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A17152 Christian praiers and holie medtations as wel for priuate as publique exercise: gathered out of the most godly learned in our time, by Henrie Bull. Wherevnto are added the praiers, commonly called Lidleys praiers. Bull, Henry, d. 1575?; Ledley, John. 1578 (1578) STC 4030; ESTC S107021 132,305 444

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this order that as faith commeth by the Gospell so by the same faith our heartes are stirred vp to call vpon the name of God and therefore he saith that the spirite of adoption which sealeth in our hearts the witnesse of the gospell raiseth vp our spirites that they dare with boldnesse shewe foorth their desires it stirreth vp in vs vnspeakable groninges and causeth vs to crie with confidence Abba Father By the benifite of prayer therefore wee attaine to those riches which God hath laide vp in store for vs for thereby we haue familiar accesse to God and boldlie entering into the sanctuarie of heauen we put him in mind of his promises so that nowe by experience we feele and finde that to be true in deede which by the worde we did before but onely beleeue nowe we inioy those treasures by prayer which by faith wee did before but onely beholde in the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Nowe how necessarie and profitable this exercise of prayer is it appeareth in that the Lorde himselfe witnesseth our whole saluation to consist in the calling vppon his name whereby he is wholie present with vs namely by his prouidence and fatherly care by the which he watcheth ouer vs by his power by the which he susteineth and succoureth our weakenesse being euerie moment ready to perish and by his goodnesse mercie by the which he receiueth vs into fauour being miserablie loadē pressed downe with sin ▪ And hereby groweth singular rest and quietnesse to our conscience For when wee haue disclosed to him our necessitie herein wee finde most ioyfull and perfect quietnesse that none of our euils are hidden from him whom we are persuaded to be both most willing also most able to helpe vs. Now that our prayer may be made in such wise as it ought to be firste we must see that we be in hearte and minde no otherwise prepared then becommeth those that enter into talke with God as we are taught Eccle. 18. Before thou pray prepare thy selfe and be not as one that tempteth God. We must consider therfore whē we pray in whose presence we stand to whō we speak and what we desire We stand in the presence of the almightie creator of heauen earth and all thinges therein conteined to whose eternall maiestie innumerable thousandes of Angels doe assist se●ue and obey We speake vnto him who knoweth the secretes of our hearts before whom nothing is more odious then hypocrisie and dissimulation We aske those things which be most to his glorie and the comfort of our consciences We must therefore diligen●ly endeuour our selues to remoue all such thinges as may offende his diuine maiestie And first that we be free from al worldly cares fleshly cogitations whereby our mindes are caried hither and thither being drawne out of heauen and from the pure beholding of God are pressed downe to the earth And here let vs call to minde how vnreuerently we abuse the great goodnes of God calling vs into familiar talke with him when we haue not that reuerent feare of his sacred maiestie that we woulde haue of an earthly creature or a worldly Prince but suffering our heartes to be caried away with wandering thoughts and worldly imaginations are otherwise occupied and forsake him in the mids of our prayer As God is a spirite so he will be worshipped in spirit and truth that is in the inward affections of the heart with a true faithfull and vnfeined kind of worship And therfore as at all other times he requireth the heart so specially in the time of prayer whē we shew our selues in his presence enter into communication with him therevpon when he promiseth to heare all those that cal vpon him he maketh a restreint saith that call vpon him in truth Seing therefore the chiefe dutie of prayer consisteth in the heart we must with our whole heart poure out our prayers vnto God the searcher of hearts with a sincere vnfained ardent affection opening of our heart before God call vpon him or else we shall not find him Let vs know therefore that none prepare themselues rightly to prayer but such as haue a reuerende feare of Gods maiestie which they cannot haue that come not to it vnburthened of earthly cares affections And thi● is it that is ment in the Scriptures by the lifting vp of handes that we should remember our selues to be farre off from God vnlesse we lift vp our heartes mindes also on high An therefore it is saide in the Psalme To thee haue I lift vp my soule The Scripture vseth also this manner of speach To lift vp prayer that they which desire to be heard of God shold not haue their minds caried away with earthly cogitations vanities And though it be hard to be so bent to prayer but that we shall finde that many bie thoughtes will creepe vpon vs to hinder our prayer yet the more harde it is the more earnestly wee must wrastle to ouercome all lets and hinderances labour with inwarde groninges vnto the Lorde that he will linke our heartes fast vnto him and not suffer vs to beledde away from him by the vayne suggestions of Sathan who at al times compassing vs about is neuer more busie then when we addresse our selues to prayer secretly and subtilly creeping into our breastes and calling vs backe from God so that oftentimes when wee with all reuerence should speake to God we find our harts talking with the vanities of the world or with the foolish imaginations of our owne hearts Finally we must be in christian charity loue and concorde with all men seeking vnfained hearty and brotherly reconciliation if we haue offended any man before we enter into prayer or else God will not heare our prayers yea they are otherwise execrable full of damnable hypocrisie in Gods sighte And this that is spoken of prayer may be said also of hearing of Gods word or any other seruice of God. We must therefore laye aside all malice enuie wrath grudge contention wrangling dissimulation all guilefull craftie and subtile dealing and with a single hearte doe to other as we woulde they shoulde doe to vs Peter willeth that such as haue once tasted howe good and bounteous the Lorde is and are become new creatures by the heauenly regeneration through the doctrine of the Gospell shoulde like holy and innocent babes lay aside all such workes of the flesh which doe depriue a man of the kingedome of God. And S. Paul commaundeth vs that laying aside those cursed vvorkes of darknesse vve shoulde in the stead thereof put on euen as the elect of God holy and beloued tender mercie kindnesse humblenesse of minde meekenesse long suffering forbearing one another forgiuing one another if any haue a quarell to another as Christ forgaue vs and aboue all these things saith he put on loue vvhich is the bonde of perfection and let the peace of
might haue bene of a corrupt iudgement and entangled with many errours loe thou of thy goodnesse as thou hast reformed my iudgement so doest thou keepe it nowe for the same iudgements sake doest vouchsafe somewhat by the crosse to trye me By all which things I should confirme my faith of this that thou alwayes hast bene art and wilt be for euer my deare father In respect whereof as I should be certaine of saluation of the inheritance of heauē for euer so should I be thankefull call my whole care on thee trust to thee and call on thee with comfort and certaine hope for all things that I want For in that thou hast giuen to me this benefite to be thy childe vndeserued and vndesired on my behalfe simplie and onely in respect of thine owne goodnesse and grace in Christ least at any time I should doubt of it howe should I but hope certainly that nothing profitable to me can be denyed in that thy power is infinite For as thy good will is declared in adopting me so nothing can be finally wanting in me which may make for my weal for then should not thy power be almightie therefore my beliefe requireth that I should beleeue in thee the father Almightie In consideration wherof I shuld in all thinges behaue my selfe as a child reioice in thee praise thee trust in thee fear thee serue thee loue thee call vpon thee c. But alas how heauie hearted am I How vnthankfull am I howe ful of vnbeliefe and doubting of this thy rich mercy how little do I loue thee feare thee call vpon thee c Oh be merciful vnto me forgiue me good Father for thine owne sake and graunt me the spirit of thy children to reueale thy selfe vnto me Iesus Christ thy deare Sonne our Lorde by whome we are made thy children that I may truely knowe thee heartily loue thee faithfully hang vpon thee in all my needes with good hope call vpon thee render faithfully this honor to thee that thou art my God and father and I thy deare childe through thy grace in Christ and so alwayes be indued with an assured hope of thy goodnesse and a faithfull obedient heart in all things to thy holie will. At thy handes and from thee as I must looke for all thinges so come I vnto thee pray thee to giue me these thinges which thy deare children haue and thou requirest of me that I may come and aske them of thee as nowe I doe through Iesus Christ our Lord. As by this worde Father I am taught to glory of thee and in thee and all that euer thou hast for thou art wholy mine my Lord my God my father so by this word Our I am taught to glorye of all the good that all and euerie of thy seruaunts that euer were are or shall be had haue or shall haue For nowe I am taught to beleeue that thou hast called me into the communion of thy Church and people whome hereby I perceiue thou hast commanded to be as carefull for me as for them selues and in all their prayers to be as mindful of me as of them selues Againe as by this word Father I am taught to remember and render my dutie I owe to thee wardes faith loue feare obedience c. so by this worde Our I am taught my dutie towards thy people to be careful of them and to take their sorrow pouertie affliction c. as mine own and therfore to labour to helpe them in heart and hand after my vocation and abilitie vtterly abhorring all pride selfeloue arrogancie and contempt of any By reason whereof I haue great cause to lament and to reioyce To lament bicause I am so farre from consideration much more from doing my dutie to thy people in thoughtes words and deeds To reioyce bicause I am called of thee and placed in the blessed societie of thy Saintes and made a member and citizen of the heauenly Ierusalem bicause thou hast giuen in commandement to all thy Church to be as carefull for me as for them selues But alas howe farre am I herefrom As I am guiltie of vnthankfulnesse for this thy calling me into the blessed communion of thy deare sonne and Church yea of thy selfe so am I guiltie of selfeloue vnmercifulnesse pride arrogancie forgetfulnesse and contempt of thy children for else I could not but be otherwise affected and otherwise labour then I doe Oh be mercifull vnto me good father forgiue me and graunt for Christes sake that as my tongue soundeth this worde Our so I may in hart feele the true ioy of thy blessed communion and the true loue and compassion which thy children haue and feele towardes their brethren that I may reioyce in al trouble in respect of that ioyful communion that I may denye my selfe to honour thy children vpon earth and endeuour my selfe to doe them good for thy sake through Iesus Christe our Lorde I come onely to thee to giue me that which I can not nor must not elsewhere haue and thou requirest it of me that therefore I should as thy childe come and craue it to thy glorie Which art in heauen AS by these wordes Our Father I am taught to glorie reioyce for the blessed cōmunion which I am called to with thee deare Father with thy Christe and with thy holie Church so also am I here taught by these wordes Which art in heauen to reioyce in respect of the place and blessed ioyes wherevnto at the length in thy good time I shall come For nowe I may perceiue that as heauen is thy home so is it mine also being as I am thy childe through Christ although here for a time I am bodily on earth and in miserie Againe by these words which art in heauen I am admonished not only to discerne thee from earthly Fathers and to knowe howe that thou art Almightie present in all places and of most puritie to confirme thereby my faith to be prouoked the more to feare thee to reuerence thee c. But also I am admonished to iudge of thy fatherly loue by heauenly benefites and not by corporal simplie and alonely for oftentimes the wicked prosper more in the world and haue more worldly benefites then thy children So that by this I see thou wouldest pull vp my minde from earth and earthly thinges to heauen and heauenly thinges and that I should see further by corporall benefites thy heauenly prouidence for me For if thou place me thus on earth and thus blesse me as thou doest and hitherto hast done from my youth vp in that thou art nothing so carefull for my body as for my soule howe should I but thinke much of thy prouidence for it is thy home where is such glorie as the eye hath not seene c. Of which thinges these corporall benefites of thine giuen me on earth should be as it were inductions the taking of them away admonitions to be more mindfull of
permanent thinges and lesse mindfull of transitorie things By reason hereof I haue great cause to lament and to reioyce To lament bicause I am so earthly minded so litle desirous of my home so vnthankefull for thy prouidence and fatherly protection here on earth To reioyce bicause of my home and the great glorie thereof bicause thou doest so prouide for me here bicause thou doest so correct and chasten me c. But alas I am altogether a wretch earthly and vnthankfull not onely for these corporall benefites health riches friends fame wisedome c. for thy fatherly correction sicknesse temptation c. but also for thy heauenly benefites for Christ Iesus for the promise of thy spirite for thy Gospell c. yea euen for heauen it self and thy whole glorie as the Israelites were for the land of Canaan and therefore neuer enioyed it but perished in the wildernesse I am proud in prosperitie and forget thee waxing secure and carelesse I am impatient in the crosse and too much consider worldly discommodities Oh deare father forgiue me for thy Christes sake all mine vnthankfulnesse loue of this world contempt and obliuion of thy heauenly benefites and graunt me thy holy spirite to illuminate the eyes of my minde with the light and liuely knowledge of thy presence power wisedome goodnesse in thy creatures but specially in Christe Iesus thy sonne so by the same spirite inflame myne affections that I may desire nothing in earth but thee and to be present with thee that my conuersation may be in heauen continually from whence graunt me still to looke for the Lorde Iesus to make this my vile bodie like vnto his owne glorious and immortall bodie according to his owne power by which he is able to doe all things As thou hast giuen me to be thy childe so I pray thee giue me these things whiche be the properties of thy children giuen from thee in thy good time Hallowed be thy name THy name is that whereby thou art knowne for names serue to discerne know one thing from an other Nowe though thou art knowne by thy creatures yet in this our corrupt state they serue but to make vs excuselesse Therefore most properly liuely and comfortably thou art knowne by thy holy worde especially by thy promise of grace and freely pardoning and receiuing vs into thy fauour for Christ Iesus sake For the which goodnesse in Christe thou art praysed and magnified according to thy name that is so much as men knowe thee in Christe they magnifie thee praise thee which here thou callest hallowing or sanctifying Not that thou art the more holy in respect of thy selfe but in respect of men who the more they knowe thee the more they cannot but sanctifie thee that is thei cannot but as in them selues by true faith loue feare spirituall seruice honour thee so also in their outward behauiour and wordes they can not but liue in such sort as other seeing them may in and by their holinesse and godly conuersation be occasioned as to knowe thee so to sanctifie thy name accordingly and therefore thou settest foorth here vnto me what is the chiefe principall wish and desire of thy children and people namely that thou in Christe mightest be truely knowne and honoured both of them selues and of other inwardly and outwardly as by the contrarie a man may easily perceiue that the greatest sorrowe and griefe thy people haue is ignorance of thee false seruice or religion and wicked conuersation Against the which they pray and labour diligently after their vocations as they for the obtaining of the other both to other and to them selues doe take no small paine in prayer studie and godly exercise By reason hereof I see that I am farre from this desire and lamentation which is in thy children I see mine ignoraunce of the true knowledge of thee and thy name for else it had not needed thee so by thy word to haue reuealed thy selfe I see also mine owne ignorance of the excellencie of the same for else wouldest thou not haue tolde me that the sanctfying of thy name is the chiefest thing thou requirest of euery man. Againe I see my great want of holinesse for else thou needest not to teach me to seeke and pray for that I want not Moreouer I see my great peruersitie which would not seeke at thy handes for sanctification although I see my neede thereof For the which thou wouldest not haue commaunded me to pray if I seeing my want would haue prayed vnto thee for the same Last of all I see thy wonderfull goodnesse which wilt vndoubtedly giue vnto me sanctification and holinesse for thou wouldest not that I should aske for that thing that thou wilt not giue me So that I haue great cause to lament and reioyce To lament bicause I am so farre from this desire and lamentation which thy children haue Also bicause of my ignorance pouertie peruersitie vnthankfulnes c. but most of all bicause thy holie name word and religion is so blasphemed both in doctrine in liuing of many especially in this realme To reioyce I haue great cause for thy exceeding goodnesse and mercie which wouldest so disclose thy selfe by thy workes word and Gospell which wouldest open these things thus vnto me and also giue vnto me and others sanctification in thy sight by faith and in the sight of men by purenesse of life and godly conuersation But alas I do heartily neither the one nor the other that is lament or reioyce as thou father whiche searchest my heart doest right well knowe Oh be merciful vnto me and forgiue me yea giue me of thine owne pitie thy holie spirite to reueale and open to my minde effectually my miserable estate and condition my ignorance peruersitie my carelesnesse for thy true honour and dishonour in such sort that I may heartily lament these euils and haue thē pardoned taken from me through Iesus Christ our Lord. Againe good Father giue me the same thy holie spirite to reueale to me thy name worde and Gospell that I may liuely know thee vnfainedly loue thee heartily obey thee and aboue all thinges desire and labour by all meanes lawfull that all godlinesse in doctrine and conuersation may be exercised both in me and in all others for whom thou wouldest I should pray Here thinke vpon the state of religiō and the life of the professors of the Gospell that thou maiest lament some pray for some and giue thankes for some Let thy kingdome come THY kingdome is in two sortes to be considered vniuersally and particularly Uniuersally according to thy power wherewith thou gouernest all things euery where in earth heauen hell diuels Angels men beastes foules fishes and all other creatures Of this kingdome spake Dauid when he said This kingdome ruleth ouer all Particularly thy kingdome is to be considered according to thy grace wherewith thou reignest
to pray but thou foundest no comfort at all and therfore diddest returne againe for some comfort at thy deerest friends hands But yet againe alas they are fast a sleepe Whereupon thou art inforced to go againe to thy heauenly father for some sparke of comforte in these thy wonderfull crosses and agonies Nowe here thou wast so discoraged so comfortlesse that euen streames of bloud came running from thine eies and eares and other partes of thy bodie But who is able to expresse the infinitenesse of thy crosses euen at thy being in the garden All which thou sufferedst for my sake as wel to satisfie thy Fathers wrath for my sinnes as also to sanctifie all my sufferinges the more gladly to be susteined of me After thy bloudie prayer thou camest and yet againe foundest thy disciples a sleepe and before thou canst well awake them loe Iudas commeth with a great bande of men to apprehend thee as a theefe and so doeth leading thee away bound to the high Bishops house Annas and so from him to Caiphas Here now to augment this thy miserie behold thy disciples flee from thee false witnesses be brought against thee thou art accused and condemned of blasphemie Peter euen in thy sight forsweareth thee thou art vniustly stricken for answearing lawfully thou art blindfold stricken and buffetted all the whole night in the Bishop Caiphas house of their cruel seruants In the morning betimes thou art condemned againe of the priestes of blasphemie and therefore they bring thee before the secular power to Pilate by whom thou art openly arrained as other theeues and malefactors were and when he sawe that thou wast accused of malice yet he did not dismisse thee but did sende thee to Herod where thou wast shamfully derided in comming and going to him and from him all the way especially after Herod had apparelled thee as a foole Afore Pilate againe therfore thou wast brought and accused falsely no man did take thy part or speake a good worde for thee Pilate caused thee to be whipped and scourged and to be handled most pitifully to see if any pitie might appeare with the prelates but no man at all pitied thee Barrabas was preferred before thee all the people heade and taile was against thee and cried hang him vp Uniustly to death wast thou iudged thou wast crowned with thorns that pearced thy braines thou wast made a mocking stocke thou wast reuiled beaten most miserably handled Thou wentest through Ierusalem to the place of execution euen to the Mount of Caluarie a great crosse to hang thee on was laide vpon thy backe to beare and drawe as long as thou wast able Thy bodie was racked to be nayled to the tree thy handes were boared through and thy feete also nailes were put through them to fasten thee thereon thou wast hanged betweene heauen earth as one spued out of heauen and vomited out of the earth vnworthie of any place the high Priest laughed thee to scorne the elders blasphemed thee and saide God hath no care for thee the common people laughed and cried out vpon thee thirst oppressed thee but vineger onely and gall was giuen thee to drinke heauen shined not vpō thee the sunne gaue thee no light the earth was afraid to beare thee sathā tempted thee and thine owne senses caused thee to crie out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Oh wonderful passions which thou sufferedst In them thou teachest me in them thou comfortest mee for by them GOD is my father my sinnes are forgiuen By them I should learne to feare God to loue God and neuer to leaue him for any tentations but with thee to crie Father into thy handes I commend my spirite A prayer to Christ crucified AS thou O Lord wast crucified for me so I beseech thee crucifie me with thee that I may rise againe with thee to euerlasting life Thy fleshe was crucified for me crucifie with thee O Christe the kingdome of the flesh which hath dominion in me that I may put off the olde Adam and by newnesse of life may be transformed into thee the second Adam sinne infidelitie and the whole tyrannie of sathan beeing vanquished and ouercome Bring to passe O Lord that by thy crosse and paineful suffering thy yoke may be to me made light and thy burthen easie that willingly gladly following thee I may come whither thou art gone that is to thy father most blessed and immortal from whom nothing shall afterward be able to separate vs. God forbid that I should reioyce in any thing but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the worlde Gal. 6. A prayer to Christ ascended and reigning in glorie OH good Christ our first begotten brother and tender hearted Ioseph Oh naturall sonne of that Father to whom we are made children of adoption through thee Oh our head reigning on high in glorie forget not vs thy poore members here on earth whervnto abasing thy selfe thou camest downe and sufferedst for vs most cruel death Out of this thy throne of Maiestie glorie thou puttest vs in assured hope and confidence that we also shal attaine to that blessed place whither thou art gone before to take possession for vs Oh our strong tower of defence and succour what can hurt vs nowe trusting in thee Most vnhappie are they which are ignorant of thee Most happie are they which always behold thee Blessed are they which haue knowen thee here in the dayes of their mortalitie But more blessed are they which see thee in the heauens and shall see thee reigning with thy Father in ioyes incomparable Oh Lorde the onely ioye and comforte of our soules shewe vs thy louinge countenaunce embrace vs with the armes of thy mercie receiue vs O good Ioseph thy yonger brethren with the kisse of comfort powre into our harts thy holy spirit plucke vs vp from the earth earthlie things open our eyes lift them vp vnto thee open thy mouth call vs vnto thee open our eares that we may heare thee so that whatsoeuer we do speake or thinke it may be directed vnto thee alone our redeemer mediator and aduocate If ye be risen againe with Christ seeke the thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God set your affection on thinges that are aboue not on things which are on the earth Col. 3. An other THou Lord didest put away Marie Magdalen from the kissing of thy feete because thy flesh was not yet exalted and shee knewe not yet the dignitie of thy clarified bodie and beautified with the glory of immortalitie but was addicted onely to thy bodily presence She yet sought the liuing among the deade neither was it knowne to her that thou wast equall with thy father Wherfore thou wouldest not suffer her so much as to kisse thy feete because it was a thing vnworthy for thy maiestie Oh thou mightie Lion of the tribe of
Iuda thou cōquerour of hel and death euer liuing and immortall thou art nowe risen from death for vs thou art now ascended to thy father and our father and sittest at his right hand in glorie suffer vs to come neare vnto thee that wee may kisse thee yea Lorde thou louer of our soules come thou rather vnto vs and kisse vs with the kisse of thy mouth that we may bee glad and reioyce in thee drawe vs that we may runne after the sauour of thy sweete oyntmentes that wee may beholde thee in righteousnesse and when thy glorie shall appeare we may be satisfied for in thy presence there is fulnesse of ioy and in thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore A prayer for true repentance MOst gratious God mercifull Father of our Sauiour Iesus Christ because I haue sinned don wickedly and through thy goodnesse haue receiued a desire of repentaunce wherevnto this thy long suffering doth drawe my harde hart I beseech thee for thy great mercies sake in Christ to worke the same repentance in me and by thy spirite power and grace so to humble mortifie and feare my conscience for my sinnes to saluation that in thy good time thou maist comfort and quicken me again through Iesus Christ thy dearely beloued sonne So be it I. B. A prayer for the strength and increase of faith O Merciful God and deare father of our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ in whome as thou art well pleased so hast thou commanded vs to heare him for as much as he often biddeth vs to aske of thee and also promiseth that thou wilt heare vs and grant vs that which in his name we shal aske of thee loe gratious father we are bold to begge of thy mercie through thy sonne Iesus Christ one sparkle of true faith and certaine persuasion of thy goodnesse and loue towards vs in Christ where through I being assured of the pardon of all my sinnes by the mercies of Christe thy sonne may bee thankefull to thee loue thee serue thee in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of my life I. B. A prayer for the true sense and feeling of Gods ●auour and mercie in Christe OH Lord God and deare Father what shall I say that feele all things to be in maner with me as in the wicked Blind is my mind crooked is my will and peruerse concupiscence is in mee as a spring or stinking puddle O howe faint is faith in me How little is my loue to thee or to thy people How great is selfe loue Howe harde is my heart ▪ By the reason whereof I am moued to doubt of thy goodnes towardes me whether thou art my mercifull father and whether I be thy childe or no. In deede worthily might I doubt if that the hauing of these were the cause not the fruite rather of thy children The cause why thou art my father is thy mercie goodnes grace truth in Christe Iesus which can not but remain for euer In respect whereof thou hast borne me this goodwill to bring me into thy Church by baptisme and to accept me into the number of thy children that I might be holie faithfull obedient and innocent and to call me diuerse times by the ministerie of thy worde into thy kingdome besides thy innumerable other benefites alwayes hitherto powred vppon me All which thou hast done of this thy good will which thou of thine owne mercie barest to mee in Christ and for Christe before the worlde was made The which thing as thou requirest straitly that I should beleeue without doubting so wouldest thou that in all my needes I should come vnto thee as vnto a Father and make my mone without mistrust of beeing heard in thy good time as most shall make to my comfort Loe therefore to thee deere Father I come through thy sonne our Lord mediator and aduocate Iesus Christ who sitteth on thy right hand making intercession for me and pray thee of thy great goodnes and mercie in Christ to bee mercifull vnto me that I may feele in deede thy sweete mercie as thy childe The time Oh deare Father I appoint not but I pray thee that I may with hope still expect and looke for thy helpe I hope that as thou for a little while hast left mee so thou wilt come and visite me and that in thy great mercie whereof I haue need by reason of my great miserie Thou art wont for a little season in thine anger to hide thy face from them whome thou louest but surely O Redeemer in eternal mercies thou wilt shew thy cōpassions For when thou leauest vs O Lord thou doest not leaue vs verie long neyther doest thou leaue vs to our owne losse but to our iucre and aduauntage euen that thy holie spirite with bigger portion of thy power and vertue may lighten and cheare vs that the want of feeling of our sorrowe may be recompenced plentifully with the liuely sense of hauing thee to our eternall ioy and therefore thou swarest that in thine euerlasting mercie thou wilt haue compassion on vs Of which thing to the end we might be most assured thine oth is to bee marked for thou saiest As I haue sworne that I will neuer bring any more the waters to drown the world So haue I sworn that I wil neuer more be angry with thee nor reprooue thee The mountaines shal remoue and the hilles shal fall downe but my louing kindenesse shall not moue and the bonde of my peace shall not faile thee Thus saist thou the Lord our mercifull redeemer Deare father therefore I praye thee remember euen for thine owne truth and mercie sake this promise and euerlasting couenant which in thy good time I pray thee to write in my hart that I may know thee to be the onely true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent that I may loue thee with all my heart for euer that I may loue thy people for thy sake that I may be holie in thy sight through Christ that I may alwayes not only striue against sinne but also ouercome the same daily more and more as thy children doe aboue all thinges desiring the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy kingdome the doing of thy will here on earth as it is in heauen c. through Iesus Christ our redeemer mediatour and aduocate Amen I. B. A prayer against our spirituall enemies the diuel the worlde and the flesh O Lord God the diuell goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may deuour the flesh lusteth against the spirite the world persuadeth vnto vanities that we may forget thee our Lord God so for euer be damned Thus are we miserably on euery side beset and besieged of cruell vnrestfull enemies and like at euery moment to perish if we be not defended with thy godly power against their tyrannie We therefore poore and wretched sinners despairing of our owne strength which in deede is none most hartily
seruants Thou hast taken away all thy displeasure and turned thy selfe from thy wrathfull indignation For if thou Lord hadst not helped vs it had not failed but our soules had beene put to silence But when we said our feete haue slipped thy mercie O Lord helped vs vp In the multitude of the sorrowes that we had in our heartes thy comfortes haue refreshed our soules Our soules wayted still vpon the Lorde our soules hanged vpon his helpe our hope was alwaies in him In the Lordes word will we reioyce in Gods word did we comfort our selues For the Lorde saide Call vpon me in the time of trouble and I will heare thee and thou shalt praise me So when we were poore needie sickly in heauines the Lord cared for vs he was our helper and our deliuerer according to his word In our aduersitie and distresse he hath lift vp our heades and saued vs from vtter destruction He hath deliuered our soules from death he hath fed vs in the time of dearth he hath saued vs from the noysome pestilence Therefore will we offer in his holy temple the oblation of thankesgiuing with great gladnes we wil sing and speake prayses vnto the Lorde our Sauiour We will giue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gratious his mercie endureth for euer The Lord is ful of compassion and-mercie long suffering plenteous in goodnes and pitie His mercie is greater then the heauens and his gratious goodnesse reacheth vnto the cloudes Like as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lord mercifull vnto them that feare him Therefore will we praise thee and thy mercies O God vnto thee will we sing O thou holy one of Israel Wee will sing a newe song vnto thee O God we wil praise the Lord with Psalmes of thankesgiuing O sing prayses sing prayses vnto our God O sing prayses sing praises vnto our king For God is the king of the earth sing prayses with vnderstanding We wil magnifie thee O God our king we will praise thy name for euer and euer Euery day will we giue thankes vnto thee and praise thy name for euer and euer Our mouth shal speake the praises of the lord let all flesh giue thanks to his holy name for euer and euer Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel for euer and blessed be the name of his maiestie world without end ▪ Amen Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. Praiers to be saide before meales and after AL things depend vpon thy prouidence O Lord to receiue at thy hands due sustenāce in time cōuenient Thou giuest to them and they gather it thou openest thy hand and they are satisfied with all good thinges O heauenly father which art the fountaine and full treasure of all goodnesse we beseeche thee to shewe thy mercie vpon vs thy children and sanctifie these giftes which we receiue of thy mercifull liberalitie graunting vs grace to vse them soberly and purely according to thy blessed will so that hereby we may acknowledge thee to be the authour and giuer of all good thinges and aboue all that we may remember continuallie to seeke the spirituall foode of thy worde wherewith our soules may be nourished euerlastingly through our sauiour Christ who is the true bread of life which came downe from heauen of whom whosoeuer eateth shall liue for euer and raigne with him in glorie worlde without end So be it An other prayer before meales WHether ye eat or drinke saith S. Paul or whatsoeuer ye doe else let al be done to the praise and glorie of God. Eternal and euerliuing God father of our Lord Iesus Christ who of thy most singular loue which thou barest to mankinde hast appointed to his sustenaunce not onelye the fruits of the earth but also the foules of the aire the beasts of the field and fishes of the sea and hast commaunded thy benefites to bee receiued as from thy handes with thankesgiuing assuring thy children by the mouth of thine Apostle that to the cleane all thinges are cleane as the creatures which be sanctified by thy worde and prayer grant vnto vs so moderately to vse these thy giftes present that our bodies being refreshed our soules may bee more able to proceede in all good workes to the praise of thy holy name through Iesus Christ our lord So be it Our father which art in heauen c. An other O Eternal God the verie God of peace and all consolation which broughtest againe from death our Lorde Iesus the great sheepheard of the sheepe through the bloud of the euerlasting couenant make vs fruitfull in all good works to doe thy wil and worke in vs that which is acceptable in thy sight Sanctifie vs throughout and keep our whole spirit soule and body faultles vnto the comming of thy deare Sonne our Lorde Iesu Christ. Thou art faithfull O Father who hast promised this who also shalt bring it to passe to thee therefore be giuen euerlasting praise honour and glorie Amen A thankesgiuing after meales LEt al nations magnifie the Lorde let all people reioyce in praysing and extolling his great mercies For his fatherly kindnesse is plentifully shewed foorth vpon vs and the trueth of his promise endureth foreuer We render thankes vnto thee O Lord God for the manifolde benefites which we continually receiue at thy bountifull hand not onely for that it hath pleased thee to feeede vs in this present life giuing vnto vs al thinges necessarie for the same but specially because thou hast of thy free mercie fashioned vs a newe into an assured hope of a farre better life the which thou hast declared vnto vs by thy holy Gospell Therfore we humblie beseech thee Oh heauenly father that thou wilt not suffer our affections to be so intangled and rooted in these earthly and corruptible thinges but that we may alwayes haue our mindes directed to thee on high continually watching for the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ what time he shal appeare for our full redemption To whome with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glorie for euer and euer So be it An other thankesgiuing after meales GLorie praise and honour be vnto thee most mercifull and omnipotent father who hast fedde and daily dost feede of thy most bontifull goodnes all liuing creatures we beseeche thee that as thou hast nourished these our mortall bodies with corporall foode so thou wouldest replenish our soules with the perfect knowledge of the liuely word of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ to whome with thee and the holy Ghost be praise glorie and honour for euer So be it ¶ An other MOste bountifull and gratious God which feedest all flesh and hast promised that asking of thee wee shal not lack if we first seek thy kingdome and the righteousnes thereof we feeling presently the benefite of this thy gratious promise in
lord Amen A prayer taken out of the second Psalme WE perceiue most mercifull mightie God that not onely Antichrist but also the power and strength of the whole world cōspireth against thee and against thy Christ which thinke the Gospel and ● building vp againe of thy Church to be an intollerable bondage harde yoke Wherefore they labour by all possible meanes to breake a sunder the societies and congregations of the faithfull and cast away all discipline But forasmuch as thou sittest in heauen and 〈◊〉 not ignorant what the diuell or wicked flesh goeth about laugh thou to scorne their ●aine counsels and bring their purposes to nought Let them feele thine anger to bekindled against them and make them astonished at the fiercnes of thine indignatiō so that they may not be able to destroy thy Church ouer whom thou hast apointed Iesus Christ our onely sauiour to be a gouernour that in it he might raigne by his word and spirite with inuincibl● might and power Wherefore grant vnto vs although vnworthie and shrinking children such faith and constancy that we may finde him and also cōfesse him to be our onely king and that we may nothing doubt but that we be his nation people and heritage being most assured of this that he is of such strength and power that with his word more strong then yron he is able to destroy whom he will and breake them in peeces like earthen pots Therefore O God turne the Kings and Princes of the world vnto thee that they may be wise and vnderstand whereby they may vnfaignedly acknowledge imbrace and kisse thy sonne least when his anger shall once be kindled they perishe and be destroyed for euer And when it shall be thy good pleasure make them blessed for euermore which cōmit themselues to thy gouernance and protection by Christ Iesus our Lord ▪ Amen Out of the same Psalme MOste Mightie and mercifull Lord God though the diuell rage the powers of the world daily rise vp and the flesh with al her bondslaues cōspire against the kingdome of thine onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ our Lord yet make vs to vnderstand with constant faith to be persuaded that thou deridest contemnest al such whō thou caust in thine anger fierce displeasure when thou wilt sodenly destroy and bring to nought In this faith seeing we are somtimes so weak that being ouercome with sundrie kindes of terrour and dread we are not so obedient to thy cōmaundements as we ought to be ▪ we therefore beseech thee for thy great ▪ goodnes sake to bee mercifull vnto vs and grant that we may constantly beleeue thy son our king and our redeemer to haue the highest power and dominion with thee in all thinges For seeing thou hast begottē him thou hast also deliuered to him all nations to be ruled by his power as his own inheritāce Graunt therfore vnto vs that yet at the length we may be wise vnderstand in such sort as we may serue thee with all due feare and worship that in the last day we be not dashed in peces as earthen vessels with the rodde of thine indignation through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A prayer which M. Iohn Bradford said a little before his death in smithfeelde MErciful God father to whom our sauiour Christ approched in his feare and neede by reasō of death and found comfort gratious God and most bounteous Christ on whō Stephen called in his extreme neede and receiued strength most benigne holy spirit which in the midst of all crosses and death didst comfort the Apostle S. Paul with more consolations in Christ then he felt sorrowes and terrors in the world haue mercie vpon me a most miserable vile and wretched sinner which now drawe neere the gates of death deserued both in soule and bodie eternally by reason of my manifolde horrible olde and newe transgressions ▪ which to thine eyes O Lord God are open and knowne Oh be mercifull vnto mee and forgiue mee for the bitter death and bloodsheading of thine onely sonne Iesus Christ. And though thy iustice do require in respect of my sinnes that nowe thou shouldest not heare mee contemning thy dayly callings yet let thy mercie which is aboue al thy works and wherewith the earth is filled let thy mercie I say preuaile towardes me through the merites and meditation of Christ our sauiour for whose sake it pleaseth thee to bring mee foorth nowe as one of his witnesses and a record bearer of thy veritie and trueth taught by him to giue my life therfore Of which dignitie I doe acknowledg deare God that there was neuer any so vnworthie and vnmeete no not the theefe that hanged with him on the crosse I humbly therefore praye thee that thou wouldest accordinglie ayde helpe and assist me with thy strength and heauenly grace that with Christ thy sonne I may finde comfort with Stephen I may see thy presence and gratious power with Paul and al others which for thy names sake haue suffered afflictions and death I may finde so presente with mee thy gratious consolation that I may by my death glorifie thy holye name set foorth and ratifie thy veritie comfort the hearts of the heauie confirme thy Church in thy truth conuert some that are to be conuerted and so depart out of this miserable world where I do nothing but daylie heape sinne vpon sinne and enter into the fruttion of thy blessed mercie whereof nowe giue and increase in me a liuely tast sense and feeling where through the terror of death the tormentes of fire the paines of sinne the dartes of sathan and the dolours of hell may neuer ouercome me but may be driuen away through the working of that most gratious spirit which now plentiously indue withall that through the same spirite I may offer as now I desire am readie to do in Christ and by him my selfe wholy soule and body to be a liuely sacrifice holy and acceptable in thy sight deare father whose I am and always haue beene euen from my mothers wombe yea euen before the worlde was made to whom I commend my selfe faith and name familie friends country and all the whole Church yea euen my verie enimies according to thy good pleasure beseeching thee intirely to giue once more to this Realme of England the blessing of thy word againe with godly peace to the teaching and setting forth of the same Oh deare father now giue me to com vnto thee so purge and purifie me by this fire in Christes death and passion through thy spirite that I may be a burnt offering of sweete smell in thy sight which liuest and reignest with the sonne and the holy Ghost nowe and euermore worlde without end Amen The Letanie O God the father of heauen haue mercie vppon vs miserable sinners O God the father of heauen c. O God the sonne redeemer of the world haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O God the sonne redeemer
of c. O God the holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the sonne haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O God the holy Ghost c. O holy blessed and glorious Trinitie three persons and one God haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O holy blessed and glorious c. Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neither take thou vengeance of our sinnes spare vs good Lord spare thy people whome thou hast redeemed with thy most precious bloode and be not angrie with vs for euer Spare vs good Lord. From all euil and mischeefe from sinne from the craftes and assaultes of the Diuel● from thy wrath and from euerlasting damnation Good Lord deliuer vs. From blindenesse of heart from pride vaine glorie hypocrisie from enuie hatred and malice and all vncharitablenes Good Lord deliuer vs. From all fornication and al other deadly sin and from al the deceits of the world the flesh and the Diuel Good Lord deliuer vs. From lightning and tempest from plague pestilence famine frō battel and murther and from souden death Good Lord deliuer vs. From all sedition and priuie conspiracie from all false doctrine and heresie from hardnes of hart contēpt of thy word cōmaundement Good Lord deliuer vs. By the mysterie of thy holy incarnation by thy holy natiuitie and circumcision by thy baptisme fasting and temptation Good Lord deliuer vs. By thine agonie and bloody sweat by thy crosse and passion ▪ by thy glorious resurrection and ascension and by the comming of the holy ghost Good Lord deliuer vs. In all time of of our tribulation in all time of our welth in the houre of death and in the day of iudgement Good Lord deliuer vs. We sinners do beseech thee to heare vs O Lorde God and that it may please thee to rule and gouerne thy holy Church vniuersally in the right way We besech thee to hear vs good Lord. That it may please thee to keepe strengthen in the true worshipping of thee in righteousnes and holynes of life thy seruant Elizabeth our most gratious queene and gouernour We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please the to rule her heart in thy faith feare and loue and that she may euermore haue affiance in thee and euer seeke thy honour and glorie We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to be her defender and keeper giuing her the victorie ouer all her enimies We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops Pastours and ministers of the Church with true knowledg and vnderstanding of thy word and that both by their preaching and liuing they may set it forth and shew it accordingly We beseech thee to heare c. That it may please thee to indue the Lordes of the counsel and all the nobilitie with grace wisedome and vnderstanding We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to blesse and keepe the Magistrates giuing them grace to execute iustice and to mainteine trueth We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to blesse and keepe all thy people We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue to all nations vnitie peace and concord Wee beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue vs an heart to loue and dread thee and diligently to liue after thy cōmaundementes We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue all thy people increase of grace to heare meekely thy worde and to receiue it with pure affection to bring foorth the fruites of the spirite We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to bring into the way of trueth all such as haue erred and are deceiued We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to strengthen such as do stand and to comfort and helpe the weake harted and to raise them vp that fall and finally to beate downe sathan vnder our feete We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to succour helpe and comfort all that be in danger necessitie and tribulation We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to preserue all that trauell by lande or by water all women labouring of child all sicke persons and young children and to shewe thy pitie vpon all prisoners and captiues We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to defend and prouide for the fatherlesse children and widowes and all that be desolate and oppressed We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to haue mercie vpon all men We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to forgiue our enimies persecuters and slanderers and to turne their heartes We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue and preserue to our vse the kindely fruites of the earth so as in due time we may inioy them Wee beseech thee to heare vs c ▪ That it may please thee to giue vs true repentan●e to forgiue vs all our sinnes negligences and ignorances and to indue vs with thy holy spirit to amend our liues according to thy holy worde We beseech thee to heare vs c. Sonne of God we beseech thee to heare vs. Sonne of God wee beseech thee c. O Lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world Graunt vs thy peace O Lamb of God that takest away the sinnes of the world Haue mercie vpon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Our father which art in heauen c. And lead vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill Amen The versicle O Lord deale not with vs after our sinnes The answere Neither rewarde vs after our iniquities Let vs pray O God mercifull father that despisest not the sighing of a contrite hart nor the desires of such as be sorrowfull mercifully assist our prayers that we make before thee in all our troubles aduersities when soeuer they oppresse vs and gratiously heare vs that those euils which the craft and subtiltie of the diuell or man worketh againste vs bee brought to nought and by the prouidence of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed that we thy 〈◊〉 being hurt by no persecution 〈◊〉 euermore giue thankes vnto thee in thy holie Church through Iesus Christ our Lord. O Lord arise helpe vs ▪ and deliuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue heard with our eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou didest in their dayes and in the olde time before them O Lord arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thine honour Glorie be to the