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A09847 A gagge for the Pope, and the Iesuits: or The arraignement, and execution of Antichrist Shevving plainely, that Antichrist shall be discouered, and punished in this vvorld: to the amasement of all obstinate papists. 1624 (1624) STC 20111; ESTC S120961 58,414 88

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discourse vpon the eleuenth Chap. of the fourth booke of Esdras I will enlarge the same For the Papists themselues allow the Apocrypha as authenticall as Canonicall Scripture wee onely maintaine that though it be not Canonicall Scripture yet our learned Diuines attribute to these Apocryphall writings the next place to the Canonicall Scripture and so you shall not only haue the Originall verbatim but a true and strange Paraphrase or illustration approued by the best authoritie ESDRAS 2. Chap. 11. 1 THen saw I a dreame and behold there came vp from the sea an Eagle which had twelue feathered wings and three heads 2 And I saw and behold shee spred her wings ouer all the earth and all the windes of the aire blew on her and were gathered together 3 And I beheld and out of her feathers there grew other contrarie feathers and they became little feathers and small 4 But her heads were at rest the head in the midst was greater than the other yet rested it with the residue 5 Moreouer I beheld and loe the Eagle flew with her feathers and reigned vpon the earth and ouer them that dwelt therein 6 And I saw that all things vnder Heauen were subiect vnto her and no man spake against her no not one creature vpon earth 7 And I beheld and loe the Eagle rose vpon her tallons and spake to her feathers saying 8 Watch not all at once sleepe euerie one in his owne place and watch by course 9 But let the heads be preserued for the last 10 And I beheld and loe the voice went not out of her heads but from the midst of her bodie 11 And I numbred her contrarie feathers and behold there were eight of them 12 And I looked and behold on the right side there arose one feather and reigned ouer all the earth 13 And so it was that when it reigned the end of it came and the place thereof appeared no more so the next following stood vp and reigned and had a great time 14 And it happened that when it reigned the end of it came also like as the first so that it appeared no more 15 Then came there a vcice vnto it and said 16 Heare thou that hast borne rule ouer the earth so long this I say vnto thee before thou beginnest to appeare no more 17 There shall none after thee attaine vnto thy time neither vnto the halfe thereof 18 Then arose the third and reigned as the others before and appeared no more also 19 So went it with all the residue one after another as that euery one reigned and then appeared no more 20 Then I beheld and loe in processe of time the feathers that followed stood vp on the right side that they might rule also and some of them ruled but within a while they appeared no more 21 For some of them were set vp but ruled not 22 After this I looked and behold the 12. feathers appeared no more nor the two little feathers 23 And there was no more vpon the Eagles body but three heads that rested and six little wings 24 Then saw I also that two little feathers diuided themselues from the six and remained vnder the head that was vpon the right side for the foure continued in their place 25 And I beheld and loe the feathers that were vnder the wing thought to set vp themselues and to haue the rule 26 And I beheld and loe there was one set vp and shortly it appeared no more 27 And the second was sooner away than the first 28 And I beheld and loe the two that remained thought also in themselues to reigne 29 And when they so thought behold there awaked one of the heads that were at rest namely it that was in the midst for that was greater than the two other heads 30 And then I saw that the two other heads were ioyned with it 31 And behold the head was turned with them that were with it and did eat vp the two feathers vnder the wing that would haue reigned 32 But this head put the whole earth in feare and bare rule in it ouer all those that dwelt vpon the earth with much oppression and it had the gouernance of the world more than all the wings that had beene 33 And after this I beheld and loe the head that was in the midst suddenly appeared no more like as the wings 34 But there remained the two heads which also in like sort ruled vpon the earth and ouer those that dwelt therein 35 And I beheld and loe the head vpon the right side deuoured it that was vpon the left side 36 Then I heard a voice which said vnto me looke before thee and consider the thing that thou seest 37 And I beheld and loe as it were a roaring Lion chased out of the wood and I saw that he sent out a mans voice vnto the Eagle and said 38 Heare thou I will talke with thee and the highest shall say vnto thee 39 Art not thou it that remainest of the foure beasts whom I made to reigne in my world that the end of their times might come through them 40 And the fourth came and ouercame all the beasts that were past and had power ouer the world with great fearefulnesse and ouer the whole compasse of the earth with much wicked oppression and so long time dwelt he vpon the earth with deceit 41 For the earth hast thou not iudged with truth 42 For thou hast afflicted the meeke thou hast burt the peaceable thou hast loued liers and destroied the dwellings of them that brought forth fruit and hast cast downe the walls of such as did thee no harme 43 Therefore is thy wrongfull dealing come vp vnto the highest and thy pride vnto the mighty 44 The highest also hath looked vpon the proud times and behold they are ended and his abominations are fulfilled 45 And therefere appeare no more thou Eagle nor thy horrible wings nor thy wicked feathers nor thy malicious heads nor thy hurtfull clawes nor all thy vaine body 46 That all the earth may be refreshed and may returne being deliuer●d from thy violence and that she may hope for the iudgement and mercy of him that made her If you reade also the next chapter you may finde how Esdras expounded this vision but because I haue promised a more plenary satisfaction I apply my selfe to the same purpose and thus continue the discourse In the daies of Darius king of Persia some 400. yeeres before lulins Caesar aduanced the standard of the Roman Empire vnder the presentation of a sable Eagle displaied in a golden field as the first Emperor after Kings Consuls and Dictators this vision came to Esdras and containeth the beginning continuance and dissolution of the Empire and supremacy of Rome seene by the Prophe● Daniel some few yeeres before wherein twelue only Emperors are personated for their extended power like wings ouer the world and for their greatnesse and celsitude of birth like beasts
onely deceiued the world but excelled the proudest Emperors when their sinnes came to ouerflowing in State Maiestie Pompe couetousnesse tyranny and all other impieties discouered in Scripture But the Prophet goes forward with the Empires dissolution that is to say with the whole narration of the story of the Nations that infested Italy beginning with Alaricus who set himselfe vp in the 19. yeere of Honorius conquering Latium Campania Apulia Lucania Cal●bria proceeding with Attila who in the 27. of the 3. year 410 Valentinian destroi●d Aquileia Verona Mantu● Cremona Brixia Coneordia with the new territory of Venice and ending with Genserick Od●acer Totila the Lombards and the intestine faction and these are the two heads and Vers 23. six wings now you must consider that in this fearefull time the proud Attila did fell the city of Rome to Bishop Leo as some report and so was contented to forsake Italy by which occasion the Popes became Masters of this great City and in processe of time wrought out their supremacy not onely ouer Italy but ouer Europe For as these Tyrants vexed one another and the successors which followed were subiect to extirpation namely Valentinian Maximus Anitus Maiorianus Seuerus Anthemias Olibrius Glycerius lxlius N●pos Momil●us otherwise Augustulus the Popes raised their structures out of their ruines and the rubbish of the Empire serued to aduance the fabricke of the Papacy Thus the Eagles displaid wings were spread in the time of Augustus and broken and spoiled in the daies of Augustulus who was that Momil●us the last named and so the prophecy followeth to the 29. verse with the varietie of the warres troubles and gouernment of all the contrary feathers named before to the time of the intestine sedition which had pretence of renuing the stile of Senatus populusque Romanus but now the Bishop of Rome tampers for his supremacy and inuesteth Charles King of France Emperor and this is that which Esdras meaneth by the awaking of one of the three heads that were at rest for the Vers 29. 801 three heads personate Germany France and Spaine who shall according to the interpretation of this Vision still by one meanes or other maintaine the dignity of the Popedome though all the rest of the Kings and Princes of Europe forsake it till vtter destruction come indeed and they manifestly behold that God will c●st this strumpet in a bed of affliction that is to say that although Papistry and the profession of the Romish Religion shall not be vtterly extinguished till the Church be triumphant in heauen yet shall the glory of Rome yea of the Pope and his Cardinalls suffer diminution if not vtter d●solation as shall be manifested in due place and orderly demonstration But first you must note how the Prophet proceeds the verse 31. middle head did eat vp the wings which is meant by the sword of Carclus magnus who at the Popes command came into Italy and tooke De●●derius prisoner leading him captiue into France after this Cono the Emperour falls out with Gregory the second and p●oiected to dislocate the Popes of Rome as intimating that their pride and tyranny would grow vlcerous and to a Gangren in the body of Europes gouernment whereupon the people were not only incensed against their Bishop but attempted a new alteration by Senators and Consuls had not the French laid a cooling card for this proceeding and established the Pope in his supreme eminency yet all is not quiet for some 150. yeeres after Alberick and Octauian his sonne contested anew with the ambitious Prelates and once againe aduanced another gouernment in Rome but see how the Pope thriues according to the prophecie Otho the great comes in his assistance banisheth the Consull hangeth the Tribunes and mounteth the Praefectus Vrbis naked on an Asse and so hee is crowned and with great derision thrust into prison and ●ormented to death but within seuen yeeres new vproares began by the tumul●uary incitation of Lancius had not Otho the second at a supper in the Vatican strucke off all their heads Last of all Fredericke the first with the year 1136 bloud and wounds of 2000. men established the Bishop of Rome in greater glory and euer since according to this Prophesie and discouery they haue continued secure by the meanes of these heads in all impiety and abomination but the Prophecy leaues them not so for after all this exemplification of glory and greatnesse with the manner of their rising and insolent tumors he falles to their punishment and vtter confusion This lasteth from the 36 verse to the end wherein you may obserue that the breath of God like a Lion of the Forrest shall teare this Eagle in peeces and as you haue heard in the execution of Antichrist whole armies of Prophecies and denunciations of vengeance shall be further mustred against Rome from so supreme a iudicature that no humane potency shall reuerse the doome or be able to repeale the sentence Conclusion THe conclusion then of all these things may be thus that if God out of his palace of power and mightinesse or store-house of prouidence and mercy hath from time to time exposed his secrets openly whereby his Saints and poore afflicted children haue not only beene comforted in their distresse but prepared against following mischiefes If according to the wantonnesse of times and growth of impietie he hath gone about to stop the torrent and raging inundation of wickednesse and by many predictions foretold the ruine of the kingdome of Sathan and enlargement of the bounds of his Church If he hath gone yet further to follow obstinate men and refractarie delinquents euen at the he●les with signes and wonders from heauen either to diuert the outragious from their immanitie or support the lowly in their humiliation Let not vs passe them ouer as things vnremarkable or be affrighted as terrors of too great vengeance and if it fall not within our reach to make cleane euery corruption yet as neere as we can to wipe away the filthinesse and wash off the deformitie of grosse and fearfull sinnes Thus shall the confidence of the ioyes to come season our present sorrowes the acknowledging of Gods attributes assure vs that he is faithfull which hath promised and so will performe the oath he sware vnto our father Abraham his s●ed for euer Againe if it hath pleased the same God to terrifie the world with the rumors of warre and thundrings of hostilitie ●o weaken and abate the power of mightie monarchies to strike Daniels image with a stone from heauen to peeces to put a hooke in the nostrils of Leu●athan and B●h●moth to turne about the wheeles of the chariot of greatnesse O consider this ye that haue forgot God l●st he teare you in peeces in his wrath remember this ye that loue God lest ye abuse his mercy ouer-presumptuously But of all and exceeding all I● in this latter age of the world he hath reuealed vnto vs the true historie of his Church That the Dragon shall watch the woman in the wilde●nesse to deuoure her childe That in the Primitiue Church was the true pattern of wholsome words That she ●ell from thi● puritie was polluted with the filth of mens Traditions whose daring hands out of wantonnesse case gurrm●●dice ambicion auarice p●l●●ie and imposturing deceit threw dur● into her cleane streame and in a manner dammed vp the spring of vndeniable veritie That all this was done by Antichrist and his adherents That this Antichrist is now fully discouered not to personate one man nor be a stranger in Gods house but to sit in the Temple of God and the Church and to be the Popes of Rome the strumpet of Babylon in the Scriptures the beast with seuen heads and ten hornes in the Apocalyps the man of sinne in Timothie Lucifer in Isaiah the spirit of error in the Thessalonians with all the rest as you haue heard That notwithstanding this discouerie he hath vsurped the authoritie of Princes tyrannized ouer Kings affrighted ignorant soules captiued c●●dulous persons and enriched his purse to the augmentation of worldly glory That therefore God hath arraigned him and by seuerall inditements condemned and that his punishment and ex●cution followed whereby this defiled strumpet shall be diuorced from her spouse cast in a bed of affliction demo●●shed and her structures pulled to peeces set on fire to the wonder of the world and the terror of all seduced people FINIS
A GAGGE FOR THE POPE AND THE IESVITS OR THE ARRAIGNEMENT AND EXECVTION OF ANTICHRIST Shevving plainely that Antichrist shall be discouered and punished in this VVorld to the amasement of all obstinate PAPISTS LONDON Printed by I. D. for Edward Blackmore and are to be sould at his Shop at the Great South-dore of Paules 1624. Lucan lib. 7. Pharsal Hoe placet ô superi cum vobis vertere cūcta propositum nostris erroribus addere crimen TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE VVILLIAM EARLE of PENBROOK Lord Chamberlaine to his Maiesties Houshold and one of his most honourable Councell c. RIGHT HONOVRABLE AS I intend nothing by this Discourse but the glory of God the good of my Country the obseruation of Princes and the seasoning of humors so doe I propose no man fitter to Patronise the same then your selfe sprung from so illustrious a family that our moderne Stories reioyce againe in the illustration of the name and actions of Herbert but aboue all my motiues arise from your Noble disposition toward Englands glory and pious zeale to propagate the cause of Religion which at this day is set vpon by viperous calumniation as if either God meant not to performe his promise concerning the stripping the Strumpet naked Apoc. 18. 3. who hath made drunke the Kings of the earth with the cup of abomination or pollicie determined like Prometheus his Vulture to feed vpon the heart of Religion and eat out the bowels of sanctitie and truth But O thou God of heauen thou laughest the Psalme deuises of men to scorne and wilt maintaine thy owne cause in despight of Apostacy and O ●ee Princes of the earth looke yee Psal 2. 12. kisse the sonne least he be angry and yee perish in the Way when his wrath shall suddenly burne Wherefore great Lord made so much the greater by all the Concomitants of Noble birth and remarkeable deseruing accept I pray you of this poore Tractate wherein though I come strangely toward you with a dutie from an vnknowne name and vnfortunate man as we prophanely abuse the Character yet with so good a heart that in regard of the cause which is Gods and your selfe who haue answered reputation with sufficiency I am cheerfully animated to wade out of this streame by the supportation of so noble an arme which can keep me from sinking though there were some whirlepoole to fall into As for aspersion of presumption stepping out of my own Circle medling with transcendent matters tenuity of wit or deficiency of knowledge I wipe all away with a Principle in Euripid●s Nullus sibi similis in periculis Iphigenia in Tauris homo quoties ad audaciam ex metu venerit But indeed what should I be affrighted with the Popes fulmination or curses Lucan answers Tollite signaduces fatorum impellite cursum Lib. 5. Phars●l spem vestram prestate diis fortunaque tantos det vobis animos quantos fugientibus hostem causa dabat The blastings of opinion or windy censures Impia laetatur vulgatae nomine famae Thessaliis Luc. o● Lib. 5. The displeasure or contracted brow of a Prince No no. Caesaris aduentu tuta gladiator arena Lib. 6. de Pont● Ovid. exit auxilium non leue vultus habet The imputations of iudicious men Simplex oratio veritatis est Neque variarum habet vtrinque interpretationum Eurip. Phaenissae habet enim ipsa congruentiam sed iniquus sermo aegrotans in seipsum medicamimum habet opus sapientiam The desertion of friends who be they Amicos in rebus aduersis conuenit amicis adesse Eurip. Orestes Nam cum Deus faelicitatem dederit Quid opus est amicis Sufficit ipse Deus prodesse volens In a word so I haue your fauour and my owne ends I am startled at nothing but insufficiency in so great aduenture and vnworthines to put polluted handes into the waters of life which as I hope the God of heauen will pardon because of my honest desires to magnifie his greatnes so your Honor will graciously admit because of my willing heart to exemplifie your goodnesse THE ARRAIGNEMENT AND EXECVTION OF ANTICHRIST I Would faine act my owne Scean and with a modest zeale enter into a Discourse that shall show you the hand of God writing on the wall more fearefull and terrible to hard-hearted Papists then euer Belshazzers fatall night to Daniel 5. himselfe and his people I beseech you then if you can discrectly auoyd or charitably confute ignorant Papists and penurious Newes-mongers vnderstand what I purpose in my following Treatise meerely to show you that these troubles of Europe be but the beginnings of Romes desolation and the Beast with seauen heads and ten hornes must Apoc. 12 be discouered as she walloweth in the den of abomination and filthinesse of corruption after which she shall be rowsed and hunted out of breath ●aken and lashed with stripes bound and stripped of her pompe and at last forsaken and consumed with fire which although it may haue relation to the euerlasting horror of hell yet in the iudgement of learned Diuines must be explicated by some effectuall humiliation on earth Wherin if repentance remorse and compunction of spirit cannot frame the master peece of Conuersion the Catastrophe shall be wrought by the violence of a stronger arme and that from a secular Prince And if in this the Emperours of Germany or other potent Kings haue fayled as too-too basely prostrating themselues to the power of Antichrist no question God will punish them for vnder-valuing his glory or diuiding and participating that greatnes which he hath giuen to euery King intire in his owne Kingdome Now that the Pope hath vnder sanctified titles both abused Religion and deceiued the world and that God is incensed against such pride blasphemy and hypocrisie yea offended with such Princes as still adore the Beast is apparant by many relations Especially a large Letter written and printed long since in the Spanish tongue to King Philip the second in the dayes of Queene Mary wherein is not onely the Genealogie of Antichrist but a delicate Picture of the Pope and his Cardinals kneeling before the Deuill sitting in a chayre of State who deliuers him an Indenture or Commission with many seales allowing him to be Antichrist and so to execute his authoritie this was composed by one Alonso de Penna Fuertes an Italian and out of this with many other Classick Authors this Enchiridion is extracted and I hope to make all I proiect apparant as farre as man may coniecture or fals to my poore proportion of discouery The Method then which I would obserue ariseth from the 1. Discouery 2. Arraignement 3. and execution of Antichrist In the discouery you shall haue some obseruations taken from 1. effectuall contingents 2. and probable coniectures In the Arraignement the indi●ements are framed 1. from contradicting the word of God 2. from dishonouring the truth with false doctrines 3. and from abusing the
of superstition thus these miseries fell vpon them for denying and abusing that purity of Christianity which the Apostles established in the Primitiue Church and thus God would be glorified in reseruing still a Church to himselfe and opening the eies of humbled soules to see the paths of their saluation according to the praier of Christ Father I thanke thee that thou hast reuealed thy will to babes and silly men when the mighty rich and full were sent empty away and the proud boasters of learning and knowledge excluded But if you would bee acquainted with a wonder indeed and see a miracle obserue how this small graine of mustard seed this handfull of Gods people these despised creatures this poore Church this derided profession did in the end proue a flourishing tree an Vniuersall Congregation a magnified people a mighty Monarchy a glorified compan● so that as you haue heard the Kings of the earth haue laid downe their crownes before simple Preachers who haue but come with the eccho of Christs voice the Angells in heauen therefore sing Hal●luiahs and the God of all hath a stone ready in his hand to strike Babel to confusion Answer then a Gods name you that must answer before the iudgment Throne of the Lambe how comes this about if the Papacy shall not come to ruine and Rome it selfe be destroied after Antichrist is discouered and thus arraigned and indited and the man of sinne reucaled by these lying miracles whom God will consume with the breath of his nostrils But before I doe in arenam descendere and play my Masters prise indeed that is strike all dead with the vengeance of Gods iudgement against those that will not returne Isaiah 55. to the pure waters of life and hearken to the Prophet who bids them come and buy without money I haue a little more to say and some remainder of the former account to make vp They talke of a great battell against the Turks who year 1457 were ouercome by miracle for a●ter some exorcisme of holy men the Turkes fled crying that a great army of Knights followed them who seemed souldiers but were indeed Angels And why might not this bee done as well as Elisha to shew his seruant a multitude of chario●s 2 Kings and horses so that there was more with them than against them They will haue a stone in Anglesey of that property Anglesey that how farre soeuer a man carries it in the day it will returne of it selfe at night into the Iland for triall whereof Hugh of Shrewsbury in the time of Henry the first bound it to another huge stone with iron chaines and threw them into a deepe water but in the morning the stone was found in Anglesey againe afterward a Chu●le fastened it to his owne leg but his thigh rotted and the stone went away In the time of Theodosius the Emperor V●gus king of The Picts and Sam. Andrew Picts in Scotland infested a great part of Brittanic till at last they were beset with a formidable armie and thought verily to be destroyed but Saint Andrew taking pittie vpon him comforted him and assured the victorie if he would giue the third part of the land to the Church which he solemnly ratified so a crosse was aduanced in honour of Saint Andrew and the armie marching forward with the Standard the Brittons were amazed at such an vnlooked for returne and recouerie of their enemies and the Picts most fortunatly preuailed I will not tell you though my author doth that Ireland Saint Patr●●t and Ireland had as many venomous creatures and noysome snakes as other countries vntill sanctus Patricius chased them away with his staffe nor of their witches which were turned into Hares because they be common tales with sot●ish ignorant and superstitious people both in England Thessaly Norway and other countries yea of mine owne knowledge in the Ilands of the Arches the tale of Lucius Appuleius or the golden Asse is beleeued and reputed a truth But this I will be bold to say that the life of Saint Patrike is wel written in a good Latine phrase and dedicated to that euer memorable Earle and worthy patterne of hospitalitie and honorable behauiour the Earle of Clenricard wherein are such strange things and of that varietie that neither Moses nor Christ came neere him for actiue imployment if without pietie we may belecue that storie As for S. Patriks Purgatorie or the great lake of Vlster as incredible things are reported of them as of Saint Patrike himselfe The storie is thus enlarged A woman drawing or taking water out of a wel and hearing her child crie run to it for haste and forgat to couer the same which in the meane while swelled ouer so immeasurably that it drowned all the countrey but the maine reason was because the people were Sodomites and God thus sent his vengeance vpon them In the sixth yeere of the reigne of Henrie the fourth S●roope Arch●●shop of Yo●ke Scroope Archbishop of Yorke was executed for treason He desired the hangman to giue him fiue strokes in remembrance of Christs 5. wounds which he performed accordingly whereupon at the same instant the king sitting at dinner had fiue strokes on the necke by a person inuisible after which he proued a leper for recouery whereof he determined a iourney to Icrusalem but was preuented by sicknes though his treasure furniture of his houses were shipped and so he died in the Abbey of Westminster in a chamber called Ierusalem many strange miracles were performed for this Bishop Anno 36. of Henrie the eight a Priest did pronounce at Pauls Crosse and there confessed in publike that he himselfe saying Masse pricked his finger and be-bloudied Alying Priest the Corporas with the Altar clothes purposing to make the people beleeue that the host had bled miraculously c. As it was in the time of Henrie the 6. about Ioan la puzil de dieu at Orleans who was afterwards burnt for an imposturing whore by the Duke of Bedford at Roan so fell it out with Elizabeth Barton a Nun holy Maid of Kent whose miraculous lies are rather fearefull than ridiculous Holy mai of Kent for she not onely deceiued the Bishops but brought her selfe with ten other to a lamentable Catastrophe Looke Hall Grafton and diuers Chronicles I am almost wearie with wearying you in the discourse of these fopperies but should wearie you and torment my selfe altogether to relate the like of other countries not packed vp as I told you before in the Legenda Aurea or Nauclerus or Costerus or other sufficient authours who haue for the same purpose ●raduced these wonderfull deceiuers and papisticall cousening Priests or if you will incendiarie Iesuites who still run at randome to seduce simple people and confound weake and easie beleeuing soules Therefore I desist from further disturbance and onely request thus much from a poore afflicted spirit and euery way vnfortunate man as we now in
Naples and Tuskany with my countrey of Hydrantum shall bee shaken in notable manner and so shall Florence be affrighted as expecting a reuenge because of her Apostate Duke with a great deale more The formerly recited Saint Vincent in most of his writings maketh as it were an agreement with the predictions which were sound in the Abbot of Clunies Library Abbot of Cluny written some 500. yeeres agoe against certaine Popes that shall follow the steps of Simon Magus and so drinke of the cup of the wrath of God and whereas there are many and large prophecies attributed to Abbot Ioachim yet they all tend to presage the reformation of the Church or confusion of her obstacles and enemies that is the Pope and his Colledge of Cardinals or the obsession and demolition of Rome There is a Prophecy of Iohannes de rupe Scissa a Francesian Diu●●● pr●p●ecies Friar another of Theodoricus Bishop of Croatia another in a booke intitled Stimulus diuinae contemplationis another out of the Bishops of Limoges Library in France another of Laurenti●●s Miniatensis an Astrologian of Naples and many others from as many seuerall Authours and countreys and all tending to this end and purpose that Religion must be reformed according to the Prophet Zachary where the filthy garments are to bee taken Zachary 3. away and a crowne of pure gold to bee set vpon the Priests head That Sathan shall be rebuked that is to say the hindrances of this good worke shall bee remoued that this strange exaltation of the Popes of Rome must bee abated that their pompe and supremacy must bee dissolued and that the very city shall be subiect to fire and the countrey to inuasion of enemies c. Shall tell you how Hieronymus Sauanarola expounded Sauanarola the reuelation of Saint Iohn to the people of Florence He assured them that religion must be reformed that God would accuse the Churches that were faultie their trumperies must be abolished their inuentions annihilated that God would bring a great scourge vpon all Italie especially Rome nor desisteth he so but alledgeth the cause and certaine motiues why God was so extraordinarily offended namely the pollution of the Sanctuarie the corruption of the Clergie the ill gouernment of Prelates and Priests the abuses of Officers and the pride of Bishops and Cardinals who will neither enter into heauen themselues as Christ exprobrated the Pharises nor suffer others which sinnes must needs cry from the earth vnto heauen for vengeance c. It is wonderfull to relate that Panlus secundus Grebnerus Grebnerus the German Astrologian should so long agoe for the generall foretell the vtter destruction of the Pope of Rome enlarging his inuectiues against idols temples and Churches defiled with mens inuentions authorised by humane fancies and adorned with gewgaw deuices as if they were afraid to break the necke of policy by letting her looke vp to heauen and therefore she should be troubled no further than the hangings images or painted walls of some melancholy Chappell For the particular hee prognosticated the destruction and dissipation of the fleet in 88. the murther of Henry the third of France the troubles of the King of Nauarre Henry of Burbon the preuailing of his armies and the winning of the strong towne of Groyning in Free sland But amongst others which I named before you must Abbot Ioachim needs harken vnto that famous and well reputed man Ioachimus the Italian Abbot of Flore in Calabria who foresheweth that at last both Germans and the French shall sorsake the Pope of Rome and deny the supremacie because of their monstrous corruptions and iniquities He also alledgeth that as Salomon in his age fell to idolatrie so should Rome be most contaminated when she declined and extend the violence of her filthinesse as the last act of her tragedie approached He proceedeth yet further that all Christian Princes shall not onely forsake but afflict her yea a Prince smally reputed of shall correct the Babylon of Rome Harken I pray you to a little more he resembleth the Pope to Pharo and Pilate and maketh a further comparison with her by the Babylonish whore and so concludeath that they shall all be laid in a bed of affliction and scourged againe and againe with bleeding wounds for their wickednesse and abominations I could proceed with many others but I did purpose onely an ●nchiridion and therefore I will desist from raising it to a volume yet I cannot ouerpasse those bitter inuectiues and terrible presages against Rome by Robertus a Dominican Friar who in diuers sermons likens the Pope Friar Robert to an Idoll for adoration to an Hidropick for presumption to a Beare for cruelty to a serpent which in a vision he saw in the palace of Laterane to a blacke dry and blasted body to an head of wood which was to bee cut or broken off and many other resembiances tending all to this purpose that in the end according to the time which God hath kept secret in his owne bosome Rome and the Popes of Rome shall not onely bee discouered to bee that man of sinne and Antichrist in the Scriptures but receiue the reward of adultery euen the diuorce from Iesus Christ If it bee so then answer a Gods name you that must answer before the iudgement Throne of the Lambe how comes this about if the Papacy shall not come to ruine and Rome it selfe be destroied sceing Antichrist is thus reuealed and that sonne of perdition manifested whom God will consume with the breath of his nostrils If not so shew wherein either I haue gone beyond limitation or my Authors haue failed in their computation and I will answer both for them and my selfe what is befitting to satisfaction if God haue made your hearts pliable to a modest and humble impression Antichrists punishment and Romes destruction from holy women I Perceiue For as in Peters vision the sheet was let downe and proposed vnto him full of cleane and vncleane beasts so in the Church of God the women as well as the men haue not onely beene admitted but admired for their sanctity yea as ftom the examples of Scripture the Idolatrous nations assumed a patterne of imitation falsifying Abrahams offering his sonne Isaac to the inuention of slaughtering men to the Deuill out of Samsons story they haue iustified the life of Hercules from Moses and Aarons Priesthood and Salomons Temple they haue raised their superstitious adoration of idols and Hecatombs of beasts with such like so hath the Church of Rome in resemblance of Miriam Debora Hulda Anna and many others named Prophetesses and holy women in Scripture canonized Saints of Nuns and other deuotresses whom they haue not onely reuerenced for their liues but adored for their vertues doctrine and piety amongst whom I will only name you fiue eternized to memory by the Papists themselues who shall furnish this our present banquet of predictions with the dainties and accates of the best taste