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heaven_n earth_n great_a let_v 6,859 5 4.2631 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16638 The shyppe of fooles; Narrenschiff. English Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521.; Watson, Henry, fl. 1500-1518. 1509 (1509) STC 3547; ESTC S122516 186,655 347

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happen debate in ony place and that theyr handes be greced they wyl let the malefactours go yf they haue cōmyssyon to take ony body they shall drynke with hym and in payenge the scotte wyll let hym go But who that put good men in offyce sholde cause dyuers deceytes to be vndone in citees and townes in some townes there is honest sergeauntes and of good lyfe or elles they are expulsed ¶ O de vi ho. c● 33. q. vi c. clerici c. qicūque ar 23. q. 3. maximianus men of the chirche lede holy lyues without berynge harneys staffe or swerde saue whan that ye goo out of the towne for daunger of theuys or for to defende the towne agaynst theyr enemyes yet you ought not to stryke yf that ye may Holde you in your benefyces without rennynge from one towne to another playenge the ryotours you dyspende the moneye of the chirche the whiche sholde not be done but in pyteous and vertuous operacyons you kepe haukes and hoūdes grete nombre of horses It were better for you to vpholde the chirches that you haue the benefyces by that fall in to ruyne bere not longe here nor longe berdes for it apperteyneth De vi et ho. cle c. si ●s de cohabi cleri c. et me 〈◊〉 de sacrosā ec l. not vnto you but vnto worldly ryottours In dyuers places you defyle and hurte ryght in gyuynge hym venym in a glasse by your symonyes wherwith you are replete you ought not to kepe no women in your houses sācimus s. pe nul No. glo in l. fi finit ff de dā infe s. sed li i plures super ver bo vnica Gregorius Seneca where as susp 〈…〉 yon myght be but it is pyte for you are not ashamed at this present tyme ye do grete dyshonour vnto our moder holy chirche I haue grete doubte that she aske not vengeaunce agaynst you Alas humaynes that vsurpeth the ryght thynke on the horryble paynes of hell that is apparaylled for to punysshe the synners yf you wyll lyue well in this worlde ensue the dyscrete men for and ye be conuersaunt with euyll people truely ye shall be vycyous Lyue well in nourysshynge ryght yf that you wyl lyue well after your dethe for ye knowe not the houre that you shall deye the dethe seketh the eurous and fleeth from the myserables ¶ Of them that do all thynges contrary ca. C. xvii ¶ He the whiche dothe the contrary To reason ryght and equyte And that euer from them vary Lyuynge in grete perplexyte He is a foole for certaynte For after the saynge of the scrypture Who lyueth here well of heuen is sure I Haue spoken of dyuers fooles the whiche are Inordinatō causa fueri destructionis oīm rerum oīa q̄ i celo aut in terris ve● in equore viuūt ordine seruātur Quem si destituant si ī in ordine viuere cessent centinuo ite erunt in nihilumque ruunt Ni element● 〈◊〉 in ordine firmo starent statim ꝑirēt in the profoundyte of our shyppe now wyl I speke of them that do all thynges contrary haue theyr thoughtes dysordynate the which thynge is cause of the dystruccyon of all thynges We se dyuers trauersynge this se without ores or sayle they be without lawe and without ordre the whiche in passynge haue recountred some of the perylles of mareswyne that is for to knowe seylla syrtes and carybdim in the whiche perylles they haue put them and haue ben swalowed and suffred inestymable tormentes in these I fynde these folkes fooles syth theyr neyssaunce Dyuers haue perysshed in this maner the whiche haue transgressed the lawe and the waye that god hath determyned to thynges All thynges that is in heuen in erth and in the see lyueth in kepynge theyr ordre and kepeth them strongely in vygoure the whiche yf they fayle and cease in theyr ordre incontynent theyr vertue shal passe and fall vnto nought in grete ruyne Foles astonyed let iob xxxviii indicum v. ordinatione tua perseuerant dies de pe dist ii hinc etiam lucifer Adam Layn Abel Gen̄ iiii ●e doctryne by other you do all thynges contrary and knoweth well ynoughe that you do euyl fere you not the punycyon of god Knowe you not how Lucyfer and his felowes fell in to the abysmes of helle bycause they kepte none ordre and wolde do the contrary Adam in lyke wyse bycause there was none ordre in his case and that he dyde contrary to goddes cōmaundement felle in to pyteous ruyne Cayn also bycause that he kepte none ordre in his dedes that he knewe well that he dyde euyll to s●e his broder Abel made a pyteous ende yf the elemētes helde them not fixed in theyr ordre they sholde perysshe al sodaynly Alas then ought we well to drede whan that the thynges that haue noo reason be in daunger of punycyon All thynges haue ordre certayne tyme space to bere to lyue and to deye The vertue of this ord●e is kepe certayne lawe and cōmaundementes ordeyned The lytell ought to obserue and obeye to the greter but at this tyme the contrary is done Almoost all thynges is done contrary Wherfore but yf that we kepe better ordre we are lyke to be punysshed eternally MOder of god vyrgyninuyolate the whiche hathe borne the fruyte of lyfe to the I yelde ꝓuer xiiii et xix Job xii Ps̄ xxxvi me put me entyerly in to thy sauegarde to the ende that thou be aduocate towarde thy swete sone that he defende me from this folysshe company in the whiche I haue regned ion ge tyme. Wherfore I testef ye here before the that I shall neuer retorne agayne and in sygne therof I cast my ho de and my babyll behynde me more ouer be medyatry● vnto thy sone that he wyll pardone me gyue me mercye ¶ O pallas and thou mynerue I thanke the of the eloquence that thou hast gyuen me and of the melodyes that thou haste euer reioysed me with In lyke wyse of the scyence that thou hast endued me with moyennȳ ge the whiche I haue fynysshed my boke ¶ O gloryous sterre of the see souereyne refuge of synners aduocate of the gendre humayne at the houre present I prosterne me before thyn ymage with my knees bowed vnto the erthe with naked heed and Joyned handes in rendrynge graces vnto the of that thou hast implored for me towarde the verbe incarnate the whiche thou haste borne in thy wombe vyrgynall and hathe nourysshed and gyuen hym souke with thy pappes vyrgynalles I had neuer trust but in the moder of god and vyrgyn immaculate yet agayne I beseche the that thou holde thy hande vpon me in suche wyse that I may at the ende of my dayes se the in estate refulgent and that my soule may be borne and presented by the or by the aungelles in to the Joye eternall before the fader the sone and the holy ghost and that it maye alwaye remayne in the place that is prepayred for the iuste Pardon me all that redeth this boke yf that you fynde ony thynge that is not wel for the fra gylyte of my yongthe holdeth me in suche mobylte that myn vnderstondynge can not comprehende ony morall sence but also well as god hathe gyuen me grace I haue applyed my symple wyt praynge all lectours to haue me for excused ¶ Thus endeth the shyppe of fooles of this worlde Enprynted at London in Flete strete by Wynkȳ de worde prynter vnto the excellent pryncesse Margarete Countesse of Rychemonde and Derbye and grandame vnto our moost naturall souereyne lorde kynge Henry ye. viii The yere of our lorde M. CCCCC ix ¶ The fyrste yere of the reygne of our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the viii The. vi daye of Julii W C wynkyn ·de· worde