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A31961 An Exact collection of farewel sermons preached by the late London-ministers viz. Mr. Calamy, Mr. Watson, Mr. Jacomb, Mr. Case, Mr. Sclater, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Jenkin, Dr. Manton, Mr. Lye, Mr. Collins : to which is added their prayers before and after sermon as also Mr. Calamy's sermon for which he was imprisoned in Newgate : his sermon at Mr. Ashe's funeral and Dr. Horton's and Mr. Nalton's funeral. Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. 1662 (1662) Wing C241; ESTC R1910 251,365 374

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The Farewell SERMONS of Mr. Calamy Mr. Watson Mr. Sclater Dr. Iacomb Mr. Case Mr. Baxter Mr. Ienkins Mr. Lye Dr. Manton Mr. Ashes funerall Mr. Collins An EXACT COLLECTION OF Farewel Sermons PREACHED By the late London-Ministers VIZ. Mr. Calamy Mr. Watson Dr. Iacomb Mr. Case Mr. Sclater Mr. Baxter Mr. Ienkin Dr. Manton Mr. Lye Mr. Collins To which is added Their PRAYERS before and after Sermon AS ALSO Mr. Calamy's Sermon for which he was Imprisoned in Newgate His Sermon at Mr. Ashe's Funeral And Dr. Horton's at Mr. Naltons Funeral The last Edition being much Enlarged and more Perfect than any yet Extant 2 SAM 23. 1. Now these are the last Words of David the sweet Singer of Israel Printed in the Year 1662. THE PUBLISHERS TO THE READER THE words of dying men usually are very serious weighty and much regarded The ensuing Notes being the Preachers last Legacies to their several Congregations a little before their Civil though Voluntary Death by reason of the great Concourse of people that were then assembled in all Churches to hear their dying Pastors preach their own Funeral Sermons whilest they were yet alive many being too distant from them or too much disturbea by the crowd fell short of their share and portion in them others having lost much of what they committed to their memories addressed themselves to their friends that writ But it being found too tedious a work to satisfie the desires of all by Transcriptions some who had taken after them as followeth by the importunity of many have been prevailed with for the satisfaction of their friends to expose their Notes to publick view It is not to be expected though all care and faithfulness hath been used that the Picture should answer the Person in all things what defects therefore in any kind may be found herein we humbly pray may not be imputed to the Reverend Authors but unto the Publishers hereof We conceive we need not adde any thing to take off that clamour that is cast upon them as if out of an humour faction or which is worse disobedience to Authority they refused to conform Enough is said by themselves to give an account why they chose to take up their Cross and follow Christ in a way of conscience and fidelity Reader we will detain thee no longer from partaking of the fruit we here present thee with but conclude praying that the Lives of these worthy Ministers Hearers may be their legible Epistles seen and read of all men and that their Conversations may be such as becomes the Gospel of Christ that whether they yet again come and see them or else be absent they may hear of their affairs that they stand fast in one spirit striving together for the Faith of the Gospel Farewell Mr. Calamy's Prayer at Aldermanbury OH most Holy and ever ●…lessed Lord God! thou fillest Heaven and Earth with thy presence we pray thee fill all our hearts with the presence of thy Grace and let it appear that thou art in the midst of us with that powerful assistance of thy Spirit that we may receive a token of love from thee at this time It is a singular favour that the doors of thy Sanctuary are open to us and that yet we may meet together in thy Name we pray thee continue it to us and sanctifie it to us that every Sabbath may add to our Statur●… in Iesus Christ. We confess we have forfeited all our mercies we have heard much of God and Christ and Heaven with ou●… ears but there is little of God Christ and Heaven in our hearts We confess many of us by hearing Sermons are grown Sermon-proof we know how to scoff and mock at Sermons but we know not how to live Sermons It is a miracle of free Grace that thou hast not taken thy Gospel from us ere this time but thou art a merciful God and though we cannot please thee yet Mercy pleaseth thee and we have no argument to bring along with us to beg thy ●…avour but thy mercy in Iesus Christ. We pray thee that thou wilt glorifie thy Sovereignty in being gracious to us and pardon our many and great transg essions Thou makest use of the malice of men for thy glory thou killest Goliah with his own sword oh help us to put our trust in thee thou that canst kill and cure by killing Bless these Nations of England Scotland and Ireland and find out yet a way to save us pour down thy blessings upon the head and heart of our Sovereign CHARLES by thy Grace King of Great Britain thou hast done great things for him let him do great things for thee bless him in his Royal Consort in his Royal Relations in his Council bless the Magistrates and Ministers o●… this Realm Lord forgive us for we live as if we had been delivered to work wickedness we cannot sin at so cheap a rate as others do we pray thee humble us under our great and grievous sins give us Repentance unto Salvation and a lively faith through the bloud of Jesus Christ quicken our graces forgive our sies make alive our souls let us be such as thou wouldst have us to be make us Christians not only by an outward profession but an inward conversation that we may live in Heaven while we are on Earth and come to Heaven when we shall leave the Earth To that purpose bless thy Word un●…o us at this time and give us all grace to make conscience what we hear and how we hear And all for Jesus Christ his sake to whom with thy blessed Self and Spirit be all glory and honour Amen Mr. Calamy's Farewell Sermon August 17. 1662. 2 SAM 24. 14. And David said unto Gad I am in a great strait let us fall now into the hand of the Lord for his mercies are great and let me not fall into the hand of man IN which words we have three Parts 1. Davids great perplexity and distress I am in a great strait 2. Davids resolution 1. Affirmative Let us fall into the hand of the Lord. 2. Negative Let me not fall into the hand of Man 3. We have the Reason of Davids choice for the mercies of God are great The mercies of wicked men are cruel therefore let me not fall into the hands of men But the mercies of God are many and great therefore let u●… now fall into the hands of God 1. For the first that is Davids great Distress wherein we must speak 1. To the distress it self Then ●… To the person thus perplexed I am in a great strait David a great man David a godly man 1. In the perplexity it self we shall consider 1. The reality of this perplexity 2. The greatness of it 1. For the reality of it after David had sinned in numbring the people God sends the Prophet Gad to him and puts three things to his choice as you may read in vers 12. God was determined to make David smart for numbring
please him 2. Do you please God and he will please you Mercy pleaseth us and Duty pleaseth God Now when we please God in a way of Duty he will please us in a way of Mercy If we order our wayes so as to please God he will order his wayes so as to please us 3. Great is the benefit of pleasing God even as to men and this Solomon sets before you Prov. 16. 7. When a mans wayes please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him and he hath such another expression Prov. 22. 11. He that loveth pureness of heart the King shall be his Friend the meaning of this Scripture is this When we keep close to God and walk in complyance with his will and make it our great design to please him He will give us to find favour in the eyes of men He that maketh God his Friend God will make that mans Enemies to be his Friends Men are possibly full of anger revenge and exasperation be it so do you desire to please God God can turn their hearts towards you God can sweeten them in their spirits and take away that venome that is in them so you know he did in the case of Esau to his Brother Iacob 4. This is the way to Heaven and Happiness God will be pleased before the Sinner shal be saved Heb. 11. Enoch before his translation had this testimony that he pleased God there is no way to Heaven but by this way the Child pleaseth the Father and then the Father giveth him the Inheritance So it is here 5. Let me return to the argument in the Text God will never 〈◊〉 them alone that desire sincerely to please him 〈◊〉 this should be a very prevailing Motive to you 〈◊〉 now Please God and he will never leave you no not in a time of distress and trouble Here is the great difference betwixt a faithfull God and a false Man In time of trouble adversity men leave us forsake us in time of prosperity then they flatter as and preten●… a great deal of friendship and kindness But as no man looks upon the Dial when the Sun is under a cloud so these very men that pretend so much of Kindness and friendship if so be we do but come under a frown or into trouble then their Friendship and Kindness is at an end as Paul said No man stood by him when he came to be tried before Nero all men forsook him but God did not forsake him The Wiseman hath an expression Prov. 17. 17. A friend loveth at all times and a brother is born for adversity But where shall we find such a friend and indeed where shall we find such a brother But now if you will please God God will stand by you when all men leave you When you have the greatest need of God he will then stand by you If you be in a Prison he will be with you If you be banished he will be with you If Sin doth not part God and you certainly no Affliction shall part God and you Study to please God Oh is it not a sad thing for God to leave you that is the saddest of all when we lose God we lose all Hos. 9. 12. Wo unto them when I depart from them What are all your mercies if God leave you no more than if a man should have a fair pleasant House and never see the Sun more Oh do the things that alwayes please the Lord and he will never leave you under mercies under afflictions he will be with you and then your mercies shall be very sweet and your afflictions shall not be very bitter You know how earnest Moses was Num. 10. 31. with his Father in law Hobab the Midianite Leave us not I pray thee forasmuch as thou knowest how we are to encamp in the wilderness and thou maist be to us as eyes Oh keep God to you especially when you are entering into the wilderness of trouble God will be to you instead of eyes he will be your Counsellor your Comforter your Guide your Treasurer your Portion your All. I might add one thing more in the last place Study to please God because he is so easie to be pleased this is a motive to us to endeavour to please those persons who are easie to be pleased a Child that hath a Father that is easie to be pleased a Servant that hath a Master that is easie to be pleased will study to please them Sincerity pleaseth God though in the midst of much infirmity He is so gracious and merciful that whensoever a poor sinner doth but desire to please God he will accept of those desires If we can but please God it is no great matter whether we please men or not I shall conclude this branch with 1 Thes. 4. 1. We beseech you brethren and exhort you in the Lord Iesus that as you have received of us how you ought to walk and please God that you would abound more and more Use. By way of direction I should here shew you how you are to please God I told you in general in the morning this pleasing of God lieth in two things 1. In suitableness to his Nature 2. In subjection to his Law If you would please God in all your Actions look to this That what you do may bear some resemblance to his Nature and hold forth obedience to his Law Consult the Will of God and in all things act in conformity to that Will do not allow your selves in the Commission of any known sin for that will certainly displease God as it was said of David when he took Bathsheba to Wife but saith the Text The thing displeased the Lord. Do not bauk any known duty for that will displease God In a word be holy in all manner of Conversation This being too general I shall not insist upon it only in a word more particularly Do those things now make Conscience of those Duties which now lie upon you in the doing of which you will certainly please God And they are such as these Be stedfast in the good wayes of God in the midst of a backsliding and apostatizing age stand fast to the law of God Phil. 4. 1. Contend for the faith which is delivered to the Saints the 3d. Verse of the Epistle of Iude. Be not ashamed to own Christ before all the World if you be ashamed of him on Earth he will be ashamed of you in heaven and wo be to that Sinner whom Christ is ashamed to own Reckon Reproaches for the Name of Christ better than the Pleasure of sin that is but for season When God calleth you to it assert the purity and spirituality of Gospel-worship Do not place Religion in a few Shadows where the Substance is neglected but chiefly mind Self-denial Mortification Crucifixion to the World keeping up close Communion with God Love the people of God whatever the World say or think of thee for God is
Thus the water of life is freely tendered to all that are athirst and there is no more required but Come and drink Then there is two things implyed that are the immediate products of this saving Faith and inseparable from it i. e. trusting on him as the Redeemer and obeying him as a Lord. To rest upon him as a Redeemer Rom. 15. 12. And here as far as the soul feels entertainment and encouragement by Christ overcoming his doubts that Christ will reject him c. so far he hath quietness of soul in Christ and will trust his soul upon Christ. And then the obeying of him in order to our full recovery as a Patient must obey his Physitian in using his remedies and means he prescribes for killing our sins restoreing our souls to Gods love and being with him to eternity The nature of Faith is to receive Christ the sincerity of it lies in the suitableness of the act to the object that we receive him as He is Now in Christ there is something essential to this act that he be a Saviour and our Saviour c. And there is something makes unto the well-being and fuller attaining of the end The first are the objects of Faith it self as 't is of absolute necessity to Salvation The second sort are the objects of Faith as it is strong and makes to the well-being of a Christian. All that is essential to Christ as a Saviour and Redeemer is to be believed by him that will approve himself a true Believer And thus to receive Christ as the eternal Son of God made Man the Redeemer of the World ruling us upon the right of Redemption justifying us before God bringing us to God and interceding for us And thus Christ must be received according to his Offices and as those uses for which he is given to the soul do import and and imply For the Application of this point First let us begin with those that our business at present doth not mainly lye on Must men walk in Christ as they have received him What shall we say to those that have not will not receive him that stop us at the door that we can't bring in the Doctrine of Christ that will not receive the principles of Christ How can we bring them and build them up that will not suffer the Foundation to be laid the seed to be received Hast thou not received Christ Then thou hast refused Christ been a despiser of the Gospel of Christ which will prove thy great condemnation What is it for thee to bear the Name and not to have the Spirit of Christ Do not go upon conjectures It 's one thing to number thy self with those that are Christians as to outward appearance and another thing to open thy heart and deliver up thy self to Christ's Government and as a lost sinner to receive him to those ends a Saviour must be received And remember this was no small Work God's sending Christ into the World no small thing to fetch thee from Hell and Satan to wash guilty Souls from all their sins and to bring them to everlasting glory If these great things be rightly understood and believed by thee if Christ be understood well as Christ it must be done with a wakened humbled self-resigning heart making the greatest matter in the World of these things Hath thy soul been seriously taken up about thy own recovery And hast thou received Christ as a man that was ready to be damned as one that had a load on his soul heavier than all the Mountains of Earth to ease and deliver him As one that was under the frowns of God in an estate of enmity receives reconciliation Hast thou received Christ as if thou hadst received Heaven in him Believe it these are great Transactions and will affect thy heart and it is not a sleepy or jesting matter thus to receive Christ. Consider what it is to receive Christ. First If you have received Christ you have received the great Reconciler that binds up the broken-hearted quiets those that tremble under the threatnings of God for fear he should forsake and cast them off for ever Secondly If thou hast received Christ thou hast received a perfect enmity to all sin that will never let thee rest in sin but be perswading thee from it and conflicting in thee against sin in thy soul If thou hast received Christ thou hast not received a friend for sin that will plead for or give thee leave to commit sin but one that though he bear with thee in thy weakness yet abominates thy sin If thou hast received him as a Lord and Master to rule thee to be consented and subjected to him and to be ruled by none but in subordination to him who will break those in pieces that refuse his Government Obedience and not verbal Profession is the thing he requires Hast thou entertained Christ to be the Master of thy words thoughts and deeds whose Government thou livest under more than under any in the world Thirdly If you have received Christ you have then received the beginning of felicity and full contentment to your souls having found none in your sins you have it discovered to you where it is therefore with gladness you go on and so far as you have hopes of attaining it so far you have great contentment c. Fourthly In a word If you have received Christ you have fallen out with sin subjected pleasures profits and honors to him and you have received his Spirit and this Spirit hath made you new and maintains a War within you against the flesh c. If this be not thy case Oh that thou knewest what a case thou art in For then First What the better art thou for all his blood shed as yet if thou wert this day to dye What would Christs blood do to the cleansing and saving of thy soul Secondly How canst thou look thy sins in the face and think on what thou hast done and art How canst thou look inward into thy defiled heart and not tremble when thou hast no more shelter from the wrath of God Thirdly How canst thou look God in the face who is a hater of sin How canst thou read his Attributes think on his Threatnings c. Fourthly How canst thou think to have any duty accepted any prayer heard or rewarded c. Fifthly How canst thou think on the day of Judgement on the time when thou must receive thy final sentence if thou hast not received Christ Oh what a thing is a Christless heart c. Quest. What shall I do that I may receive Christ Answ. First Till Christ be thine and hath brought peace from Heaven to thy soul let no peace be there to keep him out I do not say Overwhelm thy self with sorrow but let sorrow dwell there and let holy cares and solicitousness about thy spiritual state be there till Christ come and quiet and reconcile thee to God Secondly Read and believe the
others die in horrour Mr. Jenkins's Prayer at Christ-Church Iuly 13. 1662. MOst blessed and holy Lord God thou art infinitely beyond our apprehensions who wast infinitely ●…ppy before the world was made and wantest none o●… thy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their services 〈◊〉 make thee more excellent t●…en thou art in thy self we d●…ily w●…nt thee thou never wantest us thou a 〈◊〉 to make use of Ordinance●… Ministers S●…baths as thy Institutions to accomplish 〈◊〉 bring about the great work of thy glory and ma●…s S●…lvation yet Lord thou dost not need them thy Spirit is not made ●…fficacious by these things but it is that that makes these things 〈◊〉 though thou art pleased to tye us to them when we may 〈◊〉 them and duly en●…y them yet thou dost not tye thy self to them we desire in these our add●…esses t●… eye the happiness of Saints that depends ●…on him that depends upon none We are here in thy presence by thy goodness and grace O●… whether should we go but to thee and how should we come but by thee o●… strengthen our saith kill ou●… corruptions inflame our love give us assurance of thy love to our souls o●… that God would teach us ●…ow to pray that we may tast●… and se●… how ●…ood the Lord is t i●… day that ou●… souls may be filled 〈◊〉 with marrow the we may by ou●… own experience be able to say it is good fo●… us to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…o God and that a day in thy house is better th●…n a thousand elsewhere that there may be a comm●…ion between us and God let there be a di●…union between us and si●… we confess we brou●…ht sin enough into the world with ●…s to cause the●… to withdraw thy ble●…ed self from us and to cast such unprofitable servants as we are into utt●…r dark●…ss we have bin 〈◊〉 long time in thy school and ye●… how dull are 〈◊〉 we mig●… have bin teachers of others but we need our selves be tau●…ht w●…ich a●…e the fi●…st Principles of the Oracles of God we l●…ve less ●…en we know and we do less then we love we have neither done 〈◊〉 good nor received that good which we should or might have done and received we have been trees that have cumbered the 〈◊〉 i●… thy Orchard but we have brought fo●…th no fruit ●…o unto us that we have not known the day of our visitation many of us have one foot in the grave and yet we have lived without God in the wo●…ld we are wise in every thing but in our own salvation we live as if ●…ell were a priviledge those of us that have some knowledge of thee have great cause to repent that we have walked so unworthily of God which of us pray continually and fervently or live the life of faith we confess we n●…ither take our afflictions humbly nor our mercies thankfully nor ●…ant our comforts contentedly nor fill up our relations fruitfully we live as if hell were a scare-crow as if all the threatnings of thy word were an empty noise as if there were a either s●…ess in heaven nor bitterness in hell When we come into thy pr●… 〈◊〉 are our hearts what earthly dispositions do w●… 〈◊〉 a●… with 〈◊〉 the sins of our prayers cry louder then the supp●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 prayers what hypocrisie and formality cleaves unto us ●…f thou dost not look upon the iniquities of our holy things with an eye of pitty w●…t 〈◊〉 ●…ecome of us O Lord be pleased to smell a sw●…t ●…avour of ●…est and peace through thy dear Son O Lord it is onely his precious 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 can sprinkle our hearts and quiet our consciences and no other thing we do renounce all our own works and we cry in our selves un●…one undone It is through thy beloved Son that we are accepted and therefore to that end bring us to him by a saving operation on thy part and by our lively trust through the Covenant of thy grace on our part let there be such a unity between Christ and us that all the power of bell may not be able to separate us from thee speak peace to our hearts sti●…l our consciences 〈◊〉 I have received a sacrifice for you I shall bef●…iend y●…u I will be just and faithful to ●…or ●…ive your sins my lawis ●…elly fulfilled by another though broken by you my justice is fully satisfied ●…y another though provoked by y●…u my wrath is ceased by the means of another though ince●…sed by you Oh Lord what a cordial would this be ●… ca●…st not thou amongst this great multitude of people espy some that through the Spirit of thy Son would worship thee in ●…ine ow●… way speak peace to every such soul. Is there any soul before thee O Lord to whom thou hast given the grace of desire O Lord give them grace according to their desire and thou which di●…t regard us when we were running from the●… do not reject us now we are drawing near th●…e and thou which bidst us believe by the command of thy ●…ord help us to believe by the operation of thy Spirit draw us that we may be able to follow thee thy loving kindness is better then life Some do say Who will shew us any good but Lord lif●… thou up the light of thy countenance upon us and that will glad our hearts more then in the time when increaseth Corn or wine or Oyl Let it be s●…ir above head when it is dirty below l●…t us see one contrary in another let us confute an eye of sense with an eye of ●…aith and when we come to see nothing here that can gratifie our senses let us have something to quiet our souls We would ●…ain be at war with sin that we may be at peace with thee though we cannot return as much as we have received yet help us to return as much as we can give us repentance unto life repentance from dead works a mourning far greater for the remembrance of sin then we had pleasure in the committing of sin those secret distempers in our souls that no eye sees but thine let us cry out wretched men that we are who shall deliver us from this body of sin And as the fear ●…f condemnation doth decrease so let the fear of transgression in crease and because O Lord that thou hast not made us to ble●… with thy greatness O Lord make us to blush with thy goodness let us as truly desire that heaven would enter into us in the way of holiness here as we desire to enter into heaven in the way of happiness hereafter Let us see that our kindness to sin is cruelty to our Saviour let not that live quietly one minute with us that would not let Christ live let us see there is nothing small by which th●… great God is 〈◊〉 and an immortal soul is damned we are to be in the w●…rld but ●…r a while to take a 〈◊〉 or two and b●… go●… oh that we mi●…ht make it the business of our life
to get into Christ though it be the scorn of men and burdensom●… to nature yet this is that which will 〈◊〉 us p●…ace at the la●… let us be what we profess our selves to be let us love Christ and evangelically keep his commandements let us live by Faith let us keep thy commandements let us be above t●…e wo●…ld in the would above the love of life and above the fear of death let n●…t t●…e smil●… of the wo●…ld allure us nor the frowns thereof affright us from thee but in all these things let us ●…e more then Conquerours th●…ough Iesus Christ. Let us love him much whom we cannot love too much ●…elp us to be above the power of hell let us ev●…r say My soul it is go●…d for me to draw nigh to God Let us ●…e willing rather to be saved with a few than go to hell in a crowd let us live as if eternity were long and life but sho●…t let us thrive in holiness and be brought 〈◊〉 to t●…y self by every dispensation let us in t●…i our day ●…w the 〈◊〉 that concern our peace before they be hid f●…om ou●…●…s and know the time of our visitation and though God suffer l●…ng he will strike at last O●… Lord bow the heavens and come down among us at this time and be with the unwo●…thiest of thy Servants and g●…e unto i●… a door of utterance and to this great people a door of ●…t a●…e and let them be all ●…aught of God and let them mo●…e truly finde that t●…e great God is teaching to the heart whe●… that a weak worm it speaking to the ear let all the work be done by thee an●… let all th●… praise redound unto thee and let ●…im that is with us be grea●… the●… he that is in the world behold us in the Son of thy love smell a swee●… savour of rest on these our poor prayers speak peace t●…●…ur consciences rebuke the Tempter t●…d him under our ●…eet shortly ●…aise us up to newness of life let us ●…emember wh●…n that whic●… is perfect is come that which is imperfect shall be done away he●…r us an●…●…elp us through our dear Redee●… let us live for him here and ●…ith him hereafter and all for his sake whom not seeing we love in whom believing we rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory to whom with thee and thy Spirit be glory and honour now and for ever Amen Mr. Jenkins's Forenoon Sermon Heb. 11. 38. Part of that verse Of whom the world was not worthy THe Apostle in this excellent Chapter that by some is deservedly called a little book of Martyrs doth discover to us the triumph of faith the noble victory of this excellent grace against all the difficulties oppositions it meets withall therein sets down a threefold excellency of faith one is that it doth assent unto truth though never so improbable 2. That it doth put men upon duties though never so irrational or against carnal interest 3. That it enables us to suffering though never so afflicting and difficult and this third part is that which my Text speaks of These worthy men of God they overcame all the bitterness of the world as well as the sweetness of it Now in these verses the Apostle doth these two things 1. He here sets down the greatness and the smartness of their sufferings which are by some learned men reduced to three heads 1. Those sufferings that were to tempt them and to drive them from God and their holy profession by those pains and tortures they were to undergo 2. Those sufferings they underwent in dying and the cruelty of those deaths that were laid upon them 3. Their sufferings in reference to their wandring and leaving of their worldly comforts rather then they would loose God But we need not be so curious in the distribution of their sufferings it may suffice us that they were steadfast in the midst of all and would never be brought to forsake God and his truths for any of them 2. You have here the ex●…cies of the sufferers and that is here in that expression which I shall God willing make the subject of my discourse this morning that these men these persons when they were under all the distresses and troubles that they were under from the world yet they were such of whom the world was not worthy Brethren this excellency of these Saints and servants of God under their trouble is considerable in my Text two ways that we may proceed clearly and distinctly 1. In reference unto the world unto the wicked and so it is said their excellency was so great that the world was not worthy of them 2. It is discovered from that estimation that judgement that the Apostle doth here pass upon them who tells us that he accounted them to be such as though they were under all these troubles and distresses yet they were a people of whom the world was not worthy I shall pass by the former of these and onely mention it as it falls in with the latter and that is this The due estimate that this blessed Apostle doth raise upon this holy persecuted company of Saints when they were under all their troubles yet this holy man of God who was enlightned by the Spirit of God and so was able to pass a right estimate and due judgement upon things and persons he tells us the world was not worthy of th●…m and then from the second I draw this observation That a godly man one truly regenerated doth see an extraordinary beauty worth and excellency in the people of God in the bitterest of all persecutions and troubles that doth b●…fall th●…m or that a godly man a gracious heart one that hath spiritual spectacles doth see an excellency and worth in the people of God in the midst of all trouble and persecution that can hefall them I know you judge this to be both a necessary and seasonable point In the prosecution of it I shall first handle it Doctrinally and then come to those profitable and useful Improvements of it by way of Application that the Point deserves 1. For the Doctrinal explication of it two things must be spoken to 1. Wherein the high esteem of a gracious heart doth appear wherein it doth discover it self to the Saints and People of God in their sufferings 2. Whence it is and how it comes to passe that godly men have this high and honourable esteem of the Saints and People of God in this trouble and distress of theirs For the first of these wherein it doth appear that they have so high and excellent an estimation of them I shall give it you in five or six particulars 1. It doth appear in this in that they are not ashamed of them in their troubles they are not ashamed to own either their persons or the faith that they do professe in their troubles the s●…ciery of the People of God and the fellowship of their very faith and their
If I were sure when I die that I should be gathered to Christ to live for ever with him this would be matter of great consolation to me but you told me the wicked are gathered by death as well as the godly how shall I know whether when I come to dye I shall be gathered to the Devil and his Angels or to Christ and his Angels How shall I know whether I shall be gathered at death as a bundle of tares to be burned in Hell or as a bundle of Wheat to be carried up into the Barn of Heaven I answer you may know it by four things First If you are righteous then you shall be gathered to Christ at death for the righteous shall go into everlasting life Heaven is entailed upon righteous men by righteousness I mean the imputed righteousness and the imparted righteousness of Jesus Christ I wave the explication of them because time will not give leave Know you not saith the Apostle that no unrighteous man shall inherit the Kingdome of God Damnation is entailed upon unrighteous men Secondly If you are merciful the merciful man shall be gathered to Christ If you are one that is full of bowels of compassion to the distressed Members of Jesus Christ for Christ hath said it Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtainmercy Now if you are hard-hearted covetous worldly-minded remember that Text He shall have judgement without mercy that shews no mercy Thirdly He that is gathered to the second Adam by faith in this World shall certainly be gathered unto Christ by vision in the other World Christ Jesus will save all his Members and you must know that Faith is a transplanting Grace it is not only a heart-purifying but a World overcoming Grace it takes a man out of the old Adam and puts him into the new Adam it takes a man out of the root of scattering and puts him into the root of union and conjunction wherefore you that are now joined to Christ by faith here shall be joyned to Christ in glory hereafter But now you that are Vagabonds Cains and Aliens from the life of God and from the life of Grace You that are wooden members wooden legs in Christs body that have no real conjunction with Christ you shall not be gathered to him in glory Lastly If you are gathered here to the Saints by love then you shall be gathered to the Saints in Heaven and to the everlasting enjoyment of God with them to all Eternity Consider this Every man shall be gathered when he dies to those whom he delights and chooseth to keep company with while he lives in the world if you are gathered to the wicked in love and affection here you shall be gathered to them at death in Hell and destruction for it's pity companions should be parted Wheat must to Wheat and Tares to Tares for Wheat and Tares shall not be bound together at the last day The last Use is of Exhortation If the righteous must perish and if their death be nothing but a gathering then take this threefold Exhortation First Let us labour to make the best use we can of our godly friends and Ministers before they are gathered let us do as Elisha did he was told that his Master Elijah was to be taken up to Heaven and therefore he would never leave him till he had got the spirit of Elijah doubled upon him If Elisha had not thought that Elijah would have been taken up that day he would never have followed him so punctually and inseparably as he did O beloved did you believe that text Zach. 1. 5. of which we have often had experience Your Fathers where are they and the Prophets do they live for ever Indeed if they did live for ever we might get good from them when we please because we are sure never to lose them but they live not for ever but must perish and be taken up to Heaven And therefore whilest we have them let us make what use we can of them before they be taken away from us It is a great fault among the people of God that they make no more use of their godly Friends und Ministers I have known many that have godly Relations that have died that it hath been the greatest burthen on their Consciences that they got no more good by those godly Relations while they lived Many of us deal with our Ministers as we do with a strange sight that is to be seen near our doors we are not much we are not much solicitous when we see it but a stranger that comes from a far Countrey is curious and very careful presently to see it So do we in this City especially I have had experience of it by being here many years strangers that come out of the Country many times get that good by a Minister that his own people do not because they think their Minister is continually with them But a stranger knows he is there but for a day and he hears so that he carries Christ home with him and a great deal of consolation also Beloved this is a great fault I beseech you remember the righteous must be gathered let us therefore do with them as we do with Books that are borrowed if a man borro vs a Book he knows he must keep it but for a day or two and therefore he will be sure to read it over whereas if the Book be a mans own he laies it aside because he knows he can read it at any time Remember your Ministers are but lent you they are not your own and you know not but God may take your Elijahs from you this night Therefore make what use you can of them while you have them 2dly Must the righteous be taken away Then let the righteous make conscience of doing what good they can before they are taken away Beloved if it were possible for the godly to grieve in Heaven this would be their greatest sorrow that they have done God no more service here upon Earth Be wise for God O ye righteous do as old men do that have rich places and offices they labour to buy the reversion of their places for their Children so must you to whom God hath given great gifts and graces labour to propagate your gifts and graces that there may be no loss by your death Observe the c●…re of S. Paul the aged in his exhortations to Timothy 2 Tim. 4. 5 6. Watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an Evangelist make full proof of thy Ministry why so for I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand and therefore work thou see that thou endure affliction preach the Gospel as becomes a Minister of the Gospel that there may be no loss by my departure so in 2 Tim. 2. 2. The things that thou hast heard of me among many Witnesses the same commit thou to saithful men that shall be able to teach
dust and ashes not worthy to tread thy Courts and it is of thy mercy that we are not consumed How often have we pluckt fruit from the forbidden tree We have sinned presumptnously against the clearest Light and the dearest Love always have we sinned thy footsteps have dropt fatness thou hast shown mercy to us but the better thou hast been to us the worse we have been to thee thou hast loaded us with thy mercies and we have wearied thee with our sins when we look into our selves oh the poison of our natures what ever the Leper did touch was unclean thus do we by our spiritual leprosi●… infect our Holy things our Prayers had need have pardon and our tears had need have the blood of sprinkling to wash them how vain are our Vows how sensual are our affections We confess we are untuned and unstrung for every Holy action we are never out of tune to sia but always out of tune to pray we give the world our male affections and our strongest desires we should use this world as if we used it not and alas we pray as if we prayed not and serve thee as if we served thee not there is not that reverence nor that devotion nor that activeness of saith that there should be Lord if thou shouldest say Thou woul●…st pardon all our sins to this time only judge us for this prayer we unto us what breathing●… of unbelief and hypocrisie is there now when we approach unto thee we pray thee pardon us for Christs sake Who can tell how o●…t he dot●… offend we can as well reckon the drops of the Ocean as number 〈◊〉 sins we have filled the number of the Nations sins but have not fill●… thy bottle with our tears This is that that doth exceedingly aggravate 〈◊〉 sins that we cannot mourn for sin we can grieve for our losses but 〈◊〉 cannot mourn for our unkindnesses we have crucified the Lord of life sin has not only defiled us but hardened us nothing can melt us but the love of Christ nothing can soften us but the blood of Christ oh withold not thy mercies from us oh help us to eat the Passeover with bitter herbs let us look on Christ and weep over him let us look on a broken Christ with broken hearts and on a bleeding Christ with bleeding hearts let us mourn for our dis-ingenuity that we should grieve that God that 〈◊〉 ●…wayes doing us good Oh humble us for our unkindness and for 〈◊〉 sake blot out our transgressions they are more then we can number 〈◊〉 more than God can pardon Though we have lost the duty of Children thou hast not lost the goodness of a Father let us be held forth as patterns of mercy so shall we trumpet forth thy praise to all eternity whatever afflictions thou layes●… upon our bodies let not our sins be unpardoned let not sin and affliction be together upon us let there be peace in Heaven and peace in the Court of Conscience we have found this part of thy word true In the world we shall have trouble let us find the other part true In Jesus Christ we shall have peace Oh let peace and holiness go together make 〈◊〉 new creatures that we may be glorious creatures without faith Christ will not profit us when we can call nothing in the world ours let us call Christ ours Lord draw thine Image every day more lively upon us a more lively hope and a more inflamed love to Christ. Let us have a spirit of courage and resolution keep us from the fallacies of our own hearts keep us from the defilements of the times make us pure in heart that we may see God that we may have Gospel-spirits humble spirits meek spirits As Christ did take our flesh let us partake of his Spirit Why dost thou imbitter the breast of the creature to us but that we should find the sweetness of the promises There is as much in the promises as ever let us live upon God let us cast anchor in Heaven and we shall never sink Showr down thy blessings even the choisest of them upon the head and heart of our dread Soveraign Charles by thy appointment of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith Let Him see wherein His chiefest interest lies let Him count those His best Subjects that are Christs Subjects Bless Him in His Royal Consort i●… His Royal Relations the Lords of his privy Council let them be a terror to evil doers and encouragers of those that do well Bless all thine Ordinances to us make them to be fulness of life to every one before thee we are come this day to partake of them oh pour in wine and oyl into our souls let us be as a watred Garden let this blessed Sacrament be a poison to our lust and nourishment for our grace Hear ●…s be our God follow us with mercy crown us with acceptance and all for Christ his sake whom not feeing we love in whom believing we rejoyce To Christ with Thee and the holy Spirit be glory honour and ●…raise now and for ever Amen Mr. Watson's Farewell Sermon 2 COR. 7. 1. Having these promises dearly Beloved let us cleanse our selves IT is the Title that I intend now by the help of God to insist upon that sweet Parenthesis in the Text Dearly beloved wherein you have the Apostle breathing forth his affections unto this people he speaks now as a Pastor and he speaks to them as his spiritual Children Dearly beloved where you have First the Title Beloved Secondly The Exhortation to Holiness Let us cleanse our selves Thirdly The Means how we should be cleansed and sanctified Having these promises It is the first of these that I intend the Title that the Apostle gives to his children Dearly beloved From hence observe this Doctrine That the affections of a right Gospel-Minister towards his people are very ardent Dearly beloved there are two things in every Minister of Christ that are much exercised his head and his heart his head with labour and his heart with love his head with labour in the work of the Ministry I●… done aright it is a work fitter for Angels than for men●… it is our work to open the Oracles of God even thos●… sacred profound things that the Angels search into and if God did not help us we might soon sink under the weight of such a burden and as a Minister's head is exercised with labour so his heart is exercised with love and it is hard to say which of the two exceeds his Labour or his Love Thus is it here in the Text my dearly beloved In these words we have Saint Paul laying siege to these Corinthians and labouring to make a happy victory to conquer them with kindness dearly beloved Saint Paul's heart was the spring of love his lips were the pipe the Corinthians were the cistern into which this spring did run This holy Apostle was a mirror and pattern of love
rusted over with many infirmities is better then all the glistering shews of hypocrites A sincere heart is Gods currant coin he will give it grains of allowance Sixthly as you love your souls be not strangers to your selves be much and often in the work of self-examination among all the books that you read turn over the book of your own heart look into the book of conscience see what is written there Psal. 77. 6. I communed with mine own heart Set up a judgment-seat in your own souls examine whether you have grace or not prove whether you are in the faith be as much afraid of a painted holiness as you would be afraid of going to a painted heaven Do not think your selves good because others think so let the Word be the touch-stone by which you try your hearts let the word be the looking glass by which you judge of the complexion of your souls For want of this self-searching many live known to others and die unknown to themselves Seventhly keep up your spiritual watch Mat. 13. 37. what I say unto you I say unto all watch if it were the last word I should speak it should be this word watch O what need hath a Christian to be ever upon his watch the heart is a subtle piece and will be stealing out to vanity and if we are not careful it will decoy us into sin we have a special eye upon such persons as we suspect thy heart is a supicious person O have an eye upon it watch it continually it is a bosom-traytor Iob set a watch before his eyes Iob 31. 1. We must every day keep sentinel sleep not upon your guard Our sleeping time is the Devils tempting time Let not your watch-candle go out Eightly you that are the people of God do you often associate together Mal. 3. 16. They that feared the Lord spake often one to another Christs Doves should flock together one Christian will help to heat another a single coal of Juniper will soon die but many coals put together will keep life one in another Conference sometimes may do as much good as Preaching one Christian by good discourse drops holy oyl upon another that makes the lamp of his grace to shine the brighter It is great wisdom to keep up the trade in a Corporation Christians by meeting often together setting good discourse on foot keep up the trade of Godliness that else would decay and soon be lost Is not the communion of Saints an Article in our Creed Do not then live so asunder as if thìs Article were blotted out The Naturalists observe there is a sympathy in Plants they say some Plants bear better when they grow near other Plants as the Vine and the Elm the Olive and the Myrtle thrive best when they grow together It is true in Religion the Saints are trees of righteousness that thrive best in godliness when they grow together Ninthly get your hearts screwed up above the world Set your affections on things above Col. 3. 3. We may see the face of the Moon in the water but the Moon is fixed above in the Firmament so though a Christian walks here below yet his heart should be fixed above in Heaven in Heaven there is our best Kindred and purest Joy our Mansion-house O let our hearts be above it is the best and the sweetest kind of life the higher the birds flies the sweeter it sings and the higher the heart is raised above the world the sweeter joy it hath The Eagle that flies in the air is not stung by the Serpent those whose hearts are elevated above the lower Region of this world are not stung with the vexations and disquietments that others are but are full of joy and contentment 10. Trade much in the Promises the Promises are great supports to faith Faith lives in a promise as the fish lives in the water the Promises are both comforting and quickning they are mitralia evangelii the very breasts of the Gospel as the child by sucking the breasts gets strength so faith by sucking the breasts of a promise gets strength and revives The promises of God are bladders to keep us from sinking when we come into the waters of affliction the Promises are sweet clusters of grapes that grow upon Christ the true Vine O trade much in the promises there is no condition that you can be in but you have a promise the promises are like Manna that sute themselves to every Christians palate 11. All you that hear me live in a calling Ierome gave his friend this advice To be ever well employed that when the Devil came to tempt him he might finde him working in his vineyard Sure I am the same God that saith Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy saith also Six dayes shalt thou labour The great God never sealed any warrants to Idleness an idle professour is the shame of his profession 2 Thess. 3. 11. I hear there are some sayes the Apostle that work not at all but are busi-bodies such we exhort by our Lord Iesus Christ that with quietness they work Solon made Laws to punish idleness and Seneca saith of an idle man Spiritum trahit non vivit He draws his breath but doth not live he is not useful but a good Christian acts within the spere of his own calling 12. Let me intreat you to joyn the first and the second Table together piety to God and equity to your Neigbour the Apostle puts these two words together in one verse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Titus 2. 12. That we should live righteously and godly Righteously that relates to morality Godly that relates to piety and sanctity alwayes remember this every Command hath the same Divine stamp and authority as another Command hath I would try a moral man by the duties of the first Table and I would try a professor by the duties of the second Table Some pretend faith but have no works others have works but they have no faith Some pretend zeal for God but are not just in their dealings others are just in their dealings but have not one spark of zeal for God If you would go to heaven you must turn both sides of the Table the first and second Table joyn piety and morality together as we blame the Papists for blotting out the second Commandment let not the Papists blame us for leaving out the second Table 13. Joyn the Serpent and the Dove together innocency and prudence Mat. 10. 16. Be wise as Serpents and harmless as Doves We must have innocency with our Wisdom else our wisdom is but craftiness and we must have wisdom with our innocency else our innocency is but weakness We must have the harmlesness of the Dove that we may not wrong others and we must have the prudence of the Serpent that others may not abuse and circumvent us Not to wrong the truth by silence here is the innocency of the Dove not to betray our selves by rashness here
if God take them away c Answ. 'T is not the denyal of publick liberty that loses that loses that relation between a Pastor and his Flock nor any word from man should cause a poor soul to trust it self for guidance of Salvation to one that is not able a man's soul is not to be hazarded upon damnation by being deprived of the Officers and Ordinances of Christ and cast upon the conduct of a blind guide meerly for the pleasuring of a meer man 6. Be sure you understand the nature of Church-union and necessity of maintaining it and abhorr all wayes that are truly Schismatical that would rent and divide the Church of Christ. As you must not under pretence of avoiding Schism cast your soul upon apparent hazard of damnation so you must maintain the necessity of Church-Union and Communion when Christ's members walk in Communion with Christ's members supposing that which is singular to the generality of judicious men Take heed of any thing that would withdraw you from the Communion of the generality of those that are sound in the Faith Take heed of withdrawing from the main body of Believers Christ is the Head of his Church he will never condemn his Church walk in those substantials Christ's Church hath walked in Divisions among Christians is a sin God hath described as odious and tending to the ruine of Christians Be very suspicious of any that would draw you from the main body of Believers and keep Communion with the Universal Church of Christ with the generality of the godly in love and affection c. 7. Be sure your own hearts and ways be the matter of your dayly study and when hypocrites have their work abroad let yours be much at home while they make it their business to censure this and that man let the main of your business be in dressing the inward of your own hearts in keeping all right between God and you Observe your hearts inclinations if any inordinate inclination after any thing set a special guard mark which way your thoughts go that you may know your inclinations by your thoughts In an especial manner preserve tenderness of Conscience fear of sin loathfulness to displease God let truth have the mastery maintain such a Conscience that dares not sin to save your lives be sure you sin not willfully obey the light 8. Be sure to keep up continually a lively apprehension of the state and place of your everlasting happiness to live by faith upon the unseen world Know where your happiness lies and what it is that you grow not to carnal apprehensions of your happiness Live upon Heaven and let that be it that shall animate your faith to duty and all that you may still be weary of vexations and sensible of the vanities here below Let your conversation be above Be confirmed in your apprehensions of the certainty and excellency of eternal blessedness grow more in Heavenly-mindedness and in satisfaction of soul in the hopes you have of these things 9. Understand the nature method and power of temptations how to resist them and live in watchfulness Be not a stranger to Satan and his methods of tempting what you have to watch against and oppose where you must be armed Understand the nature of Christian watchfulness keep up a constant resolution and courage in resisting especially the temptations you carry about with you of your calling constitution company and of the times set them down remember them keep a special Observation of them all and say This and this it is I am in danger of and 't is my integrity and salvation that 's in danger and here place a special guard and make it your business to resist The principal cause of Christians negligence in this is the security of their Consciences and love of their Sins did you know your danger you would better look after your safety 2 Cor. 2. 11. 10. Especially understand how much the flesh and carnal self is an Enemy to God and your souls and how much you are engaged by the Christian Covenant to live in a warfare against your selves and against your flesh You must not think the life of self-pleasing is consistent with Religion understand how you are bound to take the flesh for your enemy to watch against it and to live in a continual combat with it Col. 3. 5. The flesh is your chiefest enemy the very senses themselves are all grown inordinate and the work of faith is very much seen in its exercise this way if you get an opinion that you may eat and drink and cloathe c. and do all things to gratifie your selves c. then no wonder if you find but little increase in spirituals while you grow so carnal Understand and practise the duty of Self-denial Self is the very heart of sin Humor it not under pretence of liberty in Religion 11. Give not way to a formal heartless seeming Religiousness Customariness without the life but keep your souls in a continual seriousness and awakedness about God Immortality and your great Concernments If one duty be dead take heed lest that incline you to a deadness in another and so grow to a customary deadness Take heed of spiritual slothfulness that makes you keep your hands in your bosom when you should be doing for your souls stir up to and in duty when you have but little time for life eternal do not pray as if you prayed not or hear as though you heard not but when upon duty doing Gods service do it with all the seriousness and vigour you can To grow lazie and negligent is the declining way Use such considerations as may stir you up Rom. 12. 11. Tit. 2. 14. 12. Remember alwayes the worth of time and greatness of your work and therefore so value time as not negligently or slothfully to lose a moment it will quickly be gone and when you are at the last you will better know its worth harken to no temptation that will draw you to any trifling abusing wasting of your precious time If thou hast no argument against thy sports trifling pleasures c. but this It loses my time take it for a greater argument then if it lose thee thy money friends or any thing in the world especially value the preciousest of your time your Youth your morning hours especially the Lords day lose not any part of it but improve it with your selves and families lose not a moment of the Lord's-day nor any of thy precious time thou canst spare and redeem if thou hast lost any be humbled for it and be carefull to redeem the rest look back Do you approve of the time that is past could you not have spent it better remember what you have lost let that quicken you look before you remember what is to be done and do that first which must be done and then leave trifles to that time you have to spare It is ignorance and idleness and not want of work that
child sees that man come he will not love him and so if the father loves such a man the childe will love him too As now the Courtiers they follow the example of a King and whom the King favours they honour and cringe too why so whom God favours a godly man favours God doth not judge of men as men do by his gay apparel or gold ring or great birth alas he that wants bread is more highly esteemed of in Gods sight then such and so he is in a godly mans account A godly man is conformable to God and a follower of God as a dear child now you shall see what an estimate God puts upon his people God is more taken with one humble broken hearted sinner and one humble contrite breathing of a soul then with all the gold and silver in Solomons Temple not many noble not many mighty doth God set his heart upon but where he sees his Image he who hath the Image of God he hath the love of God there is the first reason in regard of the people of God that are beholders of others A second reason is taken from the people of God that are beheld and here I shall name you five or six Considerations 1. The people of God they that are truly such in the midst of all their present distresses let them be what they will yet their end shall be happy now men do not regard men according to what they have in present possession but according to what they shall have the poorest man here in the world that is rich in faith he shall be rich in glory and honour the people of God are heirs of glory and therefore they are said to be heirs of God and co-h●…irs with Christ 1 John 3. 2. Beloved now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be The people of God are to be looked upon according to what they shall be not what they are here they are Princes though under a disguise they are coming though not come to their Crown those saith a Saint that are now scorned reproached and buffeted and libell'd shall shine in heaven when Christ shall appear they shall appear with him in glory they are heires born to great Estates The second reason is this They are for the present very useful and beneficial to the world they are those for whose sake the world was made they are the very pillars of the world to hold it from shattering about your ears they are the great common blessings of the world as the Sun and Stars are the common blessings of the world and fire and water so these are the common blessing●… of mankind for which he will spare the world those that are pulled down by the world are they that keep the world from being pulled down they are the soul of the world the wicked are but the carcass of it and if God had gathered in all the world of his people once the world should not continue one hour as Sodom was destroyed when Lot was taken out Third Reason is The highness and excellency of their performances and of all the good things they do there is a worth in every holy work in every supernatural employment in every holy prayer in every thing a godly man doth there is such a goodness in the work that all the wealth in the Indies cannot recompence and therefore saith Luther I had ratber do the least truly good work then obtain all the Conquests and Victo●…ies of Cesar and Alexander Now if their good works shine so before men is it possible a gracious heart should see it and not be taken with it There is nothing doth so much take with holy men as holy performances and therefore as a man that is learned when he sees another learned man make a learned Oration he wishes he could do so too so a godly man when he sees another man can pray and live holily Oh saith he that I could do so too and be so holy as he is 4. A fourth Reason is The present priviledges of the people of God not only what they have in reversion but their present priviledges Why but are the priviledges of the people of God so great Yea the very present enjoyments of the Saints and people of God the explanation of them would deserve many Sermons they shall be freed from all evil there shall nothing hurt them their lusts may be destroyed but their souls shall never be destroyed What a priviledge is this for a man to be shot-free do with him what you will you can never hurt him you may disgrace him you may torture him kill him but yet you cannot hurt him whatever befals them turns to their benefit they may be afflicted but not hurt by affliction the greatest hurt the world doth to them tends to their greatest good worldlings may take away their head but they cannot take away their crown there is nothing of evil can be evil to him that hath a good God this a Child of God hath for the present and not only so but there is the real communication of a saving interest in all that is good all that God is all that he hath and all that he doth is theirs Is not this a glorious priviledge The power of God is his to protect him his love his so as to be set upon him the righteousness of God his so as to acquit him from his sins the very righteousness of God is a very great blessing and happiness to the Children of God and they may not only appeal to the Bowels of Gods Mercy but to the Bar of his Justice So that now I say all that God is is his the faithfulness of God is his in keeping his Promises the care of God in defending and protecting of him and so all the providences of God all that he doth shall tend to the good of his people as he saith All is yours life is yours and death is yours and all these things shall do you good Psalm 25. 10. that is a rare Scripture All the wayes of God are mercy oh sweet and truth oh very comfortable to them that are in covenant with him Mercy so that they are enough Gods Providences shall do them good and Truth so as that they shall certainly do them good In one word Earth Heaven and God and all shall be laid out to do them good Is not this a great priviledge In this world they may go to God and tell him wherein they are troubled and pained or afflicted and they are never so welcome to God in their petitions as when they ask most from him when they come to ask riches and the like God will give them to them so far as they may be for their good but so great is the priviledge of a believer that God doth delight in him most when he doth ask most from him and he will give him whatever he desires that may make them good
they are two 1. One concerning the privative part of our duty ●…et us lay aside every weight c. There is something external and without like to clog us in our way to Heaven ●…very weight and something within that will hinder and ●…ouble us within therefore he saith and the sin which ●…h so easily beset us 2. Here is the positive part Let us run with patience 〈◊〉 Race that is set before us There 's motion Run the manner with patience the stage or way the Race that is set before us My purpose is to give you some brief thoughts upon this usefull and practical inference of the Apostle from the Histories of the faithfull before recorded Therefore I will sum up the whole Text in this point Doct. The people of God that have such a multitude of examples of holy men and women set before them should prepare themselves to run the spiritual race with more patience and chearfulness There are two things in this Doctrine the Encouragement and the Duty I shall open both with respect to the circumstances of the Text. First the Encouragement A multitude of examples or as in the Text Seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses Mark here are witnesses a great cloud of witnesses and these compassing us round about First here are witnesses by that term we are to understand those worthy Saints mentioned and reckoned up in the former Chapter Abel Enoch Noah Abraham Moses c. all the Saints of God that have had experience of the goodness of his providence to them and the fulfilling of his promises they are all called Witnesses Why because they depose a Testimony for God and speak to future generations to be constant as they did that they might receive the like reward This witness was partly in their faith and partly in the fruit of their faith 1. They witnessed by their Faith Iohn 3. 33. He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true A man that hath soundly digested the promises that expresses his faith by chearfulness and patience under all difficulties troubles delaies and those sundry trials that he meets with he gives it under hand and seal proclaims it to the world that he hath to do with the true God And 2. They witnessed in the fruits of their faith as they give us an instance of Gods fidelity towards them that faithfully adhere to and firmly believe in his prom●… so it is said Heb. 6. 12. Be not sloathfull but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promise Let faith but set patience a work do but hold out a little while with God and you may learn by the example of all those holy men we shall inherit the promises they shall be made good to a tittle and not one thing fail of all that the Lord hath spoken as these holy men were exercised and tossed to and fro but it succeeded well with them at the last Oh! then let us hearken to the deposition of these worthy witnesses that are recorded in the Scripture and with such an invincible resolution as theirs was let us hold on our course towards true happiness If we do not they that are now propounded as witnesses to us will at the day of judgement be produced as witnesses against us And pray also let us remember that we are to continue and keep afoot that Testimony to succeeding generations for not onely the Prophets and holy men of God were witnesses but all Gods people also are his witnesses Isa. 43. 10. by their faith patience diligence constancy and a chearfulness under afflictions they are to give it under hand and seal to the world that God is a true and faithfull God But now if we either by our sinfull walking or by our drooping discouragements discredit Christ and his profession then we are witnesses against him we deny that Religion which we would seem to profess and cry up Tit. 1. 16. They profess they know God but in works they deny him and the more dangerous because deeds are more deliberate then words and so a greater evidence of what we think in our hearts If we by drooping discouragements and sinfull walking discredit Religion we deny it and do in effect put the lie upon Christ. Therefore let us remember they were witnesses and so must we 2 By a figurative speech they are called a cloud hav●… a cloud of witnesses why so I might trouble you with many conceits Interpreters have had of this word cloud say some because of the raisedness of their spirits because clouds fly aloft Clouds for the fruitfulness of their doctrine as clouds send down fruitfull showers upon the earth and clouds because they cool and cover us from the heat so some would gloss for our comfort others with more judgement say a cloud with allusion to the pillar of cloud which conducted the Israelites to Canaan yet neither doth this come up fully to the scope of the Apostle for the Apostle speaks not of a cloud that goes before us but of a cloud that compasses us round about and therefore a cloudy the reason why 't is called so is the number and multitude of those witnesses as a cloud is made up of a multitude of vapors gathered together and condensed into one body and so the expression is often used Ezek. 38. 9. thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land c. noting the increase of the people when God would restore them the multitude of converts and so in profane Authors Livie hath such an expression an army of men is called a cloud but this is enough to shew the intent of this expression that there are a multitude a very great number though the godly comparatively and with respect to the wicked are a few yet considered in themselves they are a great number for if the Martyrs and those glorious instances of heroick faith and that under the Old Testament when God's interest was more confin'd to one people if there were such a Church then of so great a number what will the whole Church of the Old and New Testament be when we shall meet together in Heaven We are often discouraged with the paucity of Professors and are apt to think our selves to be left alone 1 Kin. 19. 10. But let us remember there is a Cloud of Witnesses we are not solitary now and certainly we shall not want company when we come to Heaven To the innumerable company of c. Again it meets with an ordinary and strong temptation which Satan suggests to the hearts of the godly that they are singular and matchless in their afflictions that none of the people of God have ever undergone such difficulties as they are expos'd unto and this makes them question their Father's affections and put themselves out of the number of his children I but all these things are accomplished in the Saints of God before you here is a Cloud of
indulgence therefore break the force of sin by a serious resistance check it and let thy soul rise up in indignation against it my businesse is not to pleasure the flesh but to please the Lord. 4. Bewail the involuntary lapses and falls with penitential teares as Peter went out and wept bitterly Mat. 26. 57. Godly sorrow is of great use for laying aside of sin as salt potions kill wormes when children are troubled with worms we give them salt potions so these bitter penitential tears are the means God hath appointed to mortifie sin that is the reason the Apostle saith 2 Cor. 7. 10. Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of 'T is not only a part of repentance but worketh persevering durable resolutions a walking closely with God 't is a means God hath blessed to this end and purpose 5. Recover from thy falls renew thy combate as Israel when they were overcome in battel they would try it again and again Iudges 20. 28. Take heed of ceasing for the present for though thy enemy seems to prevail though the flesh seems to prevail against the Spirit in the battel yet thou shalt have the best of it in the war by the power of grace thou shalt have the victory Thus I have gone over the privative part of our duty Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily beset us I should have come to the positive Let us run with patience the race that is set before us there is the duty Let us run the Race that is set before us and there is the manner of the duty Let us run with patience I should have shown you That a Christian-life is like a Race from Earth to Heaven in a way of holiness and exercise of Grace This Race it continues as long as we continue in the world from our nativity to our death after death the strife is ended Now in this Race we must run and so run that we may obtain the Crown 1 Cor. 9. 24. Running is a motion and a speedy motion there is no lying sitting or standing but still there must be running We must make a further progress in the way to Heaven Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before Phil. 3. 1. 3. The Runner was not to enquire how much of the way already was past but to strain himself to overcome what was yet behind And so should we consider what sins are yet to be mortified what duties yet untouched almost untouched what hard conflicts are yet to be undergone and still to hold on our way without twining aside or halting because of difficulties discouragements stumbling-blocks And there are fellows and co-partners with us that run this Race with whom we may strive in a holy emulation who should go forwardest who should be most forward in the course of pleasing God Oh Christians there are many contentions amongst us but when shall we have this holy contention Heb. 10. 24. In a Race there is the Agonotheta the Judge of the sports so here God observes all no matter what the standers by say the Judge of the sports must decide who must have the Crown 1 Cor. 14. 3 4. And then at the end of the Race there is the Crown 2 Tim. 4. 7 8. I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of righteousness c. In a race there are spectators so there are here God Angels and Men 1 Cor. 4. 9. We are a spectacle to the world to Angels and to men c. Thus for the similitude of our Race in our way to Heaven Now wherein it differs This is a Race not undertaken out of wantonness but out of necessity God hath called us to this course and if we run not in this Race we are undone for ever And in other Races but one had the Crown here all are crowned 2 Tim. 4. 8. though they be not so eminent as the Apostle here all are crowned that run in the manner God hath required Henceforth is laid up for me a Crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall give me at that day and not to me only but to them that love his appearing 2. For the manner with patience Let us run with patience Patience is necessary 1. Partly because of the length of the Race and the distance between us and the promised Reward Our Race cannot be ended but after some degrees of time long waiting is troublesome to the flesh and therefore we have need of patience 2. Because we meet with many impediments troubles and temptations by the way there are spiritual adversaries with whom we must fight for we go on we not only run but fight therefore run with patience c. 3. Because the spectators will be ready to discourage us We are set forth not only as a spectacle to God and Angels but to the world and they will be ready to deride scorn and oppose us for o●…r zeal to God and our forwardness in the wayes of God to discourage us by bitter mockings c. therefore let us run with patience the Race that is set before us Mr Lye's Prayer Iuly 20. 1662. at Allhallows Lombard-street O Lord our great God thou canst do all things for thou dost dispose and govern all the wayes and works and words of thy Creatures to thine own praise We thy poor Creatures the workmanship of thy hands the price and purchase of thy Sons blood do desire this morning to fall down and humble our selves at the throne of thy grace we desire to lift up an eye of faith to thee that thou mayst dart an eye of love to us since thou hast commanded us to come unto thee O bless us now we come Let it not be in vain for any of us from the highest to the lowest from the richest to the poorest that we have sought t●…y face this morning Blessed Father pour down a spirit of Prayer a spirit of Preaching a spirit of rejoycing a spirit of practising in the midst of us let us not only be enabled to know what to do but to do what we know Thou that didst cure the eyes of the blind with clay and spittle oh heal that natural dimness that is in the best of us thy rod in the hand of Moses brought water out of the rock oh do thou strike upon these rocky hearts that our adamantine hearts being softened may gush out into rivers of tears O drown our sins in the red Sea of our Saviours blood help us to sinite upon our thigh and to ask our selves what we have been and what we have done and humble us under the omission of any commanded duty and the commission of any forbidden sin sins of thoughts words and deed sins against the law against the Gospel of youth manhood and old age sins before under and since
slight of men and cunning craftiness that can cog the Die notable Gamesters there are in the World but you must stand steady in judgement you must be firm to your principles I would have you Stars not Meteors for Meteors are carried about with every blast of Wind. I hope better things of you I shall pray God would make you steadfast in Iudgement 1. Be sure to get good principles and secondly Be sure to stand in those good principles that you have got And though I cannot say but some Tares are sown among this Parish ye●… I bless the Lord for the generality I hope I may say I have an Orthodox Ministry 2. 'T is not enough to stand i●…●…udgement but we must be steadfast to our 〈◊〉 1 〈◊〉 15. 58. Be steadfast immoveable such as stand firm on some Basis and foundation that doth not totter and stagger if they find you staggering to be sure the next moment they look upon you as falling Be as they say of one or both of the Poles of the Heavens though all the world turns the Poles are immoveable If I mistake not you may see a great turn in the World ●…nd behold at this day the greatest turn that ever was in England but yet you must not move you must not stir be true to your Resolutions be just to your first love go on in the Lords Work let nothing take you off If I have preached any false Doctrine among you witness against me at the day of judgement but if the things I have preached be true stand to the truths if you do not witness against my Doctrine mine 't is not but rather witnesse for it remember if you leave it that very Doctrine will witnesse against you at the day of Judgement Oh! that excellent Heroe Queen Hester thus and thus I will do and if I perish I perish You cannot imagine against how many thousand temptations a stadfast resolution will guard you 3. There 's a steadfastnesse of Faith too when we so believe as that we do not waver or do not hesitate Will you give me leave to propose to you my dear Friends though my Congregation I cannot call you that question which our Saviour did unto the Jews whom he hated though I love you The Baptism of Iohn whence was it from heaven or of men The doctrines you have heard have they been from Heaven or from men Answer me if from men abhor them man is a false creature man would make merchandize of your faith and souls but if from Heaven why then should you not believe them I blesse the Lord my conscience bears me witnesse I never did so far propose a doctrine to you I would have you believe without Scripture If the doctrines have been from God believe them if not abhor them and any of those that shall dare to bring a doctrine but dare not bring the authority of the Scripture to warrant them You may not be like those in Iam. 1. 6. that mavereth like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed The most godly man may stumble in his way i. e. tread awry but a wavering minded man is never settled concerning his way Blessed be God I am not now on this day that looks as like my dying day as can be in the world to begin to fix upon a Religion to fix upon my way I know my way If God will but keep 〈◊〉 steps and guide me in that way If God be 〈◊〉 I appeal to your consciences worship him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God worship him do not stand disputing and doubting do not say shall I shall I if the ways you have found be the ways of God follow them God hath but one way to heaven there is but one truth if Baal be God follow Baal do not stand wavering do not consult with flesh and bloud 't is an infinite mercie that God will give any of us to leave Relations Estates Congregations any thing for Christ 't is an infinite mercy we do not split upon a rock Be sure to be either for God or Baal a godly man many time halts in his way but never halts between two opinions 4. Steadfastness of Conscience Indeed the genius of my ministry hath lyen this way and here I could easily launch out but I must be short I would speak a word in season to those that are weak it becomes you to be steadfast in conscience then have a God decreeing a Christ redeeming a spirit quickning a gospel promising a heaven prepared a God infinitely more ready to save him then he can possibly be desirous to be saved by him Be steadfast in conscience against the guilt the filth of sin against the temptations of Satan c. Let us draw near with full assurance of faith you can never believe Gods love so much as Gods love doth engage you to believe c. I might adde 5. You must be steadfast in conversation 't is not the Running well but the Running out 't is not the sighing but the conquering that gives you title to the Reward for you to give a great deal of milk and to throw it down all at length with your foot may argue you to have a good dug but a bad foot Never give those be●…sts of Babylon occasion to say that a man may be a child of God in the morning and a child of the devil at night that we contradict that Doctrine by our conversation that we assert in our profession But why must we be stedfast Alas why would you have me marshal up all the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 me count the stars or number the sands on 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 There is no●… an attribute in God not a precept 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 in the word not an ordinance 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 there is nothing in God or 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or ourselves but all would give a con●…ribution of 〈◊〉 to prove the Saints 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I must but h●…nt at a few things First I would argue from Iesu Christ. Believers you love Christ and therefore you love the honour of Christ now the honour of Christ is highly engaged in your stedfastness We never cast a deeper blot on the honour of Christ then when we grow unstedfast I need not tell you so the Jesuits those me●…k Papists will tell you so those that delight in nothing more then in the milk of the Virgin Mary and in the bloud of Saints they have enough if you be unsteady 1. You dishonour Christ in his sufferings Pray tell me Believers why did Christ swear bloud why did he dye why did he undergo what the wrath of Devils could inflict but for this end to make you steady to give you the conquest of all spiritual Enemies and to make you stand in that conquest triumphing Thus I remember as Ioshuah Jos. 10. 24. Come put your feet upon the necks of these k●…ngs and they came near and put their feet upon the necks of them So Christ hath dy'd that you might live
that they may rest from their labour for hera is not our rest Mich. 2. 10. there remaineth a rest for the people of God there is no rest in this world the word quiet wants the plural number Secondly The righteous must die that they may have their reward their Crown of glory that God hath laid up for them they must first fight the good fight and finish their course and then they shall receive a Crown of glory Thirdly They must die that they may be free from sin for they shall never put off the body of sin till they put off the body of flesh Fourthly They must die that mortality may be swallowed up of life that corruption may put on incorruption Fifthly They must die that they may be perfect in grace Lastly They must die that they may see God face to ●…ce and be for ever with the Lord which they cannot do till they die therefore blessed be God that the righteous must perish If a man should bring news to a righteous man That he should alwayes live on earth alwayes be young rich and healthful it would be unwelcome News for while we are in the body we are absent from the Lord and subject to sin and therefore when Peter asked Christ what should be done with Iohn Christ ●…ells him If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to ●…ee from henceforth there went a report abroad that Iohn should not die Iohn 21. 32. Now the Apostle himself was much displeased with this report looked upon 〈◊〉 as a geeat affliction that he should not die and therefore ●…e himself confutes it But yet Iesus said he said not ●…hat he should not die as if he had said God forbid that ●… should not die Before I come to the application of this Point give me leave to speak something to the second Point and ●…o I shall apply them both together The second Doctrine is this That the perishing of a righteous man is nothing but a gathering of him to God Christ and the blessed Society of Saints and Angels in Heaven This is contained in the second expression merciful men are taken away the word in the Hebrew is Colliguntur they are gathered it is exegetical of the former ●…hey did not perish but they are gathered to God and Christ there is a great deal of excellency and a Maga●…ine of sweetness in this expression They are gathered It ●…mplies two things First That the righteous are in a scattered condition while they are in this world and that three wayes First They are scattered among the wicked and ungodly of the world as Sheep among Wolves as Limbs among Lions rent and torn in pieces forced to wander up and down in Sheep-skins and Goat-skins Secondly The righteous are scattered in the world one from another and that two wayes 1. They are scattered by their different habitations for the godly are forced to separate one from another as Lot from Abraham 2. They are scattered one from another by the cruel persecution of wicked men and therefore you read Acts 8. that at that time when there was a persecution against the Church at Ierusalem that they were all scattered abroad Thirdly The godly are scattered in this life from the glorious presence of God in Heaven indeed they are never scattered from the gracious presence of God but sometimes they are scattered from the comforting presence of God and as long as we live in this world we shall be scattered from the glorious presence of God for while we are in the body we are absent from the Lord. Secondly This implies a bringing of Gods people out of this scattered condition it is a gathering of the righteous out of this world into another from a sinful persecuted world into a sinlesse glorious world from diversity of dwelling on earth to dwell altogother in one heaven it is a gathering them out of the reach of men and devils a gathering them not only to the gracious but to the glorious presence of God and Christ and to the souls of just men made perfect and to the general assembly of the first-born and to the City of the living God the heavenly Ierusalem where they shall live together never to be scattered again To understand this the better let me offer three things to you shewing you that the godly are gathered to God three wayes In this life at death and at the day of judgement First The righteous are gathered to God in this life and that is at their first conversion for by nature we are all Aliens and strangers to God scattered from any union or communion with God not only scattered from the glorious but from the gracious presence of God God made man at first to enjoy communion with himself but Adam lost this by his sin and now we are all Cains and Vagabonds scattered from the love of God and from union and communion with God but when God converts any of the Elect he gathers them home to himself for conversion is nothing but Gods gathering them to himself in the second Adam that were scattered from him in the first Adam the first Adam was a root of scattering a root of separation from God but the second Adam was a root of union and conjunction Christ is the head and all the Elect are all gathered together in him Ephes. 1. 10. that he might gather together in one all things in Christ so that conversion is nothing but a gathering of the Elect of God to Christ by faith and a gathering to one another by love and charity Secondly Gods people are gathered at death here they are gathered to Christ by grace but at death they are gathered to Christ in glory here they are gathered to God by hope but at death by fruition here Christ is gathered to us he comes down and dwells with us but at death we shall be gathered to him we shall go up and ●…e joyned with him There is a great deal of difference between esse cum Christo and esse in Christo esse cum Christo to be one with Christ is a Christians great security but esse in Christo to be one in Christ it is a Christians great felicity In this life we are gathered to God by ●…aith but at death by vision Lastly We shall be gathered to God at the day of Judgement it is called the day of the gathering of the Saints together a day when all the Saints that are have been or shall be shall all be gathered together 2 Thes. 2. 1. I beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him at the great day At the day of judgement we shall all be gathered together and shall be all taken up to Heaven I mean all the Righteous and be ever with the Lord And so much for the opening of the Doctrine But here it may be objected Are not the unrighteous gathered by death as well
those that wait upon thee shall renew their strengths we have no might the Devill b●…ffles us our own hearts are treacherous to us the world int●…ces us to sin against God Oh! deliver us from all these Enemies and especially from the plagues of our hearts that we may perfect holyness in the fear of God give us Spiritual blessings whatsoever thou givest us or whatsoever thou denyest us thou knowest thou artrather willing to give us Spirituall blessings then any other mercies and we want spiritual mercies most oh give us spiritual mercies that we may say This is the way of God in his Sanctuary Where Grace is not wrought work it where it is begun encrease it Dear Father convince those that are yet not convinced make thy Word a quickning word an ingraf●…ed word to the saving of our souls help us to hear as for our lives and as those that long after God Hear Prayers for the King blesse him in his Royal Relations and grant under him we may live a quiet life in all Godlinesse and honesty Bless the Magistrates and help them to remember that causes one day must be heard over again help thy Ministers to keep close to thee in wayes that are well pleasing Be with us at this time Lord assist the meanest of thy Servants let our souls now find that thou dost magnifie thy Word above all thy Name do us good rec●…ive us quicken us that we may live in Heaven upon Earth that we may know what it is to be filled with the fulnesse of God and know the heighth breadth depth and length of thy love that passeth knowledge Communicate thy selfe to us as thou usest to do to thy people let us feel thy presence let us not think of any thing but the business we are about let us with singlenesse of he●…t set our selves to mind the concernments of our immortal souls And all we beg for Christ his sake who has taught us thus to pray Our Father which art in Heaven c. Mr. Cradockt's Prayer at Saint Sepulchres August 10. 1662. MOst glorious and most gracious Lord God who art God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hast put thine own name and stamp upon this day wilt thou be pleased to appear now and prepare and dispose ●…r unprepared and indisposed souls for holy observation of this thine own holy day will the Lord vouchsafe us the incomes of his spirit and influences of his grace whereby we may be unabled to offer up spiritual sacrifices which may be acceptable to Iesus Christ. Lord thou requ●…rest praying hearts but thou hast not commanded us to use Prayer-books and if thou wilt give us the spirit of Prayer we shall not need them Lord give us praying hearts at this time let us find by experience that thy Sub●…ath is a day of souls opportunity that thine Ordinances are full of marrow that thou hast not said unto thy children the seed of Jacob seek my face in vain We acknowledge we are unworthy to lift up our eyes to Heaven we have cause enough to cry out God be mercifull to us sinners undeserving ill-deserving men and women we acknowledge our natures are blots of all wickednesses we are by nature enemies to thy Majesty heirs of d●…ath children of darknesse slaves to sin captives to lust dead to sins and trespasses how are our understandings darkned and our hearts hardned what are our hearts but a store-house of ●…licious thoughts a brothel-house of adultery a Pallace of pride we are by nature wholly flesh totally opposite to the holy Lawes of thy Majesty and were it not for thy renewing or restra●…ning grace we should break forth into as vile abominations as the vilest of men Our lives have been a continual piece of rebellion against God who didst make us and dost feed and cloath us all thy paths have been paths of mercy to us but we have requited thee evil for thy good and hatred for thy love O foolish men and women that we have bin we acknowledge our Gospel sins are of a deep eye thou hast not bin a wildernesse or a Land of darknesse to us we have been exalted to Heaven in the meanes of salvation but oh how short do we come of knowledge to the time and meanes we have enjoyed and our obedience comes short of our knowledge we have not walked up to that light which thou hast given us We desire to lay our selves low before thee oh do thou open our eyes and presentus to our selves shew us the vilenes●…e of our lives Blessed be thy name that thou hast laid help up●… 〈◊〉 that is mighty to save all that come to thy Majesty by him and thou hast promised all that beleive on him shall not perish but have everlasting life Oh help us to receive him in all his offices in our hearts help us to give him the keyes of our hearts and help us to live and die to him that dyed for us and let our soules be united to thee by him that his death may be ours and his life ours and his intercession ours Oh let our unity to Christ be demonstrated to us by our communion with him and conformity to him in grace and holiness And we pray thee dearest Lord pardon our sins in the Court of Heaven and in the Court of our own consciences besprinkle our consciences in the blood of Christ and say to all before thee at this time that desire to fear thee more and serve thee better Sons and Daughters be of good cheer your sins are forgiven you And do not only justifie us but sanctifie us purge our consciences from dead workes informe our understandings conforme our wills to thine holy will let our hearts and lives be conformed to the Image of thy Sonne that beholding thereof we may be changed from glory to glory and let us have more knowledge of thy will that we may do thy will and suffer thy will with more patience and be filled with the fruits of righteousnesse which are to the glory of God Let us not be empty Vines that bring forth fruit to themselves but let us bring forth fruit to God whereby thou mayest be glorified Oh plant that great grace of selfe-denyal in our souls and let us take the Crosse of Iesus Christ and follow him wheresoever he goes Remember all thine extend thy favour to those thou hast cast on Beds of sicknesse and let there be a saving change wrought in them before that change by death shall come And that are drawing nigh their time of Travel let the arms of the All-sufficient God be under them and be better to them th●…s their Faith or our Prayer And look graciously upon poor Children intitle them to an inheritance that fadeth not away make them a blessing in themselves and a blessing to their Parents And those that desire the conversion of Relations that walk in wayes of per●…ition do not let them find peace in any way against thy Majesty and let them know that sin will be bitter in the latter end Look upon us that are before thee at this time before we go hence and shall be here no more make thy face to shine upon us let our coming together be for the better and not for the worse to any of us Let thy poor Servant be able to deliver thy message plainly and powerfully and give thy people hearing ears obedient hearts and let us rejoyce that we did wait upon thee in thy worship this day and all for Christ his sake in whose Name and words we call upon thee Our Father c. FINIS