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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13804 Lingua: or The combat of the tongue, and the fiue senses for superiority A pleasant comœdie. Tomkis, Thomas, fl. 1604-1615. 1607 (1607) STC 24104; ESTC S118457 57,999 104

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so oho ho oho hei waw What good can I do ou hoh hawe CRA. Why I tell you vnlesse you helpe Somnus fals downe and sleepes Soft sonne of night right heyre to Quietnesse Labours repose lifes best restoratiue Digestions carefull Nurse blouds Comforter Wi●s helpe thoughts charme the stay of Microcosme Sweet Somnus cheefest enemy to Care My dearest friend liftvp thy lumpish head Ope thy dull eyes shake of this drowsines Rowse vp thy selfe SOMNVS O Crapula how now how now oh oh howe whose there Crapula speake quickly what 's the matter CRA. As I told you the noble Senses peeres of Microcosme Will eft soone fall to ruine perpetuall Vnlesse your readie helping hand recure them Lately they banqueted at Gustus table And there fell madde or drunke I know not whether So that it 's doubtfull in these outragious fits That the●e murther one another SOM. Feare it not if they haue scapt already Bring me to them or them to me I●e quickly make them know the power Of my la●ge stretcht authoritie These co●●es of sleepe wherewith I wont to bind The strongest armes that ere resisted me Shall be the meanes whereby I will correct The Senses outrage and distemperature CRA. Thankes gentle Somnus I le go seeke them out And bring then to you soone as possible SOM. Dispatch it quickly least I fall a sleep for want of worke CRA. Stand still stand still Visus I thinke comes yonder If you thinke good begin and bind him first For he made fast the rest will soone be quiet Exit Crapula ACT. 5. SCEN. 11. VISVS SOMNVS VIS. Sage Telemus I now too late admire Thy deepe fore-sight and skill in Prophecie Who whilome toldst me that in time to come Vlisses should depriue me of my sight And now the slaue that marcht in Outis name Is prou'd V●sses and by this deuice Hath scapt my hands and fled away by Sea Leauing me desolate in eternall night Ah wretched Polypheme where 's all thy hope And longing for thy beautious Galatea Shee scornd thee once but now she will detest And loath to looke vpon thy darkned face Aye me most miserable Polphemus But as for 〈◊〉 heauen and earth Send vengeance euer on thy damned head In iust re●enge of my great iniurie Somnus binds him Who is he that dares to touch me Cyclops come Come all yee Cyclop's helpe to rescue me Somnus charmes him he sl●●●es SOM. There rest thy selfe and let thy quiet sleepe Restore thy weake immaginations ACT. 5. SCEN. 12. LINGVA SOMNVS VISVS LIN. Ha ha ha oh how my splene is tickled with this sporte The madding Senses make about the woods It cheeres my soule and makes my bodie fat To laugh at their mischances ha ha ha ha Heigh ho the stitch hath caught me oh my heart Would I had one to hold my sides a while That I might laugh a fresh oh how they runne And chafe and sweare and threaten one another Somnus bind's her Ay me out alas ay me help help who 's this that bind's me Helpe Mendatio Mendatio helpe here 's one will rauish me SOM. Lingua content your selfe you must be bound LING. What a spight 's this are my nailes par'd so neere Can I not scratch his eies out What haue I done what doe you meane to kill me murder murder murder she fall's a sleepe ACT. 5. SCEN. 13. GVSTVS with a voiding knife in his hand SOMNVS LINGVA VISVS GVST. Who cries out murder What a woman slaine My Ladie ●ing●a dead oh Heauens iniust Can you behold this fact this bloudie fact And shower not fire vpon the murderer Ah peerelesse Lingua mistresse of heauenly words Sweete tongue of eloquence the life of fame Heart's dea●e enchauntresse what disaster fates Haue reft this Iewell from our common-wealth Gustus the rubie that adornes thy ringe Loe heere defect how shalt thou lead thy daies Wanting the sweete Companion of thy life But in darke sorrowe and dull melancholie But ●taie whose this inhumane wretch Blou●-●hi●stie miscreant is this thy handie worke To kill a woman a harmelesse Ladie Villaine prepare thy selfe drawe or I le sheath my faucheon in thy sides There take the guerdon fit sor murderers Gustus offers to runne at Somnus but beeing sudd●nly charmed fall's a sleepe SOM. Heer 's such a stirre I neuer knewe the Senses in such disorder LING. Ha ha ha M●nd●cio Mendicio See how Visus hath broke his fore-head against the oake yonder ha ha ha ha SOM. Howe now Is not Lingu● bound sufficientlie I haue more trouble to make one wom in sleepe then all the world besides they be so full of tattle ACT. 5. SCEN. 14. SOMNVS CRAPVLA LINGVA VISVS GVSTVS A VDITVS 〈◊〉 OLFACTVS by the nose and OLFACTVS wringing AVDITVS by the eares AVD. Oh mine eares mine eares mine eares OLF. Oh my nose my nose my nose CRAP. Leaue leaue at length these base contentions Olfactus let him go OLF. Let him first loose my nose CRAP. Good ●u litus giue ouer AVD. IIe haue his life that sought to kill mee SOM. Come come I le end this quarrell bind him Crapula They binde them both ACT. 5. SCEN. 15. TACTVS with the robe in his hand SOMNVS CRAPVLA LINGVA GVSTVS OLFACTVS VISVS AVDITVS TAC. Thankes Dei●neira for thy kind remembrance T is a faire shirt I le weare it for thy sake CRAP. Somnus heer 's 〈◊〉 worse then all his sellowes Stay but a while and you shall see him rage SOM. What will he do see that hee scapes vs not TACT. T is a good shirt it fitt's me passing well T is verie warme indeede but what 's the matter Me thinkes I am some-what hotter then I was My heart beates faster then t was wont to do My braines enflamed my temples ake extreamely oh oh Oh what a wild-fire creepes amonge my bowells A●tna's with in my breast my marrowe f●ies And ●unes about my bones oh my sides My sides my raines my head my raines my head My heart my heart my liuer my liuer oh I burne I burne I burne oh how I burne With scorching heate of implacable fire I burne extreame with flames vnsufferable SOM. Sure he doth but trie how to act Her●ules TACT. Is it this shirt that boiles me thus oh heauens It fires me worse and heates more furiously Then loues dire thunderbolts oh miserable They bide lesse paine that bathe in Phlegeton Could not the triple kingdome of the world Heauen earth and hell destroie great Hercul● Could not the damned sprights of hatefull Inno Nor the great daungers of my labours kill me Am I the mighty sonne of inp●●er And shall this poisned linnen thus consume me Shall I be burnt villaines s●ie vp to heauen Bid 〈◊〉 m●ster vp a troupe of cloudes And shower downe cata●acts of raine to coole me Or elce I le breake her speckled bo●e in peeces Will ●●e not no she hates mee like her mistris Why then descend you roagues to the vile deepe F●●ch 〈◊〉 hether charge him bring the sea To quenc● these flames
or else the worlds faire frame Wil be in greater danger to be burnt Then when proud Phaeton ruld the Sunnes rich Chariot SOM I le take that care the world shall not be burnt If Somnus cords can hold you Somnus binds hi● TACT. What Vulcan's this that offers to inchaine A greater souldier then the God of Mars SOM. He that each night with bloudlesse battell conquers The proudest conquerour that triumphs by warrs CRA. Now Somnus there 's but onely one remayning That was the author of these outrages SOM. Who 's that is he vnder my Command CRA. Yes yes yes t is Appetitus if you go that way and looke about those thickets I le go hither and search this groue I doubt not but to finde him SOM. Content Exeunt Somnus et Crapula ACT. 5. SCEN. 16. APPETITVS IRRASCIBILIS with a willowe in his hand pul'd vp by the rootes SOMNVS CRAPVLA The Senses all a sleepe APP. So now 's the time that I would gladly meete These madding Senses that abus'd mee thus What haunt me like an owle make an Asse of me No they shall know ●I scorne to serue such masters As cannot master their affections Their iniurie● haue chang'd my nature Now I ●le be no more called hungry parasite But he●ceforth answere to the wrathfull name Of angry Appetite my choller 's vp 〈◊〉 coole me quickly with thy fanne Ore●ce I le cut thy cheekes why this is braue Fa●●e better then to faune at Gustus table For a few scrappes no no such words as these By Pluto stabbe the villaine kill the slaue By the infernall hagges I le hough the rogue And paunch the rascall that abusd me thus Such words as these fitte angry Appetite Enter CRAPVLA CRA. Somnus Somnus come hether come hether quickly hee 's here hee 's here APP. I marry is he sirra what of that base miscreant Cra● pula CRA. O gentle Appetitus APP. You muddy gulche darst looke me in the face while mine eyes sparkle with reuengfull fire tiff toff tiff toff CRA. Good Appetitus APP. Peace you fat bawson peace tiff toff tiff toff Seest not this fatall engine of my wrath Villaine I le maule thee for thine old offences And grinde thy bones to powder with this pestle You when I had no weapons to defend me Could beate me out of dores but now prepare Make thy selfe ready for thou shalt not scape Thus doth the great reuengefull Appetite Vpon his fatte foe wreake his wrathfull spite APPETITVS heaueth vp his club to braine CRAPVLA but SOMNVS in the meane time catcheth him behind and binds him SOM. Why how now Crapula CRA. Am I not dead is not my soule departed SOM. No no see where he lyes that would haue ●iurt thee feare nothing SOM●●S laies the Senses all in a circle feele to feete and wa●ts his wand ouer them So rest you all in silent quietnesse Let nothing wake you till the power of sleepe With his sweete dew cooling your braines inflamed Hath rectified the vaine and idle thoughts Bred by your surfet and distemperature Loe here the Senses late outragious All in a round together sleepe like friends For there 's no difference twixt the King and Clowne The poore and rich the beautious and deformed Wrapt in the vaile of night and bonds of sleepe Without whose powre and sweete dominion Our life were Hell and pleasure painfulnesse The sting of enuie and the dart of loue A●arice talons and the fire of hate Would poison wound distract and soone consume The heart the liuer life and minde of man The 〈◊〉 Mower that with ●rawnie armes Wi●●deth the crooked sithe in many a swathe Cutting the flowrie pride on the veluet plaine Lies downe at night and in the weaty folds Of his wiues armes forgets his labour past The painfull Marriner and carefull Smith The toyling Plowman all Artificers Most humbly yceld to my dominion Without due rest nothing is durable Loe thus doth Somnus conquer all the world With his most awfull waud and halfe the yeare Raignes ouer the best and proudest Emperours Onely the nurslings of the Sisters nine Rebels against me scorne my great command And when darke night from her bedewy wings Drops sleepie silence to the eyes of all They onely wake and with vnwearied toile Labour to finde the Via lac●ea That leads to the heauen of immortallitie And by the loftie to towring of their minde Fledgd with the feathers of a learned muse They raise themselues vnto the highest pitch Marrying base earth and heauen in a thought But thus I punish their rebellion Their industrie was neuer yet rewarded Better to sleepe then wake and toile for nothing Exeunt Somnus Crapula ACTVS 5. SCENA 17. The ●iue Senses LINGVA APPETITVS all a sleepe and dreaming PHANTASTES HEVRESIS AVD. So ' ho Rocwood so ho Rocwood Rocwood your Organ hay Chanter Chanter by 〈◊〉 hed-tyre it 's a very deepe mouth'd dogge a most admirable crie of hounds looke here againe againe there there ah wa●e counter VIS. Do you see the full Moone yonder and not the man in it why me thinkes 't is too too euident I see his dogge very plaine and looke you iust vnder his taile is a Thorne bush of Furres GVS 'T will make a fine tooth-pick that Larkes hee le there ô do not burne it PHA. Boy Heuresis what think'st thou I thinke when I thinke nothing HEV And it please you sir I thinke you are deuising how to answer a man that askes you nothing PHA. Well gest boy but yet thou mistookst it for I was thinking of the constancie of women Ap●titus snoares alowd Beware sirra take heede I doubt me there 's some wild Boare lodged here about how now mee thinkes these be the Senses ha in my conceit the elder brother of death has kist them TAC. Oh oh oh I am stabd I am stab'd holde your hand oh oh oh PHA. How now doe they talke in their sleepe are they not awake Heuresis HEV No questionlesse they be all fast a sleepe GVST. Eate not too many of those Apples they bee very sl●tiue OLF. Foh foh beate out this Dogge heare foh was it you Appetitus AVD. In faith it was most sweetly winded whosoeuer it was the warble is very good and the horne is excellent TAC. Put on man put on keepe your head warme 't is cold PHA. Ha ha ha ha st Heuresis stirre not sirra App. Shut the doore the potte runnes ouer sirra Cooke that will be a sweete Pastie if you nibble the venison so GVST. Say you so is a Marrow Pye the Helena of meates giue meet if I playe not Paris hang mee Boye a cleane Trencher APP. Serue vp serue vp this is a fatte Rabbet would I might haue the maiden-head of it come giue me the ●ish there who hath medled with these maides ha OLE Fie shut your Snuffers doser for shame 't is the worst smell that can be TAC. O the crampe the crampe the crampe my legge my legge LING. I must abroad presently