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A40453 The dolefull fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the fourth vow, from the Roman Catholick apostolick faith lamented by his constant frind, with an open rebuking of his imbracing the confession, contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England. French, Nicholas, 1604-1678. 1674 (1674) Wing F2178; ESTC R6915 151,148 496

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there discribed After followes the fight between Lucifer and those of his side and Michael the Arck-Angell Captain of the innumerable Legions that remaind obedient to God and these had the victory And there was made Apocal. ibid. agreat Battle in heaven Michael and his Angells fought with the Dragon and the Dragon fought and his Angells and they prevailed not neither was there place found any more in heaven And that great Dragon was cast forth the old Serpent which is called the Deuill and Sathan which seduceth the whole World and hee was cast into the Earth and his Angells were throwne downe with him From Heresie and Hereticks in heaven let us pass to those on Earth Hereticks in the Law of Nature AS soone as God began to be Cain the first Heretick worshipped on Earth the Heresie of Cain sprang up who deny'd Gods Providence and murthered his brother Abel for maintaining Gods Providence Cains Envy could not brook Abels Innocency The second Heresie was that of Lamech Lamech the second Heretick who marryed two wives at once and soe deny'd the Unity of the Church God drew but one Ribb out of Adam and of that made but one woeman and said to them Erunt du● Genesis cap. 2. in carne una Lamech violated this Law by taking two Wives which was an Heresie 3. The Gyants were the third sort of Hereticks 4. All those that did not enter the Arck and perished in the Deluge were Hereticks 5. C ham after the Deluge mocked his Fathers nakedness and was Eo Nomine Pratriarck and Father of all those scoffing Hereticks that contemne the holy Fathers saying they were ignorant unlearned and blind You see by this there was one Heretick Cham in the Arke wherin were in all but eight Soules 6. Those that were building Babell were Hereticks and the figure of Hereticks that follow'd them God confounded theire tongues soe that they could not understand one another it is soe this day with Protestants strucken by God with a giddiness and soe disagreeing in Religion and Opinion as upon this one Text of Scripture HOC Math. cap. 26. r. 27. EST CORPVS MEVM There are 400. Opinions and Interpretations God hath confounded them in theire understanding tongues and writings 7. Esau for persecuting his Brother Iacob therby opposing himselfe to God and Israel These are Sall your Companions in the Law of Nature Hereticks in the written Law 1. FRom the tyme the Church of God was planted in Egypt wee find by tradition that Iamnes and Mambre Tim. 2. cap. 3. who resisted Moyses were the first Hereticks of those speaks Saint Paul But as Iamnes and Mambre's resisted Moyses soe these alsoe resist the truth men corrupted in minde reprobat concerning the faith 2. All those that dyed in the desert murmouring against God and Moyses and his directions and commaunds 3. Chore and Dathan with theire seditious companions that opposed Moyses and his authority 4. Nahab and Albiu that put strange fyre in the Insence of the Lord. 5. All those strange Kings that made warre against the Children of Israel 6. All the false Prophets of Baal and all of that kind All these Sall are your companions in the written Law Hereticks in the Evangelicall Law IN the tymes of the Law of nature and of the written Law there haue not been if I am not mistaken above 20. Kindes of Hereticks but in the Evangelicall or in the Law of grace they have been above 600. of them A man would say it were hard to beleeve this seeing the standart of the Cross after Christes passion hath been lifted up against hell and heresie the kingdom and power of the Devill diminished Idols cast down Atheisme bannished and the Empire of Hell on Earth as it were destroy'd by the Bloud of Iesus Vertue Piety and the light of Grace for all this woefull experience proues what I have said to be true And Saint Cyprian giues you the true reason S. Cyp. lib. de Vnitat wherfor in these words Cum videret inimicus idola derelicta templa sua deserta ex●ogitauit novas fraudes hereses inuenit scismata ● quibus fidem subuerteret When Sathan saw after our Sauiours Passion the Idols cast away and his tempels deserted hee thought of new fraudes hee inuented heresies and scismes by which hee might subuert faith and sanctity Sathan therfore the Father and Author of all lyes and Heresies seduced men from the way of truth and stirred them up against the Church and Verity these kinde of men sowed Heresyes and Scismes and some of them began like Hypocrits covering theire damnable Doctrin with a cloack of Sanctity such were Arius Iohn Wicklef and many more and even the worst livers of them pretended a kind of Piety in theire Opinions and as it were a speciall regard of the glory of God grounding all Sanctity and Salvation upon Sanctifying faith alone and upon this account some of them took away free will others good works fasting pennance and allkind of Mortification they did but mock all these things others took away the Invocation of Saints and Angells and Doctrin of Purgatory Indulgence and Prayers for the dead others reduced seven Sacraments unto two or rather to one to wit Baptisme and others have even destroy'd this Sacrament teaching infants to be saved in the faith of theire Parents and that Baptisme is but a meer cerimony that might be used or omitted without sinne others said the Commaundements were impossible to be kept and others held they did noe way oblige Christians and that they were only made for the Iewes but oboue all Calyin was soe zealous in attributing mans Salvation only to the Passion and Bloud of Iesus that hee held all the good works man could doe of noe value or effect yea hee termed Bona opera hominis piacula sordes inquiuamenta By this you see the Doctrins taught by Hereticks were but mera somnia deliria and a good part of the thirty nine Articles of the Church of England are such I shall herafter in a convenient place give you a long Letany of Hereticks but it will be noe way holy In this place I will only set downe the Sect of Quakers that sprung up in England some years agoe theire principall theorems and tenets are 1. That they are imediatly cald by Iesus and sent to convert the world as the Apostles were by an extraordinary mission 2. That God being a pure Spiritt is to be honoured only by the Spiritt wherfore they condemne all bending of knees and all exteriour signes of Religion and worship due to God 3. That it is superstition to light Candles by daytyme to weare Capps Copes Albs or any sacred vestments 4. That it is Idolatry to build Churches put up Crosses or the Images of Christ or his Saints or render them any Worshipp 5. They denye and reject the name of Sacrament and affirme that Baptizing in water is not of devine Institution 6. They
the same although hell it selfe be moved and struggle against it Those Inferrences of this able Devine are strong and unanswerable The same Author hints at some Faults of Sec●aries Faults and failings of Sectaryes in writing controversyes These are his words pag. 434. first besides theire corruptions and self conceited glosses wherof ther is noe end you have in the first place gross mistakes 2. Pritty leers harmless things for they hurt no body and give the Printer work 3. No little Ignorance 4. Meer Suppositions for proofs 5. Much unsincere dealing when they slightly handle Controversyes and sly ly disemble such proofs as make for our Catholick Verityes The last defect but this is both remediless and transcendent they neuer bring Assertions to Principles nor give us weight for weight I meane Authority answerable to our Authorityes in any one debated question With what is said this Advertisment is ended my end therin being the Conversion of Sall a poore sinner and straying sheep which must be effected and done by the great Pastor Iesus and therfore I humbly begg of him Vt vadat ad illam Ovem quae perirat donec inveniat ●am That his owne holy name may be glorify'd on Earth and in heaven by bringing backagaine to his Flock poor strayed Sall. XXIV and last CHAPTER Containing a fervent Exhortation to straying Sall for a tymely returning to his holy Mother the Roman Catholick Church that there may bee joy in heaven upon a sinner doing Pennace To Bishops and all Pastors of Gods Flocke whose charge is to take little Foxes Hereticks perverting Soules The Holy Ghost speaks in this Language Catch us the little Foxes that destroy the Cant. cap. 2. vineyards By this care of good Pastors the tneevery of those little Foxes will bee prevented and the wasting of the vineyard avoyded Sall owneing a Pastorall Office and care I have taken some paines in hunting after you a little Fox an old man and a young Heretick and as I conceive Ope Divina te parvam vulpem in opere nefario nempe vineam Christ Electam speciosam florentem vineam Saboath Sanctis divi Patricii moribus stupendisque caels prodigtis in terra Hybermae feliciter plantatam scelestè demolientem caepi Sall it may bee said to your eternall infamy that after your fall you have Imployd a violent burning zeal to infect your kindred and frinds with the plague of Heresie that infected your selfe Non vis Miser perire soule sed ut al● tecum pereant vehementer niteris but I hope God in his mercy will preserve those Soules from the cupp of Poyson you would make them drink of for this your indeauour and attempt your name is become odious to all that heare of you O deplorable change from the man I have knowne you piously given as all Iudg'd of you an obedient child of the Sea of Rome and a good member of your order likely you will gess who I am that write these senlible complaining lines a person that lou'd you for your amiable nature unoffensive conversation and commendable tallents and you alsoe seemed to love and est●em mee in a high measure Did you not to preserue our ancient amity write unto mee a letter full of aftection and kindness wherin you let mee know of the great esteem you were with the Protestant Arch-Bishop Ô I then little dream'd hee could have had the power of perverting you or you soe wicked a minde as to bee perverted by him to that letter I return'd a loving and harty answer and at the same tyme feriously recommended a vertuous and afflicted lady of my acquaintance matcht in your county of Tipperary and by a speciall letter commaunded her to bee guided by you in all assuring her shee would finde you a vertuous learned and frindly person But Sall deare Sall you have betrav'd my trust and alas betray'd your owne Soule for eternity unlesse you recant in tyme. In parting from the Roman Communion you have not regarded Saint Ambroses Devine and weighty councell To wit Magni periculires est si post Prophetarum oracula post Apostalorum testimonia post martyrum vulnera veterem sidem quasi novellam discutere presumas It is a business of great danger if after the oracles of Prophets the Testimony of Apostles and the wounds of Martyrs you presume to examine and discuss the ancient settled Faith as if it were a new Religion these Arguments the Saint speaks of testify a true Orthodox Religion these Arguments doe satisfye all good Catholicks learned and unlearned young and old that they are in the right way and beleese to these Arguments all good Christians adhere no way presuming to dispute or to doubt in the least of the force and verity of them with these Testimonyes oracles and Arguments all of the Communion of Rome stand firme and constant in the ancient Faith Sall you have taken a different way a way apart your presumption misled you the crafty Serpent that tempted Eve and much commended the forbidden fruite saying What day soever you shall eat of the Genes Cap. 3. forbidden fruite your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as Goas knowing good and euill The same Serpent entised you to a curiosity of disputing of the truth and Sanctity of the ancient Faith and tempted you soe farre that hee made you seek for truth where it was not to bee found and to desert the Church wherin it was is and ever shall bee to the worlds end your curious Ambition displeased God and hee has confounded your presumption and pride Have you forgotten to have read in S Paul God speaking to proud 1 Cor. Cap. 1. high witts Perdam Saptentiam Sapientum prudentiam prudentum reprobabo That is I will destroy the Wisdome of the Wise and the Prudence of the Prudent I will reject Did not S. Paul himselfe writing to the Corinthians say I judged not my selfe 1 Cor. Cap. 2. to know any thing among you but Iesus Christ and him crucisy'd and I was with you in infirmity and in feare and much trembling Sall had you remained in your Order mortify'd that is to know Iesus Christ crucify'd had you stay'd in feare and trembling with your Bretheren as great witts and Devines as you have done all had been safe with you all had gone well but presumption carryed you further forsooth you must examine the ancient Faith with Speculations and Subtilityes and soe have miserably falne God of his mercy give you Grace to rise againe But Sall are not you greatly troubled Iust prayse of the Society of Iesus and disturbed in your Soule for deserting the order of the Society of Iesus a pretious and sacred Schoole of learning and vertue in Gods Church an order renowned ouer all the world for the great things they have done to Gods Glory not only in countries insected with Heresie in Europ but alsoe for giving the light of Faith to millions of Idolaters in Iaponia and
may not returne voyd Let not deare Sall all my paines and the expressions of my good affection bee lost by an obduration in you look to it my frind while there is tyme of Consideration having noe less at stake then an Eternity of Salvation and Glory or of Flames and Damnation if after all my ernest requests and harty Prayers you will not think of Returning to Hierusalem but willfully stay in Babilon I can but say with a lamenting Soule Perditio tua ex●te Isra●l denying to joyne your will with Gods Grace Peribis in Aeternum For Saint Augustin tells you Qui creavit te sine te non salvabit t● sine te crea●it nescientem salvabit volentem Hee that has created thee with out thee will not save thee with out thee hee created thee with out thy knowledge but will save thee with thy will One word more and then adue untill wee shall appeare before the great Iudge of all at the last day in old English dooms-day what word say you This only that I conjure you by all that is holy and pretious on earth and in heaven I conjure you I say in the name and in the behalfe of the Almighty that your great and only care in this life bee when the Angell of God shall come to kill the Aegyptians by Exod. cap. 112. night darke night of theire Iniquityes that lie finde in thy house the marke of Pardon the Bloud of the lamb Iesus sprinkled on the Postes of the Doore of thy Soule which cannot be unless you are then found a true professor of the Holy Roman Cathoclick Apostolick Faith without this marke the Angell will destroy you with th' Aegyptians muse deeply on this Important point and ever think with feare and teares to what eternity the last moment of life shall deliver thy soule O praetiosum Momentum ô Aeternitas ô Momentum a quo pendet Aeternitas ô Deare Iesus redeemer of the world have mercy on Sall that hath a bandoned verity and Santity and bring him home againe and have mercy on mee poore sinner now praying for him Amen Fugam scelestam pudendam Andreae Sall ex castris Israël ad papiliones Phylisthijm palam justè redargutam Deo Auspice finivimus 12. die Martii Anno 1675. divo Gregorio P. M Sanctae Ecclesiae Doctori Sacro omnia quae Scripsimus indubitato Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Oraculo submittentes Ut Scripta omnibus prosint summopere cupimus Catholicis ad fidem constanter servandam Heterodoxis ad eam faeliciter Amplectendam Ad Majorem D. O. M. Gloriam THE TABLE Of the Chapters and Advertisments contayned in this Book are as followeth SAll's Recantation The Author to the Reader I. Chap. A Distribution of the contents of this worke in 8. principall points pag. 1 1. VVhat drew Sall out of Gods House 2. VVhat guide led him the way 3. Having forsaken the Catholick Religion what Religion is hee become of 4. VVho are the Doctors hee hath parted with and who they hee hath now embraced 5. VVhat Company hath hee forsaken and who are they hee sticks unto 6. A discussion upon some principall parts of the Recantation 7. Certaine Advertisments to said Sall. 8. The Authors harty Exhortation unto him for his speedy returning to his Mother the Roman Catholick Church II. Chap. VVhat drew Sall out of Gods House pag. 8 The Tytle of Mr. VVhites Booke Schismatis Anglicani Redurgutio c. pag. 13 III. Chap. VVhat guide led Sall out of the House of God pag. 16 IV. Chap. Of what Religion is Sall become having forsaken the Catholick Religion pag. 25 V. Chap. Answer to the fourth Quaere pag. 46 VI. Chap. Of the Doctrin and manners of Luther and some other principall Hereticks pag. 79 VII Chap. Of Luthers Doctrin pag. 84 VIII Chap. Of Luthers Pride and contempt of the Fathers and belying them pag. 98 IX Chap. Of Luthers Incontinency pag. 106 X. VVhat frutes followed Luthers Doctrin and Reformation pag. 116 XI Chap. Of Calvins Doctrin his Calumnyes against Catholicks and of his life and Conversation pag. 123 Certaine Calumnyes of Calvin against the Fathers and other Catholicks pag. 138 Of Calvins Life and Conversation pag. 141 XII Of Beza's Doctrin and Conversation pag. 141 XIII Chap. A Brief Relation of the manners and Conversation of others of the Protestant Religion and pretended Reformers of the Church whose names are as followeth pag. 159 Of Zwinglius pag. 159 Phillip Melankton pag. 161 Jacobus Andreas otherwise named Smedelinus pag. 162 Carolostadius pag. 163 John Knox. pag. 164 Oecolumpadius pag. 166 Christopher Goodman pa. 167 XIV Chap. A Narration of the English Religion and Reformers in King Edward the 6'th Raigne pag. 169 VVho the Contrivers of the XXXIX Articles and first reformers of Protestant Religion pag. 172 XV. Chap. Sall if hee mindes his Salvation should not stay in a Church wherin Murtherers Traytors Hereticks Theeves Negromansers and other Mallefactors are canonized for Saints pag. 186 XVI Chap. The fift Quaere what Company hath Sall forsaken and who are they hee now sticks unto pag. 218 Hereticks in the Law of Nature pag. 222 Hereticks in the written Law pag. 224 Hereticks in the Evangelicall Law pag. 225 XVII Chap. A Discussion of some parts of Sall's Recantation pag. 231 XVIII Chap. The Doctrin of Transubstantiation defended against Sall a new Protestant p. 240 XIX Chap. The Ruthenian and Greek Church and the Armenians hold the same in the Article of Transubstantiation as the Roman Catholicks doe pag. 263 Testimonium seu professio quorundam Articulorum apud Nationem Surianam pag. 267 Ita nos Testamur die 29. Februarii Anno 1668. pag. 269 The Greek and Ruthenians Church Armenians and others agree in more points of Religion with the Romans then with the Protestants of the English Church pag. 271 XX. Chap. Miracles are true and cleare marks of a true Religion and the power of working them hath been given to the true Church and remains therin pag. 275 XXI Chap. Of undeniable Miracles proving the Faith and Sanctity of the true Church pag. 284 XXII Chap. Six Miracles confirming the Doctrin of the Catholick Church touching Transubstantiation and the Adoration in the Sacrament pag. 294 Saint Bernards Miracles pa. 298 Two other excellent Miracles of S. Bernard the one in Millane the other in Aquitaine pag. 301 XXIII Chap. Certaine Advertisments to said Sall first Hereticks are knowne by certaine Marks pag. 310 Le Tombeau des Heretiques pag. 312 The second Advertisment Cleare places of Scripture in many points controverted make for the Catholicks pag. 320 The third Advertisments A dissention in fundamentall points and Articles being betvveen Protestants they must hold one another for Hereticks Ergò Sall if hee mindes his Salvation vvill part from that Church pag. 329 The 4'th Advertisment Learned Protestants of the Church of England doe confess that English and Irish Pagans venerable Beda called them Slaves of Idols vvere converted to Christian Fáith by men sent from the Popes of Rome holy men that vvrought Miracles in those Conversions pag. 364 The fift Advertisment ● offer here certaine learned Catholick Anthors to be perused by Sall likely they came not all of them in his vvay pag. 381 The 6'th Advertisment Three vveighty points offered to be considered by Sall. pag. 388 The 7'th and last Advertisment Olim Possideo Prior Possideo The Roman Catholicks strong defence against the claime of all kind of Hereticks and theire Attempts pag. 397 XXIV Chap. Containing a firvent Exhortation to straying Sall for a tymly returning to his Holy Mother the Roman Catholick Church that there may be joy in heaven upon a sinner doeing Pennance pag. 416 FINIS ERRATA Pag. Lin. Faults Corrected 3 15 the thee 11 18 are are 25 14 pestiperous pestiferous 35 10 nequo neque 35 14 quam cum 35 18 Iesus Iesu 38 23 motius motives 39 8 Latanys Letanyes 40 21 motius motives 48 10 vertute virtute 48 12 vetteris veteris 66   commoderit commederit 78 19 si se 105 21 dispilefull dispitefull 105 24 care are 109 1 usith vvith 124 11 compaesant composant 125 21 nonquid nunquid 130 22 origenal● original● 131 1 hier here 132 25 the thee 160 18 hierof hereof 160 22 Sangunem Sanguinem 166 2 malum mulum 178 14 ane and 180 22 vvicked vvicked 180 23 marters matters 191 14 prosteritas posteritas 197 24 sith fift 196 11 leage liege 202 20 vvare vvere 204 17 saire faire 228 6 inquivamenta inquinamentae 232 1 mought might 234 10 altquid aliquid 237 25 inteligimus intelligemus 239 2 intellestu intellectu 252 14 hodte hodie 268 5 nostri nostrae 273 2 Armneians Armenians 275 4 ttue true 296 18 Emperoor Emperour 316 8 beld held 347 20 contrary contrary 361 19 declated declared 371 4 Magdeburgenfes Magdeburgenses 371 15 felfe selfe 380 16 vvife vvise 394 3 patted parted 407 21 Keligion Religion
however wee must leave him a Saint to fill up that new Calendar Fox is not ashamed to place in his Calendar Lollards a Sect of Hereticks ancienter then Wicklifians by 50 years who in some things held with the Protestants and Wicklisians against the Roman Church as against the Invocation of Saints Fastings Prayers and the Sacraments of Pennance Matrimonie Extrem-unction and the like they had alsoe particular Opinions of there owne against Baptisme Eucharist and the like They had alsoe theire peculiar fanatick Opinions as Tritemius saith 1. That Lucifer with the rest of The peculiar oponions of the Lollards according to Tritemius his Angells were injuriously thrust out of heaven by Michael and his Angells and consequently to be restored at the day of iudgment And that Michael and his Angells are to be damned for the forsaid Injury and to be delivered over to everlasting punishment from the day of Iudgment forward 2. That our Lady could not beare Christ and remaine a Virgin for that soe hee should have been an Angell and not a man 3. They held that God did only punnish such wickedness as is done upon Earth But if any thing be done underground it is not punishable And therfore in caves and sellers under-ground they were accustomed to exercise all abomination And of this hee relateth a certaine Story happened in Germany which was that one Gisla a young Woeman of theire Sect comming to be burned for Heresie shee was asked whether shee were a Virgin or noe wherunto shee answered that above-ground shee was but under ground not This Heresie the Lollards grounded upon that saying of the Psalme Terram Psal 113. autem dedit Filiis hominum That is God hath given the Earth to the Children of men I will conclude in this place with Fox a Father os lyes the greatest Hypocrit and Falcificator of that age or this for proofe heerof I remitt you to Father Persons a famous man of blessed memory a great Ornament to his Order and all the Church of God in the third part of his treatis in the Addition hee made or the Relation of the tryall made before the King of France in the year 1600. between the Bishop of Eu●eux and the Lord Plessis Mornay Page 59. 60. 61. I have had Occasion these monthe● The words of Fr. Persons past to peruse a great part of his last Edition of Acts and Monuments printed the fifth tyme in the yeare 1596. and doe find it soe stuffed with all kind of falshood and deceitfull mannerof telling tales as I could neuer truly have beleeved it if I had not found it by my owne experience And I doe persuade my selfe fully notwithstanding all his Hypocriticall words and protestations which are more and oftener repeated by him then in all the writers together that I have read in my life that there is scarce one whole Story in that huge volume told by himselfe except when hee relateth other mens words out of records and therby is bound to the formality therof but that it is falsified and perverted one way or other either in the beginning middle or end by adding cutting of consealing false translating wrong cyting or cunning jugling and falsification Hee saith further A certaine learned Student of Divinity brought to mee of late 30. places taken out of two only leaves of Fox his booke to witt from the 12. to the 14. which I looking upon found them all most evident by conference of the Catholick Authors aleaged by the said Student and moreover besides these thirty I did discover soe many other plain Falshoods and manifest willfull lyes in those only two leaues as might well double the former number and I doe offer to prove them one by one if any Frind of Iohn Fox will joyne issue with mee upon this poynt Infine Father Person concludes with Fox that if all the Falsifications and lyes in his great volume of Acts and Monuments were well siffted the number and account would swell soe high as it would much surpass Iohn Sleydans Story in this kinde though hee bee the Protestants Protochronicler out of whome noe lesse then an eleven thousands lyes were gathered by the Catholick writers of Germany Let Fox goe along for his Companion if not master in the art of lyeing XVI CHAPTER The fift Quaere what Company hath Sall forsaken and who are they hee now sticks unto TO this Quaere an answer is Soon given that Sall having shamfully deserted the Catholick Faith hath alsoe abandoned theire side and hath passed to those that profess the Religion or rather Heresie hee hath imbraced This is made manifest out of his owne words in his Recantation All considered well saith hee I did conclude the way of the Church of England to be safer for my Salvation wherfore resolved to declare as I Out of Salls Recantion doe hereby seriously and in my hart without any Equivocation and mentall Reservation in the presence of God and this Congregation I declare that I doe give my full and free assent to the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England for holy and wise and grounded upon the infallible word of God acknowledging the Romish Tenets against them to bee false and superstitious especially that of Transubstantiation as forcing upon Christians a beleefe of monstrous Miracles repugnant to human reason and not grounded upon devine Testimony Sall there is an end of you goeing out of the Arck not like the Doue that returned carrying in its mouth a branch of an Olive tree but like the crow that neuer came back againe it may be much feared this may be your dismall end But having now bid adieu to us whither doe you goe you pass indeed from us to a great Congregation of men who all of them put in a just claime to have you of theire Company and Communion All out of the Arck are your Companions of these you have in the Law of Nature in the written Law and the Evangelicall All these wee call them Hereticks were Armyes fighting against the eternall Verity and the goodness of God all are your Companions I remember to have said aboue out of Tertulian that Protestants and other Hereticks being not able to shew the succession of theire Church were forced to grant it was for a tyme invisible which is against the nature of a true Church yet for all this I cannot deny but that Heresie is ancient and had its being before man was created The first Hereticks therfore and before mans creation was Lucifer with some rebellious Legions that with him stirred up sedition in heaven when Lucifer out of Pride would bee esteemed an Anti God with him joyned in the quarrell severall Bands of Angells and fell all with him And there was Apocal. cap. 12. seen saith the Book of Revelations another signe in heaven agreat red Dragon and his taile drew the third part of the starrs of heaven and cast them to the Earth The sedition and Rebellion is