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A50093 Three new playes; viz. The [brace] bashful lover, Guardian, Very woman. As they have been often acted at the private-house in Black-Friers, by His late Majesties Servants, with great applause. / Written by Philip Massenger, Gent. Never printed before. Massinger, Philip, 1583-1640.; Fletcher, John, 1579-1625, 1655 (1655) Wing M1050; ESTC R202151 128,623 294

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the Ladies Now to my business Enter Almira and Leonora Leon. This air will much refresh you Al: I must sit down Leon. Do and take freer thoughts The place invites you and I walk by like your Sentinel Bor. And thou shalt be my Heir I 'll leave thee all Heav'n knows to what 't will mount to but abundance I 'll leave thee two yong Ladies what think you of that Boy Where is the Bottle Two delicate yong Ladies But first you shall commit with me Do you mark son And shew your self a Gentleman that 's the truth son John Excellent Lady kissing your fair hand And humbly craving pardon for intruding This Letter and this Ring Leon. From whom I pray you sir John From the most noble loving Lord Don Pedro The servant of your Vertues Bor. And prethee good son slave be wise and circumspect And take heed of being overtaken with too much drink For it is a lamentable sin and spoils all Why 't is the damnablest thing to be drunk son Heav'n cannot endure it And hark you one thing I would have done Knock my husband on the head as soon as may be For he is an arrant Puppy and cannot perform Why where the devil is this foolish Bottle Leon. I much thank you and this sir for your pains John No gentle Lady That I can do him service is my merit My faith my full reward Leon. Once more I thank you Since I have met so true a friend to goodness I dare deliver to your charge my answer Pray you tell him Sir this night I do invite him To meet me in the Garden Means he may finde For love they say wants no abilities John Nor shall he Madam if my help may prosper So everlasting Love and Sweetness bless ye She 's at it still I dare not now appear to her Al. What fellows that Leon. Indeed I know not Madam It seems of some strange Countrey by his habit Nor can I shew you by what mystery He wrought himself into this place prohibited Al. A handsom man Leon. But of a minde more handsom Al. Was his business to you Leon. Yes from a friend you woot of Al. A very handsom fellow And well demean'd Leon. Exceeding well and speaks well Al. And speaks well too Leon. I passing well and freely And as he promises of a most clear nature Brought up sure far above his show Al. It seems so I would I had heard him friend Comes he again Leon. Indeed I know not if he do Al. 'T is no matter Come let 's walk in Leon. I am glad you have found your tongue yet Borachia sings Enter Cuculo Cuc. My wife is very merry sure 't was her voice Pray Heav'n there be no drink in 't then I allow it John 'T is sure my Master now the game begins Here will be spitting of fire a both sides presently Send me but safe deliver'd Cuc. O my heart aks My head aks too Mercy O me she 's perish'd She has gotten wine she is gone for ever Bor. Come hither Ladies carry your bodies swimming Do your three duties then then fall behinde me Cuc. O thou pernitious Raschal What hast thou done John I done alas Sir I have done nothing Cuc. Sirrah How came she by this wine John Alas I know not Bor. Who 's that that talks of wine there John Forsooth my Master Bor. Bring him before me son slave Cuc. I will know it This Bottle how this Bottle Bor. Do not stir it For if you do by this good wine I 'll knock ye I 'll beat ye damnable yea and nay I 'll beat you And when I have broke it 'bout your head do you mark me Then will I tie it to your Worship's tail And all the dogs i' th' Town shall follow you No question I would avise you how I came by it I will have none of these points handled now Cuc. She 'll never be well again while the world stands John I hope so Cuc. How doest thou Lamb Bor. Well God-a-mercy Bell-wether how doest thou Stand out Son slave sit you here and before this Worshipful Audience Propound a doubtful question See who 's drunk now Cuc. Now now it works the devil now dwells in her Bor. Whether the Heav'n or the Earth be neerer the Moon Or what 's the natural Reason why a woman longs To make her husband Cuckold Bring me your Cousin The Curate now that great Philosopher He that found out a Pudding had two ends That learned Clerk that notable Gymnosophist And let him with his Jacobs-Staff discover What is the third part of Three farthings three Half pence being the half and I am satisfied Cuc. You see she hath Learning enough if she could dispose it Bor. Too much for thee thou Logger-head thou Bull-head Cuc. Nay good Borachia Bor. Thou a sufficient States-man A Gentleman of Learning hang thee Dog-whelp Thou shadow of a man of action Thou scab o' th' Court go sleep you drunken Rascal Ye debauch'd Puppy get you home and sleep sirrah And so will I son slave thou shalt sleep with me Cuc. Prethee look to her tenderly Bor No words sirrah Of any wine or any thing like wine Or any thing concerning wine or by wine Or from or with wine Come lead me like a Countess Cuc. Thus must we bear poor men There is a trick in 't But when she is well again I 'll trick her for it Exeunt Act. 4. Scaen. 1. Enter Pedro Ped. NOw if this honest fellow do but prosper I hope I shall make fair return I wonder I hear not from the Prince of Tarent yet I hope he 's landed well and to his safety The winds have stood most gently to his purpose My honest friend Enter Don John John Your Lordships poorest servant Ped. How hast thou sped John My Lord as well as wishes My way hath reach'd your Mistress and delivered Your Letter-love and Token who with all joy And vertuous constancy desires to see you Commands you this night by her loving power To meet her in the Garden Ped. Thou hast made me Redeem'd me man again from all my sorrows Done above wonder for me Is it so John I should be now too old to learn to lie sir And as I live I never was good flatterer Ped. I do see some thing in this fellows face still That ties my heart fast to him Let me love thee Nay let me honor thee for this fair service And if I ere forget it John Good my Lord The onely knowledge of me is too much bounty My service and my life sir Ped. I shall think on 't But how for me to get access John 'T is easie I 'll be your guide sir all my care shall lead you My credits better then you think Ped. I thank ye And soon I 'll wait your promise John With all my duty Exeunt Enter Viceroy Messina Doctor and Cuculo Doct. All 's as I tell you Princes you shall here Be witness to his
Whose fatal box if open'd will pour on me All mischiefs that mankind is subject to To the desarts with this Circe this Calipso This fair Inchantress let her spels and charms Work upon beasts and thee then whom wise nature Ne'r made a viler creature Mat. Happy exile Gal. Some spark of hope remains yet Mart. Come you are mine now I will remove her where your Highness shall not Or see or hear more of her what a sum Will she yield for the Turks Serraglio Lor. Stay I feel A sudden alteration Mart. Here are fine whimsies Lor. Why should I part with her can any foulness Inhabit such a clean and gorgeous palace The fish the fowl the beasts may safer leave The elements they were nourish'd in and live Then I endure her absence yet her presence Is a torment to me Why do I call it so My sire enjoy'd a woman I had not been else He was a compleat Prince and shall I blush To follow his example Oh but my choice Though she gave suffrage to it is beneath me But even now in my proud thoughts I scorn'd A Princess fair Matilda and is 't decreed For punishment I straight must dote on one What or from whence I know not Grant she be Obscure without a Coat or family Those I can give and yet if she were noble My fondness were more pardonable Martino Dost thou know thy prisoner Mart. Do I know my self I kept that for the Lenvoy 't is the daughter Of your enemy Duke Gonzaga Lor. Fair Matilda I now call to my memory her picture And find this is the substance but her Painter Did her much wrong I see it Mart. I am sure I tugg'd hard for her here are wounds can witness Before I could call her mine Lor. No matter how Make thine own ransom I will pay it for her Mart. I knew it would come at last Mat. We are lost again Gal. Variety of afflictions Lor. That his knee that never yet bow'd to mortality Kneels Kisses the earth happy to bear your weight I know begets your wonder Hear the reason And cast it off Your beauty does command it Till now I never saw you fame hath been Too sparing in report of your perfections Which now with admiration I gaze on Be not afraid fair Virgin had you been Imploy'd to mediate your Fathers cause My drum had been unbrac'd my trumpet hung up Nor had the terror of the war ere frighted His peaceful confines your demands had been As soon as spoke agreed to But you 'll answer And may with reason Words make no satisfaction For what 's in fact committed Yet take comfort Something my pious love commands me do Which may call down your pardon Mat. This expression Of reverence to your person better suits Takes him up and kneels With my low fortune That you daign to love me My weakness would perswade me to believe Though conscious of mine own unworthiness You being as the liberal eye of heaven Which may shine where it pleases Let your beams Of favour warm and comfort me not consume me For should your love grow to excess I dare not Deliver what I fear Lor. Dry your fair eyes I apprehend your doubts and could be angry If humble love could warrant it you should Nourish such base thoughts of me Heaven bear witness And if I break my vow dart thunder at me You are and shall be in my tent as free From fear of violence as a cloyster'd Nun Kneeling before the Altar What I purpose Is yet an Embrion but grown into form I 'll give you power to be the sweet disposer Of blessings unexpected that your Father Your Country people children yet unborn too In holy hymns on Festivals shall sing The triumph of your beauty On your hand Once more I swear it O imperious Love Look down and as I truly do repent Prosper the good ends of thy Penitent Exeunt Enter Octavio and Maria Oct. You must not be too sudden my Maria In being known I am in this Friars habit As yet conceal'd though his recovery Be almost certain I must work him to Repentance by degrees When I would have you Appear in your true shape of sorrow to Move his compassion I will stamp thus then You know to act your part Asc. I shall be careful Oct. If I can cure the ulcers of his mind As I despair not of his bodies wounds Felicity crowns my labour Gothrio Goth. Here sir Ent Gothrio Oct. Desire my Patients to leave their chamber And take fresh air here how have they slept Goth. Very well sir I would we were so rid of 'em Oct. Why Goth. I fear one hath the art of memory and will Remember his gold and jewels could you not minister A potion of forgetfulness what would Gallants That are in debt give me for such a receipt To pour in their Creditors drink Oct. You shall restore all Believ 't you shall will you please to walk Goth. Will you please to put off Your holy habit and spic'd conscience One I think infects the other Exit Oct. I have observ'd Compunction in Alonzo he speaks little But full of retir'd thoughts The other is Jocund and merry no doubt because he hath The less accompt to make here Enter Alonzo Alon. Reverend sir I come to wait your pleasure but my friend Your creature I should say being so my self Willing to take farther repose intreats Your patience a few minutes Oct. At his pleasure pray you sit down you are faint still Alon. Growing to strength I thank your goodness but my mind is troubled Very much troubled sir and I desire Your pious habit giving me assurance please Of your skill and power that way that you would To be my my Minds physitian Oct. Sir to that My order binds me if you please to unload The burthen of your conscience I will minister Such heavenly cordials as I can and set you In a path that leads to comfort Alon. I will open My bosoms secrets to you that I am A man of blood being brought up in the wars And cruel executions my profession Admits not to be question'd but in that Being a subject and bound to obey Whate'r my Prince commanded I have left Some shadow of excuse with other crimes As pride lust gluttony it must be told I am besmear'd all over Oct. On repentance mercy will wash it off Alon. O sir I grant These sins are deadly ones yet their frequencie With wicked men make them less dreadful to us But I am conscious of one crime with which All ills I have committed from my youth Put in the scale weigh nothing such a crime So odious to heaven and man and to My sear'd up conscience so full of horror As penance cannot expiate Oct. Despair not 'T is impious in man to prescribe limits To the divine compassion out with it Alonz. Hear then good man and when that I have given you The character of it and confess'd my self The wretch that
acted it you must repent The charity you have extended towards me Not long before these wars began I had Acquaintance 't is not fit I stile it Friendship That being a vertue and not to be blended With vitious breach of faith with the Lord Octavio The Minion of his Prince and Court set off With all the pomp and circumstance of greatness To this then happy man I offer'd service And with insinuation wrought my self Into his knowledg grew familiar with him Ever a welcom guest This noble Gentleman Was bless'd with one fair daughter so he thought And boldly might believe so for she was In all things excellent without a Rival Till I her Fathers mass of wealth before My greedy eyes but hoodwink'd to mine honor With far more subtle arts then perjur'd Paris Ere practis'd on poor credulous Oenone Besieg'd her Virgin-fort in a word took it No vows or imprecation forgotten With speed to marry her Oct. Perhaps she gave you just cause to break those vows Alon. She cause alas Her innocence knew no guilt but too much favor To me unworthy of it 't was my baseness My foul ingratitude what shall I say more The good Octavio no sooner fell In the displeasure of his Prince his state Confiscated and he forc'd to leave the Court And she expos'd to want but all my oaths And protestation of service to her Like seeming flames rais'd by inchantment vanish'd This this sits heavy here Oct. He speaks as if He were acquainted with my plot You have reason To feel compunction for 't was most inhumane So to betray a Maid Alon. Most barbarous Oct. But does your sorrow for the fact beget An aptness in you to make satisfaction For the wrong you did her Alon. Gracious heaven an aptness It is my only study since I tasted Of your compassion these eyes ne'r were clos'd But fearful dreams cut off my little sleep And being awake in my imagination Her apparition haunted me Oct. 'T was meer fancie He stamps Alon. 'T was more grave sir nay 't is Now it appears Ent. Maria Oct. Where Alon. Do you not see there the gliding shadow Of a fair Virgin that is she and wears The very garments that adorn'd her when She yielded to my Crocodile tears A cloud Of fears and diffidence then so chac'd away Her purer white and red as it foretold That I should be disloyal Blessed shadow For 't were a sin far far exceeding all I have committed to hope only that Thou art a substance look on my true sorrow Nay souls contrition hear again those vows My perjury cancell'd stamp'd in brass and never To be worn out Ent. Gothrio Asc. I can endure no more Action not oaths must make me reparation I am Maria Alon. Can this be Oct. It is and I Octavio Alon. Wonder on wonder How shall I look on you or with what forehead Desire your pardon Asc. You truly shall deserve it In being constant Oct. If you fall not off But look on her in poverty with those eyes As when she was my heir in expectation You thought her beautiful Alon. She 's in herself both Indies to me Goth. Stay she shall not come A begger to you my sweet young Mistress no She shall not want a dower here 's white and red Will ask a jointure but how you should make her Being a Captain would beget some doubt If you should deal with a Lawyer Alon. I have seen this purse Goth. How the worl'd 's given I dare not say to lying Because you are a Soldier you may say as well This gold is mark'd too you being to receive it Should ne'r ask how I got it I 'll run for a Priest To dispatch the matter you shall not want a Ring I have one for the purpose Now sir I think I am honest Exit Alon. This Ring was Pisano's Oct. I 'll dissolve this riddle at better leisure The wound given to my daughter which in your honor You are bound to cure exacts our present care Alon. I am all yours sir Exeunt Enter Gonzaga Uberti Manfroy Gonz. Thou hast told too much to give assurance that Her honor was too far engag'd to be By humane help redeem'd If thou hadst given Thy sad narration this full period She 's dead I had been happy Uber. Sir these tears Do well become a father and my eyes Would keep you company as a forlorn Lover But that the burning fire of my revenge Dries up those drops of sorrow We once more Our broken forces rallied up and with Full numbers strengthen'd stand prepar'd to endure A second trial nor let it dismay us That we are once again to affront the fury Of a victorious Army their abuse Of Conquest hath disarm'd themselves and call'd down The powers above to aid us I have read Some piece of story yet ne'r found but that The General that gave way to cruelty The profanation of things sacred rapes Of virgins butchery of infants and The massacre in cold blood of reverend age Against the discipline and law of Arms Did feel the hand of heaven lie heavy on him When most secure We have had a late example And let us not despair but that in Lorenzo It will be seconded Gonz. You argue well And 't were a sin in me to contradict you Yet we must not neglect the means that 's lent us To be the Ministers of Justice Uber. No sir One day given to refresh our wearied Troops Tir'd with a tedious march we 'll be no longer Coop'd up but charge the Enemy in his trenches And force him to a battel Shouts within Gonz. Ha! how 's this In such a general time of mourning shouts And acclamations of joy Long live the Princess long live Matilda Within they cry Uber. Matilda the Princess name Matilda oft re-eccho'd Enter Farneze Gonz. What speaks thy haste Far. More joy and happiness Then weak words can deliver or strong faith Almost give credit to The Princess lives I saw her kist her hand Gonz. By whom deliver'd Far. That is not to be stall'd by my report This only must be told As I rode forth With some choise troops to make discovery Where the Enemy lay and how intrench'd a Leader Of th' adverse party but unarm'd and in His hand an Olive-branch encounter'd me He shew'd the great Dukes seal that gave him power To parly with me his desires were that Assurance for his safety might be granted To his royal Master who came as a friend And not as an enemy to offer to you Conditions of peace I yielded to it This being return'd the Dukes Pretorum open'd When suddenly in a triumphant Chariot Drawn by such soldiers of his own as were For insolence after victory condemn'd Unto this slavish office the fair Princess Appear'd a wreath of Laurel on her head Her robes majestical their richness far Above all value as the present age Contended that a womans pomp should dim The glittering triumphs of the Roman Caesars I am cut
the Port where you expected My coming Cam. Now I think upon 't there came Three mounted by and behind one a woman Embracing fast the man that rode before her Lent I knew the men but she was vail'd Ador. What were they Lent The first the Lord Durazzo and the second Your rival yong Caldoro it was he That carried the wench behinde him Donat. The last a servant that spur'd fast after 'em Ador. Worse and worse 't was she Too much assurance of her love undid me Why did you not stay 'em Donat. We had no such commission Camil. Or say we had who durst lay fingers on The angry old Russian Lent For my part I had rather Take a baited Bull by the Horns Ador. You are sure friends for a man to build on Camil. They are not far off Their horses appeared spent too le ts take fresh ones And coast the Countrey ten to one we finde 'em Ador. I will not eat nor sleep until I have 'em Moppet you shall along too Mirt. So you please I may keep my place behinde you I 'll sit fast and ride with you all the world over Camil. A good Girle Exeunt Enter Monteclaro and Calypso Mont. Her husband Severino Calyp. You may see His handy-work by my flat face no bridge Left to support my Organ If I had one The comfort is I am now secure from the Grincomes I can loose nothing that way Monte. Doest thou not know what became of the Lady Calyp. A nose was enough to part with I think in the service I durst stay no longer But I am full assur'd the house is empty Neither poor Lady daughter servant left there I only ghess he hath forc'd 'em to go with him To the dangerous Forrest where he lives like a King Among the Banditi and how there he hath us'd them Is more then to be fear'd Mont. I have plaid the fool And kept my self too long conceal'd sans question With the danger of her life Leave me The King Enter Alphonso and Captain Cal. The Surgeon must be paid Mont. Take that Cal. I thank you I have got enough by my trade and I will build An Hospital only for noseless Bawds 'T will speak my charity and be my self The Governess of the Sisterhood Exit Alph. I may forget this in your vigilance hereafter But as I am a King if you provoke me The second time with negligence of this kind You shall deeply smart for 't Mont. The King 's mov'd Alph. To suffer a murtherer by us proscrib'd at his pleasure To pass and repass through our guards Capt. Your pardon For this my gracious Lord binds me to be More circumspect hereafter Alph. Look you be so Monsieur Laval you were a suiter to me For Severino's pardon Mont. I was so my good Lord Alph. You might have met him here to have thank'd You for 't as now I understand Mont. So it is rumour'd And hearing in the City of his boldness I would not say contempt of your Decrees As then I pleaded mercy under pardon I now as much admire the slowness of Your justice though it force you to some trouble In fetching him in Alph. I have consider'd it Mont. He hath of late as 't is suspected done An outrage on his wife forgetting nature To his own daughter in whom sir I have Some nearer interest then I stand bound to In my humanity which I gladly would Make known unto your Highness Alph. Go along you shall have opportunity as we walk See you what I committed to your charge In readiness and without noise Capt. I shall sir Exeunt Act. 5. Scaen. 1. Enter Claudio and all the Banditi making a guard Severino and Jolante with Oaken leav'd garlands and Singers Sever. HEre as a Queen share in my soveraignty The iron toils pitch'd by the Law to take The forfeiture of my life I have broke through And secure in the guards of these few subjects Smile at Alphonsus fury though I grieve for The fatal cause in your good brothers loss That does compell me to his course Jol. Revive not A sorrow long since dead and so diminish The full fruition of those joys which now I stand possess'd of Womanish fear of danger That may pursue us I shake off and with A masculine spirit Sev. 'T is well said Jol. In you sir I live and when or by the course of nature Or violence you must fall the end of my Devotions is that one and the same hour May make us fit for heaven Sev. I join with you In my votes that way But how Jolante You that have spent your past days slumbring in The doun of quiet can endure the hardness And rough condition of our present being Does much disturb me Jol. These woods Severino Shall more then seem to me a populous City You being present here are no allurements To tempt my frailty nor the conversation Of such whose choice behaviour or discourse May nourish iealous thoughts Sev. True Jolante Nor shall suspected chastity stand in need here To be clear'd by miracle Jol. Still on that string it yields harsh discord Sev. I had forgot my self And wish I might no more remember it The day wears sirs without one prize brought in As tribute to your Queen Claudio divide Our Squadron in small parties let 'em watch All passages that none escape without The payment of our Customs Claud. Shall we bring in the persons with the pillage Sev. By all means Without reply about it we 'll retire Ex. Claudio and the rest Into my Cave and there at large discourse Our fortunes past and study some apt means To find our daughter since she well dispos'd of Our happiness were perfect Jol. We must wait with patience Heavens pleasure Sev. 'T is my purpose Exeunt Enter Lentulo and Camillo Lent Let the horses graze they are spent I am sure I am sleepy And nodded as I rode here was a jaunt I' th' dark through thick and thin and all to no purpose What a dulness grows upon me They sit down Lent I can hardly Hold ope mine eyes to say so How did we lose Adorio Cam. He Donato and the Wench That cleaves to him like bird-lime took the right hand But this place is our rendevouz Lent No matter we 'll talk of that anon heigh ho Sleeps Cam He 's fast already Lentuio I 'll take a nap too Sleeps Enter Adorio Mirtilla Donato Ador. Was ever man so crost 1 Wom. So blest This is the finest Wild-goose chase Ador. What 's that you mutter Mirt. A short prayer that you may find Your wish'd for love though I am lost for ever Don. Pretty fool who have we here Ador. This is Camillo Mirt. This Signior Lentulo Ador. Wake 'em Don. They 'll not stir Their eye-lids are glu'd and mine too by your favour I 'll follow their example Lies down Ador. Are you not weary Mirt. I know not what the word means while I travel To do you service Ador. You expect
to reap The harvest of your flattery but your hopes Will be blasted I assure you Mirt. So you give leave To sow it as in me a sign of duty Though you deny your beams of gratious favor To ripen it with patience I shall suffer Ador. No more my resolution to finde Caliste by what accident lost I know not Binds me not to deny my self what nature Exacteth from me To walk alone a foot For my Horse is tir'd were madness I must sleep You could lie down too Mirt. Willingly so you please to use me Ador. Use thee Mirt. As your pillow Sir I dare presume no fareuer noble Sir Do not too much condemn me generous feet Spurn not a fawning Spaniel Ador. Well! sit down Mirt. I am ready Sir Ador. So nimble Mirt. Love is active Nor would I be a slow thing Rest secure Sir On my maiden-head I 'll not ravish you Ador. For once so far I 'll trust you Lies down on her Lap. Mirt. All the joys of rest Dwell on your eye-lids let no dream disturb Your soft and gentle slumbers I cannot sing But I 'll talk you asleep And I beseech you Be not offended though I glory in My being thus employ'd a happiness That stands for more then ample satisfaction For all I have or can endure He snores And does not hear me would his sense of feeling Were bound up too I should I am all fire Such heaps of treasure offer'd as a prey Would tempt a modest theef I can no longer Forbear I 'll gently touch his Lips and leave Kisses him No print of mine Ah! I have heard of Nectar But till now never tasted it These Rubies Are not clouded by my breath If once agen I steal from such a full Exchequer trifles Kisses agen Will not be miss'd I am entranc'd our fancy Some say in sleep works stronger I will prove How far my Sleeps Enter Durazzo Dur. My bones ake I am exceeding cold too I must seek out A more convenient Truckle-bed Ha! Do I dream No no I wake Camillo Lentulo Donato this and as I live Adorio In a handsom wenches lap a whoreson you are The best accommodated I will call My Nephew and his Mistris to this Pageant The object may perhaps do more upon her Then all Caldoro's rhetorick With what Security they sleep sure Mercury Hath travel'd this way with his charming rod Nephew Caliste Madam Enter Caldoro and Caliste Cald. Here Sir is your man return'd with Horses Dur. No Boy no but here are some you thought not of Calist. Adorio Dur. The Idol that you worshipped Calist. This Mirtilla I am made a stale Dur. I knew 't would take Calist. False man But much more treacherous woman 't is apparent They joyntly did conspire against my weakness And credulous simplicity and have Prevail'd against it Cald. I 'll not kill 'em sleeping But if you please I 'll wake 'em first and after Offer them as a fatal sacrifice to your just anger Dur. You are a fool reserve your blood for better uses Calist. My fond love is chang'd to an extremity of hate His very sight is odious Dur. I have thought of A pretty punishment for him and his Comrades Then leave him to his harlotry If she prove not Torture enough hold me an Ass Their horses Are not far off I 'll cut the Girts and Bridles Then turn 'em into the Wood if they can run Let 'em follow us as footmen Wilt thou fight For what 's thine own already Calist. In his Hat He wears a Jewel which this faithless Strumpet As a salary of her Lust deceiv'd me of He shall not keep 't to my disgrace nor will I Stir till I have it Dur. I am not good at niming And yet that shall not hinder us by your leave Sir 'T is restitution pray you all bear witness I do not steal it here 't is Calist. Take it not As a Mistris favor but a strong assurance I am your wife Cald O Heaven Duraz. Pray i' th' Church Let us away Nephew a word have you not Been billing in the brakes Ha and so deserv'd This unexpected favor Cald. You are pleasant Exeunt Durazzo Caldoro Caliste Ador. As thou art a Gentleman kill me not basely Starts up the rest wake Give me leave to draw my Sword Camil. Ha what 's the matter Lent He talk'd of 's Sword Donat. I see no enemy near us That threatens danger Mirt. Sure 't was but a dream Ador. A fearful one Me thought Caldoro's sword Was at my throat Caliste frowning by Commanding him as he desir'd her favor To strike my head off Camil. Meer imagination of a disturbed fancy Mirt. Here 's your Hat Sir Ador. But where my Jewel Camil. By all likelihood lost this troublesome night Donat. I saw it when we came unto this place Mirt. I look't upon 't my self when you repos'd Ador. What is become of it Restore it for thou hast it do not put me To the trouble to search you Mirt. Search me Ador. You have been Before your Lady gave you entertainment A night-walker in the streets Mirt. How my good Lord Ador. Traded in picking pockets when tame gulls Charm'd with your prostituted flatteries Dain'd to embrace you Mirt. Love give place to anger Charge me with theft and prostituted baseness Were you a Judge nay more the King thus urg'd To your teeth I would say 'T is false Ador. This will not do Camil. Deliver it in private Mirt. You shall be In publick hang'd first and the whole gang of you I steal what I presented Lent Do not strive Ador. Though thou hast swallow'd it I 'll rip thy entrail But I 'll recover it Mirt. Help help Ador. A new plot Enter Claudio and two Banditi presenting their Pistols Claud. Forbear libidinous Monsters if you offer The least resistance you are dead if one But lay his hand upon his sword shoot all Ador. Let us fight for what we have and if you can Win it enjoy it Claud We come not to try Your valor but for your money throw down your sword Or I 'll begin with you So if you will Walk quietly without bonds you may if not We 'll force you thou shalt have no wrong But justice against these 1. Bandit We 'll teach your Sir To meddle with wenches in our walks 2. Bandit It being against our Canons Camil. Whether will you lead us Claud. You shall know that hereafter Guard 'em sure Exeunt Enter Alphonso Monteclaro Captain Alpho. Are all the passages stopp'd Gap And strongly man'd They must use wings and flie if they escape us Monte. But why great Sir you should expose your person To such apparent danger when you may Have 'em brought bound before you is beyond My apprehension Alpho. I am better arm'd Then you suppose besides it is confirm'd By all that have been robb'd since Severino Commanded these Banditi though it be Unusual in Italy imitating The courteous English Theeves for so they call 'em They have not done
daughters life and safety Of which without him she 's uncapable And you 'll approve him worthy Vice O thou shame Of women thy sad Fathers curse and scandal With what an impious violence thou tak'st from him His few short hours of breathing Doct. Do not add Sir Weight to your sorrow in th' ill bearing of it Vice From whom degenerate Monster flow these low And base affections in thee what strange philters Hast thou receiv'd what Witch with damned spels Depriv'd thee of thy reason Look on me Since thou art lost unto thy self and learn From what I suffer for thee what strange tortures Thou do'st prepare thy self Mess. Good Sir take comfort The councel you bestow'd on me make use of Doct. This Villain for such practises in that Nation Are very frequent it may be hath forc'd By cunning potions and by sorcerous charms This phrensie in her Vice Sever 'em Alm. I grow to him Vice Carry the Slave to torture and wrest from him By the most cruel means a free confession Of his impostures Alm. I will follow him And with him take the Rack Bor. No hear me speak I can speak wisely Hurt not my son slave But rack or hang my husband and I care not For I 'll be bound body to body with him He 's very honest that 's his fault Vice Take hence This drunken beast Bor. Drunk am I drunk Bear witness Cuc. She is indeed distemper'd Vice Hang 'em both If ere more they come near the Court Cuc. Good sir You can recover dead men can you cure A living drunkenness Doct. 'T is the harder task Go home with her I 'll send you something that Shall once again bring her to better temper Or make her sleep for ever Cuc. Which you please sir Exeunt Cuc. Bor. Vice Why linger you rack him first and after break him Upon the wheel Ped. Sir this is more then justice John Is 't death in Sicily to be lov'd Of a fair Lady Leon. Though he be a slave Remember yet he is a man Vice I am deaf To all perswasions Drag him hence The Guard take Don John off Alm. Do Tyrant No more a Father feast thy cruelty Upon thy Daughter but Hell's plagues fall on me If I inflict not on my self whatever He can endure for me Vice Will none restrain her Alm. Death hath a thousand dores to let out life I shall find one If Portia's burning coals The Knife of Lucrece Cleopatra's Aspicks Famine deep waters have the power to free me From a loath'd life I 'll not an hour outlive him Ped. Sister Leon. Dear Cousin Ex. Alm. Ped. Leon Vice Let her perish Doct. Hear me Th effects of violent love are desperate And therefore in the execution of The Slave be not too sudden I was present When he was bought and at that time my self Made purchase of another He that sold 'em Said that they were companions of one Country Something may rise from this to ease your sorrows By circumstance I 'll learn what 's his condition I' th' mean time use all fair and gentle means To pacifie the Lady Vice I 'll endeavour As far as grief and anger will give leave To do as you direct me Mess. I 'll assist you Exeunt Enter Pedro and Keeper Ped. Hath he been visited already Keeper Yes sir Like one of better fortune and t' increase My wonder of it such as repair to him In their behavior rather appear Servants then friends to comfort him Ped. Go fetch him Exit Keeper I am bound in gratitude to do more then wish The life and safety of a man that hath So well deserv'd me Enter Keeper Don John Servant Keeper Here he is my Lord Ped. Who 's here thou art no Conjurer to raise A spirit in the best shape man ere appear'd in My friend the Prince of Tarent doubts forsake me I must and will embrace him John Pedro holds One that loves life for nothing but to live To do him service Ped. You are he most certain Heaven ever make me thankful for this bounty Run to the Viceroy let him know this rarity Ex K. But how you came here thus yet since I have you Is 't not enough I bless the prosperous means That brought you hither John Dear friend you shall know all And though in thankfulness I should begin Where you deliver'd me Ped. Pray you pass that over That 's not worth the relation John You confirm True friends love to do courtesies not to hear 'em But I 'll obey you In our tedious passage Towards Malta I may call it so for hardly We had lost the ken of Sicily but we were Becalm'd and hull'd so up and down twelve hours When to our more misfortune we descri'd Eight well mann'd Gallies making amain for us Of which th' Arch Turkish Pyrate cruel Dragnt Was Admiral I 'll not speak what I did In our defence but never man did more Then the brave Captain that you sent forth with me All would not do Courage opprest with number We were boarded pillag'd to the skin and after Twice sold for slaves by the Pyrate first and after By a Maltese to Signior Cuculo Which I repent not since there 't was my fortune To be to you my best friend some ways useful I thought to cheer you up with this short story But you grow sad on 't Ped. Have I not just cause When I consider I could be so stupid As not to see a friend through all disguises Or he so far to question my true love To keep himself conceal'd John 'T was fit to do so And not to grieve you with the knowledge of What then I was where now I appear to you Your sister loving me and Martino safe Like to myself and birth Ped. May you live long so How doest thou honest friend your trustiest servant Give me thy hand I now can ghess by whom You are thus furnish'd John Troth he met with me As I was sent to prison and there brought me Such things as I had use of Ped. Let 's to Court My father never saw a man so welcome As you 'll be to him John May it prove so friend Exeunt Enter Viceroy Messtna Martino Doctor Captain Almira Leonora Waiting Women Attendants Vice The slave chang'd to the Prince of Tarent says he Capt. Yes sir and I the Captain of the Fort Worthy of your displeasure and th' effect of t For my deceiving of that trust your Excellency Repos'd in me Doct. Yet since all hath faln out Beyond your hopes let me become a suiter And a prevailing one to get his pardon Al. O dearest Leonora with what forehead Dare I look on him now Too powerful love The best strength of thy unconfined Empire Lies in weak womens hearts Thou art fain'd blinde And yet we borrow our best sight from thee Could it be else the person still the same Affection over me such power should have To make me scorn a Prince and love a slave Mart. But art thou sure 't is he Capt. Most certain sir Mart. Is he in health strong vigorous and as able As when he left me dead Capt. Your own eyes sir Shall make good my report Mart. I am glad of it And take you comfort in it sir there 's hope Fair hope left for me to repair mine honor Mes. What 's that Mart. I will do something that shall speak me Messina's son Mes. I like not this one word sir Vice We 'll prevent it Nay look up my Almira now I approve Thy happy choice I have forgot my anger I freely do forgive thee Al. May I finde Such easiness in the wrong'd Prince of Tarent I then were happy Leon. Rest assur'd you shall Enter Don John Pedro Servant Vice We all with open arms hast to embrace you Mes. Welcome most welcome Mart. Stay Mes. 'T was this I fear'd Mart. Sir 't is best known to you on what strict terms The reputation of mens fame and honors Depend in this so punctual age in which A word that may receive a harsh construction Is answer'd and defended by the sword And you that know so much will I presume Be sensibly tender of anothers credit As you would guard your own John I were unjust else Mart. I have received from your hands wounds and deep ones My honor in the general report Tainted and soil'd for which I will demand This satisfaction That you would forgive My contumelious words and blow my rash And unadvised wildness first threw on you Thus I would teach the world a better way For the recovery of a wounded honor Then with a savage fury not true courage Still to run headlong on John Can this be serious Mart. I 'll adde this He that does wrong not alone Draws but makes sharp his enemies sword against His own life and his honor I have paid for 't And wish that they who dare most would learn from me Not to maintain a wrong but to repent it Doct. Why this is like your self Mart. For farther proof Here sir with all my interest I give up This Lady to you Vice Which I make more strong With my free grant Al. I bring mine own consent Which will not weaken it All All joy confirm it John Your unexpected courtesies amaze me Which I will study with all love and service To appear worthy of Doct. Pray you understand Sir There are a pair of Suiters more that gladly Would hear from you as much as the pleas'd Viceroy Hath said unto the Prince of Tarent Mes. Take her Her dowry shall be answerable to Her birth and your desert Ped. You make both happy John One onely suit remains That you would please To take again into your Highness favor This honest Captain Let him have your grace What 's due to his much merit shall from me Meet liberal rewards Vice Have your desire John Now may all here that love as they are friends To our good fortunes find like prosperous ends Exeunt EPILOGUE CUstom and that a Law we must obey I' th' way of Epilogue bids me something say Howe'r to little purpose since we know If you are pleas'd unbeg'd you will bestow A gentle censure On the other side If that this Play deserve to be decri'd In your opinions all that I can say Will never turn the stream the other way Your gratious smiles will render us secure Your frowns without despair we must endure FINIS