prophet is heade therof so the false Prophet as he is head of that state See vpon Chapter 17. Sect. 11. 18. and 19. Sect. 27. These two beasts then are to expresse one and the same state euen Antichrist in his Kingdome and in himselfe head thereof both for condition and time For from the Pope his first degree of rising hee neuer got any such crossing as for which it might bee said of him that hee should abide a short space Chapter 17. For euen in the most miserable times of Rome by the Gothes hee not onely retained his old got account but was still labouring to aduance the credite of his Chaire as his supercilious dealings in these selfe times with forrain Churches sufficiently proueth And whatsoeuer hinderance bee had by Gothik tiranny from rising to the height hee after attained to it is too weake a ground to say of him that hee abode a short space thus to make him both the seuenth and eight head against cleare Text which maketh the seuenth to bee soone gone and if such had beene the meaning of the holy Ghost he might much both clearelier and easier haue called him the eight and seuenth then the eight and one of the seuen thus clearely implying which of the seuen hee meaned to wit that whose deadly wound by his arising hee cu●ed and made vppe thus so liuely an Image of the beast as hee may iustly therefore be counted one and the same with it that is with the sixth whome for glory account worship of Nations and Monarchike state hee resembleth liuely and the Kingdome vnder him the Kingdome then The mistaking of the seuenth head maketh all the errour and in such light of Storie agreeing fitly with this Prophesie it is wonder that all should haue erred This is certaine that Caesars are the sixth head that which then was and before which fiue Kings Consuls Dictators Decemuirs
first two For the voice of the Lord is mighty the voice of the Lord is glorious it breaketh the Cedars and maketh the wildernesse to tremble But in his Temple only men speake of his glory Psalm 29. This gracious dispensation incredible and vnseene to the world which could not therefore learne the song of praise thereupon was in the 11. Chap. expressed by two witnesses which for dispensing grace and light were two oliue Trees and two Candlestickes in the Temple while it seemed impossible that any such could bee Antichrist brooking City and Court and for force and power fire went out at their mouths and they did strike the earth with all manner of plagues Now these comparisons of the voice of waters thunder and harping as they expresse fitly what I haue told so in them is implyed a sure prognostick and argument of the next insuing estate in the Angels breaking forth and crying For albeit this sound of water thunder and harping the world in this lurking condition of the Church perceiued not yet they could not still remaine vnheard Who can restraine the breach of great waters what congealed cloude can keepe in thunder and excessiue ioy a heart of any thing can least hold vp Forth therefore this hid Church behoued to come The bellies made bitter with eating the little booke behoued to burst or breake out according as we see in the three Angels following who come forth like the swelling of Iorden like sonnes of thunder according as Christ Chapt. 10. preparing for this outbreake his roaring voice was seconded with seuen thunders and like the bursting out of a blythe heart which cannot hold vp a surfet of ioy 4 This second condition of the Church breaking forth hath the velitation or skirmish and a coincident case with it The velitation I call it so in comparison to the great battell in the seuenth trumpet and seuen vials thereof summarily proponed in the end of this Chap. and exponed largely thenceforth according to the first degrees of the light of the Gospell reuiuing is set downe in three Angels types of these Ministers whom God stirred vp to bee the first open contesters with Antichrist to the 12. verse The coincident case is in the 12. and 13. verses 5 The first ranke of Preachers are expressed by an Angel fleeing thorow the mids of heauen c. for open and swift course which notwithstanding was yet farre remoued aboue the perception of men of the earth whereof few vnderstood or imbraced the first warnings and light arrising it being but yet obscurely preached like as few vnderstood the warning of Antichristian darknesse comming on Chap. 8. and in respect of that Angel there it is that this is called an other Angel as who is the next vsing his forme See a contrarie dispensation to this which cleareth this sense Chap. 18. His doctrine is set downe first in generall and to whom he preached and secondly the speciall points thereof In generall it is an euerlasting Gospell euen that truth which was from the beginning and which when heauen and earth passeth away shall abide for euer the immortall seede and begetting to immortality So it is called against the calumnies of nouelty and in opposition to the doctrine of men Hee preacheth to them who dwell on the earth euen in Antichrist his darkenesse aboue whose reach it is lesse maruell that this first light was yet farre remoued as a fleeing flash thorow the mids of heauen He preacheth to all Nations Kinreds Tongues and Peoples who had worshipped the Beast and of whom by restored light of the Gospell an infinite number was now to be brought out of great tribulation to sing with Palmes in hand and hauing washed their garments in the bloud of the Lambe Saluation is of our God and of the Lambe and to be made partakers of the first resurrection the thousand yeeres being expired Chap. 20. Now the hid ones beginne to breake out and the song vnheard to bee tuned vp loudlie in the eares of all the earth therefore this Angel is said to cry loude In his speciall doctrine is the substance thereof and his manner of teaching The substance is that all feare glory and worship bee giuen to God onely and that both for auoiding his iudgements neere to bee executed and because he is creator of all things A doctrine exceeding fite for that time His manner is to bee marked in that hee vrgeth onely true worshippe not bold yet to challenge directly the Antichrist as the succeeding Angell doth roundly but more the third so wisely and plainely as the Spirit sheweth the course and the accommodation of Story is euident Now as this was the first degree of the conflict with Antichrist so accordingly in the song of victory God is praised for these same points Chapter 15. 3. 6 The second Angell roundly denounceth the fall of Rome that spirituall Babell Sodome and Egypt and that because shee had not onely beene an Idolatresse her selfe but as Ieroboam made Israel to sinne shee is the mother of Whoredomes through the world making men drinke vp superstitious worshippe greedily as wine and so to be besotted therewith To the which God both gaue ouer the world iustly in his wrath that they who would not beleeue the truth should be taken with deceiueable illusions and for which now againe the world iustly feeleth the cuppes of the last wrath As hee gaue to Israel Kings in his wrath and tooke them away in his displeasure 7 The third Angell yet more vehemently toucheth neerer Warning all to leaue the Beast his worshippe and character either in worke or profession vnder paine of eternall damnation Wherein they against whome the iudgement is denounced are exactlie noted and twise set downe in the beginning and in the end of the denunciation for speciall purpose and the quality durance and continuance of their iudgement expressed In the quality of iudgement are two First as they dranke greedily the Whores Wine so get they to drinke the pure vnmixed wine of God his wrath and next they get it in the cup of his wrath God sometimes giueth a bitter cuppe to his owne children but as strong wine for mitigation is tempered with water or sugar so are all God his chasticements to his owne mixed with mercy but to the wicked is powred out mercilesse iudgement Next the Cuppe propined to the Saints is not the Cup of wrath but of loue and medicinall but the wicked drinke out of the cuppe of wrath Lord reproue mee not in thy wrath Psal 6. 8 Now this iudgement is denounced against such as worshippe the Beast and receiue his Character c. And they are twice repeated as I haue said wherein is no Tautologie but diuine wisdome for to make vs take vp a great point In the 13. Chapter all the Beast his followers haue his Character or his name or his number whereof as I shewed there the difference is ill obserued For many haue his
whereof sixe bringing the second euils and these working but further induration Chapter 9. The seuenth Trumpet sounding yeeldeth these seuen Angels with seuen Cuppes of the last wrath Whose storie by the narration wisely and exceeding purposely in the 12. 13. and 14. Chapters interiected was till now delayed 6 The disposition of these Angels is shewed in their apparrell which is linnen and that both pure and bright and girded to thē with a golden girdle about the breast White linnen apparrell is the garment of all Saints who in Christ are made Priests to God by putting on and girding to or applying Iesus Christ to their hearts by the girdle of faith more pretious then gold to righteousnesse and holinesse But here in these Angels this common garment hath a speciall relation to their speciall calling To shew that this execution should bee iust vpright not only in respect of God the iust Iudge whose wayes are iust and true but euen in respect of the Ministers also who in the light and assurance of faith should in the zeale of God and of his worship bring downe Antichrist For blessed shall hee be called that rewardeth her as she hath serued vs. 7 They are instructed hereto with golden Vials or Cuppes full of wrath euen the wrath of God that liueth for euer Golden cuppes were also holy vessels of the Sanctuary to shew hereby likewayes this to bee a pure worke like gold and holy and acceptable And the wrath powred out is euerlasting as hee whose wrath it is for according to his name so is his feare and as is the man so is his strength Hereto also serueth the kind of Instrument At the iudgements by the sixe Seales some cry was alwaies ioined to waken if it had beene possible men to learne The Trumpets sounded loud in sixe of them God giuing Iezabel time to repent Chapter 3. and 9. Hereupon obstinate impenitency out of golden bowles wrath without noise is tumbled The seueral degrees whereof in God his patience Chap. 16. yet more argueth and aggrauateth the obstinacy of the enemies stil more and more endured to endlesse wrath 8 These cuppes are giuen to the Angels by one of the foure Beasts that is by the true Pastors of the church Chapter 4. to shew that through the cleare light of the Gospell preached Antichrist being laide open the hearts of God his faithfull seruants shall bee filled with holy indignation and zeale to imploy their power to God his honour in his ouerthrow stirred there to by the preachers of the truth Reward her as shee hath rewarded you c. according to the Cup shee filled to you fill her the double This was summarily touched in the end of the 14. Chapter when the Angell from the Altar hauing power ouer fire stirred the other to cut downe the grapes of the earth the which same thing is here more largely explaned That this is said to bee done by one of the foure Beasts as it sheweth them to be the stirrers to worke so according as their diuers faces expressed diuersity of gifts as for diuers times and cases is requisite to signifie the imployment at this time of such as were fittest whether for wisdome as Men to spie out the Beast or rather that being already done for leonine courage roaring and thundering Chapter 10. to encourage and terrifie How it be what of one of them is done is done of all 9 The power whereby this great execution is borne out that it cannot bee stayed is God his glorious and powerfull presence in his owne true Church opened and made visible before fuming in wrath against Antichrist so as neither dare these Ministers but execute their charge The feare and loue of God and knowledge of his terrour stirring them neither any enemy impede the course of God his iudgements till they bee finished For the Beast must goe to destruction and the Whores louers shall stand a backe afraid at her burning Chapter 18. And what is it else that miraculously hath and yet doth beare out against Antichrist his power and malice Who if the Lord were not on our side would haue eaten vs vp and as mighty flouds haue ouerwhelmed vs in the depth but the Lord is our helper Peoples heare it and are afraid Sorrow commeth on the Iuhabitants of Palestina Now this type is not so put as if the Saints this time should be debarred from the presence of God in his Church But by allusion to the 40. of Exodus 1. Kings 8. Isai 6 to shew a great and powerfull presence of God in his Church newly reerected from vnder Antichrist his tyranny where through the execution shal haue no let It is true that the resort albeit very frequent and dayly encreasing shall not bee such during the plagues and smoking wrath of God as when Euphrates is dried vp the high places taken away and Baal destroyed When the twelue Ports of the new Ierusalem shall be cast open continually to receiue from all quarters both Iewes wakened by a voyce from the Throne and the Kings of the East with them comming to worshippe Iehouah the Lord of hostes who then shal be the onely one Lord in the earth and his name one To which the sixt Cup shall in the owne time prepare the way and which in the seuenth shall bee fulfilled and so the mystery finished in the accomplishment of all fore●old by the Prophets Chapter 10. CHAP. XVI IN the 15. Chapter was the preparation for the last wrath Here is the particular execution in seuen degrees according to the number of the Ministers thereof which degrees in order and manner haue a great resemblance and relation to the degrees of Antichrist his rising in the Trumpets to shew the wisdome and iustice of God in rendring measure for measure and bringing him downe as hee arose The resemblance hath made many to thinke both to bee of one matter and time But these Vials are all powred on the Beast and his marked ones whose height in working began but in the fifth trumpet 2 This execution is commanded verse first from the Temple as a holy and iust worke with aloud voice as a matter important and to bee performed with care to the Ministers who being prepared attend the signe The execution is vpon the earth that is the earthly sort of men thorow all the plagues euidently designed to be Antichrist and his adherents It is executed by seuen degrees to shew God his patience in his greatest wrath in each degree is the common signe of powring out the Viall and the ensuing effect first or secundary 3 The first Viall is powred on the earth Where the earth must bee vnderstood according to the relation it hath in collation to the subsequent things and degree which in that respect it holdeth to the sea riuers sun throne Euphrates the aire For as when the earth or the earth and Sea opposed to heauen then things below are
image of the Beast 18 The third proper note and token is this Beast goeth to destruction For vnder this last head that state and Kingdome must be vndone for euer and shall not bee as in the fall of the former heads when in the next succeeding it held place but this head shall so fall as with him he shall draw that state to eternall ruine In which respect it is said Chapter 19. that the Beast and false Prophet are both taken and cast into the fire Thus for a most cleare opening of all this Prophesie the Holy Ghost heere in this Chapter hath ioined the Beast Head and Whoore and exponed so euidently in a huge wisdome To make vs see that what Chapter 13. hee spake of two beasts what through the booke hee speaketh distinctly of the Beast and the VVhoore Babylon of the Beast and false Prophet is all but for cleare explication of Antichrist VVhat a King hee is of what Kingdome of what time and manner of working cleering the Kingdome by the head and both Kingdome and head by the head City of their power with euident and infallible notes to take vp the right time and condition of all So as the Romans mocking our incertainety as they thinke whether the Beast the VVhoore or the falfe Prophet bee Antichrist bewray but their owne ignorance or malice or both For the Beast is Antichrist but so and then as and when the head is a false Prophet vnder presence of the Lambe his power making Rome the VVhoore and bewitcher of the world In which respect the false Prophet is the Beast the eight head and one of the seuen And thus the Beast is onelie Antichrist as the Beast is the eight head euen the false Prophet And the false Prophet is Antichrist but as he is the Beast that is head of the kingdome of Rome And Rome is the VVhore but as she is borne vp by this Beast the false Prophet How plainely the holy Ghost telleth this take vp in this argument 19 That soueraigne policy ruling in and ouer the City situated one seuen hils and in Iohn his daies bearing rule ouer Nations which in number and order is the eighth head or soueraigne policie after the fiue fallen before Iohn the sixth then ruling and a seuenth to come but soone to euanish which eight head recouereth to the state hee ruleth the luff●e estimation and subiection of Prouinces which by a deadly wound in one of the former heades it had losed thus reerecting if not the same properly yet a liuely image of the decaied state and for this respect as he is the eight in course so is hee in a sort one of the seuen heads and is peculiatlie the Beast and which soueraigne pollicie and eight head peculiarly the Beast worketh all as a Porphet and vnder pretence of Christ his power and thus induceth the Kings of the earth voluntary and with free and vnanime consent to submit their Crownes vnto him so procuring to his seat such account and credit as the whole earth drinketh her superstitious and idolarrous worship wherethrough shee becommeth a great and mother harlot And which eight soueragne policy or head shall bee the last head of that kingdome for that in the fall thereof that state shall be destroied for euer That souerainge policy o● head is the Antichrist 20 But the Pontificality is the soueraigne policy or head thus for place order and number in succession manner and effect of working heere peculiarly called the Beast and which as hee is from the bottomlesse pit and angell thereof 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so he and with him that state goeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ergo c. Wee speeke not of coniecture but as it is written I beleeued and therefore I spake Wee beleeue and therefore speake 2. Cor. 4. 13. CHAP. XVIII THe great Whore was described in the former Chapter Her iudgement followeth in this shewed by three heauenly voices in each whereof the same is magnifickly amplyfied by the certainty the instant performance greatnesse and equity thereof And peculiarlie in the last by that her ruine is irreparable The first voice is to the 4. verse The second to the 21. And the third to the end 2 In the first voice are the person denouncer and the point denounced The denouncer is an Angell remarkeable for gesture and dignity His gesture is that hee commeth downe from heauen His dignity in that hee hath great authority which is cleared by the effect in that all the earth was lightened with his glorie At the second degree of the out-breake of the light of the Gospell from vnder Antichristian darkenesse Chapt. 14. an Angel denounced the same which this doth but that did flee thorow the midst of heauen that is albeit swiftlie and in the publike view of men yet the cleare perception of what he denounced was farre remoued aboue their reach the preaching of the Gospell not hauing then for cleare euidence the authority which since it hath and daily more and more shall obtaine through the Angel no more fleeing farre aboue as these Chap. 14. in the reuerting and that Chapt. 8 in the last degree of decay of light but now in plenty of glorious light as it were comming downe from the heauen and lightning the earth with a neer and euident sight of that which before was reuealed but farre oft This Angel then is the type of the cleare light and powerfull ministery of the Gospell now in a neere degree both shewing clearely and working powerfully Antichrist his fall The ministers of light● are of Christ the true light called the light of the world and their ministerie is glorious euen glorified as concerning the exceeding glory For how beautifull on the Mountaines are the feete of them that preach good tidings c. The description of this denouncing Angel implyeth not only the certainty of what hee proclaimeth as from heauen and with great authority and euidence but also the instant performance thereof in that he commeth downe in such aboundance of glorious light as Babel can stand no longer no more then could Sodome after the Angel his downe-comming to see i● For Babel the glory of Kingdomes shall bee as the destruction of God in Sodome and Gomorrha Therefore the point denounced albeit it bee the same in substance which Chap 14. was threatned yet here it commeth in another degree of cleare manifestation certaine performance in the perswasion of hearers and neere approaching execution God now beeing to passe by her no more for shee is come in remambrance before him 3 Of this denounced point is shewed also the greatnesse and equity The greatnesse in these words and she is become c. So to shew a horrible desolation such as should not onely make her waste and solitarie but also detestable and abominable as are ghostly and Elphrish places full of Panike terror and the ordinarie retrait of all these things which both flee humane society
was the riches of the Gentiles so their receiuing may bee much more the life of the world from death by so strange and wonderfull a change as shall make in a manner a new heauen and a new earth in which they shall haue greatly to reioice and bee glad When both sisters aswell the little sister which had no breasts as the other are spoken for and receiued That the Shepheard may be one and the sheepfold one When in that day there shall bee one Lord ouer all the earth and his name one This is that number innumerable Ch. 7. of al Tongs Nations Languages with Palmes in their hands clothed in longwhite roabes c. This is that Ierusalem from heauen wherin the heathen nor any vncleane thing shall enter no more which now shall bee perfectly adorned with such fulnesse of gracefull quiet state al being performed whatsoeuer the Lord by his seruants the Prophets had promised that shee hath as a Bride perfectly busked but to attend the last and full act of the marriage to enter into the marriage chamber and eternally inioy her spouse This goodlie state in grace vpon full ouerthrow of all troubles described most goodly Chap. 21. and 22 is the finishing of the mystery of God Chap. 10. When a Bride is perfectly ●usked and trimmed wanting none of her ornaments then nothing remaineth but the solemne acts of the mariage to enioy her Lord. So the reason of the speech is plaine from common vse 9 This her preparation that we may vnderstand it not to be of herselfe for the Lord will answer her before shee aske is shewed to bee in her attire Whereof is noted whence she hath it and what it is Shee hath it by free gift of the Bridegrome For what a Bride we are by nature see Ezechiel 16. and not onely is the garment giuen her but which is to be marked the putting on thereof is giuen her also as which shee can no more put on by her selfe then shee can purchase it What this garment is in shewed first figuratiuely and then in proper termes Figuratiuely it is fine linen pure and shining This linen hath two properties It is pure because Iesus Christ giuen vs of the father to iustification whom by the gift of faith we put on is pure spotlesse and vndefiled and maketh vs pure before God This is iustification of faith properly The second property is Shining for as it is spotlesse and pure so hath it a glorious lustre to shew that Christ is not onely put on to iustification but also to glorie and that in two respects One in that hee sanctifying vs wee shine here as lights in the middest of a froward generation shewing forth the vertues of him that hath called vs so glorifying God witnessing to the world our iustification and euen strengthning our own soules in the certainety of our election while wee declare our faith perfect by our workes euen as our works thereupon shine and are approued because faith worketh together with the worke For whatsoeuer is without faith is sinne and this is that iustification whereof Iames Chapter 2. to expresse both the word is plurall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The other respect of shining is in that as we put on Christ to iustification and sanctification so also to full glory at length with himselfe our corruptible bodies being made conforme to his glorious body The Iewes first seeking to establish their owne righteousnes which is by the Law so like Adam and Eua making garments to themselues fell from the righteousnesse of God but now God turneth their hearts to prepare and trim themselues with the Bridegroome his gifts as was Rebeccha with the ornaments brought from her husband both giuen her and put on her counting all things losse to bee found in Christ that is not hauing their owne righteousnesse which is by the law but the righteousnesse of God which is by faith in Iesus which and application thereof are both the f●ee gift of God And the holy Ghost so coucheth the words as no place is left to cauillation For he sayeth not our Iustifications are the fine linnen but the fine linnen giuen vs is our iustifications 10 Thus was the song maruellous for strange forme and matter Now followeth the strange euent in the Apostle wherein come to be obserued the occasion and euent it selfe Albeit the whole matter and manner of the song occasioneth this euent yet most speciallie it followeth through the Angels singular care and manner of confirming Iohn in the greatnesse and truth of these matters euen therein implying that they are so wonderfull as men would hardely belieue that such things could come to passe Hee confirmeth Iohn by commandement and by affirmation The quality of the commandement giueth of it selfe to presume assuredly both some great and also a certainely determined case as which hee commandeth him to write both for regard of the matter as also for sure preseruation and lasting record therof as which most assuredly should fall out He commandeth to write one speciall point which yet implyeth all that they are blessed who are called to the Supper of the Lambes marriage VVhich blessednes as it must bee restrained to the effectuall calling many being called who are not chosen so here the Angell will stirre Iohn and all Christians in Iohn his person to the consideration of a singular blessednesse of this time through the great efficacy of the voyce from the Throne and obedience wrought thereby in them who first refused and no doubt of the Orient by and with them A blessednesse was commanded to be written Chapter 14. but that was of suffering wherein they were euen blessed Here the case varieth For now all shall suffer who come not to the Lambe his Supper and shall bee made a Supper to the foules of Heauen verse 17 Now the teares shall bee wiped from the eies of Mourners and the destroyers of the earth shall bee destroyed The Heathen were angry now the Lord is angry in his course which if it kindle Blessed are all that come to him Now they who did slay with the sword are slain by the sword and the Captiuers are captiued For now God taketh his kingdome by the euident ouerthrow of his enemies and exaltation of his Church hauing his name written euen on his garment and thigh So blessed in effect are they who come to the supper of the Lambe his marriage The Angell next confirmeth Iohn by affirmation that these words of God are true Thus wakening vp Iohn to consider rare matter whereof hee so earnestly affirmeth that the words are true and for assurance of their truth that they are of God or God his words 11 Now besides the song in it selfe wonderfull this care of the Angell to confirme Iohn and waken vp his spirits by so singular a commandement and so peremptory an asseueration so rauisheth the heart of the Apostle
Greatnesse that being written as both a sure and permanent name and also exposed to bee read yet none knoweth it but himselfe And what is he not able to doe who seeing and by matchlesse authority ouerruling all yet is set aboue the reach of all his state counsels and wayes being knowne to himselfe onely as whereof no flesh is capable So insearchable are his wayes and his iudgements past finding out according as in consideration of one speciall euent of this his iudging and fighting at this time Paul exclameth and the sealed Booke no creature was able to looke on 18 That none imagine these to be idle Titles in name onely hee is also a practised warriour and now specially come forth to shew how mighty hee is to saue For this his garment is dipt in bloud euen the bloud of his enemies to note a huge slaughter Hee is now to tread the Wine-presse of God his wrath He hath long looked if any would helpe but there was none to helpe none to vphold therefore his owne arme now shall helpe him and his owne wrath sustaine him the day of vengeance is now in his heart and the time of his redeemed is come And accordingly as he who speaketh iustly and is mighty to saue hee is called the word of God Not onely for that hee is that word which was in the beginning with God and was God but also and here specially because hee is that true one who speaketh and performeth as who both speaketh iustly and is mighty to saue For this redde garment and name agreeable to it See Isai 63. and weigh the place 19 Such is the Captaine of the Lord his hoast The inhabitants of the earth following the Beast Chapter 13. Wondered and in wonder exclamed Who is like the beast who is able to fight with him Heere I thinke hee hath his match and more But these earthly ones see not the Heauens and so goe on blindfolded to their owne destruction His army is in his owne Liuery Hee needeth no armie but his army hath need of him For he is their glory their strength their armour their victory and all In his strength they fight and ouer come They are all horsed as who for dignity are Iudges and warriours like their Captaine They are also faithfull and true in and by him They are all kinges and priestes clothed in pure and shining silke This is a blessed Captaine who conformeth all his followers in glory and dignity to himselfe Alexander was foolish to glorie in his Argyraspides here is a Captaine of high note In opposition to the earthly ones on the other party they are called the host of heauen where there conuersation is euen while they are in the world but not of the world 20 The weapon of this great Captaine whereby he worketh and fighteth is the sword of his mouth With it he smiteth the Heathen enemies of his Church treaders downe of the holy City crushing them in peeces with an iron Mace And hee treadeth the winepresse of God almighty Heere now the treaders are troden downe Thus with mouth and hand hee fighteth and with feet downe-trampleth all How so strange effects of bloud-shed and ouerturning the whole state of the earth are attributed to the sword of his mouth is cleare Chapt. 14. 17. 18. where an Angel armed with a sickle commeth out of the Temple and is stirred to cut downe the grapes of the earth by one comming from the Altar hauing power ouer fire And Chapt. 15. where the Angels of the last wrath receiue their Vials from one of the foure Beasts and come to execution out of the Temple like as the voice commanding it is from the Temple By the breath of this Lord his mouth Antichrist must bee consumed 21 This his fighting to the foile of all his foes maketh him yet a name The King of Kings and Lord of Lords This he was at all times And euen from the day of his ascention was alwaies seene of his owne crow●ed with glory and honour God hauing exalted him aboue all name that is named so as all knees must bow and euery tongue confesse him to bee the Lord. Yet hee getteth this name at this time in a speciall manner written on his garment and thigh So as now it becommeth manifest to the view of all his power and strength kything clearely in this victory and wonderfull sequels of it This is that same which in the song was said the Lord God almighty hath raigned And Chapt. 11. The kingdomes of the world are our Lord his and his Christs This is his sitting on a white cloude Chap. 114. euen the manifestation of his iudgements Chapt. 15. 4. Rome in great derision when they crucified him set ouer his heade in three Languages This is the King of the Iewes And the Iewes counting it scorne and high disgrace to haue him called their King intreated the alteration of the words in that he so called himself But now by the finall and euerlasting ouerthrow of the Kingdome of Rome and by conuersion of the Iewes to mourne for him whom they pearced hee shall gloriously manifest himselfe and bee acknowledged not onely King of the Iewes but also King of Kings and Lord of Lords This name hee hath written on his garment as great Kings and high Captaines haue their imperiall garments whereby they are discerned On his thigh not so much for that ordinarily the sword weapon of the victory is girded on the thigh but for that in Scripture speech a man his strength is placed commonly in his losnes and thighes now it is his owne strength that helpeth him and therefore it was a token of subiection and seruitude to put the hand vnder the thigh Which custome Aben-Ezra witnesseth to haue continued still amongst the Indians and Ethiopians till his time And therefore his name is also written on his thigh because all the world now haue to put their hands vnder it and sweare him homage This Captaine wrestling with Iacob to make him know he was his Lord and that all his strength was of him hee did strike him with a note of infirmity in the thigh 22 Thus was the description of the great Captaine of the heauenly host in himselfe his armie armour and manner of fighting Now followeth his herauld or trumpet Who is remarkeable for his standing place and for the tenor of his proclamation Hee standeth in the Sunne To note exceeding great light now of the Gospell and preaching therof wherein the preachers should clearely see and confidently proclaime Antichrist his ruine For great measure of light the Apostolike Church in the woman Chapt. 12. was clothed with the Sunne Wee see to the praise of God and euidence of this Prophesie light already growen in great degree as no doubt but for this sight and great effect it shall yet grow more so as the light of the Moone shall bee as the light of the Sunne
height of impiety and marketh the two pointes of this time with most euident notes of the binding of the Dragon and his lousing againe 13 In Constantine his time that too great and open steppes were laide for Antichrist to mount vp to Sathan his throne is too well knowne And to what a height the mistery of iniquity had wrought on in the Pontificality of Boniface the eighth their owne stories giue cleare testimony recording of him that hee entred like a foxe raigned as a Lion and died as a dogge When by a counterfeit Oracle hee had got himselfe made Pope hee would vpon no condition acknowledge the Emperour except hee did take his title and dignity of him as to whom properly it belonged He excommunicated the French King because hee would not take his Crowne holden of him and impudently and impiously discharged his Subiects of their allegeance He blasphemouslie against the honour of Christ his Crosse instituted the first Iubilie at Rome and put forth this decree that the Bishoppe of Rome ought to be iudged of none although he should carry innumerable soules with him to hell 14 The peruerse mindes of the Romanes here bewray themselues For this time of a thousand yeeres which onely of all the times in this prophesie is to bee taken definitely they will haue to bee indefinite and al the rest to be taken both definitelie and properly And without either example of Scripture or shew of allusion casting it roundly by them they will forsooth haue these thousand yeeres here indefinitely put for all the time from Christ to Antichrist his raigne who shall raigne say they three yeeres and a halfe before the last iudgement But if during these thousand yeeres the speciall honor and chiefe crown of them who liue and raign in them be their refusing to worshippe the Beast whom euen Romans confesse to be Antichrist of necessity his Kingdome must haue beene in vogue these thousand yeeres And this againe sheweth plainely that these times of a 1260. dayes 42. monethes and a time times halfe a time are not properly and definitely put for the iust time of Antichrist his raigne as the Romans would inforce seeing these thousand yeeres hee beareth sway further if these times were definitely and yet not properly to be taken as some of our learned interpreters esteeme I see no reason why here the holy Ghost should haue altered his ordinary stile See Chapters 9. and 11. and 12. 15 Now considering all the course of this prophesie expressing first the state of the Church in the seuen of Asia next comprising the whole future euents in seuen Seales the seuenth whereof affordeth seuen Trumpets and the seuenth of these seuen vials of the last wrath Seeing also that in all this Booke but seuen diuers times are recorded First that of ten dayes Chapter 2. 2. that of halfe an houre Chapter 8. 3. that of fiue monethes Chapter 9. 4. that of an howre day moneth and yeer of the sixth Trumpet Chapter 9. 5. that of 1260. dayes 42. monethes a time times and halfe a time which are but one Chapter 11. and 12. and 13. 6. that of three dayes and a halfe Chapter 11 and now this of a 1000. yeeres is the seuenth in huge proportion exceeding all the former Considering also that this time of a 1000. yeeres is in the course of this Chapter and within short space sixe times recorded and thereafter no time mentioned but euermore Whither in these considerations if this maner of leading implyeth any further mystery I referre it to godly and sober considerations not daring louse the raines to curiosity in so diuine and hid matter wherein yet I am perswaded thongh my weakenesse cannot find it out that nothing is eyther in matter or manner of handling which hath not in it a great depth of wisdom 16 Thus was the dragons first restraint in a certaine degree of time and measure Followeth the second absolute and euerlasting And it is cleared by the fore-going liberty to which hee is loused From the first binding So as all this point is in these two the dragons second liberty and the euent thereof 17 In this his second liberty is the time when and his endeauour beeing loosed The time is at the expiring of the thousand yeeres whereof wee haue spoken His endeauour being loosed is to practise againe that from which by his first taking hee was with-held that is to seduce Nations Which seducing must bee vnderstoode to be of that same kind as heereafter is clearely shewed in that hee brought them to compasse the tents of Saints and beloued City For otherwaies all the time of his restraint from this kind of working hee by the Lieutenant of his power seduced in another kind mightilie The greatnesse of this his endeauour to this end is cleared first by these whom hee seduced and next by their action vpon his instigation In these who are seduced are these circumstances 1 Their habitation 2 Their quality 3 Their number Their habitation is the foure quarters of the earth Whereby is offered to our conception both Satan his earnest and diligent practise in this his last puffe and that all the enemies ouer the whole earth of what state and condition soeuer whom in this his last fury hee bringeth foorth are heere designed Their quality is expressed in the names giuen them of Gog and Magog To shew them detestable for cruell disposition to destroy that by a huge destruction they shall be destroyed and that they are the instruments of Satan his last fury Their number is expressed in two notes One that they ouerspred the plaine of the earth the other that they were as the sand of the Sea for multitude 18 Such are they who are seduced The end whereto the Dragon leadeth them is to compasse the tents of Saints and the beloued City Euen the vtter destruction in their intent of God his true Church heere on earth pitching in Tents as yet in their warfare and absent from their eternall habitation but who notwithstanding are the true Citizens of heauen beloued of God 19 Thus is the Dragons liberty and his endeauour thereupon The euent heereof is double One of them who thus seduced by him were set on so euill a worke that fire came from heauen and deuoured them The other of him who is their leader that hee is now taken and commited to euerlasting fire and torment This his iudgement is cleared by his fellowship therein the Beast and false Prophet 20 This euent is further cleared and declared sure by setting downe the last degree of their destruction in the last iudgement when all enemies being brought vnder death shall bee swallowed vp to victory To shew vs that this second victory ouer Satan and restraint of him from this his last rage shall not bee but onely for a certaine space as was that first or in a speciall respect as that was but it shall be absolute and eternall So as from the time
marriage c. Which vndoubtedlie will be when vpon destruction of all troublers the Church enioying quiet state shall fall in the sleepe of security For if the last iudgement and comming of Christ to it had so notable markes as the foile of Antichrist taking of the Dragon and so great tumults warres and commotions with the hauocke of so huge Armies besiedging the Church how could either that day comes as a thiese on a peaceable world or the Church in such cruell inuasion be at ease and sleeping This errour hath made the subsequent matter to be of most part mistaken as if therein the state of the triumphant Church in heuens were set foorth as it shall be after the last day 23 A learned man lately commenting and with high and iust commendation vpon this booke perceiuing well that the subsequent condition of the Church must be vnderstood of her state heere in grace and so being not seeing how this place could bee taken of the last iudgement turneth it to an allegory of the conuersion of the Iewes by allusion to the last iudgement their conuersion to the faith in respect of their present and long beegunne desperate estate both temporall and spirituall being as it were a rising from the dead According as by the Prophets in regard of the full point thereof it is called and by the Apostle a life from death But besides that where a plaine sense in proprietie is conuenient farre sought allegories are not meete albeit for the wonderfulnesse and inexpected falling out thereof the Iewes restitution be of the Prophets called a rising from their graues yet that thus the whole description so cleerely in all the circumstances of the last iudgement can be drawne thereto I see no reason specially where agreeably to the manner of the holy Ghost the descripton of the generall iudgement may bee taken properly and conueniently for the purpose in hand and no necessity for this to interpret the subsequent Chapters of any state of the Church in time thereafter Which doubt will nothing trouble the iudicious Reader considering the manner of the Propheticall descriptions much different from common historicall narrations in that they by Hypotyposeis represent to the view as present those things they prophesie Further to say in a resurrection whereby men rise from ignorance and in duration to the knowledge of God and imbracing of the faith that they rise to eternall destruction it is vtterly absurd And heere we see that all the execution is of enemies in torment and euerlasting fire The spirit euen heereby as it were pointing to vs his purpose of this narration in this place And this argument ●uinceth that place Daniel 〈◊〉 to bee of the last resurrection For none rise the first resurrection to euerlasting shame but all are blessed As for the word there put of Many as if therein an argument were implied of some other resurrection then the generall wherein All rise it helpeth nothing that opinion as being put but in common and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 repeated according to the subsequent parti●ition of Many to glorie Many to shame And if thereon ought might be builded with al 's good reason heere the generall iudgement must bee vnderstood where All the dead small and great doe rise c. That the many and goodly Prophesies of the restoring of Israel haue not as yet their full accomplishment till by faith they be grafted in againe whence they were cut out through vnbeliefe it were either great ignorance or perhaps blasphemy to denie seeing the Apostle to that purpose citeth Prophesies which therfore but in that case cannot be fulfilled Againe that it seemeth necessarie so great a point not to bee ommitted in this Reuelation I hartilie yeeld but that therefore this place should from a proper and well consisting sense be drawne thereto I see no necessitie For that matter was not obscurely in the sixth Viall signified and more plainlie in the Church her song Chapter 19. and if more be requisite who may not be satisfied as such mysteries are heere deliuered with that which in the next Chapter is said of the new Ierusalem hauing vpon this full ouerthrow of her focs her ports cast open towards all the quarters of the earth and on them written the names of the twelue Tribes of Israel to whom then they are made patent that all Israel may bee saued 24 A Throne Daniel 7. is erected and one sitteth for iudging and destroying the Beasts there mentioned enemies and troublers of the Church then And Daniel 12. the faithfull for conception of a perfect deliuerance and full ouerthrow of their aduersaries are called to the meditation of the last and full degree thereof in the generall resurrection To that heere is the allusion euen as in the description of the enemies heere the allusion was to these To shew not onely the like and full ouerthrow of the troubles now of the Christian Church holding on to finall accomplishment in Christ his last comming as the other were abolished at his first but also that the first euen in the promise of God his dispensation were types of the latter The not aduerting whereof hath made many to misconceiue the minde of the holy Ghost in the Prophets While some in accommodation of the promises and denunciations so rest in the first state and time as they looke not how therein God looked further and others so interpret them of the last state and time as against the minde of the spirit they apply them not first and properly to the state then Whereof first and for speciall consolation against the euils then they are meaned albeit they had also typically a further signification as the wise and frequent allusion in this Prophesie prooueth and accommodation through all the new Testament no lesse clearely 25 This great white throne shadowed by that of Solomon albeit then in full and finall degree it shall be erected when our Lord returneth in the cloudes of heauen yet in some degree it is erected here in the cleare and euident preuailing light and power of the Gospell So as euen heere after a sort heauen and earth depart that is the whole state of the world is changed as vpon pouring out of the seuenth Viall was denounced and as for the like euent though not in so full measure was spoken of at the opening of the sixth scale For euen heere we shall haue new heauens and a new earth that is a new state of things by the enemies vtter fall and goodly gracefull and peaceable estate of the Church thereupon when there shall be no more Sea as by Isay is Prophesied often and magnifikly in the subsequent Chapters is declared Thus the state vnder the Gospell in collation to the former is called of the Apostle a new worlde and so the condition of the Christian Church vpon destruction of Whore Beast and Dragon and strange alteration of all the states in the earth enioying peace shal bee yet
in respect of her state before a new world The full and perfect degree whereof shall then bee when vpon the Lord his last comming the heauen shall depart with a noise and the elements shal melt with heat what time wee shall get new heauens and a new earth wherin righteousnesse no more soiourneth as in Tents but stably dwelleth for euer as in a mountaine 26 So farre then is this discription of the last iudgement to bee properly vnderstood as yet wee must not imagine it to bee here set downe either for the point of time when it shall fall out for that it shall haue this coincident case of the ouerthrow of Gog and Magog but onely for the cause aboue explaned Neither is there in all this Prophesie or as I thinke any where in scripture any ground whereon to gather determinately the yeere or age of that day whereof to inquire after the Lord his own answere it is in my iudgement excuselesse temerity and to determine ought is high presumption That some otherwaies godly and learned men excuse their scanning hereat by that Christ foreclosing al Creatures from the knowledge of the day and houre leaueth so place to search the yeere or age besides that in such cleare euidence of the ordinary frame of Scripture speech this shift is both childish and ridiculous in my opinion it is also too bold and grosse dallying with the Lord his words 27 Now yet for bringing minds to acquiesce in this our interpretation the Nations seduced their notes iudgement and names are more to be cleared The allusion is partly to Sodome wherein all young and old from al quarters compassed Lot his house And Sodome was a City of the plaine and they were deuoured by fire from heauen It is also to the 7. of Iudges where the Midianites like Grashoppers in multitude and whose Camels were as the sand of the sea in number pitched against Israel in the plaine and were destroyed by three hundreth but holding forth burning Lampes and blowing Trumpets for the yoake of their burthen and the staffe of their shoulder and the rod of their oppressor are now to be broken as in the day of Midian an exceeding fitte type of this foile which must be by fire from heauen but such as then shineth when wee learne to breake the earthy pi●cher that hideth it and to blow the Trumpet of God his word loudlie This fire came out of the mouthes of the two witnesses This is the breath of the Lord his mouth The word of God in the mouthes of his seruants is fire and the wicked are stubble before it But the allusion here chiefly both in the names and manner of iudgement is to Ezechiel 38. and 39. where diuers learned men thinke one and the same matter to be handled accommodating both that and this place to the Turkes as whose destruction both there and here in their iudgement is meaned and accordingly with Abenezra interprete the little horne Dan. 11. mistaking as I thinke these places and here yet going further aside in thinking there and here one and the same matter properly to bee deliuered Whereto the names of Gog and Magog giue no more reason of proper interpretation then could before the name of Babylon and the whole frame and leading of this Prophesie by continuall allusion to the old Testament might haue taught another sense to be sought for and that here Gog and Magog are to be taken Spiritually as before Sodome and Egypt 28 By Gog and Magog in Ezeehiel the Kings of Syria cruell oppressors of the Church of Israel are meaned as by the little horne in Daniel Antiochus Epiphanes the worst of all Wherof see Tremellius and Iunius vpon these places Iunius vpon this and the learned Commentarie of Hugh Broughton vpon Daniel That the attempt of Gog and Magog and their iudgement thereupon is said to be in the latter yeeres it will not trouble the resolution of any who seeth the rage of the Goates foure hornes of the Prophet plainely interpreted and of all men confessed to be that of Alexander his successors namely of the succressing little horn Antiochus Epiphanes called the last wrath Both Ezechiel and Daniel so speaking not absolutely but respectiue of the last cruell troublers of the Church of Israel before the first comming of Messias and accordingly of their destruction Wherein if much more appeare to bee spoken then in the measure of God his iudgement against them can bee seen fulfilled we haue to consider not only the Hyperbolike stile of the Prophets in such cases but as I haue already touched that these Prophesies besides the first proper accommodation had a further but a typicall relation And truly it were strange to imagine how the Turke his Kingdome standing the Israelites shall so recouer their owne land as they dwelling therein securely and without feare hee should plot to inuade them That here the names of Gog and Magog should bee meaned or at least restrained to the Turkes is very improbable seeing the two witnesses slaine at this lousing of the dragon lie dead in the street of the great City and all Nations reioyce ou●r them seeing the Whore is drunke with the bloud of Saints and in her is found all the bloud shed on the earth seeing it is the Beast that maketh warre with the Saintes and ouercommeth them and therupon whereas he was first like a Pard in course of time when the dragon is loosed becommeth of his colour Seeing also that out of the mouth of the dragon Beast and false Prophet came these frogs instruments of this seduction and seeing they are described to be false Prophets working miracles and authorised thereto by the Beast and false Prophet thus euidently designed to bee the Popish Clergy and by experience chiefly the Iesuites Lastly seeing here by Gog and Magog clearely are designed all the instruments of the dragon his last fury from the foure quarters of the earth the Turkes particularly cannot bee meaned Like as herein is an euident Argument why here Gog and Magog are not properly to bee vnderstood as in Ezechiel who bringeth them specially from the North. It is true that at this point of time when the dragon is loused the Turke his greatnesse beganne without resistance to vndoe all God his iustice in them lousing the foure Angels from Euphrates But these Angels so loused for punishment of false Christians their idolatry witchcraft murther c. more then direct enemies of the true Church are not to bee esteemed one with the dragon here loused Who as at his first misgiuing against the woman and her first seed hee stirred vp the Beast of his authority to deceiue first like Balaam and a fraudulent Pard so here againe being loused for maintaining the credite of his Vicar whom the semblance of the Lambe his hornes false miracles occupying of the holy City Court of the Temple and his fitting as God in the