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A14801 Microbiblion or The Bibles epitome: in verse Digested according to the alphabet, that the Scriptures we reade may more happily be remembred, and things forgotten more easily recalled. By Simon Wastell somtimes of Queenes Colledge in Oxford. Wastell, Simon, d. 1632.; Wastell, Simon, d. 1632. True Christians daily delight. aut; Shaw, John, 1559-1625. Biblii summula. 1629 (1629) STC 25102; ESTC S119488 184,772 543

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man shall see the Lords most blessed face TAke heed that no man from Gods grace doth shrinke or fall away And let no fruit of bitternesse spring vp to cause decay VIle fornicator or prophane let none among you dwell As Esau was who his birthright for meat away did tell WHo afterward ye know when he the blessing sought to haue God did reiect him and no place vnto repentance gaue ALthough hee sought the same with teares now this thing vnderstand That ye are not come to the mount which might be touch'd with hand BVrning with fire nor vnto blacke darkenesse full of dread To tempest trumpets sound nor voice with terrors vttered COncerning which all they that heard themselues did then excuse And for to heare it so againe did vtterly refuse DEclaring that they in no case could those commandements heare So dreadfull were the sights then seene that Moses quak'd for feare EVen to Mount Sion are ye come to Gods owne City sure To heauenly Salem and Angells which holy are and pure FIrst borne which written are in heauen and to their congregation To Iesus which for vs doth make a perfect mediation God Iudge of all and to the soules of iust and perfect men To sprinkled blood which better speakes then that blood shed by Cain HEare therefore and despise him not that speakes from heauen aboue Who Moses words refus'd to heare Gods plagues did tast and proue IF we refuse and from Christs word shall turne away our eare We shall not scape for greater plagues we sure away shall beare KNow that his voice did shake the earth and now declareth he That once againe he will it shake yea heauen shall shaken be LOe this word once more signifies remouall once againe Of shaken things made with mens hands that sure things may remaine MErcifully sith we from God a Kingdome doe receiue That cannot shaken be nor mou'd let 's striue such grace to haue NOw so to serue the Lord that we may doe his whole desire With feare and reuerence for God is a consuming fire Chapt. 13 O Let the loue of brothers deare among you still remaine Be not forgetfull to your power strangers to entertaine PAtriarkes by that pious meanes haue Angells entertain'd Into their houses vnawares and haue a blessing gain'd QVickly remember those that are in bonds in griefe and woe As if you were in bonds with them and were afflicted so REad here how God hath honored the holy wedlocke state How whoremongers adulterers he doth abhorre and hate SEe that your conuersation be without couetousnesse And be content with that you haue and things which you possesse THe Lord hath said I will not faile nor will I thee forsake So that we all may boldly say the Lord my part doth take VNto me what vaine man can doe I will not therefore feare Your Ouerseers haue in mind which Gods word doe declare ATtending well vnto the end of their good conuersation Christ is and was and will be still the Churches sure foundation BEware saith he and be not led with doctrines strange and base For it is good to haue our hearts establish'd still with grace COunt ye that meates and legall rites no good nor profit brings To them that haue beene exercis'd in such like fruitlesse things DEspising them let vs to Christ still offer laud and praise Fruit of our lips let vs confesse his holy name alwaies EVer remember to doe good and to releeue the poore God is well pleas'd with such offrings and will them blesse therefore FReely obey all those that haue of you the ouersight Submit your selues they for your soules doe watch both day and night GIue an account for them they must which that they may with ioy Performe and not with griefe of heart your chiefest care imploy HE bids them here for him to pray and knowes assuredly His conscience to be good and striues to liue still honestly IN earnest sort he them desires their prayers to afford That vnto them with much more speed he may be so restor'd KNow here the prayer made for them vnto the God of peace That he would make them righteous and in good workes increase LAuding and praysing Iesus Christ before his salutation He doth beseech them to endure the words of exhortation MAking them know that Timothie deliuered was as then He bids salute the Saints and saith grace be with all Amen IAMES Chapt. 1 ALpheus sonne Th'apostle Iames writes this Epistle here Vnto the true conuerted Iewes dispersed here and there BIdding them vnder crosse of Christ to ioy exceedingly To aske for patience and to pray in faith most feruently CRowned with glory such shall be but yet let no man say That he is tempted of the Lord when he is drawne away DEare brethren erre not saith Saint Iames good gifts come from aboue From him that with the word of truth begot vs of his loue EVery man be swift to heare and doe accordingly They blamed are that heare and then forget immediately FOr who so seeme religious and tongues cannot refraine Nor godly life their godly shewes are all both vile and vaine Chapt. 2 GOod Christians must not more regard the rich then brethren poore Though one be cloathed gorgeously the other begat doore HE guilty is of all the law that doth in part offend The mercilesse must iudgement haue that neuer shall haue end IN vaine it is to brag of faith where no good workes appeare The Deuils beleeue there is a God and tremble all for feare KNow that the workes of Abraham and Rahabs works likewise Did shew that they were iustifi'd by faith in Gods owne eyes Chapt. 3 LEt none reproue ambitiously nor rashly men controle Because that we in many things our selues offend and fall MAn must looke well vnto his tongue a member small and euill A very world of wickednesse and fired by the Deuil NO man can tame a wicked tongue with it men blesse and curse Wild beasts and serpents haue been tam'd but naughty tongues are worse OBserue the worldly wisdome here which enuy brings and strife Where wicked workes are multiplied and deuillish language rife PVre is Gods wisdome from aboue without dissimulation Peaceable mild and making men of godly conuersation Chapt. 4 QVarrelling warrs brawlings and iarres come from our lusts and pleasures ●Gainst auarice we are to striue and hoarding vp of treasures RAsh iudgment here Saint Iames forbids intemperance and pride He bids vs still draw neere to God and he will be our guide SVbmit to God resist the Deuill and not be confident In good successe of worldly things not knowing the euent THy life thou art vncertaine of he bids vs to depend Vpon the prouidence of God vntill our liues shall end Chapt. 5 VEngeance the wicked rich may feare to light vpon them all Their rusty siluer and their gold for fiery plagues doe call A Loud the hire of labourers cryes in Iehova's eares Wantons and who in pleasures liue haue cause of deadly feares
yet although he be to make the wicked feare Yet is he alwaies mercifull to all his children deare LEading and mouing them thereby in praysing to increase Because he giues his people strength and blesseth them with peace Chapt. 30 MArke how the Prophet Dauid here set free from dangers great Doth render thankes to God who did so kindly him intreat NOt ceasing to exhort all men by him the like to learne And that the Lord is mercifull not rigorous nor stearne O Learne how soone his anger slakes and yet learne this withall That men from ioy to aduerse state full suddenly doe fall PErswading this he turnes to God and prayeth heartily And promiseth to prayse his name and that continually Chapt. 31 QVit and set free from dangers great Dauid doth here declare What meditations he had by sorce of faith and prayer ROaring against him when his foes most cruelly did rage When nothing but his very death their fury could asswage SHewing to all that feare the Lord and here affirming plaine That Gods good fauour and his loue to such doe still remaine THen he exhorts the faithfull all the Lord to serue and loue Because he keepes them as they might by his example proue Chapt. 32 VExed with great afflictions and lying long therein The Prophet counts them blest to whom the Lord imputes no sinne ADdressing then his heart to God when he his sinne confest God did forgiue his punishment and did no more molest BIdding the righteous to reioyce euen all of vpright heart Bidding the wicked turne to God and from their sinne depart Chapt. 33 CHearfully Dauid stirs vp all to praise the liuing Lord For his creating heauen and earth with all things in this world DVe praises for his prouidence he likewise would haue giuen Because he ruleth euery thing created vnder heauen EVer in all his promises he faithfull is and true He vnderstandeth each mans heart and makes the proud to rue FRustrating all their purposes his counsell euer stands No strength of man nor creature can keepe out of his hands GOod men that put their confidence in his kindnesse and loue Shall be preserued from their foes and all his fauours proue Chapt. 34 HEre learne how after Dauid had escaped Achish King An. Mundi 1 Sam. 21,11.1 He praiseth God with all his heart for his deliuering IN like sort as he praiseth God so he prouoketh all To trust in God to feare his name and still vpon him call KNowing that he doth still defend the godly and elect The Angels pitch their tents about and safely them protect LEwd wicked and malicious men that righteous men doe hate God doth destroy them vtterly and ruinates their state Chapt. 35 MArke how while Saul to good Dauid did beare a deadly spight To flatter him his Officers did take a great delight NOt ceasing still to persecute poore Dauid with disdaine Their cruell hate and malice great they neuer did restraine O How he prayeth God to plead his cause against them all That in the Snares they laid for him in them themselues might fall PAying them home as they deseru'd that so it might appeare That he from false aspersions was innocent and cleare QVite quit likewise that they might be who harmlesse tooke their part And that they might yeeld praise and thankes to God with voyce and heart REwarding so his seruants true he saith that faithfully It will Gods Iustice and his power for euer magnifie Chapt. 36 SHamefully did malicious men their hatefull hearts expresse Against the Prophet who complaines of their great wickednesse THen turning to consider well the goodnesse of the Lord Which he to all his creatures most largely doth afford VEry well weighing in his minde the loue that he did beare To all his children which doe serue and worship him in feare ABundantly he is by faith confirmed and assur'd That his deliuerance from God shall safely be procur'd BOldly he then praies for the iust who in the truth remaine ●nd saith the wicked shall fall downe and neuer rise againe Chapt. ●7 COnsider how the Psalmist bids the godly not to fret ●hen as they see the wicked men in highest honour set DEclaring comforts for all those whose hearts are troubled sore ●o see the godly to be grieu'd and vexed more and more ENduring griefe although they seeme in wofull state to be ●et are they in Gods fauour still and lasting ioyes shall see FOr he preserueth all such men and frees them from the rage ●f wicked and blood thirsty men and doth their malice swage GReat glory though these wicked ones and honour here obtaine ●hey doe enioy them but a while their ioyes are short and vaine HAted they are of God and man he will destroy them all to the pit of endlesse woe they fearfully shall fall Chapt. ●8 IN bed of sicknesse Dauid laid with griefe then doth begin ●● say that God did him chastise most iustly for his sinne KNowledging it he prayeth God his wrath away to turne He vttereth the cause and griefe which made him for to mourne LAmenting sore he in these words doth manifest his woes That he was hated of his friends abused of his foes MArke how the arrowes of Gods wrath so sore vpon him light That he complaines he had no rest nor ease on day nor night NOte yet how he in confidence his cause doth here commend To God and hopes that he shall haue with speed an happy end Chapt. 39 OH how doth paines care griefe of heart and great calamities Make Dauid vtter sore complaints of his infirmities PVrposing silence with himselfe and not a word to speake Through griefe into indiscreet words he rashly forth doth breake QVaint and strange-suits he here doth make which vttered in hast Of humane great infirmities most euidently doe tast REmarkeable are his requests they shew his tribulation And that he wondrously did striue ' gainst death and desperation Chapt. 40 SEt free from many dangers great the Prophet here doth praise The grace and fauour of the Lord which be had found alwayes THen he commends his prouidence euen ouer mankind all And promiseth to serue him still and onely on him call VNto vs all he then sets downe what worship God requires Not offerings nor sacrifice the spirit he desires AFter all this he praiseth God and doth of soes complaine Then with good courage he doth ●●ll to God for ayd againe Chapt. 41 BEing oppressed grieuously and brought in great disgrace The Psalmist doth pronounce him blest that doe lament his case COmplaining greatly in this Psalme of his familiar friend Who of great friendship made a shew but treason did intend DAuid himselfe had such side ●●nds but yet it may be laid Of Christ more truely who with kisse by Iudas was ●●●●●aid An. Mundi Iohn 13 1● EXceeding mercies when 〈◊〉 fell in Gods correcting hand Not suffering his enemies against him still to stand FRom humble hear● all laid and praise he yeelds to him therefore
I haue giuen Christ their sinnes to cure BE Priest to seeke and call on God betime while he is neare Forsake your sinnes returne to him then he will helpe and heare COnsider that my wayes and thoughts are nothing like to yours My word doth not returne in vaine on his all ioy he powres Chapt. 56 DOe Justice keepe the sabbaths pure from euill workes abstaine My sauing health is neare to those that in these workes remaine EVen Eunuches strangers and their sonnes that doe themselues addresse To doe the things that I command shall lasting ioyes possesse FEild for●est beasts come and deuoure his watchmen all are blind Dumbe greedy dogs sleepe gaine and wine are all that they doe mind Chapt. 57 GRieu'd hearts none haue when good men dye but they are freed from wo They rest in peace yea witches sonnes against whom raile ye so High mountaine hast thou offered on thy vaine workes I le decare There is no peace to wicked men the mourners well shall fare Chapt. 58 IAcobs transgressions cry against yet they will fast and pray And seeme to loue and like my lawes but care not to obey KNow that the fast that God doth choose is to reli●ue the poore Yee fast to strife and wickednesse and are not heard therefore LOdge cloath and feed the fatherlesse obserue the Sabbath dayes Then God will blesse and guide thee still and heare thee when thou prayes Chapt. 59 MVch murther and such monstrous sinnes wherein you still remaine Hath caus'd the Lord to hide his face and from all helpe refraine NOne stands for truth nor calls for right they speake and trust in lyes I could and would haue help'd and sau'd but you did me despise OVr sinnes against vs testifie like doues we mourne full sore We roare like Beares we looke for ayde but thou dost send no more PEruerted is all iudgement quite truth is falne cleane away And who so doth depart from euill doth make himselfe a prey QVickly did his owne arme faile when all did him forsake And wondring at their want of zeale he made his foes to quake REdeemer shall to Zion come to them of humble heart My spirit and word shall not from thee nor from thy seed depart Chapt. 60 SHine glorious Church the Gentiles all shall come to see thy light Euen royall Kings shall come from far to see thy rising bright THeir flocks their siluer and their gold they then shall bring to thee And who their seruice will not yeeld shall wholly wasted be VIolence shall no more be heard the Lord shall be thy light A little small one shall be come a thousand then in sight Chapt. 61 ANointed am I for to preach glad tyding to the meeke To Zion mourners bruis'd in heart who mee their Sauiour feeke BVilding the old wast places all Gods Priests they shall be nam'd And double ioy they shall possesse though they before were sham'd COnfirmed couenant will I make their workes in truth direct Who see them and their seed shall say the Lord doth them respect DEarely doe I loue righteousnesse but robberie deadly hate Though for burnt offerings made and done beleeuers blessed state Chapt. 62 Exceeding zealous will I be to speake for Zions peace Vntill her brightnesse shall breake forth and righteousnesse increase FOr famous shall thy new name be a crowne in Gods owne hand In thee he doth reioyce and will be maryed to thy land GIue him no rest vntill hemke Ierusalem a praise Gatherers shall eate in my courts and thanke the Lord alwaies HIgh waies cast vp a standard set the peoples way prepare Saluation God proclaimes to his they holy called are Chapt. 63 I Haue the wine presse trod alone Redeeming time is come And I will trample vnder foot my foes both all and some KIndled fury did me vphold mine arme saluation brought When I with wondring did behold that none my glory sought LOrd of thy loue and goodnesse great make mention still will I Thou saidst they are thy people deare Children that will not lie MVch vex't was he when they rebell'd and did against him fight Then thought he on his ancient loue how Moses rul'd them right NOne knew vs Lord in heauen but thou not Abraham nor his seed Looke downe and helpe what is thy loue restrain'd in time of need O Lord why hast thou made vs erre and hearts kept from thy feare Thy foes and ours tread downe thy Church returne Lord helpe and heare Chapt. 64 POwre down thy plagues vpon thy foes no eye did euer see Nor eare hath heard what thou prepar'st for them that wait on thee QVickly thou Lord dost meet the man that worketh righteousnesse But thou art wroth for wee haue sinn'd our best work 's filthinesse REmember not our sinnes for aye afflict not very sore Our holy house thy foes haue burnt wilt thou not plague therefore Chapt. 65 SOught am I of a nation that did not aske for mee I called daily on mine owne they fell to Idolatrie THey walked after their owne thoughts the Hypocrites did say O come not neere for I am pure these I with plagues will pay VNto a remnant that me sought a blessing will I giue But you forsooke me when I call'd and would not godly liue ALL things wherein I tooke no ioy those did ye still pursue My seruants therefore shall be blest but ye shall dearly rue BEhold new heauens and earth I make in which I will reioyce No want of blessings there shall be nor heard a mourners voyce CVrst wolfe then with the Lambs shall eate they shalt not hurt at all I then will heare and answer make before my people call Chapt. 66 DOgges necke cut off killing a man I count as worthy praise As when you offer Oxe or Lambe and follow your owne wayes EArth is my footstoole heauen ' n y th●n what house will you afford To poore and contrite soules I looke who tremble at my word FOr my name sake who cast you out your brethren full of hate Said God be prais'd but he will bring them into wofull state GReatly reioyce at Churches growth and at their blessings store Transgressors worme shall neuer die they burne for euermore IEREMIAH Chapt. 1 AH Lord I am but as a child the people will me scorne Goe I a Prophet thee ordain'd before that thou was borne BE not afraid of any thing I will deliuer thee To pull downe Kingdomes built and plant declare what thou dost fee. COme from the North shall mightie Kings they shall not Iudah spare But plague them for their false worships this rod and pot declare DIsmay not at their furious lookes lest thou confounded be I le thee defend and fight with those that doe contend with thee Chapt. 2 EVill shall betide all Israels foes the fruits of Gods increase What haue I done that you so soone to serue mee should surcease FRom Aegypt who did you bring out into a fruitfull land You neuer ask't nor yet your Priests my
the poore opprest set free Or else for all thy trusty rocke I sure will punish thee Chapt. 22 O King of Iudah thou and thine be iust doe no man wrong Then will I blesse if not I le burne your City now so strong POure forth no teares for those now dead but captiues state deplore Who must forsake their natiue soile and neuer see it more QVite quasht shall King Iehoiakim be and buried like a beast His heart is all for auarice his cruelty's increast RIghteously your fathers rul'd and they were blest therefore But woe to him that builds with wrong and so augments his store SPeaking to thee in prosperous state thou saidst I will not heare Thou and thy Pastors plagu'd shall be with exile shame and feare THough Coniah were most deare to me yet thus I haue decreed He shall be banisht neuer thriue nor any of his seed Chapt. 23 VNto the Pastors murthering soules the Prophet threatneth woe Good pastors after he prouides that will not starue them so A Righteous branch the Lord will raise THE LORD OVR RIGHTEOVSNESS By him his people shall be safe no end of his godnesse BOth Priests and Prophets are prophane adulterers abound The land laments and mournes for oathes all sort of men vnsound CAn any hide himselfe from me I heauen and earth do fill The Prophes feed my folke with lies a whirlewind shall them kill DOting dreamers let them dreame on my word teach faithfully Like fire and hammer t' is which breaks the rocke by Prophecy Chapt. 24 EVen as some figges are passing good and pleasant for to eat So will the Lord bring backe his owne and kindly them intreat FAmine the sword and pestilence shall wicked wretches wast As naughty bad and bitter figges no man can eate nor tast Chapt. 25 GOd hath me sent and many moe both early and late to call And bid you leaue your false worships but ye refused all HAuing oft heard and not obeyed they shall be plagued sore No milstones mirth nor candle light they shall haue any more IN Babylon full seuenty yeares the King there shall they serue But after I will plague that land as their sinnes shall deserue KIngs cause to drinke of this wine cup even Iudah's Princes all My sword shall moue and make them mad by it shall ● nation fall LOth if strange nations be to take the cup and drinke of it Say that my people haue ● begun and you shall not goe quite MIghtily shall Iehouah roare vpon his habitation Mens carkasses shall be as dung in euery land and nation NOw shepheards howle ye chiefe of flocks wallow in dust turmoyl'd The dayes of slaughter are at hand their pastures quite are spoyld Chapt. 26 OF all the words I bid thee speake diminish not a word If they obey they shall be blest if not I le plagues afford PRiests Prophets and the people all say Ieremy thou shalt dye The Princes said no cause of death they could in him espie QVit then in iudgement Ieremy is by two examples rare And is preseru'd from peoples rage by good Ahikams care Chapt. 27 REmaine shall they in their owne ● land that yeeld to Babels King But who refuse I will consume and plagues vpon them bring SVch Prophets false as tell you lies beleeue not what they say The treasures which were left behind the King shall beare away Chapt. 28 THen Hananiah falsly saith that two yeeres once expired Kings vessels captiues shall returne to their owne land desired VNt ' Hananiah Ieremie said Amen so may they fare Who prophesieth true or false the euent will soone declare ALL being present Hanani tooke from Ieremie's necke the yoake Of wood and said thus shall the yoke of Babels King be broake BRoken they haue the yoke of wood but thou for them shalt make Strong yron yoakes they must serue him and he their beasts shall take CAst off and cursed shalt thou be that mak'st them trust a lye Vnsent thou taught rebellion this yeare thou sure shalt dye Chapt. 29 DIrected vnto Babylon and to the captiues there A letter is from Ieremy that they should houses reare EAte you the fruites of gardens there which you your selues did plant Take wiues and pray for Babells peace then peace ye shall not want FAlsly vnsent they prophecie but let them not deceiue The dreames ye caused them to dreame in no case doe receiue GRaciously I will performe at th' end of seuenty yeares My promise made of your returne and free you from all feares HOme shall ye come and if you search for me with all your heart I will be found and heare your pray and will not from you part I Will the sword and famine send on King that sit on throne And on the people here at home and those are captiues gone KNow now the cause you hearkened not to that I did command But said the Lord hath Prophets rays'd for vs in Babels land LYing Prophets here two are slaine and rosted in the fire For villany in Israel a due deserued hire MAliciously ' gainst Ieremy Shemaiah a letter writes Which read the Prophet Ieremy his dolefull doome recites Chapt. 30 NOw God bids Ieremiah write the time to be at hand That all his people should returne and dwell in natiue land O Iacob I will breake thy yoake thou hast beene troubled sore Now shalt thou serue me and the King and shall be plagu'd no more PVt feare away thy spoylers all shall shortly spoyled be Because they thee an out-cast call'd I will giue health to thee QVietly then shall Israel rest reioyce freed from all paine A whirlewind from the Lord shall fall vpon the wicked traine Chapt. 31 REstore and build will I againe my Virgin Israel Reioyce of old I did thee loue and still will loue thee well SHew farre and neare that God will call and as a shepheard keepe His folke who shall in Sion sing they shall no longer weepe THeir Preists with fatnesse people eke with goodnesse I le suffice Cease mourning Rabel to bring backe their children God will raise VNto me turne saith Ephraim and turned shall I be As vnyok'd bullocke haue I beene and thou chastised me Asham'd I was I smote my thigh for sinne confounded sore Thy bowels yearnd thou brought me backe and angry wast no more BEhold how Christ is promis'd here how he his Church regards As he before afflicted sore much more he now rewards COuenant now then will I make my people shall they be I in their hearts will write my lawes their sinnes I will not see DEuider of the Seas hath built his Church so large and sure That it shall fi●me and stable stand while Sunne and Moone endure Chapt. 32 EScape thou canst not Babels King thou shalt see face to face For this he was in prison cast the King did him disgrace FOr rhine owne selfe buy thou my field thus saith Hananeel The writings Baruck keepes as signes that once they there shall dwell
GOod Prophet here to God complaines and hearty prayers makes Here grieuous plagues are threatned them for great transgressions sake HArtily after a while will I to them my mercies shew I le bring them backe renew their heart they shall me feare and know I Will reioyce to doe them good I le free them from annoy My couenant will I make with them they shall their fields inioy Chapt. 33 KIngs houses and the Citie 's spoyl'd they come to fight in vaine To fill themselues with dead coarses whom I in wrath haue slaine LEauing to punish I le them blesse with peace abundant store Their sinnes I le cleanse they shall reioyce and praise me euermore MEn shall inioy their flockes and fields and setled gouernment Shall offer sacrifice of praise to saue Christ shall be sent NEuer shall Dauid want a man to sit vpon his throne Nor Priests to offer sacrifice Iacob shall be mine owne Chapt. 34 OF Zedekiah's captiue state and City set on fire See and how seruants freed are forc'd to seruice to retire PLague sword and famine for this sinne I will for you proclaime Your Cities shall be burn'd with fire none shall therein remaine Chapt. 35 QVickly goe to the Recabites and bid them drinke some wine From fathers charge who them forbad they would no whit decline REturne said I and leaue your sinnes but you did not regard You will I curse but Rechabites with blessings will reward Chapt. 36 SHut vp I am ô Beruch write and in Gods house doe read These words of God in some perchance they will repentance breed THey doe proclaime a solemne fast the roule is read to all The Princes hearing presently doe for the writing call VNto the King the Princes will the things they heard declare Goe hide thy selfe and Ieremie let none know where you are A Part of Gods word King heares read he cuts he burnes the rest A new roule Beruch writes wherein more iudgements are exprest BVrning Gods word the King himselfe Nor seruants once did feare Some did intreat him to refraine but he disdain'd to heare COmmanding for to take Beruch the Lord both them doth hide For this the King and seruants all sore iudgments must abide Chapt. 37 DEsparing of the victory Chaldeans goe away The King here to the prophet sends that he for them should pray ENquirers tell the King quoth he Chaldeans shall returne And certainly shall conquer him and City sacke and burne FOr fugitiue he taken is they beat him shamefully In dungeon long he lyes yet tells the Kings capatiuity GRant liberty ô Lord my King I doe thee humbly pray He yeelds and bids while bread doth last he should haue some each day Chapt. 38 HE is by false suggestion into a dungeon cast Deepe darke and myrie Ebmelech doth get him out at last IF thou wilt saue thy life ô King goe yeeld thee to thy foe If not this Citie shall be burn'd and thou indure much woe KIngs conference with Ieremie from Princes is kept backe And he himselfe in prison kept till Citie went to wracke Chapt. 39 LOe here they take Ierusalem King flies sonnes slaine in sight His eyes put out to Babylon sent chain'd ruin'd all about MAke much of Ieremie saith the ● King Ebedmelech safe shall be From furious foes whom he so feares he put his trust in me Chapt. 40 NAbuzarad●n setting free the Prophet giues him leaue To goe with him to Babylon or to Gedaliah cleaue OF victualls store a good reward he had at captiues hand And to Gedaliah then hee goes and dwells in Iuda Land POore men and rich all flocke to him he bids them nothing feare To serue the King of Babylon to them he there doth sweare QVietly in your Cities dwell and gather fruit and oile Then all the Iewes dispers'd abroad returne to country soyle REuealed is by Iohanam a foule conspiracie That Ishmael will Gedaliah kill he saith it is a lye Chapt. 41 SLaine is Gedaliah and many moe by bloody Ishmaels hand From him the captaines rescued are he scapes into Amonites hand THen Iohanam and captiues eke with those that rescued were To Aegypt purposed to goe they Babels King did feare Chapt. 42 VNto Ieremiah then they come intreating him to pray And know of God what they should doe And they will sure obey ASsured are they to be safe if they in Iudah stay but to be slaine in Egypt land i● that they goe away BEcause of your hypocrisie when me to God you sent Assuring that ye would obey when nothing lesse you meant COnsum'd by sword and pestilence by famine ● shall ye bee In Egypt which you so desire that is the ● Lords decree Chapt. 43 DIsgrac'd is Ieremies Prophecie they said 't was Baruchs deed That the Chaldeans might them kill and into Babell lead EVery person Iohanam takes into Egypt land Which Ieremie saith the Lord will giue into th'Chaldeans hand Chapt. 44 FOr their Idolatries foule and vaine and great abomination In Iuda Ieremie doth declare their wofull desolation GOd hath done this in your owne sight why will ye not obey But anger him in Egypt here by doing worse then they HAue you forgot the wickednesse of all your fathers old That you to doe as bad or werse will waxe so desperate bold IN Aegypt therefore by the sword or famine shall ye fall None shall returne you shall be curst and perish great and small KNowing that they had incense burnt they said they would persist And offer cakes to th Queene of heauen let him say what he list LEauing long off t' offer to her we haue felt woe and want But then we had a merry world no kind of food was scant MArke therefore all except a few shall perish in this land King Pha●'oh also shall be plagu'd marke then whose words shall stand Chapt. 45 NO rest I find thus Beruch moanes I mourne I faint with griefe Now woe is me I see no hope that God will send reliefe O Beruch I will quite breakedowne the things I built before And plucke vp plants I planted erst the Land I le plague full sore PReparest or expectest thou great things whereon to stay Be glad that I haue granted thee thy life for gainfull prey Chapt. 46 QVite ouerthrowne at Euphrates shall Pharohs armies bee His mightie men shall be strucke downe and great destruction see RIsing much like a raging flood they ●●y they ●e conquer all ●ut w th their blood ● swords shall be drunke they d●smally shall fall SEruant Iacob be of good ● cheare at nothing be dismayd ●e●ring thy seed from captiue state none shall make them afraid THee for thy sinne I will chastise in measure and in loue ●ut thou shalt be at rest and ease and still thy kindnesse proue Chapt. ●7 VPon the Philistines wofull plagues are said to be at hand ●s ouerflowing floods their foes doe couer all their land AT stamping of their sturdy steeds a rushing rumbling wheles ●he fathers look'd not backe
hauock make And euery one shall worship him and for their God him take PRoud Niniueh and Assyria I le make a wildernesse In it the fowles shall ly them downe and Owles shall make their nests Chapt. 3 QVite quench't is true religion in Salem sinnes abound Oppression disobedience in euery sort is found ROaring Lyons and rauening wolues Princes and Iudges were Her Priests and Prophets all pollute to God thy drew not neere SHamelesse are all the wicked sort though God doth neuer faile To bring his iudgements still to light yet can he not preuaile THE other nations when I plagu'd and made their towers to fall I thought thereby they would mee feare but they corrupted all VNtill I rise vp to the prey and all the earth deuour Waite ye on me and I will turne to you a language pure ALL then shall call vpon my name and serue with one consent My suppliants dispersed ones to offer shall be bent BEhold a remnant will I leaue a people poore and meeke Shall trust in mee shall holy be whose tongues no lyes shall speake CAst out are all thy enemies ô Zion sing therefore The Lord is in the midst of thee thou shalt be plagu'd no more DIstressed ones that were reproach't I will together call And those that did you sore afflict shall haue as sore a fall EVery land that you disgrac'd shall blaze abroad your fame I le free you from captiuitie and get you a noble name HAGGAI Chapt. 1 ALL yee that say it is not time Gods house to build as yet ●t time for you this lying wast in houses siel'd to sit BEhold and ponder in your hearts much seed is sowne i' th field ●nd little reap't meate drinke and cloath full small contentment yeeld COnsider well the cause hereof why you these iudgements taste ●erie man respects his owne and lets Gods housely waste DEawes from the heauen fruits from the earth I did withhold and stay ●th wine and oyle cattell and corne I tooke them all away EArn'd wages with great paine procur'd In bagges with holes were put I blew vpon their goods brought home and in their houses shut FOR this the Rulers people Priests did feare before the Lord And in Gods house most cheerfully did worke with one accord Chapt. 2 GLorious is this Temple built yet must you needs confesse That in respect of former house the glorie of this is lesse HOwbeit Prince people and Priests feare nothing but be strong For I am with you saith the Lord I le see you take no wrong I Once againe the heauens the earth the land and seas will shake More glorious shall this last house be Siluer and gold I make KNow of the Priests if man vncleane doe touch bread wine or oyle Shall they be cleane the Priests replpy they are polluted all LIke such a man this people is before me saith the Lord Their workes are all vncleane and naught their offerings all abhord MArke that your sinnes haue hindred much this worke you haue in hand And made me plague you fore yet you would nothing vnderstand NOw marke the time since you began this house of mine to build The fields and trees abundant store of all increase doe yeeld O Thou Zerubbabel saith God all Heathen Kings I le kill Thee as my signet I will make and dearely loue thee still ZECHARIAH Chapt. 1 AS your forefathers did doe nor they harkned not at all Nor did repent and turne to me when Prophets did them call BVT tell me where your fathers are the plagues my seruants told Did they not of your fathers all accordingly take hold COnfesse they did as much themselues and then return'd to me A man on red horse riding then in vision did I see DEclaring that the earth sate still and was at quiet rest The Angel prai'd that at the last Ierusalem might be blest EXceeding comforts then I heard that God thus intend To Zion and Ierusalem prosperitie to send FOure hornes I after did behold the Angell did me tell That they were Iudah's enemies and scattered Israel GOds instruments four Carpenters I saw to breake the horne Of those that scattered Israel and did his people scorne Chapt. 2 HEre is declar'd by measuring Iehouah's care of all Salem shall be inhabited as townes without a wall I Saith the Lord will be a wall of fire it round about Ho you that dwell in Babylon set free your selues come out KNow he that toucheth you doth touch the apple of his eye I le spoyle your foes in midst of thee O Zion dwell will I. LEt Zion sing for nations my people deare shall be And I will Salem choose againe let all flesh silent be Chapt. 3 MArke here the high Priest Iosuah before the Angel stands Sathan to bee his opposite attends at his right hand NOw God that chose Ierusalem ô Sathan thee reprooue As brand out of the fire that 's pluck't so he is through my loue O Take away his garments foule thus then the Angell said With change of raiment I le him cloath set miter on his head PLace among these that stand here by I sure will giue to thee If thou wilt walke in all my wayes and watchman be to me QVite contemn'd of all the world and monsters are ye thought Thou and thy fellowes Ioshua the BRANCH shall forth be brought REgard the STONE that I haue laid I their transgressions all Will then remoue from vnder vines men shall their neighbours call Chapt. 4 SEE here a golden candlesticke bowle lampes and pipes most fit Two Oliue trees were by the bowle vpon the side of it THE Lord workes not by armies strong but by his spirit of might O Mountaine I will make thee plaine thou shalt not hinder it VNto this building men shall wish all good Zerubbabel As he did well begin the worke so shall he end it well Chapt. 5 A Flying rowle here doe I see with curses fully fraught Which shall the theeues and swearers house consume and bring to naught BEhold a woman in the midst of Ephah here doth sit The which is wickednesse a weight of lead is cast on it CArried is this Ephah then from thence to Shinar land An house to build and on her owne foundation there to stand Chapt. 6 DOwne from betweene two hils of brasse I saw foure chariots come With horses some red black and white and grisled colour some EVery one throughout the earth doe wander to and fro They are the spirits of the Heauens commanded to doe so FOrthwith the Angel spake to me and thus aloud he cry'd Loe these that goe toward the North my spirit hath pacifi'd GOe make thee Gold and siluer crownes and set on Iosuah's head Tell him the man whose name is BRANCH shall perfect all the deed HE shall the holy temple build and rule vpon his throne And he shall be a Priest also our King and Priest alone IN building of the temple they that dwell far off agree Thus shall it be if
to the Lord you will obedient be Chapt. 7 KEepe fasts or no what they should doe they send to know and see In all your fasts you made saith God yo fasted not to me LOe should you not haue yeelded to my words spoke early and late By former Prophets when your land was in a rich estate MErcy and compassion shew vnto your needie brother And execute true iudgement all oppresse not one an other NO widdowes strangers fatherlesse see that you harme or hurt Against thy brother thinke no ill so much as in thy heart OF all these things they had no care they made their harts as stones And therefore from the Lord of hoasts came wrath on all at once PRaying to me I would not heare they would not heare me call Among strange nations for their sinne a whirlewind scattered all Chapt. 8 QVietly in Ierusalem and Zion I will dwell It shall a citie of truth be call'd Gods mountaine shall excell REstored so shall Salem be that men that are full old Shall dwell therein boyes in the streets thou playing shalt behold SAy it be maru'llous in mens eye should it be so with mee I le bring them home from countrie strange my people shall they be THen let your hands be strong all ye that here these words this day Great blessings both from heauen and earth you shall receiue I say VNto your neighbours speake the truth let peace bee in your gates Thinke ye no hurt loue no false oath for all these thing God hates ALL solemne fasts to chearefull feasts In Iudah God shall change Loue peace and truth therefore to you shall come a people strange BEfore the Lord let vs goe pray these nations then shall say They shall reioyce with Iewes to ioyne in seruing God that day Chapt. 9 CAst out shall all the Gentiles bee his Church defend will he Reioyce O Salem and Zion thy King doth come to thee DOminion shall thy iust King haue from sea to th' vtmost lands He by his blood hath quite set free thy prisoners out of bands EVen double will I giue to thee when I haue giuen thee power To conquer all thine enemies and them with mght deuour FIlled shall they be with all good things for his he will them take Young men and maides with corne and wine he shall full cheerfull make Chapt. 10 GOD giues his people grasse i' th field he giues them showers of raine Aske it of him all Idols hate they are both vile and vaine HOuses of Iudah and Isr'ell in loue I will regard But cruell goates their Gouernours shall haue their due reward IVda his house as goodly horse of his in warre he makes From out of him the corner naile and battell bow he takes KNock downe their enemies in the mire they shall with deadly wound Iehouah fighteth on their side they shall their foes confound LOrd euen their Lord and God am I and I will heare their voyce I le bring them to their place againe their hearts shall all reioyce ME in farre countries shall they mind and I will blesse them all Th' Assyrian and th' Egyptian pride and scepters downe shall fall Chapt. 11 NAked O Lebanon shalt thou be of all thy Cedars stout The fire the Firre trees eke shall burne the might ' are rooted out OF howling shepheards voyce is heard their glorious state is spoyl'd Of Lyons Roaring for the pride and Iordan's fame is foyl'd POssessors slaughter all the flocks that they of right should feed And say the Lord be blest for I am rich by this my deed QVite pitilesse I sure will be to th' dwellers in the land I le them deliuer to the Kings and also neighbours hand REfusing for to rescue them from cruell smiters deeds The poore distressed slaughtered flocks I will both watch and feed STaues two of beautie and bands I broke their shepheards off I cut The wages I was valued at I to the potter put THe foolish shepheard will not feed the tender lambes so deare Nor heale their hurts but eate their flesh and clawes in sunder teares VPon his arme and his right eye the sword of God shall bee O Idoll shepheard God will take wisedome and strength from thee Chapt. 12 A Cup of trembling will I make Ierusalem to all A heauy stone to crush and cut her foes in peeces small BEhold with madnesse horse and man in those dayes will I smite In Salems strength the Lord of Hosts shall rulers then delight COales of hot fire among the wood and like a torch I le make Ierusalem to make their foes in euery place to quake DEfended shall the dwellers be in those dayes you shall see Like Dauid euen the feeblest and Dauids house to be EVen as the Angell of the Lord there shall the people mourne To looke on him whom they haue pierc'd as one for his first borne FOr good Iosiah as they mourn'd in bitternesse of heart Each familie shall then lament the man and wife apart Chapt. 13 GRaciously in Dauids house a fountaine then shall run To wash away the wickednesse which they haue thought or done HE also will cut off the names of Idols from the land False Prophets here foule spirits call'd his force shall vnderstand IF any in the name of God shall preach lyes in that day Ashamed shall they be thereof their parents shall them slay KNowne by their garments made of haire worne to deceiue and lye They shall not be but then shall say I am not Prophet I. LEarning to play the husbandman and keeping beasts i' th field Man hath me taught and trained vp since first I was a child MY shepheard that 's my fellow smite ô sword arise awake The sheepe shall then be scattered the small ones I will take NOne in the land shall scape with life but third part of the same I sure will try as gold i' th fire they shall call on my name OF them thus clensed I will say it is my people deare And they shall say the Lord 's my God whom I will loue and feare Chapt. 14 PLagu'd be by nations Salem shall women shall be defil'd Halfe of the townes shall captiues goe their houses shall be spoil'd QVickly then will the Lord goe forth and with these nations warre The Mount of Oliues shall be cleft and Salem seene from farre ROyally then the Lord shall reigne o'er all the earth alone And there shall be one God one faith one true Religion SOre plagues Iehouah then will send vpon those people all That fought against Ierusalem they by consumption fall THe rest of all the nations then shall goe vp yeare by yeare To keepe the feast of tabernacles and worship truely there VNto Ierusalem to goe who will not take the paine To worship there vpon their land and them shall fall no raine ANd if that Egypt goe not vp who haue no raine at all The plagues that light on other lands on Egypt land shall fall BOth bells and bridles of the
holy word which is the truth indeed GOod men and pure haue all things pure the wicked haue no so Whose mouthes professe whose workes deny these subiect are to woe Chapt. 2 HEre Titus hath directions both how to teach and liue What precepts he to young and old and seruants eke should giue INstructing old men to be graue sober and sound in faith Old women must teach holy things to yonger wiues he saith KEepers at home chast and discreet they must in any case Still shew themselues lest Christs Gospel by them should haue disgrace LIkewise yong men are bid to liue in all sobrietie And Titus must a patterne be of godly grauitie MAsters must be obey'd and pleas'd of seruants taking paine Shewing forth all fidelity not answering againe NOte that Gods grace hath now appear'd and reacheth vs to fly Vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and so liue soberly OVr Sauiour still looking for who was content to dye That he might saue vs and our soules from sinne might purifie Chapt. 3 PAul here bids Titus to exhort and but them all in minde Their Magistrates still to obey and to be meeke and kinde QVicke ready forward eke to be to euery godly deed And that they should in goodnesse still and gentlenesse proceed RElating that euen he himselfe was in times past most vile Liuing in all licentiousnesse in malice enuy guile SEruing his lusts vntill Gods loue and Christs did plaine appeare Not by the works 〈…〉 done but of his mercy meere THat Christ he saith hath saued vs by true regeneration Washing vs in his blood and by the spirits renouation VPon vs richly which he shed that be our soules might saue And iustifie vs by his grace eternall life to haue ADuis'd is Titus this to teach that who in God beleeue Should carefully shew forth good works and in his feare should liue BVt foolish questions all should hate of fruitlesse brawlings vaine An hereticke twice warn'd they must reiect auoid disdaine COndemned eu●n in his owne heart and of himselfe he is He bid that Titus should with speed come to Nicopolis DEclaring that he purpos'd there to winter and remaine To doe some workes of curtesie Paul bids him take some paine EXhorting them to shew good workes and fruitfull be alwayes He greets them all that faithfull be for grace and peace then prayes PHILEMON Chapt. 1 A Seruant nam'd Onesimus first rob'd then runne away From good Philemon his master and with Saint Paul did stay BY whom when he was wonne to Christ and truly did repent Vnto his Master Philemon hee home againe was sent CHristianly and earnestly th'Apostle Paul doth craue That for his sake Onesimus might full forgiuenesse haue DVeties of one good Christian belonging to another He proueth by strong reasons sent to Philemon his brother EXceedingly Philemons faith and loue he here commends And last with salutations and prayer all he ends HEBREVVES Chapt. 1 AForetime God by Prophets spake vnto our Fathers old ●ow by his Sonne the truth he hath diuinely taught and told BY whom and by his mighty word the world 's created were Who by himselfe hath purg'd our sinnes and all things vp doth beare CReated Angels he excels as being Gods owne sonne To whom by men and Angells both all honor must be done DEclar'd he was vnto the world euen at th' appointed day Of righteousnesse the Kingdome he and scepter still doth sway EVen as garment heauens waxe old but he doth still remaine They shall be chang'd but Christ our Lord for euermore shall reigne FVll great heed therefore must we take and duly still regard That we forget none of his words for feare of iust reward Chapt. 2 GReat plagues they had that did despise the words which Angels spake But we neglecting Christs Gospell what payment shall we take HE crowned is with glory great to blisse hath many brought Through death he hath destroy'd the Deuill and our redemption wrought IN all things he was made like vs the Angels nature he In no sort tooke that he to vs a faithfull Priest might be KNowing well how to comfort them that fall into temptation And for the sinnes of Saints to make full reconciliation Chapt. ● LOe Moses here to Christ compar'd is proued for to be As seruant to his master is inferiour in degree MOre glory farre the house builder deserueth for to haue ●hen doth the house or doth the sonne more then the seruant craue NOte that we are this house of Christ if that we shall hold fast ●ur confidence and hope in him as long as life shall last OBserue how he bids vs therefore to heare his voyce to day ●nd that no longer with hard hearts we should him disobey PRouoking him as forefathers did in the wildernesse ●●st that in wrath he banish vs out of his blessed rest QVickly take heed that there be not in you a wicked heart ●nfaithfully to cause you fall and from the Lord depart REbuke exhort you one another lest sinne your soules deceiue ●or if we keepe faith to the end we Christ and heauen shall haue SOme when they heard obey'd him not but still in sinne did liue ●o whom he sware that he no rest at all to them would giue Chapt. 4 THerefore let vs take heed and feare his promise to fo● sake They heard but through their vnbeliefe they did no profit take VNto vs was the Gospell preach'd beleeuers all are blest For all the godly of the world there doth remaine a rest WHich rest who so hath entered from his owne worke hath ceast As God from his let vs then striue from sinne to be releast ASunder doth the word of God diuide mans soule and will And as a sharpe two edged sword sinne in th' elect doth kill BEcause we haue a great High Priest now see in heauenly place Who feeles our wants let 's boldly goe vnto the throne of grace Chapt. 5 COmparing Iesus Christ our Lord with Priests Leuiticall He shewes wherein they doe agree wherein they differ all DEclaring that euery High Priest is for mankind ordain'd To offer gifts that pardon so for sinne might be obtain'd EVen for his owne and peoples sinnes these offerings he makes None but the call'd as Aaron was this honour on him takes FOr Christ did not this honour take an high Priest to be made But God who said thou art my Sonne that honour on him laid GOd said thou art a Priest for euer he prayers made with teares To him that able was to saue who freed him from his feares HE though he were his dearest Sonne yet by his sufferings Did learne obedience and is he that now saluation brings IEwes negligence is here reproou'd who were so dull to heare That though they had beene long time taught yet strong meat could not beare KNowledge they had but very small of milke they still had need ●trong meat belonged not to such on milke they still did feed Chapt. 6 LEarning the Christian principles of mournefull hearts confession