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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19582 The Iesuites gospell: vvritten by themselues. Discouered and published by W. Crashaw, B. of Diuinity, and preacher at White-chappell Crashaw, William, 1572-1626.; Sribanius, Carolus, 1561-1629. 1621 (1621) STC 6017; ESTC S109062 67,429 118

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our society being inlarged from 60. to many hundreds it grew in greatnesse but decayed in goodnesse and then most of them were idle bellies and such whose God was their belly and these are the bellies and thighes of brasse and then still growing line number and falling into more voluptuousnesse and carnalty they were so drowned in pleasures that their hearts were hardned against all good counsell and admonitions these were the legs of Iron and lastly many of vs are such as tho they liue in our golden society yet they are altogether earthly minded men and these be the feete of Clay Hereupon saith he It is out of all doubt that as our society suddenly begun so shall it suddenly come to nought seeing it dayly falls from ill to worse O my brethren saith he such a spectacle are wee made Now therfore least this Image of ours be broken in pieces as that other was we must goe to our father Ignatius that good Alchimist and learne of him how we may be transformed frō clay and yron into gold againe let vs therefor● goe into the furnace and purge our selues Thus farre the Iesuites Sermon But if their liues be lookt at for the 30. yeares since he spake wee shall find that either they could not yet speake with Ignatius or if they did he was no true Alchimist but a quacksaluer and could not direct them or if hee did the furnace is to hot for all the world can witnesse they are not purged from their ambitions couetousnesse treacheries bloud cruelty deceitfulnes all carnalties but haue grown on riper in all rottennes and more fit to be driuen and dasht in pieces but if the Iesuits wil follow their Allegory stil and aske vs how they can be broken for that Image was broken with a stone cut out without hands I answere seeing they haue found the Image I can find the stone a Christ is the great and chiefe corner stone who can and will grind to powder all that exalt themselues against him And was cut out without hands euen made man without the helpe of man But by and vnder him his holy religion setled in this Iland in England vnder a woman in Scotlād vnder a child is a stone cut out without hands for it was the Lords doing was maruelous in the eyes of all the world Morouer his Maiesties comming to vs and setling with vs and vniting of vs with our ancient Brethren and neighbours of Scotland who but God could haue done it in that peaceable and blessed manner as it was Sure it was a stone cut out without hands of man It was the Lords owne worke all the world excepting the mā of sin the Iesuits their wicked adherents reioyced to see it Know therfore you Iesuits that this stone cut out by God euen this true faith professed and setled in this Iland and this gracious King whom God hath sent vs to be the zealous defēder of that faith shal cast down the great excellent and terrible Iesuiticall Image smiting him vpon the feete of yron and clay and breaking them to pieces till your yron and clay and brasse and siluer gold if you haue any left be broken altogether and become like chaffe of the sommer flowers and the winde shall carry you away till there be no place found for you And then the stone that smote the Image euen this holy Religion now professed maintained in England shall become a great mountaine that is shal be enlarged and fill the whole earth which as we are assured will be true of our Religion which is the glory of our land and that which vnites vs to Christ the true corner stone so we doubt not it shall be also true of our Soueraigne and his seede that they after they haue broken the Iesuiticall Image shal against Gog and Magog and Antechrist and all his Adherents become a great and strong mountaine and fill the whole earth with the glory of their renowned deedes and let earth and heauen say Amen with the honorable religious and loyall Citty of London and all good Christians and with Your humbly deuoted seruant in Iesus Christ W. Crashawe THE POINTS OF NEW DIuinity contayned in this Gospell THat the milke of Mary may come into comparison with the bloud of Christ 2 That the Christian mans faith may lawfully take hold of both as well as one 3 That the best compound for a sick soule is to mixe together her milke and and Christ bloud 4 That the sinnes and spirituall diseases of the soule are cured as well by her milke as his bloud 5 That Christ is still a little child in his Mothers armes and so may be prayed vnto 6 That her milke and the merit and vertue of it is more precious and excellent then Christ bloud IN THE APPENDIX THat no man but a woman did helpe God in the worke of our redemption 2 That God hath made Mary partaker and fellow with him of his diuine Maiesty and power 3 That God hath diuided his Kingdome with Mary keeping Iustice to himselfe and yeelding mercy to her 4 That a man may appeale from God to her 5 That a man shall oftentimes bee sooner heard at Gods hands in the meditation of Mary then of Iesus Christ THE OCCASION OF THIS IESVITICALL Blasphemy IVSTVS LIPSIVS a man of learning enough but too much leuity hauing run ouer all religions at last set vp his rest in Popery fell in his declining and doting daies to open Idolatry And as he neuer troubled himselfe much with Christ in his life whose very name a man shal seldom find in his books so at his end wanting matter it seemes to magnifie Christ he writes 2 books in praise and honor of 2 Idols namly 2 old rotten or 2 new forged pictures of a woman with a child in her armes Which must needs be taken for pictures of our Lady Wherin the prophane wrerch blusheth not to write that at these 2 Images there are more greater miracles wrought then the scriptures speake of to bee done by Christ himselfe A learned low-Country Diuine wondring that such Owles durst flie abroad at Noone light and such trompery be set to sale in these dayes of knowledge wrote a short reproofe of the impieties vttered in the first of thes● bookes which is De Virgine Hallensi Wherein because the Iesuits were also touched as being the fathers of such fooleries and the makers of those bolts which such fooles as Lipsius doe shoote Thereupon a Iesuit of Antwerpe calling himselfe Clarus Bonarscius but his true name being Carolus Scribanius taking vpon him in a Iesuiticall pride the generall quarrell of the whole order of Iesuits vndertakes to defend their innocency and their honor forsooth against all the world and to that end writes a book and calls it The great Theater of the Iesuits honor Amphitheatrum Honoris In quo Caluinistarum in Societatem criminationes iugulatae Wherein after many blasphemies against Christ calumnies
contemplation of the deity as to a poore child sucking his Mother brests such conceits are common and such words and writings rise with thm of our blessed Sauiour who neuer speake of the Virgin Mary but with the Title of Queene of heauen Lady of Angels the gate of Paradise the fountaine of mercy or some such other titles fitting none but him that is God or at least shee is alwayes a commaunding Mother and he an Infant gouerned and an obedient child But let vs consider his words a little better Paruule c youngling saith he thou pretty babe thou playest in thy mothers armes and sometimes suckes her brests till they be emptie and againe stayest till they bee full c. Is this good and sound Diuinity that Christ our Redeemer is now this present yeare at Halla in Brabrant an Infant playing in his mothers armes and sucking her brests If it bee so then sure St. Paul was much to blame to teach vs that euen the man Iesus Christ after he had Heb. 10. 12 offred one sacrifice for sinnes sitteth for euer not in his mothets armes but at his Fathers right hand and what doing not playing in her armes nor sucking her brests but there he euer liueth to make intercession for vs. Heb. 7. 25. Intercession to whom not to her in whose armes they will make him play but to him at whose right hand he sitteth for euermore And much more to blame St. Peter who not foreseeing it seemes what doctrine his pretended successor would teach after him teacheth vs that Iesus Christ is at Gods right hand gone into heauē to whom Angels powers 1. Pet. 3. 22. and might are subiect Are Angels powers might subiect to him must he be subiect to a mortall humane creature Nay is he now an Infant playing in his mothers armes and hanging on her brests is not this good Catholike Romish doctrine and is not this good pure Romish deuotion to pray to him who is God of glory whose manhood is now at Gods right hand Angels and powers subiect to him in such words as these Thou pretty Child that playest in thy mothers armes and hangest at her brests Is this a salutation fit for the son Heb. 7. 28. Heb. 1. 23 of God who is the Sonne consecrated for euer the heire all things the brightnesse of Gods glory and the ingrauen forme of his person or is this a Christian like description of him who hauing by himselfe purged our sinnes sitteth at the right hand of the Maiesty in the highest places But this is naturall to Popish Religion to disgrace the mediator they care not how so that they may aduance some creatures and magnifie their owne deuises but though they neuer so much abuse most of Gods ordinances and nullifie the very Offices of the Mediatour Yet me thinks they should be a little fearefull how they touch the Person it selfe of the Mediator and sonne of God and should shrinke and shame to expose the person of Iesus Christ to the base conceit of the vngodly for what can the carnall man much more the Atheist the Turke and the Iewe imagine of Christ when he that is hi● pretended Vicar suffers his followers to speake and write of him and pray to him as a playing child and sucking Infant and to describe him in his behauiours as a very child greeuing and crying that any should touch his mothers Paps but onely himselfe alas what will this Religon of Rome do at last the word of God and Sacraments and other his holy ordinances they haue prophaned the officer of the Mediator haue they nullified and yet no● content heere they labour to make ridiculous to all irreligious men the very person of Iesus Christ himselfe could this bee done by any but those that are the Children of that Mother of fornication that sits vpon the beast full of names of blasphemy Reuel 17 3. arise Lord mainetaine thine owne cause deliuer thy holy Name from that pollution and thy Religion from that contempt which they bring vpon it To conclude it may not be amisse heere to obserue the opposition betwixt God in his holy Scripture and and the Pope in this his Religion The Scripture saith Popery saith Christ Iesus is no more to bee knowne after the 1. Cor. 5. 16 flesh Christ is yet to be knowne and worshipped as a child The Scripture saith Popery saith Christ beares vp all things Heb. 1. 3. by his mighty Word Christ is now borne in his mothers armes The Scripture saith Popery saith Christ sitteth for euer at the Heb. 7. 10 right hand of God Christ is playing in his mothers armes The Scripture saith Popery saith Christ tarrieth at his Fathers Psal 110. Heb. 10. 12 13. right hand till his enemies bee made his footestoole Hee is in Heauen till it please the Pope to allow a Picture at Hall or Sichem The Scripture saith Popery saith Without Controuersye 1. Tim. 3. 16 great is the mistery of godlinesse that Iesus Christ is receiued vp into glory Without controuersie that it is no such mistery for Christ is still in his Mothers armes The Scripture saith Popery saith Christ must suffer and so Luke 24. enter into his glory Christ after all his suffrings must againe bee subiect to the infirmities of an Infant Out of all this followeth a conclusion of good vse It hath beene often obiected to the Romish Church that they haue not true Christ left amongst them but an Idoll of their owne rearing erected in their owne carnall fancies now that this is no flaunder no cauill no hyperbolicall or figuratiue speech nor an accusation forced vpon them against their wills is apparant by their owne doctrine and practise in this place for the Christ of God and of his Church is God equall to the father and can do all things himselfe the Christ of the Romish Church is a Child inferiour to his mother and may deny her nothing The true Christ being man grew in stature and wisedome and being growne a man so liued and dyed rose againe and was glorified and neuer decreased but theirs is now become a child againe and a playing Infant the true Christ sitteth at the right hand of God his Father theirs is borne in the armes of Mary his mother Hence the conclusion is euident that therefore the Romish christ is not the true Christ of God and of the true christian Church This conclusion I demonstrate thus the Title of these verses is this To our Lady of Hal and the Child Iesus this child they speake of is either Iesus Christ indeed or it is not if not then they proclaime themselues lyers and impostors if it be then my conclusion stands good for this Iesus in all the forenamed respects and many more differeth from the true Iesus and Sauiour of Christian men let them take whether they will the better is to bad But now let vs see what is that