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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11416 The colonies of Bartas VVith the commentarie of S.G.S. in diuerse places corrected and enlarged by the translatour.; Seconde sepmaine. Day 2. Part 3. English Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste, seigneur, 1544-1590.; Lisle, William, 1579?-1637.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1598 (1598) STC 21670; ESTC S110847 58,951 82

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coūsaile wauering in dyet sumptuous gentle in speech diuers in apparell outfacing his enemie a sweete singer a swift paser a merry louer If any man can draw a righter counterfait of our Nation let him take the pensill 63 Yet would th' Immortall God He showes for what cause it pleased God the earth should be enhabited by men of so diuers natures as 1. to the end he might shew forth his mercy and louing kindnes in raysing his chosen out of the sincks of sinne wherewith each of their birth-soyles were bestayned 2. That it might appeare how neither the soyles nor yet the heauenly Signes though they haue great power ouer earthly bodies can force the mindes of men especially such as God himselfe hath blessed 3. That there might be some in all places of the world to acknowledge his manifold goodnesse and glorifie his Name And 4. that whatsoeuer needfull things the earth any where by his gratious blessing bringeth forth proper and seuerally they might be enterchanged and carried from place to place for the vse of man 64 For as a Citie The last consideration giues the Author occasion to compare the world vnto a great Citie such as Paris Roan Tolouse Lyons or any other like where there are marchants and craftesmen for all kind of wares each in their seuerall wardes buying selling changing and trading one with other And euen so one countrie affoordeth sugar another spice another gummes and gold alabaster Iuorie hebenwood horses amber furres tynne and silke they are brought from diuers coastes all the more to furnish with thinges necessary this great Citie of the worlde VVhereby wee may note that no countrie bee it neuer so well appointed can say that it needes not the commodities of another And againe that there is no land so barren but hath some good thing or other which the rest want For euen in men wee see the like there is none so poore but hath some speciall gift none so rich but hath neede of the poorest Our Poet therefore hauing so fitly resembled the world by a great Citie he brings-in thereupon a fine example of the Persian Queene who as Herodotus Xenophon and Plutarch report called one Prouince her Iuelhouse another her Wardrope c for euen so may euery man say that hath the true knowledge and feare of God such a man may saye Peru bringes foorth Gold for me the Moluckes or Chaldaea Spice Damaske Alabaster and Italie Silke Germany sends me great Horses Moscouie rich Furres Arabia sweet Parfumes Spaine Saffern Prusse Amber England Cloath and Tinne France Corne and Wine Yea more the child of God may say the Earth the Sea the Aire and all that is therein the Sunne the Moone the Heauens are mine for he that needeth nothing made all things of nothing to serue me and me to worship him But of this let the Deuines discourse more at large He goe on with the Poet who sayth further against the carping Atheist that nothing was created in vaine but euen the most vnlikely places bring foorth many good fruits and very necessarie for the life of Man And hee proues it plainly by some notable particulars that follow 65 The Moores enameled First The Fennie Valleis though too moyst they are and ouer-low for men to build and dwell vpon yet are they so beset with diuers herbes and flowers so iagg'd garded and enter-trailed with riuers that they are as 't were the common gardens of the world as also the plaine fields are our seed-plots and the stony grounds our Vineyards 2. The huge Mountains about whose tops are engendred thunders lightnings and tempests for which cause the Atheists count them hurtfull or at least superfluous or made by chaunce and errour they are in trueth cleane contrarie as Theodoret hath long agoe shewed in his Sermons of Gods Prouidence euen the sure-standing Bounds and Land-marks of euery kingdome and countrie they beare great store of timber-trees for ships and houses and fuell to burne from them spring the great riuers that breede much fish and helpe the conueyance of prouision and other marchandise vnto many people dwelling far-of by them are stayd and gathered the clowdes and thicke musts that manure and fatten the lower grounds the Wind-milles are much helped by them as if they were the store-houses of winde like rampiers and bulwarks they keepe-of the sudden force of warlike neighbours and to conclude they are as 't were the very morter that ioynes Land and Sea together 3. The great Deserts and wast-grounds that are for men by reason of some wants scarse habitable yet like huge Commons they feede an infinit sort of beasts great small whereof we haue good vse and commoditie 4. The Sea it breeds fish maintaines many Cities encreases Traffick and makes the wayes for trauaile easier and shorter and lastly thereout the Sunne draweth vapours which after turned into raine doe refresh the Aire and make the ground fruitfull The like good vses may bee found in all other the Creatures of God how vnlikely soeuer they seeme to wicked Atheists Looke more in S. Basil Chrysostome Ambrose and others who write of the Creation and at large haue declared what excellent commodities man may reap of euery creature 66 But shall I still be toss'd Fitly and in very good time the Poet hauing ouerslipt nothing worthie note in this discourse of Colonies now strikes sayle and after his long voyage thorow all Climats of the world ariues happily at the hauen he most desired to weet in France and well he takes occasion to reckon-vp the great commodities of his countrie as commending the same aboue all the kingdomes of the world After he hath saluted the land with diuers honourable termes and titles he sayth very truly that it hath brought-foorth many worthie warriors cunning workmen and learned Schollers more is the meruaile because it is but a small kingdome in comparison of Polonia Persia Tartaria China and others But indeede the commodities thereof are most wonderfull Besides the seas that bound it as on the North and West the Ocean and the Midland on the South it hath many riuers of great name and euen little seas as the Rosue Saone Dordogne Loire Marne Seine Oise and yet a great number of other lesser streames and brookes Cities it hath as Paris Tolouse Roüan Lyon Bourdeaux and others of more value then diuers whole Duchies Earldomes or Prouinces elsewhere There are Forts and Castles now stronger and goodlier then euer were As for the ciuill behauiour of the people I report me to the iudgement of other nations The Land for the most part is very fruitfull and the aire there temperate almost euery where Against the sudden inuasion of enemies all is well defended by the two Seas aforesayd and the Alpes toward Italie and the Pyrenes toward Spaine More then all this the countrie is no where troubled with Crocodiles as Aegypt is nor with monstrous long Serpents or any wilde rauening beasts as the inner countries of Affricke are And in stead of Gold and Siluer Pearles and precious stones which diuers lands barren of necessarie fruites abound with it hath of Cloath Woade Wooll Salt Corne and Wine euer-growing Mines and euen vnwastable Woade and Salt in Languedoc and Salt againe in Guyenne Wine in most places Wooll and Corne in Prouence and Beausse and in euery Prouince but foure or fiue good store of diuers the sayd commodities More there are but the Poet notes the chiefe onely and such as the neighbour countries and many far-of doe most of al trade-for Hereby we are taught and should be moued with heartie thanks to acknowledge the great benefits that God hath bestowed on vs for the Poet rightly concludes that wee lacke nothing but peace and peace he craueth of the Lord with whom and all my good countrimen I ioyne humble suite from the bottome of my heart that once again this Realme sometime so florishing may enioy a sure that is a iust and right Christian peace Amen FINIS
built the Babyloman tower Perceiuing Gods great voice in thunder-clashing stower Of their confounded speech each barbarous to either Betake them to their heeles all fearfull altogether Some to the left hand run and some run to the right Why god wold not haue the poste●tie of Noe stay in the plaine of S̄enat All tread sh'vnhaunted earth as God ordaind their flight For 4 that great king of heau'n vvho long ere creature breath'd In priuie counsell had this vnder-world bequeath'd Vnto the kind of Man could not at all abide it To be a den of theeues or that men should deuide it By dreadfull dint of sword and eu'ry people border This thickned Element beast like and out of order But fire of getting barr'd as did himself deuide Sem Cham and Iaphet held all this the vvorld so vvide The earth deuided betweene the sonnes of Noe. 5 To Sem vvas giu'n in fee the day-beginning East To Cham befell the South Iaphet gain'd the West 3 The men who built That which the Poet saith concerning th' affright of these builders is implied by the words of Moses Gen. 11.8 they ceassed to build by the one is the other vnderstood for vpon the sudden chance of so strange a confusion they were scarred as with a thunderclap and after by necessity constrained to sunder themselues Yet I am of their opinion who thinke the diuersitie of tongues is to bee considered not in euerie particular builder but only in families As that the goodnesse of God was such in his iudgement that the builders departing thence each led his wife and children with him who vnderstood and spake as hee did otherwise mans life could hardly haue bin sustained They also that parted furthest at the first from those of Noes successors that were not leagued in this presumptuous enterprise soonest forgat all their former language And true it is that at the first they sundered not all verie farre one from another but as it pleased God more and more to encrease them they sought further further for new countries to dwell in and all by the secrete direction of the wonderfull prouidence of God 4 That great king of heau'n Hee reacheth euen to the first cause of the Colonies and diuers-way-partings of Noes posteritie Straight after the flood God blessed Noe and his children and said Encrease and multiply and fill the earth and the feare of you and the dread of you shall be vpon euery beast of the earth and vpon euery f●●●e of the heauen vpon al that moueth vpon the earth and vpon all the fishes of the sea into your hands are they deliuered Gen. 9.1.2 Therfore if the builders had continued and fast setled themselues in the plaine of Sennaar they had as much as was in them made voide the Lords blessing and bereft themselues and their posteritie of those great priuiledges which he had granted them But the decree of God must needs be fulfilled and therefore according to his ordinance he chaseth farre away these donataries to th' end that yeare by yeare some in one place some in another they may take possession of that which was giuen them the whole compasse of the world Wheras the Poet saith further that the Lord diuided the whole earth into thre lots that may be gathered out of the 10 chap. of Genesis and 32. chap. of Deuteronom verse the 8. Noe a wise learned man and one of great experience was the instrument of Gods blessing in this behalfe and though the boundes of these habitations be not all and throughlie specified as were the diuisions of the land of Canaan among the Tribes of Israell yet out of the tenth chapter of Genesis a man may gather that in those daies Noe and his sonnes and their posteritie knewe more a great deale hereof then men can now perceiue as may appeare by so many diuerse Colonies so manie strange languages so manie names changed and rechaunged A good commentarie vpon this chapter would assoile manie questions hereabouts arising 5 To Sem was giuen Because the sonnes of Noe were but three therefore here are named but three quarters of the world the East West and South Some of the successonrs of Iaphet peopled the North also as shall be shewed hereafter Concerning the names of these fower cardinal points somwhat hath bene said vpon discourse of the windes in the 2 day of the first weeke verse 571. The order of the sonnes of Noe is this Iaphet is the elder Sem the second C ham the last Gen. 9.24 10.21 But Sem is named first because of the fauour of God shewed to his posteritie by thence raising the Messias there maintaining his Church Iaphet the second for that in the vocatiō of the Gentiles he is receiued into the tents of Sem that is vnited to the familie of the faithfull Abraham according to the prophecy blessing of Noe Gen. 9.27 Now in the 10 of Gen. v. 25. Moses further affirmeth that Heber Sems vnder-nephew had two sonnes the one named Peleg which signifieth Diuision or parting asunder for in his time the earth was diuided and the other Ioktan Whereout some gather that in the time of Peleg that is as I take it before the confusion of tongues Noe and his sonnes remēbred the graunt that God had made them of all the earth and that Noe then made a kind of partition thereof among his sonnes If wee recken the confusion of the builders together with the partition of the world though about the fiftieth yeare of Peleg who was borne but an hundred yeares after the sloud and liued 239 this confusion must happen within 150 yeares after the flood which were verie soone yet some take it sooner as from the time that Peleg receiued his name for remembrance as they say of both things so note-worthie to all posteritie and especially to the Church of God which well might be aduertised thereof for Peleg liued 46 yeares after the birth of Abraham as appeareth by the 11. chapter of Genesis Two things then are here to be considered the one that the partition of the earth which Noe made was to his posteritie a token of Gods great blessing which neuerthelesse the Babel-builders for their part haue turned into a curse the other that this partition as manie diuines and Chroniclers thinke was made before Nymrod and his traine came out of the East and sate downe in the plaine of Sennaar what time they were scattered thence againe by the confusion Whereunto this I will adioyne that as then the builders language was confounded so by continuance of time the speech of others also was corrupted especially when they began to forget the true religion which euen in Sems familie was decayed as appeareth plainly out of the 24 chap. of Iosua where it is said that Terah father to Abraham and Nachor had serued strange gods It was no reason that the holy tong should remaine entire and vncorrupt with such as had corrupted
Chaines And that her stomachers her plate this that her traines Man may the like professe what Desert so vntrad What Hill so wild and waste what Region so bad Or what so wrackefull Sea or what so barren Shore From North to South appeers but payes him euermore Some kinde of yearly rent and grudging not his glory Vnto his happy life becomes contributorie A particular declaration of the great vse of some vnlikely creatures against the Atheist who saith they are to 〈◊〉 vse or ●●ade by chance 65 These moores enameled where many rooshing brookes Enchase their winding wayes with glassie wauing crookes They stand for Garden-plots their herbage ere it fades Twise yearely sets on worke our two-hand mowing blades The plaine feilde Ceres heales the stony Bacchus filles These ladders of the skie these rough-aspiring Hilles The stoarehouses of stormes the forging-shops of thunders Which thou vntruly cal'st th'earthes faults shameful wonders And think'st the liuing God to say 't I am aferd Created them of spight or in creating err'd They bound the kingdomes out with euer-standing markes And for our shipping beare of timber goodly parks The same affoord thee stuffe to build thy roofed holde The same in winter-time defend thee from the colde They powre-out day and night the deep-enchanel'd Riuers That breed and beare on them to feede the neighbour liuers They remanure the lands with fruitfull cloudes and showers They helpe the Milles to turne and stand instead of towers And bulwarkes to defend Bellonaes angry wound And morter to the sea the Center of the ground The Wasternes of land that men so much amazeth Is like a common feild where store of cattell grazeth And whence by thousand heads they come our tylth to rood To furnish vs with furre with leather wood and food The sea it selfe that seemes for nothing else to sarue But eu'n to drowne the world although it neuer swarue That rumbling ouer-heales so many a mighty land Wherein the waters stead much wauing might corne stand A great store-place it is and vnd'r a watry plaine Flocks numberles it feedes to feed mankind againe And of the cates thereof are thousand cities saru'd That could not otherwise but languish hunger staru'd As doth a Dolphin whom vpon the shore halfe-dead The tyde vntrusty left when back-againe it fled It shorter makes the wayes encreases marchandise And causes day and night the reaking mists arise That still refresh our ayre and downe in water flowing Set eu'n before our eyes the grainy pipe a growing The Poet as after a long voyage landeth in France 66 But shall I still be tost with Boreas boystrous puffes Still subiect to the rage of Neptunes counterbuffes And shall I neuer see my country-chimnies reake Alas my rowing failes my boate begins to leake I am vndone I am except some gentle banke Receaue and that right soone my wrack-reserued planke Ha France I ken thy shore thou reachest me thine arme Thou opnest wide thy lap to shend thy sonne from harme Nor wilt in stranger landes I roaming step in age Nor ore my bones triumphe Bresile anthropophage Nor Catay ore my fame nor Peru ere my verse As thou my cradle wert so wilt thou be my herse The prayse of France O thousand thousand times most happy land of price O Europes only pearle O earthly Paradise All-hayle renowned France from thee sprong many a Knight That hath in former times his triumph-laurels pight Vpon Euphrates bankes and blood with Bilbo shed Both at the sunnes vprist and where he goes to bed Thou breedest many men that bolde and happie dare In works of handy-craft with Nature selfe compare Thou breedest many wits that with a skill diuine Teach Aegypt Greece and Roome and ore the learned shine As ore the paler hewes doe glister golden yellowes The sunne aboue the starres his floure aboue the fellowes Thy streames are little seas thy Cyties Prouinces In building full of state and gentle in vsages Thy soyle yeeldes good encrease thine ayre is full of ease Thou hast for strong defence two mountaines and two Seas Th' Aegyptian Crocodile disquiets not thy bankes The plaguie Lybian snakes with poyson-spotted flankes Crawle not in broken pleights vpon thy slowry plaines Nor meats an aker out by length of dragling traines No Hyrcan Tigers slight boot-hails thy vaulted hilles Nor on thy skorched wastes th' Arcadian Lion killes Thy wandring habitants nor Cairik Water-horses Drag vnd'r arowling tombe thy childrens tender corses And though like Indy streames thy fairest riuers driue not Among their pebbles golde although thy mountaines riue not With vaines of siluer vre nor yet among thy greet Carbuncles Granats Pearles are scattred at our feet Thy Cloth thy Wooll thy Woade thy Salte thy Corne thy Wines More necessary fruits are well-sufficient mines T' entitle thee the Queene of all this earthly scope Peace the onely want of France prayed-for inconclusion Peace is our only want O God that holdest ope Alwaies thine eyes on vs we humbly thee desire Quench with thy mercy-drops this Fraunce-consuming fire O make our Aïer calme deere Father vs deliuer And put thine angry shaftes againe into thy quiuer 58 O world of sundry kindes Without this discourse all that went before concerning the worldes enpeopling were to little purpose or none at all saue onely to breede many doubts in the readers vnderstanding For a man may aske How falles it out that the nations of the world comming all of one father Noe doe varie so much one from another both in body and minde The Poet therefore making this obiection most worthie to be considered giueth also answere thereunto first in generall by way of exclamation and maruaile then in particular manner setting downe some speciall reasons of this wonderfull diuersitie that appeareth in the stature complexion strength colour and custome of people wheresoeuer dispersed ouer the face of the earth The first and principall cause is Nature it selfe that is the wise prouidence of God marueilous in all his workes If God had made the earth in all places alike all flowers of one colour and sauour all beastes fowles fishes and creeping things of one kind had he made the heauen without starres or the starres all of one bignesse men all of the same hew beautie feature strength and disposition as well of body as minde the diuers colours of his infinite wisedome had not so shined in them But as he is aboue all yea onely wise good and beautifull so would he in his workes keepe a certaine resemblance of his owne perfection prouoking vs thereby daily to aduaunce and rayse our thoughtes vnto the high consideration parfite loue due reuerence of himselfe Now if we consider all his workes the light of his wonderfull glory no where appeareth more then in the diligent view of Man who is very fitly called of the Greekes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the little world For in this little table hath he lymbed-out in orient colours for all that