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A13631 Theologicall logicke: or the third part of the Tryall of truth wherein is declared the excellency and æquity of the Christian faith, and that it is not withstood and resisted; but assisted and fortified by all the forces of right reason, and by all the aide that artificiall logicke can yeeld. ... By Iohn Terry Minister of the Word of God at Stocton.; Triall of truth. Part 3 Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1625 (1625) STC 23914; ESTC S101777 160,318 232

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double keyes and swords giuen in their Armes and carried before them and so it was really acted by Boniface the eight who one day shewed himselfe vnto the people in his Papall attire and the next day in the robes of an Emperour And it hath a long time been practised by them all and is still defended by most of their followers as a soueraignty that iustly belongeth vnto them And was not this most plainly fore-told by the Apostle that Antichrist should sit in the Temple of God not in the Temple of God at Ierusalem seeing that was vtterly to be destroyed and neuer to be built againe but in the Temple of God seated in the greatest City of his Antichristian Dominion that is in Babylonish Rome and that he should exalt himselfe aboue all that is called God and worshipped that is aboue all ciuill and Ecclesiasticall Gouernours of whom it is written I haue said yee are Gods Yea and that he should sit in the Temple Ioh. 8. 34. of God as God that is as Gods Lieutenant Generall and Christ Vicar vniuersall not onely in earth but also in Purgatory and in heauen also as it is signified by his triple Crowne And doth he not by his Indulgences take vpon him to open the doores of Purgatory at his pleasure And by Canonizing of Saints doth hee not take vpon him to giue greater or lesser dignities in the Kingdome of Heauen No maruell then that he taketh vpon him to dispose of temporall Kingdomes and earthly crownes and to possesse and dispossesse Kings of their Regalities at his owne will For this great Antichrist in his transcendent pride will not content himselfe with the honour and dignity of a great starre as all the ancient Bishops of Rome were wont to doe but he will aduance himselfe into the throne of Christ the Sunne of Righteousnesse that all the greatest starres both in the ciuill and also in the Ecclesiasticall Gouernment may take their light and authority from him For if wee will beleeue his Parasires his supremacy is so much greater then the Emperours as the Sunne is greater then the Moone QVEST. XXV The word of God rightly vnderstood doth giue credite to it selfe and doth cause it selfe to be beleeued and imbraced as the word of God for the excellency of the diuine doctrines contained therein and not onely for the bare testimony of the Church Behold saith Moses I haue taught you ordinances and Arguments drawne from the attributes or adiuncts Deut. 4. 5. lawes as the Lord my God commanded mee that yee should doe euen so in the land whether ye goe to possesse it Keepe them therfore and doe them for it is your wisedome and vnderstanding in the sight of the people that shall heare all these ordinances and say onely this people is wise and vnderstanding and a great Nation For what Nation is so great that hath Ordinances and Lawes so righteous as all this Law is that I haue set before thee this day In which words Moses prooueth that his doctrine which hee deliuered vnto the children of Israell was of GOD because it was a wise and a righteous doctrine able to iustifie it selfe to be so euen in the iudgement of the Heathen themselues which did rightly vnderstand and apprehend the same And verily as it was foretold by Moses so it came to passe many ages following For euen then when the children of Israel had lost their worldly estate glory and countrey it selfe for their transgressing of this most wise and righteous Law of their most wise and righteous God and had made themselues vile and contemptible in respect of their vile and base designes yet these vile and base captiues gaue Lawes to such of their glorious Conquerours as did labour to vnderstand the wisedome and righteousnesse of their Lawes In so much that they being Aliens vnto them in Nation yet became Proselytes and Allies Victi victoribus leges dabant Aug de ciuit Dei l. 8. c. 11. vnto them in their holy profession Yea the further degenerate posterity of this people who had heartened and hardened themselues to transgresse these wise and holy Commandements of God that they might obserue their owne absurde Matth. 15 3. Luk. 4. 22. and sottish traditions did wonder at the gracious words that proceeded out of our Sauiours mouth when he opened vnto them the high wisdome and holinesse of those diuine doctrines that were deliuered vnto their Fathers by Moses and the Prophets and gaue this testimony vnto him Neuer man spake Ioh. 7. 46. as this man speaketh No maruell then that when the Apostles were sent by our blessed Sauiour to open these wise and righteous counsels of God to all creatures they soone subdued the whole world and brought some of all conditions and callings therein vnto the obedience of the faith of Christ In truth the strange Miracles that were wrought by their Ministery gaue testimony to the doctrine that was preached by them that it was diuine and so procured audience thereunto but it was the word of faith it selfe that bred faith Miracles were meanes to bring many to the outward court of the Temple of God and to the doore of Christs Church but it was the key of the knowledge of the diuine mysteries themselues Luke 11. 52. that vnlocked the Church doores and opened an entrance vnto them into the house of God For it is the heauenly wisedome and righteousnesse of the Diuine doctrines of the Word of God that can cause vs to receiue the vision for 1 Thess 2. 13. the vision it selfe and to embrace the word not as the word of man but as it is indeed the word of God The holy and religious behauiour of the teachers and professors of the truth may with the woman of Samaria bring many vnto Christ and perswade them to hearken to the doctrine of faith but the holinesse and equity of the doctrine it selfe will cause all such as rightly apprehend the same to professe with those conuerts of Samaria and to say Now we beleeue not any longer by reason of the bare words of the Teachers and professors of truth for we heard it our selues and haue felt such a diuine power therin that we willingly subscribe thereto for that most sufficient euidence that it giueth to it selfe And so doth Stapleton auouch concerning all the faithfull Stap. doct princ lib. 8. cap. 22. that they being at the first induced to beleeue for the voyce of the Church and lightned with the bright lustre of diuine inspiration do not any longer beleeue for the voyce of the Church but for the diuine light it selfe And verily all such as are once brought to the faith and setled therein ought not as Austin Aug. de Catechis rud cap. 25. teacheth measure religion by the professors thereof but by the equity and sanctity of the doctrine it selfe neither ought they to iudge of the doctrine by the persons that professe the same but of
2 Tim. 4. 15. God hath promised thee O man saith Saint Austin speaking Aug in Ps 148. to all such as are sanctified by regeneration that thou shalt liue for euer and doest not thou beleeue it Oh saith he beleeue it beleeue it For that which he hath done for thee already is a greater matter then that which he hath promised For he hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne who is farre more excellent then thousands of heauens at the dearest rate that may be to purchase for thee euerlasting life and doest thou think that this purchase made by such a person at such an high rate can euer possibly be made voide Especially whereas for his Sonnes sake be hath adopted thee which wert by nature the slaue of Satan the child of wrath and inheritor of euerlasting destruction into the number of his sonnes and heires and renewed thee in part to his owne image in holinesse and true righteousnesse and doest thou yet doubt whether he will giue thee the inheritance of a sonne Vndoubtedly he that for thy Sauiours sake hath in part sanctified thee to liue a sober iust and a godly life in this world will for his sake bring thee to an eternall and an euerlasting life in the world to come QVEST. LV. Our least sinnes are damnable and mortall Arguments drawne from the lesser proportion of reason to the greater If all our righteousnesse be as a menstruous Cloath Ioathsome and odious to God and deserue Gods curse because it wanteth that fulnesse of faith feruency of loue simple sincerity and full freenesse from all sinister respects which the Law of God requireth at our hands then what doe those thoughts words and workes which are meerely sinfull deserue albeit Esay 64. 6. Iob 9. 31. Gal. 3. 10. they be neuer so small Vndoubtedly no sinnes that are meerly so can be smaller or lesse hurtfull then the imperfections of our best workes and yet these being transgressions of the Law of God deserue Gods curse and malediction and therefore all sinnes that are meerely so cannot but deserue the like woe So reasoneth our blessed Sauiour If the light which is Matth. 6. 23. in thee bee darkenesse how great is the darkenesse it selfe And so Saint Bernard If all our righteousnesse be as vnrighteousnesse Bern. Serm. in fest Sanct. then by a stronger reason what shall our sinnes be QVEST. LVI All things necessary to saluation are plainly deliuered in the Ganonicall Scriptures There is no wise man among men but that he will be carefull in his last Will and Testament that all things therein be set downe plainly distinctly and fully which concerne either the legacies which he bequeatheth to his childrē or the duties that he requireth at their hands that so all occasion of discord and debate may be cleane taken away And can we then imagine that our heauenly Father being so wise and so prouident as he is and so desirous to preserue vnity and peace among his deare children would not set downe plainly distinctly and fully in his Will and Testament what be those great and gracious gifts that he doth in his tender kindnesse and loue bestow vpon them with the meanes whereby they shall attaine to the same as likewise what be all those necessary duties which he requireth at their hands So reasoneth Optatus Christ hath Optat. l 5. cont Parm. Donat. dealt with vs as an earthly Father is wont to doe with his children who searing least they should fall out after his decease doth set downe his Will in writing vnder witnesses that if there arise any doubt among them they should goe to his Testament He whose word must end our Controuersies is Christ let vs then goe to his Testament QVEST. LVII The faithfull for the diuine wisedome of the holy Scriptures rightly vnderstood beleeue them to be the Word of God and not onely for the bare authority of the Church If the Gentiles instructed by the light of naturall reason did certainly perceiue the booke of the creatures to be Gods booke by the glorious attributes of God made manifest therein much more the faithfull lightned with the Lampe of Rom. 1. 19. diuine grace may plainly perceiue the booke of the Scriptures wherein God as a familiar friend without casting of a mist doth speak to the heart not onely of the learned but of the vnlearned also as Austin saith to be Gods booke by the diuine Aug. Ep. 3 ad Vol. and heauenly wisedome deliuered therein and therefore they need not build their faith vpon the bare testimony onely of the Church And so reasoneth the Prophet Dauid The Psal 19. 1. heauens saith he declare themselues to be the workes of the glorious God euen by their heauenly influences and diuine operations How much more doth the Law of the Lord by the diuine wisedome and righteousnesse thereof and by the most powerfull and excellent workes that are wrought thereby declare and demonstrate it selfe euidently to be the most wise and righteous word of the most wise and righteous God QVEST. LVIII The naturall man hath no free will in heauenly things Mans will is but feeble and weake for the compassing of earthly businesses that are of any weight or moment therfore in heauenly matters the strength thereof is small or rather as the Apostle saith it is none at all So reasoneth the Wiseman Rom. 5. 6. Sap. 9. 13. What is man that he can know the counsell of God or who can thinke what the will of the Lord is For the thoughts of mortall men are fearefull and their forecasts vncertaine because a corruptible body is heauy to the soule and the earthly mansion keepeth downe the minde that is full of cares and hardly can wee discerne the things that are on earth and with great labour finde we out the things that are before vs Who can then seeke out the things that are in heauen who can know thy counsell except thou giue him wisedome and send thy holy Spirit from aboue So Saint Austin It is an absurd thing that we should thinke Aug. de predest Sanct. cap. 26. that God frameth the wils of men for the setling of earthly Kingdomes and that men frame their owne wils for the obtayning of the Kingdome of heauen The Prophets complaint taken vp against the Iewes with whom he liued and who tooke themselues to be Gods people is true against all men as they are naturally corrupted My people are foolish and haue Ierem. 4. 22. no vnderstanding they are wise to doe euill but to doe well they haue no knowledge Now if we haue no vnderstanding of that which is good then doubtlesse we haue no will thereunto and if we be so foolish that we will not be perswaded of the truth hereof it commeth from him that so befooled our first parents Adam and Eue that he made them beleeue that if they would forsake the direction of the most wise God and fall from him
the persons by the doctrine Yea they should be so fully grounded setled in the truth that if their teachers and instructers would disswade them from it they should not hearken vnto them nay if an Angel from heauen should preach Gal. 1. 8. vnto them another Gospell they should hold him accursed QVEST. XXVI Kneeling is the fittest gesture of the body at the reuerent receiuing of the holy Communion Kneeling is the fittest gesture of a faithfull and humble Christian when he offereth vp his prayers to God especially when he requesteth at Gods hands his greatest blessings But at the receiuing of the holy Communion euery faithfull and humble Christian ioyneth with the Minister when he prayeth saying The Body of our Lord Iesus Christ that was giuen for thee preserue thy body and soule to euerlasting life therefore he ought to doe the same most humbly kneeling vpon his knees Moreouer whereas our blessed Sauiour by the mouth of his Minister commandeth euery faithfull Communicant to take and eate his body seeing euery Commandement of the Lord ought to be turned into a Prayer when we goe about to put the Commandement in execution that the Lord by his Spirit would vouchsafe to enable vs to performe the same so that we may doe that which is acceptable in his sight we ought all of vs also turne this Commandement into a prayer to make this prayer in a most suppliant humble manner to the Lord. QVEST. XXVII Holinesse doth not consist in vowing to abstaine from riches meates and marriage but in the lawfull and holy vse of them all All the creatures and ordinances of God are good and are created and ordayned for the good of man and therfore ought holily to be vsed and not refused as they may do vs any good So reasoneth the Apostle Euery creature of God is good and nothing ought to be refused if it be receiued with thankesgiuing for 1 Tim. 4. 4. it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer Then in their due time and holy vse all kind of food riches and marriage are lawfull and good and to bind our selues from the holy vse of them is not lawful much lesse doth it possesse the superstitious Votary with some singular holinesse aboue other or aduance him to the highest degree of the greatest perfection QVEST. XXVIII The Body of Christ is at one time but in one place The diuine and humane nature of Christ with their inseperable and incommunicable properties and attributes albeit they be vnited by personall vnion remaine still in him diuers and distinct without confusion or abolition as the Church long since hath made it manifest against the damnable heresie of cursed Eutyches For if the humane nature of Christ be indued with the proprieties of the diuine as with omnipotency omniscience or with the hability to be present in all or in many places at one time then doth it become the very diuine essence it selfe seeing nothing is accidentall in God but essentiall But the humane nature of Christ cannot be changed into his diuine and therefore it cannot be omnipotent omniscient or present in all or in many places at one time Christ could not be Saint Austin saith concerning his bodily presence Aug. cont Faustum l. 20. c. 11. Cyrill in Ioh. l. 11 c. 3. Vigil cont ●utychem at one time in the Sunne and in the Moone and on the Crosse So Cyrill Christ could not be conuersant with his Apostles after that he had once ascended So Vigilius writing against Eutyches The flesh of Christ when it was on earth was not in heauen and now because it is in heauen certainely it is not on earth Yea so farre it is from being on earth that we looke for Christ after the flesh to come from heauen whom as he is God the Word we beleeue to be with vs on earth but by your opinion saith he to Eutyches either the word is comprehended in a place as well as the flesh or the flesh is euery where together with the word seeing that one nature doth not receiue any contrary or different estate Now to be contained in a place and to be present in euery place be things diuers and very dislike And therefore for so much as the word is euery where the flesh of Christ is not euery where it is cleare that one and the selfe-same Christ is of both natures that is euery where according to the nature of his Diuinity and contayned in a place according to the nature of his humanity This is the Catholike faith and confession which the Apostles deliuered the Martyres confirmed and the faithfull persist in to this day Wherefore the Church of Rome hath made an Apostacy from the Catholicke faith in that shee teacheth that the flesh of Christ is both together in heauen and on earth and not contayned in one certaine place but is in all places wheresoeuer the Eucharist is administred albeit it be administred in innumerable places at one time QVEST. XXIX Christs Body and Bloud ought not and in truth cannot be often offered vp to God by the Masse-Priests as a propitiatory sacrifice for the quicke and the dead The often offering of the same sacrifice doth argue the imperfection thereof as the Apostle saith As the doing againe again of one the selfesame worke doth shew that it was vnsufficiently done at the beginning For no wise man will goe about to do the same work the second time which was sufficiently yea perfectly done at the first lest it be said vnto him Act not that which is acted already No wise stage-player will attēpt Noli actum agere to come vpō the stage where Roscius is to act the same Enterlude that he acteth As no Historiographer of any iudgement will take vpon him to write that selfe-same History that Livy Caesar or Salust haue already written And shall then euery Masse-Priest be so presumptuous as to take vpon him to offer vp Christ as a propitiatory sacrifice for the sinnes of quicke and dead where as that one oblation of Christ made once by himselfe was so sufficient and perfect that thereby he brought in eternall redemption and made perfect for euer them Heb. 7. 25. 10. 14. that are sanctified What will they put our deare Sauiour to death againe and shed his bloud surely this they must doe if in their Masse they will offer him vp a propitiatory sacrifice for sinne seeing that cannot be performed w●thout a blou●y death For iustice cannot be satisfied for sinne vnlesse that which is due be rendred thereto But the wages and hire due to sinne is death The Rom. 6. 19. which is so euident and vndoubted a truth that the Apostle is bold to auouch that if our Sauiour himselfe should haue often offered himselfe to God as an expiatory sacrifice for sinne hee Heb. 9. 26. should haue often suffered and dyed But our blessed Sauiour dyed but once neither needeth he
they are to be honoured for imitation but not to be adored for Religion And againe we worship the Saints with charity but not with seruice neither doe we build temples vnto them For according vnto the censure of the Synode of Ments the Saints which haue shut vp the course of their liues with a blessed end ought worthily to be honoured of vs as the worthy members of Christs body but not with that honour which is due vnto God but with that reuerent regard of society and loue wherewith holy men may be honoured of vs here in this life The like is to be said concerning the worship of Angels I fell said Saint Iohn confessing his owne double fall at the Angels feet to worship him but he said vnto me See thou doe it not for I am thy fellow seruant and one of thy brethren which haue the testimony of Iesus Apoc. 19. 10. c● 22. 9. worship God By which words of the Angell vttered once and againe we Seruus est domini seruus may iustly collect that seeing a seruant among men is a seruant of his Lords only not of any one of his fellow seruants and is bound to serue the one onely and not the other therefore seeing all the faithfull haue but one Lord all Angels and Saints being their fellow seruants they ought to deuote themselues E●hes 4. 5. 2. 29. onely to the Religious seruice of God and not vnto the seruice of any Angell or Saint We take it to be a great absurdity and indignity also for one that is admitted into the family of an earthly King to betake himselfe to the seruice of a subiect and is it not a greater indignity for one that by baptisme is admitted into the family of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to betake him to the seruice of an Angell or Saint In Oxford wee are sworne Non suscipere gradum Simeonis that is when we haue taken an higher degree of dignity in the Schooles not to take a lower degree And shal we then when we haue receiued this high degree of honor to be admitted among the seruāts of the Almighty Creator of heauen earth shall we I say debase our se●ues so low as to seeke for admission into the seruice of a weake creature Let the Romanists then if they list deuote themselues vnto the seruice of the Saints and giue to them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 diuine worship but let the true seruants of God be carefull to giue diuine seruice onely to God QVEST. XXXIX The faithfull are made righteous before God by the righteousnesse of Christ imputed to them If by the disobedience of the first Adam many were made Arguments drawen from things that haue the same proportion of reason Rom. 5. 19. 2 Cor. 5. 21. Rom. 8. 34. sinners why by the obedience of the second Adam may not many be made righteous If our sinnes were imputed vnto Christ when hee was pure from all sinne why may not his righteousnesse be imputed vnto vs albeit we be stayned with all sinne If Christs sufferings and death are made ours and we thereby are deliuered from condemnation Why may not his righteousnesse as well be imputed vnto vs that wee may thereby obtaine our Iustification especially seeing he was 1 Cor. 1. 30. made as well righteousnesse for vs as he was redemption Nay may not his righteousnesse which was subiect to the Law Gal. 4. 4. for vs be imputed vnto vs by the Lords endlesse goodnesse and mercy that we may be made righteous thereby as well as the surplussage of the righteous workes of the Saints who yet were not crucified for vs may bee imputed by the Popes 1 Cor. 1. 13. Pardons and Indulgences to all such as will pay well for them QVEST. XL. The faithfull may as well know themselues to be indued with true loue as with true faith Doctor Bishop auoucheth that the faithfull cannot so well know themselues to be indued with true loue as with true faith for that faith is seated in the vnderstanding which is the lighter and loue in the will which is the darker part of the soule As if the spirituall soule had situation of parts as well as the materiall body Or as if the distinct powers of the soule were not therefore said to be placed in the distinct members of the body because in them there are diuers originalls of her manifold Organicall instruments whereby she produceth her manifold and different operations whereas shee her-selfe is wholly in the whole body and in euery part thereof But be it so that the soul as wel as the body may be cōpared to an house or Temple in the which there may be Roomes some lightes and some darker yet may not the same cleare Candle of Gods word lighten our will as well as our vnderstanding and so make knowne vnto vs our loue as well as our faith Yea whereas the will is reasonable by participation from the vnderstanding the vnderstanding hiding nothing from the will whereof it hath notice it selfe why then is not the will lightened with that selfe-same lustre as the vnderstanding it selfe is nay whereas the light of naturall reason addeth her axiomes to the instructions of the word of God for the opening of the nature of loue rather then of faith why Dilectic est simul viuendi fruendique electio Anima est non vbi animat sed vbi am●t Prou. 14. 10. should not loue be better known then faith The heart saith Solomon knoweth the bitternesse of his soule and the stranger shall not intermeddle with his ioy The heart of a man knoweth what it loueth and ioyeth in as well as what it hateth and is offended withall Verily if our Sauiour Christ had not well vnderstood that Simon Peters owne heart was well witting to it selfe of his great loue that he bare vnto him he would not haue demaunded of him againe and againe Simon Iohannah louest thou me Ioh. 21. 15. more then these neither would Peter haue so confidently answered him Lord thou knowest that I loue thee So if the Church had not knowen and felt euen the vehement pa●gs of her loue towards her Bridegroome shee would not haue sent word vnto him by her Messengers that she was euen Cant. 5. 8. Aug in Ps 49. sicke of loue There is saith Saint Austin a kinde of glorying in the conscience when thou knowest that thy faith is sincere thy hope certaine and thy loue without dissembling In Saint Austins iudgement then our hope and loue may be knowne as well as our saith seeing otherwise wee could not reioyce in them When Abraham was ready at the commandement of GOD to haue slaine his sonne Isaacke Gen. 22. 12. GOD calleth vnto him saying Now I know that thou fearest mee viz. with a filiall feare that proceedeth from loue seeing for my sake thou hast not spared thine onely Sonne GOD saith Saint Austin knoweth all things
that concerne the worship and seruice of God nothing ought to be taught or to be beleeued which is not warranted by the testimony of the Canonicall Scriptures If Saint Paul himselfe taught nothing concerning Christ but that which was deliuered by Moses and the Prophets Act. 26. 22. then ought none other of meaner gifts and priuiledges teach any thing that he hath not receiued from the Canonicall Scriptures So reasoneth Origen Paul as his custome is saith he will auouch that which he teacheth out of the holy Scriptures wherein he giueth an ensample to the teachers in the Church that they should produce such things as they teach the people not grounded vpon their own opinions but strengthened with the testimonies of God For if such and so great an Apostle did not thinke that the authority of his owne word might suffice vnlesse he knew that those very things were written in the Law and in the Prophets which himselfe deliuered how much more should we little ones obserue this that when we teach we vtter not our owne but the meaning of the Holy Ghost Against the which most wise aduertisement if we presume to offend albeit we were such as the glorious Angels Saint Austin is bold out of the penne of the Apostle to denounce against vs a most terrible curse If saith he I will Aug. cont 〈◊〉 Pelag. l. 3. c. 6. not say we our selues but if an Angell from Heauen shall teach cōcerning Christ and his Church or concerning any thing else that doth belong to faith and life any other doctrine then that which is contayned in the Legall and Euangelicall Scriptures let him be accursed Accursed then is the Church of Rome and her children who affirme that their vnwritten traditions are of equall authority with the doctrine of the Canonicall Scriptures and command them with the like reuerence to be imbraced and receiued QVEST. XLIX The naturall man hath no free will to that which is religiously good If the Church her selfe had need still to pray to her deare Bridegroome Draw me after a sort vnwilling that thou maist Bernard in Cant. Serm. 2. make me willing draw me drowping that thou maist cause me to runne then certainly all such as are not indued with such spirituall graces as the Church is may iustly be challenged for persons not almost but altogether vnwilling to follow God and to walke in his wayes And if euery one of the true members of the Church had need to confesse vnto God and to pray Thou hast corrected me and I haue receiued thy correction Ier. 31. 18. as an vntamed Bullocke conuert thou me and I shall be conuerted for thou art my God Then how farre off from any willingnesse and readinesse to turne vnto God are all such as are not yet effectually called to the estate of Grace but are strangers from God and from the Couenant of mercy QVEST. L. Not the suffering much lesse the vowing of wilfull pouerty is the way to perfection The possession of riches which are yet Gods good blessings and testimonies of his goodnesse and loue is not the way Act. 14. 17. to perfection much lesse the vow of pouerty or pouerty it selfe which is the rod of Gods correction and a signe or token of his displeasure as all other crosses and calamities are Poore Lazarus was brought into the bosome of rich Abraham both which were rich in God and poore in spirit Marke this saith Saint Austin that ye doe not as commonly men Aug. ad Hillar Epist 89. do blame rich men and put your trust in a poore estate for if a mā should not put his trust in his riches much lesse in pouerty QVEST. LI. The people ought to be able to try and to discerne the doctrine of their Teachers Doe yee not know saith the Apostle that the Saints shall 1 Cor. 6. 2. iudge the world If the world then shall be iudged by you are yee not worthy to iudge the smallest matters Know yee not that wee shall iudge the Angels how much more then the things of this life So may we reason also that if the faithfull people of God shall iudge the world and the very Angels themselues much more may they boldly take vpon themselues to try and discerne the doctrine of their Pastors and Teachers Our most blessed Sauiour thought it no disgrace to himselfe to haue his diuine doctrine examined of the people by the rule of the Scriptures nay he that requireth the same at their hands saying Search the Scriptures for in them yee thinke to haue life Ioh. 5. 39. and they are they that testifie of me and beare witnesse to my doctrine that it is of God Yea the Lord so approued the Beraeans for that they receiued the word with all readines searched the Scriptures whether those things which Saint Paul Act. 17. 11. taught them were agreeable thereto that thereby he brought many of them to the faith It is then no presumption in the people to examine the doctrine of their Pastors and Teachers seeing it is not onely approued but commanded by the Lord and enioyned the Corinthians also by the Apostle I speake saith he as to them that haue vnderstanding iudge yee what I say The refusall 1 Cor. 10 15. hereof by the hereticke Auxentius was sharpely reprooued by holy and Orthodoxe Saint Ambrose Auxentius saith he Amb. Ep. l. 5. in oratione cont Auxentium speaking to the people knowing you not to be ignorant of the faith hath shunned your iudgement and hath chosen foure or fiue heathen men Then in that he hath chosen Infidels he is worthy to be condemned of Christians because he reiected the Apostles precept where he saith Dare any of you hauing ought against another be iudged vnder the vniust and not rather vnder the Saints Yee see then that which he hath offered is against the authority of the Apostle But what speake I saith hee of the Apostle when the LORD himselfe proclaimeth by his Prophet Heare yee mee O my people that know what belongeth to iudgement in whose heart my Law is God saith Heare yee mee O my people that know iudgement Auxentius saith You know not how to iudge Yee see then that he contemneth God in you which refuseth the sense of this heauenly Oracle For the people in whose heart the Law of God is doth iudge And doe not the Popish Priests likewise ioyne with this impious Arrian Auxentius in refusing to stand to the Oracle of God while they refuse to haue their doctrine examined and iudged by the people whether it be agreeable vnto the diuine doctrine of the Canonicall Scripture QVEST. LII Our whole Iustification and Saluation is by the free and vndeserued mercy of God in Christ The Apostles plain asseueration that we are iustified freely by Rom. 3. 24. the grace of God through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus hath forced the Church of Rome to auouch that there
is a double iustification The first by grace and the second by the merit of our owne workes But his doubling is flat contrary to the simplicity of the Gospell For the Apostle plainly auoucheth that not onely at the first we are reconciled vnto God by Christ and are brought into his fauour and loue and are iustified and saued by his Bloud but much more that we are brought to the end of our saluation and to our full and finall glorification by the very same meanes God saith the Apostle setteth out his loue toward vs seeing while wee were yet Rom. 5. 8. sinners Christ dyed for vs much more then being iustified by his bloud we shall be saued frō wrath by him For if when we were enemies we were reconciled vnto God by the death of his Sonne much more being reconciled we shall be saued by his life In the which words of the Apostle it is manifestly and distinctly set downe that as it is the grace of God in Christ whereby we are reconciled vnto God and iustified at the first so it is the very selfe-same grace of God in Christ that doth saue vs at the last And Greg. Moral lib. 2. cap. 4. so a Bishop of Rome it selfe in her better times hath taught saying The first grace begat me in faith being naked and the very self-same grace shall saue me being naked take me vp into glory Wherefore if we desire to be partakers of the fruit of our redemption wrought for vs by Christ let vs not so meanly thinke thereof as if he should haue begun it onely by his obedience and left it to be finished by our selues Let vs not imagine that he paid but a part of our ransome and a parcell of the price that was to be tendred to God for the full purchase of the glorious inheritance of the Kingdome of Heauen and left it to our selues to discharge the rest Or if we cannot but confesse that he paid the whole summe and the full price let vs not impute to the God of all mercy and the most excellent Patron and Patterne of all Pitty such an hard and vniust kind of dealing as if he should exact againe a new payment at our hands for that which was fully purchased and paid for before Vndoubtedly if our title to the heauenly inheritance by the obedience and righteousnesse of Christ be sufficient good why should we seeke after any other title Seeing Law and reason teacheth vs this that that thing Quod semel neum est non potest ampliue fieri meum Quisemel factus est dominus non potest ex alia causa fieri dominus Quia nomo potest acquirere dominium rei suae which is once iustly mine cannot be made more mine And he that is once made a right owner of a thing cannot againe by another title be made owner of the same thing seeing no man can get againe the Dominion of that which was his own before If then our first title to our Iustification and Saluation by the free and vndeserued mercy of God in Christ be good and sufficient then we cannot afterward lay any claime thereunto by the broken and forged title of our owne workes QVEST. LIII The going on pilgrimage to see or to touch the true reliques of the Holiest of the Saints doth not bring any sanctification at all The seeing and touching of holy persons themselues doth not sanctify any much lesse the seeing or touching of their reliques They that receiue Christ by faith are made the Sonnes Ioh. 1. 12. of God and are renewed to his image in righteousnesse and true holinesse and not such as imbrace and kisse him with their bodily hands and mouthes for then Iudas the Traitor should haue been made a Saint Wherefore if we desire to haue any benefit by visiting the Saints we ought daily and diligently to visite the Scriptures wherein the pictures of their piety are most liuely painted out that so we may be rauished with the admiration thereof and be stirred vp to follow them by an holy imitation And so concerning the Saints which liued since the Apostles times if we be desirous to visite them also wee ought to get their learned bookes which are the best Images of their Almās speech is the image and glasse of his minde Erasm in praefat Hieron ad Guili Warramum holy soules that by their sound and Orthodoxe doctrines which are set downe therein we may be directed in the right way of piety and godlinesse But so it is saith Erasmus complayning of the superstitious folly of many of his time we kisse the shooes of the Saint and their handkerchers albeit loathsome for filth but as for their Bookes which are their best reliques we relinquish hauing little regard of them Their Coat or Shirt we lay vp in a chest adorned with gold and precious stones but as for their writings vpon the which they bestowed much labour and in the which still liueth here with vs that which is in them their chiefest good we leaue them to be consumed with wormes and rust QVEST. LIV. The faithfull that are sanctified by Regeneration may and ought to assure themselues of their full and finall glorification If God was found of the faithfull when they sought him not and made himselfe manifest vnto them when they asked Rom. 10. 20. not after him much more when they turne vnto him hee will turne to them when they draw nigh to him he wil draw nigh Iac. 4. 8. Matth. 7. 7. to them when they seeke him he will be found of them For if when they were enemies they were reconciled vnto God by the death of his Sonne much more may they rest assured of his loue being reconciled vnto him and made his stedfast friends If God for Christs sake offered them a pardon being Traitors and Rebels and standing vp in armes against him certainly he will suffer them to enioy the benefit of that pardon when they haue humbly submitted themselues and are become his loyall subiects If God doth forgiue vnto his all their grieuous sinnes which they willingly and wittingly committed before their effectuall Calling to the estate of grace will he not forgiue their sinnes of infirmity which they afterward commit against the resolute purpose of their owne hearts if he did deliuer them from domineering and raiguing sinnes will he not in the end deliuer them fully from all such sinnes whose power and strength are already in part weakened by their daily repentance and stedfast faith The Lord said Dauid that deliuered 1 Sam. 17. 37. me out of the hand of the Lyon and the Beare will also deliuer me out of the hand of this Philistin Vnto the which words happily the Apostle alluding saith of himselfe And I also was deliuered out of the hand of the Lion And thereupon was confident that the Lord would deliuer him from euery euill worke and would preserue him to his heauenly Kingdome