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A27140 A vindication of the commands and doctrine of Christ Jesus and of his people in their faithful obedience to him against all swearers and swearing whatsoever, according to the scriptures of truth : with a few words unto all such rulars [sic], teachers, and people ... that have a hand in afflicting, persecuting, and casting such into prisons ... / W.B. Bayly, William, d. 1675. 1663 (1663) Wing B1543; ESTC R25916 13,178 17

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A VINDICATION Of the Commands and Doctrine of Christ Jesus And of his People in their faithful Obedience to him against all Swearers and swearing whatsoever according to the Scriptures of TRVTH With a few words unto all such Rulars Teachers and People of what degree or sort soever that have a hand in Afflicting Persecuting and casting such into Prisons who for Conscience-sake dare not break the Commands of Christ nor go out of his DOCTRINE And it is one Visitation and Warning more from the Lord unto them before he sweep the Land of Evil Doers with the Beasome of their final destruction And this is in love to their Souls by a Lover of Righteousness and Truth and a witness against all Unrighteousness Injustice and Oppression W. B. For the Land is full of Adulterers for because of swearing the land mourneth c. For both Prophet and Priest are prophane Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery waies in darkness They shall be driven on and fall therein for I will bring evil upon them even the year of their visitation saith the Lord Ier. NOw seeing the great controversie at this day between the false Christians and the true namely the persecuting Powers of this Generation and the Royal Seed and people of God called Quakers is about Swearing and Oathes and the like matters appertaining to Religion and Worship of God which are matters of Conscience the answer of which before God in the day of death is a mans eternal condemnation or Justification and salvation It therefore lies upon me at this time to vindicate the only right and propriety of Christ Jesus in the Consciences of his people and also of his people in their faithfulness and obedience unto him who is the head of his Church and whose right alone it is to reign against that doctrine and soul destroying principle of imposing Oathes or any other thing whatsoever which concerns the exercise of the soul and conscience which is immortal towards God or any part of his worship c. 1. It is written in the second Epistle of Iohn at the nine ten and eleven verses on this wise viz. Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God He that abideth in the Doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Son and if there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed for he that biddeth him God speed is pertaker of his evil deeds 2. Now if any to whom this may come should be ignorant of what this meaneth or what this doctrine of Christ is or what the word doctrine do signifie let them take notice of what followeth As for the word doctrine it signifies teaching or that which is taught so that the doctrine of Christ is that which he taught or doth teach and it may be truly read thus Whosoever abideth not in the teaching of Christ or in what he taught or teacheth hath not God c. now mark such an one that abideth not in that which Christ taught hath not God but he that doth abide in what Christ hath taught and teacheth hath both the Father and the Son 3. Now the controversie being very great at this day between two sorts of people in this Nation of England about religious matters for which the one do persecute abuse imprison rob spoile greatly oppress afflict the other namely for conscience sake for abiding in the doctrine obeying the commands of Christ Let us therefore mark and try the difference of these people according to the Scriptures of truth which those persecutors themselves profess is their rule so by their own rule let them be tryed 4. Now the people who are thus persecuted and abused c. are such as abide in the doctrine of Christ in that which he taught and teacheth for which they are persecuted and hath both the Father and the Son 2 Iohn 9. And their persecutors and oppessors are such as break the commands and abide not in the doctrine of Christ and so hath not God as will be proved and made manifest neither are they to be bid God speed for such as bid them God speed or side with them are pertakers of their evil deeds so they that hath not God but are without God are the persecuters and afflicters of them that hath both the Father and the Son let all people take notice of this and now is the Scripture fulfilled These things will they do unto you for my names sake because they know not him that sent me John 15.21 c. 5. Now what the doctrine of Christ is or what he hath taught or doth teach his Friends and Disciples to do and to leave undone may be mentioned in many perticulars but at present I may omit but what is in my aim as to the thing in hand which is about Swearing and Oathes 6. And now that Christ Jesus did forbid his Disciples to swear and that it was his doctrine which he taught them not to swear at all may be easily proved yea though they were such oathes and swearing as were lawful and commanded in Old time and to be performed to the Lord as may be read in the record of Matth. 5 Ch. 33 34. c. Again ye have heard that it hath been said by them in Old time Thou shalt not forswear thy self but shalt perform unto the Lord thine Oathes But I say unto you swear not at all neither by Heaven for it is Gods Throne nor by the earth for it is his Footstool neither by Ierusalem for it is the City of the great King neither shalt thou swear by thy head because thou canst not make one hair white or black But let your communication be yea yea nay nay for whatsoever is more then these cometh of evil And said Iames a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ to his Brethren who wrote to the Twelve Tribes scattered abroad Above all things my brethren swear not neither by Heaven neither by the earth neither by any other oath but let your yea be yea and your nay nay least ye fall into condemnation Ch. 5. 12. v. bringing with him the very same doctrine which Christ taught them in which whosoever abideth not hath not God let him profess what he will for saith Iohn in his first Epistle We are of God he that knoweth God heareth us he that is not of God heareth not us hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error clearly manifesting that such as bring not the same doctrine with them are in the spirit of error and that abide not therein are not of God but of the world 1 Iohn 4.5 6. And the whole world lyeth in wickedness Ch. 5.19 So he that saith I know him or profess him and keepeth not his Commandements is a lyer and out of the truth and so a deceiver and an Antichrist dedying both the
Father and the Son Ch. 2.22.23 For whosoever denieth Christ's words and doctrine hath denied him also and he that denieth him denieth the Father also not onely with the lips for the Father hath committed all power and judgement to the Son that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father who said This is my beloved Son here ye him Mat. 17.5 But they that break his Commandes and abide not in his doctrine do dishonour him and are contrary to him of Antichrist without God in the world c. 7. Object Now some may object and say that these Commands or Doctrines of Christ Jesus and his servant Iames about oathes and swearing was not to disanul make void or prohibit all swearing and oathes as Religious oathes as some call them or oathes of Allegiance or obedience to Superiors before a Magistrate lawfully tendred or the like but vain and frivolous oathes and swearing in their common talk or such superstious and Idolatrous swearing and oathes as the Phatisees used who said it was nothing to swear by the Temple but whosoever shall swear by the Gold of the Temple he is a debter c. Against whom Christ denounced many woes and called them Fooles and blind Matt. 23. 8. Answ Now first consider to whom Christ and his Servant Iames did speak and read their words and weigh them in the fear of God Matt. 5.6 ch And thou maist see that Christ spake to his own Disciples expounding the things concerning the law wherein was written Thou shalt not commit Adultery Thou shalt not kill c. Exod. 20. And an eye for an eye and a Tooth for a tooth c. 21.14 And whosoever shall put away his Wife let him give her a writing of Divorsement Deut. 24.1 c. Calling the time of the Law the Old time in which these things were given forth as Commandements by the Lord as also swearing in that time was commanded and lawful and the oathes to be performed to the Lord as may be read Numb 30.2 If a man vow a vow unto the Lord or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond he shall not break his word he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth c. And in Deut. 6.13 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and serve him and shalt swear by his name And Psalm 63. Every one that sweareth by him shall glory but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopt and the Angel swore and Abraham and Isack swore and in Isaiah 65.16 And he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of Truth but the mouth of the lyar shall be stopt and Ioseph and David swore and many more that might be mentioned so that swearing by the God of Truth in the earth was lawful in the Old time of which Christ spake as is sufficiently proved Gen. 21.24 and 26.31 and 42.15 But these things were but for their time and season for the Law served and the Old time swearing and ceremonies till the Seed came Gal. 3. which is Christ the new and living way who saith swear not at all Matt. 5.34 So these were no such frivelous Oathes neither was it onely such prophane or superstitious swearing of which Christ was here speaking and forbidding his Disciples or such oathes as the Pharisees used among them But such as were to be performed in the Old time to the Lord even in the time of the Law and the Prophets of whom Christ the Substance is the end to every one that beleiveth who saith Swear not at all 9. And again do ye conceit or beleive that the Disciples of Jesus Christ whom he sometimes called Brethren and children were such common or prophane swearers or did swear their common talke as you false Christians do who profess him his doctrine practise only in words shew or do ye think or imagine it was onely the Pharisees blind Superstitions swearing or the like that he forbade them If so Then why did he mention the Old time and those other things of the Law and say Ye have heard that it hath been said by them of Old time Thou shalt not forswear thy self but shall perform unto the Lord thine Oathes c. this could not be the Pharisees oathes and swearing then present neither any such prophane or superstitious oathes because it were such oathes as were to be performed to the Lord and not at that present time of the Pharisees but in the Old time of which they had heard Matt. 5. or can thou say that ever the Pharisees blind swearing or foolish confused Oathes Mat. 23. was ever commanded by the Lord or to be performed to him which I judge no man can prove 10. But however or what oathes or swearing soever it was of which there and then he was speaking and forbidding his Disciples it was sufficient for them then and for the Disciples of Christ the true Christians now that he hath positively commanded which is not to be disputed by them that follow him saying But I say unto you swear not at all seeing all power in heaven and earth and all judgement and authority is given and committed to him of whom God hath said This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him And again Hebrew 1.1 God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto the Fathers in the Prophets hath in these last daies spoken unto us in his Son whom he hath appointed Heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds c. Now if Abraham I sacc and Iacob David and Solomon Moses Isaiah or Ioseph did swear these were all but servants in the old time but the Son who is the heir of all things by whom the worlds were made who is above the servants by whom God speaks in these last daies the new and living way to whom all power is given in heaven and earth whom all are to hear saith Swear not at all and though the Angel swore yet he is but a servant as he himself said to Iohn See thou do it not for I am thy fellow servant Rev. 21.9 But Christ the Son is the Heir of all things and hath obtained a more excellent name then the Angels by Inheritance Heb. 1.4 And again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world he saith And let all the Angels of God worship him vers 5.6 c. 12. And said Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ If an Angel from Heaven should preach another Gospel or doctrine unto you then that which we have preached let him be accursed so that we are not to look at any that swore in old time or in daies past for our example and rule though it be an Angel from Heaven contrary to Christs doctrine and command who saith Swear not at all 13. For the Scripture 2 Iohn 9. do not say Whosoever abideth not in the doctrine of Angels or of Isaiah
David or Solomon c. hath not God But whosoever abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God and he that doth abide in it hath both the Father and the Son for he that obeyeth the Son obeyeth the Father also for the Father hath committed all things unto the son whom he hath given for a Leader and Commander to the people and to be his salvation to the ends of the earth and there is no other name given under heaven whereby men shall be saved Neither of Men or Angels for he was before Abraham was and is greater then Solomon and Davids Lord and higher then the Angels who commands Not to swear at all Mat. 5. 14. Object Now if any should yet Object and say Did not God himself swear by himself Heb. 6.13 And the Apostle Paul say An Oath for confirmation among men was the end of strife c. Do not this allow of swearing and make room for oathes now among men in these dayes c. 15. Answ That which God did in daies past concerning swearing mentioned Heb. chap. 6. It was to confirme his promise made to Abraham and to his Seed and they that are Christs are Abrahams seed and heirs according to promise and such are Christs that abide in his doctrine and do his commands they only are his friends and by way of similitude did the Apostle Paul there speak of it not by command or doctrine he that reads let him understand That men by an oath did end the controversie or strife among them and confirme the thing about which they swore who did swear by the Greater as I have before mentioned by them in the old time Num. 30.2 Deu. 6.13 c. So that the Apostle said Because God could not find a Greater he did swear by himself to Abraham saying surely in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thee c. This was a promise made to Abraham with an oath putting him out of all doubt that he would fulfil it and so he staggered not at it but patiently waited till it came to pass Hebrews 6.15 So that this is onely a Parable shewing that if among men an oath did confirme a thing and end the strife and that men did perform their oathes who did swear by the Greater which was once commanded by Him how much more would the Lord be faithful to perform His oath which he sware by Himself who is the Greatest to Abraham and to his seed seeing he cannot lye nor is he a man that he should repent but is the Righteous Judge of all the earth that doth right Gen. 18.25 17. So that this is neither precept example or command for the Christians the Disciples of Christ now in these last daies for swearing and oathes but a repetition of what was done in times past the old time to the Fathers as he speaks Heb. 1.1 Which was in divers manners and at sundry times but now he hath spoken unto us in his Son and Heir who is before Abraham and the end of the old time the Law and the Prophets who saith Swear not at all 18. Object But did not God swear by himself and will not Repent ch 7.21 But this seems as if God did repent seeing now by his son to whom he hath given all power in heaven and earth he commands not to swear at all in these last daies is not this repenting of what was done formerly in the old time c. Ans No It cannot be said truly here he did Repent seeing he hath willingly and faithfully performed and fulfilled that which he had then sworn and promised as in the Record of Luke 1.72.73 where it is mentioned not for a precept of swearing but in thanksgiving and praises to the Lord that he had performed the oath which he had sworn to Abraham by giving them light who sate in darkness and in the shadow of death and the knowledge of salvation by the remission of their sins c. But where he spake of swearing and will not repent it was conserning the disanulling of all those Priests which were made by a carnal commandement and of establishing Christ Jesus His Son with an oath to be a Priest for evermore after the order of Melchisedeck an unchangeable unalterable order and not after the order of Aaron which Priesthood was changed and so there was of necessity a change also of the Law by which swearing and oathes was commanded and tollerated for such an High-Priest saith the Scripture became us who is holy harmeless undesiled seperate from sinners and made higher then the Heavens c. For the Law maketh men High-Priests which have infirmity but the word of the oath which was since the law maketh the Son who is consecrated for evermore mark the word of the oath which was since the Law which God sware and will not repent maketh the Son an High-Priest for evermore at whose mouth the Law must now be sought as it was of the Priests in the Old time whose lips were to preserve the peoples knowledge Mal. 2.7 But now in the Son Christ dwelleth all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge by whom God speakes in these last daies saying This is my beloved son hear ye him c. 21. So that you who contend and plead for swearing and oathes and persecute about it are yet in the old time and under the Law and the old disanulled changeable Priesthood and fell into condemnation Iames 5.12 and not under grace no Disciples of Christ Jesus the everlasting unchangeable High-priest who saith Swear not at all And so no christians 22. And so now ye have no covering but what is too narrow for your swearing and oathes nor no shadow of death or dark place to hide yourselves under from the light of the Son who is now risen and coming up to the noon day whom God hath highly exalted and given him a Name above every Name that at his Name every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in the earth and things under the earth c. Phil. 2.9.10 23. And so if every knee must bow to him then must Abraham David and Solomon Ioseph Isaac and Iacob and all the Angels bow their knees understand what name and what knees of things in Heaven and Earth c. and all who did swear in the Old time to him who now saith Swear not at all Mat. 5. which is since the law 24. And if ye shall yet again say or do beleive that it was only prophane swearing and oathes that Christ there forbad his Disciples even such as drunkards and quarrellers use in their common talke or such as the Pharisees used as aforesaid and not lawful or religious oathes 25. To this I answer If such prophane oathes and swearing and such superstitious and Idolatrous swearing as the Pharisees and Hipocrites then used Mat. 23. were ever commanded of God and to be performed to him in the Old time then it