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A16333 Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things death, iudgement, hell, and heauen. With an assises-sermon, and notes on Iustice Nicolls his funerall. Together with the life and death of the authour. Published by E.B. Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631.; Bagshaw, Edward, d. 1662. 1632 (1632) STC 3242; ESTC S106786 206,639 329

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every action c. As though when that were done thou wert presently after to passe to judgement and to give up an exact account for it and whatsoever els done in the flesh 4. That the conceipt of the everlastingnesse of the torments when they are now already seiz'd upon the soule and hopelesnesse of ever coming out of hell wil be yet another hell If thou once come there and there most certainly must thou be this night if thou diest this day in thy naturall state and not new-borne I say then so terribly would the consideration of eternity torture thee that thou wouldest hold thy selfe a right happy man if thou mightest endure those horrible paines and extremest horrours no moe millions of yeares than there be sands on the sea-shore haires upon thine head starres in the firmament grasse piles upon the ground and creatures both in heaven and earth For thou wouldest still comfort thy selfe incredibly with this thought My misery will once have an end But alas This word Never will ever rent thine heart in peeces with much rage and hideous roaring and give still new life to those insufferable sorrowes which infinitely exceed all expression or imagination Let us suppose this great body of the earth upon which we tread to be turned into sand and mountaines of sand to be added still untill they reach unto the Empyrean Heaven so that this whole mighty creation were nothing but a sandy mountaine let us then further imagine a little wren to come but every hundred thousandth yeare and carie away but the tenth part of one graine of that immeasurable heape of sand what an innumerable number of yeares would be spent before that world of sand were all so fetcht away And yet woe and alas that ever thou wast borne When thou hast lien so many yeares in that fiery lake as all they would amount to thou art no nearer coming out than the very first houre thou enteredst in Now suppose thou shouldest lie but one night grievously afflicted with a raging fit of the stone collicke strangury tooth-ache pangs of travaile c. Though thou haddest to helpe and ease thee a soft bed to lie on friends about thee to comfort thee Physitians to cure thee all cordiall and comfortable things to asswage the paine yet how tedious and painfull how terrible and intolerable would that one night seeme unto thee How wouldest thou tosse and tumble and turne from one side to another counting the clock telling the houres esteeming every minute a moueth and thy present misery matchlesse and unsupportable What will it be then thinkest thou to lie in fire and brimstone kept in highest flame by the unquenchable wrath of GOD world without end Where thou shalt have nothing about thee but darknesse and horrour wailing and wringing of hands desperate yellings and gnashing of teeth thine old companions in vanity and sinne to ban and curse thee with much bitternesse and rage wicked Devils to insult over thee with hellish cruelty and scorne the never-dying worme to feed upon thy soule and flesh for ever and for ever O Eternity Eternity Eternity Sith it is thus then that upon the little ynch of time in this life depends the length and bredth the height and depth of immortality in the world to come even two eternities the one infinitely accursed the other infinitely comfortable losse of everlasting joyes and lying in eternall flames sith never ending pleasures or paines do unavoidably follow the well or mis-spending of this short moment upon earth with what unwearied care and watchfulnesse ought we to attend that One nec●…ssary Thing all the dayes of our appointed time till our change shall come How ought we as strangers and pilgrims to abstaine from fleshly lusts What manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godlinesse How thriftily and industriously to husband the poore remainder of our few and evill dayes for the making our Calling and Election sure In a word with what resolution and zeale to do or suffer any thing for IESVS CHRIST With what industry and dearenesse to ply this moment and prize that eternity Concerning the joyes of HEAVEN Let me tell you before hand that the excellency glory and sweetnesse thereof no mortall heart finite braine created understanding can possibly conceive and comprehend to the life For 1. Paul t●…ls us 1 Cor. 2. 9. That neither eye hath seene nor eare heard neither heart of man conceived the incomprehensible sublimity and glorious mysteries of that heavenly wisdome and inexplicable divine sweetnesse revealed in the Gospell For I take that to be his naturall immediate meaning How transcendently then unutterable and unconceiveable is the complement perfection the reall actuall and full fruition of all those Evangelicall mysterious revelations accomplished to the height in the highest heavens thorow all eternity Where we shall enjoy the face and beatificall presence of the most glorious and all susticient GOD as an object wherein all the powers of our soules wil be satisfied with everlasting delight The eye of man hath seene admirable things Coasts of Pearle Crystall mountaines rocks of Diamond Golden mines Spicy Ilands c. so Travailers talke and Geographers write Mausolus Tombe Dianaes Temple the Egyptian Paramides and all the wonders of the world The eare hath heard the most delicious exquisite and ravishing melody Such as made even Alexander the Great transported with an irresistable pang of a pleasing rage as it were and delightfull dancing of his spirits that I may so speake Exilire è convivio c. Mans heart can imagine miraculous admirabilities rarest peeces worlds of comforts and strange felicities In conceipt it can convert all the stones upon earth into pearles every grasse pile into an unvaluable jewell the dust into silver the sea into liquid gold the aire into crystall It can clothe the earth with farre more beauty and sweetnesse than ever the Sun saw it It can make every Starre a Sun and all those Suns ten thousand times bigger and brighter than it is c. And yet the height and happinesse of Evangelicall wisdome doth farre surpasse the utmost which the eare eye or heart of man hath heard seene or can possibly apprehend And this so excellent light upon earth discovering the inestimable treasures of hidden wisdome in CHRIST is but as a graine to the richest golden mine a drop to the Ocean a little glimpse to the glory of the Sun in respect of that fulnesse of joy hereafter and everlasting pleasures above with what a vast disproportion then doth the inimaginable excellency of heavenly blisse surpasse and transcend the most enlarged created capacity Infinitely infinitely 2. Our gracious GOD in his holy unsearchable wisdome doth reserve and detaine from the eye of our understandings a full comprehension of that most glorious state above to exercise in the meane time our faith love obedience
evill conscience attends the one of which eats out their heart when we expect an harvest The other seizes upon the Soule in the time of sorrow and sinks it into the lowest hell And as Men of GOD and Sonnes of Wisdome to mount our thoughts and raise our spirits and bend our affections to things above which are as farre from diminution and decay as the Soule from death and can be no more corrupted or shaken than the Seat and Omnipotency of GOD surprised For besides that they infinitely surpasse in eminency of worth and sweetnesse of pleasure the comprehension of the largest heart and expression of any Angels tongue they also out-last the dayes of heaven and run parallell with the life of GOD and line of Eternity As we see the Fountaine of all materiall light to powre out his beames and shining abundantly every day upon the world without wearinesse emptinesse or end so and incomparably more doth joy and peace glory and blisse spring and plentifully flow every moment with fresh streames from the face of the Father of Lights upon all His holy ones in heaven and that everlastingly O blessed then shall we be upon our beds of death if following the counsell of our dearest LORD who shed the most precious and warmest bloud in His heart to bring our soules out of hell we treasure ap now in the meane time heavenly hoards which will ever happily hold out a stocke of grace which never shrinks in the wetting but abides the triall of the spirit and touch-stone of the Word in all times of danger and Day of the LORD even that accurate circumspect and precise walking pressed upon us by the Apostle Eph. 5. 15. Though pestilently persecuted and plagued by the enemies of GOD in all ages And that purity which Saint Iohn makes a property of every true-hearted Professour 1 Iohn 3. 3. So much opposed and bitterly opprest by the world and yet without which none of us shall ever see the face of GOD with comfort If while it is called To Day we make our peace with His heavenly Highnesse by an humble continued exercise of repentance by standing valiantly on His side by holding an holy acquaintance at His mercifull Throne with a mighty importunity of prayer and godly conversation above by ever offering up unto Him in the armes of our Faith when he is angry the bleeding Body of His owne crucified SONNE never giving Him over or any rest untill He bepleased to register and enroll the remission of our sinnes in the Booke of Life with the bloudy lines of CHRISTS Soule-saving sufferings and golden characters of His owne eternall love If now before we appeare at the dreadfull Tribunall of the euer-living GOD and little know we whose turne is next we make our friends in the Court of Heaven the blessed Angels in procuring their joy and love by a visible constancy in the fruits teares and truth of a sound conversion The Spirit of comfort by a ready and reverent entertainment of His holy Motions and inspirations of grace the Sonne and Heire of the King of glory the Foundation and Fountaine of all our Blisse in this world and the world to come from whose meritorious bloud shed and blessed mediation arise all those flouds of mercy and favour which refresh our Soules in this vale of teares and also those unknown bottomlesse seas of pleasure peace and all unspeakable delights which will superabound and overflow with new and fresh sweetnesse for ever and ever in the Paradise of GOD. Blessed are they that ever they were borne who have already got Him their Advocate at the right hand of His Father For besides many other glorious priviledges thereby in all their exigents and extremities they may be ever welcome to the Seat of mercy and be sure to speed If a man had a suit unto the King it were a comfortable and happy thing to find a friend in Court But if the Kings speciall and choisest Favourite nay His own only Son were his Intercessour how confident would he be to prevaile and prosper to conquer his opposites and crowne his desires Why then should any poore Christian be discomforted and cast downe nay why should he not be extraordinarily raised and ravished in spirit with much joyfull hope and sweet assurance when he throwes himselfe downe at the Throne of grace sith the dearest Sonne of the eternall GOD the Heire of heaven and earth the Mediator of the great Covenant of endlesse salvation is his Advocate at the hand of His All-mighty Father in the most high and glorious Court of Heaven Wherefore when an humbled soule and trembling spirit is sore troubled and almost turned backe from his purpose of prayer and prostration at the foot of heavenly Majesty by entertaining before hand a feeling apprehension of his owne abhorred vilenesse and the holy purity of GODS all-seeing and searching eye which cannot looke on iniquity let this consideration comfort and breed confidence that IESVS CHRIST the Son of GODS love doth sollicite and tender the suit who out of His owne sense and sympathy of such like troubles and temptations doth deale for us with a true a naturall and a sensible touch of compassionatenesse and mercy Shall that blessed Saviour of ours call and cry for a pardon to His Father for those which put Him to death who were so farre from seeking unto him that they sought and suckt his bloud and shall He shut His eares against the groanes of thy grieved spirit and heavy sighes of thy bleeding soule who values one drop of His bloud at an higher price than the worth of many worlds It cannot be Thus that saying of Salomon and this counsell of CHRIST makes good the truth of the Point which may further appeare by these Reasons 1. Taking this counsell betime and hoarding up heavenly things in this harvest time of grace mightily helps to asswage the smart mollifie the bitternesse and illighten the darknesse of the evill Day It is soveraigne and serves to take the venime sting and teeth out of any crosse calamity or distresse and so preserves the heart from that raging hopelesse sorrow which like a devouring Harpie dries up dissolves and destroyes the bloud spirits and life of all those who are destitute of such a divine Antidote What vast difference may we discerne betweene Iob and Iudas David and Achitophel in the daies of evill The two men of God being formerly enriched with his favour and familiarity so behaved themselves the one in the ship-wracke of his worldly happinesse the other in the hazard of his Kingdome as though they had not beene troubled at all The LORD gave and the LORD hath taken away saith Iob when all was gone blessed be the name of the LORD If I shall find favour in the eyes of the LORD saith David He will bring me againe and shew me both it and His habitation But if He thus say I have no delight in thee behold here
mooving Orbs. 2 Cor. 3. 2. Eph. 4. 10. 1 Kin. 8. 27. 30. 39. 43. 49. And it is the biggest and most beautifull Body of the whole creation incorruptible unmooveable unalterable wholly shining with the most exquisite glory and brightnesse of purest light wherein as in a confluence of all possible felicities Iehovah GOD blessed for ever doth familiarly and freely communicate Himselfe to be beatifically seene and fully enjoyed face to face of all the elect humane and Angelicall spirits for ever Where the glorified Body of IESVS CHRIST shines with unconceiveable splendour above the brightnesse of the Sun c. This place most excellent replenished with those unknowne pleasures which attend everlasting happinesse where GOD blessed for ever is seene face to face is made admirable and illustrious by its bignesse and beauty Guesse the immeasurable magnitude and beautifull signes of it 1. By its description Rev. 21. It is called Ver. 10. by an excellency That great City c. Which if it be immediately meant as many learned and holy Divines would have it of the glory of the Church here on earth when both Iewes and Gentiles shal be happily united into one Christian Body and Brother-hood before CHRISTS second comming it is no lesse pregnant to proove that the Heaven of Heavens is a place most glorious above all comparison and conceipt For if there be such goodlinesse amplitude beauty and majesty in this Militant Church how infinitely will this beauty be yet more beautified and all this glory glorified with incredible additions in the Church Triumphant If there be such excellency upon earth what may we expect in the Heaven of Heavens 2. By those many Mansions prepared for many thousand thousands of glorified Bodies after the last Day Ioh. 14. 2. Besides the numberlesse numbers of blessed Angels the present inhabitants of those heavenly Palaces 3. By the incredible distance from the earth to the Starry Firmament If I should here tell you the severall computations of Astronomers in this kind the summes would seeme to exceed all possibility of beliefe And yet besides the late learnedst of them place above the eight Sphere wherein all those glorious lamps shine so bright three mooving Orbs more Now the Empyrean Heaven comprehends all these how incomprehensible then must its compasse and greatnesse necessarily be 4. By considering what a large Expansion and immensity the mighty LORD of heaven and earth is like to chuse for revealing His glory in the highest and most transcendent manner to all His noblest creatures infinitely endear'd unto Him by the bloudy death of His dearest Son even the Son of His love thorow all eternity Who doth all things like Himselfe if He love it is with a fr●…e infinite and eternall love if He worke He makes a world If He go out with our Hosts the Sun shall stand still if need be and the Starres must fight if He come against a people He will make His sword devoure flesh and His arrowes drinke bloud if He be angry with the world He brings a sloud over the whole face of the earth If He set His affection upon a mortall worme that trembles at His Word and is weary of sinne He will make him a King give him a Paradise crowne him with eternity if He builds a house for all His holy Ones it must needs be a None-such most magnificent stately and glorious farre above the reach of the thoughts of men 5. What a spacious and specious inheritance what a rich super-eminent and sumptuous Purchase and Palace do you thinke was the precious bloud of the Son of GOD by its inestimable price and merit able to procure at the hands of His Father for His Redeemed Let us here also lay hold upon some considerations whereby we may behold at least some little glimpses of the admirable glory of its light 1. To say nothing of that glorious projection and transfusion of Aethereall light both of the Sun and of the Starres of the six magnitudes which by Astrologicall computation constitute three hundred Suns at the least whence ariseth a masse of shining beauty upward into the Empyrean Heaven which Patricius endeavours industriously to proove I say to passe it by as a groundlesse conceipt let us take a scantling as it were and estimate of the incomparable brightnesse and splendour of the highest heaven by that which Orthodoxe Divines soberly tell from Rev. 21. and other places to wit that it is verus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wholly light not like the Starry Firmament bespangl'd here and there with glittering spots but all as it were one great Sun From every Point powring out abundantly whole rivers as it were of purest heavenly light c. Hence with allusion to brightest things below it is said to have a wall of Iasper building of gold a foundation of precious stones and gates of pearles Being cleare as Cristall shining like unto glasse transparent in brightnesse as a molten looking glasse It may be those places may also in latitude of sense intimate and include this glorious visible light I speake of Coloss. 1. 12. Psal. 36. 9. 1 Tim. 6. 16. Ancient Divines also apprehended this glorious beauty and brightnesse in the blessed heaven The eternall City saith Austin is incomparably bright and beautifull where there is victory verity dignity sanctity life eternity If those which be condemned saith Basill be cast into utter darknesse it is evident that those which walked worthy of GOD have their rest in supercelestiall light 2. Besides the superexcellency of its native lustre that I may so speak this blessed heaven wil yet be made infinitely more illustrious and resplendent by all the most admirable and amiable shining glory of that dearest ravishing object to a glorified eye the glorified Body of IESVS CHRIST In respect of the beauty and brightnesse whereof all sydereall light is but a darksome mote and blackest mid-night See Mat. 17. 2. 3. Adde hereunto the incredible and unspeakble splendour of many millions of glorified Saints whose bodies also will out-shine the Sun See Mat. 13. 43. Phil. 3. 21. Dan. 12. 3. Who are said to shine as the brightnesse of the Firmament as the Stars Dan. 12. 3. As the Sun Mat. 13. 43. To be like CHRIST Himselfe Iohn 3. 2. And to appeare with Him in glory Col. 3. 4. Now what a mighty and immeasurable masse of most glorious light will result and arise from that most admirable illustrious concurrence and mutuall shining reflexions of the Empyrean Heaven more bright and beautifull than the Sun in his strength the Sun of that sacred Pallace and all the blessed Inhabitants All which every glorified eye shal be supernaturally inlarged enabled and ennobl'd to behold and enjoy in a kindly and comfortable manner with ineffable delight and everlastingnesse 4. If the porch and first entry be so stately and glorious garnished and bespangl'd with so many bright shining Lights and beautifull Starres What workmanship
dwell in them both for ever Amplifie the glory of our bodies in heaven from such places as these Dan. 12. 2. Mat. 13. 45. Phil. 3. 20 21. Col. 3. 4. From which the ancient Fathers also thus collect and affirme If we should compare saith Chrysostome our future bodies even with the most glistering beames of the Sun we shall yet say nothing to the expression of the excellency of their shining glory The beauty of the just in the other life saith Anselme shal be equall to the glory of the Sun though sevenfold brighter than now it is The brightnesse of a glorified body doth as farre excell the Sun as the Sun our mortall body Then shall the righteous shine forth as the Sunne in the Kingdome of their Father Not saith Chrysostome because they shall not surpasse the brightnesse of the Sun but because that being the most glittering thing in the world he takes a resemblance thence towards the expressing of their incomparable glory But how can there be so much beauty and delightfull amiable aspect in such intensive and extraordinary brightnesse Or what pleasure can we take in beholding such extremely bright and shining bodies Sith we find by experience that there is farre more content and delight in looking upon a well-proportioned object beautified with a pleasant mixture of colours than in seeing the Sun though it should not so dazle and offend the eyes For satisfaction herein we must know that the glorified eye shall become impassible elevated farre above all mortall possibility and fortified by an heavenly vigour to apprehend and enjoy all celestiall light and glory with much ravishing contentment and inexplicable delight Secondly that omnipotent mercifull hand of GOD which will raise our bodies out of the dust and reforme them anew can cause light and colour to concurre and consist in excellency in glorified bodies Those things which according to nature can consist together the one or both being in gradu remisso as they say abated of their height can by divine power consist together in gradu intensissimo suae speciei in their excellency but it is so with light and colour according to nature ergo c. as Durandus one of the acutest Schoolemen makes good by arguments Whether shall colour or light be seene Why not both in a most delicious admirable mixture Here the Schoolemen according to their wont do curiously inquire discusse and determine the manner of the acts exercise and objects of all the senses They say not only 1. That the eye shall delightfully contemplate CHRISTS glorious body the shining bodies of the Saints the beauty of the Empyrean Heaven c. 2. The eare drinke up with infinite delight the vocall harmony of Hailelu-jahs c. But also audaciously undertake to define without any good ground or found warrant many particulars about the other senses not without much absurdity and unspiritualnesse But let it be sufficient for us without searching beyond the bonds of sobriety to know for a certaine that every sense shal be filled with its severall singularity and excellency of all possible pleasure and perfection 4. In a fourth place let us take a glance of the unutterable happinesse of the Soule I should be infinite and endlesse if I did undertake to pursue the severall glories felicities and excellencies of every faculty of the soule and when I had done ended with the utmost of all both Angelicall and humane understanding and eloquence come infinitely short of expressing them to the life I will at this time but give you a taste onely in the understanding Part And that shal be extraordinarily and supernaturally enlarged and irradiated with the highest illuminations largest comprehensions and utmost extent of all possible comfortable knowledge of which such a creature is capable 1. Humane knowledge of Arts Nature created things is delicious and much desired Witnesse 1. The wisest Heathens and best Philosophers who were so ravished but even with a dimme glimpse of this knowledge that in comparison thereof they have contemned all the riches pleasures and preferments of the world 2. That wise saying A learned man doth as farre excell an illiterate as a reasonable creature a brute 3. The extraordinarily exulting and triumphant cry of the famous Mathematician hitting after long and laborious disquisition upon some abstruse excellency of his Art I have found it I have found it 4. That passage in an Epistle of Aeneas Silvius to Sigism D. of Austria If the face of humane learning could be seene it is fairer and more beautifull than the Morning and Evening Starre 5. For the pleasure and delight of knowledge and learning saith another it farre surpasseth all other in nature for shall the pleasures of the affections so exceed the senses as much as the obtaining of desire and victory exceedeth a song or dinner And must not of consequence the pleasures of the intellect or understanding exceed the pleasures of the affections We see in all other pleasures there is a saetiety and after they be used their verdour departeth which sheweth well they be but deceipts of pleasure and not pleasures and that it was the novelty which pleased and not the quality And therefore we see that voluptuous men turne Friers and ambitious Princes turne melancholy But of knowledge there is no satiety But satisfaction and appetite are perpetually interchangeable and therefore appeareth to be good in it selfe simply without fallacy or accident Now this learning shall then be fully perfected and raised to the highest pitch so that the least and lowest of the Saints in heaven shall farre surpasse in cleare contemplation of the causes of all naturall things and conclusions of Art the deepest Philosophers greatest Artists and learnedst Linguists that ever lived upon earth There are many difficulties and doubts in all kinds of humane learning which have from time to time exercised the bravest wits but by reason of the native dimnesse of our understanding never received cleare resolution and infallible assent As Whether the Elementary formes be in mixt Bodies 1. Corrupted 2. Remitted only 3. Or Entire Whether the celestiall Orbs be moved by Angels or internall formes Whether there be three distinct soules in a man 1. Vegetative 2. Sensitive 3. Rationall Or one onely in substance containing vertually the other two How all the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Appearances in the Aethereall Heaven may be truliest and with least exception maintained whether by Excentricks and Epicycles or onely by Concentricks or the Earths motion or the motion of the Starres in the heavens as fish move in the sea and birds in the aire c. So the best wits are inextricably pusl'd also about the Sympathy and Antipathy of things Alchymie cause of Criticall daies The mysts about these and many things moe shal be dispel'd out of our minds by a cleare sunne of a new and excellent knowledge so that we shal be exactly acquainted with the
is a right noble and heroicall revenge which doth not onely deprive the body of temporall life but bring also the immortall soule to endlesse flames everlastingly 3. Desperate corrupt affection is strangely desperate to run headlong upon the damnation of hell for a little earthly delight if we should see a naked man in some furious moode as prodigall of his temporall life runne upon his owne sword or throw himselfe from some steep rocke or cast himselfe into some deep river and teare out his owne bowels we should censure it presently to be a very desperate part and ruefull spectacle what shall we say of him then who thorough the fury of his rebellious nature to the endlesse destruction of the life of his immortall soule doth desperatly throw himselfe upon the devouring edge of GODS fiercest indignation upon the sharpest points of all the plagues and curses in his Booke and into the very flames of everlasting fire It is a very fearefull thing to see a man bath and embrue his hands in the blood and butchery of his owne body and with his murderous blade to take away the life thereof but of how much more horrour and wofulnesse is that spectacle when a desperate wretch with the empoysoned edge of his owne enraged corruption doth cut the throat of his owne deare immortall soule so that a man may teach him all his life long by the blood thereof in the sinfull passages of his life untill at length it bee stark dead in sinnes and trespasses for how can a soule all purple red with willfull sheading its own blood looke for any part in that pretious blood of that spotles lambe Nay assuredly such bloody stubbornnes and selfe-murthering cruelty will be paid home at last by the severe revenger of such cursed desperatnesse Hee will judge such a man after the manner of them that shed their owne blood and give him the blood of wrath and of jealousie Lord it is prodigiously strange and lamentably fearefull that so noble and excellent a creature as man prince of all other earthly creatures by the priviledge of reason and enlightned with the glorious beame of understanding nature should be so furiously madded with its owne malice and bewitchedly blindfolded by the Prince which rules in the Aire as for the momentany enjoyment of some fewglorious miseries bitter-sweet pleasures heart-vexing riches or some other worldly vanity at the best desperatly and wilfully to abandon and cast himselfe from the unconceivable pleasures of its joyfull place where GOD dwels into an infinite world of everlasting woefulnesse For let a carnall man consider in a word his prodigious madnesse in this point He might not onely in this vale of teares bee possest with a peacefull heart which is an incomparable pretiousnesse surpassing all created understandings For I dare say this I know it to bee true One little glimpse of Heaven shed sometimes into the heart of a sanctified man by the saving illumination of the comforting spirit whereby he sees and feeles that in despight of the rage of divels malice of men let sin and death the grave and hell doe their worst his soule is most certainely bound by the hand of GOD in the bundle of the living and that hee shall hereafter everlastingly inhabite the joyes of eternity I say this one conceit being the immediate certificate of the spirit of truth doth infinitely more refresh his affections and affect his heart with more true sweetnesse and tastfull pleasure then all carnall delights and sensuall delicacies can possibly produce though they were as exquisite and numberlesse as nature art and pleasure it selfe could devise and to be enjoyed securely as long as the world lasts Besides this heaven upon earth and glorious happinesse even in this world he might hereafter go in arme with Angels sit downe by the side of the blessed Trinity amongst Saints and Angels and all the truly worthy men that ever lived with the highest perfection of blisse endlesse peace and blessed immortality all the joyes all the glory all the blisse which lies within the compasse of heaven should be powred upon him everlastingly and yet for all this he doth not onely in a spirituall phrensie desperately deprive himselfe and trample under foot this heaven upon earth and that joyfull rest in heaven world without end but also throwes himselfe into a hell of ill conscience here and hereafter into that hell of Devils which is a place of flames and perpetuall darknesse where there is torment without end and past imagination The day will come and the LORD knowes how soone when he will clearely see and acknowledge with horrible anguish of heart his strange and desperate madnesse See Wisd. 5. 2 c. For after the moment of a few miserable pleasures in this life be ended he is presently plunged into the fiery lake and ere he be aware the pit of destruction shutteth upon him everlastingly and if once he find himselfe in hell he knowes there is no redemption out of that infernall pit then would he think himselfe happy if he were to suffer those bitter and intolerable torments no mo thousands of yeares than there are sands on the sea shore haires on his head starres in heaven grasse piles on the ground and creatures both in heaven and earth for he would still comfort himselfe at least with this thought that once his misery would have an end but alas this word never doth ever burst his heart with unexpressible sorrow when he thinks upon it for after an hundred thousand of millions of yeares there suffered he hath as farre to suffer as he had at the first day of his entrance into those endlesse torments now let a man consider if he should lie in an extreme fit of the stone or a woman if she should be afflicted with the grievous torture of child-bed but one night though they lie upon the softest beds have their friends about them to comfort them Physitians to cure them all needfull things ministred unto them to asswage their paine yet how tedious painfull and wearisome would even one night seeme unto them how would they turne and tosse themselves from side to side telling the clocke counting every houre as it passeth which would seeme unto them a whole day What is it then think you to lie in fire and brimstone inflamed with the unquenchable wrath of GOD world without end Where they shall have nothing about them but darknesse and discomforts yellings and gnashings of teeth their companions in prophanenesse and vanity to ban and curse them the damned fiends of hell to scourge them and torment them despaire and the worme that never dies to feed upon them with everlasting horrour If carnall wretches be so desperate as wilfully to spill the bloud of their owne soules let us set light by the life of our bodies if the cruelty of the times call for it for the honour of the Saviour of our soules Let me give one instance of dangerous snares
things but in shipwracks even of worldly things where all sinks but the sorrow to save them or especially upon the very first tempest of spirituall distresse they steere away before the Sea and Wind leaving him to sink or swim without all possibility of helpe or rescue even to the rage of a wounded conscience and gulfe many times of that desperate madnesse which the Prophet describes Isa. 8. 21 22. He shall fret himselfe and curse his King and his GOD and looke upward And he shall looke unto the earth and behold trouble and darknesse dimnesse of anguish and he shal be driven to darknesse By comfortable Provision therefore I meane treasures of a more high lasting and noble nature The blessings of a better life comforts of godlinesse graces of salvation favour and acceptation with the highest Majesty c. They are the riches of heaven onely which we should so hoard up and will ever hold out in the times of trouble and Day of the Lords wrath Amongst which a sound faith and a cleare conscience are the most peerlesse and unvaluable jewels able by their native puissance and infused vigour to pull the very heart as it were out of Hell and with confidence and conquest to looke even Death and the Devill in the face There is no darknesse so desolate no crosse so cutting but the splendor of these is able to illighten their sweetnesse to mollifie So that the blessed counsell of CHRIST Mat. 6. 19 20. doth concurre with and confirme this Point Lay not up for your selves treasures upon earth where moth and rust doth corrupt and where theeves breake thorow and steale But lay vp for your selves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where theeues do not breake thorow nor steale By moth and rust those two greedy and great devourers of gay clothes and glistering treasures two capitall vanities upon which worldlings dote and two greatest inchanters of mortall men are insinuated and signified unto us all those iron teeth and devouring instruments of mortality by which corruption eats into the heart of all earthly glory wasts insensibly the bowels of the greatest bravery and ever at length consumes into dust the strongest sinewes of the most Imperiall Soveraignty under the Sun Somtimes A day an houre a moment is enough to overturne the things that seemed to have been founded and rooted in Adamant The LORD of Heaven hath put a fraile and mortall nature a weake and dying disposition into all worldly things They spring and flourish and die Even the greatest and goodliest Politique Bodies that ever the earth bore though animated with the searching spirit of profoundest Policy strengthened with the resolution and valour of the most conquering commanders sighted with eagle eyes of largest depths fore-sights and comprehensions of state crowned with never so many warlike prosperities triumphs and victorious atchievements yet like the naturall Body of a man they had as it were their Infancy youthfull strength mans state old age and at last their grave We may see Dan. 2. 35. The glory and power of the mightiest Monarchies that ever the Sun saw shadowed by Nebuchadnezzars great Image sink into the dust and become like the chaffe of the Summers threshing floores upon a windy day Heare a wise and noble writer speaking to this purpose though for another purpose Who hath not observed what labour what practice perill bloud-shed and cruelty the Kings and Princes of the world have undergone exercised taken on them and committed to make themselves and their issues Masters of the world And yet hath Babylon Persia Egypt Syria Macedon Carthage Rome and the rest no fruit flower grasse or leafe springing upon the face of the earth of those seeds No their very roots and ruines do hardly remaine All that the hand of man can make is either over-turned by the hand of man or at length by standing and continuing consumed What trust then or true comfort in the arme of flesh humane greatnesse or earthly treasures What strength or stay in such broken staves of reed In the time of need the Worme of vanity will wast and wither them all like Ionahs gourd and leave our naked soules to the open rage of wind and weather to the scourges and Scorpions of guiltinesse and feare It transcends the Sphere of their activity as they say and passeth their power to satisfie an immortall soule to comfort thorow the length of eternity either to corrupt or conquer any spirituall adversaries For couldest thou purchase unto thy selfe a Monopoly of all the wealth in the world wert thou able to empty the Westerne parts of gold and the East of all her spices and precious things shouldest thou enclose the whole face of the earth from one end of heaven to another and fill this wide worlds circumference with golden heapes and hoards of pearle diddest thou in the meane time sit at the sterne and hold the reines in thine hand of all earthly kingdomes nay exalt thy selfe as the Eagle and set thy nest among the starres nay like the sun of the morning advance thy Throne even above the starres of God yet all these and whatsoever els thou canst imagine to make thy worldly happinesse compleate and matchlesse would not be worth a button unto thee upon thy bed of death nor do thee a halfe-penny-worth of good in the horrour of that dreadfull time Where did that man dwell or of what cloth was his coat made that was ever comforted by his goods greatnesse or great men in that last and sorest conflict In his wrastlings with the accusations of conscience terrours of death and oppositions of hell No no It is matter of a more heavenly metall treasures of an higher temper riches of a nobler nature that must hold out and helpe in the distresses of soule in the anguish of conscience in the houre of death against the stings of sinne wrath of GOD and last Tribunall Do you think that ever any glorified soule did gaze with delight upon the wedge of gold that tramples under foot the Sun and lookes All-mighty GOD in the face No no It is the society of holy Angels and blessed Saints the sweet Communion with its dearest Spouse that unapproachable light which crownes GODS sacred Throne the beauty and brightnesse of that most glorious Place the shining Body of the SONNE of GOD the beatificall fruition of the Deity it selfe the depth of Eternity and the like everlasting Fountaines of spirituall ravishment and joy which onely can feed and fill the restlesse and infinite appetite of that immortall Thing with fulnesse of contentment and fresh pleasures world without end Thrice blessed and sweet then is the advice of our Lord and Master IESVS CHRIST who would have us to turne the eye of our delight and eagernesse of affection from the fading glosse and painted glory of earthly treasures wherein naturally the worme of corruption and vanity ever breeds and many times the worme of an
surprized by that last and great day which the LORD in mercy hasten how wilt thou then rescue thy free-hold when the whole frame of the world is on fire 5. They cannot possibly lead us beyond this life or extend to eternity If we see a servant follow two gentlemen we know not whose man he is but their parting will discover to whether he belongs When death shall sever the owner from the world then will riches and revenewes offices and honours stately buildings and all outward bravery cleave to the world and leave him to the world to come as poore a worme and wretch as when he first came into this world and therefore they are all the worlds Heireloomes and none of his Even as Absaloms mule went away when his head was fast in the great Oake and so left him hanging betweene heaven and earth as a wofull spectacle of misery and shame to all beholders So will all their wealth and worldly felicities deale with their most greedy ingrossers and dearest minions upon their dying-beds They will then most certenly as Salomon ●…aith make themselves wings and flie away as an Eagle toward heaven And leave their now forlorne former favourites to the fury of a guilty conscience for their cursed forsaking the Fountaine of living waters all their life long and hewing them out such cisternes broken cisternes that could hold no water nor help in the evill Day We all stand at the doore of eternity if death but once open it naturally or violently or by any of his thousand thousand waies we are presently stript of all and immediately enter upon it either that of everlasting pleasures or the other of everlasting pains And therfore it wil be our wisdome in the mean time to value worldly vanities at no more than their own price and industriously to ply all meanes which may enrich us with heavenly treasures of that divine stampe and lasting temper which may attend us thorow all eternity And as all these things here below are thus mutable and fugitive so thy selfe art mortall and fraile A creature as it were but of one daies lasting like that Flower and Bird which as naturalists report receive their being and birth in the morning but wither and die at night Thy abode upon earth is like a vanishing vision of the night a flying dreame the very dreame of a shadow c. This swift tide of mans life after it once turneth and declineth ever runneth with a perpetuall ebbe and falling streame but never floweth againe Our leafe once fallen springeth no more neither doth the Sun or the Summer beautifie us againe with the garments of new leaves and flowers or ever after revive or renew us with freshnesse of youth and former strength Not onely Salomon Eccles. 1. makes us in this respect more miserable than the Sun and other soule-lesse creatures but even the Poet also by the light of naturall reason whom I urge onely to make Christians mindlesse of their owne mortality athamed who have thoughts of heaven and earth as though eternity were upon earth and time onely in heaven tels us that Soles occidere redire possunt Thus in English The Sun may set and rise But we contrariwise Sleepe after one short light An everlasting night Which we must onely understand of returning any more to life and light in this world Nay in a word lay thy selfe loaden with the utmost of all earthly excellencies and felicities in the one scale of the ballance and vanity in the other and vanity will weigh thee downe Take heed therefore of trusting to the world in the meane time lest it torture thee extremely in the time of trouble 3. Take heed of weakening in the meane time and unnecessarily over-wearying thy spirit 1. By carking fore-thought of future evils which forty to one may never fall out Many men I am perswaded such is the naturall vanity of our minds do more vexe themselves with feare and fore-conceipt of imaginary evils which never befall then they have just cause to take on and trouble their hearts for all other true reall actuall troubles which fall upon them Thus many times do men torture themselves vainly with immoderate feare of forreine invasion home-bred confusion change of religion the fiery triall burning at a stake distraction of mind surprize by the Plague Small Poxe Purples Spotted Fever distresse and going backward in their outward state losse of some child they love best destruction of their goods by fire robbery ship-wracke the frownes of greatnesse hurt and revenge from those that hate them hardnesse of heart failing of their faith spirituall desertion overthrow by temptation despaire of GODS mercies sudden death discomfortable cariage in their last sicknesse the king of feare himselfe what shall become of their children when they are gone c. By these and millions moe of such causelesse and carking fore imaginations the very flower and vigour of mens spirits may be much emasculated and wasted wofully A godly care to prevent them by repentance and prayer and a carefull preparation by mortifying meditations and Christian magnanimity to beare them patiently if we be put unto it is commendable and comfortable but in the meane time to unspirit and macerate our selves with much distrustfull misery and needlesse torture about them to our hindrance distraction and discomfort in any businesses of either of our callings or any waies unchearefull walking by slavish pre-conceipts to double and multiply their stings and to suffer them so often before they seize upon us is both un-noble and un-necessary most unworthy the morall resolution of a meere naturall man and the generous spirit of an honest Heathen much more the invincible fortitude of any of CHRISTS favourites and heires of heaven Or 2. Selfe-created crosses that I may so call them For so it often is that many maried couples governours of families to instance there having the world at will as they say and wanting nothing that heart can wish from GODS hand for outward things and yet I know not how by reason of passion covetousnesse pride waiwardnesse frowardnesse or something they mutually embitter their lives one unto another with much uncomfortablenesse discontentment and jarring I would advise all such and there are many and many such abroad in the world punctually and impartially to examine their consciences whether such secret sinnes as these of which they take no notice may not be the causes of it 1. Matching as being not mooved principally and predominantly with portion parentage personage beauty lust riches lands slattery friendship greatnesse of family forced perswasions Parents covetous importunity or some base and irrellgious by-respect and gracelesse ground This the Apostle calleth marrying in the LORD that is for no by respect but in the feare of GOD 1 Cor. 7. 39. Without which all matches are miserable though they should be made up with hoards of wealth and heapes of gold as high as heaven crowned with honours
and fieriest darts of the Devill for he knowes full well that that is the arme and power of GOD unto us for all sound comfort and spirituall well-being and therefore he is most furious to weaken us there with infinite gaine-sayings and temptations of our inbred insidelity native ignorance diffidence wisdome of the flesh our owne sense and feeling and a world of oppositions continually He is driven many and many a time to the Throne of Grace with prayers teares and strongest wrastlings for auxiliary forces and renewed strength O how often doth he resort with extremest thirst and dearest longings to all the blessed Fountaines that feed his faith the person of CHRIST His meritorious bloud the Promises GODS freest love His sweetest name the covenant of grace all the Ordinances those Ones of a thousand who are able to discover both the depths of the Devill and the mysteries of Evangelicall mercy c. and for all this is glad many times to say unto his GOD Though Thou slay me yet will I trust in Thee LORD I believe helpe Thou mine unbeliefe c. The difference then stands thus They hold it the easiest thing of a thousand but he finds it the hardest matter in the world To believe 3. Aske them what it hath wrought upon them and they cannot give an account of any alteration to any purpose or sanctification at all Imaginary Faith is but an idle Idea a naked Notion a meere fancy a groundlesse presumption and true dreame and therefore it is not active or productive of any reall effects or true religiousnesse But now saving ●…aith doth ever beget a blessed change in the whole man body soule spirit calling company conver●… ●… ●…f any man be in CHRIST he is a new creature Old things are passed away Behold all things are new It is ever attended with those three great works of grace 1. An universall repentance and returne from all sinnes from grosse ones in practice and action and from the most unavoidable infirmities at least in allowance and affection 2. An universall sanctification in all the parts and powers of body and soule though not in height of degree yet without exception of parts 3. An universall obedience to all GODS commands though not to perfection yet in sincerity and truth and with an heavenly traine of glorious graces love hope vertue knowledge temperance patience godlinesse brotherly kindnesse charity joy peace long-suffering gentlenesse goodnesse meeknesse c. And even in the lowest ebbe and greatest weakenesse it is ever wont to discover it selfe at least by poverty of spirit hungring and thirsting after righteousnesse striving against doubting bitter complaints for want of former feelings industrious seeking to be setled in believing earnest and greedy longing after grace highly prizing the LORD IESVS and preferring Him infinitely before all the pleasures profits and felicities of this life resolving rather to die ten thousand deaths than to returne any more to folly selfe-deniall contempt of the world care to search out the sin that may possibly hinder comfort and be rid of it continuall watchfulnesse and holy jealousie lest we should be deceived and faithfull labouring to subdue corruption 4. Fourthly aske them How they prize the object they apprehend imaginarily for it is no better and it is but thus If you were able to assure them of wallowing in all worldly pleasures with constant health and immortality upon earth they would with all their hearts part with all their hope of heaven hereafter For they are yet but carnall though selfe-confident But now the divinenesse and excellency of spirituall delights which justifying Faith doth extract from the Objects about which it is exercis'd doth so affect and ravish the heart of the true Believer that well advised in cold bloud and out of temptation he holds all the corporall felicities of ten thousand worlds even world without end in comparison of them but as drosse and dung and dust in the ballance Our part in the person of CHRIST with the purchases of His dearest bloud and possession of the Deity blessed for ever by His meanes do more than infinitely transcend the utmost of all earthly contentments rais'd above the highest possibility by the most inventive and strongest imagination and to be enjoyed thorow a thousand eternities The second sort which are a generation of more understanding men stand thus for their spirituall state and thus fearefully couzen their own soules and come short of salvation They assay indeed to be religious give up their names to Profession and would go to heaven with all their hearts so farre as the way holds with enjoyment of temporall happinesse and therefore they put on a forme of godlinesse and faire out-side furnish themselves with an artificiall habit of talking well take part in all companies with the better side follow and frequent Sermons with good forwardnesse set up prayer and other religious exercises in their families put themselves upon daies of humiliation leave many sinnes do many things hold an universall outward conformity to all the ordinances and divine Duties at the instance of the Ministry And if they be of ability countenance godly Preachers stand for them and entertaine them into their houses with much affectionatenesse and bounty especially such as perhaps by reason of too much charity unacquaintednesse with their wayes lothnesse to be accounted too pragmaticall and rough or something comply with them in a false conceipt of their spirituall well-being c. But presse them further over and besides all this to the heart and life of religion to the power and pith of godlinesse crucifying of their corruptions strangling their lusts mastering their passions parting with all sinne unfashioning them to the times abandoning for ever their darling pleasure deniall of themselves contempt of the world daily walking with GOD delight in the way of holinesse an holy keeping of the LORDS day fruitfulnesse in all good workes living by faith an uncowardly opposition to the iniquities of the present c. which they well know wil be necessarily accompanied with Drunkards songs railings of the basest discountenance from ungodly greatnesse the worlds deadliest enmity speaking against every where c. O then you strike them starke dead on the nest as they say These are hard speeches very harsh grating and ungratefull to their eares and go to their very hearts and therefore in such Points as these pressing more precisenesse you may as well remoove a mountaine of brasse with your little finger as stirre them an inch Say what you will and preach out your heart as they say they will no further Thus farre as they go already shall either serve their turne for salvation or they will venture their soules with thousands that are worse than themselves They pitch upon a safe wise moderate and discreet temper of religion as they conceive and call it and neither desire or endeavour to go any further or grow any better A faire day
of almighty GOD with all terrible and torturing ingredients to make it most fierce and raging and a sit instrument for so great and mighty a GOD to torment everlastingly such impenitent reprobate rebels It is said to be prepared Matth. 2●… 41. Isa. 30. 33. as if the all-powerfull wisdome did deliberate and as it were sit downe and devise most tormenting temper for that most formidable fire the one is blowne by an aiery breath the other by the angry breath of the great GOD which burnes farre hotter than ten thousand rivers of brimstone The pile thereof saith the Prophet is fire and much wood the breath of the LORD like a streame of brimstone doth kindle it What soule doth not quake and melt with thought of this fire at which the very Devils tremble There is no proportion betweene the heat of our breath and the fire that it blowes What a fearefull fire then is that which is blowne by a breath dissolved into brimstone which a great torrent of burning brimstone doth ever mightily blow If it be metaphoricall as Austin seemes some where to intimate and some moderne Divines are of mind and as the gold pearles and precious stones of the wall streets and gates of the heavenly Ierusalem Rev. 21. were metaphoricall so likewise it should seeme that the fire of hell should also be figurative And if it be so it is yet something els that is much more terrible and intolerable For as the Spirit of GOD to shadow unto us the glory of heaven doth name the most pretious excellent and glorious things in this life which notwithstanding come infinitely short so doth He intimate unto us the inexplicable pai●…es of hell by things most terrible and tormenting in this world fire brimstone c. which yet are nothing to h●…llish tortures Whether therefore it be materiall or metaphoricall I purpose not here to dispute or go about to determine neither is it much materiall for my purpose For be it whether it will it is infinitely horrible and ins●…fferable beyond all compasse of conceipt and above the reach either of humane or Angelicall thoughts It doth not onely exceed with an incomparable disproportion ●…ll possibility of patience and resistance but also even ability to beare it and yet notwithstanding it must upon necessity be borne so long as GOD is GOD. Take in a word all that I intend to tell you in the point at this time If the severall paines of all the diseases and maladies incident to our nature as of the stone gout colicke strangury or what other you can name most afflicting the body nay and add besides all the most exquisite and unheard of tortures and if you will even those of the Spanish Inquisition which ever were or shal be inflicted upon miserable men by the bloudiest executioners of the greatest tyrants as that of him in the brazen chaire mentioned before c. and collect them all into one extremest anguish and yet it were nothing to the torment which shall for ever possesse and plague the least part of a damned body And as for the soule let all the griefes horrours and despaires that ever rent in peeces any heavy heart and vexed conscience as of Iudas Spira c. And let them all be heaped together into one extremest horrour and yet it would come infinitely short of that desperate rage and restlesse anguish which shall eternally torture the least and lowest faculty of the soule What then do you think wil be the torment of the whole body What wil be the terrour of the whole soule Here both invention of words would faile the ablest Oratour upon earth or the highest Angell in heaven Ah then is it not a madnesse above admiration and which may justly amaze both heaven and earth and be a prodigious astonishment to all creatures that being reasonable creatures having understanding like the Angels of GOD eyes in your heads to fore-see the approaching wrath hearts in your bodies that can tremble for trouble of mind as the leaves of the forrest that are shaken with the wind consciences capable of unspeakable horrour bodies and soules that can burne for ever in hell and may by taking lesse paines in the right way than a drunkard worldling or other wicked men in the wayes of death and going to hell escape everlasting paines yet will sit here still in the face of the Ministry with dead countenances dull eares and hard hearts as senslesse and unmooved as the seates you sit on the pillars you leane to and the dead bodies you tread on and never be said as they say never warn'd untill the fire of that infernall lake flame about your eares O monstrous madnesse and mercilesse cruelty to your owne soules Let the Angels blush heaven and earth be amaz'd and all the creatures stand astonished at it 3. When sentence is once irrevocably past by that high and everlasting Iudge and the mouth of the bottomlesse pit hath shut it selfe upon thee with that infinite anguish and enraged indignation thou wilt take on teare thy haire bite thy nailes gnash the teeth dig furiously into the very fountaine of life and if it were possible spit out thy bowels because having by a miracle of mercy beene blessed all thy life long in this gloriously illightened Goshen with the fairest noone-tide of the Gospell that ever the Sun saw and either diddest or mightest have heard many and many a powerfull and searching Sermon any one passage wherof if thou haddest not wickedly and wilfully forsaken thine own mercy and suffered Satan in a base and beastly maner to blindfold and ba●…le thee might have beene unto thee the beginning of the new-birth and everlasting blisse yet thou in that respect a most accursed wretch diddest passe over all that long day of thy gracious visitation like a sonne or daughter of confusion without any piercing or profit at all and passed by all those goodly offers and opportunities with an inexpiable neglect and horrible ingratitude and so now liest drown'd and damn'd in that dreadfull lake of brimstone and fire which thou mightest have so easily and often escaped This irksome and furious reflexion of thy soule upon its owne wilfull folly whereby it hath so unnecessarily and sottishly lost everlasting joy and must now live in endlesse woe will vexe and torture more than thou canst possibly imagine continually gnaw upon thy heart with remedilesse and unconceivable griefe and in a word even make an hell it selfe O then having yet a price in thine hand to get wisdome to go to heaven lay it out with all holy greedinesse while it is called To day for the spirituall and eternall good of thy soule Improve to the utmost for that purpose the most powerfull Ministry holiest company best bookes all motions of GODS Spirit all saving meanes c. Spend every day passe every Sabbath make every prayer heare every S●…imon thinke every thought speake every word do
patience c. As a father shewes sometimes and represents to the eye of his child a glimpse and sparkle as it were of some rich orient jewell to make him love long pray and cry for a full sight of it and grasping of it in his owne hand So our heavenly Father in this case If celestiall excellencies and those surpassing joyes arising principally from the visible apprehension of the purity glory and beauty of GOD were clearely seene and fully knowne even by speculation it would be no strange thing or thanksworthy for the most horrible Beliall to become presently the holiest Saint the worlds greatest minion the most mortified man But in this vale of teares we must live by Faith 3. It is a fruit of our fall with Adam and the condition of this unglorified mortall state here upon earth to know but in part From which our knowledge above shall differ as the knowledge of a child from that of a perfect man as knowledge by a glasse from apprehension of the reall object as knowledge of a plaine speech from that which is a riddle It is not for us saith one in these earthly bodies to mount into the clouds to pierce this fulnesse of light to breake into this bottomlesse depth of glory or to dwell in that unapproachable brightnesse This is reserved to the last Day when CHRIST IESVS shall present us glorious and pure to His Father without spot or wrinkle 4. Our understandings upon necessity must be supernaturally irradiated and illightened with extraordinary enlargement and divinenesse before we can possibly comprehend the glorious brightnesse of heavenly joyes and full sweetnesse of eternall blisse It is as impossible in this life for any mortall braine to conceive them to the life as to compasse the heaven with a span or containe the mighty Ocean in a nut-shell The Philosopher could say that as the eyes of an Owle are to the light of the Sun so is the sharpest eye of the most pregnant wit to the mysteries of nature How strangely then would it be dazeled and struck starke blind with the excessive incomprehensible glory and greatnesse of celestiall secrets and immortall light But although we cannot comprehend the whole yet we may consider part Though we cannot take a full draught of that over-flowing fountaine of endlesse blisse above yet we may taste though we cannot yet enjoy the whole harvest yet we take a survey of the first fruits For the Scriptures to this end shadow unto us a glimpse by the most excellent precious and desireable things of this life Thus much premis'd let us for my present purpose about the joyes of Heaven consider 1. The Place where GOD and all His blessed ones inhabite eternally But how can an infinite GOD be said to dwell in a created heaven GOD from all eternity when there was nothing to which He might manifest and make knowne Himselfe is not said to dwell any where either to have been out of Himselfe or in any thing but onely in Himselfe He was therefore an heaven to Himselfe But when He pleased He created the world that in so large and goodly a Theater He might declare and conveigh His power goodnesse and bounty some way or other to all creatures Especially He prepared this glorious heaven we speake of not that it might enclose or enlarge His happinesse But that He might unspeakably beautifie and irradiate it with unconceiveable splendour of His Majesty and Glory and so communicate Himselfe beatifically to all the Elect Saints and Angels even for ever and ever I said not that it might enclose conclude and confine Him For He is as truly without the heavens as He is in them And He is where nothing is with Him He was when nothing was and then He was where nothing was beside Himselfe Before the Creation there was properly neither when nor where but onely an incomprehensible perfection of indivisible immensity and eternity which would still be the same though neither heaven nor earth nor any thing in them should any more be But we may not so place Him without the Heavens as to cloath Him with any imaginary space or give the checke to His immensity by any parallell distance locall He is said to be without the heavens in as much as His infinite Essence cannot be contained in them but necessarily containes them He is so without them or if you will beyond them that albeit a thousand moe worlds were heaped up by His all-powerfull hand each above other and all above this He should by vertue of His infinite Essence not by free choyce of will or mutation of place be as intimately coexistent to every part of them as He now is to any part of this heaven and earth we enjoy In a sober sense Bernard saith true Nusquam est ubique est He is no where because no place whether reall or imaginary can comprehend or containe Him He is every where because no body no space or spirituall substance can exclude His presence or avoid the penetration if I may so speake of His Essence This glorious Empyrean Heaven where nothing but light and blessed immortality no shadow of matter for teares discontentments griefes and uncomfortable passions to worke upon but all joy tranquillity and peace even for ever and ever doth dwell is seated above all the visible Orbs and Starry Firmament See Deut. 4. 39. 10. 14. Iosh. 2. 11. Pro. 25. 3. 1 King 8. 27. 30. 39. 43. 49. Luke 24. 51. Acts 1. 9. 7. 69. Eph. 4. 10. 2 Cor. 12. 2. where it is called the third heaven 1. The first is that whole space from the Earth to the Sphere of the Moone where the birds fly whence raine snow haile and other Meteors descend See Gen. 7. 11. Psal. 8. 8. Mat. 8. 20. Deut. 28. 12. Mat. 6. 26. where they are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. The second consists of all the visible Orbs. See Gen. 1. 14 15. where he cals the whole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Expansion Firmament Heaven And in this He placeth the Sun Moone and other Starres Deut. 17. 3. Within this second Extension we comprehend three other Orbs represented to our knowledge by their motion Of which see Eustachius Table at pag. 94. 3. The third is that where GOD is said specially to dwell whither CHRIST ascended and where all the blessed Ones shall be for ever No naturall knowledge can possibly be had of this heaven neither any helpe by humane arts Geometry Arithmetike Opticks Hypotheses Philosophy c. To illighten us thereunto For it is neither aspectable nor moveable Hence it is that Aristotle the most eagle-eyed into the mysteries of nature of all Philosophers and whom they call Natures Secretary yet said that beyond the moveable Heavens there was neither body nor time nor place nor vacuum But GODS Booke assures us of this Heaven of happinesse and House of GOD above all the aspectable
and rare peeces what majesty and incomprehensible excellencies may we expect in the Palace of the great King and the heavenly habitations of the Saints and Angels * How full of beauty and glory are the chiefe roomes and Presence-Chamber of the great and royall Monarch of Heaven and Earth O with what infinite sweetest delight may every truly gracious soule bathe it selfe before-hand even in this vale of teares in the delicious and ravishing contemplation of this most glorious Place wherein he hath an eternall blisfull mansion most certainly purchased and prepared for him already by the bloud of IESVS CHRIST Let us therefore as an holy Divine would have us spend many thoughts upon it Let us enter into deepe meditations of the inestimable glory of it Let us long untill we come to the fingering and possession of it even as the heire longeth for his inheritance Let us strive and straine to get into this golden Citie where streets walls and gates and all is gold all is pearle nay where pearle is but as mire and dirt and nothing worth O what fooles are they who deprive themselves willingly of this endlesse glory for a few stinking lusts O what mad men are they who bereave themselves of a roome in this Citie of Pearle for a few carnall pleasures O what bedlams and humane beasts are they who shut themselves out of these everlasting habitations for a little transitory pelfe O what intolerable sots and senselesse wretches are all such who wilfully barre themselves out of this Palace of infinite pleasure for the short fruition of worldly trash and trifles 2. In a second place let us take notice of some names titles and epithetes attributed to heavenly joyes eternall glory which may yet further represent to our relish their incomparable sweetnesse and excellency They are called 1. A Kingdome Mat. 25. 34. Luke 12. 32. Now a Kingly Throne is holden the top and crowne of all earthly happinesses the highest aime of the most eager and restlesse aspirations and ambitions of men A confluence it is of riches pleasures glory all royall bravery or what mans heart can wish for outward welfare and felicity What stirres and stratagems what murders and mischiefes what mining and counter-mining what mysterious plots and machivillian depths what strange adventures and effusions sometimes even of bloudy seas to catch a Crowne Witnesse Lancaster and Yorke nay all habitable parts of the earth which from time to time have become bloudy cock-pits in this kind 2. An Heavenly Kingdome Mat. 7. 21. And 18. 3. to intimate that it surpasseth in glory and excellency all earthly kingdomes as farre as heaven transcendeth earth and unconceiveably more 3. The Kingdome of GOD Acts 14. 23. A Kingdome of GODS owne making beautifying and blessing who doth all things like Himselfe as I said before replenished and shining with Majesty pleasures and ineffable felicities beseeming the glorious Residence of the King of Kings 4. An Inheritance Acts 20. 32. Not a tenement at will to be possessed or left at the landlords pleasure but an inheritance setled upon us and sealed unto us by the dearest and highest price that ever was payed which wil be as orient precious and acceptable after as many millions of yeares as you can think as it was the very first day it was powred out and payed 5. A rich and glorious inheritance Eph. 1. 18. Fit for the Majesty and mercy of Almighty GOD to bestow the un-valuable bloud of His Son to purchase and the dearely Beloved of His Soule to enjoy 6. An Inheritance of the Saints in light Coloss. 1. 12. Every word sounds a world of sweetnesse 7. An Inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away 1 Pet. 1. 4. There can never possibly be the least diminution much lesse any abolishment of the least glimpse of heavenly glory But all blisse above wil be as fresh and full innumerable yeares hence as at our first entrance and so thorow all eternity 8. A Crowne of righteousnesse 2 Tim. 4. 8. Fairly come by and full dearely bought A crowne of life Ia●… 1. 12. A Crowne of glory 1 Pet. 5. 4. Glory it selfe Rom. 9. 23. Nay an exceeding exceeding eternall waight of glory 2 Corinth 4. 17. Which Crownes Kingdomes Pearles Iewels Feasts c. do but weakely shadow out unto us A superlative transcendent Phrase saith one such as is not to be found in all the Rhetoricke of the Heathens because they never wrote of such a theme nor with such a spirit 9. Fulnesse of joy everlasting pleasures Psal. 16. 11. A swift flowing river and torrent of pleasures Psal. 36. 8. The very joy of our LORD and Master Mat. 25. 21. 3. In a third place let us consider the beauty and blessednesse of glorified Bodies I do not here curiously enquire with the Schoole-men whether the glory of the body doth spring originally out of the blessednesse and beautifull excellency of the soule and so redounds upon the body by a continued constant influence as Aquinas thinks Or which I rather follow that those excellent endowments and heavenly splendours are originally and dispositively implanted by GODS hand in the reformed body onely perfected and actuated as it were by the glorious soule as Bonaventure supposeth Sure I am in generall they shal be made like the glorious Body of CHRIST Philip. 3. 21. And that is happinesse and honour enough inexplicable supereminent Besides their freedome from all defects and imperfections diseases and distempers infirmities and deformities maimednesse and monstrous shapes infancy or decrepitnesse of stature c. From want of meate drinke mariage for we shal be like the Angels of GOD in heaven Matth. 22. 30. We shall hunger no more neither thirst any more Rev. 7. 16. of sleepe for there shal be no wearying of the body or tyring the spirits for we shall live by the all-sufficient Spirit of GOD which never needs refreshing of physicke for we shall enjoy perpetuall impregnable health a glorified body cannot possibly be distempered either by inward contrariety of elementary qualities or any outward contagion or hurtfull impression of aire to coole our heat or keepe us from stifling of clothes for we shal be clothed with long white robes of immortality Rev. 7. 9. which can never be worne out but shall be so beautifull and glorious that like the Sun we shall be best adorned when we have no other covering but our owne resplendent Majesticall brightnesse of Sun for the glory of GOD shall illighten that heavenly city and the Lambe shal be the light thereof Rev. 21. 23. Of any thing for GOD shal be unto us All in All 1 Cor. 15. 28. I say besides an everlasting exemption and priviledge from all ils paines miseries our bodies shal be gloriously crowned with many positive prerogatives marvellous excellencies high and heavenly endowments 1. Immortality 1 Cor. 15. 54. Glorified bodies can never possibly die They shall last as long as GOD Himselfe and run parallell with
godlinesse restraining them from prophanenesse and prophaning the Sabbath by his owne example of piety and godly conversation he might plant grace in their hearts and provide a crowne of glory for their heads hereafter yet wretched man he doth not onely wickedly neglect these meanes of everlasting comfort but with too much worldlinesse variety of vexations and perhaps for his very wickednesse that way if there were nothing else with the great danger of his owne soule he heapes up for them those hoards that will hereafter heape coales of vengeance on their heads and purchases and provides for them those greene pastures of a prosperous state in this world wherein they are fatted for the same slaughter and thorow which they prophanely passe into the pit of the same endlesse destruction with himselfe 5. Aske his judgement about the Sabbath and ordinarily you shall find his resolution to be this that he sees no reason but mens servants and children may enjoy some houres of recreation and sport even upon the Sabbath especially with exception of times of Divine Service what would they have us to do will he say or what would they make of us I hope they doe not looke we should be Angels upon earth they know we are but flesh and bloud It is too true indeed this cavilling against the keeping of the Sabbath savours full rankly of flesh and bloud GOD out of the abundance of His owne goodnesse and compassionate consideration of our weakenesse hath allotted and allowed unto us six dayes for our owne businesse and reserved but one to be consecrated in speciall manner as glorious unto Him and yet wretched men they must needs clip the LORDS coyne encroach upon His sanctified time and unthankfully and accursedly spend those holy houres in which they should treasure up knowledge and comfort against that fearefull day in idlenesse worldinesse and prophane pastimes whereby besides the particular curse upon their owne soules they many times draw many miseries and plagues upon the place where they live This reason is carnall indeed this wisdome is earthly with a witnesse 6. Add another out of Luke 12. 39 40. Thus you see worldly wisdome in all that consultation and cariages inclines unto the earth provides ever with greatest care for the world and savours rankly of flesh and bloud 3. It is also sensuall for it doth senslesly preferre the pleasures of sense and pleasing the appetite before the peace of conscience and sense of GODS favour It provides a thousand times better for a body of earth which must shortly upon an unavoidable necessity feed the wormes and turne to dust than for a precious immortall foule the immediate issue of GODS almightinesse and which can never possibly die It doth with greater sweetnesse and hold-fast relish apprehend and enjoy the furious delights of some bosome-sinne which it hath in present pursuit taste and possession than spirituall graces GODS favour joy in that blessed Spirit and a crowne of life hereafter for which it hath GODS Word and Promise if it would be wise to salvation In a word it doth so highly preferre a few bitter-sweet pleasures for an inch of time in this vale of teares before unmixed and immeasurable joyes thorow all eternity in the glorious mansions of heaven Is not this wisdome strangely nailed and glued unto sense and stupidly senslesse in spirituall things that though many times fore-told and fore-warned by the Ministry of the Word yet will needs for the temporary satisfaction of its carnall covetous or ambitious humour with filthy vexing transitory pelfe with vanity dung nothing run wilfully and headlong upon easelesse endlesse and remedilesse torments in the world to come And that which is the just curse and plague of worldly wisdome this spirituall madnesse commonly called it is confident that it doth wisely and takes the best way and thereupon becomes incorrigible and obstinate For there is more hope of a foole than of him that is wise in his owne conceipt Prov. 26. 22. And Though thou shouldest bray a foole in a morter yet will not his foolishnesse depart from him Prov. 27. 22. How fearefull then is his case that to his worldly wisdome joynes confidence in his wayes But the day will come that hee 'l see and bewaile the vanity of his wisdome and the truth of his folly and that with bitter griefe and horrible anguish even in hell fire as it is notably set downe in the booke of Wisdome Cap. 5. But the word which here in Iames is rendred sensuall is the same which is used 1 Corinth 2. 14. The naturall man receiveth not the things c. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So that worldly wisdome is in that sense naturall that it can neither relish nor receive the things of the spirit it cannot possibly conceive and comprehend the immediate meanes and mysteries of salvation let a man otherwise be never so faire and comely in body never so proportionable personable or goodly to look upon and in the eye of others yet if himselfe want eyes the instruments of light he cannot possibly behold and gaze upon with delight the goodlinesse and glory of this great frame of the world about him he cannot see the brightnesse of the Sun the beauty of the earth and the delightsome variety of the creatures so a worldly-wise man though he be never so gracefull for his other parts never so admirable to carnall eyes or mightily magnifi dby his flatterers or favourites yet wanting the saving sight of GODs sanctifying Spirit and the eye of spirituall understanding is starke blind in spirituall matters and cannot possibly behold the rich paradise of the kingdome of grace the secrets of sanctification and the incomparable glory and excellency of Christianity This wisdome of the flesh serves the worldling like the Ostrich wings to make him to out run others upon the earth and in earthly things but can helpe him never a whit towards heaven nay is rather like a heavy mill-stone about his necke to make him sinke deeper into the bottomlesse pit of hell The reason why these great politicians and jolly wise men of the world as they are called for all their depths and devices with all their wit and windings cannot understand one tittle of the things of GOD is because this spirituall knowledge is hid from them for so saith our Saviour CHRIST Mat. 11. 25. I give thee thankes O Father LORD of heaven and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and men of understanding and hast revealed them unto babes And this reason our Saviour rendreth why he spake to worldlings in parables and to his Disciples plainely because to these it was given to know the secrets of the kingdome of heaven but to them it was not given And indeed it is just with GOD that 1. Sith they when the glorious sun of the Word of life shines surely upon their faces do wilfully shut their eyes against it that He should strike them starke blind so that
in pursuit be unto him a counterpoyson to uphold his heart in comfort and contentment against the vanity and venome of such endlesse ambitions and if men be so infinitly ventrous for an earthly crowne which as one sayes if wee well weighed with what feares jealousies cares insidiations c. it is thick set if we found it before us in the way we would not take it up I say then how eager should wee bee after the glory of Heaven 2. If corrupt affection fall in love with riches and the wedge of gold it begets covetousnesse the vilest and basest of all the infection of the soule as ambition haunteth the haughtiest spirits so covetousnesse lodgeth in the most dunghill disposition it turnes the soule of man that noble and immortall spirit into earth and mud whereas it might live in heaven upon earth and by holy meditation by a sweet familiarity and acquaintance as it were with GOD and conversing above and in that everlasting heaven of endlesse happinesse hereafter It lies in hell upon earth and by restlesse torture of unsatiable greedinesse makes way by it rooting to descend into the hell of wicked devils in the world to come This devouring gangrene of greedinesse to get riches doth not onely by a most incompatible antipathy keepe out grace and GODS feare but also by it venomous heat wast and consume all honest and naturall affection both to man and beasts to parents kindred friends and acquaintance Nay it makes a man contemne himselfe body and soule wilfully to abandon both the comfortable enjoyment of this short time of this present mortality and all hope of th●… length of that blessed eternity to come for a lit●…le transitory pelfe which he doth neither enjoy or use except it be for use which enlargeth his covetous thirst as mightily as it brings forth money monstrously Besides covetousnesse pierceth thorow the soule with a thousand torments and the riches of iniquity ingender in the heart of man many tortures envies and molestations as their proper thunderbolt and blasting And of all other vile affections it is most sottishly and senslesly unsatiable Eccles. 4. 8. For how is it possible that earth should feed or fill the immateriall and heaven-borne spirit of a man It cannot be and the Spirit of GOD hath said it shall not be Eccles. 5. 9. He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver c. Hence it is that the deeplier the drowsie heart of this covetous man doth drinke of this golden streame the more furiously it is inflam'd with spirituall thirst Nay it is most certaine that if the covetous man could purchase a monopoly of all the wealth in the world were he able to empty the Westerne parts of gold and silver and the East of pearles and jewels should he enclose the whole face of the earth from one end of heaven to the other and heape his hoards unto the starres yet his heart would be as hungry after more riches as if he had never a penny and much more Such is GODS curse upon that man which makes his gold his god And this insatiablenesse in the covetous man begets cruelty and oppression of others and perpetual want of contentment and comfort in that he hath already Sweetnes of gaine makes him many times drinke the bloud eat the flesh of the oppressed He begins first if he be of power and place to grind the faces of the poore then to pluck of their skins then to tear their flesh then to break their bones and chop them in peeces as flesh for the pot and at last even to eat the flesh of GODS people That is first to weary them out with petty wrongs and extraordinary occasions to vexe them with new conditions and unconscionable encroachments and at last to wring their pensive soules from their wasted and hunger-starv'd bodies with extremity of oppression and cruelty of covetousnesse And that which is a just curse upon the covetous man he is ever infinitely more tormented with the want of that which he doth immoderately and unnecessarily desire than contented and comforted with the enjoyment of those things he doth presently possesse The ambitious man if he be disgrac'd and over-top'd by any grand opposite and counterfactionist or derided and revil'd with baser and inferiour contempt or neglected by omission of some due observance and ceremony of state he I say is more griev'd if he want grace for some such little default in the attributions of his place and want of complementall respect in that measure and of such men as he desires than he hath glory and pompe in his highest place This is cleare in Haman though he was compassed and crown'd with such undeserved and extraordinary precedency and pompe yet this one little thing because Mordecai would not bow the knee and do reverence to him at the Kings gate did utterly marre and dissweeten all the other excellencies of his new advancement and extraordinarinesse of the Kings favour See Hester 5. 10 11 12 13. And Haman told his wife and friends of all his glory c. But all this saith he doth nothing availe me as long as I see Mordecai the Iew sitting at the Kings gate As it is thus in ambition and in great men that are gracelesse they many times take more to heart out of the pride of their hearts the want of some one circumstantiall observance and of reverence from some one man than they heartily enjoy all the other glory of their place so it is also with the covetous man though already he hath more than enough yet some greedy wish of a new addition doth more torture his heart than the rowing amongst al his other wealth can rejoyce it Ahab though he had already in his hand the riches glory pleasures soveraignty of a kingdome yet after he had cast his covetous eye upon poor Naboths vinyard which was near his palace his heart did more afflict and vex it self with greedy longing for that bit of earth than the vast and spacious compasse of a kingdome could counter-comfort He could take no joy in the beauty of a crowne and largenesse of his royall command because his poore neighbour would not deprive himselfe and all his posterity of the inheritance of his fathers which his ancestors had enjoyed time out of mind For a counterpoyson against the greedy gangrene of hoarding up riches consider in what stead thy riches will stand thee upon thy bed of death consider that speech of a poore distressed woman afflicted in conscience whom I heard thus say in the agony of her grieved spirit I have husband goods and children and other comforts I would give them all the treasures of the earth if I had them and all the good I shall have in this world or in the world to come to feele but the least taste of the favour of GOD in the pardon of my sinne she would in this case with all her heart haue giuen the warmest