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A45776 Levamen infirmi: or, cordial counsel to the sick and diseased Containing I. Advice concerning physick, and what a physician ought to be; with an account of the author's remedies, and how to take them. II. Concerning melancholy, frensie, and madness; in which, amongst other things, is shew'd, how far they differ from a conscience opprest with the sense of sin, and likewise how they differ among themselves. III. A miscellany of pious discourses, concerning the attributes of God; with ejaculations and prayers, according to scripture rule. Likewise an account of many things which have happen'd since the creation. To which are added several predictions of what may happen to the end of the world. The whole being enrich'd with physical, pious, moral & historical observations, delightful to read, & necessary to know. By D. Irish, practitioner in physick and surgery, now dwelling at Stoke, near Guilford in Surry, where he is ready to serve any person, to the utmost of his skill. Irish, David. 1700 (1700) Wing I1036; ESTC R221621 80,143 149

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believe the same We should also truly call upon God successively to send Christian good and godly Governours that they earnestly may stand for the Christian Ch●●ch and true Religion which God hath caused to be taught among us that the same may continue manfully to resist erroneous and false Doctrine and now in our time God hath raised up certain high and mighty Heads and Princes which have been Nurses and Protectors of the Church God preserve them mercifully for the same and send continually Men able and willing so to do who shine with the Beauty of acquired and natural Parts and ar● free to impart the●r Knowledge by explaining the true Sence and Meaning of God's Word to all Rational People so as thereby they may come to the true Knowledge of God and his only Son our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ so as all Nations may be led by the Word of t●at one Shepherd who gave his Life for a Ransom ●or all those that believe his Word which is the true ●ight that enlightens every Man in the way to Eter●al Life So God grant that his Gospel may for ●ver flourish amongst all Nations to the End of the World Let me in the next place exhort all Men to remember to crave a Blessing of God and be thankful to him for whatsoever they eat or drink since it all ●omes from his Bounty which affords us what his Wisdom thinks fit and necessary For such gratis and gracious Gifts as ●e daily confers upon us let us if we would avoid the just Imputation of the greatest Ingratitude give his Divine Majesty thanks How thankful was our Blessed Saviour for two Loaves and a few Fis●es when he blessed God his Heavenly Father for them the Issue was a miracu●o●s Encrease to show us that if we were thankful to God for a little he would give us much yet we daily see how wonderfully forgetful Thousands are when they sit down to plentiful Tables and mind not before nor after they eat to return the Giver Thanks for their nourishing Varieties I fear it will go bad with such one Day through their neglecting ●he Du●y of Thankfulness for what they daily receive from Heaven's Liberality 'T is God that gives or at least ●ends us all we have can we then do less than thank him for the same which undoubtedly he expects even from our Hearts as well as in formal verbal 〈◊〉 which are but signs of our inward Gratitude What are such I pray better than Heathens wh● knowing their Duties herein rise from Meat u●san●tified We ought not only to be than●ful but also ●o bestow some part of what we have on the Poo● according to the Directions found ●n Sacred Writ Such as fail herein must expect God's I●dignation and Rebuke when he ●alls them to an account for their Stewardship Repentance then will be too late for our now Forgetfulness Now is the acceptable Time to seek the Lord whilst he may be found for in this Life whenever we call upon him he will hear and grant our request Let the Words of my Mouth and the Meditations of all Mens Hearts be now and ever acceptable in thy Sight O Lord God our Redeemer Most Great and Glorious Lord our God thou art and there is no other God besides Thee in Heaven nor in Earth for the Heavens are thy Throne and the Earth is thy Footstool and the Heaven of Heavens is not able to contain Thee the whole Earth is full of the Glory of thy Majesty O what miserable Creatures are we Dust and Ashes not worthy of the least of thy Mercies How dare we then present our selves before Thee who art so pure and holy a God yet still through thy Mercy we have here our Being whereas thou mightest have placed us in the Abyss of Hell for ever where there is nothing but weeping and wailing and gnashing of Teeth where the Fire burns and never goes out and where the Worm namely the lost Soul never dies Let us all then with Humility jointly say We have sinned against Heaven and against Thee Let us honou● our Callings with the Practice of good Works and f●llow P●ac● with all Men. Help us O Lord now to press forward to make our Election sure and ●h●t we may live every Day as piously as if it were o●r last since we know not how soon thou may'st summon us to appear before the Tribunal Seat of Jesus Christ to give an account of all our Works d●ne here in the Flesh. Purge us with Hyssop and w● shall be clean Wash us in the Blood of the L●mb and then we shall be whiter than Snow Take all our Sins and cast them in a Cloud behin● thy Back where they may be remembred no more Cr●ate in us new Hearts and new Spirits so as we may walk in Newness of Life according to thy Holy Will and Commandments And if it be thy Blessed Will pity all those that sit in Darkness and under the Shadow of Death that they may come at thy appointed time to the miraculous Light of thy Gospel dispenced to all true Christians by thy true and only Son our Blessed Saviour who sitteth at thy right hand making Intercession for all those that put their trust in thee Grant if it be thy Blessed Will that we may all be taught by that Head Shepherd of thy Church who said When you pray say Our Father c. Such as would know more concerning their Duties in Prayer Publick or Private by the way of Form or would attain to pray by the Spirit according to their present Necessities or Wants let such read the incomparable little piece set out by Robert Russell 1700. 't is the Third Edition in it are Seven Sermons Price Bound 1 s. 6 d. In a word I earnestly exhort all my Readers to be piously mindful of their Duties to God and Man if you fail not in this Christian Reader God will remember you and after this Life in Eternal Bliss you will live with him at Rest. Take but a serious prospect by a powerful Imagination of all the several conditions observabl● amongst worldly Men and you will find that not one of them sits easie upon its Possessor for the natural Man is ever a Repining and a perpetual succession of Doubts and Fears compleat the measure of his Inquietudes sometimes he c●mplains of the Ac●●ons of his Superiors and Governors and if they i● the end should prove ●greeable to his Fancy he will yet keep up th● height of his Misfortunes by grieving at the unob●●ging deportment of his Inferiors nor will it ever be otherwise with those that se●k Cont●nt below hence those that are circled with the greate●t Splendo● find not their Perturbations at all lessened by it but think they might be muc● more happy and therefore strain themselves afresh in the eag●r pu●suit of other Worldly advantages which if obtain'd bring ●ot the desired Content and the reason is because they look for it in the things of
not so to all for Medicines are like a Tool or Instrument of the sharpes● Edge which if not wisely guided or handled wi●h the knowledge dexterity and judgment thereto belonging they may bring Death instead of Health but i● wisely Administred they will either restore or preserve Health therefore Men are not to be admitted to administer Physick who have no lawful Call thereunto no the Phisicians hands should be washed pure ●nd clean in the waters of Understanding and Wisdom before they meddle with the hidden Mysteries of Physick There are too many leud cozening Va●lets which feed upon the simplicity of the ignorant and make the pretence of Physick the cloak of their Idleness these knowing nothing themselves ven●ure t●eir Patients Lives and their own Credit upon unknown and unexperienced Receits which y●t they boldly Administer and with them undertake to cure any Disease tho' ignorant of the Nature of the Physick and of the disposition of the Body or Part whereto they apply it yet alass many apply themselves to such before they will take the Advice of able and experienc'd Practitioners which indiscretion often turns to their great Peril many loosing their Limbs Health and Life by such Mens ignorant proceedings when as on the other hand we see by the goodness of God with the discreet applications of knowing and honest Phisicians many reap great benefit being by them wonderfully restor'd to their former health and strength The right Phisician is indeed made of God for the health of Mankind therefore take courage for many have been restored to their former State which lay long languishing under the press●re of such most deplorable Distempers as might be counted incurable therefore you that are any ways by Sickness ●ore afflicted ought no● to dispair nor distrust God's ability with means used to r●store you to Health and Peace of Conscience and when by God's Blessing on Man's endeavours you are Recovered let it be your Care to keep your self void of Offence towards God and Man 'till you put on a glorious Immortality In f●ne as for my self I humbly desire of the Lord to help me while I am here in these lower Regio●s amidst such boisterous Winds and Weather to endure all with a Patience becoming a Christian Phisician and in all things to obey his Divine Precepts that when my Soul shall be freed from the Prison of my Body she may also be freed from all Sufferings and translated to the happy Mansions of my God to which those Vapours that cause these Storms and T●mpests can never ascend there all Tears shall bè wiped away from my Eyes and my present Sorrows turned into Joy There O Lord thou wilt give me Beauty for Ashes and the Garment of Gladness for the Spirit of Heaviness and put after all my many and grievous conflicts with the World the Flesh and the Wicked One a Crown of Glory on my Head a Song of Triumph in my Mouth a Palm of Victory in ●y Hand and so to Reign with Thee for ever and ever Amen To which happy State that all Men may Arrive to is the daily and fervent Prayer of kind Reader and loving Countrymen Your Faithful Friend and Well-wisher David Irish. David Irish Practitioner in Physick Chirurgery HIS Missellany of Pious Discourses Gloria in ●xcelsis Deo Glory be to God on High I Here purpose to give a short Explanation of the Great Infinite and first Being who Named himself Iehovah and whom we call God he ●old Moses who he was and what he should call him and agreeable to the Stile of Moses we have an account of him Rev. 1. vers 8. He is the only true Ete●●●l God who was before all things and gave Being to all things he is Everlasting and hath his Being of himself from him all things receive their Bei●g and in him they End saith t●e Lord Which is and which was ●●d which is to come the Almighty Had he not ●amed himself Man could not have told what Name to have given so incomprehensible a Being Who made all things by the Power of his Word See Gen. 1. Man as well as all other Beings had his beginni●● from God who is the Divine Author of Heat Ligh● and Life in all C●eatures whatsoever whom he 〈◊〉 preserves and governs in their wonderful Frame an● Order he being only Infinite Eternal and all Potent far above all things that Exist or have Being i● follows since nothing finite can make it self tha● all Finite things are the effect of his Omnipote●● Power For without him saith the Sacred Pages 〈◊〉 not any thing made that was made Joh. 1. Gen. 1. whe●● we are told That in the beginning of Time 〈◊〉 Holy and undivided Trinity God the Father Son and Holy Ghost made the intire and Beautif●● Machin of the World by which word World is mean● both the Heavens Earth and Elements togethe● with all their Furniture if I may so speak and Inh●bitants He made all Animals by Pares that fro● them others might derive their Being The Heave●● as many believe were made incorruptible and are ordain'd for the Throne of the most High for who● the Earth is ordain'd a Foot-stool and all that Go● made he approved of as good Gen. 1. yet some pa●● of his excellent Handy-works soon degenerated fro● the perfection of their Original state and became ba● therefore he prepared Hell for Lucifer the Prince 〈◊〉 rather Ring-leader of the Defection of the wicke● Angels and their Successors False Prophets an● Evil Doers After this we read our Saviour prepared a place of Honour for his Saints where 〈◊〉 Spirits of the Righteous are made Perfect and Reig● with him God created the Angels to wait upo● and attend him their Maker but Lucifer's pride mad● him uneasie even in the happiest of Created conditions to humble whom God commission'd Micha●● the Arch-Angel to expel him from the Sacre● Mansions of God's Holy City for his ambitious Rebellion This was quickly done for the Loyal Champion hurry'd the Rebel into the lowest Hell and in a word clear'd the Palace of God from all the un●ra●eful Confederates some of whom it's thought remai● in the Airy Region for which reason perhaps Lucifer is called the Prince thereof Others of the aspiring Legions are debased and Rove to and fro up and down the Earth seeking whom they may Destroy Others were doom'd into the heart of the Earth which in an especial manner is called Hell where they remain Tortur'd and Tormenting all Evil doers that are Eternally lost for their Iniquities Finally as for Lucifer himself he is res●rv'd in Chains in the River Vphra●es till the day of Judgment and then 〈◊〉 all his wicked Agents will be hurried into the most dreadful Burning Lake God created two great Lights to give light to the Earth and made Stars without Number to adorn as it were the out-works of Heaven all which in pursuance to God's command run the course he at first appointed them In short all
Blind or both but let such Rich men remember that if they would be partakers with the Poor in Heaven they must let the Poor partake with them of their good things on Earth for to feed the Poor cloath the Naked relieve Prisoners is the same as if such works of Mercy were done to Christ. The safest way of laying up Treasure is thus to make a Store-house of Heaven which at last day will afford no less than a Crown of Glory Make O Lord the way pleasant to me that leads to such an End 't is no matter what Raggs or Colours I wear with Men so I may walk with my Saviour in White and Reign with him in Glory Luk. 13.3 We must Love o●e another which is the very distinguishing mark of a Disciple of Christ as Malice Hatred and Revenge are the badges of an Antichristian Mind We must in all things be reform'd from the Evil of our ways especially from our neglecting God's Service and the Duties we owe to him nor must we be remiss in our Duties to our King to our Co●ntry and to our Neighbours if we be we may fall short of our glorious Expectations Indeed all Ordinances of God are as it were the very face of God and they who worship him therein do solemnly ●ppear before him therefore at such Seasons all Men are Bound to be holy and recollected especially Ministers when they Read or Preach God's Word God requires an exactness of Deportment of them in his Courts and 't is no wonder for do but observ● under the Law how choice he was about all thing● relating to his Worship The Tabernacle was mad● of th● best Wood purest Gold and finest Linnen In short every part of it was done according to God'● Prescription and Order Such as offer Sacrifice mus● be without Blemish God expects to be serv'd b● holy Men in the purest and holyest Manner pur● must be the Person and pure the Performance fo● Men carry the Temple of God about them and therefore ought to keep their Hearts and Spirits clean fo● the Reception of God ought they not then to b● very watchful over themselves when they are abou● Religious Duties esp●cially those whose duty it is to lead and enlighten others to obtain the Peace of God and Everlasting Rest But I 'le pursue this Subject no farther least I should too much r●semble a Sheep that leaps out of the Fold to lead the Shedheard I know well every one has his Infirmity the Green-sickness is the Maids and Covetousness the Disease of some Teachers who Preach up hospitality and other virtues to the People but will not go to the cost of putting their own Doctrine in Practice On the other hand every thing has its Virtue the Bee gathers Honey out of every stinking Weed and every Weed is of more value and use than to be thrown on a Dunghill 'T is the Apostles advise That we do all things for the Edification of others hence those that can ought to Read the Script●res and other good Books while those that cannot ought attentively to give ear and lead their lives according as the Word directs see D●ut 6.11 And to incite the Minds of People to a more strict degree of Piety it would not be amiss for Ministers to Write or if there be enough already Written to buy some Books of Instructions according to Scripture Rules and give away once a year to their Parishoners By this means the Sheep will know the voice of their Shepherd from the howling of devouring Wolves and also to keep them from wandring from Christs Fold and runing astray after Novelties thro' the Wilderness of this World of Errors I know there are many well-meaning People who make a Co●science of their doings and are free from the folly of those that run to several places that are not tost with every wind of Doctrine as those commonly are that like any Preacher better than their own whom God by his Providence hath set over them These would willingly Read what was thus given ●hem by their own Shepherd or Pasture nay some of the other fickle headed Men would also Read their Pastors gift purely out of Curiosity this I say would be a ready way to lead them to the house of the true Shepherd I mean not where Christ was Born at Bethlehem to Sing Gloria in excelsis but where Christ now is at God's Right Hand interceeding for all his Servants 'T is chiefly the Ministers Office to take care of Christs Flock who have the Power of the Keys the Power to remit Sins by teaching the Truth of Christs Word and daily Administring the Sacraments left as Conduit-pipes to convey his Grace to our hearts the doing of which being omitted by Preachers is the retaining of Men in their Sins for if Men be so wicked that they will not ●elieve in Christ Crucified after he hath been Preach'd unto them then their Sins are retained and the Truth is not in them Good Ministers have the Keys to open and shut Heaven by Preaching and Administring the Sacraments to their Flock all that truly Believe in Gods Word which is the only Rule we ought to follow shall undoubtedly be Saved It is not every one that can Pray or Preach hath Power to remit Sins no it is the Undefiled Faithful Godly Ministers who lead their lives answerable to the true Doctrine deliver'd in God's Word that can do it they open and shut Heaven as many good Prophets did by pouring out their fervent Prayers to God Almighty do perform great things One by Prayer staid the course of the Sun another by Prayer put it back and when the Clouds withheld from Raining three Years a third offer'd up his Prayers to Heaven for Rain and God was pleased to send dow● Rain to refresh the Earth that all things grew and great Plenty of all things made glad the he●rt of Man These instances make it appear what I before asserted and that Man has power with God to Theologize Astrology that is to put by or prevent by Prayers offer'd up to God what the Stars foreshew to Ensue by the Phaenomena's whereof Astrologers were wont to deter and frighten People from doing ill Let us fear God obey his Commands and Love one another and believe in his Word who promised that whatsoever his true and faithful Ministers should ask in his Name should if necessary be granted according to that gracious saying in the Holy Writ That ● what time soever a Sinner doth Repent of his Sins he shall have Pardon with this Proviso he become a New Creature by the amendment of his Life such may come in favour with Christ the head Shepherd of Souls who makes intercession with his Father for all those that Believe in him and observe his Commandments And now to comprise all in a little remember our Saviours great Commandment which was Tha● you Love one another and whatsoever you would that Men should do unto you that do you
refreshment may they freely come unto thee by hearing thy Word to Repentance that the Angels in Heaven may continually have occasion to rejoyce at their happy Conversion Luk. 15.7 Amen See Iames 5.16 Mat. 6.14 and Esa. 66.2 where you may Read what you ought to do if you would have God forgive you your Sins hear your Prayers and grant your Requests Prayer is a vehement desire of the heart to obtain something at the hand of God who look●● not upon the Face as man doth but beholdeth the 〈◊〉 neither doth he listen to the sound of the ●outh but ●o the fervency of the Mind Therefore Christians Praying have their affections bent towards God they ●lways hunger and thirst after Righteousness The ●rayer of him who humbleth himself is accepted as appear'd by the Publican Luk. 18.19 Psal. 50 1● Mark 13.3.3 Coloss. 4.2 Luk. 11.9 Ioh. 6.23 How excellent a thing it is for Man to converse with God! this joyns Man in Society with Angels thro' ascribing with them due Praise and Glory unto the Almighty Let nothing dismay a Christian from Praying unto God for the Prayer of the Righteous is the Key of Heaven the Prayer of the Godly doth ascend and the Mercy of God doth thereby come down therefore we will Sing Praise unto Thee O Lord for as thou hast been our Defence in the day of our trouble even so I beseech Thee to protect and save us everlastingly Amen Let us with St. Paul Heb. 4.16 come boldly to the Throne of Grace that we may obtain Mercy That is let us in confident assurance of God's readiness to help us make our Addresses boldly and chearfully to the Throne of his Grace upon all occasions suing to our bountiful God for the Relief of all our Necessities and let us consider when we are about to offer up our Petitions to God by Prayer what ou● necessities and wants are before we ask least throug● temerity we ask amiss His freeness to give ma● well make us bold to ask his power to supply us may give us hopes to obtain what is necessary for us and his greatness ought to make us temper our Addresses with Humility as for choice of Words and Elegant long Harangues let us not be too solicitous for God regards not Eloquence and long Harangues so much as the sincerity of those that invocate his Majesty Men chiefly mind the neatness of expression God the Truth and fervency of what is exprest We are commanded to Pray without ceasing which is best done according to Scripture Rules because no Method is comparable to that which God has laid down for us and Christ taught us When we groan under the weight of any Affliction we shall ever find help by calling upon God desiring the assistance of the Righteous to be joyned with us in Prayer For the Prayers of the Faithful availeth much their help we are admonish'd to desire by the Example of St. Paul who said to the Romans I beseech you Brethren for the Lord Iesus Christ's sake and for the love of the Spirit that you strive together wi●h me in your Endeavours and Prayers to God for me ●or the light of ●is Countenance and for assisting in every Duty Rom. 15.20 Some define Prayer thus An humble lifting up of the Heart or a pouring out of the Soul to God in the Name of Christ it is crying Abba Father As Scrip●ure is God's Letter wherein he openeth his Mind to Man so Prayer is Man's Letter wherein he expresses ●is Mind to God A thought can fly speedily to the utmost part of the Earth but Prayer in a Moment ascends to the highest Heavens 't is as it were a speaking Trumpet one end of which being fastened to Man's mouth it carryeth the Petitioning voice to God's Ear tho' spoken near so softly Prayer hath a twofold advantage of some other Duties in regard its Influence is Universal and to ●ts Exercise an opportunity is never wanting A Christian cannot always hear or read God's Word out he may Pray continually Every Saint is God's Temple and he that carries a Temple about him ●ay go to Prayer when he pleaseth A good Chri●tian need not be very nice in chusing a place for De●otion since to him every house is a house of Prayer ●nd every place he comes to an Altar whereon he ●ay offer up to God a Sacrifice of Prayer yet De●ency is not to be forgotten as far as circumstance ●ill allow since even by it we express a kind of Devotion to our God but many alass are so far from being curious in this point that they forget to pay at all this Duty tho' most necessary to the obtaining their Eternal Salvation If we are in doubts about our Spiritual Estate let us in Prayer go to God who is marvellous in Council are we in Affliction let us call upon him for help and he will not only hear us but also in his good time deliver us Do's any affliction seize our Bodies which endangers our lives or disturb our tranquility let us by Prayer call upon him at Midnight and he will make hast to help us tho' we are troubled exceedingly in a Moment he can give us quiet and rest nay tho' we should be encompassed with Enemies driven to the greatest of Necessities perplex'd with Doubts threatned with Dangers or like Peter falsly Imprisoned and watched narrowly Night and Day lest we should make an Escape yet Prayer as another Moses will go before us and so engage God on our side that he will vanquish our Enemies relieve ou● Necessities unfold our Doubts prevent our Dangers convert our Bondage into Liberty and guide us all the way thro' the Wilderness of this World 'till we arrive at the Spiritual Land of Canaan and be Enroled Citizens of the Heavenly Jerusalem where Christ is infinitely exceeding that Ierusalem where Christ was and whither the Devout Iews went once a year to Worship And here it will not be amiss nor I believe unacceptable to my Reader to give him some account of the Earthly Ierusalem and its many Revolutions so much spoken of in Scripture and other Histories This Ierusalem by some called the Holy City and Throne of God was antiently a Fort of the Iebusites upon Mount Sion not conquer'd by the valiant Ioshua but was fully subdu'd by the victorious Arm of David who Built thereon the City unto which was adjoyn'd Mount Moriah and therefore call'd the Daughter of Sion where Abraham would have offer'd his Son Isaac where David built his Altar and Solomon his Beauti●ul Temple of which great things are by all Histori●ns Recorded 'T is Scituate in the midst of Nations ●t was the place of Holy Worship from this Moun●ain which for many things is justly prefer'd before ●ll others did flow those Salutiferous Waters that gave Life where ever they ran from hence Christ ●ent his Apostles as so many Spiritual Fishermen to ●atch the Souls of Men. In this famous City stood ●he Throne of David
him the Knowledge of Nature in all her intricate Operations Faculties and Virtues that is discovered to him the secret Energy of all things contained in the Circuit of this Universe and at this day we see the same God preserves by means all those Beings he at first made without means In fine said the Emperor I will not adventure to be preserv'd by unexperienced Men lest I should Shipwrack my self upon the Rocks of horrid Ignorance but will look for the Continuance of my Life from those whose Experience under God has furnish'd them with the Me●ns and Methods of preserving Nature You see Reader ●n Example of a wise Emperor to teach thee a Les●on of necessary Caution Since the Lord has endow'd the Earth and its ●umerous Product with many Medicinal Virtues 't is 〈◊〉 well irreligious as 't is foolish in any to di●own their Being or to abhor their Use. From the Lord as we have elsewhere said cometh the Gift of Healing which also appears from Scripture seeing God is therein stiled the Only Physician God was the first Operator as you will confess upon calling to mind his taking out one of our Grand-Father Adam's Ribs whereof to make a Woman which thing was so wonderful that it may well be counted the greatest as well as the first Operation Our Blessed Saviour ●ook his Name from his healing Nature and to countenance our Practice made use of ordinary means as Clay and Spittle in Restoring Sight to the Blind not but that he was able to have alone perfected the Cure by his powerful Word without such means were it not that he meant to show us by his Example that with Means and God's Blessing thereon much may be done in Restoring Health to the Sick and Ease to those in Pain 'T is above 5700 Years since God first taught our great Grand-Father Adam the Virtues of all things and consequently furnish'd him with the main Materials fit for a Physician and Surgeon but as to the practick part by what I have already said the latter is more ancient Let us be moderate in our desire after Knowledge lest by a too hot pursuit we with Adam not only lose what we seek for but our primitive Science and Happiness into the Bargain therefore let us take our Saviour's Advice along with us First to seek after the Kingdom of Heaven and then all other things shall be added unto us Let us then take heed that we set not our Affections too much upon the things of this World but rather let us seek after the true Knowledge of God but we have no means to know God to purpose but by his Word therefore let us study his Word that we may have Eternal Life which Word will in the next World bring us to it and then we shall know the great Creator of the World and us and since even now all our little Knowledge Arts and Sciences come from God let us then wholly rely upon Him for except we abide in Him we can do no good thing John 15.16 Next I will give you to understand what manner of Men Physicians and Surgeons ought to be Omnibus aliis Medicus praestantior unus They ought to excel others in fearing God and eschewing Evil as much as Divines themselves for truly the Divine and Physician conveniunt in uno tertio they are both for Curing the Divine heals Corpus per Animam the Physician Animam per Corpus Every Divine is a Spiritual Physician and every Physician ought to be a Spiritual Divine tho' not by Profession yet by Practice for into their Hands God has put the Lives of those he lov'd so well that he Redeem'd them by the Blood of his only begotten Son St. Luke the beloved Physician was a Divine Evangelist and commends the Study of those great Books of God the Book of his Scripture and that of his Creatures since the glory of God and the good of his Creatures ought to be the Mark to which all the Endeavours of Physicians ought to be directed Physicians should by no means give the least Entertainment to such a Monster as Covetousness within their Breasts nor ought they to have any respect to Persons but go as freely to the Poor for a little Money or for nothing when Need requires as to the Rich for ample Rewards for those that give to the Poor lend to the Lord and may be sure God will reward them double-fold On the other hand a Physician is not bound to behave himself in this manner to the Rich but may take his Fee lawfully and cheerfully when it is offer'd but there are too many who are willing to have the Physicians Help but slow in Paying him Hence 't is observ'd that a Doctor appears to his Patient in three different Forms First when he tells the Patient there is hopes O then he appears as an Angel Next when the Cure is perform'd the Patient looks upon his Physician as a God But lastly when the Physician demands his Reward then his Patient takes him for a Devil Thus different Circumstances beget different Opinions in those hateful Minds that are corrupted by Avarice and Ignorance Therefore it is the Physicians and Surgeons Rule Accipere dum dolet to take the Sound Fee whilst the Sick Hand gives it Life is short Art long Occasion sudden Experience dangerous Judgment difficult Hence we may conclude there are but few good Physicians and yet it is not sufficient tho' the Physician or Surgeon do their Parts or Office unless the Patient and his Attendance do their Duty also whereby outward things may be as well order'd as those that are given inwardly this is the main Hinge upon which all the rest turn and therefore ought earnestly to be prest and all too little to make Servants diligent The Physician ought to be faithful and cautious in Practice for Life hangs as it were but by a slender Thread and is at best but short yet is apt to be made much shorter by many Accidents and those very small ones too Art is long if Theory and Practice are consider'd Diseases are sudden and if not suddenly removed may quickly ruine Past Experiments if not well understood may lead the Physician into Errour besides Judgment is very difficult through the Variety of Diseases and their Causes which by the Fault of the Sick and his Attendance are many times not perceived even by Physicians of greatest Abilities Astrology tho' in many of its parts is accounted ●idiculous yet is greatly if not only useful for ●hose that study Physick for without it the pre●ended Physician can never have the true Knowledge of the Crisis or Critical and Judicial Days It is most certain that Hippocrates and Galen the two Pillars of the Art of Physick found out the Use of Vegetables and their Natures as also many other Physical things by the Influence of the Stars But God is the Governour and Disposer of all their seve●al Virtues and when they are transplanted out
●f their natural Soil they lose their Planetary Vir●ues in a great measure yet they continue with the ●ame Colours and Smells tho' not so strong there●ore the Chymical Extractions made from them where they naturally grow are the best of Medicines ●f administred according to Astrological Rules the want of knowing which is the cause of great Errors ●n many Physicians but for finding out any Disease ● say with Mepardus Potius lotium inspiciendum quam ●astra That the Vrin is rather to be look'd into than the Stars We read in Holy Writ That the Physician is honourable understand this of him that is expert for one ignorant in his Art renders himself despicable and ridiculous Now the way to make him perfect is to know Nature and her secret Operations It is not the Physician 's feeling the Pulse of the Party or questioning with him how he feels himself and in what part of his Body he is most afflicted that can give a Man a thorough understanding of his Malady The Pulse is deceitful and the Patient himself is oft ignorant These then I say are not s●fficient grounds for him to proceed upon and yet without a good Foundation the Fabrick is not likely to be well built or at lea●t not to stand long How alas should Man ove●●ome with the weight of his own Torture● or dis●ra●●●d with a too viol●nt Desire for prese●● Relief ●●fine the State of his own perhaps unspea●able Misery and yet I ●ay the Cause of a Disea●● must be first known b●●●r● the Doctor can make 〈◊〉 Medicine judicially pr●●er or undertake with a 〈◊〉 Conscience to make a Cure this being so the Natu●● and Temper of the Patient ought to be known an● that can never be d●●cer●'d by looking on the Patien● and fee●ing the Pulse tho' this is all most of t●● ignorant Pretenders ground their Proceeding upon when as that which unerringly signifies t●● Complexion to be Sanguine Phlegm●tick Choleric● or Melancholly is not any inferior thing No it 〈◊〉 the Superior Bodies that best explain the Matte● Thus Saturn signifies Melancholy Iove Sanguin● Mars Choler c. and every one knows that by th● Moon Convulsion-Fits are foreseen therefore 〈◊〉 Galen Hippocrates and all the rational and ancien● Physicians and Students of Nature were eminently skill'd in this sort of Astrology so they esteem'd and with Reason all Pretenders to Physick that wer● ignorant of Astrology to be rather Fools than Physicians Hence Galen admonisheth all Men not to trust themselves in the Hands of that Physician o● rather ignorant Pretender who is not skill'd in Astrology since the Ignorant therein are not abl● to perform with Certainty any Cure whatsoever Besides what will cure a Flegmatick Man of a Fever will not cure one that is Cholerick and then the pret●nded Physician seeing his Medicine doth no● work the like Operation as formerly supposes the M●lady to be somewhat else and himself mistaken ●●d then he falls another way to work and so to be ●●ort kills the Patient with a great many Thanks 〈◊〉 Gratuities both of Money and Gifts for as 〈◊〉 Ignorant about him suppose he doing his En●eavour to cure the Sick ought to be well rewarded ●●pecially if he can but talk of this rare Cure and ●hat excellent Remedy and preach himself up and ●thers a thousand times more knowing than him●elf down and now and then use some Latin in his ●iscourse and flourish it out with hard Words to ●he Ignorant I say he carries it then whether he ●ave or kill and that with a great deal of Credit as 〈◊〉 and his ignorant Friends think Likewise Blood-●etting if the Heavens be not duly observ'd is of no Efficacy and sometimes they hinder Phlebotomy which the ignorant Surgeon colours with saying ●he Party is faint-hearted or hath much Wind in his ●eins or with some such like ridiculous Whimsie for they know no better being ignorant of Astro●ogy which is a speculative Science very necessary ●n the Administration of Physick being counted by the ancient Practitioners of Physick rather Divine than Diabolical or Conjuring I say more of this than otherwise I would did I not greatly desire that all good Arts especially those I am conversant in might be refined from their Dross and that Knowledge might still encrease upon the Earth It is generally taken for granted among the unskilful that the seventh and fourteenth Days are critical which they call the first and second Crisis but 't is not true for the true Crisis is thus known look at the time of the Parties first falling sick in what Sign Degree and Minute of the Zodiack the Moon is in and when she comes to the Square thereof that is the first Crisis when she comes to the Opposition or opposite place thereof it is the second Crisis the next Square is the third Crisis and the same 〈◊〉 where she was at the first falling sick is the four●● Crisis and so go on Again the Judicial Days a● the middle between the two Crisis Critical 〈◊〉 are known by Astrology and no otherwise 〈◊〉 Crisis is the sudden Motion of the Disease eithe● towards Health or Death By Astrology also 〈◊〉 the sight of the Urin the honest Physician may clearl● discern which way the Disease will tend And th●● much of the Excellent use of Astrology as the ancient Practitioners used and thus far I allow 〈◊〉 Astrology believing stedfastly that the Stars are fo● Signs and for Seasons and that God rules them therefore God is the Governour of all things above and here below and therefore I pray thus Hi● Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Amen There is that I may speak all in a word requir'd in a Physician exquisite Knowledge long Practice great Virtue and good Success The Sick is to be patient and obedient Apothecaries and Surgeons exact Nurses also must be careful and diligent in observing the Physicians Directions nay the Air Linen Diet and Beds of the Sick ought to be convenient and according to Direction Medicine is an Art some say a Science removing Diseases its Subject is Man's Body or indeed I may say all things sensitive are its Object its End is Health In it are five parts 1. Physiologia which is the Knowledge of the Body fram'd of Elements Temprements Parts Faculties and Functions 2. Pathologia which is exercis'd about things preternatural and such are all things that bring Diseases 3. Semeiotica is that part of Physick in which is handled the Method of knowing as well the present as the future Estate of ●an 4. Hygeine is that part of Physick employ'd out the Preservation of Health 5. Therapeutica ●●ich is that part which respects the Restoring lost ●ealth and is divided into two parts The first con●●●ns the general Method of Curing proposing all ●les necessary for the Cure of all kinds of Diseases ●●ether similar organick or common The second 〈◊〉 Rules for the Curing particular Diseases it is 〈◊〉 Practick being nothing else
establish'd here by the Royal ●uccession of One and Twenty Kings descended from ●he Loins of this Royal Prophet Sin whose proper wages is Death brought many Calamities strange Revolutions and in the End a ●●nal Destruction to Ierusalem The Convulsions and ●roubles of this City were many and violent before 〈◊〉 was utterly Ruin'd as namely by this Hake King ●f Egypt in Rehoboams days at which time the Con●ueror carry'd away much Treasure By Ioas King ●f Israel who in the time of Amazias brake down ●00 Cubits of the Wall it was besieg'd by Resin and ●ekek King of Aram and Israel whom God put back 〈◊〉 the Reign of wicked Ahaz By Zenecher King of ●ssur whose Host in Hezekiahs days the Angel of God ●estroyed By the Assyrians who took Manasia Cap●●ve By Pharaoh Necho who carried Iehoazar Pri●oner into Egypt And lastly it was Besieged by ●he Caldeans who both Burnt the Temple and defa●ed the City see Kings 23.25 It was after the Captivity Rebuilt by the returned ●ews yet so that in the days of Christ it rather seemed a place of Slaughter and a Den of Thieves than the Royal Seat of a King or the place of Holy Worship for having Slain their Prophets and Persecuted the Saints they lastly filled the measure o● their Iniquity by shedding the Blood of that grea● One even Jesus the Lord of Life who by sufferin● Death in Ierusalem sealed the Redemption of th● World fulfilled the Law changed their Sabbath and in a word put an end to the glory of the Place Soon after by the Sedition of the Citizens and th● Caesars cruelties it became so desolate that one Ston● was not left standing upon another but as in th● Destruction of Sodom so was it all Destroy'd 〈◊〉 Walls removed Mount Sion excluded and Calva●● taken the Name Ierusalem was changed for that o● Aelia an unclean Swine set over the chief Gate and the Iews forbid on pain of Death to look back upon the City In this state the Romans held it till the year o● Christ 615 from whose Empire the Persians ●ore i● and kept it the space of Twenty Two Years Th● Sarazens were the next that Conquer'd it in the yea● 637 and possest it 372 years till in the year 100● the Turks took it and immediately lost it to the Sultan of Egypt who enjoy'd it the space of 90 year● at which time being in the year 1099 the Christian● under their General Godfrey Bulloigne Conquer'd 〈◊〉 and under the Government of several Christia● Princes one of which was Richard the first King o● England who was King of Ierusalem it continued 〈◊〉 years that is till the year 1187 at which time it wa● Surpriz'd by Soladine King of Persia and by the Persians held 330 years when in 1517 it was invad●● and won by the Victorious Solimo the Turkish Emperor and in it to this day the abomination of Mahom●● is set up Thus is Sion become a plunged Field and Ierusalem a heap of Stones the Holy Land laid wast under the feet of the Heathen and the place of Divine Prayer made a Den of Dragons so that as it was foretold Neither in the Mountain of Samaria nor in Jerusalem is the place of holy Worship see Isa. 66.1 2. But every Spiritual heart retaining the Ark or Testament of God's Covenant in Christ is the Ierusalem and Temple wherein the Lord will dwell and where ●his Spi●it with ours as the two Cherubins on the Mercy Seat looking each towards the other will witness our Reconciliation by Christ our High Priest who is entred before us into the Holy of Holies even the highest Heavens into which Divine Mansion may he whom my Soul loveth say come In the mean while let us consider what the Angel said ●o the Women when he sent them away from looking into the Sepulcre with He is Risen he is not here did he not thereby dehort them and us from Burying ou● affections in Christ's Grave and admonish us rather to seek him where he is to be found At this day a gracious heart maketh every place a Ierusalem where God may as well and as acceptably 〈◊〉 Worshipped as upon Mount Olivet or Christ's Mount so Named because it was his Pulpit as the whole Land was his Text when he made that famous Sermon on the Mount This Son of Righteousness had all Palestine for his Zodiack and the Twelve Tribes for his Signs St. Hierom observeth as the Two Tribes which were first carried into Captivity so Redemption was first Preached in their Countries Likewise in former Ages there were the greatest Examples of God's Justice shown upon disobedient Sinners for Example Lots Wife for one farewell glance at Sodom was turned into a Pillar of Salt which may teach us to measure a Sin by the in●ini●eness of God who forbiddeth it 'T is observed the Land of Iudea became Barrenou● af●er ou● Saviours Passion of bringing ●orth their principle Commodities as Balm c. Whether because the Tipe was to cease when the Truth was come or because that Land was unworthy to have so Soveraign Bodily Physick grow in her where the Phisitian of the So●l was put to Death Another wonderful remarkable thing shown ●pon all the outward formal Jewish Worshippers soon after our Saviours Ascention as he had foretold was the destruction of that City and Land by which we are made sensible that there was never sorrow like the sorrow of that Land who made the Messiah a Man of sorrow If we consider the Siege of Jerusalem began at the time of the Passover when in a manner all Judea was inclosed in Jerusalem all private Synagogues doing their Duties to the Mother Temple so that the City then had more guests than Inhabitants Thus the Passover which was at first Instituted by God in Mercy to save the Israelites from Death was then used by him in Justice to hasten their Destruction and to gather the Nations into a bundle to be cast into the fire of his Anger as our Saviour had foretold them besides those who had bought our Saviour for Thirty Pence were themselves sold Thirty for a Penny whilst this Storm fell among the Unbelieving Jews it was calm among the Believing Jews that is those that were become Christians who forewarn'd by Christs Predicti●●● fled betimes out of the City to Pella a private place beyond Jordan which serv'd them instead of a little Zore to save them from the eminent Destruction of Sodom And now the chief Head of the scattered unbelieving Jews keep the meaner sort as well as themselves ●rom the use of the New Testament nay they will ●oone Curse it than look into it the which thing is the hindrance of their Conversion and Salvation And thus we leave them in a state most lamentable and much to be pitied Lastly It may justly seem admirable how senseless religions should gain so much ground on Christianity such having neither substance in their Doctrine nor winning Behaviour in their Ceremonies
tells us That the last Tru●pet is the Seventh Trumpet that is a m●●●●rious Number in which as by many instances ●●●ht be proved God seems peculiarly to delight S● that the Sixth Trumpet as it is expressed in the Revelations soundeth before this shewing that the ●a●t end of all will not ●e till the last Trumpet but yet there will be a vast tract of Time within the time of the last Trumpet many things being to be performed within its Compass so that at the first beginning of the last Trumpet the Enemies of God so fall that the Kingdoms of this World becomes the King●oms of the Lord and of his Christ c. Revel 11. vers 15.16 17 18. which is a Summary Preface or a Prefationary Sum to the Catastrophe or upshot of the Revelations to follow unto the End And in ●evel 20. and the first seven Verses is expressed how l●ng this visible Kingdom of Christ on Earth shall continue and consequently so long is the last Trumpet viz. As the Learned conclude a Thousand years but the last end of all and ultìmate Period shall not be till the last end of the last Trumpet Rev. 20.12 c. and thus 't is probable the Resurrection will continue the Thousand Years of Christ's Reign upon Earth touching this see Isa. 16.19 cap. 19.20 and cap. 25 vers 6 7 8. and Daniel 12. vers 5. where it is said Go thy way unto the End and rest and awake in thy lot in the End of Days for the Lord hath spoken it The Lord will then remove the Vail of Ignorance which is now cast over the faces of all people so as they shall clearly see the great and wo●derful Mistery of Man's Salvation Now touching the place where Christ shall sit in Judgment the Scriptur●s make it out that it shall be in the Air over the Valley of Iehosaph●t by Mount Olivet near unto Ierusalem then w●ll Chris● set for●h magnificently his holy Spou●e the Church Tri●●phant First all things will be made New sitting for the Merits of so Beautiful a Bride Secondly there will appear the Glory and Excellency of ●he Lambs Wife Thirdly the earnest desire of the Elect who will say Come Lord Iesus to whom the Fountain of Mercy will answer Behold I come quickly see Revel 3.11 This will be a glorious Spectacle repleat with Rareties far beyond what our weak fancies can imagine it will not be like our transit●ry Pageantry for a day but such as will for ever fully employ the most pier●ing eyes of o●r Souls with ravishing satisfaction Her● have we first the Precursor a Iohn Baptist going before and giving Warning Ecce Behold he is coming who hath been oft foretold and long the darling expectation of all Nations even Christ the only begotten Son of the Father Venio I come Thirdly the manner of his Coming will be Wonderful he will not come leasurely as he Rode to Ierusalem upon a slow Beast but Riding upon the Wings of the swiftest Wind born up as it were by a bright Cloud of Angels Venio cito I come saith the Lord quickly Now the many comings of Christ which are dispersedly related in the Holy Bible I will set down in the order following His first Coming was Virtual from the beginning of th● World full of the Vigour and Power of Red●●ption as he was a Lamb slain from the begining of the World and thus Abraham saw him as com● 〈◊〉 his day as present His other comings were Actual namely in Carne when he came to Man by assuming his Nature when he came ad suos to the Iews and they received him ●ot this Coming was in Humility and Debasement 〈◊〉 ●orma Servi in the form of a Servant to make us 〈◊〉 by his Sufferings and Bondage His Coming to Ier●salem was Local being both a Preparative to his c●●el Passion and a Prefiguration of his glorious Exaltation venit ●ex was the Proclamation which was f●llowed by the Royal Acclamations Hosanna being Sung to him With a Blessed be he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. He also has a spiritual and invisible Coming into ●he secret recesses of our Souls by Grace and ●he power of his Holy Spirit which doth raise us from the Grave of Sin and Spiritual Death This Co●ing is in Misericordia in Mercy But his last Coming is in Justice in Majesty and in Glory to Judge the Quick and the Dead and to render to every one according to his Works whether they be Good or Evil and to Transform the Church Militant into the Church Triumphant And this C●ming is called by St. Paul the Glorious Appearance of our great God and only Saviour Jesus Christ and himself has foretold that he the Son of Man shall come Cloathed with a Triple Glory that is in his own Glory in his Fathers and in that of the Holy Angels Now of the several Comings I have hitherto spoken some are past some to come and others are daily coming and ever present as his coming ●o his Chosen by moving and changing their Hearts by renewing their Spirits by comforting and instru●●ing their Souls present also in his coming to th● Wicked and Reprobate in such mann●r as he cam● to Pharaoh But the last and most Universal Com●ng is that which is not yet come and is promised in th●se words Behold I come Rev. 5.6 and this is usually call'd his Second Coming which will be visible and proper wherein it is suit●ble to his coming by In●arnation and yet it much differs from that first in manner that being in the Depth of Hum●●iation this in the Height of Exaltation that in Re●roach and Infirmity thi● in Glory and p●●fection o● Health then he came to Die and bear a Crown of Tho●●s now to wear a Crown of Life in that he came to b● dispised and spit on by his Enemies in this to bruise his Adversaries like a Potters Vessel and to make his Foes his Footstool Secondly in Time that being in the fulness of Time yet i● Time when the Vail of Mosaical Tipes and Ceremonies was to be pull'd off and yield to the Substance Gal. 4.4 This Future in the very End of Time when the whole frame of the Earth is to be broke in sunder the Curtains of the Heavens to be w●thdrawn and all things sublimated and purified by Fi●e then shall Men see the Lord Christ coming in the Clouds with omnipotent Power and infinite Glory with Millions of Angels and all Souls whom he knows to be his by Faith and good Works each of which will than move in an Orb of Glory far surpassing the brightness of the Suns Meridian Be●●●s and yet the Glory of Christs Body will infinitely exceed them all then will the joyful Elect say The ●ime is come of Singing Eternal Halalujahs and the Voice of Christ and his Holy Angels will be ●eard over the whole World in a Diapason of most Revishing Notes which will awaken and raise up all that are in
Cor. 15.51 And lastly the Resurrection of the Deceased shall be by Christ effected at his Coming Christ as Man must judge Men as Men and so have Time to make his Judgment which in it self will doubtless be just Now this will take up a co●side●able time of the Thousand Years for Chris● will judge the whole World upon the Earth and ●h●●arth will be the Place of Judicature and all the Bo●ies that ever were mus● appear in a Place on the 〈◊〉 sit for that purpose I say on the Earth for 〈◊〉 in Heaven the Wicked cannot be to receive Sen●ence and only the Saints are caught up in the Clouds Satan and the wicked Hypocrites and o●●er Sinners will be sentenc'd into Outer Dark●es● As to the Place where this great Assize will be hel● the common Opinion is that it will be ●ear I●r●salem in the Valley of Iehoshaphat which Cosm●g●aphers assign for the middle of the Earth's super●●ies for if the termini à quibus be the four Parts 〈◊〉 the World then the terminus ad quem must be ●bout the Centre Another Reason is because the Angel told the Disciples That as they saw Christ ●s●e●d from Mount Olive● which is over the Valley of Iehoshapha● so He should in like manner descend ●rom Heaven Now that the said Valley or some Place adjacent to Ierusalem should be the place of Judgment 't is most probable because that as Christ was ●hereabouts Crucified and put to open shame so it is likely that thereabouts his glorious Throne ●hall be exalted in the Air when he shall appear in Judgment to manifest his Majesty and Glory and so He in that place will judge the World with ●ighteous Judgment where h● Himself was unjustly ●udged and condemned The Order he will observe in giving Judgment will as some think be first to pronounce the Senten●● of Absolution and Bliss upon the Elect because ●e will thereby encrease the Grief of the Reprobates that shall hear it and at the same time show that he is more prone to Mercy than Judgment more forward to Reward the Good than to punish the Wicked therefore he will in the sight and hea●ing of all the World say to his Elect Come ye Bless●d of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from th● Beginning of the World Come you now from Labou● to Rest f●om Disgrac● to Glory from the Iaws of Death to Eternal Life After this every Saint receives a glorious Crown from the Hands of their Righteous and Merciful Judge as the ample Reward which he promised o● his free Grace to all them that loved and hoped fo● this his last and to the Blessed everlasting appearing Then every one shall take his Crown and lay i● down as it were at the Feet of Christ the generous Giver and prostrating themselves shall with one Heart and Voice in a Heavenly Consort Sing P●aise and Honour and Glory and Powe● and Thanks b● unto thee O Blessed Lamb who sittest upon the T●ron● Thou by D●●th Redeem'd us from being Sons o● Wrath and Perdition to be the Children of God Out of every Kindred and To●gue and People and Nation thou hast made unto our God Kings and Priests to Reign triumphantly with Thee in thy Kingdom for ever Next follows the dreadful Sentence of Condemnation against the hardned Reprobates and evi● Angels immediat●ly after which Christ from his exalted Tribunal will arise waited on by his numerous Train of Elect and holy Angels with whom in Order and Array he will ascend Triumphantly unto the Heaven of Heavens and there present al● the Elect unto his Father saying Behold O Righteous Father these are they whom Thou gavest me I gave them thy Word and they Believed it I have ke●● them and none of them is lost Therefore l●t them Sing Praises to thee their God and King let them be glad and rejoyce and give honour unto thee for the Marriage of the Lamb is come and his Spouse hath made her self ready Hallelujah for the Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth Every thing tendeth to its proper Centre God ●s the Centre of our Souls our chiefest Good therefore the Soul like Noah's Dove cannot rest nor ●oy till she return and enjoy him she is ever desiring ●o keep a perpetual Sabbath with him to the Glory Honour and Praise of the Blessed Trinity to which ●appiness when we once Arrive we shall not only ●now our Friends departed in the Faith of Christ ●ut also joyn in a League of perpetual Friendship with all the Faithful that ever were or shall here●fter be our knowledge now is but imperfect then it will be compleat for we shall know as we are known of God or as the Angels know one another Come all you that thirst after true and perfect Knowledge and employ yo●r utmost endeavours to ●●ome Graduates in Christ's Heavenly University ●n this World the utmost pitch of Knowledge the ●ost diligent Students and the ablest Professors ●an with all their Faculties attain to is only the ●iscovery of the meer shaddow of our unspeakable ●reator but in Heaven we shall know God in rea●●ty and in him all things perfectly we shall know ●he manner of that stupendio●s work of the Creation ●e shall be able to solve the difficulty of making all ●hings out of nothing and conceive the amazing ●ist●ry of our Redemption In fine our Minds ●hich now labour in trifles with a Thousand invin●ible doubts will then be enrich'd with the know●edge of all things possible and we shall conclude as an undoubted Verity that in the Flesh we saw but a few of God's wonderful Works in comparison o● what shall be revealed then unto us Let us then labour for Heaven and like wise Merchants traffick for Eternal Life as a most precious Pearl which is worth our Purchase tho' it cost us all we have Mat 13. Abraham and Sarah left their own Country and Possessions to look for this City whose Founder is God David was so enamour'd with this Divine Mansion that he rather desired to be there a Door-keeper than to dwell in the richest Tabernacle of Wickedness It was into the Kingdom of Heaven that Elias so earnestly besought the Lord to receive his Soul to which he went most willingly tho' in a Fiery Chariot And St. Paul having but once seen 〈◊〉 glimpse of Heaven ever after desired that he might be dissolved to be with Christ and well he might for as David saith At God's Right Hand are Pleasures ●or ever more If Ruth left what is usually accounted most dear her own Country and followed Naomi her Mother in Law to dwell with her in the Land of C●naan which was but a Tipe of Heaven only upon the Fame which she had heard of the God of Israel tho' she had no promise of any Portion therein Ruth 1.16 With how much more alacrity ought we to follow our Mother the Church to go into the Heavenly Canaan wherein God hath given us an Et●rnal Inheritance assured to us
this World where it is not to be found there i● no st●te of Life be it what it will but what is att●nded with Misery enough in those that live after the Flesh. Nay many times the very Courts of Justice torment Men abroad as m●ch as their Families care does at home the Country life is opprest with continual Labours at Sea there is confusion of D●ngers the Merchant teaches his Estate to Swim and he that Travels with Riches gives a great Temptation to Highway-men and exposes his Life and Mon●y to the mercy of Thieves the Rich are Plagu'd with the desire of Encreasing care of keeping and fear of losing Riches while the Poor are obnoxious to Scorn and Contempt Marriage in general is no more ●han a conjunction of mutual Perplexities and accidental Calamities Children are ●onuments of Care and for the most part very un●●rtain Comforts especially in these days and on 〈◊〉 other side a single Life oft proves a solitary ●ischief or inconvenience the Fruitful bring forth C●res and Barrenness is counted a Curse Youth is a tormenting Fury old Age a meer lump of Infirmi●ies and an incurable Disease Thus there is something in every life that proves the bane of our Happiness except we entirely give our selves up to the Service of God Mat. 6.24 No Man can serve two Masters God and the World he that is a Vassal to his Wealth can never make a true Servant of God he that is a Rebel to his lawful Prince is no good Subject of Christs tho' Religion be the Pretence The Parable of the Rich Man and many other places of Scripture make out how hard it is for such who trust in uncertain Riches to enter into the Kingdom of God Therefore mis●rable is the case of all covetous Rich persons Usurers Extorti●ners Thieves and Robbers not can we think better of the Envious Murderers Whore-mongers Sorcerers Idolaters Sabbath-breakers Swea●ers Drunkards Gluttons and such as are given to Detraction and Anger without cause calling their Brother Fool to these add lying Reprobates the Proud the Cruel and ●●ard-hearted Hippocrites the Sloathful and Unbe●iever and many pr●sumptuous Sinners all which a●e threatned to be cast into unquenchable Fire as unprofitable Servants They are such as prefer Vice before Virtue Iniquity before Godliness Falshood before Truth and their own dark works before the light of the Gospel Also among the unprofitable Servants may be reckoned the Rebellious who by belying their lawful Governours rob the Peoples hearts of Obedience and so fit them for Rebellion which is a kind of Witchcraft and spiritual The●● Nay those that corrupt the Minds of others by leud Examples Hippocrites Slanderers teachers of Lies whereby ●he Souls of th●ir Hearers are rob'd of Eternal Life a●e condemn'd All that foolishly attribute to th●ms●lves the benefit of Health Weal●h or Liberty and so deprive God of his Glory are hither refer'd such as purloi● from their Masters Parents Husbands Wives Friends or Neighbour● suffer them to incur any loss or detriment whi●h they might prevent are in the same Class with the former such as Rob their Neighbours either by false Weights Measures bad Wares or subtile Practices all Lawyers that make good Causes bad or Bad Good all Debtors that never design to pay all Creditors that cru●lly Triumph over the Bodies o● their poor insolvent Debtors by Imprisonment or any other kind of Oppression And lastly Envious Men who when they have done a Man what disgrace they ca●●y Words fall to the practice of unjust Deeds to over-throw and ruine those whom they causelesly Hate such sure cannot so much as have the least pretence to be Servants of God but on the contrary Slaves and Vassals of Satan Now to know who are unprofitable Servants I say ●●rst They are such as are Magistrates abusing their Aut●ority to the hurt of those they ought to Protect Secondly Such as are no Magistrates but either neglect their calling or deprave it by their wicked Practice Thirdly Rich men who relieve not the wants of the Poor with their Plenty Fourthly Learned and well instructed Christia●s who suffer the Ignorant to go Astray without giving them good Advice or necessary Instructions Touching those that have their Portion in the Sulp●urous Lake which burneth with Fire and Brims●one where Men und●rgo as 't is call'd the Second D●ath see Revel 21.1 By this Second Death is understood the deplorable separation of the Soul and Body for ever from the Beatifical Vision or Presence o● God and this is the Death which the Wi●ked must suff●r y●t the fulness of their Punishment will not be inflicted ●pon them till the day of Judgment when th●ir Souls and Bodies are reunited then they will receive their dreadful Doom and condign Punishment for their Evil Deeds for your further instruction herein see Luk. 16.22 23. the 8.28 the 10.23 ●nd the 12.30 Mat. 23.23.31 and 5.24 and 13.14 ●nd 14.31 Thess. 1.10 1 Pet. 3.19 Iud● ● ● 7. Acts 7.5 and in many other places the Scripture g●ves a large account of Hell and of its Torments of which none can doubt since our Blessed Saviour said That Heaven and Earth should pass away but hi● Word should never pass away Therefore unless we be regenerate and renewed in Christ our condition i● d●sperate hence let us with all speed Repent and streighten the unevenness of our ways according to the Level of God's Word and Commandments let 's Love one another and do as we would be done by ●nd shew the loveliness of our Faith by the uprightness of our Works For it is not every one tha● cryeth Lord Lord that shall enter into t●e Kingdom of Heaven No It is the doing the Will of God that dwelleth in Heaven that must bring us thither We must be Born again not of the Blood nor of the Will of the Flesh but of God who in Christ is our Father and will renew his own Image in us every day more and more and apply to us the Merits of Christ's Sufferings fo● the blotting out of all our Sins original and actual together with the guilt and punishment belonging to them Blessed is he therefore to whom the Lord hath not imputed Sin s●e Ezek. 18.21.2 Cor. 33.13 for to s●ch all the Righteousness of Christ is freely and fully imputed to the Reconcili●tion of them unto the Lord who approveth them as Righteous not taking notice of ever● fault but bearing with their Frailties and Infirmities Exod. 34.67 Rom. 4.8 The godly Man hath an assurance of God's Fatherly care and protection Day and Night which care God manifests in providing all things necessary for his Soul and Body so that the godly Man is sure of having enough ● God gives his holy Angels as Ministers a charge to attend upon the Righteous Psal. 34.7 And to prevent all da●gers the Angels pitch their Tents about the lust for their safety where ever th●y go yea God will d●fend them with a Cloud by day and with a Pillar of Fire by night and his Providence shall hedge them from the Power of the Devil see Iude 1.9 where 't is Recorded that Micha●l the Arch-Angel was set to keep the Body of Moses which being secretly hidd●n by God was sought for by Satan by which it appears that God's good Angels keep all such as live and die in the faith of Christ and in the fear of the Lord 2 Kings 6.17 The Eyes of the Lord are always op●n to see their State and also his Ears to hear t●eir Complaint and in his good time will deliver them out of all their troubles and bring them to the glory of the Church in her perpetual Triumph in the World to come when joyned to her Bridegroom Christ Jesus in Joy that shall never have an End a tast of which Joy is in some sort made manifest unto us in the Revelations cap. 2.22 Therefore let us all with St. Stephen say Come Lord Iesus come quickly and in the mean time the Lord g●ant that we may be always Purging out by true Faith and Repentance the Malignity of our Spiritual Diseases till we arrive at divine and saving Health that at the End of our Bodily Infirmities the great Physician may administer a Cordial to us of his own Living Water and grant that at the Night of Death when our Sun shall set the Sun of Righteousness may rise upon us with healing under his Wings and make our Souls as the Lame-man's body in the Gospel entirely whole and so elevate us to those Light Orbs and Heavenly Mansions where the Su● shall no more be our Light by Day nor the Moon by Night but the Lord our God shall be ou● Everlasting Light and Glory Which are the Hearty Prayers of READERS Your True Friend And Faithful Servant David Irish. Advertisement THE Small-Pox being now in many Places I thought it convenient to publish That if I see the Small-Pox break out of any or but newly come out I will tell them at first sight whether there be any Danger of Death by having them or not And I do affirm That I can with God's Blessing give an Antidote against them and of such Vertue to those that are not already infected that tho they eat and drink and be always with those that have them yet shall they not have them So God preserve us all from all manner of Contagious Diseases and f●om sudden Death Amen