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A67694 Causes of the Lords wrath against Scotland manifested in his sad late dispensations. Whereunto is added a paper, particularly holding forth the sins of the ministery. Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. 1653 (1653) Wing W983; ESTC R204011 68,060 90

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the evils where with the Land hath been afflicted and it is an great provocation before God as it appears from these and the like Scriptures Numb 14 1 2 3 4 10 11 12. And all the Congregations lifted up their voice and weeped and cryed and the people weeped that night and all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron and the whole Congregation said to them would to God we had died in the land of Egypt or would to God we had died in the wildernesse and wherefore hath the Lord brought us to this land to fall by the sword that our wives and our children should be a prey were it not better for us to return to Egypt And they said one to another let us mak● a Captain let us return to Egypt then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before the Assemblies of all the Congregation of the children of Israel but all the Congregation bade stone them with stones and the glory of the Lord appeared in the Tabernacle of the Congregation before all the Children of Israel And the Lord said unto Moses How long will this People provoke me and how long will it be ere this People beleeve me for all the signs I have shewed amongst them I will smite them with pestilence and disinherit them and will make of thee a Nation mighter and greater then they Numbers 2. 1. 5 6. And they journied from Mount Hor by the way of the Red Sea to compasse the Land of Edom and the soul of the People was much discouraged because of the way and the People spake against GOD and against Moses Wherfore have ye brought us up out of the Land to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water for our soul loatheth this light bread and the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and much people of Israel died 1 Cor. 11. 10. Neither be ye murmurers as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer 2. Using not only of charmes though it be condemned in the Scriptures Deut. 18. 11. A Charmer or a consulter with familiar spirits or a Wizard or a Necromancer shall not be found amongst you for all that do these things are an abomination to the Lord yet is very frequent among the Commons But also Sorcery and Witchcraft which is an abomination Exod. 22. 18. Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live Deut. 18. 10. There shall not be found amongst you any that useth Divination or any Iuchanter or any Witch especially amongst these who have been baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus and yet doth by the great discoveries thereof which hath been of late appear to be very frequent in the Land 3. Ordinary swearing by them that are no Gods Ier. 5. 7. How shall I pardon thee for this thy Children have forsaken Me and sworn by them who are no Gods when I have fed them to the full Zeph. 1. 4 5. I will also stretch out my hand against Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place and the name of the Chemarims with the Priests and them that worship the host of heaven upon the house tops and them that worship and that swear by the Name of the LORD and that swear by Malcham such as Faith Truth Soul Conscience and by the holy and blessed Name of GOD Himself and by His Blood and Wounds and fearful Execrations and Cursings which though they be condemned forbidden and threatned in the Scriptures Exod. 2● 7. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain Levit 19. 12. Thou shalt not swear by my Name fasly neither shalt thou prophane the Name of thy God I am the Lord. Matth. 5. 33 34 35 36 37. Again ye have heard it said by them of old time Thou shalt not forswear thy self but shalt perform to the Lord thy God thy Oathes But I say unto you Swear not at all neither by Heaven for it is Gods Throne neither by the Earth for it is His Footstool neither by Jerusalem for it is the City of the great King neither shalt thou swear by thy Head for thou cannot make one hair white or black But let your communication be Yea yea Nay nay for whatsoever is more then these cometh of evil Jer. 23. 10. For the Land is full of Adulteries because of Swearing the Land mourneth and the pleasant places in the wildernesse are dried up because their course is evil and their force is not right Zech. 5. 1 2 3 4. Then I looked and lift up mi●e eyes and behold a flying Roll the length thereof is twenty cubits and the breadth thereof ten cubits Then said he unto me This is the curse that goeth over the face of the whole Earth for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it and every one that sweareth shall be cut off on that side according to it I will bring it forth saith the Lord of hosts and it shall enter into the house of the Thief and into the house of him that sweareth falsly by my Name and it shall remain in the midst of his house and shall consume the timber and stones thereof Yet these are so frequent and habitual amongst us that in many parts of the Land it is a rare thing to find a man or a woman that in their ordinary speech is not addicted to some one of these 4. Ordinary and gross prophanation of the Lords Day not only by slighting of and absenting from the Publick Worship with the Congregation which is a fault whereof many are guilty and not attending to the Word or joyning in Prayer and singing of Psalms when they are present but also by travelling trysting working speaking our own words and otherwise The danger and hainousness of this sin appears from Exod. 20. 8. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy Nehem. 13. 15 16 17 18. In those dayes saw I in Judah some treading Wine-presses on the Sabbath and bringing in Sheaves and loading Asses and also Wine-Grapes and Figs and all manner of burdens which they brought to Jerusalem on the Sabbath Day and I testified against them in the day wherein they sold victuals There dwelt men of Tyre also therein which bought fish and all manner of ware which they sold to the children of Juda and Jerusalem on the Sabbath then I contended with the Nobles of Juda and said unto them What evill thing is this which ye do and prophane the Sabbath day did not your fathers thus and did not our God bring all this evill on us and on this city yet ye bring more wrath on Israel by prophaning the Sabbath Isai 58. 13 14. If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath from doing thy own pleasure on my holy day and call the Sabbath a delight and the holy of the Lord. honourable and shalt honour him not doing thine
lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rent you As to the other how the Rule of the Word and Constitutions of this Kirk are keept in this particular it needs nor much be spoken the transgression being so palpable common that they who runs may read these particular faults may be taken notice of in order to this point 1. To say nothing that in some places few or none at all are excluded for ignorance but that persons being once come to such an age are admitted and being once admitted are never again excluded There is in many Congregations little or no care to examine or take any notice of the knowledge of all persons indifferently something being done in reference to servants and these of the poorer sort but masters of families and those of the richer sort for the most part neglected taking it for granted as it were that they have knowledge when indeed many of them are grosly ignorant and ought because of their ignorance to be debarred 2. That the bare repeating of the Lords Prayer the Belief or ten Commandements or answering a Question or two of the Catechisme by rot-rime as we say when nothing of the meaning is understood is by many taken for knowledge sufficient 3. There is not sufficient care to take notice of all scandals and scandalous persons in which respect there is a twofold gross neglect 1 That the scandal of omission of Duty is not taken notice of as well as the scandal of commission of sin notwithstanding that the Acts and Constitutions of the Kirk make express provision for the one aswel as for the other as may be seen in their Acts against these who absent themselves on the Lords day from the Publick Worship of God and against masters of families who neglect to pray in their family and others of that nature 2. The many scandals of commission are also neglected it being a custom in many Congregations to take notice only of Fornicators and Adulterers and workers on the Lords day and such as these but do neglect Tiplers Drunkards Swearets Lyars Deceivers of their Neighbors Fighters Oppressors Extortioners Covetous persons and many others who walk contrary to the Gospel whereas it is expresly provided by the Discipline of this Kirk in the year 1587. that if the Eldership perceive any thing in the Congregation either evil in the example or scandalous in manners and not beseeming their profession whatsoever it be that may spot the Christian Congregation yea rather whatsoever is not to edification ought not to escape admonition or punishment or higher degree of Kirk-Censure as 2 Cor. 2. 6. Sufficient to such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many 3. That many such as have been judicially convicted of scandalous faults are pressed and received into a publick profession of Repentance when as indeed there is no real evidences of Repentance yet by a profession therof are put in a capacity to come to the Lords Table By these waies it comes to pass that many ignorant and scandalous persons are admitted who ought to be excluded which certainly is a fearful sin as may appear in these and many other respects 1. It hinders many poor souls from searching after knowledge and from departing from iniquity and hardens them in their ignorance and lewdness 2. It causeth them to prohane the precious bloud of the Covenant and to eat and drink damnation to themselves 3. It makes the ignorant and scandalous promiscuously partakers of the seals of the Covenant of Grace with the truly godly 4. It provokes the Lord to depart from his Ordinances and forsake his Temple because of such dishonour to his Name 5. It brings on the judgment of God on particular persons and the whol Land Lastly it grieves and stumbles the godly amongst our selves and exposes our selves and the Ordinances of Christ therein to contempt and reproach amongst others The Fourth Consequent which is named to follow on the resting upon outward and bare forms is the keeping in of many continually openly profane in the fellowship of this Kirk by which is meant the neglect of casting out such from the fellowship of the kirk by the sentence of excomunication for certainly these who do wilfully continue in their ignorance from year to year slighting the means of knowledge and refusing to be instructed or to learn the way of the Lord And these who do continue in an open course of prophanity making a profession of repentance and still persisting in their wicked way after sufficient pains taken on them and their slighting other inferior Kirk Censures ought to be casten out as dry and withered corrupt and rotten branches and not to be looked as Members of the Kirk of GOD. Num. 15. 30. But the soul that doth ought presumptuously whether he be born in the Land or a stranger the same reproacheth the Lord and that soul shall be cut off from amongst his People Psal. 50. 16 17. But to the wicked God saith What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes or that thou shouldest take my Covenant in thy mouth seeing thou hatest instruction and casteth my Words behinds thee Mat. 18. 18. Verily I say unto you Whatsoever you shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven And therfore it is provided in the old Acts of the Assembly of this Kirk that who will stubbornly remain ignorant in the principal points of Salvation shall be Excommunicated And that every Master of Family shall be commanded either to instruct his Children and Servants or cause them be instructed and if they will not the Kirk shall proceed against them The Gen. Assembly at Edinburgh in the year 1648. in the Overtures for the remedy of Grievances and common Sins of the Land provided That persons often guilty of gross scandals be Excommunicated more summarily then ordinary Process except there be more then ordinary signs an eminent measure of repentance made known to the Sessions and Presbyterie Besides these four the Article also mentions many other sad and fearful consequents unto the prophaning of all the Ordinances of God and rendring them bare barren and fruitless to us And there is no question but that formality in profession and resting upon and idolizing outward and bare forms brings out many sad consequents besides these such as the slighting by many and mocking by some the work of the Spirit not seeking after communion and fellowship with God in Ordinances not studying to know and be humbled for the iniquity of our Holy things not seeing a need and imploying of JESUS CHRIST for strength and acceptance in all our performances and turning the living God to a dumb Idol and many others that are mentioned and spoken to in that Paper published by the Commssion concerning the contempt of the Gospel The Fourth Article The fourth Artcle hath two parts the first whereof relates to the neglect of Family-worship which though it be a grievous sin which provokes the