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A51123 Antichrist unvailed by the finger of Gods power and his visage discovered by the light of Christ Jesus, and his ministers, members, works, and lying wonders, manifested by the spirit of God, a manifestation whereof is given to every man (and woman) to profit withal : with friendly and serious invitations, exhortations, and warnings to all professors of Christianity, to beware of that antichristian spirit that leadeth to destruction, and of those teachers, who are influenced by it / written in the love of God by a prisoner (at Lancaster castle) for the testimony of truth, and one of the people called (in scorn) Quakers, Henry Mollineux. Mollineux, Henry, d. 1719. 1695 (1695) Wing M2393; ESTC R13417 147,325 285

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us be called by thy Name to take away our Reproach And now is the Name of Christ who is called the Branch become of esteem with many Nations and so is beautiful and glorious and the Fruit that in many Christians in deep Sufferings and otherwise hath been and is brought forth is excellent and comely and so now there are many divided Professions among People and every Gathering of them of each sort call themselves by the honourable Name of Christians and so they seem to take hold of Christ and would be called by his Name to have their Reproach taken away for they will eat their own Bread feed upon their own Imaginations Carnal Knowledge and Sensual Wisdom and also upon their Pleasures and Vanities and likewise they will wear their own Apparel have their own Professions and cover with a Covering but not of the Spirit of God no for they mock at the Movings of the Spirit and at the cloathing of the Spirit but if any Man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his and so they know not a feeding upon the Bread of Life which Christ giveth nor a being cloathed with the fine Linnen which he giveth to be cloathed withal but are a Reproach to the Name of Christ and therefore their Reproach is not taken away they have not the end of their desire being out of the Life of true Christianity they cannot have truly the Name And such in every of their ragged Prosessions wherewith they would cover themselves like Adam and Eve with Fig-leaves in each of their Companies have Teachers which call themselves Divines and why so because they were brought up at Natural Schools and Colleges and have learned Languages as Latin Greek and Hebrew but there have been many more Languages than those since the building of Babel and it was Latin Greek and Hebrew which Pilate set over the Head of Christ when they crucified him Luke 23.38 and so such set Latin Greek and Hebrew over Christ in his Spiritual Appearance by his Light Grace and the Manifestation of his Spirit in their Hearts where he is crucified afresh in their Affections and Lusts and so they are more sensual than divine And those their Teachers having paid much for their Learning they make as rich Merchandize of it as they can they get as large Benefices or Wages as they can and no doubt but they set forth their Merchandize as gorgeously as they can too especially till their Benefices or Wages be confirmed as they think upon them and then vendible or not vendible they will have their rate or with force and with cruelty take it And these are the Merchants of the Earth for their Merchandize is earthly and bought for Money which cannot buy Heaven who are waxen Rich through the abundance of the Delicacies of Babylon with whom they Trade and at the fall of Babylon which hasteth apace they will weep and mourn over her Rev. 18.3 11. for no Man will buy their Merchandize any more for true Christians cannot hire Teachers to deceive People nor pay to them who strengthen the Hands of Evil-doers preaching Peace where there is no Peace And thus these Merchants false Prophets Teachers and Priests being waxed rich Jer. 5.31 like the false Prophets and Priests of Old they bear Rule by their Means and in the power of Darkness the power of the Man of Sin in the woful Night of Apostacy the Heads of them the Popes of Rome haue ruled over the Kings of the Earth and have declared pronounced and defined that every Creature upon necessity of Salvation must be subject to them the Popes who say their Doctrine is infallible but now many know that much of it is contrary to the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles And now the Everlasting Day of God is at hand in which the Name of the Lord shall be great among the Heathen Mal 1.11 from the rising of the Sun unto the going down of the same and in the Light of Christ the Son of Righteousness which is arisen and is arising with healing in his Wings unto many who have feared Mal. 4.2 and do fear the Name of the Lord many are made sensible of the same and know that the Light thereof is driving away the Spiritual Darkness of the woful Night of Apostacy which hath long covered the Earth and the Hearts of the People and many shall come to see plainly the deceit of the Merchants of Babylon which is revealed and is to be yet more and more revealed by the Light and Spirit of Christ and they who see their deceit plainly except they be very foolish will buy their Merchandize no more and then down falls their Trade And now let all who are convinced of the Popish Error in telling of a Purging from Sin after this Life and yet say that there is no freedom from Sin attainable on this side the Grave consider that no unclean thing can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Rev. 21.27 and then where and when must their Souls be made clean from Sin if not while their Bodies live And let all such examine themselves inwardly in the true Light of Christ Jesus whether they be not in the Suburbs of the City Babylon or in Confusion and whether or no they be fit for the Kingdom of Heaven into which nothing that defileth or worketh abomination or maketh a lye can in anywise enter but they that are written in the Lamb's Book of Life in whose Light the Nations of them which are saved must walk Rev. 21.23 24 27. And all those who in any measure see themselves to be in Babylon or in Confusion inwardly as all are who disobey the Light of Christ and walk not in the Path thereof but would have Salvation in their own Ways or Religions which they reckon were the Religions of their Forefathers as the Jews did of Old who reckoned themselves Abraham's Children and yet would not believe in Christ whose Day Abraham saw and rejoiced to see whose Day the said Jews despised and slighted the Visitation thereof unto them Now it is high time for all such to take diligent heed to the Light of Christ in their own Hearts which only can truly give them a true discovery inwardly of their several Estates and Conditions in which their Souls stand in the sight of God who knoweth the Secrets of all Hearts And as they carefully mind and obey this true Light which secretly reproves for Sin in their Hearts and Consciences John 6.2 John 8.12 it will certainly shew them whether they work the Works of God which is to believe on him or on that which God hath sent which is on the Light which whosoever followeth shall not walk in Darkness but shall have the Light of Life Eph. 5.13 Or they work the Works of the Man of Sin the Works of Darkness which are reproved and reprovable by the Light for whatsoever is reproved or reprovable
is made manifest by the Light And so all by Examination may prove and try themselves whether they be in the true Faith of Christ which giveth the Victory and so the Apostle advised adding thereunto these Words Know ye not your own selves said he how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates Oh! it is a dreadful thing to sell Eternal Happiness for Earthly Trifles and what else is all the Glory of the World as Esau being faint it seems he wanted true Faith he sold his Birthright for a Mess of Pottage and lost the Blessing being hunting abroad Heb. 12.17 and afterwards could not find a Place of Repentance tho' he sought it earnestly or carefully and that with Tears And so let all beware lest they bring themselves into Esau's condition for they cannot find a Place of Repentance when they have sinned out their Day and sold Heaven for a little Vanity And let none hunt abroad like Esau who that while lost the Blessing but every one at home may do well to take heed to the Light though it shine but as in a dark Place until the Day dawn and the Day-Star arise in their Hearts For it it a terrible thing to neglect the Day of the Visitation of the Love of God in and by the Light and Grace of Jesus Christ for he would not that any should perish as Jerusalem did whom he would often have gathered as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings but she would not wherefore Christ wept over her saying Oh! that thou hadst known in this thy Day the things which concern thy Peace but now they are hid from thine Eyes And then he declared of the Wo Confusion and Misery that was therefore to come upon her by her Enemies prevailing over her because she knew not the time of her Visitation Luke 19.41 42 43 44. And so Wo Confusion and Misery will certainly come upon every particular Man or Woman by the prevailing Power of their Enemy the Man of Sin the Power of Darkness who reject the Light of Christ and rebel against it and neglect the Day of their Souls Visitation by it For the Light of Christ who is the Sun of Righteousness is extended to all Mankind to teach People to fear the Name of God that so the Sun of Righteousness may arise upon them and that they may be gathered under the healing Wings thereof as a Hen gathereth her Chickens and so Christ standeth at the Door of Peoples Hearts and knocketh and desireth Rev. 3.20 and entreateth that they may open unto him that he may come in unto them and Sup with them and they with him But all they who reject his Counsel and will none of his Reproof but delight in Vanity and do not chuse the Fear of the Lord who when he knocketh will not open when he calleth will not answer and when he stretcheth out his Hand Prov. 1. refuse to be gathered these may seek him but shall not find him these may call but he will not answer these may cry but he will not hear them And it is not Profession only that will stand any instead though it be of the very Truth it self without Faithfulness to God in the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord which is at hand Zeph. 1.12 wherein the will Plead with all Flesh and stain the Glory thereof wherein he will search Jerusalem with Candles and punish the Men that are settled on their Lees for the Lord by his Light searcheth the Heart and tryeth the Reins Jer. 17.10 even to give to every Man according to his Ways and according to the Fruit of his Doings And now God requireth all People to hear his beloved Son who speaks from Heaven by his Light in their Hearts his Heavenly Voice which Voice from Heaven saith Come out of Babylon my People Rev. 18.4 that ye be not partakers of her Sins and that ye receive not of her Plagues he that hath an Ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit saith And let none refuse him that speaketh from Heaven for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on Earth Heb. 12.25 of how much sorer Punishment shall they be worthy who turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven And they who call themselves Protetestants what sort soever they be of who protest against the Abominations of the Pope and the Church of Rome if they come not to the Light nor bring their Deeds to it that their Deeds may be made manifest by it that they are wrought in God they are yet but in Babylon in Confusion and in Darkness and there they are in the inventing Nature in which Popery first arose and from which sprung their Ceremonies and Ordinances to get Money by and so they are far from the Nature of them who first began to protest against Popery who according to what was made manifest answered the Light in their Hearts and were wonderfully preserved And so they who profess Christianity and are erred from the Light of Christ in their own Hearts and live in Disobedience to it they are walking in the Way of the Man of Sin who is their Leader and Ruler And what need such to call the Church of Rome Babylon or the Pope who is called the Head of it Antichrist or the Man of Sin who are in Spiritual Babylon and subject to the Spirit of Antichrist in themselves For the Papists themselves as they do tell of an Antichrist or a Man of Sin to be revealed of which one of them called Robert Persons in his Book entituled A Christian Directory or Resolution printed Permissu superiorum that is with the Licence of Superiors in the Year 1622 in Part 1. and Chap. 7. and in Page 246. thus writeth That according to the written Prophecies of Ezekiel Daniel Saint John in the Revelation a little before the last General Day of Judgment there shall be revealed the Man of Sin called Antichrist who after the Conquest of many Kings and Kingdoms shall make himself the Monarch and absolute Owner of the World and shall exercise upon good Christians more Barbarous Cruelty and shed more Innocent Blood within the space of three Years and an half which shall be the term of his outragious Tyranny than all other Enemies of God have done from the beginning In which Words the said Robert Persons writes as if the Man of Sin or Antichrist were not yet revealed or not yet come to his Exaltation but the said Apostle John whom he quotes testified That the Spirit of Antichrist in his time 1 John 4.3 was in the World and that there were then many Antichrists whereby saith he we know that it is the last time Joh. 2.18 And if the Spirit of Antichrist and many Antichrists were then so known to true Christians that thereby they knew it was the last time it must needs follow that Antichrist was in the Apostles time revealed But if
are taught of it to watch in it continually against every Appearance of Evil and of the Author thereof the Devil their Adversary 1 Pet. 5.8 who as a roaring Lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour and so they are to be continually careful according to the Command of Christ and his Apostles that no Man deceive them and to prove all things and hold fast that which is good for it is not a trivial thing but a weighty concern to them and of absolute necessity to the Salvation of their Souls to be always watching against and waiting to be preserved from the beguiling deceit of the Devil and his Instruments who with all his Power and Signs and lying Wonders are continually endeavouring to deceive which deceivableness of unrighteousness is-so apt to prevail upon Mankind that Christ said If it were possible they should deceive the very elect and then surely the careless and rebellious are like to be deceived by them and led to Eternal Misery And although Christ and his Apostles advised and commanded to beware of them which should shew great Signs and Wonders yet some have been and are so far erred from the true Light and Doctrine of Christ that they not only tell and make Books of the great Wonders which they say have been done by and amongst them but also reckon them as certain Marks of the Church of Christ though Christ and his Apostles told of them being the Mark of Antichrist and the false Prophets And so with their Wonders and Powers and Signs they have deceived and do deceive many as Christ and his Apostles foretold And as the Apostle John prophesied concerning the Beast that he beheld coming up out of the Earth that doth great Wonders Rev. 13.11 to 15. so that he maketh Fire to come down from Heaven upon the Earth in the sight of Men and deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those Miracles which he had power to do so it is that which comes up out of the Earth not that which cometh down from Heaven that doth their great Wonders and it is that which is learned at their Schools Colledges and Academies of Earthly and Spoiling Philosophy and Vain Deceit Col. 2. ● which the Apostle charged to beware of and not that which is received of Christ Jesus that capacitates the Members of Antichrist and of the Beast to be so prevalent with their Power Signs Wonders and Alluring Enchantments and Poysonous Societies upon People to deceive them Rev. 18.23 Eph. 5.6 Rom. 16.18 by their Enticing Words and Fair Speeches and their making a pretence of Christianity by coming in Christ's Name though he never sent them and their saying that he is Christ covering themselves with a Profession of him But wo saith the Lord to the Rebellious Children that take Counsel but not of me and that cover with in covering but not of my Spirit Isa 30.1 And so the Members of Antichrist the Man of Sin who are learned in the Mysteries of their Craft and are influenced with the beguiling subtilty of their Master the Serpent they imploy all their Wits Arts and Parts in their earthly and sensual Wisdom and for their earthly and quickly perishing Gain to draw Peoples Minds from the Light the Manifestation of the Spirit of Christ in their Hearts which is given to them to profit withal that so they may keep them under the power of Darkness and in Admiration of their Teachings Signs Ceremonies Splendor and Wonders with which they infatuate the Ears Eyes and Minds of People that so they may depend upon them and rest under their covering of Profession And those that such Deceivers could not prevail upon to follow them in their Superstitious Practices them they oftentimes Burned or Sentenced to be Burned to Death when they had power in their Hands as woful Experience hath largely declared and for their so doing pretended Authority from Heaven and doth not this their wondrous murdering practice and pretence of having Authority from Heaven to Burn People seem somewhat like the Beast's making Fire to come down from Heaven in the sight of Men And those that are prevailed upon by them and do admire their Signs and Wonders might possibly have as much or more admired the Wonders done by the Magicians of Egypt Exod. 7.11 to 23. in causing their Rods to become Serpents and the Waters to become Blood and in bringing up Frogs upon the Land of Egypt and those that cover with a covering and not of the Spirit of the Lord and ask not at his Mouth but walk to go down as into Egypt a Land of Darkness to strengthen themselves as in the strength of Pharaoh and trust as in the shadow of Egypt Isa 30.1 2 3 the strength of Pharaoh shall be their shame and the trust in the shadow of Egypt their Confusion It may be objected that Christ and his Apostles confirmed his Doctrine by Miracles but then that was at the first when they preached down the outward Law and the Ceremonies thereof which God had commanded them by Moses that they should observe And when they first published the Glad-tydings of the Gospel of the Grace and Peace of Christ Heb. 8.9 10 11. the New Covenant before promised the Law written in the Heart But they who neglect this inward Law who now reckon of their Wonders have and retain many Ceremonies and Superstitious Practices for which they have no Ground nor Warrant from God nor Christ nor his Apostles as the Jews had for theirs and so there is no need of outward Miracles to confirm the preaching down of their modern Superstitious Ceremonies they being plainly repugnant to the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles Recorded in the Scriptures of Truth which contain also Prophesies of their Signs and Wonders too to come in the Apostacy which things are exactly come to pass And it is more than they can do by all their Miracles if they can do any to confirm any Honest hearted true seeker after God in their Belief of many of the Wonder pleaders Doctrines as that of Transubstantiation and of Purgatory Prayers to and for the Dead Indulgences for Money Worship of Images c. Stories of Wonders will convince few that their Faith and Practice concerning these things is acceptable with God Now we read of as many or more that vilified the outward Miracles that Christ did as were Converted to him by them And they to whom Christ himself preached Mat. 9.34 Mat. 12.24 Mark 3.22 Luke 11.15 Jo. 12.36.37 Jo. 10.19.21 22. saying While ye have the light believe in the light that ye may be the children of light Though he had done many Miracles before them yet they believed not on him And the whole multitude of the Country of the Gadarenes round about besought him to depart from them for they were taken with a great fear because of a notable Miracle that he had wrought amongst them and so
their deceit and they often with much exercise experience that such as claim Tythes c. for their Preaching and Ceremonies though in the Serpents Wisdom they may cover as with Sheeps cloathing they are inwardly and often manifest it outwardly as ravening Wolves amongst Sheep and not as Sheep amongst Wolves and so they observe not Christ's Command of being harmless as Doves And likewise Christ and his Apostle commanded saying Mat. 5.33 to 38. Jam. 5.12 Swear not at all neither by heaven neither by the earth neither by any other Oath but let your Yea be Yea and your Nay Nay lest ye fall into Condemnation and this the Apostle commanded above all things And Christ said Whatsoever is more than yea yea and nay nay cometh of evil but the Pleaders for Ceremonies Signs and Shadows they make light of this great Command and plead generally for Swearing and at their very entrance into their Office or Calling to get their Tythes or Wages c. they must Swear and so break the Commandment of Christ at the beginning of their pretended Ministry of his Gospel in which they Preach up Signs and Ceremonies for which they can find no such plain nor positive Command from Christ or from his Apostles as they may find against any Swearing at all And of what success to the good of any can their Ministry be the beginning of which is indisobedience to the strict and positive Command of Christ And it is evident by many undoubted Histories and Records of the Transactions of former Times that true Christians as well under Apostatized Titular Christians as under Heathens have deeply suffered for their Obedience to Christ's Command in denying to Swear upon any account and it is also evident that the Preachers up of Signs and Ceremonies who plead for Swearing get more Tythes and Money for their Preaching than they could get by denying of Swearing but if according to the Apostles intimation by Swearing they are fallen into Condemnation who can get them out again though they should give him all their Tythes and Money to get them out So it is very plain that they who pretend by Command from Christ to preach up Ceremonies Signs or what they call Sacraments do practice disobedience to several of the plain and positive Commands of Christ but above all that weighty and positive Command of Christ concerning Faith Heb. 11.6 without which it is impossible to please God which Command is this John 12.36 While ye have light believe in the light that ye may be children of light this they cannot endure to hear of they are far surely from keeping it and what a Faith have they who believe not as Christ commandeth to believe Now every one that doth evil hateth the light John 3.16 to 21. neither cometh to the light lest his Deeds should be reproved and so such are far from believing in the light neither would they have others to believe in it who hate and speak evil of the light as the Ceremony-Preachers generally appear to do but they who have come to the light and brought their Deeds to the light Mat. 24.24 Mat. 7.15 to 20. and thro' Faith in it are become Children of light these know False Prophets by their Fruits and their Signs as Christ foretold and many of their own Followers also are convinced by the light of Christ in their own Hearts though but as strangers to it of much Deceit and Hypocrifie amongst them and they that take heed to this light that inwardly reproveth for sin and give up their Hearts in the love of it to answer the requirings of it to them it will discover daily more and more but they that resist it and go from it the God of this World even the Spirit of the Man of Sin who prevaileth upon such with his Power and Signs blindeth their Minds and so the Blind leading Mat. 15.14 and following the Blind both fall into the Ditch And if any reckon their Ceremonies as necessary to distinguish them from others as Turks Mahometans and Jews c. who do not at all believe that Christ the Messiah is come in the Flesh yet there is no ground for such an Assertion for they are more distinct from them who use no such Ceremonies Ordinances nor Traditional Observations at all for the Turks Mahometans Jews and Heathens all of them have many such things though not the same yet as ridiculous as any of theirs that profess Christianity and they are not like to change their own Ceremonies and Observations for others with them or by the Perswasions of them who can shew no better ground for their own than can be shown for sprinkling of Infants and having to them Godfathers and God mothers so called c. And so that which maketh the People of God to be best distinguished from Turks Mahometans outward Jews and Heathens is to take heed unto believe in and obey the true light of Christ in their Hearts and Consciences wherewith he lighteth all without exception which is the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation ●●t 2.11 12. and hath appeared to all Men teaching those that are willing to be taught of it to deny all ungodliness and worldly Lusts to wit Adultery Fornication Uncleanness Lasciviousness Idolatry Witchcraft Hatred Variance Gal. 5.14.20 21. Wrath Strife Covetousness Emulations Seditions Heresies Envyings Murders Drunkenness Revelling and such like things in which Turks Mahometans outward Jews and Heathens are generally too apt to be sound and all that are in these or any of these things though they profess Christianity are yet but as in the same ground with them and so little distinction but in Name can be made betwixt them But they that are faithfully given up in their Hearts and Minds to obey the light the saving Grace of God it teacheth them to live soberly Gal. 5.22 23 24. righteously and godly in this present World and so to live in peace love long-suffering gentleness goodness meekness and temperance and so here is a clear distinction between these who are true Christians and these called turks Mahometans outward Jews and Heathens who generally live in ungodliness and worldly Lusts though some of them for Temperance and Moderation have far exceeded many Professors of Christianity who unworthily claimed the Name of Christians But they seem to imitate the Jews who have and plead for Typical Ceremonies Heb. 9.9 10.11 12. and Ordinances for Meats and Drinks and divers Washings and Observations of certain Days Gal. 2. and Times wherein they command to abstain from some sorts of Meats or from labour but they seem to exceed the Jews concerning Times of Marriage Col. 2. who forbid Marriage at some particular Days Rom. 14.6 or Months or Times or to their Priests some forbid Marriage at any time But such were Prophesied of by the Apostle of Christ who accounted forbidding to Marry and commanding to abstain from Meats 1 Tim. 4.1 2