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A09182 The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe Comprisyng the whole historye of Christes Gospell. Set forth by Thomas Paynell. Paynell, Thomas. 1553 (1553) STC 19493; ESTC S114317 166,754 466

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the wyfe of Ury Salomon begat Roboam Roboam begat Abia. Abia begat Asa. Asa begat Iosaphat Iosaphat begat Ioram Ioram begat Osias * Osias begat Ioatham Ioathan begat Achas Achas begat Ezechias Ezechias begat Manasses Manasses begat Amon. Amon begat Iosias Iosias begat Iechonias and his brethren about the tyme of the captiuitie o● Babilon And after the captiuitie of Babilon Iechonias begat Salathiel Salathiel begat Zorobabel Zorobabel begat Abiud Abiud begat Eliachim Eliachim begat Azor. Azor begat Sadoch Sadoch begat Achim Achim begat Eliud Eliud begat Eleazar Eleazar begat Matthan Matthan begat Iacob Iacob begat Ioseph the husbande of Mary of whome was borne Iesus whiche is called Christ. All the generations from Abraham to Dauid are fourtene generations From Dauid vnto the captiuitie of Babilon are fourtene generations From the captiuitie of Babilon vnto Christ are also fourtene generations The byrth of Christ was on thys wyse When hys mother Mary was maried to Ioseph before they came together she was foūde w t childe by y e holy gost But Ioseph her husbande was a perfyte man and woulde not brynge her to shame but was mynded to put her awaye secretlye Neuertheles whyle he thus thoughte Beholde the aungell of the Lorde appeared vnto him in a dreame sayinge Ioseph thou sonne of Dauid feare not to take vnto thee Mary thy wyfe for that whiche is conceaued in her is of the holy ghost She shal bring forth a sonne and thou shalte call hys name Iesus for he shall saue hys people from their synnes All thys was done that the thynge myghte be fulfylled whiche was spoken of the Lord by the Prophete sayinge * Behold a mayde shall be wyth chylde and shall brynge forth a sonne and they shal cal hys name Emanuell whiche is by interpretacion God wyth vs. Nowe when Ioseph awoke oute of slepe he dyd as the aungell of the Lorde badde hym and he toke hys wyfe vnto hym and knew her not tyl she had brought forth her firste borne sonne and called hys name Iesus ☞ Of the Natiuite of Christe Luc. ii Cap. vii IT fortuned at the same tyme that there wēt out a commaundemēt from Augustus the Emperoure that the whole worlde shoulde be taxed And thys taxing was the fyrst that was executed when Syreneus was Lefetenant in Siria And they went al euerye one to his owne citie to be taxed Then Ioseph gat him vp also from Galile out of the citye of Nazareth into Iewry to the cytye of Dauid which is called Bethleem because he was of the house and linage of Dauid that he myght be taxed with Mary his spoused wyfe whyche was with chyld And it fortuned while they were there the time was come that she shoulde be delyuered Also she brought forthe her fyrste begotten sonne and wrapped hym in swadlynge clothes and layed hym in a manger for they had els no rowme in the Inne And there were in the same region shepherdes in the feldes watchynge theyr flocke by night And beholde y ● angel of the Lord stode by thē the bryghtnes of the Lord shone rounde about them and they were sore afrayed And the Aungel sayde vnto them be not afrayed Beholde I brynge you tydynges of great ioye whiche shall happen vnto all people For vnto you thys daye is borne the Sauiour euen Christ the Lorde in the citye of Dauid And take thys for a token ye shall fynde the babe swadled and layed in a manger And strayghte waye there was by the Aungel a multitude of heauenly hoostes whiche praysed God and sayde Glorye be vnto God on hyghe and peace vpon earth and vnto mē a good wyll And it fortuned when the aungels were gone from theym into heauen the shepherdes sayde one to another Let vs go nowe euen vnto Bethleem and see thys thynge that is happened whiche the Lorde hathe shewed vnto vs. And they came with hast and founde bothe Mary and Ioseph and the Babe layed in a manger And whē they had sene it they published abrode the sayinge that was tolde theym of thys chylde and all they that heard it wondred at the wordes whiche the shepherdes had tolde them But Mary kept all these sayinges and pondred them in her heart And the shepherdes retourned praysynge and laudynge God for all that they had heard and sene euen as it was tolde theym ☞ Of Christes Circumcision Luc. ii Cap. viii ANd when eyght dayes were ended that the chylde shoulde be circumcised hys name was called Iesus whiche was named of the aungell before he was conceaued in hys mothers wombe ☞ Of the commynge of the wyse men Math. ii Cap. ix WHē Iesus was borne at Bethleem in Iewrye in the tyme of Herode the Kynge Bheolde there came wyse men frome the East to Ierusalem sayinge Where is the newe borne kynge of the Iewes We haue sene hys starre in the East are come to worshyppe hym When Herode the kynge had heard thys he was troubled and all Ierusalem with him And he gathered the hye Priestes and Scribes of the people and axed of thē where Christe shoulde be borne And they sayde vnto him at Bethleē in Iewrye for thus it is wrytten by the prophete * And thou Bethleem in the land of Iewry art not the least amonge the Prynces of Iuda for out of thee shall come vnto me the captayne that shall gouerne my people Israell Then Herode priuelye called the wyse men and dilygentlye enquired of theym what tyme the starre appeared and sente theym to Bethleem sayinge Goe and searche diligentlye for the chylde and when ye haue founde hym brynge me worde agayne that I maye come and worshyppe hym also When they had heard the Kynge they departed and ●oe the starre whiche they sawe in the East wente before theym tyll it came and stode ouer the place where the childe was When they saw the starre they were meruelously glad and went into the house and founde the chylde wyth Mary hys mother and * kneled downe and worshipped hym And opened their treasures and offered vnto hym gyftes Golde Frankyn●ense Myrce And after they were warned of God in a Dreame that they should not goe again to Herode they returned into their owne countrey another way ☞ Of y e presentacion of Christ in the temple Luc. ii Capi. x. ANd when the dayes of their purification after the law of Moses were come they broughte him to Ierusalē y ● they myghte present hym vnto the Lorde as it is wrytten in the lawe of the Lorde euerye manchylde that fyrste openeth y ● matrix shal be called holy vnto the Lorde and that they myghte geue the offerynge as it is wrytten in the lawe of the Lorde namelye a payre of turtle Doues or two yonge Pygeons And beholde at Ierusalem there was a manne whose name was Simeon and the same manne was iust and feared God and longed for the consolation of Israell and the
vnto you whoso euer is angry with his brother is in daunger of the iudgemente Whosoeuer sayeth vnto his brother Racha is in daūger of the counsel But whosoeuer sayeth thou foole is in daunger of hel fyre Therfore when thou offrest thy gift at the altare and there remembrest that thy brother hathe ought against the leaue there thyne offeringe before the altare and go thy waye fyrste and reconcyle thy selfe to thy brother and then come and offer thy gyft Agre with thine aduersarye quickly whyle thou arte in the waye with hym lest the aduersary delyuer the to thee iudge and the iudge delyuer thee to the mynister then thou be cast into pryson I say vnto the verely thou shalt not come oute thence tyll thou haue payde the vtmost farthyng * Ye haue hearde howe it was sayde to them of the olde tyme. Thou shalt not commyt aduoutry But I say vnto you that whosoeuer loketh on a wyfe lustynge after her hathe commytted aduoutery with her alredy in hys hart Wherfore yf thy right eye offende thee plucke hym out and cast hym from thee better it is for thee that one of thy members perish then that thy whole body shoulde be cast into hell And yf thy ryght hande offende thee cut hym of and caste him from thee better it is that one of thy members peryshe then that all thy body shoulde be caste into hell * It is sayde whoso euer putteth away hys wyfe let hym geue her a testimonial of the deuorcement But I saye vnto you whosoeuer putteth awaye hys wyfe except it be for fornicacion causeth her to breake matrimonye and whosoeuer maryeth her that is deuorced breaketh wedlocke Agayne ye haue hearde howe it was sayde to them of olde tyme* Thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe But shalte perfourme thyne othe to God But I saye vnto you Sweare not at all nether by heauen for it is goddes seate nor yet by the earth for it is his foote stoole nether by Ierusalem for it is the cytie of the great kynge Nether shalt thou swere by thy head because thou canst not make one heere white or blacke Let your communicatiō be yea yea nay nay for whatsoeuer is more then that comineth of euell ¶ Of hauing pacience of shewīg liberalite to our neighboures Math. v. Luck vi cap. xx YE* haue hearde how it is said An eye for an eye and a toothe for a toothe But I saye vnto you that ye resyste not euel But whosoeuer geueth the a blowe on the right cheke turne to hym the other also And yf any man wyll sue thee at the lawe and take awaye thy coate let him haue thy cloke also And who so compelleth thee to go a myle go with him twayne Geue to hym that axeth and from him that borow turne not away Luke Whosoeuer axeth of thee geue hym and who so taketh away that is thyne axe it not agayne And as ye woulde that men shoulde do vnto you euen so do ye vnto them * Ye haue herde howe it is sayde thou shalte loue thyne neyghboure and hate thyne enemy But I saye vnto you loue youre enemyes Blesse them that curse you Do good to them that hate you Pray for them whiche do you wronge and persecute you that ye maye be the chyldren of youre father which is in heauen For he maketh hys sunne to aryse on the euell and on the good and sendeth hys rayne on the iuste and vniuste for yf ye loue them whiche loue you what rewarde shall ye haue Do not the publicans euen so And yf ye salute and be frendly to youre brethren onely what synguler thynge do ye Do not the publicās lykewise Luke And yf ye do good for youre good doers what thanke haue ye therefore for synners also do the same And yf ye lende vnto them of whome ye hope to receaue what thanke haue ye therefore For synners also lende vnto synners that they maye receaue asmuche againe But lende ye lokynge for nothynge thereof agayne so shal youre reward be great and ye shal be the chyldren of the hyest for he is kynde euē to the vnthākfull and to the euell Math. Be ye therfore perfect euen as your father in heauen is perfecte ¶ Humayne prayse is not to be looked for in doynge of good workes Mat. vi Capi. xxi TAke hede that ye geue not youre aimes in the syghte of men to the intent y ● ye woulde be sene of them or els ye get no rewarde of your father whyche is in heauē Whensoeuer therfore thou geuest thyne almes thou shalt not cause a trompet to be blowen before thee as the ypocrytes do in Sinag●ges and in the stretes for to be praysed of men verely I saye vnto you they haue their rewarde But whan thou doste almes let not thy left hād know what thy ryght hāde doth that thyne almes may be secrete and thy father whiche seeth in secrete shal rewarde thee openlye And whan thou prayest thou shalte not be as the ypocrites are For they loue to stand and pray in the synagoges and in the corners of the stretes to be sene of men Uerelye I saye vnto you they haue their rewarde For vvhy they entend not to be heard but to be sene But when thou prayest entre into thy chamber and shut thy doore to thee and pray to thy father which is in secrete and thy father whiche seeth in secrete shall rewarde thee openlye To doe a thynge in the darke is onlye to vvyll to be sene of God ☞ Of the maner of prayinge and forgeuynge Math. vi Luke xi Cap. xxii ANd when ye praye bable not muche as the heathen doe for they thyncke that they shall be hearde for their much bablinge sake Be not ye lyke theym therfore for youre father knoweth wherof ye haue nede before ye aske of hym After thys maner therefore shall ye praye Our father whiche art in heauen halowed be thy name Thy king dome come Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauē Geue vs thys daye our dayly bread Luk our daylye bread Math And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue theym that trepasse agaynst vs. And lede vs not into temptacion but delyuer vs from euell Amen For yf ye forgeue other men their trespasses youre heauenly father shall also forgeue you youre synnes But yf ye wyll not forgeue mē their trespasses no more shal your father forgeue you your trespasses ☞ Of the maner of fastynge and that we shoulde not treasure vp in earth but in heauen Mathewe vi Luke xii Cap. xxiii MOreouer when ye fast be not sad as the ypocrites are for they disfigure their faces y ● they might be sene of men to faste Uerelye I saye vnto you they haue their reward But y ● when thou fastest anoynte thine heade washe thy face that it appeare not vnto mē that thou fastest but vnto thy father which is in secrete thy father which seeth in secrete
whyche whan it was sowen vppon the lande Mathe it is the leaste amonge all seedes Mark of the earthe and when it is sowen math and growen it is the greatest amonge Herbes Luke and it grewe and wared a great tree Mar gitteth great braūches Mathe so that the Byrdes vnder the Heauen come and dwell in y ● Braunches thereof Marke So that the foules may dwel vnder y e shadowe therof Math Another Parable spake he vnto theym Luke And agayne he sayde Where vnto shall I lyken the kyngdome of God Math The kyngdome of God is lyke vnto Leuen whiche a woman toke mixte it amōg iii. peckes of meele til al was leuened Al suche thinges spake Iesus vnto the people by Parables Mark And by many suche parables he spake the worde vnto thē therafter as they might heare it and without parables spake he nothynge vnto them math that the thing might be fulfylled whiche was spoken by the Prophete sayinge * I wil open my mouthe in parables and wyll speake oute the secretes frō the beginning of the world ma● but vnto hys disciples he expounded al thynges priuatelye Math Then sent Iesus the people awaye and came home And his disciples came vnto him and sayde declare vnto vs the parable of the tares of the felde Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto theym He that soweth the good seede is the sonne of manne the felde is the worlde the good seede are the Chyldren of the kyngdome The tares are the chyldren of wyckednesse the enemye that soweth them is the deuell The Haruest is the ende of the worlde The reapers are the Aungels For lyke as the tares are weded out and brente in the fyre euen so shall it goe in the ende of thys world The sonne of man shall sende forth his aungels and they shal gather out of his kyngdō al thynges that offende and them that doe iniquitie and shall caste theym into a Fornace of fyre there shall be waylynge and gnashynge of teeth * Then shall the righteous shyne as the sunne in the kyngdome of their father whoso hath eares to heare let hym heare ☞ Of thre Parables in the house Mathewe xiii Capitulo li. THe kyngdome of heauen is like vnto a treasure hidde in y ● felde which a mā founde hid it and for ioy therof he went sold all that he hadde and boughte that felde Agayne the kyngdome of Heauen is lyke vnto a Marchaunt that sought good Pearles and when he hadde foūde a precious pearle he went and solde all that he hadde and boughte it Agayne the kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a nette caste into the Sea wherwith are taken all maner of fyshes and when it is full men drawe it out vnto the shoore and syt and gather the good into the vessels but caste the badde awaye So shall it be in the ende of the worlde The Aungels shal goe oute and seuer the badde frome the ryghteous and shall caste them into a fornace of fyre There shall be waylynge and gnashynge of teethe Haue ye vnderstande all these thynges They saye Yea Lorde Then sayde he vnto theym Therfore euerye Scribe taughte vnto the kyngdome of Heauen is lyke an housholder whiche bryngeth out of hys treasure thinges newe and olde And it came to passe when Iesus hadde ended these parables he departed thence Frome the house vvhere he vvas and came into his owne countreye Nazareth and taught them in their Sinagoges Of the Lordes comming to Nazareth where he rode and y t the Nazarites wolde haue cast hym doune headling Mat. xiii Mar. vi Luke iiii Capit. lii ANd the fame of hym was noised thorow out all the region rounde about And he taught in their synagoges and was commended of euerye man And he came to Nazareth where he was noursed And as his custome was he wēt into y e Sinagoge vpon the Sabboth and stode vp for to read Then was there delyuered hym the booke of the Prophete Esay And when he hadde tourned ouer the booke he founde the place where it is written * The spirite of the Lorde is with me because he hathe anoynted me to preache the Gospell vnto the poore hath he sent me to heale the broken hearted to preache delyueraunce to the captiue and syght to the blinde and frely to set at lybertye theym that are brused and to preache the acceptable yere of the Lord. And when he had closed the booke he gaue it agayne to the minister and sat him downe And the eyes of al that were in y e sinagoge were fastened on him And he began to say vnto thē This dai is this scripture fulfilled ī your eares And they al gaue hym witnes wondred at y ● gratious wordes whiche proceaded oute of his mouth And they sayd mar frō whēce hath he these thinges And what wisdom is this y ● is geuen him suche as are done by his handes Math Is not Mar this the carpenter Luke Ioseph Mat the carpenters son Is not hys mother called Mary●and his brethren Iames Iohn Simō Iude And are not all hys systers here wyth vs Whence hathe he then all these thynges And they were offended at hym Luke and he sayde vnto theym doutles ye wil say vnto me this prouerbe Phisitiō heale thy selfe for how great thinges haue we heard done at Capernaum Do the same here also in thine owne co●̄trey Math But Iesus said vnto thē A prophet is no wher lesse set by thē at home and amonge his owne mar And he could not shew any miracle there but laied his handes vpon a few sicke healed them he marueyled at their vnbelefe therfore he healed fevv lest they shoulde say he despiseth his countrey men Luk Uerely I say vnto you * there were many widowes in Israel in the time of Elias when heauen was shut iii. yeres vi monethes and whē ther was a great dearth in al the land and to none of thē was Elias sent but only vnto Sarep●a of y e Sidonians to a widowe * And many lepers wer in Israel in the time of Eliseus y e prophet none of thē was clēsed saue only Naaman of Siria And as many as wer in y ● sinagoge whē thei heard y ● wer filled w t wrath And they rose vp thrust him out of y ● citie led him vp to the edge of y e hyl wher vpon their citie was buylded y ● they myghte cast hym downe headling But he wēt his way thorowe the myddest of theym ¶ Of Iohn y ● Baptistes death Math. xiiii Mar. vi Cap. liii ANd there came a conuenient day that Herode on hys byrth daye made a supper to the lordes captaynes and chiefe Estates of Galile Then the doughter of Herodias came in and daūsed and pleased Herode and that them sat at the table Then sayd y ● king vnto y e damsel●● aske of me what y ● wilt I wyll geue it
no mā deceaue you for there shal many come in my name saye I am Christ and shal deceaue many Luke and the tyme shal drawe nye folowe them not Math. Ye shal heare of warres and of the noyse of warre Luk But whan ye heare of warres and insurreccions be not ye afraied For suche must come to passe but y ● ende is not yet thereof so sone Thē said he vnto thē One nacion shal rise agaīst another one realme against another And there shal be great earthquake here there pestilēce and dearth and fearfull thinges and great tokens shal there be frō heauen Math All these are the begynnynge of sorowes Marke But take ye hede to your selues Luke But before al these they shall laye handes vpon you and persecute you Mat they shall put you to trouble and shal kyl you Mar they shal deliuer you vp to the councels and synagoges and ye shal be beaten and brought before Princes kynges for my sake Luk But this shal happē vnto you for a witnesse Mat. Then shal many be offended shal betray hate one another And many false prophetes shall arise shall deceaue many because iniquite shal haue the vpper hād y e loue of many shal waxe cold abate But who so endureth vnto y e ende the same shal be saued And this gospell of the kyngedome shal be preached in all the worlde for a witnesse to all people and then shall the ende come Marke Now whā they shal lede you deliuer you vp Luke Be at a point therfore in your heartes that ye take no thought how ye shal answere Marke For it is not yr y ● speake but the holy gost Luke For I Mar● in y e same houre Luke wil geue you mouth wysedō against the which al your aduersaries shal not be able to resist Mar One brother shal delyuer another to death and y ● father the sonne y e childrē shal ryse agaīst theyr fathers and mothers and shall helpe them to deathe Luke ye shal be delyuered vp euen of your elders brethrē kynsfolkes and frendes and ye shal be hated of euerye manne for my names sake and yet shal not one heere of your heade peryshe holde faste youre soules with paryence ¶ Of the commynge and persecucion of Antechrist Math. xxiiii Marke xiii Luke xxi Capitu. C. xxxiiii WHen ye therefore shall se the abhominacion desolation where of it is spoken by Daniel the prophete standinge in the holy place marke where it ought not Mat whoso readeth it let hym marke it well Luke that the desolation of Ierusalē is at hande math Then lette them which be in Iewry flye vnto the moūtaynes and lette him whiche is in the house toppe not come doune to ●et any thinge oute of his house and let hym which is in the felde not turne backe to fetche his clothes Luke And let suche as be in the middest therof depart out and lette suche as be in the countreys not come therin for those are the daies of vengeaunce that euery thing which is wrytten maye be fulfylled But wo vnto them that are with chylde and to them that geue sucke in those dayes Math but praye ye that youre fiyghte be not in the wynter nor in the Sabboth Luke For there shal be greate trouble vpon earthe and wrathe ouer thys people and they shall fall thorow the edge of the sweard and he led captiue amonge all nations And Ierusalem shal be troden downe of the Heythen vntyll the tyme of the Heythen be fulfylled ¶ Of the signes of the consumation of the worlde Math. xxiiii mar xiii Luc. xviii Ca. C. xxxv ANd he said to his disciples y e tyme shal come whan ye shal desire to se one day of y e sonne of man and shall not se it Math Then shall there be greate trouble Marke for in those dayes there shal be suche trouble as was not from the begynnynge of the creatures whiche God created vnto this tyme nother shal be And yf the Lorde had not shortened those dayes there should no man be saued But for the electes sake whome he hath chosē he hath shortened those dayes then yf anye manne shall saye vnto you lo here is Christe or there beleue it not Luk goo not you nother folow Mat for there shal aryse false Chrystes and false prophetes and shall do great tokens and wonders Marke to deceaue euen the verye chosen yf it were possible but take ye hede beholde I haue tolde you all before Math Wherfore yf they shall say vnto you beholde he is in the wyldernesse go not ye fourth heholde he is in the chamber beleue it not Luke for as the lyghtenynge shyneth aboue from the heauen and lighteth ouer all that is vnder heauen Mat so shal the cōmyng of the sonne of man be in his day for wher soeuer a dead carcase is ther will the Aegles be gathered together Luke But fyrste muste he suffer manye thynges and be refused of thys generacion Of the laste signes of the consumation of the worlde Mat. xxiiii Luc. xxi Capi. C. xxxvi IMmediatlye after the trouble of the same tyme shall the sunne and the moone lose their lyghte and the starres shall fall from heauen Luke And there shal be tokens in the sunne and moone and starres the people shal be in perplexite through the confusion and roring of the sea and waters that men shall pyne awaye for feare and for loking after the thinges whyche shall come vpon earthe math And the powers of heauen shal moue ¶ Of the comminge of Christe the iudge diuerselye sygnified Math. xxiiii Luke xvii xxi Mar. xiii Cap. C. xxxvii ANd then shall appeare the sygne of the sonne of man in heauē and then shall all the kinredes of the earthe mourne and they shall see the some of manne come in the cloudes of heauen with greate power and glorye And he shall sende his aungels wyth the greate voyce of a trumpe and they shall gather together his chosen from the foure windes from one ende of the heauen to the other mar from one ende of the earth to the other math Learne a similitude of the fygge tree whan his braunch is yet tender and his leaues sprong mar ye know that the sommer is nie Luke but when these thinges beginne to come to passe then loke vp and lyft vp your heades For youre redempcion draweth nye and he tolde them a similitude Behold the figge tree and all the trees whan they nowe shute forthe theyr buddes ye se by them and perceaue that sommer is now at hande mar So in lyke wise whan ye se all these thinges come to passe math be ye sure that it is nye euen at the dores Luke the kingdome of God Uerely I saye vnto you thys generation shall not passe tyll all be fulfilled heauen and earthe shal passe but my wordes shall not passe But take hede to youre selues that youre
heartes be not ouerladen wyth excess● of eatinge and with dronkennesse and with takynge of thought for lyuynge and so thys daye come vpon you vnwares For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwel vpon earth Math yet of that daye and houre knoweth no man no not the aungels of heauen Mark nor the sonne hymselfe Math but onely the father euen as it was in the tyme of Noe so shall the comming of the sonne of man be also for as they were in the dayes before the floude they dyd eate they dranke maried and were maried euen vnto the daye that Noe entred into the shyppe and they regarded it not tyll the floud came and toke them al away Luke and destroyed them all Mat so shal also the commynge of the sonne of man be Luk Lykewise also as it came to passe in the tyme of Lotte they dyd eate they dranke they bought they solde they planted they buylded but euen y e same day y ● Lot went out of Sodom it rayned fire brimstone from heauen and destroyed them all After this maner also shall it go in y e day whan the sonne of man shal appeare In y e daye whoso is vpon the roofe his stufe in y e house let him not come downe to fetch it like wise he that is in the felde let hym not turne backe for it that is behinde him Remember Lottes wife Whosoeuer goeth about to saue his life shal lose it whosoeuer lose it shall saue it I say vnto you In y ● night shal two lie vpon one bed y ● one shal be receiued y ● other shal be forsaken two shal be gryndyng together Mar at the myl Luke y ● one sha●be receaued y ● other shal be forsakē Math two shal be in the felde the one sha●be receaued and the other refused Luk and they answered and said vnto him where Lord he sayde vnto them Whersoeuer the dead carcase is there wyl the Aegles bee gathered together watch cōtinually therfore pray y ● ye may be worthy to escape al this y ● shall come to stand before y e sonne of man Of watch and prayer Luc. xxi xviii math xxiiii marke xiii Capit. C. xxxviii HE tolde thē a similitude signifyinge that men ought alwaies to praye not to leaue of And sayde there was a iudge in a citye whiche feared not God stode in awe of no man And in the same cytye there was a widdowe which came vnto hym and sayde delyuer me from myne aduersari And he woulde not a great while but afterward he thought with him selfe thoughe I feare not God and stande in awe of no manne yet seynge the wedow is so importune vpon me I wyll delyuer her leste she come at the laste and rayle vpon me Then sayde the Lorde heare what the vnrighteous iudge saythe But shall not God also delyuer his chosen that crye vnto him daye and nyght though he deferre them I saye vnto you he shall delyuer them and that shortelye Neuerthelesse whan the sonne of man commeth suppose ye that he shal fynde fayth vpon earth Marke Take hede watche and praye for ye knowe not whan the tyme is Lyke as a man that wente into a straunge countrey left hys house and gaue his seruauntes authorite vnto euery one hys worke and commaunded the porter that he shoulde watche Watche ye therefore for ye knowe not whan the master of the house commeth whether he commeth in the euening or at mydnyght or aboute the cocke crowynge or in the morninge that he cum not sodenly and fynde you sleping Loke what I say vnto you that I say vnto al watche Luk Let your loynes be gyrded aboute and your lyghtes burnynge and be ye lyke vnto men that waite for their Lorde againste he returne from the mariage that whan he commeth and knocketh they may straight way open vnto him Blessed are these seruauntes whome the Lord whan he commeth shal finde wakynge Uerely I saye vnto you he shall girde vp him selfe and make thē syt downe at the table and shall go by thē and minister vnto them And yf he come in the seconde watche in y e third watch finde them so blessed are those seruaūtes math Watche ye therfore for ye know not what houre your Lord wil come Luke But be ye sure of this that if the good man of the house knew what houre the thefe woulde come he woulde suerly watch and not suffer his house to be broken vp Therefore be ye readye also for at an houre whan ye thynke not shal the sonne of mā come But Peter sayde vnto hym Lord tellest thou this symylytude vnto vs or to al men also The Lorde sayde how great a thing is a faithful and wise stewarde whome hys Lorde s●tteth ouer hys householde to geue them their dutie in due season Blessed is that seruaunte whome hys Lord whan he cōmeth shal fynde so doynge Mat. Uerely I say vnto you ouer al his goodes Luk that he possesseth shal he set him Math. But and yf the euell shall saye in hys harte Tushe it wylbe longe or my Lorde come and begynne to smite hys felowes Luke and the maydens and to eate and drynke and be dronkē Mat. to eate and drinke with the dronken Luke the same seruauntes Lorde shall come in a daye whan he looketh not for hym and in an houre that he is notaware of and shall hewe hym in peces and geue hym his rewarde with the vnbeleuers Math. With ipocrytes there shal be waylynge and gnasshynge of teeth Luke The seruaunte that knoweth hys Lordes wyll and prepareth not hym selfe nother dyd accordynge to hys wyll shal be beaten wyth many strypes But he y ● knoweth not and yet dothe thynges worthye of strypes shal be beaten with fewe strypes For loke vnto whome much is geuen of hym shal muche be sought and loke to whome muche is commuted of hym shall muche be required I am come to kindle fyer vpon earth what would I rather then that it were kind led already Notwithstandinge I must fyrste be baptysed wyth a baptime and howe am I payned tyll it be ended Thynke ye that I am come to brynge peace vpon earthe I tell you nay but rather debate for from hence forthe there shal be at variaunce in one house three agaynste two and two agaynste three The father shal be deuyded agaynste the sonne and the sonne agaīst the father the mother agaynste the doughter and the doughter agaynste the mother the mother in lawe agaynste the doughter in lawe and the doughter in lawe agaynste the mother in lawe ☞ Of the ten virgins and tenne talentes Math. xxv Luke xix Capi. Cxxxix THen shal the kyngedome of heauen be lyke vnto tenne virgins wh●ch toke their lampes went forth to mete the bridegrome But fyue of them were folyshe fyue very wyse The folyshe toke their lampes but toke non● oyle with them But
Iesus also and hys disciples were called vnto the mariage And when the wyne fayled the mother of Iesus sayde vnto him They haue no wyne Iesus sayde vnto her womā what haue I to do with thee myne houre is not yet come his mother sayde vnto the ministers whatsoeuer he sayth vnto you do it There were set there syxe water pottes of stone after the maner of y e purifiyng of the Iewes euery one contayning two or thre measures Iesus sayd vnto thē Fyl the water pottes w t water and they filled them vp to y e brymme And he sayde vnto theym Drawe out nowe and brynge vnto the maister of the feast And they bare it When the maister of the feast had tasted the wyne which had bene water and knewe not whence it came but the ministers that drew the water knewe it the maister of the feast called the Brydegrome and sayde vnto him Euerye man at the fyrste geueth y e good wyne and when they are droncken then y ● which is worse but thou kepest backe the good wine vntyll nowe Thys is the fyrst token that Iesus dyd at Cana in Galile and shewed his glorye and hys disciples beleued on hym ☞ Of hys fyrste commynge to Easter and of the dryuynge out of those that dyd sell in the temple Iohn ii Ca. vii AFterwarde he wente downe to Capernaum He hys mother her brethren and hys disciples and taryed not longe there And the Iewes easter was at hande and Iesus wēt vp to Ierusalem and founde syttinge in the temple those that solde oxen shepe doues changers of money And he made a scorge of small cordes and droue them all oute of the temple with the shepe and oxen and poured out the chaungers money and ouerthrew y e tables and sayde vnto them that solde doues Haue these thinges hence and make not my fathers house an house of marchandise his dysryples remembred it that was wrytten * The zele of thine house hath euen eaten me Then answered the Iewes and sayde vnto hym what token shewest thou vnto vs that thou maiest do these thinges Iesus aunswered sayde vnto them Breake downe this temple in thre dayes wyll I set it vp agayne Then sayde the Iewes Syxe and fortye yere was this temple a buyldynge by Zorobabel for Salomon made it perfect in vij yeres wylt thou set it vp in thre dayes But he spake of the temple of his body Nowe whan he was rysen agayne from the deade hys disciples remembred that he thus sayde and they beleued the scripture and the wordes whiche Iesus spake Whan he was at Ierusalem at Easter in the feast many beleued on his name whan they sawe y e tokens that he dyd But Iesus cōmytted not him selfe vnto them for he knew them al and neded not that any man shoulde testifie of man for he knew wel what was in man Of Nicodemus Ioan. 3 cap. 8. THere was a man of the Pharises named Nicodemus a ruler amonge the Iewes The same came vnto Iesus by nyghte and sayde vnto hym Master we knowe that thou arte come a teacher from God for no mā can do these tokens that thou doste excepte God be with him Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him verely verely I say vnto thee excepte a man be borne a new he cannot se the kingedome of God Nicodemus sayde vnto hym Now can a man be borne whan he is olde can he enter into hys mothers wombe and be borne agayne Iesus answered verely verely I say vnto the excepte a man be borne of the water and of y ● spirit he cannot come into the kyngdō of God That which is borne of flesh is flesh and y ● whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Maruayle not that I saye vnto thee ye must be borne of new The winde bloweth where he wyll and thou hearest his sounde but thou canst not tel whence it commeth and whether he goeth so is eueryone that is borne of the spirite Nicodemus aunswered and sayde vnto hym how may these be Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto hym Art thou a master in Israel and knowest not these verely verely I saye vnto thee we speake that we know and testifye that we haue sene and ye receaue not oure wytnesse yf y● beleue not when I tell you earthly thynges howe shoulde you beleue whan I speake vnto you of heauenly thynges And no manne ascendeth vp into heauen but he that is come downe from heauen namelye the sonne of manne whyche is in heauen * And lyke as Moses lyfte vp the serpent in the wyldernesse euen so must the sonne of mā be lyfte vp that who soeuer beleueth in hym shoulde not peryshe but haue euerlastynge lyfe For God so loued the world that he gaue hys onely sonne that who so euer beleueth in hym shoulde not peryshe but haue euerlastynge lyfe For God sent not hys sonne in to the worlde to condempne the worlde but that the worlde myghte be saued by hym he that beleueth on him shal not be condēned but he that beleueth not is condemned already because he beleueth not on the name of the onely sonne of God But this is the condemnacion that the lyght is come into the worlde and men loued y e darknesse more then the lyghte for theyr workes were euel Who soeuer dothe euel hateth the lyghte and commeth not to the lyght that his dedes shulde not be reproued but he that dothe the truthe commeth to the lyghte that hys woorkes maye be knowen for they are done in God ¶ Of the complaynte that Iesus did baptise Ioan. 3. cap. 9. AFterwarde came goynge from Ierusalem to other places of Ievvry nie vnto Iordane Iesus his disciples into the lande of Iewrye and had his beynge there with them and baptysed Iohn baptysed also in euen besyde Salem for there was much water there And they came thyther and were baptysed for Iohn was not yet put in prison Then arose there a question among the disciples of Iohn with the Iewes about y e puryfyinge and they came vnto Iohn and sayd vnto him Master he that was with the beyonde Iordane of whome thou barest wytnesse behold he baptiseth and euery man commeth vnto him Iohn answered and sayde A man can receaue nothynge excepte it he geuen him from heauen ye your selues are my wytnesses how that I sayd I am not Christ but am sent before him He that hath the bryde is the bridegrome but the frende of the brydegrome standeth and herkeneth vnto hym and reioyseth greatly ouer the voice of the bridegrome this same ioye of myne is nowe fulfylled He must increace but I must decreace He that commeth from on hyghe is aboue all He that is of the earthe is earthly and speaketh of the earth He that commeth from heauen is aboue al and testified what he had sene and herde and no man receaueth his witnesse But he that receaueth it hath set to hys seale that God is true For he whome God hathe sente
Luke and came into Simons house Mar and Andrewe with Iames Iohn Luk And Simons mother in law was takē w t a great feuer and they prayed him for her he stāding ouer her cōmaunded the feuer Mar toke her by y ● hād the feuer lefte her and she arose and ministred vnto them Marke And euen when the S●nne was gone downe Math. they brought hym many that were possessed with Deuels Luke And he layed his handes vpon euery one of thē mat and caste out y ● spirites with a worde and healed all that were sycke that the thyng myght be fulfylled whych was spoken by Esai the prophet saying * He toke on him our infirmities bare our sycknesses Luke The deuels also departed out of many cryeng and saying thou arte Christ the sonne of God And he rebukynge them suffred not them to speake for they kn●we that he was Christ. Marke And in the mornyng before daye he arose and went out in to a deserte place and prayed there Luke and the people sought hym Marke Peter also they that were wyth hym folowed after hym And when they had foūde hym they sayd vnto hym Euery man seketh thee And he sayd vnto them Let vs go in to the nexte townes y ● I may preache there also for therto am I come Luk And the people came to Christe and kept hym that he shoulde not departe from them vnto whome he sayde I muste peache the Gospel of the kingdome of God to other cities also for therfore am I sent And he preached in the sinagoges of Galile ☞ Of the callyng of Mathew Luc. v. Mat. ix Mar. ii ca. xvii ANd afterwarde he went oute from the sinagogo Math And as Iesus passed ●orth fro thēce Mar he went forth agayne vnto the sea of Galile and al the people came to him and he taught theym And as Iesus passed by he saw Luke a publicane Mar Leui y ● sonne of Alpheus Mat named Mathewe syt re●eauyng y ● custome sayd vnto him folow me Luk he lette al rose vp and folowed hym ☞ Of the election of y ● xii disciples vnto the apostleship done in moūte Thabor and of y ● fyrst part of Christes sermone made there contaynynge eyght Beatitudes certen maledictiōs Mat. v. Mar. iii. Luc. vi ca. 18. ANd it fortuned in the same time after that Christ had called moe disciples that he went out● into a mountayne to praye and continued all nyght in prayer to God And when it was day he called his disciples mar whome he woulde and they came to him And he ordened the twelue that they shulde be with him and that he myghte sende theym to preache and he gaue theym power to heale sickenesses and to cast out Deuels Luke whome he called also Apostles Simon whome he named Peter Marke and Iames the sonne of Zehede and Iohn the brother of Iames and gaue theym the name of Bonarges that is to saye the Chyldren of Thonder Philippe and Bartholomewe Mathewe and Thomas Iames the sonne of Alphe us Simon of Cana Luke whiche was called Zelotes Iudas y e sonne of Iames mar Teddeus and Iudas Iscarioth Lu which was a traitour mar betrayed hi. mat and whē he was set his disciples cā to hi he opened his mouthe taught thē saying Blessed are the poore in spirite for theirs is y ● kyngdō of heauen Blessed are the meke for they shal inherit the earth Blessed are they y ● mourne for they shal be comforted and blessed be they that hunger and thyrste for righteousnes for they shal be fyiled Blessed are the mercyfull for they shall obtayne mercy Blessed are the pure in heart for they shalse God Blessed are the peace makers for they shal be called the chyldren of God Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kyngedome of heauen Blessed are ye when men reuyle you and persecute you and falsely say al maner of euel sayinges againste you for my sake Reioyce and be glade for greate is your rewarde in heuen for so persecuted they the Prophetes which wer before youre dayes Luke their fathers And comming downe w t them from the mounte he srode vpon a playne in the felde and the company of his disciples and a great multitude of people frō al Iewry and Ierusalē from Tyre and Sidon by the sea coast which were come to heare him and to be healed of their diseases and they that were vexed with foule spirites were healed And al the people sought to touche him for there went vertue frō him healedthē al. And he life vp his eyes vpon hys discyples said Blessed are y ● poore for youres is the kyngedom of God Blessed are ye y ● hunger here for ye shal be satisfyed Blessed are ye that wepe here for ye shal laugh Blessed are ye whē mē hate you and put you out of their cōpanies and reuyle you caste out your name as an euyl thynge for the sonne of mans sake reioyse ye then and be glade for behold your reward is great in heauen But wo vnto you riche for ye haue your consolacion al ready Wo vnto you that are full for ye shal hunger Wo vnto you y ● laugh here for ye shal wepe and waile Wo vnto you whan euery man prayseth you euen so dyd their fathers vnto the false Prophetes also What prelates ought to do in worde and dede and that Christ came not to breake but to fulfyl the lawe Math. v. Capi. xix YE are the salt of y ● erth butand yf y ● salt haue loste hys saltnes what can be salted there w t It is thēce forth good for nothīg but to be cast out to be trodē vnderfoote of men Ye are the lyght of the world A citye that is set on an hyil cannot be hyd neither do men light a candel and put it vnder a bushel but on a candelsticke and it lyghteth all that are in y ● house But let your light so shyne before menne that they may se your good woorkes and gloryfye your father whiche is in heauen Thincke not that I am come to destroye the law or y ● Prophetes no I am not come to destroy thē but to fulfyl thē For truly I saye vnto you tyl heauen earth perysh one ●o●e or one tytle of y ● law shall not escape tyl al be fulfylled Whosoeuer breaketh one of the least commaundementes and teacheth men so he shal be called the leest in the kyngedom of heauen But whosoeuer obserueth teacheth the same shal be called greate in the kyngedome of heauen For I say vnto you excepte youre ryghteousnesse exceade the ryghteousnesse of the Scrybes and Pharises ye can not enter into the kyngedome of heauen Ye haue hearde howe it was sayde to them of the olde tyme. * Thou shalt not kyll for whosoeuer kylleth shal be in daunger of iudgement But I say
shall rewarde thee openlye See that ye gather you not treasure vpon the earth where rust and Mothes corrupt and where theues breake through and steale But gather you treasure together in heauen where nether ruste nor Mothes corruppe and where theues nother breake vp nor steale For where your treasure is there is your heart also The eye is the lighte of the body yf thyne eye that is thyne entencion then be single all thy bodye shall b● that is thy vvorke full of lyght But and yf thyne eye be wicked al thy bodye shal be ful of darckenesse wherefore yf the lyghte that is in thee be darkenesse howe greate then shall that darckenesse b● No manne can commaundynge contrarye thynges serue two maysters For eyther he shal hate the one and loue the other or elles he shall leane to the one and despyse the other Ye can not serue God and Mammon Therfore I saye vnto you be not ye careful for youre lyfe what ye shall eate or what ye shal dryncke nor yet for your bodye what ye shall put on Is not y ● life more worthy thē meate And the body more of value then raiment Solicitude vvhereby spirituall thynges are letted is prohibited not the solicitude of prouidence Beholde the foules of the ayre for they sowe not nother reape nor yet carye into the barnes and yet your heauenlye father fedeth theym Luke Consider y ● Rauens they nother sowe nor reape they haue also nother stoore house nor barne and yet God fedeth them But howe muche better are ye then the foules Who of you though he toke thoughte therfore could put one cubyte to hys stature Seynge then ye be not able to do that whych is least why take ye thoughte for the other Mathevve Consider the Lilyes of the felde howe they growe they laboure not nether spynne and yet for all that I saye vnto you that euen Salomō in all his royalte was not arayed lyke vnto one of these Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse whiche is to daye in the felde and to morowe shall be caste into the fornace Shall he not muche moore doe the same vnto you O ye of lytle fayth Therfore take ye no thought sayinge What shall we eate or what shall we dryncke or wherewyth shall we be clothed Luke And clyme not vp on hye The Heathen in the worlde seke after all suche thynges Mat Youre heauenlye father knoweth that ye haue nede of all these thynges Seke ye fyrste therefore the kyngedome of God and the ryghteousnes therof so shall all these thynges be ministred vnto you Care not thē for to morow for the morowe shall care for it selfe Euerye daye hathe ynoughe of hys owne trauayle ☞ Of doynge of mercye and that we shoulde not iudge and of the truste and confidence of prayer Luk. vi Mathewe vii Cap. xxiiii BE ye therefore mercyfull as youre father also is mercyful Iudge not and ye shall not be iudged Comdempne not ye shal not be cōdempned Forgeue and ye shal be forgeuen Geue and to you shal be geuen a good measure pressed downe shaken together and runnynge ouer shall men geue into your bosome For with what measure ye mete with the same shal it be measured to you agayne And he sayde a similitude vnto them Can the blinde leade the blynde Doe they not both then fall into the diche The disciple is not aboue hys maister But whosoeuer is perfect the same shall be as hys maister But why seest thou a moate in thy brothers eye and considrest not the beame that is in thyne owne eye Or how canst thou say vnto thy brother holde styll brother I wyl plucke out the moate out of thine eye and thou thy selfe seest not the beame in thyne owne eye Thou ypocrite firste caste the beame oute of thyne owne eye and then shalte thou see clearely to pull the moate oute of thy brothers eye Mathe Geue not that which is holy to dogges nother cast ye your pearles before swine lest they treade theym vnder their feete and the other turne agayne and al to rent you Aske and it shall be geuen you Seke and ye shal fynde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you For whosoeuer asketh receaueth and he that seketh findeth and to hym that knocketh it shal be opened Is there anye man amonge you whiche yf hys sonne asked him bread woulde offre hym a stone Or yf he asked fish wolde he profer him a serpent Or yf he asked him an egge woulde profer him a scorpion Yf ye then which art euell can geue youre chyldren good gyftes Howe much more shal your father which is in heauen geue good thynges to them that aske him therfore whatsoeuer ye woulde that men shoulde doe to you euen so doe ye to thē Thys is y ● lawe the prophetes ☞ Of the narowe waye and conclusion of the Lordes sermone made in y e mounte Thabor Mat. vii Luk. vi Ca. xxv ENtrei at y e straite gate for wide is the gate and brode is y e waye that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in ther at But straite is y e gate narow is y ● way which leadeth vnto life fewe ther be y ● find it Beware of false prophetes which come to you in shepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues ye shall know them by their fruites Do men gather grapes of thornes or figges of thistles Luk For it is no good tre y ● bringeth forth euel fruite no euell tre y ● bringeth forth good fruit Euery tre is knowē by hys fruite For menne gather no figges of thornes nor grapes of busshes A good mā out of y e good treasure of his heart bringeth forth y ● whiche is good And an euel manne oute of y e euel treasure of hys heart bryngeth forth y ● whych is euel For of the aboundaunce of the heart the mouth speaketh Mat Euen so euery good tree bryngeth forth good fruite but a corrupte tree bryngeth forth euell fruite A good tre cannot bryng forth badde fruite nor an euell tree cannot bryng forth good fruite Euery tre y ● bringeth not forth good frute shal be hewen downe and cast into the fyre Wherefore by their frutes ye shall knowe them Luke But why call ye me Lorde Lorde and do not that I say vnto you Mathevv Not al they that say vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kyngdome of heauen But he that doth the wil of my father which is in heauen he shal enter into the kyngedome of heauen many shal saye to me in that daye Lorde Lorde haue we not prophecied in thy name Haue we not cast oute deuels in thy name haue we not done many great dedes in thy name And then wyll I knowledge vnto them I neuer knew you departe frome ye workers of iniquitie Luke Whose euer commeth vnto me and heareth my woordes and doth them I wyll shewe you to whome he is lyke He
shyppe but one loafe And he cōmaunded them and sayde Mat. Take hede and beware of the leuen of the Pharises and of the Saduces Marke and of the leuen of Herode Math. Then thoughte they them selues sayinge we haue taken no breade with vs. Marke Whan Iesus vnderstode that he sayde vnto them Math. O ye of lytle faith why are ye troubled in youre myndes because ye haue taken no breade wyth you Marke Are ye yet without knowledge and vnderstandynge Haue ye yet a blynded hearte in you Haue ye ●yes and se not Haue ye eares heare not And remember ye not y ● I brake fyue loues amonge fyue thousande howe manye baskettes full of broken meate toke ye thē vp They sayde xii And whan I brake the seuen amonge the foure thousande how many baskettes full of broken meate t●ke ye then vp They sayde seuen And he said vnto them why are ye then wythout vnderstandynge Mat. For I spake not to you of breade whan I sayde beware of the leuen of the Pharises and of the Saduces Then vnderstode they howe that he bad not them beware of the leuen of breade but of the doctrine of the Pharises and of the Saduces ¶ Of a blynde man healed at Bethsaida Mar. viii Cap. 85. ANd he came to Bethsaida and they broughte one blynde vnto hym and prayed hym to touche hym And he tooke the blynde by the hande and led hym out of y ● towne and spatte in hys eyes and layde hys handes vpon hym and axed hym whether he sawe oughte And he loked vp and sayde I se men goynge as yf I sawe trees After this he laide his handes vpon his eyes agayne and made hym to see and he was restored again and sawe all clearely And he sente hym hame and sayde yf thou go into the towne tell it vnto no manne And Iesus wente oute and his dysciples in to the townes ¶ Of Peters confession of the true faythe Mat. xvi Mar. viii Luke ix Cap. lxxxvi THē came Iesus into the coastes of the cytye Cesarea Phillippi Luke And it fortuned whan he was alone at his praier and his disciples wyth hym mark in the way math He asked his disciples and said whome do men saye that the sonne of man is Mar They answered saying Math. Some say thou art Iohn y ● baptyst Some that thou art Helias Some ●hat y ● art Hieremias mar some that thou art one of the Prophetes Luke Some that one of the olde Prophetes is rysen againe Math. Then sayde Iesus vnto them But whome saye ye that I am Thē answered Peter and said vnto him Thou art Christ y e sonne of the lyuynge God And Iesus answered said vnto him Blessed art y ● Simon y e sonne of Ionas for flesh bloude hath not opened y ● vnto thee but my father that is in heauē And I say to thee thou arte Peter and vpon this rocke wyll I buylde my churche and the gates of hel shal not preuaile agaynste it and the keyes of heauen wyll I geue vnto thee And what so euer thou shal bynde vpon earthe shal be bounde also in heauen And what soeuer thou shalt louse vpon earthe shal be lowsed also in heauen Luk And he charged them Marke and threatened them Math. and commaunded his disciples y ● they shoulde tell no man that he was Iesus Christ. From that tyme forth beganne Iesus to shewe vnto hys dysciples how that he muste go to Ierusalem and suffer many thynges of the elders and of y e hye priestes of the Scribes and be put to death ryse agayne the thirde daye Marke And that woorde he spake openlye Math. But Peter tooke hym asyde and beganne to rebuke hym sayinge Lorde fauoure thy selfe let not thys happē vnto thee Marke But he turned hym aboute and loked vpon his dyscyples and reproued Peter and sayde Math Go after me thou Sathan y ● hindreste me for thou fauourest not the thinges that be of God but of men ☞ Of bearynge the crosse after Christ. Mathe. xvi Mark viii Luke ix Capi. lxxxvii ANd he called vnto hym y e people wyth his dysciples and said vnto them Mat. Yf any manne wyll folowe me let hym forsake hym selfe and take vp his crosse and folowe me For who so wyll saue hys lyfe shal lose it but whoso loseth hys lyfe for my sake Marke and the gospels the same shall saue it Math. and shall fynde it Marke What helpeth it a mā though he wanne the whole worlde yet toke harme in hys soule Luke And loseth hym selfe or runneth in dammage of hym selfe Math. Or what canne a man geue to redeme hys soule with al for the sonne of manne shal come in the glorye of hys father wyth hys angels and then shall he rewarde euerye one accordynge to hys dedes Mar. Who so euer confesseth me and my wordes amonge this aduouterous and synfull generacion and the sonne of man shal confesse hym whan he commeth in the glorye of hys father with his aungels Luk. Who so is ashamed of me and of my sayinges of hym shall the sonne of man also be ashamed whan he commeth in hys glorye and in the glory of hys father and of the holye aungels Marke He sayde vnto them verely I say vnto you Mat. There stande here some whyche shall not taste of deathe tyll they see the sonne of manne come in hys kyngedome Of the Lordes trans●yguracion mat 17. Mar. 9. Luk. 9. Cap. 88. ANd it fortuned Mat. that after syxe dayes Luk that eyght daies after these wordes Math. Iesus toke Peter Iames and Iohn his brother and broughte them vp into an hye mountayne out of y e waye Marke alone Luk for to praye math and was transfygured before them Luk And as he prayed the shape of hys countenaunce was chaunged after another fashion Math. and hys face shone as the sunne and his clothes wer as whyte as the lyghte or snowe Mark as white as no fuller can make vpon earthe Luke And beholde two menne Math appeared vnto them Moses Elias and they talked w t him Luke and were sene in maiestie and spake of hys departige which he shuld fulfyl at Ierusalem As for Peter and they that were wyth hym they were full of slepe but whā they awo●e they sawe hys glory and the two men that stode with him And it chaunced whan they departed from him Peter sayde vnto Iesus Master here is good beynge for vs yf then wylte let vs make thre tabernacles one for thee one for Moses and one for Elias marke for he knewe not what he sayde For they were very fearfull Mat. Whyle he yet spake behold a bryght cloude ouershadowed them Luke and they were afrayde whan the cloude couered thē Mathe. And lo there came a voyce oute of the cloude sayinge This is my deare sonne in whome I delyte heare hym Whan the dyscyples hearde that they fell vpō thir faces and where sore afrayed But Iesus came
sounde Then was he angry and wold not goo in Then wente hys father oute and prayed hym But he aunswered and sayde vnto hys father loo thus manye yeares haue I done thee seruyce neyther haue I broken thy commaundemente and thou gau●ste me neuer a kyd that I myght make merye wyth my frendes But now that this thy sonne is come whiche hathe deuoured his goodes w t harlot●es thou haste slayne a fed calfe But he sayd vnto hym my sonne thou art alwaye wyth me and al y ● is myne is thyne thou shouldest be merye and glade for this thy brother was deade and is alyue agayne he was loste and is founde agayne ¶ Of brotherly correccion Mat xviii Luke xvii Capitu. 95. TAke hede to your selues Math. yf thy brother trespasse agaynste thee go and tell hym hys faute Luke rebuke hym Math. betwene thee and hym alone Yf he heare thee Luke and do penaunce forgeue hym Math. and thou haste wonne thy brother Luke And thoughe he synne agaynste the seuen tymes in a daye and come seuen tymes in a daye to thee agayne and saye it repenteth me forgeue hym * Math. But yf he heare thee not take yet wyth thee one or two that in the mouthe of two or three wytnesses euery matter maye be stablyshed yf he heare not them tell it vnto the congregacion yf he heare not the congregacion holde hym as an heythen and publicane Uerely I saye vnto you what so euer ye shall bynde vpon earthe shal be bounde also in heauen and what soeuer ye lowse vpon earthe shal be lowsed also in heauen I saye agayne vnto you yf two of you shall agree vpon earthe for what thynge so euer it be that they woulde desyre they shall haue it of my father whyche is in heauen For where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the myddeste amonge them Then came Peter vnto hym and sayd Lorde howe ofte shall I forgeue my brother that trespasseth agaynste me● Seuen times Iesus sayde vnto hym I say not vnto the seuen tymes but seuenty tymes seuen tymes ¶ Of the wycked seruaunt vnto whome all the dette was forgeuen Mat. xviii Capi. xcvi THerefore is the kyngdome of heauen lykened vnto a kynge whiche woulde reken with his seruauntes And when he began to reken one was broughte vnto hym whiche oughte hym tenne thousande pounde Nowe whan he had nothinge to paye hys lorde commaunded hym to bee solde and his wyfe and hys chyldren and all that he had and paymente to be made Then the seruaunt fell downe and besoughte him saying syr haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all Then had the lorde pitie on that seruaunt and discharged hym forgaue him the dette And the same seruaunte wente oute and founde one of his fellowes whiche oughte hym an hundreth pens and layde hande vpon him and toke hym by the throte and sayde paye me that thou owest Then hys felow fell downe and besoughte hym sayinge haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all Neuerthelesse he would not but wente and caste him into pryson tyll he shoulde paye the dette Whan hys felowes same what was done they were verye sorye and came and tolde theyr lorde al that happened Then hys lorde called for him and sayde vnto hym O thou wycked seruaunte I forgaue thee all thys det because thou pra●edst me shouldest not thou then haue had compassiō also vpon thy felowe as I had pitie vpon thee And his lorde was wrothe and delyuered hym vnto the Iaylers tyll that he payed all that he oughte So shall my heauenlye father doo also vnto you yf euerye one of you from youre heartes forgeue not his brother hys trespasse● ¶ Of Christes commynge into the coastes of Iewrye and that his Disciples shoulde not feare those that kyll the body Mat. xix Mar. x. Luk. xi Cap. xcvi● ANd it came to passe whan Iesus had ended these sayinges he gate hym from Galile and he came in to the coastes of Iewrye beyonde Fordane and muche people folowed hym and he healed them there Marke and as hys maner was he taughte them agayne Luke and much people beinge about hym in so muche that they trode one another he beganne and sayde to hys dysciples beware of y ● leuen of the Pharises whiche is Ipocrisye for there is nothynge hid that shal not be discouered nother secrete that shal not be knowen Therefore what so euer ye haue spoken in darknesse that same shal be hearde in light and that ye haue spoken into the eare in the chambers shal be preached vpō the house roppes But I saye vnto you my frendes be not afrayde of them that kyll the body and after that haue no more that they can do But I wyll shewe you whome ye shall feare feare hym whyche after he hath kylled hathe power to caste into hell Yea I saye vnto you feare hym Are not fyue sparowes boughte for two farthynges yet is not one of them forgotten before GOD. The very heere 's of youre heade also are nom●red euery one Feare not therfore for ye are better then manye sparowes I saye vnto you whosoeuer confesseth me before men him shal the sonne of man confesse and knowledge before the Aūngels of God but he that denyeth me before men shal be denyed before the Aungels of God And whosoeuer speaketh a worde againste the sonne of man it shal be forgeuen hym But whoso blaspemeth the holy goost it shal not be forgeuē hym Whan they brynge you in to their synagoges and to the rulers and officers take ye no thought how or what ye shal answere or what ye shall speake for the holye goost shal teach you in the same houre what you ought to saye ¶ Of the cause why a man shuld forsake hys wife Mat 19. Mar. 10. Luc. 16. Cap. 98. THen came vnto hym the Pharises and tempted hym and sayde Is it lawfull for a man to put awaye his wyfe for anye maner of cause Marke But he aunswered and sayde what hathe Moses commaunded you They said Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of deuorcement to put her away Math He answered and sayde haue ye not red howe that he whiche made manne at the begynnynge made them man woman and sayde For thys cause shal a man leaue father and mother and cleue vnto his wyfe and they two shal be one fleshe Now are they not ●waine then but one fleshe Let no man therefore put a sunder that which God hath coupled together Then sayde they why dyd Moses then commaunde to geue a testimoniall of deuorcemente and to put her awaye He sayde vnto them Moses because of the hardnes of your heartes I suffred you to put a way your wyues mark And he wrote you this commaundemēt Math Neuerthelesse from the beginning it was not so Marke And at home his disciples asked him agayne of the same and he sayd vnto them Mathe I
saye vnto you whosoeuer putteth awaye hys wyfe except it be for fornicacion marieth a nother he committeth adnoutery and who so maryeth her that is deuorced committeth aduouterye Mar to her warde Luke and he that marieth her whiche is deuorced from her husband breaketh wedlocke Mar And if a woman for sake her husbande and be maried to a nother she committeth aduouterye Mat. Then sayd his disciples vnto hym yf the matter be so betwene manne and wyfe then it is not good to marye But he sayde all men cannot comprehende that saying saue they to whome it is geuen For there be some gelded whiche are so borne from theyr mothers wombe there be some gelded whiche are gelded of men and there be some gelded whyche haue gelded them selues for the kyngdome of Heauens sake He that can comprehende it let hym comprehende it ¶ Of yonge chyldren whiche were broughte vnto the Lorde Mat xix Mark x. Luke xviii Capi. xcix THen were broughte vnto hym yonge chyldren that he myghte touche them laye hys handes vpon them and praye Luk but when the Disciples saw that they rebuked them Mar. and thretend those that brought them neuertheles when he saw it he was displeased Luk And Iesus called them vnto him and said Mat Suffer the chyldren and forbyd them not to come vnto me for vnto suche belongeth the kingdome of heauen Luk And he sayde verely I saye vnto you whosoeuer receaueth not the kyngdome of God as a chylde shall not enter therein Marke And takyng them vp in hys armes and layde hys handes vpon them and blessed them math and when he had laid his handes vpon them he departed thence ¶ Of the yonge man that asked what he shuld do to possesse eternall lyfe Math. xix Mar. x Luc. xviii Capi. C. IEsus departed frō thence Mar And whē he was gone forth vpon the waye there came a ruler runnynge and kneled vnto him and asked hym and prayed hym sayinge math Good master what good shall I do that I maye haue euerlastinge lyfe● Iesus sayde vnto hym why callest thou me good there is none good but God onely Neuerthelesse yf thou wylt enter into life kepe the commaūdementes Marke Knowest thou the commaundementes● Math He sayde vnto hym whiche● Iesus sayde Thou shalt not kyll Thou shalt not commit aduoutrye Thou shalte not steale Thou shalte beare no false witnesse Mar Thou shalte begyle no manne Mat Honour thy father and thy mother and thou shalte loue thy neyghboure as thyselfe Then sayd the yong man vnto hym all these haue I kepte fro my youthe vp What lacke I yet Mar And Iesus behelde hym and loued him Luk Whā Iesus heard that he sayde vnto him yet lackest thou one thing Math Yf thou wylt be perfect go thy way and s●ll that thou hast and geue it to the poore thou shalte haue a treasure in heauen and come and folow me Whan the yong man hearde that word he went awaye sorye for he had great possessions Luke and was very ryche Whan Iesus sawe that he was sory he sayde to his disciples how hardlye shall the ryche come in to the kyngdome of God ¶ Howe harde it is for a ryche man to entre in to the kingdome of heauen Mat. xix Marke x. Luc. xviii Cap. Ci. UErely I saye vnto you it shal be harde for a ryche manne to enter in to the kingdom of heauen Mark The disciples were astonied at his wordes But Iesus answered agayne and sayde vnto them deare childreu howe harde is it for thē that truste in ryches to come in to the kyngdome of God● Mat And I saye vnto you againe it is easier for a Camell to go thorow the eye of a Nedle then for a ryche man to entre into heauen Whan his disciples hearde that they were exceadingly amased Mark certayne that hearde that were more astonyed and sayd among them selues Luk Who can then be saued Marke And Iesus behelde them and sayd vnto them Mat. with men it is impossible but with God all thinges are possible Luke Loke what is vnpossible with man is possible with God ¶ Of the rewarde of those which leue all and folow Christ. Mat. xix Mar. x. Luc. xviii cap. 102. THen aunswered Peter and beganne to saye vnto hym Beholde we haue forsaken all and folowed the what shall we haue therfore Iesus answered and sayd vnto them verely I saye vnto you That when the sonne of man shall syt in the seate of his maiestie ye which haue folowed me in the newe byrthe shall sy● also vpon twelue seates and iudge the twelue tribes of Israell And whosoeuer forsaketh house or brethren or systers or father or mother or wyfe or children or landes Mar with persecucion for my sake and the Gospelles Math and for my names sake Luke the kyngdome of God mat y ● same shal receaue an hūdred fold Luk now in this tyme and muche more in the worlde to come Marke and inheret euerlastynge lyfe but many that be the fyrste shal be the laste and the last shal be the fyrste ☞ Of the laberous quotidian peny whyche were sent into the vyneyarde Math. xx Capitu. 103. THe kyngedom of heauen is like vnto an householder whyche wente oute earlye in the mornynge to hyre labourers into his vyneyarde And whā he had agreed wyth the labourers for a penye a daye he sent them into hys vyneyarde And aboute the thirde houre he wente out and sawe other standynge ydle in the market place and saide vnto them Go ye also into my vineyarde and what so euer is ryghte I wyll geue it you and they wente theyr● waye Agayne he wente oute about the syxte houre and dyd lykewyse And aboute the eleuenth houre he went oute and founde other standynge ydle and sayde vnto them why stande ye here al● the daye y●le They sayde vnto him because no man hath hired vs he sayde vnto them Go ye also into y ● vyneyarde looke what is ryghte ye shall haue it Nowe whan the euen was come the Lorde of the vyneyarde sayde vnto hys stewarde Call the labourers and geue thē theyr hyre begynnynge from the laste vnto the fyrste Then they that were hyred aboute the eleuenth houre came and receaued euery man a peny but whan the fyrste came they supposed that they should receaue more and they also receaued euery man a penye And whan they had receaued it they murmured agaynste the householder and sayde These laste haue wroughte but one houre and thou hast made them equal vnto vs whiche haue borne the burthen and heate of the daye He answered saide vnto one of them frende I do thee no wrong dyddest not y ● agree w t me for a penye● Take that thyne is and go thy waye● I wyll geue vnto this last also like as to thee Or haue I not power to do as me lusteth w t myne owne Is thy eye euell because I am good So y ● last shal be first
ye erre and vnderstande not the scriptures nor the power of God Luk The children of this worlde mary and are maried but they that shal be worthye to enioy that worlde and the resurrection from the deade shall nother mary nor be maryed for they can dye nomore for they are lyke vnto the aungels and are the chyldren of God in so muche as they are children of the resurreccion But that the deade rise againe hath Moses also signified besydes the bushe when he called the Lorde the God of Abraham the God of Isaa● and the God of Iacob But God is not a God of the deade but of the lyuynge for they lyue all vnto hym marke Therfore ye erre greatly Math And whā the people hearde that they were astonyed at his doctrine Luc Then aunswered certayne of the Scribes and sayde Master thou haste sayde well and from that time fourthe they durst aske hym no more questions ¶ Of the firste commaundement that is of the loue of God mat xxii Marke xii Luke x. xvii Cap. Cxxviii WHan the Pharises hearde that he hadde put the Saduces to silence they gathered them selues together Mar one of the scribes came vnto hym Math a doctor of the lawe mar that had herkened vnto thē how they disputed together and sawe that he had answered them wel Mat tempted hym and sayd Master which is the chiefest commaundement mar of all Iesus answered him the fyrst chiefest cōmaūdemēt of al cōmaundemētes is this heare o Israel the Lord our God is one god thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule with al thy mynde and with all thy strength This is the first Math and the greatest commaūdement as for the seconde is lyke vnto it Thou shalte loue thy neyghbour as thy selfe mark there is none other greater commaundement then these Mathe in these two commaundemētes hange all the lawe and the prophetes Mar And the Scribe sayde vnto him Master verely thou haste sayde ryghte For there is but one God and there is none other without him and to loue hym with all the hearte Mat with all thy soule Mark with all thy mynde Lue with all thy strengthe Mar and to loue a mans neyghboure as him selfe is more then brente sacrifices and all offringes But whan Iesus sawe that he answered discretelye he sayde vnto him Thou arte not far from the kingdome of God Luk But whan he was demaunded of the pharises whan commeth the kyngdome of God He answered them and sayde The kingdome of God commeth not with outewarde apperaunce nother shall it bee sayde loo here or there is it For beholde the kyngdome of God is inwarde in you Mar And no man now durste aske him any mo question ☞ Of the interrogation whose sonne Christe is Math. xxii Mar. xii Luc. xx Capi. C. xxix NOwe while the pharises were gathered together Iesus asked them and sayde What thinke ye of Christe whose sonne is he They sayd Dauids Mar And Iesus answered and sayde whan he taught in the temple Now say the Scribes that Christe is the sonne of Dauid But Dauid him selfe sayeth thorowe the holye gooste the Lorde sayde vnto my lorde sytte thou on my ryght hande tyll I make thyne enemies thy footstole Math how then dothe Dauid in spirite Luke in the booke of the Psalmes Math call hym lorde Luke Howe is he then hys lorde Math And no man coulde aunswere him one word Marke and many people herde hym gladlye Mathe nother durste any man aske hym anye mo questions from that daye fourthe ☞ Of hearinge the Pharyses doctrines Mat. xxiii Mat xii Luk. xxiiii Cap. C. xxx THen spake Iesus vnto the people and to his disciples said Mar in his doctrine math The Scribes and the pharises are set downe vpon Moses seat whatsoeuer they byd you doo and obserue that obserue and doo but after theyr workes shall ye not do for they saye and do not They bynde heuye and intollerable burthens and lay them vpon mens shoulders but they them selues heaue not at thē with one of their fyngers All their workes do they to be sene of menne Luc take hede marke and beware of the Scribes math They set abroade their Philacteries and make large borders vpon theyr garmentes marke They loue to goo in longe garmentes math and loue to syt vppermost at the table Luc and at bankettes marke and to haue the fyrste seates in the Synagoges and to be saluted in the market they deuoure wyddowes houses vnder a coulour of longe prayers Luc dessemblynge longe prayer these shall receaue the greater damnacion Mark more longer and paynefull iuogemente math they loue to be called of men Rabby But ye shall not suffer youre selues to be called Rabby for one is youre master euen Christe and all ye are brethren and call no manne father vpon earthe for one is youre father whiche is in heauen Nor ye shall not suffer your selues to be called maysters for one is youre master namely Christe He that is greatest amonge you shal be youre seruaunte for whoso exalteth hym selfe shal be broughte lowe and he that hūbleth him self shal be exalted ¶ Of dyuers and many vowes Math. xxiii Luc. xi xiii Capit. C. xxxi WO vnto you Scribes and pharises ye ypocrites that shutte vp the kyngedome of Heauen before menne ye come not in your selues nother suffer ye them to enter that woulde bee in Woo vnto you Scribes and Pharyfes ye Ipocritas that deuoure widdous houses that vnder the couloure of prayinge longe prayers therefore shall ye receaue the greater damnacion Woo vnto you Scribes and Pharises ye ypocrites which compasse sea and lande to make one proselyte and whan he is become one ye make of him a child of hell two folde more then ye youre selues are Wo vnto you blynde gydes whiche saye whosoeuer sweareth by the temple that is nothynge but whosoeuer sweareth by the golde of the temple he is giltie ye fooles and blinde whether is greater the golde or the temple that sanctifieth the golde And whosoeuer sweareth by the altare that is nothīg but whosoeuer sweareth by the offring that is vpon it he is giltie ye fooles and blynde whether is greater the offringe or the aultars that sanctifieth the offerynge Therefore whoso sweareth by y ● altare sweareth by the same and by all that is thereon and whoso sweareth by the temple sweareth by the same and by hym that dwelleth therin And whoso sweareth by heauē sweareth by the seate of God and by hym that sytteth thereon Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ye ypocrites which tith Mint and Anyse Luke Rewe mat and Commin Luke and al maner of herbes Math. and leaue the wayghtier matters of the lawe behynde namely iudgement mercy and faythe Luke and the loue of God These oughte to haue bene done and not to leaue the other vndone Mathe. Oye blynde gydes which straine out a gnat but swallow vp a Camel Luk
the first parte of Christes sermone made there contayninge eyghte Beatitudes and certayne cursynge cap. xviii What Prelates ought to doe in worde and dede and that Christe came not to breake but to fulfyl the law cap. xix Of hauing pacience of shewing liberalitie to our neyghbours cap. xx Humayne prayse is not to be loked for in doing of good workes cap. xxi Of the maner of prayinge and forgeuyng cap. xxii Of the maner of fastynge and that we should not treasure vp in earthe but in heauen cap. xxiii Of doinge of mercy and that we shuld not iudge and of the truste and confidence of prayer cap. xxiiii Of the narowe way and conclusion of the Lordes sermone made in mounte Thabor cap. xxv● Of y ● leper which was hea●ed cap. xxvi Of the centurions seruaunt cap. xxvii Of y ● widowes sonne reuiued ca. xxviii Of a craftye scribe and of two y ● wolde felowe Christ. cap. xxix Of the quiet●nge of the sea at Christes commaundement cap. xxx Of. ii Demoniakes whiche were healed cap. xxxi Of him y ● was healed of y ● palsy ca. xxxii Of y ● feast in Matheus house ca. xxxiii Of the reuiuyng of the archsinagoges doughter and of her that was diseased with an yssue of bloude cap. xxxiiii Of two blind men illuminated and of the domme Demoniake cap. xxxv The disciples are cōmaūded to pray y e lorde of the haruest to sende workmen Capitulo xxxvi Of the sendyng forth of y e twelue Apostles to preache wyth power to heale the diseased cap. xxxvii Of Iohns interrogacion Arte thou he that shal come cap. xxxviii Of the maledictions of y ● cities vnto y ● whiche Christ had preached cap. xxxix Of the apostles retourning to Christ. Capitulo .xl. Of the sendinge forthe of the seuentye● and two disciples cap. xli Of the commynge agayne of the seuentie and two disciples cap. xlii Of the Samaritane that tooke cure of the woundyd cap. xliii Of Mary Magdalens conuertion cap. xliiii Of Marthas ministery and seruyce cap. xlv Of the doctrine of prayer cap. xlvi Of the woman of Samaria cap. xlvii Of the rulers sonne cap. xlviii Of the woman whiche ministred vnto Christe and of the parable of the sower and the exposition thereof captu xlix Of the parable of tares of mustarde sede cap. l. Of thre parables in the house cap. li. Of the Lordes commynge to Nazareth where he rodde and that the Nazarithes woulde haue caste hym downe headlynge cap. lii Of Iohn the Baptist death cap. liii Of the re●ection of fyue thousande men cap. liiii Of Christes deambulation vppon the Sea cap. lv Of the predication of Eucharistia for the which certayne went backe and departed cap. lvi Of the rubbynge of the eares of corne vpon the Sabboth day cap. lvii Of the healing of the wythered hande cap. lviii Of Herodes sayinge that Iohn was rysen and dyd miracles cap. lix Of the domme deuyl cap. lx Of the Iewes requiring a sygne from heauen cap. lxi Of the womā that lyfted vp her voyce And of the Lordes mother and brethre● whiche sought him cap. lxii Of the checkynge of the Pharises capi lxiii Of the brother which desyred Christe to deuyde the Heritage cap. lxiiii Of the ryche man which would make wyder his barnes cap. lxv Of the poole probatike cap. lxvi Of the Galileans which were slayne and of the fygge tree cap. lxvii Of the croked woman cap. lxviii Of y ● interrogation made vnto Christ whyther fewe shuld be saued And that Herode sought to kyl him cap. lxix Of hym that was healed of the dropsye of Christes exhortacion to humilitie cap. lxx Of callynge the poore to the feast And the parable of a great supper cap. lxxi That for Christes sake we must hate our parentes cap. lxxii Of the feast of Tabernacles And predication of Christes passion cap. lxxiii Of the woman deprehended in adulterye cap. lxxiiii Of Christes wordes in the treasurye Capitulo lxxv Of another communication of Christ for the which they woulde haue slayne hym cap. lxxvi Of hym that was borne blynde capitulo lxxvii Of Christes sermone I am the good she pherde cap. lxxviii Of the dedication cap. lxxix Of the reprehention of the Iewes tradition cap. lxxx Of the woman of Canane cap. lxxxi Of a deafe and a domme man whiche was healed of many other ca. lxxxii Of the seconde refection of the people with seuen looues cap. lxxxiii Of the Iewes askynge agayne a signe from heauen And of auoydynge of the Pharises leuen cap. lxxxiiii Of a blynde manne healed at Bethsaida cap. lxxxv Of Peters confession of the true faith cap. lxxxvi Of bearynge the crosse after Christe cap. lxxxvii Of y ● lordes tranfiguration ca. lxxxviii Of y ● dom lunatike spirit whō Christes disciples could not heale ca. lxxxix Of the disciples desyringe their faithe to be increased cap. xc Of the payment of didragma cap. xci Of the disciples contention whiche of them shulde be greatest cap. xcii Of him that cast out deuels folowed not Christ. cap. xciii Of. iii. parables y ● shepe grote y ● was loste of y ● prodigal sonne cap. xciiii Of brotherly correction cap. xcv Of the wicked seruaunte vnto whome al the dettes was forgeuen capi xcvi Of Christes comming into the costes of Iewry And y ● his disciples shuld not feare those y ● kyll the bodye cap. xcvii Of the cause why a man shuld forsake his wyfe cap. xcviii Of yong children which wer brought vnto the Lorde cap. xcix Of the yonge man that asked what he should do to possesse eternal life cap. i. Harde it is for a riche man to entre into the kingdom of heauen cap. ci Of rewarde of those that leaue al and folow Christe cap. cii Of the labourers quotidiane penye which were sent into y e vineyarde capitulo ciii Of the vnryghteous steward cap. ciiii Of the ryche glotton cap. cv Of the reuiuynge of Lazarus capitulo cvi Of the conspiracie made agaynst Iesus And of his going to Ephriam capitulo cvii. Of his departynge from Ephraim to Ierusalem cap. cviii Of the ten Lepers healed in the waye Capitulo cix Howe the Samaritans receaued not Christ. cap. cx The peticion of the chyldren of Zebebe cap. cxi Of the illumination of the blynde before he went into Hierico And of Zacheus and of the tenne poundes capitulo cxii Of two blynde men whiche receaued theyr syghte at hys departynge frome Hierico cap. cxiii Of blynde Bartimens whiche receaued his syghte betwixte Hierico Bethani cap. cxiiii Whan that the Lord after his returne frō Ephraim came to Bethani ca. cxv Of the syttynge vpon the asse ca. cxvi Of the glorious receauynge of Christ vpon Paulme sonday cap. cxvii Howe Iesus wept vpon Ierusalem and of the castynge out of those y ● solde Capitulo cxviii Of the Heathen whiche sought to see Christe cap. cxix Of the cursynge of the fygge tree And of the thirde
capitulo xx the Eye is the lighte of the body ii bo capitulo xxiii lxi Endure to th ende and be saued ii bo capitulo xxxvii cxxxiii Enter in by Christe and bee saued ii boke capi lxxviii Euerye man muste be salted with fyer ii boke capitu xcii Euery offeringe must be seasoned with salte ii Ca. xcii Excepte ye se wonders ye beleue not ii boke capit xlviii Excepte I se in his handes c. iii. boke capitulo xxi F. the Father is not knowen but to the sonne ii boke capitu xlii the Fathers wyll ii boke capit lvi Father is greater than I. iii. bo ca. vii Father forgeue them iii. boke capi xiii Father in to thy handes iii. bok ca. xiiii False prophetes ii boke capi xxv cxxxv faithe hath made the safe ii boke capitulo xxxiiii xliiii cxii Faythe as a grane of mustarde sede ii boke capitulo lxxxix xc Faithfull in lyttle ii boke cap. c. iiii Fayth remoueth mountaynes ii boke capitulo cxxi Feare not those that kyl the body ii bo capitulo xxxvii xcvii Fede my shepe iii. boke capit xxiii Fyshers of men ii boke capitulo xiii Fynger of God ii boke capi lx Fygge tre ii boke capi lxvii cxx the Fyrst shal be y ● last ii boke capitulo xcii cii ciii Fier from heauen ii boke capitulo cx Firste and seconde commaundemente ii boke capitulo cxxvii Fyll the water pottes ii boke cap. vi the Forme of prayer ii bo cap. xxii xlvi Forme of baptising iii. boke cap. xxiiii Forgeue and beforgeuen ii boke capitulo xxiii cxxi Forme of fastinge ii boke ca. xxiii Foes of oure owne housholde ii boke capitulo xxxvii Folowinge of Christe ii bo ca. lxxxvii Forgeue your brother from your heartes ii boke capi xcvi Fornicacion causeth deuorcemente ii boke capi xcviii Fleshe profiteth nothinge ii bo cap. lvi Frelye ye haue receyued ii bo ca. xxxvii Fruites of penaunce i. boke capi xiiii Fruites geue knowledge of the tre ii boke ca xxv G. Gabaranites ii boke capi xxxi the Galilians receaue Christ. ii bo capitulo xi Gather treasure in heauen ii boke capitulo xxiii the Gate to perdicion is large ii bo capitulo xxv Gather vp the broken meate ii boke capitulo liiii Geue him that asketh ii bok capi xx Geue accomptes of thy stewardeshyp ii boke capit ciiii Geue the Emperoure his ii b. ca. cxxvi Geue vs of your oyle ii boke ca. cxxxix Geldinges of thre sortes ii bo ca. xcviii Go to the loste shepe of Israell ii boke capitulo xxxvii Go thy way and sinne no more ii boke capitulo lxxiiii Go and shew youre selues to the priestes ii boke capitulo cix Golgatha iii. boke cap. xiii Good workes muste be sene ii boke capitulo xix Good menne bringe forth good fruite ii boke capitulo xxv the Gospell is preached to the poore ii boke capit xxxviii Good wine ii boke capitulo vi God made all thynges i boke cap. i God toke fleshe of Mary i. boke cap. iii God scattereth the proude i boke ca. iiii God exalteth the humble i. boke capitulo iiii God hathe redemed his people i. boke capit v. God is able of stones to rayse vp chyldren i. boke cap. xiiii God sent his sonne to saue the worlde ii boke capi viii God geueth not his spirite by measure ii boke capitulo ix God hathe geuen his sonne al thynges ii boke cap. ix God sendeth his rayne to good bad ii boke xx God is kynde to the vnthankefull ii boke capi xx God will rewarde the secrete geuer openly ii boke cap. xxi God or euer we aske knoweth oure nede ii boke ca. xxii God is a spirite ii boke cap. xlvii God hereth no synners ii bo cap. lxxvii God heareth those that worshyp hym ii boke capit lxxvii God is good onely ii boke capi c God be mercyfull vnto me a synner ii boke capit cxx God is God of the lyuynge and not of the deade ii boke capit cxxvii God shall delyuer his chose that crye vnto him ii boke ca. cxxxviii Gods mercye endureth for euer i. boke capitulo iiii Gods loue to the worlde ii bo cap. viii Gods house is a house of prayer ii bo capitulo cxviii cxx Gods word shall not perishe ii boke capitulo cxxxvii Gods commaundemente is lyfe euerlastinge ii boke capit cxxxii Grace commeth of Christe i. boke capitulo xxv H. HAters of lyghte ii boke cap. viii Haue ye eyes se not ii b. capitulo lxxxiiii Haue pacience with me ii boke capitulo xcvi the Haruest is great ii bo cap. xxxvi xli Herode slewe the innocentes i. boke capitulo xi Herode feared Iohn ii bo capitulo x. Herode made his byrth supper i. boke capitulo liii Herodians daughter daunseth ii boke capitulo liii He that hathe two coates i. boke capitulo xiiii He that is of the earthe is earthye ii boke cap. ix He casteth out deuels through the chief deuel ii boke ca. xxxv He that is not with me is againste me ii boke cap. lx He that humbleth him him selfe shal be exalted ii boke capit lxx cxx cxxx He that is of God heareth his worde ii boke cap. lxxvi He is olde ynoughe aske him ii boke capitulo lxxvii He that is washen nede not to washe but his fete iii. b. cap. iii He that kepeth the commaundementes loueth Christe iii. boke capit vii He that hateth me hateth my father iii boke capit viii Heauen and earthe shall peryshe ii boke capitu xix ciiii Heauen was shoute iii. yeres and vi monethes ii boke capi lii Hell gates ii boke capit lxxxvi Hell fyer goeth not out ii bo cap. xcii Helpe my vnbelefe ii boke ca. lxxxix Here is Christe or there ii bo ca. cxxxv He brethed vpon his disciples iii. boke capitulo xxi Holde faste youre soules with paci●nce ii boke cap. cxxxiii Honoure father and mother ii boke capitulo lxxx Howe ofte shall I forgeue my brother ii boke cap. xcv Humilite maketh one greate in heauen ii bo capi xcii I. Iairus ii boke capi xxxiii I am not worthy c. ii bo capitu xxviii I am not come to call the ryghteous ii boke cap. xxxiii I am not come to sende peace but a swearde ii bo ca. xxxvii I am the waye the truthe and the lyfe iii. boke capi vii Iacobs well ii boke ca xlvii I haue not founde so greate faythe in Israel ii boke capi xxvii I haue pleasure in mercye ii boke capitulo xxxiii lvii I haue sinned against heauen and before the. ii boke capi xciiii I haue prayed that thy faith fayle not iii. boke capitu vi Idle wordes ii boke capitulo lx I cannot come ii boke capi lxxi I and the father are one ii be cap lxxi I se men goinge as if I sawe trees ii boke cap lxxxv If thou canste do any thynge helpe vs ii boke capitu lxxxix It is not good to mary ii bo cap. xcviii