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A27082 A seasonable warning to such who profess themselves members of reformed churches, into what forme soever gathered ... Bayley, Charles, 17th cent. 1663 (1663) Wing B1473B; ESTC R20749 60,761 76

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glory of his renown shall go over all which shall strike dread unto his enemies he will thresh the mountaines to dust before him and the wicked shall be but as the stubble which is dried before the fire and shall be consumed for ever he who is mightier then the mightiest will doe this he even he before whom all Nations are but as the drop of a Bucket and weigheth the hills in a scale and the mountains in a ballance and measureth the waters in the hollow of his hand will accomplish the thing which he hath purposed and the word which is gone out of his mouth for as the rain which falleth upon the Earth and returneth not again so is the word of the Lord which is gone out of his mouth which shall not return but shall accomplish his purpose which is to subdue all the Kingdomes of this World into the subjection of his own only anointed seed to live and reign over all and in all who is blessed for evermore in whom all the promises of the father are Yea and Amen for the promise was not unto many but unto the seed when he spake unto Abraham the Father of the faithfull In thy Seed shall all the Nations of the Earth be blessed which Seed is Christ which shall have the Dominion in all and over all for ever Let him which readeth understand The Government shall be put upon his shoulder and who will not willingly subject unto it shall be beaten to pieces with his Iron Rod with which he shall rule all Nations and this is the little stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands which became a great mountain and covered the whole Earth which hastneth apace to be fulfilled even so saith my Soul Amen and Amen And for the fulfilling of this his glorious word the Lord will not onely shake the Earth but the Heavens also and will Overturn Overturn Overturn Kings Princes and Powers even all those who shall rise up against him and will tear them in pieces as he hath already apparently done when the Lord will work who shall lett the Heathen may rage and the people imagine a vain thing and the Judges of the Earth may take counsell against the Lord and against his Anointed but all in vain for he will exalt him to reign upon his holy hill of Sion for evermore in the sight of all his enemies to their utter overthrow and confusion for ever Your Judges shall be restored as at the first and Counsellers as at the beginning who will not judg for gift nor reward the wicked shall no more be called good nor the churle liberall light shall not be put for darknesse nor darknesse for light but all shall be judged by him who seeth in secret and who lives for ever whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion of which there is no end Therefore come to the just in you all in the particular even to the Seed of God in you all which of his infinite mercy he hath left in you else long ere now had ye been destroyed and made like unto Sodom and Gomorrah but for his seed sake hath he withheld his hand from destroying you untill this day and consider the end of Sodom and the inhabitants thereof and their end when the just was taken from amongst them and even as it was with them so shall it be with you if you harden your hearts and will not hear the Lord will take the just Seed from you which suffereth dayly by you and is oppressed in you even as a Cart which is pressed and loaden with sheaves and grieved as the just was in Sodom by their unrighteous and ungodly conversation and if it be once taken away from you though the faithfull may make intercession for you as Abraham did for them yet as sure as the Lord God of Heaven and Earth lives your end shall be as theirs for if once the just in you be taken away nought but fury and vengeance will be poured upon you from Heaven untill you be utterly swallowed up with the eternall flames of Gods fury and vengeance for evermore for whose sake I am now moved to warn you from the wrath which is to come and if you refuse and reject and despise his everlasting Messengers as they did take them for an example for God hath made them so of his wrath to all who shall reject his loving kindnesse mercy and counsel Therefore in bowels of mercy and pity am I drawn forth again and again to warn you and advise and beseech you to turn unto the just pure holy principle of God in you and give up to be guided by it and governed by it in all things that ye may be leavened into its own nature even the incorruptible nature of God that ye may come to witnesse the new creature which is the first Resurrection over which the second Death hath no power and as many of you as come to walk according to this rule peace will be unto you and with you for ever peace which the world can neither give nor take from you even the peace of God which will rule in your hearts which will keep your hearts and minds spotlesse and blamelesse for ever and the power of the crosse of Christ you will come to witnesse to be the power of God unto salvation as you believe and are subject unto it whereby the world will become crucified unto you and you unto the world and nothing else will you desire to glory in but will come even to be ashamed of those things which ye now delight in and have no more pleasure in them nor fashion your selves as you did in the former time of ignorance as the Heathen did in vain and foolish habit idle and foolish talk such things will be an abomination unto the Lord of your life by whom ye breath and nothing can or will proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying and according to the promise of God you will come to witnesse even the pouring out of his Spirit upon you and your Sons and your daughters shall prophecy your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and every one of you shall sit under his own Vine and under his own Fig-tree and none shall make you affraid and you will not need to go to men for teaching nor every one say to his neighbour know the Lord for all of you shall know him from the least unto the greatest and shall say one to another come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and he will teach us of his wayes and we will walk in his light for ever and the Lord will make a hedg about you and set his holy Angels to watch over you and prune you that as ye come to bring forth fruit unto him ye may bring it forth more abundantly to the honour and delight of the Lord will ye be for ever which
it and do you thereby take warning and read search and see your state if you are true Christians and redeemed of God and be no longer fed with a name for they were a Royall Priesthood a holy nation and did Reign as Kings upon the earth even over the World Sin Hell Death and the Devil and though on the earth yet they loved not the world neither the things of the world but used all those as though they used them not being in the Light which is Christ the wisdome of God they came to use all creatures in the same wisdome as they were created and to the same end for by Christ Jesus the eternal Word of the Father were all things created and as ye come to live and walke in him who is the wisdome of the Father ye will come to the right use and understanding of all things and know and witness the ends of the earth upon you and your conversation will be in Heaven far above all created things Therefore come all to the word by which all was created even the good word of God which is quick powerfull and sharper then any two edged Sword dividing between the precious and the vile the clean and the unclean for it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart and this is the true word which sanctifies makes clean which is Christ the Light the Word of God which will be a Light and a Lanthorn unto your path if you diligently heed and follow it as David did witness and unless you come to witness this word in you you can never witness Christ nor the end of his coming Who hath given himself for us to redeem us from this present evil world according to the will of God These things are plain to every single eye Who desires not to hold the truth in unrighteousness nor make Christ a cover for sin and uncleanness by crying they are saved by Christ and have remission through his Death and shed his Blood for their Redemption and yet witness nothing they are redeemed or saved from and are aliens unto the Covenant of promise which is That he shall save his people from their sins and his Blood which purifies sanctifies and makes clean for so the true Christians did witnesse it even through it they had access to God and were redeemed from their vaine lives and conversations through and by it even By the Bloud of the Lamb which was offered up to God Without spot or blemish who hath also given himself for his Church that he might present it in like manner unto God which is a spiritual building Built and joyned together a spiritual house an holy Priesthood to offer up sacrifices acceptable to God Christ being the chief corner stone even he who the builders have in all Ages rejected and refused therefore come to the living Stone that ye may be joyned and united to it as the Christians were and as you come to be joyned here you will come to be one Spirit in the Lord and be covered with it without which covering wo unto you as it is written Wo be unto you who are covered and not with my Spirit saith the Lord for the day is come and coming even upon you O ye Protestants in France as well as in all Nations that all other coverings will be too short for to hide you and will stand you in no stead in the day of tryall Therefore be awakened and awake arise and stand up ye which sleep in the dust and the Lord shall give you Light and understanding of the things which belongeth unto your peace in this the day of your visitation therefore sleep not any longer in a false security least they be hid from your eyes you be left desolate and without excuse for ever for of a truth this is the day of Gods everlasting love and mercy unto you which constraineth me to warn you and wo would be unto me if I did not but whether you hear or forbear I shall be a sweet savour unto God if ye perish therefore I use great plainness of speech unto you and not as mans wisdome teacheth but in the demonstration of the Spirit I speak beseeching you to be reconciled unto God I being one who truly hath known the terrours of the Lord for sin and hath been accepted at the tribunal seat of God for Christ sake in whom and through whom I have had access unto God and by his stripes am healed and purged by his Blood from sin and corruption and this hath not been of works but by grace I am saved through faith in Christ by which victory is obtained through patience and hope which purifies even as Christ is pure Which hope is an Anchor unto the soul in the time of tryal And this hath God done for my soul not by any works of my own righteousness as though I had any thing to boast of above another for all boasting is excluded for ever by the Law of Faith neither have I any thing but what I have received of God whose love hath been in an unexpressible manner extended unto me since I gave up unto him believed his report by his holy servants messengers of his holy new and everlasting Covenant unto the sons of men which is Light and in and with the same love the Father hath loved me am I drawn forth to invite you my Countrey-men after the flesh whom God moved me to visit even from a far Countrey where my outward habitation was many years even in Virginia and truly my soul is often powred out unto God for you and sure I am if you do not wilfully reject his love but open freely unto him his love will touch many of your hearts as it hath touched mine which if you receive you will I know with a ready heart and mind follow him and forsake all earthly treasure to follow him in the delightfull way of peace and holiness And dear Countrey-men remember Moses who chose Rather to suffer afflictions with the people of God then to injoy the pleasures of sin for a season refusing to be called the son of Pharaohs Daughter and take all the holy Servants and Prophets of God for an example of patience and suffering through which and by which they plainly declared they sought not a habitation in this world but were strangers and Pilgrims therein Seeking a City whose builder and maker is God into which my soul desireth that ye may have an entrance and habitation even into the new and Heavenly Jerusalem which cometh down from God into which nothing that workes abomination or makes a lie can enter Though the gates thereof stand open day and night but without are Dogs and Sorcerers and all uncleanness And this the true Christians waited for even for a new Heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness therefore saith the Apostle Peter Seeing these things what manner of persons ought we to be yea they were
what end they were created even for them to serve his body and his body to serve his soul and his soul to serve his Creator in the body and as he thus stood in the fear dominion and wisdome of his Lord all things were blessed unto him and all things were clean and pure and being guided by the pure holy Spirit of his maker is counselled as in the beginning and hath a law-giver as at the first but when once he gave ear unto the voyce of the Serpent who was more subtile than any beast of the field consented to eat of that which was forbidden him that he should not touch to eat even of the tree of knowledge of good and evil let him which readeth understand he had liberty to eat of every tree but that all being good and that also for all that which God made was good and blessed but for food it was not to be eaten of nor touched And as I said when man once had transgressed the righteous Law of his Creator he lost his glorious Dominion he had and the pure Spirit of the Lord by which he was covered departed from him so that he was naked without a covering then shame entred in upon him and so he went to make unto himself other coverings then those which he had in the beginning to hide himself but all in vain So all the professors in the world who are not covered with the holy Spirit of the Lord may read and see what they are doing for this is truely your state and condition feeding upon your own knowledge which is forbidden and feeding thereon are thereby set on work to make unto your selves other coverings then that of the holy Spirit of truth and righteousnesse So read and consider when Adam had once done so the Lord cast him out of his Garden and he lost his dominion which he had and God placed Cherubins at Eden gate which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life so that men could never enter again that way but through death even the death of that nature and wisdom which he fed on which was of the earth and is earthly sensuall and devilish So read and consider whether you witnesse this yea or nay And so man being drove out of the earth the curse entred and the Serpent became head in him and he that was the sonne of God before and was guided by him in all his actions became the son and servant of the Devil and a bondslave unto corruption and thus was the Lamb slain even the just seed of God became oppressed in him even as a Cart that is loaded with sheaves which before bore rule in him wholly yet the Lord having regard to the works of his hands and his bowels being moved with pity towards them his mercy being over all the works of his hands took not his holy seed from him but made a Covenant with man that the seed of the woman should bruise the Serpents head which was become head in man then which promise was witnessed and fulfilled in Abel who was righteous and was accepted the seed of God bearing rule in him and the seed of the envious one was brused which reign'd in his brother Cain and so being one with the holy seed became a sufferer and suffered by the seed of the evil one in his brother and here was the first persecution and from that day unto this hath the just suffered by the unjust the seed of the Bond-woman persecuting the seed of the free-woman which kept the Commandements of God So here all men may read and see what stock and generation they are of and what seed is head in them for one of the two beareth rule in every individual man upon the face of the whole earth where the seed of the woman is head there is peace humility meeknesse long-suffering patience temperance love to all bearing and forbearing praying for enemies and suffering and enduring all things not having confidence in the arm of flesh nor yet a helper in the earth not seeking revenge but committeth its innocent cause to God knowing that vengeance belongs only to him praying for enemies doing good to those that despitefully use them and this this only is the life of the true christian for in him alone this holy seed of God beareth rule and hath dominion for they are the peace-makers but where the seed of the Serpent beareth rule there lust reigneth from whence cometh all warre strife contention and debate and this was Cains nature even to kill and murder who was a Vagabond drove from God yet he built him a City and called it by the name of his son and so from this stock hath risen oppression and murder and getting of possession in the earth and this was the fruit and effect of that seed which from him sprung for which cause the holy Spirit of God was grieved from day to day until it had repented him at the heart that he had made man which caused Noah to preach unto them righteousnesse but they rejected his counsel and would not be warned but they continued eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage all in the lust and unclean nature which crucified the just and so continued until the day of wrathful unresistable vengeance and flood of Gods indignation brake out upon them And thus in all ages have those in whom this seed of enmity hath borne rule provoked the holy God to wrath against them yet he forbore with them until they had filled up their measure of iniquity in which time he sent his holy servants the Prophets to warn and forewarn them of the wrath which was due unto the transgressors and still as they did reject the councel of the Lord and his tender reproofs they felt his heavy hand in the end for he hath said his Spirit shall not always strive with man though men may as they did then seek by their own strength policy and wisdome to build them a Tower to reach up unto Heaven but God confounded their design for neither by that way nor by that meanes could they ever bring their purpose to passe and from that stock came and sprung all the divisions upon the face of the earth one building this thing and the other that thing and all in the confusion being confounded and dispersed in their understandings by the wise God though vain man may think by such meanes to build him a Tower to reach up to Heaven but such are the thieves and the robbers which climb up another way then Christ spake of who came not in by the door which is the light the onely and alone true way to God and there is not another but men are so hardened and their understandings so darkned through the deceitfulnesse of sin that though these things are plainly written and spoken of in the Scriptures yet they cannot perceive them the book being become to them a book that is sealed which one
to shine as his own elect and chosen people as the Stars in the Firmament and many shall desire to be joyned unto you yea the day hastneth apace That ten shall lay hold of h m which is a Jew and say we will eat our own bread and drink our own drink only let us be called by thy name yea this and much more which is hard to be uttered either by tongue or Pen shall be the portion of him who is of the true circumcision which is made without hands who worships God in the Spirit a City and habitation is prepared for them whose builder and maker is God wherein the Lamb shall be their Light and they shall walk in it for ever and ever Therefore come all away to the light which is the true door into the new and Heavenly Jerusalem wherein no unclean thing can or ever shall enter thereby by the light must ye come to be cleansed which is the blood of the Covenant which is freely shed abroad for the cleansing of all the sons of Adam therefore trample it not under your feet as the blood of a dead man and count it not an unholy thing for by it alone were all the Saints of old cleansed and it did not serve them onely to talk of but were truly purged purified and made clean by it and so witnessed Justification and Sanctification in this life without which they never could for except you come to witnesse your souls cleansed from sin and sanctified with the blood of the everlasting Covenant you cannot be justified by God for God justifieth no unclean thing and remember it is written That without holinesse no man shall see the Lord and lay it to heart and there ponder these things in the coole of the day which if you do The grace of God will not be bestowed upon you in vain but through its pure teachings and vertue you will come to witnesse salvation to your souls and death swallowed up in victory and he that hath the power of it which is the Devil then will that saying be brought to pass O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory and will thank God with your souls bodies and spirits and serve him therewith as holy vessels sanctified to his use who hath given you the victory over all and living praise will issue out of your mouths not by constraint but willingly out of a pure heart for evermore to the living praise of him who hath redeemed your souls out of the horrible pit and set your feet upon a Rock even upon Mount Sion to live and Reign for ever And this is the true Salvation of God through Christ Jesus which thousands witnesse at this day in England and praise the Lord with one heart mind and soul continually which is their only joy and delight God only being witnessed to be their Judge King and Law-giver who hath saved them with everlasting Salvation from sin and uncleanness and are translated into the Kingdom of his dear Son and there live and delight only to walk to the praise and glory of the glorious God of all grace who hath thus bestowed his rich grace and mercy upon them which also is freely and richly tendred unto you O ye inhabitants of France therefore slight it not but draw nigh unto God and he will draw unto you for he is a God at hand and not afar off even unto them who call upon him with a simple heart and is a ready help unto such in time of need and you will witnesse him so unto you if ye embrace the riches of his grace mercy and goodnesse which is freely tendred to every individual of you without respect of persons Therefore call upon the Lord while he is neere least when you call he will not answer which is counsell of life unto you all which if you reject then hear what the Spirit saith ye shall have your portions with the wicked stiff-necked unbelievers and rebellious and your children shall enjoy the blessing for God of a truth will be glorified in many of them and you also if ye count not your selves unworthy of Eternal life which is richly and plentifully tendred unto you Therefore cease from all your Idol-shepherds and hireling-Priests which feed themselves and not the flock preach up sin as long as men live which shews they are imperfect Ministers and cannot make the comers thereunto perfect therefore I say cease from them in time least while the blind lead the blind ye both fall into the ditch for they are truly the Ministers of Satan and preach up his power to be greater than the power of God even to have more force to keep people in sin then the power of God hath to redeem from sin as hath already been said and so make the coming of Christ to be of no effect which was to redeem people from the Law which was added because of transgression up to God to live in his power which was before transgression was therefore saith the Apostle in what the Law could not doe in that it was weak God sending his own Son in the likenesse of sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit Mark this was the true end of Christs coming not to destroy the Law because the Law is righteous and layeth hold on the transgressor but he came to destroy the transgressions and so he redeems all who come unto him from the curse of the Law by destroying the works of the Devil in people that so the righteousnesse thereof might be fulfilled in them by the power of Christ Jesus and so they come to the Spirits of just men made perfect the seed of the Serpent being bruised and wholly destroyed in them by Christ the seed of God in whom all the promises are Yea and Amen and they who witnesse this witnesse the end of Christs coming and the new birth which is incorruptible of God which sinneth not and they who come to witnesse this know that the power of Satan is not greater then the power of God in Christ Jesus who saves his people from their sins and this is the only true living Ministry which is to the salvation of the soul and all who preach any other doctrine then this though we our selvs or an Angell from heaven let them be accursed therefore consider your doctrine who preach against perfection and for keeping men in sin as long as they live and then the Devil knows he hath them sure enough afterwards for the wages of sin is death out of which there is no redemption if the creature dye therein for as the tree falls so it lyeth And this is the truth of God to all the inhabitants of the Earth therefore high and low rich and poor bond and free be ye warned and while ye have time prize it and if ye call upon God who
without respect of persons judgeth according to every mans work passe the time of your sojourning here in feare and redeem the time for the days are evil and work out your salvation with fear and trembling which if ye doe ye shall be everlastingly blessed in the end which is the word of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth unto you all Therefore while you have time prize it this word doth the Lord often put into my heart unto you for the dreadful day of his fierce unresistable wrath is nigh at hand in which he wil destroy all workers of iniquity from off the earth root and branch for ever and to that man will he look who is of a humble and contrite heart trembleth at his word and only such shall obtain favour of him in that his dreadful day and controversie with all Nations therefore is he sending and hath sent his dear and precious Lambs and Servants forth to warn them that they may repent and find mercy least his vengeance overtake them and that they may be lest without excuse and for this cause is this warning sent unto you O ye Protestants and inhabitants in France that ye may also be warned to fly the wrath which is even at the door for your measure of iniquity is even full and hastneth apace the finishing Therefore be awakened and warned that ye may find favour with him who will not judge according to your persons but in righteous judgement will he judge you even from the King that sitteth upon the Throne unto the slave that grindeth at the mill and neither money nor favour shall be able to deliver any therefore that ye may repent and find mercy is the true and faithfull desire of my soul to the Lord for you my Countrey-men whom the Lord hath warned to warn you and hath shewed me his silly worm the evil and the good which shall surely come upon you who in love and faithfulnesse to God and your Souls hath not concealed it from you whether you doe embrace or reject his love and counsell which is freely tendred unto you that so in the day of account with my Maker I may be found clear of your blood and the blood of all men which if I had it would be too heavy for me to bear for the Lord would require it at my hands who hath called me from a far countrey where I was an inhabitant about fourteen yeares untill this work was laid on me to visit you Protestants in and about Paris but ye rejected me and despised me and would not permit me to declare my message of love unto you which was from the Lord and not my own in testimony of which I was ready to seal it with my blood but seeing ye would not receive it from the Lord who called me from the Indians in America to minister and serve the Indians elswhere in his truth and gospel I shall be clear of your blood for ever and at my return from Paris the Lord laid it upon me to write this testimony unto you before he would suffer me to go out of your Nation and happy will ye be if ye receive it but if ye wilfully reject it as ye did me and contemned my person then wo will come upon you from the Lord God of Heaven and Earth for evermore Therefore Countrey-men I beseech you in the bowels of endlesse and unfeigned love for ever in and with the same the Lord hath loved me to lay it to heart for my God is a consuming fire who will not in any wise condemn the innocent nor acquit the guilty for with him alone dwelleth equity and justice which is the habitation of his Throne for ever which you shall be made partakers of who turn to him and peace shall never depart out of your habitation Let this thing be considered by all who love their souls for what will it avail you to win the whole world and lose your own souls is there any thing below the Sun but what is vanity and vexation of Spirit and must come to an end nay verily there is not therefore spend not your precious time any longer in taking care what you shall eat or what you shall drink or what you shall put on for all these things such seek after who know not God but cast your care upon God who will care for you if ye come to walk and live in his holy fear and seek not honor one of another but only that honour which comes from him so will ye honour him and he will make you truly honourable in the midst of a rebellious and stiff-necked people and seek not to lay up treasures on earth but first seek ye the Kingdome of Heaven and all things which are needfull for you shall be added unto you for if the Lord taketh care for the birds of the aire how much more will he take care for those who put their trust and confidence in him therefore spend not your time in chambering and wantonnesse neither make provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof for the lust warreth against the soul but be ye sober and watch for the day of the Lord will come upon you as a thief in the night and he will call you to an account of your stewardship and how you have spent his money for every one hath a manifestation of the spirit given him to profit withall which he must give an account to his Lord of for that 's the talent and wo be to him that hath not been faithful to improve it but the diligent hand maketh rich and he which hath been faithful to a little shall be made ruler over much so consider seriously how you spend your time and whose money you are improving and to what use you put it to for accordingly shall your reward be Therefore Friends as in the sight of the living God in whom I live and serve with my Spirit I am very plain with you recommending my self to every mans conscience in the sight of God that I have not hid the counsel of God from you so far as he hath made it manifest to me concerning you neither have I gone to heal your hurt deceitfully nor sowed pillars under your arm-holes nor daubed you with untempered morter as the false prophets do crying peace peace to the wicked but as the Lord hath shewed me the sword of his wrath which is ready to be sheathed in the bowels of the wicked I have in faithfulnesse warned you of it that ye might escape it by turning from the evil of your wayes for by no other way or meanes can you possibly escape it therefore let not me be counted your enemy for telling you the truth knowing that the reproof of a friend is better than the kisse of an enemy and an open reproof is better than secret love therefore saith David Let the righteous smite me and it shall be as an ointment upon my head and you will
be not Ministers of Satan And whether they in effect do not prefer the power of Satan to be greater to keep people in sin than the power of Christ is to redeem and set at liberty from sin yea or nay Whether the Cross of Christ be not the power of God unto Salvation to every one who believes through which all who live in it come to be crucified to the world and the world to them And whether any be true Disciples of of Christ but those who witnesse it and bear it dayly about with them and follow Christ taking him for their perfect example in all things yea or nay Whether do not they who are true Ministers of Christ turn people from darknesse to light and from Satans power to God And whether are not they who are so turned come to witnesse that which was before Satans power was or sin either yea or nay Whether doth not all true Ministers of Christ Jesus bring people off from mans teaching and wisdom unto Christ the wisdome of God and his teaching And whether he doth not bring them to the Anointing in them which is the gift of God so that they need not mans teaching yea or nay And whether all they are not Ministers of Satan who Preach and teach otherwise whose eyes are full of Adultery and cannot cease from sin while they promise to others liberty they themselves are not servants unto corruption yea or nay And whether they be not such of whom the Apostle speaketh Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth teaching things they ought not for filthy lucre sake who have not the word they speak from the Lord but seek it every one of his neighbour and against whom the Lord is yea or nay These things being truly of absolute concernment for every one who sincerely desireth salvation to their immortal souls to know and be rightly informed therein therefore I propound them unto you to be answered by the heads and wise amongst you who seem to be pillars to the rest that thereby your Priests and Teachers may manifest themselves whether they are true Ministers of Christ yea or nay which will appear by their answer if they are the spiritual weaponed men Who wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities and spiritual wickednesses in high places which captivates the creature and keeps him in bondage and corruption for to no other end are these propounded unto them but that truth may appear and the simple come to be instructed and that they may come to be redeemed from the power of their adversary the Devil Who goeth about like a roaring Lyon seeking whom he may devoure and that righteousness and truth may be set up amongst the sons of men for God of a truth will be known to be greater in power to deliver his creature from sin then the Devil is to keep them in sin and this work hath the Lord already begun in the earth and will hasten to finish it for his own glory sake for the glory of his renown shall go over all and his name shall be dreadfull among the heathen and greatly feared and honoured of all them who put their trust in him who are and shall be the onely blessed for evermore But the wicked shall be turned into hell and all who forget God Therefore O ye Protestants in France to whom these things are sent I charge you all in the power and vertue of the living God who hath created the Heavens and the earth as you shall answer it in the dreadful day of account not to slight these things but receive them as they are given forth to you and if your Priests shall withstand it let them answer those plain demands which are propounded in it that so Gods eternal truth may stand over all for ever and let their answer be sent to any of the people of the Lord called Quakers in England And they your Teachers who say they have the charge of your souls and receive wages of you under that pretence I shall yet adde this Query unto them for to answer What the soul of man is And as you prize the salvation of your souls mind these things and cease from man in time whose breath is in his nostrills for whereof is he to be accounted and come all to God alone for teaching who hath promised to teach his people himself which is his true living and everlasting Covenant with his people for ever which the people in England called Quakers do witnesse glory and immortal praise be unto him for ever who hath manifested his name power and glory amongst them as in the days of old by which he hath struck dread unto their enemies and set them as a Signet on the Crown of his head and hath put a new Song in their mouths even the Song of Moses and of the Lamb for he hath manifestly overthrown their enemies in their sight and will do the like for you O ye Protestants and inhabitants of this Nation if ye hear and obey his voice in this the day of his Almighty power which if ye do happy happy happy will ye be and your posterity for evermore but if ye refuse then cursed cursed cursed will ye be from his holy pure presence for evermore which is his eternal word unto you all and thus far I shall be clear of your blood if ye perish Remember Korah Dathan and Abiram who perished in their gain-saying and in love and bowels of pity I say be ye warned betimes Truly friends I was a man as ye are subject unto all manner of vanity which was under the Sun passing my time in Singing and Musick foolish talking and idle jesting and so was a captive to sin and Satan untill the Lord out of the boundlesse riches of grace and mercy towards me and many more in those remote parts of the earth where I dwelt who had as large a talk of Christ and what he did and suffered at Jerusalem sixteen hundred years since as any people as ever yet I came nigh and could talk of Faith in Christ and being saved by grace and the like while his pure grace was turned from by us and we in wantonnesse and the grace of God which was freely bestowed upon us was our condemnation and in this lost and undone state the Lord sent one of his messengers who declared the way and path of holinesse unto us whose message was light and that Christ Jesus had enlightned every one of us with his true light which condemned us for sin and evil in our consciences from our youth up and if we heeded this light it would lead us up to God and we should know him alone to be our teacher This was the message of glad tidings unto us and their feet were beautifull upon the mountains who brought it and I may truly say blessed be the day of their going out with the message of peace in their mouth for