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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19675 The three conformities. Or The harmony and agreement of the Romish Church with gentilisme, Iudaisme and auncient heresies. VVritten in French by Francis de Croy G. Arth. and newly translated into English. Seene, perused and allowed; Trois conformités. English Cro, François de.; Hart, William, fl. 1620. 1620 (1620) STC 6098; ESTC S121926 188,823 318

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dead wee haue them in Homer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. And in Virgil. Hic duo rite mero libans carchesia Bacccho Fundit humi duo lacte nouo duo sanguine sacro Purpureosque iacit flores ac talia fatur Salue sancte parens iterum saluete recepti Nequicquam cineres animaeque vmbraeq paternae In Tertullian wee haue Oblationes pro defunctis Where Rhenanus noteth that from thence proceeded the beginning of anniuersaries But the Index Expurgatorius of the low countries will haue it corrected antiquitie instead of beginning and the Spanish one will haue it scraped out although their Parmelius say the same Anniuersariorum cum eleemosynis Veni etiam Domine Iesu. THE HARMONIE AND AGREEMENT of the Romish CHVRCH with IVDAISME The second Conformitie THE PREFACE To those of the Romish CHVRCH MY Masters we shall be briefe in the description of the harmony which is betweene your Church and Iudaisme For if we would search narrowly that great heape of ceremonies which hath beene transported from the ceremoniall law into yours wee should neuer haue done and the reading thereof might perhaps be tedious for the prolixitie of the same And truely if we search well the fountaine of all your ceremonies whereby the pure seruice of God hath beene made not honourable but by little and little hath beene disguised and transfigured and in end conuerted into Idolatry and vngodlinesse we should finde them to be as many remnants of Iudaisme if we adde vnto them that which hath beene taken out of the puddle of Gentilisme as we haue declared in the conformitie preceding It is after this manner that so cunningly you haue mingled together with your deuotions rules and ceremonies not onely the Mythologies of the Pagans but that also which in old times was appointed for his people at this time neuerthelesse abolished through the comming of our Sauiour Christ Iesus who hauing fully executed the charge which the heauenly Father had committed vnto him hath done all that was necessary for deliuering of vs from the second death and to purchase vnto vs life euerlasting as it was promised vnto the Fathers euen when the first sinne was committed and afterwards figured and shadowed by the Ceremonies of the whole outward seruice of the Church of Israel Seeing therefore that he hath fully and perfectly accomplished all whatsoeuer was promised and foretold as well of his person as of his office and that he hath put an end to all the shadowes of the legall ceremonies wherefore haue you restored againe the greater part of those types which were practised vnder the Leuiticall gouernement Those ceremoniall lawes were eyther personall or were appointed for the daily and ordinary seruice of the Tabernacle or for the vse of sacrifices purifications expiations and such other shadowes of this auncient pedagogie which God had ordained as well to separate his chosen people from the Idolatrous nations to hinder them from forging vnto themselues any new seruices at their pleasure and following their owne fancies as to admonish them to nourish and confirme their faith in looking for the great Messias who was shadowed by those Ceremonies All these things haue ceased And that those Ceremonies are not acceptable vnto God at this time it appeareth in this that the Iewish policie is no more the Arke is lost the Vrim and Thumim suppressed the citie of Hierusalem defaced and the temple destroyed so that there is not a stone left vpon another and what licence soeuer the Iewes obtained to reedifie the same as vnder Iulian the Apostate a mortall foe vnto the Christians who did contribute himselfe thereto yet could they neuer bring it to passe But as the Gentiles themselues of those dayes doe witnesse fires comming out of the earth and great thundrings from heauen consumed the workemen and scattered the workes which they had begunne with exceeding great pride and cost And where now is the fire consuming the holocaustes the glorie of God among the Cherubins the manifest inspiration of the holy-Spirit vpon the Prophets the Arke of the couenant the Oracles which came out of the propitiatory the Vrim and Thumim the Royall and Priestly annointing in a word all those goodly prerogatiues wherewith God in old times did beautifie and adorne his people The whole is no more and it is certaine that if it had pleased God to continue and prolong as well these things as the ceremonies of the Law he had not suffered the Romane Emperour to ouerthrow Ierusalem to destroy the sanctuary and abolish the sacrifices throughout the whole earth And those vtter desolations which haue happened vnto this people through his permission and were foretold in old times by the propheticall Oracles doe sufficiently shew the bill of diuorcement which God hath sent to those types and shadowes whereof also we did not stand any more in neede sith the truth hath beene manifested both vnto their eyes and yours And since it is so wherefore haue you set them vp againe You haue loaded your selues with so heauy a burden of diuerse ceremonies that you haue not beene contented with the reliques of Iudaisme and to practise the same yea and you haue made no difficultie to put forth your prophane hands vnto the holy Sanctuary of the miraculous workes of Christ Iesus And what Know you not well enough that that which he hath said and done wherein hee would be imitated of his owne ought to be referred vnto the practise of perfect pietie that is due to God and to the true and perfect charitie which he hath shewed vnto vs But doe you not counterfeit Christ Iesus in things which hee neuer did to that end that he might be followed and imitated therein For howbeit it be not borrowed from Iudaisme yet it is an indecent imitation and voide of all reason THE SECOND CONFORMITIE CHAP. I. Of Lent HE fasted forty dayes and forty nights without eating anything prouing by this miraculous worke that the preaching of the Gospell whereinto he entred was a doctrine descended from heauen and not of men the doctrine of the law hauing also beene authorized in Moyses by the like miracle You will haue this institution of Lent to proceede from that fasting which Christ Iesus practized once in all his life which you reiterate euery yeere and God knoweth with what abstinence We confesse that some auncient Fathers haue made mention thereof but went otherwaies to worke then you doe as it is to bee seene in the tripartite Historie in these words Concerning fasts which are vsed before Easter it is manifest that in diuers places they haue beene diuersly obserued for in Rome they fast three weekes before Easter the Satterday and Sunday being excepted In Illyrium in Grecia in Alexandria six weekes and doe call this time Lent Others begin the fast seauen weekes before the feast although they fast but fifteene dayes making certaine interualles and neuerthelesse call that time Lent And
bloud of her Sonne Neuerthelesse you prepare temples for her garlands bankets sweete cakes sacrifices and a thousand other toyes as if shee required such flatterie and adoration You haue ordained some of the principall feasts for her haue conuerted this feast that was ordained by Iustiniā was dedicated vnto the memory of the receiuing of Christ Iesus by Simeon into the feast of the purification of the virgin Mary The feast of the annunciation was established the 819. yeare of the assumption the 1273. yeare of the visitation the yeare 1380. of the conception the 1439. yeare and of the presentation the yeare 1484. And it is most wonderfull that the Apostles and those famous men of the primitiue Church did not foresee thus much to the end that the elect might not be frustrated of that which you hold to be a part of Gods feruice Moreouer you haue graunted to the virgin Mary a certaine adoration which you call hyperdulia that is to say aboue seruice Is not this to renew the heresie of the Collyridians which Epiphanius abhorred so much Is not this to imitate those women of Arabia that brought in these vanities as to sacrifice vnto her a tart or sweete cake and to assemble themselues in her name Let vs looke on the text I beseech you Certaine women sayth he doe prepare a chariot and a foure square chaire and couering it with a sheete at certaine solemne times of the yeare during the space of some dayes they present bread and doe offer it in the name of Mary euery one taking a part of the bread as I haue partly made mentiō hereof in the epistle which I wrote to Arabia And now I will speake of this heresie after that I haue called on the name of God I shall produce according to my power such reasons as shal be sufficient to refute the same to the end that hauing plucked vp by the roote this heresie that is the cause of images we may through Gods assistance ridsome persons of this madnesse Behold what the Doctor hath sayd and if those women offered biggins the Iesuites offer themselues witnes this forme of speech that they vse O Lady I doe acknowledge thee to be my mistresse And in their rule Ego me voueo tibi in perpetuum seruum And Thomas of Aquin writeth that Marie had the fulnesse of all graces which is as much as to make her equall with God and like vnto Christ Iesus Contrariwise Epiphanius sayth Verily the bodie of Mary was holy without all contro uersie but yet it is not God Without all doubt shee was a Virgin and honoured but she was not giuen vnto vs that we might worship her yea she her selfe adoreth him that was borne of her according to the flesh but who descended from heauen out of his Fathers bosome Herein the Gospell is our warrant saying What hast thou to doe with me woman my houre is not yet come Now let vs consider addeth Epiph anis for what cause Christ Iesus speaketh so to his mother He calleth her woman to the end that none should thinke her to be super-excellent prophecying as it were what things were to fall out on earth concerning sects and heresies to the end that some that admired her too much might not fall into this heresie and the fanfies thereof Afterward he sayth God who is the word bath taken flesh of the holy Virgin yet not to the end that shee might be guilded with gold and that he might make her a Goddesse but to the intent that we might not offer in her name And in the end that the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost might be worshipped end ●one might worship Marie neither man nor woman whatsoever and that none might say we honour the Queene of Heauen We might copie out here a great many moe goodly sentences which this Father hath declaimed against those persons but to eschew prolixitie we shall note that the maine scope of all is this that he calleth those images that were appointed for the Virgin the fortresse of the Deuill the seruice of the dead and that he abhorreth them in the same termes that the Prophets did the Idols of Baal giuing to them the name of adulterie and applieth all that properly against the adoration of the holy virgin he giueth the name of heresie to this abuse he denieth that the Scriptures haue made mention thereof He bringeth his argument from the quick to the dead that if we ought not to worship Elias while he is yet aliue how much lesse then when he is dead Thereafter he concludeth If God will not haue vs to adore the Angels how much lesse the Virgin One Petrus Cnapheus a most pernicious hereticke brought in the inuocation of the holy virgin in the seruice and as Nicephorus witnesseth said that in enery prayer the Virgin Mary ought to be called on and her diuine power worshipped He liued vnder the Emperour Zeno about the yeare 470. and was condemned in the fift generall Councell which condemneth you likewise after the same manner CHAP. XVIII Of Images IT were to enter into a labyrinth if we should write all that we know concerning Images Images I say which you honour so much which you adore so much And that institution of Pius the second Pope of Rome shall be my warrant by which he will haue the Veronique to be showne in pompe at Rome vpon Easter day and the people to call out lowd with teares and weeping for mercy at her hands And who would not abhorre the consecration of the Image of the holy Virgin which is practised to these ends and in these termes That whosoeuer shall in this image worship the mother of mercy shall obtaine pardon for all his sinnes both of commission or omission shall merit present grace and saluation to come Blasphemies that were vnknowne to the antiquity that were inuented in the most obscure ages of the Church And how should the Fathers auouch the adoration of Images when they approue not the adoration of Christ in his humanitie as it is simplie considered in its selfe They make warre against the Arrians The Nestorians who did separate the two natures are called Anthropolatres Those holy inuectiues are to be seene in S. Athanase Gregory of Nysse and in the first synod of Ephesus Now we ought to remarke that the origine of these great abuses must be sought from a farther beginning And those your progenitors liued many ages ago yea in the time of the Apostles as it may be seene in that great magician Simon who made his followers worship his image and that of his whore Silene The Franciscanes adore the image of S. Frauncis of Asisa and the Dominicks that of Dominicus the Spanyard In like manner a woman named Marcelina of whom S. Austin maketh mention adored the images of Iesus and of S. Paul and