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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A60965 Oroonoko a tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesty's servants / written by Tho. Southerne. Southerne, Thomas, 1660-1746.; Congreve, William, 1670-1729.; Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689. Oroonoko. 1696 (1696) Wing S4761; ESTC R12217 52,791 96

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Monster cunning in his Flatteries When he had weary'd all his useless Arts Leapt out fierce as a beast of prey to seize me I trembled fear'd Oro. I fear and tremble now What cou'd preserve thee what deliver thee Imo. That worthy Man you us'd to call your Friend Oro. Blanford Imo. Came in and sav'd me from his Rage Oro. He was a Friend indeed to rescue thee And for his sake I 'le think it possible A Christian may be yet an honest man Imo. O! did you know what I have strugl'd through To save me yours sure you wou'd promise me Never to see me forc't from you agen Oro. To promise thee O! do I need to promise But there is now no farther use of Words Death is security for all our fears Shews Aboan's body on the floor And yet I cannot trust him Imo. Aboan Oro. Mangled and torn resolv'd to give me time To fit my self for what I must expect Groan'd out a warning to me and expir'd Imo. For what you must expect Oro. Wou'd that were all Imo. What! to be butcher'd thus Oro. Just as thou see'st Imo. By barbarous Hands to fall at last their Prey Oro. I have run the Race with Honour shall I now Lag and be overtaken at the Goal Imo. No. Oro. I must look back to thee Tenderly Imo. You shannot need I 'm always present to your purpose say Which way wou'd you dispose me Oro. Have a care Thou' rt on a Precipice and dost not see Whither that question leads thee O! too soon Thou dost enquire what the assembled Gods Have not determin'd and will latest doom Yet this I know of Fate this is most certain I cannot as I wou'd dispose of thee And as I ought I dare not Oh Imoinda Imo. Alas that sigh why do you tremble so Nay then 't is bad indeed if you can weep Oro. My Heart runs over if my gushing Eyes Betray a weakness which they never knew Believe thou only thou cou'dst cause these tears The Gods themselves conspire with faithless Men To our destruction Imo. Heaven and Earth our Foes Oro. It is not always granted to the great To be most happy If the angry Pow'rs Repent their Favours let 'em take 'em back The hopes of Empire which they gave my youth By making me a Prince I here resign Let 'em quench in me all those glorious Fires Which kindled at their beams that lust of Fame That Fevor of Ambition restless still And burning with the sacred Thirst of Sway Which they inspir'd to qualifie my Fate And make me fit to govern under them Let 'em extinguish I submit my self To their high pleasure and devoted Bow Yet lower to continue still a Slave Hopeless of liberty and if I cou'd Live after it wou'd give up Honour too To satisfie their Vengeance to avert This only Curse the curse of losing thee Imo. If Heav'n cou'd be appeas'd these cruel Men Are not to be entreated or believ'd O! think on that and be no more deceiv'd Oro. What can we do Imo. Can I do any thing Oro. But we were born to suffer Imo. Suffer both Both die and so prevent ' em Oro. By thy Death O! let me hunt my travel'd Thoughts again Range the wide waste of desolate despair Start any hope Alas I lose my self 'T is Pathless Dark and Barren all to me Thou art my only guide my light of Life And thou art leaving me Send out thy Beams Upon the Wing let 'em fly all around Discover every way Is there a dawn A glimmering of comfort the great God That rises on the World must shine on us Imo. And see us set before him Oro. Thou bespeak'st and goes before me Imo. So I wou'd in Love In the dear unsuspected part of Life In Death for Love Alas what hopes for me I was preserv'd but to acquit my self To beg to die with you Oro. And can'st thou ask it I never durst enquire into my self About thy fate and thou resolv'st it all Imo. Alas my Lord my Fate 's resolv'd in yours Oro. O! keep thee there Let not thy Virtue shrink From my support and I will gather strength Fast as I can to tell thee Imo. I must die I know 't is fit and I can die with you Oro. O! thou hast banisht hence a thousand fears Which sickned at my Heart and quite unman'd me Imo. Your fear 's for me I know you fear'd my strength And cou'd not overcome your tenderness To pass this Sentence on me and indeed There you were kind as I have always found you As you have ever been for tho' I am Resign'd and ready to obey my doom Methinks it shou'd not be pronounc'd by you Oro. O! that was all the labour of my grief My heart and tongue forsook me in the strife I never cou'd pronounce it Imo. I have for you for both of us Oro. Alas for me my death I cou'd regard as the last Scene of life And act it thro' with joy to have it done But then to part with thee Imo. 'T is hard to part But parting thus as the most happy must Parting in death makes it the easier You might have thrown me off forsaken me And my misfortunes that had been a death Indeed of terror to have trembled at Oro. Forsaken thrown thee off Imo. But 't is a pleasure more than life can give That with unconquer'd Passion to the last You struggle still and fain wou'd hold me to you Oro. Ever ever and let those stars which are my ●●●●ies Witness against me in the other World If I wou'd leave this Mansion of my Bliss To be the brightest Ruler of their Skies O! that we cou'd incorporate be one Embracing her One Body as we have been long one Mind That blended so we might together mix And losing thus our Beings to the World Be only found to one anothers Joys Imo. Is this the way to part Oro. Which is the way Imo. The God of Love is blind and cannot find it But quick make haste our Enemies have Eyes To find us out and shew us the worst way Of parting think on them Oro. Why dost thou wake me Imo. O! no more of Love For if I listen to you I shall quite Forget my Dangers and desire to live I can't live yours Takes up the Dagger Oro. There all the Stings of Death Are shot into my Heart what shall I do Imo. This Dagger will instruct you Gives it him Oro. Ha! this Dagger Like Fate it points me to the horrid Deed. Imo. Strike strike it home and bravely save us both There is no other Safety Oro. It must be But first a dying Kiss Kisses her This last Embrace Embracing her And now Imo. I 'm ready Oro. O! where shall I strike Is there a smallest grain of that lov'd Body That is not dearer to me than my Eyes My bosom'd Heart and all the live Blood there Bid me cut off these Limbs hew off these Hands Dig out these Eyes tho' I wou'd
will shine so piercing bright Each glancing beam will kill outright And every Swain subdue A SONG by Mr. Cheek Sett by Mr. Courtevill and sung by Mr. Leveridge I. Bright Cynthia's Pow'r divinely great What Heart is not obeying A thousand Cupids on her wait And in her Eyes are playing II. She seems the Queen of Love to reign For She alone dispences Such Sweets as best can entertain The Gust of all the Senses III. Her Face a charming prospect brings Her Breath gives balmy Blisses I hear an Angel when she sings And taste of Heaven in Kisses IV. Four Senses thus she feasts with joy From Nature's richest Treasure Let me the other Sense employ And I shall dye with pleasure During the Entertainment the Governour Blanford Stanmore Oroonoko enter as Spectators that ended Captain Driver Jaek Stanmore and several Planters enter with their Swords drawn A Bell rings Capt. Where are you Governour make what hast you can To save your self and the whole Colony I bid 'em ring the Bell. Gov. What 's the matter J. Stan. The Indians are come down upon us They have plunder'd some of the Plantations already And are marching this way as fast as they can Gov. What can we do against ' em Blan. We shall be able to make a stand Till more Planters come in to us J. Stan. There are a great many more without If you wou'd show your self and put us in order Gov. There 's no danger of the White Slaves they 'll not stir Blanford and Stanmore come you along with me Some of you stay here to look after the Black Slaves All go out but the Captain and 6 Planters who all at once seize Oroonoko 1. Plan. Ay ay let us alone Capt. In the first place we secure you Sir As an Enemy to the Government Oro. Are you there Sir you are my constant Friend 1 Plan. You will be able to do a great deal of mischief Capt. But we shall prevent you bring the Irons hither He has the malice of a Slave in him and wou'd be glad to be cutting his Masters Throats I know him Chain his hands and feet that he may not run over to 'em if they have him they shall carry him on their backs that I can tell ' em As they are chaining him Blanford enters runs to ' em Blan. What are you doing there Capt. Securing the main chance this is a bosom enemy Blan. Away you Brutes I 'll answer with my life for his behaviour so tell the Governour Capt. and Plan. Well Sir so we will Exeunt Capt. and Planters Oro. Give me a Sword and I 'll deserve your trust A Party of Indians enter hurrying Imoinda among the Slaves another Party of Indians sustains 'em retreating follow'd at a distance by the Governour with the Planters Blanford Oroonoko joyn ' em Blan. Hell and the Devil they drive away our Slaves before our Faces Governour can you stand tamely by and suffer this Clemene Sir your Mistriss is among ' em Gov. We throw our selves away in the attempt to rescue ' em Oro. A Lover cannot fall more glorious Than in the cause of Love He that deserves His Mistress's favour wonnot stay behind I 'le lead you on be bold and follow me Oroonoko at the head of the Planters falls upon the Indians with a great shout beats 'em off Imoinda enters Imo. I 'm tost about by my tempestuous Fate And no where must have rest Indians or English Whoever has me I am still a Slave No matter whose I am since I am no more My Royal Masters Since I 'm his no more O I was happy nay I will be happy In the dear thought that I am still his Wife Tho' far divided from him Draws off to a corner of the Stage After a shout enter the Governour with Oroonoko Blanford Stanmore and the Planters Gov. Thou glorious Man thou something greater sure Than Caesar ever was that single Arm Has sav'd us all accept our general thanks All bow to Oroonoko And what we can do more to recompense Such noble services you shall command Clemene too shall thank you she is safe Look up and bless your brave deliverer Brings Clemene forward looking down on the ground Oro. Bless me indeed Blan. You start Oro. O all you Gods Who govern this great World and bring about Things strange and unexpected can it be Gov. What is 't you stare'at so Oro. Answer me some of you you who have power And have your Senses free or are you all Struck thro' with wonder too Looking still fixt on her Blan. What wou'd you know Oro. My Soul steals from my Body thro' my Eyes All that is left of life I 'll gaze away And die upon the Pleasure Gov. This is strange Oro. If you but mock me with her Image here If she be not Imoinda She looks upon him and falls into a Swoon he runs to her Ha! she faints Nay then it must be she it is Imoinda My Heart confesses her and leaps for joy To welcome her to her own Empire here I feel her all in every part of me O! let me press her in my eager Arms Wake her to life and with this kindling Kiss Give back that Soul she only sent to me Kisses her Gov. I am amaz'd Blan. I am as much as you Oro. Imoinda O! thy Oroonoko calls Imoinda coming to life Imo. My Oroonoko O! I can't believe What any Man can say But if I am To be deceiv'd there 's something in that Name That Voice that Face Staring on him O! if I know my self I cannot be mistaken Runs and embraces Oroonoko Oro. Never here You cannot be mistaken I am yours Your Oroonoko all that you wou'd have Your tender loving Husband Imo. All indeed That I wou'd have my Husband then I am Alive and waking to the Joys I feel They were so great I cou'd not think 'em true But I believe all that you say to me For Truth it self and everlasting Love Grows in this Breast and pleasure in these arms Oro. Take take me all enquire into my heart You know the way to every secret there My Heart the sacred treasury of Love And if in absence I have mis-employ'd A Mite from the rich store if I have spent A Wish a Sigh but what I sent to you May I be curst to wish and sigh in vain And you not pity me Imo. O! I believe And know you by my self If these sad Eyes Since last we parted have beheld the Face Of any Comfort or once wish'd to see The light of any other Heaven but you May I be struck this moment blind and lose Your blessed sight never to find you more Oro. Imoinda O! this separation Has made you dearer if it can be so Than you were ever to me You appear Like a kind Star to my benighted Steps To guide me on my way to happiness I cannot miss it now Governour Friend You think me mad but let me bless you all Who any
that will be free If you confess Humanity believe There is a God or Devil to reward Our doings here do not provoke your Fate The Hand of Heaven is arm'd against these Crimes With hotter Thunder-Bolts prepar'd to shoot And Nail you to the Earth a sad Example A Monument of Faithless Infamy Enter Stanmore J. Stanmore Charlott Lucy Widow and Daniel So Stanmore you I know the Women too Will join with me 'T is Oroonoko's Cause A Lover's Cause a wretched Woman's Cause That will become your Intercession To the Women 1. Plan. Never mind 'em Governour he ought to be made an Example for the good of the Plantation 2. Plan. Ay ay 't will frighten the Negroes from Attempting the like agen 1. Plan. What rise against their Lords and Masters At this rate no Man is safe from his own Slaves 2. Plan. No no more he is Therefore one and all Governour we declare for Hanging Om. Plan. Ay ay hang him hang him Wid. What! Hang him O! forbid it Governour Char. and Lucy We all Petition for him J. Stan. They are for a Holy-Day Guilty or not Is not the Business hanging is their Sport Blan. We are not sure so wretched to have these The Rabble judge for us the changing Croud The Arbitrary Guard of Fortune's Power Who wait to catch the Sentence of her Frowns And hurry all to ruine she Condemns Stan. So far from farther Wrong that 't is a shame He shou'd be where he is Good Governour Order his Liberty He yielded up Himself his all at your discretion Blan. Discretion no he yielded on your word And I am made the cautionary Pledge The Gage and Hostage of your keeping it Remember Sir he yielded on your word Your Word which honest Men will think should be The last resort of Truth and trust on Earth There 's no Appeal beyond it but to Heaven An Oath is a recognisance to Heaven Binding us over in the Courts above To plead to the Indictment of our Crimes That those who 'scape this World should suffer there But in the common Intercourse of Men Where the dread Majesty is not Invoak'd His Honour not immediately concern'd Not made a Party in our Interests Our Word is all to be rely'd upon Wid. Come come You 'l be as good as your Word we know Stan. He 's out of all power of doing any harm now If he were dispos'd to it Char. But he is not dispos'd to it Blan. To keep him where he is will make him soon Find out some desperate way to Liberty He 'll hang himself or dash out his mad Brains Char. Pray try him by gentle Means We 'll all be Sureties for him Om. All all Luc. We will all answer for him now Gov. Well you will have it so do what you please Just what you will with him I give you leave Exit Blan. We thank you Sir this way pray come with me Exeunt The Scene drawn shews Oroonoko upon his Back his Legs and Arms stretcht out and chain'd to the Ground Enter Blanford Stanmore c. Blan. O miserable Sight help every one Assist me all to free him from his Chains They help him up and bring him forward looking down Most injur'd Prince how shall we clear our selves We cannot hope you will vouchsafe to hear Or credit what we say in the Defence And Cause of our suspected Innocence Stan. We are not guilty of your Injuries No way consenting to 'em but abhor Abominate and loath this Cruelty Blan. It is our Curse but make it not our Crime A heavy curse upon us that we must Share any thing in common ev'n the Light The Elements and Seasons with such Men Whose Principles like the fam'd Dragons Teeth Scatter'd and sown wou'd shoot a Harvest up Of fighting Mischiefs to confound themselves And ruin all about ' em Stan. Profligates Whose bold Titanian Impiety Wou'd once agen pollute their Mother Earth Force her to teem with her old monstrous Brood Of Gyants and forget the Race of Men. Blan. We are not so believe us innocent We come prepar'd with all our Services To offer a Redress of your base Wrongs Which way shall we employ ' em Stan. Tell us Sir if there is any thing that can attone But nothing can that may be some amends Oro. If you wou'd have me think you are not all Confederates all accessory to The base Injustice of your Governour If you wou'd have me live as you appear Concern'd for me if you wou'd have me live To thank and bless you there is yet a Way To tye me ever to your honest Love Bring my Imoinda to me give me her To charm my Sorrows and if possible I 'le sit down with my Wrongs never to rise Against my Fate or think of Vengeance more Blan. Be satisfi'd you may depend upon us We 'll bring her safe to you and suddenly Char. We wonnot leave you in so good a work Wid. No no we 'll go with you Blan. In the mean time Endeavour to forget Sir and forgive And hope a better Fortune Exeunt Oroonoko alone Oro. Forget forgive I must indeed forget When I forgive but while I am a Man In Flesh that bears the living mark of Shame The print of his dishonourable Chains My Memory still rousing up my Wrongs I never can forgive this Governour This Villain the disgrace of Trust and Place And just Contempt of delegated Power What shall I do If I declare my self I know him he will sneak behind his Guard Of Followers and brave me in his Fears Else Lyon like with my devouring Rage I wou'd rush on him fasten on his Throat Tear wide a Passage to his treacherous Heart And that way lay him open to the World Pausing If I shou'd turn his Christian Arts on him Promise him speek him fair flatter and creep With fawning Steps to get within his Faith I cou'd betray him then as he has me But am I sure by that to right my self Lying's a certain Mark of Cowardise And when the Tongue forgets its Honesty The Heart and Hand may drop their functions too And nothing worthy be resolv'd or done The Man must go together bad or good In one part srail he soon grows weak in all Honour shou'd be concern'd in Honour's Cause That is not to be cur'd by Contraries As Bodies are whose Health is osten drawn From rankest Poysons Let me but find out An honest Remedy I have the Hand A ministring Hand that will apply it Home Exit SCENE the Governour 's House Enter Governour Gov. I wou'd not have her tell me she consents In Favour of the Sexes Modesty That still shou'd be presum'd because there is A greater Impudence in owning it Than in allowing all that we can do This Truth I know and yet against my self So unaccountable are Lovers ways I talk and lose the Opportunities Which Love and she expects I shou'd employ Ev'n she expects for when a Man has said All that is fit to save the