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A14709 The homilies or familiar sermons of M. Rodolph Gualther Tigurine vpon the prophet Ioel. Translated from Latine into Englishe, by Iohn Ludham vicar of Withersfielde Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Ludham, John, d. 1613. 1582 (1582) STC 25012; ESTC S103628 93,829 243

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would haue the knowledge of saluation to bee common vnto alhis people therefore behooued the Apostles to be indued with the holy ghost that they might put vs in mind of the things that come to passe at this day in the Church c. The perillous estate of the ●●tt●r time But least any man at the springing vp of Christes kingdome shoulde promise to himselfe all thinges ioyfull and prosperous Ioel consequently setteth downe what a huge masse of mischiefes and dangers shoulde euery where arise partly to the ende hee might remedie the offence of the crosse and that hee might commende and set foorth faith in Christe which alone is able to saue vs in these dangers and partly that by rehearsing of these thinges hee might terrifie and dismay those that shoulde come after least otherwise they should refuse the redeemer giuen vnto thē of God I will shew saith the Lord wonders in heauen and in earth blood fire and pillers of smoke The Sunne shal be turned into darkenesse and the Moone into blood before that great and terrible day of the Lorde come And because hee maketh mention of that greate day wherein Christe shall come to iudgement it is euident enough that hee comprehendeth all the time from Christes manifestatiō in the flesh euen to his last comming in which hee will accomplishe his kingdome in his elect and punish his enemies with the paines of eternall death and damnation And hee sheweth that there wil euery where appeare tokens of Gods wrath and that such shall bee the countenance of the whole worlde as that all the partes thereof might seeme to haue conspired together to the destruction of mankynde Heereunto agree those thinges that Christe foretelleth in the gospel of the later times Mat. 24. Mark 13. Luke 21. And they beganne to bee accōplished by and by after his ascention into heauen as touching the nation of the Iewes For there were seen wonders of al sortes after the which followed immediately the destruction both of their citie and nation But vnder the Romane Empyre whereunto the whole worlde was then subiect there raged in horrible wise seditions warres pestilences famines and all maner of mischiefes whatsoeuer and the histories are full stuffed with the rehearsall of straunge tokens These thinges haue continued euen vnto our time neither as yet are they come vnto an ende For who is ignoraunt of the Cometes and blasing starres of the Swoordes Speares and other like thinges which haue now certaine yeeres past beene seene in the skies As for Earthquakes and Inundations of waters wee haue seene very many And in some places great quantities of blood haue gushed out of the earth and els where it hath rayned blood from heauen I let passe the monstrous shapes and birthes which if I shoulde stande to recount the day woulde scarce bee sufficient And that these are no vaine scare-crowes the thing it selfe testifieth when as the wretched worlde is vexed and disquieted with warres famine pestilence other plagues innumerable The cause of the calamities of the latter time But some man may aske what the cause is of these calamities and why GOD seemeth nowe to bee more offended with all mankinde then hee was in times past before Christe was giuen vnto vs in the fleshe This question is not superfluous considering that in times past the enemies of the Christian faith tooke heereby occasion to slaunder it in that after the rising thereof they saide whole swarmes of mischiefes brake into the worlde And among the Christians there are not a fewe that are greatly troubled with the consideration heereof But if we cōsider the thing it self it will appeare that the cause of these euils commeth not of the Christian faith or religion but proceedeth from the people For among these the greater part is of the wicked and vngodly who either as hogges of Epicures heard giue themselues to the lustes of the fleshe and despise all religion or els beeing superstitious and Idolaters doe dayly deuise and heape vp vnlawfull worshippinges And both these sortes hate and persecute the light of the truth so as notwithstanding that they followe diuers practises of life yet in this one thing they egregiously agree and by their wickednes it commeth to passe that there seemes no enormitie worthie of greater punishement then if any make a fyncere and free confession of the truth Is it therefore to be thought any maruell or a thing vn worthy if God punish the desperate boldnesse of these men with all kinde of plagues which wilfully refuse the saluation offered This doubtles is the cause for the which Christe himselfe foretold that the nation of the Iewes should bee rooted out Mat. 21.23 Luke 19. for which also the Romane Empire was manifoldly afflicted as Orosius in diuers places witnesseth But for so much as a number in these dayes followe and imitate the wickednesse of the Iewes and Emperours it is nieete and requisite that they shoulde suffer and abide the selfe same paines and punishments with them Where if so bee wee looke vpon those that haue giuen their names vnto Christe although they bee of a right iudgemente as touching faith and religion and also do refreine themselues from the grosser sins and superstitions yet concurre there many thinges in them which deserue the sharper kinde of discipline and chastizemente For some blinded with the loue of this worlde couet after honours and riches othersome hauing too good an opinion of themselues are made secure and carelesse others there be that become slaues to their affections and followe without measure their owne lustes and pleasures As therefore it is necessarie that these shoulde bee brydeled and prouoked to a more feruent desire of Godlinesse so the iustice of God requireth that in punishing the sins of the wicked worlde 1. Pet. 4. hee shoulde begin first with his owne house least hee might seeme to allow those things in his owne which hee so seuerely punisheth in others No man therefore hath any cause to complaine of GOD. For in as muche as the state and condition of the worlde will bee alwayes alike it is good reason also that the same should be vexed with the like punishments and afflictions vntill that great day of the Lorde appeare which as it wyll bee terrible to the wicked as the Prophete signifieth Luke 21.1 Thes 4 so will the same bee ioyfull to the Godly and bryng vnto them their full and perfect redemption Heereby are confuted the Chiliastes and as many as in these dayes doe restore againe their dotages whylest they promise to themselues a certayne golden worlde vpon earth And withall the goodnesse of GOD is to bee obserued The vse of strange tokēs who before hee bring foorth the punishments which wee haue deserued is accustomed to forwarne vs not onely by his worde but also to awake vs by signes and wonders Examples of this forte are extant in the histories of all ages and as
that shall with their Alarum both terryfie those dumbe Dogges and also theyr partakers Nowe followeth a description of the vengeance which hee first propoundeth in generall A generall description of Gods vengeance to the intent hee might signifie how great and grieuous it was like to be A day of darkenes and blackenes a day of Cloudes and obscuritie By darkenesse and blackenes are vnderstood inextricable troubles and calamities which cause men to be vncertaine what to doe and euen at their wittes end Hee threatneth therefore that this also shall happen vnto them and addeth As the morning is spred vpon the mountaines By which similitude is betokened the vnauoydable necessitie and celeritie of an incredible vengeance and the sense is this That like as no man can forbid the morning but that she will rise and stretche forth her rosecoulered fingers as the Greeke Poets vse to speake sodenly to the very toppes of the mountaines and from thence with wonderfull swiftnesse throughout the whole earth so shall no man let God but that he will stretch his wreakefull hand vnto you whereby hee will sooner then can be told afflict and destroy all your whole land For there shal come namely cōducted by the Lord a mighty strong people the like wherof was neuer seene in the world before The power of the Assyrians incomparable neither shall be hereafter He meaneth the Assyrians who in continuance of gouernement in victories and puissance farre surmounted all peoples beside For their kingdome began in the hundreth and one and thirtith yeere after the floode Gene 10. which was from the creation of the world the seuenteene hundreth fourescore and nienth 2. King 14. There are reckoned from that time vnto the fourteenth yeere of Ezechias wherein this warre was made a thousand foure hundred and two and forty yeeres And although a little after the Babylonians began to reigne yet was not the Empire of the Assyrians ouerthrowne but rather the Kinges seate was remooued and the name of the Assyrians continued still vntill the Monarchie came to the Persians and Medes The Prophet therefore doeth not without a cause say that this people excelled all others Where wee haue especiallye to obserue howe hee sayeth that these shall bee the executours of Gods vengeance For heereby it appeareth that GOD will neuer wante such as by whose ayde hee maye punishe the wicked and vngodly when as hee can vse the most mighty nations and those that are furthest of from the knowledge of his name according to his owne good will and pleasure For that which is heere done commeth oftentimes to passe and there are examples euerye where in Hystories But more of this the Prophet him selfe will adde in the woordes following A particular declaration of the punishment For that which he propounded in generall hee declareth by a diligent and long rehearsall of all that they namely the Assyrians shoulde doe where it is not needefull to stande vppon the woordes sith they are plaine and euident of themselues but rather the matter it selfe is to bee considered For the ende and scope of all is this namely that he will shewe that nothing can possiblye let but that Gods vengeance shall proceede and therefore hee taketh from them all thinges wherein they might put any hope or confidence The chiefe among these were the fertilitie and plenteousnesse of the Lande the greate distance of places betweene Iudea and the countries of the Assyrians the harde passages throughe the mountaines a huge number of strong and valiant men together with moste strong townes and fortifications whiche seemed to be such as might easily stoppe the comming of the enemies But hee telleth them that none of all these thinges shall profit them For first of all the Assyrians shall come like a fire and shall so hideouslye waste and destroye all thinges that the Lande whiche nowe florisheth as a Paradise shall after theyr departure become like vnto a huge and desolate wil●ernesse Secondly they shall come verye cruell and swift and shall euen runne through the toppes of the Mountaynes where there seemed to bee scarce any place for Horsemen to passe Yea and looke howe soone the fire catcheth and deuoureth the stubble euen so soone shall they ouer runne the whole lande Thirdlye as touching men of warre all your warriours surdaunted onely with the fame and report of their enemies shall feare and tremble and shall with the palenesse of their faces testifie that they are afrayde on the other side your enemies shall runne hither and thither like Gyants they shall scale the walles they shall keepe their order with wonderfull diligence so as none shall bee a let vnto another Moreouer setting a parte the feare of death they shall rushe euen into the middest of the swoordes and yet shall not bee wounded Fourthly albeit strong Cities bee set against them yet shall they sodenly passe through them euen as through the open fieldes and hauing broken vp the gates or battered downe the walles they shall enter in at the very windowes Finally so great shal be the rage and astonishment of your people that the earth it selfe shall tremble the heauens shall mooue the Sunne and Moone shall be darkened and the Starres shall withdrawe their light And in these woordes his meaning is nothing else thē that in euery part of the worlde shall appeare tokens of Gods wrath and nothing shall bee any safegarde vnto them That these thinges were fulfilled wee may gather by the historie especially out of Esay chap. 10. Where it is declared what way Sennacharib came to Hierusalem And so GOD perfourmed in deede that which hee had threatned before in the Law to the wicked transgressours of his commandementes In the consideration heereof we haue so to bee occupied that wee bee not carried awaye with the confidence of our owne strength or munitions to rebell agaynst the Lorde For to let passe all olde examples wee haue in our time seene manye of this forte whiche maye teache vs howe vayne the Fortes and Defences are that men doe prouide against GOD c. Furthermore least any should attribute these thinges to the power or rage of the enemies hee teacheth expressely that God shall bee the Captayne of this Warre God the captayne Emperour of warre For hee sayeth The Lorde shall vtter his voyce before his hoaste That is all thinges shall come to passe by his conducte and assignemente hee shall encourage the Assyrians but shall terryfie you as I sayde euen nowe For Gods armye is exceeding greate and hee that executeth his commaundement namely the Assyrian is strong Terrible therefore and greate shall that day bee so as none shall Bee able to abyde it Wee haue heere to obserue and marke that hee calleth expressely the Hoast and Camp of the Assyrians Gods hoast and Campe and hee acknowledgeth the Tyrant Sennacharib to bee the executioner of his woorde and commaundement Esay 10. So in Esay hee calleth the
pasture yea and the flocks of sheepe are destroyed The meaning is that such and so great is the force of Gods wrath that the sense thereof is come euen to the bruite and sauage beastes The beastes mourne in the woods for hūger The wilde Harts bray for want of waters The hungerstarued Oxen wote not which way to turne them The sheepe for want of pasture are scattered abroade And are not you ashamed in the meane time not to acknowledge the hande of Gods wrath neither as yet mourne ye for your sins wherebye you haue deserued this so greate a miserie But that which the prophet vpbraydeth this people withall is nowe adayes too too common and vsuall And this is a great token of mans corruption All creatures feele and perceiue the blessing of the Lorde they reioyce in it and are thankefull vnto God their good benefactour whilest they constantly execute and discharge their duties The same mourne and are greeued when God is angrie For euen the bruite beastes doe percetue Gods wrath and bewaile it the signes and tokens heereof appeare in all the Elements yea and this whole frame of the world being greeued with the weight of our sinnes and malediction Rom. 8. groneth and wayteth for deliuerance Onely man neither acknowledgeth God his benefactour nor yet perceiueth his wrath and scourges but as a blocke onely poareth and poddreth about seconde causes For although hee desire to bee deliuered from euils and is greeued for them yet doth hee very seldome thinke of GOD and of his sinnes whereby hee hath proudked his wrath Let vs hee ashamed therefore of this vnthriftinesse and let vs bee inflamed with the studie of the woorde whiche alone is able to cure this maladie Heerewithall the Prophet nowe interlaceth his owne example He stirreth thē vp by his owne exāple and whilest hee telleth them what he himselfe will doe hee admonisheth them also what they ought to doe I will cry vnto thee O Lord saith he As though hee should say Let them do as they list if they will let thē with their blockishnes exceed euen the very bruit beastes themselues yet shall they neuer cause me to fayle in my duetie For I will crye vnto the Lorde that hee may both giue them a better minde and also mercifully remoue these calamities And heere againe hee repeateth the selfe same causes to the intent he might both stirre vp himself the more and also reproue them once againe for their blockishnesse For the fire hath consumed the pastures of the wildernesse the flame hath burnt vp all the trees of the fielde And in these wordes he betokeneth the rage of the enemies or rather the horrible vengeance of God which should shew foorth it self euen in wilde and desert places But we are admonished by the example of the prophet that Bishops and Ministers ought to pray continually for the people committed to their charge so long as they be not forbid●en by the expresse cōmandement of God as once Ieremie was Ier. 7.11.14 For why it doth not easily appeare vnto vs who they are that sinne against the holy Ghost 1. Ioan. 5. therefore vnmeete to bee prayed for And the greater that mens blockishnesse is in not acknowledging theyr miserie so much the more feruently haue wee to labour to prouide for their health and safetie Moses obserued this thing Exod. 32.33 who neuer ceased to pray for the Israelites although they oftentimes offended in the selfesame maner The same did Samuel for the children of Israel 1. Sam. 8 1● not withstanding that the Lorde had saide vnto him They haue not reiected thee but me because I should not raigne ouer them And the Apostle Paule prayed for the Iewes day and night Rom. 10. when as hee had none gricuouser enemies then they This duetie ought also to bee transferred vnto other states and degrees as Magistrates fathers of families and whosoeuer t is haue any charge inioyned them of the Lorde Let these also doe their duetie so long as occasion ferueth though they see that they litle preuaple There will once bee a tyme when they shall see them selues to haue profited more then they woulde thinke But if all other thinges fayle Eze. 3.33 at least they shall deliuer their owne soules c. The beastes cry vnto the Lorde Last of all hee repeateth that which hee had saide of the beastes crying vnto the Lorde As though hee shoulde say Why shoulde not I crie when as the very beastes are inforced to crie from whome this destruction haue taken away not onely the pastures but also the riuers and fountaines of wateres The bruite beasts are saide to crye vnto GOD when as by their braying or roaring they testifie that they haue neede of Gods prouidence So doe the young Rauens forsaken of their dammes crie vnto the Lord for help Iob. 38. Psalm 47. Luk. 12. when as they are fed with the deawe of heauen And this consideration of Gods proiudence is very full of comfort whiche extendeth it selfe euen vnto beastes and withal it reproueth the detestable distrustfulnesse of men who refuse to depende upon God though his fatherly care towardes vs doe on euery side appeare Let these thinges therefore serue for our instruction also as touching the matter of repentance whereof is presently entreated And albeit wee see due plagues for our sinnes hanging ouer vs alreadie yet let vs not despaire of Gods goodnes but turne vnto him with our whole harts For hee that heareth the voyces of Rauens crying vnto him and the waylinges of hungrie beastes cannot neglect vs vnto whome hee hath giuen free accesse to the throne of his grace by our Lorde Iesus Christe to whome bee giuen blessing honour glory and dominion for euer and euer Amen CHAP. II. Hee prophesieth of the comming and crueltie of their enemies 13. An exhortation to moue them to conuert 18. The loue of God towardes his people 1 BLowe the trumpet in Zion and shout in my holy mountaine The text let all the inhabitants of the lande tremble for the day of the Lorde is come for it is at hand 2 A day of darknesse and of blackenesse a day of cloudes and obscuritie as the morning spreade vpon the mountaines so is there a great people mightie the like where of was not from the beginning neither shal be after it vnto the yeeres of many generations 3 Before his face is a deuouring fire behind him the flame shall burne vp the lande is as the garden of Eden before him and behinde him a desolate wildernesse so that nothing shall eseape him 4 The beholding of him is like the sight of horses and like the horsemen so shall they runne 5 Like the noyse of charrets in the cops of the mountaines shall they leape like the noyse of a flame of fire that deuoureth the stubble as a mightie people prepared to the battell 6 Before his face shall the people tremble
all faces shall gather blacknes 7 They shall runne like gyants or strong men and goe vp to the wall like men of warre and euery man shall goe forwarde in his wayes and shall not stay in their pathes 8 No man shall thrust his brother but euery one shal walke in his path and when they fall vpon the sworde they shall not be wounded 9 They shall runne to and fro in the citie they shall runne vppon the wall they shall clime vp vppon the houses and enter in at the windowes like a theefe 10 The earth shall tremble before him the heauens shall shake the Sunne and the Moone shall be darke and the Starres shall withdrawe their shining 11 And the Lorde shall vtter his voyce before his host for his armie is very great for hee is strong that doeth his woorke for the day of the Lorde is great and very terrible and who can abide it Sermon 5. The argumēt of the second Sermon IOel beginneth now his other Sermon wherein hee handleth the same that he did in the former but hee intreateth more largely and euidently of euery point adding also some things which are not there mentioned yet serue they excellētly wel to the presēt treatise For he exhorteth them to repentance that were oppressed with a greeuous warre by the Assyrians And there are three partes of his discourse In the first hee agayne describeth the danger to the entent that they beeing wakened by the consideration therof might perceiue that they had neede of repentance In the seconde hee teacheth the maner of true repentance and sheweth in what pointes it consisteth In the last hee declareth the effectes or fruites thereof and by that occasion prophesieth of the happie state of the Godly and destruction of the enemies which finally is fulfilled in the kingdome of Christ Now these things are so to bee considered of vs that wee beeing distressed with aduersities and afflictions may from hence fetch those thinges that serue to our instruction and comforce at this time wee will onely examine the first part A Tragiea● beginning wherein chiefly he stirreth vp the Prophets The beginning of his Sermon is very tragicall and warlike wherein hee rouzeth vp the secure and carelesse that they might prepare themselues for the punishmentes nowe readye to light vppon them And because they were to bee punished with warre he alluding to afeate of warre willeth the watchmen or spies to sound out Alarum and proclaime the batteil For hee sayth Blow the trumpet in Sion and shout in my holy mountayne Hee maketh mention of Sion and of the holy hill or Temple partlye leaste they shoulde thinke themselues to hee safe for the holynesse of the place and partly that they might vnderstand this thing especiallye to bee enioyned to the. Prophetes whome GOD had appointed watchmen to his people Ezech. 3.33 as wee may read in Ezechiel He addeth Let all the inhabitantes of the lande tremble Hee nameth all leaste anye shoulde thinke him selfe to bee without faulte And he biddeth them tremble to the end they might perceiue God to deale in good earnest and therefore that they also must not dally Whereunto serueth the cause which he by and by addeth For the day of the Lord commeth that is the time is at hand which God hath nowe long since appointed for vēgeāce which euen now also waiteth at your dores Heere commeth the goodnes of God to be noted of vs who like a kinde father first dealeth in woordes The goodnes of God in giuing warning before he punisheth before hee addeth stripes Neyther doubtlesse are suche prophesiynges in vayne or appointed to stirre vp a vayne feare or terrour For as many as beeing terryfied with them are conuerted to GOD doe escape the punishments as GOD himselfe promiseth in Ieremie But if in cace the number of the wicked doe preuayle Ieremie 18. vnto whom these thinges seeme but as toyes and trifles and therefore GOD cannot deferre the punishment yet doe the Godly receiue greate comforte hereby For when they call these prophesiynges to minde they vnderstande also that all these thinges are ordered by Gods gouernment who because hee is faythfull and loueth vs suffereth not his to be tempted aboue their strength but that for his mercies sake hee causeth that all thinges woorke for the best vnto them God vseth his ministers as watchmen Further wee haue to marke that God oftentimes by his Prophets and ministers of his woord doth foretell his punishments and that as before wee haue sayde hee ordeyned them to the ende that as watchmen they shoulde sounde the Trumpet and stirre vp the people committed to their charge vnto that spirituall fight which consisteth especially in the exercise of repentance and woorde of GOD and whiche alone is able to turne away the plagues imminent and at hand The consideration hereof admonisheth as well ministers as also the whole people and euery creature particularly of their dueties For it belongeth vnto them to attende vppon theyr flocke and to marke the state and condition of euery one and with all the dangers that eyther publikely or priuately ●ang ouer their heades Moreouer to reprooue and denounce the same so as euery man maye perceiue what hee ought to doe This did the holy Prophets in times past and the selfesame doeth Paule very grauelye require of the Ministers of the new Testament Actes 20. 2. Tim. 4. Mat. 24. and 25. And they that doe their duetie in this behalfe shall enter into the ioye of their Lorde But as many as are carelesse and negligent at their handes shall bee required the blood of them that perishe Againe it shall bee the parte of all those that will bee numbred amongest the people of GOD to tremble at the sound of Gods woorde Ezechi 33. and with speedie repentance to preuente the daye of the Lorde The Prophet admonisheth vs thereof when hee sayth it is at hande For by that threatning he putteth them in hope that they may as yet escape the punishmentes nowe ready to light vpon them if they will applye them selues vnto GOD giuing them warning These thinges were of vs to be considered O Brethren when as turmoylinges and dangers doe euery where arise And GOD truly for his parte executeth his office neither want there faythfull watchmen by him raysed vp whiche reprooue sinne and denounce the plagues hanging ouer vs. But in the meane time there want not such as are negligent also Esay 56. who eyther by diminishing Gods threatnings do fauoure and maynetayne wickednes or else by the lewde example of their life doe shamefully prostitute the authoritie of the woorde and ministerye This occasion euery lewde and wicked verlet catcheth holde of and heerevppon it commeth that the carelesse libertie of sinning doeth euerye where preuayle and the warninges of the faythfuller Ministers are wicke dly scoffed at and laughed to skorne But Gods iudgement shall not slacke who will rayse vppe most cruell enemies
innocent blood in their land Therfore the wicked are punished for their tyrannie whereby they oppresse the godly neither in deede will Christ suffer this to escape vnreuenged who testifieth himselfe to bee afflicted in his members as we said of late From hence therfore let vs fetch comfort in persecutiō neither let vs be offended with the successe of the wicked who shall one day wee reigning in the heauens bee cast into vtter darknesse and there tormented for euer 4. A perpetuitie hee promiseth a perpetuitis which thing alone sufficiently teacheth that this place ought not to be vnderstood of the carnall Iuda but of the spirituall or Church For it is euident that the people of the Iewes were cast out of the lande of promise and had lost all forme both of Church and Common weale The Prophet therefore saith But Iuda shall dwell for euer and Ierusalem from generation to generation Which may bee meant onely of the Church vnto whome Christe being about to conueigh his body from the earth into heauen Mat. 28. said Behold I am with you euen vnto the ende of the worlde And that the same shall neuer die Math. 24. 1. Cor. 15. 1. Thes 4. the prophesyinges of the same Christe and Apostles as touching the last day doe aboundantly teathe when as they testifie that then there wil be some who being caught vp in the ayre to meete Christ shall enter into possession of the heauenly kingdome Forasmuch therefore as the Churche shall bee vpon the earth euen vnto the end of the worlde and the same then beeing translated into heauen shall bee indued also with the immortalitie of the body it is plaine perdy as the Prophet speaketh that the same shall dwell for euer Why therefore doe wee feare the attempts of persecutors Why tremble wee at the dangers that hang on euery side ouer vs In times past forsooth most mightie Kinges and Emperours haue assayed to subuert ouerthrowe the Church but they haue bin so farre off from atchieuing their purpose that in so doing they haue gamed nothing but perpetuall shame and ignominie and an vurecouerable losse as well of their goods as also of their bodies and soules The like lot also shall light vpon those that doe in these dayes followe their steppes 5. A cleansing from sinnes But forsomuche as the conscience of sinnes calleth into question all the promises of God in the fift place the Lorde addeth And I will cleanse their blood which I haue not cleansed and the Lord wil dwel in Zion By blood the scriptures vnderstand al greeuous and haynous sins The meaning therefore is this Whatsoeuer filthinesse remaineth in them which might seeme as yet not to be clensed and taken away all that will I cleanse purge This was performed also in Christ whose blood as the Apostle saith cleanseth vs from all sin and of whō the Baptist witnessed Beholde the lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world But especially this seemeth to bee referred to the calling of the Gentiles who where before also they wanted the purifiyngs of the lawe God had suffered them as the Apostle saith to walk in their owne wayes Act. 14. yet the same beeing brought to the knowledge of him he deliuered set free by the merit of Christ frō their sins from condēnation Our sinnes therefore beeing cleansed done away which alone separated vs from God it followeth necessarily that God will dwell in Zion that is the Church that he wil neuer leaue it destitute of his fouour and protection Hitherto maketh the place of Paule writing to the Romanes Rom. 5. God setteth out his loue toward vs seeing that while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. Much more then being now iustified by his blood we shal bee saued from wrath through him For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne much more being reconciled we shal be saued by his life c. And thus doth the diuine Ioel conclude and shet vp his prophesie with a promise of the Gospell nay if you consider more aduisedly of him throughout yee shall finde him to bee an Euangelical Preacher For hee beganne with the rehearsall of the punishments which hee sheweth they deserued by their sins And immediately he exhorted them to repentance gaue foorth the true fourme and maner thereof Then heereunto he added promises touching the penalties of the enemies perpetual happinesse of the godly Let vs therfore transferre these thinges to our times and from hence take aduice as touching the auoyding of plagues and calamities whereof the summe is this that wee forsaking our sinnes and the cares of this wicked world doe with our whole heart 〈◊〉 turne conuert vnto God through Christ Iesus who as hee hath cleansed vs from our sinnes and reconciled vs to God his father so doth hee protect and defende those that beleeue in him amiddest the dangers of this life and finally causing them to escape and surmount all calamities hee will translate them into his owne kingdome 〈◊〉 to the places of eternall happinesse To him therefore with the father the holy ghoste three persons and one eternall and euerliuing God bee all blessing honour glory and dominion for euer and euer Amen Imprinted at London at the three Cranes in the Vintree by Thomas Dawson for William Ponnsonby 1582.