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A17694 Foure sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin entreating of matters very profitable for our time, as may bee seene by the preface: with a briefe exposition of the LXXXVII. Psalme. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by Iohn Fielde.; Quatre sermons avec exposition du Pseaume 87. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1579 (1579) STC 4439; ESTC S107288 80,601 132

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day vse another starting hole for cofessing that it is a detestable thing to mingle themselues with the Idolatries of the Painims they wil not that this extend it selfe to the superstitions of the Papacie as though all the impieties of the Panims had not bin the corruptions of the true seruice of God Frō whence I pray you drew the Panims al their ceremonies but from the holy fathers The mischief was that they corrupted that which was wel instituted of God And yet all the abhominations that euer were in the worlde had this goodly cloke of the name of God of Religion but this made them not therfore iustifiable neither might the faithful communicate with them Let vs procede farther Although that I agre he● 〈◊〉 with thē that ther was a difference betwixt the ido●●●●eof Papists and that of the Painims in times past yet they cānot deny but that God as straightly forbad his olde people the Idolatrie of Bethel as the Idolatrie of straunge contries When the Calues were set vp in Dan and Bethel it was doone vnder the name of God yea of him which broughte his people out of Egypt But forasmuche as the Seruice there established was contrarie too the doctrine of the Lawe God condemned all those that went thither to defile them selues And truely these thinges the Supper of Iesus Christ and the Popish Masse are thinges no lesse repugnaunt and contrary one to the other then the sacrifices of Moyses Ieroboham Wherfore whence came that dispensation to goe to the Masse vnder coulour that it is but an altering or disguising of the Supper of Iesus Christe Contrarywise I say that they whiche truely feare God oughte too haue it in a double detestation for asmuch as it more manifestly prophaneth the holy ordinance of the sonne of God then if it had not beene so contrary and repugnant vnto it Let vs then briefely holde this rule that all the inuentions of men which are set vp to corrupte the simple puritie of the word of God and to ouerthrowe the seruice which he demaundeth and alloweth they are very sacriledges wherewith a Christian man may not communicate without blaspheming of God that is to say without treading his honor vnder his feete I knowe very wel that this rigour wil seeme harde and intollerable to them that would haue a man to handle them according to their appetite But what woulde they that I should d●● heerein knowing them to be so delicate I would ●●●re them if it were posible for me But yet must bo●● I and they suffer condemnation when God once speaketh They say they finde no man more seuere herein then I am But I would them to vnderstand that hitherto I haue handled them but too gentlely which beeing so they cannot be exempted from that which the Prophet Ieremie requireth of the Iewes Iere. 10.2 who were Captiues in Babylon It was not onely forbidden them to goe to the abhominations of the Chaldeans or to make shew to consent vnto them but an expresse commaundemente is giuen them to shewe that they should count it a moste vile and filthie sauour His words are these You shall say vnto them The Gods which haue not made Heauen and earth shall perishe from the earth and from vnder the Heauen There is one circumstance woorthy to bee well marked that the Prophete hauing written his Booke in Hebrewe coucheth this verse in greate Calda●y letters as though he had pressed the Iewes to chaunge their language to the ende to shewe more playnly the disagrement they had with the idolaters Nowe let them hardly goe and complayne of me as though I were too excessiue And yet I neuer required half so much of them as the Prophet doth But whether I speake of it or holde my peace wee ceale not to be all bound to that Law which GOD hath laid vpon vs. And indeed it is not without cause that God speaking vnto his faithfull he layeth vnto them Yee are my witnesses and m● ser●●● 〈…〉 chosen Esay 44.2 Whosoeuer will approue himselfe to be a member of Iesus Christe must shewe that this title agreeth vnto him so that they that through their f●●se dissembling and hypocrisie bury this testi●● of the t●●th can in no wise be excused And what 〈…〉 them I pray you who all their lif● 〈…〉 ●●err it a● they do who not only hid their chr●●●●● professiō 〈◊〉 the end they may shew no signe therof before men but do commit acts altogither cōtrary to it There remaineth nothing then to the Children of God that are i● the midst of such pollutions but to afflict their so●●●● by the example of good Lott yea to speake againste euill according as GOD shall giue them the meane and opportunitie Nowe let vs come too speake of those Idolaters which at this day beare the sway I haue already somewhat touched the Masse Now although this bee a blasphemie so foule and shamefull as nothing can bee more yet notwithstanding there are yet found aduocates of so ill a cause who in this behalfe slinke backe and yet will they nill they they are constrayned to confesse that which I say that is that the Masse in it selfe is a renouncing of the death of Iesus Christ and a sacriledge forged by Sathan vtterly to abolish the Sacrament of the supper They cannot likewise denie but that the Prayers made vnto Saintes and suffrages that are made for the deade are wicked abuses whereby the inuocation of the name of God which aboue all others is moste holy is prophaned notwithstanding medling them selues withsuch filthinesses amongst the Papistes they think that they are not faultie What should we doe heerein say they It is not lawfull for vs to reforme these thinges which we knowe to be euill For we are priuate men and they who haue publique authoritie maintaine them wherefore it behoueth vs to goe thorow that way I graunt them all that they say but this is nothing to the p●●●●● It is not their parts to reforme the common 〈◊〉 ●f the people and no man requireth it of the● 〈◊〉 man may admonish them to reforme them se●● the which belongeth to their duetie It is not sayd vnto them that they should purge the Churches or the streetes but that euerye one shoulde keepe his owne bodie and soule in puritie and labour by all meanes that GOD may be honoured in his owne house These twoo things are diuerse enough too abolish the masse out of any Countrie are not to bee fou●●e there when he cannot let the vse of it But yet they eftsoones returne to the foote of their songe that is that they renounce not the death passion of Iesus Christ because they haue no such intent But I aske of them what it is that a Christian man confesseth with his mouthe but that same that hee beleeueth with his heart That the acte which they commit is altogither contrary too Christian profession is notorious enoughe So that asmuche as lyeth in them
suche distresse shoulde aske and receiue such wisdome from aboue not folowing their carnall coūsel to seeke a way to escape as they say by any crosse or by pathes There are also which replye that our Sauiour Iesus Christ himselfe answered not to them that asked of him But I say first of al that this serueth not to abolish the rule which he hath geuē vs to make confession of our faith when we are thereto required Secondly I say that he neuer dissembled too saue his life Thirdly that he neuer gaue aunswere soo doubtfull that it did not import sufficient witnesse of that which he had spoken or rather that he had not satified them already which came to aske him further as it were laying nettes to catch him Wherfore let this point remain resolute amongst al christians that is that they ought not to accoūt their liues more deare then the testimony of the trueth inasmuch as God wil be glorified in it Is it in vaine that hee calleth all those witnesses for the worde Martyrs signifieth the same that haue answered to the enimies of the faith Is it not because hee woulde haue them serue too suche purpose And here euery one must not looke to his felow and companion For God doth not shew this honour to all to call them therto And forasmuch as wee are geuen to marke others the more we ought to take heede therof Iohn 21.18 Peter hauing heard at the mouth of our Lord Iesus Christ that he should be led in his old age whether he would not asketh what should become of Iohn his companiō There is none of vs but he would willingly make such a reply For this we imagine by and by Why do I rather suffer then others But contrariwise Iesus Christ exhorteth all in general and euery one in particular alwayes to be ready to the end that as he shall cal either one or other euery man may march forth in his rank order I haue shewed before that we shal be ill appointed to suffer Martyrdom vnlesse that we be armed with Gods promises It remaineth now that we lay out a little more fully whereto they tend not to specify al by peecemeale and exactly but to shew the principal things that god would haue vs to hope for to the end to comfort vs in our afflictions Now these are briefly 3. thinges The first is that forasmuchas our life and death are in his hand that he wil in such sort preserue vs by his power that not one heare of our heades shal fal but by his licence Wherefore the faithfull ought to hold themselues assured into whose handes soeuer they shall come that GOD hath not caste of the sauegard which he hath of theyr persones If suche a perswasion were well imprinted in our heartes we should be deliuered from the most parte of doubtes and perplexities that torment and hinder vs from dooing our duetie Wee see that Tyrantes are let loose and hereuppon it seemeth to vs that God hath no further meane too saue vs For this cause we are tempted to prouide for our selues as though there were no more waiting vppon him But contrarywise his prouidence which he hath declared vnto vs is such as ought to be vnto vs an inuincible fortresse Let vs therefore labour to learne this short sentence that our bodies are in his handes who hath created them For this cause he hath sometimes deliuered his owne after a miraculous manner and beyonde all hope of men as Sidrach Misach and Abednago from the fyery furnace Daniel from the Lions denne Peter from Herodes prison where hee was enchained fettered and kept so straightly By these examples hee woulde testifie vnto vs that he holdeth our enimies bridled though it seeme not so hath power to draw vs out euen frō the mouth middest of death whē he wil. Not because he alwaies doth it But by keeping vnto himselfe the authoritie of disposing of vs both in lyfe and death hee woulde haue vs fully resolued that he hath vs in his keeping in such sort that whether soeuer Tyrantes looke or with what fury soeuer they rushe vppon vs that it is from him onely who is the orderer of our life If he suffer Tyrants to kyll vs it is not because our liues are not deare vnto him and in greater recommendation an hundred fold then it is worthie seeing it is so that he hath pronoūced by the mouth of Dauid Psal 116.15 Esay 26.21 That the death of his Saintes is precious before him sayth also by the mouth Esay That the earth shall disclose the blood which seemed to be hidden Let the enimies therefore of the gospel be as prodigal in shedding the blood of his Martyrs as they will yet shall they render a terrible accounte euen too the last and vttermost drop They doe scornfully mock at this day when they burne the faithful after they haue bathed themselues in their blood they are so drunken therwith that they care nothing at all what murders they commit But if we haue pacience too waite God will shewe in the ende that it is not in vaine that he hath set such an high prise vpon our life In the meane time yf hee doeth vs no euill that it serueth to ratifie his Gospell which in woorthinesse surmounteth heauen earth And the better to assure vs that God leaueth vs not in the handes of Tyrantes as hauing forsaken vs let vs call too minde the sentence of Iesus Christe where he sayth Act. 9.4 that it is hee whom they persecute in his members God had well saide before by Zacharie Zach. 2.8 Hee that toucheth you toucheth the apple of myne eye But this is yet more plaine that if wee suffer for the Gospell it is as yf the sonne of GOD were there in his owne person Wherefore let vs knowe that Iesus Christe must forget him selfe if hee shoulde not thinke of vs whē wee are in prison or in daunger of death for his cause And let vs knowe that God taketh to his owne heart all the outrages that Tyrauntes do vnto vs as if they were fastened to his owne sonne Let vs come too the seconde point that GOD in his promises hath set foorth vnto vs for our consolation that is that he will so susteine vs by the power of his holy Spirite that our enimies whatsoeuer they do or Satan theyr head yet shall they not get the vpper hande ouer vs. And in deede wee see how he displayeth his graces in suche a neede For suche inuincible constancie as is in the true martyres is a sufficient shewe that GOD worketh mightily in them There are two greeuous thinges to the flesh in persecutions too wit the one the rebukes and shame of men and the other the tormentes that the body endureth But GOD promiseth vs suche assistaunce that through patience we shal ouercome both the one the other And he perfourmeth indeede that which he hath promysed vnto vs.
whether they woulde be so scrupulous to tarry there still There is none that would not boldly aduenture too forsake his Countrey that hee might not starue for hunger I put a case which is not yet so priuiledged that is if a man shoulde geue them sixe times as much substaunce as they haue in a strange countrey whether they wold make any great curtesie too goe quickly take possession To what purpose serueth it them to pretend these colours seeing that may appeare to be farre from their hearte which they speake There is no question here of going into their enimies lande where they shall be constrained to beare armes against their prince to make warre with their naturall Countrey but onely of seeking a place peaceably to serue God where nothing shall let but they may praye for their Prince and for all his subiectes Too bee shorte suche a iourney is none other but suche as they make dayly for some earthly commodities whiche is deuoyde of all crime and offence But yet let vs see whether necessity doo not sufficiently excuse them that goe Loe God who sayth Seeke my face The princes of the wolde butte against him and turne their backs towards him or rather they robbe the poore soules of their common foode and in steede of Gods face they set before theyr eyes the maskes of superstitions Must they be preferred before the liuing God If GOD be to be heard we must go rather a thousand miles of to see his face where it is shewed thē to lie nestling in our nests So then as often as Princes wil attempt any thing in preiudice of him who hath all soueraigne authoritie aboue them men do them no wrong in obeiyng him Albeit besides that which I haue saide suche kinde of men shewe sufficiently that they neuer greatly wayed nor considered theyr owne state and condition And what a miserable captiuitie is it in whiche they are holden Onlesse their cōscience were too too sluggishe it were impossible but that they shoulde be in continual anguishe and distresse as though they were tormented in Hell And howe is it permitted vnto them too honour GOD in their houses We neede not go farre for an example If any of them haue a childe borne vntoo him his duetie is too offer him vp too GOD with prayers and geuing of thankes requiring the Seale of saluation through Baptisme to be imprinted into his body Now we knowe that Baptisme is soo corrupted in the Popedome and so defiled with superstitions and filthinesses that a childe cannot receiue it but he muste out of hande be defiled with it So a father cannot baptise his childe without sinning And if he absteine yet he is in the same transgression yf there were no more but the offence which he giueth too men in refusing the Sacrament that the sonne of God hath instituted And what a perplexitie is this that a man can neither do not leaue vndoone suche a thing but he must geeuously offende GOD I omit the rest because that this one example alone is more then enough But when a man shall so miserably languish all the dayes of his life not knowing which way too turne him yet in death great assaultes shall assaile him and then wyll the Diuel haue his whole armie in a redynesse against him If the miserable Captiue were in time too fore let from seruing of GOD in respecte of his wife and family then he shall be in woorse case then euer before They therefore who doubt whether it bee lawfull for thē to rid themselues foorth of such filthiemud or rather from such an hellish gulfe vnder the colour of subiection they owe to their earthly Princes certainely they ouerthrow the whole order of nature It is very certaine that the prayer that God woulde haue vs too make to him for our princes is agreeable too the authoritie that he hath geuen them ouer vs and also to that duetie wherewith he hath bound vs vnto them 1. Tim. 2.2 Nowe Saint Paule exhorteth vs that men should pray vnto God for Kings and Magistrates too the ende that we might leade a peaceable and quiet life with al honestie and feare of God This subiection and obedience therefore which wee owe vntoo our earthly Princes is ouermuch stretched out when they would haue the seruice and honour of the king of heauen to geue place vnto it It is verye true that those poore Iewes must tarry in bōdage at Babylō vntil that time was fulfilled that god had appoīted vnto thē But these mē with whō I cōtend let thē shew that we are boūde too depriue our selues of our owne accorde of those same spirituall benefites which God hath bountifully bestowed vpon his children They feele the necessitie wherewith they are greeuously oppressed their infirmitie prouoketh them and God sheweth them the remedy What reason then is there that they shoulde not dare too helpe themselues to the end to complain of those who snatch the bread out of theyr handes There is also another reason of the husbande towards the wife and of the wife towards the husband Forasmuche as God hath knit them togeather as it were into one fleshe the one should not doo well too forsake the other vnder colour of seeking God Not for that they should depart frō him to maintayne thēselues togeather but because that ech one ought diligently to labour that he might also draw his companion with him Loe then what they ought to doo that is that the husband doo shew the wyfe howe miserable and vnhappy they are that are separated from the Communion and fellowship of the Faithfull that are destitute of the woord and Sacraments which are the vndoubted pledges too make vs assured that God dwelleth with vs And that therefore he exhort her not to distrust but too be of good comfort and yf so be that he cannot win her so soone as he would that he therefore leaue not of vntill he haue obteined his purpose Although that the wife be vtterly against it yet that he leaue not of to deale importunatly with her vntyll that she shew herself altogether obstinat and wilful If after he haue done al that which he shal be able can no longer remaine there he is altogether free at libertie for he hath performed his duety to the vttermost for any thing that was in him his wife might haue followed him as she was boūd ought to haue doone Although that such a kinde of departure from the wife is no deuorse but the husbande goeth before to leade his wife the way Now concerning the wife in asmuch as she is not the head she is bounde with a more straight bonde Therefore she is bounde too labour by all maner of meanes asmuch as shal be possible for her too perswade her husbande to the setting of both them two at libertie When she shall haue diligently perfourmed all this asmuch as she shal be able yet is she not therefore at libertie