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A17725 Two godly and learned sermons, made by that famous and woorthy instrument in Gods church, M. Iohn Caluin. Which sermons were long since translated out of Latine into English, by M. Robert Horne late Byshop of Winchester, at what time he suffered exile from his country, for the testimony of a good conscience, as his apology in the beginning of the booke will witnes. And because these sermons haue long lyen hidden in silence, and many godly and religious persons, haue beene very desirous of them: at theyr earnest request they are nowe published by A.M.; Quatre sermons. English. Selections Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Horne, Robertc1519?-1580.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1584 (1584) STC 4461; ESTC S110726 58,766 149

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a multitude of them which hath suffered for the testimony of the trueth that so well the aboundaunce of excellent examples As the most graue aucthoritie ought to prouoke vs to contentation patiencie and moderation of minde And least my Oration should wexe too long in heaping vp together an infinite multitude of examples I will onelie speake of these Iewes which suffered most gréeuous persecution for the true religion both vnder the tyranny of King Antiochus also shortlie after his death We cannot say that then the number of the afflicted men was smal when a great mighty army as it were of Martyrs was prepared to maintaine and defend the religion Neyther can we alledge that they were certayne excellent Prophets whom God hath chosen forth and seperated from the common sort of people for there were women boyes and infantes also in that number of Martyrs Neither wyll wee say that they passed thorow the persecution onely with some lyght losse without great peryll of lyfe without great paines and torments of bodies séeing there was no kinde of crueltie vnprooued in afflicting vexing and tormenting them Let vs heare also what the Apostle dooth saye of them and dooth set foorth for vs to followe Some sayth he were hanged vp lyke belles and stretched despising to be delyuered that they might obtayne a better resurrection Other were prooued with opprobrious wordes and stripes or with bonds and prisonment Other were stoned or cutte in sunder or kylled with the sword Othersome went wandering hyther and thether thorowe hylles and caues of the earth Let vs now come to make comparison betwixt them and vs. If they suffered so many and great torments for the trueth which was as then but obscure what ought we to doo in this great lyght which hath shined vnto vs in this tyme God speaketh vnto vs now as with ful mouth The greatest gate of the kingdom of heauen is made open vnto vs. Iesus Christe comming from heauen vnto vs dooth so call vs to him that we haue him present as it were before our eyes Into howe great ingratitude and shamefull wickednesse shall we runne into if we haue lesse stomacke and loue to beare and suffer for the Gospell then they had which dyd beholde the promises of God but as it were a farre off who had but a very lyttle doore opened to enter into y e kingdome of God who had receiued onely a remembraunce and obscure testimony in figures of Iesus Christe These great matters cannot be declared expressed with any wordes as they be worthy Wherfore I leaue them to be weighed in euery mans thoughtes and meditations This doctrine as it hath a cōmon and vniuersall reason so it must be referred to the exercise and order of euery mans life But euery man must apply it to his proper vse profite apt for his owne consolation And I speake this for this cause least that they which sée themselues to be in no manifest peryll should suppose this doctrine to be vaine not to pertaine to them Now they are not in the handes of tyrantes but what know they how GOD will deale with them heereafter Therfore we must be of the minde that if any persecution which we looked not for happen vnto vs that we fall not thereinto vnwares vnprouided but that wee come to it prepared long before hand But I feare there be many death eares to whome this my oration is made without fruit For they that liue in quiet hauing all things at will are so far from preparing themselues to take suffer death when néed shalbe that they haue no care nor thought of seruing God at all But this ought to be all our study continually especially in these great troublesome times wherein we liue in great peril In the meane time they whome God calleth to suffer for the testimony of his name must thinke in very déed that they were prepared long before and brought to this sufferaunce of euylles by the motion and certaine iudgement of the spirite that they might beare themselues therin boldlie and constantlie Then also they must dilligently call to their remembrance all the exhortations which they haue heard before and be so styrred vp with aduertisement of them as the valiant Soldiour to take his armour when he heareth the Trumpet blowe But what seeke we Truely in these perilles we doo nothing else but séeke shiftes and wayes how to escape I meane this by the most part of men For this same persecution is as it were a touch stone wherewith God dooth trie and prooue who ●e his but there are few found of that faith courage and godlynesse towardes God that they will offer themselues franckly and fréely vnto death for his names sake This is a thing almost incredible that they which doo glorie that they haue some knowledge in the Gospell are so impudent and vnshamefast they wyll vse such cauillations Some wyll say what shall it auayle to confesse our faith before those stubborne styfnecked men which are purposed to warre against God himselfe Is not this to cast pearles before Swine As who would saye Iesus Christe dooth not most plainlie declare that he dooth require of vs the confession of his name yea among most peruerse and wicked men But if this our testimony doo nothing profite to theyr edifying yet shall it profite to theyr confusion Alwayes the confession of our faith dooth sauour swéetlie before God although it bring death and destruction to wicked men There be other also which will say this what shall our death profite when it shall séeme to giue more offence then vtilitie As though God hath left to themselues frée choyse to dye when they wil or when they shall thinke it the most apt time of death But we contrariwise doo obey him but as for the fruite that must come by our death we leaue to the hand and prouidence of God Wherfore the christian must most chéefly in what place soeuer he be dilligentlie see that he liue in that simplicitie integrity that God requyreth and that he be not brought from the minde manner of godly and holy lyfe at any time with any daungers or threatnings Let him eschue so much as is possible the raging madnes of the woolues so that the same warinesse be not ioyned with the prudence and craftinesse of the fleshe First of all let him doo this that he giue ouer and resigne his lyfe into the handes of God the most faithfull kéeper When he hath ordayned and kept dilligently this manner and fashion of lyfe if afterward he fall into the handes of enimies let him thinke and perswade himselfe that he is brought into that place of God for this cause that he maye haue him a witnesse of his sonne Therefore seeing he is called and brought to the confession by the certayne decree of God there is no way to goe backe vnlesse he will be vnfaithfull vnto him to whome
benefite with that part of themselues which is so bountifuly nourished of him Why doo they rather obey and serue the deuil with theyr bodies If these men were in any parte Christians I would vse with them more waighty and higher reasons and I would aske of them to what ende we liue in this world and wherevnto our lyfe ought to be referred But Oh myserable case that they which with subtilties and shifts wyll dally with GOD are so brutishe that they must be handled as men not onely destitute of Gods spirite but in a maner voide of naturall common sence They thinke this is a sufficient excuse to saye they doo nothing in this kinde but for feare of perill and daunger but if this colour may take place then must we say That Ioseph should haue doone none euyll if he had committed whoredome with his Mistresse when it was violentlie offered him seeing he should not haue followed his owne wyll but haue giuen place to necessitie and violence which she did vnto him It should haue béene a foolishe fact of him to enter such peryl and infamie as afterward he suffered by the false accusation of that naughtie woman séeing he might haue escaped those euilles if he had accomplished her wyll But we ought rather to followe the example of Ioseph and allowe the testimony of the holy Ghost who dooth commend his constancie If there be no wickednesse in taking vppon vs Idolatrous religion when we doo it to auoide the raging cruelty of the Papistes the seruaunt shall not sinne who for his Maisters pleasure shall playe the bawde kyll and playe the traytour for feare to displease him vnder whose power he is But I abyde too long in this matter wherein as I sayde before there is no doubt or difficultie It shall not be farre from the purpose to consider into how great confusion they fall which trauayle with all theyr craftes to escape Gods iudgement Others there be that haue founde an other shifte and starting hole they graunt that the superstition of the Gentiles is a wicked and detestable Religion but it is not all one reason of these and the superstitions which are in the Papisme As though all the false religion that euer was among the Heathen was not a corrupting and deprauation of the true Religion of God From whence did the Heathen drawe and take to themselues theyr Ceremonies but of the holie Fathers In which dooing this was theyr great fault that they depraued and vtterly peruerted those thinges which they had receyued well and wisely instituted of God But yet all the abhominations that euer were in the world haue béene cloaked with a beautifull tytle of God himsefe and the culture of his Religion But those counterfeite Religions had neuer that commendation power and aucthoritie that God dyd any tyme approoue those seruice● and congregations or that faithfull men did vse and frequent them Go too let vs procéede further Although I should graunt the Idolatrie of the Papistes to be vnlyke and differre from the superstition of the olde Gentyles yet can they not deny but God so earnestly dyd forbidde the Religion wickedly set vp in Bethel as all other superstitions which were instituted and celebrated in other places When the Calues were erected in Dan and Bethel this was instituted and done vnder a certaine colour of his name which had brought his people out of Egipt and yet the same Religion which was there appointed is manifestly against the doctrine of the lawe God dooth condemne all those that goeth thyther to defyle and pollute themselues And truely the Supper of Iesus Christ and the popishe Masse are no lesse repugnaunt and contrarie the one to the other then the Sacrifices of Moses and Ieroboam From whence then is this dispensation and lycense to goe and heare Masse vnder this colour that the Supper of Iesus Christe is but transfourmed yea rather in déede defourmed But I saye and affyrme contrariwise that all they that doo feare GOD truelie and honour him godlilie ought so much the more to hate and detest it for that it dooth more openly violate and prophane the holy institution of Iesus Christe then if it were not so repugnaunt and contrary vnto the same Wherefore let vs kéepe this common rule generally that all the ordinaunce and inuencions of men proponed and taken in hande to corrupt the simple trueth of Gods worde and to peruert that Religion which he requireth and alloweth are verie sacriledges with which the Christian man may in no wise communicate without that iniurie and contumelie which treadeth vnder féete Gods honour most wickedlie I know wel inough how gréeuous and vntollerable this seuere iudgement seemeth to them which would after theyr owne lust and delycate minde be more nicely and méekely spoken too and taught VVherein what would they I should doo What moderation and lenity should I vse Truely now I perceyue how tender and deinty they are I couet so much as may be to spare them but both I and they must be condemned so soone as God hath spoken therefore if we wyll tender our owne saluation let vs take it in good part They saye they finde no man more seuere and sharpe then I am but I will declare vnto them on the other part that I handle them more méekely and tenderlie then the trueth of the cause the woorthynesse of Gods name and theyr saluation dyd require Which thing beeing so in déede truely they cannot excuse and delyuer themselues from the necessitie of that duetie and testimony that the Prophete Ieremie dooth require of the Iewes captiues in Babylon whome hee not onelie forbiddeth to come néere the abhominations of the Chaldeans or colourablie or feinedlie to giue any consent to them but also doth giue a plaine commaundement that they should declare the wicked Religion of the Chaldeans to be vnto them a most filthy sauour You shall say to them sayeth the Prophete Ieremie the Gods which haue not made heauen and earth shall perish both out from the earth and also from vnder heauen There is also in this place an other cyrcumstaunce to be marked that when the Prophete had written his booke in Hebrue yet he put in this sentence exprest in the common vulgar spéeche of the Chaldeans as though he would by this means constraine the Iewes to chaunge from theyr tongue to the ende they might more apertlie professe the hatred and disagréement they haue with the wicked Idolatours Now let our nice yonglings complaine of me as though my aduertisement excéedeth all measure yet I haue not at any tyme desired the halfe part of that duetie which the Prophete requireth and asketh so earnestlie But whatsoeuer be the manner eyther of my saying or moderation or else of my silence and taciturnitie neuerthelesse we are tyed and bounde to that lawe which God dooth giue vnto vs. And truelie it is not without a cause that God speaking to his faithfull sayeth to them You
godly and Christian lyfe nor maye séeme any thing to hinder vs. We also which liue héere in rest and quiet enioying the vse of the greatest and singular benefites of God let vs not forget that I touched in the beginning that we apply these thinges to our learning that whatsoeuer héereafter befall vs or into whatsoeuer Countrey wee shall be ledde yet wee may alwayes constauntlie abide in the pure confession of our faith detesting all Idolatrous religion superstitions and abuses which are against Gods trueth doo obscure his honour and vtterlie subuert his Religion Amen ❧ A Godly and learned Sermon made by M. Iohn Caluin conteyning an exhortation to suffer persecution that we may therein follow Iesus Christ and his Gospel taken out in this saying in the 13. Chapter to the Hebrewes ver 13. ¶ Let vs goe foorth to him without the gates bearing his opprobrie AL the exhortations which can be made to instruct vs to suffer patiently and constauntlie for Christe Iesus name and his Gospel shall not much moue vs vnlesse we knowe and be perfectly perswaded of the right truth and woorthinesse of the cause wherefore we contend For when we be in that ieoberdy and daunger that we must loose our lyfe we ought to be most certayne of that thing wherefore we enter into so great perill But that constauncie and fyrmenesse of minde cannot be had vnlesse it be déeplie founded in a certainety and sure perswasion of faith There be many which wyll vnaduisedlie and rashlie venter to dye for certayne foolishe opinions inuented of theyr owne brayne But such forewardnesse of minde ought rather to be thought a furiousnesse then a Christian zeale and loue For assuredlie there is no firmenesse eyther of minde or witte or of common sence in these men which doo cast themselues into peryll with such hardy rashnes How so euer it be God will not acknowledge and take vs for his Martyrs and witnesses without a good cause For death is common for all men and also the condemnation of Théeues and of Gods chyldren the sufferaunce of shame and punishment séemeth to be all one but God maketh a difference betwixt them because he cannot denie and forsake his owne trueth This also is required that wee haue a sure wytnesse voide of all errour of that doctrine which we will defende Wherefore as I sayde there is no exhortation so weightie that can mooue and perswade vs to suffer for the Gospell but if a true certayntie of Faith be imprinted in our hearts For to put our lyfe in daunger without any consideration vnaduisedlie and chaunceablie is most against nature And so to doo should be thought rather rashnesse then Christian boldenesse Moreouer God alloweth nothing that we doo vnlesse wee be plainly perswaded that it is for his names sake and for his cause that the world is so against vs and dooth hate vs. But when I speake of such certaintie and perswasion of minde I doo not onelie vnderstande this that wee should knowe to discerne and iudge betwixte the true Religion and the foolishe oppinions and constitutions of menne but also that wee be thorowlie perswaded of euerlasting lyfe and the Crowne promysed vnto vs in heauen after our conflict in this world Let vs nowe marke well that these two reasons doo pertayne to our duetie and must be ioyned togeather that the one maye in no wise be seperated and disioyned from the other It is meete therefore to take our begynning of this that we vnderstand and knowe what is our Christian Religion what Faith it is that we ought to holde and followe what rule of lyfe God hath giuen vs Neither must we onely haue our mindes instructed with this godlie doctrine but also haue our mindes so armed and prepared that we maye fréely and boldly damne all errours lyes and superstitions which Sathan hath brought into the world to corrupt the pure simplicity of Gods doctrine Therefore it is no meruaile that there is so small a number of men that haue a ready minde and desyre to suffer for the Gospel and that the greatest part of them that professe themselues Christians knoweth not the power of the Christian Religion and theyr owne profession All men in a manner are negligent and haue no desyre or verie small to heare and reade who thinketh it sufficient if they haue gotten some small taste of the Christian Faith And this is the cause why there is séene in these no suretie and constancie of minde and that so soone as they come into any conflict they are so abashed as though they should by and by vterlie perishe For which consideration our desyre ought to be greater to pursue and search out most dilligentlie Gods trueth that therewith our hearts may be perswaded without any doubt Neither is this all to haue such knowledge and vnderstanding For we sée many so well trauayled in Gods doctrine that they séeme as though they were stayned and dyed therewith in whome neuerthelesse there is no desyre and loue of GOD no more truelie then if they had knowne nothing at any tyme of the godlie doctrine but by a certaine vnsure lyght and wauering opinion But what other cause is there of this so great vncertaintie and leuitie but that they did neuer perceyue in theyr minde the maiestie of the holie Scripture And truely if we would rightlie weigh that it is God that speaketh to vs therein we would heare him with more dilligence attention and reuerence If we would thinke in reading the Scripture that we are are in the schoole and discipline of Angelles we should haue another manner of desyre to exercise our selues in that doctrine which is set foorth vnto vs to comfort strengthen and instructe our mindes Now we sée what is the waye to prepare our selues to patience and sufferaunce for the Gospell that is so to goe foreward in the doctrine thereof that being thorowlie perswaded of the true Religion and that doctrine which we ought to holde and defend we maye nothing estéeme and despise all the fraudes and illusions of the deuill and all the inuentions of men as thinges not onely of no value but also execrable because they vtterlie corrupt the Christian sinceritie And héerein we differre as true Martyrs of Iesus Christ from the furious and stifnecked men which suffer for theyr owne foolish opinons Secondlie we ought to be so minded that being assured of the right and goodnesse of the cause wee should be enflamed with this due desyre to follow God whether soeuer he shall call vs to embrace his word with such reuerence as it is woorthy and being called backe from the deceytfull fashion of this worlde as men rauished with theyr whole minde and endeuour should be caried to an heauenlie lyfe But O most myserable case that when the lyght of God dooth shine vnto vs in these dayes so bright as it did neuer shine in the remembraunce of men yet so little zeale fauour and loue should be
vanities and lyes yet God will haue his trueth defended by vs which is truely so great honour that it séemeth not to pertaine to the Angelles in heauen This one reason well considered ought it not to enflame and styrre vp our mindes to offer our selues wholie to God and to shew our whole endeuour in so holie and excellent a matter to please him And yet many cannot forbeare but that they will speake against God or at the least they will complaine that he hath no greater regard to ease theyr imbecillitie It is a meruailous matter saye they that séeing God hath borne vs thus much fauour that he hath chosen vs to be his chyldren yet hee will suffer vs to be so cruellie vexed and oppressed of wicked men I doo yet aunswere these men that although we knewe no reason why GOD dooth so deale with vs yet his aucthoritie should be such with vs that we should apply and conforme our selues to his wyll But now when we sée Iesus Christe to be set for an example to vs least we should séeke any other ought we not to thinke our selues greatlie happy that we be so drawne after his Image and lykenesse Moreouer God dooth set foorth and shewe plaine and manifest causes wherfore he will haue vs to suffer persecution among which if there were none other but that reason and aduertisement which Saint Peter giueth We must needes be verie peeuishe and sturdy vnlesse we be satisfied therewith This is his reason that séeing gold and syluer which are corruptible mettalles are purged and tryed in the fyre it is reason that our faith also which in value excelleth all ritches be tryed and approoued with such perrilles of lyfe and gréeues He could by and by after our calling without any conflict and suffering of these callamities haue crowned vs. But as he would haue Christe to raigne in the middes of his enimies euen so he would haue vs also dwelling among the selfe same to beare and suffer theyr violence and oppression vntyll we be delyuered from these afflictions and callamities by him Ind I am not ignoraunt that the flesh wyll then greatlie spurne and refuse to be ruled when it must be brought into this state but yet the will of God must rule all our thoughts and lustes If wée féele in our selues some contradiction and resistaunce it is not greatly to be meruailed at For that is planted and engrauen in our nature to flie the Crosse Yet let vs not abyde styll in that tendernesse of the fleshe but let vs goe on forewarde knowing that our obedience is thankefull and acceptable to GOD so that we cast downe our sences and appetites and doo so subdue them that they be vnder his power Neyther did the Prophets and Apostles come to death with minde that they dyd not perceyue theyr will to be against it and enclining an other waye They shall leade thee whether thou wouldest not sayth our Lorde Iesus to Peter So when such feare of death dooth pricke our mindes let vs labour by all meanes that we maye haue the ouerhande or rather that GOD maye ouercome and in the meane while let vs thus perswade our selues that it is to him a most pleasaunt Sacrifice when we resist our appetites and doo so withstande them that by this meanes being subdued vnder his power we may order and leade our lyfe after his will and pleasure This is the chéefest and greatest battell wherevnto God will haue all his with all theyr power to applie to the end they maye labour to cast downe and depresse all that which dooth so much exalt it selfe in theyr sences wittes and appetites that it dooth carrie and withdrawe them from the way which God doth shew to them In the meane season the consolations are so great and weightie that it can not be expressed how much deintie cowardnesse is in vs when we wexe faint hearted and giue ouer for these perylles and troubles In olde tyme the number was almoste infinite of them which for the desyre of a Garland made of corruptyble leaues dyd refuse no labour payne and wrastlynge and also dyd so suffer Death it selfe that they might séeme to haue theyr lyfe in no price And yet there was none of them but did contend chaunceably being vncertayne whether he should win or lose the game GOD dooth set before vs an immortal● crowne wherein we maye obtaine his owne glorie And he hath not appoynted vs an vncertayne and chaunceable conflict but dooth promise such a reward to the which we ought to conferre all the counsayles studies and desires of our life What is the cause that wee are so faynt harted in the largenesse and woorthinesse of this honour which is certaine and eternall Doo we thinke that this was spoken in vaine that wee shall liue with Christe if we be dead with him The triumph is prepared for vs but we so much as we maye doo flye from the conflict and battell But this doctrine is such that it seemeth plainely to disagrée with mans iudgement This is true Neither also Christ when he pronounceth them Blessed which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake dooth propound such a sentence as the opinion of the world would alowe or receyue Yea he will haue vs to thinke that to be the chéefest felicitie which we iudge the greatest myserie We thinke our selues most myserable when God dooth suffer vs to be afflicted and oppressed with the tyranny and crueltie of our enimies But we doo wonderfully erre in this that we set not before our eies Gods promises which doo plainelie confirme vnto vs that all thinges shall come to our profite ioy and saluation We cast downe our stomacks and dispayre when we sée wicked and naughtie men to haue the vpperhand on vs and to doo that cruelty to vs that they séeme to treade downe our necke with theyr féete But this same most cruell vexation of the wicked and so great trouble and confusion of things as Saint Paul warneth Ought rather to confirme our mindes rayse vp and lyft them into heauen For because of our owne nature we are bent to the study and loue of thinges present and are so enflamed that with our whole knowledge minde and cogitation we are occupied in to much lyuing and vsing this vanitie God when he suffereth vs to be thus euill vexed and handled and the wicked to growe and flourishe in all thinges dooth teach and admonishe vs by these plaine and notable signes of his most iust iudgement that that daye shall once come when all thinges that be now troubled and confused shalbe setled But if that same time seeme farre and long too let vs flie to that remedy and let vs not flatter our selues in our vice For this is certayne that we haue no faith at all vnlesse we cast the eyes of our minde to the honourable comming of Iesus Christ And because God would leaue out no consideration that might be apt to mooue and styrre vs he
what murthers they doo But if we will haue this staye and moderation of minde that we can patiently abide God wyll at the last declare that it was not without a cause that he so greatly esteemed our life and had it in so great honour In the meane while let vs not take it to gréefe if it be nowe bestowed to confirme and garnishe the Gospell which excelleth heauen and earth in woorthinesse And that we may be more surely perswaded that God will neuer leaue vs as abiect●s in the handes of the enimies let vs not forgette the same saying of Iesus Christe wherein he sayth That it is he himselfe whome men doo persecute in his members God sayde before by Zacharie Who so toucheth you toucheth the sight of mine eye This is much more expressed if we suffer for the Gospel sake it is euen as the sonne of GOD himselfe were and suffered in that affliction Therefore let vs thinke so that Iesus Christe must forget himselfe if he should haue no care and thought of vs at that tyme when we be in prison and daunger of lyfe for his cause and glorie and let vs also knowe that God wyll take all the contumelies and iniuries as doon against his owne sonne Let vs come to the second place of consolation which is one of the greatest among Gods promises that is that God wyll so holde vs vp with the vertue of his spirite in these afflictions that our enimies whatsoeuer they doo nor Sathan theyr chéefe captaine shall in any thing goe away with the vpper hand And trulie we doo sée howe in that necessitie he dooth shew the succour and helpes of his grace For the inuincible stoutnesse and constancie of minde which is séene in the true Martyrs is a notable token of that same most mightie power which God vseth in his Saints There be two thinges in persecutions gréeuous tedious and intollerable to the fleshe whereof the one consisteth in the checkes and rebukes of men the other in the payne and torment of the body In both these kindes of temptations GOD dooth promise so his assistaunce that we shall easily ouercome all the infamy and violence of the gréefes and paynes And truelie what he promyseth he dooth perfourme in déede with most manifest and assured helpe Let vs then take this buckler to defend vs against all feare and let vs not measure the power of Gods spirits so slenderly that we should not thinke and beléeue that he wyll easily ouercome all the iniuries bitternesse and contumelies of men And of this diuine and inuinsible operation among all other we haue a notable example in this our age A certayne young man who liued godlilie héere with vs in this Cittie when he was taken at Dornicke was condemned with this sentence that if he would deny the confession of his Faith he should be but beheaded but if he perseuered in his purposed opinion he should be burned When he was asked whether he would doo he aunswered plainly he who wyll giue me this grace to dye patientlie for his name wyll also worke by the selfe-same grace that I maye abide broyling and burning We ought to take this sentence not as pronounced of a mortall man but of the holy Ghost that we should thinke that GOD can so well confirme and make vs ouercome all paines and tormentes as to mooue vs to take any other kinde of méeker death in good parte Yea we sée also oftentymes what constancie he giueth to euyll and wicked men who suffer for theyr euill déedes and wickednesse I doo not speake of such as be obstinate and hardned in theyr wickednesse which haue no repentaunce but of them which doo perceyue consolation by the grace of Iesus Christe and so doo take and suffer quietlie and with good will most gréeuous and sharpe paine and as we sée a notable example in that theefe who turned at the death of our Lord Iesus Christ Will God who assisteth with so great power wicked men that suffer condignly for theyr euill actes forsake them who defend his cause and will he not rather giue them inuinsible power The thyrd place of promises which God promiseth to his Martyrs is the fruite which they ought to looke for of theyr suffering and of death it selfe if néede so require But this fruite is that after they haue set foorth and honoured Gods name and edified his Church with their testimony they may be gathered together in immortall glorie with the Lord Iesus But because we haue spoken largely enough before of this reward of eternall glorie it is now sufficient to renue the memorie of those thinges that are already spoken Wherefore let the faithfull learne to reare vp theyr heads to the crowne of immortall glorie wherevnto God dooth call them let them not take the losse of this lyfe gréeuouslie considering the greatnes and woorthines of the reward And that they maye be sure and perfectly perswaded of this so great a good thing as cannot be expressed with any spéeche nor in thought to be comprehended nor with any honour enough to be estéemed let them haue continually before theyr eyes this lyke and conformable reason with our Lord Iesus Christe that in death it selfe they beholde lyfe as he by ignominie of the Crosse and infamie came to glorious resurrection wherein all our felicitie triumphe and ioye consysteth Amen FINIS Gods word displaced Idolatrie brought in 2. Tim. 4.2 No man can speake against the truth without great blasphemy to God 〈◊〉 the na● of the ●sts to ●er and ●e euill ●e god● A compari●on between the Phari●eis and the popish pre●ates The Papists haue found out that which the Phariseis neuer heard of The Papists slaundering of the god●ie Christe his example a comfort to the godly Matth. A question demaūded The Aunswer Luke 18.13 Galat. 5.17 ●th 11.19 ●th 9 11. ●th 9.14 ●th 12.2 ●e slande●s spee●s of the ●ariseis a●nst christ 〈◊〉 the iu●ying of ●mselues The intent of the popish hypocrites by their rayling Iohn 9.24 1. Tim. 5.19 Such as theyr Religion is such is their life Iebr. 13.4 The Papists ●biection Aunswer 1 2. Cor. An example of the oath of vnmaried ●riests that 〈◊〉 virgins 〈◊〉 notable ●biection ●hich all ●he Papistes ●re not able ●o deny S. Augus● The Papi● proued h●pocrites s Augusti● wordes God knoweth the secretes o● all hearts ● Paules ●ctrine to 〈◊〉 Gala●ans and ●hessalo●ans poy●ed by ●se tea●ers ●ala 1.10 Thes 2.4 The Papists would rayle against Christe him selfe if they durst but because thei dare not they reuile his word A question demaunded of the Papistes Theyr aunswer Math. 9 17 Why the Papists call the Gospell the new learning The church of Antichrist the continuall enimy to the Gospell Aug. lib. de bap paruul The Papists say they be Peters successours so in some respectes they be The cause why the godly fled in tyme of trouble The Papists cast in prison and banishe the cheefe learned men then cal for disputation when no body is to answere them nor any that they wil suffer to come The practises of the Papistes to vpholde their Religion Acts 16.16 Acts. 19.24 A note of the Aurhor to the noble men Math. 22.17 Mat. 16.26 Math. 19.29 Math. 6.26 1 Tim. 6.7 ● Heb. 13.14 Philip 3.8 Mat. 16.6 Psal 16 4. ● Psal 16.6 Gods honour abused throug● Idolles ●sal 16.5 Dani. 3. 1. Cor. 6.19.20 ● Cor. 7.22 ● 1. Cor. 6.19 Gala. 5.30 Gene. 39. False religion a corrupting of true religion God dooth forbid false religion Iere. 10.11 Masses 〈◊〉 vnlyke to harlottes The maner how the papists do defend them selues Iere. 3.12 Singing in an vnknowen tōgue is an open ●●ophaning 〈◊〉 Gods ●ord ● Cor. 14. Psal 16.5 Gene. 28.6 7 8 9. ●ds ho●ur is to 〈◊〉 preferd ●ore all ●nges ●e 29. All men are careles in a maner and do not delight to reade the Gospell In reading of holy scripture w● must think● vs in a scol● of Angels The way ●ow to pre●are our ●lues vnto ●atience 〈◊〉 we had a● regard God we ●uld not ●ne his ●ly gospel ●o lyes ●e con●ncie of ●artyrs in ●de time Idolles ar● to be detested of all men Vertue is be embraced of all God is to be honor with all uerence Heb. 13 13 We are all ●lled to ●ffer per●cution ●ll daun●ers to be ●ffered for ●e gospell ●ke Rom. 9. ●ffering ●rsecution ●r the gos●lles sake 〈◊〉 the iudg●ent of the ●orld is the ●eatest in●my wee 〈◊〉 suffer Acts. 5.41 1 Pet. 4 15 1● ●esus Christ 〈◊〉 an exam●e to vs. God doo shewe vs many causes why w● should sufer persecution ●od dooth ●repare for ●is elect a ●owne of ●mortall ●lory Math. 5.10 Math. 10 32 Luke 2. The worst they can d● vs is to tak● away our liues Luke ● 2 ●h 10 32 Gods ●d dooth 〈◊〉 terrifie 〈◊〉 mindes ●hing I terrifie ●n ●br 11. ●at faith Two parte● to be considered Psa 129.2 ●al 44.22 ●sal 2.3 ●sa 125.3.5 2. Cor. 4 〈◊〉 1.12 ●euous ●secutions ●ered by 〈◊〉 Iewes Hebr. 11.36 37 3● ●ompa●n be●en them 〈◊〉 vs. ●at mat● cannot 〈◊〉 declared 〈◊〉 they ●ght ●ersecution is a ●ouchstone Euerie ma● must liue in that simplicity and integritie that God requireth We ought 〈◊〉 commit ●ur lyfe in● Gods ●and What this word Martyr signifieth Dani. 3.26 Dani. 6.20 ●l 116.15 ●y 26.21 ●owe the ●apists doo ●lory when ●hey burne ●he faithful Acts. 9.4 Zacha. 2 8. ●wo things ●eeuous in ●rsecution ●od dooth ●omise his ●lpe in ●th kinds The great constancie of the yo● man Question Aunswer ●ke 23. ●hat fruit 〈◊〉 Martirs ●ght to ●oke for
he dooth teach and admonishe vs that although the swordes are not already drawne to kyll vs or the fires kindled to broyle and burne vs yet that we cannot truelie be ioyned with the sonne of GOD so long as we haue the rootes of our thoughtes and desyres fixed in this world Wherefore the Christian must alwayes although he be in quiet haue one foote lyfted vp ready to the battell and not onelie that but also his minde must be vtterlie seperated from the world although his body be therein Although this at the first sight may séeme vnreasonable yet one saying of Saint Paule ought to be sufficient to perswade vs for that we be called and appointed to this to suffer persecution As though he should saye Such is the condition of our Christianitie that we must néeds enter in and passe thorowe this way if we will follow Christe In the means season to ease our infirmitie and to mitigate the tediousnesse and heauinesse which persecutions bringeth wee haue this great and swéete comfort that wee suffering all these incommodities opprobries and daungers of lyfe for the Gospell doo as it were set our féete in euerie footesteppe of Gods sonne and doo followe him as our Prince and guide If it had béene onelie sayde vnto vs that we must passe thorowe all the opprobries of the world to kéepe the Christian profession and also suffer death fréelie and without feare when soeuer Gods wyll were mee thinke we should haue had some colour to aunswere and saye contrarie that it is a thing diuers and abhorring from our nature to wander so without a guide But séeing we are charged and commaunded to followe the Lord Iesus his leading ought to séeme so right and honourable that we haue no iust excuse to refraine or refuse his commaundement But that we should haue more earnest loue and desire towardes this lawdable and healthfull example it was not onelie sayde that Iesus Christe dooth leade the way as guide and Prince but also that we are made lyke vnto his image For so Saint Paule in the Epistle to the Romanes speaketh That God hath chosen and called all them whome he hath taken into the number of his chyldren that they should be lyke and be fashioned after the Image of him which is appointed patterne and head ouer all What are we so nice and tender that we can or will beare and suffer nothing at all Then must we néeds refuse Gods grace whereby he calleth vs to the hope of saluation and leadeth vs thereto by this way For these two are so ioyned together that the one can not be seperated from the other that we be the members of Iesus Christe and that by meanes of this coniunction and communion we be exercised with many afflictions and calamities This same manner of our lyfe is so ioyned with Gods sonne and such conformity to him we ought to estéeme more then we doo and also to iudge it not onelie by all wayes most woorthy to be professed but also to be followed The suffering of callamities for the Gospell in the opinion and iudgement of the world is the greatest infamy but séeing we knowe that all the vnfaithfull are so blinded that they can sée or rightlie iudge nothing at all ought not we to haue cleare eyes and to iudge more perfectlie It is shame to be afflicted and vexed of them that occupie the seate of iustice But Saint Paule dooth shewe vs by his example that we haue great occasion To glorie in the scarres of Iesus Christ and as it were in certaine markes imprinted in vs wherewith we being marked and deckte God dooth acknowledge and receyue vs for his seruaunts and elect And we know this that S. Luke doth rehearse of Peter and Iohn That they were verie glad and ioyfull that they were thought woorthy to suffer for the Lord Iesus name slaunder rebukes and shame Wherein two thinges may be séene contrarie in themselues shame and honour by this that the world running headlong in furie and madnesse dooth iudge against all reason and by this meanes dooth chaunge the glorie of God with dishonor and infamy Let not vs now disdaine so to be despised and to be rebuked of the world that we maye héereafter obtaine with God his Angels honour glory and prayse We sée what great labours ambitious men taketh to obtayne the order of some King and after they haue atchéeued it what triumphes they make but the sonne of God dooth offer to vs his order and yet euerie one despiseth it and is turned with the whole power of the minde to the vanitie of the world I pray you when we behaue our selues so proudlie and vnthankefullie are we woorthy to haue any thing common with him Although our vnderstanding can perceyue and comprehend nothing héerein yet of a trueth these are the proper and honourable badges and armes of heauenlie nobilite Imprisonmentes banishments maledictions after the opinion of men bring nothing else then great shame and infamie But what doo they let vs sée what God dooth iudge and pronounce of these thinges sauing our owne infidelitie Wherfore we must labour that the name of Gods sonne be of such aucthoritie waight and honour with vs as it is most worthy that we thinke we are well and honourably dealt with all that his burnes as it were certayne badges are printed in vs or else our vnthankfulnesse can in no wise be borne If God should persecute vs after our merits hath he not iust cause euerie daye to chastise and punishe vs infinite wayes Yea surely no deathes put vnto vs were able to recompence the least part of our mischéefe But of his great and infinite goodnesse he treadeth vnder foote all our sinnes and dooth vtterlie abolishe the same and where as hee might punishe vs according to the greatnesse of our sinnes he hath inuented another meruailous waye whereby the afflictions are traduced from our deserued paine and punishment to a great honour and a certayne priuiledge and singular benefit because that by the pertaking and suffering of them we are receyued into the felowship of Gods sonne Maye it be otherwayes sayd or iudged then that we séeing we despise and disdaine this so excellent and blisful condition and manner of lyuing haue lyttle profited in Christian doctrine This is the cause why S. Peter After he had moued vs to liue a godly and holy life in the feare of God farre from that lyfe wherfore other men as theeues whoremongers adulterours and menkillers suffer By and by addeth this If we must suffer as Christian men therein we giue glorie to God for that great and singular benefite which he hath bestowed vpon vs. Nor it is not for nothing that the holie man speaketh thus what are we I praye you that we should be witnesses of Gods trueth and as it were proctours appointed to defend his cause Beholde we be myserable men as it were woormes of the earth creatures full of